Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering: Sem / Year: Ii / I
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering: Sem / Year: Ii / I
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering: Sem / Year: Ii / I
UNIT I CIRCUIT ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES Kirchoffs current and voltage laws series and parallel connection of independent sources R, L and C Network Theorems Thevenin, Superposition, Norton, Maximum power transfer and duality Stardelta conversion. UNIT II TRANSIENT RESONANCE IN RLC CIRCUITS Basic RL, RC and RLC circuits and their responses to pulse and sinusoidal inputs Frequency response Parallel and series resonances Q factor single tuned and Double tuned circuits. UNIT III SEMICONDUCTOR DIODES Review of intrinsic & extrinsic semiconductors Theory of PN junction diode Energy band structure current equation space charge and diffusion capacitances Effect of temperature and breakdown mechanism Zener diode and its Characteristics. UNIT IV TRANSISTORS Principle of operation of PNP and NPN transistors study of CE, CB and CC Configurations and comparison of their characteristics Breakdown in transistors Operation and comparison of N-Channel and P-Channel JFET drain current Equation MOSFET Enhancement and depletion types structure and operation Comparison of BJT with MOSFET thermal effect on MOSFET. UNIT V SPECIAL SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES Tunnel diodes PIN diode, varactor diode SCR characteristics and two transistor equivalent model UJT Diac and Triac Laser, CCD, Photodiode, Phototransistor, Photoconductive and Photovoltaic cells LED, LCD. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Joseph A. Edminister, Mahmood, Nahri, Electric circuits Shaum series, Tata Mc Graw Hill, (2001) 2. S.Salivahanan, N. Suresh Kumar and A. Vallavanraj, Electronic devices & Circuits Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2nd edition (2008) 3. David A. Bell, "Electronic Devices and circuits", Oxford University Press, 5th Edition, (2008) REFERENCES: 1. William H.Hayt, J.V.Jack, E.Kemmebly & Steven M. Durbin, Engineering circuit analysis Tata Mc Graw Hill, 6nd edition (2002) 2. J. Millman and Halkins, Satyebranta jit, Electronic devices & Circuits Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2nd edition (2008)
1. Calculate the mesh current i1 and i2 in the following circuit
12V + v2 + v12 + v4 = 0
12V + 2 i1 + 12 (i1 i2 ) + 4 i1 = 0 18 i1 12 i2 = 12
v12 + v9 + 8V + v3 = 0 12 (i1 i2 ) +9 i2 +V 8
3 i2 0 + =
1 2 i1 + 2 4 i2 = 8
Now we have to solve the two equations:
18 12 12 i1 12 = 24 i2 8
i1 0.6667 A i = 0 A 2
Explain about Krichoff's current and voltage laws with suitable examples.
The sum of the voltage drops around any closed loop is zero.
K L tells us tha an set of elem V t y ents w hich are con ected at n both en s d carry the s e vo am ltag e . W say these e ents are e lem in p llel ara K L clo V ckw ise, s tart at to p: V V =0 b a
V =V a b
+ va 3
+ vb -
P th 1 a : P th2 a : P th3 a :
v a +v 2 +v b =0
v b v 3 +v c =0
v a +v 2 v 3 +v c =0
KIRCHOFFS CURRENT LAW (Sum of currents entering node) (Sum of currents leaving node) = 0
K Ltells us th a of th elem ts C at ll e en in a sin le b n g ra ch carryth e sam curren e t . W say th elem ts are e ese en inser ies .
i1 = i
Currents entering the node: 24 A Currents leaving the node: 4 A + 10 A + i Three formulations of KCL:
1: 2: 3:
24 = 4 + 10 + i 24 ( 4) 10 i = 0 24 4 + 10 + i = 0
i = 18 A i = 18 A i = 18 A
Page no. 64-67, R.S. Sedha, A text book of Applied Electronics S.CHAND pub 2005. 4
E a p so x m le f th e c se re lo d p th a s:
+ vc
v1 12 v1 0 v1 10 0 + + =0 4 6 2
v1 = 8.727V
4. Using superposition theorem find the voltage drop across each resistor
Since we have two sources of power in this circuit, we will have to calculate two sets of values for voltage drops and/or currents, one for the circuit with only the 28 volt battery in effect.
and one for the circuit with only the 7 volt battery in effect:
When re-drawing the circuit for series/parallel analysis with one source, all other voltage sources are replaced by wires (shorts), and all current sources with open circuits (breaks). Since we only have voltage sources (batteries) in our example circuit, we will replace every inactive source during analysis with a wire. Analyzing the circuit with only the 28 volt battery, we obtain the following values for voltage and current:
Analyzing the circuit with only the 7 volt battery, we obtain another set of values for voltage and current:
5. Determine the voltage drop across each one (applying ohms law in its proper context)
6. Find the voltage across AB using thevenin's theorem and hence draw its equivalent
6. A sinusoidal voltage is applied to a capacitor. The frequency of the sine wave is 2KHz. Determine the capacitive reactance.
Xc = 1/ = 1/2fc = 7.96K
= 1/2xx2x103x0.01x10-6
7. For the circuit having inductance of 50mH and a voltage source of Vrms 10V and frequency 10KHz connected in series determine the rms current in the circuit?
XL = 2fL = 3.141K Irms = Vrms / XL = 10/3.141x103 = 3.18mA
10. Give the expression for quality factor of series RLC circuit.
1 L/C R
11. Give the expression for quality factor of parallel RLC circuit.
1. The RL circuit has an emf of 5 V, a resistance of 50 W, an inductance of 1 H, and no initial current. Find the current in the circuit at any time t. Distinguish between the transient and steady-state current.
After substituting: Solving:
I.F. =
2. A series RL circuit with R = 50 W and L = 10 H has a constant voltage V = 100 V applied at t = 0 by the closing of a switch. Find (a) The equation for i (you may use the formula rather than DE), (b) The current at t = 0.5 s (c) The expressions for VR and VL (d) The time at which VR = VL Answer We solve it using the formula:
TC for this example is: 3. A series RC circuit with R = 5 W and C = 0.02 F is connected with a battery of E = 100 V. At t = 0, the voltage across the capacitor is zero. (a) Obtain the subsequent voltage across the capacitor. (b) As t , find the charge in the capacitor. Answers We will solve this 3 ways, since it has a constant voltage source: 1 and 2: Solving the DE in q, as:
On substituting, we have:
Solving this differential equation as a linear DE, we have: IF = So So Now, since So As Now,
) this gives:
we have
Method 2: Now
and obtain:
, as before. Also, as
4. Find the charge and the current for t > 0 in a series RC circuit where R = 10 W, C = 4 103 F and E = 85 cos 150t V. Assume that when the switch is closed at t = 0, the charge on the capacitor is -0.05 C. Answer: [We cannot use the formulae constant.] From the formula: Since , , we obtain: and , we have: and , since the voltage source is not
Now, we can solve this differential equation in q using the linear DE process as follows: IF = ,
We obtain:
We are also asked to find the current. We simply differentiate the expression for q:
5. In the RC circuit shown below, the switch is closed on position 1 at t = 0 and after 1 is moved to position 2. Find the complete current transient.
NOTE: The negative voltage is because the current will flow in the opposite direction through the resistor and capacitor. Exact solution is:
2. What are Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors? Pure form of semiconductors are said to be intrinsic semiconductor. Ex: germanium, silicon. If certain amount of impurity atom is added to intrinsic semiconductor the resulting semiconductor is Extrinsic or impure Semiconductor. 3. What is forward bias and reverse bias in a PN junction?
When positive of the supply is connected to P type and negative to N type then it is forward bias. When positive of the supply is connected to N type and negative to P type then it is reverse bias.
5. Give two applications of PN junction diode. As rectifier in power supplies. As switch in logic circuits 6. Define Transition or space charge capacitance. The parallel layers of oppositely charged immobile ions on the two sides of the junction form the Transition or space charge capacitance. CT =A/W Where = permitivity of the material, A=cross sectional area of the junction and W=width of the depletion region 7. Define Diffusion capacitance. The capacitance that exists in the forward biased junction is called a diffusion or storage capacitance. It is also defined as the rate of change of injected charge with applied voltage. CD=dQ/dV
8. What is peak inverse voltage? It is the maximum reverse voltage that can be applied to the pn junction without damaging the junction 9. What is Zener breakdown? The breakdown potential can be brought to lower levels by increasing the doping levels in the ptype and n-type materials of the diode. In this case breakdown is initiated through a direct rupture of the covalent bonds due to the existence of the strong electric field at the junction. 10. Draw the V-I characteristics of a pn diode
1. Explain the theory of pn junction diode.
Refer (Electronic devices and circuits by S.Salivahanan) Page no: 86
A block representation of a layer of n-type material between two layers of p-type material is known as a pnp transistor. NPN Transistor: The figure below shows an NPN Transistor.
A block representation of a p-type material between two layers of an n-type material is known as npn transistor.
2. What is a CE configuration?
CE Configuration-In CE Configuration, the input voltage is applied between the B and E terminals and the output is taken at the C and E terminals. 3. What is a CB Configuration? In CB Configuration- the base terminal is common to both the input (EB) voltage and output (CB) Voltage.
4. What is a CC Configuration?
In CC Configuration- the collector terminal is common to both input CB Voltage and CE Voltage.
Input Characteristics: To determine the input characteristics, the output (CB) voltage is maintained constant, and the input (EB) voltage is set to several convenient levels. For each level of input voltage the input current IE is recorded. Output Characteristics: The emitter current IE is held constant at each of several fixed levels. For each fixed level of IE, the output voltage VCB is adjusted in steps and the corresponding levels of collector current IC are recorded. Current gain Characteristics: The current gain characteristics are obtained experimentally by holding VCB fixed at a constant level and measuring the IC levels measured for various settings of IE.
13. What is an Enhancement mode MOSFET? The Enhancement mode MOSFET has no Depletion mode and it operates only in the enhancement mode.
14. How does an Enhancement mode MOSFET differ from a depletion mode MOSFET construction wise?
An Enhancement mode MOSFET differs from a depletion mode MOSFET construction wise in the sense that the Enhancement mode MOSFET has no physical channel.
PART-B 1. Explain with neat diagram the operation of PNP and NPN transistors.
Refer (Electronic devices and circuits by S.Salivahanan) Page no: 141,142
2. Explain the structure and operation of CE, CB and configurations with neat diagram.
Refer (Electronic devices and circuits by S.Salivahanan) Page no: 146,148
3. Explain with neat diagram the operation of Enhancement mode and Depletion mode MOSFETS.
Refer (Electronic devices and circuits by S.Salivahanan) Page no: 184,185
4. Explain with neat diagram the operation of N-channel and P-channel JFET.
Refer (Electronic devices and circuits by S.Salivahanan) Page no: 175-178
2. What is tunneling?
The phenomenon of penetrating the charge carriers directly through the potential barrier instead of climbing over it is called as tunneling.
PIN Diode is a 3 layer Semiconductor device, two heavily doped P & N materials separated by an intrinsic semiconductor.
4. What are the advantages of PIN diode over the normal PN junction diodes?
1. The capacitance between P & N regions decreases because of increased separation between P and N regions. This advantage allows the PIN diode to have fast response time. 2. There is a greater electron-hole pair generation because of the increased electric field between the P & N regions. This advantage allows the PIN diode to process even weak signals.
6. What is an SCR?
SCR is the abbreviation of Silicon Controlled Rectifier. It is a 4 layer semiconductor device forming a PNPN structure as shown. It is used as a controlled switch to perform rectification.
7. What is an UJT? Give its Symbol. UJT is a three terminal silicon semiconductor device. It has only one PN junction like the ordinary diode.
8. What is a Diac? Diac is a two terminal device, which can pass current in either direction when the break over voltage is reached in either polarity across the two terminals.
9. What is a Triac? Triac is a 3 terminal device, which can conduct in either direction, when triggered either by a positive or negative pulse irrespective of the polarity of the voltage across its main terminals.
10. What is a Laser Diode? LASER stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Laser diodes are semiconductors that convert the electrical signal to light. They are typically constructed from GaAlAs for short wavelength devices and In GaAsP for longer wavelength devices. 11. Define population Inversion? If the number of electrons in excited state is more than the number of electrons in ground state, then this state is called population Inversion. 12. What is CCD? Charge Coupled Device is abbreviated as CCD. CCD is an array of MOS capacitive structures with a common semiconductor substrate. An electrical contact is made to each of the metal gates. By proper biasing the MOS capacitors are made to operate in depletion or inversion modes. 22
13. What is a photodiode? Give its symbol. Photodiode is a reverse biased PN junction whose operation depends on the intensity of light fall on it. It is embedded in a clear plastic casing and light is allowed to fall upon one surface across the junction. The remaining sides of the plastic are embedded in a metal casing or painted black.
Phototransistor is similar to a BJT. It can be either a 2 lead or a 3 lead device. In a 2 lead phototransistor base terminal does not exist. Instead light intensity is applied as input to the transistor. In a 3 terminal device base terminal is provided, so that it can act as a normal BJT. The symbol is as shown.
15. Define photoconductive effect? The conductivity of certain semiconductor materials increases when they are exposed to radiations. This effect is called photoconductive effect. 16. What is a photoconductive cell? Give its Symbol? Photoconductive cell is a device in the form of a slab of semiconductor deposited on an insulating substrate with ohmic contacts at opposite ends. It is generally made up of cadmium compounds like cadmium sulphide (CdS) and cadmium selenide (CdSe).
17. Define Photovoltaic effect? Photovoltaic effect is the effect that converts light energy into electric energy. 18. What is an LED? A PN junction diode that emits light when forward biased is known as LED. The Light emitted may be visible or invisible. The amount of light output is directly proportional to the forward current. 19. What is an LCD? LCD is the abbreviation of Liquid Crystal Display. It is an electronic display device that operates by applying a varying electric voltage to a layer of liquid crystal, thereby inducing changes in its optical properties.
1. What is a tunnel diode? Explain its characteristics with the help of V-I Curve? Refer (Electronic devices and circuits by S.Salivahanan) Page no: 128 2. Explain the construction of a PIN Diode? Refer (Electronic devices and circuits by S.Salivahanan) Page no: 134 3. Explain the working of a varactor diode? Also give its specification? Refer (Electronic devices and circuits by S.Salivahanan) Page no: 124 4. In detail show the V-I characteristics of an SCR? Refer (Electronic devices and circuits by S.Salivahanan) Page no: 201 5. With suitable diagram explain the two transistor equivalent model of SCR? Refer (Electronic devices and circuits by S.Salivahanan) Page no: 202 . 6. Explain the construction, working and V-I characteristics of UJT? Refer (Electronic devices and circuits by S.Salivahanan) Page no: 212 7. Explain the construction and characteristic of Diac? Refer (Electronic devices and circuits by S.Salivahanan) Page no: 211 8. Explain the construction and characteristic of TRIAC? Refer (Electronic devices and circuits by S.Salivahanan) Page no: 209 BE/B.Tech DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY/JUNE 2009 SECOND SEMESTER ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING EC2151-ELECTRIC CIRCUITS AND ELECTRON DEVICES (Common to ECE, CSE and IT) (Regulation 2008) Time: three hours Answer all questions. PART-A(10*2=20 marks) 1. State maximum power transfer theorem Maximum power transfer theorem states that maximum power is delivered from a source to a load when the load resistance is equal to the source resistance. 2. Draw the equivalent circuit with the voltage source between terminals A and B. Maximum: 100 marks
3. A 50Hz sinusoidal voltage V=311 sint is applied to a RL series circuit. If the magnitude of resistance is 5 and that of the inductance is 0.02 H; calculate the effective value of steady state current and relative phase angle. Given V=311 sint F=50Hz; Phase angle R=5 ; L=0.02H = tan-1(I*XL)/ (I*R) = tan-1VL/VR , = tan-1XL/ R XL=*L 4. What is selectivity? It is defined as the ratio of fo (resonance frequency) to the bandwidth Selectivity = fo / (f2 f1) 5. Define transition capacitance. =2f =51.488 = tan- (2**50*0.02)/5
The parallel layers of oppositely charged immobile ions on the two sides of the junction form the Transition or space charge capacitance. CT =A/W Where = permittivity of the material, A=cross sectional area of the junction and W=width of the depletion region
6. What is clipper? List the various types of clipper. The circuit with which the waveform is shaped by removing a certain portion of the i/p signal voltage above or below a certain level is called as clipper. 7. What is large signal current gain? The ratio of o/p current to the i/p current is called current gain. In CB configuration the large signal current gain is defined as the ratio of collector current to the emitter current. In CB In CE In CC BJT 1 2 3 4 Input impedance is low Voltage controlled device Poor thermal stability More noise when compare with FET = IC/IE; = IC/IB; = IE/IB; FET High input impedance Current controlled device Better thermal stability Less noisy
10. What is intrinsic stand-off ratio? It is defined as the ratio of base1 resistance to the total base resistance. = RBI/ (RB1+RB2)
PART-B(5*16=80 marks)
11. (a) Use Delta- star conversion to find resistance between terminals AB of the circuit shown: (16)
(Or) 26
(b) (i) State and explain Kirchhoffs voltage laws. Determine the current supplied by the voltage source in the given circuit. (10)
(ii) Find the currents in all the resistors by superposition theorem in the circuit shown, calculate the power consumed. (6)
12. (a) Explain the parallel resonance of RLC circuits and derive the Q factor of the same.
(b) Discuss in detail the transient response of series RC circuit with sinusoidal excitation. Derive the steady state current for the same. (16)
(a) Derive the PN current equation from the quantitative theory of diode currents. (16) For Ge, Io = K1 T2 e VGo/VT For Si, Io = K2 T3/2 e VGo/2VT Diode current equation I= Io [e (V/VT
Ref Page no: 95- 98 (Electronic devices & circuits S.Salivahanan) (Or) (b) (i) With a neat circuit diagram explain the operation of zener voltage regulator. (8)
Ref Page no: 489 (Electronic devices & circuits S.Salivahanan) (ii) Define and derive the drift and diffusion currents. (8) Drift current density due to electrons Jn = qnnE A/cm2 31
Drift current density due to holes Jp = qppE A/cm2 Diffusion current density due to electrons Jn = qDn dn/dx A/cm2 Diffusion current density due to holes Jp = -qDp dp/dx A/cm2 Ref Page no: 80 (Electronic devices & circuits S.Salivahanan) 14. (a) Explain the construction and operation and also the characteristics of enhancement MOSFET
Ref Page no: 184 (Electronic devices & circuits S.Salivahanan) (Or) (b) (i) Explain the CE configuration of BJT in detail with required diagrams. (10)
Ref Page no: 148 (Electronic devices & circuits S.Salivahanan) (ii) Define and compare , and . (6) 32
In CB configuration current amplification factor = Ic/ IE In CE configuration current amplification factor = Ic/ IB In CC configuration current amplification factor = IE/ IB Ref Page no: 152 (Electronic devices & circuits S.Salivahanan) 15. (a) Derive Explain the construction and operation of LCD. (16)
Ref Page no: 559 (Electronic devices & circuits S.Salivahanan) (or) (b) (i) Draw and explain the two transistor equivalent model of SCR. (10)
Ref Page no: 202 (Electronic devices & circuits S.Salivahanan) (ii)Draw and explain the VI characteristics of TRIAC. (6)
B.E./B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL/MAY 2009. SECOND SEMESTER ELECTRIC CIRCUITS AND ELECTRON DEVICES (Common to CSE, IT and ECE) Time: Three hours Answer all questions PART-A (10*2= 20 Marks)
Define superposition theorem The Responses in circuit in multiple source is given by the algebraic sum of the responses due to the individual sources acting alone Determine the equivalent resistance of the given circuit across AB
Q= R C / L
What is the significance of diffusion capacitance in a PN diode? The capacitance that exists in the forward biased junction is called a diffusion or storage capacitance. It is also defined as the rate of change of injected charge with applied voltage. CD=dQ/dV
Its value is much larger than CT. the value of CD range from 10 to 1000 pF. The effect of CD is negligible for reverse bias PN junction; it is inversely proportional to frequency.
List out the four main applications of zener diode Voltage regulator, stabilizer, power supply and battery charger.
Compare the output characteristics of CE&CB mode PNP transistor property Input resistance Output resistance Current gain Voltage gain Phase shift CE Moderate(abt 750) Moderate(abt 45K) high Abt 500 180 o CB Low (abt100 ) High (abt450K ) 1 Abt 150 0 o or 360 o
Sl no 1 2 3 4 5
What is the working principle of MOSFET? By applying a transverse electric field across an insulator deposited on the semiconductor material, the thickness and hence the resistance of a conducting channel of a semi conducting material can be controlled. o
Write the significance of varactor diode The transition capacitance inversely with the reverse voltage. They are used in FM radio and TV receivers, AFC circuits, self adjusting bridge circuit and adjustable band pass filter.
Sl. no 1 2 3 4
Photo diode Amplification is not done Less sensitive Current produced is very low I= Is +Io(1-e (v/vt))
Photo transistor Amplification is done More sensitive Greater flow of current Ic= (+1) (Ico+I L )
Maximum power transfer theorem states that maximum power is delivered from a source to a load when the load resistance is equal to the source resistance.
(OR) (b) (i) Obtain the Norton's equivalent circuit across AB of the network shown (10)
In an electrical circuit there are pair of terms which can be interchanged to get new circuits. Such pair of dual terms is given below. Current- voltage, open-short, L-C, R-G, series-parallel, voltage source-current source, KCL-KVL Consider a n/w containing R-L-C elements connected in series, and excited by a voltage source as shown.
Similarly, consider a n/w containing R-L-C elements connected in parallel and driven by a current source as shown.
If we observe both the equations, the solutions of these two equations are same. Thus these two n/w's are called duals.
12. (a) (i) A RLC series circuit having R=120, L=120mH and C=25F is fed from a 100V
(OR) (b) (i) Obtain the frequency response and Q factor of a RLC series circuit (6)
Refer (Circuit theory by J.Jebastine) Page no: 8.1-8.10. (ii) In a series RC circuit shown the capacitor has an initial charge q0 =2500 C. At t=0, the switch is closed. Find the current (10)
Equation for the ckt is Ri + 1/c idt + Qo /C =E Refer (Circuit theory by J.Jebastine) Page no: 6.32.
13. (a) (i) Derive the expression for the conductivity of N type and P type semiconductors (8)
For N type as n>>p conductivity = q.n.n For P type as p>>n conductivity = q.p.p 38
Refer (Electronic devices and circuits by S.Salivahanan) Page no: 66 (ii) Discuss briefly about the breakdown in PN junction diodes (8)
Refer (Electronic devices and circuits by S.Salivahanan) Page no: 105 (OR) (b) (i) Explain about the energy band structure of open circuited PN junction
Refer (Electronic devices and circuits by S.Salivahanan Page no: 93 (ii) Write short notes about Zener diode and its characteristics (8)
Refer (Electronic devices and circuits by S.Salivahanan) Page no: 141, 145-151. (ii) Explain about enhancement and depletion type MOSFET Refer (Electronic devices and circuits by S.Salivahanan) Page no: 184-186. (OR) (b) (i) Explain how breakdown occurs in a transistor and draw the CB, CC and CE characteristics of BJT (8) (8)
Refer (Electronic devices and circuits by S.Salivahanan) Page no: 141,142, 145-151 (ii) Briefly describe about thermal effect of MOSFET Refer (Electronic devices and circuits by S.Salivahanan) Page no: 188,189
15. (a) (i) Explain the working principle and characteristics of Tunnel diode
(8) (8)
Refer (Electronic devices and circuits by S.Salivahanan) Page no: 128 (ii) Compare DIAC and TRIAC 1 2 3 4 5 DIAC Two terminal device Triggering device for TRIAC Gate terminal is absent Five layer device Firing angle can not be changed TRIAC Three terminal device Control device Gate terminal present Six layer device Firing angle can be changed (8)
Refer (Electronic devices and circuits by S.Salivahanan) Page no: 212 (ii) Write short notes about LED and LCD (8) LED: It is a PN junction device which emits light when forward biased, by a phenomenon called electroluminescence. It consumes more power- requires 10-250 mW power per digit. It has good brightness level. LCD: liquid crystal displays are used for display of numeric and alphanumeric character in dot matrix and segmental displays. It consumes very less power- requires 10-200W power per digit. It has moderate brightness level. Types: 1) Nematic liquid crystal (NLC) 2) Cholesteric Refer (Electronic devices and circuits by S.Salivahanan) Page no: 557,559.