Taxi Distance LP
Taxi Distance LP
Taxi Distance LP
Kayla Hagel
MTH 462
Unit Plan
Lesson Plan #1
7-3 Part A: Taxi Distance
Teacher: Kayla Hagel
Topic: Taxi Distance
Length of Lesson: 50-60 minutes
Goals and Objectives
Mathematical Goals:
o Students will use their previous knowledge about distance on a number line to
find distance on a grid, moving horizontally and vertically.
o Students will understand and properly use the following vocabulary term(s):
Taxi Distance
Mathematical Objectives:
o Students will find the taxi distance of two points in two distinct ways: graphically
and by using the formula.
Previous Knowledge:
Students have prior knowledge of finding distance on a number line.
Students are familiar with coordinate planes and can identify the x-axis and y-axis.
Students know the proper notation for points on a coordinate plane: (x, y)
Graph paper one for each student
Pencil (or pen) one for each student
Notebooks or paper for note taking purposes
Textbook pages 496-498
Anticipatory Set: (10-15 minutes)
Students are asked to write the number of the homework problem(s) they had trouble
with from the previous nights assignment on the board as they come into the classroom.
o If there seems to be many homework problems written on the board, the teacher
could choose to abandon the warm-up activity and move right along to homework
o If there are only a few homework problems written on the board, the teacher
should go ahead with the planned warm-up activity. Questions about the
homework assignment will be answered after the warm-up activity.
Before beginning the lesson, students will complete a warm-up activity. This warm-up
activity will require students to use their prior knowledge to complete the exercises.
Hagel 2
Decide whether or not to do
the warm-up activity based on
the number of homework
questions students wrote on
the board.
Students should write the
number of the homework
problem(s) on the board as
they enter the room then find
their seats and prepare for
class to start.
The teacher can use this as a
formative assessment of
previous lessons. At this point
the teacher can decide whether
or not to do a warm-up
activity or just focus on
homework questions and
move right into the next
A warm-up activity is
conducted prior to starting the
lesson because it gets the
students thinking about
mathematics, and it helps the
students recall any prior
knowledge that may be useful
for the upcoming lesson.
Reviewing absolute value will
be useful for todays lesson.
1. |
1. 51
2. |
2. 33
3. |
3. 37
4. |
4. 33
5. |
5. 19
Hagel 3
The teacher should pass out The students should get out
graph paper to each of the their notebooks and open their
books to page 496.
The teacher should introduce the Students should take notes These notes will be useful in
topic of taxi distance by about the idea of taxi distance the future for homework and
explaining what it is and and its definition.
studying purposes.
Hagel 4
1. 6 blocks
2. 6 routes
3. 10 blocks. There is no
shorter route that stays
on the streets.
Have students share
the different routes
they came up with to
Hagel 5
The teacher should now Students should record this This formula will be used
introduce the formula for taxi formula in their notes.
multiple times the future, so
the students should have it
accessible to them at all times.
The taxi distance from
| |
Checking for Understanding: (5-10 minutes)
The teacher should
Students should record these
demonstrate this formula by
example problems in their
asking the students to talk
him/her through a few
example problems.
Having the students observe
how to use the taxi distance
formula will help them to
understand how to use it on
their own. Having these
example problems recorded in
their notebooks will give the
Hagel 6
1. |
|= 19
2. |
4. Why do we use
absolute value signs in
the taxi distance
4. Because we are
working with distance.
Distance cannot be
negative so we must
use absolute value
signs to show positive
1. 8
2. 4
3. 13
These few questions can be
used as a formative
assessment of todays lesson.
Hagel 7
Formative Assessment:
The teacher should collect each of the students responses to the taxi distance questions
assigned during guided practice section and use these responses as a formative
assessment of the days lesson.
The teacher should have been formatively assessing the students throughout the lesson
(I.e. analyzing their responses to questions asked during the lesson/class discussion)
The students will have the remaining class time to ask questions and begin working on
their homework assignment.
Adaptation, Reteaching, Extension, and/or Independent Practice:
The following exercises should be completed outside of class and returned at the
beginning of the following class period:
o Page 498 #2-5, 9, 10 and 14
The objectives of this lesson will also be revisited and reevaluated during the Final Exam.