Manitowoc Custodian 11-19-15
Manitowoc Custodian 11-19-15
Manitowoc Custodian 11-19-15
ID=25 031
WECAN - Vacancy
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NO - This vacancy does not use the Online Cover Lette< system.
Description: This position is a year-rowid, full-tim.e position with benefits and will work the evening shift.
Qualifications: Prior custodial experience is preferred.
Begin Date: January 2016
Apply By: 11-23-2015 (3 59 pm)
Date Enteied: 11-16-2015
Contact: Kay Beilke, Hum an Resources
Manitowoc Public School District
2902 Lindbergh Drive
P 0. Box 1657
Manitowoc, WI 54221-1657
Phone: 920-686-4789
Email: beilkek@mps d.k 12.wi. us
Website: ht~:/lwww.manitowoq~ublicschool s. org (new window)
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