Diabetes Septic Carbuncle
Diabetes Septic Carbuncle
Diabetes Septic Carbuncle
Description of the Disease/Disorder
Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by increased levels of glucose in the blood (hyperglycemia)
resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action or both. Normally, a certain amount of glucose circulates in the blood. The major
sources of this glucose are absorption of ingested food in GT and formation of glucose by the liver from food substances. Insulin controls
the levels of glucose in the blood by regulating the production and storage of glucose. In DM, the cells may stop responding to insulin or
the pancreas may stop producing insulin entirely leading to hyperglycemia.
Carbuncle is an infection larger than a boil and with several openings for discharge of pus. It is an infection of the subcutaneous tissues
involving the hair follicles and an abscess larger than a boil, usually with one or more openings draining pus onto the skin. It is usually
caused by bacterial infection, most commonly Staphylococcus aureus. The infection is contagious and may spread to other areas of the
body or other people.
Often, the direct cause of a carbuncle cannot be determined. Things that make carbuncle infections more likely include friction
from clothing or shaving, generally poor hygiene and weakening of immunity. For example, persons with diabetes and immune system
diseases are more likely to develop staphylococcal infections.
Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes septic carbuncle
• Polyuria
•Dry skin
•Skin lesions or wounds that are slow to heal
•Recurrent infection
•presence of several skin boils
•infected mass is filled with fluid, pus, and dead tissue
•carbuncle may be the size of a pea or as large as a golf ball
•It may be red and irritated, and might hurt when touched
•It may also grow very fast and have a white or yellow center
•Sometimes, other symptoms may occur, such as fatigue, fever and a general discomfort or sick feeling
•Itching may occur before the carbuncle develops
• Prevalence of the Disease/Disorder (Philippines)
• The prevalence of diagnosed diabetes increased in all age groups. People between 65 and 74 years old had the highest
prevalence, followed by people of 75 years of age or older, people 45 to 64 years of age, and people younger than 45 years of
age. In 2002, the prevalence of diagnosed diabetes among people 65 to 74 years of age (16.8%) was almost 14 times that of
the people younger than 45 years of age (1.2%). However, many people with diabetes were undiagnosed.
• Men are more prone than women to get carbuncles, as those who are elderly, malnourished, obese, or use of corticosteroids.
Carbuncles are also more likely to occur under conditions of poor hygiene, friction by clothing, or moist skin (maceration).
Although the exact incidence of carbuncles is unknown, they are not common.
Patient X was admitted on Feb. 22, 2011 @3:06pm in “ hasol kayo ning magkadiabetes kay daghan kayo ang
MUMC with a chief complaint of diabetes septic akong mga bantayonon”, as verbalized by the patient.
necrotizing mass in the left upper quadrant of her abdomen. “hasol pod kayo kung magsakit ning akong hubag sa tiyan
She manifests guarding behavior with a pain scale of 7/10, kay makahunong ko sa akong gtrabaho”, as verbalized by
10 is the highest. the patient.
Upon admission, she was ambulatory with the v/s of: ”Dili na ko mkapanilhig ug laba kay sakit akong hubag” as
Temp:360C verbalized by the patient.
PR: 106 bpm “Patient is widowed and verbalized, “la naman ko bana
RR: 25cpm pero sa akong mga anak ug apo ko naglihok, pero kay
BP: 140/80 mmHg maospital mn ko dili na nako sila mabantayan”.
Wt: 48 kg “kapoy kayo magmentenar sa ako tambal ug mahal pa jd
paliton”, as verbalized by the patient.
The patient was worried about her hospitalization due to
financial constraints.
Patient X was admitted the year 2003and was diagnosed “nagpaospital ko kay para maayo akong gibati” as
with DM. verbalized by patient.
Patient undergone several Laboratory tests and was “ngano diay ni mihubag ug duro ako samad? Maulian ra kaha
diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus. ning akong hubag?”’ as verbalized by the patient
Patient claims that she feels uncomfortable whenever her
body is exposed during examinations and treatments.
Nursing History Clinical Inspection Observation on On-going Appraisal Observation on Other Sources
Normal Patterns of Functioning First day of Duty 2nd day of Duty Laboratory Exam Result
(Before Admission)
RESPIRATION Nonproductive cough Dyspnea noted CXR result reveals :
Patient X stated that she noted Nonproductive cough Streak densities
did not experience feeling Use of accessory muscle RR as of 8 am: 23cpm L-upper lobe
out of breath. noted RR as of 12 nn: 24cpm Cardiac shadow is w/in
“sauna magubo ko pero RR as of 8 am: 25cpm Crackles noted upon normal size and
wala plema” as verbalized RR as of 12 nn: 26cpm auscultation configuration
by patient. SOB Tracheal shadow is in
Patient does not use Crackles noted upon midline
tobacco and is not auscultation Bone and other chest
practicing breathing structures are
exercise. unremarkable
Has nonproductive cough Impression:
occurred a day PTA PTB minimal most
probably inactive in L-
upper lobe
Wound noted at LUQ Wound noted at LUQ Random blood sugar is
Patient pointed that her
with purplish with purplish above 500mg/dL
lower extremities feels WBC: 1.2x103/mm3
colder time to time while discoloration with pus discoloration with pus
RBC: 4.5x106/uL
her back feels warmer Pale skin noted BP as of 8am: 130/80 Hgb: 14.0g/dL
sometimes. BP as of 8am: 140/80 mmHg Hct: 45%
Patient claimed that she mmHg BP as of 12nn: 150/80 Platelet: 350,000/mm3
does not feel her heart BP as of 12nn: 150/90 mmHg
pound nor skip beats. mmHg PR as of 8am: 104 bpm
PR as of 8am: 106bpm PR as of 12nn: 98bpm
PR as of 12nn: 102bpm Temp: 36.8 C
Temp: 36.8 C Capillary refill test more
Capillary refill test more than 3 sec.
than 3sec.
Patient eats 3meals/day On Diabetic diet On Diabetic diet
with 2in between snacks. Served and consumed Served and consumed diet
Meal usually contains diet Drink aprrox. 5 cup of
large amount of rice and Weighs 52kg and stands water from 7am-3pm
either fish, vegetable, or 5’3” tall. Body build is Had eaten ½ cup rice, ½
meat. skinny and appears pale. cup tinolang isda, 5 cups
Patient is fond of eating Drink aprrox. 6 cup of of water.
sweets and fatty foods water from 7am-3pm
PTA. Had eaten ½ cup rice, ½
Drinks 4-7 glasses of cup tinolang isda,
water a day
Seasonings include magic
sarap, salt, vetsin, and
Patient voids 3-6 times a Had not defecated from Not defecated but Had Creatinine is 1.01 mg/dL
day usually during bed 7am-3pm voided 3 times from 7am- BUN is 12mg/dL
time. Had voided 4 times from 3pm shift with estimated U/A
Frequency of bowel 7am-3pm shift with 1200ml in amount with Appearance: Cloudy
movement is every other estimated 900ml in cloudy white urine Color: Amber
day without timing. amount with light yellow Odor: Aromatic
Experienced difficulty in in color pH: 7.5
eliminating bowel. Glucose: +2
WBC: 2
RBC: <2
Patient usually sleeps 6-7 Not able to take proper Had slept 8hours last night
hours a day. Goes to bed at sleep since hospitalization from 10pm-6am.
10pm and wakes up around due to environmental Had utilized 2 pillows. One
4-5 am. factors. is under her head and the
Patient watches TV before Patient is lying on bed and other is in between her
going to bed. appears drowsy and thigh.
Experienced difficulty yawning She had her 1hr nap at 1-
sleeping when wound is in 2pm
Owns a sari2x store which she Can perform active ROM
manages alone. Patient is ambulatory with assistance
Fond of watching TV and eating when from bed to comfort room about 20
nothing to do. steps.
Movement is slow and steps are
Patient claimed that she experienced Patient described the pain as 7 on a 0- Complaint of pain at the carbuncle on her
pain from headache years before. 10 scale L-upper abdomen with a pain scale of
Reports discomfort from the wound at Guarding behavior noted 5/10.
her abdomen 2 weeks before admission. Patient often covers the area of the Still manifest guarding behavior around
Resorts to medicine to relieve pain. wound. wound.
Medicines include Cephalexin and Pain scale reduce at 4/10 after 2hrs of
Mefenamic acid. pharmacologic mngt.
“normal man nang hilantanon ta” as RR as of 8am: 25cpm RR as of 8am: 23cpm
verbalized by the patient. RR as of 12nn: 26cpm RR as of 12nn: 24cpm
Patient claim that she had not BP as of 8am: 140/80 mmHg BP: 130/80 mmHg
experienced seizures but sometimes felt BP as of 12nn: 150/90 mmHg BP as of 12nn: 150/80 mmHg
dizzy. PR as of 8am: 106bpm PR as of 8am: 104bpm
Patient had her menopause at the age of PR as of 12nn: 102bpm PR as of 12nn: 98bpm
45. Temp: 36.8 C Temp: 37 C
Skin appears pale Skin appears pale
Dry mucous membrane noted with
cracked lips
Patient claimed that she usually takes a Skin appears pale Skin appears pale
bath every other day at 9am. Hair appears white and grayish Had already a well trimmed nails
Patient brush her teeth sometimes. Nails and mouth appears pale Had a wound dress newly
All of her teeth are artificial. Dry mucous membrane noted with changed-7:30am
Had an ingrown before at her right big cracked lips Without dentures
toe. Dentures are removed
Usually waits for skin problems to be
gone by itself.
Patient claims that she’s having difficulty seeing, Leans forward to hear voices and Had difficulty hearing
speaking, and hearing. has difficulty seeing. especially when talked in a
Used eyeglasses to read and see distant objects. Uses glasses to see clearly. moderate tone.
Communicates well when she is Uses glasses to see clearly.
able to hear properly. Words are not so clear due
Answers heard questions properly. to absence of teeth
Words are not so clear due to dentures.
absence of teeth dentures.
Patient talks to family and relatives to release stress. Patient answers our questions Patient answers our
Usually asks for advice from her son. appropriately questions appropriately
Patient said that she usually cries when upset and Patient is in good mood as evidenced by She positively interact with
then talks to her son about it. positive social interaction with others other people
Patien t appears lethargic.
Patient is member of UCCP and go to church every No religious medals worn No religious medals worn
Sunday. No pictures or objects related to No pictures or objects
Past member of CWL religion noted related to religion noted
Reads the bible when she had time
Has an interruption in her
religious life during hospitalization
“sa tindahan ra ko cge pundo” as verbalized by Patient would entertain visitors Patient positively interacts
client. Patient continuously update his son, to other patients in the room,
Mother of 1 son and grandmother of 2 kids. who is at work, through text SO, and health care
Stays with son, daughter-in-law, and 2 providers.
“gatuo ko na dli mayo manudlay basta gadaot or
gasakit” as verbalized by the patient.
Goes to vacation when there is time and Often chats with SO and Often chats with SO and other
money other patient patient
Went to wedding at Cagayan de Oro Tends to have some naps
city when there’s nothing more
Watches TV as preparation to sleep to do.
“wala na nako namaintenar akong tambal Follows prescribed Follows what the physician had
sukad atong 2005 kay namatay akong pharmacologic regimen instructed her like maintaining
bana ug wala nako kwarta”, as verbalized proper hygiene and diet.
by the patient.
Does not strictly monitor her blood
glucose level at home
Does not take her Humulin R religiously
due to cost of the drug
Lab Test/Exam Normal Values Results Date nce
Random Blood Sugar < 200 mg/dL Above 500 mg/dL/ Hyperglycemia, Diabetes
Hgb 12.0-16.0 14.0g/dL Within Normal Limit
Hct 37-47% 45% Within Normal Limit
Platelet 150,000-400,000/mm3 350,000/mm3 Within Normal Limit
The integumentary system has multiple roles in homeostasis. All body systems work in an interconnected manner to maintain the internal conditions essential to
the function of the body. The skin has an important job of protecting the body and acts as the body’s first line of defense against infection, temperature change,and
other challenges to homeostasis.
Functions include:
•Protect the body’s internal living tissues and organs
•Protect against invasion by infectious organisms
•Protect the body from dehydration
•Protect the body against abrupt changes in temperature, maintain homeostasis
•Help excrete waste materials through perspiration
•Act as a receptor for touch, pressure, pain, heat, and cold (see Somatosensory system)
•Protect the body against sunburns
•Generate vitamin D through exposure to ultraviolet light
•Store water, fat, glucose, and vitamin D
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY (Diagram – Client based)
Precipitating Factor
Predisposing Factor
-Sedentary lifestyle (lack of excersise)
Age (58 y/o)
Diet (high fat, fond of eating sweet food)
Hereditary (both of her parents had diabetes)
Cellular DHN
Increased risk for Delayed wound
Polydipsia infection healing
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY (Diagram – Book based)
Lack of insulin
Long-Term Complications
Humulin R 10 “U” SQ now Used as antidiabetic that lower blood glucose by stimulating glucose uptake in
skeletal muscle and fat, inhibiting hepatic glucose production.
Start Amikacin (Cinmik) 250 mg q80 IVTT ANST Used as anti-infective to treat bacterial infection commonly caused by S. aureus.
Metronidazole (Flagyl) 500 mg tab TID po Treatment of the following anaerobic infections: Intra-abdominal infections (may
be used with a cephalosporin)
CXR PA view To view patient respiratory organs for possible lung consolidation
Please sched for debridement & drainage tomorrow pm To surgically intervene carbuncle
2/23/11 Humulin R 10 “U” SQ now Used as antidiabetics that lower blood glucose by stimulating glucose uptake in
skeletal muscle and fat, inhibiting hepatic glucose production.
2/24/11 Humulin R 10 “U” SQ now Used as antidiabetics that lower blood glucose by stimulating glucose uptake in
skeletal muscle and fat, inhibiting hepatic glucose production.