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MCS 012

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MCA (Revised)

Term-End Examination
December, 2OO7


Time:Shours M o r i m u n Marks : 700

(Weightage 750/o)

l. (a) Simplify the boolean function in SOP & POS forms

by means of K-maps and also draw the,logic diagram
[ : ( A ,[ J ,C , D ) : I ( 0 , 2 , 8 ,g , 1 0 , 1 1 , 1 4 ,f 5 ) rc
(b) Discuss the operation of Programmed l/O and
Interrupt driven l/O techniques using flow chart.
Compare them briefly I
(c) Write an Assembly Language program to search a
given number in a group of 50 numbers stored in
the memory. Display the result in a convenient form. I
(d) Design and explain a 4 bit ring counter using suitable
flip-flops. ':

MCS-O12, 1 P.T.O.
2. (a) Assume a computer having 64 Word RAM
(1 Word : L6 bits) and Cache memory of 8 blocks
(block size : 32 bits). How can we find Main
Memory Location '25' in cache if (a) Associative
Mappiog, b) Direct Mappiog, and (c) Z-v,tay Set
Associativemapping is used ? 10
(b) Discussthe differencesbetween 10
(ii) srMM & DrMM

What are the functions of an |/O interface ?

What is a device driver ? Differentiate between
device controllers and device drivers
Explain the use of the following registers for a
computer system 10
(i) MAB l

(iii) PC

(iv) IR

(v) AC

Take an example instruction and break the fetch &

execution of this instnrction to indicate the usage of
these registers stepwise.

4. (a) Discuss the various Addressing schemes used' in

8086, with the help of examples. 10

(b) What do you understandby micro-programming ?
Discussabout micro-programmedcontrol unit, using
a block diagram. Comp are it with the hardwired
control unit 10

5.' (a) Explain the structure of 8086 CPU with BUS

Interfaceunit and Executionunit. 10
(b) Write a short note on programming, itl Assembly
Language, with loops and comparison operations. 10

MCS-o12 13,000

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