Ict Action Plan
Ict Action Plan
Ict Action Plan
1. Organized pupils into group. Target Level: - Allot 60 minutes / Grade IV-V-VI week during vacant preferably 1. Use basic devices for interactive successfully e.g. mouse, learning keyboard, CPU etc. 2. Provide hands-on 2. Gain access to basic activities using software-based lesson software and keep a and instruction record/journal of pupils output. 3. Recognize and demonstrate skills in 3. Make computer operating technological laboratory accessible systems efficiently and effectively
JulyMarch 2011
-ICT Coordinator
Pupils acquire competencies on information technology and able to use it their daily life activities
B. Staff Development 1. Enhance teachers skills in ICT and in using ICT media to enrich teaching C. Curriculum Development 1. Use ICT to enhance learning, increase productivity and promote creativity
Conduct an interactive seminarworkshop in the school. Provide activities that will maximize the learning in all subject areas.
JulyOctober 2011
Canteen Fund
- Master Teachers AugustOctober 2011 - ICT Coordinator - Principal - Teachers - Principal - Teachers All year round
Use multimedia 2. Integrate the use of materials/equipment ICT appropriately in s to gain the interest the development of of the pupils the skills in all learning areas D. Monitoring and Consolidate data on Evaluation ICT related competencies 1. Asses competency level of the pupils Use multimedia 2. Increase the test materials/equipment results such as s to gain the interest Diagnostic Test, of the pupils National Achievement Test etc. E. Resource Generation Tap possible donors 1. Tap possible donors (LGUs, Private (ICT equipment, individuals, NGOs, IT trainings etc.) in the companies etc.) development of the school
Enhanced teacherlearning process using ICT based lessons/software Increased test results of the pupils
Solicitation Letters
Canteen Fund
Prepared by: MARY CHRISTINE F. BATONGBAKAL School ICT Coordinator Noted: JULIA V. MATEO Principal II