This document appears to be an exam for a M-Tech course in High Voltage Engineering. The exam contains short answer definitions questions worth 10 marks and longer answer questions worth 15 marks from which students must choose 3. Some of the topics covered include loss factor, lightning phenomenon, system faults, DC resistivity, impulse currents, testing of isolators and circuit breakers, insulation coordination principles, using an oscilloscope for impulse measurements, partial discharge measurements, and natural causes of over voltages.
This document appears to be an exam for a M-Tech course in High Voltage Engineering. The exam contains short answer definitions questions worth 10 marks and longer answer questions worth 15 marks from which students must choose 3. Some of the topics covered include loss factor, lightning phenomenon, system faults, DC resistivity, impulse currents, testing of isolators and circuit breakers, insulation coordination principles, using an oscilloscope for impulse measurements, partial discharge measurements, and natural causes of over voltages.
This document appears to be an exam for a M-Tech course in High Voltage Engineering. The exam contains short answer definitions questions worth 10 marks and longer answer questions worth 15 marks from which students must choose 3. Some of the topics covered include loss factor, lightning phenomenon, system faults, DC resistivity, impulse currents, testing of isolators and circuit breakers, insulation coordination principles, using an oscilloscope for impulse measurements, partial discharge measurements, and natural causes of over voltages.
This document appears to be an exam for a M-Tech course in High Voltage Engineering. The exam contains short answer definitions questions worth 10 marks and longer answer questions worth 15 marks from which students must choose 3. Some of the topics covered include loss factor, lightning phenomenon, system faults, DC resistivity, impulse currents, testing of isolators and circuit breakers, insulation coordination principles, using an oscilloscope for impulse measurements, partial discharge measurements, and natural causes of over voltages.
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Course: M-TECH (EPS)
Subject:HIGH VOLTAGE ENGINEERING Answer all the questions Marks: 5*2=10
Time: 2 hours max.
1.Define the following
a) loss factor b) Lightning phenomenon c) system faults and other abnormal conditions d) D.C Resistivity e) Impulse currents
Answer any three questions
Marks: 3*5=15
1. Explain Testing of Isolators and circuit breakers testing of cables .
2. Write about Principles of Insulation Coordination on High voltage and Extra
High Voltage power systems.
3. Explain Oscilloscope for impulse voltage and current measurements. . 4. Explain about Partial discharge measurements 5. Write the Natural causes for over voltages.
Name of The Faculty Member: Course No: ECE131 Course Title: Basic Electrical and Electronics Engg Class: Term:I Section: Batch:2010 Max. Marks: 25 Date of Allotment: Date of Submission
Following Problems, Unless Otherwise Stated, Assume Μncox = 200 Μa/V2, Μpcox =100 A/V2, And Vth = 0.4 V For Nmos Devices And −0.4 V For Pmos Devices, Where Necessary