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Cigre Comparison HTLS

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The paper discusses different options for uprating an existing 88kV transmission line including thermal uprating, rebuilding with new conductors, voltage upgrade, and use of high-temperature low-sag conductors. It compares the technical and economic feasibility of these options.

Thermal uprating of the existing Wolf ACSR conductor, rebuilding with alternative conductor types like ACCC, ACSS/TW Oriole, ACCR Linnet, and GZTACSR Hawk, and upgrading the voltage to 132kV were considered.

Rebuilding with GZTACSR Hawk or upgrading the voltage to 132kV generally provided the best increase in capacity for the total investment cost. However, rebuilding or reconductoring options were more cost effective than thermal uprating of the existing conductor.

Practical comparison

of powerline uprating and upgrading results

Greg Landwehr*, Pierre Marais,

Trans-Africa Projects (TAP) (Pty) Ltd, South Africa

Abstract To what extent do resistive losses influence the total

operational cost?
Studies for the uprating and upgrading of overhead
transmission lines (OHTL) typically yield significantly How does uprating compare to the cost of a line
different increases in transfer capacity, with equally breakdown and rebuild on the same servitude, assuming
disparate associated costs. Using a recently completed the network will allow the increased outage times?
uprating case study as a basis, commentary is given on How do voltage upgrades compare with uprating the line
the relative advantages and disadvantages of different (assuming upgrade from 88kV to 132kV)?
options considered in the study.
These options will be compared to each other in respect
A number of different High Temperature Low Sag of both the TIC, including operational Cost of Losses
(HTLS*) conductors are evaluated, as well as thermal (TOC) and Capital Investment Cost (CIC), as well as the
uprating of existing infrastructure, rebuilding and relative cost per MVA gained for each option.
voltage upgrade options.
Note: This report is based on a particular case study
The relative Total Investment Cost (TIC) versus MVA with specific constraints and care should be taken in
benefit above the base case of each option is discussed extrapolating the results to other scenarios.
and practical selection methods are given which will
result in the most cost efficient strategy for the utility.
2. Case Study
The work methodology that was used is discussed,
including lessons learnt during the study. The OHTL chosen for this case study is a 24km,
88kV, single circuit, Wolf ACSR powerline between
Hlungwana substation and Normandie substation. The
1. Introduction powerline is situated in the North of the Kwa-Zulu Natal
A case study is presented in which the uprating and province in South Africa and near the Swaziland border.
upgrading results for a specific 88kV line are discussed. 2.1. Synopsis of existing powerline
The research in this case study attempts to answer the
The existing 88kV network is strung with Wolf
following investigation questions:
Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR) and
What increases can be obtained with low cost options a 7/2.65 steel earthwire, with lattice tower supports as
such as re-rating? shown in the figure below.
How do currently available HTLS conductor options The powerline was originally templated at 50°C.
compare with each other with respect to installation costs? The Wolf ACSR conductor is limited to a Maximum


High-Temperature-Low-Sag Conductors, Thermal Limit, Uprating, Upgrading, Rebuild, Re-conductoring

Abbreviations (see abbreviations on the last page followed by the references)

Cigre Science & Engineering • N°5 June 2016

Allowable Conductor Temperature (MACT) of 90°C to For each of the simulations considered, a cut-off MACT
avoid annealing of the aluminium strands. was chosen to satisfy a minimum number of clearance
2.2. As-Built Modelling Process violations that can be remedied by simple movement
of underpass low voltage lines or slight retensioning of
An as-built model of the existing Normandie – conductor.
Hlungwana 88kV powerline was created in PLS-Cadd ©.
The as-built model is used to determine actual structure 2.4. Technical Results
capacities, swing angle limits and clearance limits. For each of the technical options outlined below,
To create the as-built model, LiDar data was acquired particular Catenary value limits have been used as shown
showing survey points for the complete powerline. in the table below. These have been chosen to correlate
with the type of conductor behaviour.
Following the LiDar data acquisition and feature coding,
the PLS-Cadd © method 1 structure seed files were Conductor Maximum
Weather case
spotted at the as-built positions. Name Catenary (m)

Following the tower spotting, Wolf conductor was Wolf ACSR EDT No Wind @ 15oC 1750*
strung and graphically sagged in PLS-Cadd © to the ACCC
EDT No Wind @ 15oC 1800**
LiDar representative conductor position. To be able to Copenhagen
assign the correct conductor temperature, an Ampacity ACSS/TW Oriole EDT No Wind @ 15oC 1900
study was completed. Using the method outlined in the ACCR Linnet EDT No Wind @ 15 C o
“Cigre Technical Brochure 207: Thermal behaviour GZTACSR Hawk EDT No Wind @ 15oC 2100
of overhead conductors” - Section 1 - Steady State, the ZTACIR Hawk
EDT No Wind @ 15oC 2100
core temperature of the conductor was then calculated at Equivalent
38.8°C. A sample representation of the as-built model on * As installed
the day that the LiDar survey was then completed. **ACCC could be strung at a higher C-value, but will not need any higher
tensions due to its low expansion coefficient
Following this temperature assignment, weather cases
Table 1: Conductor Performance Limits (PLS-Cadd ©)
were created for temperatures from 50°C up to 240°C
in increments of 10°C to cater for all possible conductor 2.4.1. Increasing the thermal limit of the existing conductors
models needed for simulation. (Re-rating)
2.3. Available uprating and upgrading options The existing conductor is Wolf ACSR at 88kV templated
at 50oC. This model is considered the base case for all
Most existing powerlines have bare, stranded conductors
other simulations and results in a power transfer capacity
consisting of nearly pure, worked hardened aluminium
of 55MVA. After running the PLS-Cadd Thermal Limit
wires helically stranded over a stranded steel core. These
Report © to a maximum thermal rating of 90°C, the
ACSR conductors are typically limited to a MACT
Wolf ACSR performed well showing only one minor
of 75°C to 100°C [1] whereas HTLS conductors are
clearance violation at 132kV. Because of excess ground
typically limited to temperatures in the order of 150-
clearance available, re-tensioning was not required at
either 88kV or 132kV (This amount of excess clearance
To achieve the increased power transfer requirement, is relatively uncommon, and re-tensioning would
there are several options which have been explored: normally be required).
• Increasing the thermal limit of the existing conductors Note: The re-rating of the line to an operating temperature of 90°C would
be subject to a probabilistic analysis to confirm that any annealing
• Upgrading the voltage level of the existing conductors would fall within acceptable limits.
• Replacement (breakdown and rebuild) of the existing
2.4.2. Replacing ACSR conductors with AAAC conductors
OHTL with a new OHTL
• Re-conductoring the existing powerline with HTLS Replacement of the existing Wolf ACSR conductor
conductors with equivalently sized Canton AAAC yielded increased

Cigre Science & Engineering • N°5 June 2016

capacity, but not more than those achieved with a re- reinforced aluminium matrix composite core, which
rated ASCR solution. This is due to the fact that the contributes to the tensile strength of conductor and its
linear expansion coefficient of the AAAC is 21% higher electrical conductivity characteristics. The composite
than the ACSR, making it unsuitable for use at elevated core has a lower thermal elongation property, which
temperatures. The AAAC was thus not taken further in contributes to reduce the sag characteristics at higher
this study. operating temperatures [5].
2.4.3. Rebuilding a new OHTL GZTACSR Hawk
The breaking down and replacement of an OHTL with
GZTACSR (Gap-type heat resistant aluminium alloy
one carrying a heavier conductor or higher voltage is a
(Aluminium Zirconium) Conductor Steel Reinforced)
possibility which is normally dependent on the resilience
has a small gap between the outermost edge of the
of the network, and could be included if such construction
steel core and the innermost side of the trapezoidal-
is possible. The replacement of the OHTL with higher
shape aluminium alloy layer such that the steel core
capacity conductors would yield the capacities outlined
in figure 1 (standard templating temperature of 70°C can move independent from the aluminium alloy layers.
assumed). Consequently, the design of the aluminium conductor is
such that the steel core carries the full tensile load during
2.4.4. Re-conductoring the existing powerline with HTLS
high temperature conditions. However, during lower
conductor temperatures, the aluminium alloy contributes
Replacing existing installed conductors with an HTLS in carrying the tensile load at the associated weather
type, having a lower thermal elongation rate, less sag, a conditions [5].
similar overall conductor diameter and similar resistance ZTACIR Hawk Equivalent
values, can be an attractive option where uprating of an
existing line is being considered [5]. ZTACIR (extra heat resistant aluminium alloy (ZT- ACSS/TW Oriole Aluminium) Conductor Invar Reinforced) is similar to
ACSR but having a high strength invar alloy core. The
ACSS/TW (Aluminium Conductor Steel Supported/ conductor has a relatively low sag characteristic at high
Trapezoidal Wire) comprises of fully annealed aluminium temperatures a result of the small linear coefficient of
wires stranded over a core of high-strength steel stranded thermal expansion of the invar [5]. Given the relatively
wire, with the thermal expansion properties being similar high cost of Invar conductors, and the fact that ground
to that of ACSR. ACSS is typically available with standard clearance issues are less critical in this case study, we
round strands as well as trapezoidal aluminium wire, where
would not expect an Invar conductor to compete well in
the trapezoidal shaped strands provide greater conductive
this instance.
aluminium area with much smaller interstices [5].
2.4.5. Summary of Results ACCC Copenhagen
The above simulation results are summarised per voltage
ACCC (Aluminium Conductor Composite Core) consists
in the figure below. It is clear that if re-conductoring is
of a lightweight circular-shaped composite core with a high
performance, fully annealed aluminium stranding around chosen, at both voltages that GZTACSR Hawk, ACCC
the core. The significantly lower thermal elongation Copenhagen and ZTACIR Hawk equivalent, provide
property of these conductors contributes to much less sag the best increase in power transfer whilst adhering to
in comparison to other HTLS type of conductors [5]. the clearance requirements and structural limits of the
existing support structures. A Twin Kingbird ACSR ACCR Linnet upgrade also provides a very attractive option however,
ACCR (Aluminium alloy Conductor Composite this would involve a completely new powerline rebuild
Reinforced) is constructed with a heat-resistant aluminium (i.e. break down and re-use the existing servitude) as
alloy (Zirconium Aluminium) and a proprietary fibre- opposed to only re-conductoring with HTLS conductors.

Cigre Science & Engineering • N°5 June 2016

Figure 1: Summary of Maximum MVA Transfer per conductor type

2.5. Economic Feasibility Rt = R0 ( 1 + α (t – t0 ) ) (1)

To quantify the relative costs of the different options, Rac = sp × sk × Rdc (2)
an economic analysis has been conducted based on the
technical results shown above.
Rt = is the DC resistance at temperature t in °C
2.5.1. Uprating and upgrading Economic Process
R0 = is the DC resistance at the base temperature T
Several of the available options may not support the
quoted on the conductor datasheet
required MVA load after year 18. For the purposes of this
study, the normal investment period of 25 years (used α = the temperature coefficient of resistance taken
for life cycle cost calculations) has been shortened to 18 as 0.004308 [17]
years to enable comparison between the alternatives. sp = the spiralling effect multiplier taken as 1.02
Based on the load profile, the TIC for the following [18] **
viable options have been considered: sk = the skin effect multiplier **
3 Increasing the thermal limit of the existing ACSR Rac = is the final AC resistance after applying the
Wolf multipliers
4 Re-conductoring the existing powerline with: Rdc = is the DC resistance to which the multipliers
• ACSS Oriole TW are applied (in this case at 20°C)
• ZTACIR Hawk Equivalent Calcu-
• ACCR Linnet DC Value AC 88kV
lated AC
• ACCC Copenhagen 132kV
@ 20°C Value @
–Manu- max opp.
5 Breakdown and Rebuild of the existing powerline Parameter Value
facturer temp using
@ max
with: opp. temp
datasheet (1), (2)
using (1),
• Single Kingbird ACSR (Ω/km) above (Ω/
(2) above
• Twin Kingbird ACSR km)
Furthermore, a voltage upgrade from 88kV to 132kV has Interest/ 7.8%*
been considered in each case. discount
rate for CIC/
2.5.2. Uprating and upgrading Economic Results TOC

Based on the abovementioned options, and the Rand/Dollar R12.50

economic parameters used below, the results of the Exchange per USD
economic analysis are presented. Wherever datasheets Long Range 6 US
did not supply them, AC Resistance values, per km, at Marginal cents/
the relevant temperature were calculated using the DC Cost of kWhr
Resistance values, per km at 20°C and the following (2015)
formulae [16]:

Cigre Science & Engineering • N°5 June 2016

Resistance 0.1828 0.2437 @ 0.2437@ 2.5.3. Summary of Results
for Wolf 90°C 90°C
All available options include the following in their Total
Investment Cost (TIC):
Resistance 0.0891 0.2214 @ 0.2214 @
for Kingbird 75°C 75°C
1. Capital Investment Cost (CIC), including break
ACSR down of existing line for the rebuild options, where
Resistance 0.1601 0.2546 @ 0.2195 @
for Oriole 100°C 80°C Note: where upgrading of the voltage occurs from 88kV to 132kV, the
substation and hardware upgrade costs are also considered
Resis- 0.1190 0.2225 @ 0.2067 @ 2. Total Cost of Losses (Total Operating Cost - TOC)
tance for 210°C 180°C
GZTACSR Resistive (I2R) losses were quantified over the investment
Hawk period of 18 years, based on the predicted daily average
Resistance 0.1352 0.2520 @ 0.2282 @ load on the line. The Kingbird ACSR rebuilds perform
for ZTACIR 210°C 170°C very well as do the HTLS options. The existing Wolf
Hawk ACSR thermal uprating options are less attractive,
Equivalent especially at 88kV, in terms of resistive losses.
Resistance 0.1596 0.2905 @ 0.2552 @
for ACCR 200°C 150°C Note: Maintenance costs, which normally are included in operational
costs, were not quantified, as these were deemed to be the same
irrespective of the solution adopted.
Resistance 0.1272 0.2214@ 0.2214@
for ACCC 180°C 180°C

*Based on Real Cost of Capital for Eskom (2015)

** Significant research is being conducted into the calculation of sp and
sk (Cigre Brochure 345) however for the purposes of this paper, the
deterministic approximation for sp and those read from the Clark/Dwight
Skin Effect curve for sk are deemed sufficient
Table 2: Economic Parameters ([7], [9] to [15])

Conductor Name Normalised Conductor Cost*

ACSR Wolf 1

ACSR Kingbird 1.2 Figure 2: Total Cost of Losses (Total Operating Cost – TOC)
ACSS Oriole TW 1.2 The most cost effective option, based on Total Investment
GZTACSR Hawk 2 Cost, is to leave the Wolf ACSR in place, increase its
thermal rating and then upgrade its voltage 132kV. The
ACCC Copenhagen 4
rebuild options are extremely competitive due to the
ZTACIR Hawk Equivalent 5 low losses experienced by Kingbird conductor. Further
capacity upgrades are possible by installing an HTLS
ACCR Linnet 5.5 conductor, with the GZTACSR Hawk being the most
* Including hardware and installation Costs likely candidate from a TIC perspective. ACSS Oriole
Table 3: Normalised Conductor Cost Factors TW also provides an attractive option however the
([8] & indicative projects completed by Trans-Africa Projects) available MVA is low.

Cigre Science & Engineering • N°5 June 2016

3. Conclusion
While it would be ill advised to draw conclusions
from the outcomes of a single uprating study to other
scenarios, this study has shown interesting results, and
would indicate the following guidelines:
• Technically, it has been shown that re-rating an OHTL
can result in a very low cost option for increasing
the power transfer capacity. Where there is capacity
available by up-rating and /or re-tensioning a line,
this should be explored as a first option, as it is very
cost effective, and would enable the deferral of more
expensive upgrade options to a later date.
Figure 3: Economic Feasibility Summary (TIC)
• Upgrading the line voltage or even re-building the
A more indicative metric of cost efficiency however, is line with heavier conductor at a higher voltage can
the ratio of the TIC to the increased MVA available per be more cost effective than conductor replacement
option, above the base case of 55MVA. The figure below with HTLS conductors, assuming the network can
shows this relationship per option. The Wolf ACSR is sustain the longer interruption and the substation can
still a cost effective option per MVA however, if we accommodate the voltage upgrade.
consider that after year 18, the Wolf ACSR will more
than likely, not be able to accommodate the required • Economically, available HTLS conductor options are
load, then other options become more feasible. In still expensive in terms of up front capital investment
terms of complete rebuild, the Twin Kingbird option at (i.e. re-conductoring). GZTACSR, ACCC and
132kV is the most attractive and extremely competitive. ZTACIR provide the best total increase in power
However, rebuilding a line is often prohibitive from a transfer capability whilst adhering to the clearance
network resilience / interruption perspective. The most requirements and structural limits of the existing
cost effective re-conductoring option is GZTACSR support structures.
Hawk at 132kV. Slightly more expensive but able to • GZTACSR (Gap–type) conductor emerged as the
run at higher temperatures and MVA capacities are the most cost effective HTLS conductor per MVA
ACCC Copenhagen and ZTACIR Hawk equivalent gained. Engineers would however be well advised to
options which are close behind the GZTACSR. The quantify accurately the supply and installation costs
132kV upgrade options in general outperform the 88kV with every option, as the market for HTLS conductors
options. ACSS Oriole TW, while being a relatively cost is competitive and changing.
effective option, does not offer the required capacity
increase of the other HTLS options. • Resistive losses (TOC) have a major influence on the
Total Investment Cost for all options explored. Most
notably increasing the thermal rating of an existing
ACSR powerline is completely dominated by the
cost of losses from the average daily load and, in fact,
increases its TIC to be in-line with other available
From the above results, a simplified process has emerged
for increasing the power transfer of a particular OHTL.
Firstly, all thermal capacity rating increase possibilities
must be considered including retensioning. Secondly,
Figure 4: Ratio of TIC to the increased MVA [USDm]/[MVA] when the available MVA has been exhausted from thermal

Cigre Science & Engineering • N°5 June 2016

capacity increase, the best available options from a TIC [5] Nel, R., Transnet Coal Link Expansion: Uprating Report, Trans-
versus MVA available perspective, are then to rebuild at Africa Projects, 2015
a higher MVA capacity using a similar increased bundle [6] Thomas, N., Final Design Report – Rev 0, Transnet Freight Rail
type conductor. Thirdly, when the available MVA is 88kV Mpumalanga Lines, Eskom, December 2013
exhausted with rebuilding, GZTACSR, ACCC and [7] Matona, T., Interim integrated results for the six months ended 30
ZTACIR re-conductoring must be considered. Although September 2014, Eskom 2014
more expensive these conductors are able to run at much [8] Chan, J. et al, Demonstration of Advanced Conductors for
higher temperatures and MVA capacities which in turn Overhead Transmission Lines, Electric Power Research Institute,
July 2008
provide a much longer lifespan.
[9] I. Zamora, A.J. Mazón, R. Criado, C. Alonso, J.R. Saenz, Uprating
4. Abbreviations Using High-Temperature Electrical Conductors, University of the
Basque Country – Spain, IBERDROLA S.A, March 2014
ACCC Fully annealed Aluminium Conductor [10] AAAC Conductor Data Sheet, Southwire, April 2012
Composite Core supported
[11] ACCC Conductor Data Sheet, CTC Global, February 2014
ACCR Aluminium alloy Conductor Composite
Reinforced [12] ACCR Technical Summary, 3M, November 2011
ACSR Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced [13] ACSS Conductor Data Sheet, Southwire, May 2012
ACSS/TW Aluminium Conductor Steel Supported/ [14] GZTACSR Conductor Data Sheet, J-Power Systems Corp, April
Trapezoidal Wire 2015
ASL Above sea level [15] ACSR Brochure, Aberdare, 2012
CIC Capital Investment Cost
[16] William D. Stevenson, Jr, Elements of Power System Analysis,
EDT Every Day Tension Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1982.
GZTACSR Gap-type heat resistant aluminium alloy
[17] Kuphaldt, T.R., Lessons in Electric Circuits, Vol 1, 5th Ed, October
(ZT-Aluminium) Conductor Steel Rein- 2006
[18] Troskie, H., Research into Specific Numerical Protection
HTLS High Temperature Low Sag
Maloperations, November 2012
MACT Maximum Allowable Conductor Tempera-
MTPA Mega Tons per Annum 6. Biography
OHTL Over Head Transmission Line Greg Landwehr is currently employed as the Corporate
TFR Transnet Freight Rail Consultant for Trans-Africa Projects at their Head Office
TOC Total Operation Cost ex. Maintenance in Johannesburg. His time is focused on consulting in
TIC Total Investment Cost the field of General Overhead Transmission Line Design
TSO Transmission System Operator in South Africa and beyond its borders, with areas of
UTS Ultimate Tensile Strength interest being conductor optimisation and powerline
ZTACIR Extra heat resistant aluminium alloy (ZT- uprating and upgrading solutions.
Aluminium) Conductor Invar Reinforced
He is a registered Professional Engineer with the
5. References Engineering Council of South Africa and holds a Master’s
[1] Douglas, D., Uprating & Reconductoring Existing Lines with Degree in Renewable Energy Physics from Oldenburg
special emphasis on High-Temperature Low-Sag Conductors, University in Germany, and Bachelor of Science Degrees
Cigre Study Committee B2 Tutorial, Cape Town 2012 in Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science from
[2] Lötter, T., Badze, M., Maharaj, S., Final Design Report – Rev the University of Natal in South Africa.
0, Transnet Freight Rail 88kV Eastern Region Lines, Eskom,
December 2013 Greg is the Chairman of the South African National
[3] Eskom, Planning, Design and Construction of Overhead Standards Working Group for SANS 10280 Part 2 ‘The
Powerlines, Crown Publications, May 2010 General Design Considerations for Overhead Pow lines
[4] Candy, R., Eskom central Control, MVA Data, April 2015 for conditions prevailing in South Africa’.

Cigre Science & Engineering • N°5 June 2016


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