the thesis. Introduce the actual thesis statement in last sentence of introduction Writing must be: COHESIVE, UNIFIED, DEVELOPED, CONSISTENT Cohesive- Sentences tied together, the one links to the previous. Same with paragraphs. Logical relationship between sentences. Joining phrases to make matters worse. Unified- All sentences are organised around controlling idea (thesis) and contribute to idea. Unity comes from the thesis statement. Developed- Sufficient explanation. Support and explain controlling idea. Evidence is crucial. Ideas cannot be left in limbo must be explained. Consistent- Tone is established showing my attitude towards subject this tone MUST be maintained consistently. Reader centred writing- For the READER Writing must sustain PERSON, TENSE, NUMBER AND TONE. Do not change the pronouns and never falter on tone. Keep same approach. Compare and contrast with good aspects but the overriding bad aspects of topic. Do not include what you are going to talk about in introduction