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Technology to Facilitate Ongoing Efforts to Assess Student Learning

Teachers can utilize technology to facilitate the ongoing efforts to assess student learning
in the classroom by intergrading technology. According to Netop (2016), classroom computer
management software lets you make the most of your time when integrating technology in the
classroom. It gives you the tools you need to control sources of distraction, monitor student
computers, get started without lost transition time and notice as soon as someone needs your
help (Spend more time teaching and less time on everything else. Having the proper tools as a
teacher is extremely important. Teachers need to keep themselves available to students no matter
what the circumstances and at the same time monitor the students to make sure that the students
stay on task. Teachers cannot only use technology to help students out but technology can also
help the teachers. Technology can make the classroom much easier to manage by having better
technology to help teachers. Technology can help teachers with taking attendance, inputting
grades, keeping grades updated, knowing what assignments the students are missing.
Vision is a product that teachers use on his or her own computer to help with classroom
management. This software program helps ignite interest, focus attention, and improve grades.
Vision allows teachers to communicate with students while on the computer. Teachers are able to
see if the student is staying on task or needs help moving forward. Vision allows teachers to see
the students screen in order to keep the student on track. According to Netop (2016), According
to an independent study, Vision classroom management software makes a significant, measurable
difference in student achievement when teaching with technology: it actually improved student
grades by a full letter step (Improve grades).
Mapcon is a software program teachers can use in the classroom that help with areas of
math, science, writing/English, social studies/history, art, and music. In each section the teacher
is given options to add to his or her lesson. The teacher can click on a section and it opens up to
more software for students to use to enhance the lesson. Richards (2016), Children improve
hand-eye coordination with the use of a keyboard and mouse or even when using touch-based
tablet, but they also can absorb a lot about the specific subjects they are learning about
(Software Basics for Elementary School Teachers).

ThinkWave is a software product that teachers can use for themselves and to give access
to students and parents. This program is useful for teachers, parents, and students in order to

make teaching and learning easier to manage. The program can help with report cards,
transcripts, manage grades, manage attendance, and upload assignments and handouts online.
According to ThinkWave (2016), Grades are instantly calculated for teachers, saving additional
hours ever marking period. ThinkWave keeps students and parents in the loop, making for more
effective teaching and discipline (Clear Pricing).
Formative and Summative Assessments (100-150 words)
A formative assessment is an evaluation of student comprehension during the lesson. For
example: the teacher will give a quiz during a chapter reading to see if students are
understanding the reading. This will help the teacher decide to continue with the lesson or go
back over the previous lesson. A summative assessment is used to evaluate student learning after
the lesson is done. For example: the teacher will give a test after the math lesson has finished
seeing if students are understanding math concepts. This will allow the teacher to decide to move
onto the next lesson or redo the present lesson.
Pros and Cons of using Technology to Facilitate Assessment
The possible pros and cons teachers might encounter in using technology to facilitate
assessment of student learning are numerous. The pros of using technology to facilitate
assessment are helps clarify specific criteria, spreads out the load for staff and students, improves
student engagement, and promotes deeper learning. This can help teachers stay on task and keep
better control of classroom management.
The cons of using technology to facilitate assessment are the cost, staff time, being
accessibly, hardware or software issues to prevent the assessment, confirming identity of
students. If the teacher is allowing the students to take the assessment off campus this can cause
issues because the teacher is unable to confirm who is taking the test. When an assessment is
taking place the teacher needs to make sure when and where the assessment should be taken
many students make take advantage of the situation. Although there are many pros and cons of
facilitating an assessment the assessment should be taken in class where the teacher can monitor
all students. This situation can help eliminate certain situations that can temp students. Teachers
will have more control over situations by making sure the assessment is being held within the
classroom which means taking attendance and giving passwords at the time of assessment are
just a few examples.
Should a teacher only use technology to assess student learning? Why or why not?
A teacher should not only use technology to assess student learning. In order to make sure
that students are properly learning it is very important to have an equal balance of technology
and teaching. Teaching students gives the student the connection to the teacher that he or she
may need. Using technology during a lesson is impressive and inspiring for students because

technology does help enhance the students educational needs. As teacher do no forget that
students still need a type of connection with teachers to have the feeling of success.
What is the importance of assessment technology in connection with the ISTE standards?
The ISTE standards have a very important role containing to the connection of
assessment technology. According to ISTE (2016), Students use digital media and
environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support
individual learning and contribute to the learning of others (Communication and Collaboration).
ISTE is a set of standards that teachers must follow to reach a specific level of education. These
are standards that are expected to reach and teachers must follow. There are four sections to the
ISTE standards: creativity and innovation, communication and collaboration, research and
information fluency, critical, problem solving, and decision making (ISTE, 2016). Each of
these sections has subsections for teachers to look at and follow the guidelines. These sections
and subsections are important to follow to make sure that students are receiving the proper
education he or she needs.
Concluding Paragraph for Software to Support Assessment
Teachers are responsible for his or her students education and must use his or her
judgement for what is best for his or her students. Teachers also must use his or her own wisdom
in facilitating efforts to assess student learning. Every student is different and some students may
be able to grasp information better using technology however there are students who may not be
able to grasp information with technology. Technology should be used to enhance education
within a lesson or enhances the teachers ability to help students more.


ISTE. (2016). Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/standards/ISTE-standards/standards-forstudents

Netop. (2016). Classroom Management. Retrieved from http://www.netop.com/classroommanagement-software/products/netop-vision.htm
Richards, L. (2016). Mapcon. Retrieved from http://www.mapcon.com/software-basics-forelementary-school-teachers
ThinkWave. (2016). Cloud-based School Administration Software. Retrieved from

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