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CRITERION 3 - STUDENT OUTCOMES This section presents the Student Outcomes of the Informatics Engineering Program defined as narrower

statements that describe what students are expected to know and able to do at the time of graduation. The section also presents the relationship between Student Outcomes and Pbgram-EducatioDbjectiN/s; d how;Student Outcomes are related to curriculum r#corss. The faculty plays an important role in defining, revising and achieving the Student Outcomes as well as actively participates in the assessment and evaluation processes.

A. Student Outcornes

Eleven Student Outcomes have been established for the Informatic^ngineering Program aiming to prepare students for engineering practice and fostering theattallment of Educational Objectives. The Student Outcomes are highly related to (a) to (k) ABET Outcomes. For a better understanding of the definition, scope and breadth ^S^dentOutcomes, a set t of criteria have been defined for each Outcome as it is shown in the following:

(1) Engineeflfig Dergii, Definition Criteria

1 Design informatics systems satisfying requirements and needs as well a.s^^rtteti.Q.G^s^braite on--secuty.-and si^stinability.
Interpret requirements andr needs and tran|(ate them into the formulation of an informatics engineering project. Formlate and analyze the specifications of a design project ^ s . ^ L considering relistic techrcl, econmica!/social nd legal constraints, as well as the own characteristics of the organization business. Propose and evaluate-diverse arehitectures and^solution, and selectthe most adequatesatisfying requirements and constraints. Present and describe,the.;Solution .ttoug^ spcifBations sng pfoper norms and stahdards. and formulates

Develops, configure and intgrate commuriiation, information and software systems.

(2) Problem Solvng Definition ! Gritera Identify, formlate and sive engineering problems properly using the methods, tehniques and tools bf informties engineering. Proppse adequateand reaIizable.solutions; with engineering criteria tking into accnt the characteristics of the application domain. Implement and maintain information and software systems fulflfing f^iements. Fbrmulates algorithms, define data management structures and develop prograrns using proper methods and tehniques for solving software and information systems problems. Use modern and specialized information infrastructure (hardware, software, communicatin equipment).

(3) Project Management Definition Criteria Plan and manage informties engineering projeets taking into account efficieney and productivity criteria. Identify the objectives and restrictions of an infofrntaiics engineering Determine, the technical, eGonomical andtlega^feasibility of an informties engineering project, as well as its yibiJify in the orghzatbnsl nvirnrhent. Determine the scope of a project, its activities.and priorities, and proppse execuion and control schedules. Identify the!diverse furtetionai reas of an organizaron, relate them and systematize its information processing. Manage the proper deveiopment of activites of an: informties engineering project considering aspcs of qulity,- efficieney and security.

(4) Sciences Application Definition Criteria Apply the knowledge and skills of mathematics, sciences and engineering to solve informatics engineering problems. Understand and interpret naturaf)henoneha pplying the fundamental laws gverning thm. Deveteps and&pply mathematieal tools for analyzing, modeling and simulating the diverse process of an orgptioh. Apply knowledge of sciences and engineering for developing algdritfims, software andiriformaion sytems being efficient in terms of rerces rqrmehts and xecution times.

(5) Expierimtation arad Tests Definition Criteria 3onceive and criduct experimente and tests, analyze data and interpret -esults. Determine the tests and experiments to carry out taking into account the reqird qiity standarcls. Ideritify and riite the variables and pitameters pf Information and * software system and measre or estmate them with accuracy.v^ Determine the informatics tools and equipment according to the tests to carry out Compile relevant information of similar and complementary experiments and tests. Process and analyze results using statistical methpds and criteria.

(6) Continuing-Education Definition Recognize the need to keep their knowledge ,and skills up to date according to advances of informatics.engineering and engage in lifelong earning. Identify rlevht ars for the developmnt of their professional career. KeefS therrisil^is up id date on new tndencies and technologies of informatics engineering as well as their diverse pplications. Be autonomous in their learning process.


(7) Local and Global Perspectiva Definition Undrstand the irnpact that engineering solutions have on people and sopiety in local and globalvcontxtei Recognizethe role of informatics encjirering in the progress of sociey, i tfne development of oi^ai^tifons arid th^ of the qlity of lite ojkpepple. Be informad about the main,social, eqpnomical andpolitical facts in local and global contexts, and their influence in working environment. ,

' Gritera

(8) Environmeotal Appralsl Definition Analyze and take into account the local and global enyirpnmental irnpact of informatics engineering on people ant socity; Prpmote the use of materials, Technologies,, processes and seryices that are environmentally adequae. Msske a rational use of. natural and technojpgica! xesources uriclerstnding their mpprtanpe in the iife of people and society. Particpate in. gctivities fcr (he conservaion and improvement of the environment ht its ebsysfems. ' '--!


(0) EthcaS and Professional Responsibllty Definition . Criteria Undrstand the professional, ethical, legal and social responsibilities of the informatics engineer.

1 their actions and projects

Anticpate the implieatns of their decsions,as well as the results of Undrstand the legal and informatics law aspects when developing engineering projects.


pAppraie;the: pnctul and responsible fulfilling pf their personal and ptfesdillies. i Takes into cpn$id^ration pommunity interests and the social benefit Knows and act accprding to the professional pode pf ethics.

(10) Communication Definiion Criteria i Communicate clearly and ffectively in oral, written and graphical Formats, interacting with different types of audiences. Express their ideas clearly and concisely using the adequate technlogical support. Elabrate olear and precise technical documentation using norms, standards, symbology and terrninology proper of informatics engineering. Adjust their speech according to the type of audience for getting a proper understanding and interpretacin. Read technical documentation in English. J |

(11) Tearnworkng

peftnition Criteria


i Particpate

actively and ffectively in multidisciplinary teams being capable of leading them. Can perform as leader or active member of a working team ffectively participating to achieve the proposed goals and results. Propose and accepts ideas conducting to the achievement of objectives and results. Appraise the differences of opinin, is tolerant and respect agreements.

Table 3.1 shows the relationship between the URP Informatics Engineering Student Outcomes and the ABET (a) to (k) Student Outcomes. It can be noted that each ABET Outcome is related to one or more URP Outcomes.

B. Relationship of Student Outcomes and Program Educational Objectives The manner in which the Student Outcomes support the Program Educational Objectives is shown in Table 3.2 where it can be noted that all Educational Objectives correspond to two or more Student Outcomes. In this way, by assuring the achievement of Student Outcomes, Program Educational Objectives are expected to be accomplished.

Table 3.1. Equivalence Between URP Student Outcomes and ABET (a) to (k) Outcomes



(a) Applic ation of Scien ces

(b) Experi mentati on

(c) Engine ering Desig n

(d) Teamw orking

(e) Proble m Solving

(f) Ethics and Respo nsibilit y

(g) Commu nication

(h) Broad Educati on

| (i) Lifelong Learnin g

5 ~ o


(k) Moder n Engine ering Practic e

Engineering Design Problem Solving Projet Management Science Application Experimentation Continuing Education Local and Global I Perspectiva Environmenal Appraisal Ethics and Respdnibiity Communication Teamworking

^ ^ P " '~

v | @



Table 3.2. Relationship Between Program Hducational Objectives and Studen Outcomes


Engine ering Design

Proble Projec m t Solvirig Mana geme nt

Scienc e Applica tion

Experi Conti menati nuing on Educa tion

Local and global Persp ective

1 i

1 | .8 - I <

Ethics and Respo nsibilit y

Comm unicati on

Teamw orking

Tednnical Competence Adaptability Communication and Teamworking Professinalism



0 ,

# 1


. \


ni I

Lifelong Learning



# 1

C. Relationshsp Between the Curriculum and Student Outcomes The curriculum of the Informatics Engineering Program has been designed to support the achievjsmeht of Student Outcomes which are produced through such components as coLirse^:;labor^tory xpriences; design projects, snior design project, and Co-Op work as&ignrnents. Tble 3.3 shows the relatiqnship between Student Outcomes and the courses of the curriculum of the Infrm^icsErtgiiieering Rrogram. It is noted that each course contributes to the ^evelagment^djachie^menlofStu In Table 3.3, numbers 1, 2f 3 arid 4 iridicatlhe l#el f deveopmnt of the iiideht Outcomes in each course: Level 1: Know Leve! 2: Comprehend Leve! 3: Apply at intermedate level Level 4: Apply at advanced evel. Achievement of Student Outcome From Table 3.3, it is clear that some courses support the Outcome at an iniial -level, other courses at an intermedate level, and other at a high or complete level *hjch finally represents the Outcomes expected from the graduales of the Informatics Engineering Program. A more detailed description of the knowledge, skills and behaviors develped in the courses of the curriculum and aiming to the achievement of each Student Outcome is r shown in Table 3.4 Tables 3.3 and 3.4 were develped by the Program Assessment Committee tking into consideration input from the faculfy of the Informatics Engineering Program and adjusted, if necessary, in the revisin process of Student Outcomes or when curriculum chngs are propped and implemented.

Tabla. 3.4. ReSationship Between Courses aod Sudent Outcomes of the nformatics Engineering Program ^

1. Engineeririg iesign /


Design infonma^y$iS satisfying requirements and needs as well as realistic constraints 1 on security and sustainability. Courses Knowledge and skills to interpret 1 IF0105 Basic Computer requirements and needs and Prgramming Workshop transate them into the formulation of L an ifbrmatics engineering project ar IF0206 Computer Prgramming Workshop I ahieved through: | IF0304 Business Processes Engineering IF0404 Requirements Engineering IF057 Projects Workshop I IF066 Projects Workshop II IF0804 Software Architecture Knowledge and skills to formlate and analyze the specifications of a design project considering realistic tethiiil, econmica!, social and leg^Jkeonstraints, as well as the own characteristics of the organization buriess are achieved through: IF0404 Requirements Engineering IF0504 Information Systems Analysis IF0901 Applied Research Workshop IF0507 Projects Workshop I I IF0606 Projects Workshop II Knowledge and skills to propose and evalate diverse architectures and solution, and select the most adequate satisfying requirements and constraints are achieved through: IF0804 Software Architecture IF0507 Projects Workshop I IF0606 Projects Workshop II IF0706 Projects Workshop III IF0806 Projects Workshop IV I


f7rL %':

Kriowledgelnd -skills to pres^tS ] IF0603Oesign of Information I describe th solution 'through Systems diagrams, and formulates I IF0505 Interfaces Design specifications using proper norms and standards. 1F0307 Introdetion to Data Bases 1F0506 Data Bases I IF0705 Data Bases II IFQ706: Projects Workshop III IF086 Projects Workshop IV Knowledge and skills to develop, configure and intgrate communieation, information and software systems are achieved throtigh: IFQ36 Programming Workshop II IF0406 Programming Workshop III IF0602 Data Communication and Networks 1 IF0702 Data Communication and Networks II IF0805 Redes y Comunicacin de ' Datos III IF0706 Projects Workshop III ! IFQ806 projects Workshop IV i IF0904 Projects Management Workshop IF003 Projects Control Workshop IF1Q01 Professional Application Workshop 1 j

2. Pfofalm SoIVing Identify, formlate and solye ngineering problems properiy using the mehods, techniques and toblE bf informtics'enii^-ing. * Courses Skills t propose dequate and realizable 1 IF0304 Business Processes spiutign? with ngineering Qritri^ takrig ngineering into apcount the characteristics of the- L IF0404 Requirements ngineering applicatibn domain are achieved through: IF0505 Interfaces Design IF0705 Data Bases II Skills to implement and maintain IF0307 Introduction to Data Bases informtin and software systems [ fulfilling requirements are achieved IF0506 Data Bases 1 through: IF0705 Data Bases II IF0706 Projects Workshop III IF0806 Rr-cyects VVorkshop IV Skills to formlate algorithms, define data manag^ment sructures and develop progrms usig prdper methods and tthfflqtfes fbr sivig software and information systems problems are achieved through. IFQ306;Computer Programming Wbfkshop II IF0406 Computer Programming Workshoplil i IF0507 Projects Workshop 1 1F0606 Projects Workshop II IF0701 Operations Research 1F0802 Systems Simulation IF0804 Software Architecture IF0506 Data Bases I IFQ7 D bases II 1FQ602 Data Communications and Networks; I IF0702 Data Communications and Networks II , ~]

"=0805,Data.uommunicationsad Networks III

IF0503 ComputerArchitcture Skills to use modern and specialized Information infrastructure (hardware software, commrtieation equipment) are IF0901 ;AppJied Research WorksTi^pl achivedthroujjh ."'.'.' "'" IFQ904 Projectsliii^eT^nl--------------_____________________________ Workshop IF0905 Software Quality IF1001 Professional Application Workshop II-1003 Projects Control Workshop

3. Project Management ^Plao-and manage informtics engineering projects taking into accoun efficiency and productivity I criteri. Courses Skills to identify he. objecives and resrictons of van inftoptGS engineering project are achived hrogh: IF0304 Business Processes Engineering IF44 Requirements Engineering IF0902 Administration of Information Technology Projects IF0507 Projects Workshop 1 IF0606 Projects Workshop II Skills to determine the / technical, econmica! and legal feasibility of an informtics engineering project, as well as its viabilty m he organizational environment are achived through: IFG901 Applied Workshop IF0904 Project Workshop Research i Management I

. y.

IF1001 Professional Application Workshop

- <->' ..

IF161nfifbrmation Auditing and 1 S^qurity Skills to determine the scope of a project, its IF09D3 Information Systems activittes and priorities, and propose Management executibh and control schedules are [ IF0904 Project Management achivedfthrough: Workshop IF1003 Project Control Workshop Skills to identify the diverse functional reas of an prganization, relate them and' systematize its information processing are achivetf ihrough: IF0502 Business Systems I 1F0601 Business Systems II IFQ74 Business Systems III Information Information Information of

IF0902 Administration Informatics Projects

f e

IF0903 Informatics Management Skillsto rnanage the proper development of aotivities of an informatics engineering project considering aspects of quaity, efficirtcy and secrity are achieved thrgh: F0905 Software Quality IFH303 Project Control Workshop IF0706 Project Workshop III IF0806 Project Workshop IV

4. Sciences .Application I Apply the knowledg and skills of mathematics, sciences and engineering to solve informatics ~~| engineering problems. Courses


Skills t understand and inerpre natural phehofnna applying the fundamental Iaws governing them are achieved through:

EBOi 033 Basic Mathematics EB)ie4 L.ogics IF0106 General Chemistry IFG205 Physics I IF0207 Galculus I IFQ401 Calculus II

Develops and apply mathematical tools for analyzirig, modeling and simulating the diverse process of an organizaron.

IF0701 Operations Research IF IF08G2 Systems Simulation IF0501 Statistics and

1F0905 Software Quality Skills to apply; knowledg of spiencea and engineering for developing algqrithms, software and Information systems being efficient in terms of resources requirements and execution times. !|F03Rrgramming Workshop II IF04p6J?rogramming Wrksliop III IF0305 Physics and Circuits IF0403 Circuits and Digital Systems IF04Q2 Discree Mathematics IF0405 Data Structures and Algorihms IF0503 Computer Architecture

5. Experimentaron and Testing

Conceive and conduct experiments and tests, analyze data and interpret results. Courses Skills o determine the tests and experiments j IF0106 General Chemistry to canry out taking into account the required 1 IF0205 Physcs I qilility standards are achieved through. IF0206 Programming Workshop I IF0305 Physics and Circuits F0402 Discrte Mathematics IF04Q3 Digital Circuits and I

IF040B Programming Workshop III IF0703 Software Testing IF1002 Information Auditing and Security Skills toidentify and relate the variables and parameterso Information and software systm and measure or estmate them with accuracy. IF0F03 Software Testing IF0802 Systems Simulation IF1003Project Control Workshop IF1002 Information Auditing and Security

Skilis to determine the informatics tools and equipment according to the tests to carry out are achieved through:

IF0603 Design of Information Systems IF0604 Operating Systems IF0602 Data Communications and I Networks I Comunicacin de

4^-r.'^. ---"'>

Datos I !F07P2Data Communications and Networks II IF0703 Software Testing IF0905 Software Quality IF0506 Data Bases I IF0705 Data Base II Skills to compile relevant information of similar and compfementary experimens and tests are achieved through:


IF0801 Research Theory and Methodology IF0701 Operations Research IF0802 Systems Simulation IF0901 Applied Research Workshop IF1001 Professional Application Workshop

Skills to process and; analyze resfts using 1 IF0501 Statistics and satistical methods and criteria are achieved Probabilities through. IF703 Software Testing IF0802 Systems Simulation

6. Gontinuing EdocatSon
Rcognze the naesi to kfep their knowledge and skiils up to dat according to advances of informatics engineering nd engage in Hfelong leaming. Courses Skiils p identify relevant reas for the I IF0406 Computer Programming development of their professional Workshop III carer are achieved through: IF0404 Requirements Engineering IFG805 Data Communications and Networks III 1F0803 Informatics Law IF0703 Software Testing IF0I04#usiess Information Systems III

IF09Q1 Applied Research Workshop IF101 Professional Application Workshop Skiils to keep themselves up to .date. 1F0801 Business Information Systems on' new tendencias :,ahd^echnologi; 1 o informatics engneering as well as their diverse applications are riF0704 Business Information Systems III achieved through: 1F0504 Information Systems Analysis 1F0507 Projects Workshop I IF0606 Projects Workshop II IF07D8-Prjecst Workshop III IFO808 Projects Workshop IV IF0901 Applied Research Workshop IF1Q01 Professional Application Workshop

Skiis to be auonomous n their learning process are achieved through:

IF0706 Projects Workshop ili IF0806Projects Workshop IV IF080 Research Theory and

IF0901 Applied Research Workshop IF1001 Pf efessional Application Workshop IF0902 Administration of Informaics Projects (F0904 Project Management Workshop IF1003 Project Control Workshop in general, ell curriculum courses include constant bibliography searching for promoting students learning autonomy. ,

7. Local and Global Parspeetive Understand the impact that engineering solions have on people and society n local and global contexts. Corses Knowledge of Humanities and Social Sciences required for understanding Peruvian rality are achieved through: EB0201 Social Sciences EB0202 General Psychology EB0203 Phlosophy EB0301 History of Civilization EBQ302 Natural Resources and Ecology EB0303 National Reality IF0801 Research Theory and Methodlogy

Skills to recognize the role of inforrpatics erigineering in the prbgress of society, the develpment oforganizations and the improvement f the quality of life of people are achivd through:

IF0901 Applied Research Workshop I IF0603 Diseo de Sistemas de Informacin IF1 O 6 mpemehcin de Aplicaciones Web IF09Q8 Seminario de Implantacin de Soluciones Informticas IF0803 nformatics Law IF0902 Administration of nformatics Projects IF1001 Profssional Application Workshop IF1002 Information Auditing and Security IF0507 Taller de Proyectos I


IF0606 Taller de Proyectos II IF0706 Taller de Proyectos III IF0806 Taller de Proyectos IV In general, all eurriculum courses prvide spaee and opportunites to analyze and discuss diverse themes and main events in society, economy, and politicsin local and global contexts.

8. Environmental Appraisa
1 Analyze and take irt Bcount the local and global environmental impact of informatics enginering on people and society Courses Recogniton and understanding of local**- and global environmental problems, their human causes and the vibiliy of propqsed splutipns tp aehieve a sustainabe dvelpniint are achieved through: IF0106 General Chemistry EB0302 Natural Resources and Ecology IF0305 Physics and Circuits EB0303 National Reality IF0403 Digital Circuits and Systems IF1013 - Seminar on Process Automation In general, all curriculum courses stress the importance of environment caring and protection through open discussions and cases analysis. _________________________________________________________________ 1

j i

.9. Ethical and Prafesslonal Resppnsibilfty ;

Understand the professional, ethical, legal and social responsibilities of the informatics engineer. ' Courses Understanding and analysis of situations incorporating ethical dilemmas, honesty and justice, as well as respec for intellectual property are achieved through: EB0201 Social Sciences EB0203 Philosophy EB0301 History of Civilization EB0302 Natural Resources and Ecology EB0303 National Reality IF0806 Projecs Workshop IV IF0901 Applied Research Workshop I

IF0803 Informatics Law IFQ902 Adminisration of Informatics Projects IF1002 Information Auditing and Security Kriowledge of Peruvian Engineers Association Code of Ethics is achieved through: EB0803 Informatics Law IF0902 Administraron of Informatics Projects . IF0903 Informatics Management IF0904 Project Management Workshop IF101 Professional application Workshop n general, aj curriculum courses provide opportunities for open discussions orV'tdl issues and dilemmas.

10. Commynicators Gommunicate clearly and effectively in oral, written and graphical formats, interacing with different types of audiences. Courses Skills to writing tecbnical reports clearty^and concisely, developing the cpacity for creating own ideas, opinin? and arguments are achieved through: EB0102 Workshop on Oral and Written Communication EB0201 Social Sciences EB0202 General Psychology EB0301 History of Civilization EB0303 National Reality IF080it'Research Theory and Methodology |F091Applied Research Workshop I

IF1001 Professional Application Workshop IF0507 Projecis Workshop I IF0606 Projects Workshop II IF0706 Projects Workshop III IF0806 Projects Workshop IV IF1003 Projects Control Workshop All courses with experiences conten All courses with conten Skills to make oral presenatsons and crate quality visual presentations using computer support are achieved through: laboratory project


IF0801 Research Theory and Methodology IF09Q1 Applied Research Workshop IF1001; Professional Application Workshop IF0507 Projects Workshop I IF0606 Projects Workshop II IF0706 Projects Workshop III IF0806 Projects Workshop IV IF1003 Projects Control Workshop IF0904 Projects Management Workshop j

Skills to understand text written in English are achieved thogh:

IF0704 Business Information Systems III IF0802 Systems Simulation IF0901 Applied Research Workshop IF1003 Projects Control Workshop j

In general, ll courses contribute, in one way or anoher, to h development of i oraJ;:;:afidrvwitt6n communication skills, through student reports, oral prsrttis, and class open discussions.

11- TeamworkSng Particpate activly and ffecively in multidisciplinar teams being capable of leading them. Courses Skiils to work as members of mono-disciplinary teams are achived through: IF0105 Basic Computer Programming [ Workshop F0206 Computer Programming Workshop I IF0306 Computer Programming Workshop II 1F0406 Computer Programming Workshop III IF0404 Requirements Engineering IF0503 Computer Architecture IF0507 Projects Workshop I IF0606 Projects Workshop II
~ L

IF0706 Projects Workshop III IF0806 Projects Workshop IV IF0901 Applied Research Workshop IF1003 Projects Control Workshop Experience to work as members of multi-disciplinary teams is achived through: EB0011 Sportive and Artistic Activities EB0101 Workshop on Methods of University Studies ; EB0102 Oral and Written Communications Workshop EB0201 Social Sciences EB0203 Philosophy EB0301 Hisory of Civilization EB0302 Natural Resources and Ecoiogy EB0303 National Reality

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