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of Printed Pages : 4 MCS-012

Term-End Examination
December, 2022

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Question No. 1 is compulsory and carries

40 marks. Attempt any three questions from
the rest.

1. (a) Convert the following pairs of decimal

numbers to 8-bit, signed, 2’s complement
numbers and add them. State, whether or
not overflow occurs in each case : 6
(i) 58 and 100

P. T. O.
[2] MCS-012

(ii) –71 and 13

(iii) –100 and –28
(b) What is the difference between
combinational logic and sequential logic ? 2
(c) Design a combinational circuit using K-
map, whose output is zero if the 4-bit input
binary number is a multiple of 3, otherwise
the output is one. 6
(d) What is the use of addressing modes ?
Explain the base register addressing and
relative addressing schemes with the help
of one example of each. 6
(e) Explain the layout of a magnetic disk with
the help of a diagram. Also, explain access
time on a magnetic disk. 6
(f) Explain the concept of programmed
input/output with help of a flowchart. 4
(g) Explain the Wilkes control unit with the
help of a diagram. 5
(h) Write a program using 8086 assembly
language that converts an ASCII digit
stored in a memory location to equivalent
binary value. This binary value should be
stored in AL register. 5
[3] MCS-012

2. (a) Explain the role of any five registers used

in a basic computer. 5
(b) Draw and explain the half adder circuit. 5
(c) Explain the role of parity bit in error
detection with the help of an example. 4
(d) Explain the functioning of master-slave
flip-flop with the help of a diagram. 6

3. (a) What is instruction cycle ? How are

different kinds of instructions interpreted ?
(b) Explain the role of flag registers in
assembly language programming with the
help of an example. 4
(c) What is Cache Memory ? Why is it
needed ? Explain the direct mapping cache
organisation with the help of a diagram. 6
(d) What are the differences between .COM
and .EXE programs ? 4

4. (a) Explain the term micro-operation. How is a

micro-operation different from an
instruction ? Write the sequence of micro-
operations required to fetch an instruction
from the memory to CPU register. You
may assume suitable set of registers. 8

P. T. O.
[4] MCS-012

(b) Explain the features of RISC architectures.

(c) Calculate the physical address for the
following register values/offset in a 8086
microprocessor : 6
(i) CS = 2351 h and IP = 1256 h
(ii) DS = 4FFFh and offset in data
segment = 0100h
(iii) SS = 3FFFh and SP = 0111h

5. (a) Represent the following numbers using

IEEE-754 floating point single precision
number format : 4
(i) 1010.0001
(ii) –0.0000111
(b) Write the assembly language code using
8086 assembly language for performing the
following operation : 6
Z = ((A + B) / 5 * C) ** 2
(c) How many RAM chips of size 256 × 1 bit
are required to build 1 M byte memory ? 5
(d) Explain the use of large register file in
RISC with the help of a diagram. 5

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