Navigation Map Projections
Navigation Map Projections
Navigation Map Projections
Map Projection
Map projection is a mathematical expression using which the three-dimensional surface of earth is
represented in a two dimensional plane. The process of projection results in distortion of one or
more map properties such as shape, size, area or direction.
A single projection system can never account for the correct representation of all map properties
for all the regions of the world. Therefore, hundreds of projection systems have been defined for
accurate representation of a particular map element for a particular region of the world.
Method of construction
Projection properties
Method of Construction
The term map projection implies projecting the graticule of the earth onto a flat surface with the
help of shadow cast. However, not all of the map projections are developed in this manner. Some
projections are developed using mathematical calculations only. Given below are the projections
that are based on the method of construction:
Perspective Projections: These projections are made with the help of shadow cast from
an illuminated globe on to a developable surface
Non Perspective Projections: These projections do not use shadow cast from an
illuminated globe on to a developable surface. A developable surface is only assumed to be
covering the globe and the construction of projections is done using mathematical calculations.
Development Surface
Projection transforms the coordinates of earth on to a surface that can be flattened to a plane
without distortion (shearing or stretching). Such a surface is called a developable surface. The
three basic projections are based on the types of developable surface and are introduced below:
1. Cylindrical Projection
Once the graticule is projected onto the cylinder, the cylinder is opened to get a grid like
pattern of latitudes and longitudes.
Length of equator on the cylinder is equal to the length of the equator therefore is suitable
for showing equatorial regions.
(a) Normal: when cylinder has line of tangency to the equator. It includes Equirectangular
Projection, the Mercator projection, Lambert's Cylindrical Equal Area, Gall's Stereographic
Cylindrical, and Miller cylindrical projection.
(b) Transverse: when cylinder has line of tangency to the meridian. It includes the Cassini
Projection, Transverse Mercator, Transverse cylindrical Equal Area Projection, and Modified
Transverse Mercator.
(c) Oblique: when cylinder has line of tangency to another point on the globe. It only consists of
the Oblique Mercator projection.
2. Conic Projection
After projecting the graticule on to the cone, the cone is cut along one of the meridian and
unfolded. Parallels appear as arcs with a pole and meridians as straight lines that converge
to the same point.
(a) Tangent: when the cone is tangent to only one of the parallel.
(b) Secant: when the cone is not big enough to cover the curvature of earth, it intersects the
earth twice at two parallels.
3. Azimuthal/Zenithal Projection
It can be visualized as a flat sheet of paper tangent to any point on the globe
The sheet will have the tangent point as the center of the circular map, where meridians
passing through the center are straight line and the parallels are seen as concentric circle.
(a) Equatorial zenithal: When the plane is tangent to a point on the equator.
(b) Oblique zenithal: when the plane is tangent to a point between a pole and the equator.
(c) Polar zenithal: when the plane is tangent to one of the poles.
Projection Properties
According to properties map projections can be classified as:
Equal area projection: Also known as homolographic projections. The areas of different parts
of earth are correctly represented by such projections.
True shape projection: Also known as orthomorphic projections. The shapes of different parts
of earth are correctly represented on these projections.
True scale or equidistant projections: Projections that maintain correct scale are called true
scale projections. However, no projection can maintain the correct scale throughout. Correct scale
can only be maintained along some parallel or meridian.
Gnomonic projection: when the source of light is placed at the center of the globe
Stereographic Projection: when the source of light is placed at the periphery of the globe,
diametrically opposite to the point at which developable surface touches the globe
Orthographic Projection: when the source of light is placed at infinity from the globe opposite
to the point at which developable surface touches the globe
Cylindrical Projection
Let us draw a network of Simple cylindrical Projection for the whole globe on the scale of
1: 400,000,000 spacing meridians and parallels at 30 interval
Steps of construction:
Draw a line AB, 9.975 cm long to represent the equator. The equator is a circle on the
globe and is subtended by 360.
Since the meridians are to be drawn at an interval of 30 divide AB into 360/30 or 12 equal
The length of a meridian is equal to half the length of the equator i.e. 9.975/2 or 4.987 cm.
To draw meridians, erect perpendiculars on the points of divisions of AB. Take these
perpendiculars equal to the length specified for a meridian and keep half of their length on
either side of the equator.
Through these points of divisions draw lines parallel to the equator. These lines will be
parallels of latitude. Mark the equator and the central meridian with 0 and the parallels
and other meridians. EFGH is the required graticule.
Conical Projection
Let us draw a graticule on simple conical projection with one standard parallel on the scale of 1:
180,000,000 for the area extending from the equator to 90 N latitude and from 60 W longitude
to 100 E longitude with parallels spaced at 15 interval, meridians at 20, and standard parallel
45 N.
Steps of construction:
1. Draw a circle with a radius of 3.527 cm that represents the globe. Let NS be the polar
diameter and WE be the equatorial diameter which intersect each other at right angles at
4. Draw OA making an angle equal to the parallel interval i.e. 15 with OE.
Draw line LM, it represents the central meridian
With L as the center and QP as the radius, draw an arc intersecting LM at n. This arc describes the
standard parallel 45 N.
The distance between the successive parallels is 15. The length of the arc subtended by 15 is
calculated as under:
From point n, mark off distances nr, rs, st, nu, uv and vM, each distance being equal to 0.923 cm.
With L as center, draw arcs passing through the points t, s, r, u, v and M. These arcs represent
the parallels.
1. With O as center and radius equal to the arc WB (1.231 cm) draw arc abc.
2. From point b, drop perpendicular bd on line ON. Now db is the distance between the
Keeping in view the number of meridians to be drawn, mark off distances along the standard
parallel toward the east and west of the point n, each distance being equal to db.
Join point L with the points of divisions marked on the standard parallel and produce them to meet
the equator.
Azimuthal Projection
Let us draw Polar zenithal equal area projection for the northern hemisphere on the scale of 1:
200,000,000 spacing parallels at 15 interval and meridians at 30 interval.
Steps of construction:
Draw a circle with radius equal to 3.175 cm representing a globe. Let NS and WE be the
polar and equatorial diameter respectively which intersect each other at right angles at O,
the center of the circle.
Draw radii Oa, Ob, Oc, Od, and Oe making angles of 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75
respectively with OE. Join Ne, Nd, Nc, Nb, Na and NE by straight lines.
With radius equal to Ne, and N as center draw a circle. This circle represents 75 parallel.
Similarly with center N and radii equal to Nd, Nc, Nb, Na and NE draw circles to represent
the parallels of 60, 45, 30, 15 and 0 respectively.
Draw straight lines AB and CD intersecting each other at the center i.e. point N.
Map Purpose
Considering the purpose of the map is important while choosing the map projection. If a map has
a specific purpose, one may need to preserve a certain property such as shape, area or direction
On the basis of the property preserved, maps can be categorized as following
a. Maps that preserve shapes.
Used for showing local directions and representing the shapes of the features. Such maps include:
Weather maps (for showing the local direction in which weather systems are moving).
World political maps to correct popular misconceptions about the relative sizes of
Maps used to calculate ranges; for example, the cruising ranges of airplanes or the
habitats of animal species
Study area
Geographical location
The line of zero distortion for a cylindrical projection is equator. For conical projections it is
parallels and for Azimuthal it is one of the poles. If the study area is in tropics use cylindrical
projection, for middle latitudes use conical and for Polar Regions use Azimuthal projections.
Shape of the area
Young in 1920 described a way of selecting the map projection which is known as Youngs rule.
According to this rule, if the ratio of maximum extent (z) (measured from the centre of the
country to its most distant boundary) and the width () of the country comes out to be less than
1.41, Azimuthal projection is preferable. If the ratio is greater than 1.41 a conical or cylindrical
projection should be used.
Z/ < 1.41 Azimuthal Projection
Z/ >1.41 Conical or Cylindrical projections
Projection Systems
Given below is the description of the projection systems that are mostly used:
Cylindrical Projection
I. Equirectangular projection
3. The distance between parallels decrease toward the poles but meridians are equally
4. The length of the equator on this projection is same as that on globe but other parallels
are longer than corresponding parallels on globe. So, the scale is true along the equator
but is exaggerated along other parallels
5. Shape and scale distortions increase near points 90 degrees from the central line resulting
in vertical exaggeration of Equatorial regions with compression of regions in middle
6. Despite the shape distortion in some portions of a world map, this projection is well suited
for equal-area mapping of regions which are predominantly north-south in extent, which
have an oblique central line, or which lie near the Equator.
Parallels are straight lines but the distance between them increases away from the
Shapes are true at the standard parallels. Distortion increases on moving away from these
latitudes and is highest at the poles.
Distance between the meridians remains the same but distance between the parallels
increases towards the pole
The length of equator on the projection is equal to the length of the equator on the globe
whereas other parallels are drawn longer than what they are on the globe, therefore the
scale along the equator is correct but is incorrect for other parallels
As scale varies from parallel to parallel and is exaggerated towards the pole, the shapes of
large sized countries are distorted more towards pole and less towards equator. However,
shapes of small countries are preserved
Commonly used for navigational purposes, ocean currents and wind direction are shown on
this projection
Transverse Mercator
This projection results from projecting the sphere onto a cylinder tangent to a central meridian.
Only center meridian and equator are projected as straight lines. The other parallels and
meridians are projected as curves.
Small shapes are maintained but larger shapes distort away from the central meridian.
The area distortion increases with distance from the central meridian
Used to portray areas with larger north-south extent. British National Grid is based on this
projection only.
Pseudo-cylindrical Projections
A pseudo cylindrical projection is that projection in which latitudes are parallel straight lines but
meridians are curved.
I. Mollweide Projection
The poles are points and the central meridian is a straight line
The meridians 90 away from central meridians are circular arcs and all other meridians
are elliptical arcs.
The central meridian is a straight line and all other meridians are equally spaced sinusoidal
The parallels are straight lines that intersect centre meridian at right angles.
Shape and angles are correct along the central meridian and equator
The distortion of shape and angles increases away from the central meridian and is high
near the edges
Used for world maps illustrating area characteristics. Used for continental maps of South
America, Africa, and occasionally other land masses, where each has its own central
III. Eckert VI
The poles and the central meridians are straight lines and half as long as equator.
It stretches shapes and scale by 29% in the north-south direction, along the equator. This
stretching reduces to zero at 49 16' N and 49 16' S.
Conical Projection
I. Bonnes Projection
Other meridians are curved and longer than corresponding meridians on the globe. Scale
along meridians increases away from the central meridian
Central meridian intersects all parallels at right angle. Other meridians intersect standard
parallel at right angle but other parallels obliquely. Shape is only preserved along central
meridian and standard parallel
The distance and scale between two parallels are correct. Area between projected parallels
is equal to the area between the same parallels on the globe. Therefore, is an equal area
Maps of European countries are shown in this projection. It is also used for preparing
topographical sheets of small countries of middle latitudes.
Each parallel is a standard parallel i.e. each parallel is developed from a different cone
Parallels are equally spaced along central meridian but the distance between them
increases away from the central meridian.
Central meridian intersects all parallels at right angle so the scale along it, is correct. Other
meridians are curved and longer than corresponding meridians on the globe and so scale
along meridians increases away from the central meridian.
Azimuthal/Zenithal Projection
I. Polar Zenithal Equal area projection
This projection is invented by J.H Lambert in the year 1772. It is also known as Lamberts Equal
Area Projection.
The pole is a point forming the centre of the projection and the parallels are concentric
The meridians are straight lines radiating from pole having correct angular distance
between them.
The scale along the parallels increases away from the centre of the projection.
The decrease in the scale along meridians is in the same proportion in which there is an
increase in the scale along the parallels away from the centre of the projection. Thus the
projection is an equal area projection.
Shapes are distorted away from the centre of the projection. Scale along the meridians is
small and along the parallels is large so the shapes are compressed along the meridians
but stretched along the parallels.
Used for preparing political and distribution maps of Polar Regions. It can also be used for
preparing general purpose maps of large areas in Northern Hemisphere.
The pole is a point forming the centre of the projection and the parallels are concentric
The meridians are straight lines radiating from pole having correct angular distance
between them.
The spacing between the parallels represent true distances, therefore the scale along the
meridians is correct.
The scale along the parallels increases away from the centre of the projection.
The exaggeration and distortion of shapes increases away from the centre of the
The pole is a point forming the center of the projection and the parallels
are concentric circles.
The meridians are straight lines radiating from pole having correct
angular distance between them.
The parallels are unequally spaced. The distances between the parallels
increase rapidly toward the margin of the projection. This causes
exaggeration of the scale along the meridians.
The scale along the parallels increases away from the center of the
Gnomonic Projection
If a plane is tangent to the earth, and points are projected geometrically from the center
of the earth, the result is a gnomonic projection. See Figure 316a. Since the projection
is perspective, it can be demonstrated by placing a light at the center of a transparent
terrestrial globe and holding a flat surface tangent to the sphere. In an oblique
gnomonic projection the meridians appear as straight lines converging toward the
nearer pole. The parallels, except the equator, appear as curves (Figure 316b). As in all
azimuthal projections, bearings from the point of tangency are correctly represented. The
distance scale, however, changes rapidly. The projection is neither conformal nor equal
area. Distortion is so great that shapes, as well as distances and areas, are very poorly
represented, except near the point of tangency.
The right half of Figure 2 shows the such formulas are easily adapted to comEquatorial projection, with parallel vertical computation with slide rule or with
trigonometric lines for meridians and a horizontal line for ric tables, giving
latitude lines that are hythe equator. In order to find the co-ordinates parabolas, as in Figure 2.
Gnomonic Projection
In the projection above, the point is taken to have latitude and longitude
transformation equations for the plane tangent at the point having latitude
and central latitude
are given by
The inverse transformation equations are
Gnomonic Projection
The concept of gnomonic projection requires some explanation. It is the only map projection that
shows great circles as straight lines - thus all meteors can be drawn onto gnomonic charts as straight
lines too. On other maps, such as those found in "Norton's Star Atlas", most meteors would appear as
sections of arcs. Observers who plot meteors on non-gnomonic maps as straight lines coming directly
from the radiant classify themselves as unskilled observers. Figure 1 shows what is understood by
gnomonic projection. As we mentioned earlier, meteors describe arcs on the celestial sphere that are
parts of great circles. Such a circle determines a plane. Plotting a meteor then comes down to
determining the intersection between this plane and the plane on which the stars were projected.
Figure 1 shows two meteors and their great circles on the celestial sphere. Our gnomonic map is the
plane tangent to the sphere at point P. The center of projection is O. From O all stars on the sphere
are projected onto the plane of the map.
Figure 1 - Gnomonic projection. The value of R defines the scale of the chart (in the case of Atlas Brno
R = 160.43 mm). P is the center of the projection, and thus the center of the chart. The small arrows
simulate meteors and their projection onto the map.
The meteor's projection on the map is the intersection between the plane determined by the great
circle and the plane of the stellar map. The radiant lies on this intersection as well. Points at more than
90 from the map's center P are not projected on the map. In fact, constellations are strongly
distorted near the map's edges. To solve this problem, several maps are necessary. Each of them
represents a plane tangent to the celestial sphere at other points P.
Some of the characteristics of gnomonic projection are listed below:
As already mentioned, every great circle of the celestial sphere is projected as a straight line.
This is the case with meteors (straight trajectory through the atmosphere) as well as with the
hour circles, the equator, the ecliptic, the horizon and the galactic equator.
Gnomonic projection is not true to area or angle. This results in very distorted constellations
towards the edges of the maps. Because of the overlap of the existing charts, this problem is
reduced to choosing the most appropriate map.
Photographs obtained with standard lenses can be well approximated by gnomonic projection.
Since only a small part of the sky is photographed, the distortion is not noticeable.
The pole is a point forming the centre of the projection and the parallels are concentric
The meridians are straight lines radiating from pole having correct angular distance
between them.
The parallels are unequally spaced. The distances between the parallels increase toward
the margin of the projection. The exaggeration in the meridian scale is less than that in the
case of Gnomonic projection.
The scale along the parallels also increases away from the meridian and in the same
proportion in which it increases along the meridians. At any point scale along the parallel is
equal to the scale along the meridian.
The areas are exaggerated on this projection and the exaggeration increases away from
the centre of the projection.
It is used to show world in hemispheres. Also used for preparing aeronautical charts and
daily weather maps of the polar areas.
V. Orthographic Projection
The pole is a point forming the centre of the projection and the parallels are concentric
The meridians are straight lines radiating from pole having correct angular distance
between them.
The parallels are not equally spaced. The distances between them decrease rapidly
towards the margin of the projection. So, the scale along the meridians decreases away
from the centre of the projection.
The distortion of the shapes increases away from the centre of the projection.
The projection is used to prepare charts for showing the celestial bodies such as moon and
other planets.
The particular transverse Mercator map that is used to represent each zone has its central
meridian running north-to-south down the center of the zone. This means that no portion of any
particular zone is very far from the central meridian of the transverse Mercator map that is used
to depict the zone. Since a Universal Transverse Mercator zone is 6 of longitude wide, no portion
of a UTM zone is more than 3 of longitude from the zone's central meridian. Since the distortion
in a transverse Mercator map is relatively low near the map's central meridian, the result of this
close proximity to the map's central meridian is that the transverse Mercator map used to depict
each zone within the coordinate system contains relatively little distortion.
Adapted from the report Map Projections of Europe (2001), the table
gives an account of the commonly used projection systems.
Developable surface
Extent of use
(True shape)
Equatorial regions (east-west extent)
UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator)
Whole world except polar areas
Rosenmund Oblique Mercator
Small regions, oblique & east - west extent
Lambert Conformal Conic
Small regions, oblique & east - west extent (1 or 2 standard parallels)
Small regions upto the hemisphere
UPS (Universal Polar Stereographic)
Polar regions
(Equal area)
Lambert Equal Area
Equatorial areas (east-west extent)
Albers Equal Area
Smaller regions & continents with east-west extent
Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area
Smaller regions about same north-south , east-west extent
Plate Caree
Cassini Soldner
Locally used for large scale mapping
Equidistant Conic
Smaller regions & continents with (1 or 2 standard parallels) east-west
Azimuthal Equidistant
Smaller regions about same north-south , east-west extent