Major Substation Earthing Layout Design
Major Substation Earthing Layout Design
Major Substation Earthing Layout Design
Document No
Amendment No
Approved By
Approval Date
Review Date
Chief Engineer
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Amendment No 0
For issue to all Ausgrid and Accredited Service Providers staff involved with Major Substation Earthing Layout Design and
is for reference by field, technical and engineering staff.
Ausgrid maintains a copy of this and other Network Standards together with updates and amendments on
Where this standard is issued as a controlled document replacing an earlier edition, remove and destroy the superseded
As Ausgrids standards are subject to ongoing review, the information contained in this document may be amended by
Ausgrid at any time.
It is possible that conflict may exist between standard documents. In this event, the most recent standard shall prevail.
This document has been developed using information available from field and other sources and is suitable for most
situations encountered in Ausgrid. Particular conditions, projects or localities may require special or different practices. It is
the responsibility of the local manager, supervisor, assured quality contractor and the individuals involved to make sure
that a safe system of work is employed and that statutory requirements are met.
Ausgrid disclaims any and all liability to any person or persons for any procedure, process or any other thing done or not
done, as a result of this Standard.
All design work, and the associated supply of materials and equipment, must be undertaken in accordance with and
consideration of relevant legislative and regulatory requirements, latest revision of Ausgrids Network Standards and
specifications and Australian Standards. Designs submitted shall be declared as fit for purpose. Where the designer
wishes to include a variation to a network standard or an alternative material or equipment to that currently approved the
designer must obtain authorisation from the Network Standard owner before incorporating a variation to a Network
Standard in a design.
External designers including those authorised as Accredited Service Providers will seek approval through the approved
process as outlined in NUS181 Approval of Materials and Equipment and Network Standard Variations. Seeking approval
will ensure Network Standards are appropriately updated and that a consistent interpretation of the legislative framework is
Note that compliance with this Network Standard does not automatically satisfy the requirements of a Designer Safety
Report. The designer must comply with the provisions of the Workplace Health and Safety Regulation 2011 (NSW - Part
6.2 Duties of designer of structure and person who commissions construction work) which requires the designer to provide
a written safety report to the person who commissioned the design. This report must be provided to Ausgrid in all
instances, including where the design was commissioned by or on behalf of a person who proposes to connect premises
to Ausgrids network, and will form part of the Designer Safety Report which must also be presented to Ausgrid. Further
information is provided in Network Standard (NS) 212 Integrated Support Requirements for Ausgrid Network Assets.
In the event that any user of this Standard considers that any of its provisions is uncertain, ambiguous or otherwise in need
of interpretation, the user should request Ausgrid to clarify the provision. Ausgrids interpretation shall then apply as though
it was included in the Standard, and is final and binding. No correspondence will be entered into with any person disputing
the meaning of the provision published in the Standard or the accuracy of Ausgrids interpretation.
This standard has a summary of content labelled KEYPOINTS FOR THIS STANDARD. The inclusion or omission of
items in this summary does not signify any specific importance or criticality to the items described. It is meant to simply
provide the reader with a quick assessment of some of the major issues addressed by the standard. To fully appreciate the
content and the requirements of the standard it must be read in its entirety.
Where there are changes to this standard from the previously approved version, any previous shading is removed and
the newly affected paragraphs are shaded with a grey background. Where the document changes exceed 25% of the
document content, any grey background in the document is to be removed and the following words should be shown
below the title block on the right hand side of the page in bold and italic, for example, Supersedes document details (for
example, Supersedes Document Type (Category) Document No. Amendment No.).
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Layout Considerations
Section 5, 6
Section 7
Section 8
Section 1, 2
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Amendment No 0
Network Standard
Major Substation Earthing Layout Design
PURPOSE .............................................................................................................................................. 3
SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Substation layout design process ............................................................................................... 3
REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Ausgrid documents ..................................................................................................................... 3
Other standards and documents ................................................................................................ 3
Acts and regulations ................................................................................................................... 4
DEFINITIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 4
OBJECTIVES ......................................................................................................................................... 6
General ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Protection operation ................................................................................................................... 6
Safety compliance ...................................................................................................................... 6
Interference minimisation ........................................................................................................... 7
Robustness ................................................................................................................................. 7
Protection of electrical network equipment ................................................................................. 7
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RECORDKEEPING .............................................................................................................................. 29
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This network standard outlines the design requirements for major substation earthing layout and
should be considered in conjunction with other standards relating to major substation design and
construction. Earthing systems are required to manage the transfer of fault energy via a low
impedance path to limit the risk to people, equipment and system operation to acceptable levels.
The scope of the earthing layout standard is limited to the design with consideration of the
connectivity between the following components:
Distribution substations are excluded from this standard (Refer to NS116 Design Standards for
Distribution Equipment Earthing). Earthing system performance issues such as feeder
interconnectivity and system wide fault current distribution is covered in a separate process. Relevant
design outputs from the earthing system performance design are inputs to the substation earthing
This standard sets out the objectives and basic configurations required of an earthing layout. It also
specifies procedures and acceptable practice by which these shall be achieved.
Concept Design,
Detailed Design, Materials and Equipment
Commissioning, and
Close out.
This standard will specify the detailed design processes in the second and third dot points required to
achieve the substation earthing design layout objectives.
Ausgrid documents
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AS 2067:2010 Substations and High Voltage Installations exceeding 1kV. Standards Australia.
AS 2758.7:1996 : Railway Ballast - Aggregates and rock for engineering purposes
AS/NZS 3000:2007 Electrical Installations (known as the Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules).
Standards Australia.
AS 3007:2004 Electrical Installations Surface Mines and Associated Processing Plant.
Standards Australia
AS/NZS 3835.1:2006 : Earth potential rise - Protection of telecommunications network users,
personnel and plant - Code of practice
AS/NZS 4853:2000 : Electrical hazards on metal pipelines.
AS/NZS 7000:2010 Overhead Line Design Detailed Procedures
IEEE 80 - IEEE Std 80-2000 IEEE Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding. The Institute of
Electrical and Electronic Engineers.
IEEE 837-2002 Standard for qualifying permanent connections used in substation grounding.
IEEE 998-1996 Lightning revised 2002.
ENA Doc 001-2008 National Electricity Network Safety Code
ENA EG(0) Power Systems Earthing Guide Part 1 Management Principles, February 2010
ENA EG-1 Substation Earthing Guide 2006
Workcover NSW,ELECTRICAL Practices for Construction Work: Code of Practice 2007.
Amendment No 0
Accredited Service
Provider (ASP)
System (BMS)
The integrated policy and procedure framework that contains the approved
version of documents.
Clearing Time
Time taken for the protective devices and circuit breaker to interrupt the
fault current.
Document control
Employees who work with printed copies of document must check the BMS
regularly to monitor version control. Documents are considered
UNCONTROLLED IF PRINTED, as indicated in the footer.
Earth Fault
The current flowing as the result of a line to ground fault on the power
Earth Grid
Earth Potential
Rise (EPR)
The maximum voltage that a station earth grid will attain relative to a distant
earthing point assumed to be at the potential of remote earth.
Earthing Layout
Design (ELD)
Earthing System
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Design (ESD)
Leadership Team
Induced Voltage
Inspection Test
Plan (ITP)
Network Standard
Project Officer
Prospective Step
Touch Voltage
Review date
The review date displayed in the header of the document is the future date
for review of a document. The default period is three years from the date of
approval. However a review may be mandated at any time where a need is
identified due to changes in legislation, organisational changes,
restructures, occurrence of an incident or changes in technology or work
Step Voltage
Touch Voltage
Transfer Voltage
Transient Earth
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Potential Rise
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An earthing system is required to perform its intended function for the life of the electrical plant for
which it is installed, for the range of configurations of the network and nearby infrastructure that are
foreseeable. The earthing system may need to be augmented over time so as to continue to fulfil this
The energy which earthing systems must manage comes from a range of sources and system
events, including:
Generating plant,
Conductively coupled earth fault current,
Inductively coupled earth fault current,
Lightning discharges,
Transient discharges (e.g. switching surges)
Capacitively coupled induction
Identification of these sources and any special considerations is part of the earthing system design
and is outside the scope of this document. Any requirements that impact on the earthing layout
design will be provided as an input to the earthing layout design.
The substation earthing must achieve the following objectives:
Protection operation
The earthing system is required to ensure proper operation of protective devices such as protection
relays and surge arresters to maintain system reliability within acceptable limits. It is intended to
provide a potential reference for these devices and to limit the potential difference across these
devices. The earthing system is required to achieve the desired level of system reliability through:
Facilitating the proper and reliable operation of protection systems during earth faults. This entails
reliable detection of earth faults and either clearing the fault or minimising the resulting fault current.
Limiting equipment damage (by enabling protection systems to operate correctly and thereby limiting
the duration of earth faults) and the consequent need for repair or replacement,
Limiting or reducing interference to substation secondary system equipment (e.g. SCADA).
Safety compliance
The earthing system is required to manage any hazardous potential differences to which personnel
or members of the public may be exposed. These potential differences include:
These voltages can be present on metallic equipment within substations, associated with substations
or equipment associated with power lines or cables, or even on non-power system plant items nearby
(and not associated with) the electrical system. The soil potential relative to the metallic equipment
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needs to be carefully considered. For a hazardous situation to arise, a power system earth fault must
be coincident with a person being at a location exposed to a consequential hazardous voltage.
The earthing system achieves an acceptable risk of shock for people by equipotential bonding or
isolation of metallic equipment and infrastructure. The earthing system may also involve the use of
insulating barriers to reduce the risk of hazardous potential differences. Earthing systems, while not
actively operating for the majority of time, are safety critical systems in that under fault conditions
they must operate to ensure safety of staff and the public as well as protection of system equipment.
As constant supervision is not usually available on earthing system elements (as it is intrinsically for
the phase conductors) deterioration or damage can remain latent. For this reason the design,
installation and maintenance is all the more critical. Where an earthing system is inadequately
designed, poorly installed, or not supervised through appropriate maintenance it will not reliably
operate to provide safety when required to do so. This risk is not acceptable, as responsible
management can generally ensure safety for a reasonable cost.
Earthing systems shall be designed and constructed to manage the risk of electric shock to people.
Interference minimisation
Earthing systems shall be constructed such that the interference (e.g. electrical noise, harmonic
pathways, voltage offsets , DC superposition) to nearby utility assets ( such as telecommunications
plant and pipelines) meets the requirements of the relevant standards, (refer to Clause 3.2, Clause
Earthing systems shall be constructed such that they are adequate for the life of the substation and
its condition can be monitored throughout its operational lifetime so that effective maintenance can
be undertaken as required.
The earthing system, its components and earthing conductors shall be capable of conducting the
expected fault current or portion of the fault current which may be applicable, without exceeding
material or equipment limitations for thermal and mechanical stresses. This shall be achieved by
meeting the level of redundancy specified by the performance design.
Consideration shall also be given to the effect of corrosion on the lifetime of connections and
conductors. No material, including copper and stainless steel, is immune to corrosion when buried in
soil. Appropriate checks of local soil conditions are necessary to determine the impacts of the local
soil on buried metals, and interaction between different interconnected metals (refer to Clause 7.5).
The earthing system shall be designed and configured to enable the system to be tested at the time
of commissioning and at regular intervals as required, and to enable cost effective monitoring of the
key performance parameters and/or critical items.
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Earthing layout electrical drawing set specifications, layout and construction detail.
Earthing layout civil drawing set specifications, layout and construction detail.
Earthing layout report calculations and justifications, addressing each of the design outputs
listed in the following sections.
Commissioning requirements inspection and test plan (ITP), timetable and signoff.
Final commissioning documentation.
Earthing construction safety requirements for live brownfield construction.
The information and documentation required to produce an earthing layout design is summarised in
Figure 1 below.
Substation and
Equipment Layout
Earthing Layout
Civil Drawing Set
Site Specific
Earthing System
Earthing Layout
Electrical Drawing
Approved prior to
civil fitout
Approved prior to
electrical fitout
Approved within
one month of civil
Approved prior to
civil construction
The earthing layout design is completed by undertaking the design tasks outlined in Section 5 and
documenting the outcome of those tasks as required. Commissioning requirements are part of the
layout design and require administrative and testing actions to be coordinated, assessed and signed
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The considerations that are to be made to complete the earthing layout design are summarised in
Table 1 below.
Table 1: Layout Design Considerations
Design Considerations
Embedded earthing
Crushed Rock
Future developments
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Some details of the following material are open to alteration provided the alterations are consistent
with Ausgrids design outcomes. However, major and permanent alterations from this specification
will be allowed only if prior approval has been given in writing by the manager responsible for
standards and network guidelines.
Design inputs
Design outputs
Recommended equipment
The following list outlines the recommended equipment and practices. Any deviations from the
following list must be accompanied by justification in the earthing layout design report and be
approved prior to issuing the design.
Bolted Connections: No bolted connections shall be direct buried in ground or concrete. Stainless
Steel 304 or 316 grade bolts/nuts/washers shall be used except where an alternate has been
designed and authorised. A spring washer or Belleville washer is typically required. A maximum of
one lug per bolt shall be used (ie. connections shall not be ganged on a single bolt).The
bolts/nuts/washers shall not be installed in the current path ie the lug or copper bar shall make direct
contact with the face to be earthed/bonded.
The bolt / nut threads and washer to bolt / nut surfaces are primary surfaces for corrosion,
irrespective of the construction material (some will last longer). The electrical integrity of a bolted
connection will diminish rapidly when subject to corrosion and quickly void the designed connection.
Bolted connections are only suitable for above ground connectivity.
Crimped Connections: Compression or crimp connections shall be used below ground level for all
practical purposes (C crimps, P crimps etc to be used for all stranded copper and electrode
connections). The number of crimps required for each connection shall form part of the earthing
layout design to achieve the required redundancy. Generally this should result in two crimps per
connection ( a minimum 100mm apart) being specified.
Crimp Lugs: Tinned copper lugs utilising hexagonal crimping dies shall be used to terminate
stranded conductor. These lugs shall be used above ground only. No open palm lugs are permitted.
Lugs shall be individually terminated and not ganged. Indent crimp lugs are not permitted. The lug
face shall be in direct contact with the face to be earthed/bonded. Longer barrel (to facilitate 2 or 3
hexagonal crimp terminations to the conductor) and longer face (to facilitate double bolted lug
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terminations) shall be used for critical terminations such as Earth Continuity Conductors and single
conductor Neutrals.
Earth Bar: Tinned hard drawn copper bar should be used as earth bar in all locations. Earth bars
shall be installed above ground or in dry pits or link boxes to avoid corrosion. Terminations to bars
shall be made as bolted connections. Earth bar size shall form part of the earthing layout design to
achieve the required equipment rating and robustness.
Fasteners: All fasteners including bolts, dyna bolts, saddles, knock-ins, and clamps to be stainless
steel grade 304 or 316. Fasteners to be secured at least every 1000mm and more frequently where
Labelling: All earthing terminations that cannot be visually traced shall be labelled with a permanent
tag identifying the connection. The tag shall be constructed to meet the design life of the substation
(eg corrosion resistant, UV stable). The text and location of the label shall form part of the earthing
layout design. Some examples are included in Table 2 where label size requires the description to be
Table 2: Sample Connection Labelling
Sample label
Earth Grid
Reinforcing Steel
11kV Switchboard
11 S/B
Stranded Copper: Stranded copper conductors shall be UPVC sheathed above ground so as to
protect the conductor. Black UPVC sheaths are to be utilised. Above ground connections shall be
made with tinned copper hexagonal crimp closed palm lugs, individually terminated. Bare stranded
copper shall be used for buried earth grid only, or bare copper strap where it is required to match or
join an existing earth grid where it shall be jointed by brazing or by silver soldering. The size and
number of conductors and bolts per lug shall form part of the earthing layout design to achieve the
required equipment rating and redundancy.
Tinned Copper Braid: Tinned copper braid shall be used on all equipment subjected to movement
with infrequent use, such as operating arms and handles. Size and number of conductors shall form
part of the earthing layout design to achieve the required equipment rating and redundancy.
Adequate length of braid shall be allowed to ensure no undue stressing of the conductor. The braid
shall be installed so as to ensure that it does not foul the mechanism or suffer damage from the
Welded Connections: All mild steel surfaces requiring an electrical connection shall be welded with
suitable welding practice (length and quality etc). Typically a 75mm weld on one side or a 50mm weld
on both sides of the join represents the minimum weld length when joining two sections of
reinforcement steel. Where welded mesh reinforcement is interconnected, four welds of 50mm length
are required on the overlapped sections of the mesh. Multiple welds will need to be made to achieve
the required level of redundancy. The length and number of welds required shall form part of the
earthing layout design to achieve the required redundancy.
Weldflex: Flexible welding cable with stiffened terminations shall be used on equipment subject to
frequent movement, primarily gates. Above ground connections shall be made with tinned copper
hexagonal crimp closed palm lugs, individually terminated. Size and number of conductors shall form
part of the earthing layout design to achieve the required equipment rating and redundancy. Where
the cable terminates in the barrel of a lug heatshrink (heavy duty) shall be used to reduce bending
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stress of the conductor at the lug barrel. Weld flex shall be installed with a downwards sag to avoid
the conductor bending over and individual strands failing due to mechanical stress.
All earthing terminations shall be located with provisions for reasonable test access. This includes
locating the terminations such that test personnel can reach the termination without special
equipment, and cables shall be spaced from each other and from fixed walls in selected locations
such that instruments of 100mm diameter can be temporarily installed around the conductor. This
clearance may be achieved if the cables are flexible enough without requiring that the earth-bar
terminations to be spaced at 100mm intervals. The earthing layout design shall identify required
spacing between conductor terminations and placement to facilitate testability.
Connection criticality
Connection criticality is determined by assessing the likelihood of a connection forming part of the
primary current path during an earth fault event as shown in Table 3.
Multiple connections made to the same structure to satisfy redundancy requirements shall be made
at physically displaced locations in order to maximise the benefit of multiple connections, and so
ensure the required redundancy is not compromised.
Table 3: Connection Criticality Rating
Criticality Rating
Minimum Required
Connection Description
An equipment support stand would receive a criticality rating of A (it could be part of the primary
fault current path).
A transformer would receive a criticality rating of A (could be part of the primary fault current
A gate would receive a criticality rating of B (not likely to be part of the primary current path).
A section of metallic fence would receive a criticality rating of B (not likely to be part of the current
path). Note that a long fence would normally receive multiple bonds along its length as fences
are not normally constructed with connectivity as a primary consideration.
A single phase busbar support would receive a criticality rating of B while a triple busbar support
would receive a criticality rating of A.
Physical robustness
When rating all buried earthing conductors, additional factors such as the long term service life of the
conductors, future equipment requirements, fault level creep and the corrosive nature of the soil and
environment in which they are installed should also be considered. This may justify the selection of a
larger sized conductor considering the cost involved in future reinforcement or replacement of the
earth conductors (in a live installation).
Earthing conductors also need to be sufficiently physically robust to match the intended duty, taking
into consideration factors such as exposure to traffic, corrosion, physical protection and support.
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Earthing conductors should not be located in high traffic areas (pedestrian or vehicular). A
mechanical guard shall be installed where no option to relocate is available, or alternatively the
conductor could be run in concrete.
the duration and magnitude of the current that the conductor is required to carry, and
its required level of redundancy as a component of the earthing for the associated item of plant.
Design inputs
Design outputs
Connection type and selected conductor (dimension/s) shown on earthing layout drawings.
Current reduction calculations shown in earthing layout report.
Conductor size calculations shown in earthing layout report.
Neutral conductor calculations shown in earthing layout report and specified on drawings.
Protection details
Unless otherwise specified in a site specific earthing system design or protection report, current
carrying elements of a substation earthing layout shall be capable of carrying the nominal system
fault level (including X/R offset), for the AEMO defined backup clearing time. This is summarised in
the Table 4.
Table 4: Nominal System Fault Levels and Clearing Times
Voltage level
Fault rating
B Back up Protection
Clearing Time
66/33 kV
Structures which have multiple connections to earth (that is, to different mesh conductors) which will
share the current in the event of a fault, may reduce the current rating that each connection is
required to carry in accordance with the following table. Refer to Clause 7.2.5 for details on
assessing the criticality rating. Selecting the appropriate conductor size depends on the level of
redundancy, number of proposed conductors, as well as the clearing times for the primary and
backup protection.
N-1 redundancy may be interpreted as the ability to withstand either a failure of a single earth
conductor or a failure of the primary protection, as shown in Table 5.
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In the case of a single conductor failure the earth fault current is shared between N-1 conductors with
a 70/30 split and the primary clearing time is used. In the case of a primary protection failure the
backup protection clearing time is used and the earth fault current is shared between N conductors.
It should be noted that where two conductors are required to bond equipment, they shall be
terminated to separate sections of earth grid mesh, or else use of a direct earth conductor to adjacent
equipment or to the source switchboard shall be considered.
Table 5: Current Reduction Factor for N-1 Redundancy
Prop Proposed
No. conductors
No. of Damaged
Current Reduction
A circuit breaker stand is evaluated with a criticality rating A. Two connections are made from
different sections of the grid to the circuit breaker structure. The circuit breaker is operated at 132kV
which equates to a 40kA fault rating. Each connection between the earth grid and the circuit breaker
must be rated to 40kA for the primary clearing time. That is, if there is a mechanical failure of one
bond to the grid, the other bond is required to carry the full fault current for the primary clearing time.
If the backup clearing time is being considered, since the primary protection has failed and this is an
electrical failure, then both grid connections are assumed to be in service with a 70:30 split of current
between them. Thus each conductor may be rated to 0.7 x 40kA = 28kA, rather than 40kA, for the
backup clearing time.
Appropriate formulae may be obtained from the ENA Substation Earthing Guide EG-1 (Clause or IEEE Standard 80. These formulae will calculate the required cross sectional area to be
able to carry a certain current flow for a given conductor material and clearing time.
EG-1 also provides values for maximum temperatures to prevent annealing of hard drawn copper
conductors (250C). PVC covered conductors should not exceed a maximum temperature of 160C
to avoid damaging the insulation. Ambient temperature shall be taken as 45C. Both EG-1 and IEEE
Standard 80 provide some further guidance regarding allowable temperature rise.
The result from this calculation is the minimum electrical requirement. The final conductor size
selection shall also consider robustness (Clause 7.2) and normalisation (Clause 7.14).
Transformer neutrals
Transformer neutrals are system and safety critical items of plant and are subject to the full earth
fault current that it delivers in an event. Therefore they shall have additional allowance of robustness
which is normally achieved by:
oversizing conductors;
individually terminating neutral conductors; and
providing more mechanical support.
two conductors individually terminated to the neutral bushing and the earth bar; or
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a copper busbar of minimum outer diameter of 35mm which is redundantly terminated both ends
(normally by two clamps each end of the busbar).
Every conductor in the neutral connection shall be rated to full fault current for backup clearing time.
All bare copper terminations shall be tinned prior to final installation.
Consideration of the various fault scenarios shall be undertaken when determining the neutral earth
terminations. Earth conductors shall be installed so as to ensure direct and redundant connections
from the neutral conductors to the earth grid, the transformer and the cable screens of the associated
power cables i.e the 11kV neutral shall be directly interconnected to the 11kV switchboard and feeder
screen terminal earth bar.
Earthing transformer neutrals shall adhere to the requirements of this section, even though they are
not the neutral on a power transformer, they do form the system neutral-earth connection.
In order to achieve safety and performance requirements, conductive objects associated with a
substation which are not specifically designed to carry load current during normal operation are
generally connected to earth. Any requirements provided by a site specific earthing system design
supersedes the requirements presented here by this standard.
Design inputs
Feeder and substation detail (including cable screens, overhead earth wires)
Conductor material
Site specific earthing system design inputs as specified.
Design outputs
The following components are key to the earthing system performance and require the following
Overhead earth wires
All overhead earth wires shall be terminated to the substation earth grid. Any conductor and
connection hardware used to connect the earth wire shall meet or exceed the rating of the overhead
earth wire it connects to. Connections to older or discontinuous earth wires should consider possible
future upgrades/replacements to the earth wire when deciding the connection ratings. Conductor
termination size and termination connection type shall form part of the earthing layout design.
Typically there shall be a continuous copper conductor bonding to the earth wire. Full redundancy in
earth terminations shall be provided at the base of the structure or pole.
Power cable screens and earth continuity conductors (ECC)
All cable screens or sheaths and all ECCs shall be terminated to an earth bar or surge arrester. Any
conductor and connection hardware used to terminate a cable screen or ECC shall meet or exceed
the rating of the cable screen it connects to. Conductor termination size and termination connections
shall form part of the earthing layout design. Provision should be made to terminate transmission
power cable screens and armouring and associated earth continuity conductors where necessary,
interfacing with the transmission earthing design. The earthing layout design shall include
consideration and design of link boxes, RF bonds, surge arrestors and screen terminations.
Cable screens and ECC terminations should be made robustly and redundantly, including the
specification of long barrel (multiple crimps on barrel), long palm (double bolted), closed palm and
sealed lugs where possible.
Cable screens terminating to an open point requiring a Surge Voltage Limiter (SVL) device, shall be
terminated at least as robustly as required for an earthed termination.
All Earth Continuity Conductors (ECC) shall be terminated to an earth bar and appropriately labelled
to facilitate testing and identifying the termination. Any conductor and connection hardware used to
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connect an ECC shall meet or exceed the rating of the ECC it connects to. Conductor termination
size and termination connections shall form part of the earthing layout design.
Surge Voltage Limiter (SVL) and surge arresters require an earthed connection to correctly function.
The sizing and any additional specifications of the arresters themselves shall be provided as an input
to the substation earthing layout design and these specifications shall be incorporated into the
earthing layout drawings and design documentation. Any standing voltage on SVL devices shall be
considered and appropriate housing (including insulated, explosion proof and HV cage housing) shall
be provided for in the design.
Trifurcating cable joints
Trifurcating cable joints should be located as close as practical to the cable termination. The cable
sheath bond should be made as near as possible to the phase conductor terminations and labelled
so as to facilitate testing. Earth screen continuity shall be provided on all 11kV and 33kV trifurcating
Metallic power cable trays and supports
All metallic supporting structures shall be earthed, except when the structure supports a single item
of plant which has an enclosing earthed screen or sheath (eg Single uni-strut support for a single
phase 132kV cable). However any metallic tray supporting HV power cables or LV power cables
would require earthing. Earthed cable trays shall have an earth bond across hinge joints. Earthed
cable trays shall tighten pivot joints so that the trays are electrically continuous.
Metallic poles
All metallic poles (eg light poles, communication poles, and lightning spires) in proximity to live
exposed equipment or which have the potential to receive a direct lightning strike shall be earthed.
Lightning poles with LV wiring should have the wiring installed internally and a non conductive solid
conduit provided to facilitate the underground entry/exit of the wiring to the pole. Lightning poles shall
be earthed directly to the HV earth grid and to a lightning electrode. They should not be earthed via
the LV wiring earth or neutral conductors.
Separation shall be maximised between buried services (including power or control cables, conduits,
pipes etc) and lightning pole earthing equipment (including electrodes, HV earth grid connections and
down conductors). Two (2) metres separation shall be achieved where possible. Where less than one
(1) metre separation is able to be achieved, then the services shall be installed in conduit so as to
increase the Basic Insulation Level (BIL) of the service within the ionisation zone of the lightning
earthing equipment.
All conductive fences associated with a major substation shall be earthed if overhead lines cross
them or where they are in close proximity (within 15m) to live exposed conductors. Fences should be
earthed at least every 30m and at gate posts. There shall be equipotential safety bonds installed
across gates unless a site specific design does not require them to be installed. Where personnel
gates are installed with a concrete landing, a bond to the steel reinforcing of the landing shall be
Note that fences sometimes require additional design such as separated earth grids or isolation
sections from third party or neighbouring fences for safety reasons. If additional design is required
the outcomes will be provided by a site specific earthing system design and shall be incorporated into
the earthing layout design.
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Electrical Equipment
All equipment connected to the primary and secondary busbars shall be provided with at least one
earthing connection, though most often a minimum of two (2) connections will be required to achieve
redundancy requirements. Where only one earth tag is provided a second bond shall be made to an
integral metallic member of the equipment structure (eg. transformer tank strut, circuit breaker
tank/stand). All equipment connected to the primary and secondary busbar shall be earthed in an
appropriate manner, that is, so as to fulfil the requirements set out in Clauses 7.2 and 7.3.
The following are optional when specifying earth connections, unless they are nearby live exposed
electrical equipment/conductors, in which case they must be earthed.
Metal doors
Short handrails
Nearby is defined here as within a radius equal to twice the busbar or live conductor height.
No distribution voltages shall be reticulated into a major substation without an earthing system design
which addresses that specific issue. The earthing layout design would then have to incorporate any
isolation, separation and insulation requirements provided by the earthing system design.
No metallic pipe-work shall be brought into the substation which is not addressed by the specific
earthing system design. Any requirements from the earthing system design shall be incorporated into
the earthing layout design. For instance, it is normal practice to include at least 6m of non-conductive
( eg PVC) pipework (and 3m minimum radial measurement from the edge of the earth grid) in a water
service to a substation.
All telecommunications brought into the substation shall be intrinsically isolated (for example fibre
optic) or a telecommunications isolation device shall be used. The earthing layout design shall
reference the telecommunications isolation method used and identify where it is located.
Corrosion considerations must be taken into account as they have the potential to adversely impact
the earth system performance and to reduce the design life of an installation.
Design inputs
Design outputs
Identification of nearby DC traction systems and Cathodic Protected Plant (CP) (for instance pipe
lines and underground tanks)
Results of soil evaluation documented in earthing layout report.
Minimum concrete cover identified on earthing layout civil drawings
Corrosion mitigation measures included on earthing layout civil and electrical drawings.
Substations shall be designed such that the effects of corrosion do not compromise the substation
earthing equipment design lifetime.
The earthing layout design shall address corrosion by specifying appropriate conductor sizes,
redundancy, levels of concrete cover, sealing around earth connections to the embedded earth
conductors and appropriate welding of the steel to form electrically continuous paths.
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Identify minimum concrete cover on the earthing layout drawings for all concrete encased steel which
is connected to an earthing system.
Undertake the soil-test evaluation outlined in Annexure A. Results shall be documented in the layout
If greater than 10 points are obtained while undertaking the soil evaluation, notification via the
commissioning documentation shall be undertaken. Mitigation measures resulting from that
notification shall be incorporated in the earthing layout design drawings.
Identify DC traction systems within 100m of the substation.
Where required corrosion mitigation and testing facility measures shall be incorporated into the
earthing layout design drawings and documentation. Some typical examples include
the installation of earth bars either side of a rail easement to allow bridging out of a buried
counterpoise conductor if required.
Providing test facility at a cable tunnel entrance so that all collected stray DC traction current
could be assessed during a single measurement.
Notification of DC traction systems within 100m of the substation shall be given to the manager
responsible for network earthing. Mitigation measures resulting from that notification shall be
incorporated into the earthing layout design drawings.
Embedded earthing
Embedded earthing is constructed using the reinforcing steel in concrete slabs, columns, walls or
piers as part of the earthing system. Embedded earthing is installed to ensure an equipotential plane
is created and also provides a path for lightning and earth fault current to dissipate into the soil. Its
usage is common practice in large indoor installations but the same concept is often applied to
outdoor footings or slabs.
The use of concrete reinforcement as a part of the earthing system adds electrical requirements to
the traditional mechanical requirements associated with concrete reinforcement. These are generally
satisfied via welding of the reinforcement together to form an electrically continuous mesh and
providing connections between the mesh and the substation earthing system.
Design inputs
Design outputs
All required concrete reinforcement continuity weld locations and connection tag locations shown on
the earthing layout civil drawing set.
Earthing conductor terminations to connection tags shown on earthing layout electrical drawing set.
Method used to identify embedded earthing conductors so as to:
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An electrically continuous perimeter ring shall be formed via welding and inner reinforcement mesh
shall be welded to that perimeter ring at a maximum spacing of 5 metres in one direction and by 10
metres in the orthogonal direction.
The perimeter rings in adjacent slabs shall be solidly bonded as required in the site specific earthing
system design. Adjacent slabs which are not declared in an earthing system design may be solidly
bonded together where practical. Connecting slabs together may involve welding a continuous path
through vertical and horizontal reinforcing bars between the slabs, or by bonding across
expansion/dowel joint in some structures.
The embedded earth conductors that form the perimeter rings are generally located a nominal
300mm from the inside face of adjoining slabs.
Where there are two layers of reinforcing in the slab (ie top and bottom) the embedded earth
conductors shall be installed in the top layer to facilitate inspection prior to pouring concrete. The
lower layer may be connected to the top layer if required, for instance at locations where a future
sawn joint may compromise the concrete cover to or may cut the top layer of reinforcing and
therefore the perimeter earth ring.
A method of identifying the embedded earth conductors shall be developed to ensure that the
correct bars are connected together to maintain electrical continuity. Methods may include
marking designated bars with spray paint or welding identification tabs to the end of the
nominated bar. The method used shall be documented in the Commissioning Requirements
document with signoff provided via the ITP document.
The minimum weld length shall typically be 75mm in length however, consideration of the cross
sectional area shall be made if the fault level or current carrying requirement of the embedded
conductors is particularly onerous.
Where the reinforcement bars are to be bonded together at 90 degrees a piece of reinforcement
(not less than the size of the bars to be jointed) shall be bent at right angles and shall be welded
as specified above to the bars to be bonded together.
In-ground buried bonds to the embedded earthing system shall be achieved using a crimped
structural steel earthing tail crimped tail, (refer Drawing 236805 General Embedded Earthing
Details Standard Construction).
Above-ground bonds to the embedded earthing system shall be via bolted connections to
protruding hot dipped galvanised mild steel earth tags solidly welded to the perimeter earth ring,
(refer to Drawing 236805 General Embedded Earthing Details Standard Construction).
Electrical connectivity across expansion joints and across joints without continuity of steel
reinforcing shall be provided every 30m, unless more frequent bonds are required to achieve
redundancy or rating.
Electrical connectivity across expansion joints and across joints without continuity of steel
reinforcing shall use a minimum of 70mm PVC covered, stranded, copper conductor with an
appropriate hexagonal crimp termination. The conductor is to be laid so that it does not suffer
damage due to movement of the expansion joint, (refer to Drawing 236805 General Embedded
Earthing Details Standard Construction).
To minimise the risk of corrosion, the minimum concrete coverage of embedded steelwork
recommended by the civil/structural design should be strictly observed. Typically the minimum
concrete cover would be 40mm. Where the exposed concrete surface is subject to direct contact
with soil, increased salt levels, or both, this coverage may need to be increased, to typically no
less than 75mm, as directed by the responsible civil or structural engineer. In addition to
minimum concrete cover, buried copper connections in concrete slabs or in soil shall be of a
crimp type to minimise the risk of corrosion. No bolted terminations are permitted to be buried (in
soil or concrete). This requirement needs to be included in the structural design.
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Impermeable tanking or membrane layers should be avoided due to their impact on the
performance of the embedded earthing system. Where significant areas of these layers are to be
used the responsible earthing engineer should be consulted.
The earthing layout drawings shall specify the number and location of all welds, expansion joint
connections and connections between the embedded earthing conductors and the substation
earthing system.
Cable sizing shall satisfy conductor sizing requirements and redundancy requirements.
Embedded steel earthing conductors shall not exceed 90 degrees Celsius under earth fault
Embedded earthing shall be inspected, verified and signed off prior to concrete coverage. This
requirement shall form part of the commissioning documentation and part of the As Built
documentation provided to Ausgrid.
Witness and/or hold points shall be documented and agreed with civil construction staff prior to
commencement of construction activities.
The minimum welded reinforcing size shall be 12mm diameter steel bar, or greater if required to
ensure rating and temperature rise conditions are met.
The GIS basement floor and GIS switch room floor shall be solidly welded to form a mesh size of
not more than 5 metres in one direction and 10 metres in the orthogonal direction.
The perimeter of the GIS switch room floor shall be solidly welded.
The perimeter of the GIS room and GIS basement floors shall be interconnected with vertical
solidly welded reinforcement in the switch room walls and/or columns in each corner and at
equally spaced distances not exceeding 10 metres.
Parallel with the GIS trunking, a reinforcing bar 1 metre away from the control boxes shall be
solidly welded across the GIS room floor (so as to be located beneath operators of the switch
gear while they are in contact with the switch gear). It shall be integrated with the embedded
earthing perimeter ring.
Parallel with the GIS trunking, the first reinforcing bar on the trunking side of the penetrations
shall be solidly welded across the GIS room floor and integrated with the embedded earthing
perimeter ring.
Welded reinforcing shall cross the GIS room floor at intervals of less than every 4th penetration.
Such an embedded earthing conductor shall be integrated with the perimeter ring.
When the GIS switch room has a cable basement, ceiling mount earth tags shall be installed
protruding from the basement ceiling. When the GIS switch room has no basement, vertical
mounted earthing tags shall be installed protruding from the floor. Ceiling or vertical mounted
earth tags shall be installed in each corner of the GIS switch room and in the following locations:
Earth tags shall be located along the welded reinforcing bar 1 metre away from the control
boxes (i.e. operating positions). The minimum spacing shall be the intersections of the
welded reinforcing 1 metre away from the control boxes and the welded reinforcing
crossing the GIS room floor in-between the penetrations, so that there is a minimum of
one (1) earth tag per bus section of GIS equipment. Earth tags are also to be installed at
both ends of the GIS switch gear.
Earth tags shall be located along the first reinforcing bar on the trunking side of the
penetrations. The minimum spacing shall be aligned with the intersection of the welded
reinforcing next to the penetrations and the welded reinforcing crossing the GIS room floor
in-between the penetrations. Earth tags are also to be installed at both ends of the GIS
switch gear, so that there is a minimum of two earth tags per section of GIS equipment.
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For discontinuous GIS bus sections, tags should be installed at each end of the group of
The embedded earthing associated with the GIS switch gear complements the electrical earth bars
associated with the equipment
Design inputs
Design outputs
Earthing layout electrical drawings which show earth grid and electrode layout dimensioned in
relation to the substation buildings, equipment and boundary.
Earthing layout electrical detail drawings which show electrode dimensions and conductor
dimensions and jointing details.
Earthing layout electrical drawings which show the locations of all connections.
Conductor size for the earth grid shall be calculated as outlined in Clause 7.3. Calculations shall be
shown in the earthing layout report.
The grid mesh shall be maximally spaced according to the grid dimension input from the site specific
earthing system design. The grid shall be shown on the earthing layout drawings along with
conductor size and material.
The electrodes shall be spaced according to the grid dimension input from the site specific earthing
system design. All electrode locations shall be shown on the earthing layout drawings along with
electrode dimensions and connection details.
The grid mesh shall accommodate substation equipment and facilitate connection of equipment to
the grid. Where possible it shall take into consideration the installation of future equipment or
connection thereof so as to minimise civil excavation in future projects.
The electrodes shall not utilise inspection pits, but shall be terminated by direct PVC covered copper
conductors to an accessible location for testing. Such locations are typically an earth tag on a
fence(with an earth bond termination to small copper bars so as to facilitate the electrode
termination) or equipment structure with earth bond.
All electrode bonding conductors shall be labelled to facilitate identifying them.
All counterpoise earthing conductors shall be labelled where they are terminated.
Grading rings shall be installed outside all perimeter fences unless otherwise specified by the site
specific earthing system design. All grading rings shall be shown on the earthing layout drawings. All
grading rings are to be located inside the property boundary.
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Grid and electrode earthing shall be inspected, verified and signed off prior to burial. This
requirement shall form part of the commissioning documentation.
Earth conductor terminations shall be labelled where the interconnection is not obvious.
Crushed rock
Crushed rock shall be installed in all areas of the substation switchyard, which are not concreted, in
accordance with the following specification, unless specifically allowed for in the design:
Rock type to be blue metal, granite or crushed river gravel. Conglomerate or shale is not
The rough grade shall be prepared by mechanical compaction prior to installing the crushed rock.
Rock depth shall be a minimum of 100mm and shall be laid on top of the finished ground level.
Provide 2 x 15kg samples of crushed rock to Earthing and Insulation Coordination (c/- Building 1,
Abbott Street Depot)
( Note: There is an after-hours drop box if required. Please label all samples with contact name
and phone number, company, project and Ausgrid site on which it is intended to be used.)
The crushed rock shall not be transported to site until the tested sample is approved in writing by
the Ausgrid Authorised Earthing Engineer.
Testing of the quality of the aggregate material and the depth of the surface layer shall be carried
out during installation. The test results shall be recorded and submitted to the Ausgrid Authorised
Earthing Engineer.
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The GIS earthing shall satisfy the minimum requirements set by the GIS manufacturer.
The GIS manufacturer may provide earthing elements such as bonds between the trunking and
the cable glands or cable plugs. These are referred to as RF or Radio Frequency bonds. Some
RF bonds may be earthed via surge arrestors.
As a minimum requirement, the electrical earthing for GIS equipment shall be rated according to
Clause7.33, however standard conductor sizes are to be used according to the rated voltage of
the GIS equipment.
For 132kV GIS equipment, the minimum earth bar size for earthing on the GIS floor, GIS
basement ceiling earth bar and interconnections must be at least 50x6.3mm HD copper bar. This
is referred to as the Main GIS earthing.
For voltages equal to or less than 66kV, the minimum main GIS earthing bar size maybe reduced
to 50x3.18mm HD copper bar depending on the results of design undertaken to address Clause
The following earthing associated with the GIS equipment shall be at least 50x3.18mm HD
copper bar.
Basement perimeter earth bar
Connections between the main GIS earthing and the basement perimeter earth bar
Connections to earth tags
The GIS floor earth bar shall be installed on the GIS floor as close as possible to the
penetrations, on the trunking side of the penetrations. Care shall be taken not to obstruct the
penetrations with the bar.
For double banked feeders, an additional ring around the second penetration shall be installed on
the trunking side of additional penetration.
Basement ceiling earth bar: There shall be bar installed on the basement ceiling in the same
configuration as the bar on the GIS floor.
For double banked feeders, the additional ring on the basement ceiling is not required, and only
one bar shall be installed in-between the two penetrations.
GIS floor earth bar and basement ceiling earth bar shall be interconnected.
Bonds between the GIS floor and basement ceiling earth bars shall be made at each end of the
GIS bus section and at evenly spaced intervals of not more than every 4th power cable
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penetration. Conduits are not required at either end of the GIS as cable penetrations shall be
If the RF bonds are not installed, the GIS floor earth bar and basement ceiling earth bar
interconnections must be made at every penetration.
Bonds between the GIS cable module and the GIS floor mounted earth bar shall be made with 1
x 185mm2 (min) stranded copper conductors with long barrel lug and double bolted palm
connections. This is to replace the manufactures stranded copper conductors which have both
cables crimped in one (1) specialised lug.
GIS earth switches shall be bonded to the GIS floor earth bar using floor mounted earth bars to
the connection point on the earth switch. An Earthing Plan drawing should be issued by the
manufacturer showing the locations for the earth switch bonds.
There shall be a bond to each of the C section base frame rails that the individual bays of GIS
equipment are mounted on at the end closest to the GIS floor earth bar. For long sections of rails
(>20metres), other interconnections shall be made at intervals of at least every 4th penetration or
at each GIS earth switch bond crossing.
GIS surge arrestors shall have a single earth bar connection to the GIS floor earth bar via the
most direct route. The earth bar shall be adequately mounted and supported.
Cable screens for the 132kV transformer cables shall be connected to the GIS floor earth bar.
The transformer 300mm ECCs shall be connected to the GIS basement ceiling earth bar with a
double bolted palm connection (Refer to Drawing 236804 General Earthing Details Standard
The 132kV link box earth bar shall be bonded via a 300mm stranded copper PVC covered
conductor to the GIS basement ceiling earth bar with a double bolted palm connection (Refer to
Cell Library Detail PC).
The 132kV link box metal casing shall be connected via a 120mm (minimum) stranded copper
PVC covered conductor to the GIS basement ceiling earth bar with a double bolted palm
connection (Refer to Drawing 236804 General Earthing Details Standard Construction).
A basement perimeter earth bar shall be mounted on the basement wall at a height between
1.5metres from the floor to 0.3metres from the ceiling to form a ring around the entire switch
room basement. The height shall be selected to minimise interaction with other services and to
maximise accessibility to the earth bar.
Bonds from basement ceiling earth bar to basement perimeter earth bar shall be made at each
end of the basement ceiling earth bar and at intervals of at least every 4th penetration via the
most direct route.
Bonds to each earth tag shall be made to the nearest earth bar via the most direct route.
Bonds from the basement perimeter earth bar to the external earthing systems (e.g. the buried
substation earth grid) shall be installed with 120mm stranded copper PVC covered conductor
through conduits in each corner of the GIS basement. The external earth system bonds shall be
installed at intervals not greater than 20metres between bonds unless otherwise specified in the
layout design to address site limitations.
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7.11.3 Requirements
The earthing layout designer shall undertake a lightning design using the rolling sphere method or
alternative approved method. The rolling sphere size shall be 20m unless otherwise specified in an
earthing system design. The earthing layout drawings shall show placement and height of lightning
spires, and any lightning shield wires, and all connections to earth. The earthing layout report shall
show the calculations that demonstrate compliance with the 20m rolling sphere. All substation
buildings and equipment shall be protected unless designed to intercept lightning strikes, in which
case the interception and strike conditions shall be specified.
The rolling sphere approach is documented in AS1768 and IEE998-1996 (Revised 2002).
Calculations shall be provided in the earthing layout report.
Where a component of the lightning protection system (LPS) has an alternate function, (eg a roof), it
is not acceptable to incorporate it into the LPS if its alternate function is adversely impacted by being
bonded to the LPS. For instance, a roof being punctured due to lightning strike would be
unacceptable if it were the only weather proofing above electrical equipment.
Where a power line provides shielding to a building or substation equipment, lightning masts are not
required to be installed. However, equipment such as down conductors and lightning electrodes
(which may be difficult to install once civil construction were finalised), should be installed to facilitate
installation of a spire against the scenario that the power line were to be relocated.
Refer also to Clause 7.4.3 for additional earthing requirements for metal poles.
Underground mines
Railway Systems (eg signalling, drainage bonds and tunnels)
Swimming Pools
The site specific earthing system design will make appropriate assessment and mitigation
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7.15 Commissioning
7.15.1 Design inputs
Where inspection, verification and any significant testing is required and shall specifically identify
which earthing elements must be checked.
When the earthing elements shall be checked in accordance with the construction schedule.
Many earthing elements such as concrete embedded earthing must be inspected prior to
concrete coverage. The commissioning documentation shall include scans of the signed ITPs
and photographic evidence of these inspections.
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The final commissioning documentation shall demonstrate compliance of the installation with design
requirements. It shall include scans of completed ITPs (with photographic evidence) and also asbuilt drawings. The following components shall specifically be included in the commissioning
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Earthing site safety requirements are to be specified in addition to standard construction site safety
requirements. Earthing safety requirements may address hazards such as Touch (or Step)
Voltages or Transferred Touch Voltages, Capacitive Coupling and Critical Earth connections to be
managed during project staging.
This additional earthing site safety requirement may not apply to Greenfield Substations or
Substations that are not energised. However, all HV feeders on site must be assumed energised
unless proven otherwise.
Substation construction work methods (in practice and documentation) shall incorporate any
required earthing related risk mitigation measures in order to manage those risks to an acceptable
level. The earthing layout design shall detail earthing safety related considerations and any
required mitigation measures. Consideration shall be given to site shed location, transfer hazards,
LV power supply, storage of conductive materials, use of vehicles/plant, personal protective
equipment, staging of construction works, temporary fencing earth configuration and temporary
bonding requirements. Any site specific requirements from the earthing system design shall be
incorporated into the earthing layout design. These requirements shall be implemented so as to
eliminate earthing hazards as far as practically possible especially in site establishment.
If the requirements presented here are not fully understood then the issue shall be raised and a
resolution documented prior to any work commencing.
Design inputs
Substation layout
Feeder energisation status
Site specific earthing system performance detail
Civil work site establishment details
Allowable touch voltages
Design outputs
Site safety requirements documented in earthing layout report or in separate format to facilitate
implementation on site.
Be located inside the earth grid or more than 5 metres outside the earth grid.
Be located such that there is a minimum clearance of 1.8m around it to any conductive
Be powered by a standalone generator located within 3 metres of the site shed or via an
isolation transformer located within 3 metres of the site shed (If located more than 5 metres
outside the earth grid).
Be powered by a temporary construction supply fed from the substation auxiliary if located
inside the earth grid.
Any pipe-work coming into the site shed shall be non conductive.
Alternatively the site shed may be located 20 metres or more from the new and existing
substation earth grids and be powered by a temporary builders supply from the Ausgrid LV
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Any construction using conductive materials (such as temporary fencing or steel reinforcing bar)
with an assembled horizontal length of longer than 5 metres shall be identified and documented in
the earthing layout report and a site specific work policy shall be documented in the earthing layout
report. This shall include:
Temporary bonding arrangements (eg equipotential bonding and temporary earth electrodes)
Isolation requirements (eg earth breaks)
Personal protective gear requirements (gloves, shoes, mats) and inspection regime.
Transport arrangements (storing and carrying conductive materials)
Clearly specified and delineated construction lay down and metallic equipment storage areas
The earthing layout report shall document the use of LV power including:
Where LV power can be sourced when operating equipment within the substation grid.
Where LV power can be sourced when operating equipment outside the substation grid
(including within a construction area and/or within a storage or preparation area).
Exclusion zones for power supply.
Earthing configuration of isolation transformer LV supply if relevant.
The table below identifies the types of records relating to the process, their storage location and
retention period.
Table 6 Recordkeeping
Type of Record
Storage Location
Retention Period*
Life of Project
* The following retention periods are subject to change eg if the records are required for legal
matters or legislative changes. Before disposal, retention periods should be checked and
authorised by the Records Manager.
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(Content Coordinator)
Distribution Coordinator
(Distribution Coordinator)
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02................................................................................................... 5
24................................................................................................... 3
46.5 ............................................................................................... 0
6.57.5 ............................................................................................ 0
7.58.5 ............................................................................................ 0
>8.5 ................................................................................................. 3
Positive ............................................................................................ 3.5
Trace .............................................................................................. 2
Negative ......................................................................................... 0
Poor drainage, continuously wet .................................................... 2
Fair drainage, generally moist ......................................................... 1
Good drainage, generally dry ......................................................... 0
* Greater than 10 points means further investigation required.
If sulphides are present, add three points for this range.
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