The Phaeton Air Suspension Design and Function
The Phaeton Air Suspension Design and Function
The Phaeton Air Suspension Design and Function
The Phaeton
Air Suspension
Design and Function
Spring Travel
Vibrating Mass
Position of Rest
Self-Study Program
Course Number 899303
Volkswagen of America, Inc.
Service Training
Printed in U.S.A.
Printed 08/2003
Course Number 899303
Introduction ................................................................................................... 1
Service .......................................................................................................... 66
Vehicle contact with the road is controlled One solution is a controlled suspension
by the suspension system components. system including:
Conflicting requirements for maximum • Full load-bearing self-leveling
comfort, optimum driving safety, and suspension system.
minimum noise transmission from the road • Continuously controlled damping.
surface to the vehicle interior place heavy
demands on suspension system designers. Control is based on the “skyhook
control strategy.”
Vehicles like the Phaeton, which are
expected to meet high standards of In a perfect world, damping would be
comfort, represent a special challenge controlled as if the vehicle body were
that necessitates a compromise between suspended by a hook from the sky, floating
the various requirements on the above the road without interference from
suspension system. the surface of the road.
The purpose or this Self-Study Program is
to introduce and describe this new system.
Suspension and Damping Basics
Vehicle Suspension
When a vehicle is moving, the is to absorb and reduce the forces produced
external forces that act upon it produce and, if possible, to keep them away from the
movements in the three possible directions vehicle body and its occupants:
of motion – the transverse, longitudinal, Driving safety – They help maintain
and vertical axes. continuous tire contact with the road,
The aim of good suspension and damping which is important for steering and braking.
system design is to minimize the effect of Driving comfort – Harmful or unpleasant
these forces on driving comfort, driving vibrations are kept away from the
safety, and operating safety by striking a passengers and the cargo remains intact.
balance between the suspension system
and the vibration damping system. Operational safety – The vehicle body and
assemblies are protected against high
A basic distinction can be drawn between impact and vibration loads.
the suspension system and the vibration
damping system. The task of both systems
Suspension and Damping Basics
Types of Vibration
Acting on a Vehicle
In addition to the upward and downward Transverse axis vibration terminology:
movement of a moving vehicle, vibrations • Drifting – Vibration in the direction
occur about and in the direction of the of the transverse axis (side slip,
longitudinal, transverse, and vertical axes. side-to-side motion).
The following terms are generally used to • Pitching – Torsional vibration (rotation)
describe the vibrations that can occur in a around the transverse axis (up-and-down
motor vehicle. motion of the front of the vehicle relative
Longitudinal axis vibration terminology: and opposite to the motion of the rear).
• Twitching – Vibration in the direction Vertical axis vibration terminology:
of the longitudinal axis (shudder, • Bouncing – Vibration in the direction of
back-and-forth motion). the vertical axis (road surface impacts,
• Rolling – Torsional vibration (rotation) vertical vibration, up-and-down motion).
around the longitudinal axis (snaking, • Yawing – Torsional vibration (rotation)
rolling, and tilting motion). around the vertical axis (side-to-side
motion of the front of the vehicle relative
and opposite to the motion of the rear).
Transverse Axis
• Drifting
• Pitching
Longitudinal Axis
• Twitching
• Rolling
Vertical Axis
• Bouncing
• Yawing SSP275/009
Suspension and Damping Basics
Vibrations Definitions
The tires, suspension elements, body, Sprung mass – The weight of the car
and vehicle seat form a system which is supported by its suspension including the
capable of vibration, i.e. when an external engine, transmission and body.
force such as a bump on the road acts on Vibration – Oscillating movement of a
this system, it oscillates back and forth mass (e.g. bump and rebound of the
about its position of rest. These vibrations vehicle body).
repeat themselves until they die away.
Amplitude – Maximum distance of an
The vibrations are defined by their oscillating mass from its position of rest
amplitude and frequency. (vibration displacement, spring travel).
Intrinsic body frequency is a major factor in Period – Duration of a single, complete
vehicle occupant comfort and safety. vibration cycle.
• An intrinsic body frequency of less than Frequency – Number of vibration cycles
1 Hz can cause nausea, depending on (periods) per unit of time. The customary
one’s predisposition. designation for cycles per second is Hertz,
• Frequencies above 1.5 Hz are detrimental abbreviated Hz.
to driving comfort.
One complete vibration cycle
• Frequencies higher than 5 Hz are per second = 1 Hz
perceived as shocks.
Intrinsic body frequency is essentially Intrinsic Frequency – Natural vibration
determined by the spring rate and the size frequency (free vibrations) of a given mass.
of the sprung mass. Resonance – The physical characteristics
of a mass that allow it to vibrate easily at its
intrinsic frequency with very little excitation
force, like a lightly plucked guitar string.
Shock absorption – Describes the decay
of vibrations.
Suspension and Damping Basics
Damped Vibration
Spring Travel
Vibrating Mass
Position of Rest
Spring Travel
Period SSP275/005
Spring Travel
Period SSP275/004
Suspension and Damping Basics
Suspension System
The tires, the springs, and the seats with On the vehicle, a distinction is made
their cushioning effect collectively form the between unsprung masses and
vehicle suspension system. sprung masses.
As key components of this system, the Unsprung masses include items like
spring and shock absorber elements are wheels, brakes, final drive shafts, wheel
the link between the wheel suspension and bearings, and wheel bearing housings.
the vehicle body. Sprung masses include the vehicle body
Suspension elements include: with suspension and drivetrain parts.
• Steel springs (leaf springs, helical The general aim of vehicle tuning is to
springs, torsion bar springs) keep unsprung masses to a minimum. This
• Air springs (flexible air bladder springs minimizes interference with the vibration
and toroidal bellows springs) characteristics of the vehicle body and
improves suspension response (and as a
• Hydro-pneumatic springs (piston and result, driving comfort).
diaphragm type hydraulic accumulators)
The following components contribute to
• Rubber springs reducing unsprung masses:
• Anti-roll bars • Light-alloy suspension parts
• Combinations of these elements • Light-alloy brake calipers
• Light-alloy hollow-spoke wheels
• Weight optimized tires
Suspension and Damping Basics
Spring Characteristics
The characteristics of a spring are obtained Examples of Spring Characteristics
by applying a force of increasing magnitude
to a spring in a spring press and plotting
the change in spring travel against the
Linear Firm
force applied.
The spring rate is calculated from the ratio
of change in force and change in travel.
Spring rate = force : distance
[pounds/inch (N/cm)]
Linear Soft
A “firm” spring has a steeper spring rate
characteristic than a “soft” spring.
If the spring rate is constant over the full
distance traveled by the spring, then the
spring has a linear characteristic. Travel
Suspension and Damping Basics
Spring Travel
The necessary total spring travel (stot) of a the unladen and fully laden vehicle is large.
vehicle without self-leveling suspension Where the spring characteristic curve is
comprises the static bump (sstat) and the steep (firm spring), the static compression
dynamic spring travel (sdyn) resulting from is small.
vehicle vibration when the vehicle is fully
laden and when it is unladen. Definitions
stot = (sstat (fully laden) – sstat (unladen)) + sdyn The unladen position is the compression
of the spring when the serviceable vehicle
The static spring travel (sstat) is the distance (including a full tank of fuel, tool kit, and
which the spring is compressed when spare wheel, but without a driver or
stationary depending on payload. This is the passengers) is standing on its wheels.
difference between the static compression The design position is the position which
of the fully laden vehicle (sstat (fully laden)) and the serviceable vehicle adopts when loaded
the static compression of the unladen with three persons, each weighing 150
vehicle (sstat (unladen)). pounds (68 kg).
sstat = sstat (fully laden) – sstat (unladen) The controlled position is the position
in which the vehicle is held by the
Where a spring characteristic performance self-leveling elements of the air suspension
curve is flat (soft spring), the difference, system, regardless of payload.
and so the static compression, between
Fully Laden
Position Firm Spring Soft Spring
Performance Performance
Curve Curve
Air Suspension Basics
Air Suspension
Air suspension is a variable-height vehicle The advantages of a self-leveling
suspension system and can be combined suspension are:
with continuously controlled damping. • The vehicle can be sprung comfortably.
The self-leveling suspension keeps the • The static level of the vehicle is constant,
vehicle body at constant pre-determined regardless of payload.
ground clearance level. The controlled
position is equal to a constant distance • Reduced tire wear.
between the center of the wheel and the • No payload-dependent change of drag
lower edge of the fender wheel opening. coefficient (CD).
The vehicle level is controlled by adjusting • Maximum rebound and bump travel are
the pressure acting on the air springs and maintained in all load states.
the associated change of air volume in the
air springs. • Full ground clearance is maintained, even
at maximum payload.
Static compression is always set to
sstat = 0, regardless of payload. • No changes of toe and camber due to
changes in payload.
Controlled Position
Air Suspension Basics
Spring Characteristics
Fully Laden
Design Position
Spring Travel
-3.15 in -1.57 in 0 +1.57 in +3.15 in
(-80 mm) (-40 mm) (+40 mm) (+80 mm)
Air Suspension Basics
Characteristics of Air Springs
Load-Bearing Force
Spring Force and Spring Rate
The spring force or load-bearing force of
an air spring is defined by its geometric
dimensions (the effective circular area) and
Excess Pressure
the excess pressure acting on the air spring.
The effective circular area is defined by the
effective circle diameter. Circle Diameter
With the configuration of a piston in a
cylinder, the piston diameter corresponds
to the effective circle diameter.
Load-Bearing Force
Rebounded Diameter
Compressed Diameter
Air Suspension Basics
Air Suspension Basics
Spring Characteristics
In principle, the spring characteristic
Steep Curve
of an air spring with a cylindrical piston (Firm Spring)
is progressive.
Air Suspension Basics
Air Spring Design
There are two different types of air springs: In the full load-bearing type like those used
on the Phaeton, the air springs function as
• Partial load-bearing
the load-bearing spring elements.
• Full load-bearing
The full load-bearing air spring assembly
In the partial load-bearing type, a includes:
combination of steel and gas struts
• Upper housing with outer guide
generates the load bearing force of the
air spring. • Air spring (flexible air bladder)
• Roll piston (lower guide)
• Auxiliary accumulator (where required)
Typical Externally Guided
Full Load-Bearing Air Spring • Integrated shock absorber
Flexible Air Bladder
Air Volume Upper Housing
The air spring is comprised of a special
flexible air bladder made of a high-quality
Gas Cushion multi-layer elastomer material with
Outer Guide
reinforcing fabric inlays of nylon cord.
The reinforcing fabric absorbs the forces
arising in the air spring. The inner layer is
specially designed to be airtight.
The combination of individual layers in the
flexible air bladder provides for good
rolling characteristics of the air spring and
precise response to the movement of
the suspension.
The materials are resistant to all external
influences in a temperature range
Air Spring from -31°F to +194°F (-35°C to +90°C).
Air Bladder) The outer guide is a metallic sleeve used
Roll Piston to absorb some of the internal pressure in
the air spring and control the shape of the
flexible air bladder as it moves over the
roll piston. This is an externally guided
air spring.
Oil Reservoir Twin-Tube Air springs configured without the outer
guide are designated “unguided.”
Damping System Basics
Shock Absorbers
The task of the shock absorbers is to
reduce the vibration energy of structural
and wheel vibrations as rapidly as possible
by converting vibration energy to heat.
Without shock absorbers, the vibrations
introduced into the vehicle would build up
to the extent that the wheels could lose
contact with the road surface. As a result,
the vehicle would no longer be steerable.
There are several different types of
shock absorbers.
Single-Tube Gas Pressure Typical Single-Tube
Shock Absorber Gas Pressure Shock Absorber
Gas Cushion Piston
Damping System Basics
Twin-Tube Gas Pressure
Shock Absorber
The twin-tube gas pressure shock absorber
has established itself as the automotive
industry standard for vibration damping.
Typical Twin-Tube As the name indicates, this type of shock
Gas Pressure Shock Absorber absorber consists of two tubes, one inside
(Compression Stage) Compression
the other.
The inner tube acts as the working cylinder.
During the compression stage, damping is
Damper Non-Return defined by the bottom damper valve and
Valve Valve partly by the flow resistance of the piston.
During the rebound stage, vibrations are
Damper damped by the piston damper valve alone.
Valve SSP275/082
This valve produces a defined resistance to
the oil as it flows through it to the bottom
of the working cylinder.
Damping System Basics
Shock Absorber Tuning
In vibration damping, there is a distinction
to be made between the compression and
Spring Travel
rebound stages.
The damping force during the compression
stage is less than the damping force during
the rebound stage. As a result, jolts caused
by rough road surfaces are transmitted to a
lesser degree to the vehicle body.
Shock absorber tuning affects both driving Low Degree of Damping
comfort and safety.
Shock absorbers with adjustable damper
tuning and continuous control are installed
on luxury vehicles. The control module
determines within a matter of milliseconds
the degree of damping that is required for
each wheel.
The degree of damping indicates how
quickly the vibrations must be reduced. It is
Spring Travel
Damping System Basics
Damping Force
Force-Velocity Diagrams The damping force of a shock absorber
Showing Shock Absorber can be determined using a testing device
Characteristic Curves that can generate different compression
and rebound rates while maintaining a
Progressive Action constant stroke.
Damping Characteristic The values determined in this way can be
represented in force-velocity diagrams.
Digressive Action
Damping Characteristic
1.17 0.85
(0.52) (0.26) 0
-0.85 -1.71
(-0.26) (-0.52)
Linear Action
Damping Characteristic
1.17 0.85
(0.52) (0.26) 0
-0.85 -1.71
(-0.26) (-0.52)
System Description
Air Suspension with
Continuously Controlled Damping
The full load-bearing air suspension with The Phaeton has three different suspension
continuously controlled damping used on height settings, the first two of which are
the Phaeton keeps the vehicle at a constant driver selectable:
level above the road, regardless of payload.
• “Normal” suspension level.
A constant static ground clearance adapted
• “High” suspension level, 1 inch (25 mm)
to driver input or vehicle road speed is
above “Normal”; intended for driving on
maintained between the road and the
bad roads.
vehicle floor pan.
• “Low” suspension level, 0.6 inch
The system includes:
(15 mm) below “Normal”; intended for
• Level Control System Control driving at high speed on a highway.
Module J197. Low ride height is selected and
• Air spring and a vehicle level control deselected automatically depending
system sensor at each corner. on vehicle road speed.
• Adjustable shock absorber integrated into The system also switches automatically
the air spring strut at each corner. to other levels depending on the
driving situation by means of a special
• Compressor with air drier and control strategy.
temperature sensor.
Ride height adjustments are made in the
• Solenoid valve block with four strut background and are not normally noticed by
valves, a drain valve, a pressure the driver.
accumulator valve, and an integrated
pressure sensor. When driving at high speeds, the ground
clearance is automatically lowered from the
• Pressure accumulator. “High” suspension level to the dynamically
• Air lines from the compressor to the more stable “Normal” suspension level.
individual air spring struts and to the At even higher speeds, the ground
pressure accumulator. clearance is automatically reduced to the
• Wheel acceleration sensor on each air “Low” suspension level which is not
spring strut (measurement range ± 13 g). selectable by the driver.
• Three body acceleration sensors The “Low” suspension level is automatically
(measurement range ± 1.3 g). deselected when the vehicle speed drops
below a pre-determined speed.
The suspension damper tuning “Comfort”
setting is automatically adjusted to firmer
settings at higher speeds in order to ensure
safe handling and track stability.
System Description
Component Locations
4 80 100 120
70 140
3 5 60
2 6 40
30 200
1 7 60 1/2 20 220
90 1/4 3/4
Residual Pressure
Maintaining Valve
System Description
Residual Pressure
Maintaining Valve
System Description
Operation and Display
The system features a full load-bearing air Pressing the appropriate button opens a
spring with self-leveling suspension at each pop-up menu in the Infotainment display.
wheel on both the front and rear axles. Selections can then be made using Menu
Each air spring strut assembly combines an Selection Rotary Knob E460 and the display
air spring integrated with a continuously function keys.
adjustable damping shock absorber. The driver can then select between two of
The system is controlled by the Level the three suspension levels:
Control System Control Module J197. • “Normal” suspension level (preset)
The system is operated by Dampening • “High” suspension level
Adjustment Button E387 and Level
Control Button E388 as described in the Four suspension damper tuning settings
operating manual. are also driver selectable:
Menu Selection
Rotary Knob E460
-- Level Control
Button E388
Button E387
System Description
Self-Leveling Suspension
The Level Control Button E388 must be “Normal” Suspension Level Display
pressed to set the level. By turning the
Menu Selection Rotary Knob E460, the AUTO AUTO
System Description
Damper Tuning
“Comfort” Damper Tuning Display The driver can select damper tuning
by pressing Dampening Adjustment
AUTO AUTO Button E387.
By turning the Menu Selection Rotary
Knob E460, the driver can select one of the
following four damper tuning settings:
• “Comfort”
• “Basic” (preset)
• “Sport 1”
• “Sport 2”
The corresponding screen is displayed.
CLIMATE MAP NAV AUDIO SETTINGS ON The driver can exit the menu by pressing
SSP275/036 Menu Selection Rotary Knob E460. In the
“Comfort,” “Sport 1,” and “Sport 2”
settings, the Dampening Adjustment
Button E387 is lit.
System Description
Control Strategy of the
Self-Leveling Suspension
The relative positions of the vehicle body Effect of Changes in Vehicle Payload
and the wheels are measured by four level
If the height of the vehicle in relation to
control system sensors located between the road surface changes due to changes
the axle carriers and the lower wishbones:
in vehicle payload, the Level Control
• Left Front Wheel Acceleration System Control Module J197 readjusts the
Sensor G337 suspension to the preset default level.
• Right Front Wheel Acceleration Level adjustments are made through
Sensor G338 several valves integrated into the solenoid
valve block.
• Left Rear Level Control System
Sensor G76 To increase the height, air is channeled to
the four air springs through the four
• Right Rear Level Control System suspension strut solenoid valves:
Sensor G77
• Left Front Suspension Strut Valve N148
The reading from each sensor is compared
with a default that is stored in the Level • Right Front Suspension Strut Valve N149
Control System Control Module J197 for • Left Rear Suspension Strut Valve N150
the corresponding wheel. The Level Control
• Right Rear Suspension Strut Valve N151
System Control Module J197 must learn
these defaults. To decrease the height, air is discharged to
the atmosphere through the Solenoid for
The air required for self-leveling is normally
Level Control System N111, which is
provided by the compressor up to a
essentially a drain valve.
maximum pressure of 232 psi (1600 kPa).
At road speeds above 22 mph (35 km/h),
adjustments are controlled by the Activation of the compressor
compressor. The pressure accumulator is to replenish air pressure
also replenished as required. in the pressure accumulator
is independent of the
At road speeds below 22 mph (35 km/h), leveling adjustments.
adjustments are controlled by the pressure
accumulator, which has a capacity of
1.32 gallons (5 liters). A sufficient pressure
difference of approximately 44 psi (300 kPa)
between the pressure accumulator and the
air spring is required for this purpose.
System Description
Level 30 seconds
0 inch (0 mm)
“Low” 60 seconds
Manual Adjustment
Automatic Adjustment
System Description
Manual Deactivation and Activation
In special situations, it may be necessary The self-leveling suspension is
to deactivate the self-leveling suspension automatically raised to the “Normal”
system. To change a wheel or to carry out level again after the engine, and therefore
work on the vehicle while it is raised on a the compressor, has been running for a
hoist for example. short period of time.
When the vehicle is raised on a hoist or Deactivating the System
other lifting equipment at the lift points, The self-leveling suspension can be
air is allowed to escape from all four air deactivated by pressing both Dampening
springs until the Level Control System Adjustment Button E387 and Level Control
Control Module J197 determines that the Button E388 simultaneously for about
vehicle has been lifted. five seconds.
The self-leveling suspension initially A message indicating that the self-leveling
detects when the vehicle body is too high suspension has been deactivated will
in relation to the wheels and adjusts the appear on the instrument panel display.
vehicle height accordingly by allowing air
to escape from the springs. Activating the System
As a result, the vehicle may have a very The suspension system can be reactivated
low ground clearance when the lifting manually by pressing both Dampening
equipment is lowered. Adjustment Button E387 and Level Control
Button E388 simultaneously for about
five seconds.
To avoid this discharge of air,
the self-leveling suspension The system will automatically reactivate
must be deactivated before when the Level Control System Control
lifting the vehicle. Module J197 determines that the vehicle is
travelling at a speed of 6.2 mph (10 km/h)
or greater.
System Description
Actions of Air Suspension
After “Ignition Off”
System Response to System Response to Gradual Level Changes
Immediate Level Changes Gradual level changes can occur when the
After “ignition off,” the Level Control air in the air springs heats up during vehicle
System Control Module J197 remains operation and cools down again at the end
active for approximately one minute. of the trip. To compensate for gradual level
During this time it can execute suspension changes, three adjustments are made to
adjustments to compensate for changes achieve optimum ground clearance after
in payload, provided that sufficient pressure “ignition off.”
is available in the pressure accumulator.
The Level Control System Control Module
These adjustments are made
J197 always remains active for one minute
after approximately two, five,
until no further door hood, or luggage
and ten hours, provided that
compartment lid operations are detected.
sufficient pressure is available
in the pressure accumulator.
System Description
Shock Absorber Control
The damping control system registers the driving situation and road conditions
condition of the road surface and the within milliseconds.
movements of the vehicle using four wheel Shock absorber damping is adjusted
acceleration sensors and three body depending on the vertical acceleration rates
acceleration sensors. of the wheels and the vehicle body.
The characteristics of the individual shock The Level Control System Control Module
absorbers are adjusted according to the J197 always attempts to set the damping
calculated damping requirements. In this force according to the “skyhook control
case, the shock absorbers function as strategy.” Ideally, this strategy would
active components during compression and control damping as if the vehicle body were
rebound cycles. suspended by a hook in the sky and
Continuous damping control is based hovering above the road without
on shock absorbers whose characteristics interference from the surface of the road.
are electrically adjustable. These shock Maximum driving comfort is achieved by
absorbers are integrated in the attempting to reach this ideal.
air spring struts.
Damping force can be set depending on
the characteristic map via the proportional Firm damping is achieved
dampening adjustment valves built into by low control rates.
the shock absorbers. As a result, they Soft damping is achieved
can adapt the damping force to the by high control rates.
11.24 (500)
Damper Force in Pounds (dN)
1200 mA
8.99 (400)
1800 mA
6.74 (300)
50 mA
600 mA
4.50 (200) 1200 mA
1800 mA
2.25 (100)
0 (0)
78.74 59.06 39.37 19.69 0 19.69 39.37 59.06 78.74 in/s
(2000) (1500) (1000) (500) (0) (500) (1000) (1500) (2000) (mm/s)
Damper Speed in Inches per Second (mm/s) SSP275/022
System Description
Diagram of Air Suspension
System with Continuously Level Control System
Controlled Damping Control Module J197
Inputs via CAN Data Bus:
This system diagram highlights the • ABS Control Module
relationships with other vehicle systems with EDL/ASR/ESP J104
as well as display and operating elements. • Engine Control Module
• Control Module with
Indicator Unit in Instrument
Panel Insert J285
• Vehicle Electrical System
Control Module J519
Front Information • Infotainment System
Display Control Head
J523 with Menu
Selection Rotary
Knob E460
Level Control
Button E388
Button E387
Control Module
with Indicator Unit
in Instrument Panel
Insert J285
Air Spring Strut with Electrically Adjustable Connection via CAN Data Bus
Shock Absorber
System Description
Diagnosis via
via K Wire
of the Overall System
Battery Management
Control Module with Indicator
Unit in Instrument Panel Insert
Convenience CAN Data Bus
J285 with Data Bus On-Board
Diagnostic Interface J533
Steering Angle
Electronic Sensor G85
Stabilization Program
Level Control
Left Front Body
Accumulator Valve Acceleration Sensor
N311 G341
Right Front Body
Acceleration Sensor
System Description
System Overview
Additional Signals:
Door, Hood, and Luggage Compartment Lid
Contact Signals
System Description
30 200
1 7 60 1/2 20 220
30 90 1/4 3/4 10
50 80
240 12
110 260 10 14
20 120
Design and Function
Level Control System
Control Module J197
The Level Control System Control Module The Level Control System Control Module
J197 is located in the luggage compartment J197 has a redundant processor design
on the left-hand side behind the side trim. (dual processors); the air spring algorithm
It is bolted behind the backup fuse and runs primarily on the first processor and
electronics boxes. damping control runs primarily on the
The Level Control System Control Module second processor.
J197 has the following tasks:
• Control air suspension and the
shock absorbers.
• Monitor the overall system.
• Diagnose the overall system.
• Communicate via the drivetrain
CAN data bus.
Design and Function
Air Spring Struts
Air spring struts with externally guided, Different auxiliary accumulators are used at
two-layer air springs are used on the front the front and rear axles.
and rear axles of the Phaeton. • The cylindrical accumulators on the front
The air spring is a flexible air bladder axle struts have a capacity of 24.4 cubic
arranged concentrically around the inches (0.4 liter).
twin-tube gas-filled shock absorber. • The ball accumulators on the rear axle
The thin wall of the air spring provides struts have a capacity of 73.2 cubic inches
excellent suspension response. The desired (1.2 liters).
spring rate is achieved by combining the
effects of the roll piston contour, the outer Dampening Adjustment Valve
guide, and an auxiliary accumulator directly Connecting Wires
attached to the strut.
Compression/Rebound Bearing
Air Spring Cover
Air Spring
Shock Absorber Piston Rod
Protective Bellows
Auxiliary Accumulator
Shock Absorber
Design and Function
The air spring struts are designed to A residual pressure maintaining valve is
minimize the effect of transverse forces on mounted directly on the air connection of
the shock absorbers. The special design of each air spring strut. It maintains a residual
the strut support bearing on the front axle pressure of about 51 psi (350 kPa) in the
air spring struts and the controlled flexing air spring strut. This permits easy assembly
at the fluid-cushioned top ends of the rear and mounting of the components.
struts help reduce the effects of transverse The outer guide protects the air spring
forces on the shock absorbers. against dirt and damage besides its
function of guiding the flexible air bladder
and the protective bellows.
Outer Guide
Air Spring
Roll Piston
Protective Bellows
Shock Absorber
Design and Function
Design and Function
Piston Rod
Air Spring
Air Bladder Shock Absorber
SSP275/086 SSP275/084
Design and Function
Connection for
Adjustment Valve
Air Spring
Piston Rod
Flexible Air
SSP275/087 SSP275/085
Design and Function
Air Supply Module
The air supply module is a compact unit. The air supply module also includes a
It is mounted to the underbody on an solenoid valve block with:
anti-vibration mount in the spare-wheel
• Control valves for each air spring strut:
well adjacent to the activated charcoal filter
(EVAP canister). — Left Front Suspension Strut
Valve N148
A plastic cover with vents provides
protection from dirt. — Right Front Suspension Strut
Valve N149
The compressor is supplied with air from
the luggage compartment. Air is drawn — Left Rear Suspension Strut
into the compressor through the silencer Valve N150
with air filter, cleaned, and pumped into — Right Rear Suspension Strut
the system. Valve N151
The Level Control Pump Temperature • Control valve for the for the pressure
Sensor G290 protects the compressor accumulator:
against overheating and ensures availability
of the air supply for the air suspension in — Level Control Accumulator
all climatic and driving conditions. Valve N311
The air supply module includes a • Monitor for the pressure accumulator:
compressor unit with: — Integrated Level Control Pressure
• Electric motor Sensor G291
• Dry-running compressor
• Air drier
• Residual pressure maintaining unit
• Maximum pressure limiter
• Solenoid for Level Control System N111
(drain valve)
• Silencer with air filter
• Level Control Pump Temperature Sensor
G290 (temperature sensor for
overheating protection)
• Pneumatic drain valve with pressure
relief valve
Design and Function
Vibration Isolator
Electric Motor
for Intake Circuit
and Drain Circuit
Level Control
Pump Temperature
Sensor G290
Drain Line
Design and Function
Compressor Unit
Compressed air is produced by a The Solenoid for Level Control System
single-stage piston compressor with N111 (drain valve), a pneumatic drain valve
integrated air drier. with pressure limiting valve, and three
To prevent internal contamination of non-return valves are integrated in the
the air springs and the air drier cartridge, air drier housing.
compressor design is of the dry-running To protect the compressor against
type. overheating, it is turned off if excess
Lifetime-lubricated bearings and a piston temperature occurs.
ring made of polytetrafluorethylene ensure
a long service life.
Air Drier
Non-Return Valve 3 Non-Return Valve 1
Pneumatic Drain Valve
with Pressure Limiting Valve Cylinder
Non-Return Valve 2
Electric Motor
Design and Function
Air Drier
Non-Return Valve 1
Pressure Fitting
Non-Return Valve 2
Design and Function
Air Flow
Design and Function
To Silencer/Filter
Drain Valve
Drain Solenoid for
Level Control
M Non-Return System N111
Non-Return Non-Return (Drain Valve)
Silencer/Filter Valve 1 Air Drier Valve 3 Valve 2
Design and Function
Flow Restrictor
Drain Valve
Non-Return Valve 3
Pressure Limiting
Valve “Open”
Air Drier
Valve Seat 1
Solenoid for Level
Control System N111
(Drain Valve) “Open” Valve Seat 2
To Silencer/Filter
Design and Function
Intake Fitting
To Silencer/Filter
M Compressor
Design and Function
Design and Function
Pressure Accumulator Air Supply Strategy
Extraction of compressed air from the At road speeds below 22 mph (35 km/h),
pressure accumulator allows the vehicle air is primarily supplied by the pressure
level to be raised quickly with a minimum accumulator, provided that sufficient
of noise. The pressure accumulator is pressure is available.
only filled while the vehicle is moving. The pressure accumulator is only filled
As a result, compressor operation is when the vehicle is travelling at speeds
barely audible. above 22 mph (35 km/h).
Provided that sufficient pressure is available At road speeds above 22 mph (35 km/h),
in the pressure accumulator, the vehicle air is primarily supplied by the compressor.
level can be raised even if the compressor
is not running. Pressure is sufficient when This supply strategy ensures that the
the pressure difference between the system operates silently and conserves
pressure accumulator and the air springs is vehicle battery capacity.
at least 44 psi (300 kPa) before increasing
the level.
The compressor starts
The pressure accumulator is made of running when compressed air
aluminum and has a capacity of 1.32 gallons is extracted from the pressure
(5 liters). The maximum operating pressure accumulator even if the
is about 232 psi (1600 kPa). driver has not adjusted the
vehicle’s level.
Design and Function
Self-Leveling Suspension
Pneumatic Diagram
Non-Return Non-Return
Silencer/Filter Air Drier Valve 3
Valve 1 Valve 2
Pressure Level Left Rear Right Rear Left Front Right Front
Sensor Control Suspension Suspension Suspension Suspension
G291 Accumulator Strut Valve Strut Valve Strut Valve Strut Valve
Valve N311 N150 N151 N148 N149
Design and Function
Solenoid Valves
The air spring self-leveling suspension Compressor
system has six solenoid valves. Connection
Red – Left Front Suspension
The Solenoid for Level Control System N111 Strut Valve N148
(drain valve) together with the pneumatic
Lilac – Level Control
drain valve form a functional unit that is Accumulator Valve N311
integrated in the air drier housing.
The Solenoid for Level Control System
N111 is a 3/2-way drain valve and is
normally closed when de-energized.
The pneumatic drain valve has two tasks:
to limit total system pressure and to
maintain residual pressure.
The following valves are combined in the Blue – Right Rear
Suspension Strut
solenoid valve block:
Valve N151
• Level Control Accumulator Valve N311
Black – Left Rear
• The four air spring suspension Suspension Strut
strut valves: Valve N150
— Left Front Suspension Strut Green – Right Front Connection
Valve N148 Suspension Strut
Valve N149
— Right Front Suspension Strut
Valve N149
— Left Rear Suspension Strut
Valve N150
— Right Rear Suspension Strut
Valve N151
The valves in the solenoid valve block are
designed as 2/2-way valves and are normally
closed when de-energized. The system
pressure on the air spring and accumulator
side acts in the closing direction.
To avoid confusion when connecting them,
the pressure lines and their matching
connections on the solenoid valve block are Solenoid
color coded. Valve Block
Design and Function
Level Control Pump
Temperature Sensor G290
To protect the compressor from overheating The Level Control System Control Module
and thus ensure system availability, Level J197 shuts the compressor down and
Control Pump Temperature Sensor G290 is inhibits starting when a maximum
attached to the compressor cylinder head. permissible compressor temperature
is exceeded.
Design and Function
Level Control Pressure
Sensor G291
The Level Control Pressure Sensor G291 is Level Control
integrated in the solenoid valve block and Pressure Sensor G291
monitors the pressure in the pressure Left Rear Suspension
accumulator and the air springs. Strut Valve N150
Valve Block
Design and Function
Vehicle Level Control
System Sensors
Front Axle Vehicle Level
Control System Sensor The four vehicle level control system
sensors are wheel angle sensors:
• Left Rear Level Control System
Sensor G76
• Right Rear Level Control System
Sensor G77
• Left Front Level Control System
Sensor G78
• Right Front Level Control Sensor G289
Changes in the level of the vehicle body
are registered and converted to angular
changes using coupling rod kinematics.
The wheel angle sensors used operate
according to the induction principle.
The signal output provides an
angle-proportional pulse-width-modulated
signal for the self-leveling suspension.
Coupling Rods
Design and Function
Level Control System Sensor Design The rotor is connected to the actuating
lever and moves with it. A closed conductor
A level control system sensor basically
loop is located on the rotor. The conductor
consists of a stator and a rotor.
loop has the same geometric shape as the
The stator comprises a multi-layer board three receiver coils.
that houses the exciter coil and three
receiver coils, as well as the control and
electronic evaluation module. The three
receiver coils are star-shaped and arranged
in an offset pattern. The stator exciter coil
is located on the back of the board.
Actuating Lever
on Rotor
Contacts to Printed
Circuit Board
Rotor with
Conductor Loop
Exciter Coil
Control and Electronic
Evaluation Module
Back of
Front of Multi-Layer Board Multi-Layer
with Receiver Coils Board
Design and Function
Rotor Connected
to Actuating Lever
Design and Function
Since rotor overlap in relation to the The control and electronic evaluation
individual receiver coils varies depending on module rectifies and amplifies the AC
angular position, the induced voltage voltages of the receiver coils and
amplitudes in the receiver coils vary proportions the output voltages of the three
according to their angular position. receiver coils (ratiometric measurement).
After the voltage is evaluated, the result is
converted to output signals from the level
sensor and made available to the control
modules for further processing.
Receiver Coil 1
Receiver Coil 2
Receiver Coil 3
Design and Function
Body Acceleration Sensors
Left Front Body Acceleration Sensor G341 The three body acceleration sensors
in Left Front Wheel Housing measure the vertical acceleration of the
vehicle body.
• Left Front Body Acceleration Sensor
G341 is located in the left front
wheel housing.
• Right Front Body Acceleration Sensor
G342 is located in the right front
wheel housing.
• Rear Body Acceleration Sensor G343 is
located in the right front area of the
luggage compartment, behind the
luggage compartment lining.
Design and Function
Wheel Acceleration
There are four wheel acceleration sensors
used in the Phaeton air suspension system
with continuously controlled damping:
• Left Front Wheel Acceleration
Sensor G337
• Right Front Wheel Acceleration
Sensor G338
• Left Rear Wheel Acceleration
Sensor G339
• Right Rear Wheel Acceleration
Sensor G340 Left Front Wheel
Acceleration Sensor G337
They are all mounted directly on their or Right Front Wheel
respective air spring struts at the front and Acceleration Sensor G338
rear axles.
They measure wheel acceleration.
The Level Control System Control Module
J197 uses these signals along with body
acceleration signals to calculate the
direction in which the struts are moving in
relation to the vehicle body.
Left Rear Wheel
Acceleration Sensor G339
or Right Rear Wheel
Acceleration Sensor G340
Design and Function
Design and Function
CAN Data Bus Information Exchange This system overview shows examples of
the type of information provided via the
Information on air suspension and damping
drivetrain CAN data bus and received and
control is exchanged between the Level
used by the networked control modules.
Control System Control Module J197 and
the networked control modules via
the drivetrain CAN data bus, with the
exception of a few interfaces.
Engine speed
Drivetrain CAN
Data Bus High
Infotainment system
Operation of Infotainment system
Information interchange with
Control Module with Indicator Unit Vehicle Electrical System
in Instrument Panel Insert J285 Control Module J519
Design and Function
Functional Diagram –
Air Suspension with
Continuously Controlled Damping
Components Color Coding
E256 ASR/ESP Button Input Signal
E387 Dampening Adjustment Button Output Signal
E388 Level Control Button
F213 Door Contact Switch, Driver’s Door
G76 Left Rear Level Control System Sensor
G77 Right Rear Level Control System Sensor CAN Data Bus
G78 Left Front Level Control System Sensor
G289 Right Front Level Control Sensor
G290 Level Control Pump Temperature Sensor
G291 Level Control Pressure Sensor
G337 Left Front Wheel Acceleration Sensor
G338 Right Front Wheel Acceleration Sensor
G339 Left Rear Wheel Acceleration Sensor
G340 Right Rear Wheel Acceleration Sensor
G341 Left Front Body Acceleration Sensor
G342 Right Front Body Acceleration Sensor
G343 Rear Body Acceleration Sensor
J104 ABS Control Module with EDL/ASR/ESP
J197 Level Control System Control Module
J403 Relay for Compressor Level Control System
J567 Left Headlight Range Control Module
J568 Right Headlight Range Control Module
N111 Solenoid for Level Control System (Drain
N148 Left Front Suspension Strut Valve
N149 Right Front Suspension Strut Valve
N150 Left Rear Suspension Strut Valve
N151 Right Rear Suspension Strut Valve
N311 Level Control Accumulator Valve
N336 Left Front Dampening Adjustment Valve
N337 Right Front Dampening Adjustment Valve
N338 Left Rear Dampening Adjustment Valve
N339 Right Rear Dampening Adjustment Valve
S Fuse
V66 Motor for Compressor – Level Control
Design and Function
30 30
15 15
S44 S19 S6
10A 5A J567/J568 40A
G337 G338 G339 G340 G341 G342 G343 G76 G77 G78 G289
E387 E388
E256 G291 N148 N149 N150 N151 N311 N336 N337 N338 N339 G290 V66 N111 J403
31 31
Design and Function
Additional Interfaces
Door Contact Signal Headlight Range Control Signal
This signal is a ground signal from the Level height adjustments are made for
Vehicle Electrical System Control Module each axle. This would temporarily reduce
J519. It indicates that a vehicle door or the the range of vision while driving at night.
luggage compartment lid has been opened. The Phaeton is equipped with a headlight
range control. The automatic dynamic
It serves as a “wake up signal” for
headlight range control keeps the light
the transition from sleep mode to
cone at a constant angle.
standby mode.
To avoid constant, unnecessary
Terminal 50 Signal (Via CAN Data Bus) adjustments in level height due to surface
This signal indicates that the starter has unevenness, such as bumps or potholes,
been activated. It shuts down the level the self-leveling suspension has long
control system compressor during the reaction times when the vehicle is travelling
start-up routine. at relatively constant road speed and if
there is little or no wheel acceleration.
This safeguards the start-up routine and
conserves the battery. If level height is adjusted in highway mode
for example, the Level Control System
K Wire Control Module J197 sends a voltage signal
Self-diagnosis information is exchanged to the Headlight Range Control Module
between the Level Control System Control J431. The headlight range control reacts
Module J197 and the VAS 5051 via the immediately and adjusts the angle of the
CAN data bus connection to the Control light cone depending on the change of
Module with Indicator Unit in Instrument body position.
Panel Insert J285 (gateway), and from there Level change sequence:
to the VAS 5051 via the K wire.
• Raising – the level is raised at the rear
axle first, followed by the level at the
front axle.
• Lowering – the level at front axle is
lowered first, followed by the lowering
of the level at the rear axle.
Design and Function
Emergency Running Mode
Both the air spring control system and the In these cases, a “Level Fault”
damping control system adopt stored or “Damper Fault” warning is
emergency running strategies in the event issued and a warning symbol
of faults in the sensors, the actuators, or appears in the instrument cluster.
internal faults in the Level Control System
Control Module J197. The vehicle must be taken to
the workshop for repair.
Control actions are limited under certain
circumstances and an entry is made in the
fault memory.
Vehicle Diagnosis, Test and Information
System VAS 5051 and Vehicle Diagnosis
and Service Information System VAS 5052
are both suitable for communication
with the Level Control System Control
Module J197.
Self-diagnosis can be accessed with this
equipment using Address Word 34 –
Self-leveling suspension.
Resetting the Adjustment Position
If the Level Control System Control Module
J197, a vehicle level sensor, or the entire air
supply module are replaced, then the
adjustment position must be reset.
The adjustment position is reset using the
“Basic setting” function located in “Guided
E387, E388 --
J197 N111
N148, N149,
G76, G77, N150, N151
G78, G289
N336, N337,
N338, N339
4 80 100 120
70 140
3 5 60
2 6 40
30 200
50 80
1 7
10 240
G337, G338,
G339, G340 J285/J533
J567, J568
G341, G342,
Door/Hood/Luggage T16
Compartment Lid Contact
Terminal 15
Terminal 30
Knowledge Assessment
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