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Action research

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search For the British charity formerly named Action Research, see Action Medical Research. For the academic journal titled Action Research, see Action Research (journal). Action research or participatory action research is a research initiated to solve an immediate problem or a reflective process of progressive problem solving led by individuals working with others in teams or as part of a "community of practice" to improve the way they address issues and solve problems. Action research involves the process of actively participating in an organization change situation whilst conducting research. Action research can also be undertaken by larger organizations or institutions, assisted or guided by professional researchers, with the aim of improving their strategies, practices and knowledge of the environments within which they practice. As designers and stakeholders, researchers work with others to propose a new course of action to help their community improve its work practices. Kurt Lewin, then a professor at MIT, first coined the term action research in 1944. In his 1946 paper Action Research and Minority Problems he described action research as a comparative research on the conditions and effects of various forms of social action and research leading to social action that uses a spiral of steps, each of which is composed of a circle of planning, action and fact-finding about the result of the action.

Contents Overview
Action research is an interactive inquiry process that balances problem solving actions implemented in a collaborative context with data-driven collaborative analysis or research to understand underlying causes enabling future predictions about personal and organizational change (Reason & Bradbury, 2002). After six decades of action research development, many methods have evolved that adjust the balance to focus more on the actions taken or more on the research that results from the reflective understanding of the actions. This tension exists between 1. those who are more driven by the researchers agenda and those more driven by participants; 2. those who are motivated primarily by instrumental goal attainment and those motivated primarily by the aim of personal, organizational or societal transformation; and 3. 1st-, to 2nd-, to 3rd-person research, that is, my research on my own action, aimed primarily at personal change; our research on our group (family/team), aimed primarily at improving the group; and scholarly research aimed primarily at theoretical generalization and/or large scale change. Action research challenges traditional social science by moving beyond reflective knowledge created by outside experts sampling variables, to an active moment-to-moment theorizing, data

collecting and inquiry occurring in the midst of emergent structure. Knowledge is always gained through action and for action. From this starting point, to question the validity of social knowledge is to question, not how to develop a reflective science about action, but how to develop genuinely well-informed action how to conduct an action science (Torbert 2002). In this sense, performing action research is the same as performing an experiment, thus it is an empirical process.

Major Theories
Chris Argyris' Action Science
Main article: Action Science Chris Argyris' Action Science begins with the study of how human beings design their actions in difficult situations. Humans design their actions to achieve intended consequences and are governed by a set of environment variables. How those governing variables are treated in designing actions are the key differences between single loop learning and double loop learning. When actions are designed to achieve the intended consequences and to suppress conflict about the governing variables, a single loop learning cycle usually ensues. On the other hand, when actions are taken, not only to achieve the intended consequences, but also to openly inquire about conflict and to possibly transform the governing variables, both single loop and double loop learning cycles usually ensue. (Argyris applies single loop and double loop learning concepts not only to personal behaviors but also to organizational behaviors in his models.) This is different from experimental research in which environmental variables are controlled and researchers try to find out cause and effect in an isolated environment.

John Heron and Peter Reason's Cooperative Inquiry

Main article: Cooperative Inquiry Cooperative inquiry, also known as collaborative inquiry was first proposed by John Heron in 1971 and later expanded with Peter Reason and Demi Brown. The major idea of cooperative inquiry is to research with rather than on people. It emphasizes that all active participants are fully involved in research decisions as co-researchers. Cooperative inquiry creates a research cycle among four different types of knowledge: propositional knowing (as in contemporary science), practical knowing (the knowledge that comes with actually doing what you propose), experiential knowing (the feedback we get in real time about our interaction with the larger world) and presentational knowing (the artistic rehearsal process through which we craft new practices). The research process includes these four stages at each cycle with deepening experience and knowledge of the initial proposition, or of new propositions, at every cycle.

Paulo Freire's Participatory Action Research (PAR)

Main article: Participatory action research

Participatory action research has emerged in recent years as a significant methodology for intervention, development and change within communities and groups. It is now promoted and implemented by many international development agencies and university programs, as well as countless local community organizations around the world. PAR builds on the critical pedagogy put forward by Paulo Freire as a response to the traditional formal models of education where the teacher stands at the front and imparts information to the students who are passive recipients. This was further developed in "adult education" models throughout Latin America. Orlando Fals-Borda (19252008), Colombian sociologist and political activist, was one of principal promoters of "participatory action research" (IAP in Spanish) in Latin America. Published "double history of the coast", book that compare the official "history" and the non official "story" of the north coast of Colombia.

William Torberts Developmental Action Inquiry

The Developmental Action Inquiry is a way of simultaneously conducting action and inquiry as a disciplined leadership practice that increases the wider effectiveness of our actions. Such action helps individuals, teams, organizations become more capable of self-transformation and thus more creative, more aware, more just and more sustainable (Torbert, 2004). Action Inquiry challenges our attention to span four different territories of experience (at the personal, group or organizational scales) in the midst of actions. This practice promotes timeliness learning with moment to moment intentional awareness among individuals and with regard to the outside world of nature and human institutions. It studies the pre-constituted internalized and externalized universe in the present, both as it resonates with and departs from the past and as it resonates with and potentiates the future (Torbert, 2001).

Jack Whitehead's Living Theory and Jean McNiff's Action Research approaches
In generating a living educational theory, most recently explained in Whitehead and McNiff (2006), individuals generate explanations of their educational influences in their own learning, in the learning of others and in the learning of social formations. They generate the explanations from experiencing themselves as living contradictions in enquiries of the kind 'How do I improve what I am doing?' They use action reflection cycles of expressing concerns (saying why you are concerned in relation to values), imagining possibilities in developing action plans, acting and gathering data, evaluating the influences of action, modifying concerns, ideas and action in the light of the evaluations. The explanations include life-affirming, energy-flowing values as explanatory principles.

Action research in organization development

Wendell L. French and Cecil Bell define organization development (OD) at one point as "organization improvement through action research".[1] If one idea can be said to summarize OD's underlying philosophy, it would be action research as it was conceptualized by Kurt Lewin and later elaborated and expanded on by other behavioral scientists. Concerned with social change and, more particularly, with effective, permanent social change, Lewin believed that the motivation to change was strongly related to action: If people are active in decisions affecting

them, they are more likely to adopt new ways. "Rational social management", he said, "proceeds in a spiral of steps, each of which is composed of a circle of planning, action and fact-finding about the result of action".[2]

Figure 1: Systems Model of Action-Research Process Lewin's description of the process of change involves three steps:[2] Unfreezing: Faced with a dilemma or disconfirmation, the individual or group becomes aware of a need to change. Changing: The situation is diagnosed and new models of behavior are explored and tested. Refreezing: Application of new behavior is evaluated, and if reinforcing, adopted.Figure 1 summarizes the steps and processes involved in planned change through action research. Action research is depicted as a cyclical process of change. The cycle begins with a series of planning actions initiated by the client and the change agent working together. The principal elements of this stage include a preliminary diagnosis, data gathering, feedback of results, and joint action planning. In the language of systems theory, this is the input phase, in which the client system becomes aware of problems as yet unidentified, realizes it may need outside help to effect changes, and shares with the consultant the process of problem diagnosis. The second stage of action research is the action, or transformation, phase. This stage includes actions relating to learning processes (perhaps in the form of role analysis) and to planning and executing behavioral changes in the client organization. As shown in Figure 1, feedback at this stage would move via Feedback Loop A and would have the effect of altering previous planning to bring the learning activities of the client system into better alignment with change objectives. Included in this stage is action-planning activity carried out jointly by the consultant and members of the client system. Following the workshop or learning sessions, these action steps are carried out on the job as part of the transformation stage.[3]The third stage of action research is the output or results phase. This stage includes actual changes in behavior (if any) resulting from corrective action steps taken following the second stage. Data are again gathered from the client system so that progress can be determined and necessary adjustments in learning activities can be made. Minor adjustments of this nature can be made in learning activities via Feedback Loop B (see Figure 1). Major adjustments and reevaluations would return the OD project to the first or planning stage for basic changes in the program. The action-research model shown in Figure 1 closely follows Lewin's repetitive cycle of planning, action, and measuring results. It also illustrates other aspects of Lewin's general model of change. As indicated in the diagram, the

planning stage is a period of unfreezing, or problem awareness.[2] The action stage is a period of changing, that is, trying out new forms of behavior in an effort to understand and cope with the system's problems. (There is inevitable overlap between the stages, since the boundaries are not clear-cut and cannot be in a continuous process). The results stage is a period of refreezing, in which new behaviors are tried out on the job and, if successful and reinforcing, become a part of the system's repertoire of problem-solving behavior. Action research is problem centered, client centered, and action oriented. It involves the client system in a diagnostic, active-learning, problem-finding and problem-solving process. Data are not simply returned in the form of a written report but instead are fed back in open joint sessions, and the client and the change agent collaborate in identifying and ranking specific problems, in devising methods for finding their real causes and in developing plans for coping with them realistically and practically. Scientific method in the form of data gathering, forming hypotheses, testing hypotheses and measuring results, although not pursued as rigorously as in the laboratory, is nevertheless an integral part of the process. Action research also sets in motion a long-range, cyclical, self-correcting mechanism for maintaining and enhancing the effectiveness of the client's system by leaving the system with practical and useful tools for self-analysis and self-renewal.[3]

Action Research / Penelitian Tindakan

Diterbitkan 5 Juli 2008 Seputar SIMKES UGM 27 Komentar

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Definisi Action research atau penelitian tindakan merupakan salah satu bentuk rancangan penelitian, dalam penelitian tindakan peneliti mendeskripsikan, menginterpretasi dan menjelaskan suatu situasi sosial pada waktu yang bersamaan dengan melakukan perubahan atau intervensi dengan tujuan perbaikan atau partisipasi. Action research dalam pandangan tradisional adalah suatu kerangka penelitian pemecahan masalah, dimana terjadi kolaborasi antara peneliti dengan client dalam mencapai tujuan (Kurt Lewin,1973 disitasi Sulaksana,2004), sedangkan pendapat Davison, Martinsons & Kock (2004), menyebutkan penelitian tindakan, sebagai sebuah metode penelitian, didirikan atas asumsi bahwa teori dan praktik dapat secara tertutup diintegrasikan

dengan pembelajaran dari hasil intervensi yang direncanakan setelah diagnosis yang rinci terhadap konteks masalahnya. Menurut Gunawan (2007), action research adalah kegiatan dan atau tindakan perbaikan sesuatu yang perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasinya digarap secara sistematik dan sistematik sehingga validitas dan reliabilitasnya mencapai tingkatan riset. Action research juga merupakan proses yang mencakup siklus aksi, yang mendasarkan pada refleksi; umpan balik (feedback); bukti (evidence); dan evaluasi atas aksi sebelumnya dan situasi sekarang. Penelitian tindakan ditujukan untuk memberikan andil pada pemecahan masalah praktis dalam situasi problematik yang mendesak dan pada pencapaian tujuan ilmu sosial melalui kolaborasi patungan dalam rangka kerja etis yang saling berterima (Rapoport, 1970 disitasi Madya,2006). Proses penelitian bersifat dari waktu ke waktu, antara finding pada saat penelitian, dan action learning. Dengan demikian action research menghubungkan antara teori dengan praktek. Baskerville (1999), membagi action research berdasarkan karakteristik model (iteratif, reflektif atau linear), struktur (kaku atau dinamis), tujuan (untuk pengembangan organisasi, desain sistem atau ilmu pengetahuan ilmiah) dan bentuk keterlibatan peneliti (kolaborasi, fasilitatif atau ahli. Tujuan dan ciri-ciri Penelitan Tindakan. Penelitian tindakan bertujuan untuk memperoleh pengetahuan untuk situasi atau sasaran khusus dari pada pengetahuan yang secara ilmiah tergeneralisasi. Pada umumnya penelitian tindakan untuk mencapai tiga hal berikut : (Madya,2006)

Peningkatan praktik. Peningkatan (pengembangan profesional) pemahaman praktik dan praktisinya. Peningkatan situasi tempat pelaksanaan praktik.

Hubungan antara peneliti dan hasil penelitian tindakan dapat dikatan hasil penelitian tindakan dipakai sendiri oleh penelitinya dan tentu saja oleh orang lain yang menginginkannya dan penelitiannya terjadi di dalam situasi nyata yang pemecahan masalahnua segera diperlukan, dan hasil-hasilnya langsung diterapkan/dipraktikkan dalam situasi terkait. Selain itu, tampak bahwa dalam penelitian tindakan peneliti melakukan pengelolaan, penelitian, dan sekaligus pengembangan. Penelitian tindakan (action research) dilaksanakan bersama-sama paling sedikit dua orang yaitu antara peneliti dan partisipan atau klien yang berasal dari akademisi ataupun masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, tujuan yang akan dicapai dari suatu penelitian tindakan (action research) akan dicapai dan berakhir tidak hanya pada situasi organisatoris tertentu, melainkan terus dikembangkan berupa aplikasi atau teori kemudian hasilnya akan di publikasikan ke masyarakat dengan tujuan riset (Madya,2006). Sementara itu, peneliti perlu untuk membuat kerjasama dengan anggota organisasi dalam kegiatan ini, membuat persetujuan eksplisit dengan klien. Pelaporan secara rutin mengenai jalannya kegiatan dapat mencerminkan ciri khusus dari kesepakatan ini. Baik peneliti maupun klien dapat memiliki peran dan tanggungjawab ganda, meskipun ini dapat berubah selama

perjalanan kegiatan berlangsung, tetapi penting untuk menentukan aturan awal pada bagian luar proyek agar dapat mencegah konflik kepentingan dan menghindari ancaman terhadap hak prerogatif pribadi atau jabatan mereka. Adalah sangat penting membuat kesepakatan terlebih dahulu mengenai sasaran dari penelitian, kemudian dapat dilakukan perbaikan-perbaikan yang diperlukan. Berikut tahapan penelitian tindakan (action research) yang dapat ditempuh yaitu : (Davison, Martinsons & Kock (2004) lihat Gambar berikut : Siklus action research, (Davison, Martinsons & Kock (2004)

Davison, Martinsons & Kock (2004), membagi Action research dalam 5 tahapan yang merupakan siklus, yaitu : 1. Melakukan diagnosa (diagnosing) Melakukan identifikasi masalah-masalah pokok yang ada guna menjadi dasar kelompok atau organisasi sehingga terjadi perubahan, untuk pengembangan situs web pada tahap ini peneliti mengidentifikasi kebutuhan stakeholder akan situs web, ditempuh dengan cara mengadakan wawancara mendalam kepada stakeholder yang terkait langsung maupun yang tidak terkait langsung dengan pengembanga situs web. 2. Membuat rencana tindakan (action planning) Peneliti dan partisipan bersama-sama memahami pokok masalah yang ada kemudian dilanjutkan dengan menyusun rencana tindakan yang tepat untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang ada, pada tahap ini pengembangan situs web memasuki tahapan desain situs web. Dengan memperhatikan kebutuhan stakeholder terhadap situs web penelitian bersama partisipan memulai membuat sketsa awal dan menentukan isi yang akan ditampilkan nantinya. 3. Melakukan tindakan (action taking) Peneliti dan partisipan bersama-sama mengimplementasikan rencana tindakan dengan harapan dapat menyelesaikan masalah. Selanjutnya setelah model dibuat berdasarkan sketsa dan menyesuaikan isi yang akan ditampilkan berdasarkan kebutuhan stakeholder dilanjutkan dengan mengadakan ujicoba awal secara offline kemudian melanjutkan dengan sewa ruang di internet dengan tujuan situs web dapat ditampilkan secara online. 4. Melakukan evaluasi (evaluating)

Setelah masa implementasi (action taking) dianggap cukup kemudian peneliti bersama partisipan melaksanakan evaluasi hasil dari implementasi tadi, dalam tahap ini dilihat bagaimana penerimaan pegguna terhadap situs web yang ditandai dengan berbagai aktivitas-aktivitas. 5. Pembelajaran (learning) Tahap ini merupakan bagian akhir siklus yang telah dilalui dengan melaksanakan review tahappertahap yang telah berakhir kemudian penelitian ini dapat berakhir. Seluruh kriteria dalam prinsip pembelajaran harus dipelajari, perubahan dalam situasi organisasi dievaluasi oleh peneliti dan dikomunikasikan kepada klien, peneliti dan klien merefleksikan terhadap hasil proyek, yang nampak akan dilaporkan secara lengkap dan hasilnya secara eksplisit dipertimbangkan dalam hal implikasinya terhadap penerapan Canonical Action Reaserch (CAR). Untuk hal tertentu, hasilnya dipertimbangkan dalam hal implikasinya untuk tindakan berikutnya dalam situasi organisasi lebih-lebih kesulitan yang dapat dikaitkan dengan pengimplementasian perubahan proses. Hasilnya juga dipertimbangkan untuk tindakan ke depan yang dapat dilakukan dalam kaitannya dengan domain penelitian, terutama akibat kegiatan yang terjadi diluar rencana awal (atau kelambanan) dan cara di mana peneliti dapat kurang hati-hati melakukan penyelesaian kegiatan dan dalam hal implikasi untuk komunitas penelitian secara umum dengan mengidentifikasi keuntungan penelitian di masa datang. Di sini, nilai action research akan terangkat (bahkan sebuah proyek yang gagal dapat tetap menghasilkan pengetahuan yang bernilai), dan juga merupakan kekuatan status quo dalam lingkungan (organisasi) sosial untuk mencegah perubahan dari proses yang telah berlalu. Dari penjelasan di atas kita dapat melihat dengan jelas bahwa penelitian tindakan berurusan langsung dengan praktik di lapangan dalam situasi alami. Penelitiannya adalah pelaku praktik itu sendiri dan pengguna langsung hasil penelitiannya dengan lingkup ajang penelitian sangat terbatas. Yang menonjol adalah penelitian tindakan ditujukan untuk melakukan perubahan pada semua diri pesertanya dan perubahan situasi tempat penelitian dilakukan guna mencapai perbaikan praktik secara inkremental dan berkelanjutan (Madya,2006). Beberapa kawan-kawan di Simkes angkatan I dan II melaksanakan penelitian dimaksud. Bila anda berminat dengan penelitian tindakan saran saya :

Siapkan Rencana Yang Matang, bila perlu siapkan rencana cadangan. Usahan Schedule ditepati. Memperbanyak dokumentasi selama pelaksanaan penelitian. Siapkan alat perekam yang baik. CAR menurut saya sebaiknya dipergunakan karena mempertegas akhir penelitian.

Pustaka : Baskerville,L.R. (1999) Journal : Investigating Information System with Action Research, Association for Information Systems: Atlanta

Sulaksana,U., (2004), Managemen Perubahan, Cetakan I, Pustaka Pelajar Offset, Yogyakarta. Davison, R. M., Martinsons, M. G., Kock N., (2004), Journal : Information Systems Journal : Principles of Canonical Action Research 14, 6586 Madya, S, (2006) Teori dan Praktik Penelitian Tindakan (Action Research), Alfabeta: Bandung. Gunawan, (2004), Makalah untuk Pertemuan Dosen UKDW yang akan melaksanakan penelitian pada tahun 2005, URL : http://uny.ac.id, accersed at 19 Mei 2007, 15.25 WIB.

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