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Nasa HDBK 7005

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National Aeronautics and

Space Administration MARCH 13, 2001



March 13, 2001


This handbook is approved for use by NASA Headquarters and all field centers and is intended
to provide a common framework for consistent practices across NASA programs.

A concerted effort is underway within the NASA engineering community, under the cognizance
of the NASA Office of the Chief Engineer, to promote more consistent practices across the
NASA centers in the areas of dynamics and structures design and test criteria for spacecraft
and payloads. This effort has resulted in NASA standards in the fields of structural design and
test factors of safety, loads analyses, vibroacoustic test criteria, and pyroshock test criteria. A
parallel effort, also funded by the Office of the Chief Engineer, was undertaken by the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory and its contractors to summarize and assess mission dynamic
environments, state-of-the-art procedures for predicting the dynamic excitations or loads
induced by those environments and the structural responses to those excitations, and for
establishing dynamics criteria with appropriate margins for the design and testing of a
spacecraft and its components, along with the equipment and procedures used for testing.
Contributions were made to this handbook by many members of the aerospace dynamics
community; those contributions are gratefully acknowledged.

Requests for information, corrections, or additions to this handbook should be directed to the
Mechanical Systems Engineering and Research Division, Section 352, Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
4800 Oak Grove Dr., Pasadena, CA 91109. Requests for general information concerning technical
standards should be sent to the NASA Technical Standards Program Office, ED41, MSFC, AL,
35812 (telephone 256-544-2448). This and other NASA standards may be viewed and
downloaded, free-of-charge, from our NASA Standards Homepage: http://standards.nasa.gov

(Original Signed By)

W. Brian Keegan
Chief Engineer

March 13, 2001


Harry Himelblau Jerome E. Manning

Dennis L. Kern Cambridge Collaborative, Inc.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory 689 Concord Avenue
California Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02138-1002
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109-8099

Allan G. Piersol Sheldon Rubin

Piersol Engineering Company Rubin Engineering Company
23021 Brenford Street 3531 Alana Drive
Woodland Hills, CA 01364-4830 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403-4708

March 13, 2001



FOREWORD ................................................................................................................... i

AUTHORS ................................................................................................................... ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................... iii

LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... ix

LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................... xi

LIST OF SYMBOLS .......................................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................... xv

1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Purpose...................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Handbook Organization.............................................................................. 2
1.3 References................................................................................................. 3

2. DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Types of Dynamic Environments................................................................ 5
2.1.1 Deterministic Dynamic Environments ................................................ 5
2.1.2 Random Dynamic Environments ....................................................... 6
2.2 Descriptions of Dynamic Environments ...................................................... 8
2.2.1 Time Histories ................................................................................... 9
2.2.2 Average Values ................................................................................. 9
2.2.3 Line Spectra ...................................................................................... 10
2.2.4 Autospectra ....................................................................................... 10
2.2.5 Wave-Number Spectra ...................................................................... 11
2.2.6 1/3 Octave Band Spectra................................................................... 11
2.2.7 Maximax Spectra............................................................................... 12
2.2.8 Fourier Spectra.................................................................................. 12
2.2.9 Energy Spectra.................................................................................. 12
2.2.10 Shock Response Spectra .................................................................. 13
2.2.11 Cross-Spectra and Coherence Functions .......................................... 14
2.2.12 Frequency Response and Impulse Response Functions ................... 15
2.3 Hardware Level of Assembly...................................................................... 16
2.4 References................................................................................................. 16

3. DYNAMIC ENVIRONMENTS AND MISSION EVENTS ...................................... 17

3.1 Transportation ............................................................................................ 17
3.2 Seismic Events During Pre-Launch ........................................................... 17
3.3 Wind and Turbulence ................................................................................. 18
3.4 Rocket Motor Ignition Overpressure ........................................................... 19
3.5 Liftoff Release Loads.................................................................................. 20
3.6 Engine/Motor Generated Acoustic Loads ................................................... 20
3.7 Engine/Motor Generated Structureborne Vibration Loads .......................... 22
3.8 Aerodynamic Sources During Ascent and Entry ......................................... 22

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3.9 Engine/Motor Thrust Transients ................................................................. 23

3.10 Maneuvering Loads.................................................................................... 23
3.11 Pogo .......................................................................................................... 24
3.12 Solid Motor Pressure Oscillations............................................................... 24
3.13 Liquid Sloshing in Tanks ............................................................................ 24
3.14 Stage and Fairing Separation Loads .......................................................... 25
3.15 Pyrotechnic Induced Loads ........................................................................ 25
3.16 Flight Operations........................................................................................ 27
3.17 Onboard Equipment Operations................................................................. 28
3.18 Planetary Descent, Entry, and Landing ...................................................... 28
3.19 Surface Penetration.................................................................................... 29
3.20 Meteoroid Impacts...................................................................................... 30
3.21 Summary of Environments ......................................................................... 30
3.22 References................................................................................................. 32

4. PREDICTION OF DYNAMIC EXCITATIONS ...................................................... 37

4.1 Low Frequency Transient Excitations......................................................... 37
4.1.1 Analytical Models .............................................................................. 37 Launch Vehicle Liftoff Excitations ...................................................... 38 Payload Liftoff Excitations.................................................................. 39
4.1.2 Extrapolation Techniques .................................................................. 39
4.1.3 Direct Measurements ........................................................................ 40
4.1.4 Assessments ..................................................................................... 40
4.2 Low Frequency Random Excitations .......................................................... 40
4.2.1 Analytical Models .............................................................................. 41
4.2.2 Scale Models..................................................................................... 41
4.2.3 Extrapolation Techniques .................................................................. 41
4.2.4 Direct Measurements ........................................................................ 42
4.2.5 Other Procedures .............................................................................. 42
4.2.6 Assessments ..................................................................................... 42
4.3 Quasi-Periodic Excitations.......................................................................... 42
4.4 Exterior Acoustic Noise Excitations ............................................................ 42
4.4.1 Sound Power Techniques.................................................................. 43 Overall Sound Power Level ............................................................... 43 Sound Power Spectrum Level ........................................................... 44 1/3 Octave Band Sound Pressure Levels .......................................... 45 Spatial Correlation............................................................................. 46 Water Injection .................................................................................. 46
4.4.2 Scale Acoustic Models ...................................................................... 47
4.4.3 Extrapolation Techniques .................................................................. 48
4.4.4 Direct Measurements ........................................................................ 48
4.4.5 Assessments ..................................................................................... 48
4.5 Exterior Aerodynamic Excitations ............................................................... 49
4.5.1 Boundary Layer Prediction Techniques ............................................. 49 Overall Fluctuating Pressure Level .................................................... 49 Fluctuating Pressure Spectrum Level ................................................ 50 1/3 Octave Band Fluctuating Pressure Levels ................................... 52 Spatial Correlation............................................................................. 53

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4.5.2 Scale Aerodynamic Models ............................................................... 54

4.5.3 Extrapolation Techniques .................................................................. 55
4.5.4 Direct Measurements ........................................................................ 55
4.5.5 Assessments ..................................................................................... 56
4.6 Interior Acoustic Noise Excitations ............................................................. 56
4.6.1 Modal Analysis Procedures ............................................................... 57
4.6.2 Statistical Energy Analysis Procedures.............................................. 57
4.6.3 Scale Dynamic Models ...................................................................... 63
4.6.4 Extrapolation Techniques .................................................................. 64
4.6.5 Direct Measurements ........................................................................ 64
4.6.6 Fill Factors......................................................................................... 65
4.6.7 Vent Noise......................................................................................... 67
4.6.8 Mechanical Vibration Radiation ......................................................... 67
4.6.9 Assessments ..................................................................................... 67
4.7 Structureborne Vibration Excitations .......................................................... 68
4.8 High Frequency Transient Excitations ........................................................ 68
4.9 References................................................................................................. 70

5. PREDICTION OF STRUCTURAL RESPONSES ................................................ 75

5.1 Low Frequency Vibration and Transient Responses................................... 75
5.1.1 Structural Dynamic Models................................................................ 77
5.1.2 Classical Normal Mode Analysis Procedures .................................... 78 Fixed-Interface Model (Hurty/Craig-Bampton) ................................... 79 Loaded-Interface Model (Benfield/Hruda) .......................................... 80 Free-Interface Model (Rubin/MacNeal).............................................. 80
5.1.3 Finite Element Method (FEM) Model Procedures .............................. 81 Static Condensation (Guyan Reduction)............................................ 82 Generalized Dynamic Reduction ....................................................... 83 Load Transformation Matrix............................................................... 83
5.1.4 Other Modeling Procedures............................................................... 84 Payload Reanalysis ........................................................................... 84 Generalized Modal Shock Spectrum Procedure ................................ 84
5.1.5 Model Verification.............................................................................. 84 Static Tests ....................................................................................... 84 Modal Tests....................................................................................... 85 Mathematical Checks ........................................................................ 85 Analysis/Test Correlation................................................................... 86
5.1.6 Low Frequency Response Analysis................................................... 87 Low Frequency Transient Response Analysis ................................... 87 Response Analysis to Low Frequency Acoustic Impingement ........... 88 Stationary Equivalent to Nonstationary Random Excitation
Based on the Shock Response Spectrum ......................................... 90
5.1.7 Combining Low Frequency Responses ............................................. 91 Combining Responses in Individual Modes ....................................... 91 Combining Loads from Deterministic and Random Excitations.......... 92
5.1.8 Assessments ..................................................................................... 93 Assessment of Boundary Condition Alternatives for Modall Analysis . 93 Assessment of Model Verification Procedures................................... 94

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PARAGRAPH PAGE Assessment of Alternatives to All-Up Vehicle Modal Analysis............ 95

5.2 High Frequency Vibration Responses ........................................................ 96
5.2.1 Classical Normal Mode Analysis Procedures..................................... 96
5.2.2 Statistical Energy Analysis Procedures.............................................. 98
5.2.3 Finite Element Method Procedures.................................................... 106
5.2.4 Extrapolation Procedures .................................................................. 107
5.2.5 Direct Measurements ........................................................................ 110 Vibration Measurements During Flight............................................... 110 Vibration Measurements During Laboratory Acoustic Tests............... 110
5.2.6 Assessments ..................................................................................... 110
5.3 High Frequency Transient Responses ....................................................... 111
5.3.1 Analytical Models .............................................................................. 111
5.3.2 Empirical Models ............................................................................... 112
5.3.3 Statistical Energy Analysis Procedures.............................................. 113 Transient SEA Analysis ..................................................................... 113 Virtual Mode Synthesis and Simulation.............................................. 115
5.3.4 Extrapolation Procedures .................................................................. 117 Source Energy Scaling ...................................................................... 117 Source to Response Location Distance Scaling ................................ 117
5.3.5 Direct Measurements ........................................................................ 120 Measurements on the Vehicle in Flight .............................................. 120 Measurements on the Vehicle in the Laboratory Prior to Flight .......... 121 Measurements on a Prototype Vehicle in the Laboratory................... 121 Measurements on a Dynamically Similar Structure in the
Laboratory ......................................................................................... 121
5.3.6 Assessments ..................................................................................... 122
5.4 References................................................................................................. 123


6.1 Spatial Variations - Point Predictions.......................................................... 129
6.1.1 Envelope Limits ................................................................................. 131
6.1.2 Normal Tolerance Limits.................................................................... 132
6.1.3 Distribution-Free Tolerance Limits ..................................................... 135
6.1.4 Empirical Tolerance Limits................................................................. 136
6.1.5 Normal Prediction Limits.................................................................... 139
6.1.6 Assessments ..................................................................................... 141
6.2 Spatial Variations - Area Predictions .......................................................... 142
6.2.1 Variations within a Frequency Resolution Bandwidth......................... 143
6.2.2 Variations within a Structural Area..................................................... 144
6.3 Flight-to-Flight Variations ........................................................................... 145
6.4 Selection of Fractional Portion for Tolerance Limits.................................... 146
6.5 Restrictions on Input Motion Limits............................................................. 148
6.5.1 Basic Principles ................................................................................. 148
6.5.2 Input Force Limiting Procedures ........................................................ 150 Force-Acceleration Product Limits ..................................................... 150 Analytical Force Limits....................................................................... 151 Semi-Empirical Force Limits .............................................................. 152
6.5.3 Input Acceleration Limiting Procedures.............................................. 153

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6.5.4 Response Acceleration Limiting Procedures...................................... 154

6.5.5 Acoustic Test Procedures.................................................................. 155
6.5.6 Assessments ..................................................................................... 156
6.6 Reconstruction of Waveforms for Transients.............................................. 157
6.7 References................................................................................................. 158

7. COMPUTATION OF ENVIRONMENT DURATION ............................................. 161

7.1 Failure Models............................................................................................ 162
7.1.1 Inverse Power Law Model ................................................................. 162
7.1.2 Fatigue Damage Model Based Upon S-N Curve ............................... 163
7.1.3 Fatigue Damage Model Based Upon Crack Growth Rate.................. 164
7.1.4 First Passage Model.......................................................................... 167
7.1.5 Assessments ..................................................................................... 170
7.2 Durations of Short Term Acoustic and Vibration Loads .............................. 170
7.2.1 Approximate Procedure..................................................................... 170
7.2.2 Numerical Procedure......................................................................... 173
7.2.3 Procedure for Multiple Flight Events .................................................. 174
7.2.4 Assessments ..................................................................................... 174
7.3 Durations of Long Term Acoustic and Vibration Loads ............................... 175
7.3.1 Accelerated Acoustic and Vibration Tests.......................................... 176
7.3.2 Durability and Functional Tests ......................................................... 176
7.3.3 Environmental Durations for Design Criteria...................................... 176
7.4 References................................................................................................. 177

8. DESIGN AND TEST CRITERIA .......................................................................... 179

8.1 Low Frequency Vibration and Transient Responses................................... 179
8.1.1 Design Criteria................................................................................... 180 Static and Dynamic Loads ................................................................. 180 Instabilities ........................................................................................ 182
8.1.2 Preliminary and Early Design ............................................................ 182 General Considerations..................................................................... 182 Specific Considerations ..................................................................... 183
8.1.3 Late and Final Design........................................................................ 186 General Considerations..................................................................... 186 Specific Considerations ..................................................................... 186
8.1.4 Modal Tests....................................................................................... 186
8.1.5 Test Criteria....................................................................................... 187
8.2 High Frequency Vibration Responses ........................................................ 187
8.2.1 Preliminary Design - Equipment ........................................................ 188 Simplified Stress Model ..................................................................... 188 Maximum Instantaneous Stress......................................................... 190 First Passage Stress ......................................................................... 191 Shock Response Stress .................................................................... 191 Fatigue Damage Considerations ....................................................... 192 Assessments ..................................................................................... 193
8.2.2 Final Design – Equipment.................................................................. 193 Mass Loading Effects ........................................................................ 193 Multi-Mode Responses...................................................................... 193

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PARAGRAPH PAGE Combined Loads ............................................................................... 194 Static Loads ...................................................................................... 194
8.2.3 Design and Test Margins................................................................... 194
8.3 High Frequency Transient Responses ....................................................... 196
8.3.1 General Design Considerations......................................................... 197
8.3.2 Design and Test Margins................................................................... 197
8.4 References................................................................................................. 198

9. GENERAL TESTING CONSIDERATIONS ......................................................... 201

9.1 Test Purpose.............................................................................................. 201
9.1.1 Qualification Tests............................................................................. 201
9.1.2 Acceptance Tests.............................................................................. 202
9.1.3 Protoflight Tests ............................................................................... 202
9.2 Events Producing Dynamic Excitations ...................................................... 202
9.2.1 Short Duration Events ....................................................................... 202
9.2.2 Long Duration Events ........................................................................ 203
9.3 Level of Assembly ...................................................................................... 204
9.4 Types of Simulation.................................................................................... 205
9.4.1 Swept-Sine Excitations to Simulate Transients.................................. 206
9.4.2 Multiple-Axis Excitations .................................................................... 207
9.5 Test Fixtures .............................................................................................. 207
9.5.1 Small Test Items................................................................................ 207
9.5.2 Large Test Items ............................................................................... 208
9.6 Determination of Test Failures ................................................................... 209
9.7 References................................................................................................. 211

10. PERFORMANCE OF TESTS.............................................................................. 213

10.1 Low Frequency Vibration Tests .................................................................. 213
10.1.1 Test Facility ....................................................................................... 213 Electrodynamic Vibration Test Systems............................................. 213 Hydraulic Vibration Test Systems ...................................................... 214 Controller for Vibration Test Systems ................................................ 215 Dual Controllers (Motion and Force) for Vibration Test Systems........ 216
10.1.2 Test Procedure.................................................................................. 216
10.2 Low Frequency Transient Tests ................................................................. 218
10.2.1 Test Facility ....................................................................................... 218 Controller for Low Frequency Transient Waveform Tests .................. 218 Controller for Low Frequency Swept-Sine Vibration Tests ................. 218
10.2.2 Test Procedure.................................................................................. 219
10.2.3 Alternate Procedure........................................................................... 220
10.3 High Frequency Vibration Tests ................................................................. 221
10.3.1 Test Facility ....................................................................................... 221
10.3.2 Test Procedure.................................................................................. 221
10.4 High Frequency Transient Tests................................................................. 221
10.4.1 Test Facility ....................................................................................... 222 Near-Field Tests................................................................................ 222 Mid-Field Tests.................................................................................. 223 Bounded Impact Shock Test Machine ............................................... 223

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PARAGRAPH PAGE Mechanical Impact Pyroshock (MIPS) Simulators ............................. 223 Mechanically Excited Resonant Test Fixtures.................................... 224 Far-Field Tests .................................................................................. 224
10.4.2 Test Procedure.................................................................................. 224
10.5 Acoustic Tests............................................................................................ 225
10.5.1 Test Facility ....................................................................................... 226
10.5.2 Test Procedure.................................................................................. 228
10.6 Alternative Dynamic Tests.......................................................................... 229
10.6.1 Combined Dynamic Tests.................................................................. 229
10.6.2 Direct Field Acoustic Tests ................................................................ 229
10.7 References................................................................................................. 231



2.1 Illustration of Periodic and Transient Deterministic Signals .................................... 6

2.2 Illustration of Random and Mixed Deterministic-Random Signals .......................... 7
2.3 Illustration of Nonstationary and Transient Random Signals .................................. 8
2.4 Mechanical Algorithm for Shock Response Spectrum Computation....................... 14
3.1 Shock Response Spectrum for Typical Central California Earthquake ................... 18
3.2 Wave Number Spectrum for Typical Clear Air Turbulence ..................................... 19
3.3 Energy Spectrum for Overpressure on Space Shuttle Due to SRB Ignition ........... 20
3.4 Energy Spectrum for Axial Acceleration of Space Shuttle Due to
Liftoff Transient ...................................................................................................... 21
3.5 Normalized Autospectrum for Acoustic Power Generated by Rocket
Engines/Motors...................................................................................................... 21
3.6 Normalized Autospectrum for Fluctuating Pressures in a Turbulent
Boundary Layer ..................................................................................................... 23
3.7 Typical Mid-Field Pyroshock Acceleration Time History .......................................... 26
3.8 Maximax Shock Response Spectrum (SRS) for Pyroshock in Figure 3.7............... 27
3.9 Example of Mars Entry Pressure Pulse Time History [3.60] ................................... 28
3.10 Penetration Deceleration Test and Prediction Data [3.64]...................................... 29
4.1 Normalized Sound Power Spectrum Level for Rocket Engine/Motor
Acoustic Noise........................................................................................................... 45
4.2 Reduction in Overall Sound Pressure Level Provided by Water Injection [4.29] ..... 47
4.3 Normalized Spectrum Level for Attached TBL Fluctuating Pressures .................... 51
4.4 Normalized Spectrum Level for Separated TBL Fluctuating Pressures [4.38] ........ 52
4.5 Illustration of Payload in Fairing Enclosure ............................................................ 58
4.6 Simple Three Subsystem SEA Model of a Launch Vehicle Fairing ........................ 61
4.7 Estimated Acoustic Levels Inside Various Payload Fairings and Bays [4.52] ......... 65
4.8 Fill Factor Design Chart [4.53, 4.54]....................................................................... 66
4.9 High Explosive-Induced Velocity Response of a Steel Plate [4.62] ........................ 69
5.1 The Loads Analysis Process.................................................................................. 76
5.2 The Load Cycle Process........................................................................................ 77
5.3 Electronic Component Vibration Problem............................................................... 99
5.4 SEA Model of Structureborne Vibration Transmission............................................ 100
5.5 Radial Vibration Response of Cylindrical Vehicles to Liftoff Acoustic Noise ........... 109

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5.6 Shock Response Spectra for Various Point Source Pyrotechnic Devices .............. 112
5.7 Shock Response Spectrum Versus Distance from Pyroshock Source ................... 113
5.8 Peak Pyroshock Response Versus Distance from Pyrotechnic Source.................. 118
5.9 Correction of Shock Response Spectrum for Distance from Point
Pyrotechnic Source ................................................................................................... 119
6.1 Envelope for Twelve Measured Vibration Response Spectra Within a Zone .......... 132
6.2 95/50 Normal Tolerance Limit for Vibration Response Spectra in Figure 6.1 ......... 134
6.3 Normal Tolerance Limits for Data in Figure 6.1 with Various
Confidence Coefficients ......................................................................................... 136
6.4 Empirical Distribution for Normalized Vibration Response Spectra in Figure 6.1.... 138
6.5 95/50 Empirical Tolerance Limit for Vibration Response Spectra in Figure 6.1 ...... 138
6.6 95% Normal Prediction Limit for Vibration Response Spectra in Figure 6.1 ........... 140
6.7 Comparison of Various Limits for Vibration Response Spectra in Figure 6.1.......... 141
6.8 Empirical Distribution for Peak to 1/3 Octave Band Magnitudes for
Vibration Spectra ....................................................................................................... 143
6.9 Optimum Selection of Fractional Portion β Versus Test to
Flight Failure Cost Ratio............................................................................................ 147
6.10 Illustration of Notching of Random Vibration Test Specification for Test Item......... 151
7.1 Idealized S-N Curve for Structural Materials .......................................................... 164
7.2 Common Crack Locations for Mode I Crack Displacement ..................................... 165
7.3 Crack Growth Rate Versus Stress-Intensity Factor Range for Typical Metal.......... 166
7.4 Exceedance of a Critical Level by a Random Load ................................................ 168
7.5 Time to First Crossing of a Critical Level with a Probability of 5% .......................... 169
7.6 RMS Value of a Typical Vibration Measurement During a
Space Shuttle Launch ............................................................................................... 171
7.7 Determination of Equivalent Stationary Duration for Nonstationary Event ............. 171
7.8 Time-Varying RMS Value of Space Shuttle Payload Bay Vibration During
Lift-Off .................................................................................................................... 173
8.1 System Design Process for Aerospace Vehicles.................................................... 179
8.2 Physical and Modal MAC for the Galileo Spacecraft Launched on Shuttle and
Inertial Upper Stage .................................................................................................. 184
8.3 Narrowband Random S-N Curve for AL 2024-T3 with Zero Mean Value [8.24]...... 192
9.1 Typical Fixture for Shock and Vibration Testing of Small Test Items
Along their Lateral Axes ............................................................................................ 208
9.2 Typical Fixture for Shock and Vibration Testing of Large Test Items
Along their Vertical Axes ........................................................................................... 208
9.3 Typical Fixture for Shock and Vibration Testing of Large Test Items
Along their Lateral Axes ............................................................................................ 209
10.1 Diagram of Electrodynamic Vibration Test System ................................................ 214
10.2 Diagram of Hydraulic Vibration Test System.......................................................... 215
10.3 Diagram of Near-Field Pyrotechnic Test Facility .................................................... 222
10.4 Diagram of Bounded Impact Shock Test Machine ................................................ 223
10.5 Diagram of Mechanical Impact Pyroshock (MIPS) Simulator ................................. 224
10.6 Diagram of Typical High Intensity Acoustic Reverberation Room........................... 227

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3.1 Summary of Dynamic Environments for Space Vehicles........................................ 31

4.1 Summary of Dynamic Excitations for Space Vehicles ............................................ 37
4.2 Comparative Merits of Various Procedures for Predicting Liftoff
Acoustic Excitations ............................................................................................ 49
4.3 Comparative Merits of Various Procedures for Predicting
TBL Pressure Excitations....................................................................................... 56
4.4 Comparative Merits of Procedures for Predicting Payload Acoustic Excitations ..... 68
5.1 Summary of Structural Response Predictions........................................................ 75
5.2 Summary of Prediction Methods for Payload Loads............................................... 95
5.3 Summary of Merits of Various High Frequency Vibration
Prediction Procedures............................................................................................ 111
5.4 Summary of Merits of Various High Frequency Transient Response
Prediction Procedures............................................................................................ 122
6.1 Normal Tolerance Factors, kn,β,γ ....................................................................... 133
6.2 Summary of Merits of Various Procedures for Selecting Limits .............................. 142
6.3 Summary of Merits of Various Procedures for Limiting Input
Acceleration Test Levels........................................................................................ 157
7.1 Summary of Space Vehicle Dynamic Loads by Type ............................................. 161
7.2 Values of Time-Varying RMS Acoustic or Vibration Environment that Bound
the Duration of a Stationary Environment Producing Equivalent Damage.............. 172
7.3 Computations for Duration of Payload Transportation Vibration Environment ........ 175
8.1 Transportation Limit Load Factors ......................................................................... 180
8.2 Minimum Design and Test Factors for Metallic Structures ..................................... 180
8.3 Minimum Design and Test Factors for Fasteners and Preload Joints..................... 181
8.4 Minimum Design and Test Factors for Composite/Bonded Structures ................... 181
8.5 Minimum Design and Test Factors for Glass ......................................................... 181
8.6 Minimum Design and Test Factors for Structural Glass Bonds .............................. 181
8.7 Summary of Merits of Various Procedures for Establishing Preliminary
Design Loads for High Frequency Vibration Environments .................................... 193
8.8 Summary of High Frequency Random Vibration and Acoustic
Test Level Margins ................................................................................................ 195
8.9 NASA Component Minimum Workmanship Random Vibration
Test Levels [8.12] ................................................................................................. 195
8.10 USAF Minimum Workmanship Random Vibration Test Levels [8.26] ..................... 195
8.11 USAF Minimum Workmanship Acoustic Test Levels [8.26] .................................... 196
8.12 Summary of High Frequency Random Vibration and
Acoustic Test Durations ......................................................................................... 196
8.13 Summary of High Frequency Transient Test Margins ............................................ 198
9.1 Summary of Dynamic Excitations During Various Events ...................................... 203
9.2 Dominant Dynamic Loads that Drive Test Criteria
Versus Level of Assembly...................................................................................... 205
9.3 General Definition of Failures for Various Types of Tests ...................................... 210

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a crack length, coefficient H clearance distance

A area Hxy(f) frequency response function
between x(t) and y(t)
A(f) Fourier transform of acceleration
response cross-acceptance function
b slope parameter for fatigue curve
B damping matrix, bandwidth joint acceptance function
c damping coefficient, material k stiffness, coefficient, index
kn wave-number
c0 speed of sound
kn,β,γ tolerance factor
C damping coefficient matrix,
cost, general coefficient K stiffness matrix, crest ratio
D diameter, total distance L load transfer matrix, distance
DI directivity index LD deterministic induced load
E energy LM mechanically induced load
Exx(f) energy spectral density function LR random induced load
of x(t)
Lx(fi) sound pressure level in dB
f frequency in Hz
LW sound power level in dB
fB center frequency of bandwidth B
m mass, meters
fn natural frequency in Hz
M Mach number, mass matrix
F thrust, vector force, interface force
M(f) dynamic mass
FF fill factor
n sample size, index
Fx(f) Fourier spectrum of x(t)
N number of cycles to failure
g grams, gravity unit
p(t) pressure time history
G elastic flexibility matrix
P period
Goa Guyan reduction matrix
Pa Pascals
Gxx(f) autospectral density function
of x(t) Px(fk) line (linear) spectrum of x(t)
Gxx(kn) wave-number spectral density q flight dynamic pressure,
function of x(δ) generalized coordinate
Gxy(f) cross-spectral density function Q quality factor = 1/(2ζ)
between x(t) and y(t)
Q(t) modal forces
hxy(t) impulse response function
r multiplier, frequency ratio
between x(t) and y(t)
TX time to first crossing of level X R Reynolds Number
s seconds
sy sample standard deviation of y

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S stress ∆t time interval

∆x separation distance along x axis
S(fn,ζ) shock response spectrum
∆y separation distance along y axis
T time duration, averaging time
φ normal mode shape
TF time to failure
Φ normal mode shape matrix
u unit
γ confidence coefficient
U free-stream velocity
γ xy (f) coherence function between x(t) and y(t)
v unit
V velocity η loss factor

Vr ratio of volumes Λ modal frequency vector

w surface weight density µx mean value of x(t)
W sound power in watts
W(fB) sound power spectrum in watts
W(f) apparent weight
X(f,T) finite Fourier transform
Π power
y sample average of y ρ correlation coefficient, density
zα percentage point of σx standard deviation of x(t)
standardized, normal τ transmission coefficient, time
distribution delay
Z(f) impedance function σ standard deviation, radiation
α probability, (1 - β)
ω circular frequency
β fractional portion
Squared circular natural
δ boundary layer thickness, Ω2 frequency matrix
spatial variable
ψx rms value of x(t)
δ* boundary layer displacement
thickness ζ damping ratio

∆f frequency increment
∆K stress-intensity factor range

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AFB Air Force Base MEE maximum expected environment

BEM boundary element method MIPS mechanical impact pyroshock
CDR critical design review
CLA critical loads analysis MUF modal uncertainty factor

CQC complete quadratic combination NPL normal prediction limit

NTL normal tolerance limit
DOD Department of Defense
DOF degrees-of-freedom PDR preliminary design review
PSD power spectral density
DFL distribution-free tolerance limits
RF radio frequency
ETL empirical tolerance limits
FEM finite element method RS response spectrum
SEA statistical energy analysis
FLSC flexible linear shaped charge
FPL fluctuating pressure level S-N stress versus number of cycles to
FRF frequency response function
SRB solid rocket booster
LM mechanically induced loads
SRS shock response spectrum
LRS limit response spectrum
SRSS square root of sum of squares
LTM load transfer matrix
SSM Space Station Module
MAC mass acceleration curve
TBL turbulent boundary layer
MMAC modal mass acceleration curve
VLC verification load cycle
MDF mild detonating fuse
VMSS virtual mode synthesis and simulation

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A “watershed” period of aerospace research and development occurred during the decade of
the 1960s, often referred to as the Apollo era, providing major advances to the fields of
structural dynamics and aeroacoustics. Toward the end of this era, efforts were made to
document and summarize these developments [1.1 – 1.9]. Since then, many improvements and
a few significant breakthroughs have been made to these technologies including:

a. improved finite element method (FEM) modeling techniques

b. extension of FEM techniques to higher frequencies
c. better dynamics load analysis methods
d. more realistic methods of representing structural damping
e. improved methods for comparing the results of dynamic analyses and flight data
f. extension of statistical energy analysis (SEA) to transient conditions
g. better estimates of SEA coupling loss factors
h. application of the boundary element method (BEM) to acoustic analyses
i. development of fill factors for acoustic cavity analysis
j. widespread access to computerized dynamic databases
k. increased usage of digital data acquisition and analysis systems
l. avoidance of dynamic measurement problems through improved knowledge
m. improved transducer designs and data acquisition systems covering wider frequency
n. improved knowledge of pyroshock measurement problems and limitations
o. development of nonstationary random data analysis techniques
p. better statistical data evaluation methods
q. more applications of multi-channel analyses
r. improved modal test and data processing techniques
s. better shock, vibration, and acoustic test facilities and/or control systems
t. utilization of force limiting in vibration testing
u. more realistic simulations of transient loads instead of sine sweep and dwell vibration

Note that these improvements have been achieved over a wide frequency range that covers the
spectra for virtually all spacecraft excitations from liquid sloshing in tanks (generally below 5 Hz)
to pyroshocks (up to 100 kHz).

1.1 Purpose. The purpose of this handbook is to summarize and assess the following:

a. The dynamic environments that a spacecraft might be exposed to during its service life
from the completion of its manufacture to the completion of its mission.

b. The state-of-the-art procedures for predicting the dynamic excitations (loads) produced
by the dynamic environments.

c. The state-of-the-art procedures for predicting the structural responses to the dynamic

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d. The state of the art procedures for establishing dynamic criteria with appropriate
margins for the design and testing of a spacecraft and its components.

e. The equipment and procedures used to test a spacecraft and its components.

Although written primarily for spacecraft, many sections of the handbook may be useful for
launch vehicle, aircraft, and ground transportation vehicle applications. The handbook covers a
broad range of topics within the fields of aerospace structural dynamics and aeroacoustics.
However, the guidelines provided herein do not encompass all the engineering and
management details necessary to successfully implement a spacecraft dynamics loads design
and verification program. An extensive reference list at the end of each section is provided to
assist the user in addressing these details.

1.2 Handbook Organization. This handbook is organized into ten sections, including this
introduction. Section 2 presents basic definitions of terms used throughout the handbook, and
Section 3 outlines the relationships between dynamic environments and mission events for
spacecraft. Section 4 details current procedures for the prediction of dynamic excitations, while
Section 5 covers the prediction of structural responses. Various procedures for computing
maximum expected environments and associated durations are presented in Sections 6 and 7,
respectively. Section 8 summarizes the formulation of design criteria during the preliminary and
final design stages, and the design and test margins for dynamic loads environments. Sections
9 and 10 cover general testing considerations and the performance of tests, respectively.

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1.1 Potter, R. C., and Crocker, M. J., “Acoustic Prediction Methods for Rocket Engines,
Including the Effects of Clustered Engines and Deflected Exhaust Flow,” NASA CR-
566, Oct. 1966.

1.2 Sutherland, L. C., “Sonic and Vibration Environments for Ground Facilities - A Design
Manual,” NASA CR-61636, 644 pp, Mar. 1968 (NASA Acc. N76-71920).

1.3 Archer, J. S., “Natural Vibration Modal Analysis,” NASA SP-8012, Sept. 1968.

1.4 Barnoski, R. L., Piersol, A. G., Van Der Laan, W. F., White, P. H., and Winter, E. F.,
“Summary of Random Vibration Prediction Procedures,” NASA CR-1302, Apr. 1969.

1.5 Himelblau, H., Fuller, C. M., and Scharton, T. D., “Assessment of Space Vehicle
Aeroacoustic Noise-Induced Vibration Prediction, Design, Analysis and Testing,”
NASA CR-1596, July l970.

1.6 Rubin, S., “Prevention of Coupled Structure-Propulsion Instability (Pogo),” NASA SP-
8055, Oct. 1970.

1.7 Kacena, W. J., McGrath, M. B., Engelsgjerd, I. K., and Rader, W. P., “Aerospace
Systems Pyrotechnic Shock Data,” Vol. I through VII, NASA CR-116437,-116450,-
116401,-116402,-116403,-116406,-116019, Mar. 1970 (NASA Acc. N71-17900
through 5-19250),

1.8 Robertson, J. E., “Prediction of In-Flight Fluctuating Pressure Environments Including

Protuberance Induced Flow,” NASA CR-119947, Mar. 1971 (NASA Acc. N71-

1.9 Eldred, K. M., “Acoustic Loads Generated by the Propulsion System,” NASA SP-
8072, June 1971.

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To facilitate a full understanding of the material presented in later sections, certain terms used
routinely throughout this handbook are defined in this section. These definitions are grouped
under three topics: (a) types of dynamic environments, (b) descriptions of dynamic
environments, and (c) level of assembly of hardware exposed to dynamic environments.

2.1 Types of Dynamic Environments. Dynamic environments include all phenomena that
produce fluctuating excitations (also called forcing functions or dynamic loads) that act on a
spacecraft and/or its constituent components. The excitations may occur physically as either an
applied force or an input motion, and may be either internally or externally induced. Examples
of internally induced excitations include, (a) imbalance of rotating parts, (b) operation of
mechanisms, (c) coupling misalignment in the assembly of hardware, (d) magnetic, aero- or
hydrodynamic forces within the unit, (e) sloshing of liquid propellants in tanks, and (f) torque
variations due to an uneven supply or demand of power. Since internally induced excitations
are strongly related to the specific design and function of a component, they cannot be easily
dealt with in the context of the general treatment intended for this handbook. However, the
importance of internally induced excitations should not be overlooked. Examples of external
excitations are those occurring due to handling, transportation, launch, ascent, operation in
space, and, in some cases, planetary entry and landing (including the Earth).

To facilitate data analysis and testing procedures, dynamic environments are commonly
classified as being deterministic, random, or a mixture of both. They also are usually classified
as being stationary, nonstationary, or transient in character.

2.1.1 Deterministic Dynamic Environments. A deterministic dynamic environment is one

that produces an excitation with the same time history each time the environment occurs. It
follows that the instantaneous value of the excitation at any time t can be specified in advance,
within reasonable experimental error, based upon a single previous measurement of the
excitation. Deterministic dynamic environments are generally produced by relatively well
understood and well-characterized physical processes and, hence, deterministic methods are
commonly used to describe and predict the excitations and responses produced by such
environments. In this regard, deterministic environments may be mathematically expressed as
a function of time, x(t), by a periodic or a nonperiodic (transient) time history signal. Examples
of these signals are shown in Figure 2.1. Alternatively, the Fourier transformation X(f) of the
signal x(t) may be used to describe the deterministic dynamic environment in the frequency
domain, as discussed later in Section 2.2.

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x(t) (a) Periodic signal

Instantaneous Value


x(t) (b) Transient signal

Instantaneous Value


FIGURE 2.1. Illustration of Periodic and Transient Deterministic Signals.

2.1.2 Random Dynamic Environments. A random dynamic environment is one where the
average properties of the time history signal characterizing the environment (e.g., the mean and
standard deviation) might be the same each time the environment occurs, but the exact time
history signal is not the same and, hence, the exact value of the signal at a specific time t
cannot be predicted in advance based upon a previous measurement of the environment. The
aerodynamic noise generated by a high velocity air flow in a pipe is an example. Commonly, a
dynamic environment is a mixture of a deterministic component and a random component.
Figure 2.2 shows examples of signals representing a purely random environment and a mixture
of a periodic (deterministic) and a random environment, where the periodic component is as
shown in Figure 2.1(a).

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Instantaneous Value x(t) (a) Random signal


x(t) (b) Mixed periodic and random signal

Instantaneous Value


FIGURE 2.2. Illustration of Random and Mixed Deterministic-Random Signals.

A random dynamic environment is said to be either “time-invariant” or “time-varying,” depending

on whether the average properties of all time history signals representing the environment do or
do not vary with time, at least over the time interval of interest. Time-invariant random signals are
usually referred to as “stationary” signals. When one or more of the average properties of the
random signal representing the environment varies with time, the environment is said to be time-
varying. Most dynamic environments experienced by a space vehicle during the launch phase
are time-varying. From both a data analysis and an engineering applications viewpoint, it is
convenient to divide random, time-varying environments into two categories, namely,
nonstationary and transient. A random environment is said to be nonstationary if the signals
representing the environment are ongoing, but have at least one average property that varies with
time, e.g., the aerodynamic noise over the exterior of a space vehicle whose rms value varies
during ascent through the atmosphere. An environment is said to be transient if the signals
representing the environment have a clear beginning and end, and a relatively short duration
compared to the decay time of the impulse response function (see Section 2.2.12) of the
structures subjected to the transient environment, e.g., a rocket motor ignition overpressure, or a
pyrotechnic event. Typical examples of signals representing nonstationary and transient random

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dynamic environments are shown in Figure 2.3. Further details and distinctions between
nonstationary and transient environments are discussed in Section 2.2.

FIGURE 2.3. Illustration of Nonstationary and Transient Random Signals.

2.2 Descriptions of Dynamic Environments. There are many different ways to describe a
signal x(t) representing a dynamic environment. The descriptors used in this document are: (a)
representative time histories, (b) average values, (c) line spectra, autospectra, wave-number
spectra, and 1/3 octave band spectra for stationary environments, (d) maximax spectra for
nonstationary environments, and (e) Fourier spectra, energy spectra, and shock response
spectra for transient environments. In addition, for two signals x(t) and y(t) representing two
different environments or simultaneous measurements of the same environment at different
locations, cross-spectra and their derivative functions (coherence, frequency response, and
impulse response functions) are used to determine linear relationships. Except for time
histories, 1/3 octave band spectra, and shock response spectra, all of these descriptors involve
finite Fourier transforms of the signals x(t) and y(t), defined as


If the units of x(t) and y(t) are magnitudes in u and v (e.g., g, m, Pa, etc.) versus time in seconds
(s), the units of X(f, T) and Y(f, T) are u-s and v-s versus Hz.

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For clarity, all formulas in this handbook are presented in terms of continuous time and frequency
domain functions. However, virtually all data analysis today is performed on discrete time and
frequency domain functions using digital computers. Given a time history x(t); 0 ≤ t ≤ T, which is
converted to a discrete time series with a sampling interval of ∆t and a total number of data
values N, all equations apply with the time variable converted to t = (n ∆t ); n = 0, 1, 2, ..., (N - 1),
and the frequency variable converted to f = (k ∆f); k = 0, 1, 2, ..., (N - 1), where ∆f = 1/(N ∆t ).
See [2.1] for details.

2.2.1 Time Histories. For low frequency (below 50 Hz) transient environments that are
deterministic in character, sample time histories of the environment (such as shown in Figure
2.1) often provide an adequate description of the environment for the purposes of structural
response predictions, design criteria, and/or test level determinations. However, sample time
histories usually are not adequate to properly describe random environments and higher
frequency deterministic environments for engineering applications.

2.2.2 Average Values. For steady-state or stationary dynamic environments represented

by the signal x(t), the simplest descriptions of the magnitude of the environment are given by the
mean value µx, which describes the central tendency of x(t), the standard deviation σx, which
describes the dispersion of x(t), or the root-mean-square (rms) value ψx, which describes a
combination of the central tendency and dispersion. Estimates of the mean, standard deviation,
and rms value of a signal x(t); 0 ≤ t ≤ T, are given by

(a) Mean value


(b) Standard deviation (2.2b)


(c) RMS value: (2.2c)

where T is the linear averaging time. It should be mentioned that high frequency dynamic
environments are often measured using piezoelectric transducers that do not sense the mean
value of the signal, i.e., the measured signal has no DC component. In such cases, the rms
value computed in Equation (2.2c) yields the standard deviation, i.e., σx = ψx if µx = 0.

Time-varying average values of signals representing nonstationary environments are often

computed over short, contiguous segments of the signal to obtain running averages, µx(t), σx(t),
and/or ψx(t). For random environments, the computation of running averages requires a
compromise between a random error that can be suppressed only by increasing the averaging
time T, and a time-interval bias error that can be suppressed only by reducing the averaging time
T. The selection of an optimum averaging time for various types of running averages is detailed in
[2.1, 2.2].

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2.2.3 Line Spectra. A steady-state deterministic (periodic) environment represented by

the signal x(t) is described in the frequency domain by a line spectrum (sometimes called a
linear spectrum), which is simply a plot of the Fourier series coefficients of x(t) given by

P x (f k ) = X(f, T) (2.3)

where X(f,T) is defined in Equation (2.1), the factor of 2 is needed to obtain a one-sided
spectrum with values at positive frequencies only, and

fk = ; k = 1, 2, 3, ... (2.4)

Ideally, T = nTp where n is an integer and Tp is the period of x(t), producing a spectrum Px(fk)
that has components at the exact harmonic frequencies of the periodic function x(t), given by

fp = ; p = 1, 2, 3, ... (2.5)

In practice, it is often inconvenient to compute a line spectrum with T = nTp; n = 1, 2, 3, ... In such
cases, Equation (2.3) yields spectral components at frequencies other than fp defined in Equation
(2.5). However, the computed components with the largest magnitudes will be those closest to fp.
In general, Px(fk) in Equation (2.3) is a complex valued function that includes both magnitude and
phase information, but it is common to present only the magnitude information |Px(fk)|. From
Equation (2.1), the units of |Px(fk)| are u versus Hz. See [2.3] for details and algorithms for
determining accurate line spectra from computations with averaging times of T ≠ nTp, n =
1, 2, 3, ...

2.2.4 Autospectra. A stationary random environment represented by the signal x(t) is

described in the frequency domain by an autospectral density function (also called an
autospectrum, power spectrum, or PSD), which is given by

2 2 (2.6)
G xx (f) = E X(f, T)

where X(f,T) is defined in Equation (2.1), E[ ] denotes expected value of [ ], and the factor of 2
is needed to obtain a one-sided spectrum with values at positive frequencies only. Ideally,
T → ∞, producing a spectrum that is continuous over the frequency range of x(t). In practice, it
is impossible to compute X(f,T) over an infinite time interval, so autospectra are actually
estimated as a series of discrete spectral components at the frequencies given in Equation
(2.4), meaning the spectral estimates have a frequency resolution of ∆f = 1/T . This leads to a
possible frequency resolution bias error in autospectra estimates [2.1 - 2.3]. Also, the expected
value operation in Equation (2.6) implies an average over an infinite series of squared Fourier
transform computations, which is impossible. However, an acceptable estimate of the
autospectrum can be obtained by averaging over a finite number of squared Fourier transform
computations. In practice, the averaging is usually accomplished over an ensemble of
autospectra estimates computed from nd contiguous segments of x(t). This leads to a statistical
sampling (random) error in autospectra estimates.

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The autospectrum Gxx(f) in Equation (2.6) is always a real-valued function that has the units of
u2/Hz.versus Hz. See [2.1, 2.3] for details and algorithms for determining accurate autospectra
from computations with a finite averaging time T and a finite number of averages nd.

2.2.5 Wave-Number Spectra. Some environments that produce dynamic loads are more
conveniently described as a function of distance rather than time, e.g., atmospheric turbulence.
If such spatial dynamic environments have average properties that are invariant with distance,
the environments are said to be homogeneous, which is analogous to being stationary in time.
Spectra for the signals representing spatial dynamic environments are defined using the Fourier
transforms in Equation (2.1) with distance, rather than time, as the independent variable, i.e.,
given the spatial signals x(δ) and y(δ), where δ is distance in meters (m), the spatial Fourier
transforms over a total distance D are


where kn is called wave-number, which has the units of cycles/m. The reciprocal of wave
number is wavelength (λ = 1/kn), which has the units of m. If the units of x(δ) and y(δ) are
magnitudes in u and v , respectively, (m, m/s, Pa, etc.) versus m, then the units of X(kn, D) and
Y(kn, D) are u-m and v-m, respectively, versus cycles/m.

Analogous to the autospectrum defined in Equation (2.6), a wave-number spectral density

function (usually called a wave-number spectrum) is defined as

2 2 (2.8)
G xx (k n ) = E X(k n , D)

where all the approximations and errors discussed for autospectra in Section 2.2.4 apply with
time replaced by distance. The wave-number spectrum Gxx(kn) in Equation (2.8) is always a
real-valued function that has the units of u2/(cycle/m) versus cycles/m. If a spatial dynamic
environment with a wave-number spectrum of Gxx(kn) is transversed by a vehicle moving with a
constant velocity of V in m/s, the temporal dynamic environment seen by the vehicle can be
described by an autospectrum Gxx(f) where

f = knV ; Gxx(f) = Gxx(kn)/V (2.9)

See [2.1, 2.3] for details and algorithms for determining accurate wave-number spectra from
computations with a finite averaging distance D and a finite number of averages nd.

2.2.6 1/3 Octave Band Spectra. A stationary dynamic environment, either deterministic or
random, represented by the signal x(t), is often described in the frequency domain by a 1/3
octave band spectrum, which is given in dB by


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where ψ x (f i) is the rms value of x(t) filtered through a 1/3 octave bandpass filter centered on
frequency fi, and ψref is a reference rms value. The bandwidth of a 1/3 octave band filter is
approximately Bi ≈ 0.23 fi.

The level Lx(fi) defined in Equation (2.10) was originally developed to describe acoustic noise in
terms of 1/3 octave band sound pressure levels with a reference rms pressure of ψref = 20µPa,
but the same equation with the same reference is commonly used to describe the aerodynamic-
induced fluctuating pressures on the surface of a structure (aerodynamic noise). Also, it is
sometimes used to describe the spectra for force and/or vibration signals with specified
references. The units of the 1/3 octave band spectrum are dB (ref: 20µPa) in 1/3 octave bands
versus 1/3 octave band center frequency in Hz. See [2.4] for further discussions of 1/3 octave
band spectra.

2.2.7 Maximax Spectra. A nonstationary environment, either deterministic or random, is

sometimes represented by a collection of signals xi(t), i = 1, 2, ..., q, which might represent, for
example, measurements of the excitation at a point on a spacecraft during q different launches
or at q different locations on the same launch. Each of the q measurements is often analyzed
as a sequence of contiguous spectral estimates computed using Equation (2.3), (2.6), or (2.10)
with a short averaging time T to obtain a time-varying spectrum, as discussed in Section 2.2.2.
A single spectrum describing the environment is then determined by selecting the largest value
of the time-varying spectrum computed at each frequency, independent of the time when the
largest value occurs, and plotting these largest spectral values versus frequency. This is called
a maximax spectrum, denoted by Px(fk)max, Gxx(f)max, or Lx(fi)max. The units of the maximax
spectrum are the same as for the spectral estimates used to determine it. See [2.3] for further
discussions of maximax spectra.

2.2.8 Fourier Spectra. A transient deterministic environment represented by the signal

x(t) is usually described in the frequency domain by a Fourier spectrum, which is simply the
Fourier transform of x(t) given by

F x (f) = 2 X(f,T) ; f > 0 (2.11)

where X(f,T) is defined in Equation (2.1), and the factor of 2 is needed to obtain a one-sided
spectrum with values at positive frequencies only. Ideally, T → ∞, but this requirement is
essentially met if the integration interval in Equation (2.1) includes the full duration of the
transient, i.e., x(t) = 0 for t < 0 and t > T. Hence, although the Fourier spectrum is computed
only at the discrete frequencies given by Equation (2.4), the exact Fourier spectrum can be
interpolated from these discrete values. In general, Fx(f) in Equation (2.11) is a complex valued
function that includes both magnitude and phase information, but it is common to present only
the magnitude information |Fx(f)|. From Equation (2.1), the units of |Fx(f)| are u-s versus Hz.
See [2.1, 2.3] for further discussions of Fourier spectra.

2.2.9 Energy Spectra. A transient random environment represented by the signal x(t) is
sometimes described in the frequency domain by an energy spectral density function (usually
called an energy spectrum where the term “energy” evolves from an electrical analogy), which is
given by

2 (2.12)
E xx (f) = 2 E X(f, T) ; f > 0

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where X(f,T) is defined in Equation (2.1), E[ ] denotes expected value of [ ], and the factor of 2 is
needed to obtain a one-sided spectrum with values at positive frequencies only. Ideally, T → ∞,
but as for Fourier spectra in Section 2.2.8, this requirement is essentially met if the integration
interval in Equation (2.1) includes the full duration of the transient. Hence, although the energy
spectrum is computed only at the discrete frequencies given by Equation (2.4), the exact energy
spectrum can be interpolated from these discrete values.

The expected value operation in Equation (2.12) implies an average over an infinite series of
squared Fourier transform computations, which is impossible. However, an acceptable estimate
of the energy spectrum can be obtained by averaging over a finite number of squared Fourier
transform computations. In practice, this may be accomplished by repeating the event that
produces the transient nd times, and averaging the energy spectra for the ensemble of nd
transients. In some cases, the same result can be obtained from the energy spectrum
computed for a single transient event by averaging over nd adjacent frequency components in a
sequence of contiguous frequency bands, each with a bandwidth of B = (nd /T), but this
approach degrades the spectral resolution of the resulting estimate. In any case, the finite
number of averages nd leads to a statistical sampling (random) error in energy spectra

From Equation (2.1), the units of Exx(f) are (u-s)2 versus Hz, or (u2-s)/Hz versus Hz. See [2.1,
2.3] for details and algorithms for determining accurate energy spectra from computations with a
finite averaging time T and a finite number of averages nd.

2.2.10 Shock Response Spectra. The shock response spectrum (also called a shock
spectrum, response spectrum, or SRS) has been traditionally used as a measure of the
damaging potential of a given transient environment, either deterministic or random. For
deterministic environments, the shock response spectrum concept has also been extended to
calculate bound loads for design purposes (see Section 5.1).

The concept of the SRS involves a hypothetical single degree-of-freedom system (oscillator)
consisting of a mass supported by a spring and a dashpot, both attached to a rigid base. The
SRS, denoted by Sx(fn,ζ), for a transient acceleration signal a(t) is commonly defined as the
largest peak acceleration response of the mass of the oscillator with undamped natural
frequency fn and damping ratio ζ when the transient acceleration a(t) is applied at the base of
the oscillator [2.5]. A mechanical algorithm for the SRS is shown in Figure 2.4. Although
defined above in terms of acceleration for both the input and the oscillator response, the SRS is
applicable to any combination of input and response parameters, including displacement,
velocity, or acceleration. An implicit assumption is made in the SRS definition that the mass of
the oscillator is so small compared to the mass of the base that its presence has no effect on
the base input, i.e., the impedance between the oscillator mass and its base is zero. When
used to estimate design loads of a multi-degree-of- freedom system in response to deterministic
environments, the same definition is used with two modifications, (a) each elastic mode of the
system is viewed as a single degree-of-freedom system (oscillator) with a mass represented by
the so called “ effective modal mass,” leading to a modal SRS, and (b) the zero impedance
assumption between the modal mass and the base is removed. See [2.6] for details.

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f1 f2 f3 f4 fk

a i(t)

• •

Natural Frequency, Hz

FIGURE 2.4. Mechanical Algorithm for Shock Response Spectrum Computation.

2.2.11 Cross-Spectra and Coherence Functions. The basic linear relationship between
two stationary random environments, represented by the signals x(t) and y(t), is described in the
frequency domain by a cross-spectrum, which is given by

G xy (f) = E X ∗ (f, T) Y(f, T) (2.13)

where X(f,T) and Y(f,T) are defined in Equation (2.1), the asterisk (*) denotes complex conjugate,
E[ ] denotes expected value of [ ], and the factor of 2 is needed to obtain a one-sided spectrum
with values at positive frequencies only. Ideally, T → ∞, producing a spectrum that is continuous
over the frequency range of x(t). As for autospectra discussed in Section 2.2.4, it is impossible to
compute X(f,T) and Y(f,T) over an infinite time interval, so cross-spectra are actually estimated as
a series of discrete spectral components at the frequencies given by Equation (2.4). This leads to
a possible frequency resolution bias error in cross-spectra estimates. Also, the expected value
operation in Equation (2.13) implies an average over an infinite series of products of Fourier
transform computations, which is impossible. In practice, the averaging is usually accomplished
over nd contiguous segments of x(t) and y(t). This leads to a statistical sampling (random) error in
cross-spectra estimates. The cross-spectrum Gxy(f) in Equation (2.13) is generally a complex
valued function that has the units of uv/Hz versus Hz.

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To obtain a more convenient measure of the linear dependence between two signals x(t) and
y(t), the square of the cross-spectrum magnitude may be normalized by the product of the
autospectra of the two signals to obtain the coherence function (sometimes called squared
coherence) given by

|G xy (f)| 2
γ 2xy (f) = (2.14)
G xx (f) G yy (f)

where Gxy(f) is the cross-spectrum between x(t) and y(t) defined in Equation (2.13), and Gxx(f)
and Gyy(f) are the autospectra for x(t) and y(t), respectively, defined in Equation (2.6). The
coherence function in Equation (2.14) is a dimensionless real number bounded by zero and
unity, i.e., 0 ≤ γ2xy (f) ≤ 1. See [2.1 - 2.3] for details and algorithms for determining accurate
cross-spectra and coherence function estimates from computations with a finite averaging time
T and a finite number of averages nd.

2.2.12 Frequency Response and Impulse Response Functions. It is often desirable to

model the linear relationship between two signals x(t) and y(t). This can be accomplished using
a frequency response function (sometimes called a transfer function), which is defined as

G xy (f)
H xy (f) = (2.15)
G xx (f)

where Gxy(f) is the cross-spectrum between x(t) and y(t) defined in Equation (2.13), and Gxx(f) is
the autospectrum of x(t) defined in Equation (2.6). The frequency response function is generally
a complex valued function that has the units of v/u versus frequency in Hz. It is often presented
in terms of a magnitude function |Hxy(f)|, commonly called the gain factor of the system between
x(t) and y(t), and an associated phase angle. The gain factor relates the autospectrum of a
response y(t) to an excitation x(t) by

Gyy(f) = |Hxy(f)|2 Gxx(f) (2.16)

The time domain equivalent of the frequency response function defined in Equation (2.16) is the
impulse response function (also called the unit impulse response or weighting function), which is
given by the inverse Fourier transform of the frequency response function, i.e.,


The impulse response function is more directly defined as the response of a linear system to a
unit impulse (delta function) excitation. It is a real-valued function with the units of v/(u-s) versus
time delay. See [2.1, 2.3] for details and algorithms for determining accurate frequency
response and impulse response function estimates from computations with a finite averaging
time T and a finite number of averages nd.

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2.3 Hardware Level of Assembly. The prediction of dynamic environments, as well as

the formulation of design criteria and test specifications, is often accomplished for hardware at
various levels of assembly. Following the definitions in [2.7], these various levels of assembly
are defined as follows:

Part - A single piece, or two or more joined pieces, which are not subject to disassembly
without destruction or impairment of the design use, e.g., an integrated circuit or a roller bearing.

Subassembly - A unit containing two or more parts that is capable of disassembly or part
replacement, e.g., a printed circuit board or a gear train.

Unit (also called Assembly, Component, or Equipment) - A functional unit that is viewed as
an entity for the purposes of manufacturing, maintenance, and/or record keeping, e.g., an
electronic box or a hydraulic actuator.

Subsystem - An assembly of two or more functionally related units that may include
interconnecting items, such as cables or tubing and the supporting structure to which they are
attached, e.g., an instrumentation system or a propulsion system.

Vehicle - Any flight system that carries out some phase of a space mission, e.g., a launch
vehicle, a satellite, or a payload.

2.4 References:

2.1 Bendat, J. S., and Piersol, A. G., Random Data: Analysis and Measurement
Procedures, 3rd ed., Wiley, NY, 2000.

2.2 Bendat, J. S., and Piersol, A. G., Engineering Applications of Correlation and
Spectral Analysis, 2nd ed., pp. 328 - 324, Wiley, NY, 1993.

2.3 Himelblau, H., Piersol, A. G., Wise, J. H., and Grundvig, M. R., "Handbook for
Dynamic Data Acquisition and Analysis,” IES-RP-DTE012.1, Inst. Envir. Sc.Tech., Mt
Prospect, IL, Mar. 1994.

2.4 Anon, "American National Standard, Specification for Octave-Band and Fractional-
Octave-Band Analog and Digital Filters,” ANSI Std S1.11-1986, Acoust. Soc. Amer.,
NY, 1986.

2.5 Rubin, S., "Concepts in Shock Data Analysis", Ch. 23, Shock and Vibration
Handbook, 4th ed., (Ed: C. M. Harris), McGraw-Hill, NY, 1996.

2.6 Trubert, M., and Salama, M. A., “Generalized Modal Shock Spectra Method for
Spacecraft Loads Analysis,” AIAA J., Vol. 18, No 8, pp. 988-994, Aug. 1980.

2.7 Anon, "Test Requirements for Booster, Upper-Stage, and Space Vehicles,” MIL-
STD-1540C, DOD, Washington, DC, Sept. 15, 1994.

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The dynamic environments covered by this document are those that typically occur, or might
occur, before and during the launch of a space vehicle, as well as during in-space operations
and, in some cases, during landing. Twenty specific dynamic environments are considered.
Since the procedures for predicting the various dynamic environments and the loads they
produce often vary from one environment to another, it is necessary to clearly define each
environment to be considered, and summarize its origin and basic dynamic characteristics using
terms defined in Section 2.

3.1 Transportation. Space vehicles and all of their constituent elements must be
transported from their points of manufacture to other points of storage and/or higher level
assembly, and ultimately to a final launch site. This transportation can be by truck, train,
aircraft, and/or seagoing vessel. In any case, the transportation activity will produce dynamic
loads that may cause damage, particularly to the assembled space vehicle or its major
subsystems. A substantial engineering effort is generally made to package space vehicle
hardware for transportation in a manner that will minimize the transportation-induced dynamic
loads and their resulting damage. To design appropriate packaging systems and assess the
potential damage to hardware during transportation, some description of the transportation-
induced dynamic loads is required. Unfortunately, these dynamic loads vary widely in character
and magnitude with the mode of transportation (e.g., truck versus airplane) and the transit
details (e.g., the speed of the transportation vehicle). Handling loads and the possibility of
accidents (e.g., dropping a hardware item during handling) must also be considered. Some
standards and specifications are currently available that define transportation-induced dynamic
loads [3.1 - 3.5] and further standardization activity is in progress [3.6], but generally these loads
must be measured and/or predicted on a case-by-case basis for each specific piece of
hardware and its specific transportation requirements.

3.2 Seismic Loads During Pre-Launch. An important facility for the launch of space
vehicles in the United States is located at Vandenberg Air Force Base (AFB) in California, which
is relatively close to several earthquake faults. Although the probability is very small that an
earthquake with a potentially damaging magnitude will occur during the relatively short time
interval between the installation of a space vehicle on the launch pad and its launch, the
possibility of such an occurrence must be considered. Of primary concern are the lateral loads
that would be introduced at the base of the space vehicle by seismic induced horizontal motions
of the launch pad, as well as those loads applied to a variety of ground support equipment
(GSE) and flight elements prior to launch, e.g., solid rocket motors in nearby storage.

If the launch pad is supported by a hard rock site, a conventional dynamic analysis of the vehicle
on its pad may be performed to determine vehicle loads and deflections during an earthquake.
However, if a softer site is utilized, soil-structure interaction must be considered. Soft soil
supporting the pad can be expected to permit an excess of translational and especially rotational
motion at the pad/vehicle interface, causing a reduction of the system natural frequencies, an
increase in the relative displacements between vehicle and GSE elements, and sometimes an
increase in the vehicle loads [3.7, 3.8]. On the other hand, system damping is greatly increased
due to the response-induced generation of seismic waves back into the soil.

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FIGURE 3.1. Shock Response Spectrum for Typical Central California Earthquake.

Earthquakes in the region near Vandenberg AFB in central California typically have durations of
less than 30 seconds (although longer durations are possible) [3.9], and produce ground
accelerations concentrated in the frequency range below 20 Hz [3.9, 3.10]. Using the principles
of seismic risk assessment, the shock response spectrum for the earthquake design criteria
developed for Space Shuttle, when it was planned to have Shuttle launches from SLC-6 at
Vandenberg AFB after long on-pad exposures, is shown for three damping values in Figure 3.1

3.3 Wind and Turbulence. Launch vehicles and their payloads must endure loads
induced by wind gusts while on the launch pad prior to liftoff and atmospheric turbulence during
ascent after liftoff, as well as during the entry of reusable vehicles. Although the mechanisms
that produce wind gusts [3.11] and atmospheric turbulence [3.12 - 3.14] are varied, the resulting
gust velocities are random in character and generally can be described by a wave-number
spectrum with a shape that is dependent on a single parameter called the integral scale, which
is defined as the net area under the autocorrelation function for the turbulence signal. The
wave-number spectra (normalized for an rms velocity of 1 m/s) for typical clear air turbulence
with integral scales of about 120 and 300 m are shown in Figure 3.2. From Equation (2.9), even
for relatively high vehicle velocities in the atmosphere, the turbulence excitation is very low
frequency in character, e.g., for a vehicle speed of V = 1000 m/s, the top limit on the wave
number scale in Figure 3.2 corresponds to 20 Hz. In severe atmospheric turbulence, peak gust
velocities can reach 10 m/s.

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FIGURE 3.2. Wave Number Spectrum for Typical Clear Air Turbulence.

3.4 Rocket Motor Ignition Overpressure. The ignition of a solid propellant rocket motor
commonly produces a shock wave that appears as a short duration overpressure transient on
nearby structures, in particular, the exterior of the launch vehicle above the rocket motor nozzle.
The specific characteristics of rocket motor ignition overpressures are heavily dependent on the
details of the motor and the ignition procedure. Also, ignition overpressures can be suppressed
by water injection on the launch pad during the motor ignition. An envelope of energy spectra
computed from measured overpressures on the aft fuselage of the Space Shuttle due to the
ignition of the Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBs) during an early launch is shown in Figure 3.3.
Note in this figure that the dynamic load is concentrated below 20 Hz, but ignition overpressure
spectra for other solid propellant rocket motors might extend up to 40 Hz. See [3.15 - 3.17] for
further details on rocket motor ignition overpressures with and without water injection.

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FIGURE 3.3. Energy Spectrum for Overpressure on Space Shuttle Due to SRB Ignition.

3.5 Liftoff Release Loads. Launch vehicles that use liquid propellant rocket engines for
liftoff are usually held on the launch pad during thrust buildup and mechanically released after
full thrust is achieved. When solid propellant rocket booster (SRB) motors are used, it is more
common to allow the vehicle to freely liftoff under the SRB thrust. In either case, the rapid
velocity change at liftoff produces a mechanical transient excitation along the longitudinal axis of
the vehicle. This liftoff transient is a function of the engine thrust and release mechanism, or the
size and ignition characteristics of the SRB motors, but it typically appears as a transient load
concentrated below 50 Hz. An envelope of energy spectra computed from measured axial
accelerations of Space Shuttle due to the liftoff transient is shown in Figure 3.4 [3.17]. Note in
this figure that the liftoff transient energy for Space Shuttle is concentrated below 10 Hz. See
[3.17] for further details and illustrations using computer models.

3.6 Engine/Motor Generated Acoustic Loads. The dominant dynamic environment at

frequencies above 50 Hz for most space vehicles is the intense acoustic excitation generated by
the turbulent mixing of the exhaust gases from the rocket engines/motors with the ambient
atmosphere during liftoff. This acoustic excitation is random in character, and spectra for the
resulting acoustic power generally collapse to a common shape when plotted against a
dimensionless frequency parameter called the "Strouhal number", as shown in Figure 3.5 [3.18 -
3.21]. The sound pressure levels at various locations around the rocket engines/motors, including
locations on the exterior of the space vehicle structure, are determined by (a) the number of
rocket engines/motors, (b) the distance from the exhaust nozzle(s), (c) a directivity factor that is a
function of frequency, and (d) the details of the launch pad, e.g., the plume deflector design and
whether water injection is used [3.21]. In any case, the sound pressure levels have a wide
bandwidth similar to the acoustic power spectrum in Figure 3.5, i.e., for a typical rocket motor with
an exhaust gas velocity of Ve = 3,000 m/s and a nozzle diameter of D = 2 m, the upper limit on the
dimensionless frequency scale in Figure 3.5 corresponds to 15 kHz.

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The measurement and prediction of rocket-generated sound pressure levels is usually limited to
frequencies below 10 kHz. For a large launch vehicle, the overall sound pressures on the
exterior of the structure during liftoff can exceed 160 dB (ref: 20µPa). Of course, these levels
diminish rapidly as the vehicle gains speed, and disappear when the vehicle goes supersonic.

FIGURE 3.4. Energy Spectrum for Axial Acceleration of Space Shuttle Due to Liftoff Transient.

FIGURE 3.5. Normalized Autospectrum for Acoustic Power Generated by Rocket


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3.7 Engine/Motor Generated Structureborne Vibration Loads. In addition to the airborne

acoustic noise generated by the rocket engines/motors during liftoff, there is also some direct
mechanical excitation produced by the combustion process inside the engines/motors that may
transmit directly to the launch vehicle structure through the engine/motor mounts. Like the
airborne acoustic noise, the structureborne noise is random in character, except for the periodic
excitations discussed in Section 3.12. On the other hand, unlike the airborne acoustic noise
that diminishes with increasing vehicle speed, the structureborne noise continues as long as the
rocket engines/motors are operating. The resulting vibration levels at payload locations inside
the vehicle are generally small compared to the vibration levels created by the airborne acoustic
noise during liftoff. Nevertheless, there may be launch vehicle structure near the engine/motor
attachment points where the structureborne noise-induced vibration is significant and warrants
attention, particularly if the vibration is periodic (see Section 3.12). Structureborne noise due to
direct mechanical excitation from rocket engines/motors usually covers a wide frequency range
(about 20 Hz to 2 kHz), but its overall value and spectrum are heavily dependent on the details
of the rocket engines/motors and the structure near the engine/motor attachment points, and
must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. See [3.22] for further details and illustrations.

3.8 Aerodynamic Sources During Ascent and Entry. As a space vehicle accelerates
through the atmosphere, the relative velocity between the vehicle and the ambient atmosphere
generates fluctuating pressures in a turbulent boundary layer (TBL) between the exterior
surface of the vehicle structure and the atmosphere (often referred to as aerodynamic noise).
These TBL pressures are random in character. For a flat structure parallel to the direction of the
air flow, the magnitude and the spectrum for the TBL pressures generally reduce to the plot
shown in Figure 3.6 [3.23 - 3.26]. The overall value of the TBL pressures is a function of the
flight dynamic pressure (q = 0.5 ρ V2, where ρ = air density and V = velocity) and vehicle Mach
number (M), while the cutoff frequency of the spectrum (f0) is a function of the vehicle velocity
(V) and the boundary layer displacement thickness parameter (δ∗), which increases with
distance from the leading edge of the structure. Nonuniform structural geometries, such as
conical skirts between stages, substantially modify both the magnitude and the spectrum of the
TBL pressure [3.27, 3.28]. Also, at speeds above about Mach 0.85, shock waves are commonly
created that interact with the TBL to further exaggerate the pressure levels [3.18, 3.28] and
sometimes produce buffet loads. Finally, aerodynamic instabilities in payload fairing or bay
vents may produce tonal pressure fluctuations on payloads, particularly during ascent [3.29].

The spectrum for TBL pressures generally covers a wide frequency range, e.g., for a vehicle
traveling at a speed of V = 500 m/s and a relatively large boundary layer displacement thickness
of δ* = 0.01 m, the cutoff frequency in Figure 3.6 is f0 = 5 kHz. The measurement and prediction
of TBL pressure levels are usually limited to frequencies below 10 kHz. In general, the TBL
excitation at a given location first increases and then decreases as the vehicle accelerates
through the atmosphere during launch, reaching a maximum when the flight dynamic pressure
reaches a maximum (referred to as qmax). However, at some locations, particularly those near
the forward end of the launch vehicle, shock wave-boundary layer interactions during transonic
flight often produce pressure levels that exceed those that occur at qmax. A similar situation
occurs during the entry of reusable vehicles into the Earth’s atmosphere, although the entry qmax
is usually lower than the launch qmax.

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Autospectral Density, dB
(Ref: Overall – 10 log10fo)

FIGURE 3.6. Normalized Autospectrum for Fluctuating Pressures in a

Turbulent Boundary Layer.

3.9 Engine/Motor Thrust Transients. Beyond the liftoff transients discussed in Sections
3.4 and 3.5, the start and shutdown of liquid propellant engines and solid motors during flight
produce thrust transients that are important dynamic load events for the flight vehicle. Even
though a thrust axis is close to alignment with the longitudinal axis of the vehicle, due to
unsymmetric nozzle flow and slight timing differences among several simultaneously acting
engines or motors, lateral and moment loads are also induced at the end of the vehicle. The
most significant dynamic load events tend to be liquid engine shutdowns that result from
propellant depletion. This is so because of the relatively rapid thrust decay and, sometimes,
sharp thrust transients due to erratic combustion or periodic thrust oscillations due to "chugging"
instability resulting from limit cycling of injected flows and combustion (typically between 100
and 1000 Hz). Burnout of solid motors and commanded shutdowns of liquid engines (generated
by either the guidance system or by a propellant level sensor) tend to be relatively mild dynamic
events because the thrust decay is fairly slow and smooth. Of course, thrust rise at vehicle
liftoff is an essential part of the complex set of processes taking place to cause low-frequency
transient and random loads within the launch vehicle and spacecraft. Most often the significant
vehicle structural dynamic responses resulting from thrust transients are in the frequency range
below 50 Hz. See [3.30] for details and an illustration.

3.10 Maneuvering Loads. During powered ascent of both the launch vehicle and upper
stages, the flight path of the vehicle is controlled by moving the thrust axis (" thrust vectoring"),
usually with engine/motor gimbals or, in some cases, by varying the thrust of individual engines
in a cluster. Beyond the local loads generated by the operation of the thrust vectoring devices,
there are also dynamic loads on the entire vehicle due to the variations in the thrust components
along the longitudinal and lateral axes of the vehicle. These maneuvering loads are composed
of low frequency aerodynamic forces and the control-generated thrust-vectoring forces that
steer the vehicle into the wind. These loads are generally significant only in the frequency

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range below 5 to 10 Hz. For the Titan IV vehicle, maneuvering loads are a significant
contributor to the total loads experienced during the period of maximum airloading, including
gust, autopilot, and buffet loads. See [3.31] for details.

3.11 Pogo. Pogo is the name given to a dynamic instability phenomenon that can occur
during ascent of space vehicles propelled by liquid rocket engines [3.32]. The instability is due
to the interaction between structural vibration of the vehicle in one of its normal modes and
thrust oscillation of the engines. The structural vibration causes propellent flow into the
combustion chambers to be perturbed and thus produces thrust perturbation in synchronism
with the structural vibration. This is a classical closed-loop interaction that can lead to instability
if the amplitude and phasing of the thrust relative to gimbal acceleration along the thrust
direction tends to do sufficient positive work on the system to overcome structural damping and
hydraulic losses. Pogo occurs most often in the first longitudinal vehicle mode (like a pogo stick
motion). During first liquid stage burn of medium and heavy lift vehicles, severe pogo has
occurred between 5 and 20 Hz, and during second stage burn, between 17 and 125 Hz. The
instability exhibits a limit-cycle with slowly varying amplitude, first building to a maximum and
then decaying over a period of from a few seconds to 30 seconds.

Pogo has caused engine shutdowns on two occasions (a Titan Stage I and a Saturn V S-II stage)
and has caused intolerable vibration of launch vehicle structure and of payloads. Fortunately,
while pogo has occurred in several manned missions, no astronaut endangerment has resulted.
Specific requirements have been levied to avoid pogo instability on all U. S. Air Force and NASA
vehicles; see [3.32, 3.33] for guidance on pogo stability modeling, analysis, and stability margins.
The means that has proven successful in eliminating prior pogo occurrences and preventing pogo
during the design stage has been to incorporate gas-charged accumulators at engine inlets and,
in the case of the Shuttle main engines, within the engine itself. See [3.32] for schematics of the
configuration of accumulator devices for expendable vehicles and [3.34] for discussions of the
Space Shuttle accumulator.

3.12 Solid Motor Pressure Oscillations. Solid motors characteristically experience

sustained self-excited oscillations at the frequency of the first longitudinal acoustic mode of the
chamber. The frequency of this half-wave mode is determined by the length of the combustion
chamber and the acoustic speed in the hot gas of approximately 1100 m/s (3500 ft/s). The
oscillation is often referred to as "resonant burn" or as "vortex-driven oscillation." Large motors
have multiple segments with cavities or restrictors at segment interfaces. These flow
discontinuities lead to the shedding of vortices, which are convected downstream and can result
in a positive feedback coupling process with the cavity acoustic mode to generate sustained
oscillation [3.35 - 3.37]. A sequence of oscillation occurrences takes place during a motor firing,
each initiating at just above and uniformly progressing to just below the acoustic mode
frequency. The salient parameter for the change in frequency about the acoustic frequency is
the change in the shedding frequency which is proportional to the gradually decreasing mean
flow velocity with burn time [3.37]. For smaller motors having a single segment, vortex shedding
originates near fins at the aft end of the motor. The oscillation amplitudes, as measured at the
top end of the motor, typically do not exceed a few tenths of a psi, and sometimes are
sufficiently complex to include a significant harmonic at twice the fundamental frequency. The
oscillations might produce structural loads and vibration levels of concern in some cases.

3.13 Liquid Sloshing in Tanks. During the launch of a vehicle powered by liquid propellant
rocket engines, the propellant fluid in the fuel and/or oxidizer tanks may slosh in response to
turbulence or thrust vector induced loads (see Sections 3.3 and 3.10). The resulting slosh loads
have mixed transient and random characteristics, and they generally occur at very low
frequencies (less than 5 Hz) [3.38]. The importance of slosh loads is underlined by the fact that

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the propellant mass can constitute as much as half of the total vehicle mass during launch.
Slosh loads are of concern to the structure of the tanks, their attachment to the vehicle, and the
tank supporting structure. The magnitude of the slosh loads is strongly dependent on the
details of the rocket engine fuel system design and the turbulence or thrust vector induced
loads. Slosh loads may also arise during in-space operations. For example, if the space
vehicle is spin-stabilized on-orbit, the possibility of slosh loads must be considered because the
tank center of mass is almost always offset from the spin axis. In addition, possible adverse
interactions between propellant sloshing, the attitude control system, and the vibration modes of
appendages such as booms and solar panels should also be considered, since these modes
tend to be closely distributed near and below 5 Hz. See [3.38 - 3.42] for details.

3.14 Stage and Fairing Separation Loads. Stage and fairing separations (including
booster package, nose cone, and insulation panel jettisons) are often accomplished with the
assistance of pyrotechnic devices that produce high frequency transient loads in local regions,
which are discussed separately in Section 3.15. Beyond the local pyrotechnic loads, however,
there are also more general low frequency transient loads due to the rapid velocity changes that
accompany the rapid separation and/or jettison of structural elements of the vehicle. The
specific characteristics of these more general transient loads depend on the details of the
separation and/or jettison procedure, but the energy spectrum for the transient load is usually
concentrated below 50 Hz, similar to the liftoff transient shown in Figure 3.4. Such loads must
be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. See [3.43] for further details and an illustration.

3.15 Pyrotechnic Induced Loads. The primary sources of high frequency transient
environments for space vehicles are the functioning of pyrotechnic (explosive) devices, which
produce high acceleration, short duration structural responses commonly called "pyroshocks".
The devices producing pyroshocks include the following [3.44, 3.45]:

a. Point Sources - explosive bolts, separation nuts, pin pullers and pushers, bolt and
cable cutters, and pyro-activated operational hardware, e.g., pyrovalves. The release of point
fasteners (nuts, bolts) also releases stored strain energy in the fastener.

b. Line Sources - flexible linear shaped charges (FLSC), mild detonating fuses (MDF),
explosive transfer lines, Super Zip™, and Sure-Sep™. These devices contain high explosives,
which produce very high pressures in less than a microsecond.

c. Combined Point and Line Sources - V-band (Marmon) clamps that use point
pyrotechnic sources that may then allow the rapid release of stored strain energy from a
structural preload acting along a line of contact between two structures being separated.

Some pyrotechnic devices are designed to contain virtually all the pyrotechnically generated
gases required to accomplish the intended function and, hence, produce only a direct
mechanical (structure borne) load. Examples of contained devices are piston/cylinder-activated
mechanisms such as pyrovalves, pin pullers and pushers, and some types of nuts and bolts.
Other pyrotechnic devices use secondary explosives to accomplish their intended function,
which generate several million psi on activation. Thus, beyond structure borne loads, they also
produce airborne loads when activated in the atmosphere. Examples of non-contained devices
are FLSC and MDF, as well as some types of nuts and bolts.

The pyroshocks produced by all pyrotechnic devices can be broadly divided into three categories,
(a) near-field pyroshocks, (b) mid-field pyroshocks, and (c) far-field pyroshocks, which are defined
as follows:

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a. Near-field is a location on the structure that is sufficiently close to the pyrotechnic source
for the response to be dominated by the direct compressive wave propagation from the source,
causing peak accelerations in excess of 5,000 g and substantial spectral content to frequencies
above 100 kHz [3.46]. For intense pyrotechnic sources, such as most line sources, the near-field
usually includes locations within approximately 15 cm (6 in.) of the source, unless there are
intervening structural discontinuities, such as joints. For less intense sources, such as most point
sources, the near field usually includes locations within approximately 3 cm (1 in.) of the source.
It should be mentioned that the accurate measurement of near-field pyroshocks with
accelerometers is difficult if not imposible for the reasons detailed in [3.46]. As an alternative,
laser vibrometers or strain gages should be considered for near-field measurements.

b. Mid-field is a location on the structure that is sufficiently distant from the pyrotechnic
source for the structural response to be caused by a combination of direct compressive wave
propagation from the source and structural resonances induced by the transfer of
structureborne energy into lower frequency bending waves in the structure, causing peak
accelerations between 1,000 and 5,000 g and substantial spectral content above 10 kHz. For
intense pyrotechnic sources, such as most line sources, the mid-field usually includes locations
that are between approximately 15 and 60 cm (2 ft) from the source. For less intense
pyrotechnic sources, such as most point sources, the mid-field may extend between 3 and 15
cm from the source. It should be mentioned that some basic references (e.g., [3.46 - 3.48])
consider the mid-field to be part of the far-field, defined next.

c. Far-field is a location on the structure that is sufficiently distant from the pyrotechnic
source for the structural response to be dominated by resonances induced by the transfer of
structureborne energy from the source into lower frequency bending waves in the structure, with
peak accelerations below 1,000 g and most of the spectral content below 10 kHz. The far field
includes all locations beyond the mid-field.

The time history and shock response spectrum for the structural response due to a typical mid-
field pyroshock are shown in Figures 3.7 and 3.8. See [3.46 - 3.50] for further details and

FIGURE 3.7. Typical Mid-Field Pyroshock Acceleration Time History.

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Q = 10

10 3
SRS Acceleration, g

10 2


10 0
101 102 10 3 104
Natural Frequency, Hz

FIGURE 3.8. Maximax Shock Response Spectrum (SRS) for Pyroshock in Figure 3.7.

3.16 Flight Operations. There may be certain operations of a vehicle or its payload during
space flight that will induce transient loads. Examples include (a) the deployment of antenna,
solar arrays, or other appendages, (b) the firing of position jets for orbit or attitude correction
maneuvers, and (c) the start-up/stop of onboard rotating sensors with scanning functions. The
loads produced by these operations are generally concentrated at frequencies below 10 Hz and
are relatively small in magnitude. Nevertheless, the following considerations must be
addressed, as follows:

a. Because the loads may produce very lightly damped dynamic responses, their
magnitude could influence the design of the deployment hinges or the bearings of the rotating

b. Since these operations occur in space, operational tests must be performed in a near-
vacuum to eliminate the effects of air damping on the dynamic responses.

c. The possible dynamic interactions between multiple sources should be examined to

insure that the operations of sensitive onboard sensors are within their prescribed stability and
accuracy margins.

Potential problems due to space operations must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

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3.17 Onboard Equipment Operations. Beyond the operations induced loads discussed in
Section 3.16, there may also be equipment items on the spacecraft that produce vibration
during operation of sensitive instruments. These sources are usually characterized by the
forces measured at their base over their operating speed range. Examples of such vibration
sources are reaction wheels used to provide spacecraft stability [3.51, 3.52] and pumps used to
provide hydraulic pressure for the operation or cooling of a space vehicle component or onboard
experiment [3.53]. Even though the resulting vibration levels are often many orders of
magnitude lower than the levels associated with other excitations, especially during launch, the
consequences may be significant. For sensitive instruments, such as interferometry based
imagers and basic physics experiments, the milli- or micro-g vibration environment may be a
limiting design factor. Indeed, methodologies have been developed to understand and control
the micro-vibration environment for Space Shuttle (STS), the International Space Station (ISS),
and free-flying spacecraft [3.54 - 3.57]. Such excitations may be stationary random, periodic, or
transient, and may occur in any frequency range from 10 Hz to 10 kHz. For further information,
contact the Microgravity Analytical Team at the NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center [3.58].

3.18 Planetary Descent, Entry, and Landing. Not only reusable, earth-orbiting vehicles
like Space Shuttle, but deep-space vehicles intended for close encounter and landing on other
planets must be designed to survive entry into the planet’s atmosphere and landing on its
surface. Of course, the environmental conditions and design requirements are planet-specific.
For example, in case of entry into the Martian atmosphere and depending on the trajectory, an
entry velocity of the order of 10 km/s is not unusual. Such high entry velocities produce rapidly
varying pressures and closely correlated heat flux pulses. An illustration of the pressure versus
time for entry into the Martian atmosphere is shown in Figure 3.9. The peak pressure load in
Figure 3.9 constitutes a quasi-static load to which the spacecraft protective aeroshell must be
designed [3.59, 3.60]. Beyond this quasi-static load, there is a fluctuating pressure load
generated by the fluid dynamic boundary layer over the exterior of the vehicle structure (see
Section 3.8) as well as the potential for wind loads (see Section 3.3), which must be considered
in the vehicle design. Even when planetary landing is not contemplated, entry followed by exit
from a plant’s atmosphere has been used as a means of aerobraking or aerocapture. In these
cases too, the resulting loads must be considered in the design of the vehicle.

FIGURE 3.9. Example of Mars Entry Pressure Pulse Time History [3.60].

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During landing, the spacecraft’s primary structure and onboard instruments will experience
transient impact loads which could be critical for their design. The frequency content and
magnitude of the loads strongly depend on such parameters as (a) the velocity vector at touch
down, (b) the dynamic characteristics of the spacecraft and its impact attenuation system, if any,
and (c) the nature and properties of the planet’s surface at the landing site [3.60, 3.61]. Many of
these parameters could be random variables, but their interaction is usually understood well
enough to permit a deterministic dynamic analysis in the low frequency regime.

3.19 Surface Penetration. As part of planet or comet subsurface exploration, penetrators

are extended to reach depths below the surface on the order of one to a few meters. A
penetrator can be a part of a landing system when entering a planet’s atmosphere, or it may be
entering the atmosphere on its own. In the latter case, the penetrator must be equipped with an
entry loads and thermal protection system, as discussed in Section 3.18. A capsule tethered to
the penetrator is required to remain at the surface to relay back the measurements. The
required penetration depth is closely related to such factors as (a) the penetrator’s mass and
shape, (b) the properties of planet surface material, and (c) the incidence angle and velocity as
it enters the surface [3.62]. Because parameters under (b) and (c) above are often not well
characterized, the environmental loads are usually deduced from a mixture of experimental and
empirical approaches, [3.63, 3.64]. An initial penetration velocity of the order of few hundred
meters per second is often assumed for a penetration to about one meter beneath the Martian
soil. Figure 3.10 shows the predicted acceleration magnitude versus time of penetration loads
through nonhomogeneous soil [3.65]. The low frequency fluctuations in the acceleration data in
Figure 3.10 are attributed to variations in the soil properties with depth.

FIGURE 3.10. Penetration Deceleration Test and Prediction Data [3.64].

March 13, 2001

It is clear from Figure 3.10 that the penetration involves a very large velocity change over a
duration of about 40 ms, which means the resulting load has a substantial low frequency
content (below 50 Hz) that is potentially very damaging to the basic structure of the penetrator.
However, there are also high frequency loads due to the initial rapid deceleration that might
damage small parts. The shock response spectrum (SRS) defined in Section 2.2.10 and
illustrated in Section 3.15 is commonly used as a design tool for this type of intense, low
frequency transient load.

3.20 Meteoroid Impacts. The term meteoroid is used here to refer to all space-borne solid
objects, including earth orbiting debris as well as particles of comet and asteroidal origin.
Whether the spacecraft is intended for Earth orbit or for a long journey into deep space, a
certain level of meteoroid protection is required and is usually stated in the form of “a minimum
probability of spacecraft survival under a prescribed meteoroid environment”. For previous
earth orbiting and interplanetary missions, a 95% minimum probability has been used. Note,
however, that the total probability of spacecraft survival must, in addition, take into account the
conditional probability of a mission failure, given the failure of one of its subsystems.

The meteoroid environment depends on several factors [3.66] such as the spacecraft trajectory,
velocity, and mission duration, and is characterized by a nominal “meteoroid fluence”.
Meteoroid fluence is defined as the number of particles with mass equal to or greater than a
given value to be encountered per unit area. In addition to the specification of a mass value, the
fluence also defines the mass density and weighted mean velocity. Mean velocities of
meteoroid particles are in the 5 to 20 km/s range, producing a very high frequency but highly
localized transient load. In the practical range of mass (10-6 to 10-2 grams) corresponding to a
reasonable level of meteoroid protection, the fluence versus mass relationship is represented as
a straight line on a log-log plot [3.67]. The particle size against which a spacecraft subsystem
must be protected depends on the required probability of mission success.

3.21 Summary of Environments. A summary of the dynamic loads environments for

space vehicles, as detailed in Sections 3.1 through 3.20, is shown in Table 3.1. The
environments in Table 3.1 are categorized in two ways, (a) whether the environment is
measured and described as a mechanical motion load or a pressure load, and (b) whether the
environment is characterized by a stationary random, periodic, or transient load. The terms
"stationary random" and "periodic" are used loosely here to include loads with average
properties that are time-varying (nonstationary), but where the variations with time are
sufficiently slow to allow the loads to be considered piece-wise stationary (see Section 2.1).

March 13, 2001

TABLE 3.1. Summary of Dynamic Environments for Space Vehicles.

Mechanical Sta. Random (R), Upper

Motion (M), or Periodic (P), Frequency
(Section Number)
Pressure (P) or Transient (T) Limit, Hz
Transportation (3.1) M R, P, and/or T 50
Seismic loads (3.2) M T 20
Wind and turbulence (3.3) P R 20
Rocket motor ignition
P T 40
overpressure (3.4)
Liftoff release (3.5) M T 20
Engine/motor generated
P R 10,000
acoustic noise(3.6)
Engine/motor generated
M R and P 2,000
vibration (3.7)
Aerodynamic sources (3.8) P R 10,000
Engine/motor thrust
M T 100
transients (3.9)
Maneuvers during ascent
M T 10
Pogo (3.11) M and P P 125
Solid motor pressure
P P 1,000
oscillations (3.12)
Liquid sloshing in tanks (3.13) M and P R 5
Stage and fairing separations
M T 50
Pyrotechnic events (3.15) M and P T 100,000
Flight operations (3.16) M T 10
Onboard equipment
M R, P, and/or T 10,000
operations (3.17)
Planetary descent, entry, and
M and P R and/or T 10,000
landing loads (3.18)
Surface penetration (3.19) M T 3,000
Meteoroid impacts (3.20) M T -

March 13, 2001

3.22 References

3.1 Anon., "DOD Test Method Standard for Environmental Engineering Considerations
and Laboratory Test", MIL~STD-810F, Apr. 2000.

3.2 Anon., "Transportation and Handling Loads", NASA SP-8077, Sept.1977.

3.3 Foley, J. T., "Transportation Dynamic Events Survey", Report EDB-A1354

(DOE/DOD Environmental Data Bank), Sandia Corporation, Albuquerque, NM, 1973.

3.4 Anon., "Military Standard - Mechanical Vibration of Shipboard Equipment", MIL-STD-

167-1 (SHIPS), 1974.

3.5 Anon., 'tVibration of Ships", Std ISO-6954,, Intern. Stds Orgn, 1984.

3.6 Ziegahn, K. F., and Braunmiller, U., "Transportation Stress and Packaging - Recent
Developments in Germany and Europe with Special Respect to Standardization",
Proc. 39th ATM, Inst. Envir. Sc., Vol.2, pp 347-363, May 1993.

3.7 Hart, G. C., et al., "Seismic Study - Launch Complex 6 Vandenberg AFB", Englekirk
and Hart/Woodward-Clyde report submitted to Rockwell STS Division, Downey, CA,

3.8 Hall, W. J., "Vibration of Structures Induced by Ground Motions", Ch. 24 in Shock
and Vibration Handbook, 4th ed. (Ed. C. M. Harris), McGraw-Hill, NY, 1996.

3.9 Wolf, J. P., Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ,

3.10 Wolf, J. P., Soil-Structure-Interaction Analysis in Time Domain, Prentice-Hall,

Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1988.

3.11 Davenport, A. G., "Vibration of Structures Induced by Winds", Ch. 29, Pt II in Shock
and Vibration Handbook, 4th ed. (Ed. C. M. Harris), McGraw-Hill, NY, 1996.

3.12 Dryden, H. L., "A Review of the Statistical Theory of Turbulence", Turbulence
(Friedlander, S. K., and Topper, L., Ed.), pp 115-150, Wiley, NY, 1961.

3.13 Houbolt, J. C., "Atmospheric Turbulence" (Dryden Research Lecture), AIAA J., Vol.
11, No. 4, pp 421-427, Apr. 1973.

3.14 Lumley, J. L., Stochastic Tools in Turbulence, Academic Press, NY, 1970.

3.15 Dougherty, N. S., Nesman, T. E., and Guest, S. H., "Shuttle SRB Ignition
Overpressure: Model Suppression Test Program and Flight Results", Proc. 13th
JANNAF Plume Technology Mtg, Apr. 1982.

3.16 Jones, J. H., et al., "Acoustic, Overpressure and Unsteady Flow Phenomena
Associated with the Saturn Space Shuttle Systems: A Review of Selected Issues",
Symp. Acoustics and Dynamic Environment of Space Transportation Systems,
CNES/ONERA, Chatillon, France, Feb. 1994.

March 13, 2001

3.17 Wilby, J. F., and Piersol, A. G., "An Evaluation of the Space Shuttle Vibration at the
Payload Attachments During Liftoff", Astron Rep. 7072-01, Aug. 1986.

3.18 Lyon, R. H., Random Noise and Vibration in Space Vehicles, SVM-1, Shock and
Vibration Info. Anal. Ctr, Arlington, VA, 1967.

3.19 Richards, E. J., and Clarkson, B. L., "Jet and Rocket Noise", Ch. 7, Noise and
Acoustic Fatigue in Aeronautics (Richards, E. J., and Mead, D. J., Ed.), Wiley, NY,

3.20 McInerny, S. A., "Characteristics and Predictions of Far-Field Rocket Noise", Noise
Control Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp 5 - 16, Jan/Feb. 1992.

3.21 Potter, R. C., and Crocker, M. J., "Acoustic Prediction Methods for Rocket Engines,
including the Effects of Clustered Engines and Deflected Exhaust Flow", NASA
CR-566, 1966.

3.22 Riley, G. F., "Saturn V Flight Data - Zonal Statistical Analyses", Boeing Doc.
DS-17032-2, 1969.

3.23 Schlichting, H., Boundary Layer Theory (English translation by J. Kestin), McGraw-
Hill, NY, 1960.

3.24 Bies, D. A., "A Review of Flight and Wind Tunnel Measurements of Boundary Layer
Pressure Fluctuations and Induced Structural Response", NASA CR-626, May 1966.

3.25 Bull, M. K., "Boundary Layer Pressure Fluctuations", Ch. 8, Noise and Acoustic
Fatigue in Aeronautics (Richards, E. J., and Mead, D. J., Ed.), Wiley, NY, 1968.

3.26 Lowson, M. V., "Prediction of Boundary Layer Pressure Fluctuations", AFFDL-TR-67-

167, Apr. 1968.

3.27 Speaker, W.V., and Ailman, C. M., "Spectra and Space-Time Correlations of the
Fluctuating Pressures at a Wall Beneath a Supersonic Turbulent Boundary Layer
Perturbed by Steps and Shock Waves", NASA CR-486, 1966.

3.28 Robertson, 3. E., "Prediction of In-Flight Fluctuating Pressure Environments

Including Protuberance Induced Flow", NASA CR-119947, 1971.

3.29 Tanner, C. S., "Shuttle Cargo Bay Vent Noise and its Effect on the Generic Payload
Specifications and Testing Methods", Proc., Shuttle Payload Dynamic Environments
and Loads Prediction Workshop, Vol.1, pp.303 - 332, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Jan.

3.30 Goldman, R. L., "Transient Loads from Thrust Excitations", NASA SP-8030, 1969.

3.31 Dotson, K. W., and Tiwari, S. B., "Formulation and Analysis of Launch Vehicle
Maneuvering Loads", J. Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol.33, No.6, pp.813-821, 1996.

3.32 Rubin, S., "Prevention of Coupled Structure-Propulsion Instability (Pogo)", NASA SP

8055, Oct. 1970.

March 13, 2001

3.33 Oppenheim, B. W., and Rubin, S., "Advanced Pogo Stability Analysis for Liquid
Rockets", J. Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol.3, No.8, pp 360-374, May/June 1993.

3.34 Fenwick, J. R., Jones, J. H., and Jewell, R. E., "Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME)
Pogo Testing and Results", Shock and Vibration Bulletin, No.52, Pt. 2, pp.1 - 20,

3.35 Culick, F. E. C., "Combustion Instabilities in Propulsion Systems", in Unsteady

Combustion, Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, NATO ASI Series,
Vol. E306, pp.173-241, 1996 (available from AIAA Technical Library).

3.36 Anon., "Combustion Instability in SRMs - A Bibliography", Prop. Info. Agency, Feb.

3.37 Dotson, K. W., Womack, J.M., and Grosserode, P.J., “Structural Dynamic Analysis of
Solid Rocket Motor Resonant Burn,” AIAA 99-1201, 40 th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/ASC
Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, St. Louis, MO April 1999.

3.38 Abramson, H. N., Ed., "The Dynamic Behavior of Liquids in Moving Containers",
NASA SP-106, 1966.

3.39 Koelle, H. H., Handbook of Astronautical Engineering, McGraw-Hill, NY, 1961.

3.40 El-Raheb, M., and Wagner, P., "Vibration of a Liquid with Free Surface in a Spinning
Spherical Tank", J. Sound and Vibration, Vol 76, No.1, pp 83-93, Jan.1981.

3.41 Balendra, T., Ang, K. K., Paranasivan, P., and Lee, S. L., "Free Vibration Analysis of
Cylindrical Liquid Storage Tanks", Int. J. Mech. Sci., Vol.24, No.1, pp.47 - 59, 1982.

3.42 Agrawal, B. N., "Interaction Between Liquid Propellant Slosh Modes and Attitude
Control in a Dual-Spin Spacecraft", Proc. AIAA 28th SDM Conf, pp 774-780,

3.43 Steinmeyer, J. F., Hofeditz, J. T., and Brierley, J. M., "Separation Testing on the
Titan IV 86-ft Payload Fairing", Proc., 13th Aerospace Testing Sem., pp.241 - 250,

3.44 Kalbfleisch, K. C., "Review of Pyro-Shock Generating Devices and Source Levels",
IES Pyrotechnic Shock Tutorial Program, 31st ATM, Inst. Envir. Sc., Apr.-May 1985.

3.45 Bement, L. J., and Schimmel, M. L., "A Manual for Pyrotechnic Design, Development
and Qualification", NASA TM 110172, June 1995.

3.46 Himelblau, H., Piersol, A. G., Wise, J. H., and Grundvig, M. R., "Handbook for
Dynamic Data Acquisition and Analysis", IES-RP-DTEO12.1, Inst. Envir. Sc. Tech.,
Mount Prospect, IL, Mar. 1994.

3.47 Anon., “Pyroshock Testing Techniques,” IEST-RP-DTE032.1, Inst. Envir. Sc. Tech.,
Mount Prospect, IL, 2000.

3.48 Davie, N. T., and Bateman, V.I., "Pyroshock Testing", Chapter 26, Part II in Shock
and Vibration Handbook, 4th ed. (Ed. C. M. Harris), McGraw-Hill, NY, 1996.

March 13, 2001

3.49 Evans, M. J., Neubert, V. H., and Bement, L. J., "Measurement, Data Analysis, and
Prediction of Pyrotechnic Shock from Pin Pullers and Separation Nuts", Proc., 57th
Shock and Vibration Symp., New Orleans, LA, 1986.

3.50 Anon., "Pyroshock Test Criteria", NASA Technical Standard NASA-STD 7003, May
18, 1999.

3.51 Bialke, B., "A Compilation of Reaction Wheel Induced Spacecraft Disturbance",
Paper ASS 97-038, 20th Annual ASS Guidance and Control Conf., American
Aeronautical Society, 1997.

3.52 Hasha, M.D., "Reaction Wheel Mechanical Noise Variations", LMSC EM SSS 218,
June 1986.

3.53 Ross, R. G., Ed., Cryocoolers 8, Plenum Press, NY, 1995.

3.54 DeLombard, R., "Compendium of Information for Interpreting the Microgravity

Environment of the Orbiter Spacecraft", NASA TM 107032, Aug. 1996.

3.55 Curtis, D., and Bogert, P., "Methods for Evaluation of the Microgravity Environment
Aboard the Space Station Freedom", First SHACS, Nice France, 1992.

3.56 Anon., "Microgravity Control Plan, International Space Station Program", NASA SSP
500368, Revision B Draft, JSC Contract No.15-1000 (DRIVE-16), February 1999.

3.57 Monteil, D., Guillaud, V., and Laurens, P., "Mastering the Effect of Microvibrations on
the Performances of Reconnaissance Satellites", Matra Marcone Space France
Paper No. N96-13900, 1996.

3.58 Anon., "Microgravity Environment Description Handbook",

http://www. msfc.nasa.gov/WWW/MMAP/PMISHTMLS/Micro-descpt.html.

3.59 Heer, E., and Garba, J. A, "Aeroshell Structural Development for Martian Entry",
AIAA Paper 68-1159, Apr.1968.

3.60 Sperling, F., and Garba, J. A., "A Treatise on the Surveyer Lunar Landing Dynamics,
and an Evaluation of Pertinent Telemetry Data Returned by Surveyer I", JPL TR 2-
1035, Jet Propulsion Lab, Pasadena, CA, 1967.

3.61 Salama, M.A., Kuo, C. P., Davis, G.L., Rivellini, T. P., and Sabahi, D.," Simulation of
Impact Dynamics for Mars Landing", AIAA Dynamics Specialists Conf, Apr.1996.

3.62 Justus, C. G., "Mars Global Reference Atmospheric Model for Mission Planning and
Analysis", J. Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol.28, No.2, pp 216-221, 1991.

3.63 Forestal, M. J., Altman, B. S., Cargile, 3. D., and Hanchak, S. J., "An Empirical
Equation For Penetration Depth of Ogive-Nose Projectiles Into Concrete Targets",
Intern. J. Impact Engrg, Vol.15, No.4, pp 395-405, 1994.

3.64 Kipp, R. J., and Bateman, V.1., "Analytical Estimation of Earth Penetrator Structural
Response and Comparison with Laboratory Shock and Modal Test Data", Proc., 59th
Shock and Vibration Symp., Vol. IV, pp.133-144,1988.

March 13, 2001

3.65 Forestal, M. J., and Luk, V. K., "Penetration into Soil Targets", Intern. J. Impact
Engrg, Vol.12, No.3, pp 427-444, 1992.

3.66 Anon., "Meteoroid Damage Assessment", NASA SP - 8042, 1970.

3.67 Rapacz, P. M., Bamford, R. M., and Lou, M. C., "Meteoroid Protection Design for
Spacecraft", JPL Rep. D-6810, Jet Propulsion Lab, Pasadena, CA, 1989.

March 13, 2001


To predict the responses of spacecraft and their constituent elements to dynamic loads, the
dynamic environments summarized in Section 3 must first be translated into specific excitation
functions. To this end, it is convenient to map the twenty environments listed in Table 3.1 into
eight categories, as summarized in Table 4.1.

TABLE 4.1. Summary of Dynamic Excitations for Space Vehicles.

Type of Excitation Dynamic Environments (Section Number)

Transportation (3.1), seismic events (3.2), rocket motor ignition
Low frequency overpressure (3.4), liftoff release (3.5), engine/motor thrust
transient excitations transients (3.9), maneuvers (3.10), stage/fairing separations
(3.14), in-flight operations (3.16), and surface penetration (3.19).
Low frequency Transportation (3.1), wind and turbulence (3.3), and fluid slosh in
random excitations tanks (3.13).
Quasi-periodic Transportation (3.1), engine chugging (3.9), pogo (3.11), solid
excitations motor pressure oscillations (3.12), and onboard equipment (3.17).
Exterior acoustic
Engine/motor generated acoustic noise (3.6).
noise excitations
Aerodynamic sources (3.8), and planetary descent and entry
aerodynamic noise
Interior acoustic Engine/motor generated acoustic noise (3.6), aerodynamic
noise excitations sources (3.8), and planetary descent and entry (3.18).
Structureborne Engine/motor generated vibration (3.7) and onboard equipment
vibration excitations (3.17).
High frequency
Pyrotechnic events (3.15) and meteoroid impact (3.20).
transient excitations

4.1 Low Frequency Transient Excitations. Low frequency transient loads often
determine the design requirements for the basic structure of space vehicles. Referring to Table
4.1, there are several potential sources of low frequency transient loads, some in the form of
pressure loads (e.g., rocket motor ignition overpressure) and others in the form of motion inputs
(e.g., liftoff release), as detailed in the referenced subsections of Section 3. One of the most
difficult problems in designing a space vehicle is the determination of the excitations that will
properly describe these loads. Typically, a large number of variables influence the form of the
various excitations. Some variables may have a well understood and formulated influence on
an excitation, while others may be impossible to characterize without a large degree of
uncertainty. Depending on the relative degree of influence these two groups of variables have,
either deterministic or statistical approaches are used to model the excitations. The basic
characteristics of low frequency transient excitations are summarized in Section 3 and the
applicable references in that section.

4.1.1 Analytical Models. For launch vehicles, all loads summarized in Table 3.1, excluding
penetration loads, must be quantified and combined into one or more excitations. The process
of predicting these excitations is one of synthesizing and describing all of the external excitations
with reference to a common space and/or time/frequency scale, as discussed in the appropriate
subsections in Section 3. When these excitations are applied as an input to the combination of
the launch vehicle and payload, the dynamic loads at the launch vehicle/payload interface are
often sought as the response quantities. On the other hand, it is these same interface responses

March 13, 2001

that constitute all or part of the low frequency transient excitation to the payload. In this regard,
the method used to predict the payload interface excitation is not distinguished from predicting
the response of the launch vehicle to its excitations, as detailed in Section 5.1. However, there
are other excitations that may be applied to the payload only, e.g., transportation loads. Launch Vehicle Liftoff Excitations. Those low frequency transients that occur
during liftoff are very important events in the design of any space vehicle, whether it is an
expendable launch vehicle such as Atlas/Centaur or a reusable one such as the Space Shuttle.
Usually, extensive measurements are first made during many tests and actual firings of the
vehicle engines. Information from these measurements is then synthesized to describe the
dynamic excitations of liftoff. The synthesis approach used is by no means a standard one.
However, as a representative approach, consider the Space Shuttle. The Space Shuttle liftoff
transient excitations are synthesized [4.1] from measurements of (a) main engine thrust build-up
and side loads, (b) internal pressure and overpressure during ignition of the solid rocket booster,
(c) flight control forces due to closed-loop corrections of responses, (d) wind and buffet loads,
and (e) reaction forces from hold-down attachments to the launch pad before release of the
vehicle. These contributing phenomena are first separately modeled in detail, using several
variables that describe their physics. The models may be empirically or theoretically based but
are usually substantiated with experimental data. For example, the Space Shuttle main engine
thrust and side loads are modeled by variables that describe the thrust build-up variations in the
liquid-fueled engines, the thrust profile (based on laboratory test measurements), and the side
loads resulting from the flow that alternates between being attached to and detached from the
nozzle (see Section 3.8). The solid rocket booster (SRB) thrust and internal pressure buildup is
modeled by two sets of variables to distinguish between the right and left boosters, thereby
emulating any mismatch. The pressure time history is used to model the overpressure pulse that
travels up the vehicle due to interaction between the SRB exhaust, the ambient air, and the
exhaust duct during the ignition process (see Section 3.4). Structural restraint forces near the
base of the launch stack are due to either inward or outward misalignment during stacking.
These forces, and others simulating the cryogenic shrinkage of the external tank, are
appropriately superimposed together to calculate the change in restraint forces. This change in
restraint forces is applied to the free-free stack only after release (see Section 3.5). Of course,
the possibility of seismic loads prior to release must also be considered if the launch site is in a
region of known seismic activity.

The result of each of the separate models is a set of transient loads to be applied at specific
locations on the Shuttle over specific time intervals during the liftoff sequence. For example,
while the Shuttle stack is attached to the launch pad at the hold-down points, the liftoff transient
excitation consists of thrust and overpressure force components. These excitations are
estimated and the corresponding base restraint reactions are determined. Then the change in
base restraint forces is applied simultaneously with the liftoff excitation to the free-free state. All
forces described above are applied to a finite element method (FEM) model of the Space
Shuttle, and a deterministic transient analysis is used to solve for the dynamic responses
throughout the model, as detailed in Section 5.1.

As discussed above, the definition of the various phenomena contributing to the liftoff excitation
depends on many variables, most of which are random in nature. The Space Shuttle loads
criteria specifies that the design loads have a 3σ probability of occurrence. In [4.1], specification
of a design liftoff excitation that is consistent with the loads criterion is determined through a
Monte Carlo analysis where the values of the variable describing the phenomena are selected
randomly. A statistical analysis of the results is then made to determine the statistical properties
(mean, standard deviation, and 3σ values) of a single liftoff excitation.

March 13, 2001 Payload Liftoff Excitations. A direct method for predicting the liftoff transient
excitation at the interface between the launch vehicle and the payload begins with a forward
transient analysis of the coupled payload and launch vehicle, subject to the launch vehicle
excitation discussed in Section To accomplish this forward transient analysis within
reasonable resources and time, the payload model usually is greatly simplified and reduced in
detail and number of dynamic degrees-of-freedom. However, because the impedance of the
simplified payload model is not identical to the impedance of the more detailed payload model, a
corresponding degree of approximation will result in the predicted excitation. Once defined, the
payload excitation can be used as a known applied load to predict the response of the more
detailed payload model or the response of another payload to be flown on a launch vehicle of
the same type. See Section 5.1 [4.2] for details.

4.1.2 Extrapolation Techniques. Extrapolation techniques have been used primarily for
predicting payload excitations. Dynamics engineers usually deal with the forward problem of
solving for the system response to a given disturbance or excitation. Extrapolation techniques,
however, involve the inverse problem, namely, determination of the excitation that caused a
given system response. This system response may be available from flight measurements as
discussed in Section 4.1.3, where the responses might be a set of member forces, accelerations,
or both. Several analysis approaches have been used for inferring the excitation from a given
response. To do this, an accurate model is needed of the structure through which the loads are
transmitted from the input to the output locations. One such approach [4.2] is as follows:

Assume a set of six accelerations {a(t)} = {a1(t), ... , a6(t)}T is measured at the interface plane
between the launch vehicle and the payload. The need is to define the six components of
forces and moments corresponding to the transient excitation {F(t)} = {F1(t), ... , F 6(t) } at the
base of the launch vehicle. The solution may be presented in the frequency domain by the
following relationship between the Fourier transform of the excitation {F(t)} and the Fourier
transform of the response {A(f)}:

{F(f)} = [M(f)]{A(f)} (4.1)

In Equation (4.1), M(f) is referred to as a dynamic mass, which is calculated from


In Equation (4.2), the matrices φbr and φir represent the rigid body mode shapes at the base of
the launch vehicle (where the excitation is applied), and at the interface between the payload
and launch vehicle (where the response is measured), respectively; φbe and φie represent the
elastic mode shapes at the base of the launch vehicle and at the launch vehicle/payload
interface, respectively; Mrr is the 6x6 rigid body mass matrix of the entire composite system with
respect to the base point; and Z(f)-1 is a diagonal matrix with an element for each elastic mode
of the form:


March 13, 2001

Each elastic mode (n = 1, 2, ..., N) in Equation (4.3) is characterized by its generalized mass
Μn, modal damping ratio ζn, and natural frequency fn.

Once the excitation {F(t)} is known, it can be used to predict the response of a new payload to
be flown on the same type of launch vehicle. This becomes a very powerful tool, especially
when refined by methods for modifying the properties of the interface impedance to account for
differences between the old and new payload. This will be discussed further in Section 5.1. It
should be noted, however, that inverse solutions are notorious for their high sensitivity to the
quality of both the measured responses and the structural model used for the composite
payload/launch vehicle.

4.1.3 Direct Measurements. For the launch vehicle, direct measurements of the vehicle
dynamic environment are usually made during many ground tests, including (a) static firings of the
solid rocket motors and/or liquid rocket engines [4.1], (b) stage and fairing separation tests, and
(c) acoustic tests where acoustic noise is the primary excitation source. The purpose of these
measurements is to furnish the data needed to (a) synthesize the design excitation, (b) determine
the vibration specifications for expected payloads, and in some cases (c) characterize the design
margins of the launch vehicle itself. Actual in-flight measurements of response quantities, such as
accelerations at easily accessible locations or forces/strains on key structural members, have also
been successfully made by means of telemetry [4.2 - 4.4]. Several purposes are served by these
flight measurements, namely, (a) the verification of the accuracy of the analytically based design
loads, (b) the verification of the flight environment itself, and (c) the verification of the entire
prediction process for future flights. Detailed discussions of considerations for selecting flight
instrumentation and techniques for data acquisition and reduction can be found in [4.5 - 4.7].

The primary limitation of direct in-flight measurements by telemetry is the availability of

channels. Hence, a special effort is required to plan the measurements over a series of
launches and to be flexible with plan changes as suggested by past measurements.
Extrapolations are almost always needed to create a more complete description of the
environment, as discussed in Section 4.1.2.

The area that often requires the greatest reliance on direct measurements is the determination
of transportation loads (see Section 3.1) where low frequency transient excitations are common.
To measure transportation environments, limitations on instrumentation and data gathering
systems are minimal. The transient excitation sources are road surface defects (“pot holes”) for
trailer-truck vehicles, discontinuities at rail tracks (joints, switches, etc.) for railroad vehicles, and
rough landings for aircraft. For both transient and steady state excitations (see Section 4.2), it is
customary to compile the response data directly as acceleration magnitudes at various locations
on the transportation vehicle as a function of frequency. Techniques for synthesizing the
excitation from the measured responses are discussed in Section 4.1.2.

4.1.4 Assessments. Low frequency transient excitations arise from numerous complex
environmental sources that are strongly dependent upon the specific application. In most
cases, both analytical and extrapolation techniques are used in an integrated manner to
properly synthesize the excitations for preliminary design purposes. During initial static firings
and launches, direct measurements should be made and used to upgrade the original

4.2 Low Frequency Random Excitations. Referring to Table 4.1, random loading in the
low frequency regime is typically associated with transportation, fluid slosh, and wind and
turbulence loads, including the buffet loads caused by a turbulent flow over the vehicle [4.8].

March 13, 2001

4.2.1 Analytical Models. Analytical models for the low frequency random excitation loads
due to transportation and fluid slosh are established by the same methods used for the low
frequency transient loads discussed in Section 4.1. However, the dominant low frequency
stationary or quasi-stationary random excitation for space vehicles is often the wind and buffet
loads that occur on the launch pad prior to and during liftoff and early ascent. The actual flow of
a gaseous atmosphere (wind) around a space vehicle is never steady. Turbulence in the flow
generates a randomly varying pressure field that can be quite severe when the flow separates
(see Section 3.8), i.e., when buffet occurs. Hence, an appropriate description of the excitation
and the response of the elastic body must account for the random character of the turbulent
flow. The random nature of the atmospheric turbulence is due to the extremely complex
interaction among such uncertain variables as the air viscosity, density, temperature, pressure,
humidity, and velocity distribution. The model for turbulence loading is commonly expressed in
terms of a power spectrum and spatial correlation of the turbulence, as detailed in Section 4.5.1.
See [4.9, 4.10] for further details on analytical models for turbulence .

4.2.2 Scale Models. Because of the exceedingly complex nature of turbulence, scale
models are often used in wind tunnels and other simulations [4.9 - 4.11]. From a knowledge of
the relevant physical parameters which govern the dynamic similarity, dimensional analysis can
be used to derive the appropriate scale factors [4.12]. At the top of the list, similarity in the
geometry, mass, and stiffness distributions must be maintained. The attitude of the prototype
relative to the flow field must be kept the same. Other scale factors include (a) the ratio of
boundary layer thickness to the model dimensions, (b) the frequency and spectra of the
turbulence, (c) the velocity of the flow, (d) the natural frequency of the model, (e) the ratio of the
model mass to the mass of the displaced fluid, and (f) damping values. Satisfying the similarity
relationships among all the parameters in the problem is often impossible, but simplifications in
the model design can be achieved at the expense of inaccuracies in some similarity relations.
See [4.11- 4.15] for examples and applications.

4.2.3 Extrapolation Techniques. As mentioned previously, the magnitude and distribution

of the low frequency random loads are strongly influenced by the flexibility of the structure.
Indeed, buffeting results from interaction between the turbulent flow and the flexibility of the
structure. A direct characterization of the excitation can be made through measurements, either
on the full scale space vehicle (see Section 4.2.4) or developmental scale models (see Section
4.2.2). Measuring the excitation on the full scale vehicle is useful for verification and possibly
for creating a data base for future developments. Scale model measurements, however, are
usually made to enable assessment of a proposed vehicle design. As discussed in Section
4.2.2, it is difficult to design scale models that satisfy the similarity relations for all of the
parameters. Further utilization of the full scale measurements and refinement of scale model
results can be made by extrapolation techniques. Such techniques may use a variety of
approaches, one of which is outlined next.

The objective of the work in Ref. [4.16] was to determine the fluctuating pressure loads on
proposed aircraft configurations using existing wind tunnel test data on existing designs. As an
example of the methodology, the prediction of the buffeting pressures on a flexible tail is inferred
from the spectra of measured wind tunnel pressure data on a geometrically identical but rigid tail.

The inference is made by a nonlinear neural network, which through a learning algorithm,
combines the rigid tail data with a nonlinear model of the vortex-tail interaction. Neural networks
[4.17] have the ability to learn how to solve a new problem and, hence, can adjust the values of
their constant parameters by first undergoing training. Training is achieved by providing the
network with the solutions of similar problems.

March 13, 2001

4.2.4 Direct Measurements. Direct measurement of the excitation can be presented in

the form of an autospectral density function, as defined in Section 2.2.4. Measurements can be
made simultaneously at several discrete locations on the surface of the space vehicle to map
the excitation on the entire surface. Spatial correlations of buffet pressures, as given in Section, are very important for accurate response predictions. Detailed discussions of
measurement transducers and techniques of data analysis can be found in [4.7].

4.2.5 Other Procedures. In some cases, a contributing excitation can only be inferred by
a trial and error process to match observable responses. For example, in the case of the Titan
IV launch vehicle, the aerodynamic loading on the solid motors was never measured in wind-
tunnel tests, so a low frequency “equivalent” excitation at the top of the solid motors was
developed to envelope certain payload interface responses.

More accurate predictions of the excitation to account for wind and aerodynamic forces, and in
some cases extremely small forces, are essential for bodies with large surface areas. This
would be the case, for example, when a deployed parachute is used to assist in stabilizing and
decelerating a landing system [4.18, 4.19], or if solar sailing [4.20 - 4.23] is used as a propulsion
system to deliver a payload to its destination. Illustrations are detailed in the cited references.

4.2.6 Assessments. Low frequency random excitations arise from complex environmental
sources that are strongly dependent upon the specific application. In most cases, both analytical
and extrapolation techniques are used in an integrated manner to properly synthesize the
excitations for preliminary design purposes, but scale models of the vehicle on its launch pad can
be effective, particularly for the formulation of wind loads. Direct measurements on the launch pad
and during the first launch should be made and used to upgrade the original predictions.

4.3 Quasi-Periodic Excitations. Referring to Table 4.1, the most potentially damaging
sources of quasi-periodic excitations are the two self-excited ones, namely, pogo instability
(Section 3.11) and the resonant burn of a solid rocket motor (Section 3.12). The severity of
these sources is not predictable analytically and is therefore only known in a statistical sense
after a number of actual experiences. The severity of induced pogo vibration is only observable
in flight and has been known to dramatically increase, for no apparent reason, after a number of
flights. In the case of the S-II stage of the Saturn V vehicle, the level of pogo vibration rose by a
factor of four over the highest level experienced during the previous twelve flights and caused a
demonstrated load capability to be exceeded by a factor of two. It follows that it is dangerous to
continue flying with a pogo instability, particularly since many successful suppression design
implementations have been demonstrated (Section 3.11). In the case of a motor resonant burn,
static firings have to be experienced to identify the severity of the resulting pressure oscillations.

Lower level quasi-periodic excitations might occur due to transportation vehicle and/or onboard
equipment induced loads. Specifically, space vehicles and/or their components often see quasi-
periodic forces during transportation by land, sea, or air due to reciprocating engines, rotating
drive shafts, propellers, etc., in the transportation vehicle. Similarly, equipment in the space
vehicle or its payload may have rotating elements that produce quasi-periodic forces.
Specifications for transportation loads are available in the literature (see Section 3.1). Possible
quasi-periodic loads from onboard equipment must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

4.4 Exterior Acoustic Noise Excitations. The dominate high frequency dynamic load for
a space vehicle and/or its payload is often the intense acoustic pressure field over the exterior
of the vehicle structure generated by the rocket engine/motor(s) during liftoff, as summarized in
Section 3.6. The acoustic pressures at various locations on the structure, sometimes grouped
into structural regions where the acoustic pressures are reasonably homogeneous within each

March 13, 2001

region, are usually predicted in terms of a 1/3 octave band spectrum of maximax values, as
defined in Sections 2.2.6 and 2.2.7, respectively. Four basic procedures are used to predict the
acoustic pressures on the exterior of a space vehicle structure during liftoff, namely, (a) sound
power techniques, (b) scale acoustic models, (c) extrapolation techniques, and (d) direct

4.4.1 Sound Power Techniques. Overall Sound Power Level. Conventional rocket noise theory and empirical data
[4.24 - 4.26] can be used to predict the overall sound power levels produced by rocket
engines/motors during liftoff. An early approximation for the overall sound power level (LW)
produced by a single rocket engine/motor with no deflection of the exhaust is given by [4.24]

LW in dB (ref:10-12 watt) = 68 + 13.5 log10 (0.91 FVe) (4.4)


Ve = exhaust gas velocity at the nozzle exit (m/s)

F = total thrust of each rocket engine/motor (N)

However, Equation (4.4) is known to over-predict the sound power level for large rocket
engines/motors (F > 500 kN). It is suggested in [4.26] that a more accurate approximation for
the overall sound power level for larger rockets is given by

LW in dB (ref:10-12 watt) = 120 + 10 log10 (0.005 FVe) (4.5)

where F and Ve are as defined in Equation. (4.4). For the case where two or more rocket
engines/motors are mounted in a cluster, the total sound power produced by the cluster of n
engines/motors is given by


For example, assume three relatively small rocket motors, each producing a thrust of F = 100
kN and having an exhaust gas velocity of Ve = 3 km/s, are clustered together to provide a total
thrust of 300 kN. The sound power level produced by each motor is given by either Equation
(4.4) or (4.5) as LWi = 182 dB. Thus, the total sound power for the cluster of n = 3 motors is
given by Equation (4.6) as LWT = 187 dB.

It should be mentioned that Equation (4.5) assumes an acoustic efficiency of 1%, which is
conservative. If a more average prediction for an undeflected rocket exhaust is desired, an
efficiency of 0.5% should be assumed, which corresponds to subtracting 3 dB from Equation
(4.5). Exhaust deflectors generally reduce the acoustic efficiency even further, to less than 0.05%
for perpendicular impingement of the exhaust on a flat plate, as summarized in [4.26]. However,
deflected rocket exhausts often produce higher acoustic levels on the exterior of the vehicle than
an undeflected exhaust due to the directivity pattern of the exhaust generated noise.

March 13, 2001 Sound Power Spectrum Level. It has been shown (e.g., [4.26]) that the shape of
the spectra for the sound power levels produced by both liquid propellant rocket engines and
solid propellant rocket motors collapse quite well when plotted against a normalized frequency
called "Strouhal number", given by

f De/Ve (4.7)

where De is the nozzle exit diameter and Ve is the exhaust gas velocity. A plot of the normalized
sound power spectrum level (sound power level in 1 Hz frequency bandwidths) for rocket
engines/motors with thrusts between 1.56 and 31,100 kN is shown in Figure 4.1, which is taken
directly from [4.26]. For the case where two or more rocket engines/motors are mounted in a
cluster, the equivalent nozzle exit diameter for the cluster of n engines/motors is approximated by

De = n Dei (4.8)

where Dei is the exit diameter for each of the individual nozzles. The sound power spectrum
level in Figure 4.1 can be converted to any other desired bandwidth (usually 1/3 octave
bandwidths) using the relationship

W(f B ) Ve
L WB (f B ) in dB (ref: 10 − 12 watt) = 10 log 10
Ve (4.9)
+ L W − 10 log 10 + 10 log B

B = bandwidth (Hz) for 1/3 octave bandwidths, B ≈ 0.23 fB

fB = center frequency of bandwidth B (Hz)
LWB(fB) = sound power level [dB (ref: 10-12 watt)] in bandwidth B at center frequency fB
W(fB) = sound power spectrum (in watt) at frequency fB
WOA = overall sound power (in watt)
LW = overall sound power level [dB (ref: 10-12 watt)]
Ve = rocket engine/motor exhaust gas velocity (m/s)
De = rocket engine/motor nozzle exit diameter (m)

March 13, 2001


Normalized Sound Power Spectrum Level W(f) V e , dB

) WOA De



10 10-2 10-1 100 101
Strouhal Number f D e
FIGURE 4.1. Normalized Sound Power Spectrum Level for Rocket Engine/Motor Acoustic Noise. 1/3 Octave Band Sound Pressure Levels. The sound power level in 1/3 octave
bands determined by Equation (4.9) can be converted to a sound pressure level in 1/3 octave
bands, denoted by LPB, at any location on the exterior of the space vehicle structure using the
relationship [4.25, 4.26]

LPB(fB) in dB (ref: 20 µPa) = LWB(fB) - 20 log10 R + DI(φ,fB) - 11 (4.10)


LWB(fB) = sound power level in bandwidth B computed from Equation (4.9)

R = distance from the source (m)
DI(φ,fB) = directivity index dependent on angle φ from the exhaust flow axis and
bandwidth center frequency fB.

Values for the directivity index DI(φ,fB) are given in [4.24, 4.26] for a full range of angles and 1/3
octave bandwidth center frequencies.

In practical applications, Equation (4.10) requires modifications to account for a number of

factors including, (a) deflector geometry, (b) launch pad water injection, if used, and (c)
reflections from the ground and nearby structures. Also, the location of the acoustic source in
the rocket exhaust varies widely with frequency, which influences both the distance R and the
angle φ in Equation (4.10). Experience plays a major role in properly accounting for such
factors, but there are some documents, the most important being [4.26], that provide extensive
guidelines. Although published in 1971, [4.26] is considered to still provide the best detailed
procedure for computing the acoustic loads on the exterior of a space vehicle generated by the

March 13, 2001

rocket engine(s)/motor(s) during liftoff. Additional information on the determination of the

directivity index in Equation (4.10) is given in [4.24], and data on the noise suppression provided
by water injection are summarized in Section to follow. Spatial Correlation. To accurately predict the response of a structure to the

acoustic pressure levels produced by a rocket engine(s)/motor(s), it is necessary to know the
spatial correlation of the pressure levels from one point to another on the surface of the
structure. This spatial correlation for rocket generated acoustic pressures has been empirically
studied with the results summarized in numerous documents (e.g., [4.25 - 4.28]). There is a
consensus from these studies that the spatial correlation for pressures on the exterior surface of
a space vehicle structure during liftoff is of the form

ρx(∆x,f) ≈ exp[-ax kx ∆x] cos(kx ∆x) (4.11a)

ρy(∆y,f) ≈ exp[-ay ky ∆y] cos(ky ∆y) (4.11b)

x = longitudinal axis of vehicle

y = circumferential axis of vehicle
∆x, ∆y = separation distance along x axis, y axis
kx, ky = trace wave number along x axis, y axis
ax, ay = empirical coefficients

The values for the trace wave numbers and empirical coefficients vary somewhat among the
references, but the values recommended herein are

kx = sin β (f/c0) ; ky = cos β (f/c0) (4.12a)

ax = 0.032 ; ay = 0.31 (4.12b)
where c0 is the speed of sound in the local atmosphere and β is the angle of incidence of the
sound waves to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle, which in turn is a function of the deflector
configuration. Water Injection. As mentioned in Section, the rocket engine/motor

generated sound pressure levels, when the vehicle is on or near the launch pad during liftoff, can
be suppressed by injecting water on top of the launcher, over the exhaust duct, and/or at the
deflector crest. The use of water injection can also dramatically suppress the rocket motor
ignition overpressure. The physical mechanisms that cause the noise suppression produced by
water injection are not sufficiently well understood to allow an accurate analytical formation of the
resulting noise reduction. However, considerable experimental data have been acquired that
allow useful empirical estimates, as summarized in Figure 4.2 taken from [4.29]. See [4.30] for
details on water suppression and launch pad configurations.

March 13, 2001

Water injection at deflector crest
Reduction in Overall Sound Pressure Level, dB

Water injection for current

8 Shuttle configuration at top
of LC-39 mobile launcher


Multiple water injection areas;

top of mobile launcher, over exhaust duct, and at deflector crest

0 2 4 6 8 10
Water Injection Ratio; kg Water/kg Propellant
FIGURE 4.2. Reduction in Overall Sound Pressure Level Provided by Water Injection [4.29].

4.4.2 Scale Acoustic Models. Although expensive, scale acoustic models can be used to
obtain reasonably accurate estimates of the acoustic loads on the exterior of a space vehicle
during liftoff. In particular, scale model tests can allow a thorough evaluation of different
deflector configurations, water injection systems, and other noise mitigating procedures. To
achieve good results with scale models, it is necessary to accurately simulate the basic
characteristics of the rocket exhaust gas flow, namely, the exhaust gas density, velocity, Mach
number, and exit static pressure [4.26]. With a proper simulation of these parameters, the
scaling rules for the rocket sound power level and the resulting acoustic pressures at various
locations on the space vehicle reduce to those given in Equation (4.5) and (4.10) for sound
power and pressure levels, and in Equation (4.7) for frequency, i.e.,

L Wf in dB (ref: 10 − 12 watt) = L Wm + 10 log 10 (F f / F m )

L PBf (f Bf ) in dB (ref: 20µPa) = L PBm (f Bm ) + 10 log 10 (R f / R m ) (4.13)

f Bf = f Bm (Dem / Def )

March 13, 2001

where the subscript f denotes full scale, the subscript m denoted model scale, and all other
terms are as defined in Equations. (4.9) and (4.10). Due to various practical problems, [4.26]
recommends that the dimensions of a scale model be no less than 5% of full scale. See [4.29]
for a detailed description of the 6.4% scale model tests used to predict the liftoff acoustic
environment for Space Shuttle.

4.4.3 Extrapolation Techniques. For those cases where a new space vehicle and its
proposed launch facility are broadly similar in design to a previous vehicle and launch facility for
which acoustic measurements during liftoff are available, predictions for the liftoff acoustic
environment over the exterior of the new vehicle can be accomplished by simply extrapolating
the measurements on the previous vehicle using the scaling laws in Equation (4.13), where in
this case, the subscripts f and m refer to the new and previous vehicles, respectively. Of
course, this assumes the basic rocket exhaust gas characteristics (density, velocity, Mach
number, and exit static pressure) and the launch facility features (deflector configuration, water
injection system, and nearby reflecting structures) are the same. In most cases, such
similarities between the new vehicle and a prior vehicle for which data are available will not
exist. The most severe errors in extrapolated sound pressure levels usually occur because of
differences between the launch pads, particularly the deflector configurations, from the previous
to the new vehicle. Corrections to the extrapolated sound pressure levels for basic differences
in the deflector configurations might be made using the guidelines in [4.26], but the potential for
errors in the extrapolated levels is substantially increased.

4.4.4 Direct Measurements. It is obvious that the acoustic loads on the exterior of a
space vehicle during liftoff must be predicted long before the vehicle is designed, fabricated,
and launched. Nevertheless, direct measurements can be and often are made during the first
or early launches of a space vehicle to confirm the original predictions. The best way to make
direct measurements of the acoustic loads on the exterior of the vehicle is to mount
microphones in the structure such that the microphone diaphragms are flush with the surface of
the structure. With a flush-mounted configuration, the same microphones can be used to
measure the aerodynamic loads during ascent through the transonic and maximum q regions
(see Section 4.5.4). Of course, such an instrumentation system is expensive, particularly when
installed on an expendable launch vehicle where the instrumentation is lost with the vehicle, but
not unreasonably expensive when installed on a reusable launch vehicle. For example, three
flush mounted microphones were installed on the exterior of the first launched Space Shuttle
Orbiter Vehicle (OV-102, [4.31]), and acoustic and aerodynamic noise levels were measured
during the first five launches.

Direct measurements of the liftoff acoustic levels can also be made using microphones mounted
to the launch facility structure or other ground structures. Such ground measurements will not be
at the exterior surface of the vehicle structure and will not move with the vehicle as it lifts off.
However, by appropriate extrapolations using Equation (4.13), the measurements can be
corrected for the microphone locations and used to describe the acoustic levels on the exterior of
the structure at the start of liftoff. Unfortunately, the maximum acoustic levels on the exterior of
the structure commonly occur several seconds after liftoff when the vehicle is 5 to 30 m off the
launch pad. Ground measurements cannot be used to accurately predict these maximum levels.

4.4.5 Assessments. The merits of the various prediction procedures to establish the
acoustic loads on the exterior of a space vehicle during liftoff are broadly summarized in Table
4.2. The accuracy of the various procedures depends heavily on when the predictions are
made, e.g., the predictions produced by both the sound power and extrapolation techniques can
be upgraded to a higher level of accuracy based upon acoustic measurements made during the
first test firing of the rocket engine(s)/ motor(s). Also, the accuracy of some procedures is

March 13, 2001

heavily dependent on the similarity of the vehicle and its launch facility to prior vehicles
launched from similar facilities, e.g., extrapolation techniques can be quite accurate under these
conditions. Finally, two or more prediction techniques are often used to enhance confidence in
the results, e.g., direct measurements are sometimes made at one or a few locations on the
structure during the first launch to verify earlier predictions.

TABLE 4.2. Comparative Merits of Various Procedures for Predicting

Liftoff Acoustic Excitations.

Sound Power Scale Model Extrapolation Direct*

Techniques Techniques Techniques Measurements
Relatively easy to physically
Yes No Yes No
Applicable during preliminary
Yes No Yes No
Applicable before first test
firing of rocket Yes Yes Yes No
Applicable before first vehicle
Yes Yes Yes No
Applicable to radical new
Yes Yes No Yes
rocket engine/motor design
Applicable to radically new
Yes Yes No Yes
launch pad configurations
*Assumes measurements are made on exterior surface of vehicle structure

4.5 Exterior Aerodynamic Excitations. A second major source of high frequency

dynamic loads for a space vehicle and its payload are the fluctuating pressures generated by
the turbulent boundary layer (TBL) between the exterior surface of the vehicle structure and the
air during flight through the atmosphere. As for the acoustic loads during liftoff discussed in
Section 4.4, the fluctuating pressures at various locations on the structure, sometimes grouped
into structural regions where the fluctuating pressures are reasonably homogeneous within each
region, are usually predicted in terms of a 1/3 octave band spectrum of maximax values, as
defined in Sections 2.2.6 and 2.2.7. Four basic procedures are used to predict the TBL
fluctuating pressures on the exterior surface of a space vehicle structure during flight through
the atmosphere, namely, (a) boundary layer prediction techniques, (b) scale wind tunnel
models, (c) extrapolation techniques, and (d) direct measurements.

4.5.1 Boundary Layer Prediction Techniques Overall Fluctuating Pressure Level. There is a well developed theory formulated
in [4.32] and elsewhere, backed by considerable empirical data summarized in [4.33 - 4.41], that
can be used to predict the fluctuating pressures generated by a TBL. Specifically, the overall
fluctuating pressure level, denoted by LFP, produced by a TBL can be approximated by [4.35]

Cq q
L FP in dB (ref: 20µPa) = 20 log 10 (4.14)
1 + 0. 14 M

March 13, 2001

q = flight dynamic pressure = 1 ρU 2 (Pa)
2 ∞

ρ = density of air at flight altitude (kg/m3)

U∞ = free-stream air speed of vehicle (m/s)
M = Mach number of vehicle
Cq = constant of proportionality

The coefficient Cq depends on the geometry of the flight vehicle structure, the location on the
structure, and the Mach number. For flow over flat panel structures, [4.33, 4.35] recommend a
value of Cq ≈ 0.006 for M < 5, but [4.34] suggests Cq ≈ 0.02 is a more realistic value for attached
flow over a space vehicle, and 0.03 ≤ Cq ≤ 0.1 is appropriate for separated flow during subsonic
and transonic flight. Even higher values of Cq may apply near structural discontinuities such as
steps, struts, and cavities [4.38]. Excluding locations near structural discontinuities, it is recom-
mended that Equation (4.14) with Cq = 0.02 be used to predict the fluctuating pressure level
produced by the TBL over the exterior surface of space vehicles during flight through the

For example, assume a vehicle reaches a maximum flight dynamic pressure of qmax = 33,500 Pa
(about 700 lb/ft2) at a Mach number of M = 1.3 , and the TBL over a structural region of interest
is attached so that Cq ≈ 0.02. The fluctuating pressure level on the exterior of the structure is
predicted by Equation (4.14) to be LFP ≈ 149 dB.

At locations near structural discontinuities where the flow separates and/or interacts with shock
waves during transonic and supersonic flight, it is important to evaluate the local fluctuating
pressure levels [4.38], but this is best accomplished using wind tunnel tests, as discussed in
Section 4.5.2. The same is true of base pressure fluctuations at the aft end of the vehicle [4.39]. Fluctuating Pressure Spectrum Level. From [4.32], the shapes of the spectra for
the fluctuating pressures produced by attached TBLs collapse quite well when plotted against a
dimensionless frequency, f/f0, where f0, is called the "characteristic frequency" in [4.33] and is
given by


The term δ* is called the boundary layer displacement thickness, broadly defined in [4.32] as the
distance by which the external streamlines of the flow are shifted due to the formation of the
boundary layer. The boundary layer displacement thickness is related to the boundary layer
thickness denoted by δ, which is defined in [4.32] as the distance from the surface of the structure
where the boundary layer velocity differs by 1% from the external velocity, and is given by

δ = 0.37 L R-0.2 (4.16)


L = distance from the leading edge

R = Reynolds number

March 13, 2001

The relationship between δ and δ* depends on the nature of the flow (laminar versus turbulent),
angle of incidence, and Mach number, but for turbulent flow over a flat plate with zero angle of

δ* = δ/8 (4.17)

For space vehicles, the TBL fluctuating pressure levels are of greatest interest during flight
through the region of maximum dynamic pressure (qmax), which typically occurs during the
launch phase at a Mach number in the range 1.2 < M < 1.4. For Mach numbers in this range,
[4.33] suggests that the boundary layer displacement thickness can be approximated by

δ* ≈ 0.0016 L (L ≥ 3.1 m)
≈ 0.005 (L < 3.1 m)

Various equations have been suggested in the literature for the normalized spectrum of attached
TBL generated fluctuating pressure levels, e.g., [4.32 - 4.41]. However, the plot of the normalized
fluctuating pressure spectrum levels in 1 Hz bands, LFP(f), given in [4.33] and shown in Figure 4.3
is recommended in the absence of detailed measurements. In the frequency region f ≤ f0, the
spectrum level in Figure 4.3 is closely approximated by
L FP (f / f 0 ) in dB (ref: 20µPa) = L FP + 10 log 10 − 10 log 10 f 0 (4.19)
1 + 0. 44 (f / f 0 )

FIGURE 4.3. Normalized Spectrum Level for Attached TBL Fluctuating Pressures.

March 13, 2001

At those locations on the exterior of a space vehicle where the flow separates and interacts with
shock waves, particularly during transonic and supersonic flight, the spectrum of the fluctuating
TBL pressures tends to shift down towards the lower frequencies. This is illustrated in Figure
4.4, taken from [4.38], which shows both the normalized standard deviations and the spectra of
the fluctuating pressures produced by a supersonic flow at several locations forward of a 45-
degree ramp. The highest levels and lowest frequency content occur at that location (denoted
by C) where an oscillating shock wave is positioned. Note that the influence of the oscillating
shock wave is very localized, but the downstream fluctuating pressure levels are substantially
higher and the spectra are more concentrated at the lower frequencies than the spectra of the
oscillating shocks where the flow is attached. Various empirical prediction equations for the
spectra of the fluctuating pressures produced by separated flow are given in [4.38], but wind
tunnel tests provide the best way to evaluate separated flow conditions (see Section 4.5.2).

FIGURE 4.4. Normalized Spectrum Level for Separated TBL Fluctuating Pressures [4.38]. 1/3 Octave Band Fluctuating Pressure Levels. The normalized fluctuating
pressure spectrum levels in Figure 4.3 can be converted to spectrum levels in any other desired
bandwidth (usually 1/3 octave bandwidths) by (a) computing the value of f0, (b) converting the
frequency scale to absolute frequency f in Hz, and (c) using the relationship

LFP(B,fB) in dB (ref: 20µPa) = LFP(fB) + 10 log10B (4.20)

March 13, 2001

B = bandwidth (Hz) - for 1/3 octave bandwidths, B ≈ 0.23 fB
fB = center frequency of bandwidth B (Hz)
LFP(B,fB) = fluctuating pressure level [dB (ref: 20 µPa] in bandwidth B at center frequency fB
LFP(fB) = fluctuating pressure spectrum level (from Figure 4.3) at frequency fB Spatial Correlation. The spatial correlation for TBLs has been empirically studied
with the results summarized in numerous documents (e.g., [4.32 - 4.41]). For most applications,
it is convenient to describe the spatial correlation in terms of the real part of a cross-spectrum
(see Section 2.2.11) and an associated convection velocity. It is also convenient to define all
spectral quantities in terms of radial frequency ω = 2πf in radians/sec, rather than cyclical
frequency f in Hz. With these definitions in mind, there is a consensus from the referenced
studies that the real part of the cross-spectrum for the fluctuating pressures on the exterior
surface of a space vehicle structure due to an attached TBL generated during flight through the
atmosphere is of the form

Gre:x(∆x,ω) ≈ G(ω) Ax(∆x,ω) cos(ω∆x/Uc) (4.21a)

Gre:y(∆y,ω) ≈ G(ω) Ay(∆y,ω) cos(ω∆y/Uc) (4.21b)

x = longitudinal axis of vehicle (direction of motion)

y = circumferential axis of vehicle (normal to direction of motion)
∆x, ∆y = separation distance along x axis, y axis (m)
Uc = convection velocity along x axis (m/s)
Ax(∆x,ω), Ay(∆y,ω) = frequency dependent coefficients along x axis, y axis

Of the various relationships for the coefficients, Ax(∆x,ω) and Ay(∆y,ω), presented in the
literature, the values suggested in [4.27] are considered to have the widest application to space
vehicles operating at maximum flight dynamic pressure, specifically,



where δ* is the boundary layer displacement thickness and all other terms are as defined in
Equation (4.21).

The convection velocities in Equations (4.21) and (4.24) are approximated from empirical data
in various references, including [4.33] which suggests the simple expression


where U∞ is the free-stream velocity of the vehicle. The convection velocity given by Equation
(4.23) was developed from subsonic data, but is considered acceptable for the TBL generated

March 13, 2001

by space vehicles during flight at Mach numbers of M < 2. See [4.35 - 4.41] for more elaborate

The spatial correlation for separated flow TBLs is much more complicated and, under certain
conditions, is near zero for even small spatial separation distances [4.38]. Wind tunnel tests
provide the best means to evaluate the spatial correlation for separated flow.

4.5.2 Scale Aerodynamic Models. The various descriptions of the fluctuating pressures
on the surface of a space vehicle produced by the TBL during flight, as detailed in Section 4.5.1,
can be measured directly using an appropriately instrumented scale model in a wind tunnel.
From Equation (4.14), for a scale model test at the full-scale flight dynamic pressure and Mach
number, the overall fluctuating pressure level measured on the scale model applies to the full-
scale vehicle. The scale model spectral and spatial measurements can be converted to full-
scale by linearly scaling the values for ∆x, ∆y, δ*, and f or ω in Equations (4.17 - 4.23).

Scale model tests provide an excellent means to determine the fluctuating pressures due to the
complex boundary layer conditions in the region of structural discontinuities (e.g., near struts
and skirts), as well as in the transonic and supersonic speed ranges where shock wave-
boundary layer interactions may occur (see Figure 4.4). The primary problems in scale model
testing are as follows:

a. Both an instrumented scale model and the actual test of a scale model in a high speed
wind tunnel are relatively expensive.

b. The pressure transducers used for the scale model measurements must have
diaphragms with diameters that are scaled down in size by the same amount as the geometric
scaling of the vehicle. Specifically, to avoid large corrections of the spectra for the measured
pressures, it is necessary to have a pressure transducer with a diaphragm diameter that is small
compared to the boundary layer displacement thickness, say

Dpd < 0.2 δ* (4.24)

where Dpd is the diameter of the pressure transducer diaphragm. Even with a diaphragm
diameter complying with Equation (4.24), corrections of the spectra for the measured pressures
are required at frequencies where

In all cases, it is critically important that the transducer not protrude above the surface of the
structure, since this will cause substantial errors not accounted for by the diaphragm diameter
corrections. See [4.33] for a summary of pressure transducer diaphragm diameter correction

c. In some cases, surface pressures on scale models are measured using small holes in
the exterior surface connected by short ducts to pressure transducers below the surface of the
structure. The size of the surface hole replaces the diaphragm diameter in Equation (4.24), but
the duct may introduce losses at the higher frequencies that require a careful calibration.

d. Because oscillating shock waves are localized and flow velocity dependent, closely
spaced transducers are required near the anticipated location of oscillating shock waves, and a
slow sweep of the flow velocity is needed to insure the capture of oscillating shock wave data.

March 13, 2001

e. Wind tunnels commonly produce acoustic noise from various internal sources that is
carried in the flow during operation. Due to the acoustical modes inside the tunnel test section,
substantial acoustic pressures may occur at some frequencies that can severely contaminate
the desired fluctuating pressure measurements. The characteristics of the tunnel must be
carefully evaluated for contaminating acoustic noise before scale model tests are performed.

4.5.3 Extrapolation Techniques. The TBL fluctuating pressure levels measured on a

previous space vehicle during flight (referred to as the reference vehicle) can be easily scaled to
a new vehicle, assuming similar geometries between the reference and new vehicles in the
region of the measurements. Specifically, the overall fluctuating pressure level for the new
vehicle can be estimated from


where the subscripts n and r denote the new and reference vehicles, respectively, and all other
terms are as defined in Equation (4.14).

Again assuming similar geometries, the measured spectrum levels from the reference vehicle
can be scaled to the new vehicle by the following operations:

a. Using the ratio of the free-stream velocities for the reference and the new vehicle,
compute the ratio of the characteristic frequencies defined in Equation (4.15) by


b. Scale the frequency axis for the measured spectrum levels by the ratio determined in
Equation (4.27).

c. Scale the spectrum level axis so that the overall value of the frequency scaled
spectrum levels agrees with the overall level given by Equation (4.26).

It is rare that sufficient measurements are available from a reference vehicle to allow the
computation of the cross-spectra needed to establish spatial correlations. Hence, spatial
relationships for a new vehicle are usually predicted using Equations. (4.21) through (4.23) with
the appropriate parameters for the new vehicle.

4.5.4 Direct Measurements. The direct measurement of TBL fluctuating pressures on a

space vehicle during flight requires the installation of pressure transducers that are flush
mounted with the outside surface of the vehicle exterior structure, or at least the drilling of holes
in the exterior structure that are ducted to sub-surface transducers. In either case, the vehicle
structure must be violated. Such actions necessitate careful consultation with the designers of
the vehicle structure, and generally are difficult and expensive to accomplish. In a few cases,
usually involving a dramatically new vehicle design, such transducer installations may be
authorized, e.g., three flush mounted external pressure transducers were installed in an early
Space Shuttle Orbiter [4.31]. In general, however, direct measurements of TBL fluctuating
pressure levels are not made on new vehicles.

March 13, 2001

4.5.5 Assessments. The merits of the various prediction procedures to establish the TBL
fluctuating pressures on the exterior of a space vehicle during flight are broadly summarized in
Table 4.3. Like the acoustic noise predictions covered in Section 4.4, the original prediction of
TBL fluctuating pressures can sometimes be upgraded based upon flight data, but this requires
expensive flight measurement instrumentation. Also, the accuracy of extrapolation techniques
is heavily dependent on the similarity of the new vehicle to a prior vehicle with a similar design
and flight profile.

TABLE 4.3. Comparative Merits of Various Procedures for Predicting

TBL Pressure Excitations.

Boundary Layer
Scale Model Extrapolation Direct
Merit Prediction
Techniques Techniques Measurements
Relatively easy to
Yes No Yes No
physically accomplish
Applicable to preliminary
Yes No Yes No
Applicable before first
Yes Yes Yes No
vehicle launch
Applicable to radically
Yes Yes No Yes
new vehicle designs

4.6 Interior Acoustic Noise Excitations. Space vehicle payloads and many launch
vehicle components located within a fairing or payload bay during launch are exposed to high
levels of acoustic noise. Peak interior acoustic levels are observed during three periods of
vehicle ascent: liftoff, the period of time shortly after rocket motor ignition; transonic, the period
at which vehicle speed is at or just below the speed of sound (Mach-one); and max-q, the period
of time at which the dynamic pressure reaches a maximum. A short duration acoustic event
may also be observed after ignition of solid rocket motors. Estimated interior acoustic levels for
different vehicles are discussed in Section 4.6.5.

Sensitive electronic components and lightweight components with large surface areas, such as
solar panels and antennas, are particularly at risk from high acoustic levels. Detailed
predictions and acoustic tests are generally recommended for these components to ensure that
they will survive the launch environment, see Sections 8.2 and 10.5.

The acoustic levels inside the fairing or payload bay are generally lower than the exterior levels
associated with the rocket motor acoustic waves or the aerodynamic pressure fluctuations. The
difference between the exterior acoustic level (or aerodynamic fluctuating pressure levels) and
the interior acoustic level is defined as the noise reduction of the fairing or payload bay. This
noise reduction must be computed using one of the analysis procedures described below in
order to translate the exterior acoustic and /or aerodynamic loads determined in Sections 4.4
and 4.5 into the acoustic loads on the payload and other interior equipment and components.

The procedures used to compute or estimate the noise reduction of space vehicle fairings and
payload bays include (a) modal analysis procedures, (b) statistical energy analysis procedures, (c)
use of scale models, (d) extrapolation techniques, and (e) direct measurements. Other important
considerations include (f) fill factors, (g) vent noise, and (h) mechanical vibration radiation.

March 13, 2001

4.6.1 Modal Analysis Procedures. Modal analysis procedures are often used to study the
dynamic response of structures. These procedures can be extended to predict the interior
acoustic environment by identifying the structural modes of the fairing and acoustical modes of
the interior space. Techniques for computing the excitation of the structural modes by the
exterior acoustic field and the coupling between the structural modes and the interior acoustical
modes are well established [4.42]. These techniques were used to develop the “Payload
Acoustic Environment for Shuttle” (PACES) computer software program [4.43]. This program
predicts the acoustic levels in the Space Shuttle orbiter payload bay with any desired payload
configuration over the frequency range from 12.5 Hz to 4,000 Hz. However, the formulation is
quite cumbersome due to the large number of modes that must be considered. As a result,
PACES and other modal analysis procedures are not commonly used to predict payload
environments, although the methodology used in the program continues to be developed.

The vibroacoustic environment during the launch of a space vehicle extends over a broad range
of frequencies. To encompass the entire frequency range of interest, a modal analysis must
take into account the large number of acoustic and structural modes contributing to the dynamic
response. Commercially available finite element method (FEM) modeling software programs
make it possible to compute the structural and acoustical modes of complex dynamic systems
over a broad range of frequencies. In theory, it should be possible to predict the acoustic
environment using this type of prediction procedure. In practice, the large density of modes
makes modal analysis too cumbersome to be of general use. In addition, the predictions
obtained using this technique are generally quite sensitive to small changes in design and
payload geometry, thereby requiring the analyses to be repeated several times as design
changes and modifications are made. Thus, although modal analysis and FEM models hold out
the promise of great accuracy and precision, this promise is often not delivered.

Boundary element method (BEM) analysis procedures have been proposed to alleviate some of
the difficulties associated with the modal analysis of structural-acoustical systems [4.44]. To
make a prediction of the interior acoustic field, a BEM model of the exterior and interior acoustic
fields must be combined with a FEM model of the fairing. The accuracy of the BEM prediction is
dependent on the accuracy of the underlying FEM model. Thus, BEM procedures may also be
too cumbersome to be used over the entire frequency range of interest. They may, however,
provide useful predictions of the acoustic environment at low frequencies.

4.6.2 Statistical Energy Analysis Procedures. Statistical energy analysis (SEA) and other
related vibratory energy-flow techniques provide prediction procedures that are suitable for high
frequencies [4.45 - 4.47]. By using a statistical description of the system and by using vibratory
energy and power to formulate the dynamic equations, these procedures provide great
simplifications to the analysis. SEA is much easier to apply than the classical modal analysis
procedure and often yields more accurate predictions. However, in using this statistical
procedure, it is not possible to predict the acoustic environment at individual points and single
frequencies. The statistical prediction gives averages over spatial locations and bands of
frequency. Advanced analyses may also provide higher order statistics such as the variance or
standard deviation. A prediction of the mean acoustic level plus two times the standard
deviation can then be used to set environmental requirements, as discussed in Section 6.

SEA draws on many of the fundamental concepts from statistical mechanics, room acoustics,
wave propagation, and modal analysis [4.45 - 4.46]. At first, SEA appears to be a very simple
method of analysis. However, because of the diversity of concepts used in formulating the basic
SEA equations, the method quickly becomes very complex. For this reason, analysts have
recommended caution in using SEA. However, when used properly, SEA is a powerful method
for predicting both the acoustic and vibration environments in launch vehicles and payloads.

March 13, 2001

The application of SEA requires that the system be divided into a set of coupled subsystems.
Each subsystem represents a group of modes with similar characteristics. The selection of
subsystems involves several factors, including differences in geometry, differences in material
properties, the ability of the subsystem to support resonant modes in the frequency bands of
interest, and the expectation of a fairly uniform response within each subsystem.

The SEA subsystems can be considered to be “control volumes” for vibratory or acoustic energy
flow. Under steady-state conditions, the time-average power input to a subsystem from external
sources and from other connected subsystems must equal the sum of the power dissipated
within the subsystem by damping and the power transmitted to the connected subsystems.

Consider, for example, a

spacecraft located within a fairing
enclosure as shown in Figure 4.5.
The goal is to predict the acoustic
levels within the fairing. A
simplified SEA energy flow model
is commonly used within the
aerospace industry to predict
interior acoustic levels [4.48].
Using this simplified model, the
payload fairing and the interior
acoustic space are divided axially
into a number of zones [4.49].
The acoustical modes of each
zone form a single SEA
subsystem. The number of zones
used for the analysis depends on
the overall length of the fairing,
the uniformity of the exterior
acoustic field, and the regions of
interest within the fairing.
Typically, the zones are
approximately 6 ft (2 m) long.

FIGURE 4.5. Illustration of Payload in Fairing Enclosure.

March 13, 2001

To carry out the analysis, an acoustic power balance is performed for each zone. The time-
average power input to a zone is balanced with the sum of the power dissipated within the zone
due to acoustic absorption and the net power transmitted to connected zones,


where i refers to the ith zone.

The net power input to each zone from the fairing sidewall can be expressed in terms of the
sound transmission coefficient of the fairing, τ, and the difference between the exterior and
interior acoustic pressures,


where Ai is area of the fairing for zone i, ρcext is the characteristic impedance of the gas external
to the fairing, and ρcint is the characteristic impedance of the gas within the fairing. The
characteristic impedances are generally the same. However, by preserving the dependence of
the power input on the gas properties, Equation (4.29) can be used to predict the effect of using
other gases within the fairing, such as helium, or the effects of altitude, where the static
pressure and the gas density may be higher within the fairing than in the exterior space due to a
lag in the venting.

The sound transmission coefficient is more commonly expressed in dB as the Transmission

Loss, TL, where

TL = 10 log 10
τ (4.30)

The derivation of Equation (4.29) is based on the assumption that the acoustic fields are diffuse,
with acoustic waves incident on the fairing from all angles of incidence. This assumption is valid
when the fairing is placed in a reverberant test chamber for acoustic tests. However,
adjustments may need to be made for vehicle liftoff, since acoustic waves are incident from the
turbulent rocket motor exhaust flow below the vehicle. These adjustments are in the form of test
chamber efficiency factors, which account for differences between the noise reduction obtained
from flight data and that obtained from test chamber data [4.49]. Adjustments are also needed
to account for the differences between excitation by acoustic waves during liftoff and excitation
by aerodynamic fluctuating pressure fields in turbulent boundary layers, oscillating shocks, and
separated flow during transonic and max-q periods of flight. These adjustments are made by
applying efficiency factors to the noise reduction calculated for acoustic excitation.

March 13, 2001

The power dissipated within each zone due to acoustic absorption can be expressed in terms of
a fairing absorption coefficient and the acoustic pressure in the subsystem,


When acoustic blankets are used, an average absorption factor must be calculated by averaging
over the blanketed and unblanketed areas of each zone,


where the summation is over all surface areas within the zone, An is the surface area for the nth
area, and αn is the absorption coefficient for the nth area. The average absorption coefficient is
usually controlled by the absorption in the blanketed areas of the zone, since αn for an
unblanketed area is quite small.

Acoustic blankets may also affect the transmission coefficient. In this case, an average
transmission coefficient must be calculated by averaging over the blanketed and unblanketed
areas of each zone,


The average transmission coefficient may be controlled by the transmission coefficient of the
unblanketed areas of each zone. Finally, the net power transmitted between connected
acoustic subsystems can be expressed in terms of the acoustic pressure in the two subsystems
and the connection area. For example, the net power transmitted between subsystem i and j is
given by,


where Ai;j is the area of the connection between these two zones.

The power balance equations form a set of linear algebraic equations that can be solved for the
average acoustic pressure in each zone of the fairing. For example, if we consider a single
zone and ignore the transmitted power between zones ( Wi ;transmitte
= 0), the power balance
equation for the zone can be solved for the ratio of the acoustic pressures,


March 13, 2001

The noise reduction in dB for the ith zone is predicted to be

p i ; ext αi
NR i = 10 log 10 = 10 log 10 1 + (4.36)
p i ; int τi

High values of noise reduction provide a low interior acoustic pressure environment. These are
obtained by using acoustic blankets to increase the average absorption coefficient and by
designing the fairing to achieve low values for the transmission coefficient.

The transmission coefficient for a particular fairing can be estimated by direct measurement, by
scaling measured data for other fairings, or by analysis using a more detailed SEA model.
Following the general SEA procedure presented in Section 5.2.2, an SEA model to predict the
fairing transmission coefficient can be developed using three subsystems: (a) external
acoustical modes, (b) fairing bending modes, and (c) internal acoustical modes. The mass-law
modes of the fairing are not placed in a separate SEA subsystem since they are non-resonant.
However, these nonresonant modes do contribute to the transmission coefficient of the fairing.

Three coupling paths are defined: (a) coupling between exterior acoustical modes and resonant
modes of the fairing, (b) coupling between resonant modes of the fairing and interior acoustical
modes, and (c) coupling between exterior and interior acoustical modes through mass-law
response of the fairing. The subsystems and energy flow paths are shown in Figure 4.6. The
third path is often the most dominant path of energy transmission for light-weight fairings and
must not be neglected.


Exterior Fairing Interior

Acoustic Bending Acoustic
Space Modes Space

diss diss diss

Wa Ws Wr

FIGURE 4.6. Simple Three Subsystem SEA Model of a Launch Vehicle Fairing.

If the energy in the external space is known, SEA power balance equations for the fairing and
internal acoustic subsystems lead to the following equations,

η plf ; d + η plf ; ext + η plf ; int − η int ; plf E plf / E ext η ext ; plf
= (4.37)
− η plf ; int η int ; d + η int ; plf + η int ; ext E int / E ext η ext ; int

March 13, 2001

where the subscript d denotes the damping loss factor and the other subscripts refer to modes
of the external acoustic space, the payload fairing, and the internal acoustic space. These
equations can be solved to obtain the ratio of the energies in the internal and external acoustic

This equation can be further simplified if we assume the damping loss factors to be greater than
the coupling loss factors.

Eint / n int 1 ηplf; int ηplf;ext

= ηint;ext + (4.39)
Eext / n ext ηint;d ηplf; d

where the SEA reciprocity factor relating coupling loss factors and modal densities has been

n plf η
plf ; int
= n int η
int ; plf (4.40)

The term in the brackets represents the effective coupling loss factor between the internal and
external acoustic space including both nonresonant mass law sound transmission and
transmission by resonant fairing modes. This coupling loss factor is directly related to the sound
transmission coefficient used in Equation (4.36) to obtain the fairing noise reduction,

8πfVi η plf; int η plf; ext

τi = η int ; ext + (4.41)
ci S i η plf; d

where f is the frequency of vibration, ci is the speed of sound for the gas in zone i, Vi is the
interior volume of the ith zone, and Si is the fairing surface area for the zone.

The absorption coefficient can also be directly related to the damping loss factor of the interior
acoustic space,

8π fV i
αi = η int ; d (4.42)
ci S i

The coupling loss factor between resonant modes of the fairing and the internal acoustic space,
ηplf;ext , is often expressed in terms of other quantities such as a radiation resistance, Rrad, or a
radiation efficiency, σrad. These relationships are summarized below,

R rad ρ c int
η plf ; int = = σ rad
ρ c int Aplf 2π fm plf (4.43)

March 13, 2001

where Aplf is the surface area of the fairing and mplf is the mass per unit area of the fairing
sidewall. These results can also be used for the coupling loss factor between the resonant
modes of the fairing and an external reverberant test chamber.

A theoretical SEA model to calculate the interior acoustic levels during flight may require a more
detailed representation of the external acoustic field. The assumption that the external field is a
diffuse field, with acoustic waves incident from all directions, is not valid and may lead to an
over prediction of the acoustic levels, particularly at the lower frequencies. One approach is to
use the joint acceptance, (see Section 5.2), to compute the vibratory power input to the
resonance modes of the fairing. The power input in a band of frequencies is given by


where áp2ñ is the mean-square fluctuating pressure in the band, ∆f, j n is the joint acceptance for

the nth mode, and the summation is over all modes with resonance frequencies in the band, ∆f.
The joint acceptance is given by


where Gp(x1,x2,f) is the cross-spectrum of the fluctuating pressure at the surface of the fairing
between vector locations x1 and x2, Gp(f) is the average power spectrum of the fluctuating
pressure, and Ψn(x) is the nth mode shape for the fairing. Use of the joint acceptance requires
an accurate determination of the cross-spectrum of the pressure field and the mode shapes.
Further discussion is presented in Section 5.2.

The SEA formulation provides a procedure to calculate the interior acoustic environment. Using
energy balance equations, simple predictions are obtained which can be used to carry out
design studies or to develop scaling laws based on measured test or flight data. SEA
formulations can also be used to provide theoretical predictions that account analytically for
differences between acoustic and aerodynamic excitation.

In using SEA to predict the fairing noise reduction, fairing damping is found to affect only the
second term in Equation (4.40), which accounts for sound transmission by resonant fairing
modes. Since the first term, accounting for non-resonant mass-law sound transmission, may be
the dominant term over most of the frequency range of interest, increased fairing damping may
not provide significant reduction in the interior acoustic environment. Absorption provided by
acoustic blankets is found to reduce the interior acoustic environment regardless of the
mechanism of sound transmission.

4.6.3 Scale Dynamic Models. Unlike the estimation of acoustic or aerodynamic

excitations using scale models (see Sections 4.4.2 and 4.5.2), the estimation of the noise
reduction of a payload fairing or bay using a scale model requires a dynamically, as well as a
geometrically, accurate model. Such models have been constructed and used to predict the
noise reduction provided by various types of structures [4.42], including space vehicle payload
fairings and bays, e.g., the Space Shuttle payload bay using full-scale [4.50] and one-quarter

March 13, 2001

scale [4.51] models. The principal advantage of scale models is that the noise reduction of a
fairing or payload bay can be measured at any location inside the fairing or bay with a payload
present. Theoretically, this offers the possibility of highly accurate predictions of the acoustical
loading on payloads during launch, assuming the loading functions are properly scaled (see
Sections 4.4.2 and 4.5.2). On the negative side, there are three major problems associated with
dynamically-similar scale model experiments, as follows:

a. For dynamically similar scale models, it is often difficult to properly scale certain details
of the vehicle fairing or bay construction (e.g., riveted joints) that can have a significant impact
on the damping of the scale model relative to the full scale structure.

b. The construction of high fidelity, dynamically similar scale models, such as the one-
quarter scale model of the Space Shuttle orbiter [4.51], can be very expensive.

c. It may be difficult and/or expensive to properly simulate the spatial correlation

characteristics of the excitation for the scale model experiments, particularly the fluctuating
pressure excitations over the fairing or payload bay during flight where a high-speed wind tunnel
experiment is usually required (see Section 4.5.2).

4.6.4 Extrapolation Techniques. The estimation of the noise reduction for a payload fairing
or bay with or without a payload present can sometimes be accomplished using extrapolation
techniques, particularly when acoustical measurements on prior vehicles of similar design are
available. For example, if data are available for a fairing with the same structure and dimensions
as the fairing of interest, but with a different acoustical blanket configuration, the noise reduction
for the fairing with the new blanket configuration can be scaled using Equation (4.29) with
appropriate estimates for the previous and new absorption coefficients, as well as the
transmission loss and area terms for the fairing. On the other hand, extrapolating an accurate
noise reduction estimate from a previous payload fairing or bay of a highly dissimilar geometry
and structural design is generally not feasible because of the complicated relationships between
noise reduction and the geometry of the fairing or bay, particularly at the lower frequencies where
the acoustical wave length is comparable to or greater than the dimensions of the fairing or bay.

4.6.5 Direct Measurements. The direct measurement of the acoustical levels inside a
payload fairing or bay during liftoff and flight through the atmosphere is much easier to
accomplish than the measurement of the external excitations discussed in Sections 4.4.4 and
4.5.4 because the installation of pressure measurement transducers does not require a violation
of the vehicle-fairing structure. Also, such measurements eliminate the need for a payload
fairing or bay noise reduction estimate to arrive at the acoustical excitation for payloads inside
the fairing or bay (a fill-factor correction may still be required, as discussed in Section 4.6.6).

Numerous acoustical measurements were made inside the Space Shuttle orbiter payload bay
during the first five missions (STS-1 through STS-5) of OV-102 (Columbia), as well as on a few
later Space Shuttle flights, as documented in the DATE reports issued by the NASA Goddard
Space Flight Center, e.g., [4.31]. These payload bay measurements were made with relatively
small payloads in the bay and, hence, essentially represent empty bay conditions. Similar
measurements have been made inside the payload fairings of many expendable launch
vehicles and have been utilized to specify acoustical test levels for payloads inside their fairings
[4.52]. A summary of the recommended payload acceptance test levels for a few of the launch
vehicles covered in [4.52] is presented in Figure 4.7. For new vehicle-fairing configurations,
direct measurements inside the payload bay on early launches are highly recommended to
verify and groom preliminary predictions for the payload acoustical loads.

March 13, 2001


1/3 Octave Band SPL, dB (ref: 20µPa)



Atlas G/Centaur, 10 ft fairing
110 Delta 3000
Titan 34D
Space Shuttle, up to 9 ft diameter payload

10 100 1000 10000
Frequency, Hz

FIGURE 4.7. Estimated Acoustic Levels Inside Various Payload Fairings and Bays [4.52].

4.6.6 Fill Factors. Some of the interior acoustic noise prediction procedures discussed in
Sections 4.6.1 through 4.6.5 might yield the sound pressure levels at various locations inside a
payload fairing or bay with the payload of interest present, e.g., predictions using an analytical
model [4.43] or direct measurements on a scale model [4.51]. In many cases, however, the
interior acoustic noise prediction is for an empty fairing or bay. When a payload is introduced into
the fairing or bay, the interior sound pressure levels over the exterior of the payload structure will
generally be different from the empty fairing or bay levels due primarily to the change in the
geometry of the acoustical space inside the fairing or bay. The sound pressure levels (in dB) on
the exterior of a payload minus the predicted sound pressure level inside the empty fairing or bay
is called the “fill factor.” Fill factors typically are positive (the levels seen by the payload are
higher than the levels in the empty fairing or bay), and are heavily dependent on (a) the clearance
between the payload and the fairing or bay sidewall (the fill factor increases with decreasing
clearance) and (b) frequency (the fill factor increases with decreasing frequency).

A number of fill factor correction formulas have been suggested over the years, but the
procedure developed in [4.53] and evaluated in [4.54], which evolves from the SEA techniques
detailed in Section 4.6.2, is considered the most accurate and has been incorporated into the
NASA Standard for “Payload Vibroacoustic Test Criteria” [4.54]. The equation for the acoustic
fill factor (FF) given in [4.53, 4.54] is


March 13, 2001


Vr = ratio of acoustic volume inside fairing or bay with and without the payload present
H = clearance between the exterior surface of the payload and the wall of the fairing or bay
c0 = speed of sound in the acoustical volume

The fill factor in Equation (4.46) is plotted versus dimensionless frequency for various different
volume ratios in Figure 4.8. To illustrate the use of Figure 4.8, assume a payload fills 80% of
the volume inside its fairing, and the clearance between the side of the payload and the fairing
wall is 0.1 m. The fill factor (the increase in the sound pressure levels on the side of the
payload over the empty fairing levels) is (a) 6.5 dB at 50 Hz, (b) 5.1 dB at 250 Hz, or (c) 2.0 dB
at 2000 Hz.

Experimental evaluations detailed in [4.53] for various payload configurations inside a 14 ft

diameter Atlas/Centaur payload fairing confirm Equation (4.46) provides reasonably accurate
results for the fill factor effect at frequencies above 100 Hz. Below 100 Hz where the density of
the acoustical modes in the fairing is low, substantial discrepancies between predicted and
measured data sometimes occur, but this is not surprising since Equation (4.46) was developed
using statistical energy analysis (SEA) procedures that assume a high modal density. In any
case, the fill factor predictions below 100 Hz are probably as accurate, on the average, as can
be achieved by any procedure other than detailed analytical model computations (see Section
4.6.1), scale model measurements (see Section 4.6.3), or direct flight measurements (see
Section 4.6.5) with the actual payload present or properly modeled.

Vr = 0.9

Fill Factor, dB (ref: 20µPa)



2 0.3

0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0 10
Dimensionless Frequency, fH/c0

FIGURE 4.8. Fill Factor Design Chart [4.53, 4.54].

March 13, 2001

4.6.7 Vent Noise. All payload fairings and bays are vented to relieve the atmospheric
pressure inside the fairing or bay as the space vehicle gains altitude during launch. In many
cases, the vents are covered during liftoff to suppress leakage through the vent openings of the
intense liftoff acoustical environment into the fairing or bay. For those cases where the vents
are not covered during liftoff, the acoustical hole produced by the open vents must be
accounted for in the prediction of the sound pressure levels inside the fairing or bay during liftoff,
as accomplished by any one of the procedures discussed in Sections 4.6.1 through 4.6.5.

Since the maximum acoustical levels inside the payload fairing or bay usually occur during liftoff,
the open vents after liftoff are usually not a major problem, i.e., the fluctuating pressures
produced by the turbulent boundary layer (TBL) excitation on the exterior of the fairing or bay
during flight through the atmosphere do not directly radiate significant acoustic noise through the
vents into the interior of the fairing or bay. However, the aerodynamic flow over the vents can
cause an acoustical resonance or aerodynamic instability in the vent openings. The result can
be an intense, near-periodic pressure excitation inside the fairing or bay; such aerodynamic-
generated vent noise occurred on the Space Shuttle orbiter [4.55]. The potential for problems of
this type must be considered early in the design of payload fairings or bays, and corrective
actions must be considered on a case-by-case basis. See [4.55 - 4.59] for illustrations of how to
evaluate aerodynamic-generated vent noise and design a noise reduction measure.

4.6.8 Mechanical Vibration Radiation. In most cases, the acoustical levels inside a
payload fairing or bay during launch are due primarily to the exterior acoustic noise environment
during liftoff and the aerodynamic-generated fluctuating pressure field during flight through the
atmosphere. In special cases, there may be noise sources that originate within the fairing or
bay, or perhaps within the payload itself. This usually occurs because of mechanical equipment
items mounted on the interior walls of the fairing or bay structure, or within the payload, that
produce mechanical vibrations of structure that then radiates acoustic noise inside the interior
space. The potential for problems of this type must be considered early in the design of payload
fairings or bays, and corrective actions must be considered on a case-by-case basis. Such
corrective actions usually involve the mounting of interior mechanical equipment on vibration

4.6.9 Assessments. The merits of the various prediction procedures to establish the
acoustic loads on payloads inside a space vehicle fairing or bay are broadly summarized in Table
4.4. At least at frequencies above 100 Hz, SEA procedures are considered the best approach to
the prediction of the acoustical loads on payloads inside a fairing or bay based upon the predicted
exterior acoustical- or aerodynamic- generated fluctuating pressure loads on the exterior of the
fairing or bay. The SEA procedures can be used to (a) directly predict the interior acoustic levels
with the payload of interest present (see Section 4.6.2), or (b) first predict the interior acoustic
levels in the empty fairing or bay (see Section 4.6.2), and then apply an SEA-derived fill factor
correction (see Section 4.6.6). At frequencies below 100 Hz, more accurate predictions usually
can be achieved using either analytical model computations or scale model measurements. For
payloads that will be repeatedly launched, predictions for the sound pressure levels inside a
payload fairing or bay should be upgraded by direct measurements during the first few launches, if

March 13, 2001

TABLE 4.4. Comparative Merits of Procedures for Predicting Payload Acoustic Excitations.

Analytical SEA Scale Extrapolation Direct

Models Procedures Models Procedures Measurements
Relatively easy to
No Yes No Yes No
physically accomplish
Applicable during
Yes Yes No Yes No
preliminary design
Applicable before first
Yes Yes Yes Yes No
vehicle launch
Applicable to
radically new vehicle Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Fill factor corrections
No Sometimes* Sometimes** Yes Sometimes*
*No if payload is modeled for SEA predictions or present during measurements; otherwise yes.
**No if payload model is enclosed in its fairing during the test; otherwise yes.

4.7 Structureborne Vibration Excitations. Referring to Table 4.1, there is always some
high frequency (above 100 Hz) vibration in the launch vehicle structure due to a direct structural
transmission of vibratory energy from the operating rocket engines and/or motors of the launch
vehicle, or perhaps from onboard equipment. At the typical locations of payloads, rocket
engine/motor-generated structureborne vibration is generally small compared to the high
frequency vibration environment generated by aeroacoustic loads (see Sections 4.4 through
4.6). This is demonstrated by numerous vibration measurements made on space vehicles
during launch, where the vibration levels are seen to fall dramatically after the vehicle leaves the
atmosphere, even though the rocket/motors are still operating, e.g., [4.31]. However, for
equipment located on or near the rocket engines/motors, these vibrations might constitute a
significant dynamic load. There is also the possibility that operating equipment items in the
space vehicle might produce significant structureborne vibration levels, at least at structural
locations near the equipment.

The prediction of high frequency structureborne vibration loads involves two steps. The first is
the prediction of the dynamic energy produced by the source of the structureborne vibration.
The second is the prediction of the transmission of the vibratory energy from the source through
the structural path to a receiver location of interest. The prediction of the dynamic energy
source is directly related to the specific source mechanisms and must be addressed on a case-
by-case basis using conventional vibration prediction techniques [4.60, 4.61]. The prediction of
structureborne vibration loads is analytically similar to the prediction of the vibration response at
one location on a structure due to an excitation (either motion or pressure) at another location.
Hence, the techniques to predict structureborne vibrations due to a defined excitation are the
same as the prediction procedures for structural vibrations detailed in Section 5.

4.8 High Frequency Transient Excitations. The most common sources of high frequency
(above 100 Hz) transient dynamic loads for a space vehicle and/or its payload are those caused
by the activation of pyrotechnic devices containing high explosives (see Section 3.15). In addition
to thermal loads, the detonation of explosive materials results in a near-instantaneous pressure
wave with intense dynamic energy at frequencies up to at least 1 MHz. This pressure wave
produces a rapid velocity change of the immediate structure, as illustrated in Figure 4.9, which is
taken from [4.62] and shows the velocity response on one side of a 1.3 cm (1/2 inch) thick steel
plate when 5.3 g/m (25 grains/ft) of primachord is detonated on the opposite side of the plate.
The velocity is measured by a laser Doppler vibrometer with a sampling rate of 1 Msps. Note that

March 13, 2001

the velocity of the plate rises to 5.6 m/s in about 3 µsec, which corresponds to an acceleration of
almost 200,000 g.
Instantaneous Velocity, m/s

FIGURE 4.9. High Explosive-Induced Velocity Response of a Steel Plate [4.62].

The details of the structure that is directly impacted by the high-explosive-induced pressure vary
widely depending on the type of explosive device, but the impacted structure is always loaded
either to produce a fracture of the structure or to move an important structural element. Hence,
not only the details of the excitation produced by the explosive device, but also the mechanics
by which the excitation energy transfers into the impacted structure and propagates through
neighboring structures are quite complex. Hydrocodes can be used to model, in the time
domain, the details of the explosive detonation, as well as the nonlinear structural deformation
and separation using Lagrangian and/or Eulerian meshes (see Section 5.3.1), but the
implementation of hydrocode analysis usually necessitates high labor and computer costs.
Rather than attempting to define the high-explosive excitation, it is more common to concentrate
on the direct prediction of the structural responses induced by high-explosive devices using
empirical procedures, as detailed in Section 5.3.

As discussed in Section 3.20, meteoroid impacts during space flight constitute a second
potential source of high frequency transient energy. However, the techniques for designing
space vehicles to withstand meteoroid loads are highly specialized [3.67, 3.68] and are normally
dealt with separately from other dynamic loads.

March 13, 2001

4.9 References

4.1 Ray, G. A., and Kaminsky, J. A., “A Correlation of Analysis and Flight- Measured
Space Shuttle Responses to the STS-2 Lift-Off Environment,” Proc. Shuttle Payload
Dynamic Environments and Loads Prediction Workshop, pp 173-181, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, Jan. 1984.

4.2 Trubert, M. R., “A Practical Approach to Spacecraft Structural Dynamics Problems,”

J. Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 9, No. 11, pp 818-824, 1972.

4.3 Day, F. D., and Wada, B. K., “Unique Flight Instrumentation / Data Reduction
Techniques Employed on the Viking Dynamic Simulator,” Shock and Vibration Bull.,
No. 46, pp 25- 35, June 1975.

4.4 Trubert, M. R., “Mariners 6 and 7 Low Frequency Flight Acceleration Measurement,”
JPL Rep. PD 605-236, Jet Propulsion Lab, Pasadena, CA, Feb. 1970.

4.5 Brodeur, S. J., “Comparison of Flight Data Versus Predictions for Low Frequency
Acceleration Loads on STS-3 / OSS-1 Instruments,” Proc. Shuttle Payload Dynamic
Environments and Loads Prediction Workshop, pp 183-203, Jet Propulsion Lab,
Pasadena, CA, Jan. 1984.

4.6 Day, F. D., and Wada, B. K., “Strain Gaged Struts and Data Reduction Techniques
to Maximize Quality of Data from Spacecraft Flight Measurements,” Proc. AIAA 16th
SDM Conf. Denver, CO, May 1975.

4.7 Himelblau, H., Piersol, A. G., Wise, J. H., and Grudvig, M. R., “Handbook for
Dynamic Data Acquisition and Analysis,” IES-RP-DTE012.1, Inst. Envir. Sc. Tech.,
Mount Prospect, IL, Mar. 1994.

4.8 Liepmann, H. W., “On the Application of Statistical Concepts to the Buffeting
Problem,” J. Aeronautical Sc., Vol. 19, pp 793-800, 1952.

4.9 Fung, Y. C., An Introduction to the Theory of Aeroelasticity, Dover, Mineola, NY,

4.10 Blevins, R. D., Flow - Induced Vibration, Kreiger, Melbourne, FL, 2nd ed., 1992.

4.11 Cho, A. C., Dougherty, N. S., and Guest, S. H., “Scale Model Acoustic Test of SSV
for VAFB,” Proc. Shuttle Payload Dynamic Environments and Loads Prediction
Workshop, pp 153-172, Jet Propulsion Lab, Pasadena, CA, Jan. 1984.

4.12 Langhaar, H. L., Dimensional Analysis and Theory of Models, Wiley, NY, 1951.

4.13 Davenport, A. G., and Isyumov, N., “The Application of Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel
Data to the Prediction of Wind Loading,” Proc. Sem. on Wind Effects on Structures,
pp 201-230, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Sep. 1967.

4.14 Cermac, J.E., “Determination of Wind Loading on Structural Models in Wind Tunnel
Simulated Winds,” Proc. Chicago Design Symp.on Wind Effects on High Rise
Buildings, pp 61-88, Evanston, IL , Mar. 1970.

March 13, 2001

4.15 Lee, B. H. K., and Tang, F. C., “Buffet Load Measurements on an F/A-18 Vertical Fin
at High Angle of Attack,” AIAA Dynamics Specialist Conf., pp 455-466, Dallas, TX,
Apr. 1992.

4.16 Jacobs, J. H., Hedgecock, C. E., Lichtenwalner, P. F., Pado, L. E., and Washburn,
A.E., “The Use of Artificial Intelligence for Buffet Environments,” Proc. AIAA 34th
SDM Conf., pp 1952-1960, Apr.1993.

4.17 Lippmann, R. P., “An Introduction to Neural Computing with Neural Nets,” IEEE
ASSP Mag., pp 4-22, Apr. 1987.

4.18 Smith, K. S., Peng, C.-Y., and Behboud, A., “Multibody Dynamic Simulation of Mars
Pathfinder Entry, Descent, and Landing,” JPL Doc. D-13298, Jet Propulsion Lab,
Pasadena, CA, Apr. 1995.

4.19 Cockrell, D.J., et. al., “Aerodynamic and Inertial Forces On Model Parachute
Canopies,” AIAA Paper 75-1371, 1975.

4.20 Friedman, L., et. al., “Solar Sailing - The Concept Made Realistic,” AIAA 16th
Aerospace Sc. Mtg, Huntsville, AL, Jan. 1978.

4.21 MacNeal, R.H., “Structural Dynamics of the Heliogyro,” NASA CR-1745, May 1971.

4.22 Salama, M. A., and Trubert, M. R., “Nonlinear Deformations and Loads in the Truss
Cable Structure of the Square Solar Sail,” JPL Rep. 662-39, Jet Propulsion Lab,
Pasadena, CA, Aug. 1977.

4.23 Salama, M. A., Trubert, M.R., Essawi, M., and Utku, S., “Second Order Nonlinear
Equations of Motion for Spinning Highly Flexible Line Elements,” J. Sound and
Vibration, Vol. 80, No. 4, pp 461-472, 1982.

4.24 Potter, R. C., and Crocker, M. J., "Acoustic Prediction Methods for Rocket Engines,
Including the Effects of Clustered Engines and Deflected Exhaust Flow,” NASA CR-
566, Oct. 1966.

4.25 Richards, E. J., and Clarkson, B. L., "Jet and Rocket Noise,” Ch. 7, pp. 156-158,
Noise and Acoustic Fatigue in Aeronautics (Richards, E. J., and Mead, D. J., Ed.),
Wiley, NY, 1968.

4.26 Eldred, K. M., “Acoustic Loads Generated by the Propulsion System,” NASA SP-
8072, June 1971.

4.27 Cockburn, J. A., and Jolly, A. C., "Structural-Acoustic Response, Noise Transmission
Losses and Interior Noise Levels of an Aircraft Fuselage Excited by Random
Pressure Fields,” AFFDL-TR-68-2, 1968.

4.28 Ungar, E. E., et al., "A Guide to Estimation of Aeroacoustic Loads on Flight Vehicle
Surfaces,” AFFDL-TR-76-91, Feb.1977.

4.29 Ryan, R. S., “The Role of Failure/Problems in Engineering: A Commentary on

Failures Experienced-Lessons Learned,” NASA TP 3213, pp 107-108, Mar. l992.

March 13, 2001

4.30 Pratt, H.K., et al, “Space Shuttle System Acoustics and Shock Data Book,” Rockwell
Intern. Rep. SD 74-SH-0082B, Change Notice 3, 1995.

4.31 Keegan, W. B., et al, "Payload Bay Acoustic and Vibration Data From STS-1 Flight,”
NASA GSFC DATE Rep. 002, June 1981.

4.32 Schlichting, H., Boundary Layer Theory (English translation by J. Kestin), McGraw-
Hill, NY, 1960.

4.33 Bies, D. A., "A Review of Flight and Wind Tunnel Measurements of Boundary Layer
Pressure Fluctuations and Induced Structural Response,” NASA CR-626, May 1966.

4.34 Lyon, R. H., “Random Noise and Vibration in Space Vehicles,“ Monograph SVM-1,
Shock and Vibration Info. Anal. Ctr, 1967.

4.35 Lowson, M. V., "Prediction of Boundary Layer Pressure Fluctuations,” AFFDL-TR-67-

167, Apr. 1968.

4.36 Bull, M. K., "Boundary Layer Pressure Fluctuations,” Ch. 8, Noise and Acoustic
Fatigue in Aeronautics (Eds: Richards, E. J., and Mead, D. J.), Wiley, NY, 1968.

4.37 Coe, C. F., "Surface-Pressure Fluctuations Associated with Aerodynamic Noise,”

Basic Aerodynamic Noise Research (Schwartz, I. R., Ed.), NASA SP-207, pp 409-
424, 1969.

4.38 Robertson, J. E., “Prediction of In-Flight Fluctuating Pressure Environments Including

Protuberance Induced Flow,” NASA CR-119947, 1971.

4.39 Heller, H. H., and Clemente, A. R., “Unsteady Aerodynamic Loads on Slender Cones
at Free-Stream Mach Numbers from 0 to 22,” Paper No. 73-998, AIAA Aero-
Acoustics Conf., Seattle, WA, 1997.

4.40 Laganelli, A. L., and Howe, J. R., "Prediction of Pressure Fluctuations Associated
with Maneuvering Re-Entry Weapons,” AFFDL-TR-77-59, 1977.

4.41 Laganelli, A. L, Martellucci, A., and Shaw, L. L., "Wall Pressure Fluctuations in
Attached Boundary-Layer Flow,” AIAA J., Vol. 21, No. 4, pp 495-502, Apr. 1983.

4.42 Beranek, L. L., and Ver, I. L., Ed., Noise and Vibration Control Engineering, Wiley,
NY, 1992.

4.43 Pope, L. D., Wilby, J. F., et al, "Space Shuttle Payload Bay Acoustic Prediction
Model,” NASA CR-159956, Vol. I-V, Mar. 1980.

4.44 Seybert, A. F., Cheng, C. Y. R., and Wu, T. W., "The Solution of Coupled
Interior/Exterior Acoustic Problems Using the Boundary Element Method,” J. Acoust.
Soc. Am., pp. 1612-1618, Vol. 88, 1990.

4.45 Lyon, R. H., and DeJong, R. G., Theory and Application of Statistical Energy
Analysis, 2nd Ed., Butterworth-Heinemann, Newton, MA, 1995.

March 13, 2001

4.46 Manning, J. E., "Statistical Modeling of Vibrating Systems," Ch. 78, Encyclopedia of
Acoustics, ed: M. J. Crocker, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1997.

4.47 Burroughs, C. B., Fischer, R. W., and Kern, F. R., "An Introduction to Statistical
Energy Analysis," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 101, No. 4, April 1997.

4.48 Lee, Y. A., Henricks, W., et al, "Vibroacoustic Payload Environment Prediction
System (VAPEPS),” Vol. 1 to 5, NASA CR-166823, June 1984.

4.49 Bradford, L., and Manning, J. E., "Acoustic Blanket Effect on Payload Acoustic
Environment," pp. 244-253, Proc., 42 ATM, Inst. Envir. Sc. Tech., Mount Prospect,
IL, 1996.

4.50 Wilby, J. F., and Pope, L. D., “The Development of a Method for Predicting the Noise
Exposure of Payloads in the Space Shuttle Orbiter Vehicle,” Shock and Vibration
Bull., No. 49, Part 1, pp 1-29, Sep. 1979.

4.51 Piersol, A. G. and Rentz, P.E., “Experimental Studies of the Space Shuttle Payload
Acoustic Environment,” SAE Paper 770973, Nov. 1977.

4.52 Milne, J. S., “General Environmental Verification for STS & ELV Payloads,
Subsystems, and Components,” NASA GSFC Doc. GEVS-SE, Rev. A, 1996.

4.53 Hughes, W. O., McNelis, M. E., and Manning, J. E., “NASA LeRC’s Acoustic Fill
Effect Test Program and Results Analysis and Evaluation of the Fill Factor,” Proc.
15th Aerospace Testing Sem., Inst. Envir. Sc., pp 205-221, Oct. l994. (Also Proc.
65th Shock and Vibration Symp., Vol. 1, pp 459-474, Nov. 1994, and NASA TM-
106688, 1994.)

4.54 Anon., “Payload Vibroacoustic Test Criteria,” NASA Engrg Standard NASA-STD-
7001, June 21, 1996.

4.55 Tanner, C. S., “Shuttle Cargo Bay Vent Noise and its Effect on the Generic Payload
Specifications and Testing Methods,” Proc., Shuttle Payload Dynamic Environments
and Loads Prediction Workshop, Vol. I, pp. 303 - 332, Jet Propulsion Lab, Jan. 1984.

4.56 Rossiter, J. E., “Wind Tunnel Experiments in Flow Over Rectangular Cavities at
Subsonic and Transonic Speeds,” Reports and Memoranda No. 3438,
Communicated by Deputy Controller Aircraft (Research and Development), Ministry
of Aviation, England, 1964.

4.57 Heller, H. H., Holmes, D. G., and Covert, E. E., “Flow-Induced Pressure Oscillations
in Shallow Cavities,” J. Sound and Vibration, Vol. 18, pp. 545 - 553, 1971.

4.58 Heller, H. H., and Bliss, D. B., “Aerodynamically Induced Pressure Oscillations in
Cavities - Physical Mechanisms and Suppression Concepts,” AFFDL-TR-74-133,
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, 1975.

4.59 Johnston, J. D., “Payload Bay Atmospheric Vent Airflow Testing at the Vibration and
Acoustic Test Facility,” NASA TM 100460, Feb. 1988.

March 13, 2001

4.60 Harris, C. M., Ed., Shock and Vibration Handbook, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, NY, 1996.

4.61 Heckl, M., Cremer, L., and Ungar, E. E., Structure-Borne Sound, Springer-Verlag,
NY, 1973.

4.62 Valentekovich, V. M., and Goding, A. C., "Characterizing Near Field Pyroshock with
a Laser Doppler Vibrometer,” Proc. 61st Shock and Vibration Symp., Vol. II, pp 205-
221, Oct. 1990.

March 13, 2001


Having defined the dynamic excitations for space vehicles in Section 4, the next step is to predict
the structural responses to these excitations. From the viewpoint of basic prediction
methodologies, it is convenient to divide the structural response prediction procedures into three
categories, as summarized in Table 5.1. Beyond the basic categories of structural response
predictions in Table 5.1, there are three additional actions that are sometimes required to arrive at
the final response predictions, namely, (a) the computation of multimodal responses, (b) the
verification of analytical models, and (c) the computation of responses under combined loads.

TABLE 5.1. Summary of Structural Response Predictions.

Type of Structural Response Dynamic Excitations (Section Number)

Low frequency vibration and Low frequency transient (4.1), low frequency random
transients responses (4.2), and low frequency, quasi-periodic (4.3).
High frequency, quasi-periodic (4.3), exterior acoustic
High frequency vibration
noise (4.4), exterior aerodynamic noise (4.5), interior
acoustic noise (4.6), and structureborne vibration (4.7).
High frequency transient
High frequency transient (4.8).

5.1 Low Frequency Vibration and Transient Responses. Low frequency vibration and
transient responses of payloads and spacecraft result in loads and motions that must be
determined analytically to evaluate structural integrity and functionality. From the Sections
referenced in Table 5.1, the primary sources of these low frequency loads are pre-launch events
(ground winds and possible seismic loads), liftoff (engine/motor thrust buildup, ignition
overpressure, and pad release), airloads (buffet, gust, and static-elastic), and liquid engine
ignitions and shutdowns. These events have an upper frequency limit that is dependent on the
launch vehicle and the stage of its operation, e.g., 35 Hz for Shuttle, 50-60 Hz in most cases for
expendables. Major load events due to spacecraft operation are deployments and transients
peculiar to the mission, such as docking and landing. Most cases involve linear system
response, but nonlinear responses occur in certain cases. Examples are the account of
trunnion sliding for Shuttle payloads, the liftoff release mechanism for Atlas, and the response of
spacecraft deployment and docking mechanisms.

The process of predicting the dynamic responses typically involves a series of analytical steps
as follows (illustrated in Figure 5.1 taken from [5.1]):

a. A finite element method (FEM) model is created to describe the stiffness and
distributed mass properties.

b. The degrees of freedom (DOF) in the FEM model are reduced to create the dynamic
model to be valid within the frequency range of concern. Discrete elements are incorporated
when a lumped-parameter representation is appropriate. Examples are rigid elements to
represent hardware which have no modes in the frequency range of interest and discrete
flexible elements such as vibration isolators.

c. Modal analysis, including “component-mode synthesis” if portions of the spacecraft are

modeled separately, is performed to develop a “component-mode representation” of the
spacecraft as the basis for dynamic coupling with the launch vehicle. Effects to be represented
nonlinearly in subsequent loads analyses have been removed. The boundary conditions at the

March 13, 2001

interface with the launch vehicle are matched to those which are used for the experimental
modal test to facilitate test planning (particularly, sensor and forcing locations), and evaluation
of analysis/test correlation. Critical damping ratios are assigned to the modes based on the
modal test data.

d. Component mode synthesis is performed to couple the spacecraft to the remainder of

the flight vehicle to determine the normal modes of the complete system for each of the load
events to be analyzed. Employed in a final verification analysis is the test-verified analytical
model assuming acceptable correlation has been achieved with the experimental modes or, if
that is not possible, the test-derived modes themselves. The off-diagonal elements of the
system damping matrix resulting from the coupling process are retained unless experience has
shown that the off-diagonal terms are insignificant [5.1].

e. Forcing functions are developed to serve as excitations for the various load events.
Analytical predictions, ground test data, and flight data may be involved.

f. After coupling all nonlinear effects into the equations of motion, responses are calculated
for the generalized coordinates of the total system. These system generalized responses are
then transformed to the generalized coordinate responses for the component modes of the
spacecraft. This is followed by a transformation to the DOF in the physical dynamic model.

g. The physical acceleration and displacements responses are then transformed into
physical member loads (for example, shear forces and bending moments) and relative
deflections (for example between a spacecraft appendage and the fairing) by means of a load
transformation matrix (LTM). Stresses that involve multiple load contributions are determined
conservatively by worst case combination of extreme values, by statistical combination for
random aspects, or by time-domain superposition. The last step is the assessment of safety

Step No. 1 Step No. 2 Step No. 3

Launch Vehicle Model Forcing Functions

Frequency Range
Vibration Environments

Finite Integrated
Payload Element System Loads Margin
Design Models Design Analysis Assessment

Member Loads Safety
Interface Forces

FIGURE 5.1. The Loads Analysis Process

March 13, 2001

Since many design loads are dynamic in nature, the loads not only strongly influence the
spacecraft configuration, but the configuration has a major influence on the loads as well. This
interaction leads to an iterative design process as indicated in Figure 5.1, usually referred to as
the “load cycle process” illustrated in Figure 5.2 taken from [5.2]. In the Preliminary Design Load
Cycle, preliminary design load factors are applied, usually in the form of static accelerations, to a
preliminary design spacecraft model. The results are used to make necessary design changes,
and along with changes due to ongoing design maturity, yield a Final Design Model used for the
second or Final Design Loads Cycle. These results are used to make necessary design changes
and are subjected to a Critical Design Review. After the critical design review, a commitment is
made to fabricate structural hardware, which is eventually subjected to qualification static tests
based on the loads predicted in the Final Design Loads Cycle. The truly final load cycle, called
the Verification Loads Cycle, takes place after the spacecraft has been built and mode survey
tested. The verified dynamic model, either an adjustment of the Final Design Model or a modal
model derived directly from the measured modes, is used. The resulting loads are considered in
a final assessment of structural qualification, including an assessment of the adequacy of the
static qualification tests. A positive outcome is necessary to make the commitment to flight.

Preliminary Design Final Design Modal Survey

Load Factors of S/C Model of S/C Model

Preliminary Design Final Analytical Verification

S/C Model Load Cycle Load Cycle

Preliminary Design Structural Qualifi- Final Assessment

Load Cycle cation (Static Test) of Structural

Approval for Flight

FIGURE 5.2. The Load Cycle Process.

5.1.1 Structural Dynamic Models. Dynamic models are classified broadly based upon
whether they involve physical or generalized coordinates. Physical models are in the form of
mass and stiffness matrices, usually constructed from FEM models. They may also contain
some non-physical degrees of freedom, such as used to represent motion of liquids in tanks.
The generalized coordinate models involve physical deflection shapes (Ritz vectors) into which
responses in the frequency range of interest can be decomposed. These shapes include
normal mode shapes of the component, either for the interface points fixed, free, or loaded (i.e.,
constrained in some intermediate manner such as with imposed mass or stiffness elements).
For the fixed and free interface cases, additional shapes are generated as a basis for the
consequences of interface motions and forces in the coupled system.

March 13, 2001

The equations of motion for a component in physical coordinates, when damping is neglected,
can be written in the standard form

Mẍ + Kx = F (5.1)

where M is the component mass matrix, K is its stiffness matrix, x is a vector of physical
displacement coordinates, and F is a vector of forces acting. To insure symmetry of the mass
and stiffness matrices, the forces must be compatible with the displacements, meaning that the
product of each force and its associated displacement coordinate must be the external work
done (in consistent units) at that coordinate. For example, in addition to the usual pairing of
force with displacement, other appropriate pairings are pressure with area-displacement and
moment with angular displacement.

The physical coordinates are separated into a set of interface coordinates xI and a set of non-
interface (interior) coordinates xN. Equation (5.1) can then be partitioned to yield


For a spacecraft responding to liftoff and ascent excitations, the non-interface forces FN = 0
unless direct acoustic impingement on large surface area elements is being considered.

5.1.2 Classical Normal Mode Analysis Procedures. The type of normal modes obtained
depends on whether the interface degrees of freedom are fully constrained (fixed) or
unconstrained (free) or intermediately constrained. In any case, the normal modes are the
eigensolutions for Equation (5.1)


where Φn is the matrix of mode shapes and Ω n2 the diagonal matrix containing the square of the
corresponding circular natural frequencies. It is customary to orthonormalize the mode shapes,

Φ Tn M Φ n = I (5.4)

where I is the identity matrix. This then yields

Φ Tn K Φ n = Ω 2n (5.5)

The physical coordinates x are related to the generalized coordinates q by the transformation

x = Φn q (5.6)

March 13, 2001

Assuming that the eigenvalue problem has been solved completely, the modal matrix Φn
contains as many eigenvectors as there are degrees of freedom in the physical dynamic model.
One of the advantages of the modal method is that a model for the frequency range of interest
can be established using a small subset of the modes. In further discussion, Φ and Φd denote
the retained mode set and the deleted mode set, respectively:

Φn = [Φ Φd] (5.7) Fixed-Interface Model (Hurty/Craig-Bampton). Fixed-interface modeling is the

most commonly employed technique for spacecraft. It is commonly viewed as capable of
producing lower modes similar to those occurring in the coupled system because the spacecraft
interface points are attached to relatively stiff structure. Furthermore, the well established base-
fixed modal test approach is applicable for model verification purposes.

The analytical method of fixed-interface modeling was originated by Hurty [5.3] and then
simplified, with respect to rigid body modes by Craig and Bampton [5.4]. Involved are fixed-
interface normal modes and “constraint modes” to serve as a set of vectors with which to create
the coupled system behavior within the component. These mode shapes are discussed below.

Fixed-interface normal modes are obtained by constraining the interface degrees of freedom
(DOF) in Equation (5.2) and then solving the eigenproblem for the modes to be retained ΦN:


The fixed-interface normal modes are augmented with constraint modes, one for each interface
DOF. The ith constraint mode shape is defined to be the static displacements of the non-interface
DOF xNi due to a unit displacement of the ith interface DOF xIi, obtained from the static solution of
Equation (5.2). An application of successive unit static displacements at interface DOF yields the
columns of the constraint mode matrix ΦcN for the non-interface DOF. Since the constraint modes
are derived from the unconstrained stiffness matrix, the rigid body modes are contained implicitly.

The physical coordinates are then related to the generalized coordinates as follows:


The transformation in Equation (5.9) is applied to the physical equations of motion (5.1) yielding

I ˜
M Ω 2N 0
M ˜ T MΦ
˜ = Φ ˜ = ˜ T KΦ
and K˜ = Φ ˜ = (5.10)
M ˜
M 0 K II

Thus the fixed-interface component-mode approach results in component equations of motion

which have only inertial coupling between the fixed-interface normal modes and the constraint
modes. If a six DOF statically indeterminate interface is present in the model, the constraint
modes are rigid body displacements and KII = 0. Also, it should be mentioned that Equation
(5.10) assumes the mode shapes have been mass normalized according to Equation (5.4).

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While this is common practice, it is not required. For example, NASTRAN includes other
procedures that might be chosen to normalize the eigenvectors. Loaded-Interface Model (Benfield/Hruda). While fixed-interface modeling is most

common, there are cases where this may not be appropriate. An example is a very large
spacecraft for which rigid supports in a modal test may be impractical, or when the spacecraft
interface points are supported by bearings or flexible couplings intended to reduce load transfer.
Especially if these devices are nonlinear, they would not be appropriate to be included in a
modal survey which is intended to identify linear behavior. Yet another consideration for not
using the constraint-interface approach is that it leads to either full reliance on the analytical
model for stiffness properties associated with the interface points, or it requires structural
stiffness testing in addition to the modal test.

On the other hand, total dependence on free-interface modes for system synthesis is
undesirable because the local flexibility properties at the interface points are not represented.
This leads to poor convergence resulting in the need to include an excessively large number of
modes to yield accurate system modes. The method in [5.5] aimed to circumvent this problem
by including stiffness and/or mass loading of the interface points to approximate the degree of
constraint produced in the coupled system. This implies that the model is tied to a specific
launch vehicle, which is contrary to having the freedom to deal with other vehicles. Of course,
another possibility is to include arbitrary stiffnesses or masses to the interface points, simply to
"work" the points, in a manner that can readily be implemented in a modal test. In either case,
such an approach leads to the need to include these interface constraints in a modal test and to
analytically remove these interface constraints as part of the coupling process to develop
system modes.

For example, a launch vehicle is sometimes loaded with a rigid body representation of the
payload for its component-mode representation. That rigid body is subsequently removed as
part of the coupled system modal analysis. Free-Interface Model (Rubin/MacNeal). Another approach is to use free-interface

modes and to append attachment modes, which can also be called interface residual modes. The
attachment modes are static elastic deflection shapes due to unit forces at the interface DOF that
are only the result of the high frequency modes not retained for the dynamic model. Since the
structure is free to undergo rigid body motion, these deflection shapes are derived with inertia
relief to avoid any rigid body contribution. The total static elastic deflection for a unit force at each
interface DOF is determined first. Then, the contributions to these shapes of the retained modes
are removed. The number of attachment modes is the same as the number of interface DOF, and
is the same as the number of constraint modes needed to augment fixed-interface modes.

This approach stemmed from the concept of "residual flexibility", first introduced by MacNeal [5.6]
to account for the static contribution of neglected higher modes. Rubin [5.7] added a first-order
residual mass and showed a substantially improved benefit for convergence beyond that afforded
by residual flexibility alone. This work was reframed by Coppolino [5.8] into the use of residual
flexibility shapes to become Ritz vectors now referred to as attachment modes (also [5.9]).

The displacement vector x is expressed as a sum over the free-interface normal mode shapes
Φn and the attachment mode shapes Φa, weighted by their corresponding generalized
coordinates qn and qa, respectively:

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Each attachment mode Φa is the static deflection shape over all DOF for a unit force at one
interface DOF. Let Gc be the elastic flexibility matrix when the component is constrained non-
redundantly to prevent rigid body motion, Ge be the elastic flexibility matrix for the unrestrained
component having imposed inertia relief, and GN be the flexibility matrix due to the retained
elastic modes. Then the flexibility matrix Gd contributed by the deleted modes is given by


In the above equation, Φr is the matrix of rigid body mode shapes and ΩN is the diagonal matrix
of the reciprocal of squared natural frequencies corresponding to GN. The attachment mode
matrix Φa in Equation (5.11) is the subset of Gd containing the columns associated with forces at
the attachment DOF.

For use in component mode synthesis, it is necessary to replace the attachment generalized
coordinates qa in the transformation Equation (5.11) by the physical interface DOF xI. This is
accomplished by manipulating Equation (5.11) to produce the desired transformation, namely,


where Φ is the set of modified free-interface normal modes and Φ aN is the set of modified
attachment modes, both pertaining to the non-interface DOF given by
Φ nN = Φ nN − Φ aN Φ aI Φ nI
Φ aN = Φ aN Φ aI

The transformation in Equation (5.13a) is used to transform the physical equations of motion (5.1):

T T (5.14)
M q¨ ' + K q' = Φ F where M = Φ M Φ , K = Φ K Φ

In this case, the matrices M and K are fully populated.

5.1.3 Finite Element Method (FEM) Model Procedures. The stiffness model created by
the structural analysts who are responsible for structural strength provides the usual starting
point for the analytical dynamic model of the spacecraft. This is a recommended practice since
the major objective of the dynamic analysis is a set of loads which can be used to determine
safety margins, and a common basis for the strength and loads analyses greatly facilitates this
objective. The basic analysis tool used for the stiffness modeling is a FEM modeling program,
as exemplified by NASTRAN. The use of such programs as a basis for the dynamic model is
very much an art to assure adequacy for the frequency range of interest in terms of both modes

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and loads. The structural stiffness viewpoint must be expanded to assure that sufficient DOF
and mass properties are included to reflect the translational and rotational kinetic energies of all
parts on the spacecraft, including auxiliary bodies (such as tanks). In general, three
translational and three rotational DOF are included for each node in the model.

A special case of FEM modeling occurs when a liquid containing tank is to be modeled. When
slosh effects are to be modeled, and the elasticity of the tank is not significant, a spring-mass or
pendulum modeling is appropriate [5.10]. A special form of FEM analysis, used for hydroelastic
modeling, represents an incompressible liquid and the coupling between liquid pressure and
tank wall elastic deflection. Such modeling capability is available, for example, using NASTRAN
[5.11, 5.12]. In this case hydroelastic vibration modes are determined using the vibration
analysis capability of the FEM program itself and then used for a component-mode
representation of the tank.

Since static stress analysis generally requires more spatial detail (often tens of thousands of
DOF) than required for dynamic analysis (a few hundred at most), a transformation method is
used for reduction to the dynamic set. The principal techniques are static condensation
(commonly known as Guyan reduction) and generalized dynamic reduction (also called
subspace iteration). These are discussed below. The criterion for the acceptability of a
dynamic DOF set should be based on the degree of orthogonality between the dynamic mode
set and modes derived from as refined a model as possible in the frequency range of interest. Static Condensation (Guyan Reduction). The homogeneous equations of motion,

prior to condensation (reduction of DOF) to the dynamic equations, is written in terms of the
retained DOF xa (the “a-set”) and the eliminated DOF x0 as


Guyan reduction [5.13] uses the static displacement relationship to define the following
transformation between the two DOF sets obtained from the lower half of Equation (5.15):

−1 T
x o = G oa x a where G oa = − K oo K ao (5.16)

The result of the condensation, indicated by the addition of the subscript c, is

Maa, c xa + Kaa, c xa = 0 (5.17)


Note that the mass properties associated with the eliminated DOF x0 are distributed to the mass
coefficients for the retained DOF xa.

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The application of Guyan reduction requires significant user experience since no connection is
provided to the frequency range of interest. It is vital to retain the DOF required to characterize
the complete kinetic energy (translational and rotational) of major mass items and then to
distribute other DOF over the structure using judgment to include the DOF necessary to
characterize deflected shapes for dynamic behavior in the frequency range of interest.

Experience has shown that for a more accurate representation of plate dynamics, it is better to
include all translational and rotational DOF at fewer grid points than it is to include only
translational DOF at a larger number of grid points. As a rule of thumb, a reasonably good
selection of the dynamic DOF (the "a-set") will produce modal frequencies within 5% for the
lowest one third of the complete set of modes from the dynamic model. Said another way, the
number of dynamic DOF should be at least three times the number of modes within the
frequency range of interest. Generalized Dynamic Reduction. The goal of generalized dynamic reduction, also
called subspace iteration [5.14], is to generate a set of Ritz vectors that are rich in the modes
within the frequency range of interest. These vectors are obtained by inverse iteration on the
unreduced model to determine an approximation to the lowest orthonormalized mode shapes,
extending beyond the frequency range of interest for the dynamic model [5.15]. In addition to
these generalized coordinates, some physical DOF may be useful as a convenience for
representing nonlinear effects and for economy in the recovery of displacements. Also, for
improved accuracy in response calculations, physical DOF corresponding to applied loads
should be included. The generalized and selected physical coordinates comprise the vector ua,
which replaces xa in Equation (5.15), and the remaining steps in the condensation proceed as
for static condensation. Load Transformation Matrix. The internal dynamic loads L of a payload or

spacecraft are derived from the displacements x using a load transformation matrix LTM where


The LTM is derived from the FEM stiffness model. Each row of the LTM yields an internal load
resulting from displacements of the non-interface displacements xN and interface displacements
xI. The term "load" is a general one, referring to any form of load (for example, bending moment
or shear force), any form of stress, and relative displacements where there is concern about
collision. Due to the truncation of the system modes, much better convergence to accurate
dynamic loads is achieved by reformulating the transformation to involve inertial forces rather
than displacements. This is possible for the non-interface DOF by solving the upper half of
Equation (5.12) for the displacements xN in terms of the accelerations x N and applied interface
forces FN, and inserting the result into Equation (5.17). The result is

L = LTM N k −NN
( − M NN x¨ N − M NI x¨ I + F N ) + ( LTM N Φ cN + LTM I ) x I (5.19)

where FcN is the constraint mode matrix for the non-interface degrees of freedom, defined in
Equation (5.9), and applicable equally to the case of free-interface modeling of the spacecraft.

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5.1.4 Other Modeling Procedures. Payload Reanalysis. The results of a previous analysis can be used as a basis for
the calculation of loads for a new or modified payload design when the launch vehicle and
forcing functions are unchanged. This approach has been called reanalysis. Payload loads are
calculated throughout its design cycle without need for a model of the launch vehicle nor
definition of the forcing functions. The method is not necessarily limited to small changes in the
design. Reanalysis explicitly takes into account the changes in the payload interface motions
that result from design changes. The only approximation made is that the modified set of
system modes can be represented as a linear combination of the original system modes and the
new payload component modes. If there were no truncation of the system, this requirement is
met exactly. In practice, modes are truncated above a frequency limit and thus some degree of
inaccuracy is incurred dependent on the degree of payload change and the degree of

One reanalysis method combines frequency and time-domain calculations [5.16]. Accelerations
at the payload interface DOF in the time domain from a previous analysis are FFT converted to
the frequency domain. Modifications to these motions are then made in the frequency domain.
Finally a conversion is made back to the time domain. Care must be taken to avoid significant
corruption due to the forward and inverse FFT processes. A similar method that performs solely
in the time domain, thereby avoiding the possibility of corruption due to time/frequency
transformations, is also available [5.17]. This time-domain method also specifically addresses
the case of statically determinate interfaces as well as nonzero initial conditions. Generalized Modal Shock Spectrum Procedure. This method seeks to estimate a
bound on individual responses via a generalized modal shock spectrum approach [5.18]. The
objective is to reduce the analysis effort and degree of dependence between the spacecraft and
launch vehicle design processes. The dynamic interaction affecting the motions at the
spacecraft interface is taken into account and an indeterminate interface is allowed. An
important aspect is the easy consideration of the sensitivity of the design loads to variations in
the modal properties of the spacecraft and launch vehicle. For example, artificial tuning
between spacecraft and launch vehicle modal frequencies can be imposed.

System equations of motion in component modal coordinates are developed for the launch
vehicle represented by its free-interface normal modes, including rigid body modes, and for the
spacecraft represented by its fixed-interface normal modes. Bounds on responses are
developed for each spacecraft mode with each launch vehicle mode, and bounds on overall
responses are obtained by the SRSS technique (square root of the sum of squares).

Application to the Galileo spacecraft resulted in conservatism relative to a full transient analysis
with up to a factor of 1.5 for the larger response values, and up to a factor of 5 for smaller
response values for a particular transient event. The conservatism was reduced to an overall
factor of no greater than 1.5 for design values that envelope the requirements from multiple

5.1.5 Model Verification. Static Tests. Static tests can be used to determine stiffness parameters when
analysis is uncertain or simply more difficult than test, or when nonlinear effects are involved
such as differences in stiffness for tension versus compression loading. Joints are particularly
troublesome and are typically not modeled in a finite-element fashion unless major significance
is attached to accurate modeling from a structural standpoint. In the case of a viscoelastic

March 13, 2001

material, such as a solid propellant or a vibration isolator, both static and dynamic tests are
required to address strength, deflection, and dynamic behavior. Modal Tests. When analytical predictions of spacecraft modes are compared to
experimentally determined modes, it is invariably found that a number of modes were either
poorly predicted or not predicted at all. Stiffnesses of spacecraft joints and of fittings that
connect substructures to each other are often poorly modeled. As a result, high-order modes
and modes dominated by motion of local components are error prone. Even low-order modes
can be troublesome when they are dominated by appendages such as solar arrays. A
comprehensive comparison of analysis and test results was published for the Viking spacecraft
in [5.19].

It is therefore required that spacecraft be mode survey tested [5.1, 5.2]. Mode survey testing
has benefitted greatly from the many advances in measurement systems (digital acquisition and
processing), transducers, testing rigor, and mode extraction algorithms [5.20, 5.21]. The Galileo
Spacecraft modal survey was performed using a variety of test methods, including multiple-input
sine dwell, incremental sine sweep, single- and multiple-input random, and chirp excitation, and
involved various investigators [5.22]. Mode survey testing has continued to evolve to a point
where multi-shaker random vibration and multi-shaker sine sweep test techniques are at the
pinnacle of the technology [5.23 - 5.26]. Base-driven modal testing, which can be conducted in
conjuction with environmental and qualification vibration tests, is an attractive approach for
smaller spacecraft with low budgets and short development cycles [5.27]. Mathematical Checks. There are a number of mathematical checks that can be
made to determine that all is well with the formulation of an unconstrained dynamic model.
Some of these checks are identified below.

a. Stiffness Matrix Checks

1. Symmetric (Maxwell's reciprocity relationship).

2. Positive diagonal elements.
3. Positive semi-definite (no negative eigenvalues of K).
4. Number of zero eigenvalues of K equal to the number of rigid body DOF
(usually six) plus the number of mechanism DOF.
5. Internal forces vanish under rigid body motion (or strain energy vanishes).

b. Mass Matrix Checks

1. Symmetric.
2. Positive diagonal elements.
3. Positive semi-definite (no negative eigenvalues of M).
4. Symmetric rigid body mass matrix containing only diagonal elements for
translational DOF.
5. Overall principal axes and inertias match that of the mass properties model.

c. Normal Modes Checks

1. Unconstrained models:
(a) Orthonormal with respect to M, namely, ΦT M Φ is the unit matrix. If mode
shapes are experimentally derived and orthonormalized, as a goal the off-
diagonal elements should be less than 0.1.
(b) Orthogonal with respect to K, namely, ΦT K Φ is diagonal.

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(c) Number of zero frequency modes equal to the number of rigid body DOF
(usually six) plus the number of mechanism DOF.

2. Models with fixed-interface DOF:

(a) Same as (a) and (b) for unconstrained models.
(b) No rigid body modes should be present for the fixed-interface model, other
than for mechanism DOF.

d. Load Transformation Matrix Checks

1. Loads (internal forces, stresses, relative displacements) resulting from a steady

translational or rotational physical acceleration should match those predicted by
the finite-element model using the corresponding inertia forces.

2. Zero loads should result from rigid body displacement of the set of fixed-interface
DOF. Analysis/Test Correlation. The mode survey test (or modal survey) is conducted
to provide the basis for the test-verified dynamic model to be used in the Verification Load Cycle
(VLC). Even for fairly simple spacecraft configurations, the analytical model almost assuredly
requires some adjustments to achieve acceptable correlation with the experimental modes. For
most complex spacecraft configurations, acceptable correlation is not achievable and the
experimental modes themselves are then used to take the place of the analytically produced
modes. The practice of using the experimental modes as the most reliable basis for dynamic
loads prediction was initiated for Air Force programs in the early 1960s. In order to directly
correlate analysis and test modes, the interface boundary conditions for the component-mode
representation must be the same in the analysis as they are in the test. Some reliance on the
mathematical dynamic model is required since its mass matrix is needed to perform
orthogonality checks. Moreover, when fixed-interface component modes are used, analytically
derived constraint modes are required, recognizing that static test definition of constraint modes
is usually impractical.

In some cases, there are serious problems associated with fixed-interface modal testing. The
problems are (a) contamination of data due to coupling between the fixture and the test article,
(b) difficulty in accurately simulating flight boundary conditions, such as trunnion bearings for
Shuttle payloads, and (c) the cost of construction and checkouts of the fixture. Correspondingly,
when free-interface component modes are used, analytically derived attachment modes would
be required; in this case, however, there is a practical possibility of experimentally deriving
attachment modes at least for translational interface DOF by direct forcing during the modal test
at those DOF [5.7]. Free-interface modal testing has been studied at the Marshall Space Flight
Center, including the experimental determination of residual flexibility functions for the payload
interfaces [5.28]. In a first phase, the technique was applied and was reported to work well for a
space station module (SSM) prototype, a complex shell structure, and for the Material Science
Laboratory [5.29]. The approach taken was to analytically convert the test results to determine
the fixed-interface representation for use in system synthesis, instead of using the free-interface
model for this purpose. Convergence studies for the SSM showed a superiority of the Rubin
method relative to the methods of MacNeal (neglecting residual mass) and Benfield-Hruda
(mass-addition). Unpublished follow-on studies have involved a planar-grid Shuttle simulator
with simulated trunnions and a Space Station Pathfinder simulator; with the latter a good
correlation was achieved between the free-interface experimental representation converted
analytically to a fixed-interface representation and modes obtained experimentally with a fixed-
interface configuration.

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Damped normal modes, as opposed to "complex modes" are determined in modal testing. This
means that deviations from real mode shapes (that is, all motions either in or out of phase) are not
translated into cross coupling terms in the damping matrix representing the spacecraft. Also, the
modal test article is invariably somewhat different from the flight configuration. For example, the
actual liquid propellant is typically replaced by a benign liquid (such as water or alcohol) and a
tank for liquid hydrogen is usually left empty for the test. Also, some components are unavailable
for the test so they are either not included or are replaced by a crude mass simulator.
Furthermore, in order to facilitate the experimental measurement of primary structural modes,
some parts of the spacecraft may be removed for the modal test. Examples are light, relatively
flexible, components such as antennas and solar arrays. To avoid dealing with nonlinearities in
the modal test, when possible, nonlinear elements are removed or modified to cause linear
behavior (such as shimming of gaps). Removed components are separately tested to be
subsequently analytically coupled into the spacecraft model. This approach is usually combined
with some treatment of the attachment points for a missing component. This treatment can be to
install a rigid simulator or one or more arbitrary rigid masses to assure that the interface flexibility
properties are contributing to the modes in the frequency range of interest during the modal test.
In effect, the Benfield/Hruda approach discussed in Sec. is applied. All differences
between the modal test article and the flight configuration must be analytically dealt with to
upgrade the test-based dynamic model to the flight configuration to produce the test-verified
dynamic model for use in the Verification Load Cycle.

5.1.6 Low Frequency Response Analysis. Low Frequency Transient Response Analysis. In general low frequency transient
forcing functions are expressed as deterministic functions of time. Responses of the flight
vehicle are computed by integration of the equations of motion for the vehicle modes. A form
convenient for numerical integration is

q + Bdiag q + Ω2 q = ФFT F (t) + ФNL T F NL( q , q ) — Bodiag q (5.20)

The system modes result from a modal synthesis process, as described in Section 5.1.2. The
system generalized coordinates are contained in the vector q; natural frequencies are the
diagonal elements Ω; mode shapes are the columns Φ. The matrix B is a full damping matrix
resulting from the transformation to system modes of modally damped component modes. Note
that B has been split into a diagonal part Bdiag and an off-diagonal part Bodiag; the common
practice of ignoring Bodiag can lead to significant error [5.30]. Thus the left side of the Equation
(5.20) involves only uncoupled real modes. The right side of the equation contains the
generalized forces split into three parts: ΦFT F(t) is the generalized force vector for prescribed
external forces, ΦNLTFNL ( q q) is the vector of generalized nonlinear forces which arise from
response motions (for example, launch stand release mechanisms or from nonlinear elements
within the vehicle), and Bodiag q̇ is the vector of modal coupling forces due to damping interaction.
These last two sets of forces give rise to an iterative process in each time step if required to
achieve acceptable compatibility with the motions occurring during the time step. A sudden jump
in a force (for example, release from a stand support or closure of a clearance or reversal of a
friction or hydraulic force) may also require an iterative process. A formulation and analysis that
specifically addresses launch vehicle loads induced by maneuvering through winds is presented
in [5.31].

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Computational procedures have been published that are well suited to handling the damping
and nonlinear terms in Equation (5.20) [5.30, 5.32]. Initial conditions q (0), q(0) are required in
order to initiate the integration process. For example, a liftoff transient computation will involve
wind induced initial motions.

Output choices can be put into three categories:

a. Response time histories. The specific response variables (for example, accelerations
and loads) are selected by a response recovery transformation matrix acting on the generalized

b. Maximum and minimum values of the selected responses.

c. Statistics for the selected responses. For example: mean µ, standard deviation σ, µ ± kσ
for a selected value of k.

Often a family of forcing cases is involved and only the overall max-min values for each
individual case within the family may be of interest. Statistical measures may be applied to
these max-min values. Response Analysis to Low Frequency Acoustic Impingement. Certain payload

items respond significantly to the acoustic field inside the fairing during liftoff and maximum
airload periods of ascent [5.34]. This tends to be especially true for large area, lightweight items
such as solar arrays and dish antennas. If structural evaluation of such items requires that
structure-borne and direct acoustic impingement be combined, then analytical prediction of
responses to the acoustic excitation is required. Flight measurements on Shuttle and Titan
launch vehicles suggest that significant payload acoustic environments exist in the range of about
30 to 200 Hz. To cover this frequency range, it is implied that only the individual substructure
directly involved is modally analyzed and not the entire spacecraft. For example, although a solar
array might be evaluated structurally solely by an acoustic test, it will have to be modeled if its
boom and attachment hardware require combined load analysis.

Response to acoustic excitation is predicted in the frequency domain using spectrally described
pressures over surface regions on the response item and frequency response functions.
Corresponding to Equation (5.20), the matrix equation of motion for modal coordinates q
subjected to discretized surface forces is

q¨ + B q + Ω2q = Q(t) = ΦFT F(t) (5.21)

where the elements of the force vector F(t) = {Aeff p(t)} are forces acting on a surface patch with
effective areas Aeff in association with the external pressure p(t). The pressures are usually
based on a frequency-dependent correction of free-field pressures (from 1 to 3 dB higher as
frequency increases from 20 to 315 Hz and above [5.34]). Premultiplication by the transpose of
the mode shape matrix applicable to the forcing positions, ΦFT, converts these forces to modal
(generalized) forces Q(t). B is a diagonal damping matrix with elements of the form 2ζnωn,
assuming uncoupled damping since synthesis of component modes is not involved to obtain
modes of an element of the payload such as an antenna dish.

The effective areas, denoted by Aeff, account for the consequence of the degree of correlation of
pressure on opposing sides of a surface patch. The ratio of local Aeff to true area is actually
frequency dependent and can range from near zero for acoustic wavelengths large relative to

March 13, 2001

the acoustic path length from one side to the other, to 2 for uncorrelated but equal levels on
the two sides. Of course the ratio is one if only one side is exposed. One simplified approach
to the forcing distribution is to set up different area patches, which are uncorrelated, for each of
several frequency bands, with the size of the patches decreasing with increase in the frequency
of the band.

In the frequency domain, the spectral matrix (autospectral densities in diagonal elements and
cross-spectral densities in off-diagonal elements) of modal displacement responses Gq(f) is
expressed as

Gq(f) = Hq*(f) GQ(f) Hq(f) (5.22)

where Hq(f) is a diagonal matrix of the modal-displacement frequency response functions and
Hq* is its complex conjugate. For the nth orthonormalized mode

Hq,n(f) = [ fn2 - f2 + j2ζnfnf ]-1 (5.23)

GQ = Φ F GF Φ F (5.24)

where GQ(f) and GF(f) are the spectral matrices of Q(t) and F(t), respectively, appearing in
Equation (5.21). Note that GQ(f) is a nondiagonal matrix even if each area patch has a pressure
uncorrelated with that of the other patches since each modal force is made up of a weighted
sum of the same pressures, the weighting factors involve modal displacements and effective

The spectral matrix of physical displacements x and of accelerations x are then given by


The overall result of the operations in Equations (5.22), (5.24) and (5.25) to transform spectral
forces into spectral displacements is
Gx = Φ Hq* ΦF GF ΦF Hq Φ (5.26)

where the frequency dependence of Gx, GF, Hq is not explicitly shown. It is usually sufficient for
structural evaluation to determine only the diagonal elements of G x and G x , which are
autospectral densities of physical displacements and accelerations, respectively. Next these
autospectra are integrated over the frequency range of the excitation to yield mean-square
responses, followed by a square root operation to obtain rms values, which are actually
standard deviations of the responses, σx, since the responses have a zero mean value.

A FORTRAN implementation in matrix form is presented in [5.35] along with a user's guide. In
particular, it is stated that the frequency incrementing in the frequency neighborhood of a mode
must be no greater than one-fourth of the half-power bandwidth of that mode. Refer also to
Sections 5.2.1 and 5.2.3 which contain information for frequency domain analysis not presented
in matrix form. It should also be pointed out that if the pressure data are available in the time
domain, direct integration of Equation (5.21) can be performed to obtain modal responses q(t),

March 13, 2001

which are then transformed to obtain physical responses x(t), and finally rms values are

Taking the most general view, the pressure field acting on the fairing exterior excites the elastic-
acoustic coupled system consisting of the fairing and payload structures, and the intervening
acoustic volume. In recent years, such coupled systems have been analyzed using a finite
element method (FEM) to obtain modes of a structure that is uncoupled from the fluid, and a
boundary element method (BEM) for the fluid [5.36]. Using BEM, the fluid is modeled with
pressure degrees-of-freedom at the structural bounding surface areas and their corresponding
normal fluid motion. Most applications have been to automotive problems, but an application to
a solar array is described in [5.37]. Two state-of-the-art computational tools for the fluid
modeling and coupling to supplied structural modes are I-DEAS Vibro-Acoustics™ by the
Structural Dynamics Research Corporation (SDRC) and SYSNOISE by Leuven Measurement
Systems (LMS). Stationary Equivalent to Nonstationary Random Excitation Based on the Shock

Response Spectrum. A random excitation measured in flight is invariably nonstationary. When
resulting structural loads are to be calculated or random vibration test specifications are to be
developed, the common practice is to provide a power spectral density (PSD) characterization
which is then imposed as a stationary random forcing function for the analysis or test. The
conversion of the data to the PSD is usually a maximax process on the PSD's from a sequence
of short time intervals covering the event. Assessments of a best combination of averaging time
and bandwidth have focused on minimizing the result of bias and random errors for the
individual spectra [5.38].

The maximax PSD process does not address the nonstationarity of the data in terms that
directly relate to structural response. A direct approach can be taken when the calculation of
the peak response of structural modes is the desired use for the PSD developed from the
nonstationary data. Specifically, a single degree-of-freedom (DOF) response spectrum (RS) is
calculated (often called a shock response spectrum or SRS, see Section 2.2.10), then adjusted
to be a limit response spectrum (LRS), followed by a calculation of the PSD of the stationary
random white excitation which would produce the same maximum response for each natural
frequency analyzed.

The mean-square response σ2 of a single DOF system (natural frequency fn and resonant
magnification Q) to white zero-mean stationary excitation with a PSD G0 is given by

σ2 = (π/2) G0fnQ (5.27)

This equation is often referred to as the Miles' equation and is generally a good approximation if
G0 is taken to be the value at the natural frequency fn when the random input is nonwhite. A
factor r times the rms response σ can be equated with the limit response spectrum, LRS(fn,Q),

rσ = LRS(fn,Q) (5.28)

Using Equation (5.27) to solve for the corresponding G0(fn,Q,r) yields


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Gaussian input G0(fn,Q,r) is analytically input to an individual structural mode characterized by

fn,Q, and the peak modal response is taken to be r times the rms stationary modal response σ,
the peak response will be exactly equal to the corresponding limit response spectrum value. If,
after developing the equivalent spectrum, it is desired to change the multiplier to r1, an adjusted
equivalent PSD, denoted by G1(fn,Q,r1), is required where

G1(fn,Q,r1) = (r/r1)2 G0(fn,Q,r) (5.30)

It is emphasized that, as long as the same r factor is used for calculating both the equivalent
PSD and the resulting peak modal response, that response will be the same as the original limit
response spectrum value. It is clearly essential that a presentation of an equivalent PSD be
accompanied by the Q and r values used for its derivation.

The resolution in natural frequency should be high enough so as not to miss any narrowband
peaking. This will be an increasingly demanding requirement the greater the Q. A Fourier
transform of the time data can be used to identify frequencies at which peaks occur. In a case
for liftoff pressure internal to the fairing on a Titan IVB vehicle, using Q=50 (1% critical
damping), the spectrum was satisfactorily resolved with frequency spacing of 1/12th octave.

If a fatigue basis for equivalence of the derived stationary PSD is desired, a counting process of
single DOF response cycle amplitudes is necessary, as well as a specification of a duration for
its application [5.39]. See Sections 7.1.2 and 7.1.3 for further discussions of fatigue.

5.1.7 Combining Low Frequency Responses. Combining Responses in Individual Modes. Bounds on the responses in individual

modes of a spacecraft are sometimes determined and then combined to establish overall peak
loads. For example, see and also see for a method of dealing with nonstationary
data that is pertinent to computing peak modal response. A common approach for the
combination is to SRSS (square root of the sum of squares) the peak modal responses. This is
based on the assumption that the modal responses can be treated as if they were each zero-
mean stationary random and uncorrelated from each other. The correlation between modal
responses can be highly significant, however, for modes with closely spaced frequencies. A
method has been developed that accounts for such correlation [5.40]. A numerical study involving
earthquake input to a three-dimensional building model having several pairs of very closely
spaced modes showed that the SRSS method gave results both well below and well above
correct responses. Retaining the sign of local responses in such mode pairs is clearly necessary
to allow reinforcement or cancellation to be accounted for in the combination process for their
modal responses.

The method is called the Complete Quadratic Combination (CQC) method. It is applicable
when the duration of the excitation is long compared to the periods of the structural modes and
the excitation spectrum is smooth over the range of frequencies. The method requires that a
peak combined load Lc (equally applicable to any response quantity) be calculated using the
quadratic form:


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where Li and Lj denote peak loads in the ith and jth modes, including their sign associated with
their modal (generalized) forcing function and mode shape. The cross-modal coefficients ρij are
given by

2 3/2
8ζ r
ρ ij = ρ ji = 2 2 (5.32)
(r + 1)[(r − 1) + 4 ζ r]

where r = ωj/ωi, the ratio of modal natural frequencies. This is a simplified form applicable when
all modes have the same viscous damping ratio ζ (see [5.40]) if different damping values are
involved). A ρij approaches unity as the frequencies of the two modes involved become very
close and approaches zero as the frequencies become well separated. If all the frequencies are
well separated, the CQC method approaches the SRSS method.

In matrix form, Equation (5.31) becomes

Lc = LT ρ L (5.33)

where Lc is a vector of combined loads, L is the matrix of the corresponding loads in the
individual modes (each column contains the modal components to a particular load), and ρ is
the matrix of corresponding cross-modal coefficients. Combining Loads from Deterministic and Random Excitations. Random load
components (generally, vibroacoustic in nature) occurring simultaneously with deterministic load
components (generally, transient in nature) can be a significant part of the total loads [5.33].
When deterministic and random loads are to be combined, the simplest practice is to SRSS the
maximum loads from each source. Namely,

L = (LD 2max + LR 2max ) 1 / 2


where LD and LR denote the deterministically and randomly induced loads, respectively. In
effect both load time histories, LD(t) and LR(t), are treated as if they were zero-mean
uncorrelated stationary random variables. An issue is the proper factor to place on the rms
random load to determine the maximum load. One study that considered Shuttle and Titan
vehicles recommended 3.5 for liftoff and 4.0 for maximum airloads [5.34].

Another approach is to treat the two load sources in terms of the statistics of the peak value
reached during their individual fluctuations, considering positive load and negative load directions
separately. From this viewpoint, for each direction of load the average of peak values and the
greatest of the dispersed values in a direction that increases the load (that is, the difference of
maximum and average peak values) are established for each source. For each direction, these
are combined by adding the averages and the SRSS of the dispersed values. In effect the value
of oscillation peaks relative to the average of the peaks for the two load sources are taken to be
zero-mean uncorrelated stationary random variables. In equation form, for each direction.

L = LDav + LRav + (LDdisp2 + LRdisp2)1/2 (5.35)

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An example for which a statistical superposition of loads can be significant is the combination of
mechanically induced spacecraft loads (LM) due to liftoff and loads due to direct impingement of
the interior fairing acoustic field. One approach to such a combination is expressed by the
following equation:

L = LMav + 1.25 σA + [ (LMmax - LMav)2 + (2.19 σA)2 ]1/2 (5.36)

where it has been assumed that the acoustically induced response peaks are Rayleigh
distributed, so that the mean of the peak values is 1.25 times the rms value σA and the three-
sigma peak value is 3.44 σA (note that 2.19 = 3.44 - 1.25).

A procedure for determining the probability of exceeding a specific load level, based upon a first
passage statistic (see Section 7.1.4), is recommended in [5.40]. A stationary zero-mean
Gaussian random load is represented by its standard deviation and the standard deviation of its
first derivative. The uncorrelated deterministic transient load and its first time derivative are
involved in the expression for the probability of not exceeding a specified peak load. It is stated
that application can be made to the piece-wise stationary random intervals and summing the
probabilities of not exceeding in each interval.

The validity of any prediction method should be determined from a comparison of the predictions
to flight occurrences. Unfortunately, response data from payloads is rarely available, so
assessments of a particular prediction process for a component of a payload (such as combined
acoustic and transient excitation of an antenna during liftoff) has been based on computer
simulations to gain insight into the degree of conservatism in the predictions.

A shock response spectrum basis for deriving an equivalent acoustic forcing spectrum is
discussed in Note that if 3 σA is the basis for defining an equivalent load, then the 2.19
in Equation (5.36) would be replaced by 1.75 (from 3 - 1.25).

5.1.8 Assessments. Assessment of Boundary Condition Alternatives for Modal Analysis. The decision
on the boundary conditions to be used for the interface points (fixed, free, intermediately
constrained) should be made so as to match those to be used for the modal test. Each of the
approaches has merits and limitations. At this point a distinction must be made between two
types of interface points. There are the launch vehicle interface points and there are the
component interface points, the latter resulting from the absence of a component in the modal

Fixed interface modeling is the method of choice for launch vehicle interface points [5.1] largely
because the other two methods have a relatively small experience base. It should be
remembered that fixed interface modeling does not lead to verification of the dynamics
associated with motion of these interface points, total reliance having been placed in the
analytical stiffness model. The justification given that the experimental modes will approximate
those in the coupled vehicle system because of a relatively stiff launch vehicle interface is
seldom valid. Also, especially for large spacecraft, the ability to simulate fixed conditions may
be poor because of a lack of an adequate fixity in the test facility. A factory floor generally
provides inadequate fixity. Instead, a large, massive, seismically supported block should be
used. Another limitation can be that the dimensions of the mounting surface of the block may
not accommodate a very large test item.

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For component interface points, access restrictions typically rule out fixity. The typical approach
is to replace the missing item by a mass simulator. The component may be missing because it
is unavailable for the test, or it may behave nonlinearly and is to be tested separately, or it may
be a complex multimode item such as a large antenna that is deemed better to test separately.
It is vital that all six DOF of the simulator be instrumented. Also, if the item is not actually rigid,
the simulator should not constrain relative motion among the points so as to require reliance on
the analytical stiffness model. In this case, several local rigid simulators may be preferable.
Unless a missing component has been tested to show that a rigid simulator is acceptable for
dynamic modeling, it is necessary to analytically remove and replace the simulator with a
dynamic model determined by modal test of that component. Another approach is to leave the
interface points free and drive those points during the modal test. This, however, requires
access for the exciter, which may not be available.

Free interface conditions for launch vehicle interface points is an option that can be adopted,
although great care must be taken to drive the points during the modal test to obtain accurate
frequency response functions for the interface DOF (discussed in This has been
implemented in only a few situations, so the procedures are not well established. Driving the
rotational DOF, in addition to the translational DOF, requires a special forcing block at the drive
point to allow transformation of a sequence of applied forces into translational and rotational

A mix of the three types of interface conditions may be adopted to deal with the peculiarities of a
given situation. For example, fixity can be adopted for some of the launch vehicle interface
points to accommodate larger spacecraft in the test facility (perhaps only three are fixed to
provide a nonredundant support). The other interface points can then be mass loaded to "work"
them, or they can be attached to a support whose impedance has been measured in all its DOF.
Alternatively, the other interface points can be left free to be driven during the modal test. Assessment of Model Verification Procedures. A key matter for model verification
is what precisely is meant by the model to be verified. Is it a model that accurately describes all
modes in the frequency range of interest or is it only expected to describe significant modes, as
stated in [5.1], "based on an effective mass calculation augmented by modes which are critical
for specific load or deflection definition"? If prior loads analyses are used to judge which modes
are insignificant, there is a danger that an erroneous model has been misleading. If all modes
are involved in the verification, a higher burden is imposed on the modal survey test complexity
and on the extent of correlation sought between test and analytical modes.

The analytical model adjustment problem has been exhaustively treated in the literature and is
still very much unsettled. See [5.2] for a detailed review and an extensive list of references. As
stated in [5.2]: "Present day capability for modifying large analytical models, in a realistic way, to
obtain agreement with measured modal data is problematic at best. All of the schemes
developed to date must be viewed merely as guides to accompany engineering judgement in a
trial and error approach to developing the verified analytical model." In view of this, Air Force
programs long ago decided that, except for the simplest of spacecraft, adjusting the analytical
model is fruitless and the experimental modes themselves are the analytical model to be used in
the Verification Load Cycle. Experience has shown that when troublesome appendages (such
as solar arrays, large sensors and antennas, and nonlinear items) are removed from the
spacecraft for its modal survey, modes of the remaining structure can usually be measured with
considerable precision. These appendages are then subjected to individual modal surveys and
component mode synthesis is used to generate the overall spacecraft model. Acceptability of
the experimental modes implies those meeting stringent orthogonality checks (off diagonals less
than 0.1) and "completeness," namely no missing modes as determined by careful inspection of

March 13, 2001

the frequency response functions. If orthogonality goals cannot be met after expending a
reasonable effort to achieve them, model uncertainty factors (MUF) are usually invoked as a
compensation. Assessment of Alternatives to All-Up Vehicle Modal Analysis. As discussed in, reanalysis has been used to conservatively predict changes in interface response due
to changes in the spacecraft with no changes to the launch vehicle or forcing functions. This
facilitates the spacecraft design process by allowing independent analyses by the spacecraft
contractor to obtain consequences in ascent loads during the design process. The generalized
shock spectra ( approach also has this objective and also facilitates sensitivity studies
such as by tolerancing natural frequencies. The advantage of these approaches is
counteracted by their tendency to yield more conservative loads than those resulting from a full
vehicle analysis. As long as this is tolerable, it can make sense from a programmatic standpoint
to employ such a method even after the design is fixed. A hierarchy of prediction methods for
payload loads is summarized in Table 5.2.

TABLE 5.2. Summary of Prediction Methods for Payload Loads

Method Requirements Application Comments
Curve of Inexpensive to apply.
Modal Mass
acceleration Curve values yield peak Requires only payload
Up to versus modal acceleration in individual modes. Generally
150 Hz effective mass modes. Physical loads by yields upper-bound
(see Section
(based upon past SRSS* of modal loads. loads. Verified or
experience) refined by CLA.
Same as MMAC except use
Generalized Modal prior analysis for bounding
Modal acceleration modal accelerations.
Shock Below bounds obtained Account for difference in Mid-frequency modal
Spectrum 50 Hz by frequency interface impedance from loads from MMAC.
(see Section tuning in a prior prior analysis. Physical CLA loads by SRSS* of the modal
Interface x(t) from
prior CLA with Base-driven transient
Require determinate
same launch response analysis with
interface (not usually a
vehicle. Fixed- account for change in
Reanalysis significant drawback).
Below interface modes of payload modes. Series of
(see Section Spacecraft contractor,
50 Hz prior and new modal frequency variations acting alone, derives
spacecrafts. introduced to obtain highest
loads using previous
System modes loads from worst-case
CLA results.
with prior coupling interactions.
Transient response analysis
Coupled Modes of vehicle
(see Section Mid- Tends to be least
Loads Anal. Below system and
frequency loads from MMAC conservative
(see Section 50 Hz vehicle forcing
combined with CLA loads by prediction method. function.
* CQC method (see Section tends to improve accuracy for combined loads from close-frequency

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5.2 High Frequency Vibration Responses. The high frequency vibration response of
space vehicles (i.e., the vibration response at frequencies above 50 Hz) may be due to one or
more of five types of excitations, as summarized in Table 5.1. In almost all cases, the engine/
motor acoustic noise during liftoff and/or the aerodynamic noise during ascent through the
transonic and qmax speed regions are the dominate sources of the high frequency structural
vibrations of space vehicles. The forcing functions produced by these events, as detailed in
Sections 4.4 through 4.6, result in pressure loads on the space vehicle/payload structure that
are random in character. Hence, the emphasis in this section is on the prediction of structural
responses to random pressure loads. However, most of the prediction procedures outlined in
this section are also applicable to the other two sources of high frequency structural vibration in
Table 5.1 (i.e., high-frequency quasi-periodic and structureborne vibration loads), which involve
a motion input to the structure that may or may not be random in character.

Five basic procedures are used to predict the high frequency vibration responses of space
vehicle structures, namely, (a) classical normal mode analysis (b) statistical energy analysis
(SEA), (c) finite element method (FEM) models, (d) extrapolation techniques, and (e) direct
measurements. Brief summaries of these procedures are now presented.

5.2.1 Classical Normal Mode Analysis Procedures. Given an arbitrary structure subjected
to a random pressure field over an area A, the autospectrum for the response of the structure at
any vector location x in the area is given by [5.41].



u , v = vector locations on the
the structural surface exposed to these pressure fields

φ i ( u ) = mode shape of ith normal mode of the structure

φ k ( v ) = mode shape of kth normal mode of the structure

Hi(f) = modal frequency response for the ith normal mode of the structure
G p ( f ) = reference autospectrum of the pressure field
(usually at point of maximum pressure)
G p ( u , v , f) = cross − spectrum of the pressure field between vector locations u and v
* = complex conjugate

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The function jik2 (f) in Equation (5.38) is called the "cross-acceptance function", and can be
viewed as a "Green's function". The modal response functions in Equation (5.37) are given by



For aerospace applications, Equation (5.37) is commonly simplified by assuming the cross
terms (where i ≠ k) are negligible. This assumption, which is generally valid in air but not in
water, allows Equation (5.37) to be replaced by


where jik2 (f) is called the "joint acceptance function".

The advantage of using the classical normal mode analysis approach to predict structural
responses to pressure fields, as detailed in Equations. (5.37) - (5.40), is that the technique
provides highly accurate results as a function of both frequency and spatial location, assuming
the necessary pressure field and structural data are available. The primary disadvantages of
the technique are as follows:

a. The procedure requires an accurate knowledge of the spatial cross-spectrum of the

vibration-producing pressure field over the structural surface. Such cross-spectrum information
often can be only crudely approximated (see Sections 4.4 through 4.6).

b. The procedure requires an accurate knowledge of the normal modes of the structure
(i.e., both mode shapes and frequencies) to the highest frequency of interest in the vibration
prediction. The determination of normal modes for complex structures by either experimental or
analytical (FEM) procedures becomes increasing inaccurate at frequencies above about the
50th normal mode, which may correspond to less than 100 Hz for a large space vehicle.
Hence, the technique is generally limited to the lower end of the frequency range for high
frequency vibration predictions in relatively small assemblies, e.g., payloads.

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The latter problem (i.e., errors in the definition of the mode shapes and frequencies) leads
directly to errors in the autospectra computed at specific locations and frequencies. These
errors can be suppressed by computing results that are averaged over both an area A and over
frequency intervals of width ∆f. With both frequency and space averaging, Equation (5.40)
reduces to [5.42]


where ηi is the loss factor of the ith normal mode (i.e.,ηi = 2ζi). The loss factor is assumed to be
the sum of three contributions, namely, (a) structural damping, (b) radiation damping, and (c)
aerodynamic damping, i.e.,

ηi = ηi,struc + ηi,rad + ηi,aero (5.42)

The radiation damping is essentially the air damping associated with the zero mean flow
environment, and the aerodynamic damping is the incremental change associated with the
presence of a nonzero mean flow. See [5.43] for the details of classical normal mode analysis
procedures and an illustration of their application to Space Shuttle vibration and acoustic

5.2.2 Statistical Energy Analysis Procedures. Statistical energy analysis, or SEA as it is

commonly called, has gained acceptance as a method of high-frequency vibration analysis for
aerospace systems. [5.44, 5.45]. The advent of computer codes such as VAPEPS, SEAM, and
AutoSEA [5.46] makes it possible to develop the large SEA models needed to obtain accurate
predictions for realistic flight systems. SEA draws on many of the fundamental concepts from
statistical mechanics, room acoustics, wave propagation, and modal analysis [5.47-5.52]. At
first, the procedure appears to be a very simple method of analysis. However, because of the
diversity of concepts used in formulating the basic SEA equations, the method quickly becomes
very complex. For this reason, analysts have recommended caution in using SEA. However,
when used properly, SEA is a powerful method of analysis.

SEA can be used to estimate high-frequency random vibration in two ways. First, SEA can be
used to predict vibration transfer functions relating the excitation at one location to the response
at another location. The high frequency vibration transmitted through a structure is referred to
as structure-borne noise and vibration (see, for example, Section 4.7). SEA can also be used to
predict the vibration response to excitation by an acoustic or fluctuating aerodynamic pressure
field. Typically, both the structural excitation by exterior acoustic and aerodynamic fields and
the transmission of the resulting vibration to interior equipment locations must be considered.

In SEA, the system being analyzed is divided into a set of coupled subsystems. Each
subsystem represents a group of modes with similar characteristics. The SEA subsystems can
be considered to be “control volumes” for vibratory or acoustic energy flow. Under steady-state
conditions, the time-average power input to a subsystem from external sources and from other
connected subsystems must equal the sum of the power dissipated within the subsystem by
damping and the power transmitted to the connected subsystems.

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SEA models of large, complex aerospace structures have been developed using 400 to 500
subsystems. However, much smaller models can be used with less than 10 subsystems to
study the vibration response of directly excited structures or to study structure-borne vibration
transmission over short distances.

Consider, as an example, an electronic component mounted on an equipment platform within a

launch vehicle fairing, as shown in Figure 5.3. The high-frequency random vibration
environment for the component is of concern since typical components have internal resonance
frequencies in the range of 200 to 400 Hz. A simple SEA model for this problem is shown in
Figure 5.4. In this model three subsystems are used: one for the modes of the fairing; one for
the modes of a ring frame connected to the fairing, and one for the modes of the equipment
platform. To simplify the problem, only bending modes are considered. For more complex
problems, subsystems would be added for inplane compression and shear modes of these
structures and additional substructures and acoustic spaces could be added to model complete
spacecraft assemblies.

The vibratory power input from the exterior acoustic field during vehicle lift-off is specified as the
excitation of the fairing modes, Wfin . This parameter can be calculated using joint acceptance
functions if the fairing mode shapes are known, as described in Section 5.2.1, or it can be
calculated using statistical techniques. In many cases the SEA model can be expanded to
include a subsystem for the exterior acoustic field. The pressure level is specified for this
subsystem and SEA is used to calculate the coupling between the exterior acoustic subsystem
and the fairing.

Launch vehicle fairing

Electronic component
Ring frame

Equipment shelf

FIGURE 5.3 Electronic Component Vibration Problem

March 13, 2001

Power input from

External Acoustic Field

Equipment Ring Frame Fairing

Shelf Bending Bending Bending
Modes Modes Modes

diss diss diss

Ws Wr Wf
FIGURE 5.4 SEA Model of Structureborne Vibration Transmission

Caution must be used, however, since SEA assumes the exterior acoustic field to be diffuse.
“Efficiency” factors are needed to relate the power input from a directional lift-off acoustic field or
from a turbulent boundary layer field or separated flow field.

The time-average power dissipated within each subsystem is indicated by the terms: W fdiss,
Wrdiss, and W sdiss. Following the usual definition of the damping loss factor, the time-average
power dissipated within the subsystem can be written in terms of the time-average energy of the
system and the radian frequency of vibration,

W diss
= ω η s , diss E s

where ω is the radian frequency (typically, a one-third-octave band center frequency), ηs;diss is
the damping loss factor for subsystem s, and Es is the time-average energy for subsystem s. A
similar equation applies for subsystems r and f.

The energy transmitted between the connected subsystems can also be assumed to be
proportional to the energy in each system. By analogy to the dissipated power, the factor of
proportionality for transmitted power is called the coupling loss factor. However, since energy
flow between the two systems can be in either direction, two coupling loss factors must be
identified, so that the net energy flow between two connected subsystems is given by

W trans
f, r
= ω η f, r E f − ω η r, f E r

where ηf;r and ηr;f are the coupling loss factors between subsystem f and r and between r and f.

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These two coupling loss factors are not equal. A power balance can now be performed on each
subsystem to form a set of linear equations relating the energies of the subsystems to the power

é ηf ;d + η f ; r + η f ;s − η r ;f − η s; r ù éE f ù é Wfin ù
ê ú ê ú ê in ú (5.45)
ωê − ηf; r η r ;d + η r ;f + ηr ;s − η s; r ú ê E r ú = ê Wr ú
ê − η f ;s − η r ;s η s;d + ηs;f + η s; r úû êë E s úû êë Wsin úû

Note that the subscript notation typically used in SEA is not conventional matrix notation. Also
note that the loss factor matrix is not symmetric.

SEA Reciprocity The coupling loss factors used in SEA are generally not reciprocal, that is
ηs;r≠ηr;s. If it is assumed, however, that the energies of the modes in a given subsystem are
equal, at least within the concept of an ensemble average, and that the responses of the different
modes are uncorrelated, a reciprocity relationship can be developed. The assumptions for this
relationship are more restrictive than required for a general statement of reciprocity, so that the
term SEA reciprocity should be used.

SEA reciprocity requires that the coupling loss factors between two subsystems be related by
the modal densities,

n(ω )s ηs;r = n(ω ) r η r; s


Using this relationship, a new coupling factor, β, can be introduced which allows the energy
balance equations to be written in a symmetric form,

éβ f ;d + β f ;r + β f ;s − β r ;f − β s;f ù éE f n(ω ) ù éWfin ù

ê úê f
ú ê in ú
− β f ;r β r ;d + β r ;f + β r; s − β s;r E n(ω ) = (5.47)
ê úê r rú êWr ú
ê − β f ;s − β r ;s β s;d + β s; r + β s; f úû êë E s n(ω ) s úû êëW in úû
ë s



The ratio of total energy to modal density has the units of power and can be called “modal power”.

Coupling Loss Factor Measurement The coupling loss factors or coupling factors cannot be
measured directly. However, a power injection technique can be used to infer the coupling
factor from measured values of power input and response energy. Using this technique each
subsystem is excited in turn with a unit power input and the response energy of the subsystems
is measured to form a matrix of measured energies. Each column in the matrix corresponds to
the measured response energies when one subsystem is excited. For example, the second
column contains the measured energies when the 2nd subsystem is excited. The coupling loss
factor matrix is determined by inverting the matrix of measured subsystem energies,

η = E (5.49)

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The off-diagonal terms are the negative values of the coupling loss factors, while the sum of
terms for each row give the damping loss factors. This measurement technique has been
successfully used to “measure” in-situ coupling and damping loss factors. However, errors in
the energy measurement can result in large errors in the measured loss factors. Systems
containing highly coupled subsystems will result in energy matrices that are poorly conditioned,
since two or more columns will be nearly equal. Thus, the success of the measurement
technique requires careful identification of the subsystems. The best results are obtained for
light coupling, when the coupling loss factors are small compared to the damping loss factors,
so that the loss factor matrix is diagonally dominant.

The measurement of subsystem energy is particularly difficult for subsystems with inplane
compression and shear modes. Because of the high stiffness of the inplane modes, a small
amount of motion results in a large amount of energy. The measurement of subsystem energy
is also difficult for subsystems in which the mass is nonuniformly distributed. For these
subsystems, an effective or dynamic mass must be determined at each measurement point.

Coupling Loss Factor Theory Coupling loss factors can be predicted analytically using wave
and mode descriptions of the subsystem vibrations. Waves are used when the number of
dimensions of the subsystem is greater than the number of dimensions of the connection: e.g.,
a beam connected at a point, a plate connected at a point or along a line, and an acoustic space
connected at a point, line, or area. Modes are used when the number of dimensions of the
subsystem is equal to the number of dimensions of the connection: e.g., a beam connected
along a line and a plate connected over an area.

When a wave description can be used for all subsystems at the connection, the coupling loss
factor between subsystems can be written in terms of a power transmission coefficient. For a
point connection between beams, the coupling factor between subsystem s and subsystem r
can be written

β s;r = ωη s;r n s (ω ) = τ (5.50)
2π s;r

where τs;r is the power transmission coefficient. The power transmission coefficient must take
into account energy transmitted by all degrees of freedom at the connection: three translational
degrees of freedom and three rotational degrees of freedom. For a point connection with a
single degree of freedom (all other degrees of freedom are constrained), the transmission
coefficient is given by

4 Rs R r
τ s;r = 2 (5.51)

where R is the subsystem resistance (real part of the impedance) for the unconstrained degree
of freedom and Zj is the junction impedance - the sum of the impedances of all subsystems
connected at the point. The coupling factor given by Equations. (5.50) and (5.51) can also be
used for two and three-dimensional subsystems connected at a point with a single degree of
freedom, as long as the correct impedances are used. For point connections with multiple
degrees of freedom, an estimate of the coupling factor can be obtained by summing the power
transmission coefficients for each degree of freedom.

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The coupling factor between two-dimensional subsystems connected along a line of length L
can also be written in terms of a power transmission coefficient. However, for this case an
integration must be performed over all angles of incidence. The coupling factor is given in terms
of the angle-averaged transmission coefficient as


where ks is the wavenumber of the source subsystem and τs;r is given


and θs is the angle of incidence for a wave in the source subsystem. The parameter, ksL/π, is
the effective number of points for the line connection. For a line connection, the power
transmission coefficient must take into account the energy transmitted by four degrees of
freedom: three translational and one rotational. For a single degree of freedom, the
transmission coefficient for an incident angle, θs, can be expressed in terms of the line
impedances of the source and receiver subsystems as


where kt is the trace wavenumber given by ks cos(θs), and R(kt) is the real part of the line
impedance for the unconstrained degree of freedom.

The formulation above can also be used to predict the coupling loss factor between three-
dimensional subsystems coupled along a line, if the integration is performed over all solid
angles of incidence. For this case, the angle-averaged transmission coefficient is written as


For an area connection between three-dimensional subsystems, the coupling factor is given in
terms of the angle-averaged transmission coefficient as


where S is the area of the connection. The effective number of points for the area connection is
given by the parameter, ks2S/4π.

March 13, 2001

When the number of dimensions of a subsystem is equal to the number of dimensions of the
coupling, modes are used to calculate the coupling loss factor. For example, the coupling loss
factor between a two-dimensional system such as a plate or shell and a three-dimensional system
such as an acoustic space is obtained by calculating the radiation efficiency for each mode of the
plate, and averaging over all modes with resonance frequencies in the analysis bandwidth,


where ρrcr is the characteristic impedance of the acoustic space, Ms is the mass of the plate, Ns
is the mode count for the plate, and σirad is the radiation efficiency for mode i of the plate.
Approximations to the summation can be made by grouping the modes into “edge” and “corner”
modes [5.53].

The power transmission coefficients and radiation efficiencies can be calculated with great
accuracy. However, the relationship between these parameters and the SEA coupling loss
factors requires that some assumptions be made regarding the vibration fields in the connected
subsystems. First, the vibrations of the two subsystems are assumed to be uncorrelated.
Second, the vibrations of the two subsystems are assumed to be “diffuse” - waves are incident on
a point within the subsystem from all angles with equal intensity. Although these assumptions are
difficult to prove, even for idealized structures and acoustic spaces, they are generally valid for
lightly coupled systems at high frequencies, where many modes participate in the vibration
response. The validity of the assumptions for highly coupled subsystems is open to question.

Fortunately, the errors incurred using the above equations for highly coupled subsystems are
generally small. The assumptions are also open to question at low frequencies, where only a
few modes participate in the response. At these frequencies, the equations above may predict
coupling loss factors that are too large. However, it is difficult to quantify the error. In spite of
the limited validity of the assumptions, the equations above provide useful estimates of the
coupling loss factors, even for highly coupled subsystems at low frequencies.

Damping Loss Factor Theory The damping loss factors can be predicted analytically for free-
layer and constrained layer treatments. The damping for an acoustic space is often specified by
the average absorption coefficient for the space rather than a damping loss factor. The power
dissipated within the acoustic space can be written in terms of the time-average energy and the
absorption coefficient as,


where Sa is the area of the absorbing surface, Va is the volume of the acoustic space, and ka is
the acoustic wavenumber. It follows that the damping loss factor for an acoustic space can be
obtained from the average absorption coefficient by the relation,


where the constant 4V/S is commonly referred to as the mean-free-path.

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Energy and Response The SEA power balance equations can be solved to obtain the modal
energy or modal power of each subsystem. The final step in the analysis is to relate these
variables to the subsystem response. For structural subsystems, the spatial-average mean-
square velocity is calculated from the kinetic energy. For resonant vibrations, the time-average
kinetic energy is equal to the time-average potential energy. Thus, the average mean-square
velocity in a band of frequencies is given by


where E is the total energy of all modes in the band and M is the mass of the subsystem. For
acoustic subsystems, the spatial-average mean-square acoustic pressure is calculated from the
potential energy,


where Ca is the compliance of the subsystem, V/ρc2, for an acoustic space with rigid walls.

Variance SEA provides a statistical description of the subsystem response. However, in many
cases, SEA is used only to obtain an estimate of the mean. Although the mean provides the
“best estimate” of the response, this estimate may differ significantly from the response
measured for a single member of the ensemble of dynamic systems. The variance or standard
deviation of the response provides a method to quantify the expected confidence intervals for
the SEA prediction. When the variance is high, the confidence intervals will be large, and the
mean does not provide an accurate estimate of the response.

Using SEA in design requires that a confidence interval be established for the response
prediction, so that an upper bound or “worst case” estimate can be compared with design
requirements. If the mean response is used for design, half the products produced will fail to
meet the design requirements. Use of the mean plus two times the standard deviation (square-
root of the variance) provides a reasonable upper bound for the response prediction. Methods
to predict the variance of the SEA prediction are not well established. Often an empirical
estimate of the variance or confidence interval is used. In other cases, an estimate based on
the modal overlap parameter and the frequency bandwidth of the analysis is used. The modal
overlap parameter, Moverlap, is the ratio of the average damping bandwidth for an individual
mode to the average spacing between resonance frequencies. This parameter can be written in
terms of the damping loss factor and the modal density as


where ηd is the effective total damping loss factor for the subsystem. Large values of the
product of the modal overlap parameter and the analysis bandwidth result in low variance and a
narrow confidence interval. In this case, the mean is a good estimate of the response. Small
values of the product result in high variance and wide confidence intervals. In this case, the
mean does not give a good estimate of the response, and the variance should be determined
so that an upper bound to the prediction can be obtained.

March 13, 2001

Failure to include an estimate of the variance in the SEA analysis leads to some
misunderstandings regarding the capabilities of SEA. First, SEA is not limited to high
frequencies and high modal densities. However, at low frequencies and for low modal
densities, the confidence interval for the SEA predictions will be large, so that an estimate of the
variance must be made. Second, SEA is not limited to broadband noise analysis. However, for
a single-frequency or narrow band analysis, the confidence interval for the SEA predictions will
be larger than for a one-third octave or octave band analysis.

5.2.3 Finite Element Method Procedures. Finite element method (FEM) models are most
widely used to predict the response of structures to low frequency dynamic loads (generally less
than 50 Hz), as detailed in Section 5.1. However, FEM models can also be used to predict the
acoustic or fluctuating pressure-induced vibration response of structures up to the frequency of
about the 50th normal mode, or even higher frequencies if the model has a sufficient number of
degrees-of-freedom. Like SEA procedures, FEM procedures can be used to predict the
vibration response of a structure at one location due to the application of a motion load at
another location (structureborne vibration), or to predict the response of a structure due to a
pressure load on that structure. For a random pressure field excitation, the autospectrum of the
vibration response of an FEM modelled structure at any vector location x is computed by
applying discrete inputs to the model at q number of node points, as follows [5.54]:


Hi x (f) = frequency response function between the ith input and response location
H k x (f) = frequency response function between the kth input and response location
Gik(f) = cross-spectrum between the ith and kth input locations
Ax = nodal area at the response location
Ai = nodal area at the ith input location
Ak = nodal area at the kth input location
* = complex conjugate

The cross-spectrum term in Equation (5.63) represents a discrete version of the spatial cross-
spectrum of the pressure field that is applied to the surface of the structure, as detailed in
Sections 4.4 through 4.6. See [5.55] for an illustration of vibration predictions made for a large
aerospace vehicle up to about 150 Hz using a FEM model.

The advantage of using the FEM analysis approach to predict structural responses to pressure
fields, as detailed in Equation (5.63), is that the technique provides reasonably accurate results
as a function of both frequency and spatial location, assuming the necessary pressure field and
structural data are available, and the FEM has a sufficient number of degrees-of-freedom (see
Section 5.1). The primary disadvantages of the technique are as follows:

a. The procedure requires an accurate knowledge of the spatial cross-spectrum of the

vibration-producing pressure field over the structural surface. Such cross-spectrum information
often can be only crudely approximated (see Sections 4.4 through 4.6).

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b. FEM models become increasing inaccurate at frequencies above about the 50th
normal mode of the structure being modeled. For large spacecraft, this may correspond to less
than 100 Hz. However, as for the classical normal mode analysis procedures discussed in
Section 5.2.1, the errors due to inaccuracies in the definition of individual mode shapes and
frequencies can be suppressed by spatial and frequency averaging of the vibration predictions
at various locations over the structure.

5.2.4 Extrapolation Procedures. A vast amount of high frequency vibration data have
been acquired and analyzed over the years for many space vehicle programs, both in the
laboratory and in flight. Even though the data may have been acquired for totally different
vehicle designs and flight conditions, at least crude estimates for the vibration levels to be
expected on a new space vehicle design can be determined by extrapolations from
measurements on a previous vehicle with a different design, commonly referred to as the
reference vehicle. Of course, the closer the design details of the new and reference vehicles,
the more accurate the extrapolations. Also, the most accurate extrapolations are provided when
vibrations on the new and reference vehicles are caused by the same launch or flight event,
e.g., the acoustic noise-induced vibration during liftoff.

Extrapolation procedures for high frequency vibration responses generally involve two primary
scaling operations, namely, (a) scaling for the vibration source level, and (b) scaling for the
surface weight density of the structure [5.56, 5.57]. For cylindrical vehicles, scaling for the
diameter of the vehicle may also be accomplished in some cases [5.58]. Based upon these
prior studies and more recent experience, the following scaling rules for source level and
structural weight density are recommended:

a. Letting Gr(f) and Gn(f) denote the autospectra of the high frequency vibration responses
on the reference and new space vehicle, respectively, the autospectrum at all frequencies is
scaled for source level from the reference to the new vehicle by

G pn (f)
G n (f) = G r (f) (5.64)
G pr (f)

where Gpr(f) and Gpn(f) are the autospectra of the pressure excitations on the exterior of the
structure for the reference and new vehicle, respectively.

b. Again, letting Gr(f) and Gn(f) denote the autospectra of the high frequency vibration
responses on the reference and new space vehicle, respectively, the autospectrum at all
frequencies is scaled for structural surface weight density from the reference to the new vehicle
G n (f) = G r (f) (5.65)

where wr and wn are the surface weight densities of the structure for the reference and new
vehicle, respectively. Surface weight density is computed by determining the total weight in kg,
including mounted equipment, for a structural area of interest, and dividing this total weight by
the surface area in m2.

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c. For predictions on cylindrical space vehicle structures, letting fr and fn denote the
values along the frequency axes for the autospectra of the high frequency vibration responses
on the reference and new vehicle, respectively, the frequency axis of the autospectrum is scaled
for diameter from the reference to the new vehicle by

fn = fr (5.66)

where Dr and Dn are the diameters for the reference and new vehicle, respectively.

For example, assume vibration data are measured or computed at a location of interest during
the liftoff of a reference space vehicle, as follows:

a. the autospectrum of the vibration response of the structure is Gr(f) = 0.04 g2/Hz at a
frequency of fr = 100 Hz,

b. the sound pressure level on the exterior of the structure in the region of the vibration
response is Gpr(f) = 100 Pa2/Hz at a frequency of fr = 100 Hz,

c. the average surface weight density of the structure in the region of the vibration
response is wr = 16 kg/m2, and

d. the vehicle structure has a cylindrical shape with a diameter of Dr = 10 m.

Further assume these data are used to predict the vibration response of a new space vehicle at
a similar structural location during liftoff, where the following predictions or computations apply:

a. the sound pressure level on the exterior of the structure in the region of the vibration
response is Gpn(f) = 200 Pa2/Hz at a frequency of fn = 125 Hz,

b. the average surface weight density of the structure in the region of the vibration
response is wn = 20 kg/m2, and

c. the vehicle structure has a cylindrical shape with a diameter of Dn = 8 m.

From Equation (5.64), the difference in the exterior sound pressures scales the autospectrum of
the vibration response measured on the reference vehicle to Gn(f)1 = (200/100)(0.040) = 0.080
g2/Hz. From Equation (5.65), the difference in surface weight densities further scales the
autospectrum of the vibration response measured on the reference vehicle to Gn(f) =
(16/20)2(0.080) = 0.051 g2/Hz. Finally, from Equation (5.66), the difference in diameters scales
the frequency of the autospectrum of the vibration response measured on the reference vehicle
at fr = 100 Hz to fn = (10/8)(100) = 125 Hz. Hence, the predicted vibration response of the new
vehicle at the selected location during liftoff is Gn(f) = 0.051 g2/Hz at fn = 125 Hz.

The advantage of using the extrapolation approach to predict structural responses to pressure
fields, as detailed in Equations. (5.64) through (5.66), is that the technique is easy to apply at all
frequencies, including frequencies above about 100 Hz where classical normal mode analysis
and FEM procedures are not effective, i.e., it does not require a detailed description of the
excitation or the structure. The primary disadvantages of the procedure are as follows:

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a. The procedure produces acceptably accurate results only if the vibration predictions
are made at locations where the structural designs of the new vehicle and the reference vehicle
are similar, e.g., the vibration response normal to the surface of a cylindrical structure.

b. The procedure produces acceptably accurate results only if the excitation pressure
fields for the new vehicle and the reference vehicle represent the same flight event, e.g., both
represent the acoustic noise excitation during liftoff, or the boundary layer pressure fluctuations
during qmax flight.

It should be mentioned that general extrapolation curves have been developed by a number of
investigators over the years [5.56 - 5.58] by collapsing large amounts of space vehicle vibration
data from many different references vehicles into a single normalized curve using the scaling
rules in Equations (5.64) through (5.66). One of the earliest of these general extrapolation curves
developed for cylindrical vehicles exposed to acoustic noise is shown in Figure 5.5, which is taken
from [5.58] with appropriate conversions to metric units. Note that the predicted values in Figure
5.5 are for the acceleration response in dB (ref: 1 g rms) in the radial direction (normal to the
structural surface) with a frequency bandwidth equal to the bandwidth used to describe the
acoustic excitation (often 1/3 octave bands). Further note that a 6 dB range of predicted values is
shown to emphasize the crude nature of the predictions. Various other general extrapolation
curves developed for aerospace vehicles are detailed in [5.56, 5.57]. General extrapolation
curves are easy to use, but in most cases, they do not produce the accuracy of extrapolations
from a specific, properly selected, reference vehicle.

FIGURE 5.5. Radial Vibration Response of Cylindrical Vehicles to Liftoff Acoustic Noise.

March 13, 2001

To illustrate the use of Figure 5.5, assume the same data for a new vehicle detailed in the
previous illustration. For a prediction at fn = 125 Hz on a vehicle with a diameter of Dn = 8 m,
the desired value along the abscissa in Figure 5.5 is (125)(8) = 1,000 Hz-m. The ordinate value
in Figure 5.5 ranges between -109 and -115 dB. Assuming a sound pressure level of 135 dB in
the 1/3 octave band centered at 125 Hz, the acceleration level = [135 - 20 log10(20) - (109 to
115)] = (0 to -6) dB, so the vibration environment in the 1/3 octave band centered at 125 Hz is
0.5 to 1.0 g rms.

5.2.5 Direct Measurements. The direct measurement of high frequency vibration

responses at selected locations on a space vehicle is commonly accomplished during at least
the first flight of the vehicle and/or a laboratory acoustic test of the fully assembled vehicle prior
to the first flight (see Section 10.5). Vibration Measurements During Flight. Unlike the external pressure

measurements discussed in Sections 4.4 and 4.5, vibration transducers are relatively easy to
install on a flight vehicle without violating the vehicle structure. For expendable vehicles, the
primary restriction on the acquisition of directly measured flight vibration data is the availability
of the RF channels needed to telemeter the data to a ground station. Flight vibration
measurements are useful to verify and update pre-flight vibration predictions, but obviously
come too late for the formulation of the original design and test criteria for the vehicle. Vibration Measurements During Laboratory Acoustic Tests. Many space vehicles
are subjected to a laboratory acoustic test prior to the first flight (see Section 10.5), either on the
fully assembled vehicle or the vehicle structure with mass-simulating mockup components.
Direct vibration measurements during a laboratory acoustic test will reflect the mass-loading
effects of the components on the vehicle structure (see Section 6.5.1), although stiffness and
damping differences between mass-simulating mockup components and the flight components
can affect the accuracy of the measurements. In addition, the accuracy of the measurements
will be limited due to errors in the spectrum and spatial correlation characteristics of the acoustic
test levels, as compared to the actual acoustic levels during lift-off (see Section 4.4) and/or the
fluctuating pressure levels produced by the aerodynamic flow over the exterior surface of the
vehicle structure during flight (see Section 4.5). As for direct flight measurements, vibration
measurements during laboratory acoustic tests can be useful to verify and update pre-flight
vibration predictions, but generally come too late for the formulation of the original design and
test criteria for the vehicle.

5.2.6 Assessments. The merits of the various high frequency vibration prediction
procedures are summarized in Table 5.3. Extrapolation procedures and/or statistical energy
analysis (SEA) procedures offer the best approach for preliminary design purposes, but the
other prediction techniques will usually produce more accurate results, at least at frequencies
below the 50th normal mode frequency of the vehicle structure.

March 13, 2001

TABLE 5.3. Summary of Merits of Various High Frequency Vibration Prediction Procedures.

Classical SEA FEM Extrap. Flight
Merit Test
Procedures Procedures Procedures Procedures Measure.
easy to No No No Yes No Yes
Applicable at
frequencies up No Yes Sometimes Yes Yes Yes
to 2 kHz
No Yes No Yes No No
before first Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
vehicle launch
Applicable to
radically new
Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes

5.3 High Frequency Transient Responses. Referring to Section 3.15, the high frequency
transient response of space vehicle structures (i.e., the transient response at frequencies above
100 Hz) is due primarily to the activation of pyrotechnic (explosive) devices that produce
structural responses at frequencies up to 1 MHz. As discussed in Section 4.8, the prediction of
pyrotechnic source loads is a complex problem. Furthermore, because of the very high
frequency character of pyrotechnic loads, classical normal mode analysis and finite element
method (FEM) models are not effective for predicting structural responses to pyrotechnic loads.
Hence, the prediction of structural responses produced by pyrotechnic devices (commonly
referred to as pyroshocks) is usually accomplished using (a) analytical (hydrocode) models, (b)
empirical models, (c) statistical energy analysis (SEA) procedures, (d) extrapolation techniques,
and/or (e) direct measurements. In all cases, predictions are usually made in terms of a shock
response spectrum (SRS), as defined in Section 2.2.10. It should be noted that there is an
NASA Standard for Pyroshock Testing [5.59] that includes additional discussions and
references that support the material in this section.

5.3.1 Analytical Models. Various analytical models have been developed over the years
that are designed to predict, at least crudely, the response of space vehicle structures to the loads
produced by certain types of transient excitations. The most recent of these analytical modeling
procedures involves Hydrocodes, which model in the time domain the details of the explosive or
propellent ignition and burning process, the nonlinear structural deformation and separation using
Lagrangian and/or Eulerian meshes, and the generation and propagation of structural waves.
Unfortunately, the implementation of Hydrocode analysis is generally expensive. Also, the
accuracy of such predictions is often poor. See [5.60 - 5.62] for details on the application of
Hydrocode analysis to pyroshock predictions.

March 13, 2001

5.3.2 Empirical Models. Empirical models involve the use of shock response spectra
determined from prior data for various pyrotechnic sources, and attenuation versus distance
data. From [5.63], the prediction procedure is as follows:

a. Identify each pyrotechnic source and its relationship to the location of each component.

b. Establish the shock response spectrum for each pyrotechnic source.

c. Calculate the distance attenuation for each pyrotechnic source and component.

d. Calculate the excess attenuation of each joint in the path between each pyrotechnic
source and component.

e. Using the data from Steps b. through d., compute the attenuated shock response
spectrum for each pyrotechnic source at the location of each component.

f. For all component locations in a defined structural zone, determine the maximum
expected flight environment by the procedures detailed in Section 6.

g. Apply the appropriate margin from Section 8.3.2 to the maximum expected flight
environment to arrive at the test shock response spectrum.

Shock response spectra for various point sources, as recommended in [5.63], are summarized in
Figure 5.6. These data represent measurements at distances of 0.10 to 0.13 m (4 to 5 in.) from
the source. Also from [5.63], summary data for the attenuation of shock response spectra values
with distance from point sources are presented in Figure 5.7. Additional distance attenuation data
are given in Section 5.3.4. The estimated excess attenuation of shock response spectra due to
joints is recommended in [5.63] to be (a) 40% per joint up to a maximum of three joints for the
peak SRS value and (b) no attenuation for the up-ramp portion of the SRS.

Natural Frequency, Hz

FIGURE 5.6. Shock Response Spectra for Various Point Source Pyrotechnic Devices.

March 13, 2001

The primary advantage of the empirical model approach to the prediction of high frequency
transient responses is that the technique is relatively easy to apply without the need for a
detailed description of the structural elements involved, assuming appropriate source data are
available. The primary disadvantages of the technique are as follows:

a. The procedure requires near- or mid-field shock response spectra for the various
potential pyrotechnic sources. Reliable source data have been published only for certain point
sources, as summarized in Figure 5.6.

b. The procedure provides predictions with very limited accuracy, i.e., the predictions
may be in error by an order of magnitude at some frequencies. Any predictions made by
empirical procedures should be updated by direct measurements when such measurements
become available (see Section 5.3.5).

Percentage of Source Value Remaining

Spectrum Ramp

Spectrum Peak



0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Shock Path Distance from Shock Source, m
FIGURE 5.7. Shock Response Spectrum Versus Distance from Pyroshock Source.

5.3.3 Statistical Energy Analysis Procedures Transient SEA Analysis. Although statistical energy analysis (SEA) methods are
usually applied to the prediction of steady-state vibration responses (see Section 5.2.2), similar
methods can also be used to predict transient responses [5.64 - 5.72]. In transient SEA, the
general steady-state power balance equation

Π in (t) = Π dissipate (t) + Π out (t) (5.67)

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is replaced by the corresponding transient equation

Π in (t) = Π dissipate (t) + Π out (t) + (5.68)

where power and subsystem energy are now assumed to be time dependent functions, and E(t)
represents the dynamic energy of the modes. Under steady-state conditions, dE(t)/dt = 0.

The steady-state SEA matrix equation, as given in Equation (4.37) in Section 4.6.2, is now
replaced by the corresponding transient SEA matrix equation


where the symbols are defined in Equation (4.37). It is assumed in Equation (5.69) that the
coefficients, which are functions of the damping and coupling loss factors, retain their steady-
state values (see Sections 4.6.2 and 5.2.2).

SEA, whether steady-state or transient, is a linear analysis. Consequently, when the input
power involves a nonlinear process, which is the usual case for local responses to pyrotechnic
excitations, other methods have to be used to estimate the input power and structural response
close to the power source. It follows that transient SEA is most useful for the estimation of high
frequency structural responses some distance from the location of the pyrotechnic excitation
where the structural response is linear. There is a second reason for restricting the application
of transient SEA to regions away from the pyrotechnic source, namely, SEA assumes that the
response is at least quasi-stationary. This means, for example, that the decay time of the
response should be longer than the period of the oscillations at the frequency of interest. Such
conditions may not exist near the pyrotechnic excitation (i.e., in the near field as defined in
Section 3.15), but do exist at more distant locations where the response is controlled more by
the reverberant conditions in the structure than by the time history of the initial compressive
wave produced by the excitation, (i.e., in the far field as defined in Section 3.15).

The solution of the transient SEA equations is more complicated than for steady-state equations
because of the presence of the time-derivative terms. However, TRANSTAR (Transient
Analysis, Storage and Retrieval) software [5.73 - 5.77] has been developed to perform such
analyses. Upper bounds on the response time history envelopes and shock response spectra
are included in TRANSTAR.

The primary advantage of the transient SEA analysis approach to the prediction of high
frequency transient responses is that the technique, if applied with skill, will provide reasonably
accurate results without the need for a detailed description of the structural elements involved.
The primary disadvantages of the technique are as follows:

March 13, 2001

a. The procedure applies only to the prediction of far-field transient responses (see
Section 3.15).

b. The procedure requires estimates for various structural and coupling loss factors,
which often can be only crudely approximated.

c. The procedure provides predictions only for space-averaged transient responses

within specified frequency bandwidths, usually 1/3 octave bands.

d. The procedure is not applicable at the lower frequencies where there are less than two
or three resonant modes in the specified bandwidths, usually 1/3 octave bands. Virtual Mode Synthesis and Simulation. Another method for high frequency
transient response analysis is Virtual Mode Synthesis and Simulation (VMSS) [5.68 - 5.71].
Although some of the principles of SEA are used in the formulation, VMSS is not a direct SEA
transient response method of the type described by Equation (5.68).

The VMSS process begins with an estimate of the steady-state frequency response magnitude
envelope, i.e., the peak sinusoidal response at a selected location due to a sinusoidal force at
another selected location, mapped over the range of selected frequencies. The source of this
frequency response can be the result of a steady-state SEA solution per Equation (5.69), a
detailed finite element solution per Equation (5.63), or a measurement made directly from a test
article. At high frequencies, it is assumed that the frequency response envelope can be
represented as the peak response from a collection of localized vibration modes with frequencies
spaced according to the estimated modal density of the local structure. The governing equations
of this virtual mode dynamical system are in the classical normal mode form given in Equation
(5.37). A synthesis operation, described in the next paragraph, is performed to determine the
virtual mode coefficients in the equations. To simulate the time response, the dynamical system
is numerically convolved with a measurement or simulated transient excitation force. Since the
governing equations are in this normal mode form, physically measured or modeled low frequency
modes may be included to simulate the entire broadband of response.

The normal mode equations used by VMSS are of the form


φ] = the virtual mode shape matrix in which each column represents the mode
shape for each frequency (each row represents a physical DOF)
{F} = the applied loads
[I] = the identity matrix
ξ} = the modal coordinates that represent the virtual modal response

The frequency response function (FRF) for the ith response DOF and the kth loaded DOF may
be approximated by


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where N is the number of vibration modes in the substructure selected for response (referred to
as the mode count). For convenience, this FRF magnitude can be rewritten as the product of
two vectors, namely,




The synthesis operation for the virtual modes is performed by packing the FRF magnitudes
available from steady-state methods into a column vector {H}, where each element of the vector
represents the FRF magnitude at the assumed virtual mode frequencies. Equating those
column vector elements to Equation (5.72) results in the matrix form



The virtual mode coefficients are then obtained from the relationship


With these coefficients synthesized, the governing equations given by Equations (5.70) and
(5.73) can be solved for the time response. The computer code MANTA (Method of Analysis by
Thermodynamic Analogy) procedure [5.78 - 5.81] has been written to perform these VMSS

The VMSS method has several advantages over transient SEA, namely,

a. there is no quasi-stationary requirement for the excitation,

b. if the structure is reasonably linear, near-field response may be estimated,
c. a time domain solution is obtained (not just peak values), and
d. a shock response spectrum may be obtained (not just envelope estimates).

March 13, 2001

5.3.4 Extrapolation Procedures. A vast amount of pyroshock data have been acquired
and analyzed over the years for many space vehicle programs, both in the laboratory and in
flight (see Section 5.3.2). These data have been acquired for many different space vehicle
designs and different pyrotechnic devices. Hence, at least crude estimates for the pyroshock
levels to be expected on a new space vehicle design usually can be determined by
extrapolations from measurements on a previous space vehicle of similar design, commonly
referred to as the reference vehicle. Of course, the closer the design details of the new and
reference vehicle, the more accurate the extrapolations. Also, the most accurate extrapolations
are provided when the pyroshocks on the new and reference vehicle are caused by the same
type of pyrotechnic device.

Extrapolation procedures for pyroshock environments generally involve two primary scaling
operations, namely, (a) scaling for the total energy released by the pyrotechnic device, and (b)
scaling for the distance between the locations of the pyrotechnic device source and the
response point of concern. Sometimes scaling for the surface weight density of the structure is
also employed (see Section 5.2.4), but such extrapolations usually are not effective for the
prediction of pyroshocks because the intense compressive waves generated by pyrotechnic
devices are not strongly influenced by surface weight density. Source Energy Scaling. Letting Er and En denote the total explosive energy
released by the pyrotechnic device on the reference and new spacecraft, respectively, the
shock response spectrum at all frequencies is scaled from the reference to the new vehicle by

SRS n (D1 ) = SRS r (D1 ) (5.77)

where SRSr and SRSn are the shock response spectra for the reference and new spacecraft,
respectively, at the same distance D1 from the pyrotechnic source. Caution should be exercised
in the utilization of Equation (5.77) since, in many cases, an excess of source energy beyond that
required to cause structural separation will not increase the shock transmission, but instead will
generate an increased shock or blast wave that will be transmitted into the atmosphere or vacuum
adjacent to the structure. This excess energy may not be as effective in generating structural
response. Thus, when En > Er, the application of Equation (5.77) may cause an over-prediction of
the pyroshock environment. Similarly, an under-prediction may result when En < Er. Source to Response Location Distance Scaling. A number of empirically derived

scaling relationships to correct the magnitude of pyroshock environments for distance from a
pyrotechnic source to a response location of interest have been proposed over the years [5.82 -
5.84]. The distance attenuation curves shown in Figure 5.7 can be used to scale shock
response spectra values with distance for point sources. Another set of scaling curves for
typical pyroshocks propagating through various types of structure, as developed in [5.82], is
summarized in Figure 5.8. Note the results in Figure 5.8 apply to the peak value of the
pyroshock response, as opposed to the peak value of a shock response spectrum.

March 13, 2001


Percentage of Source Value Remaining 2

10 1. Honeycomb structure 4
2. Longeron or stringer 5
3. Primary truss members
4. Cylindrical shell 6
5. Ring frame
6. Complex equipment mounting structure 7
7. Complex airframe

0 1 2 3
Shock Path Distance from Source, m

FIGURE 5.8. Peak Pyroshock Response Versus Distance from Pyrotechnic Source.

Another scaling relationship developed in [5.84] for the shock response spectrum produced by
point sources on complex structures is given by


where D1 and D2 are the distances in meters from the pyrotechnic source to the reference and
new locations, respectively, on the spacecraft, and SRS(D1) and SRS(D2) are the shock
response spectra for the responses at the reference and new locations, respectively. Since
Equation (5.78) predicts an SRS, the results are a function of the SRS natural frequency. Plots
of Equation (5.78) for various values of ∆D = D2 - D1 are shown in Figure 5.9.

March 13, 2001

FIGURE 5.9. Correction of Shock Response Spectrum for Distance from

Point Pyrotechnic Source.

It is important to note that Equation (5.78) was derived from pyroshock data produced by a point
source on complex structure at sea level, and may not be representative of other sources and
structures in space. Other source scaling rules may be developed from data for sources and
structures more like those associated with a specific spacecraft, which may be substituted for
the results in Figures 5.8 and 5.9.

As a final point concerning the attenuation of pyroshocks with distance, there is usually a
substantial reduction in pyroshock magnitudes due to transmission across structural joints.
Specifically, [5.82] suggests that the attenuation due to structural joints ranges from 20 to 75%,
depending on the type of joint and the manner in which it changes the shock transmission path.
Other data for joint attenuation that might be available from prior experience should be used, as

To illustrate the use of Equations. (5.77) and (5.78), assume pyroshock data are measured
during a pyrotechnic event on a reference space vehicle, as follows:

a. the SRS of the pyroshock is SRSr(fn) = 10,000 g at a natural frequency of fn = 1 kHz,

b. the pyrotechnic device producing the pyroshock is activated by 0.1 gram of explosive
material, and
c. the pyroshock is measured at a location that is D1 = 0.3 m from the pyrotechnic device.

March 13, 2001

Further assume these data are used to predict the high frequency transient response of a new
space vehicle at a structural location where equipment is mounted during the activation of a
similar pyrotechnic device, and the following data apply:

a. the pyrotechnic device causing the pyroshock is activated by 0.2 gram of explosive
material, and
b. the response location of interest is D2 = 0.8 m from the pyrotechnic device.

From Equation (5.77), assuming the energy released by the pyrotechnic devices is proportional
to the weight of the explosive material, the ratio of the energies scales the SRS of the high
frequency transient response measured on the reference vehicle to SRSn(fn)1 = 10,000
(0.2/0.1)1/2 ≈ 14,000 g. From Equation (5.78), the difference in distances from the pyrotechnic
device further scales the SRS of the high frequency transient response measured on the
reference vehicle to

The advantage of using an extrapolation curve or formula to predict high frequency transient
responses to pyrotechnic devices, as summarized in Figures 5.8 and 5.9, is that such
techniques are easy to apply. The primary disadvantages of extrapolation procedures are as

a. The procedure produces acceptably accurate results only if the pyroshock predictions
are made at locations where the structural designs of the new and the reference space vehicles
are similar, e.g., equipment mounting frame structures.

b. The procedure produces acceptably accurate results only if the pyrotechnic loads for
the new and the reference space vehicles are produced by the same type of device, e.g.,
explosive bolts.

5.3.5 Direct Measurements. In many cases, direct measurements can be made of the
high frequency transient responses at critical locations on the spacecraft structure induced by
pyrotechnic devices, either in flight or in the laboratory. In either case, the measurements
should be acquired and analyzed in accordance with the recommended practices detailed in
[5.85]. As mentioned earlier, pyrotechnic devices are usually designed or selected to generate
more than enough source energy to cause structural separation. The excess energy normally
causes a shock or blast wave in the atmosphere or vacuum adjacent to the structure, with the
wave magnitude increasing with excess energy and static pressure. However, for small
amounts of excess energy, the separation process usually controls the pyroshock environment. Measurements on the Vehicle in Flight. For some spacecraft, more than one
assembly is manufactured because the same spacecraft design will be used for more than one
flight. In this case, measurements may be made on the first flight of that design to establish the
response of the structure at critical locations due to all flight pyrotechnic events. The advantage
of this approach is that it provides the most accurate pyroshock predictions for later flights of
that design. The primary disadvantages are as follows:

March 13, 2001

a. The procedure applies only to updating predictions after the first flight and, hence,
cannot be used to establish initial test requirements for the spacecraft or its components.

b. Flight pyroshock measurements are expensive to acquire. Measurements on the Vehicle in the Laboratory Prior to Flight. Certain types of
pyrotechnic devices can be activated and replaced without doing permanent damage to the
space vehicle structure, e.g., ordnance activated valves. In this case, measurements might be
made on the vehicle in the laboratory prior to flight to establish the response of the structure at
critical locations due to the activation of these particular devices. The advantage of this
approach is that it provides reasonable accurate predictions for pyroshock levels on that specific
vehicle during flight. The primary disadvantages are as follows:

a. The procedures allows the determination of the pyroshock levels due only to a limited
number of pyrotechnic devices.

b. It may be expensive to replace the activated pyrotechnic devices and recondition the
vehicle for flight. Measurements on a Prototype Vehicle in the Laboratory. Some space vehicle

programs involve the manufacture of a prototype vehicle that is used for various laboratory
tests, including shock and vibration tests, prior to the launch of a flight assembly. Because the
activation of pyrotechnic devices sometimes alter the vehicle structure, pyroshock
measurements on prototypes are usually made after all other tests are complete. The
advantages of a prototype test are as follows:

a. It provides reasonable accurate predictions for pyroshock levels prior to the flights of
all space vehicles of that design.

b. The predictions are achieved without jeopardizing the structural integrity of the flight

c. No reconditioning of flight hardware is required.

The primary disadvantage is that the program must provide for the manufacture of a prototype
vehicle that will be available for testing. Measurements on a Dynamically Similar Structure in the Laboratory. If a space

vehicle program does not involve the manufacture of a prototype, it may still allow the
construction of a dynamically similar model of at least those subassemblies that incorporate
pyrotechnic devices, or such a dynamically similar model might be available from a previous
space vehicle program, e.g., [5.86]. The advantages of a test using a dynamically similar model
are as follows:

a. It might provide acceptably accurate predictions for pyroshock levels, depending on

how closely the model dynamically represents the space vehicle of interest.

b. The predictions are achieved without jeopardizing the structural integrity of the flight

c. No reconditioning of flight hardware is required.

March 13, 2001

The primary disadvantage is that the program must provide for the manufacture of a
dynamically similar model, or an appropriate model must be available from a previous program.

5.3.6 Assessments. The merits of the various high frequency transient (pyroshock)
prediction procedures are summarized in Table 5.4. Empirical models, extrapolation
procedures, and/or statistical energy analysis procedures are believed to offer the best
approaches for preliminary design purposes. For the final design, direct measurement
techniques, perhaps supported by statistical energy analysis procedures, will usually produce
more accurate results, although analytical (hydrocode) models might also be used if budgets

TABLE 5.4. Summary of Merits of Various High Frequency Transient Response

Prediction Procedures.

Measure- Measure-
Transient ments in
Extrapo- ments in ments in
Analytical Empirical SEA and lab. on
Merit lation flight on lab. on
models models VMSS prototype
procedures flight similar
analyses or flight
vehicle structure
easy to No Yes No Yes No No No
No Yes Yes Yes No No No
before first Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
to radical
new Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No

March 13, 2001

5.4 References

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5.15 Gockel, M. A., Ed., “Handbook for Dynamic Analysis”, MSC/NASTRAN Version 63,
MacNeal Schwendler Corp., June 1983.

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5.19 Wada, B. K., “Modal Test: Measurement and Analysis Requirements", SAE Paper
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5.20 Ewins, D. J., Modal Testing: Theory and Practice, Wiley, NY, 1984.

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5.22 Chen, J. C., "Comparison of Results for the Galileo Modal Test Program”, Proc., 2nd
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5.23 Hunt, R. L., and Brillhart, R. D., "Modal Testing Using Multiple Input Random
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5.24 Hunt, D. L., Vold, H., and Williams, R., "Modal Testing Using Modern Sine
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5.25 Targoff, W. P. "Orthogonality Check and Correction of Measured Modes," AIAA J.,
14(2), Feb. 1976, pp 164-167.

5.26 McGrew, J. "Orthogonalization of Measured Modes and Calculation of Influence

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5.27 Fullekrug, U., “Determination of Effective Masses and Modal Masses from Base-
Driven Tests”, Proc., 14th Inter. Modal Analysis Conf., Dearborn, MI, Feb. 1996.

5.28 Tinker, M. L., and Bookout, P. S., "Measurement of Residual Flexibility for
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5.29 Admire, J. R., Tinker, M. L., and Ivey, E. W., "Residual Flexibility Test Method for
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5.30 Chapman, J. M. "Incorporating a Full Damping Matrix in the Transient Analysis of

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5.31 Dotson, K. W., and Tiwari, S. B., "Formulation and Analysis of Launch Vehicle
Maneuvering Loads," AIAA J. Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 33, No. 6, Nov.-Dec.
1996, pp 815-821.

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5.32 Henkel, E. E.; Mar R. "Improved Method for Calculating Booster to Launch Pad
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Dec. 1988.

5.33 Kern, D., Salama, M., and Smith, K., “Combined Loads Methodologies for
Vibroacoustic and Transient Environments”, Proc., 61st Shock and Vibration Symp.,
Vol. II, pp. 21-32, 1990.

5.34 Gordon, D. T. "Combining Transient and Acoustic Loads, A Review of Approaches,"

Report TOR-93(3530)-14, The Aerospace Corp., July 1993.

5.35 Broussinos, P.; Kabe, A. M. "Multi-Mode Response Analysis Procedure," Report

SSD-TR-90-53, The Aerospace Corp., Jan. 1990.

5.36 Mariem, J. B., and Hamdl, M. A., “A New Boundary Finite Element Method for Fluid-
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5.37 Coyette, J. P., and Wijker, J. J., “The Combined use of MSC/NASTRAN and
SYSNOISE for Evaluating the Dynamic Behavior of Solar Panels”, Proc.,
MSC/NASTRAN European Users Conf., Vienna, Austria, pp. 20-22, 1993.

5.38 Piersol, A. G., “Optimum Resolution Bandwidth for Spectral Analysis of Stationary
Random Vibration Data”, J. Shock and Vibration, Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 33-43,

5.39 Miskel, J. F. "Fatigue-Based Random Vibration and Acoustic Test Specification,"

Master's thesis, Dept. of Mech. Eng., MIT, Mar. 1994.

5.40 Wilson, E. L.; Der Kiureghian, A.; Bayo, E. P. "A Replacement for the SRSS Method
in Seismic Analysis," Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 9, No.
2, pp 187-194, Mar.-Apr. 1981.

5.41 Bendat, J. S., and Piersol, A. G., Engineering Applications of Correlation and
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5.42 Wilby, J. F., and Piersol, A. G., "Analytical Prediction of Aerospace Vibration
Environments", ASME Paper 81-DET-29, 1981.

5.43 Pope, L. D., and Wilby, J. F., "Space Shuttle Payload Bay Acoustics Prediction
Study", NASA CR-159956, Vol. II (Analytical Model), 1980.

5.44 Manning, J.E., “Statistical Energy Analysis - An Overview of its Development and
Engineering Applications”, Proc. 59th Shock and Vibration Symp., 1988.

5.45 Hsu, K. H., and Nefske, D. J., Ed., “Statistical Energy Analysis”, Amer. Soc. Mech.
Eng., Pub. NCA-Vol.3, 1987.

5.46 VAPEPS was developed by Lockheed Martin Co. and is available from the NASA Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA. SEAM® is available from Cambridge
Collaborative, Inc., Cambridge, MA. AutoSEA is available from Vibro-acoustics
Sciences, San Diego, CA.

March 13, 2001

5.47 Lyon, R. H., and DeJong, R. G., Theory and Application of Statistical Energy
Analysis, 2nd ed., Butterworth-Heinemann, Newton, MA, 1995.

5.48 Norton, M. P., “Statistical Energy Analysis of Noise and Vibration”, Fundamentals of
Noise and Vibration Analysis for Engineers, Ch. 6, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1989.

5.49 Fahy, F. J., “Statistical Energy Analysis,” Noise and Vibration , (White, R. G., and
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5.50 Ver, I. L., “Statistical Energy Analysis”, Noise and Vibration Control Engineering:
Principles and Applications, (L. L. Beranek and I. L. Ver, Ed.), Sect. 9.8, Wiley, NY,

5.51 Ungar, E. E., “Statistical Energy Analysis”, Cremer, L., Heckl, M., and Ungar, E. E.,
Structure-Borne Sound, 2nd ed., Sect. V.8, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1988.

5.52 Price, W. G., and Keane, A. J., Ed., “Statistical Energy Analysis”, Phil. Trans. Royal
Soc., London, Vol. 346, No. 1681, 1994.

5.53 Maidanik, G., “Response of Ribbed Panels to Reverberant Acoustic Fields”, J. Acoust.
Soc. Amer., Vol. 34, pp 809-826, 1962.

5.54 Hipol, P. J., and Piersol, A. G., "Efficient Implementation of Random Pressure Fields
with the Finite Element Method", Paper 871740, Trans. SAE, Vol. 96, Sec. 6, Sept.

5.55 Chung, Y. T., and Foist, B. L., “Prediction of Payload Random Vibration Loads”,
Proc. 13th Intern. Modal Analysis Conf., pp 934-9940, Feb. 1995.

5.56 Barnoski, R. L., et al, "Summary of Random Vibration Prediction Procedures", NASA
CR-1302, Apr. 1969.

5.57 Himelblau, H., Fuller, C. M., and Scharton, T. D., "Assessment of Space Vehicle
Aeroacoustic-Vibration Prediction, Design, and Testing", NASA CR-1596, July 1970.

5.58 Franken, P. A., "Sound Induced Vibrations of Cylindrical Vehicles", J. Acoust. Soc.
Amer., Vol. 34, No. 4, pp 453-454, 1962.

5.59 Anon., “Pyroshock Test Criteria”, NASA Technical Standard NASA-STD-7003, May
18, 1999.

5.60 Hancock, S., et al, "Numerical Simulation of Atlas-Centaur Stage-Separation Shaped

Charge Firing and Structural Response", Shock and Vibration Bull., No. 56, Pt. 3, pp
45-57, Aug. 1986.

5.61 Goldstein, S., Lu, Y.-M., and Wong, T.E., "Importance of Enhanced Test Data for
Computer Modeling of Explosive Activated Devices", AIAA Paper 95-2852, July

5.62 Frey, J. D., Janicot, F., Renard, V., and Movillat, P. A., "Pyrotechnic Separation of
the VEB Structure, Shock Propagation", Proc. Symp. Europeen, Ariane-5 Structures
& Technologies, May 1993.

March 13, 2001

5.63 Barrett, S., “The Development of Pyro Shock Test Requirements for Viking Lander
Capsule Components”, Proc. 21st ATM, Inst. Envir. Sc., pp 5-10, Apr. 1975.

5.64 Lyon, R. H., and DeJong, R. G., Ch. 14, “Transient SEA”, Theory and Application of
Statistical Energy Analysis, 2nd ed., Butterworth-Heinemann, Newton, MA, 1995.

5.65 Manning, J. E., and Lee, K., “Predicting Mechanical Shock Transmission”, Shock and
Vibration Bull., No. 37, Pt. 4, pp 65-70, Jan. 1968.

5.66 Powell, R. E., and Quartararo, L. R., “Statistical Energy Analysis of Transient
Vibration”, Statistical Energy Analysis (Hsu, K. H., Nefske, D. J., and Akay, A., Ed.),
ASME NCA-Vol. 3, pp 3-8, 1987.

5.67 Pinnington, R. J., and Lednick, D., “Transient Statistical Energy Analysis of an
Impulsively Excited Two Oscillator System”, J. Sound Vibration., Vol. 189, No. 2,
pp 249-264, 1996.

5.68 Pinnington, R. J., and Lednick, D., “Transient Energy Flow between Two Coupled
Beams”, J. Sound and Vibration, Vol. 189, No. 2, pp 265-287, 1996.

5.69 Pinnington, R. J., Lednick, D., “A Comparison between Wave Propagation

Techniques and Transient SEA for the Prediction of Shock Response in One-
Dimensional Systems”, Proc. Inter-Noise 96 (Eds: Hill, F A., and Lawrence, R.), pp
1343-1348, July 1996.

5.70 Lai, M. L., and Soom, A., “Prediction of Transient Vibration Envelopes using
Statistical Energy Analysis Techniques”, J. Vibration and Acoustics, Trans. ASME,
Vol. 112, No. 1, pp 127-137, 1990.

5.71 Lai, M. L., and Soom, A., “Statistical Energy Analysis for the Time-Integrated
Transient Response of Vibrating Systems” J. Vibration and Acoustics, Trans. ASME,
Vol. 112, No. 2, pp 206-213, 1990.

5.72 Honda, I., and Irie, Y., “Transient Structure Borne Energy Analysis by Using SEA”,
Proc.Inter-Noise 95, pp 1233-1238, July 1995.

5.73 Lee, Y. A., Crowe, D. R., Henricks, W., and Park, D. M., “Shock Prediction
Technology: Technical Manual”, NASA CR-183479, Apr. 1989.

5.74 Singh, A. K., “Impact Analysis by TRANSTAR Statistical Energy Method”, 2nd Intern.
Cong. of Air- and Structure-Borne Sound and Vibration, Mar. 1992.

5.75 Singh, A. K., “Shock Source Characterization Methods for TRANSTAR SEA
Program”, Proc. 63rd Shock and Vibration Symp., Vol. 1, pp 439-450, Oct. 1992.

5.76 Singh, A. K., “Multiple Impact Analysis by TRANSTAR SEA Program”, Proc. 63rd
Shock and Vibration Symp., Vol. 1, pp 451-463, Oct. 1992.

5.77 Singh, A. K., “Shock Environment Prediction of Isolated Equipment by TRANSTAR

SEA Program”, Proc., 39th ATM, Inst. Envir. Sc., pp 267-272, 1993.

March 13, 2001

5.78 Dalton, E. C., “Ballistic Shock Response Analysis by an Extension of Statistical

Energy Analysis”, Proc., 63rd Shock and Vibration Symp., Vol. 1, pp 411-424, Oct.

5.79 Dalton, E. C., “High Frequency Shock Prediction in Multiply-Connected Plate

Structures”, Proc., 64th Shock and Vibration Symp., Vol. 2, pp 81-91, Oct. 1993.

5.80 Dalton, E. C., Chambers III, B. S., Katz, B., and White, M. D., “Analysis of Shock in a
Pyrotechnically Separated Missile Structure”, Proc., 66th Shock and Vibration Symp.,
Vol. 2, pp 195-201, Oct.-Nov. 1995.

5.81 Dalton, E. C., Chambers III, B. S., “Analysis and Validation Testing of Impulsive Load
Response in Complex, Multi-Compartmented Structures”, AIAA Paper 95-1243,
Apr. 1995.

5.82 Kacena, W. J., McGrath, M. B., Engelsgjerd, I. K.,and Rader, W. P., “Aerospace
Systems Pyrotechnic Shock Data”, NASA CR-116437, -116450, -116401, -116402, -
116403, -116406, and -116019, Vol. I-VII, 1970.

5.83 Spann, F. W., Hain, R. F., and Beck, C. J., “IUS Program Shock Analyses”, Boeing
Doc. D290-75303-2, Vol. I-III, Feb. 3, 1982, June 25, 1982 and Apr. 2, 1993.
(Available from DTIC as ADA 318331, 30 and 29.)

5.84 Van Ert, D. L., “Survey of Pyroshock Prediction Methodology”, IES Pyrotechnic
Shock Tutorial Program, 31st ATM, Inst. Envir. Sc., Apr.-May 1985.

5.85 Himelblau, H., Piersol, A. G., Wise, J. H., and Grundvig, M. R., “Handbook for
Dynamic Data Acquisition and Analysis”, IES-RP-DTE012.1, Inst. Envir. Sc. Tech.,
Mt Prospect, IL, Mar. 1994.

5.86 Powers, D. R., “Summary of Testing Techniques”, Shock and Vibration Bull., No. 56,
Pt. 3, pp 135-142, Aug. 1986.

March 13, 2001


The prediction procedures detailed in Section 5 generally yield the response of a structure at
individual points or, at best, over relatively small areas, which do not necessarily correspond to
all the points of interest in the formulation of design and/or test criteria. Furthermore, the
predictions may be based upon computed, assumed, or measured dynamic loads (see Section
4) that do not reflect the potential flight-to-flight variations that will occur in service use. Hence,
it is necessary to add a factor to the predicted vibration levels to arrive at a "maximum expected
environment" (MEE) that will account for point-to-point (spatial) and flight-to-flight variations in
service, and thus assure the predictions are conservative relative to the potential flight
environment. This maximum expected environment is usually described in terms of the
spectrum of a motion parameter, commonly acceleration. However, any equipment item
mounted on the vehicle structure will modify the vibratory motion of the structure, particularly at
the resonance frequencies of the equipment. It follows that the maximum expected
environment often must be modified at the frequencies of equipment resonances to arrive at
accurate design and/or vibration test criteria for aerospace flight vehicle equipment.

This section details the various procedures used to arrive at a maximum expected environment,
as well as the procedures used to modify the maximum expected environment to account for
equipment loading effects. Much of this material is also presented or summarized in [6.1, 6.2].

6.1 Spatial Variations - Point Predictions. The procedures commonly used to predict the
response of structures to low frequency dynamic loads (see Section 5.1) generally produce
motions at the specific locations and/or forces in the specific structural members of interest in
the formulation of design and/or test criteria. On the other hand, some procedures used to
predict the structural responses to high frequency random loads yield only spectra for motions
at point locations (e.g., the extrapolation techniques and direct measurements discussed in
Sections 5.2 and 5.3). In some cases, the response predictions might be made at the specific
points of interest in the formulation of design and/or test criteria, e.g., the attachment points for
equipment mounted on the structure. In most cases, however, the points where response
predictions are made do not correspond exactly to the specific points of interest, and even when
they do, the equipment items to be mounted at those points are often not modeled for the
predictions or in place for direct measurements. Hence, it is necessary to pool the predicted
responses at various points to obtain a single spectrum that will conservatively bound the
spectra for the responses at all points in a structural region, including the specific points of
interest. This approach requires that the structure be divided into a collection of regions often
referred to as "zones". A conservative bound on the spectra for the responses of all points in a
single zone is commonly called the zone "limit".

a. Definition of Zones. Assume the high frequency dynamic loads-induced responses at

all points on a large structure (a vehicle or a large payload) is of interest. The responses at
various points on the structure will typically vary widely from one location to another. The goal
in zoning is to divide the structure into regions or zones such that the responses at all points
within each zone are reasonably homogeneous, meaning the spectra for the responses at all
points can be described by a single spectrum that will exceed most or all of the spectra at the
individual points without severely exceeding the spectrum at any point. It is also required that
the selected zones correspond to structural regions of interest in the formulation of design
and/or test criteria. For example, if the ultimate goal is the definition of vibration inputs to
equipment that will be mounted on the structure, as required to derive test specifications, a
single zone should include all the attachment points for at least one, and preferably for several,
equipment items. It is not necessary for a zone to be a single contiguous structural region. For
example, all frames of a given size in a vehicle, no matter where they are located, might

March 13, 2001

constitute a single zone if the responses of those frames are similar. In any case, it is desirable
to minimize the number of zones used to describe the dynamic loads-induced responses over
the entire vehicle so as to minimize the number of specified spectra needed to test the
equipment for that vehicle.

b. Determination of Zones. There are direct analytical techniques that can be used to
arrive at structural zones based upon tests for the statistical equivalence of the spectra for the
predicted responses at various locations on the structure [6.3]. However, the zoning operation
is usually accomplished based upon engineering judgment, experience, and/or a cursory
evaluation of predicted spectra. For example, engineering judgment dictates that frame
structures and skin panels should represent different zones, since the response of light skin
panels will generally be higher than the much heavier frames. Also, experience suggests that
the aft structural regions of a vehicle usually experience higher responses during the launch
phase than the forward structural regions, meaning even similar structures in the forward and aft
regions of the vehicle should be represented by different zones. Furthermore, the responses
normal to the surface of the structure are generally higher than those in the plane of the
structure, so the responses along these two axes might be divided into separate zones. Beyond
such engineering considerations, a visual inspection of the spectra for the predicted responses
can be used to group locations with spectra of similar magnitudes to arrive at appropriate zones.
See [6.4] for an example of the selection of the zones used to describe the high frequency
dynamic response of the Space Shuttle.

c. Unbiased Selection of Response Points. All of the procedures to establish zone limits
assume the available spectra for a given zone are predicted at locations that typify all points of
interest in that zone. Ideally, this would be achieved by a random selection from all possible
response points within the zone. In practice, a random selection usually is not feasible since the
predictions are commonly made before the zones are selected; in fact, the spectra for the
predicted responses are often used to establish the zones, as discussed above. In some cases,
however, the predictions may be made at those points where equipment are mounted. If the
ultimate goal is to establish test criteria for those equipment, this would constitute a good
selection of response points, even though such mounting points might not typify all points within
the zone. In any case, it is important to assess the locations represented by the available
predicted spectra to assure that they are typical of all points of interest in the zone.

d. Definition of Response Terms. To simplify subsequent discussions, the following terms

are defined:

x = spectrum for the high frequency dynamic loads-induced structural response at any
point within the zone of interest. The spectral value may be an autospectrum in g2/Hz, an
energy spectrum in g2-sec/Hz, a line spectrum in g, or a shock response spectrum in g,
depending on the nature of the dynamic environment and the spectral analysis procedure
employed (see Section 2.2).

xi = spectrum for the predicted high frequency dynamic loads-induced structural response
at the ith point (i = 1, 2, ..., n) within the zone of interest. The term prediction is used here to
include direct measurements that might be available in those cases where the structure of
interest is on an existing vehicle flown to obtain measured data.

xij = spectral value in the jth frequency resolution bandwidth (j = 1, 2, ..., m) for the
predicted high frequency dynamic loads-induced structural response at the ith point (i = 1, 2, ...,
n) within the zone of interest.

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xhj = largest spectral value in the jth frequency resolution bandwidth for the predicted high
frequency dynamic loads-induced structural responses at the n points within the zone of
interest, i.e., xhj = largest value of xij; i = 1, 2, ..., n.

6.1.1 Envelope Limits. The most common way to arrive at a limit for the spectral values of
the responses at all points within a zone is to superimpose the spectral values predicted at n
points within a given zone, xij; i = 1, 2, ..., n, and then to select and plot the maximum spectral
value xhj in each of the m frequency resolution bandwidths. This yields an unsmoothed
envelope that, for simplicity, is often smoothed using a series of straight line segments (usually
not more than seven with slopes of 0, ± 3 dB/octave, or ± 6 dB/octave). The computation of
unsmoothed and smoothed envelopes is illustrated in Figure 6.1 using the maximax autospectra
for 12 vibration measurements made at different locations in a selected structural zone of a
large launch vehicle during liftoff. The individual spectra were computed using a 1/6 octave
band frequency resolution.

The primary advantage of the envelope approach is that it is easy to apply. The primary
disadvantages are as follows:

a. It does not provide a specific probability that the envelope at a given frequency will
exceed the spectrum for the response at another location of interest, i.e., the envelope, in itself,
does not allow a quantitative evaluation of uncertainties. However, if the number of predicted
spectra is sufficiently large, say, n ≥ 14, this deficiency can be removed by computing the
distribution-free tolerance limit detailed in Section 6.1.3.

b. It can produce somewhat different results depending on the frequency resolution of the
predicted spectra, i.e., spectra predicted in narrow bandwidths will display substantially higher
peak magnitudes than spectra predicted in, say, 1/3 octave bands (see Section 6.2.1).

There is a final problem with the envelope procedure that applies to all other procedures.
Specifically, for the usual case where the envelope is smoothed by a series of straight lines, the
procedure becomes somewhat subjective in terms of the number of straight lines used to define
the envelope, and whether all spectral peaks are enveloped or some are clipped, i.e., two
experienced engineers using the same data might arrive at substantially different smoothed limits.

This problem is sometimes addressed by using some systematic method for determining which
spectral peaks will be either fully covered or partially clipped by the smoothed envelope. For
example, a commonly used rule is that all narrowband spectral peaks should be clipped by 3 dB.
Another more rigorous rule is that all spectral peaks with a bandwidth less than 5% of center
frequency should be clipped to the level where the bandwidth is 5% of center frequency. Perhaps
the best approach is to compute all spectra with a resolution bandwidth that is proportional to
frequency (e.g., a 1/6 octave bandwidth), and then envelope all peaks without clipping. This is the
procedure used in Figure 6.1. In any case, the use of enveloped spectral data for the formulation
of design and/or test criteria is always subjected to the special restrictions detailed in Section 6.5.

March 13, 2001

10 -1

10 -2
Autospectral Density, g2/Hz.


10 -3

10 -4

10 -5
10 100 1000 10000
Frequency, Hz
FIGURE 6.1. Envelope for Twelve Measured Vibration Response Spectra Within a Zone.

6.1.2 Normal Tolerance Limits. A more definitive way to arrive at a conservative limit for
the spectral values of the structural responses in a zone is to compute a normal tolerance limit
for the predicted spectra in each frequency resolution bandwidth. Normal tolerance limits apply
only to normally distributed random variables. The spatial variation of structural responses to
stationary, nonstationary, and transient dynamic loads is generally not normally distributed.
However, there is considerable empirical evidence (e.g., [6.5 - 6.8]) that the logarithm of the
spectral values for any motion parameter describing the response of aerospace vehicle
structures from one point to another does have an approximately normal distribution, i.e., the
spatial distribution for the structural response spectral values in a specific frequency resolution
bandwidth approximately fits a lognormal distribution. Hence, by simply making the logarithmic

y = log10x (6.1)

a normal tolerance limit can be computed for the transformed predictions, yij; i = 1, 2, ..., n, and
j = 1, 2, ..., m. Specifically, the one-sided (upper-tail) normal tolerance limit for y, denoted by
NTLy(n,β,γ), is defined as that value of y that will exceed at least β portion of all possible values
of y with a confidence coefficient of γ, and is given by

NTL y (n, β , γ) = y + k sy (6.2)

n , β, γ

where y is the sample average and sy is the sample standard deviation of y, given by


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The normal tolerance limit in the original engineering units of x can be retrieved by

NTLy (n , β, γ )
NTL x (n, β , γ) = 10 (6.4)

In Equation (6.2), the term kn,β,γ is called the normal tolerance factor, and is a tabulated value; a
tabulation of kn,β,γ for selected values of n, β, and γ is presented in Table 6.1, which is extracted
from [6.9, 6.10]. Note in Table 6.1 that for n = ∞,

NTLy(β) = µy + zα σy ; α = 1 - β (6.5)

where µy is the true mean and σy is the true standard deviation of y, and zα is the α = (1 - β)
percentage point of the standardized normal distribution, which is tabulated in any statistics text
book, e.g., [6.11]. The confidence coefficient associated with Equation (6.5) is essentially
100%, independent of the value of α. Also, Equation (6.5) is sometimes routinely substituted for
Equation (6.2) with y and sy replacing µy and σy, but this should never be done unless the
sample size is n > 50. See [6.12] for the derivation of normal tolerance limits and [6.9] for
further discussions of their general applications.

TABLE 6.1. Normal Tolerance Factors, kn,β,γ

γ= 0.50 γ= 0.75 γ= 0.90

β=0.90 β=0.95 β=0.99 β=0.90 β=0.95 β=0.99 β=0.90 β=0.95 β=0.99
3 1.50 1.94 2.76 2.50 3.15 4.40 4.26 5.31 7.34
4 1.42 1.83 2.60 2.13 2.68 3.73 3.19 3.96 5.44
5 1.38 1.78 2.53 1.96 2.46 3.42 2.74 3.40 4.67
6 1.36 1.75 2.48 1.86 2.34 3.24 2.49 3.09 4.24
7 1.35 1.73 2.46 1.79 2.25 3.13 2.33 2.89 3.97
8 1.34 1.72 2.44 1.74 2.19 3.04 2.22 2.76 3.78
9 1.33 1.71 2.42 1.70 2.14 2.98 2.13 2.65 3.64
10 1.32 1.70 2.41 1.67 2.10 2.93 2.06 2.57 3.53
12 1.32 1.69 2.40 1.62 2.05 2.85 1.97 2.45 3.37
14 1.31 1.68 2.39 1.59 2.01 2.80 1.90 2.36 3.26
16 1.31 1.68 2.38 1.57 1.98 2.76 1.84 2.30 3.17
18 1.30 1.67 2.37 1.54 1.95 2.72 1.80 2.25 3.11
20 1.30 1.67 2.37 1.53 1.93 2.70 1.76 2.21 3.05
25 1.30 1.67 2.36 1.50 1.90 2.65 1.70 2.13 2.95
30 1.29 1.66 2.35 1.48 1.87 2.61 1.66 2.08 2.88
35 1.29 1.66 2.35 1.46 1.85 2.59 1.62 2.04 2.83
40 1.29 1.66 2.35 1.44 1.83 2.57 1.60 2.01 2.79
50 1.29 1.65 2.34 1.43 1.81 2.54 1.56 1.96 2.74
∞ 1.28 1.64 2.33 1.28 1.64 2.33 1.28 1.64 2.33

As an illustration, the normal tolerance limit versus frequency for the data in Figure 6.1 computed
with β = 0.95 and γ = 0.50 is shown in Figure 6.2. This limit is commonly referred to as the 95%
normal tolerance limit with 50% confidence, or simply the 95/50 limit, and is interpreted as the
limit that will exceed the response spectral values for at least 95% of all points within the zone
with a confidence coefficient of 50%. Note the 95/50 limit in Figure 6.2 is similar to the envelope
for the twelve measurements at all frequencies, but might be higher or lower than the envelope
depending on the values of β and γ. Also, computed normal tolerance limits are sometimes

March 13, 2001

smoothed by enveloping with a series of straight line segments, as illustrated in Figure 6.2. Of
course, this step involves subjective judgments that pose the problems discussed in Section
6.1.1 for the envelope procedure. Also, the use of the normal tolerance limit for the formulation
of design and/or test criteria is always subject to the special restrictions detailed in Section 6.5.

10 0

10 -1 Smoothed
95/50 Nor.
Autospectral Density, g2/Hz

10 -2 95/50 Nor.

10 -4

10 -5
10 100 1000 10000
Frequency, Hz

FIGURE 6.2. 95/50 Normal Tolerance Limit for Vibration Response Spectra in Figure 6.1.

The normal tolerance limit approach offers three major advantages over the envelope procedure
discussed in Section 6.1.1, as follows:

a. It provides a limit that will exceed a well-defined fractional portion β of the spectra at all
locations in the zone with a well-defined confidence γ, i.e., the normal tolerance limit has a
rigorous statistical interpretation.

b. For any number of predictions, n, a normal tolerance limit can be computed for any
independently selected values of β and γ, i.e., the normal tolerance limit is not restricted to the
range of the predicted spectra used for its determination.

c. Although the frequency resolution bandwidth of the predicted spectra can have some
impact on the normal tolerance limit, it is not as sensitive to the frequency resolution bandwidth
as the envelope procedure.

The last advantage follows from the fact that the normal tolerance limit is computed from
average values (the sample mean and standard deviation), which in turn are computed from the
predicted spectral values in each frequency resolution bandwidth at all n locations. The
sensitivity of the predicted spectral values to the frequency resolution bandwidth (the frequency

March 13, 2001

resolution bias error) is most pronounced at the frequencies of spectral peaks [6.13]. At most
frequencies, a spectral peak may be present at some locations, but not at most locations.
Hence, the impact of frequency resolution bias errors on the sample mean and standard
deviation is minimal. On the other hand, the envelope of the various predicted spectra is
determined at most frequencies by a spectral peak at one location, meaning the frequency
resolution bias error is often large.

In spite of the above noted advantages, the use of normal tolerance limits does pose one
potential problem, namely, the procedure is sensitive to the assumption that the spatial
distribution of the structural response spectral values within the zone is lognormal. This
assumption might come into question for the higher values of β and γ.

As a final point concerning normal tolerance limits, Figure 6.2 presents a limit computed with a
confidence coefficient of γ = 0.50, which is a common value of γ used to derive aerospace
vehicle vibration test levels, e.g., MIL-STD-1540C and NASA-STD-7001. However, normal
tolerance limits could be computed with a higher level of confidence, e.g., γ = 0.90 or 0.95. For
any value of β, the value of the confidence coefficient can have a substantial impact on the limit.
This fact is illustrated in Figure 6.3, which shows the 95% tolerance limit for the twelve
measurements in Figure 6.1 computed with γ = 0.50, 0.90, and 0.95. Note that the limit
computed with γ = 0.95 is up to 6 times (7.8 dB) higher than the limit computed with γ = 0.50.
For consistency with MIL-STD-1540C and NASA-STD-7001, it is recommended that normal
tolerance limits be computed with a confidence coefficient of γ = 0.50 unless there is a reason to
use a more conservative value.

6.1.3 Distribution-Free Tolerance Limits. Distribution-free tolerance limits circumvent the

primary problem associated with normal tolerance limits, namely, the need to assume a lognormal
distribution for the spatial variations of the structural response spectral values within the zone.
The assumption is eliminated by fixing the tolerance limit to the maximum spectral value in each
of the m frequency resolution bandwidths, i.e., the one-sided (upper-tail) distribution-free
tolerance limit, denoted by DFLx(n,β,γ), is essentially the unsmoothed envelope determined by the
procedure detailed in Section 6.1.1. The fractional portion β of all locations where the response
spectral values x will be less than the maximum spectral value xhj with a confidence coefficient γ
can be determined using order statistics [6.14] to be

DFLx(n, β, γ) = xhj ; γ = 1 - βn (6.6)

The interpretation of distribution-free tolerance limits is the same as for the normal tolerance
limits detailed in Section 6.1.2, namely, xhj is that spectral value that will exceed the response
spectral values for at least β portion of all points in the zone with a confidence coefficient of γ.
For example, the unsmoothed envelope for the data in Figure 6.1 represents the tolerance limit
that will exceed the response spectral values for at least 95% of all points in the zone with a
confidence coefficient of 46%. The unsmoothed envelope is often smoothed with a series of
straight lines, as illustrated in Figure 6.1. This step involves subjective judgments that pose the
problems discussed in Section 6.1.1 for the envelope procedure. Also, the use of the
distribution-free tolerance limit for the formulation of design and/or test criteria is always subject
to the special restrictions detailed in Section 6.5.

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FIGURE 6.3. Normal Tolerance Limits for Data in Figure 6.1 with Various
Confidence Coefficients.

The primary advantage of the distribution-free tolerance limit over the normal tolerance limit is
that it is not sensitive to the spatial distribution of the spectral values for the responses within
the zone, i.e., it is nonparametric. However, it does pose two problems not present in the
normal tolerance limit, as follows:

a. The procedure does not permit an independent selection of the values for β and γ.
The usual approach here is to select a desired value for the fractional portion β, and accept
whatever value of the confidence coefficient γ that results from Equation (6.6). However, the
specification writer generally wants to have a common value of β and γ for all zones, even
though the number of spectra for each zone may be different. This is not possible using
nonparametric tolerance limits, which simply quantify the confidence coefficient associated with
the envelope approach in Section 6.1.1.

b. As for the envelope approach in Section 6.1.1, the procedure can produce somewhat
different results depending on the frequency resolution of the predicted spectra.

6.1.4 Empirical Tolerance Limits. A third method of selecting a conservative limit for the
spectral values of structural responses within a zone is to determine an empirical distribution
function for the predicted spectral values at n locations, and then select some large percentile xβ
from the distribution (that value of x which exceeds β portion of the available values) to be a
conservative limit, referred to as an empirical tolerance limit. Ideally, this would be done
independently for the spectral values in each frequency resolution bandwidth. In practice,
however, it is rare to have predictions at enough locations to allow a determination of a large
percentile for the values in each bandwidth; i.e., for β = 0.95, at least 20 values are needed to
determine a limit. Hence, it is common to normalize the spectral values in each frequency
resolution bandwidth to a common mean value, and then pool all the spectral values to arrive at
a single distribution function for the determination of a limit that covers β portion of the values.
Of course, this pooling approach assumes the spatial distribution of the spectral values is the

March 13, 2001

same in all the frequency resolution bandwidths, and further that the ratio of the limit value to
the mean value, xβ / x , is a constant over all frequency resolution bandwidths.

Given a total of n spectral values within the zone covering m frequency resolution bandwidths,
xij; i = 1, 2, ..., n, and j = 1, 2, ..., m, the specific procedure to determine an empirical tolerance
limit is as follows:

a. Compute the mean value of the spectral values in each frequency resolution bandwidth;


b. Divide the spectral values in each frequency resolution bandwidth by the average
value in that bandwidth to obtain the normalized values uij; i.e.,

x ij
u ij = (6.8)

c. Pool the normalized values in all frequency resolution bandwidths to obtain a single set
of values uk; k = 1, 2, ..., nm, and rank-order the pooled normalized values from the smallest to
the largest to obtain the set u(k), where

(k) = 1 is smallest value of uk

(k) = 2 is next smallest value of uk (6.9)
(k) = nm is largest value of uk

d. Select that normalized value uβ that covers β portion of all the pooled and rank-ordered
normalized values u(k); i.e.,

uβ = u(k) where (k) = nmβ (6.10)

e. Determine the limit value xβj in each frequency resolution bandwidth by multiplying the
average value for each bandwidth by the normalized limit uβ to obtain the empirical tolerance
limit, denoted by ETLx(β); i.e.,

ETLx (β ) = x = u xj (6.11)
βj β

As an illustration, the empirical distribution for the normalized values of the data in Figure 6.1 is
detailed in Figure 6.4, and the 95% empirical tolerance limit is shown in Figure 6.5. The multiplier
determined from the rank-ordered, normalized spectral values Figure 6.4 to arrive at the 95% limit
in Figure 6.5 is uβ = 3.37. Of course, this value of uβ is an estimate computed from a statistical
sample of 492 values, and may be larger or smaller than the true value of µβ for all points in the
zone. The statistical variability of the estimate uβ is governed by the binomial probability function
[6.11] and, hence, an upper bound, Uβ = C uβ; C > 1, could be determined to produce a limit in
Equation (6.11) that exceeds the spectral values at β portion of the points in the zone with a high
level of confidence. In practice, however, it is customary to use the value of uβ computed from
Equation (6.10) without modification, meaning the confidence coefficient associated with the limit

March 13, 2001

in Equation (6.11) is essentially γ = 50%; i.e., the empirical tolerance limit derived in Equation
(6.11) is the value of x that will exceed the response spectral values at 95% of all points within the
zone with a confidence coefficient of 50%. As for the other procedures, computed empirical
tolerance limits are sometimes smoothed by enveloping with a series of straight lines. This step
involves subjective judgments that pose the problems discussed in Section 6.1.1 for the envelope
procedure. Also, the use of the empirical tolerance limit for the formulation of design and/or test
criteria is always subject to the special restrictions detailed in Section 6.5.

FIGURE 6.4. Empirical Distribution for Normalized Vibration Response Spectra in Figure 6.1.

10 -1 Smoothed
95/50 Empir.
Autospectral Density, g2 /Hz

-2 Limit
y g

95/50 Empir.
10 -3

10 -4

10 100 1000 10000
Frequency, Hz

FIGURE 6.5. 95/50 Empirical Tolerance Limit for Vibration Response Spectra in Figure 6.1.

March 13, 2001

Like the distribution-free tolerance limits detailed in Section 6.3, the empirical tolerance limit
approach does not assume a lognormal spatial distribution for the response spectral values
within the zone. Furthermore, like normal tolerance limits, the empirical tolerance limit is not as
sensitive as the envelope to the frequency resolution bandwidth of the predicted spectral values
used for its determination for the reasons detailed in Section 6.1.2. However, the empirical
tolerance limit does pose some potential problems, as follows:

a. If the spectral values in all frequency resolution bandwidths are pooled to arrive at the
empirical distribution, it is sensitive to the assumption that the spatial distribution of the
response spectral values is the same in all bandwidths.

b. It is most effective when response predictions are available at a relatively large

number of locations (generally, n > 10).

c. It provides a limit with a confidence coefficient of γ = 0.50 only, unless further extensive
computations are performed.

6.1.5 Normal Prediction Limits. The final way to arrive at a conservative limit for the
spectral values of the structural responses in a zone is to compute a normal prediction limit for
the predicted spectra in each frequency resolution bandwidth. As for normal tolerance limits,
normal prediction limits apply only to normally distributed random variables. Hence, the
logarithmic transformation in Equation (6.1) is again required to obtain an approximately normal
distribution for the transformed predictions, yi = 1, 2, ..., n. The one-sided (upper-tail) normal
prediction limit for y, denoted by NPLy(n,γ), is defined as that value of y that will exceed the next
predicted value of y with a confidence coefficient of γ, and is given by [6.1]


where y is the sample mean and sy is the sample standard deviation of y, as defined in
Equation (6.3), and tn-1; α is the α percentage point of the "Student" t variable with n - 1 degrees-
of-freedom, which is tabulated in any statistics text book, e.g., [6.11]. The normal prediction
limit in the original engineering units of x can be retrieved by


The normal prediction limit should not to be confused with the normal tolerance limit given by
Equation (6.2), which defines an upper limit that will exceed at least β portion of all possible
values of x with a confidence coefficient of γ. Also, the value of γ for normal prediction limits is
sometimes referred to as a probability, but after the measurements are made, it is more
correctly referred to as a confidence coefficient.

As an illustration, the normal prediction limit versus frequency for the data shown in Figure 6.1
computed with γ = 0.95 is shown in Figure 6.6. This limit is commonly referred to as the 95%
normal prediction limit for the spectral value of the next predicted response at a randomly
selected point within the zone. As for the various tolerance limits, normal prediction limits are
sometimes smoothed by enveloping with a series of straight lines, as illustrated in Figure 6.6.
This step involves subjective judgments that pose the problems discussed in Section 6.1.1 for
the envelope procedure. Also, the use of the normal prediction limit for the formation of design
and/or test criteria is always subject to the special restrictions detailed in Section 6.5.

March 13, 2001

Equation (6.13) defines the normal prediction limit for the next value of y (i.e., yn+1) based upon
the sample average and standard deviation for the previous n values of y, i.e., yi; i = 1, 2, ..., n.
This equation can be used to establish the limit that will exceed the next two values of y (i.e., yn + 1
and yn + 2) by simply squaring γ. For example, if the limit NPLy(n,γ) in Equation (6.12) is
determined for the next value of y with a confidence coefficient of γ = 0.95, that same limit will
apply to the next two values of y with a confidence coefficient of γ = (0.95)2 = 0.90. Conversely, if
a limit for the next two values of y with a confidence coefficient of γ = 0.95 is desired, Equation
(6.12) can be solved for NPLy(n,γ) with a confidence coefficient of γ = 0. 95 = 0. 975 .
The same procedure can be used to determine an upper prediction limit for any number of
future values of y. It should be noted, however, that the normal prediction limit is unbounded as
the number of values becomes large.

-1 Smoothed
Autospectral Density, g2/Hz.

95% Normal
10 95% Normal

10 -4

10 100 1000 10000
Frequency, Hz

FIGURE 6.6. 95% Normal Prediction Limit for Vibration Response Spectra in Figure 6.1.

Normal prediction limits are somewhat simpler to apply than any of the tolerance limits because
they involve only one probability related parameter, namely, a confidence coefficient γ. On the
other hand, the normal prediction limit poses two problems, as follows:

a. It is sensitive to the assumption that the spatial distribution of the spectral values of the
structural responses values within the zone is lognormal. This assumption might come into
question for the higher values of γ.

b. It provides a conservative limit for only one or some other specific number of future
response predictions at randomly selected points within the zone, rather than to the response at
all locations within the zone.

March 13, 2001

6.1.6 Assessments. Using the twelve measured autospectra in Figure 6.1, the five
different methods presented in Sections 6.1.1 through 6.1.5 for deriving a conservative limit for
random dynamic loads-induced structural responses are compared in Figure 6.7. All three
tolerance limits in Figure 6.7 cover the response spectra for β = 0.95 portion of all points within
the zone with similar confidence coefficients, namely, γ = 0.46 to 0.50. The normal prediction
limit in Figure 6.7 covers the spectrum for the response at the next selected point within the
zone with a confidence coefficient (probability) of γ = 0.95. The following interesting features
should be noted in Figure 6.7.

95/46 Distribution-free tolerance limit (envelope)

10 0 95/50 Normal tolerance limit
95/50 Empirical tolerance limit
Power spectral density, g2 /Hz

95% Normal prediction limit

10 -1

10 -2

10 -3
10 100 1000 10000
Frequency, Hz
FIGURE 6.7. Comparison of Various Limits for Vibration Response Spectra in Figure 6.1.

a. The distribution-free and empirical tolerance limits are similar at most frequencies.
This is consistent with the fact that these two limits do not involve a lognormal assumption for
the spatial distribution of the spectral values, and further are computed with similar confidence
coefficients; i.e., γ = 0.46 for the distribution-free limit and γ = 0.50 for the empirical limit.

b. The normal tolerance limit is somewhat higher at many frequencies than the
distribution-free and empirical tolerance limits, even though it has a similar confidence
coefficient, i.e., γ = 0.50. This discrepancy probably reflects a slight inaccuracy in the lognormal
assumption associated with the normal tolerance limit.

c. The normal prediction limit is higher than all three tolerance limits at most frequencies.
However, if the tolerance limits were computed with a higher confidence coefficient, they would
probably exceed the normal prediction limit.

March 13, 2001

The comparative merits of the various procedures to establish limits for the dynamic loads-
induced structural responses in a zone are summarized in Table 6.2. Based upon these
comparisons, it is suggested that a conservative limit for the response spectra in a zone be
computed from the predicted spectra at n points within the zone, as follows:

TABLE 6.2. Summary of Merits of Various Procedures for Selecting Limits.

Normal Distr.-Free Empirical Normal

Merit Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Prediction
Limit Limit Limit Limit

Covers known portion, β, of

No Yes Yes Yes No
spectra at all locations in zone
Associated with a known
No Yes Yes Yes Yes
confidence coefficient γ

Allows independent selection of

portion β and confidence No Yes No No*
coefficient γ

Insensitive to assumption of
Yes No Yes Yes No
lognormal spatial distribution

Insensitive to different spatial

Yes No Yes No** No
distributions in bandwidths

Relatively insensitive to
No Yes No Yes Yes
frequency resolution bandwidth

* Unless extensive computations are performed

** Unless sufficient data are available to compute independent limits for each bandwidth

a. The normal tolerance limit given by Equation (6.2) and computed with a confidence
coefficient of γ = 0.5 is recommended. This is the most common procedure used to arrive at
maximum expected environments in other documents, e.g., MIL-STD-1540C and NASA-STD-
7001. It should be mentioned that, for small values of n, the normal tolerance limit will become
quite large compared to the average value of the predicted spectra in the zone. Nevertheless,
this is a statistically correct result, assuming a lognormal distribution applies, because a limit
based upon spectra at a small number of points naturally leads to a high uncertainty in what the
spectral values may be at all other points.

b. If n > 10, the empirical tolerance limit given by Equation (6.11) can be used as a
substitute for the normal tolerance limit.

Again, when any conservative limit for the dynamic responses in a structural zone is used for
the derivation of design and/or test criteria, the restrictions detailed in Section 6.5 should be
carefully observed.

6.2 Spatial Variations - Area Predictions. Some high frequency prediction procedures
produce a spectrum for the average response over a structural area that may include the
specific points of interest, but without a clearly defined degree of conservatism (e.g., SEA
techniques in Sections 5.2.2 and 5.3.3). Also, these area prediction procedures usually produce
a spectrum with a relatively coarse frequency resolution, commonly a 1/3 octave bandwidth. In

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some cases, several area predictions may be available within a single structural zone of interest
for establishing design and/or test criteria. In such cases, the area predictions can be treated as
point predictions and the procedures detailed in Section 6.1 can be applied directly, although
some additional factor might be needed to account for the narrow bandwidth spectral peaks that
might occur within the frequency resolution bandwidth (probably a 1/3 octave bandwidth) used
for the area predictions. In other cases, a single area prediction may correspond to a single
structural zone of interest. In this situation, some factor is needed to allow for the variability of
the spectral magnitudes for the dynamic response at all points within the zone.

6.2.1 Variations within a Frequency Resolution Bandwidth. Assuming an area prediction

for the dynamic response of a structure is made in 1/3 octave bands, there will be narrow
bandwidth spectral peaks representing lightly damped structural resonances that have
substantially higher magnitudes than the corresponding 1/3 octave band levels. If it is further
assumed that only one spectral peak occurs within a given 1/3 octave band, the ratio of the
spectral peak to the 1/3 octave band magnitudes can be determined by analytical techniques
[6.15]. However, empirical studies provide a more realistic measure of the ratio of the spectral
peak to 1/3 octave band magnitude that can be expected in dynamic loads-induced structural
response data. The results of one comprehensive empirical study based upon the random
vibration response of externally carried aircraft stores [6.8] is presented in terms of an empirical
distribution function in Figure 6.8. From this figure, a 3 dB increase in the spectral magnitude
measured in 1/3 octave bands would envelope about 90% of all spectral peaks, an increase of 4
dB would envelope about 95% of all spectral peaks, and an increase of 5 dB would envelope
about 98% of all spectral peaks. It follows that predictions for structural responses in the form of
1/3 octave band spectra can be converted to an envelope for most narrowband spectral peaks
by adding an appropriate factor determined from Figure 6.8. However, this should not be done
without careful consideration of the restrictions on spectral envelopes detailed in Section 6.5.

Total number of 1/3 octave
band measurements = 413
Fractional Portion




.1 1 10
Ratio of Peak to 1/3 Octave Band Magnitudes, dB

FIGURE 6.8. Empirical Distribution for Peak to 1/3 Octave Band Magnitudes
for Vibration Spectra.

March 13, 2001

6.2.2 Variations within a Structural Area. Depending on the size of the structural region
covered by an area prediction, there may be wide variations of the dynamic responses within
that area (see Section 5.2.2). If the area prediction encompasses a structural zone of interest
for the formulation of design and/or test criteria, the variations will be similar to those
represented by the data in Figure 6.1. In terms of dB = 10 log10x where x is the spectral value in
a given frequency resolution bandwidth, the standard deviation of the pooled spectra for the
vibration response data in Figure 6.1 is 5.5 dB. This is consistent with the standard deviations
of other published spectral data for the random vibration responses measured over relatively
homogeneous structural regions of aerospace vehicles, e.g., the standard deviations of spatially
distributed data in [6.5 - 6.8] range from 5 to 6 dB. The standard deviations deduced from a
large data bank of vibration autospectra measured on rocket vehicle structures [6.16] generally
fall below 6 dB. Hence, it is believed that a reasonable upper bound on the standard deviation
of random dynamic loads-induced responses over typical structural zones is

σspatial = 6 dB (6.14)

where the standard deviation estimate is assumed to represent a known value σ, rather than a
sample value s, because the sample size associated with the past data used to arrive at the
estimate is very large.

Now assume the spatial variations of the dynamic responses within the structural region
covered by an area prediction have a lognormal distribution, as discussed in Section 6.1.2. A
normal tolerance limit for β portion of the responses at all points in the area can be
approximated from Equation (6.5) by

NTLx(β) = 10C/10 ; C = AP(dB) + 6 zα ; α = 1 - β (6.15)

where AP(dB) = area prediction for the response in dB and zα = α percentage point [β = (1 - α)
percentile] of the standardized normal distribution, which is tabulated in essentially all statistical
text books, e.g., [6.11]. If it is further assumed the area prediction represents an estimate for
the energy averaged response within the area, the confidence coefficient associated with the
normal tolerance limit in Equation (6.15) is γ = 0.50, i.e., NTLx(β) is the 100β/50 normal
tolerance limit for point-to-point variations.

As an illustration, let the area prediction for the random vibration response be 0.02 g2/Hz
(-17.0 dB referenced to 1 g2/Hz) over a given frequency range. The 95/50 normal tolerance limit
(α = 0.05) for the spectral densities at all points in the area is given by Equation (6.15) with
AP(dB) = -17.0 and z0.05 = 1.645. Hence, C = -7.1 and NTLx(β) = 0.19 g2/Hz, i.e., the 95/50%
normal tolerance limit is 9.7 times (9.9 dB above) the area predicted spectral density.

It should be emphasized that the standard deviation for dynamic responses over a structural
region given in Equation (6.14) is based upon spectral data analyzed with relatively narrow
frequency resolution bandwidths. Hence, this standard deviation essentially includes the
correction from the coarse bandwidth typically used for area predictions (usually 1/3 octave
bands) to a tolerance limit representing the spectral peaks produced by a more narrow
frequency resolution bandwidth. It follows that the frequency resolution bandwidth correction
discussed in Section 6.2.1 and summarized in Figure 6.8 should not be added to the normal
tolerance interval given by Equation (6.15).

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6.3 Flight-to-Flight Variations. Beyond the spatial variations of random dynamic loads-
induced responses of aerospace vehicle structures, there is also some variability in the
response at a given location on the structure from one flight to the next. It is rare to make
vibration measurements at the same point on the structure of the same type of vehicle during
many flights, particularly a space vehicle, but some such data are available. For example,
[6.17] presents shock response spectra and autospectra for the shock and vibration measured
at one point on the Trident I missile during 24 static firings and over 40 flights. A careful
evaluation of these data leads to the conclusion that the flight-to-flight variations in both shock
response spectra and vibration spectral density values have an approximately lognormal
distribution with a standard deviation bounded by

σflt-to-flt = 3 dB (6.16)

As in Equation (6.14), the standard deviation estimate is assumed to represent a known value
σ, rather than a sample value s, because the sample size associated with the past data used to
arrive at the estimate is very large. Using the lognormal assumption, a normal tolerance limit for
the dynamic response at a specific point on a structure for at least β portion of all flights can be
approximated from Equation (6.5) by

NTLx(β) = 10C/10 ; C = P(dB) + 3 zα ; α = 1 - β (6.17)

where P(dB) = prediction for the response in dB and zα = α percentage point [β = (1 - α)

percentile] of the standardized normal distribution, which is tabulated in essentially all statistical
text books, e.g., [6.11]. If it is further assumed the prediction represents an estimate for the
energy averaged response for all flights, the confidence coefficient associated with the normal
tolerance limit in Equation (6.17) is γ = 0.50, i.e., NTLx(β) is the 100β/50 normal tolerance limit
for flight-to-flight variations.

As an illustration, let the prediction for the random vibration response at some point on an
aerospace vehicle structure be 0.02 g2/Hz (-17.0 dB referenced to 1 g2/Hz) over a given
frequency range. The 95/50 normal tolerance limit (α = 0.05) for the spectral densities on all
flights of that vehicle is given by Equation (6.17) with P(dB) = -17.0 and z0.05 = 1.645. Hence,
C = -12.1 and NTLx(β) = 0.062 g2/Hz, i.e., the 95/50 normal tolerance limit is 3.1 times (4.9 dB
above) the predicted spectral density.

Referring to the discussions at the end of Section 6.2.2, it should be mentioned that the flight-to-
flight variation given by Equation (6.16) may already be accounted for in a computed tolerance
limit for point-to-point variations. For example, the twelve spectra used to compute the normal
tolerance limit in Figure 6.2 were measured on three different flights and, hence, flight-to-flight
variations are reflected in the resulting normal tolerance limit. On the other hand, there may be
situations where a tolerance limit for the dynamic responses within a zone is computed from
point-to-point predictions or measurements made on a single flight, or may be estimated using
Equation (6.15). In these cases, the flight-to-flight variance should be added to the point-to-
point variance before computing the tolerance limit; i.e., the standard deviation for the normal
tolerance limit computation is given by

σtotal = σ2spatial + σ2flt-to-flt (6.18)

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In no case should a tolerance limit for point-to-point variations within a zone be added directly to
a tolerance limit for flight-to-flight variations.

For example, if the point-to-point standard deviation is σspatial = 6 dB and the flight-to-flight
standard deviation is accepted as σflt-to-flt = 3 dB, the standard deviation for the normal tolerance
limit computation is σtotal = 6.7 dB. There is a possible complication in this process in that the
point-to-point standard deviation may be an estimate sspatial computed from a sample of n
spectra, while the flight-to-flight standard deviation, σflt-to-flt given by Equation (6.17), is assumed
to be known. Since the point-to-point variation typically dominates the total standard deviation,
it is recommended that the final normal tolerance limit be computed using the tolerance factor
for a desired confidence coefficient in Table 6.1 appropriate for the point-to-point standard
deviation computation, and that the result be associated with that confidence coefficient.

6.4 Selection of Fractional Portion for Tolerance Limits. The various tolerance limits
detailed in Sections 6.1 through 6.3 all require the selection of a value for β, the fraction portion
of the locations within a zone where the response spectral values will be exceeded by the
tolerance limit. This selection is often made somewhat arbitrarily, with β = 0.95 being a common
selection for the derivation of shock and vibration test levels, e.g., MIL-STD-1540C and NASA-
STD-7001. However, for testing purposes, a number of procedures have been formulated to
select an optimum value for β based upon the adverse consequences of an undertest versus an
overtest. Specifically, if β is too small, the test level might be too low to detect defects that
would cause a flight failure. On the other hand, if β is too large, the test level might be high
enough to cause a failure that would not occur in flight.

Well-known procedures developed specifically to optimize test level selections are detailed in
[6.18 - 6.22]. All the referenced procedures yield an optimum test level in terms of a percentile
of the environmental distribution function, which is essentially the value of β in Sections 6.1
through 6.3, as a function of a "cost" ratio CT/CF, where CT is the "cost" of a test failure and CF is
the "cost" of a flight failure. The procedure in [6.18] applies to qualification and protoflight tests,
and allows for the possibility that the item being tested has already been manufactured in
quantity for service use, i.e., it includes possible refurbishing costs. The result in [6.19] applies
to acceptance tests and is arrived at using assessments of the uncertainties in both the severity
of the environment and the strength of the item to be tested, i.e., it involves a dependence on
the design safety factor for the test item. The procedure in [6.20] applies to acceptance and
protoflight tests, and includes consideration of a "test factor" based upon the strength of the item
being tested. The simplest of the procedures, which is first presented in [6.21] and is more
thoroughly derived in [6.22], applies to acceptance and protoflight tests, and yields an optimum
test level given by

β = (6.19)
1 + (C T / C F )

Under appropriate assumptions, primarily a large design safety factor and no refurbishing costs,
it is shown in [6.21] that all of the procedures lead to essentially the same result, as given by
Equation (6.19) and plotted in Figure 6.9. It should be emphasized that the result plotted in
Figure 6.9 applies to the selection of test levels for acceptance and protoflight tests only, i.e.,
those tests performed on hardware that will be flown (see Section 9.1). The result does not
rigorously apply to the selection of qualification test levels where the test is performed on one or
more sample items that will not be flown. Nevertheless, Figure 6.9 is sometimes used as an
approximation for optimum qualification test levels where CT is interpreted to include the

March 13, 2001

estimated cost of redesigning the hardware as required to pass the test, and CF is interpreted to
include the estimated cost of failure of all flight hardware items.

The result in Figure 6.9 is intuitively satisfying. Specifically, consider an item where a failure
during test could be corrected by a relatively simple and inexpensive design change, but a
failure during flight could result in the loss of the entire space vehicle, e.g., a thrust vector
control component that is essential to achieve a successful liftoff. Figure 6.9 says that the item
should be tested to a very severe level relative to the anticipated flight environment so as to
sharply minimize the risk of an undertest. For example, if a flight failure is assessed to be 1000
times more costly than the consequences of a test failure, β = 0.999, which could produce test
levels over 10 dB higher than those associated with the customary β = 0.95. On the other hand,
consider an item where a failure in test would lead to a difficult and expensive redesign, but the
failure in flight would not be catastrophic, e.g., a "piggyback" space experiment that could be
attempted again on a later flight. Figure 6.9 now says that the test level should be modest
relative to the anticipated flight environment so as to minimize the risk of an overtest. For
example, if a flight failure is assessed to be no more costly than the consequences of a test
failure, β = 0.50, which could produce test levels over 10 dB lower than those associated with
the customary β = 0.95. It is interesting to note that the commonly used value of β = 0.95
corresponds to a cost ratio of CT/CF = 0.053, meaning a flight failure is being assessed as 19
time more costly than the consequences of a test failure.
Cost Ratio, CΤ/CF

FIGURE 6.9. Optimum Selection of Fractional Portion β Versus Test to Flight

Failure Cost Ratio.

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In practice, an optimum procedure of the type shown in Figure 6.9 is rarely used to select the
value of β for tolerance limit computations that will ultimately be used to arrive at test levels.
This is probably due to two practical problems, as follows:

a. The procedure requires that someone specify a cost ratio, which produces an
exposure to potential criticism, particularly if a flight failure occurs. This problem is most severe
when the space vehicle is manned and human life is at risk.

b. The procedure leads to different values of β and, hence, different test levels for
different components mounted on the same vehicle. This is inconsistent with the traditional
desire to standardize test levels for flight vehicles and their components through general
specification documents.

On the other hand, optimum test level selection procedures provide a statistically sound way to
eliminate the unnecessary overtesting that often occurs when the standard test levels in a
general specification are arbitrarily imposed, i.e., the procedure allows a logical method for
"tailoring" tests to the requirements of specific payloads and components. Also, the selection
procedure does not require the determination of quantitative "costs" in dollars, but only relative
costs, which can be interpreted in qualitative terms. This allows such factors as the
consequences of possible schedule delays caused by a test failure or the national
embarrassment caused by a flight failure to be considered.

6.5 Restrictions on Input Motion Limits. The various limits detailed in Sections 6.1 and
6.2, as possibly modified by the considerations in Sections 6.3 and 6.4, yield the maximum
expected environment (the maximum response at any point within a zone) in terms of the
spectrum of a motion parameter, commonly acceleration, e.g., a maximum expected random
vibration environment is usually described by an acceleration autospectral density function in
g2/Hz versus frequency in Hz (see Section 2.2.4). Such limits are applicable to the general
description of the responses of flight vehicle structures to random dynamic loads, but care must
be exercised when interpreting these limits as an input to equipment items that may be mounted
on the vehicle structure. In particular, when the maximum expected environment in a zone is
used to formulate dynamic design and/or test criteria for equipment that will be mounted in that
zone, it must be remembered that a relatively heavy equipment item will load the structure and,
hence, experience input motions that may be substantially less than those given by the
computed maximum expected environment. This problem is particularly severe at the
resonance frequencies of the equipment, where the apparent weight of the equipment becomes
quite large [6.23] and the equipment essentially becomes a dynamic absorber [6.24]. If this
problem is not addressed in the formulation of design and/or test criteria, severe overdesign or
overtesting of the equipment may result.

6.5.1 Basic Principles. Assume a vehicle structure is subjected to a dynamic excitation

that produces an acceleration response of x(t). Further assume that, when an item of
equipment is attached to the structure, the acceleration response of the vehicle structure at the
mounting points of the equipment becomes a(t). The autospectral density functions for the
structural response accelerations with and without the equipment present are related by [6.25]

G xx (f)
G aa (f) = 2
1 + W p (f) / W s (f) (6.20)

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Gxx(f) = autospectral density function of free acceleration x(t)
Gaa(f) = autospectral density function of interface acceleration a(t)
W s(f) = source apparent weight function of vehicle structure
Wp(f) = driving point apparent weight function of equipment

In Equation (6.20), the apparent weight terms are given by

F(f) (6.21)
W(f) =

where F(t) is the Fourier transform of an applied force and A(f) is the Fourier transform of a
response acceleration. For W s(f), the source apparent weight of the vehicle structure, F(f) is the
Fourier transform of a force applied to the structure at the mounting point of the equipment, and
A(f) is the Fourier transform of acceleration response of structure at that point due to the applied
force. For W p(f), the driving point apparent weight of the equipment, F(f) is the Fourier transform
of a force applied to the equipment at its mounting point, and A(f) is Fourier transform of the
acceleration response of the equipment at its mounting point due to the applied force. When
the acceleration response is measured in gravity units (g), W(f) has the units of N/g (lb/g). It
should be mentioned that Equation (6.20) is sometimes presented in terms of mechanical
impedance functions, Z(f) = F(f)/V(f), where V(f) is the Fourier transform of velocity. Mechanical
impedance is related to apparent weight by Z(f) = (2πf)W(f)/g.

It is clear from Equation (6.20) that the vibration response of the vehicle structure with an
equipment item present approaches the vibration response of the vehicle structure without the
equipment item present as the driving point apparent weight of the equipment becomes small
compared to the source apparent weight of the structure, i.e., Gaa(f) →Gxx(f) as W p(f)/W s(f) → 0.
Hence, a light weight equipment item mounted on a heavy structure will generally see about the
same vibration environment as measured on the structure at the equipment mounting points
without the equipment present. However, a heavy equipment item may substantially reduce the
structural vibration at the equipment mounting points, particularly at the resonance frequencies
of the equipment where the driving point apparent weight dramatically increases, e.g., the
driving point apparent weight of a single degree-of-freedom system at its resonance frequency
is W p(fn) = QW where Q = 1/(2ζ) and W = Mg (ζ is the damping ratio and M is the modal mass of
the system). Unfortunately, this reduction in the vibration input to equipment items, particularly
at their resonance frequencies, is not accounted for in design or test criteria based upon a
computed maximum expected environment that has been smoothed over frequency, as derived
in Sections 6.1 through 6.4.

Theoretically, if the driving point apparent weight of the equipment and the source apparent
weight of the vehicle structure at the equipment mounting points were both known, corrected
input motion levels to the equipment for design and/or test purposes could be computed using
Equation (6.20). This is often done in establishing structural design criteria, but the problem is
more complicated in establishing test criteria. Specifically, shock and vibration test levels for
space vehicle equipment are often derived in generic terms (applicable to all equipment that
might be mounted in a specific zone on the vehicle structure) using the maximum expected
environment. To produce a vibratory motion input corresponding to the maximum expected
environment, the vibration test machine will deliver enough force (within its capabilities) to
achieve the specified input motions at the equipment mounting points even though such forces
cannot occur in the flight environment, i.e., the vibration test machine behaves as if it has an
infinite source apparent weight, even though the apparent weight of the flight vehicle structure
where the equipment will be mounted is always finite. Hence, special procedures must be used

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to limit the overtesting of equipment due to the essentially infinite source apparent weight of
vibration testing machines through the use of either (a) input force limiting techniques, (b)
simplified input acceleration limiting techniques, (c) response acceleration limiting techniques, or
(d) acoustic tests involving the vehicle or a major subsystem thereof.

6.5.2 Input Force Limiting Procedures. Numerous approaches have been proposed to
limit the force into equipment items during vibration tests so as to prevent overtesting at the
resonance frequencies of the equipment. Three of the better known approaches that have been
employed and/or experimentally evaluated are (a) force-acceleration product limiting [6.25], (b)
interface force limiting based upon the test item driving point impedance [6.26], and (c)
simplified interface force limiting based upon the test item total weight [6.27]. In all three
procedures, it is necessary to measure the total force delivered to the test item during the
vibration test. This is best accomplished by mounting the test item to its test fixture through
force transducers at each attachment point, where the total force delivered to the test item is
obtained by summing the signals from the force transducers. However, for vibration tests
performed on electrodynamic shakers with wire-wound armatures, the total force can also be
determined from armature voltage and current measurements with appropriate shaker table-
fixture mass corrections, as discussed and illustrated in [6.28]. Force-Acceleration Product Limits. An early procedure to achieve force limiting is

to use the product of the force and acceleration delivered to the test item [6.25]. The test
procedure is as follows:

a. Attach the test item to an electrodynamic shaker through an appropriate test fixture
with force transducers between the test item and the test fixture, and mount a control
accelerometer near the attachment points of the test item to the test fixture. For vibration tests
performed on electrodynamic shakers with wire-wound armatures, the shaker armature voltage
and current can be used as a measurement of force [6.28].

b. Sum the signals from the force transducers (or use the shaker armature current signal)
and multiply by the input acceleration signal from the control accelerometer. It is recommended
in [6.25] that the average force-acceleration product be determined by taking the logarithms of
the analog force and acceleration signals, and then summing and averaging the results.
However, modern digital control systems can compute this average product directly in real time.

c. For sweep-sine test excitations, manually override the specified input motion signal
from the control accelerometer to maintain an approximately constant average product of the
force and acceleration signals through the narrow frequency range of each strong test item

d. For random test excitations, manually override the specified autospectrum for the input
motion signal from the control accelerometer, as established by the shaker equalizer control
system (see Section, to maintain an approximately constant average product of the
force and acceleration signals through the frequency range of strong test item resonances.

Force-acceleration product limiting will automatically notch the specified motion test levels at the
frequencies of strong test item resonances, as illustrated in Figure 6.10.

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The advantages of the force-acceleration product limiting procedure are as follows:

a. It is relatively simple to implement, particularly for sweep-sine vibration tests where the
shaker armature current is used as the force signal.

b. No source apparent weight data for the vehicle structure at the test item mounting
points are required.

c. No driving point apparent weight data for the test item are required.

The primary disadvantage of the procedure is that it provides only an approximate correction for
test item loading effects, although it is believed that the correction will usually produce realistic
test conditions.

FIGURE 6.10. Illustration of Notching of Random Vibration Test Specification for Test Item. Analytical Force Limits. The most accurate way to establish a force limit for a
vibration test is to estimate the actual interface force between the test item and its mounting
structure by analytical procedures. Specifically, the interface force for an equipment item mounted
on a vehicle structure, to be used as the force limit for a vibration test, can be expressed by

GFF(f) = |W p(f)|2 Gaa(f) (6.22)

where Gaa(f) is the autospectrum of the interface acceleration given by Equation (6.20) and
Wp(f) is the driving point apparent weight of the test item. The driving point apparent weight of
any test item can be easily measured prior to a vibration test by mounting the test item to the
vibration test machine through force transducers between the test item and its test fixture, and
applying a low level vibration input. The driving point apparent weight of the test item is
obtained by computing the frequency response function between the force and the acceleration
at the test item mounting points (see Section 6.5.1). The problem then essentially reduces to
estimating the interface acceleration spectrum Gaa(f), which in turn is dependent on the source
apparent weight of the vehicle structure, W s(f). Procedures for determining a conservative
estimate for the interface force spectrum in Equation (6.22) are summarized in [6.27] and its
references. Assuming the necessary information is available, the test procedure is as follows:

a. Attach the test item to the vibration test machine through an appropriate test fixture
with force transducers between the test item and its test fixture, and mount a control
accelerometer near the attachment points of the test item to its test fixture. For vibration tests
performed on electrodynamic shakers with wire-wound armatures, the shaker armature voltage
and current can be used as a measurement of force [6.28].

March 13, 2001

b. Sum the signals from the force transducers and use this sum signal as the force
control signal.

c. Using a dual control vibration test equalization system (see Section, apply
the specified motion input test levels (either sweep-sine or random) through the main shaker
equalizer control channel, and the analytically derived force limits computed using Equation
(6.22) through the second shaker equalizer control channel such that the shaker will deliver the
interface force limit at any frequency where the force required to achieve the specified motion
exceeds the interface force.

Analytically derived force limits will automatically notch the specified motion vibration test levels
as illustrated in Figure 6.10.

If properly implemented, the advantage of the analytical force limiting procedure is that it
produces a test with a very low risk of either undertesting or severe overtesting. The primary
disadvantages of the procedure are as follows:

a. Information concerning the source apparent weight of the vehicle structure where the
test item will be mounted is required.

b. The driving point apparent weight of the test item must be measured prior to the test.

c. A dual control system for the vibration test machine is required, as detailed in Section Semi-Empirical Force Limits. A simplified way to derive force limits, which was
originally proposed in [6.29], is outlined in [6.27] and demonstrated in [6.30]. The procedure
essentially applies Equation (6.22) with the total weight of the test item replacing its driving point
apparent weight, W P(f), and the specified motion input test levels replacing the interface
acceleration, Gaa(f), up to the first resonance frequency of the test item. Beyond the first
resonance frequency, the total weight of the test item is reduced inversely with frequency, i.e.,
WP(f) = W T (f1/f); f > f1, where f1 is its first resonance frequency of the test item and W T is its total
weight. Specifically, for sine wave and transient tests, the Fourier transform of the force limit is
given by

F(t) = C W P(f) X(f) where W P(f) = W T; f ≤ f1, and WP(f) = W T (f1/f); f > f1 (6.23)

where X(f) is the Fourier transform of the input motion test level in g, and C is an empirical
correction factor. For random vibration tests, the autospectral density of the force limit is given by

GFF(f) = C2 |W P(f)|2 Gxx(f) (6.24)

where Gxx(f) is the autospectral density of the input motion test level in g2/Hz, and W P(f) is as
defined in Equation (6.23).

A factor of C = 1.2 was recommended in [6.29], but a factor of C = 1 was considered adequate
for the testing of several heavy components in the Cassini space vehicle in [6.30]. On the other
hand, [6.27] states that C ≥ 1.4 might be required for light weight components mounted on
heavy structure. Quoting from [6.27], “Some judgement and reference test data for similar
configurations must be considered to choose the value of C.. .” The test procedure is then the
same as detailed in Section See [6.30] for an illustration of the application of the
procedure for the vibration testing of a large spacecraft.

March 13, 2001

The primary advantages of the simplified interface force limiting procedure are as follows:

a. No information concerning the source apparent weight of the vehicle structure where
the test item will be mounted is required.

b. There is no need to measure the driving point apparent weight of the test item prior to
the test.

c. If properly implemented, the procedure will produce test results with an accuracy
similar to that provided by the more complex interface force limiting procedure in Section

The primary disadvantage of the procedure is that a dual control system for the vibration test
machine is required, as detailed in Section

6.5.3 Input Acceleration Limiting Procedures. A simple procedure to restrict the possible
overtesting of a test item due to the use of input motion test specifications is to modify the
specified test levels at the frequency of the lowest resonance frequency (usually the strongest
resonant response of the test item) using the procedure detailed in [6.31]. Specifically, the
procedure is as follows:

a. Attach the test item to the vibration test machine with one accelerometer mounted near
the attachment points of the test item to its test fixture (the input accelerometer), and a second
accelerometer mounted at a selected location on the test item where the test item response is
large at its first resonance frequency (the output accelerometer).

b. Using a low level vibration input, measure the frequency response function between the
input and output accelerometers through the frequency range of the first test item resonance. For
either a sine-wave or random excitation, the frequency response function H(f) can be computed
as outlined in Section 2.2.12, where x(t) is the input acceleration and y(t) is the output

c. From the computed frequency response function magnitude (gain factor) given by
|H(f)|, compute a modified input motion vibration test specification as follows:

1. For sine-wave test excitations, either dwell or sweep, where the original input
motion test specification is Px(f) in g (see Section 2.2.3), the modified test specification through
the first resonance frequency of the test item is


where fn is the frequency of the first resonance of the test item.

2. For stationary random test excitations where the original input motion test
specification is Gxx(f) in g2/Hz (see Section 2.2.4), the modified test specification through the first
resonance frequency of the test item is


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Input acceleration limiting produces a notch in the specified motion vibration test levels at the
lowest resonance frequency of the test item. See [6.31] for details.

Three characteristics of the input acceleration limiting procedure should be mentioned, as follows:

a. Noting that H(fn) = Q = 1/(2ζ), Equations (6.25) and (6.26) are essentially equivalent to
reducing the input excitation at the first resonance frequency of the test item by Q for a sine-
wave input Px(f) or Q for a random input Gxx(f).

b. The input acceleration limiting procedure can be implemented by (a) applying a low
level sweep sine wave excitation to the test item with constant amplitude through its first
resonance frequency, (b) measuring the response of the test item through its first resonance
frequency to obtain |H(f)|, and (c) reducing the specified excitation level in accordance with
Equations (6.25) and (6.26).

c. It can be shown that the input acceleration limiting procedure is essentially equivalent
to the force-acceleration product limiting procedure described in Section

The advantages of the input acceleration limiting procedure are as follows:

a. It is relatively easy to implement for both sine-wave and random vibration tests.

b. No source apparent weight data for the vehicle structure where the test item will be
mounted is required.

c. No force transducers between the test item and its mounting fixture on the vibration
test machine are required.

The primary disadvantages of the procedure are as follows:

a. The frequency response function of the test item through its first resonance frequency
must be measured prior to the test.

b. The procedure provides an approximate correction for mounting point impedance

effects only at the lowest resonance frequency of the test item.

6.5.4 Response Acceleration Limiting Procedures. An alternate approach to force limiting

or modification of the input acceleration test specification is to restrict the specified acceleration
test levels to limit the response acceleration of one or more key parts or subassemblies in the
test item. Of course, this approach requires information concerning the maximum response of
those key parts or subassemblies of the test item during flight. In a few cases, such responses
might have been measured on previous flights or be predicted by analytical procedures, but
often the necessary information is not available. For those cases where the required response
information is available, the procedure is as follows:

a. Attach the test item to the vibration test machine with one accelerometer mounted near
the attachment points of the test item to its test fixture (the input accelerometer), and one or
more additional accelerometers mounted at selected locations on critical elements of the test
item (the output accelerometers). The critical elements are typically at locations where test item
responses have been measured in flight or predicted by the procedures detailed in Section 5.

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b. Beyond the input acceleration test specification for the test item, generate a maximum
response spectrum for each of the response accelerometers mounted on the test item.

c. Using dual control procedures (see Section, apply the specified input
acceleration test spectrum with the input acceleration levels notched so that none of the
maximum response levels are exceeded at any frequency.

Response acceleration limiting will automatically notch the specified input acceleration test
levels as illustrated in Figure 6.10.

The advantages of the response acceleration limiting procedure are as follows:

a. No driving point apparent weight data for the test item are required.

b. No source apparent weight data for the vehicle structure at the mounting points of the
test item are required.

c. No force transducers between the test item and its test fixture are required.

The primary disadvantage of the procedure is that measurements or predictions for the
response accelerations at critical locations on the test item are required.

6.5.5 Acoustic Test Procedures. A final approach to avoiding the overtesting of test items
during a vibration test due to the essentially infinite apparent weight of the vibration test
machine is to substitute an acoustic test for the vibration test. Specifically, if a prototype vehicle
or a major subsystem thereof is available for an acoustic test, then all test items can be
attached to the prototype vehicle structure exactly as they will be installed during flight, and the
prototype vehicle can be subjected to an acoustic excitation that conservatively simulates the
maximum aeroacoustic loads during flight. The result is a vibration test of all test items that
properly accounts for the driving point apparent weight of the test item and the source apparent
weight of the vehicle structure. Of course, the resulting vibration test will account only for those
vibration environments that are of an aeroacoustic origin (see Section 3). However, the high
frequency vibration environment for space vehicle equipment is typically dominated by the
aeroacoustic loads-induced vibrations. The performance of acoustic tests is discussed in
Section 10.5, and an illustration is given in [6.32].

The advantages of the acoustic test procedure are as follows:

a. No driving point apparent weight data for the test item are required.

b. No source apparent weight data for the vehicle structure at the mounting points of the
test item are required.

c. No force transducers between the test item and its mounting structure are required.

d. Assuming the acoustic simulation is accurate, the risk of overtesting or undertesting is

essentially eliminated at all frequencies.

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The primary disadvantages of the procedure are as follows:

a. The space vehicle or a major subsystem thereof must be available for acoustic tests.
Even when the vehicle is available, it usually is too late in the program for at least the
qualification testing of space vehicle equipment.

b. A large, high intensity acoustic test facility is required.

6.5.6 Assessments. The comparative merits of the various procedures to limit the
specified motion inputs to test items during vibration tests so as to avoid overtesting due to the
essentially infinite apparent weight of the vibration test machine are summarized in Table 6.3.
From Table 6.3, the acoustic test approach is the most desirable from all viewpoints, i.e., it is
the easiest to control, provides the best accuracy, and requires the least apparent weight
information for the equipment and its mounting structure in the vehicle. However, the acoustic
test approach does require the availability of the vehicle or a major subsystem thereof, as well
as a large acoustic test facility that can produce the intense acoustic pressure levels
experienced by a space vehicle during its launch phase. Acoustic tests are the common choice
for the final test in a flight vehicle program when the entire vehicle is available. However,
vibration tests of individual equipment items are usually required before this late point in a
program, i.e., at a time when the vehicle or a major subsystem thereof are not available.
Among the procedures that employ a vibration test machine, the interface force limiting
procedure is believed to provide the greatest degree of accuracy, although it requires the
greatest amount of information to implement. The simplified interface force limiting procedure,
which is much easier to implement and can provide similar accuracy, is also considered a good

As a final point of evaluation, the force-acceleration product limiting, interface force limiting, and
input acceleration modification procedures were compared in terms of the potential fatigue
damage to a simple test item in [6.33]. That comparison ranked the force-acceleration product
and the interface force limiting as the best choices, and further demonstrated the dramatic
reduction in overtesting provided by both procedures.

March 13, 2001

TABLE 6.3. Summary of Merits of Various Procedures for Limiting Input

Acceleration Test Levels.

Force Times Interface Input Response
Merit Acceleration Force Acceleration Acceleration Acoustic Test
Limiting Limiting Modification Limiting
Simplicity of test
requirement A C A A B A
Accuracy of
simulation in B A A B B A
vibration test.
Requires driving
2 3
point apparent No Yes No No No No
weight data.
Requires source
apparent weight No Yes No No No No
Requires force
transducers in Yes Yes Yes No No No
vibration test .
Requires dual
control in No Yes Yes No Yes No
vibration test.
1. A - good; B - medium; C - poor.
2. Can be measured on a shaker using a low level vibration input prior to a full level vibration test.
3. Frequency response of equipment through its lowest resonance frequency must be measured.
4. Shaker current can sometimes be substituted for force transducer measurements.

6.6 Reconstruction of Waveforms for Transients. The maximum expected environment

(MEE) for transients is commonly computed in the frequency domain using the procedures
detailed in Sections 6.1 through 6.4, where the MEE represents a conservative limit for a
collection of measured or predicted spectra defining the transient environment in a structural
zone of concern. Either Fourier spectra, energy spectra, or shock response spectra, as defined
in Sections 2.2.8 through 2.2.10, might be used to compute the MEE. On the other hand, some
of the test procedures discussed in Section 10, particularly those applicable to low frequency
(below 100 Hz) transient simulations on electrodynamic shakers, require a time history
(waveform) for the specified test signal. When the MEE is defined in terms of a shock response
spectrum (SRS), there is no direct analytical way to reconstruct a representative waveform
because the SRS does not have a unique relationship to the waveform from which it is
computed. For this case, test time history signals with an appropriate waveform are usually
constructed using decaying sine waves [6.34 - 6.36] or wavelets [6.35, 6.36] ([6.36] includes
FORTRAN programs). Also, energy spectra do not lend themselves to waveform reconstruction
because they have no phase information. It follows that Fourier spectra should be used to
define the MEE for transients when the reconstruction of a waveform is required for test
simulation purposes.

Various ways to reconstruct waveforms from the MEE computed from Fourier spectra for
transients are detailed and evaluated in [6.37, 6.38]. The procedure recommended in [6.38] is
as follows:

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a. Let the Fourier spectrum (see Section 2.2.8) for each measured or predicted transient
used to compute the MEE be denoted by Fi(f) = Fi,Re(f) + jFi,Im(f); i = 1, 2, ..., N, where Fi,Re(f) is
the real part and Fi,Im(f) is the imaginary part of the Fourier spectrum. It follows that the
magnitude of each Fourier spectrum is given by

|F i (f)| = F 2i , Re (f) + F 2i , Im (f) (6.27)

b. Compute the MEE of the i = 1, 2, ..., N Fourier spectrum magnitudes given by Equation
(6.27) using one of the procedures detailed in Section 6.1 to obtain |FMEE(f)|.

c. At each frequency for the computed Fourier spectra, Fi(f); i = 1, 2, ..., N, determine the
measured or predicted Fourier spectrum that has the largest magnitude |Fi(f)| of the N
measured or predicted values used for the MEE computation.

d. Again at each frequency, identify the phase angle of the Fourier spectrum with the
largest magnitude determined in Step c above, and assign those phase angles to the MEE
Fourier spectrum to obtain FMEE(f) = FMEE,Re(f) + j FMEE,Im(f).

e. Compute the inverse Fourier transform of the MEE Fourier spectrum determined in
Step d above to obtain the MEE waveform.

6.7 References

6.1 Piersol, A. G., "Review of Procedures to Compute Maximum Structural Response

from Predictions or Measurements at Selected Points,” J. Shock and Vibration, Vol.
3, No. 3, pp 211-221, 1996.

6.2 Piersol, A. G., "Test Criteria and Specifications,” Ch. 20, Shock and Vibration
Handbook, 4th ed. (Ed: C. M. Harris), McGraw-Hill, NY, 1996.

6.3 Bendat, J. S., and Piersol, A. G., Random Data: Analysis and Measurement
Procedures, 3rd ed., p. 355, Wiley, NY, 2000.

6.4 Wallace, C. C., et al, "Environmental Requirements and Test Criteria for the Orbiter
Vehicle,” Spec. MF 0004-014, Rev. E, Rockwell Intern./Space Division, Downey, CA,
June 1989.

6.5 Condos, F. M., and Butler, W. L., "A Critical Analysis of Vibration Prediction
Techniques,” Proc., Inst. Envir. Sc., pp 321-326, 1963.

6.6 Barrett, R. E., "Statistical Techniques for Describing Localized Vibration

Environments of Rocket Vehicles,” NASA TN D-2158, July 1964.

6.7 Anon., "Procedures Utilized in Developing All-Random Vibration Test Specifications

for Titan III,” BBN Rep. No. 1083, Bolt Beranek and Newman, Canoga Park, CA,

6.8 Piersol, A. G., "Vibration and Acoustic Test Criteria for Captive Flight of Externally
Carried Aircraft Stores,” AFFDL-TR-71-158, Dec. 1971.

March 13, 2001

6.9 Bowker, A. H., and Lieberman, G. J., Engineering Statistics, 2nd ed., pp 314-315,
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1972.

6.10 Owen, D. B., “Factors for One-Sided Tolerance Limits and for Variables Sampling
Plans,” Sandia Monograph SC-R-607, Sandia Corp., Albuquerque, NM, Mar. 1963.

6.11 Ross, S. M., Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists,
Wiley, NY, 1987.

6.12 Kendall, M. G., and Stuart, A., The Advanced Theory of Statistics, Vol. 2, "Inference
and Relationships,” pp 128-130, Hafner, NY, 1961.

6.13 Piersol. A. G., "Optimum Resolution Bandwidth for Spectral Analysis of Stationary
Random Vibration Data,” J. Shock and Vibration, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp 33-43, 1993.

6.14 Guttman, I., Wilks, S. S., and Hunter, J. S., Introductory Engineering Statistics, 3rd
ed., p. 311, Wiley, NY, 1982.

6.15 Schmidt, H., "Resolution Bias Errors in the Spectral Density, Frequency Response
and Coherence Function Measurements,” J. Sound and Vibration, Vol. 101, No. 3,
pp 347-427, 1985.

6.16 Bandgren, H. J., and Smith, W. C., "Development and Application of Vibroacoustic
Structural Data Banks in Predicting Vibration Design and Test Criteria for Rocket
Vehicle Structures,” NASA TN D-7159, Feb. 1973.

6.17 Pendleton, L. R., and Henrikson, R. L., "Flight-to-Flight Variability in Shock and
Vibration Levels Based on Trident I Flight Data,” Proc., 53rd Shock and Vibration
Symp., Classified Supplement (Unclassified paper), 1983.

6.18 Choi, S. C., and Piersol, A. G., "Selection of Test Levels for Space Vehicle
Component Vibration Tests,” ASQC J. Electronics Div., Vol. 4, No. 3, pp 3-9, July

6.19 Shinozuka, M., and Yang, J. N., "Optimum Structural Design Based on Reliability
and Proof-Load Testing,” JPL TR 32-1402, Jet Propulsion Lab., Pasadena, CA, June

6.20 Young, J. P., "Spacecraft Vibration Test Level Cost Optimization Study,” Proc., 44th
Shock and Vibration Symp., pp 99-105, 1974.

6.21 Piersol, A. G., "Criteria for the Optimum Selection of Aerospace Component
Vibration Test Levels,” Proc., Inst. Envir. Sc., pp 88-94, Apr. 1974.

6.22 Piersol, A. G., "Optimum Levels for Shock and Vibration Acceptance Tests,” Proc.,
66th Shock and Vibration Symp., pp 221-230, 1995.

6.23 Smallwood, D. O., "The Application of Unloaded (Free) Motion Measurements and
Mechanical Impedance to Vibration Testing,” Proc., Inst. Envir. Sc., pp 71-82, 1976.

6.24 Reed, F. E., "Dynamic Vibration Absorbers and Auxiliary Mass Dampers,” Ch. 6,
Shock and Vibration Handbook (Ed: C. M. Harris), 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, NY, 1996.

March 13, 2001

6.25 Witte, A. F., “Realistic Vibration Tests,” Instrumentation Technology, Vol. XX, pp 45-
48, Feb. 1970.

6.26 Scharton, T. D., “Vibration-Test Force Limits Derived from Frequency-Shift Method,”
J. Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp 312-316, 1995.

6.27 Scharton, T. D., “Force Limited Vibration Testing Monograph,” NASA RP-1403,

6.28 Smallwood, D. O., “Shaker Force Measurements Using Voltage and Current,” Proc.,
67th Shock and Vibration Symp., Vol. I, pp 31-37, 1996.

6.29 Salter, J. P., “Taming the General-Purpose Vibration Test,” Shock and Vibration
Bulletin, No. 33, Pt. III, pp. 221 - 217, 1964.

6.30 Scharton, T. D., and Chang, K., “Force Limited Vibration Testing of Cassini
Spacecraft and Instruments,” Proc., 17th Aerospace Testing Sem., pp 85-93, 1997.

6.31 Sweitzer, K. A., “A Mechanical Impedance Correction Technique for Vibration Tests,”
Proc., 33rd ATM, Inst. Envir. Sc., pp 73-76, May 1987.

6.32 Lee, Y. A., and Lee, A. L., “Recommended Practice for High Intensity Acoustic Test,”
Proc., 42nd ATM, Inst. Envir. Sc., Vol. PR/DTE, pp 200-204, May 1996.

6.33 Gatscher, J. A., and Kawiecki, G., “Review: Comparison of Mechanical Impedance
Methods for Vibration Simulation,” J. Shock and Vibration, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp 223-232,

6.34 Smallwood, D. O., and Nord, A. R., “Matching Shock Spectra with Sums of Decaying
Sinusoids Compensated for Shaker Velocity and Displacement Limitations,” Shock
and Vibration Bull., No. 44, Pt 3, pp. 43 - 56, 1974.

6.35 “Shock Testing on Shakers by using Digital Control,” IES Technology Monograph,
Inst. of Envir. Sc., Mount Prospect, IL, 1986.

6.36 Nelson, D. B., “Parameter Specification for Shaker Shock Waveform Synthesis;
Damped Sines and Wavelets,” Proc., 60th Shock and Vibration Symp., Vol. III, pp.
151 - 193, 1989.

6.37 Hine, M. J., “Controlling Conservatism in Transient Vibration Testing,” Proc., 15th
Aerospace Testing Sem., pp. 231 - 237, 1995.

6.38 Hine, M. J., “Transient Synthesis using a Fourier Transform Envelope,” J., Inst.
Envir., Vol. XXXIX, No. 5, pp. 17 - 22, 1996.

March 13, 2001


From the viewpoint of exposure duration, the space vehicle dynamic environments summarized
in Section 3 can be divided into three categories, as shown in Table 7.1. The transient (shock)
environments are usually described by a time history (see Section 2.2.1) or a single spectral
function that reflects a mixture of both the magnitude and duration of the entire event (see
Sections 2.2.8 - 2.2.10). Nevertheless, the specific durations of transient events are of concern
in the formulation of design and test criteria [7.1].

TABLE 7.1. Summary of Space Vehicle Dynamic Loads by Type.

Type of Dynamic Load Source of Dynamic Load
Seismic loads** 3.2
Motor ignition overpressure* 3.4
Liftoff release* 3.5
Engine/motor thrust transients 3.9
Transient or shock loads
Thrust vector loads 3.10
(less than one second)
Stage and fairing separations* 3.14
Pyrotechnic events* 3.15
Soil penetration transients** 3.19
Meteoroid impacts** 3.20
Wind during ascent 3.3
Engine/motor acoustic noise* 3.6
Structureborne noise 3.7
Short duration
Aerodynamic noise* 3.8
acoustic or vibration loads
Pogo** 3.11
(a few seconds to a few
Motor resonant burning** 3.12
Fuel slosh in tanks 3.13
Operations induced loads 3.16
Planetary descent and entry* 3.18
Long duration Transportation** 3.1
acoustic or vibration loads Wind on launch pad 3.3
(more than one hour) Onboard equipment operations 3.17
* Usually the dominant loads for a normal flight.
** Could be the dominant loads if they occur.

The acoustic and vibration loads, both short and long term, are described by spectra that may
vary with time (see Sections 2.2.3 - 2.2.6). These time-varying spectra are commonly collapsed
into a single maximax spectrum (see Section 2.2.7), which is then used to formulate design and
test criteria. The problem is to determine a duration for the dynamic loads at the maximax
levels that will produce the same damage to the hardware as the actual nonstationary dynamic
environment. To arrive at an appropriate duration for all dynamic loads used to establish
design and test criteria, it is first necessary to make assumptions concerning the modes and
mechanisms for the potential failure of the hardware to be designed and/or tested.

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7.1 Failure Models. A failure of an item of space vehicle hardware is defined as any
deterioration of performance or any damage or malfunction that prevents the hardware from
accomplishing its intended purpose. There are two basic types of failures that may be caused
by a dynamic loads environment, as follows:

a. Hard failure: A hard failure involves permanent physical damage that makes the
hardware unable to perform its intended purpose, even after the dynamic load is terminated.
Hard failures generally result in observable damage, such as the fracture of a structural element
or the permanent disability of an electronic element.

b. Soft failure: A soft failure involves a malfunction or deterioration of performance during

the dynamic load exposure that makes the hardware unable to accomplish its intended purpose,
but after the dynamic load is terminated, the hardware does not reveal any damage and
functions properly. Soft failures occur most commonly in electrical, electronic, and/or optical
elements, although soft failures occasionally occur in complex mechanical elements, such as
gyroscopic devices.

A failure mechanism is the specific means by which an item of hardware is damaged by

exposure to a dynamic load. All failure mechanisms are dependent on the magnitude of the
dynamic load, but many are also dependent on the duration of the load as well. Those failure
mechanisms that are dependent on both the magnitude and duration of the dynamic load are
referred to as time-dependent failure mechanisms. Soft failures are rarely time-dependent, i.e.,
they usually occur immediately at the start of the dynamic load exposure. On the other hand,
hard failures usually are time-dependent, although there are some exceptions. For example, if
a shock or vibration load produces stresses that exceed the ultimate strength of a critical
element in the hardware, a fracture will occur immediately at the start of the exposure.

For the purpose of establishing an appropriate duration for design and test purposes, time-
dependent failure mechanisms (usually producing hard failures) are of greatest interest.
Common examples of time-dependent failure mechanisms for equipment exposed to dynamic
environments are fatigue damage, force contact wear, relative velocity wear, and the loosening
of bolts or rivets [7.2 - 7.8]. There are several analytical models that have been used to relate
the time-to-failure of hardware to the magnitude and duration of a dynamic load environment,
including (a) the inverse power law model, (b) a fatigue damage model based upon peak stress
versus number of cycles to failure, and (c) a fatigue damage model based upon the growth rate
of an existing crack. There also is one purely magnitude dependent model that is sometimes
assumed to determine the time-to-failure for hardware exposed to random vibration
environments, namely, the first passage model.

7.1.1 Inverse Power Law Model. For a wide class of time-dependent failure mechanisms,
the time-to-failure TF for hardware exposed to a stationary dynamic load x(t) (periodic or
random) with a mean value of zero and an rms value of σx can be approximated by the "inverse
power law" [7.5] given by

T F = c σ −x b (7.1)

where b and c are constants dependent on the type of hardware. The inverse power law is
commonly used to model the time-to-failure of mechanical and electrical equipment due to
operational loads, but it is equally applicable to environmental loads, including dynamic loads.

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Using Equation (7.1), it follows that the exposure times for two dynamic loads with the same
spectral content but different rms values can be scaled to produce the same failure potential by


For random vibrations defined in terms of autospectra, Equation (7.2) becomes


The primary problem in using Equation (7.2) or (7.3) is to arrive at an appropriate value for the
exponent b. A detailed experimental study of time-to-failure data for small guided missiles [7.9]
indicates that b = 4 is reasonable for the time-to-failure of complex electrical and electronic
equipment, although the value of b may vary widely for individual equipment items. A value of
b = 4 is also used in [7.10] to arrive at the durations for stationary vibration tests that simulate
the same damage as nonstationary vibration environments for general space vehicle hardware.

For example, assuming b = 4, if an item of electrical or electronic equipment is exposed to a

stationary dynamic load with an rms value of σ1 = 1, and that load is increased without a change
in spectral content to have an rms value of σ2 = 1.5, the duration T2 for the increased load that
would produce the same time-to-failure as the original load over a duration of T1 is T2 = 0.20 T1,
or about 20% of the original exposure duration. The same result is obtained if the autospectrum
of the load increases at all frequencies by a ratio of (1.5)2 = 2.25.

7.1.2 Fatigue Damage Model Based Upon S-N Curve. Structural fatigue is a very
complicated subject involving the principles of fracture mechanics [7.7]. In highly simplified
terms, however, if a structural material is subjected to repeated applications of a load producing
an adequate stress level, cumulative damage occurs that ultimately causes a crack to initiate
and grow until the structure fails. The adequate stress level required to allow the accumulation
of damage is referred to as the “fatigue limit” or “endurance limit” of the material. Fatigue data
for various structural materials are commonly presented as peak stress (S) versus the total
number of loading cycles-to-failure (N), i.e., the number of cycles needed to cause both a crack
to initiate and grow to a critical length where a complete fracture occurs. Such data plots are
referred to as S-N curves, and are widely published for many different materials [7.11 - 7.15].
Various functional forms have been proposed for the S-N curves of metals [7.16], but as a first
order of approximation, an idealized S-N curve involving two straight lines on a plot of log S
versus log N is commonly assumed, as illustrated in Figure 7.1. As a further simplification, if the
fatigue limit of the material is ignored, the idealized S-N curve in Figure 7.1 can be defined by a
single straight line on a plot of log S versus log N, leading to the relationship

N = c S−b (7.4)

where b and c are material constants. Note that if the number of cycles-to-failure N is
proportional to the time-to-failure T, and the peak stress S is proportional to the rms value of the
dynamic load σx, Equation (7.4) is simply a special case of the inverse power law in Equation

March 13, 2001

(7.1). Hence, assuming the spectrum of the dynamic load does not change, Equations. (7.2)
and (7.3) apply.

FIGURE 7.1. Idealized S-N Curve for Structural Materials.

The value of the exponent b (sometimes called the fatigue parameter) in Equation (7.4) can vary
widely depending on the material, its geometry (notch factor), the mean stress level, other
environmental factors (e.g., temperature and corrosion), and the characteristics of the vibration
(e.g., periodic versus random), but 6 to 9 are the most commonly assumed values for
unnotched steel and aluminum alloys. Specifically, b = 9 is recommended in [7.17], b = 6.4 is
suggested in [7.18], and b = 6.4 for sinusoidal vibration and b = 8 for random vibration are
specified in [7.19].

It should be mentioned that Equation (7.4) ignores the fatigue limit of the material; i.e., it assumes
any dynamic stress peak will cause fatigue damage, no matter how small its magnitude. In
practice, many of the stress peaks in the flight environment may fall below the fatigue limit of the
structural material, while most or all of the stress peaks during a test at levels above the flight
environment will be above the fatigue limit. It follows that Equations (7.2) and (7.3) are inherently
conservative when the damage mechanism is structural fatigue. However, because most of the
fatigue damage occurs at the highest stress peaks, which are probably above the fatigue limit of
the structural material in both the test and the service environment, the degree of conservatism is
not excessive in most situations. Nevertheless, more accurate results that account for the fatigue
limit of the material can be obtained, if desired, by using the procedures detailed in [7.20].

7.1.3 Fatigue Damage Model Based Upon Crack Growth Rate. The greatest uncertainty in
predicting the fatigue life of a material is in the crack initiation phase. Specifically, the time to
initiate a crack is heavily influenced by the smoothness of the material surfaces and
environmental factors, particularly those that accelerate corrosion [7.7]. However, once a crack
has initiated, the growth of the crack can be quite accurately predicted using the principles of
fracture mechanics [7.7]. It is for this reason that fatigue life predictions for load-carrying
structures are commonly made by assuming a small crack exists, and then predicting the time
required for the crack to become sufficiently large to cause a fracture using an appropriate crack

March 13, 2001

growth rate model. Two primary characteristics of the crack must be defined to arrive at an
appropriate crack growth rate model, as follows:

a. The crack displacement mode, i.e., the relative movement of the two surfaces of the
crack. The most common displacement mode for the types of fatigue cracks that commonly
occur in aerospace vehicle hardware is where the displacement of the crack surfaces is normal
to the crack length, as illustrated in Figure 7.2 and referred to as Mode I in [7.7].

Through crack 2a

Edge crack

Surface crack

FIGURE 7.2. Common Crack Locations for Mode I Crack Displacement.

b. The location of the crack, i.e., a crack in the edge of a flat panel as opposed to a crack
in one surface of the panel. An illustration of common crack locations is presented in Figure
7.2. Using the principles of fracture mechanics, the "stress-intensity factor range" for a crack in
a structure exposed to dynamic loading is defined as

∆K = C ∆S πa (7.5)

∆S = peak-to-peak range of the nominal stress in the vicinity of the crack
a = parameter of the crack length or depth (see Figure 7.2)
C = constant (for small through cracks, C = 1; for small edge cracks, C = 1.12;
and for small surface cracks, C = 1.12 to 1.25 depending on the ratio of
the peak stress to the yield stress of the material. See [7.7] for more
exact values of C).

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Based upon the stress-intensity factor range (∆K), the crack growth rate (increased crack length
per cycle denoted by da/dN) for any given material plots on log-log paper as shown in Figure 7.3.

FIGURE 7.3. Crack Growth Rate Versus Stress-Intensity Factor Range for Typical Metal.

Note in Figure 7.3 that the plot of log (da/dN) versus log (∆K) divides into three regions. Region
I is the threshold region and defines the value of ∆K needed to cause the crack to increase in
size, i.e., for ∆K ≤ ∆KT, the crack will not grow (e.g., from [7.15], ∆KT ≈ 2.2 MPa for aluminum
alloy 2024-T3). Region III is the critical region and defines the value of ∆K where the crack
growth rate accelerates to a complete fracture of the material, i.e., for ∆K = ∆KC, the structure
fails (e.g., from [7.15], ∆KC ≈ 153 MPa for aluminum alloy 2024-T3). Region II is the
intermediate region where log (da/dN) varies in a near-linear manner with log (∆K) so that the
crack growth rate can be approximated by


where A and m are constants (see [7.11 - 7.15] for more exact relationships between da/dN and
∆K). For complex or random stress time histories, it is shown in [7.7] that ∆K in Equation (7.6)
can be replaced by the rms value of the stress-intensity factor ranges, i.e.,


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where ∆Ki = C ∆Si πa and ∆Si is the peak-to-peak value of the ith stress cycle in the stress
time history; i = 1, 2, ..., N. A stress cycle and its peak-to-peak value is commonly determined
using the "rain-flow" counting procedure [7.21], which reduces a complex or random stress time
history to N individual stress cycles in a systematic manner that closely correlates with crack
growth rates.

The values of the constants A and m in Equation (7.6) vary somewhat from one type of metal to
another, but only slightly from one alloy to another of the same metal. For example, the crack
growth rate data for various high strength aluminum alloys closely fit Equation (7.6) in the range
11 MPa < ∆K < 33 MPa , as follows:


Also, the values of the constants A and m are relatively insensitive to the static load on the
structure (the mean stress level). However, the mean stress does strongly influence the onset
of Region III in Figure 7.3, i.e., the larger the mean stress, the smaller the value of ∆KC. See
[7.7, 7.12 - 7.15] for more exact crack-growth rate models for specific materials including 2024-
T3 and 7075-T6, which are widely used in aerospace vehicle structures and equipment.

Since the stress intensity factor range (∆K) includes the square root of the crack length (a),
Equation (7.6) must be solved in an iterative manner to predict the number of cycles required to
increase the crack size to failure (see [7.7] for illustrations). It is easy to accomplish this
iteration on a computer, and crack growth rate models are recommended to make conservative
fatigue life predictions for aerospace vehicle structures. However, the dependence of ∆K on the
crack length makes it impractical to use Equation (7.6) to scale the number of cycles at lower
stress levels to the number of cycles at a higher stress level needed to produce equivalent
damage in terms of a net crack growth.

7.1.4 First Passage Model. Certain types of failures occur because the stress in or the
motion of a hardware element exceeds a critical value. For example, a switch or relay may
open because the inertial load produced by an acceleration momentarily exceeds the force
holding the switch or relay in its desired position, or two vibrating circuit cards in an electronic
unit may collide because their separation distance momentarily becomes less than zero. In
such cases, if the response of the hardware element to an applied dynamic load is periodic,
failure will either occur during the first cycle of the response or it will never occur, i.e., the failure
mechanism is not time dependent. For stationary random loads, however, the probability of
exceeding a critical response value increases as the exposure duration increases, as illustrated
in Figure 7.4. To be specific, let x(t) be the response parameter of concern (i.e., acceleration,
displacement, stress, etc.), where the mean value of x(t) is zero (µx = 0). Assuming the
crossings of a critical level X are statistically independent (uncorrelated), the probability that a
response will exceed a critical level X at least once in an exposure duration TX is given by [7.3]


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where ν +x is the average number of upper crossings per second of the level X. If it is further
assumed the response x(t) is normally distributed (Gaussian) with an autospectrum (see
Section 2.2.4) and a standard deviation (see Section 2.2.2) of Gxx(f) and σx, respectively, then
Equation (7.9) becomes [7.22]

FIGURE 7.4. Exceedance of a Critical Level by a Random Load.

where v o + is the average number of upward crossings per second of zero [the mean value of
x(t)], given by


Hence, the expected time for x(t) to cross a critical level X is estimated by


It is common to further reduce Equation (7.12) by assuming the response x(t) is dominated by a
single resonant mode of the hardware element (corresponding to a simple oscillator) so as to
produce a narrow bandwidth response centered at fn, the natural frequency of the oscillator. For
+ ≈ f in Equation (7.11), and Equation (7.12) becomes
this case, v o n

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In Equations (7.12) and (7.13), TX is commonly interpreted as the time-to-failure, denoted by TF. It
should be mentioned that there is a basic conflict between the statistical independence assumption
needed to arrive at Equation (7.12) and the narrow bandwidth response assumption leading to
Equation (7.13), namely, the crossings of any level X by narrow bandwidth random signals are not
statistically independent [7.3]. However, it has been demonstrated by unpublished studies using
analog computer models of structures that Equation (7.13) makes an acceptable approximation for
the probability of at least one crossing in a duration TX, even for a narrow bandwidth response, if
the critical level is at least four times the rms value of the response, i.e., X ≥ 4σx. Empirical data for
the first crossing of a critical level with P(TX) = 0.05 by a simple oscillator with 5% damping is
shown in comparison with the prediction of Equation (7.13) in Figure 7.5. For example, if a
structural response is dominated by a single resonance with 5% damping at fn = 100 Hz, Figure 7.5
states that the probability is 5% that the level X/σx = 4 will be exceeded in TX ≈ 1.5 seconds, or the
level X/σx = 5 will be exceeded in TX ≈ 134 seconds.

FIGURE 7.5. Time to First Crossing of a Critical Level with a Probability of 5%.

Using either Equation (7.12) or Equation (7.13), it follows that the exposure times for two
random responses with the same spectral content (v o + or f constant), but different rms values,

can be scaled to produce the same failure potential by


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For example, if a stationary random (Gaussian) vibration response with an rms value of σ1 = 1 is
increased to have an rms value of σ2 = 1.5, and the level at which a failure will occur is X = 4,
the duration T2 for the increased response that would produce the same probability of failure as
the original response over a duration of T1 is T2 = 0.012 T1, or about 1% of the original exposure

Predictions of the time-to-failure based upon the first passage model using Equation (7.10)
involve two major problems, as follows:

a. The model requires a knowledge of the value X that will cause a failure. Such
information may be available in some cases, but not in others.

b. The model is vulnerable to the assumption that the structural response is Gaussian out
to instantaneous values in excess of four standard deviations. The presence of even small
periodic components in the response, or minor nonlinearities in the hardware, will cause
substantial errors in the predicted time-to-failure.

7.1.5 Assessments. For the purposes of scaling the exposure durations for vibration
environments, the fatigue damage model based upon crack growth rates (Section 7.1.3) and the
first passage model (Section 7.1.4) are not recommended for the reasons detailed in those
sections. For space vehicle hardware involving electrical or electronic equipment, the inverse
power law model outlined in Section 7.1.1 is recommended with a value of b = 4 for all types of
vibration, unless a different value can be justified by available data. For load carrying
structures, the fatigue damage model based upon an S-N curve discussed in Section 7.1.2 is
recommended with a value of b = 8 for all types of vibration, unless a different value can be
justified by available data.

7.2 Durations of Short Term Acoustic and Vibration Loads. The launch events outlined
in Table 7.1 consist of transients and short term acoustic and vibration loads. It is
recommended that all transients loads be simulated for design and test purposes using a
transient excitation with a conservative estimate of the magnitude of the service transient (see
Section 6), and a spectral content and duration that are similar to the service transient. Launch
events that produce short term acoustic or vibration environments are usually nonstationary, but
the loads produced by such events are typically simulated by a stationary acoustic or vibration
excitation with a level corresponding to the maximax spectrum (see Section 2.2.7) of the
nonstationary event . The problem is to determine an appropriate duration for the stationary
excitation simulating the nonstationary acoustic or vibration launch environment.

7.2.1 Approximate Procedure. The nonstationary acoustic and vibration environments

associated with key launch events (liftoff and flight through the transonic and maximum dynamic
pressure speed ranges) generally display a short time-averaged rms value versus time that first
increases to and then decreases from a maximum value, as illustrated for typical Space Shuttle
launch vibration data in Figure 7.6. To reduce the nonstationary event to a stationary excitation
at the maximax level during the event, it is common to establish an equivalent stationary
duration by computing the time between those points where the time-varying rms value of the
nonstationary event is a specific number of dB below the maximum rms value, as illustrated in
Figure 7.7. The number of dB below the maximum rms value used to establish the equivalent
stationary duration is often determined somewhat arbitrarily, with 1, 2, or 3 dB being the most
common selections. However, the selection can be made on a more quantitative basis using
one of the damage models reviewed in Section 7.1.

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FIGURE 7.6. RMS Value of a Typical Vibration Measurement During a Space Shuttle Launch.

Specifically, let the following assumptions apply to the acoustic or vibration load with a zero
mean value during a nonstationary launch event:

a. The time-varying rms value of the load, denoted by σx(t), varies as a half-sine function
through the nonstationary event, i.e.,


where σmax is the maximum rms value and P/2 is the half-period of the sine wave.

b. The spectral content of the dynamic load (the shape of the time-varying autospectrum)
does not change through the nonstationary event.

FIGURE 7.7. Determination of Equivalent Stationary Duration for Nonstationary Event.

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Using either the inverse power law model in Equation (7.1) or the fatigue damage model in
Equation (7.4), an equivalent duration for a stationary acoustic or vibration environment that will
produce the same damage as the time-varying environment defined in Equation (7.15) can be
expressed as


The solution of Equation (7.16) gives TE = 0.375 P/2 for b = 4 (the recommended exponent for
equipment in Section 7.1.5) and TE = 0.273 P/2 for b = 8 (the recommended exponent for
structures in Section 7.1.5). When centered on the maximum of the time-varying rms value in
Equation (7.15), these durations correspond to the time between those rms values on either
side of the maximum rms value that are below the maximum rms value by the number of dB
summarized in Table 7.2.

TABLE 7.2. Values of Time-Varying RMS Acoustic or Vibration Environment that Bound the
Duration of a Stationary Environment Producing Equivalent Damage.

Time-Varying RMS Values Relative to Maximum RMS Value

Value of Recommended
Exponent, b Exact Value Conservative Value
b=4 - 1.60 dB (83% of maximum value) - 2 dB (79% of maximum value)

b=8 - 0.83 dB (91% of maximum value) - 1 dB (89% of maximum value)

From Table 7.2, if an equivalent stationary acoustic or vibration environment is desired for the
design or test of electrical or electronic equipment (b = 4) exposed to a nonstationary flight
environment, and the rms value of the stationary design or test environment equals the maximum
rms value of the nonstationary flight environment, the duration between the rms values of the flight
environment that are 2 dB below the maximum rms value should be used to establish the duration
of the equivalent stationary environment. For structures (b = 8), the duration between the rms
values of the flight environment that are 1 dB below the maximum rms value should be used.

In practice, the determination of the equivalent stationary durations for nonstationary flight events
is based upon specific acoustic and/or vibration time history measurements, where a time-
varying rms value for each measurement is computed by the procedures detailed in [7.23], which
are based upon analytical developments in [7.24]. When several measurements are available
for the same nonstationary event from several flights, the equivalent stationary duration should
be estimated for all or a representative sample of the available measurements. To assure
conservatism, the longest duration computed from the various measurements should be used to
define the duration of the stationary acoustic or vibration environment for design and test
purposes, assuming a longer duration is not specified (see Section 8.2).

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7.2.2 Numerical Procedure. Rather than using an approximation for the time-varying
characteristics of the nonstationary acoustic and/or vibration environment during various launch
events, as given by Equation (7.15), a more accurate equivalent stationary duration can be
determined by substituting the actual time-varying rms value during each flight event into
Equation (7.16), and solving for the equivalent stationary duration TE by numerical integration.
Because of the large value of the exponent b in Equation (7.16), it is sufficient to perform the
numerical integration over those rms values that vary by at least 2:1 about the maximum rms
value. This approach is illustrated using a vibration measurement made inside the payload bay
of Space Shuttle during lift-off, as shown in Figure 7.8. The time-varying rms value in this figure
was computed using an exponentially-weighted average with an time constant of 0.5 sec, which
corresponds to the optimum averaging time constant for Space Shuttle lift-off vibration data
determined using the procedures in [7.23].

The numerical integration of the data in Figure 7.8 yields an equivalent duration of TE = 2.6 sec
for b = 4, and TE = 1.9 sec for b = 8. Using the approximate procedure in Section 7.2.1 with the
conservative values detailed in Table 7.2, the equivalent duration is TE = 2.4 sec for b = 4, and
TE = 2.0 sec for b = 8. The agreement is rather good (within 8%), verifying that the approximate
procedure in Section 7.2.1 generally produces acceptably accurate equivalent durations.

As discussed in Section 7.2.1, several measurements may be available for the same
nonstationary event from several flights. Again, the equivalent stationary duration should be
estimated for all or a representative sample of the available measurements, and the longest
duration computed from the various measurements should be used to define the duration of the
stationary acoustic or vibration environment for design and test purposes, assuming a longer
duration is not specified (see Section 8.2).


RMS Value of Vibration, g


1.0 Exponentially-weighted average

with time constant of 0.5 sec.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Time After SRB Ignition, sec.

FIGURE 7.8. Time-Varying RMS Value of Space Shuttle Payload Bay Vibration
During Lift-Off.

March 13, 2001

7.2.3 Procedure for Multiple Flight Events. The procedures detailed in Sections 7.2.1 and
7.2.2 for selecting an equivalent stationary duration for nonstationary flight events will usually be
applied separately to each of several important flight events, e.g., lift-off, transonic flight, and
flight through maximum dynamic pressure (see Figure 7.6). For design purposes, the maximax
levels and equivalent stationary durations for the individual events can be evaluated separately
to arrive at a final design. For testing purposes, however, it is usually desired to have only one
acoustic or vibration test with a single test spectrum to represent the entire flight environment.
A single test spectrum can be established by simply determining the maximax spectrum for all
events together, i.e., the maximax of the maximax spectra for the individual events. A single
equivalent duration can be established by the following procedure:

a. Compute the equivalent stationary duration and maximax spectrum for each of the
individual events.

b. If the maximax spectra for the various events have a similar spectral content,

1. compute the maximax rms value for each event (the square root of the area under
the maximax spectrum),
2. scale the equivalent stationary duration for each event to the largest maximax rms
value of the various events using Equation (7.2) with the appropriate value for the
exponent b, as recommended in Section 7.1.5, and
3. sum the scaled equivalent stationary durations to obtain the total duration for the
entire flight.

c. If the maximax spectra for the various events have significantly different spectral content,

1. divide the frequency range of the maximax spectra for the various events into
frequency increments where the maximax spectra have a similar spectral content,
2. for each frequency increment, scale the equivalent stationary duration for each event
to the largest maximax spectral value for the various events using Equation (7.3) with
the appropriate value for the exponent b, as recommended in Section 7.1.5,
3. sum the scaled equivalent stationary durations for each frequency increment, and
4. select the longest total equivalent stationary duration among the various frequency
increments to arrive at the total duration for the entire flight.

In many cases, the short term acoustic and/or vibration environments for space vehicle
hardware is dominated by the environment during a single event. For example, the acoustic
and/or vibration environment for a payload inside the fairing or payload bay of a launch vehicle
is commonly most severe at all frequencies during lift-off, which usually has an equivalent
stationary duration of less than 3 sec (see the example in Section 7.2.2). In this case, even
after scaling the longer duration events (e.g., flight through maximum dynamic pressure) to the
maximum flight levels, the total equivalent stationary duration for the entire flight may be only a
few secs. Hence, for practical reasons associated with establishing a test spectrum, it may be
necessary to use an actual test duration that is longer than the computed equivalent stationary
duration for the entire flight. In no case, however, should the final test criteria exceed the design
criteria for the space vehicle hardware.

7.2.4 Assessments. When estimates for nonstationary acoustic and/or vibration

measurements during nonstationary flight events are available in numerical form, the numerical
procedure detailed in Section 7.2.2 is recommended to arrive at an appropriate duration for a
stationary excitation that will simulate the damage potential of the time-varying flight
environment when the rms value of the stationary excitation is equal to the maximum rms value

March 13, 2001

of the time-varying environment. However, if the available nonstationary measurements are not
available in a form convenient for the numerical integration required by the procedure in Section
7.2.2, the approximate procedure presented in Section 7.2.1 should provide acceptable results.

As a concluding comment on equivalent stationary durations for short term, nonstationary

acoustic and vibration loads, when used for design and/or test criteria, the derived equivalent
stationary durations should be multiplied by a scatter factor of four (see Section In
addition, it must be emphasized that NASA-STD-7001 specifies minimum durations for acoustic
and vibration tests, which are detailed later in Section 8.2.4. These specified durations are
highly conservative and generally will exceed the durations derived by the procedures detailed
here, even after multiplying by a scatter factor of four. Hence, for most space vehicles and their
components being developed for NASA programs, the specified durations in NASA-STD-7001
will prevail.

7.3 Durations of Long Term Acoustic and Vibration Loads. The long term acoustic and
vibration environments listed in Table 7.1 may be stationary (e.g., loads due to continuous in-
flight equipment operations), but it is more common for long term environments to be
nonstationary. The duration of such environments can often be reduced for design and test
purposes by using Equation (7.2) or (7.3) to scale the less severe acoustic and vibration levels
to the most severe levels that occur during the entire exposure to the long term environment.
Such scaling procedures are most applicable to acoustic and vibration loads that vary in overall
level, but not substantially in spectral content, and where the dominant failure mechanism is
anticipated to fit the inverse power law or fatigue damage model given by Equations. (7.1 ) and
(7.4), respectively. For example, consider a payload that must be transported for 25 hrs by
truck to a launch site for installation in a launch vehicle. Assume the anticipated vibration
environment for the payload at its mounting points is as summarized in Table 7.3. Further
assume b = 4 in Equation (7.2), and the spectra of the vibrations during the various
transportation conditions have similar shapes. Table 7.3 indicates the damage potential of the
25 hour transportation vibration exposure can be simulated by a stationary vibration with a
duration of 1.5 hrs (90 minutes) at the maximum transportation vibration level.

TABLE 7.3. Computations for Duration of Payload Transportation Vibration Environment.

Duration on Road RMS Vibration on Equivalent Duration on

Type of Road Segment
Segment (hrs) Road Segment (g) Road Segment A (hrs)
A - Unpaved secondary roads 1 3 1.0
B - Improved secondary roads 4 1.6 0.3
C - Primary roads 8 1.0 0.1
D - Major highways 12 0.9 0.1
Total equivalent duration on road segment A (hrs) 1.5

For those vibration environments where the spectral content, as well as the overall levels,
change during the environmental exposure, the equivalent duration computations illustrated in
Table 7.3 must be made on a frequency-by-frequency basis using Equation (7.3), or a similar
expression for the appropriate spectral description in Section 3. This will result in a different
equivalent stationary duration at each frequency, as discussed previously in Section 7.2.3. In
most cases, to be conservative, the design or testing of the hardware should be based upon the
longest equivalent stationary duration computed at all frequencies.

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Whether or not the spectral content of the acoustic or vibration environment varies during a long
term exposure, there is a potential error in the computation of an equivalent stationary duration
due to an error in the assumed value for the exponent b in Equation (7.2) or (7.3). However,
most of the time-dependent damage experienced by space vehicle hardware in a nonstationary
acoustic or vibration environment occurs during exposure to the maximum level, which typically
covers a small fraction of the total duration of the environment (see Table 7.3). In such cases,
reducing the relatively long durations of the less severe vibrations by scaling to the maximum
level according to Equation (7.2) or (7.3) does not introduce a major error, even if the exponent
in the equation is inaccurate.

7.3.1 Accelerated Acoustic and Vibration Tests. From the viewpoint of testing, situations
may arise where scaling the less severe segments of a nonstationary acoustic or vibration
environment to a stationary level corresponding to the maximum level of the environment may
yield a test duration that is still too long to be practical, e.g., the test duration of 90 minutes
computed for the 25 hour transportation environment in Table 7.3 may still be too long for testing
purposes. In such a case, it is common to further reduce the test duration by increasing the test
level beyond the maximum level of the full environment [7.5]. Indeed, if no limit is placed on the
rms test level in Equation (7.2), the test duration theoretically can be made as short as desired,
provided the ultimate strength of the hardware being tested is not exceeded. However, increasing
the test level beyond the maximum level produced by the service acoustic or vibration
environment introduces major uncertainties in the test results, particularly if the hardware is
fabricated using different materials and/or incorporates electrical, electronic, and/or optical
elements. The problem is that the failure mechanisms of some elements may not comply with the
scaling law in Equation (7.2). Furthermore, even if all failure mechanisms do comply with
Equation (7.2), the exponent b may vary from one element to another within the hardware.
Hence, increasing the test level to accelerate the test in compliance with Equation (7.2) may
cause some elements of the hardware to be undertested and others to be overtested. The result
could be the occurrence of unrepresentative failures during the accelerated test, as illustrated in

7.3.2 Durability and Functional Tests. A common procedure to suppress unrepresentative

failures that may be caused by accelerating a test of hardware with a long term acoustic or
vibration environment is to perform two separate tests, namely, a durability test and a functional
test. The durability test is intended to reveal only time-dependent failures, and is rapidly
accelerated to produce the same damage as the entire duration of the long term acoustic or
vibration environment based upon a specific damage model, e.g., Equation (7.2). The hardware
is not required to function during the durability test, and any failures that are not time-dependent
are ignored. The separate functional test is intended to reveal failures that are not time-
dependent (i.e., failures related only to the acoustic or vibration level), and is not accelerated with
test levels that exceed the maximum expected level during the long term acoustic or vibration
environment. The hardware is required to function during the test, but since the failures of
interest are not time-dependent, the test duration is not critical, e.g., the test duration is often
fixed by the time required to fully operate the hardware and verify that it properly performs its
intended purpose.

7.3.3 Environmental Durations for Design Criteria. When computing dynamic loads
exposure durations for design purposes, the durations for all planned acoustic and vibration
tests, as well as the number of transient loads, must be included in the total exposure duration.
This is particularly important for hardware that may undergo repeated acceptance tests after
refurbishing. For example, there probably will be many equipment items on Space Station that
will be returned to Earth and refurbished at regular intervals, where certain parts and
subassemblies are replaced but the basic structure of the equipment is maintained. Since such

March 13, 2001

equipment will undergo a flight acceptance test after each refurbishing, the total number of
anticipated flight acceptance tests, as well as the launch environments to return the equipment to
the Space Station, must include in the design criteria exposure duration for the basic structure of
the equipment. This total exposure duration should also be reflected in the test duration for the
qualification test of the equipment (see Section 8.2.4).

7.4 References

7.1 Hine, M. J., “Controlling Conservatism in Transient Vibration Testing,” Proc., 15th
Aerospace Testing Sem., Inst. Envir. Sc., pp 231-237, Oct. 1994.

7.2 Hu, J. M., Baker, D., Dasgupta, A., and A. Arora, "Role of Failure-Mechanism
Identification in Accelerated Testing,” J. IES, Vol. XXXVI, No. 4, pp 39 - 45, July/Aug.

7.3 Crandall, S. H., and Mark, W. D., Random Vibration in Mechanical Systems,
Academic Press, NY, 1963.

7.4 Preumont, A., Random Vibration and Spectral Analysis, Kluwer Academic,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1994.

7.5 Nelson. W., Accelerated Testing, Wiley, NY, 1990.

7.6 Stallmeyer, J. E., "Mechanical Properties of Metals Used in Equipment Design,” Ch.
35, Shock and Vibration Handbook (Ed: C. M. Harris), 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, NY,

7.7 Barsom, J. M., and Rolfe, S. T., Fracture and Fatigue Control in Structures, 2nd ed.,
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1995.

7.8 Wirsching, P. H., Paez, T. L., and Ortiz, K., Random Vibrations, Wiley, NY, 1995.

7.9 Meeker, D. B., and Piersol, A. G., "Accelerated Reliability Testing Under
Vibroacoustic Environments,” Reliability Design for Vibroacoustic Environments (Ed:
D. D. Kana and T. G. Butler), AMD - Vol. 9, ASME, NY, 1974.

7.10 Anon., "Test Requirements for Booster, Upper-Stage, and Space Vehicles,” MIL-
STD-1540C, 1994.

7.11 Frost, N. E., Marsh, K. J., and Pook, L. P., Metal Fatigue, Oxford Univ. Press,
London, 1974.

7.12 Boyer, S. R., Atlas of Fatigue Curves, Amer. Soc. Metals, Metals Park, OH, 1986.

7.13 Anon., “Metallic Materials and Elements for Aerospace Vehicle Structures,” Military
Standardization Handbook MIL-HDBK-5E, 1988.

7.14 Symonds, J., "Mechanical Properties of Materials", Ch. 5, Marks' Standard

Handbook for Mechanical Engineers (Ed: E. A. Avallone and T. Baumeister III), 9th
ed., p. 5-9, McGraw-Hill, NY, 1987.

March 13, 2001

7.15 Rice, R. C., et al, "Consolidation of Fatigue and Fatigue-Crack-Propagation Data for
Design Use,” NASA CR-2586, Oct. 1975.

7.16 Heywood, R, B., Designing Against Fatigue, Chapman and Hall, London, 1962.

7.17 Curtis, A. J., Tinling, N. G., and Abstein, H. T., “Selection and Performance of
Vibration Tests,” SVM-8, Shock and Vibration Info. Analysis Center, 1971.

7.18 Steinberg, D. S.,Vibration Analysis for Electronic Equipment, 2nd ed., Wiley, NY,

7.19 Anon., " DOD Test Method Standard for Environmental Engineering Considerations
and Laboratory Tests,” MIL-STD-810E, Change Notice 3, July 31, 1995.

7.20 Himelblau, H., Fuller, C. M., and Scharton, T. D., “Assessment of Space Vehicle
Aeroacoustic-Vibration Prediction, Design, and Testing,” NASA CR-1596, July 1970.

7.21 Dowling, N. E., "Fatigue Failure Predictions for Complicated Stress-Strain Histories",
J. Materials, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp v-1 - v-17, 1972.

7.22 Bendat, J. S., and Piersol, A. G., Random Data: Analysis and Measurement
Procedures, 3rd ed., p. 161, Wiley, NY, 2000.

7.23 Himelblau, H., Piersol, A. G., Wise, J. H., and Grundvig, M. R., “Handbook for Dynamic
Data Acquisition and Analysis,” IES-RP-DTE012.1, Inst. Envir. Sc., Mt Prospect, IL,

7.24 Bendat, J. S., and Piersol, A. G., Engineering Applications of Correlation and
Spectral Analysis, 2nd ed., Wiley, NY, 1993.

March 13, 2001


The primary purpose of design and test criteria is to support a major objective of the system
design, which is to ensure the integrity of the structure and hardware from the point(s) of
manufacture to the termination of mission operations. Of course, the ultimate objective is the
successful operation of the system throughout the mission life. The design criteria supports
these objectives by requiring certain design stages to be completed during the design process
prior to flight, such as shown in Figure 8.1 [8.1]. These stages are usually achieved by
completing certain structural analyses and/or tests.

Configuration/Mass * Testing
Properties Environments - Development
- Verification

Performance ** Heat Transfer

Analysis Analysis

Dynamics and **
Control Analysis
Feedback from Vibration and ** Characterizations
each analysis to Loads Analysis
all others
Stress and **
Durability Analysis

* Assumption is made that the configuration has been selected. Design

A similar cycle exists for concept and configuration selection.

** Inherent in all these areas are the generation of models based

on simplifying assumptions and specialized computer codes.

FIGURE 8.1. System Design Process for Aerospace Vehicles

8.1 Low Frequency Vibration and Transient Responses. The designer of aerospace
vehicle structures and hardware must carefully consider all the loads and environments outlined
in prior sections, especially Sections 4 through 7. How design criteria are integrated into the
design process is often determined by the particular phase (early, interim, or late) of the vehicle
or hardware design process. As illustrated in Figures 8.1 and 5.1, the design process is almost
always iterative [8.1, 8.2], using a team approach required to achieve a weight-efficient and
cost-effective design. Thus design and test criteria usually change as the design progresses.
Most organizations intentionally use higher design margins initially when each load is
considered separately, and then reduce them to minimum acceptable values later when various
loads are considered in combination and/or sequence. Other organizations use alternative
procedures to achieve system design goals. Transportation and handling loads, which are
normally bounded by the limit load factors given in Table 8.1 [8.3], must also be included unless
special protection is provided to assure that they contribute negligible damage compared to
flight loads. The following subsections summarize design margins, followed by a discussion of

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each end of the design process, namely, preliminary and early design, and late and final design.
Lastly, test criteria and their relationship to design criteria are addressed.

TABLE 8.1. Transportation Limit Load Factors

Longitudinal Load Lateral Load Vertical Load

Medium/Mode Factors Factors Factors
g g g
Water ±0.5 ±2.5 +2.5
Air ±3.0 ±1.5 ±3.0
Truck ±3.5 ±2.0 +6.0
Rail (humping shocks) ±6.0 to ±30.0 ±2.0 to ±5.0 +4.0 to +15.0
Rail (rolling) ±0.25 to ±3.0 ±0.25 to ±0.75 +0.2 to +3.0
Slow-moving dolly ±1.0 ±0.75 +2.0

8.1.1 Design Criteria. Static and Dynamic Loads. The design and often the testing of aerospace
structures and hardware must include consideration of the applicable static loads based on the
mission profile and overall system performance, plus the predicted dynamic response loads
occurring in sequence and/or combination with static and other dynamic loads as summarized in
Section 5, multiplied by applicable deterministic safety factors. These safety factors are usually
specified based on the type of material, usage for design and/or test, and/or criticality, as shown
in Tables 8.2 through 8.6 [8.4]. (NASA projects that propose to use a “no-test” approach
generally must employ larger factors of safety and develop project-specific criteria and rationale
for review and approval by the responsible NASA center [8.4]). The resulting maximum
stresses are then compared to allowable material strength properties, such as provided in [8.5,
8.6], to determine if a safe design is achieved. For fatigue, a design margin or “scatter factor” of
four is specified in terms of the number of applied cycles [8.2] in lieu of applying a factor to the
load. As indicated in Figures 5.1 and 8.1, this process is nearly always iterative to eventually
obtain the desired cost and weight optimization.

TABLE 8.2. Minimum Design and Test Factors for Metallic Structures

Acceptance or
Verification Ultimate Design Yield Design Qualification
Proof Test
Approach Factor Factor Test Factor
Prototype 1.4 1.0* 1.4 NA or 1.05**
Protoflight 1.4 1.25 NA 1.2
* Structure must be assessed to prevent yielding during flight, acceptance, or proof testing.
** Propellant tanks and solid rocket motor cases only.

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TABLE 8.3 Minimum Design and Test Factors for Fasteners and Preload Joints

Design Factors Test Factors

Verification Approach Joint Separation
Ultimate Acceptance
Safety Qualification
Strength Other or Proof
Prototype 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.4 NA
Protoflight 1.4 1.4 1.2 NA 1.2
* Joints that maintain pressures and/or hazardous materials in a safety-critical application.

TABLE 8.4 Minimum Design and Test Factors for Composite/Bonded Structures

Acceptance or
Verification Geometry of Ultimate Qualification
Proof Test
Approach Structure Design Factor Test Factor
Prototype Discontinuities 2.0* 1.4 1.05
Uniform Material 1.4 1.4 1.05
Discontinuities 2.0* NA 1.2
Uniform Material 1.5 NA 1.2
* Factor applies to concentrated stresses. For non-safety critical applications, this factor may be
reduced to 1.4 for prototype structures and 1.5 for protoflight structures.

TABLE 8.5 Minimum Design and Test Factors for Glass

Acceptance or
Verification Loading Ultimate Qualification
Proof Test
Approach Condition Design Factor Test Factor
Nonpressurized 3.0* NA 1.2
Pressurized 3.0 NA 2.00
Nonpressurized 5.0 NA NA

TABLE 8.6 Minimum Design and Test Factors for Structural Glass Bonds

Acceptance or Proof Test

Ultimate Design Factor Qualification Test Factor
2.0 1.4 1.2

Metallic and composite material strength properties of [8.5] and [8.6], respectively, are usually
given in terms of measured data in one of the following four categories: (1) raw data and/or
typical values, (2) statistical analysis using the lower 99 percentile of the data with 95 percent
confidence (called the A Basis), (3) statistical analysis using the lower 90 percentile of the data
with 95 percent confidence (B Basis), (4) statistical analysis using some other percentile and
confidence, which may not necessarily be identified (S Basis). Fatigue, crack propagation,
fracture and creep data, as well as the primary tension, compression, and shear yield and
ultimate strengths are included. Other established references should also be utilized as
required, e.g., [8.7]. Stress concentrations (e.g., in the vicinity of fasteners and joints) must be
included in the structural analysis unless it can be shown that local yielding will not adversely
affect the fit, form, or integrity of the structure [8.4]

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Probabilistic methods of structural analysis have been successfully implemented by the Air
Force and its contractors on the same launch vehicles used by NASA and commercial
customers, using either flight data to establish design factors with high statistical confidence or a
variety of worst case loads to establish worst-on-worst case combinations for design purposes
[8.2]. However, [8.4] states that the above deterministic design and test factors are adequate to
compensate for uncertainties in the strength analysis and that a statistically-based loads
analysis is unnecessary. Nevertheless, each NASA Center is given the option to approve a
probabilistic criteria to supplement deterministic factors of safety on an individual case basis. Instabilities. Potential instabilities in aerospace systems should be avoided

whenever possible. However, this is not always practical. Sources of potential instability in
aerospace systems include (a) structural buckling and crippling under static and/or dynamic
loads, (b) combustion instability in solid motors and liquid engines, (c) rotor-dynamics in turbo
machinery, (d) flutter of panels, wings, control surfaces, and turbine and compressor blades, (e)
control system/fluid slosh interaction in tanks, (f) pogo interaction between liquid rocket engines
and vehicle structure, and (g) wheel whirl and shimmy in landing gears, which are discussed in
Section 3. In some cases the instability can be catastrophic and this is unacceptable, while in
other cases a limit cycle may occur well below allowable design margins. In most cases, the
oscillation appears sinusoidal and nearly steady-state or slowly-varying when the limit cycle is
reached, rather than transient or random. In all cases, a stability analysis is required to
determine if the system is (a) stable, (b) unstable but within acceptable load limits, or (c)
unstable with a limit cycle exceeding acceptable load limits. It is critical to consider all
uncertainties in these analyses, and to include them in the stability assessment.

8.1.2 Preliminary and Early Design General Considerations. There are three possible situations encountered during
the initial design phase of a new program:

a. The function and design of the new structure or hardware is similar or identical to
those from a previous program.

b. The function and design of the new structure or hardware has some elements which
are similar to those from a previous program.

c. The function and design of the new structure or hardware has no resemblance to
those from any previous program.

The first situation is normally the easiest because of the availability and utilization of earlier
design and test data. Scaling relationships are often used between the previous and new
forcing functions and external environments and/or dynamic responses, as well as design
margins and test results, to determine if an adequate design is achievable. The number of load
cycle iterations can usually be greatly reduced as a consequence. Also, new tests may be
considered unnecessary based on structure or hardware similarity, as well as a favorable
comparison of new and previous design and test criteria.

The third situation is the most difficult to implement because members of the design team need
to start from “scratch.” Often great care and a substantial amount of detail are needed early in
the design phase. As a result, design time may be long and design costs large. Thus it is not
uncommon to utilize multiple load cycles (typically three) to achieve an adequate design. In
addition, a thorough test program is usually required, especially for newly-encountered mission

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events, e.g., planetary landing or penetration. The second category is obviously somewhere
between the above two categories.

The experience and perception of the design team is often the key to achieving a cost effective
and weight efficient design. In general, more experienced team members have developed
knowledge-based rules-of-thumb to avoid dynamic design problems, whereas newer members
often must rely on computer-based design tools plus support from experienced members.
Preliminary and early design traditionally culminates in one or more Preliminary Design Reviews
(PDRs). Specific Considerations. A payload is defined as an integrated system carried into

space by a launch vehicle for space operations. A spacecraft is a self-contained payload able
to operate completely independently for most or all of its mission life. Thus a spacecraft usually
has many more on-board subsystems not found on other payloads, such as independent power,
propulsion and control.

NASA has imposed specific requirements for NASA payloads [8.2], especially on the fidelity of
math models used for loads analysis. For the preliminary load cycle, [8.2] recommends an
additional minimum uncertainty factor of 1.5, to be gradually reduced in later cycles. The
launch vehicle organization(s) is required to furnish forcing functions for launch vehicle-
generated events, such as liftoff, motor/engine cutoff(s), wind loads, and staging transients.
These forcing functions must envelope flight data and produce load responses which will not be
exceeded with 99.87 percent (3σ) probability. For larger payloads, a minimum payload natural
frequency is usually specified to avoid harmful structure/control system interactions or coupled
resonance conditions.

Preliminary sizing of payload primary (load-carrying) structure is based on load factors furnished
by the launch vehicle organization [8.2]. These load factors must be applied at the payload
center of mass and are based on design load databases, analyses of similar payloads, and
flight data. The preliminary design of payload hardware or equipment items commonly utilize
load factors obtained from a physical mass acceleration curve (MAC), such as shown in Figure
8.2, or a table providing similar data. The MAC or table recognizes the fact that hardware
response accelerations at lower frequencies usually vary inversely with hardware mass. They
are usually based on a combination of prior flight and test data, analysis, and experience [8.2,
8.8]. It should be mentioned that MAC can be configuration sensitive.

Following the above preliminary sizing of the payload structure and hardware items, math
models must then be developed to initiate the load cycle process in order to ensure structural
integrity and minimize weight. At low frequencies, the math model of the payload is almost
always a finite element method (FEM) model, whereas for larger payloads at somewhat higher
frequencies, statistical energy analysis (SEA) or a boundary element method (BEM) model is
often added [8.9]. Spectral overlap is common, usually in the intervening frequency range
between 20 and 100 Hz. However, it has been observed that SEA is a good predictor of
acceleration response but a poor predictor of load (stress) response [8.9, 8.10].

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Dynamic Response Acceleration, g



1 10 100 1000
Effective Mass, kg

FIGURE 8.2. Physical and Modal MAC for the Galileo Spacecraft Launched
on Shuttle and Inertial Upper Stage.

Specific requirements for payload math models at lower frequencies include the following [8.2]:

a. Finite elements must be used to model the structure and/or hardware.

b. Traditionally, a loads model must first be developed that has adequate fidelity to
describe the payload dynamic behavior in a frequency range specified by the launch vehicle
organization. Usually this range extends to 50 Hz, although a lower or higher maximum or
cutoff frequency is sometimes specified for larger or smaller launch vehicles, respectively. For
example, the cutoff frequency for the Shuttle is 35 Hz. Overall payload and subsystem modes
must be accurately modeled up to an upper bound frequency, which must exceed 1.4 times the
cutoff frequency of the loads analysis.

c. If reduction in the size of the model matrix is required, the reduced matrix must
preserve the fidelity of the original model up to the upper bound natural frequency.

d. Model damping must be selected based on test measurements of the actual or similar
structure at magnitudes representative of flight values. If measured damping data are
unavailable, low damping must be assumed, e.g., one percent for transient responses in most

e. Because the loads model will be used for predicting member loads, from which
member stress analyses are performed, as well as natural frequencies and mode shapes, a
good idealized model is normally required with varying mesh density as required to define a
proper load distribution.

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f. The main goal of the loads analysis is to identify structural members or elements which
are liable to produce high stresses. Once identified, a separate stress analysis is traditionally
performed. Historically, the vast majority of high stress points are found at fasteners, joints and
connections. For simple loading on a simple member, a hand stress calculation may suffice.
For more complicated loading on a complex member (e.g., combined bending and twisting on a
triangular composite shell element), a stress model will probably be needed. In most cases, a
stress model has already been developed for supporting the structural design under static
loading. If so, this model may be utilized for combined static and dynamic stress analysis. In
this case, a finer mesh may be required for the stress model in the vicinity of stress
concentrations, unless stress risers are handled separately.

g. In addition, the loads model must be utilized to determine dynamic displacements or

accelerations at the various interfaces between the structure and hardware items, in order to
select preliminary design and test criteria for the hardware.

SEA and BEM models are traditionally used to predict internal acoustic noise in the frequency
range of 20 Hz-10 kHz, and random vibration (acceleration) response within 20 Hz-2 kHz or
higher, from an external acoustic field extending from 20 Hz to 10 kHz [8.12], with the lower of
these frequencies most often utilized for large payloads. SEA or BEM models are popular for
computing higher mode structural responses because they are much more cost effective than
FEM models with no apparent loss in acceleration response accuracy, especially when the
forcing function or environment is random. Nearly all SEA predictions are performed by
averaging over wide bandwidths compared to FEM predictions. Usually 1/3 octave bands are
selected. The large number of structural details usually necessary for FEM analysis are usually
unnecessary for SEA and BEM. However, SEA accuracy is usually limited at the lower
frequencies when errors are encountered due to averaging over an insufficient number of
response modes [8.13]. On the other hand, FEM analyses often lose accuracy at their higher
frequencies, so that adequate results may be achievable when both methods are applied.

Combined loads for environments and/or forcing functions occurring simultaneously, which
usually generate simultaneous transient and random responses, require special treatment [8.2].
Often the responses to separate loads are SRSS combined in a time-consistent manner.
Payloads may be required to be returnable to Earth on a reusable launch vehicle, such as
Space Shuttle. For these cases, launch vehicle docking plus entry and landing loads must be
included in the payload design [8.2, 8.14].

Once reasonably consistent modeling results of the payload has been established, the computed
modal masses of the various modes may be used in conjunction with the modal MAC curve, such
as shown in Figure 8.2, to modify and reduce the accelerations applied to hardware items. For
each item, the total acceleration is computed by summing the modal acceleration contribution for
each structural mode whose natural frequency is less than the upper bound frequency.

There are a variety of special requirements for spacecraft which are not applicable to other
payloads [8.2], since a spacecraft often has a much greater number and variety of subsystems,
operational phases and/or configurations that must be considered separately by the spacecraft
organization. For example, math models need to be developed, reconfigured or extended to
different frequency ranges and used with special operational forcing functions and load factors.
After deployment, spacecraft operations do not involve the launch vehicle, so the launch vehicle
interface boundaries must be replaced with free boundaries. Additional design uncertainty
factors, load combinations, and sequences must also be considered [8.2]. Loads from various
deployments and separations must be assessed and included in the spacecraft design. In

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addition, some spacecraft missions may require separate atmospheric entry and/or exit, and
possible operations under non-Earth conditions.

8.1.3 Late and Final Design General Considerations. As program development continues from earlier stages,

the design of the system should have progressed to the point where all design goals and
requirements have been achieved or are about to be met, including cost and weight goals and
strength requirements. Late design efforts are mainly directed to supporting one or more
Critical Design Review (CDRs), after which manufacturing drawings are normally released and
payload or spacecraft manufacturing is initiated. Thereafter, design changes usually involve
physical rather than paper changes to the system, which may become very expensive and
make weight increases impossible to avoid.

In most cases, there is little latitude given for waiving strength requirements, so that the overall
weight goal is often sacrificed as a result. Sometimes a weight increase cannot be tolerated, so
that the system may have to be redesigned. Often this redesign necessitates the removal of
subsystems, the reduction of propellants, and/or the replacement of heavier materials with
lighter materials or configurations. If this redesign does not produce the desired system goals,
as a last alternative the mission may need to be modified, or the original launch vehicle may
have to be replaced with a more powerful one, or the mission canceled. The economic
consequences of any of these alternatives are obviously severe. Specific Considerations. As the load cycle progresses, more attention is normally
paid to the effects of load combinations and sequences on the design of the structure and
hardware, with load combinations considered to pinpoint maximum stresses and load sequences
considered to determine fatigue margins. Meanwhile, the uncertainty factor added earlier in the
design process has hopefully been prudently reduced toward unity. One acceptable way of
avoiding an excessive uncertainty factor is to utilize sensitivity analysis, by which systematic
changes are analytically made to payload properties and design loads selected from (a) the worst
case load or (b) statistical analysis of a variety of load cases. Frequency sensitivity, or tuning,
may also be used, which permits artificial frequency shifts in the math model in order to determine
potential load increases to the structural design [8.2]. These techniques are considered
reasonable late-design substitutes for earlier uncertainty factors greater that unity.

Once the final payload structural design has been essentially established, the system natural
frequencies, mode shapes, and damping values, and applicable forcing functions, can be used
to compute the accelerations at the various interfaces between the structure and each hardware
item, which may be used to refine hardware dynamic test criteria at lower frequencies

8.1.4 Modal Tests. At this stage, an engineering structural model is often built (called a
prototype), or the actual payload used (called the protoflight), to perform modal test(s) in the
applicable operational phase(s) of the system, as described in Section 5.1.5. The objective of
the modal test is to provide an independent method of evaluating the accuracy of the math
model used to compute the low frequency structural behavior of a dynamical system, such as a
launch vehicle or payload, in its various mission configurations, rather than to determine if the
structure can withstand the various applicable dynamic loads. Since modal tests are normally
performed using low excitation conditions, they are considered design tools. Therefore,
verification of the adequacy of primary structure to withstand the various static and dynamic
loads occurring in combination and/or in sequence is achieved by analysis rather than by test.
For modal tests, large or heavy hardware items are either installed or mass-simulated. Smaller
or lighter hardware items, cables, tubing, etc are often omitted. This situation usually requires

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the math model to be modified to reflect the modal test configuration. After the structure is
modally tested and if the math model is adequately verified and the forcing functions finalized,
all prior uncertainties in the analysis can be safely eliminated. However, if the model verification
is inadequate, an appropriate uncertainty factor may be required in the last or verification load
cycle [8.2].

8.1.5 Test Criteria. As described in Sections 8.1.3 and 8.1.4, primary structures are
usually verified by analyses and modal tests, rather than by environmental tests. However, the
structural integrity of hardware items is usually verified by static loads and/or low frequency
testing. In addition, low frequency testing is sometimes performed on small payloads as a
substitute or supplement to verification by analysis. In fact, it is not uncommon to specify test
criteria rather than design criteria for hardware and small payloads. If test criteria (including test
tolerances) exceed design criteria, the design criteria should be increased to avoid the
possibility of achieving hardware that satisfies the design criteria but fails the test.

For low frequency random vibration, either of two test procedures are often utilized:

a. Simulating the acceleration time history for each random mission event computed in
Section 8.1.3, plus a design or test margin, and performing a series of tests.

b. Computing the auto spectrum for each event , covering these spectra with a single
spectral envelope, plus a design or test margin, and performing a single random test.

For low frequency transients, either of three test procedures are often utilized:

a. Simulating the acceleration time history for each transient mission event computed in
Section 8.1.3, plus a design or test margin, and performing a series of tests (see Section 10.2).

b. Computing the shock response spectrum (SRS) for each event, covering these SRSs
with a single spectral envelope, plus a design or test margin, and performing a single transient

c. Using swept-sine testing whose criteria is derived by matching the single-degree-of-

freedom response to the SRS of (b), plus a design or test margin, and performing a single sine
sweep [8.15]. Problems encountered in using swept-sine testing are discussed in Section 9.4.1.

Hydraulic and electrodynamic shaker systems are used for performing low frequency testing.
The low frequency cutoff for hydraulic shakers is about 2 Hz, depending on its maximum stroke
or displacement, whereas most electrodynamic shakers have a 5-20 Hz cutoff and a
substantially lower allowable displacement (see Section 10.1). When low frequency test criteria
is formulated in terms of acceleration, it is important to determine the maximum test
displacement in order to avoid hard bottoming of the shaker system. If shaker displacement
limits are computed to be exceeded, it is common practice to either (a) reduce the low
frequency portion of the time history or spectrum, or (b) increase the cutoff frequency. The
effects of these measures on test results should be negligible as long as the response at the
fundamental resonance is unaffected.

8.2 High Frequency Vibration Responses. The low frequency dynamic responses
described in Section 8.1 usually produce the loads of greatest concern to the design of space
vehicle structures. The high frequency vibration responses may be of concern in the final
design of thin panel sections or other structural elements susceptible to high frequency vibration
damage, for example, sonic fatigue [8.16]. Nevertheless, the primary design concerns

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associated with high frequency vibration environments involve the equipment or hardware items
mounted on the vehicle structure. The criteria for the design of space vehicle equipment for
their high frequency vibration environments are based upon the maximum expected
environment computed in Section 6 and the equivalent stationary duration computed in Section
7, plus the appropriate margin detailed in Section 8.2.4. However, the vibration qualification
test environment is also involved in arriving at the design criteria. The vibration qualification test
levels are usually derived in the same way as the vibration levels used for design, and typically
with the same margin, as discussed in Section 8.2.4. On the other hand, to account for the
scatter in fatigue data, the vibration test is a stationary environment that often has a
substantially longer duration than the equivalent stationary duration computed in Section 7.
Hence, the qualification test durations detailed in Section 8.2.4 should be used as the minimum
duration of the vibration environment for design purposes.

8.2.1 Preliminary Design – Equipment. The design of equipment for high frequency
vibration excitations can be a demanding task, particularly for electronic equipment that may
have a wide range of failure modes, including a degradation in functional performance.
However, during the preliminary design phase, attention is usually restricted to the integrity of
the equipment structure, specifically, the maximum stress that will occur in the equipment
structure due to the vibration excitation. Simplified procedures to at least coarsely predict the
maximum stress for preliminary design purposes will now be discussed. Simplified Stress Model. It most cases, it can be assumed the maximum stress in
the structure of an equipment item will be caused by the response at single dominant normal
mode (resonance), usually the first normal mode of the structure. This dominant normal mode
can be approximated by a base driven oscillator (single degree-of-freedom system) where the
frequency response function between an acceleration excitation at the base and a relative
(modal) displacement response of the mass is given by [8.17]


In Equation (8.1), ζ = damping ratio, fn = undamped natural frequency (approximately equal to

the resonance frequency for ζ < 0.1), and j = − 1 . Assume a random vibration excitation is
applied at the base of the equipment with an acceleration autospectrum, Gxx(f), having the units
of g2/Hz. Further assume the acceleration autospectrum is relatively constant at frequencies
near the natural frequency of the equipment [i.e., Gxx(f) ≈ Gxx for f near fn]. The standard
deviation of the relative displacement response of the simple oscillator representing the
equipment is given by [8.17, 8.18]


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where g is the gravity unit (9.81 m2/s). At frequencies below 2 kHz, it can be assumed the
dominant normal mode response of the equipment will involve primarily the bending of structural
elements. The bending stress at the natural frequency of a structure is proportional to the
modal velocity response of the structure [8.19 - 8.22], specifically,


where S = maximum stress

V = maximum modal velocity
E = Young's Modulus for material
cL = longitudinal wave velocity in material
ρ = mass density of material
C = constant of proportionality

Assuming linearity and a Gaussian random response, the maximum stress and velocity in
Equation (8.3a) can be replaced by the standard deviations of the instantaneous stress and
velocity, respectively, at those points on the structure where the maximum stress and velocity
occur, that is,

σS = C σV E/cL (8.3b)

To obtain a standard deviation of the stress, the standard deviation of the modal velocity can be
approximated from Equation (8.2) by

σV = 2πfn σd (8.4)

Substituting Equations (8.3b) and (8.4) into Equation (8.2) yields an estimate for the standard
deviation of the stress given by


where all terms are as defined in Equations (8.1) through (8.4).

The value of the constant C in Equation (8.5) can vary widely depending upon the geometry of
the structure [8.21, 8.22] and stress concentration factors, but a value of C = 8 is considered
conservative for most equipment configurations, although this value might be relaxed to C = 4
for simple mechanical equipment items. For example, assume an item of equipment is
constructed from an aluminum alloy where E = 6.9 x 104 MPa (10 x 106 psi) and cL = 5100 m/s
(2 x 105 in./s). Further assume the dynamic response of the equipment is dominated by a
fundamental resonance at fn = 50 Hz with a damping ratio of ζ = 0.05. If the equipment is
exposed to a relatively severe random excitation with an acceleration spectral density (including
margin) of Gxx(fn) = 0.4 g2/Hz at the resonance frequency, then using a conservative value of
C = 8, the standard deviation for the maximum stress produced by this resonance is given by
Equation (8.5) as σS ≈ 60 MPa (8.7 ksi).

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At least conservative values for fn and ζ in Equation (8.5) can be estimated early in the design to
obtain an estimate for the stress standard deviation σs. However, an estimate of a maximum
stress is required. Given the computed σs, there are three basic ways to estimate a maximum
stress, namely, (a) a maximum instantaneous stress, (b) a first passage stress, and (c) a shock
response stress. Procedure (a) is most applicable to nonstationary vibration environments
where the maximum rms stress predicted by Equation (8.5) occurs only momentarily, for
example, the liftoff environment. Procedure (b) is most applicable to at least briefly stationary
vibration environments. Procedure (c) is applicable to both stationary and nonstationary
environments. Since the qualification vibration tests for all equipment are stationary for at least
two minutes (see Table 8.12), fatigue damage must also be considered to arrive at an
acceptable stress for preliminary design purposes. Note that for all procedures, static stresses
due to assembly stresses or a static acceleration superimposed on the high frequency vibration
are not accounted for. If such static stresses can be estimated, they should be added to the
maximum predicted stress due to the random vibration. Maximum Instantaneous Stress. The simplest approach to estimating a maximum

stress for equipment exposed to a high frequency vibration excitation is to use that stress value
corresponding to three times the standard deviation of the equipment stress [8.18]. Specifically,
from Equation (8.5),


Equation (8.6) may be interpreted as follows. If it is assumed the response of the equipment
mounted to the space vehicle structure (or to the shaker table for a qualification test) is normally
distributed (Gaussian), then the stress level Smax1 in Equation (8.6) is that stress that will be
exceeded with a probability of 0.13% by the maximum stress in the equipment at that instant
when the standard deviation of the stress is a maximum. For example, consider the illustration in
Section where the standard deviation of the stress is σs ≈ 60 MPa (8.7 ksi), it follows from
Equation (8.6) that Smax1 ≈ 180 MPa (26 ksi), which is well below the yield stress for 2024-T3

The only advantage of the maximum instantaneous stress procedure is its simplicity. The
primary disadvantages are as follows:

a. The procedure assumes that equipment items mounted to the vehicle structure or the
shaker table have responses dominated by a single normal mode.

b. The procedure does not account for modifications in the vibration input to the
equipment, as defined by the maximum expected environment, due to equipment loading of its
mounting structure or the shaker table.

c. The procedure assumes a normal (Gaussian) response of the equipment mounted to the
space vehicle structure or the shaker table. Even if the vibration of the space vehicle structure or
the shaker table is not Gaussian, as long as it is random with a broad bandwidth, this assumption
is usually acceptable for an equipment item that has a linear response dominated by a single
normal mode because this situation suppresses deviations from the Gaussian form [8.23].
However, nonlinear characteristics in the equipment response may produce a highly non-
Gaussian response.

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d. The procedure does not account for the duration of the vibration response, i.e., it
assumes the vibration excitation is nonstationary with a single, momentary maximum. This
assumption may be valid for some launch events, but clearly is not valid for the vibration
qualification test. First Passage Stress. A procedure for estimating the maximum stress that
includes the influence of the vibration exposure duration is to apply the first-passage model
detailed in Section 7.1.4. Specifically, for equipment represented by a simple oscillator having a
stationary random vibration response with a standard deviation of the stress given by σs in
Equation (8.5), the probability that the maximum stress value Smax2 will be exceeded at least
once during an exposure period of TS sec is approximated by


which yields

S max2 - (8.8)

where all terms are as defined in Equations (8.1) through (8.5). A common value assumed for
the probability distribution in Equation (8.7) is 5%, i.e., P(TS) = 0.05 (see Figure 7.5).

A problem in applying Equation (8.8) to space vehicle vibration data is that such data are often
nonstationary. However, the vibration qualification test for the equipment will be stationary for at
least two minutes (see Table 8.12). Hence, it can be assumed that TS ≥ 120 sec. For example,
consider the illustration in Section where the standard deviation of the stress is σs ≈ 60
MPa (8.7 ksi), it follows from Equation (8.8) with C = 8 and P(Ts) = 0.05 that Smax2 = 4.8 σs ≈ 290
MPa (42 ksi), which is below the yield stress for 2024-T3 aluminum. The fact that Smax2 is 60 %
greater than Smax1 given by Equation (8.6) is not surprising since the first passage value
represents the probability that a single value will exceed the level Smax over a time duration TS,
rather than at a single instant during that time duration.

The advantages of the first passage stress procedure are its simplicity and the fact that it
accounts for the duration of the vibration environment. On the other hand, the procedure has
the first three disadvantages summarized for the maximum instantaneous stress procedure in
Section Shock Response Stress. Another procedure for estimating the maximum stress in
an equipment item that includes the influence of the vibration exposure duration is to compute
the maximum expected environment in terms of a maximax shock response spectrum (SRS), as
defined in Section 2.2.10. The SRS for the velocity response of the oscillators is desired, but if
a conventional acceleration SRS given by Sx(fn,ζ) in g versus fn is computed, a pseudo-velocity
SRS in (m/s) versus fn can be estimated from

Sv(fn,ζ) = g Sx(fn,ζ)/(2πfn) (8.10)

March 13, 2001

For equipment with any estimated resonance frequency fn and damping ratio ζ, since Sv(fn,ζ)
represents the maximum velocity of the equipment response, the maximum stress is given
directly by Equation (8.3) as

Smax3 = C E Sv(fn,ζ)/cL = C E g Sx(fn,ζ)/(2π fn cL) (8.11)

The advantages of the shock response spectrum procedure are as follows:

a. Since the SRS for a stationary random signal depends on the duration of the signal,
the procedure accounts for the duration of the vibration environment.

b. The procedure properly accounts for both the potential nonstationary and non-
Gaussian characteristics of the vibration environment.

On the other hand, the procedure has the first two disadvantages summarized for the maximum
instantaneous stress procedure in Section Fatigue Damage Considerations. As noted earlier, all equipment items will be
exposed to a random vibration environment with a duration of at least two minutes during the
vibration qualification test. Furthermore, during equipment transportation or operations in orbit, or
for equipment that is installed on a reusable launch vehicle such as Space Shuttle, the random
vibration environment might be substantially longer than two minutes. Hence, the possibility of
fatigue damage must be considered during preliminary design. This can be accomplished by
estimating the standard deviation of the stress using Equation (8.5), and then using a random S-N
curve (see Section 7.1.2) or a crack propagation model (see Section 7.1.3) for the primary
equipment material to determine if the equipment will fail in N = fn T cycles where T is the
anticipated duration of the environment. For example, consider the illustration in Section
where the standard deviation of the stress in the equipment is σs ≈ 60 MPa (8.7 ksi). A random
S/N curve for 2024-T3 aluminum is shown in Figure 8.3, which is taken direct from [8.24] with an
appropriate change of units. Referring to Figure 8.3, a random stress with the above standard
deviation corresponds to a fatigue life of about 8x106 cycles or about 44 hours for fn = 50 Hz.

10 3
Standard Deviation of Stress, MPa

10 2

10 1
3 4 5 6 7
10 10 10 10 10
Cycles to Failure, fn T

FIGURE 8.3. Narrowband Random S-N Curve for AL 2024-T3 with Zero Mean Value [8.24].

March 13, 2001 Assessments. The merits of the various procedures for predicting the maximum
stress in space vehicle equipment items due to high frequency vibration excitations at their
mounting points are summarized in Table 8.7. All of the procedures have a number of
limitations, and no one procedure is decisively superior to the others.

TABLE 8.7 Summary of Merits of Various Procedures for Establishing Preliminary

Design Loads for High Frequency Vibration Environments.

Maximum Inst. First Passage SRS Fatigue

Value Value Value Damage
Relatively easy to apply Yes Yes Yes Yes
OK for multi-mode
No No No No
OK for non-Gaussian
No No Yes No
OK for nonstationary
Yes No Yes* Yes**
Accounts for vibration
No Yes Yes Yes
* Assuming the equipment response is linear.
** Assuming the vibration environment can be reduced to at least piece-wise stationary segments.

8.2.2 Final Design – Equipment. The final design criteria for equipment subjected to high
frequency vibration environments should be based upon vibration response predictions,
including maximum stress predictions, obtained using a finite element method (FEM) model, as
detailed in Section 5.2.3. If needed to support predictions at the higher frequencies, a statistical
energy analysis (SEA) model should also be used, as outlined in Section 5.2.2. Four important
factors should be included in the final predictions, as follows: Mass Loading Effects. Since the details of the structure to which the equipment is
mounted are better known at the time of final design, the possible modifications of the input
motion to the equipment due to the mass loading of the equipment on its mounting structure
should be included. The corrected input motion is given by Equation (6.20). For all vibration
testing, one of the procedures summarized in Sections 6.5.2 through 6.5.5 should be employed
to account for mass loading effects. Multi-Mode Responses. If the final predictions produce response values only for
individual, widely-spaced modes, the multi-modal response of the equipment at two or more
natural frequencies should be computed to obtain more accurate estimates for the overall
dynamic response. The overall standard deviation of the modal stresses can be estimated by
taking the square root of the sum of squares of the standard deviations of the stresses for each
natural frequency, that is


where M is the number of natural frequencies of the equipment with a substantial response to
the excitation.

March 13, 2001 Combined Loads. The low frequency loads detailed in Section 8.1 usually do not
produce a substantial dynamic stress in space vehicle equipment items and, hence, normally do
not have to be considered in the final design of equipment items for their high frequency vibration
environment, except perhaps as an added static load, as discussed in Section However,
there are exceptions, in particular when an equipment item is sufficiently large to have a
dominant normal mode below about 50 Hz, i.e., in a frequency range where a dominant normal
mode can be excited by both low and high frequency excitations as defined in Section 3. In such
cases, the predicted high frequency vibration responses must be combined with the predicted
responses to the low frequency loads detailed in Section 8.1 to arrive at a final design
requirement. Static Loads. Static loads can also increase the possibility of an equipment failure
due to high frequency dynamic excitations if the static load is large compared to the vibration
experienced by the equipment. Included here are the peak loads due to the low frequency
dynamic responses, since they will appear to the equipment as a repeated, momentary static
load. The influence of the static load on the probability of failure is heavily dependent on the
mode of failure [8.18, 8.25]. Their possible influence on the total stress should be considered,
although in most cases, they can be accounted for by appropriate design and test margins.

8.2.3 Design and Test Margins. Because of the difficulties in applying analytical methods
to high frequency random vibration problems, it is unusual to specify a design margin for high
frequency loads. However, it is common practice to specify a test margin. The minimum design
criteria (explicit or implied) is usually the same as the prototype (qualification) test criteria. Test
margins may vary widely between organizations and even programs, but two key test criteria
documents for space vehicles, one issued by NASA [8.12] and the other issued by USAF [8.26],
give the test level margins summarized in Table 8.8 for both high frequency random vibration
and acoustic tests. A third key document issued by NASA GSFC [8.27] presents test criteria
that are broadly consistent with [8.12]. NASA defines flight acceptance (FA), protoflight, and
qualification (prototype) test level margins relative to the maximum expected environment
(MEE), as given in Table 8.8, but specifies that the test levels shall also envelope minimum
workmanship levels. NASA minimum workmanship random vibration levels are given in Table
8.9 for components (units) with a mass of less than 50 kg (110 pounds). NASA minimum
workmanship acoustic levels are 138 dB overall, with the test spectrum shape identical to the
expected flight spectrum for all hardware levels of assembly. USAF [8.26] defines FA test level
margins relative to the MEE, and protoflight and prototype (qualification) test level margins
relative to the FA, as given in Table 8.8, but specifies that FA test levels shall also envelope
minimum workmanship levels. USAF minimum workmanship random vibration levels are given
in Table 8.10 for units (components) with a mass of less than 23 kg (50 pounds) and for
vehicles of any mass. USAF minimum workmanship acoustic levels are given in Table 8.11 for
all hardware levels of assembly. For both NASA and the USAF, the maximum expected
environment is determined using a 95/50 normal tolerance limit, as defined in Section 6.1.2.

The test level margins given in [8.12] are applicable to all NASA programs. For non-NASA
programs, the test level margins given in [8.12] are recommended as the minimum acceptable
margins. Higher margins might be used if justified by specific program requirements, but
margins in excess of those specified in [8.26] are not recommended. Also, as mentioned in
Section 8.1.5, if a design margin is specified, and if the test criteria (including the test tolerances
detailed in Section 10) exceed the design criteria, then the design criteria should be increased to
at least equal or exceed the prototype or protoflight test criteria so as to avoid the possibility of
producing hardware that might satisfy the design criteria but fail the prototype or protoflight test.

March 13, 2001

TABLE 8.8. Summary of High Frequency Random Vibration

and Acoustic Test Level Margins.

Type of Test NASA-STD-7001 [8.12] MIL-STD-1540C [8.26]

Prototype (Qualification) MEE* + 3 dB** FA + 6 dB
Protoflight MEE* + 3 dB** FA + 3 dB
Flight Acceptance (FA) MEE* - 3 dB** MEE* + 0 dB**
* Maximum expected environment defined by 95/50 normal tolerance limit
(see Section 6.1.2).
** But not less than a specified minimum workmanship level.

TABLE 8.9. NASA Component Minimum Workmanship Random

Vibration Test Levels [8.12].

Units with a Mass Less than 50 kg

Minimum Power Spectral
Frequency, Hz
Density, g2/Hz
20 0.01
20 to 80 +3 dB/octave slope
80 to 500 0.04
500 to 2000 -3 dB/octave slope
2000 0.01
Overall 6.8 grms

TABLE 8.10. USAF Minimum Workmanship Random Vibration

Test Levels [8.26].

(mass less than 23 kg) Vehicles

Frequency, Hz Minimum Level Frequency, Hz Minimum Level

20 0.0053 20 0.002
20 to 150 +3 dB/octave slope 20 to 100 +3 dB/octave slope
150 to 600 0.04 100 to 1000 0.01
600 to 2000 -6 dB/octave slope 1000 to 2000 -6 dB/octave slope
2000 0.0036 2000 0.0025
Overall 6.1 grms Overall 3.8 grms

March 13, 2001

TABLE 8.11. USAF Minimum Workmanship Acoustic Test Levels [8.26].

Units and Vehicles

1/3 Octave Band Minimum Sound 1/3 Octave Band Minimum Sound
Center Frequency, Pressure Level, Center Frequency, Pressure Level,
Hz dB Hz dB
31 121 630 125
40 122 800 124
50 123 1000 123
63 124 1250 122
80 125 1600 121
100 125.7 2000 120
125 126.5 2500 119
160 126.7 3150 118
200 127 4000 117
250 127 5000 116
315 126.7 6300 115
400 126.5 8000 114
500 125.7 10000 113
Overall 138 dB

The durations for high frequency vibration and acoustic tests specified in [8.12, 8.26] are
summarized in Table 8.12. The test durations specified in [8.12], which include a test margin,
should be considered the minimum acceptable test durations. However, if the equivalent duration
of the environment computed using the procedures in Section 7.3 exceeds the requirements in
[8.12], a longer test duration should be considered. Also, the retest criteria in [8.26] apply.

TABLE 8.12. Summary of High Frequency Random Vibration

and Acoustic Test Durations.

Type of Test* NASA-STD-7001 [8.12] MIL-STD-1540C [8.26]

Single mission: 2 min. For units: 3 min.
Prototype (Qualification)
N missions: 2 + 0.5N min. For vehicles: 2 min.
For units: 3 min.
Protoflight 1 min.
For vehicles: 2 min.
Flight Acceptance 1 min. 1 min.
*For uniaxial vibration tests, the specified test durations apply to the individual tests along each of
the three orthogonal axes. For simultaneous three-axis vibration tests and acoustic tests, the
specified durations apply to the total test.

8.3 High Frequency Transient Responses. As discussed in Section 5.3, the high
frequency transient responses of spacecraft structures are due primarily to the activation of
pyrotechnic (explosive) devices. Assuming no net velocity change occurs, such transients,
commonly referred to as pyroshocks, produce little low frequency energy. Hence, they pose no
significant damage threat to the basic spaceraft structure beyond that localized damage the
pyrotechnic device is intended to produce. The primary design concerns associated with
pyroshocks involve the equipment items that are mounted on the spacecraft structure.

March 13, 2001

The maximum expected environments for pyroshock excitations to equipment are usually
defined in terms of a maximax shock response spectrum (SRS), as discussed in Section 6,
which in turn is computed from response predictions, as detailed in Section 5.3. These
maximax SRS are needed to establish test criteria for equipment mounted on the spacecraft
structure. However, they are less useful for design purposes. Specifically, for equipment items
that have a first natural frequency below 500 Hz, the predicted responses of the equipment
structure will generally correspond to stresses well below those needed to cause a failure, even
though small elements in the equipment with resonance frequencies above 1 kHz may fail. To
be more specific, the primary threat posed by pyroshocks is to small elements, primarily in
optical and electronic equipment, that are composed of brittle materials such as glass or
ceramics. Pyroshocks have also been known to cause malfunctions of surface mounted
elements on electronic circuit boards and computer memory elements. At the time this
document was written, the prediction procedures in Section 5.3 do not provide sufficient detail to
establish the local inputs to those small elements in the equipment that are most vulnerable to
high frequency transient excitations. However, with the rapidly increasing capabilities of
computer hardware and software, it is possible that finite element method (FEM) models may be
developed in the future that can successfully predict these local inputs with sufficient accuracy
for design applications.

8.3.1 General Design Considerations. Although there are no accurate analytical

procedures for the design of equipment for pyroshock environments at this time, general design
guidelines are presented in [8.28]. Also, considerable insight into good design practices can be
gained from studies of documented pyroshock failures, for example, [8.29, 8.30]. Those
involved in the design of equipment for pyroshock environments should acquaint themselves
with these references, as well as any other documented studies of confirmed pyroshock induced
equipment failures. A few of the more important general design guidelines that have evolved
from experience are as follows:

a. Always mount equipment that is sensitive to high frequency excitations, particularly

optical and electronic equipment, as far away as feasible from pyrotechnic devices.

b. Referring to Figure 5.8, if there is a choice, avoid locating sensitive equipment on

structures that provide a good transmission path for high frequency energy, for example,
honeycomb structures.

c. Referring to Section, if there is a choice, attempt to locate sensitive equipment

on structures that are separated from pyrotechnic devices by structural joints and/or

d. When feasible, avoid hard-mounting elements composed of brittle materials to the

basic structure of the equipment.

In summary, the main defense against pyroshock induced flight failures is the careful testing
with an appropriate margin of individual equipment items using one of the laboratory simulation
procedures outlined in Section 10.4, and in particular, a full pre-flight system test in the
laboratory where all pyrotechnic devices are activated in sequence or in combination, as will
occur in flight.

8.3.2 Design and Test Margins. Since the design procedures for pyroshock environments
are generally qualitative, design margins are not applicable. However, test margins are common,
although they often vary widely between organizations and even between programs.
Nevertheless, specific test margins are recommended in two key environmental test criteria

March 13, 2001

documents for space vehicle equipment, one issued by NASA [8.31] and the other issued by
USAF [8.26], which give the test level margins for high frequency transient environments
summarized in Table 8.13. A third key document issued by NASA GSFC [8.27] presents test
criteria that are broadly consistent with [8.31]. The maximum expected environment in Table 8.13
(called the maximum expected flight level in [8.31]) is usually defined in terms of a shock
response spectrum (see Section 2.2.10). As for high frequency random vibration environments
discussed in Section 8.2.4, it is recommended that the maximum expected environment be
determined using a 95/50 normal tolerance limit, as defined in Section 6.1.2.

The test level margins given in [8.31] are applicable to all NASA programs. For non-NASA
programs, the test level margins given in [8.31] are recommended as the minimum acceptable
margins. Higher margins might be used if justified by specific program requirements, but
margins in excess of those specified in [8.26] are not recommended. Also, the retest criteria in
[8.26] apply.

TABLE 8.13. Summary of High Frequency Transient Test Margins.

Type of Test NASA-STD-7003 [8.31] MIL-STD-1540C [8.26]

FA + 6 dB
Prototype MEE* + 3 dB
3 applications in each direction per
(Qualification) 2 applications per axis
FA + 3 dB
MEE* + 3 dB
Protoflight 2 applications in each direction per
1 application per axis
MEE* + 0 dB MEE* + 0 dB
Flight Acceptance
1 application per axis 1 application in each direction per axis
* Maximum expected environment defined by 95/50 normal tolerance limit (see Section 6.1.2).

8.4 References

8.1 Ryan, R. S., “Structural Design/Margin Assessment,” NASA TP 3410, Sep. 1993.

8.2 Anon., “Loads Analysis of Spacecraft and Payloads,” NASA Technical Standard
NASA-STD-5002, June 21, 1996.

8.3 Anon., “Transportation and Handling Loads,” NASA SP-8077, Sep. 1977.

8.4 Anon., “Structural Design and Test Factors of Safety for Spaceflight Hardware,”
NASA Technical Standard NASA-STD-5001, June 21, 1996.

8.5 Anon., “Metallic Materials and Elements for Aerospace Vehicle Structures,” Military
Handbook MIL-HDBK-5G, Chge Notice 1, Dec. 1, 1995.

8.6 Anon., “Polymer Matrix Composites”, Military Handbook MIL-HDBK- 17D (Vol. I -
Guidelines; Vol. II - Material Properties; Vol. III - Data Utilization), Chge Notice 1,
Sep. 29, 1995.

8.7 Fuchs, H. O., and Stephens, R. I., Metal Fatigue in Engineering, Wiley, NY, 1980.

8.8 Trubert, M. R., “Mass Acceleration Curve for Spacecraft Structural Design,” JPL Pub.
D-5882, Nov. 1 ,1989.

March 13, 2001

8.9 Tanner, C. S., “Lessons Learned in Predicting Launch Vehicle Vibroacoustic

Environments,” Proc. 16th Aerospace Testing Sem., pp 129-135, Mar. 1996.

8.10 Chung, Y. T., and Foist, B. L., “Prediction of Payload Random Vibration Loads,”
Proc. 13th Intern. Modal Analysis Conf., pp 934-9940, Feb. 1995.

8.11 Leung, K., and Foist, B. L., “Prediction of Acoustically Induced Random Vibration
Loads for Shuttle Payloads,” AIAA Paper 95-1200-CP, 1995.

8.12 Anon., “Payload Vibroacoustic Test Criteria,” NASA Technical Standard NASA-STD-
7001, June 1996.

8.13 Hughes, W. O., McNelis, M. E., and Manning, J. E., “NASA LeRC’s Acoustic Fill
Effect Test Program and Results,” Proc., 15th Aerospace Testing Sem., Inst. Envir.
Sc., pp 205-221, Oct. l994. (Also Proc. 65th Shock and Vibration Symp., Vol. 1, pp
459-474, Nov. 1994.)

8.14 Anon., “Space Shuttle System Payload Accommodations,” NSTS 07700, Vol. XIV,
Rev. I, Sep. 16, 1986.

8.15 Barrett, S., “The Development of Sine Vibration Test Requirements for Viking Lander
Capsule Components,” Proc. 20th ATM, Inst. Envir. Sc., pp 77-82, 1974.

8.16 Blevins, R. D., “An Approximate Method for Sonic Fatigue Analysis of Plates and
Shells,” J. Sound and Vibration, Vol. 129, No. 1, pp. 51-71, 1989.

8.17 Bendat, J. S., and Piersol, A. G., Random Data: Analysis and Measurement
Procedures, 3nd ed., Wiley, NY, 2000.

8.18 Wirshing, P. H., Paez, T. L., and Ortiz, H., Random Vibrations: Theory and
Applications, Wiley, NY, 1995.

8.19 Hunt, F. V., "Stress and Strain Limits on the Attainable Velocity in Mechanical
Vibration,” J. Acoust. Soc. Amer., Vol. 32, No. 9, pp 1123-1128, 1960.

8.20 Ungar, E. E., "Maximum Stresses in Beams and Plates Vibrating at Resonance,”
Trans. ASME, J. Engrg Ind., Vol. 82B, No. 1, pp 149-155, 1962.

8.21 Crandall, S. H., "Relation between Strain and Velocity in Resonant Vibration,” J.
Acoust. Soc. Amer., Vol. 34, No. 12, pp 1960-1961, 1962.

8.22 Gaberson, H. A., and Chalmers, R. H., "Modal Velocity as a Criterion of Shock
Severity,” Shock and Vibration Bull., No. 40, Pt 2, pp 31-40, 1969.

8.23 Papoulis, A., "Narrow-Band Systems and Gaussianity,” RADC-TR-71-225, Rome Air
Dev. Ctr, Griffis AFB, NY, 1971.

8.24 Brown, W. G., and Ikegami, R., "The Fatigue Life Of Aluminum Alloys Subjected to
Random Loading,” SCL-CR-69-164, Sandia National Labs, Livermore, CA, 1969.

8.25 Piersol, A. G., “Study of the Interaction of Combined Static and Dynamic Loads,” J.
Sound Vib., Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 319-332, 1968.

March 13, 2001

8.26 Anon, “Military Standard: Test Requirements for Launch, Upper-Stage, and Space
Vehicles,” MIL-STD-1540C, 1994.

8.27 Milne, J. S., “General Environmental Verification for STS & ELV Payloads,
Subsystems, and Components,” NASA GSFC Doc. GEVS-SE, Rev. A, 1996.

8.28 Bement, L. J., and Schimmel, M. L., “A Manual for Pyrotechnic Design, Development
and Qualification”, NASA TM 110172, June 1995.

8.29 Moening, C. J., “A View of the World of Pyroshock”, Institute of Environmental

Sciences Pyrotechnic Shock Tutorial Program, 31 ATM, Inst. Envir. Sc., 1985.

8.30 Moening, C. J., “Pyrotechnic Shock Flight Failures”, Shock and Vibration Bull., No.
56, Part 3, pp. 3-28, 1986..

8.31 Anon., “Pyroshock Test Criteria,” NASA Technical Standard NASA-STD-7003, May

March 13, 2001


There are many considerations involved in the selection and performance of appropriate
dynamic tests for space vehicle hardware including, (a) the purpose of the test, (b) the event(s)
simulated by the test, (c) the level of assembly to be tested, (d) the type of simulation used for
the test, (e) test fixtures, and (f) the determination of a failure during test. For a few long
duration events, such as pre-flight transportation, there is an additional consideration, namely,
the possible use of accelerated testing procedures. The type of dynamic tests to be performed
and the criteria for the tests are heavily dependent upon these considerations.

9.1 Test Purpose. Dynamic tests are commonly divided into six broad categories [9.1],
namely, (a) development tests, (b) qualification tests, (c) acceptance tests, (d) screening tests,
(e) statistical reliability tests, and (f) reliability growth tests. Development tests support the
design effort and may involve something as simple as determining the dominant resonance
frequency of a constituent component of a space vehicle, or a substantially more elaborate test
to determine the normal modes and damping of a space vehicle structure for use in analytical
models, as discussed in Section 5.1.5. In any case, such tests are too specific to be covered by
a general test specification and, hence, are not addressed in this document. Screening,
statistical reliability, and reliability growth tests apply to mass-produced hardware. Since space
vehicle hardware is rarely mass-produced, they are also omitted from consideration. On the
other hand, space vehicles are sometimes constructed from one-of-a-kind hardware, where the
purposes of the qualification and acceptance tests must be combined into a single test
performed on flight hardware. Such a test is referred to as a "protoflight test".

9.1.1 Qualification Tests. The purpose of a qualification test is to demonstrate with margin
that a hardware design is adequate to perform as are required throughout the mission (pre-flight
and flight) environmental exposures. It is usually applied to a single item of prototype hardware
that will not be flown, and is commonly a contractual requirement where a well documented test
specification is involved. Developmental tests are sometimes carried out on prototype hardware
to identify and correct design problems before the formal qualification test is performed. Also,
qualification test requirements might be based upon a general environmental test specification,
e.g., NASA GEVS-SE [9.2]. However, contracts usually allow deviations from the specified test
levels and/or durations in general environmental test documents, if it can be established that
different test conditions would be more suitable for the given hardware. In any case, the basic
purpose of a qualification test requires that the test conditions conservatively simulate the basic
characteristics of the anticipated dynamic excitations in the service environments.

In earlier days when test facilities were more limited, it was argued that a dynamic environment
for aerospace hardware could be simulated for qualification test purposes in terms of the
damaging potential of the environment, without the need for fidelity of the test excitation to the
detailed characteristics of the environment [9.3], e.g., the random vibration during liftoff could be
simulated with a swept sinusoidal vibration designed to produce the same mechanical damage.
Such equivalent damage concepts require the assumption of a specific mode of failure and a
damage model to arrive at an appropriate excitation level and duration [9.4]. Since the assumed
mode of failure and damage model might be incorrect for the equipment of interest, there is a
substantial increase in the risk that the resulting test criteria will severely undertest or overtest
the equipment. With the increasing size and flexibility of modern test facilities, the use of
equivalent damage concepts to arrive at test criteria is rarely required and is not recommended.
Specifically, when feasible, qualification tests should be performed using an excitation that has
the same basic characteristics as the dynamic environment of concern, e.g., random vibration
environments should be simulated with random vibration excitations, transient environments
should be simulated with transient excitations of similar duration, etc.

March 13, 2001

As previously discussed in Section 8.1.5, the qualification of large space vehicle structures is
often accomplished by analysis coupled with static load tests. The analysis procedures used for
this approach to the qualification of space vehicle structures, including the use of data from
normal mode and static load tests, are detailed in Section 5.1.

9.1.2 Acceptance Tests. An acceptance test is applied to all items of flight hardware,
whose design integrity has previously been verified by a qualification test on a prototype item.
The goal is to detect workmanship errors and/or material defects in the manufacture and
assembly of the hardware, and to demonstrate that the hardware is representative of the
qualified design. There are two basic approaches to acceptance testing for dynamic
environments. The first approach is to devise a test that will quickly reveal common
workmanship errors and/or material defects as determined from prior experience and studies of
failure data for similar hardware, independent of the dynamic excitations in the service
environments. For example, if a specific type of electrical equipment has a history of
malfunctions induced by scrap-wire or poorly soldered wire junctions, then the application of a
sinusoidal vibration at the resonance frequencies of wire bundles will quickly reveal such
problems and, hence, constitutes a good test excitation even though there may be no sinusoidal
vibrations in the service environment. The second and more common approach for space
vehicle hardware is to apply an excitation that simulates the dynamic environments anticipated
during service, similar to the qualification test, but usually at a less conservative (lower) level
and a shorter duration.

9.1.3 Protoflight Tests. A protoflight test is applied to one-of-a-kind flight hardware to

meet the goals of both qualification and acceptance testing. For space vehicle hardware, the
criteria for such tests are commonly the same as for a qualification test, except the test level
and/or duration are reduced to minimize possible wearout damage to the hardware.

9.2 Events Producing Dynamic Excitations. From Section 3, the dynamic excitations
experienced by a space vehicle during various pre-flight and flight events, and the basic
characteristics of these dynamic excitations, are summarized in Table 9.1. Of course, all the
dynamic excitations in Table 9.1 should be predicted and evaluated, but the excitations followed
by an asterisk usually determine the test criteria. Note that the excitations followed by a double
asterisk (transportation, pogo, resonant burning, meteoroid impacts, and soil penetration) could
be the dominant dynamic excitations, if they occur.

9.2.1 Short Duration Events. The events listed in Table 9.1 produce relatively short
duration dynamic excitations (i.e., excitations with a duration of less than a few minutes), with
three exceptions as follows:

a. The vibration and/or acoustic pressure excitations produced during pre-flight

transportation of the vehicle or its constituent hardware.

b. The fluctuating pressure excitation produced by the wind on the launch pad prior to

c. The vibration produced by onboard equipment operations during flight.

March 13, 2001

The other events in Table 9.1 produce dynamic excitations that are sufficiently short in duration to
be simulated in real-time without causing unreasonable test durations, as discussed in Section 7.

TABLE 9.1. Summary of Dynamic Excitations During Various Events.

Event Source of Dynamic Load Basic Characteristics of Dynamic Load
Transportation** Various 3.1
Seismic loads** Low frequency mechanical transient 3.2
Wind on launch pad Low frequency fluctuating pressure 3.3
Motor ignition overpressure* Low frequency pressure transient 3.4
Liftoff Liftoff release* Low frequency mechanical transient 3.5
Engine/motor acoustic noise* Broadband random acoustic pressure 3.6
Wind during ascent Low freq. random fluctuating pressure 3.3
Structureborne noise Broadband random mechanical vibration 3.7
Aerodynamic noise Broadband random fluctuating pressure
(including vent noise)* and possible periodic pressure 3.8
Ascent Engine/motor thrust transients Low frequency mechanical transient 3.9
Thrust vector loads Low frequency mechanical transient 3.10
Pogo** Low freq. periodic mechanical vibration 3.11
Motor resonant burning** Mid freq. periodic mechanical vibration 3.12
Fuel slosh in tanks Low freq. random fluctuating pressure 3.13
Stage and fairing separations* Low frequency mechanical transient 3.14
Pyrotechnic events* High frequency mechanical transient 3.15
In-flight operations Low frequency mechanical transients 3.16
Onboard equip. operations Various 3.17
Meteoroid impacts** High frequency mechanical transients 3.20
Wind during entry Low freq. random fluctuating pressure 3.3
Aerodynamic noise Broadband random fluctuating pressure 3.8
Planetary descent and entry** Broadband random fluctuating pressure 3.18
Soil penetration** Low frequency mechanical transient 3.19
* Usually the dominant excitations for a normal flight.
** Could be the dominant excitations if they occur.

9.2.2 Long Duration Events. The three long duration events in Table 9.1, as listed in Section
9.2.1, may have a duration that is too long to be simulated by a real-time test. Assuming the
magnitude of the dynamic excitations produced by the long duration events is less than the
magnitude of the maximum excitation produced by flight events, the tests for the dynamic
excitations produced by these long duration events might be accelerated using the procedures
applied in Section 7.3. Specifically, under appropriate assumptions, the times required to produce
equivalent fatigue damage in (a) the dynamic test, and (b) the dynamic environment, are related by


where σt and σe are the standard deviations of the dynamic excitations during the test and the
service environment, respectively, Tt and Te are the durations of the dynamic excitations during
the test and the service environment, respectively, and b is a fatigue-related material constant
(see Section 7.1.2). If the dynamic excitations for the test and the environment are defined in
terms of autospectra, Equation (9.1) becomes

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Again from Section 7.1.2, values of b = 4 for equipment and b = 8 for load carrying structures
are recommended in these relationships, although larger values of b can be used if justified by a
careful evaluation of the hardware to be tested.

Equation (9.1) or (9.2) can be used to accelerate a dynamic test simulating a long duration
environment under the following important restrictions:

a. The test level for the accelerated vibration and/or acoustic test must never exceed, at
any frequency, the maximum expected environment determined in Section 6.

b. The accelerated test should be used only to evaluate the durability of structures where
a fatigue damage model applies; no operation or functional performance of the hardware being
tested should be required.

9.3 Level of Assembly. From Section 2.3, there are five basic levels of assembly for space
vehicle hardware ranging from individual parts to an entire system (space vehicle). Of course, the
parts and subassemblies that form a unit (component) will be naturally tested when the
component is tested for its anticipated dynamic excitations. Similarly, all components are
naturally tested when dynamic tests are performed on the final subsystems and/or system.
Nevertheless, because of the long lead times necessary to design and fabricate the parts,
subassemblies, components, and subsystems used to produce a system, the hardware items at
each level of assembly are usually tested separately to provide confidence that they will function
properly at the next level of assembly. However, the types of dynamic excitations of concern from
a testing viewpoint are different for different levels of assembly. For example, the lowest
resonance frequency for parts and subassemblies is usually well above 50 Hz, meaning they see
the low frequency dynamic excitations in Table 9.1 essentially as static loads that are easily
simulated using a centrifuge. Also, parts, subassemblies, and components will experience
vibration excitations caused by the aeroacoustic excitation of the structures that support them, but
because of their relatively small size, usually will not respond to the direct aeroacoustic pressures
over their surfaces.

Based upon the above considerations, the dominant dynamic excitations identified in Table 9.1
(those followed by a single asterisk) that are of concern in arriving at dynamic test criteria at each
level of assembly are broadly summarized in Table 9.2. It should be emphasized that the list of
excitations for each level of assembly in Table 9.2 is very general and might be incomplete in
certain situations. For example, a component that has a large surface area, but is light in weight,
might be susceptible to substantial dynamic excitation from the direct impingement of acoustic
noise over its exterior surface, as well as the aeroacoustic-induced vibration of its supporting
structure. Also, the excitations identified with a double asterisk in Table 9.1 are excluded but
must be considered if they might occur. The dynamic environment for every system and its
constituent elements must be carefully evaluated to establish the excitations that are relevant at
each level of assembly.

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TABLE 9.2. Dominant Dynamic Loads that Drive Test Criteria Versus Level of Assembly.

Level of Prediction
Dynamic Load Driving Test Criteria
Assembly (Section)
1. Vibration produced by engine/motor acoustic noise
Parts during liftoff and/or aerodynamic noise during
and transonic and max q flight.
Subassemblies 2. Mechanical transients produced by pyrotechnic
1 Mechanical transients produced by stage and fairing 5.1
Unit 2. Vibration produced by engine/motor acoustic noise 5.1
(Components, during liftoff and/or aerodynamic noise during
Equipment) transonic and max q flight.
3. Mechanical transients produced by pyrotechnic 5.3
1. Mechanical transients produced by motor ignition 5.1
overpressure and liftoff release.
2. Engine/motor acoustic pressures. 4.3, 4.5
3. Aerodynamic fluctuating pressures during transonic 4.4
Subsystems and/or max q flight.
4. Mechanical transients produced by stage and 5.1
fairing separations.
5. Mechanical transients produced by pyrotechnic 5.3
events, if feasible.
1. Pressure transient produced by motor ignition 4.1
2. Mechanical transient produced by liftoff release. 5.1
3. Engine/motor acoustic pressures. 4.3, 4.5
Systems 4. Aerodynamic fluctuating pressures during transonic 4.4
(Vehicles) and/or max q flight.
5. Mechanical transients produced by stage and fairing 5.1
6. Mechanical transients produced by pyrotechnic 5.3
events, if feasible.

9.4 Types of Simulation. There are certain types of dynamic tests where the test
excitation need not resemble the anticipated dynamic excitations during flight. For example,
swept-sine excitations are commonly used for development tests performed to determine the
basic dynamic characteristics of a test item (see Section 5.1.5). Low frequency swept-sine or
dwell-sine tests are sometimes also used in lieu of static loads tests for structural integrity
verification (see Section 8.1.5). However, for dynamic environments qualification, acceptance,
and protoflight tests of space vehicle hardware, there is a broad consensus that the test
excitations should simulate the basic characteristics, as well as the magnitudes and durations,
of the dynamic excitations anticipated during flight, as discussed in Section 9.1.1. This means
that sine-wave tests should be used to simulate only those flight environments that are
approximately periodic in character. A few examples are as follows:

a. Resonant burning of rocket engines/motors, usually during ascent.

b. Vehicle pogo and other limit cycle instabilities of vehicle, usually during ascent.

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c. Aeroacoustic instabilities such as payload bay or fairing vent noise during ascent.

d. Periodic excitations due to onboard rotating equipment in payloads during in-flight


Since the above environments are rare, the vast majority of the testing of space vehicle
hardware at all levels of assembly (see Table 9.2) should be accomplished using stationary
random or transient excitations, i.e., no sine-wave excitations, with the possible exception
discussed in Section 9.4.1.

9.4.1 Swept-Sine Excitations to Simulate Transients. Low level sine-wave excitations are
commonly used in various types of development tests, as discussed earlier in Section 9.1.
There are situations where more intense sine-wave excitations are sometimes used for
qualification and protoflight testing of space vehicle hardware, even though the dynamic
exicitation being simulated is not periodic. In particular, the liftoff transient due to both the motor
ignition overpressure and the liftoff release (see Section 5.1) is often simulated at the
subsystem and system assembly level using a swept-sine vibration test [9.2, 9.5 - 9.7] over a
frequency range up to about 50 to 100 Hz. The swept-sine excitation is achieved by driving an
electrodynamic or hydraulic shaker with an oscillator, where the frequency of the oscillator is
increased in a linear or logarithmic manner. The magnitude and sweep rate for the resulting
vibration are selected supposedly to cause the hardware response to be similar to the response
predicted for the transient. A common procedure to derive such a test is as follows:

a. A shock response spectrum (SRS) for the transient to be simulated is computed using a
damping ratio ζ (see Section 2.2.10) that is similar to the anticipated damping ratio of the test item.

b. The magnitude of the SRS at each natural frequency is divided by Q = 1/(2ζ) to obtain
an envelope that defines the peak values for a swept-sine test.

c. The sweep rate for the swept-sine test is selected to cause approximately the same
number of vibration cycles at each frequency that is anticipated due to the transient being
simulated [9.7]. It should be mentioned that this limitation on the number of vibration cycles at
each frequency is sometimes difficult to achieve with a reasonable sweep rate.

d. To avoid overtesting, the envelope of the peak values for the swept-sine test
determined in Step b. are often limited to the maximum response values at significant modes of
the test item based upon analytical predictions.

The use of a swept-sine excitation to simulate a transient excitation can result in the unique
situation of causing a simultaneous undertest and overtest of the hardware. The undertest is
due to exciting only one hardware resonance at a time during the sweep-sine test, as opposed
to the simultaneous excitation of multiple resonances of the hardware, as would be induced by
the transient excitation. The potential overtest is due to applying a larger number of stress
cycles to the hardware during the swept-sine test than occurs during the transient excitation. Of
course, the amount of overtesting can be reduced by increasing the sweep rate, as detailed in
[9.7]. Also, swept-sine excitation is performed closed-loop, whereas direct transient tests
currently must usually be performed open-loop. Nevertheless, it is recommended that the
practice of using swept-sine tests to simulate low frequency transient excitations for qualification
test purposes be phased-out in favor of direct transient tests, as detailed in Section 10.2.

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9.4.2 Multiple-Axis Excitations. The dynamic environments for space vehicle hardware
are typically multiple-axis, i.e., the excitations occur simultaneously along all three orthogonal
axes of the hardware. Acoustic tests naturally simulate a multiple-axis excitation, but shock and
vibration test facilities are commonly uniaxial (see Section 10). Multiple axis test facilities
designed to simulate low frequency shock and vibration environments (generally below 50 Hz),
such as earthquake motions, are widely available [9.8]. Also, multiple-axis vibration test
facilities have been developed for higher frequency shock and vibration excitations (up to 2 kHz)
[9.9, 9.10]. For space vehicle hardware, however, it is more common to perform shock and
vibration tests using machines that apply the excitation sequentially along one axis at a time.
The potential error caused by simulating a multiple-axis shock and/or vibration excitation with
sequentially applied single-axis excitations is widely debated and the subject of ongoing study
[9.11]. Due to the relatively high cost of such facilities, their use for the shock and/or vibration
testing of space vehicle hardware is not considered essential at this time. However, if such
facilities are available, their use is recommended.

9.5 Test Fixtures. Acoustic tests of space vehicle hardware generally require no special
fixtures. However, for almost all shock and vibration tests, a fixture between the test item and
the test machine is required because the mounting hole locations on the test item and the test
machine table probably do not correspond. For the usual case where the test machine
generates rectilinear motion normal to the table surface, a test fixture is also necessary to
reorient the test item relative to the table so that vibratory motion can be delivered along the
lateral axes of the test item, i.e., the axes parallel to the plane of the test item mounting points.
This requires a versatile test fixture between the table and the test item, or perhaps three
different test fixtures.

9.5.1 Small Test Items. For test items that are small relative to the test machine table,
excitation along the vertical axis of the test item can be applied by attaching the test item to the
test machine table through a thin mounting plate with hole patterns appropriate for both the test
item and the table. To deliver excitation along the lateral axes of the test item, "L-shaped" test
fixtures with side gussets are commonly used, as illustrated in Figure 9.1. Unless designed with
great care, such fixtures are likely to have resonances in the test frequency range. In principle,
the resulting spectral peaks and valleys due to fixture resonances can be flattened out by the
electronic equalization of the test machine table motion (see Section, but this is difficult
to accomplish if the damping of the fixture is low. The best approach is to design the fixture to
have few or, if possible, no resonances in the test frequency range. The design of good shock
and vibration test fixtures is an important engineering effort that deserves careful attention [9.3,
9.12, 9.13].

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Front View Side View

Test Fixture

Test Item

Test Machine Table

FIGURE 9.1. Typical Fixture for Shock and Vibration Testing of Small Test Items
Along their Lateral Axes.

9.5.2 Large Test Items. For test items that are large relative to the test machine table,
expansion fixtures that are supported from above to help carry the weight of the test item are
often used to apply excitation along the vertical axis, as illustrated in Figure 9.2. Excitation
along the lateral axes is commonly achieved by mounting the test item on a horizontal plate
driven by the test machine rotated into the horizontal plane, where the plate is separated from
the flat opposing surface of a massive block by an oil film or hydrostatic oil bearings, as shown
in Figure 9.3. The oil film or hydrostatic bearings provide little shearing restraint, but give great
stiffness normal to the surface, the stiffness being distributed uniformly over the complete
horizontal area. Accordingly, a relatively light moving plate can be vibrated that has the
properties of the massive rigid block in the direction normal to its plane.

Flexible Supports

Test Item

Expansion Fixture Test Machine Table

FIGURE 9.2. Typical Fixture for Shock and Vibration Testing of Large Test Items
Along their Vertical Axis.

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Test Machine
Table Test Item

Oil Film or


Isolated Foundation

FIGURE 9.3. Typical Fixture for Shock and Vibration Testing of Large Test Items
Along their Lateral Axes.

9.6 Determination of Test Failures. In all dynamic tests of space vehicle hardware, it is
important to carefully establish what types of hardware malfunctions or deterioration of
performance will be considered a failure. This determination depends heavily on the purpose of
the test and sometimes the judgments of the customer who is purchasing the hardware. The
recommended rules for defining failures as a function of the type of test are summarized in
Table 9.3.

Beyond the general definitions in Table 9.3, more specific definitions of what constitutes a test
failure must be established and specified for qualification and protoflight tests, including the

a. If a fatigue crack forms in the hardware structure that does not propagate to a fracture
within the duration of the test, whether the mere existence of a fatigue crack constitutes a
failure, or a crack with a specific length is needed to constitute a failure, must be specified.

b. If there is measurable deterioration in the performance of electrical, electronic, and/or

optical hardware during the test, the exact degree of deterioration that constitutes a failure must
be specified.

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TABLE 9.3. General Definition of Failures for Various Types of Tests.

Type of Test Definition of Failure

Any malfunction that is the direct result of a design deficiency only.
Qualification All malfunctions that are clearly due to a workmanship error or
material defect should be repaired and the test should be continued.
Any malfunction that is due to a workmanship error or material defect.
Since the hardware has already passed a qualification test prior to
acceptance tests, there should be no failures related to a design
Any malfunction due to either a design deficiency, or a workmanship
error or material defect. However, all malfunctions that are clearly
due to a workmanship error or material defect should be repaired and
the test should be continued.

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9.7 References

9.1 Piersol, A. G., "Test Criteria and Specifications,” Ch. 20, Shock and Vibration
Handbook (Ed: C. M. Harris), 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, NY, 1995.

9.2 Milne, J. S., “General Environmental Verification for STS & ELV Payloads,
Subsystems, and Components,” NASA GSFC Doc. GEVS-SE, Rev. A, 1996.

9.3 Curtis, A. J., Tinling, N. G.,and Abstein, H. T., “Selection and Performance of
Vibration Tests,” SVM-8, Shock and Vibration Info. Analysis Ctr, Arlington, VA ,

9.4 Fackler, W. C., “Equivalence Techniques for Vibration Testing,” SVM-9, Shock and
Vibration Info. Analysis Ctr, Arlington, VA , 1972.

9.5 Barrett, S., “The Development of Sine Vibration Test Requirements for Viking Lander
Capsule Components,” Proc. 20th ATM, Inst. Envir. Sc., pp 77-82, 1974.

9.6 Hine, M. J., “Evaluation of Conservatism in Low Frequency Vibration Test Control,”
Proc., 14th Aerospace Testing Sem., pp. 223 - 233, 1993.

9.7 Hine, M. J., “Swept Sine Vibration Test Conservatism,” J. Inst. Envir. Sc., Vol.
XXXVIII, No. 6, pp. 13 - 17, 1995

9.8 Shipway, G. D., and Kana, D. D., "Seismic Qualification of Equipment,” Chap. 24 , Pt
II, Shock and Vibration Handbook (Ed: C. M. Harris), 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, NY,

9.9 Freeman, M. T., “3-Axis Vibration Test System Simulates Real World,” Test Engrg
and Mgt, Vol. 52, No. 6, pp 10-14, 1990/1991.

9.10 Stroud, R. C., and Hamma, G. A., “Multiexciter and Multiaxis Vibration Exciter
Control System,” Sound and Vibration, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp 18-28, 1988.

9.11 Himelblau, H., Hine, M. J., Frydman, A., and Barrett, P. A., “Effects of Triaxial and
Uniaxial Random Excitation on the Vibration Response and Fatigue Damage of
Typical Spacecraft Hardware,” Proc. 66th Shock and Vibration Symp., Vol. I, pp 15 -
32, 1995.

9.12 Klee, B. J., Kimball, D. V., and Tustin, W., Vibration and Shock Test Fixture Design,
2nd ed., Tustin Technical Inst., Santa Barbara, CA, 1994.

9.13 Anon., “Vibration and Shock Test Fixturing”, IEST-RP-DTE013.1, Institute of

Environmental Sciences and Technology, Mount Prospect, IL, 1998

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The facilities and procedures used to perform qualification, acceptance, and protoflight dynamic
tests (as defined in Section 9.1) on space vehicle hardware are conveniently divided into five
categories, namely, those facilities and procedures appropriate for (a) low frequency vibration
tests, (b) low frequency transient tests, (c) high frequency vibration tests, (d) high frequency
transient tests, and (e) acoustic tests. Low frequency vibration and transient tests, as well as
acoustic tests, are usually performed only on entire space vehicles (payloads) or major
subsystems thereof, while high frequency vibration and transient tests are generally performed
only on space vehicle components or major subassemblies thereof. The criteria for these
various types of tests are detailed in Section 8.

It should be mentioned that the qualification of space vehicles for low frequency dynamic
excitations is often accomplished by analytical procedures rather than tests that simulate the
anticipated low frequency vibration and transient environments, as discussed in Section 8.1.
However, with the introduction of force limiting procedures (see Section 6.5.2), low frequency
dynamic tests, as outlined in Sections 10.1 and 10.2, are now more practical and less
threatening to flight vehicles.

10.1 Low Frequency Vibration Tests. Referring to Table 4.1, the low frequency vibration
environment for space vehicles or major subsystems thereof is due primarily to transportation,
wind on the launch pad, atmospheric turbulence and buffet during ascent and entry through the
atmosphere, and pogo during ascent. Depending upon the mode of transportation, some
periodic excitations may occur in transportation, but the dominant transportation vibration
excitations are usually random in character, as are wind, atmospheric turbulence, and buffet
excitations. Pogo is periodic, but its occurrence is launch vehicle specific. Hence, a random
excitation is usually desirable for low frequency vibration tests. However, the low frequency
vibration testing of space vehicle payloads is often accomplished using a swept-sine excitation
in order to also envelope the effects of the low frequency transient events, in spite of the
technical deficiencies described in Section 9.4.1. Whether a random or sine excitation is used,
the upper frequency limit for low frequency vibration tests varies depending upon the details of
the specific environments (see Table 3.1), but is usually 100 Hz or less. The lower frequency
limit for such tests is often determined by the low-frequency capabilities of the test facility.

10.1.1 Test Facility. There are two types of test facilities that are used to perform low
frequency vibration tests on space vehicles and/or major subsystems thereof, namely, (a)
electrodynamic vibration test systems and (b) hydraulic vibration test systems. Electrodynamic Vibration Test Systems. An electrodynamic vibration test system

consists of an electrodynamic vibration machine (shaker), an amplifier, including a field coil
power supply, a signal controller, and one or more acceleration monitoring transducers (control
accelerometers), as schematically illustrated in Figure 10.1. The shaker consists of a mounting
table for the test item that is rigidly attached to a drive coil armature whose movement is
restricted by bearings and flexures to rectilinear motion. The armature is surrounded by a large
electromagnetic field coil in the body of the shaker. The field coil power supply delivers the
current for the electromagnet (field current), and the amplifier provides the signal to the drive
coil (armature signal) that produces the desired motion of the shaker table. The controller
creates the armature signal needed to produce the desired shaker table motion by repeatedly
comparing the spectrum of the signal(s) from the control accelerometer(s) to a specified
reference spectrum and eliminating the discrepancies, as described in Section The
controller may further modify the armature signal to achieve force limiting, as discussed in

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Shaker Control
Table Accelerometer(s)

Armature Signal

Field Current Amplifier Controller


FIGURE 10.1. Diagram of Electrodynamic Vibration Test System.

Most electrodynamic vibration test systems can provide vibration excitations up to 2 kHz with no
significant shaker table resonances (table resonances below 2 kHz may occur if the test item and/
or its fixture are unusually heavy). The largest systems provide an rms force of about 50,000 lb
(222 kN). On the negative side, the maximum displacement of the shaker table is usually limited
to 2 inch, (±5 cm), which severely restricts the acceleration that can be delivered at frequencies
below 20 Hz. See [10.1] for details on the design features of typical electrodynamic vibration test
systems. It should be mentioned that multiple-axis electrodynamic vibration testing systems and
controllers have been developed that provide vibration excitations simultaneously along all three
orthogonal axes of a test item [10.2, 10.3]. If such a multiple-axis system is available and has an
adequate capacity, its use for low frequency vibration tests is recommended. Hydraulic Vibration Test Systems. The latest hydraulic vibration test systems
consist of a hydraulic vibration machine (shaker), a source of high pressure fluid flow (hydraulic
power supply), an electrical power supply (amplifier), an electrodynamic-controlled two-way
valve (valve), a controller, and one or more acceleration monitoring device(s) (control
accelerometers), as schematically illustrated in Figure 10.2. The shaker consists of a mounting
table for test items that is rigidly attached to a piston whose movement is intended to be
restricted to rectilinear motion. The piston is driven up or down by a fluid pressure generated by
a two-way valve on a hydraulic power supply, where the valve is driven by a small
electrodynamic shaker. An amplifier provides the field current to the valve electrodynamic
driver, as well as the armature signal that causes the valve to modulate the fluid flow as
required to produce the desired motion of the shaker table. The controller creates the armature
signal needed to produce the desired shaker table motion by repeatedly comparing the
spectrum of the signal(s) from the control accelrometer(s) to a specified reference spectrum and
eliminating discrepancies, described in Section The controller may further modify the
armature signal to achieve force limiting, as discussed in Section

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Shaker Control
Table Accelerometer(s)

Hydraulic Signal Two-Way Hydraulic

Valve Power Supply
Electrodynamic Amplifier

FIGURE 10.2. Diagram of Hydraulic Vibration Test System.

Due to fluid column resonances in the hydraulic lines, most hydraulic vibration test systems can
provide vibration excitations up to only about 100 Hz, although higher frequency systems have
been developed [10.4]. The largest systems can provide an rms force in excess of 50,000 lb
(222 kN). A major advantage of hydraulic vibration test systems is that they provide a better
performance than electrodynamic machines at frequencies below 20 Hz, primarily because they
can produce large displacements (several inches) and, hence, substantial accelerations at very
low frequencies. This fact makes hydraulic vibration test systems desirable for low frequency
vibration tests. See [10.1] for details on the design features of typical hydraulic vibration test

It should be mentioned that multiple-axis hydraulic vibration test systems have been developed
that provide vibration excitations simultaneously along all three orthogonal axes of a test item at
frequencies up to 500 Hz [10.4]. If such a multiple-axis system is available and has an
adequate capacity, its use for low frequency vibration tests is recommended. Controller for Vibration Test Systems. For random vibration tests, most modern
vibration test machine controllers operate broadly as follows:

a. The desired shaker table motion given in terms of a one-sided autospectrum (see
Section 2.2.3) in g2/Hz is entered into the controller, and is digitized into (N/2) + 1 spectral values
(the first value is at zero frequency) separated by a frequency increment of ∆f Hz to cover a
frequency range from 0 to (N/2)∆f Hz.

b. The controller multiplies the desired one-sided autospectrum of the table motion by ∆f,
computes the square root of the scaled autospectrum to obtain a series of (N/2) + 1 Fourier
coefficient magnitudes, denoted by |X(n∆f)|; n = 0, 1, ..., (N/2), and finally adds on an additional
N - 1 redundant Fourier coefficients [10.5] to obtain a two-sided array of N Fourier coefficient
magnitudes |X(n∆f)|; n = 0, 1, ..., N - 1.

c. The controller then assigns a phase φ(n∆f) to each Fourier coefficient magnitude to
obtain the complete Fourier coefficients X(n∆f); n = 0, 1, ..., N - 1, where the phase is randomly
selected from a uniform probability density function bounded by ±π, i.e., p(φ) = 1/(2π); -π ≤ φ ≤ π.

d. The Fourier coefficients computed in c. are inverse Fourier transformed using a fast
Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm [10.5] to obtain a time history, x(n∆t); n = 0, 1, ..., N - 1, called a
signal block, where ∆t = 1/(N∆f). The randomly selected phase angles assure that each signal
block will have a normal (Gaussian) distribution function [10.5]. The repeatedly computed signal

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blocks are appropriately tapered and overlapped to obtain one long time history signal without
truncation errors.

e. To correct for the nonuniform frequency response function of the shaker, the controller
generated signal is applied at a reduced level (usually 20 dB down from the desired test level) to
the shaker, and the autospectrum of the shaker table motion, as measured by the control
accelerometer(s), is computed. The computed autospectrum is compared to the desired
autospectrum, and the controller-generated Fourier coefficients are altered to make the
measured autospectrum agree with the desired autospectrum. This step is repeated as the test
level is increased (usually in 6 dB increments) until the desired autospectrum for the shaker
table motion is obtained, and is continued to maintain that desired autospectrum.

f. The frequency resolution of the signal generated by the controller, as given by ∆f =

1/(N∆t), is a key parameter that can be selected on most vibration test systems. This frequency
resolution selection directly impacts the time required for the controller to recompute a corrected
autospectrum, called the "loop time" of the controller.

For sinusoidal vibration tests involving either a dwell or swept-sine excitation [10.6], a sweep
oscillator with a feedback amplitude control can be used as the controller. Such an oscillator is
often incorporated in the controllers for random vibration tests. Dual Controllers (Motion and Force) for Vibration Test Systems. Most controllers
allow a second control signal from a second transducer to be processed and applied to limit the
spectral values of the primary control signal. This second control signal can be used to apply a
test item response limit on the shaker table motions that would otherwise be produced by the
primary input motion specification (see Section 6.5.4), but it can also be used to create an input
force limit (see Section 6.5.2). Ideally, the controller will allow a test item response or input
force specification, as well as the input motion specification, to be programmed so that the
output of a response transducer on the test item or the net output of force transducers between
the test item and the shaker table would be used directly to produce the second control signal.
However, older controllers, as well as some newer ones, do not allow two specifications with
different spectral shapes to be simultaneously programmed. This problem can be circumvented
by properly filtering a parallel signal from the controller to make it have the desired spectrum for
a test item response limit or input force limit signal, and then using this fabricated signal as the
second control signal [10.7]. See [10.8] for details on force limiting procedures.

10.1.2 Test Procedure. Assuming a uniaxial vibration test system is used, the general
procedure for performing low frequency vibration tests on space vehicles or major subsystems
thereof is as follows:

a. Attach the test item to the vibration test machine (see Section 10.1.1) using an
appropriate test fixture (see Section 9.5) and safety-approved procedures so as to provide the
desired vibration excitation along one of the three orthogonal axes of the test item. For those
cases where the low frequency vibration test specification includes input force limiting (see
Section 6.5.2), the test item should be mounted to the fixture through force transducers.

b. Attach one or more control accelerometers to the vibration test fixture at locations near
the input to the test item. For vibration excitations below 100 Hz, the vibration test machine
table and fixture should be sufficiently rigid to allow one control accelerometer to represent the
input motions at all mounting points of the test item, but even in this case, two control
accelerometers are often used to provide redundancy. If there is concern over the rigidity of the
test machine table and/or the test fixture, two or more control accelerometers mounted near

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individual equipment mounting points should be used. In this situation, it is recommended that
the average of the outputs of the two or more control accelerometers be used as the control
signal. An alternate procedure that is sometimes employed is to use the maximum output of the
two or more control accelerometers as the control signal. If test item response limiting is used,
the output of an accelerometer mounted at an appropriate response location on the test item
should be used as the response control signal. If input force limiting is used, the sum of the
outputs of the force transducers should be used as the force control signal.

c. For functional tests (see Section 7.3.2), power-up the test item to function as it would
during the exposure to the vibration excitations being simulated.

d. Apply stationary random and/or periodic vibration with the spectral levels (as modified
by the test item response or input force limits) determined in Section 6 and the duration
determined in Section 7 or 8, plus the margins detailed in Section 8.1.

e. During the test, accomplish the following:

1. record or make an on-line hard copy of the spectrum of the table motion as
measured by the control accelerometer, or the average of the control accelerometers if multiple
accelerometers are used for control purposes,

2. record or make an on-line hard copy of the spectra for other accelerometers
mounted on the test item and/or the force transducers between the test item and the test fixture,

3. monitor or record all relevant functional performance data for the test item, and

4. monitor and verify that the specified spectral levels (at frequencies where test item
response or input force limits do not prevail) have been achieved to within ±1.5 dB. If this
verification is accomplished using an independent spectrum analyzer, compute the average
spectrum for the control accelerometer(s) using the same resolution as the controller for the test

f. Terminate the test as follows:

1. after reaching the end of the test duration determined in Section 7 or 8,

2. when a relevant failure of the test item is identified (see Section 9.6), or

3. when there is an indication that the specified test level is being exceeded.

g. Assuming no failure occurs, reattach the test item to the vibration test machine using
an appropriate test fixture and safety-approved procedures so as to provide the vibration
excitation along the second of the three orthogonal axes of the test item, and repeat Steps b.
through f.

h. Again assuming no failure occurs and three-axis testing is required by the test
specification, reattach the test item to the vibration test machine using an appropriate test fixture
and safety-approved procedures so as to provide the vibration excitation along the third of the
three orthogonal axes of the test item, and repeat Steps b. through f.

If a multiple-axis vibration test facility is available, a customized test procedure must be

established that is appropriate for the specific test facility.

March 13, 2001

10.2 Low Frequency Transient Tests Referring to Table 4.1, low frequency transient tests
of space vehicles or major subsystems thereof are usually performed to simulate rocket motor
ignition overpressures, liftoff release, engine/motor thrust transients, vector induced loads, stage
and fairing separation, and perhaps transportation, seismic, in-flight operations, landing
(including soil penetration), and/or onboard equipment induced excitations. The upper
frequency limit for such transient tests varies depending on the details of the specific
environments (see Table 3.1), but is usually below 100 Hz.

10.2.1 Test Facility. The test facilities used to perform low frequency transient tests on
space vehicles and/or major subsystems thereof are the same as described for low frequency
vibration tests in Section 10.1.1. Hydraulic systems are often preferred because of their high
displacement capability, but large displacement electrodynamic shakers can also be used.
However, the controllers for low frequency transient tests are somewhat different from the type
of controller described for low frequency vibration tests in Section Controller for Low Frequency Transient Waveform Tests. For those low
frequency transient tests that simulate a specified transient waveform, most modern transient
test machine controllers operate broadly as follows:

a. The desired shaker table motion given in terms of a waveform x(t) in g versus time in
seconds is entered into the controller, and is digitized into N discrete values separated by a time
increment of ∆t sec to obtain x(n∆t); n = 0, 1, 2, ..., (N - 1). See Section 6.6 for details on the
computation of an appropriate waveform x(t) for a maximum expected transient environment
defined in terms of a Fourier spectrum.

b. The controller applies a low-level version (no more than 20% of full value) of the desired
table motion waveform x(t) to the test machine, and the actual table motion waveform y(t) is
measured with the control accelerometer and digitized to obtain y(n∆t); n = 0, 1, 2, ..., (N - 1).

c. The controller computes the Fourier transforms of the desired and actual table motion
waveforms to obtain X(k∆f) and Y(k∆f); k = 0, 1, 2, ..., (N - 1), and then computes the frequency
response function for the transient test machine from H(k∆f) = Y(k∆f)/X(k∆f).

d. The controller then constructs the Fourier transform of a corrected input waveform by
computing Xc(k∆f) = X(k∆f)/H(k∆f); k = 0, 1, 2, ..., (N - 1).

e. Finally, the controller computes the inverse Fourier transform of Xc(n∆f) to obtain the
corrected waveform xe(n∆t), i.e.,

f. Since the controller is operating open-loop, Steps a through e might be repeated at

several reduced levels (i.e., 5%, 10%, and 20% of full level) to identify possible nonlinearities
that might influence the full level results. Controller for Low Frequency Swept-Sine Vibration Tests. As discussed later in
Section 10.2.3, swept-sine vibration tests are sometimes performed to acquire structural
response data that are then used to determine the structural integrity of payloads or major
subsystems thereof by analytical computations, or perhaps even to simulate the damaging
potential of the transient (see Section 9.4.1), in lieu of an actual low frequency transient test.

March 13, 2001

For this case, the controller for the vibration test system is the same as described for sinusoidal
vibration tests in Section

10.2.2 Test Procedure. Assuming a uniaxial vibration test system (either electrodynamic
or hydraulic) is used, the general procedure for performing low frequency transient tests on
space vehicles or major subsystems thereof is as follows:

a. Attach the test item to the test machine (see Section 10.1.1) using an appropriate test
fixture (see Section 9.5) and safety-approved procedures so as to provide the transient
excitation along one of the three orthogonal axes of the test item.

b. Attach a control accelerometer to the test fixture at a location near the input to the test
item (two control accelerometers are often used to provide redundancy). For large test items,
additional accelerometers should also be mounted on the test item at key locations where limit
loads have been defined.

c. For functional tests (see Section 7.3.2), power-up the test item to function as it would
during the exposure to the transient events being simulated.

d. Apply a transient excitation with the waveform determined in Section 6 plus the
margins detailed in Section 8.1.

e. During the test, accomplish the following:

1. record or make an on-line hard copy of the table motion time history as measured
by the control accelerometer,

2. record or make an on-line hard copy of the time histories for all other
accelerometers mounted on the test item, and

3. monitor or record all relevant functional performance data for the test item.

f. After the test, accomplish the following:

1. compute the energy spectra (see Section 2.2.9) for all of the accelerometer outputs,
2. verify that the energy spectral levels for the control accelerometer agree with the
energy spectral levels for the specified transient to within ±1.5 dB.

g. Assuming no failure occurs (see Section 9.6), reattach the test item to the test
machine using an appropriate test fixture and safety-approved procedures so as to provide the
transient excitation along the second of the three orthogonal axes of the test item, and repeat
Steps b through f.

h. Again assuming no failure occurs and three-axis testing is required by the test
specification, reattach the test item to the test machine using an appropriate test fixture and
safety-approved procedures so as to provide the transient excitation along the third of the three
orthogonal axes of the test item, and repeat Steps b through f.

If a multiple-axis vibration test facility is available, customized test procedures must be

established that are appropriate for the specific test facility.

March 13, 2001

10.2.3 Alternate Procedure. Instead of performing a direct low frequency transient test on
space vehicles or major subsystems thereof, an alternate procedure is to perform a swept-sine
vibration test either to (a) determine key structural response characteristics of the test item, and
then use analytical techniques to verify the ability of the test item to survive its anticipated low
frequency transient environment, or (b) simulate the damaging potential of the transient
environment (see Section 9.4.1). It should be mentioned that swept-sine tests are sometimes
designed to simultaneously verify the design integrity of the hardware for the low frequency
vibration excitations discussed in Section 10.1.

Assuming a uniaxial vibration test system (either electrodynamic or hydraulic) is used, the
general procedure for performing swept-sine vibration tests on space vehicles or major
subsystems thereof is as follows:

a. Attach the test item to the test machine (see Section 10.1.1) using an appropriate test
fixture (see Section 9.5) and safety-approved procedures so as to provide the swept-sine
excitation along one of the three orthogonal axes of the test item. For those cases where the
swept-sine vibration test specification includes input force limiting, the test item should be
mounted to the fixture through force transducers. See Section 6.5.2 for a discussion of dual
control techniques to achieve force limiting.

b. Attach a control accelerometer to the test fixture at a location near the input to the test
item (two control accelerometers are often used to provide redundancy). For large test items,
additional accelerometers should also be mounted on the test item at key locations where limit
loads have been defined. One or more of the accelerometers mounted on the test item might
be used to impose a test item response limit, as detailed in Section 6.5.3. If force limiting is also
used, the sum of the outputs of the force transducers should be used as the force control signal.

c. For functional tests (see Section 7.3.2), power-up the test item to function as it would
during the exposure to the transient events being simulated.

d. Apply a swept-sine excitation with the magnitude (as modified by the test item response
and/or input force limits) and an appropriate sweep rate, as discussed in Section 9.4.1.

e. During the test, accomplish the following:

1. record or make an on-line hard copy of the swept-sine magnitude versus frequency
for the table motion,

2. record or make an on-line hard copy of the time histories for all other
accelerometers mounted on the test item, and

3. monitor or record all relevant functional performance data for the test item.

f. Terminate the test as follows:

1. after reaching the end of the test duration determined in Section 8,

2. when a relevant failure of the test item is identified (see Section 9.6), or

3. when there is an indication that the specified test level is being exceeded.

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g. After the test, verify that the vibration level versus frequency for the control
accelerometer (at frequencies where test item response or input force limits do not prevail)
agrees with the specified swept-sine vibration level versus frequency to within ±10 percent.

h. Assuming no failure occurs, reattach the test item to the test machine using an
appropriate test fixture and safety-approved procedures so as to provide the swept-sine
excitation along the second of the three orthogonal axes of the test item, and repeat Steps b
through g.

i. Again assuming no failure occurs and three-axis testing is required by the test
specification, reattach the test item to the test machine using an appropriate test fixture and
safety-approved procedures so as to provide the swept-sine excitation along the third of the
three orthogonal axes of the test item, and repeat Steps b through g.

If a multiple-axis vibration test facility is available, customized test procedures must be

established that are appropriate for the specific test facility.

10.3 High Frequency Vibration Tests. Referring to Table 4.1, high frequency vibration
tests of space vehicle components or major subassemblies thereof are usually performed to
simulate the mounting point vibrations of the vehicle structure produced by the aeroacoustic
excitations during liftoff and/or flight through transonic and maximum flight dynamic pressure
(max q). These high frequency excitations are typically random in character, but certain other
high frequency excitations may occur that are approximately periodic in character, i.e., motor
resonant burning (see Section 3.12). From Section 6.5.5, final space vehicle assemblies or large
subsystems thereof, with all components and equipment in place, are usually tested for their high
frequency dynamic environments using an acoustic test facility, rather than a direct mechanical
vibration test facility. An acoustic test provides a more accurate simulation of the high frequency
vibration excitations for all components and equipment, and under certain circumstances can be
used as a substitute for high frequency vibration tests (see Section 6.5.5). In most cases,
however, the individual components of a space vehicle must be individually tested prior to their
installation in the vehicle to verify they will function properly during exposure to high frequency
vibration excitations. This is accomplished by direct random vibration tests of the individual
components or large subassemblies, typically over the frequency range from 20 Hz to 2 kHz.

10.3.1 Test Facility. The most common test facility used to perform high frequency (up to
2 kHz) random vibration tests is an electrodynamic vibration test system, as described in Section and illustrated in Figure 10.1. The controller for the vibration test system is the same as
described in Section It should be mentioned that multiple-axis electrodynamic vibration
test systems have been developed that provide vibration excitations simultaneous along all three
orthogonal axes of a test item at frequencies up to 2 kHz [10.2]. If such a multiple-axis system is
available and has an adequate capacity, its use for high frequency vibration tests is

10.3.2 Test Procedure. The test procedure for high frequency vibration tests is essentially
the same as detailed for low frequency vibration tests in Section 10.1.2, except the verification
requirement is ± 1.5 dB below 1000 Hz and ± 3 dB from 1000 Hz to 2000 Hz.

10.4 High Frequency Transient Tests. Referring to Table 4.1, high frequency transient
tests of space vehicle components or major subassemblies thereof are usually performed to
simulate pyroshocks caused by the activation of pyrotechnic devices (see Section 3.15),
although the same tests could be used to simulate the shocks produced by high velocity metal-
to-metal impacts, if such an environment occurs. From Section 3.15, pyroshocks can be broadly

March 13, 2001

divided into (a) near-field, (b) mid-field pyroshocks, and (c) far-field pyroshocks, which require
different test facilities and procedures. In some cases, space vehicle components can be tested
for their pyroshock environments by a laboratory test where the pyrotechnic devices are
activated on a prototype of the space vehicle, or a dynamically similar model of the space vehicle
or a major subsystem thereof, as discussed in [10.9]. Such laboratory tests on actual space
vehicles or dynamically similar models provide highly accurate simulations of the pyroshock
environments seen by the space vehicle components. However, they do not allow the
convenient addition of a test margin, as discussed in Section 8.3. Hence, the test facilities and
procedures discussed here are only those involving laboratory test machines that permit the
convenient addition of test margins.

10.4.1 Test Facility. Different types of test facilities are commonly used for near-field,
mid-field, and far-field pyroshock tests (see Section 3.15 for distinctions between near-, mid-,
and far-field). Hence, they are summarized separately. In all cases, however, it should be
emphasized that conventional drop test machines, where the test item is mounted on a table
that free-falls to an arresting device, should never be used to simulate pyroshocks. Such
machines subject the test item to a large net velocity change, which produces a shock with
substantial low frequency energy that can damage basic structures. On the other hand,
pyrotechnic devices generally produce little or no net velocity change [10.10, 10.11] and, hence,
rarely constitute a threat to basic structures with a first normal mode below 100 Hz. Near-Field Tests. It is recommended that all tests for near-field pyroshock
environments be performed using ordnance devices. The most commonly used ordnance
facility consists of a flat plate (usually constructed of steel) excited by an explosive material
(usually primacord) attached to the edges and/or the bottom side of the plate; edge charges are
used to generate motions in the component mounting plane and bottom charges are used to
generate motions normal to the component mounting plane. The component to be tested is
mounted to the top side of the plate, as illustrated in Figure 10.3. The magnitude of the
resulting pyroshock is controlled by the size and location of the explosive material, and the
location of the component on the plate. It must be remembered that the operation of an
ordnance test facility usually requires a special permit and sometimes a remote test location.
See [10.10, 10.11] for details.

Steel Plate


Possible locations for

explosive material

FIGURE 10.3. Diagram of Near-Field Pyrotechnic Test Facility.

March 13, 2001 Mid-Field Tests. A wide range of facilities are available for mid-field pyroshock
tests including [10.10, 10.11]

a. bounded impact shock test machines, (

b. mechanical impact pyroshock (MIPS) simulators, ( and
c. mechanically excited resonant test fixtures, ( Bounded Impact Shock Test Machine. A typical bounded impact shock test
machine is illustrated in Figure 10.4. The test item is attached to a spring supported fixture.
The shock is delivered to the test item by dropping a heavy table onto a spring attached to a
fixture. The excitation terminates when the drop table rebounds off the spring and is captured.
The magnitude, duration, and frequency range of the shock can be controlled by the table drop
height and weight, and the stiffness and damping of the springs. Such facilities deliver a shock
in the form of a decaying sinusoid with a magnitude of up to 5,000 g and a duration of a few
cycles with a dominant frequency of up to 2 kHz. See [10.10, 10.11] for details.

Drop Table


Fixture and Test Item


Seismic Base

FIGURE 10.4. Diagram of Bounded Impact Shock Test Machine. Mechanical Impact Pyroshock (MIPS) Simulators. A typical MIPS simulator is

illustrated in Figure 10.5. The test item is mounted to an aluminum plate resting on a foam pad.
The shock is delivered to the test item by a pneumatic propelled impactor that strikes the
aluminum plate with a high velocity. The magnitude, duration, and frequency range of the shock
can be controlled by the impactor velocity, the impactor material, and the impact point on the
plate. MIPS simulators deliver a complex shock with a magnitude of up to 5,000 g and a
duration of less than 10 ms over a frequency range up to 10 kHz. See [10.10, 10.11] for details.

March 13, 2001

Pneumatic actuator

Aluminum plate
Test Item

Foam pad

FIGURE 10.5. Diagram of Mechanical Impact Pyroshock (MIPS) Simulator. Mechanically Excited Resonant Test Fixtures. Mechanically excited resonant

test fixtures operate on the same principle as MIPS simulators ( a structure supporting the test
item is excited by a mechanical impact), except the structure is designed to respond primarily at
its first normal mode frequency. A wide range of structural configurations can be used, including
plates and beams excited into either a longitudinal axis response or a bending response. In
some cases, the first normal mode frequency of the structure can be varied so that the frequency
of the dominant response is tunable. The excitation can be a pneumatic activator, as illustrated
in Figure 10.5, or some other device such as a projectile or a pendulum hammer. The
magnitude, duration, and frequency range of the shock can be controlled by the velocity and
weight of the impact device, the impact point on the resonant structure, and the first normal
mode of the resonant structure. Such facilities deliver a shock in the form of a decaying sinusoid
with a magnitude of up to 5,000 g and a duration of a few cycles with a dominant frequency of up
to 3 kHz. See [10.10, 10.11] for details. Far-Field Tests. All of the testing machines discussed in Section for
mid-field pyroshock tests also can be used for far-field tests. Beyond these machines, an
electrodynamic vibration test system, as illustrated in Figure 10.1, can be used to simulate far-
field pyroshocks with any desired waveform at frequencies up to about 3 kHz. Peak magnitudes
of up to about 5,000 g can be achieved, depending on the force rating of the shaker and the
weight of the test item and its fixture. If the specific wave form to be simulated is known (see
Section 6.6), the controller for this application is the same as discussed for low frequency
transient tests in Section However, if the test requirements are specified in terms of a
shock response spectrum (see Section 2.2.10), then the test signal is usually constructed using
either decaying sine waves or wavelets, as discussed in Section 6.6 and described with sample
FORTRAN programs in [10.12].

10.4.2 Test Procedure. The detailed test procedure for near-field pyroshock simulations
using ordnance test facilities is dependent on the specific design of the facility and local
government regulations related to safety. Similarly, the detailed test procedures for mid-field
and far-field pyroshock simulations are dependent on the type of facility used, as outlined in
Sections and Nevertheless, the general procedure in all cases is as follows:

March 13, 2001

a. Attach the test item to the test machine (see Section 10.4.1) using an appropriate test
fixture (see Section 9.5) and with safety-approved procedures so as to provide the high
frequency transient excitation along one of the three orthogonal axes of the test item.

b. Attach an accelerometer to the test fixture at a location near the input to the test item.
For large test items with multiple attachment points, additional accelerometers should be
mounted at several of the mounting point locations for the test item to allow the computation of
an average input excitation to the test item.

c. For functional tests (see Section 7.3.2), power-up the test item to function as it would
during the exposure to the transient events being simulated.

d. Apply the high frequency transient with the wave form or shock response spectrum
determined in Section 6, plus the margins detailed in Section 8.3.2. Note that some test
facilities (e.g., MIPS tables and ordnance excited plates) may require considerable trial-and-
error effort using a simulated test item to achieve the specified SRS for the excitation into the
test item.

e. During the test, accomplish the following:

1. record or make an on-line hard copy of the motion time histories measured by the
input accelerometers, and

2. monitor or record all relevant functional performance data for the test item.

f. Compute the SRS (see Section 2.10) for all input accelerometer signals.

g. After the test, verify that the SRS levels for the input accelerometer, or the average of
multiple input accelerometers, agree with the specified SRS levels to within ±6 dB at or below 3
KHz, and +9/-6 dB above 3 KHz, with the further requirement that at least half of the SRS
values at the various natural frequencies exceed the specified SRS levels.

h. Assuming no failure occurs, reattach the test item to the test machine using an
appropriate test fixture and safety-approved procedures so as to provide the high frequency
transient excitation along the second of the three orthogonal axes of the test item, and repeat
Steps b through g.

i. Again assuming no failure occurs and three-axis testing is required by the test
specification, reattach the test item to the test machine using an appropriate test fixture and
safety-approved procedures so as to provide the high frequency transient excitation along the
third of the three orthogonal axes of the test item, and repeat Steps b through g.

Note that some pyroshock test facilities produce substantial off-axis excitations, e.g., ordnance
excited panels. If the test facility can be adjusted to produce the specified shock response
spectra along all three axes of the test item simultaneously, then this can be accepted as
equivalent to a sequential test along all three axes of the test item.

10.5 Acoustic Tests. Acoustic tests of space vehicles or major subsystems thereof are
usually performed to simulate the acoustic excitations during liftoff (see Section 3.6), and
sometimes the aerodynamic-induced fluctuating pressure excitations during ascent and entry
through the atmosphere (see Section 3.8). In both cases, the excitations are random in
character, cover a wide frequency range (up to about 10 kHz), and are applied over the exterior

March 13, 2001

surface area of the space vehicle. It follows that a test that directly simulates these pressure
excitations over the exterior surface of the vehicle or a major subsystem thereof is desirable.
Such tests are usually performed as a final step in the dynamic testing of a space vehicle, and
provide the most accurate simulation of the high frequency vibration environments for all
components in the space vehicle (see Section 6.5.5).

10.5.1 Test Facility. The acoustic pressure field during the liftoff of a space vehicle
propagates forward over the vehicle structure, while the aerodynamic-induced fluctuating
pressure field during ascent and entry convects aft over the vehicle structure. Hence, a facility
that generates a propagating pressure field excitation along the longitudinal axis of the vehicle
(i.e., a propagating wave test facility) would provide the most accurate simulation. Such
propagating wave test facilities have been constructed for special applications, e.g., the Apollo
spacecraft [10.13]. Nevertheless, due to the complexity and high cost of large, general purpose
propagating wave test facilities, most acoustic tests of space vehicles or major subsystems
thereof are performed in large, high intensity acoustic reverberation rooms [10.14]. For space
vehicle structures that have a surface exposed to the atmosphere, it is understood that
reverberant acoustic noise does not have the same spatial correlation characteristics as the
propagating acoustic noise during liftoff or the convecting aerodynamic noise during ascent or
entry through the atmosphere [10.15] and, hence, for the same acoustic noise level, the
response of the space vehicle structure to the reverberant acoustic noise excitation will be
different from the response to the liftoff and flight environments (see Section 5.2.1). Some
experimental studies have indicated that this difference in structural responses may be
substantial at frequencies below the first normal mode of the structure [10.16 - 10.18], but other
studies do not reveal a significant difference [10.19]. In most cases, however, the potential error
due to differences in the spatial correlation characteristics of the test and flight environments is
ignored as long as an adequate margin is added to the specified 1/3 octave band levels for the
test. For payloads enclosed in a fairing or payload bay, acoustic reverberation rooms provide a
more accurate simulation since the payload will experience a reverberant acoustic noise
excitation during flight. Even in this case, however, the accuracy of the simulation deteriorates
at the low frequencies where the pressure field is heavily influenced by the acoustic modes
inside the reverberation room versus the fairing or payload bay.

A typical high intensity acoustic reverberation test facility is illustrated in Figure 10.6. The basic
element of the facility is a large room with thick walls and a smooth interior surface that provides
a high reverberation time (usually about 5 sec) inside the room [10.20]. As a rule of thumb, the
volume of the room should be at least ten times the volume of the largest payload to be tested.
Random acoustic noise inside the room is usually provided by air modulators, each consisting of
a valve on a high pressure air supply where the valve is opened and closed by a small
electrodynamic actuator. The acoustic levels inside the room are established by a controller
that functions broadly as follows:

a. The desired sound pressure spectrum given in terms of 1/3 octave band sound levels
in dB (ref: 20 µPa) is entered into the controller.

b. The controller generates and applies a low-level version (no more than 20% of full
value) of an acoustic signal with the desired 1/3 octave band sound levels to the air modulators,
and the actual 1/3 octave band sound levels inside the room are measured by two or more
control microphones, where the average of the 1/3 octave band sound levels is used as the
control signal.

March 13, 2001

c. The controller determines the discrepancy between the desired and measured 1/3
octave band sound levels in the room, and applies a corrected acoustic signal to the air
modulators. This adjustment of the control signal may be made automatically or manually.

d. The above procedure may be repeated as the 1/3 octave band sound levels in the
room are brought up to the desired levels to suppress the effects of nonlinearities in the air
modulators and/or the acoustic response of the room.

Reverberation room
Air Modulators
Control microphones

item Controller

FIGURE 10.6. Diagram of Typical High Intensity Acoustic Reverberation Room.

The sound pressure level that can be generated in a high intensity acoustic reverberation room
is dependent on the sound power capabilities of the air modulators and the reverberation time of
the room, while the lower frequency limit for the sound pressure levels is determined primarily
by the room volume [10.20]. Large test articles can also influence both the high and low
frequency capabilities of reverberation rooms. Current high intensity acoustic reverberation
rooms designed for the acoustic testing of space vehicles typically have a volume of 200 to
1000 m3 and produce overall sound pressure levels in an empty room of 150 to 160 dB over a
frequency range from about 100 Hz to 10 kHz. See [10.14] for further discussions of acoustic
test facilities, [10.20] for general details on the design of high intensity acoustic reverberation
rooms, and [10.21] for a specific illustration.

It should be mentioned that any high intensity acoustic reverberation room intended for the
acoustic testing of space vehicle hardware should be thoroughly evaluated before any acoustic
tests are performed to establish the empty room’s acoustic characteristics. Of particular interest

a. the reverberation time of the room as a function of frequency,

b. the homogeneity of the sound field within the room, and
c. the spacial correlation function of the sound field within the room.

March 13, 2001

10.5.2 Test Procedure. The general procedure for performing a high intensity acoustic
test on a space vehicle or a major subsystem thereof is as follows:

a. Mount the test item in the high intensity acoustic reverberation room (see Section
10.5.1) using an appropriate supporting structure that isolates the test item from the room
structure, e.g., support on the floor through a soft mount or from the ceiling using "bungee cord"
in a safety-approved manner. The distance between the test item and the nearest surface of
the room should be no less than the maximum dimension of the test item.

b. Install the control microphones inside the room near the test item. Two to four control
microphones are usually installed at different locations within the room to provide a spatial
average of the acoustic levels within the room. In such cases, the average of the 1/3 octave
band spectra for the microphone signals is used as the control signal. It is recommended that
each control microphone be separated from the test item by a distance at least equal to the
maximum dimension of the test item, but never further than one-half the separation distance
between the test item and the closest surface of the room.

c. For functional tests (see Section 7.3.2), power-up the test item to function as it would
during the exposure to the acoustic excitations being simulated.

d. Apply a stationary random acoustic signal to the air modulators so as to produce 1/3
octave band sound pressure levels in the room with the levels determined in Section 6 and the
duration determined in Section 7 or 8, plus the margins detailed in Section 8.2.4, using the
average of the 1/3 octave band spectra measured by the control microphones as the control
signal. It is wise to approach the specified 1/3 octave band sound pressure levels in discrete
steps (e.g., -12 dB, -9 dB, -6 dB, -3 dB, and then the full level) to detect any potential problems
in the test setup early.

e. During the test, accomplish the following:

1. record or make an on-line hard copy of the 1/3 octave band spectrum for the sound
levels in the room as measured by each control microphone,

2. record or make a hard copy of the spectra for other transducers, such as
accelerometers and/or strain gages mounted on the test item,

3. monitor or record all relevant functional performance data for the test item, and

4. verify that the specified 1/3 octave band sound levels have been established to
within ± 3 dB for the 1/3 octave bands from 50 Hz to 3 kHz, and ±5 dB (or the best the test
facility can provide) for the 1/3 octave bands below 50 Hz and above 3 KHz, using the average
of the 1/3 octave band sound levels measured by the control microphones(s).

f. Terminate the test as follows:

1. after reaching the end of the test duration specified in Section 7 or 8.2,
2. when a relevant failure of the test item is identified (see Section 9.5), or
3. when there is an indication that the specified test level is being exceeded.

See [10.14] for further discussions of high intensity acoustic testing practices.

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10.6 Alternative Dynamic Tests. Several alternative dynamic testing techniques have
been recently developed, primarily in response to the need to make testing “faster, better and
cheaper”. While most of these techniques are somewhat abbreviated and involve compromises
when compared with the conventional tests they replace, the alternative techniques sometimes
offer certain technical advantages, in addition to cost and schedule savings. Two alternative
dynamic testing techniques are discussed herein.

10.6.1 Combined Dynamic Tests. A combined dynamic test consists of a structural loads
test, an environmental vibration test, a modal test, and sometimes a direct acoustic test all
conducted sequentially while the test item is base-mounted on a vibration test machine (a
shaker). This sequence of dynamic tests replaces the four individual mechanical tests that are
typically conducted in different time frames, at different places, with different personnel, and
sometimes with different test hardware. The combined dynamic testing approach can cut test
time by a factor of four or more [10.22].

In addition to saving cost and schedule, combined vibration tests are sometimes more realistic
than conventional tests. For example, consider a spacecraft vibration test on a shaker. On a
shaker, the structural loads are applied at the spacecraft base and reacted through the center-of-
gravity, which better simulates the launch loading than does a conventional loads test that
involves pulling or pushing on individual structural elements. Similarly, the global modes excited
with a base drive may be more representative of those excited by the launch vehicle than are the
local modes excited in conventional modal tests when individual structural elements are excited.
Also the vibration levels in shaker tests better represent the launch conditions, so that better
estimates of damping may be obtained. However, base drive tests can not simulate complex
loading configurations, which might result from local loading, such as with a parachute bridle;
and conventional translation shaker tests cannot excite purely rotational modes.

10.6.2 Direct Field Acoustic Tests. Small satellite manufacturers may not have
convenient access to a reverberant acoustic chamber, such as that used for conventional
acoustic tests in the aerospace industry. In the past, they have had to choose between two
options: 1. Packing up the satellite and doing a reverberant acoustic test in the facility of a larger
company, often a competitor, or 2. Not conducting an acoustic test. Neither of these choices is
very attractive, given the risks and time associated with moving a complex flight system and the
uncertainties associated with a vibroacoustic analysis. Recently an alternative approach, the
direct field acoustic test, has been utilized [10.23, 10.24].

In a direct field acoustic test, the test item is surrounded by a large number of electro-dynamic
speakers. The speakers, comprised of an appropriate mix of woofers, mid-ranges, and tweeters,
and the associated audio amplifier and control system may be rented or purchased from one of
the many concert sound system companies, which also provide the system design, equipment
handling, and operator. In a direct field acoustic test, sometimes called an insitu acoustic test,
the test item may be located in any convenient area, which will accommodate the high acoustic
test levels, without injuring personnel or damaging the facility or test item. Typical locations are a
clean room, used for assembly and functional testing, or a vibration test facility. A number of
omni-directional microphones, e.g. eight, are placed at various elevations around the satellite
about one foot from the surface to monitor the environment. The microphone response is
averaged, monitored by a frequency analyzer, and controlled to the reference test spectrum,
manually or with a closed loop system.

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There are a number of concerns associated with the direct field acoustic test approach. The
maximum level which can be achieved with conventional audio equipment is limited, and it is
questionable whether acoustic levels high enough to envelop the noisiest launch vehicles can be
reliably obtained and controlled. (The first direct field acoustic test of a flight spacecraft had an
overall SPL of 137 dB [10.23].) In order to achieve these SPL’s with electro-dynamic speakers, it
is necessary to position the speakers relatively close to the test item (approximately 4 feet away
in the first test), which results in the test item being in the near field of the speakers. With the
test item this close to the speakers, the spatial coverage is non-uniform, particularly at the higher
frequencies where the speakers are very directional. Also one may question the efficiency of the
direct, primarily normally incident waves in exciting the structure, as compared with a reverberant
field. There is some evidence that normal incidence sound waves are more efficient in exciting
the fundamental modes of a structure, and that conversely a reverberant field is more efficient at
high frequencies, above the structure’s coincidence frequency. The directionality of the flight
environment is also open to question, but grazing incident waves are probably more dominant
than normal ones, particularly at the fairing ring frequency where the interior levels are highest.

10.7 References

10.1 Smallwood, D. O., "Vibration Testing Machines", Ch. 25 , Shock and Vibration
Handbook (Ed: C. M. Harris), 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, NY, 1995.

10.2 Freeman, M. T., “3-Axis Vibration Test System Simulates Real World,” Test Engrg
and Mgt, Vol. 52, No. 6, pp 10-14, Dec. 1990/Jan. 1991.

10.3 Stroud, R. C., and Hamma, G. A., “Multiexciter and Multiaxis Vibration Exciter
Control Systems,” Sound and Vibration, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp 18-28, 1988.

10.4 Hamma, G. A., Stroud, R. C., Underwood, M. A., Woyski, W. B., Tauscher, R. C.,
and Cappel, K. L.,”A Review of Multiaxis/Multiexciter Vibration Technology,” Sound
and Vibration Mag., Vol. 30, No. 4, pp 20-27, Apr. 1996.

10.5 Bendat, J. S., and Piersol, A. G., Random Data: Analysis and Measurement
Procedures, 3rd ed., Wiley, 2000.

10.6 Piersol, A. G., "Test Criteria and Specifications,” Ch. 20, Shock and Vibration
Handbook (Ed: C. M. Harris), 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, NY, 1995.

10.7 Worth, D. B., “A Method for Implementing Force-Limited Vibration Control,” J., Inst.
Envir. Sc., Vol. XL, No. 4, pp. 34-41, 1997.

10.8 Scharton, T. D., “Force Limited Vibration Testing Monograph,” NASA Reference
Publication RP-1403, 1997.

10.9 Anon., “Pyroshock Test Criteria,” NASA Technical Standard NASA-STD-P010,

August 15, 1997.

10.10 Anon., “Pyroshock Testing Techniques,” IEST-RP-DTE032.1, Institute of

Environmental Sciences and Technology, Mount Prospect, IL., 2000.

10.11 Davie, N. T., and Bateman, V. I., "Pyroshock Testing,” Ch. 26, Pt II, Shock and
Vibration Handbook (Ed: C. M. Harris), 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, NY, 1995.

March 13, 2001

10.12 Nelson, D. B., "Parameter Specification for Shaker Shock Waveform Synthesis -
Damped Sines and Wavelets,” Proc. 66th Shock and Vibration Symp., Vol. III,
pp 151 - 193, 1989.

10.13 Wren, R. J., Dorland, W. D., and Eldred, K. M., “Concept, Design, and Performance
of the Spacecraft Acoustic Laboratory,” Shock and Vibration Bull., No. 37, Pt 5, pp
25-54, Jan. 1968.

10.14 Lee, Y. A., and Lee, A. L., “High Intensity Acoustic Tests - Recommended Practice
2.0,” Proc., 44th ATM, Inst. Envir. Sc., pp. 152 - 164, 1998.

10.15 Hughes, W.O., McNelis, A.M., and Himelblau, H., “Investigation of Acoustic Fields for
the Cassini Spacecraft: Reverberant Versus Launch Environments”, AIAA-99-1985,
5th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference and Exhibit, Bellevue, WA, May 1999.

10.16 Wilby, J. F., and Piersol, A. G., "Analytical Prediction of Aerospace Vehicle Vibration
Environments,” ASME Paper 81-DET-29, 1981.

10.17 Barnoski, R. L., et al, "Summary of Random Vibration Prediction Procedures,” NASA
CR-1302, p. 66, 1969.

10.18 Bradford, L., and Manning, J. E., “Acoustic Blanket Effect on Payload Acoustic
Environment,” Proc., 42nd ATM, Inst. Envir. Sc., pp. 244 - 253, 1996.

10.19 Cap, J. S., "A Comparison of the Response of a Captive Carried Store to Both
Reverberant and Progressive Wave Acoustic Excitation,” Proc., 66th Shock and
Vibration Symp., Vol. I, pp 277 - 286, Oct./Nov. 1995.

10.20 Hodgson, M., and Warnock, A. C. C., "Noise in Rooms,” Ch. 7, Noise and Vibration
Control Engineering (Ed: L. L. Beranek and I. L. Ver), Wiley, NY, 1992.

10.21 Rogers, J. D., and Hendrick, D. M., "Sandia National Laboratories' New High Level
Acoustic Test Facility,” Proc.36th ATM, Inst. Envir. Sc., pp 574 - 579, Apr. 1990.

10.22 Vujcich, M. and Scharton, T., “Combined Loads, Vibration, and Modal Testing of the
QuikSCAT Spacecraft”, Paper 1999-01-5551 presented at 1999 SAE World Aviation
Congress, San Francisco, CA, Oct. 20, 1999.

10.23 Anthony, D., Scharton, T., and Leccese, A., “Direct Acoustic Test of QuikSCAT
Spacecraft”, Paper 1999-01-5550 presented at 1999 SAE World Aviation Congress,
San Francisco, CA, Oct. 20, 1999.

10. 24 Larkin, P., “Direct, Near Field Acoustic Testing”, Paper 1999-01-5553 presented at
1999 SAE World Aviation Congress, San Francisco, CA, Oct. 20, 1999.


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