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Roll no. 10

• Fa Xian (traditional Chinese: 法顯 ; simplified Chinese: 法显 ; pinyin: Fǎxiǎn; also romanized

as Fa-Hien or Fa-hsien) (337 – c. 422 CE) was a Chinese Buddhist monk who traveled to Nepal,
India, and Sri Lanka to acquire Buddhist scriptures between 399 and 412. His journey is
described in his important travelogue, A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms, Being an Account by
the Chinese Monk Fa-Hien of his Travels in India and Ceylon in Search of the Buddhist Books
of Discipline. He is most known for his pilgrimage to Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha

• On Fa Xian's return to China, after a two-year stay in Ceylon, a violent storm drove his ship
onto an island that was probably Java. Faxian landed at Laoshan in what is now Shandong
province, 30 km east of the city of Qingdao and went to Shandong's then-capital, Qingzhou,
where he remained for a year translating and editing the scriptures he had collected.

• His work is a travel book, filled with accounts of early Buddhism, and the geography and
history of numerous countries along the Silk Roads at the turn of the 5th century CE.
• Nothing of great importance is known about Fa-hien in addition to what may be
gathered from his own record of his travels. I have read the accounts of him in the
Memoirs of Eminent Monks, compiled in A.D. 519, and a later work, the Memoirs
of Marvellous Monks, by the third emperor of the Ming dynasty (A.D. 1403-1424),
which, however, is nearly all borrowed from the other; and all in them that has an
appearance of verisimilitude can be brought within brief compass.
• His surname, they tell us, was Kung, and he was a native of Wu-yang in P’ing-Yang,
which is still the name of a large department in Shan-hsi. He had three brothers
older than himself; but when they all died before shedding their first teeth, his
father devoted him to the service of the Buddhist society, and had him entered as
a Sramanera, still keeping him at home in the family. The little fellow fell
dangerously ill, and the father sent him to the monastery, where he soon got well
and refused to return to his parents.
• When he was ten years old, his father died; and an
uncle, considering the widowed solitariness and
helplessness of the mother, urged him to renounce the
monastic life, and return to her, but the boy replied, "I
did not quit the family in compliance with my father’s
wishes, but because I wished to be far from the dust
and vulgar ways of life. This is why I chose monkhood."
The uncle approved of his words and gave over urging
him. When his mother also died, it appeared how great
had been the affection for her of his fine nature; but
after her burial he returned to the monastery.
• On one occasion he was cutting rice with a score or
two of his fellow-disciples, when some hungry thieves
came upon them to take away their grain by force. The
other Sramaneras all fled, but our young hero stood his
ground, and said to the thieves, "If you must have the
grain, take what you please. But, Sirs, it was your
former neglect of charity which brought you to your
present state of destitution; and now, again, you wish
to rob others. I am afraid that in the coming ages you
will have still greater poverty and distress;—I am sorry
for you beforehand." With these words he followed his
companions into the monastery, while the thieves left
the grain and went away, all the monks, of whom there
were several hundred, doing homage to his conduct
and courage.
• When he had finished his noviciate and taken
on him the obligations of the full Buddhist
orders, his earnest courage, clear intelligence,
and strict regulation of his demeanour were
conspicuous; and soon after, he undertook his
journey to India in search of complete copies
of the Vinaya-pitaka. What follows this is
merely an account of his travels in India and
return to China by sea, condensed from his
own narrative, with the addition of some
marvelous incidents that happened to him, on
his visit to the Vulture Peak near Rajagriha.
• It is said in the end that after his return to China,
he went to the capital (evidently Nanking), and
there, along with the Indian Sramana
Buddha-bhadra, executed translations of some of
the works which he had obtained in India; and
that before he had done all that he wished to do
in this way, he removed to King-chow (in the
present Hoo-pih), and died in the monastery of
Sin, at the age of eighty-eight, to the great sorrow
of all who knew him. It is added that there is
another larger work giving an account of his
travels in various countries.
• Such is all the information given about our author, beyond
what he himself has told us. Fa-hien was his clerical name,
and means "Illustrious in the Law," or "Illustrious master of
the Law." The Shih which often precedes it is an abbreviation
of the name of Buddha as Sakyamuni, "the Sakya, mighty in
Love, dwelling in Seclusion and Silence," and may be taken as
equivalent to Buddhist. It is sometimes said to have belonged
to "the eastern Tsin dynasty" (A.D. 317-419), and sometimes
to "the Sung," that is, the Sung dynasty of the House of Liu
(A.D. 420-478). If he became a full monk at the age of twenty,
and went to India when he was twenty-five, his long life may
have been divided pretty equally between the two dynasties.

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