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V(5th Sm.


Paper : CC-12
(Microprocessors and Microcontrollers)
Full Marks : 50
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
as far as practicable.

Question no. 1 is compulsory. Answer any four questions from the rest.

1. Answer any ten : 1×10

(a) A register in a p contains

(i) data (ii) memory address
(iii) result (iv) All of these

(b) A microprocessor retrieves instructions from

(i) Control Memory (ii) Cache Memory
(iii) Main Memory (iv) Virtual memory

(c) Name of typical dedicated register is

(i) Program Counter (ii) Instruction register
(iii) Stack Pointer (iv) All of these

(d) The RAM which is created using MOS transistor is called

(i) Dynamic RAM (ii) Static RAM
(iii) Permanent RAM (iv) DDR RAM

(e) The data in the stack is called

(i) Pushing Data (ii) Pushed Data
(iii) Pulling Data (iv) None of these

(f) Which is not a control bus signal?

(i) Read (ii) Write
(iii) Reset (iv) None of these

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V(5th Sm.)-Electronics-H/CC-12/CBCS (2)

(g) How many T-states are required for execution of STA 8050H instruction?
(i) 16 (ii) 10
(iii) 7 (iv) 13

(h) 8255 PPI has the following no. of I/O Pins:

(i) 20 (ii) 24
(iii) 25 (iv) 30

(i) How many timers/counters does IC 8051 have?

(i) 1 (ii) 2
(iii) 5 (iv) 4

(j) What is the memory range of the 8085 p?

(i) 0000H to 00FFH (ii) 0000H to 8000H
(iii) 0000H to FFFFH (iv) 0000H to 300FH

(k) How many memory locations can be addressed by 10 address lines?

(i) 1K (ii) 2K
(iii) 4K (iv) 16K

(l) Sort the interrupt signals according to increasing priority:

(i) TRAP, RST 5·5, RST 6·5, RST 7·5 (ii) TRAP, RST 6·5, RST 5·5, RST 7·5
(iii) RST 7·5, RST 6·5, RST 5·5, TRAP (iv) RST 5·5, RST 6·5, RST 7·5, TRAP

2. (a) What is the role played by the ALU, Program Counter and the Instruction Register? 1+1+2
(b) Name the different flags inside the flag-register and mention the role of each. 3
(c) Explain indirect addressing mode for the 8085 microprocessor with proper examples. 3

3. Explain clearly the meaning of these instructions (any five): 2×5

(a) LXI H<address>
(b) XRI <data>
(c) CMP H
(d) PUSH D
(e) RAL
(f) SPHL
(g) XTHL.
(3) V(5th Sm.)-Electronics-H/CC-12/CBCS

4. (a) What is an assembly language programming (ALP)? Write an ALP for the 8085 microprocessor to
compare two 8-bit numbers which are stored in two memory locations and to place the larger number in
the first and the smaller number in the second memory location. 1+4
(b) What is a stack? What do the PUSH and POP instructions do? Explain the role of the stack in the
execution of a subroutine. 1+1+1+2
5. (a) Explain with the help of a suitable block diagram, how the multiplexed lower-order address bus and the
data bus can be demultiplexed using an 8-bit latch during the execution of an instruction. 3+3
(b) Draw a schematic diagram showing how one may generate the read/write control signals MEMR,
MEMW, IOR, IOW from the microprocessor generated signals IO/M, RD and WR . 4
6. (a) A 4096 × 8 ROM chip is to be interfaced with the 8085 microprocessor. Which of the address lines of
the 8085’s 16-bit address bus would be directly connected to the 4096 registers of the ROM chip? Show
with the help of a schematic diagram how one can decode the remaining address lines to generate an
active low signal to be used to select the ROM chip. 2+3
(b) What is a PPI device? Write a short note on the 8255A PPI device briefly explaining its different modes
of operation. 1+4
7. (a) Draw the block diagram of Harvard architecture for microcontrollers.
(b) Explain briefly with a diagram how IC 8051 is wired to external memory.
(c) Draw the block diagram of PIC 16F887 microcontroller. 4+3+3


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