When is the subordinating conjunction introducing this adverbial clause which modifies was saddened. Oswald is
the subject of the clause. Assassinated is the action verb which transfers its action to the direct object, which is
Kennedy, all of which makes this clause transitive active or pattern #1.
Little Joe was punished because the window was broken.
Because is the subordinating conjunction introducing this adverbial clause. Window is the subject. Was is the
helping verb, and broken is the action verb which transfers its action back to the subject making this clause transitive
passive or pattern #2.
Since is the subordinating conjunction introducing this adverbial clause which modifies was in the main clause.
Window is the subject of the clause. Was is the helping verb, and disruptive is the predicate adjective making the
clause intransitive linking or pattern #4.
Note that the natural order of an adverbial clause is after the main clause. However, an adverbial clause is okay at
the beginning of a sentence. If it comes at the beginning, however, a comma is used to separate it from the main