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The Classroom Technology program offered at Bowling Green State

University has given me many opportunities to grow both personally and
professionally. The biggest challenge I faced was learning how to be successful in a
digital learning environment. Although difficult, discovering how to learn and be
successful in a digital learning environment prepared me for the experiences my
students currently face during the first few weeks of school in a flipped classroom
environment. With the knowledge and skills gained from this program, I have
acquired the ability to effectively integrate technology into my classroom. This has
allowed me to transform my teaching style from traditional, teacher-centered
instruction to an inverted, student-centered learning environment. I was introduced
to the NETS-C standards very early in the program and continually strive to become
competent in each of the six distinguished standards; Visionary leadership,
Teaching, learning and assessments, Digital age learning environments, Professional
development and program evaluation, Digital citizenship, and Content knowledge
and professional growth.
The first of the standards for Coaches was that of Visionary leadership. I have
had several opportunities over the past two years to share my opinion in regards to
the development and implementation of technology in the classroom. When
receiving the teaching position at my current high school, I was asked to join two
other teachers and help create technology professional development for staff, which
our school now calls Technology Tuesdays. Because of my knowledge with
technology, my administration thought this would be a great fit for me. By joining

this technology group, I was able to contribute to the planning, development, and
implementation of different technology workshops with the goal of supporting
teachers integrate technology into their classrooms.
In addition to providing assistance to teachers during Technology Tuesday
workshops, I also provided support before and after school, as well as during my
planning period. This coincides with the Teaching, learning, and assessments
standard for Coaches. During Technology Tuesday workshops, different topics were
addressed to improve instructional practices and maximize student learning. The
sessions I led focused primarily on various Web 2.0 tools, interactive websites, and
online assessments. The purpose of the workshops was to coach teachers in
planning technology-enhanced learning experiences to support digital-age
education for all students.
The third standard for Coaches is Digital age learning environments. My
pedagogical approach to teaching has transformed immensely over the past two
years because of my ability to effectively integrate technology into my lessons. No
longer do I stand and deliver content material, but rather use technology to its
advantage to design digital lessons that captivate students interest, while creating
an engaging learning experience. From the knowledge gained through the program,
I am now able to use digital tools and resources to create a technology-rich learning
environment that supports student learning and better communicate and
collaborate with students and parents.
The fourth of the standards for Coaches was that of Professional
development and program evaluation. Prior to starting Technology Tuesdays, a

needs assessment, in the form of a survey, was administered to staff. Survey results
were used to create a schedule of sessions to be delivered each Tuesday. Prior to
each session the technology committee designed and developed technology lessons
that promoted digital age best practices in teaching, learning, and assessment. An
evaluation exit ticket was issued at the end of each session that provided feedback
for future planning.
The fifth standard for Coaches is Digital citizenship. I have learned the
importance of digital citizenship early in the program and continue to promote
digital citizenship in my classroom by modeling safe, legal, and ethical uses of digital
information and technologies. Additionally, I have begun to instruct proper digital
citizenship with my students through class projects and the use of Schoology.
Students need to be aware of their actions and responses when using technology,
therefore modeling safe uses allowed me to teach students about digital citizenship.
The sixth and final standard for Coaches is Content knowledge and
professional growth. While my knowledge and skills in classroom technology has
grown hugely, it is never-ending. Classroom technology is continually advancing and
evolving. It is important that I continue to grow professionally by continually
attending professional development opportunities and exploring new tools and
resources. I also plan to remain a member of ISTE, allowing me to stay current on
the technology standards for students, teachers, and coaches.
Overall, my journey through the program has taught me so much more than I
could have ever imagined. I have challenged myself and overcome one of my biggest
fears, which is presenting. I never thought I would be on a technology committee, let

alone presenting different technology topics to peers. What was once a fear is now a
fulfilling and natural feeling that I enjoy. I have also learned how to successfully
prepare a grant application, which will provide me with endless opportunities to
enhance my teaching and learning. I have also learned countless resources that I
would have otherwise never learned about. These resources have helped transform
me into a 21st century educator. The specific examples mentioned above are only a
few examples of how I have grown professionally throughout the program.
Not only was I able to grow professionally, but I have grown personally as
well throughout the program. I was always the one who kept quiet, not voicing my
opinion and doing what was asked of me. Although I still do what I am told, I now
have the courage to voice my opinion, especially with regards to technology.
Because of my experience with technology and classroom observations, my
principal asked me to be one of the leaders of the technology committee. After much
hesitation, I agreed and it was one of the best decisions I have made in my
professional career. I have a newfound level of confidence I have never had before.
Having to work with others to plan and design technology lessons and then present
the lessons to peers is no longer a fear of mine. I will continue to offer assistance
with technology, keep up-to-date with the latest and greatest trends in classroom
technology, and continue implementing current and new technology resources and
skills in my flipped classroom. Thanks to this program I can confidently say I am a
21st century educator, focused on digital age teaching and learning, and look
forward to continuing my growth both professionally and personally.

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