B - E / B - T E C H (Full-Time) D E G R E E Examinations, April/May 2012
B - E / B - T E C H (Full-Time) D E G R E E Examinations, April/May 2012
B - E / B - T E C H (Full-Time) D E G R E E Examinations, April/May 2012
T E C H ( F U L L - T I M E ) D E G R E E EXAMINATIONS, A P R I L / M A Y 2012
Answer A L L questions
1. What are the different factors to be considered while designing the instruction format?
2. Give the IEEE format of single precision and double precision floating point
4. From the truth table of full adder justify the terms propagate and generate of the carrys.
5. List out the advantages and disadvantages of hardwired control over microprogrammed
8. How many 128 X 8 RAM chips are needed to provide a memory capacity of 2048 bytes?
9. What are the basic functionalities that should be performed by I/O interface?
PART B - (5 X 16 = 80 marks)
11 (a) (i). Explain the Booth's algorithm with a neat flow chart and draw the necessary
hardware components. (8)
(ii). Compute 110011 X 110110 by using Booth's algorithm. Use 8 bit
representation (8)
12 (a). What is meant by addressing mode? Explain the various addressing modes ,
with example instructions. Also discuss the importance of each of the addressing
(b). With a Schematic diagram, explain the organization of CISC machine 68020
13 (a) (i).Give the organization of a microprogrammed control unit and explain its
operation. (8)
(ii). Explain with diagram how the conditional branching is taken care in
microprogrammed control unit. (8)
14 (a) (i). Discuss locality of reference, spatial locality, temporal locality, write
through and write through with reference to cache memory organization. (8)
(ii). Explain the different types of cache mapping techniques. (8)
(i) Discuss the concept of virtual memory and explain how virtual address
is converted to physical address. (8)
(ii) A digital computer has a memory unit of 64K X 16 and a cache memory
of 1 K words. The cache uses direct mapping with block size of four
words. How many bits are there tag, block and word fields of the address
format?. How many blocks can the cache accommodate? (8)
15 (a) (i) What is the need for a DMA transfer?. Explain how D M A operation takes
place. (12)
(ii) Distinguish between memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O. (4)