Tefl Makalah
Tefl Makalah
Tefl Makalah
Disusun oleh:
Nur Rosyidah 201212501138
Debi Risz Kita Handayani 201212501158
Puspita Juliani K. 201212501196
A. Background of the study
There are many kind of method to learn foreign language. It is, Audio Lingual
Method (ALM), Silent Way, Total Physical Response (TPR) and etc. Each method has
different point of view to learn foreign language. Teacher as the role model has their own
method to deliver knowledge to the student. One of most popular used high school in the last
decade is ALM, TPR and Silent way. So in this paper we observe ALM, TPR and Silent Way
method divided in a several part, there are: the goals, the role of teacher and student,
technique, the strength and the weak and the evaluation of this method.
B. Identifications of the problem
1. What is ALM, TPR and Silent Way?
2. What are the characteristic of ALM, TPR and Silent Way?
3. What are the goals of use ALM, TPR and Silent Way?
4. What are the role of Teacher and Student in class?
5. What are technique of ALM, TPR and Silent Way?
6. What are the strength of ALM, TPR and Silent Way?
7. What are the weak of ALM, TPR and Silent Way?
C. Purpose of writing
1. To know what ALM, TPR and Silent is.
2. To know what the characteristic of ALM, TPR and Silent Way are.
3. To know what the goals of use ALM, TPR and Silent Way are.
4. To know what the role of Teacher and Student in class are.
5. To know what technique of ALM, TPR and Silent Way are.
6. To know what the strength of ALM, TPR and Silent Way are.
7. To know what the weak of ALM, TPR and Silent Way are.
Audio-Lingual Method
The Audio-Lingual Method is a method for foreign language teaching which
emphasized the teaching of listening and speaking before reading and writing. Its also called
by Army Method because this method is an appeared since the world war II for the American
armies who had to learn language quickly and intensively.
In the Audio-Lingual Method, the students first hear a language, later, they speak the
language and after that, they read and write it in. Mother tongue is discouraged in the
classroom when this method is used. The Audio-Lingual Method does not learn lots of
vocabulary. Rather, the teacher drills speaking and grammar because in this method,
grammar is most important for the student. In other word, the student must repeat grammar
pattern after the teacher.
The characteristic of audio-lingual method
Communicative goal of teaching is done after the process to have the competency of
Having been mastered in speech, them broken down into learning reading and writing
The teacher plays an active and direct role in Total Physical Response. "The instructor is
the director of a stage play in which the students are the actors". It is the teacher who
decides what to teach, who models and presents the new materials, and who selects
supporting materials for classroom use. The teacher is encouraged to be well prepared
and well organized so that the lesson flows smoothly and predictably. Asher
recommends detailed lesson plans: It is wise to write out the exact utterances you will
be using and especially the novel commands because the action is so fast-moving there
is usually not time for you to create spontaneously". Classroom interaction and turn
taking is teacher rather than learner directed. Even when learners interact with other
learners it is usually the teacher who initiates the interaction:
Learners in Total Physical Response have the primary roles of listener and performer.
They listen attentively and respond physically to commands given by the teacher.
Learners are required to respond both individually and collectively. Learners have little
influence over the content of learning, since content is determined by the teacher, who
must follow the imperative-based format for lessons.
The Technique of Total Physical Response Method
Imperative drills are the major classroom activity in Total Physical Response. They are
typically used to elicit physical actions and activity on the part of the learners.
: Reality, demonstration
Instructural objectives
Understand the instruction given by teacher
Carry out teachers instruction
Point the objects instructed
Draw the pictures of the object
Silent Way
Silent Way is a method by using no word or without saying anything just pointed
their Cuisenaire Stick to give explanation to the student. Silent way is the best tools for
learning because student can concentrate of focusing their mind on the task. With the basic
student should learn independent, Caleb Gattegno (1970) asserts that student should develop
their own responsibility and learned by own. So in this method student should motivated to
talk as much as they could and teacher only silent and observe their students. There are
several kind to observe this method.
The goals of use Silent Way
To establish learning target language fluently as same as native language, correct
pronunciation, also stress mastering in prosody elements
Students are required to learn independently
The role of Teacher and Student in class
Student role is as the center of the class learning, they motivated to talk much in the
The role of teacher is as the monitor of effort of student also student encouraged to have
active role in such language learning
Technique of Silent Way
To encourage student response by oral without direct instruction of teacher.
The basic method of learning is easily. Teacher gives orders or visual clues and then
student response as the classroom activities.
The strength of Silent Way
Class interaction is not only between student and teacher like GTM method but also with
each student too
Student has to correct their mistaken themselves, and teacher views the mistake and then
response by giving some clues or hints
More freedom for student to depend on them self
Increase an intelligent potency and creativity
One of strength of this method is teacher use Cuisenaire stick to introduce new orders
The weak of Silent Way
Teacher will find difficulties in evaluate students
Teacher must know their objective of learning so they can create teaching aids
Student will too much waste time to struggling their argument while waiting teacher
Silent way will be find dead end if student non cooperative in the classroom learning
Using Cuisenaire stick deemed unfit because not all the language could describe by
pointed something
Evaluation of Silent Way
Teacher may never give formal test, they choose to let their student go to learn
independently all the time. Teacher will focus on monitoring student error / mistaken and
make it clear.
From explanation above ALM, TPR and Silent Way, we conclude that every method has
their own strength and weak. The three of them ALM, TPR and Silent Way is good for basic
learners because in the ALM itself learn by listening and speaking. It will train student to speak
active and listen clearly. Basic learners will easily to understand if they know grammar and
vocabulary as much as. In TPR method is good for learning language because student will
understand quickly about language and more active in the class room. In the silent way is good
for basic learners too, because the way of explaining used by student itself, so they can increase
their creativity in learn and teacher as the judges.
Teacher has their own method to deliver their capability in teach language. And as the
teacher they have to recognize the ability of their student first and then determine which method
fit to their students. Because class will be incompatible if teacher uses wrong method.
Universitas Indraprasta PGRI. Teaching English as A Foreign Language. Jakarta. 2008.