Ch6-Industrial Age
Ch6-Industrial Age
Ch6-Industrial Age
Chapter 6
Forgettable Presidents
2. Thomas Edison
a. Dynamo produces & distributes electricity
b. lightbulb
c. phonograph
A. Expansion of RRs
B. Railroad Tycoons
1. Corruption
a. rebates
b. RR pools
c. Credit Mobilier RR sold land
given to them
2. Cornelius Vanderbilt
3. George Pullman
a. Palace Car Company (sleeping
b. company town to regulate
C. Regulation
1. Munn v. Illinois (1877) = Supreme Court
agreed that states could regulate RRs for
the benefit of consumers (farmers)
2. Wabash case (1886): states could not
regulate interstate RRs
3. Interstate Commerce Act (1887)
E. Gilded Age
1. term coined by Mark Twain to describe
gap b/n rich and poor
2. Social Darwinism millionaires are a
product of natural selection
3. Gospel of Wealth
a. the man who dies rich dies
b. free public libraries
c. $ to universities, the arts
F. Effects of Industrialization
1. Exploitation of Laborers
a. low wages:
4. need for new markets (imperialism!!!)
5. labor unions
G. Labor Unions
1. Knights of Labor
a. open to all types of workers
b. fell apart after Haymarket Square riot
(Chicago, 1896)
5. Union Tactics
a. strikes, boycotts, walkouts
b. collective bargaining union spoke on behalf
of all members
H. Labor Unrest