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Assignment Ncp23

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NAME :SHIRISH V.KSHIRSAGAR REG.NO. 211-06-14-9564-2121


1) From a Legal Point of View, A mutual agreement between two or more parties that something shall be done, an agreement enforceable at law. According to FIDIC,

Contract means the General Conditions, the Supplementary Conditions, the Specifications, the Drawings, the Bill of Quantities, the Tender, the Letter of Acceptance, the Contract Agreement, and such further documents as may be expressly incorporated in the Letter of Acceptance or Contract Agreement.

TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTSTwo broad categories: Price Given in Advance Contracts (Priced-based Contracts) Cost Reimbursement Contracts (Cost-based Contracts)

A. Lump Sum Contact - Sometimes called Drawings and Specifications Contract The contractor agrees to perform a stipulated job of work in exchange for a fixed sum of money. In other words a single tendered price is given for the completion of a specified work to the satisfaction of the client by a certain date. Payment may be staged at intervals of time on the completion of milestones. Useful for construction works: o that can be accurately and completely described at the time of bidding such as residential and building construction,

o when limited variation is needed, o when level of risks is low and quantifiable, and o when the client does not wish to be involved in the management of his project. Advantages of Lump Sum Contract o The final price is known, by the owner, before the work commences. o The contractor has more incentive to reduce his cost to increase the profit. o The contractor hopes to complete the job as quickly as possible, to minimize overhead, to maximize profit and to move to the next Job. Disadvantages of Lump Sum Contract o A great deal of work should be done by the contractors prior to preparing the estimate. It is wasteful of a skilled estimators time. o Changes in drawings and specifications can be very expensive and source of trouble. In other words the contract has very limited flexibility for design changes. o The contractor carries much of the risks. The tendered price may include high risk contingency.

o Competent contractors may decide not to bid to avoid a high-risk lump sum contract. .
B. Contract based on a Bill of Quantities- Sometimes called Unit Price Contract Main Aspects of Unit Price Contract o Items of work of the contract are specified with estimated quantities in the Bills of Quantities. o Estimated quantities are surveyed by Architect/Engineer.

o Contractors enter unit prices against the estimated quantities of work. o The contract is based on estimated quantities of work items and unit price for each of these work items. o Payment is made on the basis of units of work actually done and measured in the field multiplied by the unit prices. o Re-determination of unit prices when substantial quantity deviations occur is stipulated in contract conditions. o Useful on projects where the nature of the work is well defined, but the quantities of work cannot be accurately determined in advance of construction. Suitable for highways, dams, airports Advantages of Unit Price Contract o Saving the heavy cost of preparing many bills of quantities by the contractors. o Fair basis for competition.

o In comparing with lump-sum contract, o Changes in contract documents can be made easily by the owner. o Lower risk for contractor. Disadvantages of Unit Price Contract o The exact final price of the project is not known to the owner until the completion of the project. C. Schedule of Rates Contract Main Aspects of Schedule of Rates Contract o A Schedule of the work items without quantities (or inaccurate quantities; possibly with upper and lower probable limits) is prepared by the owner and /or A/E to be rated by the contractor. o The descriptions of items and the units of measurement are similar to those used in a normal B.O.Q., but no quantities are given. o It is common for separate rates to be quoted for labor, plant, and materials. o Used for repair and maintenance works or under conditions of urgency. Advantages of Schedule of Rates Contract o Work can be commenced earlier than if a full B.O.Q has been prepared. Disadvantage of Schedule of Rates Contract

o No indication of the final price of the works. o Very difficult to determine which contractor submitted the most advantageous offer. o May cause financial problems to the public owners. D. Cost Reimbursement Contracts Main Aspects of Cost Reimbursement Contract o The contractor will be reimbursed for all actual costs plus an agreed fee to cover his services (overhead and profit). o The contractor must make all his records and accounts available for inspection by the client or by some agreed neutral third party. o The fee can be designated as: a) A fixed percentage of the cost of the work. b) A fixed fee. c) A fixed fee with a guaranteed top price. d) A fixed fee with bonus. e) A fixed fee with an arrangement for sharing any cost saving. o Suitablea) when the requirements of the client are vague, b) when it is desirable for design to proceed concurrently with construction

c) for emergency projects, repairs, maintenance work, and alterations. d) for project with unknown technologies or major changes. e) where the contractor possesses a special ability. f) when the client wishes to be involved in contract management. confidential processes. o Topics that should be negotiated between owner and contractor before signing a cost reimbursement contract include: a) Subcontract-letting. b) Determination and payment of fee. c) Accounting methods. d) Overheads (site and office). Advantages of Cost Reimbursement Contract o Start construction without waiting for the whole set of drawings and specifications. o More flexibility for the owner to make changes as work progresses. o Draw the contractor expertise during design. Disadvantages of Cost Reimbursement Contract o It is difficult to predict the final cost and the distribution of it, which may cause financial problems to the owner. o Contractor pays less attention to cost control.

E. Cost plus Percentage of Cost Main Aspects of Cost plus Percentage of Cost o The contractor is reimbursed for all his costs with a fixed % age of costs to cover his services. o Project/site overheads may be covered by the %age or computed as one of the costs. F. Cost plus Fixed Fee Main Aspects of Cost plus Fixed Fee o The owner pays all costs of construction with a fixed sum of money. The fee is fixed and does not fluctuate with the actual cost of the project. o The work must be fairly well defined by the owner. G. Target Cost with Variable Fees Contract Main Aspects of Target Cost Contract o The contractor and owner agree to a target estimate of construction. o Bonus or penalty arrangements are tied to this target figure. o The work must have a fairly definite nature. Drawings and specifications must be sufficiently developed to enable a reasonably accurate cost to be determined. o Cost target sharing of savings o Time target fixed sum of money for each day.

H. Guaranteed Maximum Price Contract (GMP) The contractor guarantees that he will construct the project in full accordance with the drawings and specifications and that the price to the owner will not exceed some total upset price. If the price of the work exceeds the assured maximum, the contractor pays for the excess. Contracts are often competitively bid in a manner similar to that for lump-sum contracts, but managed as cost plus. The successful bidder is determined on the combined basis of his quoted maximum price and fixed fee.

Submission of Tender- Submission of bids has to follow two- envelope system. The bid will comprise two parts Technical and Financial to be submitted in two separate sealed envelopes. Technical Bid a. The Technical Bid envelope should be superscribed as Technical Bid Selection of Consultant for A given study Tender Notice No. b. The Technical Bid should contain the signed and sealed completed forms (Annexure I) of the Technical Bid along with relevant enclosures. c. i. The Technical Bid should consist of the following : General Information about the Organization Form A (Annexure I)

ii. Financial Information about the Organization Form B (Annexure I) iii. Summary of Similar Projects Implemented Form C (Annexure I)

iv. Details of Similar Projects Implemented Form D (Annexure I) v. CVs of the Project Team Form E (Annexure I) vi. Proposed Methodology Separate sheet to be attached vii. Additional Information, if any (optional) - Separate sheet to be attached d. e. The technical proposal must not contain any pricing information. In submitting additional information, the same may be marked as Supplementary to the required response. If the bidder wishes to propose additional services (or enhanced levels of services) beyond the scope of this RFP, the proposal must include a description of such services as a separate attachment to the proposal. f. The address of the Bidder should be clearly written on the cover

Financial Bid a. The Financial Bid as prescribed in the Tender (Annexure II) should be filled up and sealed along with enclosures in a separate cover superscribed as Financial Bid Selection of Consultant for A GIVEN PROJECT NAME Tender Notice No. b. Address of the bidder should be clearly written on the cover.

The Financial Bid format is given in Annexure II.

Outer Cover

Both the Technical Bid cover and Financial Bid cover should then be put in a single outer cover, sealed and be superscribed as Tender for Selection of Consultant for Selection of Consultant for A GIVEN PROJECT Tender Notice No. The outer cover should be sealed and should contain the following documents: a. The present Tender Document duly signed on all pages as acceptance of terms and conditions by the bidder. b. The cost of Tender Document by way of crossed DD for Rs.200.00 (Rupees Two Hundred only) for those bidders, who have downloaded the bid documents. The bidders, who have purchased the bid document need to submit a copy of the self-attested receipt. c. EMD amount of Rs. 2000.00 (Rupees Two thousand only) in the form of Demand Draft. d. Covering letter of the Proposal, which must be signed with the Bidders name and by a representative of the Bidder who is authorized to commit the bidder to contractual obligations. All obligations committed by such signatories must be fulfilled. e. f. g. Technical Bid Financial Bid as per Annexure II. Any other information that is required to be submitted in the proposal process.

The address of the bidder should be clearly written in the cover. The covers received without superscription are liable for rejection. The tenders not submitted as specified in the above clauses will be summarily rejected.

ANNEXURE I Technical Bid Format Form A General Information about the Organization Sr. No. Particulars Details to be furnished

Details of the Bidder (Organization) 1. 2. 3. 4. Name Address Telephone E-mail Fax Website

Details of Authorized person 5. 6. 7. Name Address Telephone E-mail

Information about the Organization Status of Organization (Public Ltd./ Pvt. Ltd/ Institution/ University etc.) 8. Details of Registration of Organization (Provide Ref e.g ROC Ref) Date


9. 10.

Number of Professionals Locations and addresses of offices

(in India and overseas) 11. 12. Service Tax Registration Number Enclose latest STCC

_________________________ Signature of the Bidder Form B : Financial Information (Please attach copies of Audited Financial Statements) Turnover of the Organization FY 200708 FY 200809 FY 200910 Average of last 3 FYs Net Worth of the Organization as on 31st March, 2010

_________________________ Signature of the Bidder Form C : Summary of Similar Projects implemented Sl. No. Name of the Customer Project Name Start Date End Date Contract Value

Note : Please provide details of the above projects in Form D. _________________________ Signature of the Bidder Form D : Details of the Similar Projects implemented by the bidder (Use separate tables for each project)

Sl. No. General Information 1.



Customer / Name of Govt. Dept/ PSU etc. Name of contact person and contact details


Project Details 3. 4. 5. 6. Project size 7. Contract value (Rs. in lakhs) Total cost of services provided by the bidder Name of the Project Start Date/ End date Current status Contract tenure


Description of the services provided by the Bidder (Please provide details in relevance to the scope of this RFP) Please provide testimonials and certificates from customer in support of the project experience

_________________________ Signature of the Bidder Form E: CVs of the Project Team

Give the profiles of key people/core members, including the Project Leader, key Consultants/Experts who will be involved in the assignments (Use separate tables for each person). Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Name Role in current project Whether Primary/Secondary Current job title Experience in yrs. Number of years with the Organization Current job responsibilities Summary of Professional/experience Highlights of assignments handled and significant accomplishments Educational Background, Certifications Training/ _________________________ Signature of the Bidder Please Note : The Bidder or his authorized representative should sign on each page of Technical Bid (Annexure-I) and at the end of each Form Annexure II Financial Bid Format Fixed Price Out of Pocket Expense and other Miscellaneous (Rs.) Applicable Taxes (Rs.) Total Item Details




1. 2.

All prices should be in INR and shall be specified in both figures and words. Total Price inclusive of all taxes to be specified in the last column.

Total Amount (both in figures and words) : _________________________ Signature of the Bidder

6) ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION METHODSThere are several methods available for resolving disputes between two parties. The first and most important method is through the courts. When a dispute arises between two parties belonging to the same country, there is an established forum available for the resolution of the same. The parties can get the said dispute resolved through the courts established by law in that country. Generally, this has been the most common method employed by the citizens of a country for the resolution of their disputes with the fellow citizens. ADR methods vary and their processes overlap but are all designed as alternatives to litigation and complement arbitration which is the most popular form of ADR. The methods include negotiation, early neutral evaluation or neutral fact finding, conciliation, mediation, mini trial, med-arb etc. The key factor is that all these methods are designed to assist the parties resolve their differences in a manner that is creative and most suited to the particular dispute. Some people see ADR methods as supplanting the adjudicatory system but if considered from the angle

that the courts in many jurisdictions are unable to resolve all disputes in a manner appealing to litigants, then ADR methods will be accepted as complementary to the litigation system. When a dispute arises between two persons belonging to two different countries, the difficulty arises. One option available to the parties is to go to the domestic courts of either country for the resolution of that dispute. However, this approach may have its own problems. The first is the jurisdiction of the courts. The laws relating to jurisdiction of courts in a country are not made keeping in view the transnational disputes. Normally, they are designed to resolve domestic disputes, that is, disputes arising between two citizens of the same country. The other is dissimilarity in the legal system of two countries. The problem acquires serious dimensions if the county of one party follows common law system and the country of the other party follows civil law system. In spite of tremendous work done by many international organizations and institutions, unification or uniformity of different legal systems is still a distant dream. The next is the choice of law applicable to the agreement and the consequential dispute between the parties. Availability of assets of the defendant in that jurisdiction is also a consideration for the purpose. The reason being that the enforcement of the judgments in any other jurisdiction may be a prolonged and cumbersome process. The absence of a treaty for the enforcement of foreign judgments between the two countries may render the judgments a worthless paper. If the judgment debtor happens to be a sovereign of that other country, the execution may involve claim for sovereign immunity. In some countries, sovereign assets enjoy sovereign immunity. The establishment of the fact in the court of that very country that the sovereign has waived the immunity itself will be a Herculean task. Apart from these difficulties, conventional difficulties, like undue delay in the dispensation of justice, complicated procedural formalities, transportation of entire evidence and witnesses from one country to the other country, high cost of litigation, judicial imperfection,

etc., cannot be ignored. In view of these and other difficulties, either party avoids going to the courts in the country of the other party. It is for these reasons that the alternative dispute resolution methods are becoming more popular for resolution of disputes between parties belonging to two different countries. So much so that some persons have started calling them appropriate dispute resolution methods rather than alternative dispute resolution methods. The alternative dispute resolution methods offer distinct advantages over litigation. Litigation is a process which takes place in the court rooms. These court rooms are open to public. Any member of the public can enter a court room and can watch, so long as he wishes, the court proceedings of any case. Alternative dispute resolution proceedings take place in private. They are not public proceedings. Thus, they ensure confidentiality. Further, for initiation of alternative dispute resolution methods, an agreement between the parties is an essential requirement. While litigation is an adversarial, formal and inflexible process, alternative dispute resolution methods may be less adversarial, less formal and more flexible process. In litigation, rules of evidence and procedure have to be strictly followed. In alternative dispute resolution methods, simple procedure is followed and the formal rules of evidence and procedure do not apply. Similarly, in litigation, the parties have no voice in the process of selection of judges. They are appointed and paid by the State. Such judges are not specialists in any particular branch of law or subject. They are generalists and deal with all kinds of cases. Generally, the arbitrators and other persons helping in the resolution of disputes through alternative means are selected and paid by the parties. The parties have a choice to prescribe their technical and other qualifications and experience or they can insist that the person having expertise in any particular discipline may alone be appointed. Except in rare or specified circumstances, the settlements arrived at through alternative dispute resolution methods are not subject to challenge in court of law. In addition,

the alternative dispute resolution methods offer the conventional advantages like less expensive and dispensation of quick justice, including choice of venue for the resolution of disputes. The alternative dispute resolution methods have been found satisfactory and are popular not only in the settlement of disputes between two parties belonging to two different countries but they are equally popular and common in the resolution of disputes between two parties belonging to the same country. Alternative dispute resolution encompasses a variety of methods for the resolution of disputes between the parties. The availability or deployment of any particular method of alternative dispute resolution in any specific case depends on a number of factors. The clause relating to alternative dispute resolution in the agreement between the parties, the availability of persons well versed in the process of alternative dispute resolution, the support provided by the legal system of a country to the alternative dispute resolution methods, the national or international institutional framework for alternative dispute resolution, the availability of necessary infrastructure facilities, etc., play a significant role in the selection of any particular method of the resolution of dispute. The most important, popular and common alternative method of dispute resolution is arbitration.

ARBITRATIONArbitration is one of the oldest methods for the resolution of disputes between the parties. It has existed, in one form or the other, in every country at all times. Arbitration as a process of dispute resolution offers many advantages to both the parties. In the field of arbitration, there are three international documents. However, all these three documents deal with the enforcement of foreign arbitral awards. The first is Protocol on Arbitration Clauses signed at Geneva on 24th September, 1923 (commonly known as Geneva Protocol, 1923). It has 8 Articles. It has been ratified by 30 States. However, it is not very popular

amongst the States for obvious reasons. The second is the Convention on the execution of Foreign Arbitral Awards signed at Geneva in 1927 (commonly known as Geneva Convention, 1927). This Convention amended the Geneva Protocol in certain respects. According to this Convention Each High Contracting State was required to recognise as binding and to enforce, in accordance with the rules of the procedure of its territory, arbitration award made in another Contracting State pursuant to an agreement covered by the Protocol. Last, is the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards signed at New York on 10th June, 1958 (commonly known as New York Convention). This Convention gave the parties greater freedom in the choice of the arbitral authority and of the arbitration procedures. It attempted to remove the difficulties faced by the parties in the enforcement of foreign arbitral awards. The New York Convention reduced and simplified the requirements with which the party seeking recognition or enforcement of an award had to comply.


Fast track arbitration is nothing but a kind of arbitration. In fact, fast track arbitration is a time bound arbitration. Fast track arbitration can be adopted for the resolution of international as well as national disputes. Many international and national institutions engaged in providing arbitration facilities have promulgated fast track arbitration rules. These rules provide, in detail, the fast track arbitration procedure. The parties can adopt the fast track arbitration rules of any international or national body or institution for the speedy and time bound resolution of their dispute. The agreement for the resolution of dispute through fast track arbitration is same as for the ordinary arbitration, except that, in addition to the provision for arbitration, it provides that the parties have agreed for fast track arbitration. Generally, subject to the agreement between

the parties, the fast track arbitral tribunal consists of sole arbitrator. However, there is no legal bar to the arbitral tribunal consisting of more than one arbitrator, that is, three arbitrators, if the parties so decide. If the fast track arbitration is by three arbitrators, the third arbitrator is called the Presiding arbitrator. The procedure for the appointment and challenge of arbitrator(s) is the same as in the case of ordinary arbitration, except that all such actions must be taken within the prescribed time limit. Fact track arbitration commences when one party gives notice of its intention to commence fast track arbitration and the said notice is received by the other party. The claimant is required to submit his statement of claims within 15 days from the date of constitution of the arbitral tribunal. Similarly, the other party is required to submit its statement of defence, including counter claim, if any, within the next fifteen days. In another 15 days, the parties may submit their rejoinders. The arbitral tribunal decides about the time limit for hearings of the case. It is also expected to deliver its award not later than 15 days from the close of the arbitration proceedings. It should be a reasoned award, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. The essence of the fast track arbitration is that the time limit is fixed for every action to be taken by the parties or the arbitrator(s). The parties are not permitted or allowed to seek extension of time or postponement of any matter by the arbitral tribunal. The parties are expected to adhere to these time limits. If the claimant fails to observe the time limits without sufficient cause, the arbitral tribunal is competent to terminate the proceedings. If the respondent fails to observe the time limits without sufficient cause, the arbitral tribunal is competent to proceed ex parte in the absence of the defaulting party. ORGANIZATION CHART

Managing Director (1)

Director (1)

Manager Purchase (1)

Head of Finance & Adminstration (1)

Accounts Manager (1) Official Assistant / Cashier (2) Junior Engineer (2) Store Keeper (1) Senior Engineer (3) Assistant Techinician (2) Project Manager (1)

Head of Site (1)

Office Assistant (1)

Junior Engineer (1)

Accountant (1)

Safety Engineer (1)

Supervisor (2)

ORGANSATION CHART OF THE PROJECT The given project un Western Maharashtra of housing colony organization required is shown with the help of the above organizational chart. Required strength can be expressed as1) Project manager- 1 2) Senior Engineer- 3 3) Safety Engineer-1 4) Junior Engineer- 2 5) Assistant Technician -2 (one for Electrical work and 1 for material Lab testing) 6) Supervisor-2 7) Store keeper-1

Hence, organization for the given project will consist 12 people; from which 9 people from company which are permanent up to Junior Engineer level. 2 supervisors & 1 store keeper will be employing until ending of the project. Responsibility, Authority, Communication of organization members are as follows1) Project Manager-The duties of the project manager can best be summarized under five general operational areas. They are: Preconstruction Services support: a. Preparing a deliverable schedule relative to bidding practices. b. Assisting the estimating department during plan review c. Preparing a preliminary construction schedule d. Delineating project requirement and general conditions Administration of the project: a. Managing the Owner's contract. b. Communications of issues, and coordination of activities Document control Acquisitions required for the construction of the project: a. Refinement of scope. b. Identifying items that have delivery dates that impact the schedule. c. Purchasing of trades and materials. Management and scheduling of the project: a. Understanding manpower operations. b. Materials applications. c. Building code issues(Site logistics another important task is generally organized by the superintendent). .

2) Senior Engineer- The duties of the project manager can best be summarized under general operational areas. They are: Specific Duties of a Senior EngineerWithin the general responsibilities of a senior engineer are specific duties that must be carried out on a frequent basis, often times daily. The first duty of a senior engineer is to inspect and analyze the proposed construction project. They will not only inspect the plan itself but will go to the site location many times to ensure that the plan fits the location and vice versa. When they have adequately analyzed the situation, they will write detailed reports stating what is acceptable and what needs to be changed prior to beginning the project. Once these proposed changes have been made, the senior engineer will review the plans and project site once again to ensure that all changes have been made as required. The job of a senior engineer does not end at this point. The senior engineer will follow the project from start to finish and make any necessary changes along the way. They will ensure that procedure is being followed and check on safety features of the project during the time it is being completed. A senior engineer must use many different equations, applications and figures to ensure the proper procedure application. Items that senior engineers must take part in and use include chemical testing applications, drafting and equipment, land surveying techniques and the metric system, to name just a few pertinent items. . One who is a Senior engineer is also the key contact person regarding the construction project in many cases. They will answer questions directed towards them by individuals involved with the construction project and the general public as well. While answering questions, they will also be responsible for backing up their statements with reports, graphs, charts and surveys.

Safety EngineerResponsibilities- Safety engineers must be able to anticipate, recognize, and evaluate hazardous conditions, as well as develop hazardous control methods. These means are intended to prevent harm and damage to people and properties. Safety engineers develop procedures and designs to lessen the possibility of illnesses, injury, and other potential damages. Some are even employed in manufacturing companies to help make certain that new product designs are safe for consumers and don't generate unneeded harm or impairment. Duties of Safety Engineer- Conducts or assists in the development of and carries out research studies of existing or potential safety and issues. One of the major duties of a safety engineer is to evaluate equipment and processes to find potentially risky areas. This evaluation is possible by studying past incidents, such as fires, illnesses or chemical toxicity associated with the usage of a piece of equipment or a particular process. Through regular inspections and observations of processes as operators work, safety engineers identify defects that have the potential to cause damage or injury. Proposes new safety policies, procedures, codes and standards which can be used to integrate safety performance into the goals, operations and productivity of organizations regulated as well as the monitoring, assessment of their effectiveness in changing safety performance. Participates on teams engaged in planning, design, development and implementation of systems or programs involving hazard controls for the safety system to maximize its effectiveness. Establishes and implements techniques, which involve cost, cost-benefit analysis, work sampling, loss rate and similar methodologies, for periodic and systematic evaluation of the safety system and hazard control program effectiveness. Assists in developing

methods to evaluate the costs and effectiveness of hazard controls and safety system programs. Provides for management review, the results of evaluation assessments, including recommended adjustments and changes to safety system policies or hazard control programs. Assists in directing and to developing audit programs which assess safety performance of the entire safety system and organizations, processes or operations which are components of the system.

Junior Engineer-. JE (Junior Engineer) Job Responsibilities

He is responsible to guide the team members under him and analysis the final output. Junior Engineer is also responsible for the functional direction in the development, design as well as optimization.

He is also responsible for the development of his team and analysis the output as weather it falls under the client specification or not.

He is responsible to enhance his knowledge and ability in the field of scientific analysis, engineering principle and project management.

He is responsible to perform all responsibility in secure manner with the development of new equipment that meets policies, guidelines and safety codes.

He or she is responsible to recognize, seek, define and solve different problems to obtain unique objectives.

Under supervision, incumbents perform entry level professional engineering work. In the specialty of civil engineering incumbents supervise an engineering survey crew in the field; perform instrument work, make notes and sketches of surveys; calculate grades;

determine excavation and fill areas quantities; and prepare office record maps of utilities, topography, roads, and structures.

In the specialties of electrical and mechanical engineering, incumbents prepare layouts of utilities, prepare drawings of existing utilities, estimate costs of alterations to existing structures and utility systems, and prepare work orders and bills of materials.

Supervisor- The Site Supervisors authorities and responsibilities shall be as specified in procedures and shall include, but not be limited to, the following: To assist the Project Manager in the delivery of the projects by supervising and coordinating the on site activities during site establishment installation, inspection, testing and commissioning and disestablishment. Ensure that the program is updated weekly with the Project Manager Coordinate and manage all site activities of site staff, sub contractors, trades and suppliers etc Communicate to all site staff, sub contractors, trades and suppliers site activities and ensure timely response to program requirements , Participate in On Site Coordination meetings with PM and Sub Contractors, suppliers etc, ( in the absence of PM Site Supervisor is to organize and Chair these Coordination Meetings.) Participate in client meetings as required

Store keeper-. key duties of Store Keeper Receives and inspects all incoming materials and reconciles with purchase orders; processes and distributes documentation with purchase orders; reports, documents and tracks damages and discrepancies on orders received.

Makes intra- and inter-campus deliveries of requested surplus office furniture and merchandise; maintains records of all deliveries.

Fills supply requisitions; assists buyer to order adequate merchandise and supplies; delivers orders to faculty and staff.

Receives, stores, tags and tracks surplus property; prepares property lists for items to be sold at auction.

Receives and stores documents and confidential files; maintains record of approved document and confidential file destruction.

Ships canceled and damaged items back to vendors as appropriate. Delivers and sets up furniture for various campus events as requested. Handles and documents storage and transportation of hazardous materials. Maintains the warehouse, records area and stores area in a neat and orderly manner. Answers questions regarding procedures and resolves discrepancies regarding receipts, deliveries, warranties, repairs and surplus property.

Trains and directs the work of student assistant

The Sample Work Order on the terms and conditions as listed below:



The Civil work as specified in tender document. 2.1 2.1.1 COST OF THE WORK The total cost worked out on the basis of the estimated quantities and the rates accepted

shall be as shown below. No. Description Cost Inclusive of

Taxes Rs. 1 2 3 Basic Cost Add VAT (5 %) Add Service Tax ( 12.36 % on 1/3 amount) Total Cost 14000003.42 12829915.16 641495.76 528592.50

(In Words- Rupees one crore forty lakhs three & paisa forty two only) 2.2 2.3 The bill of quantities along with quoted rates & special conditions are enclosed . The cost indicated under 2.1 shall be based on the following : [a] [b] The price quoted shall be firm and free from fluctuations in the market. The quantity indicated is based on rough estimate and shall be subject to variation. The unit rates quoted shall be firm.


The final cost of work shall be worked out on the basis of actual quantity of work executed and the rate accepted.

3.0 3.1

COMPLETION PERIOD The entire work shall be completed and handed over to us by you within 180 days from the date of actual commencement .(i.e.07.10.2009)



will submit detailed completion schedule indicating commencement and

completion including 3.4 Date when drawings are required Labour force to be deployed Delivery of critical materials

Bar chart submitted by contractor for the entire work will form part of the agreement and will be binding on to contractor.

4.0 4.1

LIQUIDATED DAMAGES Incase of delay in the completion and handing over of the installation Conractor shall be liable to pay us liquidated damage at the rate of 0.5% of the total contract value per week delay subject to a maximum of 5%.


In case delay any work beyond the completion date specified in this work order or if the quality of work is not acceptable, we shall have the right to terminate the contract and get the work completed, at your cost, in addition to adjusting the Retention amount, against such work, through any other contractor of their choice.




All the works shall be guaranteed for the performance, quality of material and workmanship etc. for a minimum period 12 months from the date of our acceptance.


During the guarantee period you shall rectify, replace the defective material and workmanship free of cost.

6.0 6.1

INSURANCE It shall be Contractors responsibility to arrange insurance for the following till the entire installation is handed over. a) Contractors all risk policy b) All material including transit. Site insurance for all materials delivered and stored at site. c) All workmen And copies shall be submitted at the time of advance payment to you. 7.0 TERMS OF PAYMENT


10% mobilization advance will be paid to the contracor against bank guarantee of equivalent amount from a Nationalised/scheduled Bank in the approved format. Mobilisation advance will be recovered from RA Bills in three equal instalment starting from 1st R.A.Bill.


Interim Bills: Contractor will submit one Running Account Bill per month with supporting measurements in approved format. 75% of the payable value will be released within 7 days of submission of the bill against cursory check by the PM, and the balance, to the value of the certificate within a further 15 days.

All other terms and conditions in the original tender remain valid with the following.

Water Supply: We will provide a water connection at one point on site for construction. The distribution for curing labour campus will be carried out at contractors own cost and on completion of the work, hand over the same in good working condition.

Electricity for Construction: Electricity will be given to you at one point on site distribution of electricity to be done at contractors own cost.

Retention: Retention will be total 5% on the contract value exclusive of the EMD/security .Half retention & security deposit will be released after completion of the work & balance will be released after satisfactory completion of defects liability period of 12 months.

Contractor will be required to do the mix design for RCC Grades given by the Architect from approved lab at your own cost it should be approved by Architect/owner. Contractor will be required to interact and carry out the works as per the drawings and instructions of our Architect The Commencement date for the contract is 07.10.2009 and the Completion Date will be 04.04.2010 i.e. duration of 180 days. You have confirmed that the contract period of 180 days will be strictly adhered to, except in case of force major. Contractor is requested to comply with all the necessary documentation as specified in the Tender and mobilise at the earliest. Kindly sign and return a copy of this letter in token of your acceptance. Yours faithfully, Authorized Signatory Accepted By Contractor

Biblography Types of Construction contracts Submission of Tender Technical Bid format Dispute Resolution methods Organization structure Sample work order one of the executed project

Books Read Construction contracts and Contracting by NICMAR FIDIC rules and regulation for contract management

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