Para Basic Course New
Para Basic Course New
Para Basic Course New
In the First day of the camp, my documents were verified by the officers and then in the
next day my camp schedule started at 0650 with warm up for 45 min then my ground training
began with the techniques for para position given by my instructor JWO.S. YADAV who trained
me till the last date of jump. Para position is the activity that was given as a ground training for a
period of 12 days. On those days, IMPLANNING, EXIT, FLIGHT TECHNIQUE, LANDING,
respective fields. This training was routine for 12 days. In the 8th day the officers and instructors
took us to the INDIAN AIR FORCE station at Agra for Air Experience. We boarded AN-32,
INDIAN AIR FORCE AIRCRAFT in 1250 ft. altitude. Officers conducted fear test by making
us standing on the jumping door. Officers also interrogated me about my name, unit, instructor
and Directorate. Then they accessed my determination towards para jumping. Then we returned
to the AIR FORCE STATION. On the 10th day we went to parachute packing center. There they
taught us about parachute opening in air and packing of parachute. We were taught about
TACTICAL ASSAULT (RESERVE), PTA(R). The total weight of both parachutes is 20.5kg. In
that main contributes for 13.5kg and reserve account for 7kg.
I got myself prepared for the jump by means of the 12 days training. In the 18th day my
dream (my first para jump) came true. Prior to jump, we were preparing for the jumping activity.
First, fitting suites were inspected by the instructor and then we were allowed to wear it. Then
we boarded the AIR CRAFT AN-32 INDIAN AIR FORCE flying at 1250 ft. from ground
level. One among the five instructors demonstrated a sample jump. Then the flight circled in air
and cadets started preparing for the jump. I was amazed when I came to know that I was the first
jumper in the first day. I stood on jump board and I fell in the air. Then I started counting
1000,2000,3000,4000 and checked whether my parachute is open or not. Then I floated in air
reaching the ground like a bird. I noticed that the ground looked like a google map. I was ready
for landing by making para position, made a safe landing, folded my suite and went to the
parachute returning tower. We returned to AATS.
In the last day Officers from INDIAN ARMY and INDIAN AIR FORCE presided the
WING CEREMONY. Our instructor JWO S.YADAV placed the WING BADGE on my right
chest which gave me more prestige. Then all the officers and instructors congratulated me for
qualified a PARA TROOPER. Finally I returned to my home town.
The 24 days were like a dream and i lived like an Officer in AATS. Overall this camp is
very much prestigious in my life.
I would like to thank the Management, Director, Principal, ANO, NCC Care Taker, HOD
and Staffs of Electronics and Instrumentation Department of Our Institution and Officer
Commanding, JCO , PI Staffs of Our Unit and Parents for their encouragement and support
given to me.