Boom Bucket2
Boom Bucket2
Boom Bucket2
* Corresponding author
According to the existing problems in the development of actual product and working process of excavator
working device’s boom, the method of integrated design and analysis for excavator boom is put forward.
The defects in the process of CAD/CAE integration are summarized, the integrated design and analysis
system including parametric design of boom, database design, detail feature simplification of boom,
mid-surface extraction and structure analysis is studied. The parametric model of boom is established based
on parametric method, the management of model parameter is realized with the help of database technology
and the rapid design of model is reached. Based on the feature of boom’s structure, the simplification rule
of model is determined and detail features of boom are simplified automatically by program. The
mid-surface extraction process and method of model is studied, the dimensions of model are reduced and
precision of mesh is enhanced. With customization technology, the customization analysis platform of
boom is developed by secondary development of ANSYS Workbench code.
Key words: Boom; Parameterization; Model Simplification; Mid-Surface; Customization Analysis
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
10th March 2013. Vol. 49 No.1
© 2005 - 2013 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.
it will enhance the precision of grid and analysis model, determining the design rule, that is the
efficiency. Firstly, the CAD/CAE integration system design scheme of boom, for example, in the
will builds parametric model of boom with standard boom structure, the proportion between
parametric design module, after detail feature up-boom and down-boom is 1.1~1.3, the bend
simplification and mid-surface extraction process, angle of boom is about between 110°and 140°, the
the model will be imported into CAE software total angle of bucket is about 180°, moreover, it also
ANSYS Workbench by CAD/CAE interface needs to determine the expansion ratio of hydraulic
technology, then, the model is analyzed cylinder and other parameters
automatically in ANSYS Workbench, thus , the
CAD system and ANSYS analysis system are
integrated by the way of data sharing. Stress Start
distribution of part in actual working condition is
displayed by inputting stress values, and the New
distribution of stress of model will also be displayed
by cloud picture. Users can determine whether there
is design flaw according to the result, Finally, the Name Project attributes
ideal model will be got after modification.
In this paper, section 2 presents the parametric
design process of boom. In section 3, we propose a Select design model
method of model simplification. Section 4 is the
customization design of boom with ANSYS
Workbench. Section 5 gives a conclusion to the
whole paper.
Value Database
relations can be modified by program in order to According to the process shown in Fig.2, the
build new model. This paper takes modeling design of database is realized, operations like
method based on draft, the addition of geometric querying, inputting, deleting of parameters will be
parameters is realized in expression dialog of UG achieved. Parameter query is completed by the
software, parameters and initial values will be input relationships between parameters, firstly, selecting a
into the dialog while modeling, it is convenient to attribute, then inputting a relation of “>”、“<”、
manage the parameters. “=”and value, finally, the parameters match
2.2 Submodules Of Parametric Modeling condition will be got, if not, we can add new
System parameters into database and save them, we also
can modify or delete them according to real
The specific content of parametric modeling condition.
system is shown in Fig.2, five sub-modules are
included: (1) Foundation design, user interface, 3 MODEL SIMPLIFICATION
menus, and dialog are designed with VC++ in this
process. (2) Reference model, including the Model simplification is divided into detail feature
determination of design rule, extraction of simplification and mid-surface extraction
parameters, addition of constraints. (3) Database 3.1 Detail Feature Simplification
design, functions like design of data sheet, edit or
query of parameters and so on need to be realized in Input a CAD model
this process. (4) Engineering maintenance, this
module is used to manage models and components.
(5) User management, it is convenient to operate
Obtain the number(N) of features by
and control the system.
program and nodes information
2.3 Dada Management and Database Design
Because the parameters of boom model are too
much, if they are input into dialog manually, the
procedures are tedious and time waste, so the Create a empty list and define a cycle variable I=0
parameters are saved in a table with database
technology, thus the parameter values will be called
directly in this system, and the design efficiency is
enhanced, the main idea of database is shown in I<N ? I=I+1
Fig.3. Y
Fillet ? radius<R?
Query the case according Save
to “attribute”, “relation”,
and “value” N N
Input parameter
N Save
Figure3 Simplification Process of Fillet Feature
Passing geometric parameter Detail features are about small structures in the
model(like hole, slot, cavity, boss, fillet and so on),
Figure2 Design Idea of Database these features have a little or no influence to
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
10th March 2013. Vol. 49 No.1
© 2005 - 2013 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.
analysis result in FEA, so they can be deleted or projected to another face, they should overlap or
controlled. Before the simplification, it needs to some overlap with each other.
distinguish the features of model, and find out the
features which need to be simplified, this process is
achieved by the secondary development functions
of UG/Open API, the nature of feature distinguish is
accessing model’s geometric parameters. Taking
fillet feature for example, first, we need to set a
radius value R, through judging condition(>or<),
features with the value is greater than R will be
deleted, others will be saved, radius value R is set
by user according to model’s characteristic, Figure 5 Judgment of Parallel Condition
simplification principle, and practical experience, (3) Distance condition: the distance between
the specific simplification process is shown in Fig.3 two faces should be less than user defined value
3.2 Mid-surface Abstraction t max (d< t max ).
After feature simplification, it needs to extract
mid-surface of the model, that is transforming the When the mid-surface is extracted, the some
3D model into low dimensional structure feature, facets will be crossed or disconnected, so it needs to
and make it to analysis ideally. For example, a long trim and seam them, and the ideal mid-surface will
and thin cylinder structure can be substituted by a be got after theses operation. As shown in Fig.6
one-dimensional bar element or beam element,
some plate and shell structures can be substituted by
mid-surface. The structure of excavator working
device is constituted by plate, so it is convenient to
extract the mid-surface of model. The main idea is
shown in Fig.4.
Determination of faces should follow the
condition of parallel, distance, overlap. Supposing Figure 6 Process of Trimming and Seaming
there are two faces named F1 , F2 , the normal 4. CUNTOMIZATION DESIGN BASED ON
vector of them are N 1 , N 2 , the distance between ANSYSY WORKBENCH
them is d, the method of judgment is shown as Usually the products user faced are limited,
following[12] [13]: sometimes it only needs to modify the exist product
locally, if the model is analyzed directly every time,
operations like adding constraint, loads, meshing
will take too much time. So it is better to develop a
program used to design the specific model, the
analysis process will be realized by only inputting
some values of geometric parameter and stress, this
process is also called customization
Figure 4 Process of Mid-Surface Abstraction pretreatme ion
(1) Parallel condition: there are two
situations, one is the two faces’ normal vector Customiza
direction (N1,N2) of model must be the same or men tion solver
opposite, that is N1 • N 2 = ±1 , the other is that u platform
the two planes are approximate parallel, the angle dialog
should be less than the user defined angle ( θ max ) , user
that is 1800 − angle( N1,N 2 ) < 2θ max . Shown Figure7 Content of Customization Design
in Fig.5 The content of customization design is shown in
Fig.7, pretreatment of model is saving the
(2) Overlap condition: when a face is mid-surface model of boom in the form of *.agdb
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
10th March 2013. Vol. 49 No.1
© 2005 - 2013 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.
and *.dsdb, *.agdb has information of geometric analyzed after selecting AWE solver, as shown in
parameters, and *.dsdb contains messages like Fig. 10-12
material, meshing, constraint, load, they are used as
reference models, design of solver is setting the
type of solver and select reasonable compute
method, the configuration of system environment is
adding user defined functions, it is used to load the
custom programs
The design of menus, interface, and parameters
editor dialog is realized by the languages of
XML(Extensible Markup Language),
HTML(Hypertext Markup Language), Jscript. XML
is used to design system interface, as shown in Fig.
8. Jscript is used to design menus, and HTML is Figure10 Solution
used to design the dialog.
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
10th March 2013. Vol. 49 No.1
© 2005 - 2013 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.
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