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Ranit Rawat 04514201713 Bba Iii-B (M)

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What is Branding?
Theprocessinvolve in cre!"in# ! $ni%$e
n!me !nim!#e&or !pro$c"in
"hecons$mers' min( m!inl)
"hro$#h!ver"isin# c!mp!i#ns*i"h
n i.eren"i!"e presence in
"hem!r/e""h!" !""r!c"s !n re"!ins
Various terms related to branding-

BRAN0- A ,r!n is ! n!me( "erm( si#n(

s)m,ol( esi#n or some com,in!"ion o& "hem(
$se "o ien"i&) "he pro$c"s o& one -rm !n
"o i.eren"i!"e "hem &rom compe"i"ors+

BRAN0 NA12- Th!" p!r" o& ,r!n *hich c!n

,e spo/en is c!lle ,r!n n!me

BRAN0 1AR3- I" !ppe!rs in ! "he &orm o&

s)m,ol( esi#n or is"inc" colo$r scheme+

TRA02 1AR3- A ,r!n "h!" is #iven le#!l

pro"ec"ion !#!ins" i"s $se ,) o"her -rms is
c!lle "r!e m!r/+
Advantages of Branding to Marketers-

2n!,les m!/in# pro$c" i.eren"i!"ion4 Br!nin# helps

! -rm in is"in#$ishin# i"s pro$c" &rom "h!" o& i"s

5elps in !ver"isin# !n ispl!) pro#r!mmes4 A ,r!n

helps ! -rm in i"s !ver"isin# !n ispl!) pro#r!mmes+

0i.eren"i!l 6ricin#4 Br!nin# en!,les ! -rm "o ch!r#e

hi#her price &or i"s pro$c"s "h!" i"s compe"i"iors
,ec!$se i& c$s"omers li/e ! ,r!n !n ,ecome h!,i"$!l
o& i" "he) o no" min p!)in# ! li""le hi#her price &or i"+

2!se in in"ro$c"ion o& ne* pro$c"4 I& ! ne* pro$c" is

in"ro$ce $ner ! /no*n ,r!n i" is li/el) "o #e" o. "o
!n e7cellen" s"!r"+
Advantages of Branding to Customers-

5elps in pro$c" ien"i-c!"ion4 Br!nin# helps

"he c$s"omers in ien"i&)in# "he pro$c"s+ The)
nee no" m!/e ! close inspec"ion ever) "ime
"he) ,$) "he pro$c"s

2ns$res %$!li")4 Br!nin# ens$res ! p!r"ic$l!r

level o& %$!li") o& "he pro$c"+ I& "here is !n)
evi!"ion in "he %$!li")+ The c$s"omers c!n
m!/e ! compl!in" "o "he m!n$&!c"$rer or "he

8"!"$s s)m,ol4 8ome ,r!n ,ecome s"!"$s

s)m,ols ,ec!$se o& "heir %$!li")+ The
cons$mers &eel pro$ o& $sin# "hem+
Characteristics of a Good Brand Name-

Br!n n!me sho$l ,e shor"( e!s) "o prono$nce(

reco#nise !n remem,ere+

Br!n n!me sho$l s$##es" "he $"ili") o& "he pro$c"+

The ,r!n n!me sho$l ,e $ni%$e !n is"inc"ive

Br!n n!me sho$l ,e selec"e !&"er consierin# i"s

me!nin# in o"her l!n#$!#es !n c$l"$res+

The ,r!n n!me sho$l ,e !!p"!,le "o p!c/in# or

l!,ellin# re%$iremen"s( "o i.eren" !ver"isin# mei!
!n "o i.eren" l!n#$!#es

I" sho$l ,e c!p!,le o& ,ein# re#is"ere !n

pro"ec"e le#!ll)

9hosen n!me sho$l h!ve s"!)in# po*er i+e i" sho$l

no" #e" o$" o& !"e+
TAN! "#$%

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