Cad/cam From Cipet
Cad/cam From Cipet
Cad/cam From Cipet
of India) Guindy, Chennai - 600 032 CAD/CAM/CAE Software Training Programmes in CIPET, Chennai 1. CAD PROGRAMMES 1.1 CAD USING UNIGRAPHICS Fee: Rs 10,000/- Duration: 100 hrs Modeling: Introduction, Sketch, Curve, Curve Operations, Form Feature, Feature O peration, Transform. Assembly: Assembly of Components, Exploded Views, Sequencing, Context Control, C loning and Component arrays editing, Top Down Assembly. Drafting: Drawing sheets, Views, Dimensioning, Annotations, Symbols, Tabular not e and Part list. 1.2 CAD USING PRO/E Fee: Rs 10,000/- Duration: 100 hrs Part Modeling: Introduction, Sketch, Base features, datum features, sections in sketch based features, Edit feature, engineering features, construction features , advanced features, tweak feature, UDFs & Group, Relation & family Table, Resol ving feature failures Pro/Assembly: Creating Assemblies, placing, pattering, packaging, freeform Manip ulation of components, Top Down Assemblies, Exploded view. Pro/Detail: Drafting basics, creating a Drawing with Model views, Dimensioning & Detailing, Tables & BOM Balloons 1.3 CAD USING CATIA Fee: Rs 10,000/- Duration: 100 hrs 3 D Part Modeling: Introduction to GUI, Sketcher, Constraints, sketch-based feat ures, Dress up features, Transformation features, Associating bodies with Boolea n Operations, Reference Elements, Modifying Features. Assembly Design: Creating assembly, Manipulating components in assembly, Assembl y constraints, Exploded view, Clash checking, Assembly features, Scene creation, Using Mechanical Standard parts, Top Down Assembly. Drafting: Generative Drafting, Interactive Drafting, Creating Views, Sections, B OM Generation. 1.4 CAD USING I-DEAS Fee: Rs 10,000/- Duration: 100 hrs 3D Modeling: Sketching, Constraining, Catalogs and Parameterized parts, Creating features, Advance features, Feature operations, Construction operations, Surfac e techniques, Bin and Library Management Assembly: Top Down and Bottom Up, Sequencing & animation, Patterning, Exploded V iews, Introduction to Mechanism design. Drafting: Associative and Non-associative Dimensioning, Views and Dimensions, Ut ility Symbols, Bill of Material 2. CAD/CAM PROGRAMMES 2.1 CAD/CAM USING UNIGRAPHICS Fee: Rs 18,000/- Duration: 200 hrs Modeling: Introduction, Sketch, Curve, Curve Operations, Form Feature, Feature O peration, Transform. Assembly: Assembly of Components, Exploded Views, Sequencing, Context Control an d Cloning and Component arrays editing, Top Down Assembly. Drafting: Drawing sheets, Views, Dimensioning, Annotations, Symbols, Tabular not e and Part list. Direct Modeling Free form feature: Sheets from points, Making sheets from variable cross section s, Bridging, Offsetting, Filleting & Trimming sheets Sheet Metal feature: Tab, Flange, Break corner, closed corner, Normal cutout, Jo g, Bend, Dimple, Bead, Unbend, Rebend, Edge rib, flat solid. Manufacturing: Model Creation, Tool Selection, Geometry Definition, Machining Me thods, Planer Milling and Contour milling Operations and Post Processing. 2.2 CAD/CAM USING PRO/E Fee: Rs 18,000/- Duration: 200 hrs
Part Modeling: Introduction, Sketch, Base features, datum features, sections in sketch based features, Edit feature, Engineering features, Construction features , Advanced features, Tweak feature, UDFs & Group, Relation & family Table, Resol ving feature failures Pro/Assembly: Creating Assemblies, placing, patterning, packaging, freeform Mani pulation of components, Top Down Assemblies, Exploded view. Pro/Detail: Drafting basics, creating a Drawing with Model views, Dimensioning & Detailing, Tables & BOM Balloons Pro/Surface: Creating a Surface Feature, Trimming Quilts, Flattening & Bending, Creating Solid Geometry Using Quilt, Freeform Surfaces, Boundary, Conic surface and N-sided patch, style tools Pro/ Sheetmetal: Introduction creates conversion, wall, rip, cut, form, flatten form, notch punch, and bend, unbend, bend back, corner relief, deform, edge bend . Pro/Mold design: Introduction, Reference & work pieces, Mold Parting surfaces, M old volumes, Extracting Mold components, split components. Pro/NC: Manufacturing Process & Parameters, Tooling, NC sequence-Milling & Lathe -turning, CL Data, NC sequence Definition, Creation of CL Data File, NC Post Pro cessing. 2.3 CAD/CAM USING CATIA Fee: Rs 18,000/- Duration: 200 hrs Part Modeling: Introduction to GUI, Sketcher, Constraints, sketch-based features , Dress up features, Transformation features, Associating bodies with Boolean Op erations, Reference Elements, Modifying Features. Assembly Design: Creating assembly, Manipulating components in assembly, Assembl y constraints, Exploded view, Clash checking, Assembly features, Scene creation, Using Mechanical Standard parts, Top Down Assembly. Drafting: Generative Drafting, Interactive Drafting, Creating Views, Sections, B OM Generation. Surface Design: Wire frame geometry creation, Basic surface, Operations on surfa ce, advanced surface, Surface based features in Part design. Sheet metal: Introduction, Sheet Metal Parameters, Creating the Side Walls, Cuto ut, Automatic Bends. Mold Design: Core cavity separation, Basic mold design. Manufacturing: Basic Tasks, Part operations, Programs & Processes, Managing Manu facturing Entities, Verification, Simulation and NC Code generation. 2.4 CAD/CAM USING I-DEAS Fee: Rs 18,000/- Duration: 200 hrs 3D Modeling: Sketching, Constraining, Catalogs and Parameterized parts, Creating features, Advance features, Feature operations, Construction operations, Surfac e techniques, Bin and Library Management Assembly: Top Down and Bottom Up, Sequencing & animation, Patterning, Exploded V iews, Introduction to Mechanism designs. Drafting: Associative and Non-associative Dimensioning, Views and Dimensions, Ut ility Symbols, Bill of Material Simulation: Basics & General Analysis procedure, Free and mapped meshing, Qualit y check, linear, non-linear and variational analysis Manufacturing: Model Creation, Operation and Tool Selection, Generation CL File, Post Processing. 3.CAE PROGRAMMES 3.1 CAE USING HYPERWORKS Fee: Rs 15,000/- Duration: 160 hrs Hypermesh: Basic modeling, Geometry cleanup, Organizing the model with collector s, Extracting mid surfaces & simplifying, Selecting the user Profiles, Project, Numbering, Mask, Normals, Interactive surface meshing, Element density, Algorith ms, Checking element quality. Introduction to solid meshing: Solid panels, Drag, spin, Line drag, element offset, linear solid. Optistruct- Linear Static Analysis, Thermal Analysis, Modal Analysis, Harmonic A nalysis, Inertia Relief Analysis. Optimization- Topology, optimization for solid problems, Optimization for stress
problems. Hypermorph- morph volumes, Morph to geometry, freehand morph, morph options Hypergraph, hyperview, Batch mesher. 3.2 CAE USING ANSYS Fee: Rs 15,000/- Duration: 160 hrs Introduction to FEA & ANSYS: GUI, Basics & general analysis procedure. Modeling: Creating Solid model, Finite element modeling and importing models, Se lect Entities and Component manager. Meshing: Quad and Tetrahedron mesh, Volumes, Areas, Line meshing. Free and mappe d meshing, check mesh. Structural Analysis: Static, Modal, Harmonic, Spectrum, p-method, Nonlinear & Tr ansient analysis. Thermal Analysis: Steady state thermal analysis. ANSYS Workbench: Simulation, CFX Mesh, Engineering Data sheet and FE modeler. Report generation. 3.3 CAE USING LS-DYNA Fees: Rs. 15,000/- Duration: 100 hrs Theory: Introduction to basic concepts of FEA, Contact Analysis, Linear and NonLinear analysis. FEA Terminologies used in LS-Dyna: ALE, SPH. Analysis: Larger Deflection Dynamics, Crash Analysis, Occupant Safety, Impact An alysis and Failure Analysis. Post Processing-using Hyperview. Prerequisite: knowledge of FEA and Hypermesh 8.0. 3.4 CAE USING MOLDFLOW Fees: Rs 15,000/- Duration: 120 hrs Introduction to CAE: Basics of Plastics Product Design, Moldflow Modeling, Mesh Creation, Mesh Checking, Surface repair tools, Creating Feed system and cooling system. Meshing Tools: create Node, curves, regions, move/copy, nodal mesh tools, edge m esh tools & check mesh diagnostics Modules: Mid plane, Fusion and 3D Solid. Analysis: Gate location, Fill, Flow, Cool, Pack, Warp, Shrinkage, molding window , Case Study. Pre-requisite: Plastics & Mold knowledge. 3.5 CAE USING PRO-MECHANICA Fees: Rs 15,000/- Duration: 160 hrs Syllabus of CAD Using Pro/E Plus Pro/Mechanica Basic Mechanica: Static Structural Analysis, Modal Analysis, Buckling and Steady state Thermal. Advanced Mechanica: Vibrational Analysis, Dynamic and Time involving Analysis. Post-Processing Using Pro/E. 4.MOLD PROGRAMMES 4.1UNIGRAPHICS MOLD WIZARD Fees: Rs 10,000/- Duration: 80 hrs Refreshing the part modeling, assembly and drafting. Mold wizard: Loading Product, Family Mould, Shrinkage, Work piece, Layout, Mould Tools, Parting, Mould Base, Standard Parts, Slider lifter, Ejector pin, Runner, Gate, Cooling, Insert, Electrode, Mold trim, Bill of material, Mould Drawing. Prerequisite: Unigraphics & Mold Design Knowledge 4.2 CAD USING UNIGRAPHICS WITH MOLD WIZARD Fees: Rs 15,000/- Duration: 160 hrs Syllabus of CAD Using Unigraphics Mold wizard: Loading Product, Family Mould, Shrinkage, Work piece, Layout, Mould Tools, Parting, Mould Base, Standard Parts, Slider lifter, Ejector pin, Runner, Gate, Cooling, Insert, Electrode, Mold trim, Bill of material, Mould Drawing. Prerequisite: Mold Design Knowledge. 4.3 CAD/CAM USING UNIGRAPHICS WITH MOLD WIZARD Fees: Rs 24,000/- Duration: 260 hrs Syllabus of CAD/CAM Using Unigraphics
Mold wizard: Loading Product, Family Mould, Shrinkage, Work piece, Layout, Mould Tools, Parting, Mould Base, Standard Parts, Slider lifter, Ejector pin, Runner, Gate, Cooling, Insert, Electrode, Mold trim, Bill of material, Mould Drawing. Prerequisite: Mold Design Knowledge. 4.4 PRO/MOLD Fees: Rs 10,000/- Duration: 80 hrs Refreshing the part modeling, assembly and drafting. Pro/Moldesign: Introduction, Mold design sequence, Reference & work pieces, Draf t Checking, Applying Shrinkage, Creation Of Parting Surface, Splitting to Volume , Runner & Waterlines, Molding, Mold Opening Process, Mold Layout, Injection Mol ding Machine, Catalogs. Prerequisite: Pro/E & Mold Design Knowledge. 4.5 CAD USING PRO/E WITH PROMOLD Fees: Rs 15,000/- Duration: 160 hrs Syllabus of CAD Using Pro-E Pro/Mold: Introduction, Mold design sequence, Reference & work pieces, Draft Che cking, Applying Shrinkage, Creation Of Parting Surface, Splitting to Volume, Run ner & Waterlines, Molding, Mold Opening Process, Mold Layout, Injection Molding Machine, Catalogs Prerequisite: Mold Design Knowledge. 4.6 CAD/CAM USING PRO/E WITH PROMOLD Fees: Rs 24,000/- Duration: 260 hrs Syllabus of CAD/CAM Using Pro-E Pro/Mold: Introduction, Mold design sequence, Reference & work pieces, Draft Che cking, Applying Shrinkage, Creation Of Parting Surface, Splitting to Volume, Run ner & Waterlines, Molding, Mold Opening Process, Mold Layout, Injection Molding Machine, Catalogs Prerequisite: Mold Design Knowledge. 5. MULTI software PROGRAMMES - (20% concession) Selection of More than one Programme from Sl. No 1 to 4 6. SPECIAL PROGRAMME 6.1 CAD/CAM USING CATIA WITH REVERSE ENGINEERING Fee: Rs 24000 /- Duration: 260 hrs Part Modeling: Introduction to GUI, Sketcher, Constraints, sketch-based features , Dress up features, Transformation features, Associating bodies with Boolean Op erations, Reference Elements, Modifying Features. Assembly Design: Creating assembly, Manipulating components in assembly, Assembl y constraints, Exploded view, Clash checking, Assembly features, Scene creation, Using Mechanical Standard parts, Top Down Assembly. Drafting: Generative Drafting, Interactive Drafting, Creating Views, Sections, a nd BOM Generation. Surface Design: Wire frame geometry creation, Basic surface, Operations on surfa ce, advanced surface, Surface based features in Part design. Sheet metal: Introduction, Sheet Metal Parameters, Creating the Side Walls, Cuto ut, Automatic Bends. Mold Design: Core cavity separation, Basic mold design. Manufacturing: Basic Tasks, Part operations, Programs & Processes, Managing Manu facturing Entities, Verification, Simulation and NC Code generation. Reverse Engineering: Basics concept, theoretical method of reverse engineering, Training on conventional measuring method, training on CMM, digitized shape edit or, generative shape design, Quick surface reconstruction, free style, and proje ct work. SHIF TIMINGS for all above said courses Timing No. of working hours 06:00 A.M to 10:00 A.M 4 Hours 06:00 A.M to 02:00 A.M 8 Hours 06:00 A.M to 06:00 P.M
12 Hours 06:00 A.M to 10:00 P.M 16 Hours 02:00 P.M to 10:00 P.M 8 Hours 06:00 P.M to 10:00 P.M 4 Hours 06:00 A.M to 06:00 P.M Saturday Batch (12 hours) 06:00 A.M to 06:00 P.M Saturday & Sunday Batch (12 hours) 10:00 P.M to 06:00 A.M 8 hours - Night Batch (Monday to Saturday) Concession in Course Fee# (From Sl. No.1 to 4 &6) SC/ST/BC/MBC/Physically Challenged : 10% Fresh Diploma Holders / Engineers : 10% Women : 15% Students (Colleges/Polytechnics) & Alumni of CIPET : 20% Night Batch (All candidates) -(10:00 PM to 6:00 AM) : 25% CIPET Students/Trainees (LTC) : 50% # conditions apply 7. PLACEMENT ASSISTED PROGRAMMES** (Full time 8 hrs / day (1st or 2nd shift) 7.1 Masters Programme in Product Development with CAD/CAM/CAE (Full time 8 hrs / day) Course code: MPPD-CAD Fee: Rs.75000/- Duration: 4Months Course contents: 4 softwares MODULE- I (ALL software) As per Sl. No.2 [CAD/CAM Programmes (Pro-E, UG & CATIA)] plus As per Sl. No. 4 [ Mold Programmes] MODULE -II (Any ONE software) Ansys/Hyperworks/LS-Dyna /Moldflow MODULE III (Project Work) MODULE -IV (Theory Classes) Plastics Product & Mould Design, Jigs&Fixtures, Sheet Metal, CNC, CBT, Rapid Pro totyping and Reverse Engineering. Course Highlights *Latest Software * Balanced Theory & Practical Classes *Product Development Conc epts * Personality Development Programme * Certificate awarded by CIPET. Eligibility: Diploma / Degree in Mechanical/Production/Polymer/Auto mobile/Aeron autical/Tool engineering/equivalent candidates aspiring to start the career in R &D and product development. 7. 2 Advanced Masters Programme in CAD/CAM/CAE (Full time) Course code: AMP-CAD Fee: Rs. 90,000/- Duration: 4 months + two months in-plant training Stipend: Rs. 5000/- per month during the first 4 months training programme] Date of written test/ interview /admission : Last Monday of Everymonth Course commencement : Subsequent First Monday of Everymonth Written test venue : CIPET, Guindy, Chennai Course contents: 4 softwares MODULE- I (ALL software) As per Sl. No.2 [CAD/CAM Programmes (Pro-E, UG & CATIA)] plus As per Sl. No. 4 [ Mold Programmes] MODULE -II (Any ONE software) Ansys/Hyperworks/LS-Dyna /Moldflow MODULE III (Project Work) MODULE -IV (Theory Classes) Plastics Product & Mould Design, Jigs&Fixtures, Sheet Metal, CNC, CBT, Rapid Pro totyping and Reverse Engineering.
Course Highlights *Latest Software * Balanced Theory & Practical Classes *Product Development Conc epts * Personality Development Programme * Certificate awarded by CIPET. Eligibility: Degree in Mechanical/Production/Polymer/Auto mobile/Aeronautical/To ol engineering/equivalent candidates aspiring to start the career in R&D and pro duct development. Selection: Eligible candidates have to appear in the entrance exam and the short listed candidates will be interviewed for final selection. 7.3 INTEGRATED ENGINEERING SOFTWARE PROGRAMME ON AUTOMOBILE & AEROSPACE PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT WITH CAD/CAM/CAE (Full Time) (Course code: IES - PAAP -CAD) Fee: Rs.1.0 lakh; Duration: 6 months Stipend: Rs. 5000/- p.m during training for 6 months Date of written test/ interview /admission : Last Monday of Everymonth Course commencement : Subsequent First Monday of Everymonth Written test venue: CIPET, Chennai Course contents: 7 softwares MODULE- I (ALL software) As per Sl. No.2 [CAD/CAM Programmes (Pro-E, UG & CATIA)] plus As per Sl. No. 4 [ Mold Programmes] MODULE -II (ALL software) Ansys/Hyperworks/LS-Dyna /Moldflow MODULE III(Project Work) MODULE -IV (Theory Classes) Plastics Product & Mould Design, Jigs&Fixtures, Sheet Metal, CNC, CBT, Rapid Pro totyping and Reverse Engineering. Course Highlights Latest Software Balanced Theory & Practical Classes Product Development Concepts Pe rsonality Development Programme Certificate awarded by CIPET. Eligibility: B.E/B.Tech/M.E/M.Tech in Mech./Prodn/Auto/Aero/Polymer/Plastics/Too l /Die Making or equivalent Written test venue: CIPET, Chennai Selection: Eligible candidates have to appear in the entrance exam and the short listed candidates will be interviewed for final selection. ** Conditions apply. 8. Tailor Made Programmes CORPORATE Personals on CAD/CAM/CAE Softwares* Course Fee, Duration, Period, Syllabus will be decided on mutual discussion For further details / HOW TO APPLY: e-mail/write/send to: The Deputy Director, CIPET, Guindy, Chennai 600 032 Ph: 044-22254701 706 (6 lines), Extn: 540, 470, 700; 044-22254709 Fax: 044-22254707, Mobile: 09677123886 Mode of Payment 1. Cash at Accounts Section , CIPET, Chennai (or) 2. Demand Draft in favour of CIPET, Chennai Alongwith REGISTRATION FORM which is to be obtained in person at CAD/CAM/CAE cen tre. However advance registration can be done for admission in Sl. No. 1 to 6 and 7.1 with requisition letter addressed to: DEPUTY DIRECTOR, CIPET, Guindy, Chennai 600 032