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לזכרו של פרופ פוירשטיין

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Never Say Never to Learning Dynamic

Cognitive Intervention (DCI) for persons with

Severe Mental Illness

The purpose of this paper is to describe evidence-based research carried out
in populations related to the field of mental health, based on the theories
and work done by Prof. Reuven Feuerstein. These studies originated from
Hadas-Lidors Dynamic Cognitive Intervention (DCI) approach, which is derived from Feuersteins Structural Cognitive Modifiability theory. DCI is specifically intended for enhancement of therapeutic-based relationships with a
direct emphasis on emotional-related issues and the way they affect cognitive development.
One of the populations in which functional-cognitive abilities may be compromised is the population of people coping with mental disorders, due to effects of the illness and/or medication side effects.
The outlook for people diagnosed with mental illness has improved in the
past several decades due to reasons related to brain research development,
third generation medications and various psychosocial and cognitive treatments. These have allowed those coping with mental illness to achieve
meaningful recovery, manage residual symptoms, and lead productive lives.
Yet additional efforts are needed to consolidate these improvements and
help more people with mental illness to reach these goals.
Due to the negative effects of mental illness, positive communication skills
and abilities may be compromised, whether for those coping with mental illness themselves, or for those providing care for them either professionally or
as family members. In order to enhance learning and cognition, improve
communication and instill hope and meaning for all involved, the DCI approach provides a basis for various interventions related to mental health
that promote resilience, participation and recovery.
DCI incorporates use of Mediated Learning Experiences, exercises from Feuersteins Instrumental Enrichment program, and additional tools developed,
such as reading and writing tasks, utilization of personal picture albums and
Meaningful Interactional Life Episodes (MILEs). The studies reviewed in this

1. School of Occupational Health, Tel Aviv University. Address of correspondence:

2. Tel Aviv University


article include evidence for the benefits of DCI based interventions structured for those coping with mental illness, family, and professional caregivers.
Feuerstein, Mental Health, Recovery, Caregivers, cognitive intervention

Over the past fifty years the field of mental health care has greatly developed.
In the past, mental illness was often associated with neuro-cognitive degeneration and chronic deterioration of cognitive functions and abilities, with no
hope for rehabilitation and recovery. This usually was translated into a focus
on disability and weaknesses, social exclusion, lessened participation and a
lack of independence. For many years those suffering from mental illness did
not receive cognitive therapy, due to the belief that the cognitive impairment
was irreversible, together with the fact that cognitive intervention foundations were based on neuropsychology and therefore applied primarily for
people coping with brain injury (Green et al., 2000).
In recent years there are growing interactions between the fields of mental health and neuroscience research. Current trends in research on brain
plasticity, together with the exponential growth in new technology, show the
brain to be a far more plastic organ than previously thought (Doidge, 2007;
Kleim & Jones, 2008). After injury, the brain is capable of considerable reorganization that forms the basis for functional recovery (Sohlberg & Mateer,
2001). The fact that specific alterations in behaviour are reflected in characteristic functional changes in the brain is currently accepted by biologists
(Kandel, 1998, 2006). Thus, the ideas related to cognitive modifiability expressed by Feuerstein (Feuerstein et al., 1979; Feuerstein et al., 1980), pertaining to structural cognitive changes, are being found to be not just theoretical but are becoming scientifically validated (Hadas-Lidor et al., 2011).
Thanks to the developments in the field of brain research as it relates to
mental illness, together with advances in psycho-pharmacology, new attitudes and approaches that promote recovery, community integration and
rehabilitation are developing. These include psycho-education and psychosocial approaches and programs, cognitive interventions, psychiatric rehabil-

Never Say Never to Learning Dynamic Cognitive Intervention (DCI)... | 135

itation approaches and settings. These have brought about a huge change in
the quality of life of many people coping with severe mental health illness
(Lachman &Hadas-Lidor, 2003).
Concurrent with the changes in the mental health field, in the 80s' the
consumers of mental health services started the Recovery movement. The recovery movement has turned into the central approach to interventions in
mental health, primarily within the community (Friedli, 2010). In Recovery,
illness is viewed as a process and journey toward a satisfying and meaningful
life despite the illness, instead of regarding recovery as a cure (Anthony,
1993; Deegan, 1996; Liberman & Kopelowitz, 2005). Recovery places an emphasis on therapeutic relationships, demanding that providers collaborate
closely with each consumer to discover their unique path to healing (Tew et
al., 2011). Recovery is defined as a deeply, personal, unique process of changing one's attitudes, values, feelings, goals, skills and roles. It is a way of living
a satisfying, hopeful and contributing life even with limitations caused by the
illness. Recovery involves the development of new meaning and purpose in
one's life, as one goes beyond the catastrophic effects of mental illness (Anthony, 1993).
Feuerstein and the Recovery movement share common beliefs and concepts, such as the belief in a persons' ability to change, focusing on strengths
and not weaknesses, hope, the importance of experiencing competency. Hadas-Lidor, in the development of DCI combines these entities, both in theory
and practice.
There is a growing body of knowledge that provides evidence that cognition is a good predictor of functional rehabilitation outcomes in schizophrenia (Green et al., 2000). Cognitive interventions, whether in group or individual format, have become one of the central methods of intervention in this
population (Silverstein et al., 2001). The literature provides evidence to the
fact that cognitive interventions are beneficial for the population of the people with severe mental illness (Bellack et al., 2004; Hadas-Lidor et al., 2001;
Kandel, 1998; Kern et al., 2001; Silverstein et al., 2001; Spaulding, 1994).
One of the developments in the field of cognitive interventions in mental
health is based on the theories developed by Feuerstein (Feuerstein, Rand,
Hoffman, & Miller 1980; 2006).
Feuerstein (1980) formulated his theory of Structural Cognitive Modifiability (SCM), which presented the human being as an open system that can
be modified regardless of age and disability status. In general, Feuersteins


approach is concerned first with the cognitive prerequisites of human learning and problem-solving abilities; second, with examining why these abilities
fail to develop during early childhood in the absence of human mediation;
third, with focusing on systematic learning mediated by a caring adult; and
fourth, with how much later than generally thought possible, identified cognitive deficits can be remediated by a formal instructional program. This
formal program is based on a deductive style of training and teaching. Hadas-Lidor and her colleagues contributions' to the field of dynamic cognition
is in her approach being therapeutically based while including Recovery and
rehabilitative approaches, together with putting a direct emphasis on emotional-related issues and the way they affect cognitive development and
function. Her developing theory, over the past 20 years, Dynamic Cognitive
Intervention (DCI) evolved from her being an occupational therapist in the
field of mental health. Activity, participation and task analysis make up the
core of the Occupational therapy profession. Cognition is one of the abilities
both targeted as an outcome as well as a pathway to achieve participation in
everyday life activities and community integration. Following her exposure to
Feuersteins theories she applied this knowledge to structuring the Dynamic
Cognitive Intervention (Hadas-Lidor, Kozulin, & Weiss, 2011), primarily for
use in mental health but gradually expanding and applied with a broad range
of clients coping with various disabilities such as, learning disorders, ADHD,
acquired and traumatic brain injuries, dementia and old age, etc.
DCI emphasizes the human emotional experience in combination with
communication, cognition and activity in various life situations. Its purpose
is to enrich the learner and expand his range of coping and behavioural strategies. This expansion happens with the use of Feuerstein mediation principles that underwent renewed interpretation, to include and highlight the addressing of emotional aspects within everyday life interactions .For example,
Mediation of meaning is interpreted not just as in the meaning and understanding of things socially and culturally, rather, what is personally experienced as being meaningful, accentuating on what has meaning for me,
providing an emotional substance experienced by both learner and mediator. Mediation of Competence, is not just focusing on a feeling of ability, rather, it also includes strategies to build up feelings of ability, such as, provision of feedback, focusing on learning from successes, active listening and
more. Transference is not just linking a specific activity with others to promote the acquisition of principles or concepts. It is a tool used to actively en-

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hance and bring into awareness meta- cognition by teaching the cognitive
principles and mediation components themselves in order to promote both
occupational and social skills.
In addition to Instrumental Enrichment, various intervention techniques
are activated, such as using family picture albums, reading and writing assignments, one of which is the Meaningful Interactional Life Episode (MILE).
MILEs are used in order to enhance learning and encourage the transfer of
knowledge and communication skills acquired during DCI individual or
group interventions, to participants natural environment. MILEs are real-life
documented verbal interactions experienced and submitted by those receiving DCI. The DCI expert analyses these MILEs and provides feedback to DCI
recipient regarding central components crucial to the development of learning and/or improved communications that are present or lacking within the
MILE (Weiss, 2013).

DCI principles





The intervention is structured in accordance with the consumers' choices and needs and not in relation to the diagnosis or the aetiology of the
Throughout the intervention there is a continuous process of discourse
between mediator and person receiving DCI regarding goals, purpose,
progression rate and the intervention methodology.
The DCI involves relating to various life aspects and roles- as long as the
Mediator uses Mediation within the verbal interaction taking place
throughout the intervention.
Meta-cognition is used, as DCI principles and intervention strategies are
shared and explained to person receiving the intervention, following the
belief, which professional tools of trade have to be shared as much as
possible with the person receiving the intervention (Knowledge Translation).
The entire intervention process is based on mediation, therefore, mediation is taught as a unique and separate methodology, to be applied in
every interaction. This entails specialized courses for the teaching of Mediation.



All those involved with the person receiving the intervention are familiarized with Mediation strategies.
7. There is no definitive line drawn between assessment, intervention and
follow-up. They are intertwined throughout the entire process.
8. Highlighting, cognitive enquiry and analysis of experiences of success,
rather than focusing on difficulties and failures. This enables learning
from success and turns success into a model for replication.
9. Clearly defining between emotions, cognition and actions is used to help
understand the central role cognition plays within interactions, as well as
to enable improved cognitive self-control and improved understanding
of others participating in interaction.
10. Coexistence of Competence and Dysfunction- Focus on incorporation of
different characteristics that permanently reside side by side in each and
every one of us, in particular important for persons coping with mental
health illness.
DCI additionally expands Feuersteins approach in relevance to the environmental component. For years, Feuerstein related to the environment as
being dynamic and opposed segregation of persons with special needs. DCI
goes beyond this by focusing on the human component in the environmentparents, family, caregivers and professionals involved in caring for those with
special needs , under the assumption that it is not enough to improve the
persons self-ability to learn, but together with a change in the belief system of
the carer, in his/her ability to have faith in the person under care on a basis of
equality together with acquiring the ability to improve communications by
use of mediation techniques based on Mediated Learning Experience parameters- towards promoting Recovery-change, rehabilitation and integration.
There is a growing body of studies based on DCI principles. Those that focus
on populations of persons coping with mental illness; studies that focus on
family caregivers: and studies that focus on professionals. A number of these
studies are described below.

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Research based on DCI in the mental health illness consumer

Hadas-Lidor, Katz, Tyano, and Weizman (2001) conducted the first study
based on SCM together with the above mentioned DCI principles in which
they investigated the effectiveness of cognitive dynamic treatment through
the use of IE with adults with mental illness. The participants included 60
consumers who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia and required treatment at a rehabilitation day centre. The consumers were randomly assigned
into two groups; one was given IE as the intervention, and the control group
received traditional intervention, which included participation in newspaper
groups, arts and crafts. In the study group only certain exercises were used,
specifically those that relate to rehabilitation and recovery, such as, employment integration, making choices, social skill development, etc. The length
and scheduling of the intervention were equal for both groups. The study had
a prepost quasi-experimental design and lasted for 6 months. The following
variables were measured before and after intervention: cognitive performance, self-concept, and daily functioning. The results after intervention
showed significant differences between the study group and the control
group in the areas of cognitive performance and daily functioning, in both
home and work environments. No significant differences were found regarding self-concept. The findings' of this study, which was the first to examine
the effectiveness of IE on adults with schizophrenia, had important implications. It suggests not only that the IE program is effective but also that consumers with schizophrenia can improve their cognitive skills and everyday
A follow-up study to this study was performed by Speier-Keisar, HadasLidor, &Lachman (2007).Individuals with psychiatric disorders are often excluded and discriminated against in society (Ralph, 2000). This study examined the efficacy of Dynamic-Cognitive Intervention and its influence on
cognitive and social functioning of people coping with schizophrenia who reside in the community.
The study was conducted in a community rehabilitation centre. The sample included 28 subjects with schizophrenia, whose age ranged from 23-37
year, who were divided into two matched groups. All of the participants were
assessed before and after the intervention. The experimental group received
18 weekly dynamic-cognitive interventions of one hour. The control group


participated in the centres regular activities which included provision of
support, psychotherapy, illness treatment management, and workshops or
employment units. A significant improvement was noted for the study group
subjects on social F (3, 24) = 18.52, P< .001; cognitive F (3, 24) = 8.17, p<.001
and occupational measures (significant improvement progression of occupational status in study group as compared to controls) as compared to the
control group subjects after six months. The results of this study support
short-term dynamic-cognitive intervention for individuals with schizophrenia in the community.
In a third study, a comparison of performance of the static version (including an additional exposure) and the dynamic version of the Rey Osterrieth Complex Figure test (ROCF) was carried out. The ROCF is used to assess
cognitive functions such as visual-spatial organization, sequencing and
memory. Cognitive dynamic assessments of people recovering from mental
illness can provide a deeper understanding of learning propensity, and therefore contribute to improving recovery and rehabilitation, whilst developing a
feeling of competence and motivation to change. The additional exposure to
the figure on the static version of the test was chosen since some of the criticism of dynamic testing methodology, claims that the exposure in itself is the
source for improved performance of the copying and memory of the figure
during the second part of the dynamic version of the test. The study also examined feelings of competence as experienced by participants' in both
groups. The study population was a group of consumers using social club
community mental health services (Nachmany-Asher, &Shefa, Hadas-Lidor,
2013). The study included 60 subjects between the ages 23-69. The participants were divided into two groups: in the first group, the static form of the
test was administered (including an additional stage of exposure), so it consisted of five stages (1- copying, 2- drawing from memory, 3-exposure to the
complex figure without mediation for three minutes, 4- copying and 5- drawing from memory); In the second group, the dynamic form of the test was
administered, in accordance with the instructions described in the Learning
Propensity Assessment Device (LPAD) manual. In this group, all the subjects
received second level mediation that included verbal analysis of the components of the complex figure. In addition, subjects of both groups were asked
an open-ended question about their feeling of competence at the end of the
test. Amongst subjects who underwent the dynamic form of the test significantly higher results were found in comparison to those who underwent the

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static form on second copying, second drawing from memory, the rate of
change and the grading of competence at the end of the test. The researchers
conclude that the dynamic form of the ROCF provides a more in-depth understanding of learning propensity and subject's competence. Increasing use
of the dynamic form could guide occupational therapists and other professionals in constructing a better tailored intervention plan for consumers, increase their feeling of competence, encourage them to continue in their efforts and activities and therefore promote their rehabilitation.

Research based on DCI with the population of family caregivers

Family caregivers have been defined as the most important human resource
for home-based long-term care (World Health Organization, 2000). Keshet, is
an instructional and educational course given in academic settings for those
caring for their familys mentally ill members, since 2001. The Keshet course
aims at enhancing positivistic family cognitive communication skills in everyday life interactions. It is based on Feuersteins theory of Structural Cognitive Modifiability (Feuerstein, Rand, & Feuerstein, 2006) and the Dynamic
Cognitive Intervention principles of Hadas-Lidor and Weiss (Hadas-Lidor,
Weiss, &Kozulin, 2011). Meaningful Interactional Life Episodes (MILEs) are
used in order to enhance learning and encourage the transfer of knowledge
and communication skills acquired within the course framework, to participants natural environment. These are real-life documented verbal interactions experienced and submitted by participants. Keshet moderators analysed these MILEs and provided feedback to participants regarding these
MILEs as they relate to course content.
The goal of the course is to train parents and caregivers awareness in the
use of cognition; to better understand the behaviour of their mentally ill child
and to react to him/ her in a controlled and structured manner, in order to
influence his/ her responses via their interactions with him. Furthermore, the
participants are encouraged to use mediation in their interactions with medical and rehabilitation services personnel.
In an initial study following the first 3 Keshet groups, a pilot study was
carried out with a group of 11 participants. They completed an attitude questionnaire relating to beliefs, self-knowledge and actions in relation to their
children, before and after the course. Participants reported a higher level of


knowledge, beliefs and changes in their actions that they interpreted as positive, following the Kismet course (Hadas-Lidor, Hasdai, &Jarus, 2006). These
results were replicated in additional groups of Keshet (Weiss, 2013).
An initial study that evaluated Keshet was performed by Shor (2009).
Eighty eight Keshet participants participated in this evaluation. The objective
of the evaluation was to evaluate the contribution of the course and the
changes they experienced during and after the course, as a result of their
learning the DCI approach. The methodology was based on multiple single
subject designs, and the implementation of quantitative and qualitative
methods. The findings indicate that the Keshet program changed the participants perception of their life incidents with which they are coping and of the
resources available to them in coping with these incidents.
A study conducted by Redlich, Hadas-Lidor, Weiss, and Amirav (2009) examined whether the Keshet program effectively increases family members
hope for themselves versus hope for their ill relative. The experimental group
was composed of 49 family members who participated in the Keshet program
for 6 months, in contrast to the control group, which comprised 22 family
members, who underwent no structural intervention. Hope was measured at
baseline and after 6 months using the Hope Scale, developed by Snyder
(1998). No difference in self-perception was detected in Hope Scale scores
between groups; however, the Keshet program significantly increased the
hope of families concerning the ill person while decreasing the gap between
the hope of family members regarding themselves and the affected person.
Thus, the program may increase the families feeling of hope during the journey toward recovery of family members with mental illness.
Keshet was also the platform for the examination of cultural differences in
the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community. (Weiss, Hadas-Lidor, Shor, 2013)The
influence of the familial context of people with mental illness has come to be
recognized as being significant to the course of mental illness; however, the
role of culture in the manifestations of the dynamics within families of persons with mental illness has been an unexplored subject. A study (Weiss, Hadas-Lidor & Shor, 2013) was performed of 24 ultra-orthodox Jewish mothers
of persons with mental illness, who live in a relatively closed religious community in Israel. As part of their participation, the members of two groups of
the Kismet educational program designated for family caregivers of persons
with mental illness were asked to write meaningful interactional life episodes
(MILEs), which focused on stressful events in their lives. Qualitative analysis

Never Say Never to Learning Dynamic Cognitive Intervention (DCI)... | 143

of 50 MILEs illuminated the significant role that religious and cultural norms
had in the perceptions of what the participants considered stressors and the
dynamic in the families in regard to these stressors. Four themes were identified: (a) conflicts between religious rituals and the disability; (b) stressors that
stem from the need to maintain the secrecy of familial events in a collectivist
society; (c) stressors that stem from time-related events, such as holidays;
and (d) mothers as a major bearer of the burden of caregiving. The authors
emphasized the importance of relating to cultural factors in family educational programs and interventions, because this may contribute to the potential use and success of mental health services within a population that essentially underutilizes these services. Accruing this knowledge is essential if
therapists want to adapt the methods of interventions in educational programs, such as Keshet, to the needs of parents living in a closed religious collectivist society. The MILEs could also be applied as a means of developing
culturally oriented techniques with other cultural populations and members
of racial/ethnic minority groups that underutilize mental health services because of cultural barriers. In the work of Feuerstein, there is an emphasis on
the adaptations needed for minority populations, such as immigrants from
countries such as Ethiopia and North Africa, stating that we should not regard them as people who lack intelligence, rather as people who are culturally different (Feuerstein, &Richel, 1963).
A comprehensive effectiveness study of Keshet was conducted by Weiss
Study objectives were (a) to develop an instrument for structured analysis
of the MILEs (b) to examine the effectiveness of the Keshet course for family
caregiver wellbeing and (c) to develop a "Knowledge Translation" based
model of cognitive educational intervention for family members of persons
coping with mental disorders based on an occupational therapy domain perspective relating to communication and recovery.
Methodology: The first section of this study includes the development of
a tool for the analysis of MILES, the Meaningful Interactional Life Episodes
Evaluation Tool (MILEET). Keshet moderators were the designated population for the tool development study. Their written responses to MILEs were
compared and analysed pre/post use of this newly developed tool.
As Keshet is a complex health intervention, the intervention effectiveness
section of this study utilized a mixed methodology approach. Quantitative
questionnaires relating to family attitudes, problem solving, communication


skills, goal attainment, burden and quality of life, were used for this study.
The design is quasi-experimental, using the same group of people at different
stages. Thirty-eight participants filled out study evaluation questionnaires at
three different times: at least three months prior to course attendance, at initiation and at completion of the course. This created a control condition
(waiting list) and a study condition (pre-post course attendance). Finally, focus groups of graduating Keshet participants were held in order to provide a
qualitative perspective.

The MILEET development resulted in the structuring of a reliable tool for
MILE analysis, yet the use of the MILEET did not evoke a significant improvement in MILE analysis for experienced Keshet moderators. Regarding
the effectiveness outcome study, following Keshet participation, and as compared with the study control condition, quantitative findings pointed to significant changes in participants attitudes regarding knowledge of how to
cope with a mentally ill family member. Participants also reported a significant improvement with regard to objective and subjective burden. Participants and moderators identified a significant positive change in the ability of
participants to cope with the MILEs. Qualitative data analysis revealed three
central themes (1) Keshet is an attempt to go beyond the despair and frustration to improved relationships with self, child and the health system; (2)
Keshet is a means to improve communication empowerment and feelings of
competency and (3)The group leaders meaningful role and effect on learning and promoting recovery and change.

Keshet aids family caregivers in mental health in the development of skills
and attitudes that improve cognitive communication skills and in turn, improves resilience in the caregiving role. This is accomplished with the use of
the MILEs that provide meaningful links between theoretical components
taught and the participants actual experiences. Caregiver resilience is identified as being a meaningful outcome which to date has not received sufficient
attention. The MILEET, developed within the framework of this study, is a re-

Never Say Never to Learning Dynamic Cognitive Intervention (DCI)... | 145

liable tool, apparently primarily useful for novice moderators. For the population of family caregivers in mental health, Keshet is an intervention model
that promotes Knowledge Translation that may positively affect public health
and promotion.

Policy implications and recommendations

Inclusion of Keshet as an evidence based intervention for family caregivers in
mental health within designated family centres operating in Israel under the
Rehabilitation of the Mentally Disabled in the Community Law (2000) is recommended. Further research on the use of MILEs as a tool for the development of communication patterns based on cognition and mediation and a
longitudinal study focused on the resilience of caregivers as it relates to participation in Keshet are warranted.

Research based on DCI with professionals

For the past ten years, specialized programs in the study of DCI intended for
professionals are given in academic institutes in Israel. In preparation for the
development of these studies, a group of therapists participated in a workshop aimed at developing teaching and mediation skills. The training in the
workshop itself, was based on application of the dynamic cognitive approach. The study evaluated attitudes held by the participants toward teaching roles before and after the workshop. On the basis of both qualitative and
quantitative analyses, it appears that the workshop facilitated changes in participants attitudes toward teaching, on emotional, cognitive, and practical
The questionnaire is composed of two sections, one quantitative and the
other an open ended qualitative question.
The questions on the questionnaire were organized randomly and divided
into three groups, three questions per topic: knowledge and emotions related
to teaching, and questions relating to feelings of competence regarding
Eighteen participants filled out attitude questionnaires at initiation and
termination of the program.


A t test analysis of the participants' responses to the questionnaire revealed significant differences in attitudes regarding knowledge, emotions, and teaching competence. The combined score for all three sub
scales showed an average score at termination as being significantly higher
than at initiation. These findings point to significant changes in beliefs, emotions, and behaviours in relation to participants' roles as dynamic cognitive
therapists and to their belief in their clients ability to change and develop as
a result of the therapeutic intervention and interaction. In the qualitative section of the study, participants identified strengths and weaknesses in their
teaching skills, and conveyed how the workshop had improved their skills as
teachers and instructors (Hadas-Lidor, Naveh, & Weiss, 2006)
An additional study assessed the actual effects of the academic study programs in DCI for professionals. Program participants come from diverse
health-related professions and the program enabled the development of
common grounds for communication and intervention principles which
were enhanced while maintaining unique professional identity is maintained. Efficacy of the program was assessed by giving attitude questionnaires to participants before and after conclusion of the program. These
point to significant changes in beliefs, emotions, and behaviours in relation
to participants' roles as dynamic cognitive therapists and to their belief in
their clients ability to change and develop as a result of the therapeutic intervention and interaction (Hadas-Lidor, & Weiss, 2007).

Prof. Reuven Feuersteins work and the theories he developed have reached
and are being applied far and beyond the populations he started out working
with. One of these populations, as described in this paper are those coping
with mental health illness. DCI is based on the SCM and MLE theories, together with elements from the recovery vision, an emphasis on emotions and
cognition and meta-cognition as implemented in the profession of occupational therapy. We believe that the DCI principles which integrate these
components can advance people on their Recovery journey.
This paper reviewed studies based on DCI in populations related to the
field of mental health. Three studies were conducted within the population of
persons coping with mental health illness, five studies involved families of

Never Say Never to Learning Dynamic Cognitive Intervention (DCI)... | 147

persons coping with mental illness and two studies were carried out with
professionals who provide mental health services.
These studies point to the effectiveness of Dynamic Cognitive Intervention, its' importance for consumers, caregivers and professionals in the field
of mental health, and the broad spectrum with whom this intervention may
be applied. DCI does not focus on illness and illness management. It is rather based on a universal outlook on cognitive modifiability and the use of
mediation for positive communication applications. Regarding the Keshet
intervention for family caregiver's that is based on DCI, it is clear that the
mental health family caregivers needs should be addressed since homebased care is an integral component of all health and social systems. Keshet
is held within settings that are identified within a health and not an illness
perspective (academic setting vs. hospital/clinic). Within this context it is
important to initiate such interventions and encourage family caregivers to
participate in these interventions from the early stages of their coping with
family mental illness. The population of caregivers should be encouraged
and reinforced in their need for support, caring for themselves, and acquiring
practical strategies for improved caring and coping. Public health care providers and program instigators should be made aware of the importance of
these crucial needs.
Additional studies on the use of DCI as a basis for identifying communication patterns and the establishing of effective cognitive communication in
various populations of persons with special needs are warranted.
When Prof' Reuven Feuerstein was asked whether cognitive interventions
would make people happier, he answered "Happiness is in Gods' hands. My
role is to expand people's possibilities and ability to make choices".


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Never Say Never to Learning Dynamic Cognitive Intervention (DCI)... | 149

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