Humanism Learning Theory
Humanism Learning Theory
Humanism Learning Theory
Learning goal is to humanize humans. Will succeed if the student has to understand the environment and himself. This theory seeks to understand learning behavior from the viewpoint of the perpetrator, not from the perspective of her observations. The main goal of educators is to help the students to develop themselves, which helps individuals to recognize themselves as unique human beings and help in realizing the potentials that exist in them. The characters in the theory of humanism is 1. Arthur Combs (1912 - 1399) Learning occurs when a means for individuals, teachers can not impose material that does not like or are not relevant to their lives. 2. Abraham Maslow Maslow's theory is based on the assumption that individual within one of two things: 1. A positive effort to develop, 2. Strength to resist 3. Carl Rogers Rogers distinguished two types of learning namely: 1. Cognitive (significance), 2. Experiential (or significant experience), students' personal involvement, initiative, an evaluation by the students themselves, and there is a lasting effect on students. One of the open education model involves the concept of facilitative teaching and teacher who developed Rogers studied by Aspy and Roebuck in 1975 about the ability of teachers to create conditions that support the empathy, appreciation and positive feedback. The characteristics of a facilitative teacher is: 1. Responding to students' feelings 2. Using the ideas of students to carry out the interactions that have been designed 3. Dialogue and discussion with students 4. Respecting students 5. Correspondence between attitudes and actions 6. Customizing the content frame of mind of students (explanation to establish immediate needs of students) 7. Smiled at the students. Humanism theory Application of Student Learning The role of teachers in humanistic learning is to become a facilitator for the students while the teacher provides motivation, awareness of the meaning of learning in the lives of students. Teachers facilitate the learning experience to students and assist students to obtain learning goals. Students act as the main actors (student center) which defines the process of their own learning experience. It is expected that students understand the potential of themselves, develop themselves in a positive potential and minimize potential negative. The purpose of learning more to the process of learning rather than learning outcomes. The process is generally passed are: Excess Humanism Learning Theory 1. This theory is suitable to be applied in the learning material that is the formation of personality, conscience, change attitudes, and analysis of social phenomena. 2. Indicators of success of this application is the students feel happy excited, took the initiative in learning and change thought patterns, behaviors and attitudes of their own accord. 3. Students are expected to become a free man, not bound by the opinions of others and his own personal set in a responsible manner without compromising the rights of others or violate the rules, norms, disciplines or ethics. Lack of Humanism Learning Theory 1. Students who do not want to understand the potential for him will be left behind in the learning process. 2. Students who are inactive and lazy to learn to be self-defeating in the process of learning.