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Drug Study

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The passage discusses several drugs used to treat conditions like hypertension, edema, fever and infections. It provides information on the pharmacological class, therapeutic effects, indications, contraindications and adverse effects of each drug.

Common side effects mentioned include dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, urinary frequency, dry mouth, blurred vision, cough, darkening of urine, and rash.

Nursing responsibilities include monitoring vital signs and lab results, administering medications correctly, teaching patients about side effects and proper use, providing comfort measures, and ensuring safety during administration.



Furosemide Inhibits the Management Contraindicated CNS: dizziness, For Arrange to
(Lasix) 20 reabsorption of with allergy to fever, vertigo, diuresis. monitor sodium
mg/tab; 1 tab of sodium hypertension furosemide, tinnitus and potassium
OD PO chloride from ; Edema sulfonamides. CV: arrhythmias, serum electrolytes.
the ascending associated Use cautiously orthostatic Give early in the
Pharmacologi limb of the with CHF as with diabetes hypotension day so that
c class: loop of Henle, a mellitus./ with GI: nausea, increased urination
Loop diuretic leading to a complication metabolic vomiting, will not disturb
sodium-rich of diabetes disorders. constipation, sleep.
diuresis. mellitus. vomiting Blood glucose
GU: frequent levels may
TE: Promotes urination, nocturia become
water and temporarily
sodium elevated in
excretion. patients with
diabetes after
starting this drug.
medications as
ordered that will
help loosen
stools in case of
Irbesartan Selectively Treatment of Contraindicated CNS: headache, To decrease Monitor patient’s
(Aprovel) 150 blocks the hypertension with muscle weakness, blood blood pressure
mg/tab; 1 tab binding of . hypersensitivity anxiety pressure. regularly because
OD PO angiotensin II to irbesartan. CV: flushing, dizziness and
to specific orthostatic orthostatic
Pharmacologi tissue hypotension, hypotension may
c class: receptors chest pain occur.
Angiotensin II found in the GI: nausea, Give
receptor vascular constipation, medications as
antagonist smooth diarrhea, vomiting ordered that will
muscle and Resp: cough help loosen
adrenal stools in case of
gland; this constipation.
action blocks Instruct the
the patient to notify
vasoconstricti prescriber if
on effect of headache and
the renin- other side effects
angiotensin occur.
system as Maintain a
well as the quiet, comfortable
release of environment to
Ipratropium The Bronchodila Contraindicated CNS: dizziness, To relieve Monitor the
+ ipratropium tor for with blurred vision bronchospa patient’s vital
salbutamol ingredient is maintenanc hypersensitivity GI: nausea, dry sms and signs, noting
(Combivent) an e therapy of to atropine or its mouth open hypotension and
neb 200 anticholinergi bronchospa derivatives. Respi: dyspnea, airways. an irregular or
mcg/ml prn c drug which sm. bronchospasms, abnormal pulse.
for DOB relaxes horseness Maintain a
smooth CV: palpitations, quiet, comfortable
Pharmacolog muscle in the chest pain environment to
ic class: lung. The minimize anxiety
Anticholinerg salbutamol and perhaps
ic ingredient is decrease
a beta-2 palpitations.
agonist which Teach the
stimulates patient pursed-lip
beta-2 sites breathing,
in the lungs diaphragmatic
to relax the breathing, and
bronchi. chest splinting.

TE: Relieves

Clindamycin Inhibits Treatment Contraindicated CV: hypotension, To treat Culture

hydrochlori protein of with allergy to cardiac arrest infection. infection before
de (Cleocin) synthesis in infections clindamycin, GI: nausea, therapy.
300 susceptible caused by history of asthma vomiting, Administer oral
mg/cap; 1 bacteria, susceptible or other diarrhea drugs with a full
cap TID PO causing cell strains of allergies. Dermat: urticaria glass of water or
death. bacteria. with food to
Pharmacolo prevent
gic class: TE: Hinders esophageal
Lincomycin or kills irritation.
derivative susceptible Check the
bacteria. patient's vital
signs frequently
to determine if
low blood
pressure is
constant or
Keep the
patient's room
clean-smelling by
bedpans and
emesis basins
promptly after
Bumetanide Inhibits the Treatment of Contraindicated with CNS: paresthesia, For diuresis. Provide information
(Bumex) 1 mg reabsorption of edema allergy to bumetanide fatigue, tinnitus about avoiding
TIV q 12 w/ sodium and associated and anuria. CV: orthostatic excessive noise.
BP prec chloride from with CHF as a Use cautiously with hypotension, Give single dose
the proximal complication diabetes mellitus. thrombophlebitis early in the day fo
Pharmacologic and distal renal of DM. GI: nausea, vomiting, increased urination
class: tubules and the dry mouth will not disturb sleep.
Loop diuretic loop of Henle, GU: polyuria Encourage or
leading to a provide regular oral
natriuretic hygiene.
diuresis. Record intake and
output, and weigh the
TE: Promotes patient daily.
sodium and Monitor the
water excretion. patient’s blood
pressure throughout

Mentronidazol Bactericidal: Acute Contraindicated with CNS: dizziness, To treat Instruct the patient
e (Flagyl) 500 Inhibits DNA infection with hypersensitivity to seizure, peripheral infection. that the urine may be
mg TIV q 6 synthesis in susceptible metronidazole. neuropathy darker in color.
ANST (-) specific anaerobic CV: edema, flushing Institute seizure
anaerobes, bacteria. GI: nausea, vomiting, precautions.
Pharmacologic causing cell cramps Monitor intake and
class: death. GU: darkening of output.
Nitroimidazole urine, dysuria Keep the
TE: Hinders patient's room
growth of clean-smelling by
selected removing
organisms, bedpans and
including most emesis basins
anaerobic promptly after
bacteria. use.
Tiotropium Competitively Treatment of Contraindicated with CNS: blurred vision To relieve Instruct patient in
bromide antagonistic at bronchospasm allergy to atropine or CV: edema bronchospas the proper use of the
(Spiriva) 18 muscarinic s. its derivatives, GI: dry mouth, ms and open Handihaler inhalation
mcg cap; 1 cap receptor sites; ipratropium or any constipation, airways. device.
via handihaler causes smooth component of the vomiting Encourage or
muscle product. Respi: epistaxis, provide regular oral
Pharmacologic relaxation, sinusitis, cough hygiene.
class: leading to Provide chest
Long-acting bronchodilation. physiotherapy.
anticholinergic Teach the client to
TE: Improves perform deep-
breathing. breahing exercises.
Give medications
as ordered that will
help loosen stools in
case of constipation.
Paracetamol Antipyretic: Treatment of Contraindicated with CNS: headache To decrease Monitor the
biogesic 300 Reduces fever fever. allergy to CV: chest pain temperature. client’s temperature
mg TIV STAT by acting acetaminophen. Respi: dyspnea throughout therapy.
directly on the hypersensitivity: rash, Teach the patient
Pharmacologic hypothalamic urticaria deep-breathing
class: heat-regulating exercises.
Para- center to cause Instruct client to
aminophenol vasodilation and report rashes.
derivative sweating, which
helps dissipate

TE: Reduces

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