Gse Math Unit 3
Gse Math Unit 3
Gse Math Unit 3
Standards of Excellence
GSE Grade 6
Unit 3: Expressions
These materials are for nonprofit educational purposes only. Any other use may constitute copyright infringement.
Unit 3
OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................... 3
STANDARDS FOR MATHEMATICAL PRACTICE .................................................... 3
STANDARDS FOR MATHEMATICAL CONTENT ..................................................... 4
BIG IDEAS .................................................................................................................... 5
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS............................................................................................. 5
CONCEPTS & SKILLS TO MAINTAIN/*FLUENCY .................................................. 5
STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING ..................................................... 6
MISCONCEPTIONS ...................................................................................................... 7
SELECTED TERMS AND SYMBOLS .......................................................................... 8
INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES/TOOLS .................................................................... 9
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT LESSONS (FAL) ........................................................... 9
SPOTLIGHT TASKS ................................................................................................... 10
3-ACT TASKS ............................................................................................................. 10
Tasks ............................................................................................................................ 11
The Best Offer (Spotlight Task) ......................................................................... 13
Exponents .......................................................................................................... 18
**Rules for Exponents ....................................................................................... 22
**Conjectures about Properties .......................................................................... 28
Visual Patterns (Spotlight Task) ........................................................................ 35
Perimeter and Area Expressions (Spotlight Task) .............................................. 41
**The Algebra of Magic Part 1 .......................................................................... 45
The Algebra of Magic Part 2.............................................................................. 53
The Algebra of Magic Part 3.............................................................................. 60
**Writing Expressions....................................................................................... 67
Writing and Evaluating Expressions .................................................................. 70
Laws of Arithmetic (FAL) ................................................................................. 79
**Are We Equal? .............................................................................................. 80
Culminating Task: Sweet Tooth Chocolate Shop ............................................... 95
*Unit Web Links ...................................................................................................... 104
* Revised standards, new tasks, and other new resources indicated in bold red font
** Existing task modified in the July 2015 edition
In this unit students will:
Represent repeated multiplication with exponents.
Evaluate expressions containing exponents to solve mathematical and real world
Translate verbal phrases and situations into algebraic expressions.
Identify the parts of a given expression.
Use the properties to identify equivalent expressions.
Use the properties and mathematical models to generate equivalent expressions.
Working with expressions and equations containing variables allows students for them to form
generalizations. Students should think of variables as quantities that vary instead of as letters that
represent set values. When students work with expressions involving variables without a focus
on a specific number or numbers that the variable may represent they can better recognize the
patterns that occur. It is these patterns that lead to generalizations that lay the foundation for their
future work in algebra.
MGSE6.EE.4 Identify when two expressions are equivalent (i.e., when the two expressions
name the same number regardless of which value is substituted into them.) For example, the
expressions y + y + y and 3y are equivalent because they name the same number regardless of
which number y stands for.
MGSE6.NS.4 Find the common multiples of two whole numbers less than or equal to 12
and the common factors of two whole numbers less than or equal to 100.
a. Find the greatest common factor of 2 whole numbers and use the distributive property
to express a sum of two whole numbers 1-100 with a common factor as a multiple of a
sum of two whole numbers with no common factors. (GCF) Example: 36 + 8 = 4(9 + 2)
b. Apply the least common multiple of two whole numbers less than or equal to 12 to solve
real-world problems.
It is expected that students will continue to develop and practice strategies to build their
capacity to become fluent in mathematics and mathematics computation. The eventual
goal is automaticity with math facts. This automaticity is built within each student through
strategy development and practice. The following section is presented in order to develop a
common understanding of the ideas and terminology regarding fluency and automaticity in
Fluency: Procedural fluency is defined as skill in carrying out procedures flexibly, accurately,
efficiently, and appropriately. Fluent problem solving does not necessarily mean solving
problems within a certain time limit, though there are reasonable limits on how long computation
should take. Fluency is based on a deep understanding of quantity and number.
Deep Understanding: Teachers teach more than simply how to get the answer and instead
support students ability to access concepts from a number of perspectives. Therefore students
are able to see math as more than a set of mnemonics or discrete procedures. Students
demonstrate deep conceptual understanding of foundational mathematics concepts by applying
them to new situations, as well as writing and speaking about their understanding.
Memorization: The rapid recall of arithmetic facts or mathematical procedures. Memorization is
often confused with fluency. Fluency implies a much richer kind of mathematical knowledge and
Number Sense: Students consider the context of a problem, look at the numbers in a problem,
make a decision about which strategy would be most efficient in each particular problem.
Number sense is not a deep understanding of a single strategy, but rather the ability to think
flexibly between a variety of strategies in context.
Fluent students:
flexibly use a combination of deep understanding, number sense, and memorization.
are fluent in the necessary baseline functions in mathematics so that they are able to
spend their thinking and processing time unpacking problems and making meaning from
are able to articulate their reasoning.
find solutions through a number of different paths.
For more about fluency, see: and:
This enables the student to discover how the calculator deals with expressions like x2, 5x, xy, and
2(x + 5).
The mnemonic PEMDAS can mislead students into thinking that addition must come
before subtraction and multiplication must come before division.
Students fail to see juxtaposition (side by side) as indicating multiplication. For example,
evaluating 3x as 35 when x = 5 instead of 3 times 5 = 15. Also, students may rewrite 8
2a as 6a.
Students also miss the understood 1 in front of a lone variable like a or x or p. For
example, not realizing that 4a + a is 5a.
Many of the misconceptions when dealing with expressions stem from the
misunderstanding/reading of the expression. For example, knowing the operations that
are being referenced with notation like x3, 4x, 3(x + 2y) is critical. The fact that x3 means
(x)(x)(x) which is x times x times x, not 3x or 3 times x; 4x means 4 times x or x + x + x +
x, not forty-something.
Associative Property of Addition: The sum of a set of numbers is the same no matter
how the numbers are grouped.
Distributive Property: The sum of two addends multiplied by a number is the sum of
the product of each addend and the number.
Exponent: The number of times a number or expression (called base) is used as a factor
of repeated multiplication. Also called the power.
Like Terms: Terms in an algebraic expression that have the same variable raised to the
same power. Only the coefficients of like terms are different.
For middle and high schools, each Georgia Standards of Excellence mathematics unit includes at
least one Spotlight Task. The Spotlight Tasks serve as exemplars for the use of the Standards for
Mathematical Practice, appropriate unit-level Georgia Standards of Excellence, and researchbased pedagogical strategies for instruction and engagement. Each task includes teacher
commentary and support for classroom implementation. Some of the Spotlight Tasks are
revisions of existing Georgia tasks and some are newly created. Additionally, some of the
Spotlight Tasks are 3-Act Tasks based on 3-Act Problems from Dan Meyer and Problem-Based
Learning from Robert Kaplinsky.
A Three-Act Task is a whole group mathematics task consisting of 3 distinct parts: an engaging
and perplexing Act One, an information and solution seeking Act Two, and a solution discussion
and solution revealing Act Three.
More information along with guidelines for 3-Act Tasks may be found in the Comprehensive
Course Guide.
Task Name
Task Type
Grouping Strategy
Constructing Task
Individual/Partner Task
Formative Task
Individual/Partner Task
Formative Task
Individual/Partner Task
Exponent Conventions
About Properties
Formative Task
Partner/Small Group
Properties of Numbers
Visual Patterns
(Spotlight Task)
Constructing Task
Individual/Partner Task
Perimeter and
Area Expressions
(Spotlight Task)
Constructing Task
Individual/Partner Task
Magic Part 1
Constructing Task
Individual/Partner Task
The Algebra of
Magic Part 2
Constructing Task
Individual/Partner Task
The Algebra of
Magic Part 3
Constructing Task
Individual/Partner Task
Formative Task
Individual/Partner Task
Writing expressions
Writing and
Formative Task
Group Task
Laws of Arithmetic
Formative Assessment
Individual/Partner Task
**Rules for
**The Algebra of
Content Addressed
**Are We Equal?
Culminating Task:
Sweet Tooth
Chocolate Shop
Formative Task
Individual/Partner Task
Summative Performance
Individual/Partner Task
Identify equivalent
expressions, Use
properties to generate
equivalent expressions
3-Act Task
Act 1 video
Act 2 picture (see picture in Act 2 below.)
Act 3 video
3-Act Task Recording Sheet
Manipulatives for modeling (two-color counters, centimeter cubes, etc.)
1 day
In this task, students will watch the video, and then tell what they noticed. The objective of Act
1 is to introduce the problem and allow students to begin thinking about a route to its solution. At
this point in the task, the teacher should avoid announcing the mathematical objectives. After
watching Act 1, students will be asked to discuss what they wonder or are curious about. These
questions will be recorded on a class chart or on the board. Students will then use mathematics
to answer their own questions. Students will be given information to solve the problem based on
More information along with guidelines for 3-Act Tasks may be found in the Comprehensive
Course Guide.
ACT 1:
Watch the video of Act 1
Using a think-pair-share, ask students the questions: What did you notice? What questions do you
have? Record students questions on the board for everyone to see and, as a class, decide on the
main question. Students should write down their initial guess.
Main Question: Which offer is the best?
Important Note: Although the MAIN QUESTION of this lesson is Which offer is the best? it is
important for the teacher to not ignore student-generated questions and try to answer as many of
them as possible (before, during, and after the lesson as a follow-up).
ACT 2:
Ask students to think about other information they might need to know in order to answer the
main question. Although all necessary information is provided in Act 1, students may not have
noticed that the 5 stacks of money in Option A each contain $10,000 for a total of $50,000.
Students may work individually for 5-10 minutes to come up with a plan, test ideas, and problem
solve. After individual time, students may work in groups (3-4 students) to collaborate and solve
this task together.
ACT 3:
Students should share their predictions with the class and explain how they arrived at their
answer. Reveal the answer
and allow groups with differing approaches to share out with the whole group if they havent
done so already. This is an opportunity to discuss sources of error and the reliability of our
Additionally, Act 3 should include time for:
Students to revisit initial guess.
The overall goal of this lesson is for students to write and evaluate expressions using wholenumber exponents; however, this task also gives students the opportunity to see how quickly
exponential expressions grow. In 5th grade, students were introduced to exponents to denote
powers of ten. Along with evaluating 216 = $65,536 in this task, students should also recognize
Adapted from Andrew Stadel
What did/do you notice?
Main Question:_______________________________________________________________
Make an initial guess and explain why.
What information would you like to know or do you need to solve the MAIN question?
Act 2 (cont)
Use this area for your work, tables, calculations, sketches, and final solution.
What was the result?
Attend to precision.
In this task, students practice writing and evaluating exponential expressions using dice.
MGSE6.EE.1 Write and evaluate expressions involving whole-number exponents.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students construct and
critique arguments regarding the equivalence of exponential expressions.
6. Attend to precision. Students use the mathematical language with relation to exponents.
7. Look for and make use of structure. Students use a table to organize and compare base,
exponent, exponential forms, standard form, and value.
An exponent is simply shorthand for repeated multiplication of a number times itself (e.g.,
2 5 = 2 2 2 2 2 ). This is a rule with no conceptual basis. It is simply an agreed upon
convention. This lesson is intended to follow the Spotlight Task The Best Offer and serves as
practice for students in writing and evaluating exponential expressions.
One red and one green dice for each pair of students.
1 day
You and a partner need a red and a green die. The red die will be the base and the green die will
be the exponent. Take turns rolling the dice. Record the base and the exponent and then write the
exponential expression. After you have recorded 10 numbers, find the standard form of each
exponential expression and calculate the value. Race your partner and see who finishes first.
(red die)
(green die)
Standard Form
Have students share selected responses and insights into the use of exponents. You are watching
here for the correct use of the base and the exponent.
What was the largest number each team generated?
Did anyone have to solve 66 ?
Which makes an exponential expression grow faster: a large base or a large exponent?
How does 32 compare to 3 x 2?
Teacher Notes
It is important to compare and since the most common mistake that students make
with exponential expressions is to multiply the base and exponent together.
Solutions will vary.
You and a partner need a red and a green die. The red die will be the base and the green die will
be the exponent. Take turns rolling the dice. Record the base and the exponent and then write the
exponential expression. After you have recorded 10 numbers, find the standard form of each
exponential expression and calculate the value. Race your partner and see who finishes first.
(red die)
(green die)
Standard Form
In this task, students will use the order of operations to evaluate exponential expressions for
equivalence. Students will also discover the necessity for the order of operations.
MGSE6.EE.1 Write and evaluate expressions involving whole-number exponents.
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Students make sense of expressions
using grouping symbols to rewrite expressions to obtain a different answer.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students explain how the
order of operations is useful in solving real-world problems.
5. Use appropriate tools strategically. Students determine which algebraic representations are
appropriate for given contexts.
6. Attend to precision. Students use the correct order of operations to evaluate expressions.
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Students will notice patterns in
solutions for expressions based on the order in which operations are presented.
How are exponents used when evaluating expressions?
How is order of operations used to evaluate expressions?
There are two conventions of symbolism that must be learned. The first is that an exponent
applies to its immediate base. For example, in the expression 3 + 42 the exponent 2 applies
only to the 4 so the expression is equal to 3 + 4 4. If we write (3 + 4)2 , the 2 is an exponent of
the quantity 3 + 4 and is evaluated (3 + 4) (3 + 4) or 7 7. Likewise, in the quantity 3x2, only
the x is squared (3 x x).
The other convention involves the order of operations: Multiplication and division are always
done before addition and subtraction within the same grouping symbols. Since exponentiation is
repeated multiplication, it is also done before addition and subtraction within the same grouping
symbols. NOTE - Multiplication does not always come before division. Division and
multiplication are worked left to right. Also, addition does not always come before
subtraction. Subtraction and addition and are worked left to right, whichever comes first.
1 day
22 32 23 1
22 (32 23 ) 1
(2 3)2 23 1
Write an expression of your own using all the operations as well as exponents.
Rewrite the expression using grouping symbols to give a different answer.
Explain the Order of Operations and how it is useful in solving mathematical and real
world problems.
Have students share solutions and the expressions that they have written.
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 3: Expressions
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The first expression is equal to 27, the second expression is equal to 3, the third expression is
equal to 27, so the second expression is not equivalent to either of the other two expressions
(but the first and third expressions are equivalent.)
Solutions will vary on the second part of the exploration. Make sure that the order of
operations is correct. One way to do this is to have students swap created problems with
another pair and check the work.
What do you notice?
Write an expression of your own using all the operations as well as exponents.
5. Explain the Order of Operations and how it is useful in solving mathematical and real world
In this task, students will make generalizations about sets of equations based on properties of
MGSE6.EE.3 Apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions. For
example, apply the distributive property to the expression 3(2 + x) to produce the equivalent
expression 6 + 3x; apply the distributive property to the expression 24x + 18y to produce the
equivalent expression 6(4x + 3y); apply properties of operations to y + y + y to produce the
equivalent expression 3y.
MGSE6.NS.4 Find the common multiples of two whole numbers less than or equal to 12
and the common factors of two whole numbers less than or equal to 100.
a. Find the greatest common factor of 2 whole numbers and use the distributive property
to express a sum of two whole numbers 1-100 with a common factor as a multiple of a
sum of two whole numbers with no common factors. (GCF) Example: 36 + 8 = 4(9 + 2)
b. Apply the least common multiple of two whole numbers less than or equal to 12 to solve
real-world problems.
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Students make sense of properties
by identifying a rule that matches a group of equations.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students construct
explanations about properties.
6. Attend to precision. Students use the language of the Commutative, Associative, Identity,
Zero Property of Multiplication, and Distributive properties.
7. Look for and make use of structure. Students apply properties to generate equivalent
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Students will identify properties
and reason why that group is identified with a certain property.
Numerical expressions are meaningful combinations of numbers and operation signs. A variable
is a letter or other symbol that is a placeholder for an unknown number or a quantity that varies.
An expression that contains at least one variable is called an algebraic expression.
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 3: Expressions
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When each variable in an algebraic expression is replaced by a number, the result is a numerical
expression whose value can be calculated. This process is called evaluating the algebraic
In this task, the idea of substituting variables to represent numbers is introduced in the context of
making conjectures about number properties.
2 days
Post the following expression on the board:
36 + 45 = 45 + 36
Ask students: Is it true or false?
123 + 24 = 24 + 123
Is it true or false?
Is it true or false?
Looking at these three equations, what do you notice?
Do you think this is true for all numbers?
Can you state this idea without using numbers?
By using variables, we can make an equation that shows your observation that order does not
matter when we add numbers.
Do you think this is also true for subtraction?
Do you think it is true for multiplication?
Do you think it is true for division?
Teacher Notes
The full class should discuss the various conjectures, asking for clarity or challenging
conjectures with counterexamples. Conjectures can be added to the class word wall with the
formal name for the property as well as written in words and in symbols.
Students are almost certainly not going to know or understand why division by zero is not
possible. You will need to provide contexts for them to make sense of this property. Some
children are simply told, Division by zero is not allowed, often when teachers do not fully
understand this concept. To avoid an arbitrary rule, pose problems to be modeled that involve
zero: Take thirty counters. How many sets of zero can be made? or Put twelve blocks in
zero equal groups. How many are in each group?
With a partner, look at the following sets of equations and determine if what you observe would
be true for all numbers. Create statements with words about what you observe in each set of
equations then write the equations using variables to represent numbers.
Property articulations by students may vary. They do not have to be exact language but
mathematical ideas must be sound and variable representations precise.
12 + 0 = 12
37 + 0 = 37
64 + 0 = 64
Identity Property of
12 1 = 12
37 1 = 37
64 1 = 64
Identity Property of
a 1 = a or =
12 0 = 12
37 0 = 37
64 0 = 64
12 1 = 12
37 1 = 37
64 1 = 64
Identity Property of
Identity Property of
12 0 = 0
37 0 = 0
64 0 = 0
12 0 = 12
45 0 = 45
64 0 = 64
Zero Property of
Undefined See
Summary Notes
12(4 3) = 48 36
12(4 + 3) = 48 + 36
6(7 2) = 42 12
6(7 + 2) = 42 + 12
4(10 3) = 40 12
4(10 + 3) = 40 + 12
Distributive Property
a(b + c) = ab + ac
Distributive Property
a(bc) = ab = ac
4 8 = (2 8) + (2 8)
4 + 8 = (2 + 8) + (2 + 8)
8 16 = (4 16) + (4 16)
8 + 16 = (4 + 16) + (4 + 16)
= + ( )
6 (4 3) = (6 4) 3
10 (5 2) = (10 5) 2
(11 2) 3 = 11 (2 3)
Associative Property
a (b c)= (a b) c
The Distributive Property of Multiplication over Addition and Subtraction helps to evaluate
expressions that have a number multiplying a sum or a difference.
9(4 + 5) = 9(4) + 9(5)
a(b + c) = ab + ac
5(8 2) = 5(8) 5(2)
a(b c) = ab ac
12 + 0 = 12
37 + 0 = 37
64 + 0 = 64
12 0 = 12
37 0 = 37
64 0 = 64
12 1 = 12
37 1 = 37
64 1 = 64
12 1 = 12
37 1 = 37
64 1 = 64
12 0 = 0
37 0 = 0
64 0 = 0
12 0 = 12
45 0 = 45
64 0 = 64
12(4 + 3) = 48 + 36
6(7 + 2) = 42 + 12
4(10 + 3) = 40 + 12
12(4 3) = 48 36
6(7 2) = 42 12
4(10 3) = 40 12
4 8 = (2 8) + (2 8)
4 + 8 = (2 + 8) + (2 + 8)
8 16 = (4 16) + (4 16)
8 + 16 = (4 + 16) + (4 + 16)
6 (4 3) = (6 4) 3
10 (5 2) = (10 5) 2
(11 2) 3 = 11 (2 3)
In this task, students will reason about visual and spatial patterns by modeling, extending,
expressing, and explaining the patterns in various ways.
MGSE6.EE.1 Write and evaluate expressions involving whole-number exponents.
MGSE6.EE.2 Write, read, and evaluate expressions in which letters stand for numbers.
MGSE6.EE.2a Write expressions that record operations with numbers and with letters standing
for numbers. For example, express the calculation Subtract y from 5 as 5-y.
MGSE6.EE.2b Identify parts of an expression using mathematical terms (sum, term, product,
factor, quotient, coefficient); view one or more parts of an expression as a single entity. For
example, describe the expression 2(8 + 7) as a product of two factors; view (8 + 7) as both a
single entity and a sum of two terms.
MGSE6.EE.2c Evaluate expressions at specific values of their variables. Include expressions
that arise from formulas used in real-world problems. Perform arithmetic operations, including
those involving whole-number exponents, in the conventional order when there are no
parentheses to specify a particular order (Order of Operations). For example, use the formulas
= 3 and = 6 2 to find the volume and surface area of a cube with sides of length = .
MGSE6.EE.4 Identify when two expressions are equivalent (i.e., when the two expressions
name the same number regardless of which value is substituted into them.) For example, the
expressions y + y + y and 3y are equivalent because they name the same number regardless of
which number y stands for.
What strategies can I use to help me understand and represent real situations using
algebraic expressions?
How are the properties (Identify, Associative and Commutative) used to evaluate,
simplify and expand expressions?
How is the Distributive Property used to evaluate, simplify and expand expressions?
Various manipulatives such as two color counters, color tiles, connecting cubes, etc.
Visual Patterns Handout (attached)
Initially, 2 days. Several days should be set aside for students to investigate these types of
patterns. Students should be given multiple chances to engage in these investigations with
different visual patterns.
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 3: Expressions
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The use of visual patterns to reify algebraic relationships and teach students to think
algebraically is not uncommon. Unfortunately, students are often directed to make a table to find
a pattern, rather than building strong figural reasoning. This often oversimplifies the task
meaning that students merely count to complete a table and ignore the visual model. This
creates iterative thinking such as (I just need to add 5 each time), guessing and checking, or
the application of rote procedures, rather than an understanding of the structural
relationships within the model.
This task was created to introduce teachers and students to a resource filled with visual patterns.
Teachers can assign 2 or 3 patterns per pair of students, initially. As students become more
confident in their ability, visual patterns can be assigned individually.
Fawn Nguyen, a middle school math teacher in California, has put together a library of visual
patterns here. In the teacher section on this site is a helpful tool for assigning random visual
patterns to students as well as a form for students to use to help them organize their thinking.
Students need multiple experiences working with and explaining patterns. Giving students a
visual pattern to build concretely, allows students to experience the growth of the pattern and
explain it based on that experience.
As students begin investigating visual patterns, ask them to look at how it grows from one
stage (or step) to the next. When they build the pattern using manipulatives, have them use one
color to begin with. Does any part of the pattern seem to be staying the same? Whatever
students see as staying the same have them replace those pieces with a different color.
For example:
Students may be investigating the visual pattern
on the left. Initially, students will build the
pattern with materials such as color tiles and use
all blue (for example) tiles to build it.
Step 1
Step 1
Step 2
Step 2
Step 3
Step 3
Once students have identified the part that stays the same (the constant) and the part that changes
(the variable), students can begin to organize their thinking. One way to do this is through the
use of an expanded t-table. This provides a place to organize all parts and the whole of the visual
pattern based on the how students see it growing.
One version of this kind of table can be seen below. Its important that students determine what
information is important to keep up with in the table.
This column allows students to keep a record of their thinking. If
they run out of time, they can pick up where they left off later
without having to start from scratch.
n +2
Total (tiles
in this case)
As students reason about the visual patterns, be sure to ask questions to check their
understandings and address misconceptions.
To help students move away from iterative reasoning (I just need to add 5 each time) to
explicit reasoning, its best to ask students to build the next two steps or stages (4 and 5 in
the table above), then skip some. Choose a number that is not a multiple of 1 through 5, but
fairly close. Some students will continue with their iterative reasoning to fill in the table for this
stage. Next, choose a larger number, again not a multiple of any of the previous stage numbers.
This gives students a subtle nudge to begin thinking about finding relationships within the data
that has already been collected. When students determine a rule, they should check to see that it
works for all of the stages. This is important because some rules or expressions may work for 2
or three stages, but not the rest. This is an act of being precise with the mathematics (SMP#6).
Students should also represent the patterns in other ways, such as on a coordinate grid. This
gives students a preview of mathematics to come later on. Its also a nice way for students to
attach the equations they create to a series of points on a line that represent the growth of the
pattern. IMPORTANT NOTE: When students plot the points on the coordinate grid, they
should not connect the points. In this context, it does not make sense to connect the points, since
we cant have a fraction of a stage or a fraction of a square tile.
During the closing of the lesson, students should share their expressions/equations using precise
mathematical language. Pairs of students who investigate similar patterns should discuss the
expressions/equations they create especially if they look different.
For example with the L shaped pattern mentioned above, depending on what students see
as staying the same, the following expressions or equations may be derived:
Students should determine whether or not these expressions work for the pattern, then determine
why they all work, since some are very different looking.
Students should be encouraged to create their own growth patterns. This will allow for
student creativity. Students should not only create the pattern, but also find the
expression/equation that explains it with several examples as proof that their equation is true.
Also, some patterns are much more challenging than others. Using these patterns can
provide students the challenge they need. Finally, looking at the quantity of squares in the
pattern is only one possible pattern to explore. Another option would be to look at perimeter
for the same pattern. Are the patterns for these two different ideas similar or very different?
Why? This gets even more interesting when the visual patterns are three dimensional!
Students needing support can be given a graphic organizer like the one above. Using this can
help students make sense of the patterns they are investigating based on how they see the
pattern growing. Also, some patterns are easier to explain than others. Patterns using
different shapes (such as pattern blocks) can be helpful to students needing support since the
differing shapes can help them focus on what is changing and staying the same.
For more visual patterns to try with your students, go to the source:
MGSE6.EE.4 Identify when two expressions are equivalent (i.e., when the two expressions
name the same number regardless of which value is substituted into them). For example, the
expressions y + y + y and 3y are equivalent because they name the same number regardless of
which number y stands for. Reason about and solve onevariable equations and inequalities.
MGSE6.EE.6 Use variables to represent numbers and write expressions when solving a real
world or mathematical problem; understand that a variable can represent an unknown number,
or, depending on the purpose at hand, any number in a specified set.
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Students will make sense of the
problem using rectangles to write and evaluate expressions.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Students may be asked to reason through this task
quantitatively before assigning variables to represent lengths on the smallest rectangle.
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3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students will share
expressions and models with partners and discuss their reasonableness.
4. Model with mathematics. Students will use rectangles to build shapes and write algebraic
expressions to represent the area and perimeters for these shapes.
6. Attend to precision. Students will attend to precision through the use of the language of
mathematics in their discussions as well as in the expressions they write.
7. Look for and make use of structure. Students will use their rectangles to describe how the
rectangular shapes are related and write expressions showing this understanding.
How are properties of numbers helpful in evaluating expressions?
What strategies can I use to help me understand and represent real situations using
algebraic expressions?
1 sheet of paper per student
Task directions (attached)
2 to 3 days
This problem gives students plenty of opportunity to practice manipulating algebraic expressions
within a purposeful context. Along the way, the challenges will provoke some insights that will
be worth sharing. Issues relating to the dimensions in formulas for areas and lengths may
One way to introduce the lesson would be to hand out sheets of paper (any size will work) and
introduce the problem, giving students time to cut out their five rectangles.
Show the image of the shape that the student from last year made and ask students to work out
the perimeter in terms of a and b. If students are not confident enough in their algebra to express
area in terms of a and b, the area of the smallest rectangle could be designated R and used as a
unit to express other areas.
Once everyone is happy that the area is 9R or 9ab and the perimeter is 10a + 4b, ask them to
combine the largest and smallest rectangles (edge to edge, corner to corner) to make other
shapes, and work out the areas and perimeters. How many different perimeters can they find?
When students have finished investigating this, discuss. Are they surprised to only find one
other possible perimeter, and that the two answers could be reached in several different ways?
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 3: Expressions
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The next challenge is to make different shapes using at least two of the rectangles, and again
work out the area and perimeter. Students could make a shape in pairs and work out the area and
perimeter to give to another pair (without letting them see the shape), to see if they can create a
shape with the same area and perimeter. There is opportunity for fruitful discussion when the two
shapes are compared, to see what is similar and what is different, and to see if one can be
transformed into the other.
Alternatively, collect together the areas and perimeters on the board. Then, in pairs, challenge
students to combine rectangles to make each of the area/perimeter combinations listed on the
board, checking each other's work as they go along.
Finally, below are some "questions to consider." These can provide some interesting points for
discussion. Students could be invited to suggest questions they think mathematicians might ask
themselves about this task. The list below may be used to prompt ideas if necessary.
Questions to consider:
What's the largest perimeter you can make using ALL the pieces?
Can you make two different shapes which have the same area and perimeter as each
Can you make two different shapes which have the same perimeter but different areas?
How do you combine any set of rectangles to create the largest possible perimeter?
A student thinks he has found a shape with the perimeter 7a + 4b. Can you find his
What can you say about the perimeters it is possible to make, if a and b are the
dimensions of one of the other rectangles?
Formative Assessment Questions:
How do we know whether an expression represents an area rather than a perimeter?
What does the area expression tell us about the pieces used to make the shape?
Are there multiple ways to make a given area/perimeter combination?
Number Pyramids from builds on this activity by challenging students to
create algebraic expressions to explain a relationship.
For students who need support, use numerical values, instead of a and b, and cut the rectangles
out from squared paper. Begin by looking for numerical relationships rather than algebraic ones,
and perhaps introduce the algebra to explain the patterns students find.
Here is a shape that she made by combining the largest and
smallest rectangles:
decided that the perimeter of her shape was 10a
+ 4b. Do you agree? Show how you came to that conclusion.
Her partner combined the largest and smallest rectangles in a different way. According to him,
the shape that he made had perimeter 8a + 6b. Is this possible? How might he have put the
shapes together?
These two partners made sure their rectangles always met along an edge, with vertices touching.
Can you combine the largest and smallest rectangles in this way to create other perimeters?
Create some other shapes by combining two or more rectangles, making sure they meet edge to
edge and corner to corner. What can you say about the areas and perimeters of the shapes you
can make?
With your partner:
In this inquiry-based task, students will decode a number trick using algebraic reasoning.
MGSE6.EE.2 Write, read, and evaluate expressions in which letters stand for numbers.
MGSE6.EE.2a Write expressions that record operations with numbers and with letters standing
for numbers. For example, express the calculation Subtract y from 5 as 5 y.
MGSE6.EE.2b Identify parts of an expression using mathematical terms (sum, term, product,
factor, quotient, coefficient); view one or more parts of an expression as a single entity. For
example, describe the expression 2(8 + 7) as a product of two factors; view (8 + 7) as both a
single entity and a sum of two terms.
MGSE6.EE.2c Evaluate expressions at specific values for their variables. Include expressions
that arise from formulas in realworld problems. Perform arithmetic operations, including those
involving wholenumber exponents, in the conventional order when there are no parentheses to
specify a particular order (Order of Operations). For example, use the formulas = and
= to find the volume and surface area of a cube with sides of length s = .
MGSE6.EE.3 Apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions. For
example, apply the distributive property to the expression 3(2 + x) to produce the equivalent
expression 6 + 3x; apply the distributive property to the expression 24x + 18y to produce the
equivalent expression 6(4x + 3y); apply properties of operations to y + y + y to produce the
equivalent expression 3y.
MGSE6.EE.4 Identify when two expressions are equivalent (i.e., when the two expressions
name the same number regardless of which value is substituted into them). For example, the
expressions y + y + y and 3y are equivalent because they name the same number regardless of
which number y stands for. Reason about and solve onevariable equations and inequalities.
MGSE6.EE.6 Use variables to represent numbers and write expressions when solving a real
world or mathematical problem; understand that a variable can represent an unknown number,
or, depending on the purpose at hand, any number in a specified set.
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Students will be making sense of
magic tricks involving algebraic expressions as well as creating their own.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Students will be reasoning through each of the
tricks as they determine how each trick works. Students will need to reason with
quantities of stuff initially before generalizing an abstract rule or expression that represents all
of the steps involved.
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 3: Expressions
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3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students will create
expressions and defend these expressions with their peers. Students may discover equivalent
expressions and end up proving their equivalence.
4. Model with mathematics. Students will use models to represent what happens in each
trick in order to understand the trick, undo the trick, invent new tricks, and realize the
value of representation.
6. Attend to precision. Students will attend to precision through their use of the language of
mathematics as well as in their use of operations.
7. Look for and make use of structure. Students will show an understanding of how numbers
and variables can be put together as parts and wholes using representations of operations and
How are the properties (Identify, Associative and Commutative) used to evaluate,
simplify and expand expressions?
How is the Distributive Property used to evaluate, simplify and expand expressions?
How can I tell if two expressions are equivalent?
Computer and projector or student devices (BYOT) (optional) Note: this computer
program will not work on Apple mobile devices due to Flash player.
Directions for mathematical magic tricks (attached)
Sticky notes or blank pieces of paper-all the same size (several per student)
1 or 2 days
In part one of this series of tasks, students will interact with a computer program that can read
minds. Then, students will tell what they noticed. They will then be asked to discuss what they
wonder or are curious about. These questions will be recorded on a class chart or on the board.
Students will then use mathematics, specifically algebraic reasoning, to answer their own
questions. Students will be given information to solve the problem based on need. When they
realize they dont have the information they need, and ask for it, it will be given to them.
The goals of this task are for students to:
develop an understanding of linear expressions and equations in a context;
make simple conjectures and generalizations;
add expressions, collect like terms;
use the distributive law of multiplication over addition in simple situations;
develop an awareness that algebra may be used to prove generalizations in number
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 3: Expressions
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Note: The context of magic tricks can often turn students off since it may lead
students to imply that math is just a bunch of tricks. Presenting this with a video of a
middle school student performing the trick (see links below) for someone else helps
to dispel this myth. When students see another student perform this trick, they are
more apt to ask How did they do that? or, better yet, Why does that work? This is
what we should all strive for in our lessons. Students asking how to do something or
wondering why something works means weve evoked curiosity and wonder.
While you can perform the tricks yourself, please be mindful of the fact that most people dont
like to be fooled and middle school students can be intimidated by this especially in front of their
peers. Another option would be to teach a trick to a student in one of your classes ahead of
time. They will know the trick (how it works), but they will probably not know why. They
can still investigate this.
After each trick is presented, either through the video or in another manner, students can go the
link posted for each trick and try different numbers and look for patterns. The link is not
necessary, but it does take the trick out of the picture and allows students to investigate
without being intimidated by being tricked.
Explain to students that, for each trick in this task, they should:
investigate the trick, trying different numbers;
work out how the trick is done. This usually involves spotting a connection between a
starting number and a finishing number. Algebra will be helpful here: representing the
unknown number (the number that is thought of) with something that can contain a
quantity may be helpful at first;
improve the trick in some way.
Trick 1: A Math-ic Prediction
This 3-act task can be found at:
Students choose any number and follow the steps given by the teacher or the interactive app (link
is at the end of this description). The prediction of 1 is revealed after the steps are followed.
Steps to follow for this trick:
Think of a number.
Add 3.
Double the result.
Subtract 4.
Divide the result by 2.
Subtract your original number.
Add 3.
Double the
2(x + 3) or
2x + 6
Subtract 4.
2(x + 1) or
2x + 2
Divide by 2.
The post-its work well because as students begin to visualize what is happening, they can easily
write a variable on the post-it. The post-it becomes a variable and can be written in an
expression as seen in the right hand column.
NOTE: Students should not be shown the table above. Students should make sense of the
mathematics involved in this prediction, creating their own representations and
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Students can be given practice after showing understanding, with a table similar to the following:
Think of a number
Double it
Add 8
Divide by 2
You have many options for stretching your students understanding of number
relationships. One option might be to have students figure out a peers starting number
after only providing an intermediate clue, such as Connor has a value of 22 after the
second step what was his starting number? or Lura has a value of 16 after the third
step how might you determine her starting number?
Another option here is to fill in a table like the one above (with the help of your students).
After completing the table, simply ask What do you notice? Students might notice, for
example, that the value after the 2nd step is an even number in each case. Encourage
students to conjecture whether or not this will always be true and to explore such
conjectures by trying to find more examples and possible counterexamples.
To extend this, students could find a way to give this trick more of a wow factor or to make
it more impressive. Students could also develop their own trick with representations and
algebraic expressions that explain it. Finally, students should be encouraged to develop (code)
their own computer program for a trick like this. The free online coding program used for the
tricks in this task and others to come can be found at
Students needing support might be given simpler tricks at first, building up to the trick
presented above. A simple trick might be:
Start with 2.
Think of a number and add it to the 2.
Add 4.
Subtract your original number. (the result is always 6 for this trick)
Work with students on making sense of this and build the tricks up to the trick presented
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 3: Expressions
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Adapted from Andrew Stadel
What did/do you notice?
Main Question:_______________________________________________________________
Make a hypothesis. How do you think this works?
What information do you have, would like to know, or do you need to help you answer your
MAIN question?
Act 2 (cont)
Use this area for your work, tables, calculations, sketches or other representations, and final
What was the result? How do you know this is correct?
Attend to precision.
The Sequel: How would you give this Algebra Magic trick more of a Wow factor?
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 3: Expressions
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In this inquiry-based task, students will decode a number trick using algebraic reasoning.
MGSE6.EE.2 Write, read, and evaluate expressions in which letters stand for numbers.
MGSE6.EE.2a Write expressions that record operations with numbers and with letters standing
for numbers. For example, express the calculation Subtract y from 5 as 5 y.
MGSE6.EE.2b Identify parts of an expression using mathematical terms (sum, term, product,
factor, quotient, coefficient); view one or more parts of an expression as a single entity. For
example, describe the expression 2(8 + 7) as a product of two factors; view (8 + 7) as both a
single entity and a sum of two terms.
MGSE6.EE.2c Evaluate expressions at specific values for their variables. Include expressions
that arise
from formulas in realworld problems. Perform arithmetic operations, including those involving
wholenumber exponents, in the conventional order when there are no parentheses to specify a
particular order (Order of Operations). For example, use the formulas = and = to find
the volume and surface area of a cube with sides of length s = .
MGSE6.EE.3 Apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions. For
example, apply the distributive property to the expression 3(2 + x) to produce the equivalent
expression 6 + 3x; apply the distributive property to the expression 24x + 18y to produce the
equivalent expression 6(4x + 3y); apply properties of operations to y + y + y to produce the
equivalent expression 3y.
MGSE6.EE.4 Identify when two expressions are equivalent (i.e., when the two expressions
name the same number regardless of which value is substituted into them). For example, the
expressions y + y + y and 3y are equivalent because they name the same number regardless of
which number y stands for. Reason about and solve onevariable equations and inequalities.
MGSE6.EE.6 Use variables to represent numbers and write expressions when solving a real
world or mathematical problem; understand that a variable can represent an unknown number,
or, depending on the purpose at hand, any number in a specified set.
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Students will be making sense of
magic tricks involving algebraic expressions as well as creating their own.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Students will be reasoning through each of the
tricks as they determine how each trick works. Students will need to reason with
quantities of stuff initially before generalizing an abstract rule or expression that represents all
of the steps involved.
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 3: Expressions
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3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students will create
expressions and defend these expressions with their peers. Students may discover equivalent
expressions and end up proving their equivalence.
4. Model with mathematics. Students will use models to represent what happens in each
trick in order to understand the trick, undo the trick, invent new tricks, and realize the
value of representation.
6. Attend to precision. Students will attend to precision through their use of the language of
mathematics as well as in their use of operations.
7. Look for and make use of structure. Students will show an understanding of how numbers
and variables can be put together as parts and wholes using representations of operations and
How are the properties (Identify, Associative and Commutative) used to evaluate,
simplify and expand expressions?
How is the Distributive Property used to evaluate, simplify and expand expressions?
How can I tell if two expressions are equivalent?
Computer and projector or student devices (BYOT) (optional) Note: this computer
program will not work on Apple mobile devices due to Flash player.
Directions for mathematical magic tricks (attached)
Sticky notes or blank pieces of paper-all the same size (several per student)
1 or 2 days
In part 2 of this series of tasks, students will watch a screencast of a student performing a super
quick calculation. Students will then tell what they noticed. They will then be asked to discuss
what they wonder or are curious about. These questions will be recorded on a class chart or on
the board. Students will then use mathematics, specifically algebraic reasoning, to answer their
own questions. Students will be given information to solve the problem based on need. When
they realize they dont have the information they need, and ask for it, it will be given to them.
The goals of this task are for students to:
develop an understanding of linear expressions and equations in a context;
make simple conjectures and generalizations;
add expressions, collect like terms;
use the distributive law of multiplication over addition in simple situations;
develop an awareness that algebra may be used to prove generalizations in number
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 3: Expressions
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Note: The context of magic tricks can often turn students off since it may lead students to
imply that math is just a bunch of tricks. Presenting this with a video of a middle school
student performing the trick (see links below) for someone else helps to dispel this myth.
When students see another student perform this trick, they are more apt to ask How did they
do that? or, better yet, Why does that work? This is what we should all strive for in our
lessons. Students asking how to do something or wondering why something works means weve
evoked curiosity and wonder.
While you can perform the tricks yourself, please be mindful of the fact that most
people dont like to be fooled and middle school students can be intimidated by this
especially in front of their peers. Another option would be to teach a trick to a
student in one of your classes ahead of time. They will know the trick (how it
works), but they will probably not know why. They can still investigate this.
After each trick is presented, either through the video or in another manner, students can go the
link posted for each trick and try different numbers and look for patterns. The link is not
necessary, but it does take the trick out of the picture and allows students to investigate
without being intimidated by being tricked.
Explain to students that, for each trick in this series of tasks, they should:
investigate the trick, trying different numbers;
work out how the trick is done. This usually involves spotting a connection between a
starting number and a finishing number. Algebra will be helpful here: representing the
unknown number (the number that is thought of) with something that can contain a
quantity may be helpful at first;
improve the trick in some way.
trick 2: Consecutive Number Sum
This 3-act task can be found at:
Students choose any start number. The next four numbers are the four
consecutive numbers that follow the chosen number. The trick is to tell the
sum of the series of numbers knowing only the start number.
In the investigation of this trick, students may vary the starting numbers and
make conjectures about the sums produced.
For example:
Students may decide that the sum is always a multiple of 5.
Some may use the following reasoning:
You start with a number, and then add a number thats one more,
and then you add a number thats two more, then three more, then
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 3: Expressions
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four more. That makes ten more altogether. So you add ten to five
times the number.
Encourage students to show this more formally, by using a post-it or a blank card for the first
number (n), a blank card and a counter (n + 1) for the second, a blank card and 2 counters for the
third (n + 2) and so on. The final total obtained is 5 cards and 10 counters (5n + 10) or 5(n + 2).
A quick way to predict the total from any starting number is to multiply by 5 and then add 10, or
add 2 and then multiply by 5. Students may be encouraged to develop this situation into a more
complex number trick. It could be made more impressive by having more addends, or
changing consecutive numbers to consecutive even (or odd) numbers, for example.
An interactive app for this trick can be found here:
More information along with guidelines for 3-Act Tasks may be found in the Comprehensive
Course Guide.
ACT 1:
Watch the video for Act 1. Alternatively, perform this trick for students. Ask students what
they noticed and what they wonder (are curious about). Record student responses.
Have students hypothesize how the trick works. How can the performer know the sum so
quickly for any number chosen?
ACT 2:
Students work on determining how the trick works based on their hypothesis. They should be
guided to show what is happening in the trick first through the use of some model that can be
represented in a diagram, and then later written as an expression. Students may ask for
information such as: How were the other numbers generated after the start number was
chosen? When they ask, point them to the link below or copy the numbers generated in the
video on the board so students can use them.
Students may ask if they can do the trick using technology:
Students may also ask for materials to use to model what is happening. (they may even ask to use
similar materials from the previous task) materials can also be suggested, carefully, by the
Students will compare and share solution strategies.
Share student solution paths. Start with most common strategy.
Students should explain their thinking about the mathematics in the trick.
Ask students to hypothesize again about whether any number would work like fractions
or decimals. Have them work to figure it out.
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 3: Expressions
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Be sure to help students make connections between equivalent expressions (i.e. the rules
5n + 10 and 5(n + 2).
Revisit any initial student questions that werent answered.
To extend this, students could find a way to give this trick more of a wow factor or to make
it more impressive. Students could also develop their own trick with representations and
algebraic expressions that explain it. Finally, students should be encouraged to develop (code)
their own computer program for a trick like this. The free online coding program used for the
tricks in this task and others to come can be found at
Students needing support might be given simpler tricks at first, building up to the trick
presented above. A simple trick might be to only use 3 numbers rather than 5 to determine the
sum. Use materials as well as variables to build the algebraic understanding through the use of
the quantities being represented.
Adapted from Andrew Stadel
What did/do you notice?
Main Question:_______________________________________________________________
Make a hypothesis. How do you think this works?
What information do you have, would like to know, or do you need to help you answer your
MAIN question?
Act 2 (cont)
Use this area for your work, tables, calculations, sketches or other representations, and final
What was the result? How do you know this is correct?
Attend to precision.
The Sequel: How would you give this Algebra Magic trick more of a Wow factor?
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 3: Expressions
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In this inquiry-based task, students will decode a number trick using algebraic reasoning.
MGSE6.EE.2 Write, read, and evaluate expressions in which letters stand for numbers.
MGSE6.EE.2a Write expressions that record operations with numbers and with letters standing
for numbers. For example, express the calculation Subtract y from 5 as 5 y.
MGSE6.EE.2b Identify parts of an expression using mathematical terms (sum, term, product,
factor, quotient, coefficient); view one or more parts of an expression as a single entity. For
example, describe the expression 2(8 + 7) as a product of two factors; view (8 + 7) as both a
single entity and a sum of two terms.
MGSE6.EE.2c Evaluate expressions at specific values for their variables. Include expressions
that arise from formulas in realworld problems. Perform arithmetic operations, including those
involving wholenumber exponents, in the conventional order when there are no parentheses to
specify a particular order (Order of Operations). For example, use the formulas = and
= to find the volume and surface area of a cube with sides of length s = .
MGSE6.EE.3 Apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions. For
example, apply the distributive property to the expression 3(2 + x) to produce the equivalent
expression 6 + 3x; apply the distributive property to the expression 24x + 18y to produce the
equivalent expression 6(4x + 3y); apply properties of operations to y + y + y to produce the
equivalent expression 3y.
MGSE6.EE.4 Identify when two expressions are equivalent (i.e., when the two expressions
name the same number regardless of which value is substituted into them). For example, the
expressions y + y + y and 3y are equivalent because they name the same number regardless of
which number y stands for. Reason about and solve onevariable equations and inequalities.
MGSE6.EE.6 Use variables to represent numbers and write expressions when solving a real
world or mathematical problem; understand that a variable can represent an unknown number,
or, depending on the purpose at hand, any number in a specified set.
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Students will be making sense of
magic tricks involving algebraic expressions as well as creating their own.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Students will be reasoning through each of the
tricks as they determine how each trick works. Students will need to reason with quantities
of stuff initially before generalizing an abstract rule or expression that represents all of the
steps involved.
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 3: Expressions
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3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students will create
expressions and defend these expressions with their peers. Students may discover equivalent
expressions and end up proving their equivalence.
4. Model with mathematics. Students will use models to represent what happens in each
trick in order to understand the trick, undo the trick, invent new tricks, and realize the
value of representation.
6. Attend to precision. Students will attend to precision through their use of the language of
mathematics as well as in their use of operations.
7. Look for and make use of structure. Students will show an understanding of how numbers
and variables can be put together as parts and wholes using representations of operations and
How are the properties (Identify, Associative and Commutative) used to evaluate,
simplify and expand expressions?
How is the Distributive Property used to evaluate, simplify and expand expressions?
How can I tell if two expressions are equivalent?
Computer and projector or Students with personal technology (BYOT) (optional) Note:
this computer program will not work on apple mobile devices due to Flash player.
Directions for mathematical magic tricks (attached)
Sticky notes or blank pieces of paper-all the same size (several per student)
1 or 2 days
In each part of this task, students will watch a screencast video, then tell what they noticed.
They will then be asked to discuss what they wonder or are curious about. These questions will
be recorded on a class chart or on the board. Students will then use mathematics, specifically
algebraic reasoning, to answer their own questions. Students will be given information to solve
the problem based on need. When they realize they dont have the information they need, and
ask for it, it will be given to them.
The goals of this task are for students to:
develop an understanding of linear expressions and equations in a context;
make simple conjectures and generalizations;
add expressions, collect like terms;
use the distributive law of multiplication over addition in simple situations;
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 3: Expressions
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Note: The context of magic tricks can often turn students off since it may lead students to
imply that math is just a bunch of tricks. Presenting this with a video of a middle school
student performing the trick (see links below) for someone else helps to dispel this myth.
When students see another student perform this trick, they are more apt to ask How did
they do that? or, better yet, Why does that work? This is what we should all strive for in
our lessons. Students asking how to do something or wondering why something works
means weve evoked curiosity and wonder.
While you can perform the tricks yourself, please be mindful of the fact that most people
dont like to be fooled and middle school students can be intimidated by this especially in
front of their peers. Another option would be to teach a trick to a student in one of your
classes ahead of time. They will know the trick (how it works), but they will probably
not know why. They can still investigate this.
After each trick is presented, either through the video or in another manner, students can go the
link posted for each trick and try different numbers and look for patterns. The link is not
necessary, but it does take the trick out of the picture and allows students to investigate
without being intimidated by being tricked.
Explain to students that, for each trick in this series of tasks, they should:
investigate the trick, trying different numbers;
work out how the trick is done. This usually involves spotting a connection between a
starting number and a finishing number. Algebra will be helpful here: representing the
unknown number (the number that is thought of) with something that can contain a
quantity may be helpful at first;
improve the trick in some way.
Trick 3: Triangle Mystery . . .
The following 3-act task can be found at:
This trick extends the previous trick. There are more patterns to look for and many ways to
determine the rules for the patterns (its more open!). Students should be told how the triangle
mystery works: in the bottom row are consecutive numbers beginning with the number chosen.
Each box in the second row is the sum of the 3 boxes below (see the diagram on the next page).
The top box is the sum of the three boxes in the middle row. The trick is to determine the top
number of the triangle, given only the start number (in the lower left hand box).
This trick is again, presented in such a way that the magic doesnt overtake the mathematics.
If you perform this for your students rather than use the video, please be mindful of the fact that
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 3: Expressions
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most people dont like to be fooled and middle school students can be intimidated by this
especially in front of their peers.
The sum of the 3
boxes below
Have students hypothesize how the trick works. How can the performer know the number at
the top of the triangle so quickly for any number chosen?
ACT 2:
Students work on determining how the trick works based on their hypothesis. They should be
guided to show what is happening in the trick first through the use of some model that can be
represented in a diagram, and then later written as an expression. Students may ask for
information such as: How were the other numbers generated after the start number was
chosen? When they ask, you can tell them the numbers in the bottom row are consecutive
numbers after the start number. Each number in the middle row is the sum of the 3 numbers
below. The top number is the sum of the numbers in the middle row. OR you can give them the
technology link below for further investigation.
Students may ask if they can investigate the trick using technology:
Students may also ask for materials to use (they may even ask to use similar materials from the
previous task) these can also be suggested, carefully, by the teacher.
Students will compare and share solution strategies.
Share student solution paths. Start with most common strategy.
Students should explain their thinking about the mathematics in the trick.
Ask students to hypothesize again about whether any number would work like fractions
or decimals. Have them work to figure it out.
Be sure to help students make connections between equivalent expressions (i.e. the
expressions 9n + 18 and 9(n + 2).
Revisit any initial student questions that werent answered.
To extend this, students could find a way to give this trick more of a wow factor or to make
it more impressive. Students could also develop their own trick with representations and
algebraic expressions that explain it. Finally, students should be encouraged to develop (code)
their own computer program for a trick like this. The free online coding program used for the
tricks in this task and others to come can be found at
Students needing support might be given simpler tricks at first, building up to the trick
presented above. A simple trick might use 3 rows, but the second row may be determined by
adding only the two numbers below it. Use materials as well as variables to build the algebraic
understanding through the use of the quantities being represented.
Adapted from Andrew Stadel
What did/do you notice?
Main Question:_______________________________________________________________
Make a hypothesis. How do you think this works?
What information do you have, would like to know, or do you need to help you answer your
MAIN question?
Act 2 (cont)
Use this area for your work, tables, calculations, sketches or other representations, and final
What was the result? How do you know this is correct?
Attend to precision.
The Sequel: How would you give this Algebra Magic trick more of a Wow factor?
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 3: Expressions
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**Writing Expressions
In this task, students will translate between verbal and symbolic algebraic expressions and
MGSE6.EE.2a Write expressions that record operations with numbers and with letters standing
for numbers. For example, express the calculation Subtract y from 5 as 5-y.
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Students make sense of real world
situations by writing expressions to represent the situation.
4. Model with mathematics. Students form expressions from real world contexts.
6. Attend to precision. Students use the language of real-world situations to write expressions.
How do I translate between word phrases and expressions?
1) Answers vary.
3) Part A:
Katies age = k;
Hannahs age = k 3;
Joeys age = 2(k 3) = 2k 6
Part B: Answers vary depending on substituted value for Katies age.
Part C: It depends. If Katie is over 6 years old, then Joey is the oldest. If Katie is 6,
then she and Joey are the same age. If Katie is under 6 years old, she is the oldest.
Allow students to debate their conjectures rather than just telling them the answer.
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 3: Expressions
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** Writing Expressions
1. Within your classroom, have the students find situations where they can role play to compare
known and unknown quantities (e.g., Student A (Dory) and Student B (Colleen). For
example Dory says, I have two sisters. Colleen says, I have Dory 1 sister. Dory says,
You have d 1 sister. You have one sister.) Make sure all operations are included. Write
expressions here.
6 less than 3t
r divided by 15
a number, x, decreased by 9
3. Part A:
Hannah is 3 years younger than Katie.
Joey is twice as old as Hannah.
Let k stand for Katies age.
Write an expression below to represent Hannahs age.
Part B:
Now, test your expressions out to see if they are accurate. Pick an age for Katie and
then substitute that value in for the variable k to see if your expressions make sense.
In this task, students will evaluate expressions for given values, translate between verbal and
symbolic algebraic expressions and equations, and generalize an algebraic expression for
various problems.
MGSE6.EE.2 Write, read, and evaluate expressions in which letters stand for numbers.
MGSE6.EE.2b Identify parts of an expression using mathematical terms (sum, term, product,
factor, quotient, coefficient); view one or more parts of an expression as a single entity. For
example, describe the expression 2(8 + 7) as a product of two factors; view (8 + 7) as both a
single entity and a sum of two terms.
MGSE6.EE.2c Evaluate expressions at specific values of their variables. Include expressions
that arise from formulas used in real-world problems. Perform arithmetic operations, including
those involving whole-number exponents, in the conventional order when there are no
parentheses to specify a particular order (Order of Operations). For example, use the formulas
= 3 and = 6 2 to find the volume and surface area of a cube with sides of length = .
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Students make sense of expressions
and formulas by connecting them to real world contexts when evaluating.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Students contextualize to understand the meaning of
the number or variable as related to the problem.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students construct and
explanations for their use of the operations they chose and compare their reasoning with others.
4. Model with mathematics. Students model expressions algebra tiles.
6. Attend to precision. Students attend to precision when evaluating formulas with fractions and
How is the order of operations used to evaluate expressions and given formulas?
How will can I read, write, and evaluate expressions and equations in which letters stand
for numbers?
Mathematics is a language. Complete sentences in mathematics are called equations. They are
called equations because of the equal sign. When working with equations, operations are like
verbs and numbers are adjectives that describe the units, which are like nouns.
In mathematics, incomplete sentences are called expressions. They are just part of a number
sentence since they do not have an equal sign.
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 3: Expressions
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Teacher Notes: Discuss with students that this is not an exhaustive list and that they will often
have to interpret the situation presented in the problem in order to determine which
mathematical operations are appropriate. Be careful not to use Key Words as a strategy in
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 3: Expressions
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working with expressions. This should be used to show there are many ways to express the
Teacher Notes: It is recommended that students work in groups to complete this exploration.
Have each group post their solutions around the room and then provide time for groups to
look at other students work before the summary portion of the lesson.
Part I
Mr. Green's Math class is planning a trip to the IMAX Theater. It will cost $10 for the school bus
and the price of a ticket is $13 dollars per student. What will determine the amount of money the
class will have to make? The number of students who are able to go
How will the number of students affect the price? The more students the higher the price
How will they know how much money they need to make? When they know how many students
will attend
What value varies in this example? The number of students
Write an expression to show the amount of money the class needs to make. $10 + $13n where n
is the number of students who will attend.
How much will it cost if 10 students attend? $140
How much will it cost if 17 students attend? $231
We can use Algeblocks to model this expression:
It is recommended that students work in groups to complete this exploration. Have each group
post their solutions around the room and then provide time for groups to look at other students
work before the summary portion of the lesson.
Part II
1. Mr. White drives 55 km a day for work. How many km will he drive in:
a. 5 days? 275 km
b. 8 days? 440 km
c. 15 days? 825 km
d. Write an expression to represent the number of km he will drive in d days 55d, where d =
number of work days
2. Sean's father is working on a crew that will build a skyscraper. He found out that each story is
13 ft tall. How tall, in feet, would the skyscraper be if it were:
a. 55 floors? 715 feet
b. 65 floors? 845 feet
c. 75 floors? 975 feet
d. Write an expression to represent the height of a skyscraper with f stories 13f, where f =
number of floors
2. 55 figurines of a miniature porcelain doll can be safely shipped in a case. A distributor is
investigating to find which size box is the safest to hold the largest number of cases. How
many figurines could be shipped in a box that could hold:
a. 750 cases? 41,250 figurines
b. 1000 cases? 55,000 figurines
c. 1250 cases? 68,750 figurines
d. Write an expression to represent the number of figurines that can be shipped in a box that
holds c cases 55c, where c = number of cases
3. The rental fee for a mo-ped is $10 plus $3 for each hour the bike is used. How much will it
cost if you rent the mo-ped for:
a. 1 hour? $13
b. 8 hours? $34
c. 1 day? $82
d. Write an expression that represents the cost for h hours $10 + $3h, where h = number
of hours the bike is used
4. A wireless service provider charges $29.99 per month for service plus $0.10 for each text
message. How much will it cost if:
a. 35 text messages are sent? $33.49
b. 105 text messages are sent? $40.49
c. 217 text messages are sent? $51.69
d. Write an expression to represent the cost if t text messages are sent $29.99 +$0.10t,
where t = number of text messages
6. The formula for finding the Volume of a rectangular prism can be stated as V = l x w x h,
where l = length of the prism, w = width of the prism and h = height of the prism. What is
the Volume of a prism with:
a. l = 33 ft, w = 47 ft, and h = 15 ft? 23,265 ft3
b. l = 22.5 cm, w = 33.7 cm, and h = 12.5 cm? 9,478.125 cm3
c. l = 122.25 inches, w = 50.75 inches, and h = 16.5 inches? 102,369.09375 in3
7. The formula for finding the volume of a prism is V=Bh. What is the volume of the prism
a. Area of the base is 16 cm and height is 2.4 cm? V=38.4 cm3
b. Area of the base is 12 cm and height is 7cm? V=87.5 cm3
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 3: Expressions
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c. Area of the base is 3 cm and height is 3 cm? V=12 cm3
8. The formula for finding the Volume of a cube is = 3 , where s is equal to the length of one
side of the cube. What is the volume of the cube with side length of:
? = =
b. 2.4 ? 13.824 m3
c. 100 feet?1,000,000 ft3
9. The formula for finding the Surface Area of a cube is = 6 2 , where s is the length of one
side of the cube. What is the surface area of a cube with side length of:
? = = = =
b. 2.4 ? 34.56 m2
c. 100 feet?60,000 ft2
How will they know how much money they need to make?
Write an expression to show the amount of money the class needs to make.
How much will it cost if 17 students attend? Draw a model to represent this situation
Part II: For the first five problems read each carefully and write an expression that includes
numbers and variables. Then, evaluate the expression using the numbers indicated. For the last
five problems evaluate the expression for the numbers provided.
1. Mr. White drives 55 km a day for work. How many km will he drive in:
a. 5 days?
b. 8 days?
c. 15 days?
b. 65 stories?
c. 75 stories?
b. 1000 cases?
c. 1250 cases?
d. Write an expression to represent the number of figurines that can be shipped in a box that
holds c cases.
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 3: Expressions
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4. The rental fee for a bike is $10 plus $3 for each hour the bike is used. How much will it cost
if you rent the bike for:
a. 1 hour?
b. 8 hours?
c. 1 day?
7. The formula for finding the volume of a prism is V=Bh. What is the volume of the
prism with:
c. Area of the base is 3 cm and height is 3 cm?
8. The formula for finding the volume of a cube is = 3 , where s is equal to the length of one
side of the cube. What is the volume of the cube with side length of:
b. 26.4 ?
c. 100 feet?
9. The formula for finding the surface area of a cube is = 6 2 , where s is the length of one
side of the cube. What is the surface area of a cube with side length of:
b. 26.4 meters?
c. 100 feet?
** Are We Equal?
In this hands-on task, students will model algebraic expressions in order to explore the concepts
of combining like terms and equivalent expressions.
MGSE6.EE.3 Apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions. For
example, apply the distributive property to the expression 3(2 + x) to produce the equivalent
expression 6 + 3x; apply the distributive property to the expression 24x + 18y to produce the
equivalent expression 6(4x + 3y); apply properties of operations to y + y + y to produce the
equivalent expression 3y.
MGSE6.EE.4 Identify when two expressions are equivalent (i.e., when the two expressions
name the same number regardless of which value is substituted into them.) For example, the
expressions y + y + y and 3y are equivalent because they name the same number regardless of
which number y stands for.
MGSE6.NS.4 Find the common multiples of two whole numbers less than or equal to 12
and the common factors of two whole numbers less than or equal to 100.
c. Find the greatest common factor of 2 whole numbers and use the distributive property
to express a sum of two whole numbers 1-100 with a common factor as a multiple of a
sum of two whole numbers with no common factors. (GCF) Example: 36 + 8 = 4(9 + 2)
d. Apply the least common multiple of two whole numbers less than or equal to 12 to solve
real-world problems.
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Students make sense of expressions
by connecting them to real world contexts when evaluating.
4. Model with mathematics. Students use algebra tiles to model equivalent expressions.
5. Use appropriate tools strategically. Students determine which algebraic representations are
appropriate for given contexts.
7. Look for and make use of structure. Students apply properties to generate equivalent
expressions. They interpret the structure of an expression in terms of a context. Students identify
a term in an expression.
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Students can work with expressions
involving variables without the focus on a specific number or numbers that the variable may
represent. Students focus on the patterns that lead to generalizations that lay the foundation for
their future work in algebra. Students work with the structure of the distributive property 2(3x +
5) = 6x + 10.
How can I identify when two expressions are equal?
How can I generate equivalent expressions by applying the properties of numbers?
Manipulatives are a great way to allow students to explore the idea of equivalency with
expressions and simplifying expressions. If you have Algeblocks or Algebra Tiles, both have
lessons ready-made for this purpose. You can also access the use of Algebra Tiles on the
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives. If you do not have access to any of these things, do
not worry, this lesson will help you accomplish the same task by having students draw
representations or cut models with paper.
We want students to be able to represent the idea of a variable as an unknown quantity or
quantities using letters or symbols. Then we would like them to be able to model problem
situations with objects and use representations such as graphs, tables, and equations to draw
This may make more sense if students understand how to represent multiplication and division of
numbers as rectangular arrays. For example, 3 x 4 can be represented by:
Using this model students can answer the question, What is four groups of three? or What is
three groups of four?
Students should also be able to recognize that the same question is being asked in a problem
involving one or more variables. For example, the problem 3(x+ 1) = ? can be stated, "How
many is 3 groups of (x + 1)?" Students should recognize that multiplication is the operation best
suited for answering questions of the form, "how many is ___ groups of ___ things?" The first
step in representing multiplication or division using algebra tiles is making sure you know what
question is being asked and what operation is best suited for answering that question.
Students should be allowed to use the manipulative until they decide they do not need it
Algebra Tiles or Algeblocks
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 3: Expressions
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If these are not available, have students cut their own set from construction paper or from this
template. Make sure that the sizes you use correspond to one another, that is the x and y tiles are
the same width as the unit and different lengths from each other and the x2 the y2 are the same
height and width as the x and y respectively. You can use grid paper to create them as shown
below, making sure that the length of x and y do not correspond to an equal measure of the unit.
Unit Cube
** Are We Equal?
Numerical Expressions
To model whole numbers we use unit cubes. For example:
2x + 2
We can also arrange them in this way
2y + 2
Right now, we are not concerned with the value of x and y. We just want to know how many xs
or how many ys.
2. Draw two different models of 2(x + 1)?
4. Based on your two models, what conclusion can you draw about 2(x + 1) and 2x + 2. Be
sure to justify your conclusion. They are equal. Justifications should include a
comparison of the models and some students may mention the distributive property
Now lets look at two more tiles
They are called x2 and y2 because the length of the sides of each is equal to our x and y tiles
7. Can you divide these into equal groups? Draw a model to represent this and write an
algebraic expression to represent your model
8. Based on the models what conclusion can you draw about 2x2 + 4 and 2(x2 + 2)? Be sure
to justify your conclusion. They are equal. Justifications should include a comparison
of the models and some students may mention the distributive property
9. Is it possible to divide these into equal groups? Draw a model to represent this and write an
algebraic expression to represent your model 2(x + y + 1)
10. Based on the models what conclusion can you draw about 2x + 2y + 2 and 2(x + y +1)? Be
sure to justify your conclusion. They are equal. Justifications should include a comparison of
the models and some students may mention the distributive property
11. Is there a way to rearrange things so it is a little neater? Draw a model to justify your answer
13. What conclusion can you draw about 4 + x + 3 + 2x and 3x + 7? They are equal.
Justifications should include a comparison of the models
With a partner, determine whether each of the following pairs of expressions are equivalent.
Some of them may not be equivalent. Be sure to justify your conclusions
14. 6y + 12 and 6(y + 2) Equivalent, student justifications could include models and/or the
application of the properties
15. 3x + y and y + 3x Equivalent, student justifications could include models and/or the
application of the properties
16. 3x + 2 and 3(x + 2) Not Equivalent, student justifications could include models and/or the
application of the properties
17. 5x2 + 15 and 5(x2 + 3) Equivalent, student justifications could include models and/or the
application of the properties
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 3: Expressions
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18. 3y2 + 6x2 and 3(y2 + 2x2) Equivalent, student justifications could include models and/or the
application of the properties
Now, find an equivalent expression or expressions for each of the following. Draw your
representations. Write an expression to show the expressions are equal. Explain why you know
that they are equivalent (properties of numbers or operations).
19. 3y2 + 2 + 1 = 3y2 + 3, combining like terms
** Are We Equal?
Numerical Expressions
To model whole numbers we use unit cubes. For example:
To model variable expressions we use the x and y tiles. They dont have to be called x and y.
They could be a and b or s and t or b and w. The point is that they represent one of an unknown.
Algebraic Expressions
2x + 2
We can also arrange them in this way
2y + 2
Right now we are not concerned with the value of x and y. We just want to know how many xs
or how many ys.
2. Draw two different models of 2(x + 1)?
4. Based on your two models what conclusion can you draw about 2(x + 1) and 2x + 2. Be
sure to justify your conclusion.
They are called x2 and y2 because the length of the sides of each is equal to our x and y tiles
7. Can you divide these into equal groups? Draw a model to represent this and write an
algebraic expression to represent your model
8. Based on the models what conclusion can you draw about 2x2 + 4 and 2(x2 + 2)? Be sure
to justify your conclusion.
9. Is it possible to divide these into equal groups? Draw a model to represent this and write
an algebraic expression to represent your model
10. Based on the models what conclusion can you draw about 2x + 2y + 2 and 2(x + y +1). Be
sure to justify your conclusion.
11. Is there a way to rearrange things so it is a little neater? Draw a model to justify your
With a partner, determine whether each of the following pairs of expressions are equivalent.
Some of them may not be equivalent. Be sure to justify your conclusions
14. 6y + 12 and 6(y + 2)
15. 3x + y and y + 3x
Now, find an equivalent expression or expressions for each of the following. Draw your
representations. Write an equation to show the expressions are equal.
19. 3y2 + 2 + 1
20. 2y + y + 4 + 2
23. y + y + y + y
Atwood, A. & Nagy, R. adapted this activity from Helping Students Make Sense of Algebraic Expressions: The
Candy Shop, by Diana Underwood Gregg and Erna Yackel, Teaching Mathematics in the Middle School, v.7, no.
9, NCTM, May 2002.
In this rich, problem-based task, students will synthesize and apply multiple skills and concepts
addressed in this unit to complete an inventory log for a candy company.
MGSE6.EE.1 Write and evaluate expressions involving whole-number exponents.
MGSE6.EE.2 Write, read, and evaluate expressions in which letters stand for numbers.
MGSE6.EE.2a Write expressions that record operations with numbers and with letters standing
for numbers. For example, express the calculation Subtract y from 5 as 5-y.
MGSE6.EE.2b Identify parts of an expression using mathematical terms (sum, term, product,
factor, quotient, coefficient); view one or more parts of an expression as a single entity. For
example, describe the expression 2(8 + 7) as a product of two factors; view (8 + 7) as both a
single entity and a sum of two terms.
MGSE6.EE.3 Apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions. For
example, apply the distributive property to the expression 3(2 + x) to produce the equivalent
expression 6 + 3x; apply the distributive property to the expression 24x + 18y to produce the
equivalent expression 6(4x + 3y); apply properties of operations to y + y + y to produce the
equivalent expression 3y.
MGSE6.EE.4 Identify when two expressions are equivalent (i.e., when the two expressions
name the same number regardless of which value is substituted into them.) For example, the
expressions y + y + y and 3y are equivalent because they name the same number regardless of
which number y stands for.
MGSE6.NS.4 Find the common multiples of two whole numbers less than or equal to 12
and the common factors of two whole numbers less than or equal to 100.
a. Find the greatest common factor of 2 whole numbers and use the distributive property
to express a sum of two whole numbers 1-100 with a common factor as a multiple of a
sum of two whole numbers with no common factors. (GCF) Example: 36 + 8 = 4(9 + 2)
b. Apply the least common multiple of two whole numbers less than or equal to 12 to solve
real-world problems.
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Students make sense of expressions
and formulas by connecting them to real world contexts when evaluating expressions.
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 3: Expressions
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Your task is to translate Rita and Rexs written information into the language of algebra,
determine the missing information, and then complete an inventory report for the days you
were gone. You also decide to write a set of directions explaining your record-keeping
system so that whoever works for you in the future can keep track of things properly.
Steps for completing the tasks:
1. Using the information recorded on Rita and Rexs Chocolate Shop Log A, translate their
entries from written words to algebraic expressions and record these on Chocolate Shop
Log B. If an expression can be rewritten, do so below your original one. Show your
work in the space provided.
2. Where entries are missing on Rita and Rexs sheet, determine the missing information
(boxes and pieces bought, sold, or remaining at the end of the day), and record as a
simplified algebraic expression on your log. Show your work in the space provided. On
some days both the sales and new stock data are missing. In these cases, determine
reasonable quantities for both that will result in the recorded inventory at the end of
the day and express these sales and new stock quantities algebraically on your log.
3. Write a set of directions explaining the proper way to record opening inventories, daily
sales, and new stock information as well as how to determine the closing inventory
algebraically. These directions should include examples and be clear and organized so
that anyone you hire to run the shop in the future can understand the system.
4. Submit your work to your business partner (your teacher).
Specific Grading Criteria:
Translate written inventory, sales, and new stock information into algebraic expressions.
Simplify algebraic expressions.
Add and subtract algebraic expressions to determine missing entries.
Explain how to write and simplify algebraic expressions to represent candy quantities
(sales and new stock), and how to add and subtract these expressions to determine ending
September 10
September 17
September 24
34 boxes and 17
Sales Total
New Stock
Four different
people came in
today, and each
bought one third
of a box and 13
Cant remember.
Three kids
bought 4
chocolates each,
then a bunch of
people came in
and bought 14
full boxes and 6
Dont remember.
In the morning
boxes were
brought in. Some
were missing
pieces of
chocolate. We
didnt count any
of it.
Dont remember,
but less than 9
26 and two-thirds
boxes and 11
They brought a
little bit in, but
we didnt have
time to count it.
15 full boxes and
12 boxes, 4
Sept. 10
Sept. 17
Opening Inventory
Sales Total
New Stock
Show all work:
Closing Inventory
8b + 64
4/3b + 52
8 1/3b + 20
15b + 32
18 1/3b+20
3(4) + 14b + 6=
14b + 18
22 1/3b + 9
26 2/3b + 11
24.25b + 12
Sept. 24
34b + 17
Answers will vary
33.25b + 17
Translate written inventory, sales, and new stock information into algebraic expressions.
Simplify algebraic expressions.
Add and subtract algebraic expressions to determine missing entries.
Explain how to write and simplify algebraic expressions to represent candy quantities
(sales and new stock), and how to add and subtract these expressions to determine ending
September 10
September 17
September 24
34 boxes and 17
Sales Total
New Stock
Four different
people came in
today, and each
bought one third
of a box and 13
Cant remember.
Three kids
bought 4
chocolates each,
then a bunch of
people came in
and bought 14
full boxes and 6
Dont remember.
In the morning
boxes were
brought in. Some
were missing
pieces of
chocolate. We
didnt count any
of it.
Dont remember,
but less than 9
26 and two-thirds
boxes and 11
They brought a
little bit in, but
we didnt have
time to count it.
15 full boxes and
12 boxes, 4
Sales Total
New Stock
Sept. 10
Sept. 17
Sept. 24
Closing Inventory
MGSE6.EE.1 Write and evaluate expressions involving whole-number exponents.
MGSE6.EE.2 Write, read, and evaluate expressions in which letters stand for numbers.
MGSE6.EE.2a Write expressions that record operations with numbers and with letters standing
for numbers. For example, express the calculation Subtract y from 5 as 5-y.
MGSE6.EE.2b Identify parts of an expression using mathematical terms (sum, term, product,
factor, quotient, coefficient); view one or more parts of an expression as a single entity. For
example, describe the expression 2(8 + 7) as a product of two factors; view (8 + 7) as both a
single entity and a sum of two terms.
MGSE6.EE.2c Evaluate expressions at specific values of their variables. Include expressions
that arise from formulas used in real-world problems. Perform arithmetic operations, including
those involving whole-number exponents, in the conventional order when there are no
parentheses to specify a particular order (Order of Operations). For example, use the formulas
= 3 and = 6 2 to find the volume and surface area of a cube with sides of length = .
MGSE6.EE.3 Apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions. For
example, apply the distributive property to the expression 3(2 + x) to produce the equivalent
expression 6 + 3x; apply the distributive property to the expression 24x + 18y to produce the
equivalent expression 6(4x + 3y); apply properties of operations to y + y + y to produce the
equivalent expression 3y.
Mathematics Grade 6 Unit 3: Expressions
Richard Woods, State School Superintendent
July 2015 Page 104 of 100
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MGSE6.EE.4 Identify when two expressions are equivalent (i.e., when the two expressions
name the same number regardless of which value is substituted into them.) For example, the
expressions y + y + y and 3y are equivalent because they name the same number regardless of
which number y stands for.
MGSE6.NS.4 Find the common multiples of two whole numbers less than or equal to 12
and the common factors of two whole numbers less than or equal to 100.
c. Find the greatest common factor of 2 whole numbers and use the distributive property
to express a sum of two whole numbers 1-100 with a common factor as a multiple of a
sum of two whole numbers with no common factors. (GCF) Example: 36 + 8 = 4(9 + 2)
d. Apply the least common multiple of two whole numbers less than or equal to 12 to solve
real-world problems.