Leadership Style of Richard Branson
Leadership Style of Richard Branson
Leadership Style of Richard Branson
Chapter 1: Introduction....................................................................................................................1
1.1 Definition of Leadership........................................................................................................1
1.2 Characteristics of a Leader.....................................................................................................1
1.3 About the Report....................................................................................................................2
Chapter 2: Leadership Theories.......................................................................................................3
2.1 Managerial Grid.....................................................................................................................3
2.2 Contingency Theory...............................................................................................................3
2.3 Path-Goal Theory...................................................................................................................4
2.4 Leader-Style Theory...............................................................................................................4
2.5 Hersey and Blanchard Theory................................................................................................5
2.6 Transformational Leadership.................................................................................................5
Chapter 3: About Richard Branson..................................................................................................7
3.1 Synopsis.................................................................................................................................7
3.2 Early Life...............................................................................................................................7
3.3 Virgin Records........................................................................................................................8
3.4 Business Expansion................................................................................................................8
3.5 Virgin Galactic.......................................................................................................................9
Chapter 4: Virgin Group................................................................................................................10
Chapter 5: Leadership Style of Richard Branson..........................................................................12
5.1 The Emergence of Bransons Leadership Style...................................................................12
5.2 Richard Branson in the Public Eye......................................................................................13
5.3 Branson and his Followers...................................................................................................13
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Definition of Leadership
Before a leader can be analyzed, one must define what leadership is. Jackson and Parry (2008)
say that leadership is like beauty it is difficult to describe, but we certainly know it when we
see it.' However, the general consensus is that leadership is influencing people in order to attain
goals (Daft, 2008).
Leadership is a process by which one person influences the thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors of
others. Leaders set a direction for the rest of us; they help us see what lies ahead; they help us
visualize what we might achieve; they encourage us and inspire us. Without leadership a group
of human beings quickly degenerates into argument and conflict, because we see things in
different ways and lean toward different solutions. Leadership helps to point us in the same
direction and harness our efforts jointly. Leadership is the ability to get other people to do
something significant that they might not otherwise do. Its energizing people toward a goal.
Formal authority
Distinct personality characteristics like for example, will to dominate, ability to establish
rapport, skill to communicate, identity with and understanding of people, decisiveness
and soon.
Skillful use of these power bases by a leader is likely to bring success to him; and success in
some cases adds to the power of the leader. A successful leader gains more credibility in the eyes
of people; they often tend to ignore other deficiencies in him; they resolve to adhere to him and
highest levels of accomplishment. They are flexible and responsive to change, and they
understand the need to change.
Leader-member relations: the degree of confidence the subordinates have in the leader.
It also includes the loyalty shown the leader and the leaders attractiveness.
Task structure: the degree to which the followers jobs are routine as contrasted with
non routine.
Position power: the power inherent in the leadership position. It includes the rewards
and punishments typically associated with the position, the leaders formal authority
(based on ranking in the managerial hierarchy), and the support that the leader receives
from supervisors and the overall organization.
Reward subordinates for performing at a high level or achieving their work goals by
Leaders exhibit task behavior (the extent to which leaders are likely to organize and
define the roles of followers and direct the work) and relationship behavior (the extent to
This approach is easy to understand, offers suggestions for changing leadership style, and shows
leaders what to do and when to do it. It focuses on the need for adapt-ability (the degree to which
the leader is able to vary his or her style appropriately to the readiness level of a fol-lower in a
given situation).
Increase subordinates awareness of the importance of their tasks and the importance of
performing well.
Make subordinates aware of their needs for personal growth, development, and
Motivate their subordinates to work for the good of the organization rather than
exclusively for their own personal gain or benefit.
1973 with the help of Branson's team. The song was an instant smash, staying on the UK charts
for 247 weeks. Using the momentum of Oldfield's success, Branson then signed other aspiring
musical groups to label, including the Sex Pistols. Artists such as the Culture Club, the Rolling
Stones, and Genesis would follow, helping to make Virgin Music one of the top six record
companies in the world.
Bransons employees obviously love him. On several occasions, he has been voted Britains
favorite boss. According to Dearlove (2007), working for Branson is an adventure, simply
because of the way he motivates people. This is a key skill to have as a leader. His staff only ever
has praise for him because, since the beginning of Virgin, he has organized bonding sessions
with his employees in order to encourage staff loyalty. He refers to everyone who works for him
as his family. (Dearlove, 2007)
simple, yet effective, ways. Intellectual stimulation allows the leader in question to promote
cognitive abilities, such as problem solving and rationality. Branson does this by delegating work
as much as possible. He also treats each company within the Virgin Group as a totally separate
entity. He allows the managers of each of the companies in the Virgin Group to manage on their
own merit. Finally, individualized consideration means that the leader can treat each employee
personally with individualized coaching and advice (Robbins and Judge, 2009).
Chapter 6: Conclusion
After analyzing Richard Branson as a leader, it can be said that, he is a leader who gets his ideas
across quite well. He manages to ensure that his followers get things done his way through his
transformational leadership, while maintaining high standards across all the companies within
the Virgin Group. Essentially, Richard Branson is the Virgin brand, and this is because he has
been so successful at how he has led the company. He is as closely associated with the brand as
Steve Jobs was with Apple.
Richard Branson is respected as a leader simply because he is so good at it. While his official
title may be CEO of the Virgin Group, he is so much more than that. His leadership style is
built into that title. And because of that, it would be hard for anyone to take over that position
without being constantly compared to Branson. As well as this, Branson is an inspiration to
everyone as he was listed as the fourth richest citizen in Great Britain, with a net worth of $4.2
billion, without ever going to university. This will give hope to younger people who cant
manage to get into third level institutes.
There are many things one could learn from Richard Bransons leadership. While Bransons style
of leadership has been classified into a transformational leader, it is believed that he brings
something extra to that style of leadership. I think that his interpersonal skills are excellent,
which is invaluable trait to have as a leader. While anyone can read any of the numerous
leadership books out there, there are some skills that leaders require that can only be learned by
being led by a leader who already has those skills. I believe that Richard Branson is one of the
few successful, well-known leaders that could offer that. He is all those things that come to mind
when someone tries to define a leader: inspirational; motivational; gets the right things done.
Boddy, D. (2005) Management: An Introduction, 3rd ed. Essex: Pearson Education Ltd.
Daft, R. (2008) New Era of Management, 2nd ed. Mason: Thomson Higher Education
Dearlove, D. (2007) Business the Richard Branson Way, 10 secrets of the Worlds
Greatest Brand Builder. 3rd ed. Chichester: Capstone Publishing Ltd.
Jackson, B. & Parry, K. (2008) A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book About
Studying Leadership, London: Sage Publications Ltd.
Robbins, S.P. & Judge, T.A. (2009) Organizational Behavior, 13th ed. New Kersey:
Pearson Prentice Hall