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Oil and Gas Offshore

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Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines

Oil and Gas

Development (Offshore)
Applicability of Guidelines
Facilities and activities that are covered under the
development and production activities, pipeline
delivery of products, tanker loading and unloading,
ancillary and support operations. The guidelines do
not cover seismic activities, nor onshore facilities or
operations (covered under, for example, the
Petroleum Refining or the Oil and Gas
Development (Onshore) guidelines in the World
Bank Group's Pollution Prevention and Abatement
The guidelines are intended to be used as a
standard in project conception and design. As well,
project operations will be evaluated against these

Environmental, Health and Safety

Management System
An Environment, Health and Safety Management
System (EHSMS) is required for Category A
projects, and may be required for Category B
projects that have sensitive or special issuesthis
will be determined by MIGA project review staff.
Project sponsor management will develop formal
procedures, programs, plans, strategies, budgets
and pollution reduction targets to identify potential
hazards, assess risks and to eliminate or minimize
the potential impacts of oil and gas activities on the
environment and to humans.
The objectives of the Environment, Health and
Safety Management System are to: demonstrate due
diligence in complying with all laws, regulations
and MIGA requirements; control risks; minimize
adverse environmental impacts; promote worker

These guidelines for Offshore Oil and Gas Development are

intended to apply to new installations. For expansions and
modernizations to existing facilities MIGA agrees with the
project sponsor on a program with requirements and an

safety; and continuously improve environmental,

health and safety performance.
An Action Plan (AP) is required, derived from
the EHSMS). The AP consists of the set of
institutional measures to be taken during
implementation and operation to eliminate adverse
environmental, health, safety and social impacts,
offset them, or reduce them to acceptable levels.
The AP should clearly state what the risk or
legal/monitoring requirement is, what action is
needed to manage the requirement or risk, who is
responsible for the action, the frequency of the
action, and the budget.

Environmental Guidelines
Maximum emission levels for the design and
operation of each project must be based on country
legislation and these guidelines as applied to local
conditions and which have been established
through the Environmental Assessment (EA)
process.2 The emission levels selected must be
justified in the EA and acceptable to MIGA.
The following are emission levels normally
acceptable to MIGA in making decisions regarding
provision of MIGA guarantees; any deviations from
these levels must be described and justified. The
emission and effluent values are expressed as
concentrations to facilitate monitoring. Dilution of
air emissions or effluents prior to discharge to meet
these guidelines is unacceptable.

Environmental assessment processes are not part of these

guidelinesMIGA's environmental assessment requirements for
projects are set forth in the MIGA Environmental Assessment
Policy, and further described in its project review procedures.
All MIGA projects undergo an EA. It is important to note that,
while these guidelines set forth minimum acceptable
requirements for projects, the EA report for the project will
describe requirements that are appropriate to the siting of the
facilities. MIGA will decide with the project sponsor the project
requirements based on the EA recommendations, these
guidelines and other MIGA documents such as its project review

Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

Oil and Gas Development (Offshore)
December 22, 2000

Page 2

All of the maximum levels should be achieved

for at least 95% of the time that the plant or unit is
operating, to be calculated as a proportion of
annual operating hours.
Air Emissions
For offshore drilling and recovery operations the
following air emission levels should be achieved:
Air Emissions from Offshore Oil and Gas


Sulfur oxides (oil production)

Nitrogen oxides

concentration in
milligrams per
normal cubic meter

Liquid Effluents
For offshore drilling and recovery operations the
following effluent levels should be achieved:
Effluents from Offshore Oil and Gas Production
Oil and grease:
daily average


monthly avg.
Deck drainage
Drilling fluids
and cuttings:

29 mg/L
No visible sheen

42 mg/L

No discharge allowed except

in compliance with 96 hr. LC50 of SPP-3% vol. toxicity test
first for drilling fluids1 or
alternatively testing based
agreed with MIGA.

Discharge via a caisson at least

15 m below sea surface.

No discharge allowed except

in compliance with 96 hr. LC50 of SPP-3% vol. toxicity test
first for drilling fluids or
alternatively testing based
agreed with MIGA.

Discharge via a caisson at least

15 m below the surface.

concentration must be less
than four times ambient
concentration of fresh or
brackish receiving water.

Diesel oil

No discharge allowed. Can

only be used to free stuck pipe
in an emergency.

Additives and

No limitation except toxicity

testing of chemicals for

Barite used will meet: Hg<1

mg/kg and Cd <3 mg/kg dry
weight (Total).

Products known or suspected

to cause taint, endocrine
disruption or contain heavy
metals will be avoided.2

Produced sand

Discharge not permitted

reinject or take ashore.

Produced water

If separated and disposed at

locations other than the platform,


For offshore drilling and recovery operations the

following air emission practices must be

detected concentration levels of H2S exceed 7

mg/m3 (5 ppm).

Minimize low pressure flaring and eliminate

high pressure flaring if possible (justify if not
possible). Continuous venting is unacceptable.
Emergency venting should be minimized;
Minimize flaring from purges and pilots in
facility design, without compromising safety
(may include installation of purge gas
reduction devices, where appropriate, and
installation of conservation pilots.) Source gas
reduction measures should be implemented;
Use knock out drums on flares to prevent
condensate emissions. Flaring to be smokeless
under normal operations. Use efficient flare
tips and meter flare gas;
Assess green house gas (GHG) emissions from
all equipment including fired equipment, vents,
flares, compressor stations, boats, marine
transfer facilities, etc. and fugitive emissions
annually using IFC's 'IMAGE' model or an
alternative model acceptable to MIGA or
provide an annual GHG emissions inventory;
Install monitors for hydrogen sulfide wherever
this gas may accumulate. Monitors should be
set to activate warning signals whenever

Water based

Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

Oil and Gas Development (Offshore)
December 22, 2000

Page 3

Sanitary effluents
and sink drains
(gray water)

Cooling water


it must at a minimum, meet these

Package treatment and
chlorination to an average of 1
mg/L residual chlorine (because
of concerns about chlorinated
hydrocarbons alternative forms
of disinfection should be
The effluent should result in a
temperature increase of no more
than 3o C at the edge of the zone
where initial mixing and dilution
take place. Where the zone is not
defined, use 100 meters from the
point of discharge.

Testing for oil and grease should be done

according to the Oil and Grease Test Method
1664 Revision A employing normal hexane as
the extracting solvent as approved by the US
Environmental Protection Agency.

anticipated or found, use scale inhibitors and

personal protective equipment where necessary.
Sludge, scale, or NORM impacted equipment with
Radium-226 must be treated, processed or isolated
so that the treated waste does not exceed the
background radioactivity concentration of the
disposal site by more than five pCi/g.
Alternatively, the waste may be disposed of at a
facility that is licensed to receive such waste.


Products used in concentrations that

could cause these effects should be
avoideda risk based approach is
procedures or risk evaluations may be
acceptable to MIGA.

Prepare a platform and facilities removal plan

for closure as part of the Environmental
budgets/provisions for financing should be
discussed and agreed with the sponsor as early
as possible;3
Implement leak prevention, inspection and
maintenance, and repair programs to ensure
that all equipment is performing up to
commonly accepted industry standards; and
Take all reasonable measures to prevent and
promptly correct all leaks from all equipment,
facilities, pipelines, and storage facilities.

Solid Wastes
Solid wastes such as packaging material,
containers, discarded and/or damaged pipe and
drill bits, and leftover construction materials are to
be taken ashore and appropriately recycled, reused
or disposed.
Hazardous Wastes
Hazardous wastes such as paint residues, solvents,
batteries, mercury lamps, pig cleaning sludges, and
contaminated chemicals from drilling and
production operations are to be taken to onshore
facilities for treatment and disposal. Efforts should
always be made to eliminate, reduce, or recycle
hazardous waste.
Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORMs)
The NORM accumulation process is very gradual
and many times unpredictable. Radiation surveys
of equipment and sites should be undertaken every
five years or when equipment is to be taken out of
service for maintenance. Facilities are considered
impacted if surface levels are greater than 4.0
Bq/cm2 for gamma/beta radiation and 0.4 Bq/cm2
for alpha radiation. Where NORM bearing scale is

Environmental Best Practices

The following are some important aspects that
should be considered where appropriate:
Drilling Management

Use directional drilling (horizontal and

extended reach) techniques to avoid sensitive
surface areas and to gain access to the reservoir
from less sensitive surface areas. Where this is
not possible, provide an explanation;
Use closed loop systems;
Reduce the hydrocarbon content of cuttings by
mechanical, chemical, or thermal clean-up
treatment where possible or transport them to
shore for treatment or disposal or consider
annulus or downhole injection;
Use enhanced solids control systems to reduce
the amount of wastes from circulation systems
and the amount of dilution;
Develop and use chemicals with the lowest
toxicity and lowest levels of biologically

MIGA draws the attention of the project sponsor to OSPAR

Decision 98/3 on the Disposal of Disused Offshore Installations
and requires the sponsor to follow the requirements set forth in
this document.

Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

Oil and Gas Development (Offshore)
December 22, 2000

available heavy metals and other hazardous

substances, especially persistent organic
chemicals and substances with a potential to
bioaccumulate; and
Minimize, and avoid where possible, the use of
toxic additives in drilling fluids.

Page 4

Produced Water Management

Consider alternatives to surface discharge of

produced water, such as re-injection, onshore
treatment and disposal, and down-hole
separation of oil and water;
Minimize the quantity and reduce the toxicity
of discharged produced water;
Select the least hazardous chemicals in order to
minimize produced water toxicity; and
Reuse produced water and recover oil from
process wastewater prior to disposal.

Chemical Management

Use a chemical hazard assessment and risk

management techniques to evaluate chemicals
and their effects, and utilize the least toxic and
hazardous chemicals, (considering persistence
or bioaccumulation aspects); and
Use low toxicity lubricant additives to reduce
the overall toxicity of drilling fluids where

Emergency Response

Protection of emergency response personnel

and affected populations;
Training of response personnel;
Assessing the capability of the public sector in
assisting in an emergency and coordinating
with other agencies and organizations that may
be involved in responding to an emergency;
Exercise preparedness elements at a frequency
commensurate with the project risk. At a
implemented unless MIGA agrees to a different
the conduct of drills without
equipment deployment on a quarterly
evacuation drills and training for
egress from the platform under
different weather conditions and time
of day,
the conduct of mock drills with
equipment deployment once every 12
months, and
update of all elements based on
continuous evaluation.

Emergency Response Plan

Management of operations must establish and

maintain emergency preparedness so that incidents
can be mitigated effectively and without delay.
Appropriate emergency preparedness includes the
following elements:

Anticipated abnormal conditions and emergencies

associated with the operations must be addressed
in an emergency response plan. Examples include:
injuries and loss of life, fires and explosions,
collision, flooding and loss of ballast, release of
flammables and toxic gases, and loss of support
An effective Emergency Response Plan should
contain at least the following:


Risk analyses to identify reasonable and worst

case potential accidents followed by design of
preparedness requirements;
Identify gaps in information, such as mapping,
currents, and weather, and obtain recent data
sets from appropriate sources to increase
usefulness of preparedness and response tools;
Use of industry standard modeling systems;
Inclusion of emergency preparedness in the
design of operations and in the environmental,
health and safety programs;
Plans for the immediate securing of sources of
oil pollution and effective containment and
collection of spilled/leaked oil;

A description of the response organization

(structure; roles; responsibilities; decision
Policies defining measures for limiting or
stopping events in question and conditions for
termination of action;
Easy-to-follow procedures for responding
(details of response equipment and location,
procedures, training requirements, duties, etc.);
Descriptions and procedures for alarm and
communications systems;
Precautionary measures for securing the well;
Evacuation procedures;

Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

Oil and Gas Development (Offshore)
December 22, 2000

Page 5

List of: on-site first aid supplies and available

backup medical support, MEDEVAC facilities,
and other emergency facilities such as
emergency fueling sites. List to include survival
equipment and gear, alternate accommodation
facilities, and emergency power sources; and
Relief well arrangements including description
of equipment, consumables and support
systems to be utilized.

Oil Spill Response Plan

An oil spill response plan is required.4 It addresses
potential spill volume, loss of a tanker or barge,
and damage to a pipeline as appropriate. The plan
is developed with the involvement of response
parties and those communities/people who may be
impacted by an incident. In addition to the
requirements set forth in the Emergency Response
Plan the Oil Spill Response Plan will include:

A description of the operations, site conditions,

water depth, weather patterns, and logistical
Identification of those responsible for
managing oil spill response efforts, their
qualifications and training, and authority;
Oil spill trajectory with oil fate and
environmental impact prediction: model to be
used and ability to input wind and current
data, maps identifying sensitive ecological
areas (seasonal/monthly);
Clear demarcation of Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III.
The project sponsor should define where it sets
Tier I, II, and III levels and demonstrate that
there are no gaps between tiers;
Response time for deploying equipment;
Identifying priorities in response with input
from potentially affected or concerned parties,
and developing procedures to address
Strategies for managing small spills from the
installation, shore base or loading operations
and for cleanup and containment of onshore
A list, description and use of on-site and off-site
response equipment; and
A description of how recovered oil and oil
contaminated materials will be transported,
stored, and disposed.

Project sponsors need to demonstrate they have the

financial capability to implement the spill response plan,
including equipment, budget and insurance.

Human Health and Safety Aspects

It is important that a safe working environment
exists since this minimizes both the potential for
injuries and death and the risk of accidents leading
to environmental pollution. All activities are to be
conducted in a safe and skillful manner with staff
appropriately trained and equipment maintained in
safe condition. Safety cases should be developed for
appropriate facilities. Potential health, safety or fire
hazards are removed or managed, based on risk
assessments, safe systems of work, EHSMS
requirements, competency and skills of staff and
workers, etc. Written procedures will cover:

Personal protective equipment (PPE);

Lockout/tagout of equipment;
Entry into confined spaces;
Compressed gas cylinder handling;
Cable/hoist sling safety and scaffolding;
Helicopter safety;
Electrical safety;
Personnel transfer to/from the rig;
Temperature extremes, where appropriate;
Welding and cutting, and chemical safety;
Pressure and leak testing;
Hydrogen sulfide;
Radiological protection;
Cranes and lifting devices; and
Incident reporting and investigation.

Where applicable, written procedures are

prepared for biological and chemical hazards such
as bloodborne pathogens, hydrogen sulfide,
asbestos, silica, NORM, and benzene exposure. A
system of written permits for hazardous work is
Health and safety requirements apply to
contractors working on site as well as employees.
The following subsections describe in more
detail health and safety issues of concern.
Workplace Air Quality
Protective respiratory equipment must be used by
employees when exposure levels for welding
fumes, solvents and other materials present in the
workplace exceed local or internationally accepted
standards, or threshold limit values (TLVs) as
annually published, for example, by the American
Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
(ACGIH) in "Threshold Limit Values for Chemical

Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

Oil and Gas Development (Offshore)
December 22, 2000

Substances and Physical

Exposure Indices."


Page 6



Workplace Noise
Feasible administrative and engineering controls,
including sound-insulated equipment and control
rooms should be employed to reduce the average
noise level in normal work areas. Plant equipment
should be well maintained to minimize noise levels.
Personnel must use hearing protection when
exposed to noise levels above 85 dB(A).

Work in Confined Spaces

Prior to entry and occupancy, all confined spaces
(e.g., tanks, sumps, vessels, sewers, excavations)
must be tested for the presence of toxic, flammable
and explosive gases or vapors, and for the lack of
oxygen. Adequate ventilation must be provided
before entry and during occupancy of these spaces.
Personnel must use air-supplied respirators when
working in confined spaces, which may become
contaminated or deficient in oxygen during the
period of occupancy. Observers/assistants must be
stationed outside of confined spaces to provide
emergency assistance, if necessary, to personnel
working inside these areas.
Health: General
Sanitary facilities should be well equipped with
supplies (e.g., protective creams) and employees
should be encouraged to wash frequently,
particularly those exposed to dust, chemicals or
pathogens. Ventilation systems should be provided
to control work area temperatures and humidity.
Personnel required to work in areas of high
temperature and/or high humidity should be
allowed to take frequent breaks away from these
areas. Pre-employment and periodic medical
examinations should be conducted for all personnel,
and specific surveillance programs instituted for
personnel potentially exposed to toxic or radioactive
Safety: General
All installations shall be designed and operated to
protect the health and safety of employees and the
community. The following safety procedures and
practices should be implemented in the workplace:

Shield guards or guard railings should be

installed at all belts, pulleys, gears and other
moving parts;
Elevated platforms and walkways, and
stairways and ramps should be equipped with
handrails, toeboards and non-slip surfaces;
Electrical equipment should be grounded, well
insulated and conform with applicable codes;
Eye protection should be worn by personnel
when in areas where there is a risk of flying
chips or sparks, or where intense light is
generated; and
Protective clothing appropriate to conditions
should be worn in all facility areas and when
walking outside living quarters and meeting
rooms on a platform.

Note: A complete list of hazardous substances

and threshold quantities that require a hazard
assessment is included in the World Bank
publication "Techniques for Assessing Industrial
Hazards" - World Bank Technical Paper Number 55,
1988. A major hazard assessment is also required
for any process operating at a pressure greater than
50 bars, when the product of pressure (in bars) and
pressurized volume (in m3) exceeds 10,000).
Training plans, programs, and practices are to be
established and carried out for all personnel. They
will include training on basic safety procedures and
on environmental issues, and job specific safety
procedures according to their duties and
responsibilities. Training will include:

Instruction on the operation of equipment;

Emergency survival and fire fighting;
How to read and understand Material Safety
Data Sheets (MSDSs), and safe chemical
Emergency response procedures;
Personal protective equipment;
Evacuation, including alternative means of
egress from the platform; and
Applicable regulatory requirements.

Health and Safety Best Practices

Creation of an Environment, Health, and Safety
(EHS) Committee is recommended. Employees and
management have an opportunity in meetings of
the EHS Committee to discuss and communicate
safety and environmental issues and their control.

Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

Oil and Gas Development (Offshore)
December 22, 2000

Page 7






Monitoring, Reporting and Supervision

Monitoring data should be analyzed and reviewed
at regular intervals and compared with specified
requirements so that any necessary corrective
actions can be taken. Records of monitoring results
should be reported to the responsible authorities
and relevant parties, as required.
Frequent sampling, chemical analysis, and
toxicity testing may be required during the start up
and during upset conditions. Chemical testing
should be done for oil and grease utilizing normal
hexane or cyclohexane as the extracting solvent
under EPA methods 413.1, 9070, 9071A, and 16644
Revision A.6
In the US, mysid shrimp are used as the
sensitive species in the water column to assess the
effects of discharges. However, surrogates for
mysid shrimp should be identified for other areas
of the world. Ecologically important amphipods
should be used as the sensitive species to assess the
sediment toxicity of drilling fluids and discharges.
The amphipods selected should be indigenous to
the region where drilling occurs.
Monitoring frequency for the parameters listed
in these guidelines will be carried out as follows:

At least once per month for effluents;

Annually for air emissions, in addition to
running a green house gas estimation model
As needed for noise;
As needed for workplace air quality;
Prior to entering all confined spaces; and
Radiation survey annually for contaminated
sites and every three years for clean sites.

Records and Reporting

The sponsor should maintain records of significant
environmental, health and safety matters. This
information should be reviewed and evaluated to

improve the effectiveness of the environmental,

health and safety program. Records will include:

All incidents resulting in an incapacity to work

for at least one full workday beyond the day on
which the accident or illness occurred;
The total number of days of absence from work
as the result of an incident;
Annual air emissions monitoring data;
Annual green house gas emissions modeling or
provide an update of the annual GHG
emissions inventory;
Monthly effluent monitoring data;
Radiation survey annually for contaminated
sites and every three years for clean sites;
Environmental, health and safety training
conducted including course topics and
Spills, fires and other emergencies;
Number of emergency response drills and spill
response drills conducted without equipment
deployment; and
Number of emergency response drills and spill
response drills conducted with equipment

An annual summary of the above information will

be prepared as the Annual Monitoring Report
(AMR), and provided to MIGA if requested. In
addition, an updated EAP should be submitted
along with the AMR.
MIGA staff or a designate will visit the project from
time-to-time to verify that MIGA's environmental,
social, health and safety requirements are being met.
Verification will be against the EHSMS, the EAP,
MIGA's guidelines and policies,7 applicable host
country laws and regulations, and any project
environmental, social, health and safety covenants.
Generally speaking, supervisory visits will be
annually if the project has been deemed to be a
Category A project. Visits will be less frequent if the
project has been determined to be a Category B

Note: Actual testing for effluent and air emission parameters is

preferred however surrogate measuring may be acceptable.
6 Test methods using ozone-depleting solvents must not be used.
These chemicals are banned or restricted. Other methods or
modifications to the cited method may be acceptable provided
equivalency can be established.

In reviewing projects for financing, MIGA refers to its ten

'safeguard policies', and to its project review procedures.

Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

Oil and Gas Development (Offshore)
December 22, 2000

Further Information
The following are suggested as sources of
additional information (these sources are provided
for guidance and are not intended to be
40 CFR Part 435:Oil and Gas Extraction Point
Source Category; Final Effluent Limitations
Guidelines and Standards for the Coastal
Subcategory; Final Rule; December 16, 1996.
40 CFR Part 435:Oil and Gas Extraction Point
Effluent Guidelines and New Source
performance Standards; Final Rule, March 4,
A User Guide (CHARM) for the Evaluation of
Chemicals Used and Discharges Offshore,
Version 1.0, By Thatcher Robinson, Henriquez,
and Karman, 3 August 1999, Sponsored by
Netherlands, E&P Forum, and EOSCA.
ASTM Standard Guide for Conducting 10-Day
Static Sediment Toxicity Tests with Marine and
Estuarine Amphipods, E-1367-92.
Development Document for Final Effluent
Limitations Guidelines and Standards for
Coastal Subcategory of the Oil and Gas
Extraction Point Source Category, USEPA,
October 1996.
Development Document for Final Effluent
Limitations Guidelines and Standards for
Offshore Subcategory of the Oil and Gas
Extraction Point Source Category, USEPA,
October 1996.

Page 8

Measures Committee (PRAM), Luxembourg: 37 May 1999.
Export-Import Bank of the US Environmental
Procedures and Guidelines, BNA, July 1995,
Offshore Development (Oil and Gas).
Arctic Offshore Oil & Gas Guidelines, June 13,
Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and
Standards of the Coastal Subcategory of the Oil
and Gas Extraction Point Source Category;
Correction; January 13, 1997.
Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the
Analysis of Oil and Grease and Non-Polar
Material under the Clean Water Act and
Resource Conservation and recovery Act; Final
Rule, Federal Register, 40 CFR Parts 136 and 260,
May 14, 1999, Volume 64, Number 93, pages
IMO/IPIECA Report Series, Guide To Oil Spill
Exercise Planning, Volume 2, 1996.
IMO/IPIECA Report Series, Sensitivity Mapping
For Oil Spill Response, Volume 1, 1996.
International Association of Oil and Gas Producers
(formerly E&P Forum), "Guidelines for the
Development and Application of Health, Safety
and Environmental Management Systems",
Report No. 6.36/210
International Maritime Organization Resolution
A.891(21). Training of Personnel on Mobile
Offshore Units.

OSPAR Decision 2000/3 on Organic Phase Drilling

Fluids (OPF) and the Annex OSPAR Decision
on Organic-Phase Drilling Fluids (OBF)
Presented by UK; OSPAR Convention for the
Protection of the Marine Environment of
North-East Atlantic; Working Group on SeaBased Activities (SEBA); Hamburg 15-19
February 1999; SEBA 99/7/Info.I-E.

IPIECA Report Series, A Guide To Contingency

Planning For Oil Spills On Water, Volume 2,
March, 2000.

Draft OSPAR Report on Discharges, Waste

Handling, and Air Emissions from Offshore
Installations, 1996-1997, Presented by the
Secretariat, OSPAR Convention for the
Protection of the Marine Environment of the

IPIECA Report Series, Dispersants And Their Role

In Oil Spill Response, Volume 5, 1993.

IPIECA Report Series, Choosing Spill Response

environmental Benefit Analysis, Volume 10,

Compensation, A Guide To The International

Page 9

Conventions on Liability And Compensation

For Oil Pollution Damage, March 2000.
IPIECA/ITOPF Briefing Paper, The Use Of
International Oil Industry Spill Response
Resources: Tier 3 Centres, April, 1999.
ISO 13702. Petroleum & Natural Gas Industries.
Control and Mitigation of Fires and Explosions
on Offshore Installations -- Requirements and
ISO/DIS 15544. Petroleum & Natural Gas
Industries. Emergency Response On Offshore
Installations -- Requirements and Guidelines
Method 1664, Revision A, Normal Hexane
Extractable Material (HEM; Oil and Grease)
and Silica Gel Treated Normal Hexane
Extractable material (SGT-Hem; Non-polar
Material) by Extraction and Gravimetry.

Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

Oil and Gas Development (Offshore)
December 22, 2000

Report of EPA Efforts to Replace Freon for the

Determination of Oil and grease and Total
Petroleum Hydrocarbons: Phase I & II; EPA820 & 821 for R-93-011 & R-95-003, September
1993 & April 1999.
Technical Meeting Document, Environmental
Protection in Offshore Oil and Gas Activities,
International expert Meeting, November 17-20,
1997 Trade Association for the Oil and Gas
Industry, London, UK.
Update from Norwegian Pollution Control
Documentation and Drilling Fluids General
Conditions, Given as a Part of the Permit of
Discharge of Oil, Drilling Fluids and
Chemicals, Exploration Drilling by Ingunn
Myhre, Executive officer, Department of
Industry for the Oil and Gas Industry, Norway.

OSPAR Decision 98/3 on the Disposal of Disused

Offshore Installations, Ministerial Meeting of
the OSPAR Commission, Sintra: 22-23 July
PARCOM Decision 92/2 on Oil Based Muds and
the Guidelines for Sampling, Analysis, and
Calculation of Oil on Cuttings and PARCOM
Decision 92/9 including Annex 1 on Use of Oil
Based Muds for Contracting Parties to the
Convention for the Prevention of Marine
Pollution From Land Based Sources and Annex
2 Guidelines for Sampling, Analysis, and
Calculation of Oil on Cuttings Submitted by the
Secretariat; OSPAR Convention for the
Protection of the Marine Environment of
North-East Atlantic; Working Group on SeaBased Activities; (SEBA); Hamburg 15-19
February 1999; SEBA 99/7/Info. I-E.
PARCOM Recommendation 92/6 on Best Available
Technology for Produced Water Management
on Offshore Gas and Oil Installations
Presentations by the Secretariat, Norway,
Convention for the Protection of the Marine
Environment of North-East Atlantic; Working
Group on Sea-Based Activities; (SEBA);
Hamburg 15-19 February 1999; SEBA
99/8/Info. I-E.

N:\wpeu\Patty\Draft Guidelines\Oil and gas offshore 12-14-00.DOC

December 22, 2000 12:11 PM

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