Over Head
Line Standards
1. NORMALISATION _________________________________________________________________ 1
2. ENVIRONMENT ___________________________________________________________________ 5
6. CONDUCTORS ___________________________________________________________________ 32
7. INSULATORS ____________________________________________________________________ 33
8. EQUIPMENT _____________________________________________________________________ 34
9. EARTHING ______________________________________________________________________ 37
1.2 Standardisation
Whereas the standards recommend the functional and construction characteristics in a
national or international framework, the term standardisation, for an operator (or user),
consists of making a choice between the possibilities recommended by the standards. The
aim is a reduction in the diversity of equipment used so as to reduce the number of spare
parts and be able to develop the assembling procedures and maintenance procedures of
All of the IEC recommendations are regularly reviewed resulting from their adaptation to new
materials and equipment. Numerous publications as well as an annual catalogue are
published by the IEC.
For this reason, the IEC recommendations will form the basis of the equipment specifications
of power lines and substations with, in addition, a reference to specific standards for items
not covered by the IEC such as the quality of equipment, the surface treatments, etc.
The list of main applicable standards with their abbreviation is given hereafter. Their national
equivalents may be accepted if they result in similar or greater equipment characteristics.
BS : British Standards
IS : Indian Standards
The last version of every standard has to be used for any purpose.
This list below contains only the most important IEC standards applicable for overhead
transmission lines :
IEC 60305: Insulators for overhead lines with a nominal voltage above 1 000 V – Ceramic or
glass insulator units for a.c. systems – Characteristics of insulator units of the cap and pin
IEC 61466-1: Composite string insulator units for overhead lines with a nominal voltage
greater than 1000 V. Part 1: Standard strength classes and end fittings
IEC 61466-2: Composite string insulator units for overhead lines with a nominal voltage
greater than 1000 V. Part 2: Dimensional and electrical characteristics
IEC 61109: Composite Insulators for A.C overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than
1000V - Definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria
IEC 60794 Part 1-1: Optical fiber cables –Generic specification –General
IEC 60794 Part 1-2: Optical fiber cables –Generic specification –Basic optical cable test
IEC 60794 Part 2: Optical fiber cables –Indoor cables –Sectional specification
IEC 60794 Part 3: Optical fiber cables –Sectional specification –Outdoor cables
IEC 60794 Part 4: Optical fiber cables –Sectional specification –Aerial optical cables along
electrical power lines
IEC 61089: Round Wire Concentric Lay Overhead Electrical Stranded Conductors
IEC 60120: Dimensions of Ball and Socket Couplings of String Insulator Units
IEC 60383-1: Insulators for overhead lines with a nominal voltage above 1000 V - Part 1:
Ceramic or glass insulator units for A.C systems -Definitions, test methods and acceptance
IEC 60383-2: Insulators for overhead lines with a nominal voltage above 1000 V - Part 2:
Insulator strings and insulator sets for A.C. systems - Definitions, test methods and
acceptance criteria
IEC 60471: Dimensions of Clevis and Tongue Couplings of String Insulator Units
IEC 60575: Thermal-mechanical performance test and mechanical performance test on string
insulator units
IEC 60797: Residual strength of string insulator unit of. glass or ceramic material for overhead
lines after mechanical damage of the dielectric
IEC 61952: Insulators for overhead lines – Composite line post insulators for alternative
current with a nominal voltage >1 000 V
IEC 60433: Insulators for overhead lines with a nominal voltage above 1 000 V –Ceramic
insulators for A.C. systems – Characteristics of insulator units of the long rod type
IEC 60815: Guide for the selection of insulators in respect of polluted conditions (1, 2, 3)
IEC 60587: Electrical insulating materials used under severe ambient conditions –Test
methods for evaluating resistance to tracking and erosion
IEC 60060-1: High-voltage test techniques - Part 1: General definitions and test requirements
IEC 60060-3: High voltage test techniques - Part 3: Definitions and requirements for on-site
IEC 61467: Insulators for overhead lines with a nominal voltage above 1000 V – AC power arc
tests on insulator sets
IEC 60372: Locking Devices for Ball and Socket Couplings of String Insulator Units:
Dimensions and Tests.
IEC 61897: Overhead lines – Requirements and tests for Stockbridge type wind vibration
IEC TR 61328: Live working –Guidelines for the installation of transmission line conductors
and earthwires – Stringing equipment and accessory items
IEC 61394: Overhead lines – Characteristics of greases for aluminum, aluminum alloy and
steel bare conductors
IEC 61284: Design criteria of overhead transmission lines Overhead lines – Requirements and
tests for fittings
Nepal has a rich geography. The mountainous north has eight of the world's ten tallest
mountains, including the highest point on Earth, Mount Everest, called Sagarmatha in Nepali.
It contains more than 240 peaks over 20,000 ft. (6,096 m) above sea level. The fertile and
humid south is heavily urbanized.
Nepal has the longest division of the Himalaya. Its extension is about 800 Km and starts from
west at the Mahakali River and ends at the east by the Tista River. Nepal occupies the central
sector of Himalayan arc. Nearly one third of the 2400 km long Himalayan range lies within
Nepal. Similar to other parts of the Himalaya, from south to north, Nepal can be also sub
divided into the following five major tectonic zones.
a) Gangetic Plain
b) Sub-Himalayan (Siwalik) Zone
c) Lesser Himalayan Zone
d) Higher Himalayan Zone
e) Tibetan-Tethys Himalayan Zone
Each of these zones is characterized by their own lithology, tectonics, structures and
geological history.
The third area is a high central region, some 890 km (344 sq. mi) in extent between the main
Himalayan and Mahabharat ranges; this region is known as the Kathmāndu Valley, or the
Valley of Nepal. Overlooked by mountains, the valley, with its fertile soil and temperate
climate, supports a thriving agriculture. Here Kathmandu, the capital, is situated, with the
foothill towns of Bhaktapur and Patan nearby. This is the only region of Nepal that has any
considerable population density.
2.2 Climate
Nepal has tremendous variation in climate. Its latitude is about the same as that of Florida.
So Terai land up to 500 meters (1,640 ft.) has a fully tropical climate, with a subtropical zone
extending up to 1,200 meters (3,937 ft.) which is the lower limit of frost in winter. Warm
temperate climates prevail from 1,200 to 2,400 meters (3,937 to 7,874 ft.) where snow
occasionally falls.
Then there is a cold zone to 3,600 meters (11,811 ft.) (Tree line), a subarctic or alpine zone to
4,400 meters (14,436 ft.) and fully arctic climate above that.
Precipitation generally decreases from east to west with increasing distance from the Bay of
Bengal, source of the summer monsoon. Eastern Nepal gets about 2,500 mm (98.4 in)
annually; the Kathmandu area about 1,400 mm (55.1 in) and western Nepal about 1,000 mm
(39.4 in). This pattern is modified by adiabatic effects as rising air masses cool and drops their
moisture content on windward slopes, then warm up as they descend so relative humidity
drops. Annual precipitation reaches 5,500 mm (216.5 in) on windward slopes in the
Annapurna Himalaya beyond a relatively low stretch of the Mahabharat Range. In rain
shadows beyond the high mountains, annual precipitation drops as low as 160 mm (6.3 in),
creating a cold semi-desert.
Furthermore the year is divided into a wet season from June to September—as summer
warmth over Inner Asia creates a low pressure zone that draws in air from the Indian Ocean—
and a dry season from October to June as cold temperatures in the vast interior creates a
high pressure zone causing dry air to flow outward.
April and May are months of intense water stress when cumulative effects of the long dry
season are exacerbated by temperatures rising over 40°C (104°F). Seasonal drought
intensifies in the Siwalik Hills consisting of poorly-consolidated, coarse, highly permeable
sediments that do not retain water, so hillsides are covered with tropical scrub forest that is
extremely drought-tolerant. In fact outside marsh and riparian zones, most of Nepal's native
vegetation is adapted to withstand drought, although less so at higher elevations where
cooler temperatures mean less water stress.
The monsoon is preceded by a build-up of thunderstorm activity in the hills that helps
farmers irrigate rice seedbeds. Sustained rain on average arrives in early June as rising
temperatures over Inner Asia creates a low pressure zone that draws in air from the Indian
Ocean, but this can vary up to a month. Significant failure of monsoon rains historically
meant drought and famine while above normal rains still cause flooding and landslides with
losses in human lives, farmland and buildings. The monsoon also complicates transportation
with roads and trails washing out while unpaved roads and airstrips may become unusable
and cloud cover reduces safety margins for aviation. Rains diminish in September and
generally end by mid-October, ushering in generally cool, clear, and dry weather, as well as
the most relaxed and jovial period in Nepal. By this time, the harvest is completed and people
are in a festive mood. The two biggest and most important Hindu festivals-- Dashain and
Tihar (Dipawali)--arrive during this period, about one month apart. The post-monsoon season
lasts until about December.
After the post-monsoon comes the winter monsoon, a strong north-easterly flow marked by
occasional, short rainfalls in the lowlands and plains and snowfalls in the high-altitude areas.
Precipitation varies from year to year but increases markedly with elevation. Adequate
snowfall in the Himalaya is important for sufficient spring and summer melt-water for
irrigation in the lower hills and valleys. At lower elevations, winter rainfall is needed for the
success of winter crops such as wheat, barley and vegetables. In this season the Himalaya
function as a barrier to cold air masses from Inner Asia, so southern Nepal and northern India
have warmer winters than would otherwise be the case. April and May are dry and hot,
especially below 1,200 meters (3,937 ft.) where afternoon temperatures may exceed 40 °C
(104 °F).
Much colder temperatures prevail at higher elevations. The Kathmandu Valley situated at an
altitude of 1310 m, has a seasonable but equable climate with average summer and winter
temperatures of 27 °C to 19 °C and 20 °C to 2 °C respectively. The annual rainfall in
Kathmandu generally exceeds 1300mm. The mean annual precipitation ranges from more
than 6000 mm along the southern slopes of the Annapurna range in central Nepal to less
than the 250 mm in the north central portion near the Tibetan plateau. Amounts varying
between 1500 and 2500mm predominate over most of the country. On an average, about
80% of the precipitation is confined to the monsoon period (June September).
2.3 Rainfall
Nepal was divided into three broad agro-ecological zones viz. Mountain, Hills and Terai, in
order to facilitate development planning and administration, and to ensure equitable
distribution of development efforts to all parts of the county. This approach segregates
different areas of the county into groups with similar constraints and potential (topographic
and climatic), and has immense significance for macro-level planning (APROSC 1990).
2.3.1 Mountains
The mountain region occurs at elevations above 2000 m. The cultivated areas of this region
are the inner Himalayan valleys and some southerly aspects of mountains. The inner
Himalayan valleys have a dry and cool climate. The average daily temperature fluctuates
between 9 to 10°C during June/July. The annual rainfall varies from 140 mm in the west to
900 mm in the east.
2.3.2 Hills
The hill region is a wide belt of land aligned east to west in the middle part of Nepal. The
elevation ranges from 300 to 2000 m. The average daily temperature fluctuates between 2 to
17oC during December/January and between 13 to 27 °C during June/July. The average
rainfall varies from 1000 mm in the west to 2800 mm in the east, with more winter rain in the
west than in the east.
2.3.3 Terai
The Terai region is a flat plain in the south running from east to west. The elevation ranges
from 60 to 300 m. The Terai has a tropical to sub-tropical climate with the main tropical
region in the east, and drier areas in the west. The average daily temperature fluctuates
between 7 to 24 °C during December/January and between 24 to 41 °C during June/July. The
rainfall ranges from 600 mm in the west to 1300 mm in the east, with winter rain occurring in
the west.
2.4 Soil
The soils of Nepal are highly variable and are derived mainly from young parent material
(Manandhar 1989). Soils have been classified on the basis of soil texture, mode of
transportation, and color, and are broadly divided into:
− Alluvial soil
− Sandy and alluvial soil
− Gravelly soil
− Residual
− Glacial soil
Alluvial soil is found in the valleys of the Terai region and in the middle hill valleys around
Kathmandu and Pokhara. The valleys lie between the Siwalikhs and Mahabharat Lekh hills
which widen out inplaces to form flat fertile valleys called Dun valleys. The Siwaliks (also
called Churia hills) range from 300-700 m and form the southern sub-range or the pre-
Himalayan range. The Mahabharat Lekh is a prominent belt of uplifted mountain in the north,
parallel to the sub-range. In the inner Terai, the major Dun valleys are the Dang, Deokhuri,
Surkhet, Chitwan, Kamla and Trijuga, while in the middle hills they are the Kathmandu and
Pokhara. New alluvial soil, but with more sand and silt than clay, is being deposited in the
flood plain areas along the river courses. Alluvial soil is also found in the slightly higher areas
above the flood plain covering a greater part of the Terai. The nutrient content of new alluvial
soil is fair to medium depending on how long they have been cultivated. On the other hand,
the nutrient content of old alluvial soils is very low.
Valleys in the mid-hills of Kathmandu and Pokhara have sandy and silty alluvial soil, which is
fairly fertile. In the Kathmandu valley, some deposits of peat mare (Kumero) have been found.
This is a diatomaceous clay which is used for painting house walls during festivals in rural
In addition, the Kathmandu valley is a source of dark clay / silty clay (Kalimati) soil which is
obtained from deep underground pits and is used as a manure mainly for potato and other
vegetable crops. This soil is rich in humus as well as in potash and has a small amount of
The foot of the Churia hills has soils of mixed gravel and pebbles. This soil is not useful for
agriculture as it has a very coarse texture and cannot hold sufficient moisture for plant
growth. Such soils were deposited by rivers originating in the Churia hills and have a high
lime content. Some soils in high mountain areas are also coarse textured gravels.
This type of soil is found mostly on the ridges and slopes of the mountains. Soils of the
Churia hills are very young and coarse, and are dry for most of the year. Soils on the slopes of
mid-hills are medium to low in plant nutrients but less productive due to moisture and
climatic limitations.
These soils, found in high Himalayan regions, are mostly rocky. They are covered with snow
most of the time.
To resume the different climatic differences in Nepal 3 main regions are defined (see
Figure 1 : Climatic Regions in Nepal)
• The mechanical withstand of equipment which must primarily handle the pressure of wind
and earthquakes,
• The dielectric withstand of insulation equipment in air which depend on its breakdown
qualities, that vary according to the humidity and altitude level, as well as on its pollution.
Although the service conditions can change significantly from one area to another, the
economic and operational considerations require standardisation of equipment whose
characteristics must satisfy, as far as possible, and as much as possible the service conditions
that overrule the entire stretch of land covered by the NEA network.
3.1.1 Temperature
With the large difference in climate through Nepal, the temperature variations across the
country are consistent enough to select one single set of temperatures that has to be applied
throughout the territory covered by the NEA network which is:
• Maximum temperature: 50 °C
• Minimum temperature: 0 °C
3.1.2 Pre
Precipitation and humidity
Relative humidity generally remains fairly high around 100 % with decreasing values going to
10 %.
3.1.3 Wind
The Nepal country has been divided into two wind zones with reference wind speed of 47
m/s and 55 m/s. The 55 m/s wind speed velocity zone is located in the Mountain Region (see
Figure 1 : Climatic Regions in Nepal).
Therefore, the reference wind speed adopted for most part of the Transmission Lines in
Nepal (located in the Hill and Terai regions) is 47 m/s.
Following the recommendations of the IEC 60826 the reduced wind speed is equal to 60 % of
the reference wind speed. The value of 28 m/s for the reduce wind speed has to be
The isoceraunic level is defined as the number of days per year where thunder is heard.
The average value of 60 shall be chosen across the entire area covered by the NEA network.
3.1.5 Pollution
The area located closed to industrial activities or major cities like Kathmandu shall be
considered with a medium pollution level to which there is a minimum creepage distance of
25 mm/kV.
In the other areas a light pollution level with a minimum creepage distance of 20 mm/kV
shall be considered.
3.1.6 Altitude
Most of the Transmission Lines should be located in the Hilly and Terai regions up to 2,400
meters above the sea level. The air density factor could be decreased over 1 000 meters
above the sea level but for conservative measure, the factor Q will be kept at 0.6125.
As a conservative policy, the air density factor shall be kept at the value of sea level at 15 °C
(In the formula P = Q x W2, Q = 0.6125, with the pressure P in Pa and the wind velocity in
The influence of the altitude on the air density shall be taken into account for the clearances
in the air over 1 000 meters above the sea level.
The different values of the minimum clearances in air are given in chapter 3.2.2 Voltage -
insulation levels, page 12 with the corrections due to the effect of the air density over 1 000
The external insulation levels corresponding to and in accordance with the IEC 61936-1
standard are indicated in the table below.
It must be noted however that because of the high risk of lightning, the highest insulation
levels are chosen so as to minimise the risk of overvoltage that could cause damage.
In the voltage range under and including 245 kV the choice is based on the rated lightning
impulse withstand voltages and the rated switching impulse withstand voltages for the
voltage range over 245 kV.
Nominal Highest Rated short- Rated Minimum phase-to-earth and phase-to phase
voltage voltage for duration lightning clearance
of system equipment power- impulse mm
Un Um frequency withstand
kV withstand voltage
1,2/50 µs
(peak value)
According to the IEC standard 60071-2, over 1 000 meter above the sea the clearance in air
due the variation of the density of air has to be corrected with a correction factor Ka. Phase-
to-earth Design conditions
For the design and the verification of the towers to phase-to-earth clearances, the three
following conditions have to be applied, for an altitude under 1 000 m:
For an altitude over 1 000 m, the correction about the external clearances has to be applied:
- For the Condition 2 the minimum phase-to earth clearance is 2/3 of the one for the
Condition 1
- For the Condition 3 the minimum phase-to earth clearance is 1/3 of the one for the
Condition 1
• Maximum wind
• Minimum temperature
• Phase conductors
− For the stringing and sagging initial condition, the tension in conductors must not
exceed 22 % of the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) at EDC weather condition.
− For the weather condition EDC, the tension in conductors must not exceed 22 % of the
ultimate tensile strength.
− For the weather condition of Maximum Wind, the tension in conductors must not
exceed 0.95 UTS/3 (with UTS: ultimate tensile strength of the wire). The value of 0.95 is
applied to take into account the reduction of the ultimate tensile strength of the wire
due to the compression joint along a span or at the section dead end.
− For the weather condition of Minimum Temperature, the tension in conductors must
not exceed 0.95 UTS/3 (with UTS: ultimate tensile strength of the wire). The value of
0.95 is applied to take into account the reduction of the ultimate tensile strength of the
wire due to the compression joint along a span or at the section dead end.
The withstand conditions are the same as those for phase conductors with the added
condition that for line sagging conditions corresponding to the Weather Case EDC, the
mechanical tension or the catenary of the conductors is equal to 85 % of the tension (or
catenary) of the ground wires or OPGW.
The component of suspension and anchoring insulator strings must not be subject to forces
over 1/3 of their ultimate tensile strength.
4.3.4 Towers
Towers and foundations withstand
For obvious reasons such as reducing study, manufacturing and maintenance costs, the
towers are always grouped into a limited number of functional types.
However, each type of tower consists of a main body and several extensions enabling it to
achieve varying tower heights so as to adapt more easily to the ground level, including
unequal leg extensions with maximum difference between the shortest and the longest leg of
6 meters.
The mechanical withstand calculations are done on the basis of forces corresponding to the
maximum height.
The tower stresses result from the stresses generated by the cables and the stresses
generated by wind or the assembling and maintenance conditions directly on the tower
structure. The corresponding load cases are categorised into cases of normal loads and cases
of exceptional loads. The safety coefficients in relation to the deterioration (yield strength) to
respect for the support structures are as follows:
For the foundations, the breakout forces and the overturning moments applied by the towers
on the foundations have to be multiplied by an add-on factor of 1.15 to take into account
the greater dispersion of mechanical characteristics of materials implemented. Then the
safety factors for foundations are the same than the towers (2 for normal load cases and
1.5 for exceptional load cases).
The normal load cases that the support must hold include:
• The stresses on the different components of the line created by the wind (transversal
The stresses generated by the wind on the cables are calculated according to the IEC
standard 60826. The wind direction is taken crosswise to the axis of the line.
• Broken Wire
− Suspension tower in alignment (type A): a phase conductor or an overhead ground wire
is broken; the other cables are installed and intact. In the event of a breakage in a
phase conductor on one side of the suspension tower, the horizontal tension in the
removing span has to be considered equal to 70 % of the initial horizontal tension of
the conductor (due to the insulator string). This cable break load case has to be applied
for all the weather conditions (EDC, Maximum Wind and Minimum Temperature).
− Suspension tower with a small or medium angle (type B): two phase conductor or one
phase and an overhead ground are broken; the other cables are installed and intact. In
the event of a breakage in a phase conductor on one side of the suspension tower, the
horizontal tension in the removing span has to be considered equal to 70 % of the
initial horizontal tension of the conductor (due to the insulator string). This cable break
load case has to be applied for all the weather conditions (EDC, Maximum Wind and
Minimum Temperature).
− Tension tower (type C): two phase conductor or one phase conductor and one overhead
ground wire are broken under all the weather conditions (EDC, Maximum Wind and
Minimum Temperature).
− Tension tower with a large angle and Dead End tower (type D & E): three phases broken
in one span conductors or two phase conductor and one overhead ground wire are
broken under all the weather conditions (EDC, Maximum Wind and Minimum
This specified longitudinal loading corresponds to all broken wires of phase conductors and
ground wire attachment points simultaneously on one span. This security loading must be
applied only to the two tension towers surrounding 10 spans.
After the finalization of the tower spotting on the approved profile, with the final positioning
and definition of the towers, the best choice for the Anti-Cascade towers has to be defined.
A vertical force of 150 daN corresponding to the weight of the worker and its tools is applied
in the middle of all the tower elements other than the main tower legs, applied to all the
elements which have an inclination under 45°.
During the construction and maintenance works, the towers should bear the exceptional
strengths that may be applied and that will vary depending on the operational methods
used. It is necessary to define, with appropriate assumptions, the strengths that shall be taken
into consideration during the conception of a tower. The operational methods that will be
considered on site should also be conceived in a way that these strengths are not over
The assumptions for the construction and maintenance of the Works are to be verified for
each type of tower.
It is assumed that, on any tower, one of several cables are retained on the support structure
at their adjustment tension by guy wires on a 1:3 slope, anchored to the ground on level
terrain. The weather condition to take into account is EDC, the safety factors are the ones of
the normal load cases.
Towers Hardware
Weather Foundations Safety
Nb Safety Wires Usage Safety
case Factor
Factor Factor
1 EDC 2
< 22 % of UTS R/3 (with loads from Towers
multiplied by 1.15)
2 Full Wind 2
< 0.95 x (UTS/3) R/3 (with loads from Towers
multiplied by 1.15)
Red 2
3 2
Wind < 0.95 x (UTS/3) R/3 (with loads from Towers
multiplied by 1.15)
Cold Red 2
4 2
Wind < 0.95 x (UTS/3) R/3 (with loads from Towers
multiplied by 1.15)
5 Max Sag 2
< 0.95 x (UTS/3) R/3 (with loads from Towers
multiplied by 1.15)
Towers Hardware
Load Case Weather Foundations
Safety Wires Usage Safety
Description Case Safety Factor
Factor Factor
(with loads from
Broken Wire EDC 1.5 < 0.95 x (UTS/1.4) R/3
Towers multiplied
by 1.15)
Anti (with loads from
EDC 1.5 < 0.95 x (UTS/1.4) R/3
cascading Towers multiplied
by 1.15)
(with loads from
Assembling EDC 1.5 < 0.95 x (UTS/1.4) R/3
Towers multiplied
by 1.15)
Construction 1.5
(with loads from
& EDC 1.5 < 0.95 x (UTS/1.4) R/3
Towers multiplied
Maintenance by 1.15)
(with loads from
Unhooking EDC 1.5 < 0.95 x (UTS/1.4) R/3
Towers multiplied
by 1.15)
(with loads from
Guying EDC 1.5 < 0.95 x (UTS/1.4) R/3
Towers multiplied
by 1.15)
CxT = drag coefficient considering all sides of the tower set at 2.9 for a lattice tower (where
the solidity ratio is generally of order 0.2)
ST = total surface of one side projected normally to the side perpendicular to the wind, with
the other face being included in the drag coefficient.
The minimum distances between phase conductors as well as between phase conductors and
overhead ground wires will be calculated according to the following formulas:
the term “ 0.6 . m’ . ( f +l) ” in the formula takes into account the asynchronous position of
two wires under wind conditions.
ecj = ecs + a
m’ = overload coefficient with reduced wind (ratio of the resulting forces due to wind and
weight on weight)
To the above clearances an additional clearance of 0.20 m is added during the studies to
provide uneven ground profile, survey and sag errors.
At all important road crossings, the tower should be fitted with tension insulator strings but
the ground clearance at the roads under maximum temperature and in still air are such that
even with conductor broken in adjacent span, ground clearance of the conductor from the
road surfaces should not be less than specified. At all national highways crossing, span
should not be more than 250 meters.
For Road crossings the towers on each side shall be equipped with double insulator strings.
The railway crossings have to follow the regulation law of the Railway Authorities:
i. The crossings shall be supported with tension towers on either side depending on the
merits of each case.
ii. The crossing shall normally be at right angle to the railway track.
iii. The minimum distance of the crossing towers will be at least equal to the height of the
tower plus 6 meters away measured from the centre of the nearest railway track.
iv. No crossing shall be located over a booster transformer, traction switching station, traction
sub-station or a track cabin location in an electrified area.
v. Minimum ground clearance above rail level of the lowest portion of any conductor under
condition of maximum sag shall be maintained as per railway regulations.
For Railway crossings the towers on each side shall be equipped with double insulator strings.
In case of major river crossing, towers of suspension type along with tension towers on either
side of the main river crossing can be used. For non-navigable river, clearance has been
reckoned with respect to Highest Flood Level (HFL).
For River crossings the towers on each side shall be equipped with double insulator strings.
Each case has to be studied depending on the voltage of the lines (the one to cross and the
one to build). If the projected line crosses another line of a different voltage (lower, same,
above), the crossing can be done under or over the existing line. The temperature of the
different wires has to be the one which produces the most critical case.
For instance, if a new line crosses a line in service below this one, the conductors of the
existing line have to be considered at the highest temperature and the ground wire of the
new line at the lowest temperature.
It is advantageous in certain cases to remove the ground-wire of the line to be crossed or the
one of the line to be built if this is possible and permitted by NEA or the Owner of the line to
be crossed.
For Power line crossings the towers on each side shall be equipped with double insulator
For Telecommunication crossings the towers on each side shall be equipped with double
insulator strings.
In order to properly protect the power line against direct lightning strikes on the conductors,
the overhead ground wire shall be positioned in such a way that the phase conductors are
below two half-planes that are parallel to the axis of the line, passing through the suspension
or anchoring clamps of the overhead ground wire and forming an angle on either side of the
vertical equal to:
• For towers with single overhead ground wire: Angle of Shielding of 20 degrees. It is worth
taking into account the standardisation of single-phase tripping/resetting in the network
which greatly limits any network disturbances in the event of lightning strikes.
• For towers with 2 insulated overhead ground wires: 15 degrees, a value easily obtained
with 2 cross arms supporting the overhead ground wires.
Designation of
Type of Tower Stringing Usage
Up to a 2 deg. line
Tangent Tower A Suspension
Suspension & Up to a 15 deg. line
Small Angle Tower B
Tension angle
Medium Angle Up to a 30 deg. line
C Tension
Tower angle
Large Angle & Dead Up to a 60 deg. Line
D Tension
end Tower angle
Towers required for
long spans and
Special Towers E Tension
major crossings
(Rivers, Valley, ...)
5.2.1 General
The maximum length of a section in a plain terrain shall be limited to 15 spans or 5 km and
10 spans or 3 km in hilly terrain.
The values given below for the wind & weight spans are the ones to follow for the pre-design
of the lines. For the real design, these values can be changed in order to obtain the best
technical/economical compromise solution.
The towers consist of a lattice structure, square base, and are made of hot galvanised steel.
They have four legs fitted with separate base plates embedded into the foundation
structures. In order to adapt to the terrain conditions; each type of tower includes:
• A main body that can be extended in height using extensions of 3 meters or 6 meters
height depending on the line to be built. The Hilly and Mountain regions need more
extensions (heights) than the Terai region.
The conductor configuration of towers, which will depend on the electrical properties of the
line, will be chosen from the following possibilities:
• 3 conductors arranged in a triangular formation and 1 overhead ground wire for a single
circuit line,
• 6 conductors arranged in vertical formation and 1 overhead ground wire for a dual circuit
line, or one ground wire and one OPGW.
5.3.2 Materials
Materials and assembling Galvanisation
All steel components are hot dip galvanised. The galvanisation quality must comply with a
relevant standard (ASTM, ISO, BS, IS, AFNOR).
5.3.3 Accessor
• Coupling inside insulator strings and between insulator strings and structures
Shackles are not permitted due to the punctual contact which causes early damage to the
galvanisation and also due to the friction/erosion at this punctual contact. All the couplings
have to be Clevis/Tongue type following the IEC standard 60471 & 60471-A1.
• Bolts
The assembling bolts situated below an anti-climbing device will be equipped with a special
disassembling device to prevent theft of corner plates.
• Step bolts
In order to allow maintenance of towers and their accessories, each tower is fitted with step
bolts placed in a staggered configuration alternately on each of two exterior sides of 2
diagonally opposite leg members. The spacing between two step bolts can’t exceed 380 mm.
The step bolts have to be 160 mm long with a diameter of 16 mm.
• Anti-climbing devices
All towers must be equipped with a protective belt at a height of 3 to 6m above the ground
so that it is not possible to climb without special means.
• Nameplates
All towers are provided with a nameplate. It is attached using anti-vandalism bolts on a
support structure situated above the anti-climbing device.
On all 20 towers a plate designed for helicopter tracking, is secured to the upper section of
the tower.
The plates are made of aluminium alloy, are resistant to bad weather (rain, sun) and the
writing will be stamped, and then painted with permanent paint.
The towers are subject to full scale tests in a specialised testing station and according to the
IEC recommendation. The time of latest load application has to be 5 minutes.
Each type of tower is tested up to the sizing loads of each case. Besides this, the suspension
tower will be tested for breakages.
With the aim of improving the balance of currents and voltages in the three phases, it is
necessary to transpose the position of the conductors, when lines or line sections exceed
This is to ensure that each conductor occupies each of the three geometric positions on a
third of the line length.
The transposing process must be completed and shall include three successive 1/3 rotations.
For the NEA network only the following wires have to be used as conductors. They have to
follow the IEC standards.
• They primarily help reduce the spark-over rate of insulation from lightning strikes,
specifically for high voltages,
• Being connected to the ground, they noticeably reduce voltages induced by HV lines in
the telecommunication circuits parallel to these lines,
• They can be insulated and powered in medium voltages, and may be used for rural
Justifying the number of overhead ground wires (0, 1 or 2) is based on the study of the spark-
over rate to lightning strikes or, for insulated cables, based on the type of desired rural
distribution (single-phase or three-phase).
The choice of cable type and section is determined by the mechanical considerations (line
sag less than or equal to that of phase conductors) and electrical considerations (withstand to
short-circuit current).
The choice of type and section of the overhead ground wire is determined by the mechanical
considerations (line sag less than or equal to that of phase conductors) and electrical
considerations (withstand to short-circuit current). These same considerations apply to
OPGW. Junction boxes are installed in the lower part of the tower, directly above the anti-
climbing device.
When the OPGW is also used for rural distribution, it is subject to a voltage and current in
continuous operation which represents further constraints to take into account for the choice
of cable. These additional constraints lead to insulating the junction boxes from the ground.
The junction box voltage shall be at the same potential as the cable and junction boxes will
therefore be placed on the insulators at the top of the pole.
The number of fibres depends on the line and is under the responsibility of NEA.
The conductor insulating strings are preferably based of cap and pin toughened glass
insulators type.
All ferrous parts other than the stainless steel ones are hot dip galvanised. The galvanisation
complies with the requirements of the ASTM standards, applicable codes and standards.
1) It mainly involves keeping the power arc far enough away from the insulators and
conductor fixing accessories in order to prevent these parts from being damaged,
2) It helps ensure a more favourable distribution of voltages between the insulators and
prevent corona discharges from forming on the chain or lessen the significance of them in
order to maintain an acceptable level of interference.
All insulator strings are fitted with earthing devices (spark gaps) at both ends corresponding
to a nominal withstand voltage to the lightning strikes according to NEA Network Electrical
Conditions (see § 3.2 page 12) and IEC 60071.
Such earthing devices are made of horns or horns and rackets open rings with ball. They’re
arranged in a plane normal to the conductor.
The tension insulator string of dead end towers situated in front of substations are fitted with
spark devices at varying distances enabling to adjust the withstand voltage to lightning
strikes in order to protect the equipment against voltage surges and short-duration currents.
Clevis and tongue coupling are adapted directly to towers which can enable oscillations of
the insulator string.
Clevis and tongue coupling are adapted directly to towers which can enable oscillations of
the insulator string.
They are made of aluminium alloy at least with respect to parts in contact with the conductor
and they are designed for cables equipped with armour rods.
8.5 Armour
In order to strengthen the phase conductor and overhead ground wires for each suspension
clamp, a twisted wire lining, made of the same alloy as the one used in the conductor, is
inserted between the conductor and suspension clamp.
This lining (or armour-rods) is preformed, enabling installation without special tools.
8.6 Dead-
Dead-end and mid-
mid-span tension joints
The dead-end and mid-span tension joints are of "compression" type.
The number and characteristics of dampers to be set up as well as their positioning on the
cables is determined based on the type of cable and the characteristics of the line span.
8.8 Cou
The counterweights can be fixed under the suspension clamps of suspension towers. The
counterweights will consist of plates. The hanging system is developed so as to not prevent
or limit the rotation of the suspension clamps around its axis.
8.9 Aeri
rial markers
The following arrangements will be made in the areas deemed dangerous for air navigation:
river or stream crossings, steep-sided valley crossings, airport and aerodrome approaches.
This will involve power line markers with minimum diameter of 500mm fitted with holes to
allow flow of water. They will be made either of fibreglass reinforced polyester, or a synthetic
material approved by the Contracting Owner. The assembling of these power line markers
will be straightforward without threading on the taut cable, and equipped with armour-rods.
The marker colours (red and white) shall comply with International Recommendations, the
Convention on International Civil Aviation, the law of NEPAL and the practises of NEA.
For towers situated at least 100m away from a village, a ring strip or cable ring will be
positioned 1m from the foundations and at a depth of 0.5m so as to reduce the pace and
contact voltages in the event of a short-circuit.
10.1 Gen
Gen eral aspects
The majority of towers used by the NEA have a metallic lattice structure, and the foundations
are on separated feet, except in areas of very rough terrain where there are slab-like
The choice of foundations considers the type of soil and the significance of the loads which
are applied to these foundations. If the ground is of good quality (as is usually the case)
concrete slab and chimney foundations shall be utilised. If the ground is of poor quality, deep
stake or slab type foundations are utilised. Note: metallic foundations, which considerably
increase the importation of metallic structures, don’t have to be considered.
If the soil is consistent enough and the stresses are not too high, the chimney and slab
foundations may be replaced by drilled cylinder-shaped foundations. After the drilling
process, the base of these foundations is enlarged using a template which helps improve the
embedding of the foundation in the ground.
The upper section of the foundations is 0.30m above ground level on normal ground and, on
land liable to flooding, 0.50m above the expected water level. The top is diamond-shaped so
as to prevent water from stagnating at the top of the foundation and is covered with a
bituminous paint.
Calculating the structures takes into account any possible uneven terrain of 10%. Beyond this
figure, a special calculation is made for each specific case.
• Good terrain without water, including soft rocks, clay, clayey sand, shale,
• Average terrain without water, including consistent terrain, marl, clay, slightly weathered
• Poor terrain or land underwater, including saturated soft clay, mud/silt, peat turf,
• Rocky terrain, including hard rocks.
The foundation structures are calculated for the most restrictive tower setup (whatever its
height) so that they can be used for all possible set-ups.
10.3.1 Calculating
Calculating the breakout force
Generally speaking, the calculation uses the said lifting angle method or any other
recognized method. This involves determining the tensile force of a foundation structure by
taking into account the weight of the ground raised by the slab in addition to the structure
weight. It is considered that the raised ground forms a pyramid frustum whose side faces
form an angle with the vertical side depending on the quality of the terrain. This angle is zero
for bad terrain, about 30° for normal terrain and can reach 70° for rocky terrain.
An estimate of the lifting angles that are likely to occur is given by the surveys carried out
along the line. However, during the construction of the line, a test is carried out at each tower
location to determine the peak resistance and side friction up to a minimum depth of 2.5
times the width of the foundation below the level of the foundation base.
10.3.2 Calculating
Calculating the compression force
The compression force applied on the ground is the sum of the following forces:
This compression force must not, while under the slab, result in a pressure greater than the
maximum eligible ground pressure.
It is accepted that on common ground, the shearing force applied to the structure is
absorbed by the reaction of the surrounding soil. The aboveground part of chimneys is
regarded as a cross arm embedded in the ground and subject to a bending force. For
aboveground heights greater than 0.70m, the concrete of the chimney should be reinforced.
If required, the foundation is reinforced to ensure proper distribution of forces on the slab
and to prevent concrete from moving while under tension.
11.1 Introduction
Construction works include the following main stages:
11.2 Re-
Topographical works involve recognition of the line route on the ground attended by the
Contracting Owner where the preliminary routes and major obstacles to avoid are marked
out, and where the definition of principles to be respected is given. A line route marking with
the materialisation of vertices angles is thus carried out, and then after approval, the ground-
based survey of the longitudinal profile of the line is conducted. The chosen scales are:
A point is raised at least every 50m, the density of points being increased if required by the
• Location of towers
The re-staking phase involves reviewing and updating the longitudinal profile (usually made
available to the Contractor by the Contracting Owner), then following approval of the
definitive longitudinal profile including tower positioning, the re-staking of the power line
and final installation of all towers commences.
Towers are located on the ground using numbered wooden stakes, a yellow stake in the
centre and two red stakes indicating the two directions of the line.
For lattice towers, the survey of ground cross-sections at the location of towers situated on
sloping ground is carried out so as to determine the exact lengths of the uneven tower legs.
This unevenness is indicated in the final staking log book.
The actual deforestation involves felling and stump removal of trees and bushes as well as
brush clearing on the entire right-of-way width specified beforehand. The deforestation
process can be done in 2 ways:
• Cutting and stump removal of trees after disbranching, with branches and trunks stored at
the border of the right-of-way passage,
• Deforestation using a bulldozer, where branches and trunks are stored at the border of the
right-of-way passage whereas stumps are got rid of and the holes in the ground are filled
in and levelled.
Outside the felling trench, all trees whose height + 2m is equal to the distance between the
foot of the tree and the vertical plane passing through the nearest conductor, must be felled.
Deforestation is done early enough to allow for a final inspection of the line profile and
enable the normal unreeling of cables.
The cross-path access tracks are signposted from the start of the main road with help from
signpost markers of minimum size 1.0 x 0.5 m and are indicated on the longitudinal profile.
− Track width: 3 m.
− Accessible by an off-road vehicle even during rainy season.
− Fitted with lightweight seasonal river crossing structures (riffles, gabions, short cut
bridges, buried pipes with protection at the pipe ends).
A – Tracks
1. Scraping off
∗ Depth: (0-50 cm), scraping off a layer of top soil
∗ Width: sufficient to accustom a tyre path width of 3 m.
4. Excavation
∗ Flattening slopes which are greater than 10 %.
B – Engineering structures
∗ Riffles liable to flooding
∗ Gabions and ripraps
The passage from one tower to another shall be preferably in a straight line, along the power
line or by returning a short antenna to the existing tracks and structures.
The route shall be prepared beforehand, during a joint visit. Some minor changes could be
introduced at a later stage depending on the experience gained during the work.
11.6 Fou
In the event where the type of ground does not allow carrying out this type of test, a
pressure-metre test is conducted.
Foundations are chosen on the basis of ground test results and foundation types outlined in
the previous paragraph.
In places where, the ground is deemed not resistant enough for foundation footings, taking
into account the predetermined differential ground settlement, a foundation slab with tower
legs connected is used.
The excavation of support foundations is carried out to the dimensions indicated on the
foundation drawings. If necessary, temporary reinforcements of the excavation walls are
installed and removed as and when concreting begins. The bottom of the excavation is kept
in natural state, perfectly adjusted to the relative and overall correct levels because the
foundations can only be put back on backfill materials.
After excavation, the type of soil at the excavation bottom is checked together with the
presence of ground water so as to make all decisions that may be required in case of
divergence from assumptions.
• Safety markings
A safety marking will be installed around the excavation site prior to backfilling.
The top of the foundations is 30cm above the natural ground level and ends with a diamond-
shaped point to prevent water from stagnating. In flood prone areas, the top of the
foundations is 50cm above the highest water level so that the metallic parts are never
The bottom of the excavation must be covered with 10cm of stabilised sand (made from
100kg of cement per m3 of sand), and perfectly levelled for introducing the vertical angle legs
and obtaining a correct support surface. The excavation depth is adapted accordingly.
Adjusting the bases must be done using an approved method (with use of templates or
theodolites). The acceptable tolerances on the tower positioning and adjustment of bases
• Diagonal deviation in relation to the line axis: (D/500 + 5cm), D being the distance in
metres from the point considered to the nearest angle point.
• The distance between the top of the base and real alignment axis must not exceed 5mm
per metre with a maximum of 50mm. For angle towers, (B and C type), these distances are
measured from the internal bisector of the line angle.
• The distances between the tops of the bases must not be different from the values
indicated on the manufacturing drawings by more than 0.5mm per metre with a maximum
of 10mm.
The difference on the diagonals from the top of the bases must be less than 1mm per meter,
with a maximum of 20mm.
The difference in the gradient of bases must be less than 3mm per metre (0.3 percent).
The distance between the theoretical central point (bearing) of the tower and the intersection
points of the diagonals must be less than 2mm per diagonal metre, with a maximum of
The top of the bases must be in the same plane. The maximum difference in level between
the two bases must not exceed 5mm.
The earth resistance value should not exceed 10 ohms. After completion, the value of each
earth connection is measured, and if needed, the earth connection is improved.
• Acceptance,
• Unpacking, sorting and inspection of parts,
• Transportation to the construction site,
• Actual construction,
• Checking the tightening of bolts and their punching shear,
• Repair work by painting over minor damages suffered by galvanising.
The construction takes place either gradually, piece by piece with help from a lifting mast
which is gradually moved in the tower body, or with use of a crane which enables lifting the
towers that have been previously assembled on the ground.
Once constructed and checked, the default vertical height of a support structure must not
exceed 50mm, whatever the height of the support structure.
11.10 Repa
pa iring damages
For the areas of tower components put in place which have experienced a slight deterioration
of the zinc layer during installation, reconditioning may be allowed by repair with use of an
approved high zinc-content paint.
• Rust removal with sandpaper or wire brush of any areas where corrosion and non-
adhesive thin zinc layers appear. Clean with a solvent and wipe dry. Treatment with
phosphoric acid is not allowed.
• Applying one or two layers of pre-mentioned paint (minimum dry film thickness: 100
microns) based on the supplier requirements.
The holes drilled on site will be painted as indicated above before assembling the
• Sorting of parts,
• Checking the consistency of parts with scheduled assembly,
• Transportation to installation sites,
• Actual assembling,
• Cleaning and installation of towers.
The pulleys designed for pulling the cables are set up at that point.
• Returning surplus material, cleaning the work site and refurbishing the premises.
The protection of cable drums during the storage, handling and transportation is such that,
during the pulling, the cable drums do not show any signs of wear, nor do the cables show
any damage.
The installation of protective gantries for passing over houses, communication routes, HV,
MV or LV power lines and other obstacles is an integral part of the work.
The stringing and pulling of cables takes place under mechanical tension with use of a winch
and clamping jaw which helps stretch the cable and ensure that the conductor does not rub
on the ground and risk being damaged when in contact with sharp edges.
The cables, to support structures, are based on the pulleys with approved model ball bearing
in order to prevent any cable deterioration. The effective diameter is at least 20 times the
cable diameter for the phase conductor and for the overhead ground wire. Alternatively, if a
set of smaller pulleys is used, they must be arranged such that the cable is based on a radius
equivalent to at least 20 times the diameter of the conductor. The pulley hooks must be of
uniform length in such a way that the conductors are maintained at an even distance, not
more than 500mm above or below their final position when they are hooked on.
The tension in the cables at the end of the cable drums may not exceed the value indicated
by the cable supplier. This value must be verifiable through constant indication at the bull-
wheel tensioner.
Unless they are tightened on the ends of the cable to be standardised, the pulling clamps are
of parallel jaw gripper type and smooth contact surface type, without ripples; the length is
suitable for energizing the cable without folding, notching or sliding the cable strands as well
as free from relative sliding of the steel core soaked in grease.
The cables are not lifted using tools with a short bending radius or that are likely to cause
damage; the curvature of the contact surface is at least equal to that imposed above for the
Any cable section showing any form of damage is eliminated. The rejected lengths of cables
whose length is less than 150m will not be used as a replacement. However, they could be
used for making conductor jumpers.
During the pulling and adjusting operations, the cables are earthed so as to prevent any
accident due to lightning strikes.
The compression type joints and anchoring clamps are manufactured according to the
supplier instructions and in a way as to ensure they have, firstly, a guarantee of electrical
conductivity, and secondly, mechanical resistance of stretched parts which is at least equal to
95% of the theoretical breaking load of cables on which the joints and clamps are attached.
The cable ends are thoroughly cleaned before being inserted into the joints or clamps and
are especially free from grease. The coupling sleeves to compress are filled with special paste,
according to the supplier’s instructions.
The joining surfaces between the leg of the anchoring clamp body and the end neck must be
clean and flat. For this reason, the two contact surfaces are brushed in order to eliminate the
aluminium oxide layer and coated with grease or a suitable contact paste recommended by
the manufacturer of the fittings.
Outside the ends of the lengths on the cable drum, the use of joints is normally avoided.
There is no more than one joint per cable for 3 spans, nor is there a joint within 15m of the
nearest clamp. There are no joints in the road, railway, inland water, river crossings, etc...
In case of cable deterioration, the Contractor shall submit a repair procedure to the Project
Manager: normal or repair joint, or cutting some cable lengths.
The adjustment takes place separately for each installation section, delimited by the support
structures equipped with tension insulator sets. Intermediate adjustments are made
whenever the horizontal component of the voltage cannot be guaranteed because of friction
in the pulleys and the high number of span distances or height level differences.
The pulling operations under mechanical tension and adjusting operations are carried out in
such a way that the towers are never overloaded. For this purpose, it is up to the Contractor
to gather all necessary information, in particular the tables of maximum acceptable forces for
the support structures and the planned loading cases. The Contractor may be required to guy
certain unexpected support structure or support cross arms for the loading cases faced
during the installation process. This kind of operation should be limited to an absolute
Moreover, the voltage applied to the cables must not exceed the maximum mechanical
tension indicated on the installation panel, given that the cable experiences certain
phenomena such as creep behaviour as a result of stresses which the cable is subject to after
During each adjustment, the conductors are treated as evenly as possible, so that they
undergo the same creep behaviour at a later stage. For this reason, any adjustment is hoped
to be completed as much as possible within the same day and for all conductors of a given
After this operation, the suspension insulator strings must be vertical, the tolerance on the
adjusting line sag must not be more than 15cm and the tolerance between the line sag of
various conductors of the same span must not exceed 7.5cm.
11.13 Establis
tablishment of control forms
Throughout the work duration, the Contractor must check its own capacities with forms that
have been established for all work stages.
The forms must be filled out by the Site Manager of the Company during the course of work
and subject to approval from the Project Manager. They help control the quality of work as
well as work progress in relation to the projected work plans.
Inspection of the work structure is done in the presence of the Consultant – Project Manager
and in response to a notification from the Contractor. This inspection consists of a thorough
examination of a limited number of towers. In the event of a finding of non-compliance with
the contractual documents, the inspection shall be suspended and the Contractor shall carry
out the checks and make any corrections on the entire work structure. The inspection
attended by the Project Manager can then resume on the same basis.
• Electrical tests.
All these measurements, including equipment are performed by and at the expense of the
Contractor, and are subject to a report drafted by the Contractor and transmitted to the
Project Manager.