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Proceedings of International Conference on

Advances in Concrete and Construction, ICACC-2008

7-9 February, 2008, Hyderabad, India pp 450-459

Lightweight Concrete Using Coconut Shells as



PhD Research Scholar, gunarishi@ yahoo.com

School of Civil Engineering, SRM University, Kattankulathur-603 203,
Tamilnadu, India


Senior Lecturer, erpsuresh@ rediffmail.com

School of Civil Engineering, SRM University, Kattankulathur-603 203,
Tamilnadu, India


Aggregates provide volume at low cost, comprising 66 percent to 78 percent of

the concrete. With increasing concern over the excessive exploitation of natural
and quality aggregates, the aggregate produced from industrial wastes and
agriculture wastes being viable new source for building material. This study was
carried out to determine the possibilities of using coconut shell as aggregate in
concrete. Utilising coconut shell as aggregate in concrete production not only
solves the problem of disposing this solid waste but also helps conserve natural
resources. In this paper, the physical properties of crushed coconut shell
aggregate were presented. The fresh concrete properties such as density and
slump and 28-day compressive strength of a lightweight concrete made with
coconut shell as coarse aggregate also presented. The findings indicated that
water absorption of the coconut shell aggregate was high about 24 % but the
crushing value and impact value was comparable to that of other lightweight
aggregates. The average fresh concrete density and 28-day cube compressive
strength of the concrete using coconut shell aggregate were 1975 kg/m3 and
19.1 N/mm2 respectively. It is concluded that crushed coconut shells are suitable
when it is used as substitute for conventional aggregates in lightweight concrete

Lightweight Concrete Using Coconut Shells as Aggregate

Key words: Lightweight aggregate, Agriculture waste, Coconut shell,

Physical properties, Compressive strength


Concrete is the widely used number one structural material in the world
today. The demand to make this material lighter has been the subject of
study that has challenged scientists and engineers alike. The challenge in
making a lightweight concrete is decreasing the density while
maintaining strength and without adversely affecting cost. Introducing
new aggregates into the mix design is a common way to lower a
concrete’s density. Normal concrete contains four components, cement,
crushed stone, river sand and water. The crushed stone and sand are the
components that are usually replaced with lightweight aggregates.
Lightweight concrete is typically made by incorporating natural or
synthetic lightweight aggregates or by entraining air into a concrete
mixture. Some of the lightweight aggregates used for lightweight
concrete productions are pumice, perlite, expanded clay or vermiculite,
coal slag, sintered fly ash, rice husk, straw, sawdust, cork granules,
wheat husk, oil palm shell, and coconut shell. (Basri.H.B et al., 1999,
Khedari et al., 2000, Mannan.M.A.. and Ganapathy.C 2002).

The exponential growth rate of population (Loehr RC .1984),

development of industry and technology, and the growth of social
civilisation would be considered as the underlying factors that have
causes the increased waste production. Recently, the importance of
countermeasures to deal with waste materials has been pointed out,
because such materials continue to increases in each and every year. The
use of alternative aggregate has become necessity for the construction
industry because of the economic, environmental and technological
benefits derived from their use.

The high cost of conventional building materials is a major factor

affecting housing delivery in India. In developing countries where
abundant agricultural and industrial wastes are discharged, these wastes
can be used as potential material or replacement material in the
construction industry. This will have the double advantage of reduction
in the cost of construction material and also as a means of disposal of
wastes. It is at this time the above approach is logical, worthy and

Proceedings of ICACC-2008, 7-9 February 2008, Hyderabad, India

Presently in India, about 960 million tonnes of solid wastes are being
generated annually as by-products during industrial, mining, municipal,
agricultural and other processes. Of this 350 million tonnes are organic
wastes from agricultural sources; 290 million tonnes are inorganic waste
of industrial and mining sectors. However, it is reported that about 600
MT of wastes have been generated in India from agricultural sources
alone (Asokan Pappu (2007). The major quantity of wastes generated
from agricultural sources are sugarcane baggase, paddy and wheat straw
and husk, vegetables wastes, food products, tea, oil production, jute fibre,
groundnut shell, wooden mill waste, coconut husk, cotton stalk etc.,
(Martirena J.F. 1998, Medjo Eko, R. and G. Riskowski.,1999, Turgut
Ozturk and Muzaffer bayrakl, 2005, Alabadan B.A.2006, Demirbas.A.
and Aslan.A.1998). The new and alternative building construction
materials developed using agro-industrial wastes have ample scope for
introducing new building components that will reduce to an extent the
costs of building materials.

One such alternative is coconut shell (CS), which is a form of

agricultural solid waste. It is one of the most promising agro wastes with
its possible uses as coarse aggregate in the production of concrete. This
has good potential to use in areas where crushed stones are costly.
Statistical data of coconut production shows that, India is producing
nearly 27% of total world production and the annual production of
coconut is reported to be more than 12 million tons. Presently the
coconut shell waste being used for making mosquito coils, agarpathies,
etc (www. Foodmarketexchange.com).Only few studies have been
reported on use of coconut shells as aggregate in concrete (Olanipekun
E.A.2006)). This paper discussed the physical properties of crushed
coconut shell aggregate and the compressive strength of the concrete
made with coconut shell coarse aggregate.


All raw materials used in this investigation were locally obtained. These
includes ordinary Portland cement confirming to Indian standard code IS
8112-1995, palar river sand as fine aggregate and crushed CS as coarse
aggregate. The potable water was used for mixing and curing. After
crushed the coconut shells, they were sieved and the aggregates passing
12.5mm sieve size was used for this investigation (Fig.1 and Fig.2). The
physical and mechanical properties of the river sand, CS aggregate and

Lightweight Concrete Using Coconut Shells as Aggregate

granite aggregates are shown in Table 1. The sieve analysis of the river
sand, CS aggregate and granite aggregates are illustrated in Fig. 3.

The normal design procedures for ordinary conventional concretes are

not applicable to the mix design of lightweight aggregate concrete for
two reasons: (i) the water content of the cement paste in the fresh
lightweight aggregate concrete mix is reduced progressively through
absorption by the aggregate and therefore the water-cement ratio will
also decrease, and (ii) the compressive strength of lightweight aggregate
concrete is not only influenced by the strength of the mortar but also by
the aggregate used. Hence, it is recommended to go for trial mixes for
designing lightweight concrete mix. For lightweight concrete, the cement
was recommended in the range of 285–510 kg/m3 (Mindess.S. and
Young.J.F. 1981). Trial concrete mixes were carried out based on the
recommended procedure for lightweight concrete (Mannan M.A. and
Ganapathy C. ,2001). The concrete mix proportion obtained from the
trials was 1: 1.63: 0.81. The mix proportion consists of 480 kg/m3 cement
with the water / cement ratio of 0.42.


For each mix, the density and workability (in terms of slump) of the fresh
concrete were measured. The fresh concrete density and slump test were
carried out in accordance with BS 1881: Part 107: 1983 and BS 1881:
Part 102: 1983 respectively. For each mix, nine 100-mm size cubes were
cast to determine the compressive strength at the age of 3, 7, and 28
days. Mixing was performed in a drum type mixer (capacity 50 kg) in the
laboratory with an ambient temperature of 28±5ºC and the mixing time
was adjusted for each mix type to obtain a uniform and homogenous
concrete. All specimens were cast in two layers and compacted on a
vibrating table until air bubbles appearing on the surface stopped.

Immediately after casting, the specimens were covered with plastic sheet,
left in the mould for one day and then removed from the moulds. After
that, they were cured in water at 23 ± 2 ºC until they were tested. The
compressive strength was determined by crushing three 100-mm cubes in
accordance with BS 1881: Part 116: and averages of the three values
were obtained. The cubes used for compressive strength were also used
to test the density at saturated-surface dried (SSD) condition at the age of
28-day. Table 2 presents the results of compressive strength and 28-day

Proceedings of ICACC-2008, 7-9 February 2008, Hyderabad, India

saturated surface dry density of concrete made with coconut shell



The average moisture content and water absorption of the crushed

coconut shell was found to be 4.20 % and 24.00 % respectively. Since
the coconut shells are basically wood based and organic material and
therefore moisture retaining capacity would be more compared with the
crushed stone aggregates. Due to the high water absorption of CS, the
aggregates were pre-soaked for 24 hours in potable water prior to mixing
and were in saturated surface dry (SSD) condition during mixing to
prevent absorption of mixing water. In case of agricultural and wood
based materials used in cement concrete, the pre-treatment is necessary
to ensure that extractable materials do not upset the hardening qualities
of the cement. The experiments have shown that most kinds of wood
based materials can be improved substantially by soaking and washing
with water before mixing (Paramasivam. P. and Loke. Y. O., 1980). This
procedure is found suitable and easier and is therefore adopted in this

The specific gravity under SSD condition of CS and crushed granite was
found to be 1.05 and 2.82 respectively. The specific gravity of an
aggregate is used in mixture proportioning calculation to find the
absolute volume that a given mass of material will occupy in the mixture.
Absolute volume of aggregate refers to the space occupied by the
aggregate particles excluding the voids between the particles. The
specific gravity for normal weight aggregate used in concrete ranges
from 2.30 to 2.90. However, the specific gravity of coconut shell is very
close to that of oil palm shell (OPS) aggregates (Basri H.B. et al 1999).

The aggregate impact value gives relative measure of the resistance of an

aggregate to sudden impact or shock. The aggregate impact value should
not be more than 45 % by weight for aggregate used in concrete (Neville
A.M 2005). From Table 1, it can be observed that the aggregate impact
value (AIV) and aggregate crushing value (ACV) of CS aggregates are
much lower compared to the crushed stone aggregates, which indicates
that these aggregates have good absorbance to shock.

Lightweight Concrete Using Coconut Shells as Aggregate

The slump obtained for the trial mix was 55 mm, which has showed that
CS concrete has a medium degree of workability. The fresh concrete
density and 28-day hardened concrete density (under SSD condition)
using coconut shell were found to be in the range between 1975 - 2110
kg/m3 and 1880 - 1930 kg/m3 respectively. The 28-day compressive
strength of the concrete using coconut shell aggregate was found to be
19.1 N/mm2 (Table 2) under full water curing. The compressive strength
of concrete using coconut shell coarse aggregate was more than 17.2 N/
mm2, which is a requirement for structural lightweight concrete (Mannan
and Ganapathy 2004).


This paper presents the effective way of utilising crushed coconut shell
aggregate in concrete. Presently, coconut shell is available at a low price
in most of the tropical countries. Also the concrete obtained using
coconut shell aggregates satisfy the minimum requirements of
lightweight concrete. Hence it is possible to made lightweight concrete
making use of coconut shells as an aggregate in concrete. Based on the
investigation, the following conclusions were made.

• The average moisture content and water absorption of the crushed

coconut shell were found to be 4.20 % and 24.00 % respectively. The
CS aggregates have higher water absorption because of higher
porosity in its’ shell structure.
• The aggregate impact value and aggregate crushing value of CS
aggregates were much lower compared to the crushed stone
aggregate, which indicates that these aggregates have good
absorbance to shock.
• The specific gravity under SSD condition of CS and crushed granite
was found to be 1.05 and 2.82 respectively.
• The fresh concrete density and 28-day hardened concrete density
using coconut shell were found to be in the range between 1975 -
2110 kg/m3 and 1880 - 1930 kg/m3 respectively.
• The 28-day compressive strength of the concrete using coconut shell
aggregate was found to be 19.1 N/mm2 under full water curing and it
satisfies the requirement for structural lightweight concrete. It
should, however, further investigations are required before it can be
used as a building material.

Proceedings of ICACC-2008, 7-9 February 2008, Hyderabad, India


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Lightweight Concrete Using Coconut Shells as Aggregate

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Table 1 Physical And Mechanical Properties of Coconut Shells,

Crushed Granite and River Sand

Sl. Physical and mechanical Coconut Crushed River

No properties shells granite sand
1 Moisture content 4.20 % - -
2 Water absorption 24.00 % 0.50 % -
3 Specific SSD 1.05 2.82 2.57
4 gravity Apparent 1.40 2.86 -

5 Impact value 8.15 % 12.40% -

6 Crushing value 2.58 % 6.30 % -
7 Bulk Density Tamped 650 kg / m3 1650 kg / m3 -
8 Loose 550 kg / m3 1450 kg / m3 -
9 Fineness modulus 6.26 6.94 2.50
10 Shell thickness 2mm - 7mm - -

Proceedings of ICACC-2008, 7-9 February 2008, Hyderabad, India

Table 2 Compressive Strength and Density of Coconut Shell

Concrete (CSC)

Compressive strength, Hardened concrete

Mix type N/mm2 Fresh concrete density
density, at 28-day
3-day 7-day 28-day kg/m3 (SSD condition),
CS 10.2 14.9 19.1 1975-2110 1880- 1930

Fig. 1 Crushed coconut shell aggregate

Lightweight Concrete Using Coconut Shells as Aggregate

Fig. 2 Closure view of coconut shell aggregate

Cumulative % passing

0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Sieve size , mm

River sand CS coarse aggregate Granite coarse aggregate

Fig. 3 Sieve analysis of coarse and fine aggregates


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