Quality-Control of Bearings Using Vibration Monitoring: Application Notes
Quality-Control of Bearings Using Vibration Monitoring: Application Notes
Quality-Control of Bearings Using Vibration Monitoring: Application Notes
Quality-control of Bearings
Using Vibration Monitoring
The- American N T \ Hearing
Manufacturing Corporation at
deep-groove ball hearings. T h e
outer diameter of the miter
races is ground on a centreless
urinder. T h e quality of the
hearings depends largely on the
balance of the grinding wheel.
'I'he balance of each machine
was checked at hourK intervals
with a hand-held vibration meter but because the balance of
t he \\ heel could change very
quickly. up to an hour's pro
duct ion of badly ground races
could pass down the produclion line before they were delee led.
Bearing quality greatly depends upon the quality of the grinding wheel. By
permanently monitoring vibrations from the grinding wheel, a tight check can
be kept on its condition
Fig. 1. One of four centreless grinders used to grind the outside diameter of the outer races at
Schiller Park
ireiiiiaiieiiuy Monitoring
iviuiiiiuriiig the Grinding Wheels
A permanent monitoring system
was needed. The plant already used
Kjser sound level meters
Briiel and Kjaer
and vibration analyzers and so Briiel
and Kjaer were asked to provide a sosoType
lution. Larry Hackett chose the Type
2505 Multipurpose Monitor as the
most suitable for the application. The
fact that the Type 2505 closes to aa
unit was
was an
nn important
imnnrtant rnnsiHsealed unit
consideration because of the coolant suspended in the air around the grinders.
A permanently-installed "rugged" Industrial Accelerometer Type 8315 was
used for the vibration pick-up. Larry
installed a Type 2505 and 8315 on
each grinder. The alarm level was set
between 2,5 and 3 ^m displacement
depending on the diameter of the race
to be ground. The trip level was set
1 fxra higher. The best position for
measuring vibration had been found