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Growth Assessment Paper

Robyn Brooks
Azusa Pacific University

Technology in Action Course History

Course Title
EDTC 511
Foundations in Educational
EDTC 517
Digital Communications
EDTC 527
Special Topics in
Educational Technology
EDTC 518
Global Learning/Crosscultural Classroom
EDTC 524
Instructional Design and
EDTC 521
Digital Imagery for
Learning Environments
EDTC 523
Educational Applications of
Information Design and
EDTC 515
Emerging Trends in

EDTC 520
Managing Tech-Supported
Curricular Tools

Term I

Dr. Kathleen

Term II

Joe Bruzzese

Term II

Barry Bettger

Term III

Dr. Kathleen

Term III

Kathryn Price

Term IV

Doyle J. Potter

Term IV

Laura Silva

Term V

Dr. James Brown

Term V

Elisabeth Silver

Key Learning
Created and edited Pdfs

Copyright and APA

Explored virus protection programs
Explored online communications- twitter,
Blogs, Google Drive
Website building and communications
Online resources
Personal Learning Networks
Fair use laws
Develop, global cultural and geographical
cross cultural learning

Personal learning Space

Standards and Assessments
Created and edited photos and videos
Produced videos

Created presentations, using powerpoint,

Massive open online communication

Managing Technology Supported

Evaluated school districts rubric for the
use of technology
Created technology plan for school
Reflected on personal and professional
Created E-portfolio to display work
throughout the program
Examined Brain Rules by John Medina
Marp presentation for exercise

EDTC 526
Practicum in Educational
Applications of Technology

Term VI

EDTC 572
Advanced Educational

Term VI

Dr. Kathleen

Dr James Brown

Created Global Learning Website

Created a trust and monitor policy
Explored using layers for design


My Journey

In February 2014, my personal journey at Azusa Pacific University began. This

experience has been significant. As I reflect on my personal journey while obtaining my
Master of Arts, in Educational Technology (EDTC). I have grown personally,
professionally, and technically. This learning experience will be with me for the rest of
my life. In our Faith and action Study Bible (Muck, 2005). Mark 11:22 says, Have
faith in God, Jesus answered(p.1654). I have a great deal of respect for my
professors who taught, guided and inspired me to be the best educator I can be.
Personal Growth
First as I reflect on my personal growth, my spiritual growth has been a key
component as a result of this program. When I was accepted to this program.
I was pleasantly surprised when Dr. Bacer, program director of the EDTC Program at
Azusa Pacific University, (Bacer et al., 2014), sent me a faith-in-action study Bible
(Zondervan 2005). I knew God had led me in the right direction. Part of our learning
was to comment in the learning forums, academic posts, and spiritual posts. The
spiritual post was where I connected with my Cadre the most. This was where I felt
that we all had the same everyday issues as they pertained to our faith and daily
Secondly, I am the only student in the class who is not currently teaching. I
have learned a great deal from the teachers in my cadre. I have become aware of their
ups and downs in teaching. I have learned about their teaching methods and the
sacrifices they make as educators. I have received not only an academic education but
a personal education from these hands-on teachers.


I will carry the cognitive skills that I acquired in this program throughout my
career as an educator. I see the importance of being able to reason, remember, and
relate as it pertains to ones ability to process information. As an educator, I also see
the importance of sharing this skill with young learners and showing them how it will
have an impact on their academic future.
My personal growth at APU has broadened my horizons. For me personally,
my faith has grown stronger and I have learned from hands on teachers who strive to
teach and inspire. I look forward to my future as an educator.
Professional Growth
Currently, I am a literacy tutor. This program was significant to my growth, as
an educator-to-be, because I am entering a new profession. As a part of my growth,
this masters program has given me new skills. The tools and resources that I have
learned from this program have given me the confidence I need to teach and inspire
with the use of technology. This program has given me a sound foundation for my
future as an educator.
Before I started this program, I did not know anything about lesson plans.
I also did not know about the concept of a backward design lesson plan. I now have
the tools to create a lesson plan starting with assessments, working backwards, and
integrating the use of technology.
In addition, I have created a technology plan for a school district. For this
project, I learned about fundamentals, tools, and resources needed to implement
technology for a school district. Assembling a technology plan, requires taking into
consideration background and demographics, current use of technology, district goals


for the use of technology, internet safety, budgeting and funding, curriculum
monitoring, teaching and learning goals, acceptable use polices and much more. This
was one of my favorite projects. I can see myself being apart of the school districts
technology committee and team.
I am proud of all that I have learned from this EDTC program and most of all I
am proud of myself. Professionally, I have grown with the resources and tools
needed to implement learning and technology.
Technical Growth
As I look back and reflect on my growth in the area of technology, I have
progressed tremendously. Before I was accepted to the Masters of Arts Educational
Technology program, I did not have to use my computer for any special reason other
than surfing the Internet and checking emails. After I was accepted into the
program, I learned how to use my computer in more ways than one.
One of my favorite projects was the global learning project. The global
learning project was from class EDTC518, taught by Dr. Bacer (Bacer, 2014), in
this class I created a website. The objective of this website is to promote cultural
awareness by engaging participants globally and allow for collaborative
One of the many projects that I also enjoyed was an informational project for
parents. In Dr. Browns class EDTC572 (Brown, 2014) one of our assignments
was to create a presentation. The presentation focused on John Medinas book,
Brain Rules. I chose to do my presentation on sleep and stress. I presented my
project using animated


software called powtoon. This project I focused on how their school-aged children
were affected by not getting enough sleep, and how to deal with stress.
Overall I have grown in the area of technical expertise by using web 2.0
tools. I am more comfortable using my computer, and I have a lot more
confidence than I had before. I look forward to my future using all the tools, and
resources that I have learned from this program.
We need technology in every classroom and in every students hand teachers hand
because it is the pen and paper of our time and it is the lens through which we experience
much of our world. (Warlick, n.d., para.7).
Lifelong Learning Plan
When I think about lifelong learning, technology is one of those areas that
changes in a blink of an eye. This is a part of my life, for the rest of my life. I am
looking forward to all of the changes that are to come in technology as they relate to
the field of education. I am looking forward to being a student for life. All of the
classes that I took in the EDTC program have changed how I think, and how I view
learning. Lifelong learning is a gift and a blessing. I cannot imagine my life without
being challenged academically or from a technical standpoint. I look forward to ISTE,
conferences and teacher workshops. My immediate plan is to become certified as a
google educator and expand my PLN. I would also like to learn how to code and
improve on the technology skills that I learned from this program. I have always
wanted to learn a second language; I would like to participate in a Mooc, beginning
Spanish class.



At APU, I have grown personally, professionally and technically. My personal

growth stems from my faith and Gods plan for me. I will be forever grateful to Dr.
Bacer for the opportunity to be a part of this program. My spiritual growth has been
magnified from reading Gods word and getting to know more about my cadre
members and each of their lives.
Professionally I have grown. I have learned as an educator to understand the
importance of nurturing and guiding students who will one day be our future. I have
learned how technology can foster and enhance learning. Technically I have grown in
the area of creating and communicating with the use of technology. This academic
journey has left an imprint on my life forever. I look forward to the future and
lifelong learning with Gods grace.



Muck, T. [Ed.], (2005). Faith in Action Study Bible: Living Gods Word in a
Changing World. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan
Bacer, K., Bettger, B., Brown, J., Bruzzese, J., Potter, D. Silva, L., Silvers, E., Price,
K., (2014-2015). Online Master of Arts in Educational Technology. School
of Education and Behavioral Studies, Azusa Pacific University. Azusa, CA.
Retrieved from http://sakai.apu.edu

Bacer, K. (2014). EDTC518. Global Learning/Cross-Cultural Classrooms. Online

Master of Arts in Educational Technology. School of Education and
Behavioral Studies, Azusa Pacific University. Azusa, CA. Retrieved from

Brown, J. (2014). EDTC572. Advanced Educational Psychology. Online Master of

Arts in Educational Technology. School of Education and Behavioral
Studies, Azusa Pacific University. Azusa, CA. Retrieved from

Warlick, D. (n.d.). 10 Educational Technology Quotes. Retrieved from

http://www.teachbytes.com/2012/03/01/10-educational- technology-quotes

Open clip art. (2014). Retrieved from https://openclipart.org/homepage

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