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Owner's Manual Ducati 906 Paso

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DUCATI Owner’s manual “TAMPERING WITH NOISE CONTROL SYSTEM PROHIBITED” Owners are warned thal the low may prohibit: a) The temuval or rendering inoperative Ly any person olher hun fur purpuses of moinienunce, repair or replacement, of any device or element of design incorporaied into any new vehicle for the pur- pose of noise control prior to its sale or delivery fo the ulimate purchaser or while itis in use; and b) the use of the vahicle afier such device or elemeni of design has been removed or rendered inopera- live by any person” 29.4.2 With every "Motor Cycle” the “‘Manufactorer” shall provide wiilten instructions for he proper ‘mointenance, use and repoir of the vehicle in order to provide reasonable assurance of the elimination (or minimisation of the degradation of noise control equipment throughout the life of the “Motor Cycle" IDUCATT,; OWNER'S MANUAL Riding your Ducati 906 PASO Owner's Manual 1990® by Ducoti Meccanico S.p.a Ist edition, All rights reserved. Any reprinting or unauthorized use without the writer permission of Ducati Mec.anica S.p.0. or Cagiva North Amer ca Inc. is expressly prohibited Printed in oly. Read this owner manual corelully and pay special attention to stotements preceded by the following words: WARNING indicaies o possiilty of severe personal injury or loss of lie if instructions are nat followed oO CAUTION Indicates o possibility of personal injury of equip: ment domoge il instructions are not followed. NOTE: Gives helpful information, CAGIVA. commerciale 5.7) IMPORTANT - READ BEFORE RIDING = Welcome to the CAGIVA motorcycling Family! Your new Ducoli motorcycle is designed and manufactured to be the finest in the field. ~ Road this Owner's Manual befow riding so you will be thoroughly fom iar will the proper aperation of your motorcy- cle’s contias, its features, copobilities ond limitotions. The purpose of this manual is not fo provide instruction in all the thechniques ana skils sequired to ride a motorcycie safely. — Your Ducati motorcycle is on extremely high performance sport machine. Obtain proper instruction from on accredited motorcycle nsruction ganization belo ing your Duca. Du not ely solely on the sing tips given inthis manual This motorcycle is capable of exiremoly rapid acceleration and deceleration ond very high speed. Improper use con lead fo serious accidents. Do not attach a side cor, trailer, of any other accessory to this motorcycle. Failure to heed this worning could resut in loss of handling stability and vbsequent serious accident. — Toensure along, trouble-tree life lor your motorcycle, give i the proper care and maintenance described in his owner's manuol. for more deiailed information on your Ducati motorcycle, o Service Monual is available lor purchase fram ony CagivaiDucati deoler. = When service is required, remover thal your Cagiva/Ducoti deoier knows what it takes to keep your Ducati in good condition — Bue to improvements in design cond purlormance during oradueticn, in some cases there moy be minor changes be tween the oclval vehicle and the illustrations ond text in this manual WARNING The mainicnonce and operation procedures outlined in this monuol rus! be followed. Failure to perform the sobvty checks cond maintenance operetions listed can result in unsafe conditions which in urn con lead to serious accidents. Always wear a helmet ond proper protective gear when you ride. Obey ull laws. failure to do so can seriously compromise your per sonal sofety’ mn WARNING Tis motorcycle is designed and intended for use on streets ond other smooth, paved areas only. Do no! use this motorey cle on unpaved suaces. Such use could lead to upset or ather accident SAFETY WARNINGS Traffic Rules vary fo" jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Know the reguiotions in your jurisdiction before riding this motorcycle GASOLINE IS HIGHLY FLAMMABLE Always turn off the ignition when refueling, Be extremely coreful not to spill gasoline on the engine or exhaust system when refueling Never refuel while smoking or in the vicinity of on onen flame: I you should swallow some gosoline, inhole o lot ol gasoline vapor, of allow some gasoline to get in your eyes, see your doctor immediately. If any gosoline spills on your skin or clothing, immediatery wash it with soop ond water and change your clothes. Always turn off the ignition and remove the key when you wove your motorcycle unottended The engine, exhous! pipes, and muiflers stay hot for a long lime Park the matorcycle where no one is likely to touch it Do not pork on a slope ar soft grouna; the motorcycle may fell over Never stort oF run the engine in o closed area. The exhaust lumes are poisonous ond may couse loss of consciousness ‘and deoth within o short lime. Alwoys ensure adequate ventilation it you musi run your motorcycle indoors. Keep your and your passenger's fee! on the footrests whenever the motorcycle is ir motion. Keep your nands on the han dlebars oF all times you must transport your motorcycle in © truck or on o trailer, shut off the fuel petcock. This will prevent spillage from the carburetors should the motorcycle lean over excessivery NOISE EMISSION WARRANTY Cagiva Commerciale S.r. warrants thot this exhaust system, at the lime of sale, meets all applicable U.S. EPA Federai noise stondords. This warronty extends to the first person who buys this exhaust system for purposes other then resole, cond to all subsequent buyers. Warranty claims should be directed to {manufacturer shall filin his name, oddress anes phone number} NOISE AND EXHAUST EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM INFORMATION Source of Emissions ‘The combustion process produces corbon monoxide and hyckocarbons. Control ef hydkocarbuns is very important because under certain conditions, they react to form photochemicul -mog when subjected to surlight. Carbon monoxides does not rege! in the same woy, but ' toxic. Cogiva/Ducoti utilizes lean carburetor settings and olher system ta reduce corbon monoxide ord hydrocarbons. Exhaust Emission Control System The Exhaust Emission Control System is composed of lean carburetor settings, ond no adjestements should be made except idle speed adjust ments withthe throtle slop screw. The Exhaust Emission Cortral Systam ic senorate from the crankcase emission contol system, Crankcase Emission Control System The engine i equipped with o closed crankcase system to preven’ discharging crankcase emissions into the cimosphere. Blow-by gos és returned to the combustion chamber through the air cleaner ond the catbureter. Evaporative Emission Control System Califia moloteycles ore ecuipped wih an evaporative emission earl system which consists a choreeal constr ond arsocated plumbing This system prevents the escape of fuel vapors from the carburetors and fuel tank, Noise Emission Control System Tampering withthe Noise Control System is prohibited: Federal law prohibits the lollowing acts or the causing thereok: {1} The removal cor terdering inoperative by any person, other than for purposes of moinlenance, ropoi, or weplacement, ony device or element of design incorperoted info any new vehicle for the purpose o! acise control prior 10 is sale or delivery tothe ulimote purchaser of while iis n use; ‘ {2} The use of the vehicle alter such device or element of design has been removed of rendered inoperative by any person. [AMONG THOSE ACT PRESUMED TO CONSTITUTE TAMPERING ARE THE ACTS LISTED BELOW: 1} Removal of, or pancluting the muifler, bailles, heoder pipes oF any other Lomponent wich conducts exhaust goses, 2) Removal or puncturing of any port of the intake system 3} Lack of proper moinfonance. 4) Reolocing ony moving part ol he vehide, a pes ofthe exhous or ntoke syastom, with posts other than hase speciied by the manvlactver Problems with may affect motorcycle emisions IF you ore aware of ony ol the lollowing symptoms, hove the vehirle inspected ard epvired by your locot CogivalDucoti deoler Symptons: WY Hord staring or stalling after stating, 2) Rough ile 3), Mafring or backtring during acceleration 4} Aerburing [bakin '5} Poor performance [diveatilty) ond poor economy. 6 RIDING SAFETY The points given below ore applicable for every day motorcycle use and should ve corelully observed for safe and etc: tive vehicie operation A motorcycie does not provide the iroct protection of an outomobile, so uelensive riding n adilion to wearing protective ‘ppoiel is extremely ‘mportont Do not let protective onparel give you @ folse sense of securily Before changing lanes, lock over your shoulder to make sure the woy is clear. 0 net rely solely on the rear view minor, you moy misjudge a vehicl’s distance ond speed, ar you moy not see "at all ‘When going up steep slopes, shill 1o 0 lower gear so that eres plenty of power to spore rather than over loading the engine When opplying the brakes, use both the front ond rear brokes. Appiying only one brake for sudden braking oy couse the motorcycle to skid and lose control ‘Wien going down long siopes, control vehicle speed by closing the throtle. Use the front ard rear brokes lor canary braking Riding ct the proper rate ol speed and avoiding unnecessarily fast acceleration are important not only for safety and tow fuc! consumtion but also lor long vehide life ond quieter operation ‘When riding in wet conditions or on loose roadway surlaces, the ability to maneuver will be reduced. All of your actions should be smooth under these condhtions. Sudden acceleration, broking or tursing may cause lozs ef control. When the roodwoy is wet, rely more on the throttie to conirol vehicle speed and less on the front and rear brakes. The throttle should also be used judiciously 10 avoid skidding *he rear wheel {rom too rapid acceleration or deceleration Qn rough roads, exercise covtion, slow down, and grip the fuel tonk with the knees for better stability. When avick acceleration is necessary 0s in passing, shilt to o lower gear to obtain the necessary power. Do not down shift of 100 high on r.9.m. to avuid damane to “he engine from overreving Avoiding unnecessory weaving is imporiont to the sofely af both the rider ond other motorists Do not exceed the lega’ speed limit or drive 100 fast for existing condlilions. High speed increoses the influence of any cond! tion affecting stobilty and the loss of control Operate motorcycle only at moderate speed ana out of traffic until you have become throughly fomilicr with ils operation cand honesing characteriscs under all conditions, |his a very high performance motorcycle, designee ond intended for use by experienced careful riders only! Anew motorcycle mus! be operated according to © spe: ial break-in procedure {see Running in recommendations) WARNING: Boiore starting engine, check for proper operation of brake, clutch, shifter, throttle corso 5, corrvel fuel and oi. supply. Gosoline is extremely flommable and is explosive under certoir conditions. Refvel in o well ventilated oreo with the engine stopped. Do no! smoke or allow open flames or sparks when reluelling or servicing the fuel system, Alwoys close: “he fuel pelcock when the engine is not running to prevent fload'ng of the carburetor. Do ne! overlill {vel tank. Leave al least onv inch cir space to allow for fuel expansion Motorcycle exhaust contains poiisonuus carbon monnxide gos.; Do not inhale exhaust gases and never «un the orgies in a closed garage oF confined ares. Use on'y Cagiva/DUCATI approved ports and accessories, This motorcycle wos not intended to be equipped with « siducar or 1o be used to tow any trailer or other vehicle. Cagi voIDUCATI does not manufacture sidecars oF trailers and connat predict the effects of such accessories on handling or staviy, but con only warn that the effects will be adverse any domage Ie motorcycle components coused by the use of such accessories will not be remedied under worranly ne re eS EN TER ES RCE RR NN ETAT een ae ES 8 WARNING: Do nol ride the motorcycle with helmets attached to the hooks; the helmets could couse an accident by distracting the operator or interiering with normal vehicle opevation. PROTECTIVE APPAREL Always wear a helmet. Mon’ motorcyc ¢ accident fotalties are ave to head injuries, For solety eye pratection, qloves, and high top, sturdy boots should also be worn The exhoust system becomes very hot during operation, never touch the exnoust system. Wear clothing that fully Lovers your ‘egs. Do nat wear loose clothing which could cctch on the control levers, footrests, wheels, or chain. A possenger needs the same protection Any omouat of alcohol will significantly interfere with your abiity to safely operate your motorcycle. Don’t drink and ride LOADING AND ACCESSORIES This motorcycle is designed to cerry the onerotor and one passenger. Never exceed the vehide capacity locd as shown con the tire information label The combined weight of the ridar, possanger corgo and additional accessories must not exceed 344 Ihs {| 56 Kg}. Cargo weight alone should not exceed 44 Ibs {20 Kg}. 1) Load weight equally on both sides, 2) Keep cargo and accessories woight iow and close to the center of the motorcycle: 3)Adust rear suspension to suit load weight 4) All corgo ond accessories must be secure for stoble handing 5] Do not attach large heovy items to the handlebars, front forks or lender. Difficult handling may cesui. WARNING To provent an occident, use extieme care when riding with accessories ond cargo ZEN Never ride 0 loaded motorcycle above 55 m.ph., 0 motorcycle’s slablity ond, pexformonce can be reduced waite congo. CONTENTS page page Read before riding ... Le 4 Ignition system ..... co eeeeeteeeee 24 Gasoline is highly fiarmmable . 5 Hydraulic clutch control .....-. . 26 Noise emission warranty .. 5 Brakes wee 27 Noise an exhaust emission ‘control Transmission . : 28 system information ........ 6 Frame - Seat - Wheels . wees 29 Riding safety . 7 Tires - Payload and tire pressure... 30 loading an accessories ves 9 Tire wear, damage - minimum tread SPECIFICATION dept-suspensions 31 Electrical system 34 Identification data - V.I.N. - Keys 12 Electrical system scheme legen 35 Label location - 13 Fusebox - Battery 36 Controls and instruments .. 15 Battery charging . = 37 Ignition switch ..... 18 Overall dimensions and weights .. 39 Electric controls on handlebar .. 17 Capacities - Tire inflation pressures - 40 Controls seeeteeeneeevenaecee 18 Tightening torque figures see 40 TECHNICAL DATA RIDING YOUR DUCATI Engine - Valve gear ..... 19 Break-In recommendations . a 4d Timing specifications . 20 Before starting the engine 43 Fuel feed system 21 Starting the engine . 44 lubrication «2.0... 22 Riding the motorcycle .... 45 23_Broking stopping the motorcycle nn. 46 Cooling system 10 page Parking - Anti-Theft fips ...... 47 Additional considerations for high: speed operation . voveeteeseee 49 MAINTENANCE Tool kit fice 50 Maintenance schedule ce 51 Periodic maintenance chart . 51 Emission maintenance schedule .......... 54 Engine oil and filter a... 55 Checking drive chain tension-chain lubrication 56 Spark plugs « 57 Air cleaner . 57 Corburetor idle speed adjustment 58 Front and rear broke 59 Clutch - Radiator fluid replacement ... 60 To replace the bulbs ... . . 6) Headlamp alignment .... 64 Motorcycle care .. cece 66 Storage oessssssseee 67 page Consumer informations... 68 CAGIVA LIMITED WARRATY ON EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM ........ 69 MEMORANDUM ON ROUTINE MAINTENANCE .... 7 QUICK REFERENCF INDEX To renew a blown fuse... . 36 Tightening torque figures re) Checking electrolyte level ............. 52 Checking engine oil level and chang- ing the oil 55 To adjust and lubricate the chain 56 Checking the spark plugs ...... 57 Renewing the air cleaner element 57 Checking brake pads and brakes and clutch fluid fevel .... . 5? Renewing the bulbs . 6) Headlamp olignment sess... 64 SPECIFICATION IDENTIFICATION DATA Your DUCATI is identified by two numbers: = frame number = sngine aumber (see fig. 1} Frame No. Engine No. VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER IV...) ne Dr eABO | KEYS lig. 2) ‘Your DUCATI hos been delivered with on universal key {in double copy} for storfing, steering lock ond for saddle ond helmet lock. 12

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