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Chem Calc

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Calculations Examples of Basic Chemical Calculations Contents

Mole, Solutions and Mixtures Solved Chosen Problems Example List 1. Mole, Avogadros Number 2. Molecular Mass, Chemical Formulas 3. Composition of Substances, Composition of Mixtures (Mass Percent) 4. Composition of Mixtures (Mole Percent) 5. Composition of Mixtures (Molar Concentration-Molarity) 6. Solutions Preparation, Dilution Answers to Examples 2 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 11

Stoichiometric Calculations Solved Chosen Problems Example List 7. Lower Level Calculations 8. Limiting Reagent 9. Upper Level Calculations 10. Reactions Involving Gases Answers to Examples

12 12 15 15 16 17 18 19

Crystallization Solved Chosen Problems Example List 11. Saturated Solutions 12. Free Crystallization 13. Crystallization in Motion Answers to Examples

20 20 23 23 24 24 25

Recommended Literature


Mole, Solutions and Mixtures Solved Chosen Problems

Mole, Avogadros Number 1.1. Calculate the number of atoms in one cubic centimetre of gold. The density of gold is 19.32 g/cm3 and the atomic mass of gold is 197 g /mol. The number of entities (e.g. atoms, molecules, ions, particles etc.) in one mole of a substance is given by Avogadros number : N = n NA {eq. 1} n NA N quantity of substance [mol] Avogadros number; NA = 6,0231023 [mol-1] number of entities [-]

The atomic or molecular mass expresses the mass of one mole of atoms or molecules, respectively. m=nM {eq. 2} m n A/M mass of substance [g] quantity of substance [mol] atomic/molecular mass [g/mol]

The relationship between the mass and the volume is given by the density of substance:

m V

{eq. 3}

m V

density [g/cm3] mass of substance [g] volume of substance [cm3]

Now the number of atoms of gold in one cubic centimeter is:


N = 5.91022 atoms

Molecular Mass, Chemical Formulas 2.3. Elemental analysis of nicotine gives the following data: 74.0% of C; 8.65% of H; 17.35% of N. The molar mass of nicotine is 162 g/mol. What is the molecular formula of nicotine? Atomic masses are following: A(C)=12.01 g/mol; A(H)=1.01 g/mol; A(N)=14.01 g/mol. If we suppose the following molecular formula: CxHyNz (x, y and z are stoichiometric coefficients), the mole ratio of particular atoms is proportional to the coeficients ratio: x : y : z = nC : nH : nN We can use the equation 2 and the following definition of composition by mass percent:

wA = mA m

{eq. 4}

mA m w

mass of substance A [g] total mass [g] mass percent [- or %]

Then we can write:

x y z = nC n H n N =

mC m w w m w H N = C H N = MC M H M N MC M H M N

74 8.65 17.35 = 6.16 8.65 1.24 12.01 1.01 14.01

Because integral numbers are used as stoichiometric coefficients we must divide the retrieved numbers by the smallest one:
6.16 8.65 1.24 = 5 7 1

Now we get the empirical formula C5H7N. The molecular mass is the sum of the atomic masses of all atoms in the molecule:
M (Ax B y ) = x AA + y AB

{eq. 5}

M A x, y

molecular mass [g/mol] atomic mass [g/mol] stoichiometric coefficients [-]

The molecular mass of the empirical formula of nicotine is: M (C5 H 7 N ) = 5 12.01 + 7 1.01 + 1 14.01 = 81.06 g / mol Providing that the molecular formula may be a multiple of the empirical formula and as we know the molecular mass of nicotine (162 g/mol), we can write:
M(ni cot ine) 162 = = 2 so that the molecular formula of nicotine is the double of C5H7N. M(C5 H 7 N) 81

The molecular formula of nicotine is: C10H14N2.

4 Composition of Substances, Composition of Mixtures (Mass Percent) 3.9. Calculate the content (mass %) of ZnSO4 ( M = 161.5 g/mol ) in ZnSO47H2O ( M = 287.6 g/mol ). Content of an element or a compound (A) in a mixture (substance AB) is defined as:
wA = mA n MA xM A 100% = A 100% = 100% m AB n AB M AB y M AB

{eq. 6}

mA mAB A/M n x,y

mass of the substace A [g] mass of the mixture [g] atomic/molecular mass [g/mol] quantity of substance [mol] stoichiometric coefficients [-]

One mole of heptahydrate weighs 287.6 g. This amount of heptahydrate contains one mole of zinc sulphate which weighs 161.5 g. The mass percent of ZnSO4 is then:
wsulfate = msulfate mheptahydrate 100% = 1mol 161.5 g / mol 100% = 56.2% 1mol 287.6 g / mol

The content of ZnSO4 in ZnSO47H2O is 56.2%. 3.11. A mixture contains 78% of apatite ( 3Ca3(PO4)2CaF2 , M = 1007.4 g/mol ), the rest of the mixture does not contain phosphorus. Calculate the content (mass %) of phosphorus ( A = 31.0 g/mol ) in this mixture. We choose any amount of the mixture, e.g., 1 kg. This amount contains only 78% of phosphorous substance (apatite):
mapatite = 1kg 0.78 = 0.78kg

One mole of apatite contains 6 moles of phosphorus and the mass percent of phosphorus in apatite is (using eq. 6):
w =
6mol 31g / mol 100% = 18.5% 1mol 1007.4 g / mol

The mass percent of phosphorus in the mixture is then (eq. 4):

wP = w mapatite 0.185 0.78kg mP 100% = = 100% = 14.4% mmixture mmixture 1kg

The mixture contains 14.4% of phosphorus.

5 Composition of Mixtures (Mole Percent) 4.4. A mixture of NaOH ( M = 40.0 g/mol ) and KOH ( M = 56.1 g/mol ) contains 56 % of NaOH. Calculate the content of both components in the mixture in mol %. Composition in mole percent is defined as:
xA = nA n

{eq. 7}

nA n xA

number of moles of the substance A [mol] total number of moles [mol] composition/mole percent [- or %]

Conversion of mass percent to mole percent for two-component mixture is as follows:


xA =

nA = = m A mB wA w n A + nB + + B MA MB MA MB

{eq. 8} M w m n x molecular mass [g/mol] percent by mass [-] mass of substance [g] number of moles [mol] mole percent [-]

Using eq. 8 we can calculate mol% of both KOH and NaOH:

56 40 56 44 + 40 56.1

x NaOH =

= 64% ;

x KOH = 100% x NaOH = 36%

Composition of Mixtures (Molar Concentration - Molarity) 5.5. If 26 g of FeSO4 ( M = 151.9 g/mol ) are dissolved in 100 g of water, what is the molarity of FeSO4 in the solution ( = 1.095 g/ml )? Molarity (molar concentration) is defined as:
cA = nA V

{eq. 9}

c nA V

molar concentration [mol/l] number of moles of substance A [mol] volume of mixture [l]

Using this definition and equations 2 and 3 we can write:

c= n FeSO 4 V mFeSO 4 mFeSO 4 26 M FeSO 4 M FeSO 4 3 151.9 = = mmix (mFeSO 4 + mH 2O ) = (26 + 100) = 1.2 10 mol / l 1.095 mix mix

The mole concentration of FeSO4 is 0.0012 mol/l. Solutions Preparation, Dilution (all percent concentrations are in mass%) Solution of this type of examples is based on a balance of a mass. According to the law of conservation of the matter, the sum of mass of the particular phases (substances) before preparation/dilution of a solution is equal to the sum of mass of phases after that. We can balance a total mass of the system or masses of the particular phases.

6.2. What mass of concentrated sulfuric acid ( 96% solution of H2SO4 ) and water is needed to prepare 500 g of 10% solution of H2SO4? There is a balance scheme (particular phases and their quantities are marked by numbers):
1: concentrated H2SO4 w1(H2SO4)=0.96 m1=? 2: H2O w2(H2SO4)=0 m2=?

3: H2SO4 solution w3(H2SO4)=0.1 m3=500 g

Balance of the whole system: balance of H2SO4:

m1 + m2 = m3 m1w1 + m2w2 = m3w3

after substituting the numerical values: m1 + m2 = 500 m10.96 + m20 = 5000.1 The necessary mass of concentrated H2SO4 solution is 52.1 grams and the needed mass of water is 447.9 grams.

6.12. Following substances were mixed together: 270 g of 10% solution of H2C2O4, 36 g of H2C2O42H2O and 250 ml of water. Calculate the concentration of oxalic acid in the resulting solution. There is a balance scheme (particular phases and their quantities are marked by numbers):

1: H2C2O4 solution w1(H2C2O4)=0.1 m1=270 g 2: H2C2O42H2O w2(H2C2O4)=see below m2=36 g 3: H2O w3(H2C2O4)=0 m3=250 g

4: H2C2O4 solution w4(H2C2O4)=? m4=?

Balance of the whole system: balance of H2C2O4:

m1 + m2 + m3 = m4 m1w1 + m2w2 + m3w3 = m4w4

content of oxalic acid in dihydrate can be calculated using eq. 6:

w2 =
after substituting the numerical values:

M H 2C 2 O 4 100% = 71% M dihydrate

270 + 36 + 250 = m4 2700.1 + 360.71 + 2500 = m4w4

The concentration of oxalic acid in the resulting solution is 9.5%.

Example List
1. Mole, Avogadros Number 1.1. Calculate the number of atoms in one cubic centimetre of gold. The density of gold is 19,32 g/cm3 and the atomic mass of gold is 197 g /mol. 1.2. How many moles of oxygen are present in one mole of Na2SO4.10H2O? 1.3. What is the mass of one atom of lead? The atomic mass of lead is 207 g/mol. 1.4. How many atoms of silver are present in a silver ring that weighs 2 g? The atomic mass of silver is 108 g/mol. 1.5. 2,5 moles of ClO3- anions are needed for a chemical reaction. How many grams of KClO3 are necessary to weigh out for this reaction? The molecular mass of KClO3 is 122,5 g/mol. 1.6. How many CO2 molecules can be made by a combination of 0,02 moles of oxygen with carbon? 1.7. 3 g of element X contain 1,505 10

atoms. Identify the element.

8 2. Molecular Mass, Chemical Formulas 2.1. Calculate the molecular mass of vitamin C - C6H8O6. ( A(C)=12,01 g/mol; A(H)=1,01 g/mol; A(O)=16,0 g/mol) 2.2. The empirical formula of fructose is CH2O, its molecular mass is 180,2 g/mol. What is the molecular formula of fructose? Atomic mass are following: A(C)=12,01 g/mol; A(H)=1,01 g/mol; A()=16,0 g/mol. 2.3. Elemental analysis of nicotine gives the following data: 74,0% of C; 8,65% of H; 17,35% of N. The molar mass of nicotine is 162 g/mol. What is the molecular formula of nicotine? Atomic mass are following: A(C)=12,01 g/mol; A(H)=1,01 g/mol; A(N)=14,01 g/mol. 2.4. Sample of a certain compound contains 8 1015 atoms of Na, 16 1015 atoms of B and 28 1015 atoms of B. The molecular mass of this compound is 201,2 g/mol and the atomic masses are 23,0 g/mol (Na), 10,8 g/mol (B) and 16,0 g/mol (O). Determine the molecular formula of this compound. 2.5. Determine the molecular formula of a compound containing 33,32% of Na, 20,30% of N and 48% of O. The molecular mass of this compound is 69 g/mol. The atomic masses are following: A(Na)=23,0 g/mol; A(N)=14,0 g/mol; A(O)=16,0 g/mol.

3. Composition of Substances, Composition of Mixtures (Percent by Mass) 3.1. Which of the following substances contains the greatest mass of chlorine? (a) 60,0 g of NaClO3 ( M = 106,4 g/mol ), (b) 0,1 mol of KCl ( M = 74,6 g/mol ), (c) 5,0 g of Cl2 ( M = 71,0 g/mol ). The atomic mass of chlorine is 35,5 g/mol. 3.2. Calculate the content (mass%) of hydrogen and of oxygen in H2O. The molecular mass of H2O is 18 g/mol and the atomic masses are 1 g/mol (H) and 16 g/mol (O). 3.3. Concentration of KMnO4 in the solution is 2 mass%. Calculate the mass of KMnO4 in 150 g of this solution. 3.4. Cooling mixture contains 15% of NaCl and 25% of NH4Cl. 550 g NaCl was used for preparation of this mixture. Calculate the mass of this mixture. 3.5. NH4NO3 contains 5% of moisture. Calculate the content of nitrogen (mass %) in the moist substance. The atomic mass of nitrogen is 14 g/mol and the molecular mass of NH4NO3 is 80 g/mol. 3.6. Chalcopyrite ore contains 89% of CuFeS2 ( M = 182,8 g/mol ). Calculate the mass of iron contained in 1000 kg of chalcopyrite. The atomic mass of iron is 55,9 g/mol. 3.7. Calculate the mass of copper contained in 50 g of azurite (2CuCO3Cu(OH)2, M = 342,7 g/mol ) containing 5% of moisture. The atomic mass of copper is 63,5 g/mol. 3.8. In which of the following iron ores is the content of iron (mass %) highest: a) magnetite Fe3O4 ( M = 231,8 g/mol ), b) siderite FeCO3 ( M = 115,9 g/mol ) or c) limonite Fe2O3H2O ( M = 177,9 g/mol ) ? The atomic mass of iron is 55,9 g/mol.

9 3.9. Calculate the content (mass %) of ZnSO4 ( M = 161,5 g/mol ) in ZnSO47H2O ( M = 287,6 g/mol ). 3.10. Calculate the mass of Na2SO4 ( M = 142,0 g/mol ) that remained after a total dehydration of 25 g Na2SO410H2O ( M = 322,2 g/mol ). 3.11. A mixture contains 78% of apatite ( 3Ca3(PO4)2CaF2 , M = 1007,4 g/mol ), the rest of the mixture does not contain phosphorus. Calculate the content (mass %) of phosphorus ( A = 31,0 g/mol ) in this mixture. 3.12. Na2SO37H2O ( M = 252,15 g/mol ) was heated to be dehydrated. The dehydration was not complete, the decrease of the mass was 35,7 %. Calculate the number of moles of water in this partially dehydrated compound (i.e., stoichiometric coefficient of water in the resulting hydrate). The molecular mass of H2O is 18 g/mol. 4. Composition of Mixtures (Mole Percent) 4.1. 4,5 g of ammonia was dissolved in 330 g of water, what is the content (mol %) of NH3 in the resulting solution? ( MNH3=17,03 g/mol, MH2O=18 g/mol ) 4.2. Calculate mole fraction of KCl in the following solution: 30g KCl was dissolved in 1.5 l of water. (MKCl = 74,5 g/mol, H2O = 1 g/ml) 4.3. 25 g of BaCl22H2O ( M = 244,3 g/mol ) was dissolved in 75 ml of H2O. Calculate the mol % of barium ( A = 137,3 g/mol ) in the resulting solution. 4.4. A mixture of NaOH ( M = 40,0 g/mol ) and KOH ( M = 56,1 g/mol ) contains 56 % of NaOH. Calculate the mol % of both components in the mixture. 4.5. A gaseous mixture contains 70 mol % of O2 ( M = 32 g/mol ) and 30 mol % of N2 ( M = 28 g/mol ). Calculate the composition of the mixture in mass %.

5. Composition of Mixtures (Molar Concentration-Molarity) 5.1. Calculate the mass of KMnO4 ( M = 158,0 g/mol ) dissolved in 350 ml of the solution. The molar concentration of KMnO4 in this solution is 0,2 mol/l. 5.2. 10 g of NaCl is dissolved in water to prepare 125 ml of solution. What is the molarity of this compound in the solution? (MNaCl=58,4 g/mol) 5.3. Calculate the molarity of H2O. (2O = 1,0 g/ml) 5.4. 1,5 l of AgNO3 solution ( = 1,105 g/ml ) with molar concentration 0,4 mol/l was prepared. Calculate the mass of water in the solution. M ( AgNO3 ) = 169,9 g/mol and M ( H2O ) = 18 g/mol. 5.5. If 26 g of FeSO4 ( M = 151,9 g/mol ) are dissolved in 100 g of water, what is the molarity of FeSO4 in the solution ( = 1,095 g/ml )?

10 5.6. The molarity of NaCl solution is 1 mol/l and density of the solution is 1,156 g/ml. Calculate the content (mass %) of NaCl ( M = 58,4 g/mol ) in the solution. 5.7. Calculate the molarity of HCl ( M = 36,5 g/mol ) in a concentrated solution ( w = 0,36, = 1,179 g/ml ). 6. Solutions Preparation, Dilution (all percent concentrations are in mass%) 6.1. What mass of solid NaOH is required to prepare 1 l of 10% solution of NaOH ? The density of the 10% solution is 1,109 g/ml. 6.2. What mass of concentrated sulfuric acid ( 96% solution of H2SO4 ) and what mass of water is needed to prepare 500 g of 10% solution of H2SO4? 6.3. CuSO4 5H2O is dissolved in water to form 500 g of the solution. Concentration of CuSO4 ( M = 159,6 g/mol ) in the solution is 5%. Calculate the mass of CuSO4 5H2O ( M = 249,7 g/mol ) and water ( M = 18 g/mol ) used for preparation of this solution. 6.4. 25 ml of 30% solution of HNO3 ( = 1,40 g/ml) was mixed together with 200 ml of water ( = 1,00 g/ml). Calculate the content (mass%) of HNO3 in the final solution. 6.5. What volume of concentrated hydrochloric acid ( wHCl=0,36, =1,18 g/ml) is required to prepare 1,5 l of solution with molar concentration of HCl 1 mol/l? (MHCl=36,5 g/mol) 6.6. Calculate the volume ratio of water ( = 1,00 g/ml) and solution I (20% of KOH, =1,19 g/ml) required for preparation of solution II (5% of KOH). 6.7. Two solutions were mixed up: 500 ml of 3% Na2CO3 solution ( = 1,029 g/ml) and 200 ml of 14% Na2CO3 solution ( = 1,146 g/ml). Calculate the concentration of Na2CO3 in the final solution. 6.8. 10 g of Cu(NO3)23H2O ( M = 241,6 g/mol ) were added to 500 g of 5,0% Cu(NO3)2 ( M = 187,6 g/mol ) solution. Calculate the Cu(NO3)2 concentration in the resulting solution. 6.9. How many grams of CuI ( containing 7% of moisture ) have to be dissolved in 500 ml of water to prepare 20% solution of CuI? 6.10. How many grams of CuSO4 containing 5% of FeSO4 is required for preparation of 350 g of solution with w(CuSO4) = 0,10? 6.11. 700 ml of water and 150 g of a mixture containing 88% of NaCl and 12% of fine sand were used for preparation of NaCl solution. Calculate the mass% of NaCl in the final solution. 6.12. Following substances were mixed together: 270 g of 10% solution of H2C2O4, 36 g of H2C2O42H2O and 250 ml of water. Calculate the concentration of oxalic acid in the resulting solution.


Answers to Examples
1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. N = 5.91022 n = 14 moles m = 3.410-22 g N = 1.121022 m = 306.3 g N = 1.21022 carbon

2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5.

M = 176.14 g/mol C6H12O6 C10H14N2 Na2B4O7 NaNO2 NaClO3 wH = 11.1%, wO = 88.9% m=3g m = 3367 g w = 33.3% m = 272.2 kg m = 26.4 g magnetite ( w = 73% ) w = 56.2%

3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. 3.8. 3.9.

3.10. m = 11.0 g 3.11. w = 14.4% 3.12. stoichiometric coefficient = 2 ( Na2SO32H2O ) 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 5.1. x = 1.4% x = 0.5% x = 2.4% x = 64.1% wO2 = 67.1%, wN2 = 32.9% m = 11.1 g

12 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.6. 5.7. c = 1.410 mol/l c = 5.610-3 mol/l m = 1555 g c = 1.210-3 mol/l w = 7.6% c = 8.410-3 mol/l

6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. 6.6. 6.7. 6.8. 6.9.

m = 110.9 g m(conc. H2SO4) = 52.1 g, m(H2O) = 447.9 g m(hydrate) = 39.1 g, m(H2O) = 460.9 g w = 4.5% V = 128.9 ml Vsol I : VH2O = 1 : 3.57 w = 6.4% w = 6.4% m = 137 g

6.10. m = 36.8 g 6.11. w = 16% 6.12. w = 9.5%

Stoichiometric Calculations Solved Chosen Problems

7.8. Sodium nitrite is prepared by a reaction of sodium nitrate and carbon: NaNO3 + C NaNO2 + CO2

Calculate the masses of reactants needed for preparation of 10 g of NaNO2. Carbon is used in 10% excess. The atomic/molecular masses are: 69.0 g/mol (NaNO2), 85.0 g/mol (NaNO3) and 12 g/mol (C). Solution of the stoichiometeric examples is based on a balance of reactants and products. The relationship between these substances is given by a balanced equation. The balancing of equation must be the first step in the problem solution: 2 NaNO3 + C 2 NaNO2 + CO2

Now we can say: 2 moles of NaNO3 and 1 mole of C are necessary to prepare 2 moles of NaNO2. According to this balance we can calculate the masses of reactants needed for preparation of 10 g of NaNO2:

n NaNO 2 = m 10 g = = 0.145mol M 69 g / mol

The mass of needed natrium nitrate (nNaNO3 = nNaNO2):

m NaNO 3 = n NaNO 3 M NaNO 3 = n NaNO 2 M NaNO 3 = 0.145mol 85 g / mol = 12.3 g

The mass of needed carbon:

mC = nC AC = n NaNO 2 0.145mol AC = 12 g / mol = 0.87 g 2 2 mC = mC 1.1 = 0.87 g 1.1 = 0.96 g

carbon is used in 10% excess:

To prepare 10 grams of natrium nitrite, 12.3 grams of natrium nitrate and 0.96 grams of carbon are needed.

Stoichiometric Calculations - Limiting Reagent 8.3. 50 ml of HCl solution (c = 1 mol/l) were added to 53 g of AgNO3 solution (w = 0.22 %). How many grams of AgCl were produced? The atomic/molecular masses are 169.9 g/mol (AgNO3) and 143.3 g/mol (AgCl). Formation of the equation and its balancing must be the first step in the problem solution: HCl + AgNO3 AgCl + HNO3

When amount of more than one reactant is given in an example, we must check if the reactants are in stoichiometric ratio (given by a balanced equation). If they are not, we must use the amount of limiting reagent for the next calculation.
n HCl = c HCl Vsol = 1mol / l 0.05l = 0.05mol n AgNO 3 = m AgNO 3 M AgNO 3 = msol w AgNO 3 M AgNO 3 =
53 g 0.22 = 0.07 mol 169.9 g / mol

The amount of HCl: the amount of AgNO3:

According to the balanced equation 1 mole of HCl reacts with 1 mole of AgNO3 and then 0.05 moles of HCl will react with only 0.05 moles of AgNO3 (excessive 0.02 moles of AgNO3 will not react). Now the quantity of formed AgCl (nAgCl = nHCl) is:
m AgCl = n AgCl M AgCl = n HCl M AgCl = 0.05mol 143.3 g / mol = 7.2 g

14 Stoichiometric Calculations Reactions Involving Gases Ideal behaviour of gases is expected in these stoichiometric calculations involving gases. State of such ideal gas can be described by the ideal-gas law: pV=nRT {eq. 10} p V n R T pressure of ideal gas [Pa] volume of ideal gas [m3] number of moles [mol] ideal gas constant, R=8.314 JK-1mol-1 temperature [K]

10.6. Calculate the volume of SO2 (20 101 325 Pa) produced by a reaction of 100 g of C, Na2SO37H2O (M=252.1 g/mol) containing 7% of moisture and 100 ml of H2SO4 solution (=1.14 g/ml, w=0.2, MH2SO4=98 g/mol). Na2SO3 + H2SO4 SO2 + Na2SO4 + H2O

The balancing of the equation must be the first step in the problem solution: Na2SO3 + H2SO4 SO2 + Na2SO4 + H2O

Amount of both reactants is given, so we must determine if reactants are in stoichiometric ratio. The amount of Na2SO3 is (in assumption that substance contains only 93% of heptahydrate):

n Na 2 SO 3 = 0.93

m Na 2 SO 3 = 0.93 M Na 2 SO 3


M Na 2 SO 3 M hydrate

M Na 2 SO 3

= 0.93

100 g = 0.37 mol 252.1g mol

The amount of sulphuric acid:

n H 2 SO 4 = mH 2 SO 4 msol wH 2 SO 4 Vsol sol wH 2 SO 4 100ml 1.14 g / ml 0.2 = = = = 0.23mol M H 2 SO 4 M H 2 SO 4 M H 2 SO 4 98 g / mol

Natrium sulfite is an excessive reactant, so the amount of formed sulphur dioxide is 0.23mol. The volume of SO2 (using eq. 10) is:

VSO 2 =

nSO 2 R T 0.23mol 8.314 J K mol 293K = = 5.6l p 101325Pa

The volume of produced SO2 is 5.6 litres.


Example List
7. Stoichiometric Calculations lower level (the equations in the examples are not balanced) 7.1. Ammonium sulfate is prepared by a reaction between ammonia and sulfuric acid: NH3 + H2SO4 (NH4)2SO4

How many grams of ammonia are needed to produce 0,5 kg of (NH4)2SO4 ? The molecular masses are following: 17,0 g/mol (NH3) and 132,1 g/mol ((NH4)2SO4). 7.2. Sulfur combines at high temperatures with iron to form iron(II) sulfide. Calculate the mass of FeS formed from 5,25 kg of S. Fe + S FeS

The atomic/molecular masses are following: 32,1 g/mol (S) and 87,9 g/mol (FeS). 7.3. How many ml of NaOH solution (c=0,5 mol/l ) are needed to completely neutralize 20 ml of a H2SO4 solution (c=0,25 mol/l)? 7.4. Magnesite is decomposed by heating to magnesium oxide: MgCO3 MgO + CO2

Calculate the amount of magnesium oxide that will be produced from 500 kg of magnesite containing 82% of MgCO3. The molecular masses are following: 84,3 g/mol (MgCO3) and 40,3 g/mol (MgO). 7.5. When heated, potassium chlorate decomposes to potassium chloride and oxygen. Calculate the percent yield of decomposition, if 15,0 g of sample give 5,0 g of O2. KClO3 KCl + O2

The molecular masses are following: 122,5 g/mol (KClO3) and 32,0 g/mol (O2). 7.6. Calcium oxide and carbon react to form carbon monoxide and calcium carbide: CaO + C CaC2 + CO

Calculate the mass of calcium oxide needed for formation of 587 kg of CaC2. The percent yield of the reaction is 89%. The molecular masses are following: 56,1 g/mol (CaO) and 64,1 g/mol (CaC2). 7.7. What is the volume of 40% solution of KCN (=1,19 g/ml) that dissolves 1 g of gold according to the following reaction? Au + KCN + O2 + H2O K[Au(CN)2] + KOH

The atomic/molecular masses are following: 65,1 g/mol (KCN) and 197 g/mol (Au). 7.8. Sodium nitrite is prepared by a reaction of sodium nitrate and carbon:

16 NaNO3 + C NaNO2 + CO2

Calculate the masses of reactants needed for preparation of 10 g of NaNO2. Carbon is used in 10% excess. The atomic/molecular masses: 69,0 g/mol (NaNO2), 85,0 g/mol (NaNO3) and 12 g/mol (C). 7.9. Sodium hydroxide dissolves bauxite according to the following reaction: AlO(OH) + NaOH + H2O Na[Al(OH)4]

What is the volume of 30% solution of NaOH with density 1,33 g/ml (hydroxide is used in 10% excess) needed for dissolution of 50 g of bauxite containing 92% of AlO(OH)? The molecular masses: 60 g/mol (AlO(OH)), 40 g/mol (NaOH). 7.10. Titration of a sample (m = 1 g) containing H2C2O4 (M = 90,0 g/mol) requires 24 ml of KMnO4 solution (c = 0,01 mol/l). What is the content (mass%) of H2C2O4 in the sample? KMnO4 + H2C2O4 + H2SO4 MnSO4 + CO2 + H2O + K2SO4

8. Stoichiometric Calculations - Limiting Reagent (the equations in the examples are not balanced) 8.1. 150 g of carbon react with 250 g of Cl2, how many grams of CCl4 are produced? The atomic/molecular masses are following: 70,9 g/mol (Cl2), 12 g/mol (C) and 153,8 g/mol (CCl4). 8.2. Silicon tetrachloride is prepared from silicon dioxide, carbon and chlorine gas: SiO2 + C + Cl2 SiCl4 + CO

If the reaction goes in 95,7% yield, how many grams of silicon tetrachloride can be prepared using 75g of each starting material? The molecular masses are following: 70,9 g/mol (Cl2), 12 g/mol (C), 60,1 g/mol (SiO2) and 169,9 g/mol (SiCl4). 8.3. 50 ml of HCl solution (c = 1 mol/l) were added to 53 g of AgNO3 solution (w = 0,22 %). How many grams of AgCl were produced? The atomic/molecular masses: 169,9 g/mol (AgNO3) and 143,3 g/mol (AgCl). 8.4. PbSO4 is prepared by a reaction of Pb(NO3)2 with Al2(SO4)3. What mass of PbSO4 is produced when 30 ml of Pb(NO3)2 solution (c=0,23 mol/l) is added to 25 ml of Al2(SO4)3 solution (c=0,08 mol/l)? The molecular masses: 303,4 g/mol (PbSO4), 331,2 g/mol (Pb(NO3)2) and 342,1 g/mol (Al2(SO4)3). Pb(NO3)2 + Al2(SO4)3 PbSO4 (s) + Al(NO3)3 (aq)

8.5. The same volumes of 10 mass% solutions of H2SO4 (=1,066 g/ml) and NaOH (=1,109 g/ml) were mixed up. Calculate the content (mass%) of sodium sulfate and of the excessive reactant in the final solution. The molecular masses are following: 18,0 g/mol (H2O), 40,0 g/mol (NaOH), 98,1 g/mol (H2SO4), 142,0 g/mol (Na2SO4).

17 C) 8.6. Solutions of Fe2(SO4)3 and (NH4)2SO4 (saturated at 60 were mixed together to prepare ammonium ferric alum: Fe2(SO4)3 + (NH4)2SO4 NH4Fe(SO4)2

Calculate the mass of prepared alum when 100 g of each solution were used. The solubility of Fe2(SO4)3 is 94,4 g per 100 g of H2O at 60 and the solubility of (NH 4)2SO4 is 88 g per 100 g of C H2O at 60 The molecular masses: 399,9 g/mol (Fe 2(SO4)3), 132,1 g/mol ((NH4)2SO4) and C. 266,2 g/mol (NH4Fe(SO4)2). 9. Stoichiometric Calculations upper level (the equations in the examples are not balanced) 9.1. 10 g of minium were dissolved in 120 ml of HNO3 solution (c = 0,5 mol/l). PbO2 was filtered out and 20 ml of NH3 solution (w = 0,1) were added to the solution of Pb2+ salt. What is the percent yield of the first reaction when 7 g of Pb(OH)2 were obtained? The molecular masses: 685,6 g/mol (Pb3O4), 17,0 g/mol (NH3) and 241,2 g/mol (Pb(OH)2). Pb3O4 + HNO3 Pb(NO3)2 + PbO2 + H2O Pb(NO3)2 + NH3 + H2O Pb(OH)2 + NH4NO3 9.2. Excess of NaOH solution was added to 150 g of NH4Fe(SO4)2 solution. Fe(OH)3 precipitated and was then heated - 5,64 g of Fe2O3 were obtained. Calculate the concentration (mass%) of NH4Fe(SO4)2 in the starting solution. The molecular masses: 266,2 g/mol (NH4Fe(SO4)2), 159,7 g/mol (Fe2O3). NH4Fe(SO4)2 + NaOH Fe(OH)3 + Na2SO4 + (NH4)2SO4 Fe2O3 + H2O Fe(OH)3 9.3 Nitric acid is produced by a three-step synthesis: NH3 + O2 NO + H2O NO2 NO + O2 NO2 + H2O HNO3 + NO Starting with 750 kg of ammonia, what mass of nitric acid can be produced if each step is 94,5 % efficient? The molecular masses: 17 g/mol (NH3), 63 g/mol (HNO3). 9.4. Concentration of MnO4- solutions is determined by titration with potassium iodide in an acid solution. The separated iodine is then titrated with Na2S2O3 solution. Calculate the molar concentration of KMnO4 in 200 ml of solution, when 173,3 ml of thiosulfate solution (c=1,5 mol/l) were needed for the reaction with iodine. KMnO4 + KI + CH3COOH I2 + Mn(CH3COO)2 + CH3COOK + H2O I2 + Na2S2O3 NaI + Na2S4O6 9.5. 50 g of a mixture of Fe and Fe2O3 were dissolved in 250 ml of 60% H2SO4 solution (=1,50 g/ml). 2,5 g of H2 were given off. Calculate the content of Fe in the mixture and the mass of excessive sulfuric acid. Fe2(SO4)3 + H2 Fe + H2SO4 Fe2O3 + H2SO4 Fe2(SO4)3 + H2O

18 The atomic/molecular masses: 2 g/mol (H2), 98 g/mol (H2SO4), 159,7 g/mol (Fe2O3), 55,8 g/mol (Fe).

9.6. Superconducting cuprates are prepared by a multi-step procedure involving calcination and solid state reaction. The process can be described by a simplified scheme: Bi2O3 + PbO + SrCO3 + CaCO3 + CuO Bi1,6Pb0,4Sr2Ca2,5Cu3,5O10,8 + CO2

Calculate the masses of the starting compounds when 5 g of cuprate are to be prepared. The molecular masses: 465,96 g/mol (Bi2O3), 223,2 g/mol (PbO), 147,6 g/mol (SrCO3), 100,1 g/mol (CaCO3), 79,6 g/mol (CuO) and 1087,9 g/mol (cuprate).

10. Stoichiometric Calculations Reactions Involving Gases (the equations in the examples are not balanced) 10.1. Calculate the volume of H2 (20 101325 Pa) prepared by a reaction of 5 g of Al (A=27,0 C, g/mol) with the excess of NaOH solution. Al + NaOH + H2O Na[Al(OH)4] + H2

10.2. Nitric oxide is produced using ammonia and oxygen: NH3 + O2 NO + H2O

C, If 10,0 l of NH3 (at 820 150 kPa) completely react with oxygen, how many liters of water steam (measured at 125 101 325 Pa) are formed? C, 10.3. What volume of oxygen (measured at 20 0,1 0 MPa) is needed to burn 10 kg of lignite C, containing 75% of carbon (A=12 g/mol) and 6,4% of sulphur (A=32 g/mol). Other components dont react with oxygen. C+O2 CO2 , S + O2 SO2

C, 10.4. The same volumes (1 m3) of hydrogen and nitrogen were mixed up (500 61 MPa). Calculate the volume of produced ammonia. H2 + N2 NH3

10.5. When ammonium nitrate explodes it decomposes to gaseous products: NH4NO3 N2 (g) + O2 (g) + H2O (g)

Calculate the total volume of products after decomposition of 10 g of NH4NO3 at 500 and C normal pressure. The molecular mass of NH4NO3 is 80,0 g/mol.

19 C, 10.6. Calculate the volume of SO2 (20 101 325 Pa) produced by a reaction of 100 g of Na2SO37H2O (M=252,1 g/mol) containing 7% of moisture and 100 ml of H2SO4 solution (=1,14 g/ml, w=0,2, MH2SO4=98 g/mol). Na2SO3 + H2SO4 SO2 + Na2SO4 + H2O

10.7. Chlorine was produced by a reaction of 10 g of MnO2 (M=86,9 g/mol) and 30 ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid (w=0,36, =1,18 g/ml, MHCl=36,5 g/mol). The produced chlorine was introduced into excess of 10% solution of KBr. Calculate the mass of separated bromine (MBr2=159,8 g/mol). MnO2 + HCl Cl2 + MnCl2 + H2O Cl2 + KBr Br2 + KCl 10.8. 1 l of a mixture of gases (containing hydrogen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen) was bubbled through 3 l of 20% solution of NaOH (=1,43 g/ml). CO2 + NaOH NaHCO3

The produced sodium hydrogen-carbonate was filtered out and the remaining NaOH solution was titrated with 10% solution of H2SO4 (=1,07 g/ml, MH2SO4=98 g/mol). Calculate the volume% of CO2 in 1l of the mixture of gases when 5,25 ml of H2SO4 solution were used for the titration.

Answers to Examples
7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. 7.5. 7.6. 7.7. 7.8. 7.9. m = 128.7 g m = 14.4 g V = 20 ml m = 196 g percent yield = 93.9% m = 457.2 g V = 1.39 ml m (NaNO3) = 13.6 g, m (C) = 0.9 g V = 84.5 ml

7.10. w = 5.4%

8.1. 8.2. 8.3. 8.4. 8.5. 8.6.

m = 269.2 g m = 86.2 g w = 7.2 g m = 1.82 g w (Na2SO4) = 7.7%, w (NaOH) = 1.2% m = 64.7 g

20 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 9.4. 9.5. 9.6. percent yield = 97% w = 12.4% m = 1564 kg c = 0.26 mol/l w (Fe) = 92.5%, m (H2SO4) = 96.2 g m (Bi2O3) = 1.71 g; m (PbO) = 0.41 g; m (SrCO3) = 1.36 g; m (CaCO3) = 1.15 g; m (CuO)

= 1.28 g

10.1. V = 6.7 l 10.2. V = 8.1 l 10.3. V = 15.7 m3 10.4. V = 0.67 m3 10.5. V = 27.7 l 10.6. V = 5.6 l 10.7. m = 13.9 g 10.8. w = 24%

Crystallization Solved Chosen Problems

Saturated Solutions Each substance has a limited solubility (depending on temperature) in a given solvent. The solubility of inorganic substances is usually tabulated as an amount of a substance soluble in 100 g of water at the definite temperature, e.g., the solubility of K2Cr2O7 is 43 g per 100 g of water at 60 Such solution will be saturated afte r preparation at this temperature - it means C. that no more substance dissolves in such solution. Examples concerning preparation of saturated solutions are mainly solved using a balance of masses. 11.3. FeCl36H2O contains 8.5% of insoluble impurities. How many grams of water is needed to dissolve 45 g of this substance if you want to prepare a saturated solution of FeCl36H2O at 20 Calculate the mass of the prepared solut ion. The solubility of C? FeCl36H2O at 20 is 394.0 g per 100 g of H 2O. C

21 There is a balance scheme (particular phases and their quantities are marked by numbers):

1: FeCl36H2O with imp. w1(FeCl36H2O)=0.915 m1=45 g

3: FeCl36H2O sat. sol. w3(FeCl36H2O)=see below m3=?

2: H2O w2(FeCl36H2O)=0 m2=?

4: insoluble impurities w4(FeCl36H2O)=0 m4= see below

Balance of the whole system: balance of FeCl36H2O:

m1 + m2 = m3 + m4 m1w1 + m2w2 = m3w3 + m4w4

The mass percent of FeCl36H2O in the prepared saturated solution (w3) can be calculated from the tabulated solubility : m mFeCl 36 H 2O 394 g w3 = FeCl 36 H 20 = = = 0.80 msol mFeCl 36 H 2O + mH 2O 394 g + 100 g The insoluble impurities must be balanced as individual phase after preparation of solution and their mass is: m4 = m1 (1 w1 ) = 45 g 0.085 = 3.8 g Now we can substitute the numerical values:
45 g + m2 = m3 + 3.8 g 45 g 0.915 + m2 0 = m3 0.80 + 3.8 g 0

To prepare a saturated solution, 10.4 grams of water are necessary. The resulting solution weighs 51.5 grams.

Free Crystallization Free crystallization is based on evaporation of a solvent from a solution at a constant temperature. A dilute solution is getting more concentrated towards the saturated solution. Further evaporation of the solvent leads to formation of crystals of the dissolved substance (there is an excess of the dissolved substance over the solvent). The crystals and the saturated solution are products of a free crystallization. Examples concerning free crystallization are mainly solved using a balance of masses. 12.5. 324 g of NiCl2 solution (w (NiCl2)=0.22) is being free crystallized at 20 How man y C. grams of NiCl26H2O were prepared after evaporation of 150 g of water? The solubility of C NiCl26H2O at 20 is 253.4 g per 100 g of H 2O. The molar mass of NiCl2 is 129.6 g/mol and the molar mass of NiCl26H2O is 257.7 g/mol. Concentration data are given for two different substances: NiCl2 or NiCl26H2O. We must decide which substance we will balance and transform the other one. As the solubility is given for NiCl26H2O, it is useful to balance this substance. Then we should transform concentration of the starting solution (transform w1NiCl2 into w1NiCl26H2O):

m NiCl 2 M NiCl 26 H 2O M NiCl 2 M 257.7 g / mol = = w1 NiCl 2 NiCl 26 H 2O = 0.22 = 0.44 msol M NiCl 2 129.6 g / mol

w1 26 H 2O = NiCl

m NiCl 26 H 2O msol

There is a balance scheme (particular phases and their quantities are marked by numbers):
2: NiCl26H2O crystals w2(NiCl26H2O)=1 m2=? 1: NiCl26H2O solution w1(NiCl26H2O)=0.44 m1=324 g 3: H2O w3(NiCl26H2O)=0 m3=150g 4: NiCl26H2O sat. sol. w4(NiCl26H2O)= see below m4=?

The mass percent of NiCl26H2O in the final saturated solution (w4) can be calculated from the tabulated solubility: m m NiCl 26 H 2O 253.4 g w4 = NiCl 26 H 20 = = = 0.72 msol mNiCl 26 H 2O + mH 2O 253.4 g + 100 g

Balance of the whole system: balance of NiCl26H2O : after substituting the numerical values:

m1 = m2 + m3 + m4 m1w1 = m2w2 + m3w3 + m4w4 324g = m2 + 150 + m4 324g0.44 = m21 + 150g0 + m40.72

19.4 grams of NiCl26H2O crystals were prepared by free crystallization. Crystallization in Motion Crystallization in motion is used for purification of the substances that have the solubility directly proportional to the temperature. Crystals are formed after cooling a solution saturated at certain temperature to lower temperature. The amount of formed crystals is given by the values of solubilities at the chosen temperatures. Examples concerning crystallization in motion are mainly solved using direct proportionality.

13.5. A solution of RbCl contains 28 g of rubidium chloride. This solution is to be concentrated by evaporation of water to get a saturated solution at 100 and then C cooled to 20 Calculate the mass of the saturated solution after evaporation of the C. excess of water. Calculate the mass of the separated crystals. The solubility of RbCl is 91,1 g per 100 g of water at 20 and 138,9 g per 1 00 g of water at 100 C C.

23 We can write the following consideration (using the values of solubility of RbCl): if 138.9 g of RbCl ..............saturated solution at 100 C..(138.9 91.1) g of crystalls is dissolved weighs (138.9g + 100g) is formed after cooling to 20 C 28 g of RbCl is.saturated solution at 100 C. . y g of crystalls dissolved in solution weighs x g is formed after cooling to 20 C in this example


28 g (138.9 + 100 )g = 48.2 g 138.9 g 28 g (138.9 91.1)g = 9.6 g 138.9 g


9.6 g of crystals of RbCl were formed after cooling of 48.2 g of saturated solution from 100 to C 20 C.

Example List
11. Saturated Solutions 11.1. Calculate the content (mass%) of Na2S2O3 in the saturated solution of Na2S2O35H2O at 20 C. C The solubility of Na2S2O35H2O at 20 is 182,7 g per 100 g of H 2O, the molar masses are 158,1 g/mol ( Na2S2O3 ) and 248,2 g/mol ( Na2S2O35H2O ). 11.2. 220 ml of Sr(NO3)2 solution ( = 1,17 g/ml) saturated at 20 was mixed together with 100 C ml of water. Calculate the content (mass%) of Sr(NO3)2 in the dilute solution. The solubility of Sr(NO3)2 at 20 is 64,0 g per 100 g of water. C 11.3. FeCl36H2O contains 8,5% of insoluble impurities. How many grams of water is needed to dissolve 45 g of this substance if you want to prepare a saturated solution of FeCl36H2O at 20 Calculate the mass of the prepared solution. The solubility of FeCl36H2O at 20 is C? C 394,0 g per 100 g of H2O. 11.4. 450 g of CuSO45H2O solution saturated at 20 are to be prepared. Ca lculate both the C mass of water and the mass of CuSO45H2O ( sulfate contains 10,5% of moisture ) you need to prepare such solution. The solubility of CuSO45H2O at 20 is 36,6 g per 100 g of H 2O. C 11.5. How many grams of water have to be evaporated from 500 g of K2Cr2O7 solution ( w = 0,03 ) to be saturated at 20 The solubility of K 2Cr2O7 at 20 is 12 g per 100 g of H 2O. C? C 11.6. 1500 g of KNO2 solution with molar concentration 1,5 mol/l ( = 1,025 g/mol ) are to be used for preparation of a saturated solution. How many milliliters of water have to be evaporated

24 C from such solution? The solubility of KNO2 at 20 is 298,4 g per 100 g of H 2O. The molar mass of KNO2 is 85 g/mol. 11.7. 300 g of KIO3 solution saturated at 20 were retrieved after cr ystallization in motion. This C solution is to be used for preparation of 5% solution. What amount of water is needed for the dilution? The solubility of KIO3 at 20 is 8,1 g per 100 g of H 2O. C 11.8. A saturated solution of NiBr2 is to be prepared from 250 g of 15% solution of NiBr2. How many grams of solid NiBr2 have to be added? The solubility of NiBr2 at 20 is 56,7 g per 100 g C of H2O. 11.9. Following substances were mixed together: 150 g of BaCl22H2O solution saturated at 20 ( the solubility of BaCl 22H2O at 20 is 44,6 g per 100 g of H 2O ), 100 ml of water and 70 C C g of 5% BaCl2 solution. Calculate the concentration (mass %) of BaCl2 in the final solution. The molar mass of BaCl2 is 208,3 g/mol and the molar mass of BaCl22H2O is 244,3 g/mol. 12. Free Crystallization 12.1. 350 g of Sr(NO3)2 (containing 9,5% of insoluble impurities) is to be recrystallized by free crystallization. Calculate the amount of water needed for preparation of a saturated solution. How many grams of Sr(NO3)2 crystallize out after evaporation of 80% of water? The solubility of Sr(NO3)2 at 20 is 64,0 g per 100 g of water. C C 12.2. 150 g of water were evaporated from 1 kg of K2Cr2O7 solution saturated at 20 (free crystallization). Calculate the mass of separated K2Cr2O7 crystals. The solubility of K2Cr2O7 at 20 is 12 g per 100 g of H 2O. C 12.3. 30 g of CuSO45H2O crystals are to be prepared by free crystallization of the saturated solution at 20 The saturated solution was prepar ed by dissolving 52 g of CuSO45H2O in C. water. Calculate the mass of water that has to be evaporated. The solubility of CuSO45H2O at 20 is 36,6 g per 100 g of H 2O. C 12.4. 200 g of Cu(NO3)2 solution (w (Cu(NO3)2)=0,05) is being free crystallized at 20 How C. many grams of water should be evaporated if you have to prepare 5 g of Cu(NO3)23H2O crystals? The solubility of Cu(NO3)23H2O at 20 is 252 g per 100 g of H 2O. The molar mass of C Cu(NO3)2 is 187,6 g/mol and the molar mass of Cu(NO3)23H2O is 241,6 g/mol. 12.5. 324 g of NiCl2 solution (w (NiCl2)=0,22) is being free crystallized at 20 How man y grams C. of NiCl26H2O were prepared after evaporation of 150 g of water? The solubility of NiCl26H2O at 20 is 253,4 g per 100 g of H 2O. The molar mass of NiCl2 is 129,6 g/mol and the molar mass of C NiCl26H2O is 257,7 g/mol.

13. Crystallization in Motion 13.1. KCr(SO4)212H2O was purified by crystallization in motion from 100 to 25 How many C C. percent of the substance were separated in the form of crystals? The solubility of C C. KCr(SO4)212H2O is 24,4 g per 100 g of H2O at 25 and 50 g per 100 g of H 2O at 100

25 13.2 250 g of FeSO47H2O crystals are to be prepared by crystallization in motion from 50 to C 20 What mass of heptahydrate and what volume of water is needed to prepare the saturated C. solution at 50 C? The solubility of FeSO 47H2O is 62,1 g per 100 g of H2O at 20 and 149,0 g C per 100 g of H2O at 50 C. 13.3. 620 g of K2Cr2O7 solution saturated at 60 was cooled to a tempera ture of 20 C C. Calculate the mass of separated crystals. The solubility of K2Cr2O7 is 12,0 g per 100 g of water at 20 and 43,0 g per 100 g of water at 60 C C. 13.4. Crystallization in motion from 100 to 20 is to be used for preparation of 60 g of NaNO3 C C crystals (a saturated solution at 100 is to be co oled to a temperature of 20 Calculate the C C). mass of the starting nitrate containing 6,0% of insoluble impurities and the volume of water needed for preparation of the nitrate solution. The solubility of NaNO3 is 88,0 g per 100 g of water at 20 and 180,0 g per 100 g of water at 100 C C. 13.5. A solution of RbCl contains 28 g of chloride. This solution is to be concentrated by evaporation of water to get a saturated solution at 100 and then cooled to a temperature of C 20 Calculate the mass of the saturated solution after evaporation of the excess of water. C. Calculate the mass of the separated crystals. The solubility of RbCl is 91,1 g per 100 g of water at 20 and 138,9 g per 100 g of water at 100 C C. 13.6. A solution of H2C2O42H2O saturated at 60 contains 560 g of dihydrate. 42 0 g of crystals C were separated after cooling the solution to a temperature of 20 Calculate losses of dihydrate C. (mass %) during the crystallization in motion. The solubility of H2C2O42H2O is 13,9 g per 100 g of water at 20 and 75,0 g per 100 g of water at 6 0 C C. 13.7. 150 g of CuSO45H2O containing 8% of moisture were dissolved in 700 ml of water. This solution has to be concentrated to get a saturated solution at 60 Calculate the mass of the C. water that has to be evaporated. How many grams of crystals will be separated after cooling of C the saturated solution to 20 The solubility of C uSO45H2O is 36,6 g per 100 g of H2O at 20 C? and 80,8 g per 100 g of water at 60 C. 13.8. A solution containing 25 g of Na2SO410H2O was obtained in neutralization. Then the solution was concentrated to get a saturated solution at 100 15 g of crystals were separated C. after cooling the saturated solution down to 20 Calculate losses of hydrate (mass%) during C. the crystallization in motion. The solubility of Na2SO410H2O is 58,3 g per 100 g of H2O at 20 C and 209 g per 100 g of water at 100 C.

Answers to Examples
11.1. w = 41% 11.2. w = 28% 11.3. m = 10.4 g 11.4. m (hydrate) = 134.7 g; m (H2O) = 315.3 g 11.5. m = 360 g 11.6. V = 1260 ml 11.7. m = 149.6 g

26 11.8. m = 83 g 11.9. w = 13%

12.1. m (H2O) = 496 g; m (crystals) = 254 g 12.2. m = 18 g 12.3. m = 82 g 12.4. m = 184 g 12.5. m = 19.4 g

13.1. % = 51.2% 13.2. m = 428.7 g; V = 287.7 ml 13.3. m = 134.4 g 13.4. m = 124.9 g; V = 65.2 ml 13.5. m (solution) = 48.2 g; m (crystals) = 9.6 g 13.6. losses = 7.9% 13.7. m (H2O) = 541.4 g; m (crystals) = 75.5 g 13.8. losses = 16.7%


Recommended Literature
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 1994 Dickinson T.R.: Introduction to Chemistry, John Wiley&Sons, Inc., 1979 Russell J.B.: General Chemistry, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1992 Chang R.: Chemistry, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1991 Holtzclaw H.F., Robinson W.R.: General Chemistry, D.C. Heath and Company, 1988 Olmsted J., Williams G.M.: Chemistry: The Molecular Science, Mosby-Year Book, Inc.,

Mixture Composition:
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] p. 51-63, p. 259-267 p. 48-57, p. 68-72, p. 382-386 p. 47-64, p. 142-146, p. 507-512 p. 26-38, p. 53-54, p. 327-334 p. 95-135

Reaction Stoichiometry
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] p. 210-221, p. 267-269 p. 60-68, p. 145-149 p. 132-142, p. 180-190 p. 40-45, p. 54-65, p. 244-252 p. 144-188, p. 215-219

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