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Maryland District Technology Training Plan

Melinda Parsons
June 20, 2014
EDTC 640


The District
The Montgomery County public school district is a wide spread area that has
many elementary, middle, and high schools. In the 2013-2014 school year, there were a
total of 150,601 students enrolled in elementary, middle, and high schools (Montgomery
County, 2014). There are a total of 202 elementary, middle, and high schools. 73,717 of
those students were enrolled in an elementary school (PreK-5th). 32,125 students were
enrolled in middle schools (6-8th). 44,759 students were enrolled in the high schools (9th12th). Montgomery County public schools system has a technology-rich curriculum.
Many schools have SMARTboards, Promethean boards, software and heard for the
computer labs. Web 2.0 is currently coming soon to all schools within the county. All
schools are equipped with internet access, word processors, and other interactive software
that are downloaded onto computers (Montgomery County, 2014).
The Problem
Montgomery County public schools are blossoming with different technologies
that students will be able to use on a daily bases. However, even though technology is
booming in the schools system, who is teaching the staff to use these technologies
properly and to the fullest? Having to find the right material to use for an activity, project,
and/or lesson can be time consuming and frustrating for teachers. For example, many
schools have SMARTboards installed but the boards are not in use because teachers are
not properly trained in the use. Teacher have complained that they are not using the
SMARTboard because the teachers do not know what type of activities to use and when
the SMARTboard breaks, it takes a long time to fix because the school does not have a
technology specialist. Teacher around Montgomery County also need to know the basics
on how properly take care of and how to fix common problems with different
technologies within the school.
The Needs
To address these issues, I had five Montgomery County public school teachers
and five private schools teachers (that work within Montgomery County) take a small
eight-question survey. The survey was based on the quality of training that they have
received within their schools by the Maryland State Department of Education, and what
needs to be changed. According to many Montgomery County public school teachers,


they are only satisfied with the technology training that the school provides. Three out of
five teachers stated that they only felt some-what confident after the technology
training was finished. One person explained further that there was not enough time to
learn everything.
One question of the survey asked if their school system should invest in have
multiple trainings within the year. Eight out of ten teachers replied that they strongly
agree to have more than one training within the year. Seven out of ten teachers strongly
agree that the school system should provide other technology trainings (conferences,
workshops, etc.) outside of the school. Another important part of the survey showed that
the eight out of ten teachers did not have a technology specialist in their school. Ten out
of Ten teachers agree that it is important to have technology specialist in the school so
the learning keeps going once the trainer leaves.
The last important survey question asked if the teachers would like a hands-on
training session. Ten out of Ten teachers answered, Strongly agree. I asked the teachers
to further explain their answer. Four teachers stated that their technology training was
lectured based and not hands-on. The teachers explained that they would learn more if the
trainer called teachers up to work on assignments and/or project, and/or the training
would be in a computer lab so the trainer and the teachers could work together.

Technology Training Survey

School Name___________________________________




1. I am satisfied with the technology

training that my school provides.

2. I am confident in what I
learned after a training session.

3. I believe that my should school

invest in multiple technology


trainings per year?

4. I believe that my school should
invest for teachers to go to
technology training?
workshops, etc..)

5. My technology specialist in my
school is useful and keeps
teachers updated with the
newest technologies.

6. I believe that it is important to

have a technology specialist in
my school.

7. I believe that it is important to

have a technology specialist in
my school.
8. I confidently know how to use
all the technology in my school.


The Audience
This training will include everyone working within this school, no matter how
long the staff member has worked at the school. This includes all administration,
teachers, part-time teachers, special educators and technology specialist ranging from
Kindergarten to 12th grade. If staff members have already gone through a training


program within the year, the staff member will then use this training workshop as a
refresher and will be asked to share their expertise with the rest of the teachers. This
training workshop is mandatory for all staff members working throughout the
Montgomery County district.
Goals and objectives
The goals and objectives of this technology training plan is to update teachers
throughout Montgomery County on new and old technologies that are being used in the
school system. First, teachers should be comfortable and confident when exposing these
technologies to students during activities, projects, and/or other lessons. Secondly,
teachers will learn and understand different activities they could use on the
SMARTboard, Promethean board, and computers. Thirdly, teachers will learn different
interactive and multimedia tools to better engage the students. Lastly, teachers will learn
different resources to use when communicating with parents/guardians.
Below is a sample list of workshops that I have created to train teachers. The chart
explains the different courses, who the intended audience is, and a small description
explaining what the training will consist of.
Topic 1: SMARTboards

(Grades K-12)

Topic 2: Promethean

(Grades K-12)

Topic 3: Computers

(Grades K-12)

Participants will learn
different softwares to
create and use on the
SMARTboard. Participants
may also ask questions
about his/her SMARTboard.
Participants will learn how
to create new engaging and
interactive activities to use
on the Promethean board.
Participants may ask
questions about to use
his/her Promethean board.
Participants will learn about
classroom blogs, virtual
field trips. WebQuest.
Participants will also learn
how to teach students how


Topic 4: Multimedia &

Interactive tools

(Grades K-12)

Topic 5: Communicating
with parents/guardians

(Grades K-12)

to safely use the computer

Participants will learn
proper and useful
techniques when using
video, graphics, audio,
animation and other visuals.
Participants will also learn
when it is okay to use
multimedia tools.
Participants will learn about
different technologies to use
when connecting with
parents. Classroom
websites, proper e-mail
etiquette, and chats will be
discussed as well.

Instructional Strategies
This training will consist of computer-based learning, small lectures, group work,
and hands on activities. Participants are encouraged to ask questions about useful
activities that they have done in the pass that can be updated with technology, how to fix
their classroom technology, and problems they have with certain technologies used in the
school district. I will have teachers participate in small games, and small projects that we
create as a class on the computer, SMARTboard, and/or the Promethean board. From my
experience, these instructional strategies work the best when training adults. Having
participants involved with the training as much as possible will increase learning, and
motivation to use what they learn with their own students in their classroom.
I have been to a couple of bad trainings where I did not learn much, and it was a
waste of time. My co-workers and I sat in a Pre-Kindergarten classroom for three hours
sitting in children chairs. The training was not hands-on, nor was it interactive at any
point. The training also did not pertain to this group of teachers. The training was focused
more on older students (1st-3rd) rather than Preschool to Kindergarten. No technology
training was given; it was strictly manipulative, and small individual projects. I do not
want the training to be boring, or useless. This training will give teachers the opportunity


to feel comfortable and confident with different technologies in the school district, and
will allow teachers to come up with new fresh ideas.
Five-Day Sample Lesson
I have a sample five-day lesson plan that I created for a beginner workshop for the
SMARTboard. This workshop will be a week long (Monday-Friday) and start at 9:00 am
and go to 3:00pm. There will be a 10-minute break every hour for participants to go to
the bathroom, stretch, and/or get water or a small snack. At 12 noon, participants and
teachers will break for lunch (30 minutes). Participants are encouraged to bring a bagged
Technology Workshop Lesson Plan
Workshop Title: SMARTboard for
Day # 1
Prerequisite Knowledge:
Subject(s) of the day's workshop: How to operate Participants will not need prerequisite
your SMARTboard
knowledge of the SMARTboard
Your Name: Melinda Parsons

During this training session, participants will learn the basics on how to use and operate the
SMARTboard. Participants will learn how to turn the SMARTboard on and off, troubleshoot, and
upload documents, activities, and/or applications. Together, we will make a basic Power Point
presentation that includes all the special features of the SMARTboard. You will learn how to engage
learners by using different graphics, audio, visuals, videos, and music. Throughout the training there
will be a Question and Answer session.
Objectives for this lesson:
By the end of this session participants will...
1.) Demonstrate the basic hardware of the SMARTboard (projectors, pens, pen tray, ready
2.) Demonstrate how to use the touch feature of the SMARTboard.
3.) Demonstrate how to download educational videos, visuals, audio, and graphics onto the
4.) Demonstrate how to use the technical support feature.
5.) Demonstrate and master how to create a Power Point Presentation.
6.) Demonstrate and master how to open files, save files, etc.
How will you teach the lesson?
This session will be a lecture with hand-on activities throughout the training. There will be a
SMARTboard in front of the class with chairs all around so all participants can see. There will also
have a video up on the SMARTboard screen for anyone who cannot see. When I am teaching about
the different hardware of the computers and how to operate some other features, I will call on
volunteers to come to the front to name all hardware and to do simple operations (turn SMARTboard


on and off). Together, we will make a Power Point Presentation that will include everyones idea.
Volunteers will be called to practice uploading, and downloading different multimedia tools onto the
Power Point. When teaching how to open and save files, I will tell them that it is just like using a
Additional materials you will use and how will you use them.
1.) 1.) One SMARTboard with projector, pens, ready light - This will be the main focus of the
2.) 2.) Extra Pens and Pencils - For teachers
3.) 3.) Extra Paper- For teachers
4.) 4.) Speakers- To hear multimedia tools.
5.) 5.) One video camera- The session will be taped so I can put the session online and to see
what I can improve on.
Evaluation Strategies
Teachers will be evaluated orally at the end of the sessions. Teachers will have to name and point to
all the hardware on the SMARTboard. In a group, teachers will have to show how to upload Power
Point Presentations and multimedia tools on to the SMARTboard.
If teachers are able to show that they have mastered all the objectives, then teachers will be given a
certificate at the end of SMARTboard for Beginners training session.

Technology Workshop Lesson Plan

Your Name: Melinda Parsons

Workshop Title: Engaging your


Day # 2

Subject(s) of the day's workshop: Participants

Prerequisite Knowledge:
will learn how to engage students with interactive
Participants will need a certificate to show that
activities. Teachers will also learn about of Projectthey mastered the first workshop, SMARTboard
Based Learning (PBL) and how it helps students
for Beginners.
learn material faster.
In this training session, participants will learn different strategies on how to keep students engaged
with the SMARTboard. We will touch base on what we learned yesterday about multimedia tools that
you could use on the SMARTboard. We will then go over Project-Based Learning (PBL) and the
learn advantages that is has the students. Lastly, we will discuss how to use the SMARTboard while
incorporating PBL. We will discuss different software that will be great to use for both teachers and
Objectives for this lesson:
By the end of this sessions, Participants will:
1.) Demonstrate and the master different multimedia tools to use on the SMARTboard (voice
recorder, video player, Youtube)
2.) Start to understand the software, SMART Notebook, and the recourses within the software.
3.) Understand the positive outcomes of PBL and learn different whole group activities and
projects you can use while using the SMARTboard.
How will you teach the lesson?


We will get right into the lesson by going over what we learned about multimedia presentations from
yesterdays workshop. I will have teachers come up to the SMARTboard and write down different
multimedia tools that they already know about, what they would like to learn. We will then discuss
different multimedia tools and how to use them on the SMARTboard. Teachers will volunteer to
come up to show the class how to use the multimedia tools (YouTube, voice recorders including
Vocaroo, video player, DVD and CD-ROM). After moving to a computer lab where every teacher has
his/her own computer, we will then start to learn about SMART Notebook. I will show them different
resources they can use (SMART Exchange) which have videos, PDFs math lessons, widgets and
more. Teachers will explore the videos and discuss what they find, and how they would use it in there
class. After we leave the computer lab, we will come back and view a short and brief Power Point
presentation about the advantages of PBL learning while using the SMARTboard. I will begin
discuss and show teachers how to create a small PBL by using the software SMART Notebook.
Additional materials you will use and how will you use them.
1.) Computer lab with at least 35 computers- Participants will be using the computers search
through resources.
2.) SMART Notebook software downloaded onto SMARTboard
3.) SMART Notebook software downloaded onto computers.
4.) One video camera- the session will be taped so I can put the session online and to see what I
can improve on.
Evaluation Strategies:
Teachers will be evaluated by participations. All participants are encouraged to volunteer to they get
the best experience out of the session. All volunteers will be noted and given a special certificate at
the end of all 5 sessions. All participants will write a small lesson plan to show how they would use
SMART Exchange in the classroom. After I have recived all lesson plans, I will hand the participant
a certificate of completion of Day 2- Engaging your Students.

Technology Workshop Lesson Plan

Your Name: Melinda Parsons
Workshop Title: Using SMART Notebook
Day # 3
Subject(s) of the day's workshop:
Prerequisite Knowledge:
How to use Smart Notebook and to
All participants need both SMARTboard for Beginners and
develop different interactive activities Engaging your Students completion certificates.
for students.
We will be discussing what we learned yesterday about the software SMART Notebook and SMART
Exchange. We will begin to develop small and basic lessons using SMART Notebook. After teachers
watch me develop a lesson using the software, teachers will then create on of their own. At the end of
the session, teachers will present their lessons to the class. The other teachers in the class will then
comment Pros and Cons of each lesson.
List the objectives for this lesson.
By the end of this session participants will...
1.) Demonstrate basic usage of SMART Notebook.
2.) Demonstrate and master developing small lessons using SMART Notebook.
3.) Present their lessons the classroom.



4.) Understand how to create a useful SMART Notebook lesson.

How will you teach the lesson?
We will start the lesson in the computer lab. Each teacher will have his/her own computer to work
with. Then, we will go over what we learned from yesterday about SMART Notebook and SMART
Exchange. Teachers will then direct their attention to the SMARTboard and me. I will show the
teachers exactly how to create a small lesson using the software, SMART Notebook step-by-step.
Teachers will watch me create a small 3-page lesson about Koala Bears. I will show them the image
section of the software, so teachers can use images that are already saved on the software. I will also
show the teachers how to use the voice recorder feature to add sound and music to their presentation.
I will also show them Question and Answer graphics that teachers can use on their own presentation.
The session will then break into individual work where teacher will use their computers to create
their own lesson of their choosing. I will be walking around the computer lab to answer any questions
that anyone might have. After all have finished we will present our lessons to the class. All teachers
are encouraged to give feedback to their peers. At the end of the session, we will discuss useful tips to
create an engaging lesson.
Additional materials you will use and how will you use them.
1.) Computer lab with at least 35 computers- Participants will be using the computers search
through resources.
2.) SMART Notebook software downloaded onto SMARTboard
3.) SMART Notebook software downloaded onto computers.
4.) One video camera- the session will be taped so I can put the session online and to see what I
can improve on.
Evaluation Strategies
I will be evaluating the participants by their lessons that they create. I will be giving feedback of my
own on their lessons. I will scale their presentation by a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the best. I will
encourage all participants to practice using SMART Notebook at home by downloading a 30-day trail
on their own. All participants will be given a certificate of completion at the end of the course if they
completed a lesson.

Technology Workshop Lesson Plan

Your Name: Melinda Parsons
Workshop Title SMART Notebook
Day # 4
Prerequisite Knowledge
Subject(s) of the day's workshop:
Participants need to have taken the previous Cources,
Continuing making lessons with the
SMARTboard for Beginners, Engaging your Students, and
software, SMART Notebook.
Using SMART Notebook.
Participants will continue using the software, SMART Notebook. Participants will start to develop
more in-depth lessons using the technology (5+ pages). Participants will come up with lesson plans in
a group for the subjects, math, science, english, and history. Toward the end of the lesson, the group
will present each activity they have for each subject. Participants are encourage to use graphics,
visual, audio, and clips.
Objectives for this lesson:



By the end of this sessions, Participants will:

1.) Work in groups to create lessons using the software provided.
2.) Be encouraged to use different multimedia tools that they have learned from the course and/or
from their own experience.
3.) Begin to master the software, SMART Notebook.
4.) Be encouraged to ask questions throughout the workshop.
How will you teach the lesson?
During this day, I will be taking a back seat. As soon as the participants come into the workshop, I
will be putting them into groups based on their age group (K-2nd, 3Rd-5th, 6th-7th, 8th-10th, 11th-12th). I
will be walking around to answer any questions about the software, or activity. The participants will
spend most of the day talking and working together. Towards the end of the session, groups will share
their lessons to the class (25 minutes for each group). At the end of each presentation, participants
take 10 minutes to write down pros and cons of each activity. At the end of the session, I will ask all
participants how they feel about the SMART Notebook and if they would feel comfortable using this
technology in their classrooms. I will ask participants if they have any final questions about the
SMART Notebook. I will handout different resources and lesson plan activities, that they may use
with SMART Notebook.
Additional materials you will use and how will you use them.
1.) Computer lab with at least 35 computers- Participants will be using the computers search
through resources and to use for group work.
2.) SMART Notebook software downloaded onto SMARTboard
3.) SMART Notebook software downloaded onto computers.
4.) One video camera- the session will be taped so I can put the session online and to see what I
can improve on.
5.) Handouts of different resources teachers may use on their SMARTboard.
Evaluation Strategies:
I will be evaluating the groups by their lessons that their group creates. I will be giving feedback of
my own on the groups lessons. I will scale their presentation by a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the best. I
will encourage all participants to practice using SMART Notebook at home by downloading a 30-day
trail on their own. All participants will be given a certificate of completion at the end of the course if
they completed all subjects.

Technology Workshop Lesson Plan

Workshop Title: Enhancing your SMARTboard
Your Name Melinda Parsons
Day # 5
Subject(s) of the day's workshop:
Prerequisite Knowledge Participants need to have taken the
Learning different resources to use on previous courses, SMARTboard for Beginners, Engaging
the SMARTboard, enhancing student your Students, and Using SMART Notebook, and SMART
learning, and trainer evaluation
During this last session, we are going to go back to a group setting, and discuss different resources
we can use on the SMARTboard that will keep students engaged. We will discuss the uses of the tool,
Prezi instead of using Power Points, and different educational videos and/or clips. We will also



discuss how virtual field trips and key-pals would be a wonderful resource to use to keep students
cultured and interested in the world around them.
Objectives for this lesson
By the end of this sessions, Participants will:
1.) Discuss different resources on the SMARTboard.
2.) Learn about the new tool Prezi.
3.) Demonstrate and master the tool Prezi
4.) Discuss the educational benefits to virtual field trips.
5.) Look up different virtual field trips on the web and discuss what the benefits of using virtual
field trips in the classroom.
6.) Understand the use of key-pals and look up different recourses that they can use in their
How will you teach the lesson?
We will start off in the original classroom instead of the computer lab. Together, we will have a group
discussion talking and listing different SMARTboard applications that would be useful in the
classroom. We will also categorize them by age group. Once we are finished listing applications on
the SMARTboard, I will print it out to give to all participants. I will then pull of the website,
Prezi.com. I will talk about the benefits of using this tool over Power Point. I will explain that Prezi
can engage students more, and you can use voice, videos, pictures, and other graphics. After showing
teachers a demonstration on how to use Prezi, we will head down to the computer lab. I will have
teachers work independently on a Prezi with their choice in topic and using different multimedia
tools. Teachers will then present their presentations to the class. While in the computer lab, we will
change direction and discuss virtual field trips and key-pals. I will discuss the benefits to each one
and how to promotes students to learn about different areas, countries, and cultures around the world.
I will give hand outs on different websites that will be the best for key-pals and virtual field trips.
At the end of class, we will wrap up everything that we discussed throughout the week. I will be
giving out evaluations for teachers to complete for feedback about the course.
Additional materials you will use and how will you use them.
1.) Computer lab with at least 35 computers- Participants will be using the computers search
through resources and to use for group work.
2.) One video camera- the session will be taped so I can put the session online and to see what I
can improve on.
3.) Handouts of different resources teachers may use on their SMARTboard (virtual field trips
and key-pals.
Evaluation Strategies
Teachers will be evaluated on their progress throughout the week. The participants who I do not feel
understood what was taught during the workshop will be encouraged to repeat the course. All others
will be given a certificate of completion of the whole workshop.

SMART Exchange
SMART Express

SMARTboard games
Virtual Field Trip Library


World War 2 Virtual Field Trip
Scholastic Virtual Field Trip


The Teacher Corner- KEYPALS


Field Test
I want to test my training before I have any participants in my workshop. I will
gather other co-workers to test my training workshop. I will go over all five-sample days



but I will only go over the interactive parts of the workshop. I would want my co-workers
to listen as I do tutorials using SMART Notebook and SMART exchange. I will
encourage my co-workers to give me as much feedback as possible. I will also encourage
my co-workers to give me suggestions on ways to improve tutorials so they will be most
affective during the workshops.
I will also like to video tape myself while I am giving a practice workshop. Doing
this, will give me a visual on what I will need to change when presenting. After reviewing
the videotape, I will be able to see where I would need to further my explanations in
different areas. Before I give an actually training workshop. I will create an outline on
important aspects to mention during the workshop.
I will revise my workshop immediately once I get feedback from others, and
viewing the videotape that I will make. I will create an outline to stay focused on the task
for each workshop. Having technology break down during a training session would be
something I would worry about, so I will be sure to create a plan B. Having a plan B
will be very useful to have so the training session will be a success. Before each day, I
will come in, and set everything up so everything is ready to go when the participants
will arrive.
Evaluations are important and will be taken seriously. I will read each one and use
the feedback for supports with future workshops. At the end of the 5-day workshop,
participants will be asked to fill out an evaluation. The participants will not write their
identity on the workshop. This is a sample evaluation:

Training Evaluation
I am a: K-12 Teacher


Special Educator

Para educator

Agree Neutral Disagree




1. The training met my expectations.

2. I will be able to apply the knowledge


3. The training objectives for each topic

were identified and followed.

4. The content was organized and easy to


5. The materials distributed were

pertinent and useful.

6. The trainer was knowledgeable of

technology .

7. The quality of instruction was good.

8. The trainer met the training objectives.

9. Class participation and interaction

were encouraged.

10. Adequate time was provided for

questions and discussion.

What aspects of the training could be improved?

Other comments:

Summative Evaluation



The products that I will be using for this workshop are very well known
softwares. The company that produces SMARTboard, gives different resources for the
user to use (SMART., SMART Notebook, SMART Exchange, etc.). The resources come
highly recommended from public schools all around the state of Maryland. The websites
that I will be using for the key-pals and virtual field trips are also well known and
student safe. On the websites, there are many options for key-pals and virtual fieldtrip.
These websites are also great for all ages (Preschool-12th grade).
At the end of the workshop, I will verbally ask the participants what they thought
about the sources use. Where they good? Bad? Not enough information? I will then ask
the participants what software and/or other SMARTboard applications that they would
like to learn about during a training session or other workshop. Also, I will be always be
keeping an eye on new and/or up-and-coming SMARTboard software and/or applications
so I can keep my workshops updated at all times, and teaching the newest technology
Instructor time
Teacher Stipend
SMART Notebook Software
Venue (Computer lab & SMARTboard )
Pens, pencils and legal pads

$1,000.00 ($40.00 per hour)
$5,000 (per week)
$ 150.00
TOTAL: $7,000

Before each training session, I will be asking for all the participants information
(name, e-mails address, job title, age group, and school they work for). A month after the
workshop, I will be e-mailing all the participants and ask if they have been using the
skills that they have learned from the workshop. If the participant says he/she have been
using the SMARTboard technology in their classroom, I will ask them which software
they are using and what kind of lessons, activities, and/or projects they are doing. I will
also ask if they need further help on any applications. I would also ask the participants if
they would recommend my workshop to others. Lastly, I will e-mail the participants and
the school of other learning opportunities and other workshops coming up. I would like



for all my participants to stay in touch with me so I can help them online or recommend
them to another workshop and/or trainer. If participants have questions about new
software, I would like them to notify me so I can include that software and/or technology
in my next workshop.
In each of my training sessions, I will be videotaping the participants and myself.
This will give me the opportunity to see how affective my workshop was. I will take note
on how I can improve and/or further explain a certain subject. Also, if I see a constant
struggle on a certain topic area, I will change the course around so the class can spend
more time on that topic area.



Montgomery County Public School (2014). Demographics. Retrieved on June 23, 2014.
Retrieved from:
Montgomery County Public School (2014). MCPS Schools at a glance. Retrieved on June
25, 2014. Retrieved from:

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