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Photovoltaic Effect Brief

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Photovoltuic {eIIect)

SunIIgIL Is composed oI pIoLons, or puckeLs (quunLu) oI energy

. TIese pIoLons conLuIn
vurIous umounLs oI energy correspondIng Lo LIe dIIIerenL wuveIengLIs oI IIgIL. WIen
pIoLons sLrIke u soIur ceII, LIey muy be reIIecLed or ubsorbed, or LIey muy puss rIgIL LIrougI.
WIen u pIoLon Is ubsorbed, LIe energy oI LIe pIoLon Is LrunsIerred Lo un eIecLron In un uLom
oI LIe semIconducLor. WILI ILs newIound energy, LIe electron Is ubIe Lo escupe Irom ILs
normuI posILIon ussocIuLed wILI LIuL uLom Lo become purL oI LIe current In un eIecLrIcuI
circuit. By IeuvIng LIIs posILIon, LIe electron cuuses u hole Lo Iorm. SpecIuI eIecLrIcuI
properLIes oI LIe solar cell buIIL-In eIecLrIc IIeId provIde LIe voILuge needed Lo drIve LIe
current LIrougI un exLernuI Ioud.

PIoLovoILuIc EIIecL Is u busIc pIysIcuI process LIrougI
wIIcI u soIur ceII converLs sunIIgIL InLo eIecLrIcILy. TIe
pIoLovoILuIc eIIecL Is LIe producLIon, us u resuIL oI LIe
absorption oI pIoLons, oI u voILuge dIIIerence ucross u
PN juncLIon und LIe voILuge dIIIerence Is cuused by LIe
InLernuI drIIL oI IoIes und eIecLrons. L Is LIe
pIenomenon In wIIcI LIe IncIdence oI IIgIL upon LIe
juncLIon oI Lwo dIssImIIur muLerIuIs, us u meLuI und u semIconducLor, Induces LIe generuLIon
oI un eIecLromoLIve Iorce. TIe energy oI IncIdenL
Is LrunsIerred Lo un eIecLron In un uLom oI LIe
semIconducLor devIce und wILI ILs newIound energy;
LIe eIecLron Is ubIe Lo escupe Irom ILs normuI posILIon
ussocIuLed wILI u sIngIe uLom In LIe semIconducLor Lo
become purL oI LIe currenL In un eIecLrIcuI cIrcuIL.

SoIur rudIuLIon Is eIecLromugneLIc wIIcI propuguLes In Iorm oI energy puckeLs cuIIed quunLu or pIoLons. TIe
eIecLromugneLIc rudIuLIon IncIudes u runge oI rudIuLIon vIz. gummu ruys, x-ruys, UV rudIuLIon, vIsIbIe (IIgIL), InIru
red, mIcrowuve, Iur InIrured eLc; wIIcI ure dIsLInguIsIed on LIe busIs oI energy ussocIuLed wILI LIem. TIe energy
oI vurIous rudIuLIons Is governed by LIeIr wuveIengLIs (E=Il). SoIur rudIuLIon cun be converLed InLo eIecLrIcILy
by Lwo wuys I.e. pIoLoeIecLrIc eIIecL und pIoLovoILuIc eIIecL. n pIoLoeIecLrIc eIIecL u meLuI surIuce Is used us
coIIecLor und In pIoLovoILuIc eIIecL soIur ceII mude oI semIconducLor muLerIuIs ure used.

PIoLovoILuIc energy conversIon reIIes on LIe quunLum nuLure oI IIgIL wIereby we perceIve IIgIL us u IIux oI
purLIcIes cuIIed pIoLons. On u cIeur duy, ubouL q.q x 1o
pIoLons sLrIke u squure cenLImeLer oI LIe EurLI's surIuce
every second. OnIy some oI LIese pIoLons - LIose wILI energy In excess oI LIe bund gup - cun be converLed InLo
eIecLrIcILy by LIe soIur ceII. WIen sucI pIoLon enLers LIe semIconducLor, IL muy be ubsorbed und promoLe un
eIecLron Irom LIe vuIence Lo LIe conducLIon bund. SInce u IoIe Is IeIL beIInd In LIe vuIence bund, LIe ubsorpLIon
process generuLes eIecLron-IoIe puIrs.
Photovoltuic IIIect
PN Jonction

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