WDSD HS Custodian 11-4-16
WDSD HS Custodian 11-4-16
WDSD HS Custodian 11-4-16
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High Sc hool Custodiai1, Second Sh ift
School District of West De Pere
West De Pere High School
Openings: 1
Terms/Schedule: Full time, 12 month position, 2-10:30 PM
Wage: $21.42/hour
Question Set: The Custodial/Main ten ance Question Set is Required for this Vacancy.
. You must answer the questions before you can apply.
- To answer the questions, click on the "Question Sets" link from your mainm enu
Online Cover
Required - Click on "Online Cover Letters" from your main menu AFTER you have applied
Description: Qualified candidate will have a High School diploma oi: equivalent, possess and dem.onsti:ate sti:ong
intei:pei:sonal communication skills, and pi:oject a positive and coui:teous attitude and image to
the staff, students, and comm.unity. A sti:ong knowledge in HV'AC, be able to initiate and the
i:epaii:, maintenance and/oi: i:em.odeling of buildings, futnitui:e, and equipment is pi::efei::i:ed.
Pei:foi:m. those jobs necessai:y to keep the school buildings and gi:ounds safe, clean, sanitai:y, and
pi:esentable in appeai:ance.
Candidates should include an online covet: lettei: and thi:ee lettei:s of i:ecommendation as pai:t of
the online lJECAN application. lhe Disti:ict will not accept hai:d copies of application matei:ials
foi: this vacancy. Application deadline is Novembei: 11, 2016.
Qualifications: Qualified candidate will have a High School diploma oi: equivalent, possess and demonsti:ate sti:ong
intei:pei:sonal commWl.ication skills, and pi:oject a positive and coui:teous attitude and image to
the staff, students, and comm.Wl.ity. A sti:ong knowledge in ID/AC, be able to initiate and the
i:epaii:, maintenance and/oi: i:emodeling of buildings, fui:nitui:e, and equipment is pi:efei:i:ed.
Pei:foi:m those jobs necessai:y to keep the school buildings and grounds safe, clean, sanitai:y, and
pi:esentable in appeai:ance.
Candidates should include an online covet: lettei: and thi:ee lettei:s of i:ecommendation as pai:t of
the online lJECAN application. lhe Disti:ict will not accept hai:d copies of application matei:ials
foi: this vacancy. Application deadline is Novembei: 11, 2016.
E m ail Emplover