Diccionario Kiche Ingles
Diccionario Kiche Ingles
Diccionario Kiche Ingles
Introduction Allen J. Christenson prepared the K'iche'-English Dictionary while conducting field work in highland Maya linguistics and ethnography from 1978-1985. He elicited his entries through collaboration with native K'iche' speakers in the communities of Momostenango (as well as its dependent aldeas of Canquixaja, Nimsitu, and Panca) and Totonicapan (and its dependent aldeas of Nimasak and Cerro de Oro). The dictionary is unpublished and is offered to FAMSI as a tool for research. It is available at: http://www.famsi.org/mayawriting/dictionary/christenson/quidic_complete.pdf In 2006, Richard Renner discovered the dictionary from the link at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%27iche%27_language He reversed Christenson's K'iche'-English Dictionary, separating the English definitions into separate entries, and then recombining identical Engish entries that came from different K'iche' entries. It is also offered as a tool for research, and also for those Guatemalans and North Americans who want to better understand each other. Notes on usage: 1. As with any translation dictionary, it is best to check a word on both sides before using it. That is, if you look up an English word to find a K'iche' word with the same meaning, it is best to check that K'iche' word on Christenson's original K'iche'-Engish Dictionary. This is especially true for Engish homonyms (words with different unrelated meanings; or different words with the same spelling), such as duck, lead and spring. 2. Since this English-K'iche' Dictionary is a reversal, and not independently editted, it is best to review all the entries that start with the same word to find which one best suits a particular need. Also, some meanings are best captured in phrases, such as those that start with "act of", "be", "cut", "do", "get", "go", "half", "have", "in", "keep", "large", "leave", "make", "not", "on", "one", "open", "person", "piece", "place", "put", "small", "something", "sound of", "take", "very", "walk" and "well" 3. Christenson's dictionary contains a pronunciation guide. As the K'iche' language has 32 letters, it uses a number of sounds that are unfamiliar to Engish speakers. In particular, novices should be aware that letters followed by a tz'ut (written as an apostrophe) are different than letters without one. So ch and ch' are different letters of the alphabet. Words with "tz'ut" letters may have no relation to the same word written without the tz'ut. For example, corn, soaked corn kernels (n) tzi and nixtamal (n) tzi are unrelated to: dog (n) tzi The writer is unaware if either is related to: disobedient (child) (adj) tzi In any event, vegetarians may want to be especially careful about their pronunciation before ordering tzi.
4. I have tried to be consistent in using the typeset apostrophe (), but through searchers may try searching twice, once with a typeset apostrophe, and once with the regular keyboard apostrophe ('). The difference is clearer in the Times New Roman font than in Arial. The apostrophes do not always copy and paste correctly. 5. Entries relating to corn, color, birds, earth, insect, snake, stone, tree and water, are copied into new entries that start with each of these words. So, by going to "corn," a reader can find 59 entries -- an obvious indicator of the importance of corn to K'iche' speaking people. 6. I welcome corrections and comments. The current version of this English-K'iche' Dictionary is available at: http://www.taterenner.com/engkiche.pdf Richard can be reached at: Richard Renner Tate & Renner Dover, Ohio www.taterenner.com
1, one (n) jun 2 (num) kieb 3 (num) oxib 4 (num) kajb 5 (num) job 6 (n) waqib 7 (n) wuqb 8 (num) wajxaqib 9 (n) belejeb 10 (n) lajuj 11 (n) julajuj 12 (n) kablajuj 13 (n) oxlajuj 14 (n) kajlajuj 15 (n) olajuj 16 (n) waqlajuj 17 (n) wuqlajuj 18 (n) wajxaqlajuj 19 (n) belejlajuj 20 (n) juwinaq 21 (n) juwinaq jun 30 minutes, half an hour (n) nikaj or 40, two children (n) kawinaq 50 (n) nikaj cient 60 ("three children") (num) oxkal 70 (n) oxkal lajuj 80 (lit. "one total") (n) jumuch 90 (num) jumuchlajuj 100 (n) jun toq 100, five children (n) okal 100 (n) okal 120, six childen (n) waqkal 140, seven children (n) wuqkal 160 (n) kamuch 180 ("nine children") (n) belejeb kal 200 (lit. "ten childen") (n) lajujkal 200 (num) kab toq 220, 11 children (n) julajuj kal 240 (n) oxmuch 300 (num) ox toq 320, four totals (n) kajmuch 400, five totals (n) omuch 800 (num) lajujmuch
1000 (num) chuy 1000 (n) otuk rox okob 2000 (num) cab chuy 3000 (num) ox chuy 60,000 (num) oxkal chuy 300,000 (num) ox toq chuy 1,000,000 million (jun chuyil) (num) chuyil a, one (adj) jun a lot (adj) sibalaj a lot, many (n) jumulaj a while ago (adv) mier abandon (v) kiqtj kan (oq), wonobaj, tzaq kan<oq>, ya kanoq, xutuj abandon (wife, children, work) (v) wonoba abandoned (adj) wonobam abdomen, lower (n) -xe -pam ability (n) kowinem able (adj) makalik abort, have abortion (v) man -riq t -qij ri -al abortion (n) tzaqinem above (adv) ajsik, chikaj above (prep) ch-wi abscess (n) chak, sipoj absorb liquid (v) tzububej abstain (v) qilonik abstain from something (v) qil -ib abundance (n) kiyal abundant (adj) nim, tzabem abuse (power) (v) yojtajisaj accept (v) kamaraik, kam, kamowaj, kulaj accident (n) toj accompany (v) ukanik, achilaj accomplish (v) banowik accord (n) noj jujunel according to what is known or what can be seen (adv) qalaj ch-e account (n) tzijobelil accuse (v) ataj tzij, tzujuj, tzujunik accuse unjustly (v) kbaj accuser (n) tzujunel accustom someone to something (v) naqatisaj accustomed to doing it a certain way (adj) naqatalik 157
accustomed to something (adj) kamaninaq ch-e accustomed, be accustomed (adj) kulam ache (head from too much sun) (v) bawik ache (n) qoxowem ache (v) qoxowik, rubuwik acidic (adj) chm acne (n) torotaq, wa acontecimientos (n) pop acorn (n) paxik, pixik acquaint ones self (v) na acrid (adj) chm across (adv) chaqap act in a mean way (v) kananik act like (v) ban je jas act of bathing (n) atinem act of being killed (n) kmisaxik act of being stuffed (n) balixik act of being taught (n) tijoxik act of being useful (n) patanijik act of being visitede (n) qatuxik act of burning (n) katik act of climbing (n) paqalem act of counselling (n) pixabanik act of crying (n) oqej act of curing (n) kunanik act of doing (n) banowik act of eating (n) tijbem, tijbem, waim act of feeding (n) tzuqik act of giving thanks (n) maltioxinik act of going (n) benam act of kneeling (n) xukulem act of learning (n) etamanik act of living (n) kaslem act of lying down (n) qoyolem act of meeting (n) kulik act of passing (n) ikowem act of separating wheat from chaff (n) jopinik act of shepherding (n) yuqunem act of turning green (from nausea or motion sickness) (n) rxqn act of working (n) chakunem act of worship (n) xukulem act of writing (n) tzibanik
action of asking (n) tanik action of shepherding (n) yuq active (adj) kqt, sakj active, not lazy (adj) sakj activity, little (adj) tzinilik Adams apple (n) xul add in number (v) kiar add lime (to tortilla dough) (v) chunaj add to (as in salt to food) (v) tzaqatisaj -uk add to (v) ya -wi, ya -uk added piece (metal, rope) (n) tiqbal adding machine (n) ajilabal additional (adj) tiqom adivino (n) tzajorin adjournment, end (meeting) (n) totajem admire (v) may admire someone (v) mayij adobe brick (n) xan adobe wall (n) xan adobe, build with adobe (v) tzaqanik adobe, crumble (poorly baked adobe brick) (v) waqlajik adopt (v) echbej adorn (tv1) wiq<o> adorn (v) wiqik, qo adorned (adj) wiqom, wiqtal adornment (n) etzbalil, qooj advantage (n) nabe chqwch advise (v) pixabaj advocate) (v) to -wi affirm, ensure (v) jikibanik affixed (adj) nakalik afflict (v) rapuj, rapaj afflicted severely (adj) rx chaychobinaq after (adv) kte na after that (conj) kte ri afternoon meal (n) wa re paqij again (prep) chi<k> age (v) rijobik aged, decrepit with age (adj) rijite agile (adj) sakj agile (v) saklajik agitate (v) tuk 158
ago, in the past (adv) nabe kanoq agorero bird (n) pich agree (v) koj pa junam aguardiente (n) ama ja aguardiente (n) tzam ahead (person going faster than group, fast clock) (adj) nabejinaq ahead of (prep) ch-wch air [Momostenango] (n) kqiq air conditioner (n) turbal air, wind [Totonicapn] (n) kiqiq albino (n) -alkual qij alcalde auxiliar (small town) (n) ajchamiy alcoholism (n) qabarik alder tree (n) lemob algae (n) -wo saq alguacil (n) ajchamiy alive (adj) kaslik all (adj) komon all (n) -onojel all mountains (n) nima juyub chuti juyub all of them (adv) juntir all of us (pro) uj qonojel all together (adv) juntir allergy of the skin (n) pekat allergy, itch, mange (n) kiaqat alleyway (n) -xol ja alligator (n) ayin allow (tv1) kuy<u>, ya -qij, ya almost (adv) sqin almost (adv) xa jubiq -aj almost (adv) xa jubiq man ... alone (adj) sirilik alone (adj) tukiel alone, by self (adv) chbil -ib alphabetize, put in order (v) chol, lem already eaten (adj) wainaq chik also (Momostenango) (adv) xuqijelo also (Totonicapan) (adv) xuquje altar (n) porobal altar (n) teoxibal altar, Indian altar (n) tabal altar, native (n) tanabal
although (conj) pune altitude (n) aqn always (adv) amaqel always has eyes closed (adj) yupulik always munch (v) kuxkatik amate (fig tree) (n) kux amate (fig tree) (n) po ambrosia (n) boron ambush (v) laqabej amen (exp) are ku ri amen, may it be so (exp) are ku ri among (prep) ch-xol among (prep) pa -nikajil among selves (adv) chbil -ib an (adj) jun anaesthetize, give a pain killer (v) sikirisaj ancestors, ancient (n) ojer taq qa chuch qa qajaw, ojer taq qa tat qa nan, ojer taq qa mam ancestors, title used in prayers (n) Nantat ancient (adj) najtir ancient (adj) ojer kanoq ancient history (n) ojer tzij ancient Maya temple (Tikal) (n) qam ja ancient pyramid (n) il ja ancient type of axe (n) wit anciently (adv) nabe kanoq anciently (adv) najtir and (achijab chi ixoqib--men and women) (conj) chi and (conj) kut and, but (conj) ku<t> anemia (n) nojim qanil anger (n) oyowal anger (tv1) tzur<u> anger easily, quick to anger (n) tak angle (n) tzuk angry (adj) kan angry dispute (n) choj angry, very (adj) choj, tuxtik animal fat (n) xepoyil animal which tends to gore or butt (n) toqonel animal who has lost its tail (n) kut animal, bloated (dead animal) (adj) xib 159
animal, domesticated animal (n) awaj re u-wo ja animal, little (n) chikop ankle (n) -mop<al> -aqan ankle (n) -qul -aqan annatto (Sp. achiote, a vegetable--Bixa orellana) (n) koxob announce something (v) esaj -tzijol announcement (n) bixik annoy (v) chuy, tzuruj annoyed (adj) eyawarinaq anoint (v) soq<o> anoint (v) tzutuj anoint (with medicine, oil) (tv1) bil<o> anointed (adj) tzutuninaq anona (fruit) (n) kawex anona (fruit) (n) kuwex anona (n) noxti another (adj) jule chik another (adv) nikaj chik another (prep) chi<k> another (pro) jun chik answer (n) tzelebal -bixik answer (v) tzelej -tzij, tzelej -bixik answer something (v) tzalij -wch ant (n) sanik ant hill (n) mul ant, winged ant (n) tumuxux, cheqen antacid (n) nij anterior fontanelle, soft spot on babys head (n) jaj Antigua city (n) Pan Choy antique gipil (n) qom aublo (disease of domesticated plants) (n) ul anus (n) xut anything (adv) xapachike aperture (n) tel apex, point of a tree, hill (n) tzuntzuy appear (v) kutwchinik, kutunik, kayik appear before (v) kut -ib appear like (ri ali kkay je kpe ri u nan) (adv) je -petik appear like (v) je -kay appear like (v) je -wchin
appear or be (sibalaj jel kpe ri ali) (v) petik appear or be the same (identical twins) (v) junam -petik appear to be the same (v) junam -wchinik appearance (n) kayibal appearance (n) wch<aj> appearance (n) wchibal appetite (n) numik<al> appetite (of any sensation) (n) nabal applaud (v) paqapa -qab apple (n-esp) mansan apple (n-esp) mansanix apply (tv1) bil<o> apprehend (v) chapik apprehended (adj) chapom apprentice ("burden"--learning to be a diviner) (n) eqomal apprenticeship, "work service"-- first training of apprentice ajqij (n) chak patan approach (season) (v) jetowik approach (v) naqajinik, qetetik, qatik, qeb appropriate (words at a blessing--kiaqal ktzijonik) (adj) kiaqalik apron (delantal) (n-esp) lantar apron (n) alantar apron (n) -wa ra arbol de llorona (n) saqos arbol espinosa tree (n) ixkanal arbol rumoroso (n) jom che arch (n) -chi be arched (adj) chokochik arch-shaped (adj) qusulik argue (v) yojkarik argument (n) kulelanik argumentative (v) chomanik arise (tv1) yak<o> arm, one armed (n) tum armadillo (n) iboy armpit (n) miskiel armpit (n) -pa -kalkax armpit (n) -pam -kalkax armpit (n) tlok armpit (n) tolok
aro de corona (n) sotoy aromatic (adj) kok aromatic (adj) qom aromatic plant (n) sukinay around (adv) sutij -ij arouse (v) tzurunik arrange (v) kolomaj arrange (v) sukumaj arrear (v) tuq arrival (n) opanem arrival (n) petem arrival (n) petibal arrival (n) ulik arrive (v) ulik, opanik arrived (adj) petinaq arrogant (adj) bitbik arrogant (adj) sal arrogant (adj) saramuy arrow (n) chab arrow (n) chap arrow (n) kiqbal arson, to burn to the ground to ashes (house, or book in fire) (v) chajirik artery (n) iboch articulation (n) chek as though it were (adv) junam t ruk as, like, in accordance with (adv) je jas ascent (n) paqalik ascertain (v) tatabela ash (n) chaj ash (n) xaq aside, to the side of (prep) ch-chi ask (v) kot -chi, ta, tzonojik ask directions (v) ta -tzijol ask for a favor (v) ta toqob ask for information (v) ta -tzijol ask for the hand of a girl in marriage (v) ta ch-e -ixoqil ask humbly for something (Momostenango) (v) mej ask to borrow (v) ta pa qajik asleep (adj) warinaq aspirin, Guatemalan brand name (n-esp) Mejoral
assassin (n) kmisanel assaulter (n) qatel winaq assemble, put together (bed) (adj) tunum assignment (n) eqlen assorted (adj) xolotal<ik> assuredly (adv) jik ast (n) kawex asthma (n) jas u-qul asthma (n) jasanik astrologer, reader of the stars (n) ajkajbalach astrology (n) kajbalach astronomical observatory (n) tanabal astronomy (n) noj chumil astronomy, study of the stars (n) noj chumil at (prep) pa at dawn (adv) aqabil at first (adv) nabe kanoq at home (adv) cho ja at its back (prep) ch-ij at night (adv) chaqb at night (adv) xqeqal at rest (adj) uxlaninaq at the corner of (prep) pa -xikin at the edge (prep) ch-chi at the foot of (prep) ch-aqan at times (adv) jantaq atol of green corn (n) ajan qor atole (n) qor ja atole (sweet corn gruel) (n) qor atole de habas or corn (n) pinol atole de masa (atole made from corn dough) (n) qor pa xaro atole de masa (n) joch atole de schiles for festivals (n) qatum atole drink (n) ukia atole of corn, zapote seed, cuchun root (drunk by new ajqij) (n) xchunaja atole thick (n) tzatz qor atole, honey flavored corn atole (n) pokol atole, sediment of atole (n) -xe joch atole, strained atole drink (n) joch attain (v) chek attentiveness (n) machachem 161
attitude (n) cholaj<il> audacious (adj) nimol -ib augmented (adj) tiqom aunt (n) chutin nan aunt (n) ikan<axel> aunt (n) wi kan ixoq authorities (n) qatbal tzij authority (n) eqlen authority (n) taqanik autumn (n) ajtzi autumn (n) qnil auxiliar (post in canton government) (n) tzanabe available time (rokik na kinbe--theres time to go) (n) rokik na avenge (v) tzelej -wch avocado (n) oj avoid (a fight) (v) qil avoid (v) xutuj, qat -wch await anxiously (v) kaklej awake (adj) kaslik awaken (v) kastajik awaken someone (tv2) kasuj awakened (adj) kusum awakening (n) kastajibal award (v) chekenej away (but nearby) (adv) apan<q> away from speaker (adv) ubik axe (also stone axe) [Momos] (n) ikaj axe [Toto] (n) ikij ayote (n) mukun ayote de la costa or melocotn (warty green squash--Cucurbita pepo) (n) kum ayote pequeno (cucumber squash--Cucurbita pepo) (n) wikoy ayote squash (n) muqun babble (baby) (v) wululik baby (n) nuch baby boy (n) nuch ala baby chicken (n) chiw baby clothes (n) -uq akal baby girl (n) nuch ali baby, newborn (n) ne, loch babys rattle (n) tzojtzoj
baby-sitter (n) chajil akal back (n) ij<aj> back (n) worachal back away (v) jik -ib back of a thigh (n) -pawa -aqan back of the hand (n) -ij -qab back packer (n) eqanel back, at its back (prep) ch-ij backwards (adj) silikopim bad (adj) itzel bad (adj) man utz taj bad (adj) utz tj bad boy (n) itzel akal bad breath smell (n) xex pa -chi bad child (n) xkiaqat bad ear (n) yul xkinaj bad fortune (n) kiqal saqil bad influence (n) susum bad luck, dobsonfly (n) istzal bad person (n) aqil bad tempered (adj) titatik bad witch (n) ajitz bad, very bad (adj) lawalo badly dressed (adj) soposik badness (n) etzelal badness (n) labal badness, evil, devil (n) itzel bag for grain (costal) (n-Esp) koxtar bag for holding seeds or planting (n) awabal bag made of cords (n) kat bag, canvas carrying bag (capotera) (n) koxobaq bag, shoulder bag (also see morale) (n) chim bag, shoulder bag for carrying seed (n) chim rech awex Baile del Pato (n) Yuqum jolom patax bake (bread) (v) tujaj balance (n) pajbal bald (adj) chan -jolom bald (adj) chanachoj bald (adj) tan -jolom bald (adj) tol -jolom bald (adj) tol jolomaj bale hook (n) xok 162
ball (for playing games) (n) perikok ball (n) jukolaj ball (n) sirisik ball (n) sursik ball of fuzz (from blanket, wool kloth) (n) slot<il> ball of soap (n) jukolaj chipaq ball of something (n) jukolaj ball of thread (n) sursik batz ballgame (n) poqwaj balloon (n) pompo balloon (n) pupu balloon (n) xipun bamboo (n) ak bamboo (n) sin banana (n) inkiney banana (n-esp) banano banana (n-Span) ankaney bananas, bunch of (n) jutzayaj bandage (n) botzobal bandage (tv1) pis, btz bandana (n) payu banner (n) pot banquet (n) ulanem banquet, food given to visiting guests at wedding or other occasion (n) ulabal baptism (n) qasna baptize (v) qasaj xe ja baptize by sprinkling (v) qasaj ja p-wi bar (door or window) (v) tokopij bar a door (v) takpij bar on door (n) kopibal bar on door (n) tokopibal bar to block door or window (n) takbal bar, cross bar (n) kopibal barba de Sn. Jos (n) pum barbarism (n) labal nojil barbarism (n) lablaj noj barber (n) qupil wiaj barber (n) sokabal barber (n) sokal wi<aj> bare teeth (v) qatzatzej -ware bark (dog) (v) tionik bark (dog) (v) waqawatik
bark (n) -ij che bark (ri jumet or u jumetal) (n) jumet<al> bark (v) wanajik, jawajatik bark happily (dog) (v) waynajik bark of a puppy (v) chawchatik bark with anger (v) tiyonik barn owl (n) kurupup barn owl (n) muqur barn owl (n) xoch basement (n) -xe ja basket (n) chakch basket (n) chaqch basket (n) chikch basket, small basket with handle (to carry eggs, etc.) (n) xuk bat (n) sotz bath (n) atinem bath (n) atinibal bathe (v) atinaj bathe ones self (v) atinik, chaj -ib bathe someone (v) atinsaj bather (n) atinel bathing place (n) atinibal bathwater (n) chajbal batterer, one who hits others (n) chayanel battle (n) choj be (v) kolik be a generous person (v) sipanik be a hypocrite (v) ban kieb -kux be a person of means (v) ko jastaq -e be abandoned (orphan) (v) chani kanoq be able to (v) naw ch-e, kowinik, kuinik be able to withstand (v) chijtajik be accustomed (adj) kulam be active (v) miqowik be afflicted or in grief (v) qoxow -anima be afraid (v) na -ib, xij -ib be alarmed (v) jiqaj -ib be alone (due to death or abandonment) (v) wonokatik, wonwotik be alone (v) ko -tukiel be amazed at (v) mayij -ib be amazed at something (v) nim -el wi ch-e
be amazed, surprised, wonder (v) may be an idiot (v) man -ta taj be asked (v) tay be asked for (girl on behalf of relative) (v) tzonik be backwards (v) silikopij be begun (festival) (v) tikiritajik be blamed for something (v) qabax ch-ij be boastful, proud (v) nimarisj -ib be boiled (v) poqowisaxik be bored (v) kistaj -kux be born (v) alaxik be brilliant (shining metal or gold) (v) chublinik be brilliant (v) yamanik be buried (v) muqutajik be called (v) sikixik be calm (adj) xa kolik, nakeik be calm, placid (v) tzinonik be calm, still (v) nakeik be capable of (see kuinik) (v) kowinik be careful (v) ban kuenta be careful (v) chajij -ib be certain (v) qastzij -bij be changed (v) jaltajik, kex<o> be chewed (v) baik be chilly (from weather such as wind) (v) tewtatik be chosen (v) chayik be clarified (v) saqirisaxik be clear (v) qalajinik be cold (hands) (v) xuwik, tajajik be cold (hands, skin) (v) tajajik be confident in something (adj) kul -kux be confused-- In sachinaq (Im confused) (v) sachik be constipated (iv) yitz -pam be contagious (illness) (v) oqanik, tiq -ib be contagious (ri yabil kusipaj rib) (v) sipaj -ib be content (v) kikotik be content, happy (v) tzetzat -wch be cooked well (v) nebik be crippled or paralyzed (body part) (v) won -ib be crumbled (v) muchuchik be cured (v) kunaxik be cursed (v) koqotaj
be dark (at end of the day) (v) moymot be deaf (v) man -ta taj be deep (ravine) (v) makakik be deep or steep (ravine, cliff) (v) likikik be delayed (v) beyik, beyetajik be diligent (v) saklajik be dim (candle) (v) moymot ri kandela be dim (v) moymotik be discovered (v) riqtajik be disobedient (v) man -ta t tzij, man -riq taj be disturbed (v) tujuwik be done (v) bantaj be done a second time (v) kamulixik be dreamed about (v) achikaxik be drunken, half-drunk (v) silowik be eager to do something (v) kmisaj -ib che be edible (iv) tijowik be embarassed (v) kixik be emptied out (v) tojinik be envious (of older brother, etc.) (v) kechketik be equivalent (v) junamtaj -uk be face up (v) pakik be faithful (v) kojonik be fallen flat (tree after storm) (v) perik be fast (clock) (v) nabejik be fat (animals) (v) bosbotik be feverish (v) ko qaq ch-ij be filled up (v) balixik be fine (in size as in delicate embroidery) (v) muchuchik be finished (v) kistaj be firm in work (n) jikanel be flaming (v) nikowik be flattened (grass when run over) (v) potzpobik be found (v) riqtajik be fragile (v) paxik be fragrant (v) kokotik be friends (v) chabej -ib be from somewhere (in kinel wi pa ri tinimit) (v) el wi be full (water in a tub or jug) (v) chemowik be funny (v) manal -ban be generous (v) sipanik 164
be glorious (v) juluwik be gluttonous (v) nojtaj be gound (v) kexik be half-drunk (v) miqow -jolom be hanging (v) tzayik, xekik be happy (market with many people) (v) miqowik be happy (v) kikotik be happy, content (v) tzetzat -wch be harmed by insect (v) chikopirik be haughty (v) nimal -ban be heard (v) tatajik be heavy (bag of grain, etc.) (v) bajowik be hoarse (v) jokokik be hot (spicy) (v) tiririk be humble (v) machachik, noqokik, mach -ib be humid (v) tewtatik be hungry (v) numik be hurried (v) kowixik be hypocritical (v) ban kieb -kux be idiotic (v) man -ta taj be idle (v) qasaj qij be in a certain place (chweq kkije ri achi cho ja) (v) kijek be in a hurry (ko kin-be wi) (v) ko -be wi be in a line (v) chololik be in agreement (adj) junam -tzij, junam -chomanik be in danger (adj) xa kieb kubij p-wi be in disagreement (v) yojkarik be in love with someone (v) kajmaj -ib ch-e be in place (v) kojik be in the action of (v) tajinik be in the process of doing something (v aux) tajin be infested (v) chikopirik be irritated (skin from rash) (v) lotajik be jealous (v) achixaj, pulputik, kiqwachij be jealous (v) kiqrayij be jealous about wife (v) pulput chrij ri -ixoqil be jealous of someone (v) kiqrej be jealous of someone (v) kiqwachij be late (v) baitajik, bayataj<ik>, beyenik be late (v) beyetajik
be lazy or slothful about work (v) lachachik be left an orphan (from death of parents) (v) menorij kanoq be left over (food, etc.) (v) totajik be like (v) je -el be loaded (v) balixik be loose (something that should be secure--tooth) (v) tormayik, (v) torqomik be loose (v) cholik, telik be loose (v) jey -ib be loose or about to fall (pack on a horse) (adj) jeyjik be lost (v) sachik be married off (v) kulubaxik be mean, act in a mean way (v) kananik be mischievous (v) choqchotik be motionless (v) tzinilik be mourned (v) oqaxik be moved emotionally (v) salabaj -anima be muddy (road) (v) xaqaqik be naked (v) chanik be nauseated (v) muluj<ik> -kux be necessary to (v) rajwaxik chi be neighbors (ki-kul ja qu-ib-- they are (v) kul ja -ib be nutritious (v) utz -tijowik be obedient (v) nimanik be obligated (kchij pa nu wi kinbek) (v) chij p-wi be oily, greasy (dirty shirt) (v) qachianik be on fire (v) nikowik be on time (v) man -jal<ik> taj be opened (v) jaqtajik be or appear like (ri ali kkay je kpe ri u nan) (adv) je -petik be ordinary (v) xa qi -bij be packed (v) patzik be paid (pass v) tojik, tojbex be passed from one place to another (v) qaxexik be patient (v) oqotanik be peaceful (v) tzininik be perplexed (v) sach -kux be placed in (v) okisax 165
be placid (v) lilonik be pleased with something (v) -be -anima -uk, -be -kux -uk be polished, shiny (shoes) (v) sulsutik be possible (v) ya be preoccupied with something (v) koxmaj be present (v) kolik be proud (v) nimal -ban be punctual (v) man -jal<ik> taj be put in (v) okisax be putrid (smell of a skunk) (v) tiqiqik be quiet (v) matzalik be quiet (v) nakeik be ready (person, food--xutzirik-hes ready) (v) utzirik be refreshing (v) jororik be rent (v) tzertajik be resplendent (v) chuplinik be responsible (v) ko eqlem be rich (v) ko jastaq -e be robust (v) jiljitik be rough (cats tongue) (v) tzararik be rough (v) charanik be sad (iv) bisonik be sad about something (tv2) bisoj be said (v) bixik be scarce (v) kekenik be scraped (v) jostajik be seen (v) ilitajik be served (v) kajmaxik be shaken (v) birbatik be shaken off, fall (dandruff, scales, down, chaff, dust) (v) tototik be shiny or lustrous (washed coat dog) (v) pililik be shocked with grief or fear (v) jiqiqik be shy (v) kixik be silent (adj) xa kolik be silent (v) muchik be silent (v) tzininik, tzinowik be similar (v) junamtaj -uk be similar (v) junamtajik be sitting on eggs in nest (v) tuquwik, tuqanik be slippery (from gravel or rocks in road) (v)
pilqatinik be slippery (from water) (v) pilqanik be slippery (road) (v) jililik be slippery (v) jelejobik be soft (gives when something placed on it--cushion) (v) yababik be soft (the top of babys skull) (v) nababik be sour, very sour (v) tiririk be sparse (wheat grains on a plant) (v) wololik be split or cracked (skin from cold or dryness) (v) pakinik be spoken to (v) bixtajik be spongy (v) wososik be squished (tomatoes under weight) (v) pitzpobik be startled (v) jiqaj -ib be startled (v) xej -ib be sticky (from fresh paint or glue) (v) nakakik be still (v) matzalik, nakeik be stingy (v) xuyaj be stuck (in the mud, in the throat) (v) chapik be submerged in something (v) sach ch-pam be substituted (v) jalatajik be sunk in something (v) sach ch-pam be sure (v) qastzij -bij be surprised, wonder, be amazed (v) may be temperate (climate) (v) jororik be thankful (v) maltioxinik be the same in appearance (v) junam -kayik be the same in appearance (v) junam -wchinik be thick and sticky (thick atole or heavy cream) (v) taqaqik be thirsty (v) chaqij -chi be tipped (v) tzalmayik be together (v) achilik be torn (v) tzertajik be troublesome (v) choqchotik be true or loyal to something (v) jikaba -kux be twisted (tree) (v) kotokobik be twisty, have many bends, turns (road, branch) (v) kotmayik be ugly (v) itzel -kayik be uncertain (v) tziarik 166
be uncomfortable (bed) (v) qironik be uncomfortable (v) man utz taj -na be uncovered (v) sursutik be unkempt (v) chikikik be upset (v) tzolqomij -ib be useful (v) chokonik be useful (v) patanajik be useful for (v) patanij be very sour (v) tiririk be very worried about something (v) qaqan -anima be visited (v) qatuxik be waiting for someone to harm them (taq na che ri achi) (adj) taq na ch-e be weak (v) makalik be wealthy in material goods (v) ko jastaq -e be weighed down (with a heavy load) (v) peqeqerik be well fitted (planks for houses walls) (v) tzaktzatik be well-dressed (v) bititik be worried (v) tujuwik be wounded (v) solotjik beads, string of beads (n) jut chachal beak (n) tzam<aj> beam (n) -aqn ja bean (n) kinq bean (n-esp) piley bean of the palo de pito used for divination (n) tzite bean, black bean soup (n) -wal kinaq qeq bean, ejote (n) tzakoy bean, frijol colorado (n) piley kinaq bean, green beans (n) kxlan kinaq, rx kinaq bean, large bean (haba) (n) jawux kinaq bean, piloy (large bean) (n-esp) piley beans, colored (n) ixtapkal beans, mashed beans (n) kiem kinaq beans, pito beans for divining (Erythrina corallodindron) (n) tzite beans, soup of haba beans (n) tzin kinaq beans, string beans (n) rx kinaq, tzakoy, biloj (ejote)
beans, title for tzite beans used in divination (n) chak patan beans, tzite beans (n) mich beard, heavy (n) qux bearings (n) kolem beast, animal (n) awaj beat (as eggs) (v) yujanik beat (eggs) (tv1) ruj<u> beat (heart) [Momos] (v) tujuwik beat (heart) [Toto] (v) tuquwik beat (v) qosij beat dough (v) tuk beat down (fruit with a stick from a tree) (v) bejoj beat down fruit from tree (tv1) buj<u> beat tree to get fruit (tv-1) bej<o> beat, constantly, against something (branch against house) (v) qit -ib beater (eggs) (n) puqbal beater (n) tukubal beating stick (n) puqbal beautiful (adj) jelelaj beautiful (adj) mus beautiful (baby) (adj) tzuy beautiful, pretty (adj) jel<ik>, mus beauty (n) jelal because (prep) -umal chi because of (prep) -umal because of (prep) -umal -ech because, for that reason (adv) xa ba cha become (adj) uxinaq become (v) okik, uxik become a three-quarter moon (v) mirik ri ik become accustomed (v) kam -wch become accustomed or used to something (v) naqtajik ch-e become accustomed to something (v) kamanik become angry (v) kanarik, pe -oyowal, yaktaj<ik> -oyowal, yekataj -oyowal, chojinik become annoyed (Momostenango--see also oyowarik) (v) eyawarik become annoyed (v) oyowarik become black with smoke (v) sVbarik 167
become blind (v) moyirik, potzirik become bored (v) baqek, kis -kux become changed, transformed (v) kextajik become clear (as water or a day) (v) saqirik become clear (weather or a day) (v) pu saqirik become clouded (eyes with age) (v) sutzirik become cold (v) jorobik become crestfallen (v) yuxik become crowded or narrow (v) latzobik become dented (v) wotzwobik become dirty (v) tzilobik become dizzy (v) sutin -wch become empty (v) tolonik become entangled (v) baqatij -ib become entangled (v) kutz -ib become excited (with fear, apprehension) (v) kajmaj -ib become exhausted (v) tuqarik become fat (v) chomirik become filthy (v) pejenik become foggy (v) qaj sutz become gravely ill (v) nimatajik become great or important (v) nimar -qij become green (from motion sickness) (v) -ya -ib rxqn become hard (v) kowirik become heavier (v) alobik become ill (v) qaj pa yabilal, yawajik become important (v) paqi -qij become infected (v) pujarik become infected (wound) (v) chakirik become late (v) ok aqab become leathery (v) tzumarik become lost (v) sach -be become manifest (v) kutwchinik become mentally unbalanced (v) moxirik become midday (v) nikajar -qij become mired (bus in mud) (v) jatek become moldy (v) pusirik become muddy (adj) xoqoltajinaq become muddy (clothes) (v) xoqoltajik become nauseated (v) muluw -kux become nervous (v) sililik
become numb or paralyzed (v) sikirik become obscured by fog (v) sutzirik become pale (from fright) (v) ban saq per become pale (v) saqmakik become paralyzed (v) chechetik become paralyzed (v) cherik become preoccupied (v) ok il become rags (clothing) (v) kiynajik become reconciled with someone (v) utzir -uk become rich (v) qinomarik become rough or calloused (hands from work) (v) mararik become scarce (corn in bin) (v) kiskobik become scattered (people from wild bull, bomb) (v) tukij qu-ib ri winaq become sick (v) riq yabil become sick (v) yabinik become silent (v) memarik become slippery (v) pililik become smelly (v) chuwirik become strong (v) kowirik become stupid (v) payirik become thin (from illness or dieting) (v) tzajik become thin (v) baqirik become toasted (v) wotzotzirik become twilight (v) moimatik become unconscious (v) naj -sachik become visible (v) qalajinik become weak (v) tuqarik become widower or widow (v) malkanijik become wormy (v) chikopirik become worn out (v) jarik become wounded, to be cut (hand by accident) (v) sokotajik bed (n) chat bed (n) sokaj bedbug (n) kisiy bedbug (n) xpinkok bedroom (n) warabal bee (n) wonon bee, honey bee (n) us kab bee, little (n) us kab beehive (honeybee) (n) koxbin kab 168
beetle which burrows underground and eats roots (gallina ciega) (n) ixpakpan beetle, Cerambicid beetle (n) susum ixpach beetle, dung beetle (n) tuktul achaq beetle, June Beetle (n) qos beetle, scarab beetle (n) mrin before (adv) k maja before (adv) kan<q> before (adv) majoq before (adv) nabe kanoq before (adv) najtir before (prep) ch-wch beg (v) molonik beggar (n) chanal beggar (n) molonel beggar, poor person (n) meba begin (v) tikarik, xumajij, jeqenik begin something (tv2) chaplej begin to do (tv1) jeq<o> begin to work (v) maj ri -chak beginning (n) chaplebal beginning (n) jeqbal beginning (n) tikibal beginning (n) tikiritajik beginning (n) tikitajik beguile (tv1) sub<u> begun (adj) majim behind (adv) kan<q> behind the knee (n) -pa -chek behind, around, near, on its back (prep) ch-ij being (n) kux<aj> being (n-Span) anima being useful (n) patanijik bejuco (n) xikay kumtz belch (v) qalajik, pol -anima, qablajik belief (n) kojobal belief (n) kojonik believe (v) kojonik, nimaj believe in, have confidence in (v) jikiba -kux ch-ij believe or accept (tv1) koj<o> believer (n) kojonel belittle (v) chutinik
bell (n-Span) kampana bell striker (n) -baq kampana bell, sound of metal striking metal (bell ringing) (v) chinlijik bellows (n) xutibal qaq belly, big bellied person (n) ripiri pam belong to (group) (v) tan -uk, tan ch-xol belong to (prep) -e<ch> belonging to (prep) -ech belongings (n) jastaq -e<ch> beloved (adj) loq beloved (adj) loqalaj below (adv) iqim below (adv) qaj belt (n) pas belt (n) ximibal -pam belt (of horse) (n) arkiy belt, piece of blanket used by men around waist (Nahuala) (n) xerka bench (n) kulbal bench (n) tuyulibal bench (n) tem bench, carpenters bench (n-esp) panku bend (in the road) (n) kotokik bend (tv1) jech<o> bend (v) mej bend (wire) (v) sutij bend (wood of bench when weight placed on it) (v) luklubik bend into curved shape (wire, stick) (tv1) qus<u> bend over (v) pachaba -ib bend over, lean over (v) pachik bend, curve in the road (n) -chuk be bend, flex (flexible object when suspended-basket, pole) (v) lutuwik bend, twist (metal or a wax candle) (v) luk bend, twist (v) jechba bend, twist (wood beneath weight) (v) pekik bend, warp (wood) (v) lukuwik beneath, under (prep) ch-xe beneath, under (prep) xe bent (adj) jechejik 169
bent (adj) lutulik bent (door) (adj) jech bent (wood beneath weight) (adj) pekelik bent down (branch from much fruit) (adj) jukulik bent over (adj) pachalik bent over (branch with fruit) (adj) luklubinaq bent over (branch) (adj) pachipik bent over halfway (adj) chiqichoj bent up (cardboard box) (adj) xotoxik bent, folded, twisted (adj) lukulik bent, twisted (nail or warped board) (adj) kotokik bentosiar (v) tisinik bent-over (adj) qusqik bent-over (tree branch with weight) (adj) qusulik beside (prep) ch-xkut bestow efficacy on something by carrying out a ceremony (bless) (v) awasij betray (v) jach better (adj) nim -banik between (prep) ch-xol between two rivers (n) xola bewitch someone (v) itzij Bible (n) loqalaj tzibanik Bible (n) Loqalaj Wuj biceps (n) cho big around (snake) (adj) yoloyik big bellied person (n) ripiri pam Big Dipper (n) wuqb kaqix Big Dipper constellation (n) much big toe (n) nima u wi aqan big, fat (person) (adj) jusanaj bigger than (adj) nim ch-wch bile (n) ka bin, grain bin (n) kja, kuja bind (tv1) xim<o> bind something up tightly (burden on a horse) (v) jatatej bind up (money in cloth) (v) yut binding (n) jatibal binoculars (n) ilbal bird (n) awaj aj uwo kaj bird (n) chikop bird (n) chikop ri c-ripipik
bird (n) tzikin bird believed to announce spring (n) purpuwik bird down (n) puyul bird that nestles in straw (n) cher bird trap (n) kam bird wildcat lion, imaginary animal (n) pich yak koj bird, blue bird (urraca) (n) xar bird, clarinero--like a small crow (n) chok bird, coronadito bird (n) sikil teoj bird, coronado bird (n) sikil tiox bird, goldfinch (n) chiu chiu bird, golondrina bird (n) xipikr bird, guarda barrancos (n) chajil siwan, chajinel siwan, chajal siwan bird, guardabarranco (n) sikil siwan bird, heron (garza) (n) sojsol bird, heron (n) atz bird, highland dove (n) tukumux bird, hoopoe (abubilla) bird (n) asich bird, humming bird (n) tzunun bird, magpie (n) chiko, pijuy bird, night bird (n) ixparpuaq bird, pijije bird (edible aquatic bird) (n) molay bird, quail (n) sajkor, saqkor, sarawch, tinturin bird, quetzal bird (n) quq bird, quetzal male (n) maquq bird, quetzalillo bird (n) maqaq bird, ring-dove (paloma torcaz) (n) tukmux bird, rock dove (torcaza--paloma silvestre) (n) ut bird, scarecrow (n) poy bird, small hawk (n) bix wil bird, small nocturnal bird of pray (sigua monte) (n) buq bird, small owl (n) kurupup bird, sparrow (n) witzitzik, chiq bird, sparrow-hawk (n) xik bird, starling (n) tzintziboj bird, swallow (n) kui kui bird, trumpeter bird (zanate or clarinero--like a small crow) (n) chok bird, trumpeter bird (zanate) (n) chok bird, tucan (n) tarbok
bird, turkey (n) nos bird, turkey buzzard (n) siol bird, turtle dove (n) xunkur, muqux, ixmukur bird, virguira bird (n) xirkuk bird, wading bird (n) xan bird, widgeon (gallareta bird) (n) okoq bird, wild pigeon (torcaza) (n) tukumux bird, wirwira bird (n) xurukuk bird, young hawk (clis clis bird) (n) litz litz birth (n) alaxibal birth (n) alaxik birth (of a child) (n) tujanem bit of bridle (n) jikbal rij -wi bite (dog) (v) kayej, katz<o> bite (dog) (v) tiyonik bite (insect) (v) kiaqatik bite (tv1) ti<o>, tiik, tionik bite (v) puxij bite hard (tv1) paq<o> bite off only a small portion (v) purij bite, dog bite (n) qb biting fly (n) s bitter (adj) ka bitter (adj) sararik bitter (apple) (adj) chun bitter water (n) chama bitterness (n) kail black and white shoulder bag (n) par chim black bean soup (n) -wal kinaq qeq black cockroach (n) kisiy black corn (n) rxwch, mex ixim black mushroom (n) -unum qeq black wasp (n) satal black, dark (adj) qeq black, or speckled corn (n) xolob blackberry (n) tukan blackberry bush (n) tuqan blacken (wall from smoke) (v) xaqirisaj, xaqij blackened with soot (adj) xaq blacksmith (n) ajchayal chich blacksmith (n) chayal chich bladder (n) kolibal chulubal bladder (n) xipun
bladder, gall bladder (n) ka blame (n) qabam blame (v) qabanik blame for something (v) qabaj blame someone (v) qabej blame someone or something (v) ya ch-ij blanch (v) chikonisaj bland (adj) kikoj bland, half-tasty (lacking full extent of nature) (adj) sq bland, no flavor (lacking salt) (adj) sirisik, sq tza blanket (n) qu<aj> blanket (n) qul blanket weaver (n) ajkemal kul blanket, horse blanket (n) subl, tasbal kiej blanket-coat (poncho) (n) qul blare out (trumpet) (v) oqesaj blaspheme (v) etzbej u-wch ri Dios blaze of fire (n) -reb qaq bleat (goat, sheep) (v) memetik bleed, shed (blood) (v) tix, turuwisaj blemish, pock marks (on face) (n) -kolibal loqobal blemished (n) amalo -pam bless (v) tewichinik, tewichij bless someone (prior to marriage) (v) mes -wi bless, bestow efficacy on something by carrying out a ceremony (v) awasij blessed (adj) tewichim blessing (n) tewichibal blessing (n) utzil blind (adj) moy blind (adj) potz blind person (n) moy blind person (n) potz blink (v) yupik, yupya, yupyuyutik blink frequently (v) yupyutinik blink of an eye (n) jaqow baqwchaj blister (n) peq blister (n) qn ja blister (n) sipoj bloated (dead animal) (adj) xib block (v) qatej 171
block (v) qatij, qatalik blocked (adj) qatejinaq blocked (n) bajim blonde (adj) saq -jolom blonde (n) mex blood (n) kik<el> blood blister (n) kik poq blood, draw blood (v) choqik bloodletting instrument (n) tzitz bloody (adj) kikarinaq bloom (flower) (v) poqik bloom (v) kotzijanik blot out (tv1) chup<u> blouse weaver (Momostenango) (n) ajkemal pot blouse, long silk womans blouse (n) xa blow (on embers) (v) xutij blow (on fire to make it burn hotter) (v) xutuj blow (v) xupuj, wupuj blow (wind) (v) xututik blow away (ri kiqiq xupaq ubik ri sutz) (v) paq ubik blow from elbow (n) tok blow from heavy object (n) qosinik blow nose (from allergy or cold) (v) sirnaj ri uputzam blow nose (v) jiskaj -pa tzam<aj> blow out of the mouth (v) wupij blow up (v) wupuj blow with an elbow (n) chukaj blow, fist blow (n) tok blowgun (n) pub blowgun (n) wub blowgun (n) wububal abaj blue (adj) rx, je kkay kaj blue bird (urraca) (n) xar blue like the sky (adj) rx rj u wo ri kaj blue, dark blue (adj) kajkoj blue, pale blue (adj) rxroj blue-eyed person (n) saqpor blunt (as machete) (adj) xel u wi blunt edge (adj) qipin u wi blurred (adj) sutz -wch blurred vision (n) sutz pawaqach
blush (v) kiqarik boa constrictor (n) chiwekox board under grinding stone to catch corn dough (tabla de moler) (n) aqen boarder (n) qajal ja boarder, one who lives in the house (n) aj uwo -achoch boat (n) jukub boat of reeds (n) tula body (n) baqil body (n) tiojil body (n) ulkual body (n) xamabil body dirt (n) chiluj body odor (n) xexal body, euphemism for body (n) juyubal bodyguard (n) tarnel bodyguard (n) terenel re bog (n) paxqol boil (n) chak boil (n) kisqay boil (v) chuqkanik, roqowik, poqowik boil something (v) poqowisaj boiled (adj) poqoj boiled (adj) poqowinaq boiled water (n) saqli boiled, half-boiled (beans so still hard) (adj) rxkux bold (adj) nimol -ib bone (n) baq bone flute (n) chaw baq bone, cheek bone (n) -xe -baqwch bone, collar bone (n) -baqil -teleb "bone dresser"-- specialist diviner who treats bone problems (n) wiqol baq bones (n) baqil bonfire (n) poron book (n) wuj book burning, burn book in fire (v) chajirik book of songs, hymns (n) bixobal book spine (n) ij<aj> boot (n) xajb border (n) kulbal
border (n) kulbatil bore (v) wartisaj, kis -kux boring (adj) pok born (adj) alaxinaq borrage (plant--Officinalis) (n) ichj cunabal borrow (v) qajaxtaj, ta pa qajomal, ta pa qajik borrow, rent (v) qaj borrowed (adj) kasaj borrower (n) qajanel boss (n) ajaw boss (n) nimal boss (n) taqanel both (adv) kiebchal both (e kiebichal xe pa tinimit) (n) e kiebichal both (n) e kieb bother (tv1) tzur<u> bother (v) tzuruj, chuy, bottle (n) lemet bottle (n) limet bottle (n) limita bottom (u-kux ja) (n) kux<aj> bottom, on the bottom (adv) k ch-pam bought (adj) loqom boulder (n) pek boulder (n) xq bounce (v) chopinik, tanij bound (adj) jatim, ximom, yutulik bound up (adj) yutum bound, well bound (adj) jatajik boundary (n) kulbatil, tanalik boundary marker (usually heap of stones) (n) kulbat boundary stone (n) qolbat boundary wall, thick, made of earth (n) tanatik boundary, limit of piece of land (n) kulbatil bouquet of flowers (n) jubatzaj kotzij bow (bow and arrow) (n) skop bow (for arrows) (n) chab bow (for shooting arrows) (n) kiqbal chab bow (n) sqop, wiqibal bow (v) chiqiq -ib, yuxba, mej -ib, qoch -ib, tur bow head (v) pachaba -jolom bow hunter (n) ajjub
bow ones self (v) luk -ib bowed (adj) pachalik bowl (n) tuy bow-legged (adj) chkoj bow-legged, standing like a spider or crab (adj) wakalik box (n-esp) kxon box for holding sacred image (n) kolibal tiox box of treasures (n) kolibal mebail boy, bad boy (n) itzel akal boy, little boy when can walk (3-8) (n) lintat brace, calzado de milpa (prop to brace corn plants in wind) (n) aqer bracelet (n) pulser, xe qab brackish water (n) tzaya ja brag (v) yel -ib, pelaj -ib braid (n) pachun, p-chim -wi braid (rope or hair) (v) pachuj braid (v) pachutalik braided (hope or hair) (adj) pachum braided hair (n) pachun braider (n) pachunel brain (n) salwato, tzantz qor, tzantzaqor brake (v) takbaj brakes, sound metal grinding or screeching against metal (brakes) (v) qitznajik bramble (n) jakal brambles (n) itzel qayes bran (n) salwat branch (tree) (n) -qab che branch, fork (branch of tree) (n) xat branch, twig (n) -xikayil che branches (n) xikay bread (n) kxlan wa bread basket, canasta with lid for bread (n) chut bread crumb (n) xer bread dough when it is ready to be baked (n) -kux kaxlan wa bread, sweet bread made of coarse flour without egg yolks or shortening (n) xeka break (v) qajik break or dislocate (bone) (v) qupkiej break or fall apart (v) wulijik
break or split, to burst open (v) raqij break, cause to break down (v) yojij break (bone) (v) qaj, qajik, tatzij break (egg) (v) poq break (general term) (v) paxij break (horse) (v) manxorisaj, ban manxo ch-e break (plates, glass, stone, wall) (v) paxik break (pot when dropped) (v) pukinik break (pot) (v) chemij break (rope) (v) toqpinik, sakinik break (something long and thin--tree, pole, bone, bicycle) (v) qupij break (thread or rope) (v) toqopij break (tree branch), snap (v) jq break (tree from wind) (v) qajik break down (radio) (v) yojinik break down (v) yojtajik break in half (branches, toast) (v) qipij break in half, divide (v) paij break in pieces (bread or fruit) (v) pirij break in pieces something soft with hands (bread or fruit) (tv1) pir<o> break off (v) lomolisaj break off (branch from tree) (v) jichij break off (ear of corn, or branch) (v) joq break off (piece of hard things- sticks, panela) (tv1) qip<o> break off branch (hand or lightning) (v) jaqij break off pieces of something (tv1) kech<o> break open (mountain, skin) (v) paqinik break open (something made of clay like water jug) (v) papobik break something (toy) (v) etzelaj break something (tv1) pax break something flexible (rope) (v) rachqij break something fragile in hand (egg) (v) waqij break something soft (v) richij break something thin and cylindrical (such as a stick, bone or reeds) (tv1) qup<u> break something wooden (v) jaqij break up (earth) (v) puqu break up into pieces (v) much<u> break with pressure, shatter (something fragile like
glass) (v) waqinik break wood (v) jaqaqik break wooden object (door) (v) joq breakdown, go mad, crazy (v) moxirik breaker, person breaking something (n) qiponel breakfast (n) wa re nimaqab breakfast, morning meal (n) wa re nimaqab breast (n) tu, tzum<aj>,-wo -kux breast dribble (n) turuwik -tu breast feed (v) tzumanik, tunik, tunik, tzumaj breast milk (n) tu breast, dry breast (n) km breast-feeding woman (n) ajtuj breasts (n) tzum breath (n) uxlab<aj>, uxlabal breath heavily (from exertion), pant (v) posowik, polowik breath with difficulty (v) jasanik breath, smell of bad breath (n) xex pa -chi breathe (v) uxlabinik breathe hard (v) uxlabin ko breathe in (v) jik -uxlab breeze (n) ux briar, thorn (n) kix briars (n) itzel qayes bricklayer (n) yakal ja bricks to put cooking pots on (n) xukub bridegroom (n) ji tz bridge (n) qam bridle of horse (n) jikbal rij -wi bright (adj) saq brilliant (adj) kulkutik, reqapunik brilliant (v) juluwik brim of hat (n) -xaq pwi bring (v) kam uloq, kam bring to life (v) kastajisaj bristly (adj) kix broad (brim of hat) (adj) lotolik broken (adj) paxinaq broken (leg) (adj) qajinaq broken (machine) (adj) etzeltajinaq broken (rope) (adj) toqpininaq broken bone (n) tatzin baq
broken in two (something hard like stick) (adj) qiptajinaq broken open (adj) pirom broken or dislocated bone (n) qajinaq baq broken potsherds (n) chem broken up (road) (adj) kotokq broken, has pieces broken off (edge of table) (adj) wachom -ij broken, something with pieces broken off (adj) kechkobinaq Bromelia plant (tree parasite) used on arches (n) ek brood (v) tujuwik brooding hen (n) tuq broom (n) mesabal broom, Spanish broom (plant) (n) tzaj brother (n) achalal brother of a female (n) xibal<axel> brother, older brother of boy (n) tz<axel> brother, older brother of male (n) achalal brother, younger brother or sister of same sex (n) chaq<axel> brother-in-law of a female (n) echam brother-in-law of a male (n) baluk brown (adj) kaqoj brown (adj) kiaqoj brown (adj) kaqoj brown cotton (n) met brown, pale brown (adj) qakoj bruise (n) soltajnaq -ij bruise (v) rxarik bruise or other sign of being stricken (n) potzbal brush (v) xaybal bubble (medicine or soda) (v) wososik bubble (n) wuqoj chi paq bubo (n) kisqay bucket (n) penabal bud (branch) (v) tuxik bud (n) poton bud (n) tux bud (potato only) (v) xuminik bud (v) tuxanik bud of branch from which twigs sprout (n) -tux
che bud, flower bud (n) -boxonil kotzij bud, shoot (n) tux build (tv1) yak<o> build (v) yek build (with wooden planks) (tv1) wok<o> build a fire (tv1) kuch qaq build a fire (v) box, nuk ri qaq build with adobe (v) tzaqanik builder (of ancient pyramids) (n) bitol building (n) ja built, well-built (plant, person) (n) biribik bulky (adj) bonbik bull (n) ama wakx bullet (n) -baq qaq bullet (n) kiqbal bullfighter (n) tzurunel bully (n) chayanel bum (n) xepu bumblebee (n) wonon bump into (v) puyij bunch (bananas, grapes), cluster (n) jutzayaj bunch (fruit) (n) rasim bunch (n) yataj bunch (vegetables) (n) manoj bundle (grain, green onions) (n) yataj bundle (n) eqan bundle (n) yutuyik bundle (wheat, twigs) (n) yatoj bundle of divining paraphernalia (tzite beans, crystals, etc.) (n) baraj bundle of firewood (n) kalen bundle of wound flowers used when asking hand of girl (n) botzoj bundled (green onions tied together) (adj) yatom burial (n) muqnajik buried (adj) muqtalik buried (adj) muqulik buried (adj) muqum burier, one who buries (n) muqunel, muqunijel burlap (n) kam burlap (n) por burn (n) katinaq 175
burn (v) katik, polik, qalajik burn book or house in fire (v) chajirik burn something (v) poroj burn to ashes (v) qawik burn to the ground to ashes (house, or book in fire) (v) chajirik burn to the ground to ashes (house, or book in fire) (v) chajirik burn with pain (v) juluwik, qaqanik burned (adj) katinaq burned (adj) katom burned (n) katom burner (n) katonel burner (n) poronel burning (n) katik burning place (n) porobal burr (n) tzakm burro (n-Span) bur burst (v) juxuxik bury (v) muqunik, muqik, tik bury in tomb (v) yoq bury something (tv1) muq<u> bus (n) chich bush (n) qayes bush, blackberry bush (n) tuqan busy (adj) latz -wch but (conj) kut but (conj) tzare but (conj) xane but, and (conj) ku<t> butcher (n) cholonel butcher (n) pilonel butcher (n) pochonel butcher (tv1) pil<o>, poch<o> butcher (v) pochonik, pochik butcher animal for meat (tv1) chol<o> butcher, meat seller (n) pochonel butchered (meat) (adj) pilom butt (ram) (v) paqchinik butt (v) toqik butt with horns (tv1) toq<o> butt with horns (v) toqonik, toqoj butterfly (Momostenango) (n) pempen
butterfly (Toto) (n) pape butting animal (n) toqonel buttocks (n) achaq<aj> buttocks (n) chenchkil button (shirt) (v) chap boton ch-e button (v) koj -boton buy (tv1) loq<o> buy (v) loqowik, loqomanik, loqomik buy for resale (v) yak buy something on credit (tv1) kas<o> buyer (n) loqomanel buyer (n) loqominel buzz (fly, mosquito, bee) (v) rininik buzz like a bee or cicada (v) sumumik buzzard (n) kuch buzzing (n) rininem buzzing insect from coast (cicada?) (n) chikirin buzzing of electrical apparatus (n) tzininik by (prep) -umal by choice (n) ajawam by day (adv) pa qij by hand (adj) qabaj by self (adv) chbil -ib by the river (adv) pa nima cabbage (n) qulix cabbage (n-Esp) repoy cabbage heart (n) purnum cacao (n) kakaw cacao (n) kakow cackle (hen after laying eggs) (v) toqtoqinik cackle (hen after laying eggs) (v) tzarqinik cackle (hen before laying eggs) (v) toqtotik cackle (hen) (v) karakatik cackle (hen) (v) qarqatik cactus (n) kix che cactus fruit (see also noxti) (n) nachti cactus, fruit of the saguaro (pitahaya) (n) takrabaj cactus, organ cactus (n) wanok cactus, prickly pear cactus (n) noxti cafeteria (n) waibal cage (n) kok caite (n) peraj xajb cake, corn cake (n) chojim wa 176
calabaza squash (n) tzetz calcite (n) saq choq calendar (n) etajbal qij calendar, solar, of 365 days (n) masewal qij calf (leg) (n) pa ra calf (n) alaj wakx calf (n) chek call for something (v) sikij call someone by whistling (v) xulqubej, xulqabej, xulqabik call upon someone (amorously) (v) chabej call, shout (v) sikij called (ko jun achi u binam Carlos) (adj) binam called for (adj) sikitalik callous (on hands from work) (n) peq callous or corn (n) pek calm (n) jamaril calm (sea with no wind) (adj) qajinaq -wch calm (surface of lake) (adj) remanik calm (v) jorojobik, qilik, jamarik, silanik calm someone (v) qil<o>, qasaj -wch calumny (n) tzijtal calzado de milpa (prop to brace corn plants in wind) (n) aqer calzontes (n) kixkob camote (n) tzin canasta (n) chaqch canasta (n) chikch canasta with lid for bread (n) chut caa brava tree (n) tar caa silvestre (n) j cancer (n) bur Candelaria (n) Kantel candle (n) kotzij candle (n-esp) kantela candlestick (n) tzukulibal candy (n) kab cane (n) chamiy cane (n) patzan cane, sugar cane (n) jij canine tooth (n) nim -ware cannon (n) bolom chich canoe (n) jukub
canteen (n) pump canvas carrying bag (capotera) (n) koxobaq canyon (n) siwan canyon, narrow (n) jut siwan cap (n) chuqbal cap (n) pnet cap (n) punet cap (n) tzapibal cap (worn when cold) (n) robet capable (adj) makalik capable of (see kuinik) (v) kowinik capital (n) nim tinimit capital (n) yakbal capitol (n) Armita capped (adj) chuqum capstan used to twist thread (n) ptet capture (tv1) chap<o> captured (adj) chapom car (n) chich car (n-esp) karrok carcass, bloated (dead animal) (adj) xib carcass, shell of a dead animal (n) koxal card wool (v) xiyoj care for cultivated plot (v) josqij care giver, one who looks after someone or something (n) ilol -ech careful about food (adj) chil caress (v) bochij caress, pet (animal) (v) koloqaj cargo (n) eqan carpenter (n) ajanel carpenter (n) josol che carpenters bench (n-esp) panku carpenters wood plane (n) josbal che carried on the head (adj) ikiram carrier (n) eqanel carrier of the litter on which saints borne in procession (n) telenel carry (firewood) (v) erej carry (in hand) (v) ukaj carry (v) eqanik carry away (v) kam ubik carry away bound (v) yut
carry away in teeth (v) kayej bik carry by hand (plate) (v) tikej carry hanging from hand or on shoulder (bag or hawk with prey) (v) tzayej carry hanging from shoulder (v) xekej carry in arms (v) yuqunik carry in palm of hand (v) lotej carry on back (v) eqaj carry on head (basket, jug) (v) ikiraj carry on shoulders (v) telej carry on shoulders (v) xekeba p-wi -teleb carry something round with arms held against chest (v) setej carry something thin in hand (book) (v) tzarej carry under arm (radio) (v) latzej cart (from carreta) (n-esp) karet cart (n) juyukibal carve (stone) (tv1) tzok<o> carve (tv1) jos<o> carved (stone) (adj) talom carved (stone) (adj) tzokom carved (wood, stone) (adj) ajan carved silver (n) chayom puaq cascade down (water down mountainside) (v) tojojik cast out (v) esaj apanoq castrate (v) qatij, poch -oj cat (n) mes cat (n) sia cataract (n) pulchich cataracts in eye (n) saq pa ri bqwch cataracts in eye (n) sutz pa -baqwch catch up (v) riq caterpillar of moth (wooly bear) (n) chalakan caterpillar that infests pines (n) xaqechaj caterpillar, fuzzy (n) ixqayichj caterpillar, pine caterpillar (n) sichan, saq noy, ixqel chj Catholic confraternities of town (n) Oxlajuj Chob Catholic Mass (n-esp) mixa Catholic priest (from padre) (n-Esp) pare caucasian (n) mus cauliflower (n) saqichaj
cause damage to something (v) etzelaj cause harm (v) ban kx ch-e cause pricking sensation (cut hairs in shirt collar) (v) chakanik cause pricking sensation (wool or stinging nettle) (v) chakakik cause to be delayed (v) beyetajisaj cause to be done (v) banowik cause to be taken away (v) sachaba cause to be wet (v) chaqaba cause to break down (v) yojij cause to burn (v) katisaj cause to collapse (v) wilij cause to happen (v) tzaqatisaj cause to remember (v) natajisaj cause to wither (v) bayij, qayaj cave (n) jul cave (n) pek cease (v) totaj, tanik cease doing something (v) tani che ceased (adj) tanalik ceased (adj) tanalinaq cedar (Cedrella) (n) teox che cedar (n) kis che cedar (n) tiox che ceiba (n) inup ceiling (n) -wi ja celebrate (holiday) (v) okowisaj celebrate birthday (v) kul -qij celebration (n) ulanem celebration of a holiday (n) qaxbal nimaqij celestial (n) ajchikaj census (n) tziban biaj census (n) yakow biaj center (n) -nikajal center (n) -nikajil center, very center (n) qas -pam centipede (n) ixtzol centipede, scorpion (n) sinaj Cerambicid beetle (n) susum ixpach ceremonial washing of saints clothing (n) chajbal atziaq ceremony to ask hand of girl in marriage 40 days
before wedding (n) tzonoj ceremony--cut two geraniums and tie up during marriage (n) qopinik kotzij Cerro Quemado (volcano) (n) Katinaq Juyub certain (adj) tzij certain (jik kinopan chweq) (adj) jik certain (jikilik kban ri kulanem chweq) (adj) jikilik certainty marker (adv) na cessation (n) yaqalem chaff (from grain) (n) slot<il> chaff (wheat) (n) -ij triko chaff, corn chaff (n) solot chain (n) tiqom chich chains (n) chich -aqan chair (n) kulbal chair (n) tuyubal chair, seat (n-esp) xila chair, sedan chair (n) patal challenge (n) tzurik challenge (tv1) tzur<u> challenge (v) tzurunik chancre (n) xilim change (money) (n) kexbal change (money) (tv1) kex<o> change (n) qaxbal change (n) tzelem rajil change (tv1) jal<o> change (v) jalwchij, qaxaj, kej change clothes (v) jal -ij change dentition (from baby to adult teeth) (v) chotinik -ware change mind or ways (v) kex -kux change mode of dress (v) po -ib change ones self (v) kex -ib, kexik change place (v) jalkatij change way of dressing (like a foreigner) (v) poysaj -ib changed (adj) jalwchim chapel (n) ochoch re Dios character (n) banik character (n) noj charcoal (n) aqal
charcoal (n) xaq charge (n) chilab charge (n) oqxan charge with responsibility for something (v) chilbej charity (n) -utzil -anima charley horse cramp (seen as calling to become diviner) (n) chokej charlie horse (n) cho kiej chase (v) terenej, oqataj, koqotajik chase away, shoo (v) yoj chased (adj) oqatam chastise (v) kjisaj -wch cheap (adj) xuy cheap person (n) xuy cheat (v) ban -qul checha tree (n) chiyut cheek (n) qotz<aj> cheek (n) -xe we cheek bone (n) -xe -baqwch cheer up (v) kikotisaj -anima cheese (n) kexo cheese (n) kexu cherry (cereza silvestre) (n) kuxkabel cherry (n) kixkobel cherry (n) kuxumkel cherry (n) kaplin cherry (n) tub cherry (n) tup cherry tree (n) ixpusqel cherry tree (n) kuxkabel chest (for clothes) (n) almar chest (n) kux<aj> chest (n) -wa kuxaj chest (n) -wch -kux chest (n) -wo -kux chew (cud) (v) kchunik chew (gum, something chewy) (v) kchuj chew (v) kchukunik, kch, baj chew helote (dog) (v) purinik chew on something (tv1) mach<o> chew something (v) ba chew something hard (habas) (tv1) kux<u> chicharrn (fried pork rinds) (n) r-ij aq 179
chiche (insect) (n) chut Chichicastenango (n) Chuwila Chichicastenango (n) Max chick (n) alaj ek chick (n) alaj ek chick (n) chiw chicken (blue and white feathers) (n) xep chicken (n) ek chicken (see also ek) (n) k chicken coop (n) kabal chicken droppings (n) bix chicken lice (n) sip chicken louse (n) sis chicken pox (n) binel loqobal chicken pox (n) loqobal chicken with messed up feathers (n) kix ak chicken with no feathers on neck (n) peluk ak chicken with no feathers on neck (n) qul ak chicken without feathers (n) chanax chicken, brooding hen (n) tuq chicken, deformed (n) tux k chicken, deplumed chicken (n) chanax chicken, gallina espinuda (n) chinchin ec, chil ek chickpea, garbanzo bean (n) karawan chicqen slop (n) -qor ek chief (n) nimal chigger (garrapata) (n) sip chigger (n) sison chilacoyote (white bottle gourd--Cucurbita ficifolia) (n) qoq child (boy or girl) of a female (n) al<axel> child (n) akal child (n) alkual<axel> child born one year after sibling (n) ajchaqim akal child who has or is going to have a baby brother (n) ajchaqim child who is weaned and eats regular food (n) ajwil child, bad child (n) xkiaqat child, small child (n) nuch, noya child, young child (n) kakal childhood (n) akalil
childhood (n) chutinal children, "ten childen" (200) (n) lajujkal children, ritual name for good things of marriage (kids) (n) wuqub utzil wuqub chomal children, seven children (n) wuqkal children, six childen (n) waqkal chile (n) ik chile grinder (n) qutbal ik chile sauce (n) qutum ik chile verde (undried green chile) (n) qax chile, dried chile (n) chaqij ik chile, fragrant chile (n-esp) chiltep chile, ground chile (n) kiem ik, ukaj ik chile, hot chile (n) qax chile, sauce of ground chile and tomato (n) qutum chili, powdered chili (n) kajkaj ik chill (hot drink) (v) jorobisaj chill (v) bajajik chilled (liquid) (adj) jorobinaq chilliness (n) tewal chills (n) tew chiltepe (n) -baqwch cho chiltepe (n) qax chin (n) kakate chinchn (fruto del pino--juniper berry?) (n) chakuy chntalo (n) -xe kix chip (tooth, stone) (v) lomolisaj chip from bottom of a pot (n) xut, teq chip off (tv1) qip<o> chip off a piece (edge of pot on stone by accident) (v) qipqobik chipilin (vegetable used in tamales) (n) much chipiln (n) putz chipped (vessel) (adj) chem -chi chipped on edge (cup or other vessel) (adj) chaqap -chi chips, wood chips (from cutting), slivers (n) muchul chips, wood chips (n) -webal che chirimia flute (n) su chirima (n-esp) charmiy
chirp (cricket) (n) xiririk chirp (v) tziririk choice, by choice (n) ajawam choke (v) jiq, jiqik choke someone (v) jiqisaj cholera (n) ikow pomaj y xawem choose (v) cha, chanik chop (tv1) tam<o> chop up (firewood or coconut) (v) paqij chopped (adj) tamom chosen (adj) chaom chosen (adj) chatal chosen (adj) kojom Christmas Eve (Noche Buena) (n) Alaxibal chunk of meat (n) -nak tij chunk, piece (of wood, etc.) (n) bolaj church (n) komon tiox church (n) ochoch re Dios church community (n) winaqil cicada (n) ktet cicada, buzzing insect from coast (n) chikirin cigar (n) sik cigarette (n) sik cilantro, coriander (n) kulante cinnamon (n-esp) kanela circle (n) jukolaj circle (n) sutibal r-ij circle (n) sutinaq circular (adj) sutinaq circumcise (v) koj retal ri -kuerpo circumference (n) baltisaj city (n) tinimit City of Antigua (n) Pan Choy civilization (n) saqil kaslem clam (n) xkin clamber up (cat up a tree) (v) racakik clan (n) alaxik clap hands (v) boqabaj -qab clap hands (v) paqapa -qab clarifier, one who clarifies (n) qalajisanel clarify (v) saqirisaj, qalajisaj jas u suk clarify, make clear (v) qalajisaj clarinero bird (n) antun
clarinero--like a small crow (n) chok clarinet (n) chok clarity (n) saqil class (n) -ach class of poisonous mushroom (n) -baqwch kminaq classroom (n) tijobal claw (bird), nail (finger), talon, hoof (n) ixkiaq claw (crab or scorpion) (n) tuxer claw (crab) (n) tiobal tp claw (n) tuxerix clay (n) qn ulew clay cup (n) xar clay for potter (n) ralawal boj clay griddle (comal) (n) xot clay whistle (n) xul clean (land before planting) (v) sekajaj clean (v) su clean well (baby) (v) josqij clean, very (adj) xaxtzintzoj cleanse (v) chajchojirik clean-shaven (adj) tan -palaj clean (adj) chajchoj clean (adj) josqij clean (adj) saq clean (adj) saq -pam clean laundry still wet (n) chajon cleaned (adj) josqim cleaning rag (n) subal atziaq cleaning, thorough (n) josqinik cleanliness (n) chajchojil cleanliness (n) josqil cleansing, ritual cleansing of lineage shrine prior to ceremony (n) mesabal clear (adj) qalaj, sanalik, saq clear head (v) ul pa saq clear out something (tv1) jam<o> clear throat (v) chij ojob clear, disperse impediments (clouds) (v) pakanik "clear light" ritual term for divinatory message or revelation (n) saq qalaj clearly (adv) qalaj client in divination ceremony (n) -winaqil 181
cliff (adj) juyub cliff (n) pek climb (n) paqalem climb out with arms and legs (v) xakopik climb up (v) aqanik clock, solar clock (n) kajbal clod of dirt (n) kolokik ulew close (adj) naqaj close (v) tzapij close eyes (v) yupuba ri -baqwch closed (eyes) (adj) yupulik closed, always has eyes closed (adj) yupulik closet (n) almar cloth (n) kiemom cloth (n) sut cloth (n) tziq cloth used to wrap bundle (n) pisbal cloth, piece of cloth (n) tziq cloth, wool cloth (n) atziaq kul, is clothes chest (n) almar clothes for mourning (n) waqwoj atziaq clothing (n) atziq clothing to be mended (n) tison cloud (n) sutz cloud of dust (n) poqlaj clouds at sunset or sunrise (n) sutz qan cloudy (adj) sutz -wch cloudy (n) muqul sutz clown (n) chaqab club (n) qosibal cluck (hen) (v) chererik cluster of stars (n) mutz cluster, bunch (bananas, grapes) (n) jutzayaj coagulate (v) wayik coals, hot coals (n) -achaq qaq coarse (adj) charan coarse (adj) rora coarsely ground (adj) chaqon coarsely ground cornmeal (n) mal coast, valley (n) taqaj coastal person (n) ajtaqajanik, ajtaqajal coastal plain (n) taqaj coastal, something which pertains to the coast (n)
taqajal coat, blanket-coat (poncho) (n) qul coati (Sp. pizote-- small squirrel-like animal) (n) sis coax (v) bochij cob, corn cob (olote) see also piq (n) peq cochineal fig (n) nochti cochineal insect (n) malin cockroach (n) chjal cockroach (n) pachach cockroach (n) pixlankok cockroach (n) tuktul cockroach (n) xpin cockroach (n) xwil cockroach, black cockroach (n) kisiy coconut (n-esp) koka coconut (n-esp) koko coffee (n-Span) kape coffee grounds (n) -xe kape coffee strained (adj) chaom cohabit (v) jochojik coil up (v) sotoyik coiled (adj) kotolik coitus (n) patzoj cold (adj) tew cold (illness) (n) qosibal tew cold (n) jorn cold (n) oj re tzam cold (n) ojratzam cold (n) tew cold drink (n) jorn cold season (winter) (n) tatajik cold sore (n) -pa chiaj, qaq pa -chi cold water (n) jorona ja, jorn cold, very cold (adj) juchuchik coldness (n) tewal colewort (nabo--a vegetable) (n) jawux ichaj collapse (v) wulij collapse (wall, building) (v) tilitob uloq collapse, cause to collapse (v) wilij collapse, fall (building, wall) (v) tilitobik collapse, fall down (badly built wall) (v) wilijik collapsed (house) (adj) wilijinaq 182
collar bone (n) -baqil -teleb collect (money) (tv1) mol<o> collect (seeds) (v) sikoj collect (taxes, debt) (v) toqij collect (tv1) kuch<u> collect (v) mulij collection (money) (n) kuchuj collector (taxes) (n) toqil collector of fees, taxes (n) toqinel color, blue (adj) rx, je kkay kaj color, blue like the sky (adj) rx rj u wo ri kaj color, blue, dark blue (adj) kajkoj color, blue, pale blue (adj) rxroj color, brown (adj) kiaqoj color, gray (adj) chaj r-ij, sibsoj color, green color (adj) kel color, grey (adj) chaj r-ij, sibsoj color, light green (adj) rxroj color, off-white (adj) saqsoj color, orange (adj) qn kiq color, pale blue (adj) rxroj color, pale brown (adj) qakoj color, pale purple (adj) moratoq -pam color, pink (adj) kiqkoj color, purple (adj) mor, morat color, red [Momos] (adj) kq color, red [Toto] (adj) kiq color, smoky-colored (adj) sib color, tan (egg-colored) (adj) qnqoj color, very white (adj) saqloloj color, white (adj) saq color, yellow (adj) qn color, yellowish-brown (adj) qnqoj colored beans (n) ixtapkal colored corn grains (n) xilop ixim colored egg (n) tziltzoj colored stone (n) chachal column (n) -aqn ja column (n) bolobik comb (n) xiyb comb (v) xi comb (v) xiyoj comb hair (see also xiy) (tv1) xay -wi
comb hair (v) xiy -wi comb of rooster (n) prek comb of weaving machine (n) xep combed (hair) (adj) uxiyom -wi combine (v) kulajij -ib come (adj) petinaq come (v) petik come back (v) tzalijik come forth (v) poqobisaj uloq come near to (v) qeb come off (wheel from bus) (v) tortajik come out (v) poqobisaj uloq come out from (toward speaker) (v) el uloq come out well (as a business trip or marriage, etc.) (v) el pa saq come to an agreement (v) junamtaj -wch come to an agreement (v) koj pa junam come to an end (v) kistaj come to the end of a job (v) totajik come together (v) tunik come towards (v) qeb come unstuck (v) kotkobik come untied (from being poorly knotted) (v) kirkobik come! (imperative phrase) tasaj comet (n) chumil ko u je comfort (v) bochij comfort someone (v) kubisj -kux, kub -kux coming (n) petem coming (n) petibal command (n) taqanik command (n) taqbal command (v) taqanik command to come (v) taq uloq command, send, force, to compel to do something (v) taq commanded (adj) taqom commanded from heaven (adj) taqom chi kaj commander (n) nim reqlen commander (n) taqanel commandment (n) pixab commandment (n) taqanik commandment (n) taqbal 183
commence (v) xumajij commend (v) nimarisaj -qij commission (n) chilab commission (n) oqxan commit adultery (v) katik -aqan commit suicide (v) kmisaj -ib community elders (permanent office) who choose auxiliary officers (n) ajawab community, of a church (n) winaqil companion (n) achil companion (n) kulaj companion (n) tzaqat compare selves (tv2) junamtaj -ib compare something (tv2) junamtaj compassion (n) elibal kuxaj compel (v) puersij compel (v) taqchij compel to do something, force, send, command (v) taq complain (about illness) (v) jilowik complain (to authorities) (v) tzujunik complain (v) cha, cheqowik, tzujunik complain about (v) wixwitik complaint to Dios Mundo against someone (to cause illness) (n) cha-qabaj complement (v) nimarisaj -qij complete (a term in office or jail term) (v) sukubij complete (adj) tzaqat complete (v) bantajik complete something (v) totajik complete, fulfill (v) tzaqatik completed (adj) bantajinaq comprehend (v) chob compress making it less spongy (dough) (tv1) pen<o> conceal (secret or sin) (v) qabanik conceal truth (v) qabaj conceive (child) (v) tojilabik conclude (v) chomaj conclusion (n) kisbal<il> condition (n) wch<aj> cone (n) bolobik ja confess sin (v) qalajisaj ri -mak
confidant (n) -ach chaben confidant, one in whom you can confide (n) -ach chaben confirm (v) sukubik conflagration (n) poron conflagration (n) porom confused-- In sachinaq (Im confused) (v) sachik confused (adj) sachinaq confused (adj) sachinaq -kux confusion (n) sachabal congestion (animal) (n) xib congregation of believers (n) komon tiox conjugation (n) chabalil conquer (tv1) chk<o> conquer (v) chkanik conscience (n) ajawam constable (n) ajchamiy constantly beat against something (branch against house) (v) qit -ib constellation (n) chumil constellation of Great Bear (Ursa Major) (n) wuqb kaqix constellation of Orion (n) qinobal constellation of Sirius (n) Kab Qij constellation of the "brillante len," near Orion (n) saq koj constellation of the "great white dog" (Aldebaran) (n) saq nima tzi Constellation of the Pleiades (n) Ix Motz constipation (n) tzapatajik -pam construct (v) yek construction (n) banbal consumed (adj) kisinaq contagious, be contagious (ri yabil kusipaj rib) (v) sipaj -ib contend with verbally (tv1) yaj<o> contentment (n) kikotemal continue (v) terenej continue doing something (v) taqej, terembej contract work (v) chok contradiction (n) kulelanik contribution (n) kuchuj conversation (n) chawem 184
conversation (serious) (n) tzijonem converted to being (adj) uxinaq convince (v) chekenik ch-e convince someone about something (v) koj -kux convulsion (n) itzel kiaqiq coo (dove) (v) bixonik cook (usually by by boiling or steaming) (v) tzak cook (v) chqajisaj, chqajik cook well done (v) chikonik cooked (adj) chq<aj> cooked grains of elote placed in atole de elote (n) mux cooked, medium (adj) kat tuquch cooking hearth (n) miqbal cool (a hot liquid) (v) yujaj cool (adj) joror<ik> cool (hot things) (v) jorobik cool (v) jorobisaj cool, chill (hot drink) (v) jorobisaj cool, half-cold (adj) sq coolness, freshness, something refreshing (n) jororik coop, chicken coop (n) kabal copal incense (n) pom copal incense, type of (n) kotzij copper (n) kach chich copper (n) kiq puaq coppersmith (n) ajqan puaq copulate (v) reqlej ixoq coquette (n) tzurunel coral snake (n) kiaq chib coral snake (n) xop cord (n) kam cord (n) kam cord (n) kat cord (n) kolob cord (n) xax kolob cord, strong and hard cord (n) kulm coriander (Sp. cilantro) (n) kulante corn (v) poqik -qab corn atole, honey flavored (n) pokol corn cake (n) chojim wa corn chaff (n) solot
corn cob (olote) see also piq (n) peq corn dough (n) qor, qor re ixim corn dough drink (n) rx qor corn flour, fine (n) kj corn flower, flor de milpa (n) witzik corn from the coast (n) taqajal ixim corn harvest (n) jch corn husk (n) joq corn in general (n) ixim corn kernels (dry) (n) ixim corn leaf (n) -xaq abix corn leaf used to wrap tamalitos (n) tzalik corn on the cob (still on the plant, or unripe) (n) och corn plant (n) abix corn planting (n) awex corn root worm (n) ikan corn silk (n) tzmiy, -wi jl. tzamiy corn silk insects (n) ixparpjoq corn smut (n) chajach corn stalk, dry (n) patzan corn, black corn (n) rxwch, mex ixim corn, black, or speckled corn (n) xolob corn, callous (n) pek corn, colored grains (n) xilop ixim corn, cooked grains of elote placed in atole de elote (n) mux corn, ear of corn (dried) (n) jl corn, ear of corn (ripe, undried) (n) j corn, ear of corn with few grains (n) matz corn, ear of corn with grains which are underdeveloped (n) tur corn, ear of green corn (n) piqal, piq corn, first grinding of corn (tv1) chaq<o> corn, food (corn or in general) (n) wa corn, husked (adj) jachom corn, last grinding of corn (v) kokisaj corn, leaf of ear of corn (n) joq corn, maiz de la costa (n) taqajal ixim corn, new (n) akiel corn, newly harvested corn (not yet hard) (n) akiel corn, portion of corn dough (n) jubotaj 185
corn, second grinding of corn (v) kokisaj, tzi corn, see also atole (sweet corn gruel) (n) qor corn, seed corn (n) awex corn, soaked corn kernels (n) tzi corn, soaked corn ready for grinding (n) ke<m> corn, sound of fingers in corn dough (n) sqom corn, sweet corn on the cob (boiled, roasted) (n) j corn, tamalito of corn (n) sb corn, tender (n) ak wa corn, third and final grinding of corn (v) tzi corn, toasted corn grains (n) kilim ixim corn, toasted yellow corn (n) pol corn, very tender corn (not yet dried) (n) puch corn, white corn for tortillas (n) saqpor corn, white corn grains (n) saq ixim corn, yellow corn (n) wail corn, yellow corn on the cob (n) qn jal corner (inside house) (n) latz corner (n) tzam corner (n) tzuk corner (n) xikin<aj> corner of eye (n) jutz cornfield (n) abix cornfield (n) awex cornmeal, coarsely ground (n) mal coronadito bird (n) sikil teoj coronado bird (n) sikil tiox correct (v) yajtioxik correct something (v) sukuba correct with discipline (v) qil<o> correct, honest (Toto), just (adj) suk corridor (n) pa raqan ja cost money (v) jarik costly (adj) paqal -ajil costly (adj) paqalik costly, expensive (adj) paqal -ajil costly, expensive (adj) paqalik cotton, brown cotton (n) met cotton, harvest with fingers (n) makow cotton, white cotton (on plant) (n) bot Cotzal (n) Kzal couch (n) chat
couch (n) qoyobal couch (n) sok<aj> cough (n) oj re tzam cough (n) oj<ob> cough (v) tujtutik, toxnobik, tojnabik, tujututik, tujnubik cough, dry cough (n) chaqij ojob counsel (n) pixab counsel (n) tzij counsel (v) tzijobej, pixabaj, ya noj, pixabik, pixabanik counsel, honored (n) loq pixab counselor (n) pixabinel count (n) -ajilbalil count (v) ajilaj, ajilanik, ajilabik countenance (n) wch<aj> counter (person) (n) ajilanel country (n) amaq country (n) nimalaj ulew countryman (n) -winaqil countrymen, people of a country (n) winaqil couple (n) jukulaj couple, pair (n) kulaj couple, two of them, both (n) e kieb court (v) takej court, plead, demand, promise (v) tzonoj courthouse (n) qatbal tzij cousin (n) -al -chutin nan cousins, distant family members (n) qab alaxik covenant (n) kamowabal cover (book) (n) ij<aj> cover (n) chuqbal cover (tv1) buk<u>, chuq<u> cover (v) muqtajik, chuqik, rayij, moyik cover (with sweater or blanket) (v) quj cover self (to keep warm) (v) chuq -ib cover self well (with blanket from cold) (v) buk -ib covered (adj) chuqum covered (cloud covers mountain) (adj) muqulik, jpalik covering (n) ij<aj> covering (n) qu<aj> 186
covey (n) jupuq cow (from vaca) (n-Span) wakx cow udder (n) ajyitz coward (n) ajxib coyol palm (fruit) (n) mop coyol palm tree (n) tut coyote (n) utiw crab (n) top crab (n) xtob crab (see also top, ixterix and xtop) (n) tap crab that lives on land in cold areas (n) ixterix crack (n) qatqik crack (pot) (v) raqinik crack (wood, house, pot) (v) raqij crack, crevice (n) paxinaq cracked (adj) raqininaq cracked (pot) (adj) paxinaq cracking sound or of breaking bone or stick (v) quplajik crag (n) pek cram into, force (v) min cramp (n) cho kiej cramp (n) chokiaj cramp (n) chokiaq cramp (n) chokiej cramp, charley horse (seen as calling to become diviner) (n) chokej cramps in stomach (if recurrent, calling to be ajqij) (n) yitzinaq pamaj cramps, strong cramps (stomach or menstral) (n) yitzitz crane fly (madre de la culebra) (n) ij crane fly (n) xam crash (as a stack of items imperfectly balanced) (v) tulututik crash (car against something) (v) pukij -ib crash (car) (v) chikoj crash (sound of something heavy dropping) (v) jilik crash together (two cars) (v) potz -ib crashed on the ground (pig in shade) (adj) punulik crate for carrying goods (n) eqbal crave (v) jiqjitik
crawl (v) juruj -ib crawl on chest (v) jupmayik crawl on hands and knees (baby, people) (v) chaqnik crayfish (n) chom crayfish (n) sak crayfish (n) xtob crazy (adj) chujarinaq crazy (adj) mox crazy (person, animal) (adj) chuj crazy person (n) mox crazy, go mad (v) moxirik crazy, somewhat crazy (n) tak creak (furniture) (v) mk creak (tree) (v) ktz creaking of a tree (v) katzitzik cream-colored (adj) saqsoj create (iv) bitanik create (v) tik, winaqirik creation (n) bantajibal creation (n) tikon creator (n) winaqirisanel credit (n) kas<aj> creep (v) juruj -ib crest of chickens head (n) perpex crest of rooster (n) prex crestfallen (sadness) (adj) yuxulik crevice, crack (n) paxinaq cricket (Momostenango) (n) lol cricket (n) sikil aqab cricket (n) xil cricket (n) xir cricket chirp (n) xiririk cricket, Jerusalem cricket (n) akal cried for (adj) oqetalik criminal (n) banal etzelal criminal (n) banal kx cripple (n) choka<r> cripple (n) choko crippled (adj) jech -aqan crippled person (n) chakoj cripples (n-plural) chokojib critic, person who criticizes (n) yuchunel 187
criticism (n) yoqbal criticism (n) yoqonik criticize (directly not behind back) (v) yoqowik criticize (tv1) yoq<o> criticize (v) yuchunik criticize something (v) yuchuj croak (frog, toad) (v) qururik croak (v) qalaqatik crocodile (n) ayin crooked (adj) balom crooked (adj) jechejik crooked (adj) qusqik crooked (pack on animal) (v) jechnajik crooked (pack on horse) (adj) jech cross (n) kajbal cross (n) ripibal cross (sea, river, road) (v) okowik cross (v) qaxaj cross bar (n) kopibal, tokopibal cross legs (v) choqej -aqan cross out (tv1) chup<u> cross over something (v) qeba cross street, river or lake (v) qaxik cross, wooden cross (n) kajbal che cross-beam, lintel (n) wapalil cross-eyed (n) jech -baqwch cross-eyed (n) -riqom rib u boqoch crossroads (n-Esp) krus be crotch (n) -xol ri -achaq crouch (v) chucubaj crouch, squat (v) wuchbaj crow (as a rooster) (v) oqik crow (n) joj crow (rooster in morning) (v) tzintzirqinik crow (rooster) (v) tziqirinik crowd (v) latzobik crowded (adj) latz crowded (adj) latz -wch crowded (adj) tzatz crown (n) jaj crucified (adj) ripilik crucifier (n) ripinel crucifixion (n) ripinem
crucify (tv1) rip<o> crucify (v) qoskbik crumb (n) muchul crumb (of bread) (n) xer crumble (dry cheese) (v) wachachik crumble (poorly baked adobe brick) (v) waqlajik crumble (v) muchululik, ban muchul crumble to dust (v) poqlajirik crumble, fall to pieces (v) muchmubik crumble, sink (earth in earthquake) (v) jobjobik crumbled (adj) muchum crumbled (bread) (adj) muchmubinaq crumbs (of bread) (n) xarak crumbs, leftovers (n) muchul taq wa crumple (v) bachuyirik crumple up (paper) (tv1) jech<o> crumple up (tv1) quch<u> crumpled (adj) qochqobinaq crumpled (paper) (adj) bachuy crumpled up (paper) (adj) jech crunch (sound of eating something hard) (v) mukukik crunch (v) muqukej, muqukik crunch (with mouth) (v) mutzutzik crunching sound (n) mutzutz crush (as in a body part) (v) pachalej crush (person by heavy object) (v) xuklej crush (tv1) pach<o> crush (v) paxij crush (v) wach crush clots, clusters (milk) (v) tukuj crush with fingers or fingernails (ant, flea) (v) puch<u> crushed (adj) wachom crushed rock (n) muchul abaj crushed, flattened (hat when sat on) (adj) patz crutch (n) mulet crutches (n) binabal cry (animal) (v) witzitzik cry (dog) (v) wayanik cry (dog) (v) wayayik cry (dog) (v) wayinik cry (v) oqik 188
cry bitterly (v) juyuwik, kuyuwik cry for someone or something (v) oqej cry for something (v) oqetaj cry of horror (n) itzel sik cry out in grief (v) kis -ib che oqej cry, whine (from illness, pain) (v) puchinik cry-baby (adult) (n) koqik cry-baby (n) puch crybaby (adj) cher crystal clear (water) (adj) xaxtzintzoj crystalline clear (adj) chajchoj cuatrojos bird (blue) (n) xkur cubic (adj) kajkaj cudgel (n) chamiy cudgel (n) qosibal cuilin fish (n) mutzutz culebra voladora (n) susum kumtz culebron snake (large snake) (n) ralxik cultivate a plot of land (v) abixinik cultivated garden (n) xoral cultivated plot (n) tikon, tikonijibal cultivation (of land) (n) tajin Cunen (n) Kunen cup (n) qumbal cup (n) sel cup (n) ukiabal cup of something (n) jupaj cup, clay (n) xar cup, gourd cup (often used to hold water) (n) kox cup, gourd cup (to carry seeds, water, food) (n) tol curdle (milk) (v) wuyij -ib cure (n) kunabalil cure (n) utzirik cure (tv2) kunaj cure (v) kunanik cured (adj) kunabexik curl (v) bototej curl up (dog) (v) kotolik curled up (animal with legs folded under the body) (adj) kotolik curly headed (adj) murux
curly-headed (colocho) (adj) kolot ri -wi curly (adj) bototik curse (n) itzinik curse (n) koq<obal> curse (n) -wch -qij curse (v) itzelxik curse (v) koqoj, kiq pa itzel, kiq itzel tzij p-wi curse to Dios Mundo against someone (to cause illness) (n) cha-qabaj curser, person causing evil eye (n) kuxunel curve in the road (n) -chuk be curved (adj) chokochik curved (adj) qusulik custom (n) kamaninaq custom (n) naqatisabal cut (adj) qupim cut (adj) sokotajinaq cut (branch from tree) (tv1) ram<o> cut (flowers) (v) qopinik cut (flowers, fruit) (tv1) tam<o> cut (harvest) corn (v) jchanik cut (harvest) wheat (v) qatanik cut (hay, wheat) (adj) qatom cut (leather, meat) (tv1) qat<o> cut (paper, cloth, rubber-- as with scissors--see also qupij) (v) qopij cut (tree branch) (adj) ketkobinaq cut (wheat) (v) qatoj cut away (peal, cut grass) (tv1) jos<o> cut by machete (adj) toyon cut cloth (v) toyenik cut down (adj) choyom cut down (tree) (adj) ketom cut down (tree, corn plant) (v) choy cut down (v) ramij cut fruit or flowers one by one by hand (v) chup<u> cut hair (v) esaj -wi cut hair (v) sokaj -wi cut hole in something (mouse) (v) teqetobik cut in pieces (v) pusik cut in two (fruit or wound) (tv1) paq<o>
cut meat with a dull knife (v) qataqatik cut meat with a sharp knife (v) pejejik cut off (adj) ketom cut off (arm or branch) (v) ramij cut off (tv1) qat<o> cut off (v) ket apan cut or chop in two (wood) [Toto] (cf. paq) (v) toch cut planks from a tree (v) serenik cut self (v) sok -ib cut self deeply (hand) (v) ketkobik cut short (clothing) (adj) tzok cut something evenly (grass) (tv1) set<o> cut something in pieces (bread) (tv1) pus<u> cut something not thick (with machete or axe) (tv1) ket<o> cut something with machete (vines, grass or cane) (tv1) choy<o> cut up (adj) pilom cut up into pieces (bread) (adj) pusum cut up tree into logs (tv2) bolajij che cut with a sharp knife (v) tzilnjik cut with dull machete (v) kosnjik cut with machete (vines, grass) (tv1) chet<o> cut with scissors (v) qupij cutete fish (n) ixtilom cutting (n) chupum cylindrical (adj) bolobik cypress (n) kisis daddy long legs (n) chu awj dahlia (n) tzoloj kotzij dahlia flower (n) tuney daily (adv) pa qij daily (adv) ronojel qij daisy (n) xup dalia silvestre (n) tuney dam (n) qatbal ja damage (n) kiqasaq damage something (v) ban itzel ch-e dammed (adj) chemelik damp land (n) bulij ulew dance (n) xajoj dance (n) xojoj
dance (v) xojowik dance caller, person in charge of a dance performance (n) -xeel dance director (n) ajwch dance pole, palo volador (pole used for the dance) (n) kaj che, -che koy dance socially (v) xajarik dancer (n) ajxojoj dancer (n) xojol dancer in the Baile de Convites (n) ajxin dancer who represents eagles in mythic dances (n) ajkot dancer who represents lion in mythic dances (n) ajkoj dancer who represents the sun (n) ajqij dancer who strikes with chicotes (n) ajptzkar dancers (n) ajxojolab dancing, sound of feet dancing (n) xajoj dandruff (n) solot dandruff (of person or animal) (n) -sal tzi danger (n) toj dangerous (adj) xibibal dangle (v) tzayaba dangling flesh of turkeys beak (n) -chachal nos dangling, hanging (adj) tzayalik dare (n) tzurik dare (tv1) tzur<u> dare (v) tzurunik dare to do something (tv1) koch<o> dark blue (adj) kajkoj dark red color (adj) kiq qequm darkness (n) imuch darn (tv1) tis<o> date (calendar) (n) ajilabal date (fecha) (n) r-ajilabal qij date (n) -ajilbalil date (n) qeq ulew daub (mud on wall) (tv1) pil<o> daughter firstborn (n) nabeal -mial daughter of a female (n) al<ixel> ali daughter of a male (n) -al ali daughter of a male (n) mial<axel> daughter-in-law (n) mialabal<axel> 190
daughter-in-law of female (n) alib<ixel> daughter-in-law of female (n) alibtz<ixel> dawn (dispersing darkness) (v) pakpatik dawn (v) saqirik dawn, at dawn (adv) aqabil day after tomorrow (n) kabij day before yesterday (n) kabijir day in sacred calendar (n) Aqabal day in the sacred calendar (n) Aj day in the sacred calendar (n) Ajmak day in the sacred calendar (n) Batz day in the sacred calendar (n) E day in the sacred calendar (n) Imox day in the sacred calendar (n) Iq day in the sacred calendar (n) Ix day in the sacred calendar (n) Junajpu day in the sacred calendar (n) Kat day in the sacred calendar (n) Kame day in the sacred calendar (n) Kan day in the sacred calendar (n) Kaweq day in the sacred calendar (n) Kej day in the sacred calendar (n) Noj day in the sacred calendar (n) Qanil day in the sacred calendar (n) Tijax day in the sacred calendar (n) Toj day in the sacred calendar (n) Tzi day in the sacred calendar (n) Tzikin day job (n) mokokil day laborer (n) ajchiqij Day of Rest (n) uxlanabal qij day, by day (adv) pa qij day, designated day (n) qeq ulew day, next day (adv) chukab qij day, same day (adv) junam qij day, sun (n) qij daykeeper (n) ajqij days, long days (n) nim u-pam qij dead (adj) kminaq dead person (n) kminaq deaf (adj) sor deaf (adj) tor deaf (adj) toy deaf [Toto] (adj) sor
death (n) kmikal death, image of death (n) kmpuch deathly ill, near death (person) (adj) qin debility (n) tuqar<il> debt (n) kas<aj> debt, large (n) nimalaj kasaj debt, old debt (n) nimalaj kasaj decay (body) (v) poqlajirik deceased, one who dies (n) kmel deceive (tv1) sub<u> deceive (v) kajisaj, ban -qul deceive (v) subuj deceiver (n) subunel deception (n) subunik declare (v) qalajisaj declared (adj) qalajisam decompose (v) qayik decorate (tv1) wiq<o> decorate (v) wiqik, wiqiqij decorated (adj) wiqom decorated (adj) wiqtal decoration (flowers in house) (n) wiqibal decorations (house for wedding) (n) etzbalil decrepit with age (adj) rijite dedicate self (v) jach -ib dedication (n) yakik deep (adj) cho deep (adj) cho -pam deep (adj) naj -pam deep well (n) pos deer (n) masat defeat (v) chkanik de-feather (tv1) boq<o> defecate (v) chulunik defective ear (n) yul xkinaj defend (v) chajij defend (v) kolonik defend self (v) to -ib defend someone (as a lawyer) (v) to -wi defender (n) kolonel defender (n) tol re deflate (ball) (v) sosobik deflate (v) yobtajik, yobyobik 191
deflated (adj) yobtajinaq deformed (adj) yojoyik deformed chicken (n) tux k degrain (corn from cob) (tv1) biq<o> degrain (like corn grains from cob) (tv-1) ket<o>, beq<o> degrain corn cob (v) ketenik Deity guardian of ancient customs, messenger (n) Mam Koxol deity who comprises powers of world and tradition (n) Dios Mundo delay (v) beyesaj delay someone (tv-1) bey<o> delay, cause to be delayed (v) beyetajisaj delicacies (n) jastaq re jiqol delicate (adj) ton delicious (adj) jelik ktijowik delicious (adj) ki deliciousness (n) kil delinquent (n) xkiaqat delinquent juvenile (n) itzel akal deliver (v) jach deliver (v) ya pa qab deltoid muscle of arm (n) -cho -qab deluge (n) nimalaj jb demand restitution (for corn eaten by stray animal) (v) cha demand return of something borrowed (v) ma demand, plead, court, promise (v) tzonoj demolish (v) qasaj, wulijik demon (headless horse) who lives in cemeteries (n) kiej maj u jolom demon (n) qoxtok demon, large black goat demon with fiery eyes (n) -ajaw chaqab demon, whispering demon (n) witzitzil demonstrate (tv1) kut<u> demonstration (n) kutbal dense (n) muchulik dent (v) yoq, wotzwobisaj dented (adj) wotzwobinaq dentist (n) ajware dentition (n) wareyaj
denude, uncover (v) sanaba departure (n) benam deplumed chicken (n) chanax depth (n) najil descend (v) qajik descend by foot (v) xulik descended (adj) qajinaq descendent (n) ijal<il> desert (n) kolibal ktzinowik deserving (adj) taqal ch-e deserving (adj) yatal che deserving of pity (adj) toqob -wch designate to do (v) chilbej designated day (n) qeq ulew desire (n) rayin desire (n) rayibal desire (v) rayij desolate (adj) tzinilik despise (v) kululaj dessert (n) kab destiny (n) chumilal destiny (n) -ech -qij destiny (n) -ech wi destroy, take down (v) wulij destroy, wreck (v) yoj, sach -wch, yojij destroyer (n) sachinel wchaj detach (tv1) koq<o> detach (v) kottajik detach something hard (boards from a house) (tv1) kok<o> developmentally disabled (adj) etzeltajinaq -jolom devil (n) itz devil (n) sachinel wchaj devil (n) xutx devil, evil (n) itzel devour hungrily (v) webej dew (n) rxqab dew at night (seen as unhealthy) (n) rxqab diabetes (n) ki chulaj diaper (n) chocho diaper (n) is diaper (n) sut diaper (n) -uq akal
diarrhea (n) ikow pamaj diarrhea (n) pomaj diarrhea (n) torotaj pomaj diarrhea, dysentary (bloody diarrhea) (n) kik pomaj dice (game) (n) sak dice (n) tzaqibal dictionary (n) mululik tzij die (v) kmik die of hunger (v) kmik che numik Diego (n) Tek difference (appearance or nature) (n) -okowbem -ib difference (n) jalbem -ib different (adj) jalajoj different (adj) jalan<ik> different (adj) man junam taj difficulty (n) toj dig (tv1) kot<o> dig below something (dog digging beneath wall) (v) rch<o> dig out (v) kotij dig up (v) kotij dig up dirt (v) lunik digger (n) kotonel digging, preparation of the fields for planting by digging (n) joxkim dignitary (n) ajpop diligence (n) sakajil diligent (adj) sakj diminish (v) chutinik diminutive (used with animals) (adj) kin dimly lit (v) moymotik dimple (n) yob diner (n) tijol dining room (n) waibal ja dinner, evening meal (n) waim re xqeqal dinnerware (n) laq Dios Mundo (n-esp) Tiox Mundo dip between furrows (n) -xol qet dip in thick liquid (tv1) tin<o> dip, sop (bread in honey) (tv1) tin<o> dipper, ladel (n) pak
direct (v) kam -be directional particle (part) wi directly (adv) jusuk directly (adv) kolom directly [Toto] (adv) sukum director (of a dance) (n) ajwch dirt (n) tzil<ol> dirt, body dirt (n) chiluj dirt, clod of dirt (n) kolokik ulew dirty (adj) tzil dirty (clothing) (adj) tzilobinaq dirty something (v) tzilobisaj dirty, has been made dirty (adj) tzilobtajinaq disabled person (n) chakoj disappearance (n) sachikal disarm (tv1) tur<u> disassebled, taken apart (car or machine) (adj) turtubinaq disassemble (tv1) tur<u> discarded (adj) punulik disciple (n) tijoxel disconnect (tv1) sol<o> discourse (n) tzij discover (v) etam chik discovered (adj) chanalik discovered (adj) riqtajinaq discuss (v) tzijonik disease on sheeps mouth (n) suq disemboweled (adj) pachom disentangle (tv1) sol<o> disgraced (adj) joxol disgusting (adj) xaoj -ilik disgusting (adj) xaojbal disgusting (adj) xababal disgusting (dog droppings, etc.) (adj) o disgusting (n) ajxin dish (n) laq dish of food accompanying tortillas (n) rikil dishes (n) chokonisan dishonor (a girl sexually) (v) eqlej dishonored (adj) joxol dishwater (n) chajbal dislike (v) ila 193
dislocate (v) salabataj dislocate (v) selebatajik dislocated or broken bone (n) qajinaq baq dismay (v) qajbej dismiss (tv1) jach ubik disobedient (adj) man -niman taj disobedient (adj) sal disobedient (child) (adj) tzi disobey (v) kululanik disorderly (adj) man ko taj -suk disorientation (n) sachbal ib disparage (v) xutuj disperse (v) tukij disperse impediments, to clear (clouds) (v) pakanik dispute (n) chojibal dissolve (salt, sugar in water) (v) jrik distaff (for holding wool in spinning) (n) qinobal distance (naj u-xol -- far away) (n) xol distance between places (n) xol distinct (adj) jalajoj distinct (adj) jalan<ik> distinct (adj) jule chik distinct (adj) xolotal<ik> distribute (land to sons) (v) jach distribute among (v) jach ch-wch distributes effect of verb on various objects (part) taq distributor (n) jachonel disturb (child in class) (v) xinik disturb (v) tukij ditch (n) kotom dive (v) nim -ib pa ja dive into water (v) puqij ubik -ib diversion (n) etzanem divide (tv1) tas<o> divide (v) toqkiej, jach, jach ubik divide up unevenly (inheritance) (v) jechba divide, to break in half (v) paij divided (adj) pirom divided (adj) tasalik divider (n) tasbal divination by stars (n) kajbalachil
divination by tzite beans (n) baraj punto divination, title for tzite beans used in divination (n) chak patan divine (v) chobonik divine with tzite beans (v) chobonik diviner (n) ajqij diviner (n) chobonel diviner apprentice (n) eqomal diviner specialist uses elegant prayers and Latin liturgy (n) ajbix diviner, "bone dresser"-- specialist diviner who treats bone problems (n) wiqol baq diviner, small idol used by diviners (n) alxik diviner, spiritualist (revered specialist diviner conducts seances) (n) ajnawal mesa divining bundle (tzite beans, crystals, etc.) (n) baraj divinity (n) teojil division (n) chob division (within a community over controversy) (n) tasow ib divorce (v) jach ubik divorce (xujach rib ruk ri rixoqil) (v) jach -ib -uk divulge (tv1) kut<u> divulge (v) esaj -tzijol dizziness (n) kulum dizziness (n) moxirik yabil dizziness (n) petibal wi dizzy, nausea (n) sutin<ik> -wch do (v) ban, banik do a favor (v) ban toqob do a second time (v) kamulij do good (v) utzinik do something in spare time (v) xolbej -qab do something little by little (v) wikiaj do something slothfully (v) saqorij do something with reluctance (work when cold) (tv1) key<o> do something with strength (v) kowij do something without direction (v) titobik do well (v) utzinik do witchcraft (v) itzinik dobsonfly (bad luck) (n) istzal 194
doctor (n) ajkun doctor (n) kunanel doctrine (n) chabal doer (n) banal doer (n) banol doesnt remember (v) man knataj t ch-e dog (n) tzi dog bite (n) qb dogfight (v) waqatij doing, act of doing (n) banowik doll (n) alas doll (n) poy doll, puppet (n) alas domesticated animal (n) awaj re u-wo ja dominate (v) kuin<ik> ch-e dominion (n) qab don, seor, sir (n) tat done (adj) banom done (adj) bantajinaq donkey (n) pur donkey (n-Span) bur doodle (tv1) juch<u> door (n) -chi ja door (n) okibal door (n) tzapibal door (n) tzapip double over (paper or cloth) (tv1) bus<u> double over (tv1) bot<o> double over (v) mej double vision (n) ilokab double-edged (machete) (adj) kieb -ware doubt (n) sachibal kux doubt (v) ban kieb -kux, kiebalaj, kiebalaj -kux, sach -kux doubtful (adj) kieb -kux doubtful (adj) ko dough, bread dough when it is ready to be baked (n) -kux kaxlan wa dough, corn dough (n) qor, qor re ixim dove (n) ixpumuy dove (n) palomx dove, rock dove (torcaza--paloma silvestre) (n) ut down (of bird) (n) puyul
down below (prep) ikim down, below (adv) qaj downhill grade (n) xulanik dozen (adj) kablajuj -aqan drafter, person who scribbles, draws lines (n) juchunel drag (see chararej) (v) chorej drag away (child who doesnt want to go) (v) charchatej ubik drag away (v) juruj drag feet from fatigue (v) chararej -aqn drag something (tv2) chararej drag yourself with one hand, seated (v) juqmayik drain (sore) (v) pujanik, pujaj drain (tv1) tor<o> drain, storm drain (n) tzujbal draw (machete) (v) jusij draw (v) esaj -wch ch-o wuj, esaj -kayibal draw (v) inchunik, juchunik draw blood (v) choqik draw near (v) qibik draw near to (v) qetetik draw on something (ri akal kujux u-wch ri xan) (tv1) jux -wch draw out a nail (v) torotobik drawer half open (adj) wakalik drawing (n) juch<unik> drawn upon (adj) juchum dread (n) xibrib dread (n) xibrikil dream (n) achik dream (n) ichik dream (v) achikaj, achikik, wachikik dream something (see also achikaj) (v) ichikaj, wachikaj dreamt (adj) wachikam dress (v) atziqij, koj atziaq dress lavishly (for festival) (v) wiq -ib, wiqiqik dress, change way of dressing (like a foreigner) (v) poysaj -ib dressed heavily (many layers) (adj) soposik dressed poorly (adj) yojoyik dressing (for wound) (n) yutbal
dribble (v) turuwik dried (fruit) (adj) yutut dried (leather, old cloth) (adj) wotot dried chile (n) chaqij ik dried fish (n) pup dried mucous (n) jut dried plant for cleaning (n) qux dried sap (n) wix dried tears (n) puruk drill (v) sutij drill, instrument which makes holes or drills (n) worol jul drink (n) juqub drink (v) kokjanik drink atole (v) ukiaj, ukianik drink contents of vessel in one draught (v) takmij drink fast (v) chobobej drink made of corn dough and cacao (n) qutuj drink slowly (liquids other than water) (v) qumuj drink something (v) ukiaj drink something thick (tv1) tab<o> drink thirstily (animal) (v) tzububej drink voraciously (animal only) (tv1) chob<o> drink, cold drink (n) jorn drink, food and drink, general term (n) wa ukia drink, hot drink (n) qor drip (v) tzuj, turuwik, tzutuwik, tzujuwik drip (water) (v) chetowik, chetetik drive (car) (v) binisaj drive someone crazy (v) moxirisaj drizzle (n) musmul drizzle (n) musmut jb drizzle (v) mususik, musmutik drool (n) qaxaj drop (n) juchut drop (n) jutzut drop (n) tzuj drop (v) tzaqik drop something (v) tzaq drop something on the ground breaking it (v) pojij droplet (n) tzet dropping (animal) (n) kis dropsy (n) sipojem
drown (v) jiqik, jiq drum (n) -ij chij drum (n) tun drum player (n) ajtunqul drum sound (n) tun drum, large drum (n) nim tum drum, small drum used in dances (n) laj tun drummer (n) ajqojom drunkard (n) qabarel drunkenness (n) qabarik drunkenness, fallen (from drunkenness) (adj) jalinik dry (adj) chaqij dry (v) tzajik, chaqijik, chaqijarik dry breast (n) km dry corn stalk (n) patzan dry cough (n) chaqij ojob dry out (v) wototik dry out by sun or fire (v) salik, sa dry season (n) saqij, saq qij dry something (v) chaqijarisaj, chaqijisaj, tzaj dry with a cloth (v) su dry, cracked skin (n) pak duck (n-esp) patx duck (v) wuqwutik, pachik, chaqik Duck, Baile del Pato (n) Yuqum jolom patax dug (adj) kotom dull (adj) qipin u wi dull (adj) xel u wi dumb (adj) mem dumb, not clever (n) ajmox dump out (v) belowik dung beetle (n) tuktul achaq dung fly (n) ixtuxutul achaq during (prep) pa during the day (n) pa qij dust (n) kajkaj ulew dust (n) poq dust (n) poqlaj dust (n) qajqaj ulew dust (v) su dust devil (n) sulkum dust off feet (v) tot kan ri ulew che ri -aqan 196
dust, rock dust (n) muchul abaj dusty (road) (adj) pukpuj dwarf (person, animal) (n) ponopik dwarfish (person) (adj) punupik dye (for thread) (n) qobal dye (n) tzajbal dye (thread) (tv1) qo dye (v) tzaj<o> dyed (adj) tzajom dyed (adj) tzajom dysentary (bloody diarrhea) (n) kik pomaj dysentary (n) kik pamaj each (adv) jujunal each one (adv) chkijujunal each one (adv) jujunal eagle (n) kot eagles, dancer who represents eagles in mythic dances (n) ajkot ear (n) xikin<aj> "ear armadillo" medicinal herb used to treat bone fracture (n) -xikin iboy ear of corn (dried) (n) jl ear of corn (ripe, undried) (n) j ear of corn with corn grains which are underdeveloped (n) tur ear of corn with few grains (n) matz ear of green corn (n) piqal, piq ear wax (n) -xoqolil -xikin, -achaq -xikin, -qolaj -xikin, -qolal -xikin ear, bad ear (n) yul xkinaj ear, defective ear (n) yul xkinaj ear, having only one ear (adj) sluy ear, missing one or two ears (adj) yul earache (n) toq xikin earlier today (adv) mier early (adj) atam early (adj) libaj chi early (adv) aqab early (adv) atam early (adv) chanim early in the morning (adv) bajchi early in the morning (adv) nim aqab early in the morning (adv) nimaqab
early morning (n) aqb earn (v) chelanik earn (wages) (v) chek earn a living (v) tzuqbej -ib earring (n) -wi xikin earth (n) ulew earth shakes from thunder (v) tininik earth tremor (n) yikiyot, kabraqan earth, fertile or moist (soil) (adj) quq earth, hard earth (n) ixim ulew earth, loose earth (n) poqlaj earth, red earth (n) kiq ulew earthen wall (n-Esp) tapia earthquake (n) kab raqan earthquake (n) kabraqan earthquake sound (v) worqotik earthworm (n) -unum ulew earwig insect (n) qipinel, tuxer awaj easily frightened (adj) xibrib east ("its coming out sun") (assoc. present or future) (n) relibal qij east (n) urox xkut ri kaj Easter (n) Loqalaj Qij easy (adj) katan -banik easy (adj) man kx taj eat (v) tijik, waik eat delicately (like rabbit) (v) mutzmutik eat leaves of plant (chicken to corn plant) (tv1) tul<u> eat leaves of stem leaving it barren (animal) (v) tultutej eat plants (rabbit or other animal) (v) michmitik eat something (tv1) tij<o> eat something (v) webaj eaten (adj) tijom eater (n) tijol eater, picky eater (adj) nich che ri -wa eating place (n) woqibal eating, the act of eating (n) tijbem, tijbem ebony tree (n) -aqan kuch echo (n) -tun -tzij echo (v) tzalij u wch -tzij, xojoj -tzij, chojlinik eclipse (n) wch toyom 197
eclipse, solar (n) xkm qij, km qij eczema (n) sal, tux edge (blade) (n) -pu chi edge (knife) (n) ware<aj> edge (n) tzam edge (table) (n) chi<aj> edge eyelid (n) puq -baqwch edge of town (n) tzan ja edge or tip of a hoe (n) -aqn rasrn edible (adj) ktijik edible green (n) uqab edible green leaf (n) ichj edible shoots of the chayote (n) kixtan educated (adj) nim -etamabal effervesce (v) wososik egg (n) saqmol egg white (n) -saqil saqmol egg, colored (n) tziltzoj egg, spotted egg (n) chumil r-ij egotistical (adj) xuy eight (num) wajxaqib eight hundred (num) lajujmuch eighteen (n) wajxaqlajuj eighteenth (num) uwajxaqlajuj eighth (adj) uwajxaq eighty (lit. "one total") (n) jumuch ejote (n) tzakoy elastic (adj) achiy elbow (n) chuk elbow blow (n) tok elbow, blow with an elbow (n) chukaj elder tree (n) tzaloj che elder tree (sauce) (n) tzoloj che elder, old man (n) tata, nima winaq elder, old person (n) rij winaq elders, community elders (permanent office) who choose auxiliary officers (n) ajawab elders, respected elders of community (n) kamal be elected (adj) chaom elected (adj) kojom elected (adj) tzukum electricity (n) qaqil
Elena (n) Auen elephant (n) r-aqn tix elephant ear plant (n) -xikin tix elevated, high (n) naj aqaninaq eleven (n) julajuj eloquence (n) utzalaj bixik eloquent (adj) utzalaj -bixik emaciated (adj) qitajnaq, nom embarassment (n) kix, kixbal embellish (v) wiqiqij embers, fan embers (v) xutij embers, hot coals (n) -achaq qaq embrace (parents) (v) laqpuj embrace (v) matzej embrace (v) qalunik, qaluj embrace, to hug (lovers) (v) takej -ib embraced (adj) qalum embroider (tv1) qo embroidered gipil (n) qom pot embroidery (n) qooj emerald (n) kual employment, to offer a job or help (v) chij empower (v) ya chuqab empty (adj) jamal -wch empty (adj) man ko taj -pam empty (adj) tolonik empty (field for house, land for a trail) (v) paq empty (house, bath) (adj) jamalik empty (house, market, city) (adj) tzinilik empty (liquid from container) (tv1) yuj<u> empty (liquid) (v) yujunik empty (of things) (tv1) jam<o> empty [Toto] (adj) maj -pam empty something (v) esaj -wch encino tree (evergreen oak) (n) baqit encircle (v) sutij -ij encircled (adj) sutim -ij encounter (v) riq, kulik encounter illness, pain, trouble (v) riq kax encourage (v) kikotisaj -anima, ya chuqab end (meeting) (n) totajem end (n) kisbal<il> end (n) kisik 198
end (n) kistajik end (v) kisik end of the year (n) -kisbal ri junab end something (tv1) kis<o> endure (v) chij enduring, for a long time (adv) naj enemy (n) xibal<axel>, kulel "great enemy" (Mam as sender of illness, punishment) (n) Nimalaj Kulel energetic (adj) kqt engender (v) kojolaj engender children (man) (v) alkualaj engrave (v) ban -palaj engulf with size (such as heavy load covers carrier) (v) lujujik enjoy (v) kikot ch-e enjoy hearing something (v) jel -to enjoy seeing something (v) jel -il<o> enlarge (v) nimarisaj, bonbik, nimarik enmesh (tv1) xol<o> enough (adv) xuwi la ensure, to affirm (v) jikibanik enter (v) ok, okik entering house, said when entering house (con permiso) (exp) tar entice (v) taqchij entrance (act of entering) (n) okem entrance (n) okibal, okbal entrust something to someone (v) oqxanij entrust something with someone (v) oqxanij -uk entrusted something entrusted (n) oqxan envious or jealous person (n) ajtititel envy (n) kisiyal, kiqrenik envy (v) kiqrayij envy someone (v) kiqwachij, kiqrej epilepsy (n) itzel kiaqiq, nimalaj kaqiq equal (adj) junam equinox (n) tzaqat qij equivalent (adj) junam, junam -uk erase (tv1) chup<u> erased (adj) josom -ij erect (tv1) yak<o> errand (mandado) (n) tajkil
errand (n) taqkil erroneous, in error (adj) sachinaq erupt (v) xawik, xawaj qaq erupt (volcano-- xuporoj rib ri juyub) (v) poroj -ib escape (v) toqij -ib, anej ch-wch, totaj escape, flee, steal away (v) el chi aqan esophagus (n) tunaq<aj>, tutu espiritista, one who consults spirits, good witch (n) ajmes esteemed (adj) loqalaj estimate (v) na eternal (adj) junalik eternity (n) chbe qij saq eunuch (n) tzeq euphemism for body (n) juyubal evaporate (v) tzajik even though (adv) puch even though (conj) pune even though not (adv) punemna evening meal (n) waim re xqeqal evenly cut (bushes or trees) (adj) setom evergreen oak (encina) (n) wit, skel, ponopik, kowilaj che, rx che every day (adv) ronojel qij every month (adv) pa taq ik, ronojel ik every once in a while (Jun taq pa kinbe pa ri tinimit) (adv) jun taq pa every once in a while (tajin wi kinbek--I go once in a while) (adv) tajin wi every time (adv) -onojel mul evident (adj) qalaj evil (adj) itzel evil (n) etzelal evil doer (n) banal kx evil doer (n) banol kax, banal etzelal evil eye (n) -baq winaq, kuxum, -wi winaq, -wa winaq evil spell (n) itzinik evil spirit (n) xibinel evil witch (n) muqunel evil, devil (n) itzel exact (adj) tzaqat exacting (adj) chetet 199
exaggerate (v) ya -wi ri ktzijonik, chaqi -ya -wi examine (v) nikoj example (n) kutbal, kambal be example (which teaches something) (n) kambal noj exceed beyond (tv1) jal<o> excess (n) tzabel, chibal, chaqat exchange (v) kej, jalwchij exchanged (adj) jalwchim excrement (human, animal) (n) achaq<aj> excrement (n) kis excuse (n) esabal kib execute by hanging (v) jitzaj exhaustion (n) kosik exhibit (n) kayem exhort (v) bochij exist (v) kolik existence (n) kolem exotic plant (n) ula che expend (v) sach expense (n) sachom expensive (adj) paqal -ajil expensive (adj) paqalik expensive, costly (adj) paqalik experience (v) riq noj expert (adj) sibalaj -etam explain (v) chob explain (v) qalajisaj, qalajisaj jas u suk explode (firecracker, bomb) (v) poqik explode something (v) poqisaj explosion (n) poqik expression of doubt or repugnance (exc) chix extend (cloth), stretch (v) lik -wch extend (v) riprobik, yuq extended (adj) yuqum extensive (adj) likilik extensive (land owned by someone) (adj) ritirik extinguish (tv1) chup<u> extra (xuya jubiq u wi ri ixim--he gave a little extra corn) (n) wi exudate (n) pus eye (n) wch<aj>, baqwch, boqwch, boqch
eye infection (n) puch eye, corner of eye, nook (n) jutz eye, evil eye (n) -baq winaq, kuxum, -wi winaq, -wa winaq eye, one-eyed (adj) potz, tzoq eye, sickness of the eye (n) yabwch eye, wall-eyed (leucoma of cornea) so has clouded eye (adj) por -baqwch eyebrow (n) metz, -ismal -boqach eyecolor other than brown (n) mex eyelash (n) -ismal -boqach, -ismal rij -boqach eyelid (n) -ij boqch eyelid, edge eyelid (n) puq -baqwch eyes, have blue eyes (v) qapow -boqwch fabric or clothing left unfolded (adj) patzalik fabricate (v) tzaq, abanik fabricator, one who fashions or fabricates (n) tzaqol face (n) wch<aj>, palaj<aj> face of the earth (n) uwchulew face of the sky (n) -wo kaj face to face (adv) wchaj cho wchaj face up, be face up (v) pakik facial wrinkle (n) chukursal -palaj facing (prep) ch-wch fade (beauty of woman) (v) bayij fade (color when washed) (v) qo -ib fade (v) qayaj fail at something (v) ban itzel ch-e fail to occur (wedding) (v) yojinik faint (n) petibal wi faint (v) chukuchubik faint from exhaustion (v) tuqarik fair (n) mex faith (n) kojonik, kojobal faithful (adj) tzaqat, jik faithful (n) jikanel faithful person (n) kojonel faithful, have faith in something (adj) kul -kux fake (v) juluj fakial sore (from poor hygiene) (n) salpich fall (v) qajik fall (v) tzaqik
fall across something (v) qeba fall apart (v) yojinik fall apart (v) yojtajik, waqlajik fall apart from over cooking (vegetables) (v) lubik fall asleep (foot) (v) sikirik fall down (v) wolqotila -ib fall down, collapse (badly built wall) (v) wilijik fall down, collapse (wall, building) (v) tilitob uloq fall first drops of rain (v) maklajik ri jb fall in love with (v) bochij fall off (v) el ubik fall off (wheel from cart) (v) jolkiej fall on top of something (v) qajbej fall to pieces, crumble (v) muchmubik fall, be shaken off (dandruff, scales, down, chaff, dust) (v) tototik fall, collapse (building, wall) (v) tilitobik fallen (adj) qajinaq fallen (from drunkenness) (adj) jalinik fallen (something large and cylindrical like a log) (adj) jilinik fallen over (tree in road) (adj) qelik fallen to pieces (adj) muchmubinaq fallen to pieces (adj) muchum fallen, knocked down (adj) tzaqinaq falling (n) qabarik falling meteor (n) sutz kumatz falling star (n) -achaq chimil false (adj) poysaj, jalum, man ko taj -cholaj, lawalo falsehood (n) jalum family (n) achalaxik, chinamit, ja winaq, aj uwo -achoch family (of woman) (n) -wil family member (n) alaxik, achalal famine (n) wijal famous (adj) etamatal -wch fan (n) xutibal, turbal fan (v) turij fan embers (v) xutij fan for fire (n) xutibal qaq fang (n) nim -ware far, distance (naj u-xol -- far away) (n) xol
far, far away (adj) naj farmer (n) tajinel, tikonel farmer peasant (n) ajpajuyub farmer, livestock farmer (v) tikol awaj farmer, one who works fields in hills (n) ajpajuyub farm-hand, laborer (n) tajinel fashion (v) tzaq fast (dont eat, ayuno) (n) wemjik fast (n) awamajik fast (v) mawanik fast ritually (v) mewaik fast, as a clock, or a person ahead of a group (adj) nabejinaq fastidious (adj) nich, kich fat (adj) chom, chq<aj>, punupik fat (animal) (adj) juponaj fat (babys hand) (adj) sorosik fat (n) cham fat (something small like a baby) (adj) bun fat and naked (adj) sanalik fat, big (person) (adj) jusanaj fat, from an animal (n) xepoyil fat, thick (adj) tebotiq fat, very fat (adj) jilijik, sanasik fate (n) -ech -qij, -ech wi, chumilal fate or luck (n) -wch -qij father (n) qajaw father (n) tat father (non-possessed form) (n) tat<axel> father or mother-in-law of a man (n) ji<axel> father-in-law of a female (n) alib<axel> tata father-in-law of a man (n) ji<axel> achi father-in-law of a man (n) ji<axel> tata fatness (n) qonqotem, chomal fatten (animal) (v) qobisaj fatten (v) chqajisaj, chamarisaj, chqajik fatten something (animal) (v) chomirisaj fatty (meat) (adj) qn fault (n) mak<aj> favor (n) utzil, toqob favored (adj) loq favorite (adj) mas -qaj ch-wch, loq ch-wch fear (n) xibrib, xim ib, xibrikil, xibinem
fear (v) xej -ib fear, be afraid (v) na -ib, xij -ib fearful person, scaredy-cat (adj) xibrib feather (n) xik feathers (n) ismal<aj> fed, well-fed (animal) (adj) xinixik, xirxik fee, license fee (n) tojbal feed (v) tzuqik, tzuq feed self (v) tzuq -ib feeder (n) tzuqunel feeding (n) tzuqik feeding trough (for animals) (n) echabal feeding trough (for animals) (n) jukub feel better (v) nimajik feel deeply about (v) salabaj -anima feel shame (v) kixik feel, to taste (v) na feeling (n-Span) anima feet (tiny, as of baby) (n) pich fell (v) pulinik fellow countryman (n) qa winaq fellow-man (n) -ach winaq felt (adj) naom female confraternity leader (wears veils and burns incense) (n) chuchuxel female gender indicator (animals) (n) atit female indicator (n) ixtux female quetzal (n) ati quq feral, non-domesticated (adj) juyubal ferment (liquor) (v) qobik ferment (v) mulik, chmirik fertile (animals or people) (adj) alanel fertile (earth) (adj) qobisam fertile or moist (soil) (adj) quq fertilize (fields) (v) ya mes, mesonik fertilize (ground) (v) mesaj fertilize (v) mesoj, chobresaj, koj mes fertilizer (n) mes festival (n) nima qij fever (n) katn fever (n) qaq feverish (adj) katn ch-ij, qaq ch-ij few (adj) jujun
few days (n) kieb oxib qij, qatatal qij, kieb oxib qij fiance (male) (n) ji tz fiance (n) ala bochinel, ali bochitalik, ali chabem, ali -bochim, kulanem fiance, intended husband (n) ala bochinel fiber of maguey (n) saq ki fickle (adj) karasej fidget (as baby in crib) (v) tulkuik field mouse (n) saq cho fiesta (n) ulanem fifteen (n) olajuj fifteenth (num) rolajuj fifth (adj) uro fifth (num) ro fifty (n) nikaj cient fig (n) wikox fig tree (n) azete fig, cochineal (n) nochti fight (n) chojibal, oyowal fight (v) chojinik fight against (v) qatej fight bull (v) tzuruw ri wakax fight over something (v) chojij, tubij -ib puwi fight to do something (v) tij -qij, tij -chuqab fight, dogfight (v) waqatij fight, viciously (v) waqaqik fighter (n) chojinel file (n) ware<aj> fill (v) bitz, nojik fill by submerging vessel (in water to fill it) (v) julqupij fill completely (tv1) tok<o> fill holes in adobe wall with mud (tv1) tzaq xoqol pa ri jul cho ri xan fill in (v) tzekij fill one vessel from another vessel (tv2) bilij fill out (v) seteik fill something (v) nojisaj fill something well (net or bag) (v) xininej fill something with liquid (v) pulij fill vessel by submerging it (v) puluj filled (adj) xinixik, nojinaq 202
filter, percolate (v) buxlunijik filth (n) tzil<ol> filthy (adj) o, xaoj -ilik, xaojbal filthy (clothing or person) (adj) pej fin, fish fin (n) xik re kr final (adj) kisbal, kisik find (v) riq find ones self (in a new place) (v) kam -wch find self in trouble or danger (v) ya -ib pa kx find shade (v) mujanik fine (adj) nij fine (n) tojbal mak, jae fine (writing ability, etc.) (v) machachik fine consistency (adj) kok fine cord (n) ka m fine corn flour (n) kj finely ground (adj) kok finger (n) -wi -qab finger (v) ramij finger, little (n) chip -qab, ukaj alkualaxel, chip kaqab finger, middle finger (n) ukab alkualaxel finger, pinky (n) chip -qab finger, ring finger (n) urox alkualaxel finicky (adj) chil, ich, nich finicky eater (adj) nich che ri -wa finish (a term in office or jail term) (v) sukubij finish (n) kisbal<il> finish (v) kisik finish (v) totajik finish something (tv1) kis<o> finished (adj) bantajinaq, kisinaq finished eating (adj) tijom fire (destructive) (n) katik fire (n) porom, qaq fire someone (from job) (v) esj <u>bik fire someone (tv1) jach ubik fire sound (n) poroj fire, blaze of fire (n) -reb qaq fire, burning place (n) porobal fire, flame (r-ep qaq-- flame of fire) (n) ep fire, place for fire (n) nukbal qaq fire, place where trash burned (n) porobal
firecracker (n) ak firecracker, bombs used by the Catholics (n) aj firefly (n) lem, qaq chikop, kukuy, chum qaq, qaq<al> chikop firewood (n) si firm (adj) ko firmly fixed or planted (adj) tikilik firmly founded (city amidst mountains) (adj) chakalik firmly set (adj) chakalik firmly set a day for something (v) chik -qijol first (adj) nabe first appear (rays of sun in morning) (v) natatik first appear rays of sun (v) natat uloq ri u tun ri qij first days of summer (n) ajsikil saqil first grinding of corn (tv1) chaq<o> first ranked Mam (Year Bearer) (n) Kej first weeding (cornfield) (n) nabe chak firstborn (n) nabeal firstborn daughter (n) nabeal -mial firstly (adv) nabe fish (n) kr fish (v) chap kr, krinik fish fin (n) xik re kr fish hook (n) chok fish little (n) chu fish net (n) kat chapbal kr, chapbal kr fish, dried fish (n) pup fish, minnow (n) chu, say fish, small fish from the coast (n) say fisherman (n) chapal kr fisherman, one who fishes (n) chapal kr fishing pole (n) chapbal kr fishy smell (n) xexal fissure (n) qatqik fist (n) kolaj -qab fist blow (n) tok fistful (n) jumuq<aj>, juloch fistfull (food for someone or something) (n) jutzobaj fit, well-fitting (coat) (adj) taqal ch-e five (num) job five children (n) okal 203
five days ago (adv) ojbir five totals (n) omuch fix (v) ban utz ch-e fix own food (v) tzuq -ib fix something (v) ban -banik fixed firmly or planted (adj) tikilik fixed in memory (adj) nakal<ik> pa -jolom fizz (v) wososik flaccid (adj) poyopik flame (r-ep qaq-- flame of fire) (n) ep flare up (n) -reb qaq flash on and off (v) yupnajik saqil flat (as in land) (adj) likanik flat (land) (adj) taqaj, lilik, lianik flat (land, table) (adj) likilik flat (tray or plate) (adj) lapalik flat stones (used for washing clothes by river) (n) tzalam abaj flat, laying flat (board on ground) (adj) peranik flat-nosed (n) tzaratzik -tzam flatten (v) qajbej, xuklej, lilobisaj flatten out something with a heavy object (v) ripolobik flattened (hat when sat on) (adj) patz flattened from blow or being trampled (trampled wheat) (adj) potzpobinaq flautist (n) ajxul, ajelbal, ajsu flavor (n) kial flea (n) kiaq flee (v) anejik flee (v) nimajik flee before (v) animaj ch-wch flee, run away (v) animajik flee, to escape, to steal away (v) el chi aqan flesh (n) tiojil, tijal, tij flex, bend (flexible object when suspended-basket, pole) (v) lutuwik flicker (v) yubyutik, yupuyutik flight (n) rapapem, rapinem flint (n) wux, tok, chay, wux abaj flirt (n) tzurunel, saramuy flirt (v) tzurunik, tzuj -ib flirt, one who flirts (n) tzujul rib
float (v) seyowik, binik p-wi ri ja flock (n) jupuq flock of sheep (n) jumulaj chij flood (n) -wo ja, peqabala, nima butik, bulqat ja flood (v) nojik flood of tears (n) oqej floor (kieb u-wiq we ja ri--this house has two floors) (n) wiq floor (n) takalibal, -pa ja flop (v) luqulik flop about (because too large) (v) roqnajik floppy (dogs ears) (adj) luqulik flor de milpa (corn flower) (n) witzik flor granate amarillo (n) chilip florid (persons face) (adj) kiq woywoj flow (manar) (v) bulijik flow in stream under pressure (water from pipe) (v) toxoxik flow slowly (large river) (v) bilbitik flower (n) kotzij, kotzijal flower (v) kotzijik flower bud (n) -boxonil kotzij flower decoration (flowers in house) (n) wiqibal flower garden (n) xoral, kotzijbal, tikbal kotzij flower nectar (n) -kab kotzij flower petal (n) -xaq kotzij, kotzijal flower, dahlia flower (n) tuney flower, flor granate amarillo (n) chilip flower, gladiola flower (n) tzalon flower, wild marigold (flor de muerto) (n) parutz flowers, bundle of wound flowers used when asking hand of girl (n) botzoj flowers, white shrub flowers used medicinally (n) -chachal be flowing water sound (v) roqobala flute (n) xul flute, bone flute (n) chaw baq flute, chirimia flute (n) su flute, Indian flute (chirima) (n) chaw flutist (n) ajxul, ajelbal, ajsu flutter (heart) (v) yupnajik fly (n) amolo, amalo 204
fly (v) rapapik, xikinik, rapinik, ripipik, xikikik fly high in sky (bird) (v) paqi chikaj fly like a butterfly (v) raparatik fly, crane fly (madre de la culebra) (n) ij fly, crane fly (n) xam fly, dung fly (n) ixtuxutul achaq fly, firefly (n) lem, qaq chikop, kukuy, chum qaq, qaq<al> chikop fly, sand fly (n) okonel kiaq fly, small fly believed to contain the souls of ancestors (n) natup fly, tbano (horsefly that bites horses) (n) ixkatz foam (as in rabid dog) (n) wususik foam (drink or food) (n) puluw foam (soap) (v) woqowik foam (v) puluwik foam, suds (soap) (n) woqow fog (n) sutz, sutz u-wchulew, mayul fold (n) jumulaj chij, jupuq fold (tv1) bot<o>, bus<u> fold (v) mej fold arms (v) qaluj -qab fold hands (v) xim -qab folded (adj) busulik, busum folded in two (blanket) (adj) kieb -wch folded, twisted, bent (adj) lukulik folds (n) lichilik foliage (n) yojax follow (v) kulmatjik, terenik, terenej follow a certain path (v) chap -be follow behind (v) terik follow someone (v) qatej follow someone (v) terembej follow someone without permission (v) nakinik follower (n) terenel follower, one who follows (n) terenel fondle, to rub, to stroke gently (head of baby) (v) malama fontanelle, soft spot on babys head (n) jaj food (animal) (n) echa food (corn or in general) (n) wa food (n) tzuqubal food (possessive form) (n) -webal
food and drink, general term (n) wa ukia food given to visiting guests at wedding or other occasion (n) ulabal food of the gods (n) boron food, careful about food (adj) chil food, non-corn (n) rikil fool (n) nakanik fool around (v) xaqenik foolish (adj) tzi foolishness (n) konil foot, leg, step (nabe r-aqan ri ne-babys first step) (n) aqn<aj> footed bowl (n) ixkuril footfalls, sound of walking (v) poknaj -xjb footpath (n) chutin be, alaj be, -qab be footprint (n) -etal -aqn footprints (n) -kolibal -aqan footsteps sound (v) kojnojik u pa raqan footsteps sound on hard surface (v) tanlajik for (prep) ch-e<ch> for (prep) -ech for (prep) -umal -ech for a long time (adv) naj for that reason (adv) xa ba cha forage (n) qayes forbidden (adj) man ku-ya taj force (n) chuqab force into (v) titz force, cram into (v) min force, send, commant, compel to do something (v) taq forehead (n) -krusil ri -palaj forehead (n) -tzalamal -palaj forehead (n) -tzalam palaj foreign (adj) kxlan foreigner (n) ajbeil, jule winaq, ula winaq foreigner (n) kxlan winaq forest (n) kachelaj, kechelaj forest, land dedicated for wood (n) siwabal forever (adv) amaqel forever (n) chbe qij saq forget (v) sach forget (v) sach ch-e <pa -jolom>, sach pa -jolom 205
forgetful in tasks (adj) kminaq forgetful person (n) mox forgets, doesnt remember (v) man knataj t ch-e forgive (tv1) kuy<u> forgive (v) kuy -mak, sach -mak forgiveness (n) sachbal mak, kuyubal mak fork (branch of tree) (n) xat fork of tree (n) -xatil che forked pole (to prop branch, a symbol of man) (n) kab che form (tv1) wok<o> form a dust cloud (v) pukinik ulew form principles (v) jeqbej fornicate (v) riq -ib fortify (v) kowirik fortunate (adj) utz -e<ch> fortune (u-kux puaq) (n) -kux puaq fortune teller (n) ajkajbalach forty (n) kawinaq foul smelling (adj) xex found (adj) riqtajinaq, riqom foundation (n) tikilibal, -xe ja founded firmly (city amidst mountains) (adj) chakalik fountain (n) relibal ja fountain of water (n) bulbux four (num) kajb, kiejeb four totals (n) kajmuch fourteen (n) kajlajuj fourteenth (adj) ukajlajuj fourth (adj) ukaj fourth ranked Mam (n) Iq fourth time (adv) kajmul fox (n) yak, atit par fracture (bone), break (v) qajik fractured (adj) qajinaq fragrance (perfume, rain) (n) kok<al> fragrant (adj) kok fragrant chile (n-esp) chiltep Francisco (n) Sis frankly (adv) qalaj fray (pants with wear) (tv2) lej
fray (rope or stalk) (tv1) laj<o> freckle (n) ak <-palaj> freckles (n) ek, xok qeq -palaj free (adj) man tojotal taj, jamalik, sipam free (from jail) (tv1) tor<o> free (horse in meadow) (adj) tzoqopitalik free, without cost (adj) man tojotal taj, sipam freeway (n) nim be freewill (n) ajawam freeze (v) kowirik r-umal tew frenzy (n) chuj frequently (adv) amaqel fresh (adj) joror<ik> freshness, coolness, something refreshing (n) jororik fried (n) bolom friend (n) achil, loq achi friendly (adj) kamel fright (n) xibin ib frighten (v) xibinik, xibij frightened (adj) xiribib frightened, easily frightened (adj) xibrib frightening (adj) xibibal frightening, something which is frightening (n) xibibal frijol colorado (n) piley kinaq fringe (edge of cloth) (n) chiy, chiyichik fringe (on edge of shawl) (n) kiykik frog (n) ixtutz, tikoy from (prep) ch-e<ch> from (prep) -e<ch> from (prep) pa from afar (adv) naj from now on (adv) kamik ka che junalik from there (adv) ajchila from way over there (adv) ajchila front of a thigh (n) -wowa -aqan frost (n) tew, abj tew, saq tew frown (bis nu-wch) (v) bis -wch frozen (adj) ja tew fruit (n) wchinik fruit (n-esp) pruta fruit of a tree (v) -wch che
fruit of the saguaro (pitahaya) (n) takrabaj fry (egg) (v) polij fry (meat) (v) kilij fry (plantains or elote) (v) bol<o> fry (v) chititij, wolqitila frying pan (n) kukub frying pan (n-esp) xoltin frypan for frying chile (n) kilibal ik fulfill (v) tzaqatisaj fulfill, to complete (v) tzaqatik full (adj) nojik, nojinaq full moon (n) tikilik ri ik, nojinaq ik full, stuffed full (bag, net of corn) (adj) xaqaxik fundamental (n) jeqbal funeral (n) muqnajik funny (adj) kachik funny, very funny joke (n) puk sibalaj tzebal fur (n) ismal<aj> furrow (land) (n) bolaj furrow (n) umul, mul, kotom fury (n) chuj fussy (about dress) (adj) chetet fuzz (peach, person) (n) puy fuzz ball (from blanket, wool kloth) (n) slot<il> fuzzy caterpillar (n) ixqayichj gain (v) chek gain (v) chekik gall (n) ka gall bladder (n) ka gallina ciega (animalito eats rotten tree stumps) (n) ikan gallina espinuda (n) chinchin ec, chil ek gallop (v) xikinik game (n) etzanem game of the bull (n) tzuruj game with rubber ball (n) kik tzenem gangrene (n) chq gaping (adj) kabal -chi<aj> gaping (mouth) (adj) kabakik garbage (n) mes garbanzo bean (n) karawan garden (n) tikonijibal garden, cultivated (n) xoral
garden, flower garden (n) xoral, kotzijbal, tikbal kotzij garden, patch of ground reserved for garden (wheat, flowers, vegetables) (n) lochoj gardener (n) chajil kotzij, chajal kotzij garlic (n) axux garlic, string of garlic hung on wall (n) akan gas (body) (n) sutz gateway (n) -chi be gather (firewood) (tv1) kal<o> gather (tv1) mol<o> gather (v) molotaj, sikoj, mulij, mululik, sikik gather fallen things w/ fingers (v) sik gather together (tv1) kuch<u> gather together (tv1) mol<o> gather together (v) mulanik, mulij -ib gather together and tie up (wheat, etc.) (tv1) yat<o> gather together, sew up (v) yuchuj gather up dough (tv1) yoq<o> gathered (adj) molotaj, sikom gathers (n) lichilik gavilansillo (n) wiswil gelatinize (v) jajotik, jajoj general term for food and drink (n) wa ukia generation (n) ijal<il> generous (not puffed up) (adj) man nim t -kux generous person (n) sipanel genitals, polite term (n) awas gentleman (n) tata gently (wind blowing) (adv) nojim gestures or hand signals (used when cant speak) (n) memal get a rash (v) poparik get angry (v) oyowarik get better (v) utzirik get blisters (v) poqik get blisters on feet (v) poq -aqan get body odor (v) xexanik get close (v) naqajinik get cold (liquid) (v) bajajik get cramp in leg (v) kam kumtz ri -aqan get dark (v) ok aqab 207
get dirty (v) tzilonik get dizzy (from sun, fear) (v) pe<tik> -wch get dizzy (v) sututik get dressed up (v) patzik get drunk (v) qabarik get fat (v) bosbotik get fat (v) qobik get free (cow from fenced area) (v) tzoqopitajik get goosebumps (v) muxirik -baqil, sililik get grimy (v) xaqij get grimy (v) xaqirisaj get hemorrhoids (v) sipojik -xut get hot (v) katnirik get late (v) najtin ri qij, be qij get light (day when sun rises) (v) muqmutik get lost (v) jal -be get mixed up in something (that shouldnt) (v) titz -ib xol get mud on something (v) xoqolij get naked (v) chanataj get out of (rain) (v) totaj get out of bed, throw self (out of bed) (v) kq <u>loq -ib get ready (v) kolomaj -ib get ready (v) sukumaj -ib get red from bite (or eyes from crying) (v) kiqmomoj get revenge (v) ya -kexel get revenge for (v) tzelej -wch get sharp pain (as tooth when drink cold) (v) yuqukik get sick, become ill (v) qaj pa yabilal, yawajik get soaked (from rain) (v) mamatik get stuck (v) jatek get tangled up (sheep in thicket) (v) ralij -ib get together (to do something) (v) kikuch u-banik get twisted (v) jechnajik get up (v) walajik get up early (v) walijik get up slowly (v) wakakik get wet (v) chaqik get wormy (corn) (v) pokirik get worse (v) nimatajik
get wrinkled (v) bachuyirik getting up (after being ill) (v) walijik ghost (n) subunel, xibinel, busunel, muj giblets (n) cholom sikil giblets (usually referring to beef) (n) -pam tij gift (n) sipanik, sipabal gift from girlfriend or boyfriend (n) oqbal gift given before asking for something (n) tabal toqob gift given to obtain the favor of a person (n) chababal gift of food at festival time (n) sipbal ginger (jengibre) (n-esp) xinxipre girl friend (n) sijuan, xinul girl ready for marriage, ripeness (n) qnal girl who always walks with friends (n) wakatel girl, little girl when can walk (3-8) (n) nuy give (v) ya give a hard time (v) yoqik give a large crop (v) sibalaj -wchinik ri tikon give a shot (v) chuq<u> give abundantly (blessings or food) (v) tojojej give an account (v) ajilaj give an account (v) tzijonik give an angry look at someone (v) ban -palaj ch-e give an illness (v) sipaj -ib give as a gift (v) sipaj give authority (v) koj -eqlen give back (v) tzelej give birth (animals or people) (v) alanik give birth to a child (v) alaj, il -wch jun ne give credit (v) ya kasaj give fruit (v) wchinik give fruit abundantly (crop) (v) wchinik ri tikon give in excess (v) tzabej give permission (v) ya -qij give respect (v) nimaj give shade to something (v) mujaj give something reluctantly or with stinginess (v) kam -ij give something stingily (food to workers) (v) keketej, ketetej give sparingly (food to hired laborers) (v) kamej 208
rij give stingily (v) xuyaj give thanks (v) kamowaj give up (v) esaj -ib ch-e give water to (v) jaaj give with promise of replacement (tv1) jal<o> given (adj) yatal<ik>, sipam giver (n) yanel, yaxel gizzard (n) pitzkiy gizzard (of bird) (n) ptzkiy gladiola flower (n) tzalon glare (silver, glass) (v) reqapunik glare, stare without listening (v) tabatik glass (n) ukiabal, bukul, sel glass, piece of broken glass (n) cha glasses (n) ilbal glitter (v) yamanik globe (n) sirisik glorify (v) juluwirisaj glory (n) juluwem glue (n) nakbal glue (v) nak<o>, nakaba glue something (v) nakba, nak<o> glued (adj) nakom, nakalik glutton (n) jiq gnash (teeth) (v) quchuchej gnat (n) s gnaw (v) kux, kuxkatik, kuluka gnaw off (bits from something hard with teeth) (v) qul<u> gnaw on (animal on cloth or leather) (v) quch<u> gnaw on (rat on corn) (tv1) kux<u> go (iv) bek go (Totonicapn) (v) ek go about naked (v) chanchatik go about spying (v) yakunik go across (v) qebaj go and (jaloqo-- go and buy or jawila-- go and see) (v) jgo and (jaya- go and give) (v) jago and get something (v) jok<o> go away (v) el ubik go away you all! (phrase) jix
go away you! go! (phrase) jat go beyond (v) xalqatij go down (away from the speaker) (v) qaj ubik go down (by foot from a mountain) (v) xulik go down (v) qajik go down (v) xulanik go fast (bus) (v) jukukik go fast (v) anik go first (v) nabejik go hurriedly (v) be anim go in fear (tv1) xibla -ib go mad (dog) (v) chujarik go mad, crazy (v) moxirik go on horseback (v) kejbej go sitting every once in a while (due to age or weakness) (v) tuymanik go tick tock (clock, watch) (v) tzaktzatik go to work on the coast (v) taqajanik go together (v) junam -bek go up high (bird in sky) (v) paqik go with someone (v) terenej goad to make walk (v) yoj goat (n) kisk gobble (turkey) (v) kolokotik God (n) Qajaw god (n) teox, teoj God the Father (n) Qajawaxel God, Deity guardian of ancient customs, messenger (n) Mam Koxol God, sacred, church (n) tiox God, World Deity ("Round World"?) (n) Pachulum Mundo god-daughter (of woman) (n) alabal ali god-daughter, niece (of man) (n) mialabal<axel> god-father (n) chuchtat godfather ("father before God") (n) tat cho tiox godfather in baptism (n) qalunel godly person (n) tioxalaj winaq god-mother (madrina) (n) nan cho Dios, nanyox godorniz (n) rk juyub god-son (n) kojolabal<axel> god-son (of woman) (n) alabal ala goiter (n) boj, wewech, boj, wwech, tuyuq 209
gold (n) qaq puaq gold mine (n) relibal oro gold, copper (n) qn puaq goldfinch (n) chiu chiu golondrina bird (n) xipikr gone (adj) benq, binaq gone (food) (adj) kisinaq gone out (adj) elenaq good (adj) utz good afternoon (phrase) xeqij good evening (phrase) xok aqab good morning (phrase) saqarik good! (exp) kamo good, very good (exp) qis utz goodbye (another speech) (phrase) chabej chik goodbye (another tomorrow) (phrase) chueq chik goodbye (dont fall down) (phrase) matzaqik goodness (n) utzil goods (n) jastaq goosebumps (n) maramaq rij, ek rij gopher (taltuza) (n) ba gopher hole (n) -jul ba gore (bull) (v) toqonik gore (tv1) toq<o> gore (v) toqik, toqoj gossip (n) riqol tzij, ajtzijtal gossip (v) ban tzij gossip about (v) chaw ch-ij gossip about someone (v) wixwit ch-ij gossipy person (n) riqol tzij gotten worse (adj) nimatajinaq gourd cup (often used to hold water) (n) kox gourd cup (to carry seeds, water, food) (n) tol gourd rattles (n) soch gourd tree (guacal) (n) tzim gourd used for cup or pitcher (jcara) (n) mulul gourd, chilacoyote (white bottle gourd--Cucurbita ficifolia) (n) qoq gourd, large gourd (n) tzim gourd, seed of gourd (often toasted and eaten) (n) sikil government (n) qatbal tzij
governor (n) qatal tzij grab (tv1) chap<o> grab (v) majanik grabbed (adj) chapom grackle (n) chok graft (tv1) wiq<o> graft onto (v) nak<o> grain (n) ak grain bin (n) kja, kuja grain given to pigs (n) salwat grain of wheat (n) baqwch triko grammar (n) saqal chabal grammatical conjugation (n) chabalil granadilla fruit (n) karnat granary (n) kuja, kja grandchild of man (n) -wi -mam grandchild of woman (n) -wi -atit granddaughter (n) imam<ixel> grandeur (n) juluwem grandfather (n) nim -qajaw, mam grandfather, great grandfather (n) nim -mam grandmother (n) atit, noy grandmother, great grandmother (n) nim -atit grandson (n) imam<axel> granulous (adj) bulij grap something to take it away (v) majij grapes, bunch of (n) jutzayaj grapple hook (n) xok grasp (tv1) chap<o>, chap<o> grass (n) qayes grass, long (n) kim grass, to cut (tv1) jos<o> grasshopper (n) sak, kchopinik, lok grassy field (n) saqumbal grate, be gritty (poorly sifted grain) when eaten (v) machowik, maklajik grave (n) jul, muqul wi, muqubal, nimatajinaq gray (adj) salsoj, rx wachoj gray (adj) sibsoj gray haired (adj) saq wi graze, eat plants (rabbit or other animal) (v) michmitik grease (n) xepoyil
grease (n-esp) manteka grease (sebo) (n-esp) xepo greasy (soup) (v) kenketik great (adj) nim -qij great effort to save money for something (n) jal kas "great enemy" (Mam as sender of illness, punishment) (n) Nimalaj Kulel great grandfather (n) nim -mam great grandmother (n) nim -atit great man (n) nimalaj achi great many (n) jumulaj great power (n) nimalaj chuqab great wall of stones (n) tzaq great-grandson or great-granddaughter (of man) (n) -xikin -mam greatness (n) amaqil, nimabal, nimal greedy, not charitable (adj) ko -anima greeens, edible green (n) uqab green (adj) rx green bean, ejote (n) tzakoy green beans (n) kxlan kinaq, rx kinaq green color (adj) kel green color light (adj) rxroj green like the grass (adj) rx rj u wo ri qayes green parrot (n) kel green snake (n) rx aqan grey (adj) chaj r-ij grey (adj) salsoj, rx wachoj griddle, clay griddle (comal) (n) xot grieve (v) tuyuwik grimace (v) jech -palaj grind (as in beans) (v) qosinik grind (beans, corn, sugar cane) (v) kiej grind (coffee, beans) (v) jok grind (corn) (v) kej, ke, kenik grind finely (v) kokisaj grind half-fine (grain) (tv1) tziya grind something (tv1) waq<o> grind something crunchy with teeth (tv1) muk<u> grind teeth (v) juchuj -ware, quchuch -ware grind with feet (v) quchuqa chaqan grinder, chile grinder (n) qutbal ik
grinder, hand mill or grinder (for chile) (n) mulniy grinding stone (n) ka grinding, second grinding of corn (v) kokisaj, tzi gristle (n) tiojilal groan (n) jilowem groan (pain) (v) jilowik groan (v) chiqik, sikinik, oqik groom, bridegroom (n) ji tz gross person (n) ajxin ground (adj) waqwoj ground (coffee) (adj) jokom ground cacao (n) kiem peq ground chile (n) kiem ik, ukaj ik ground finely (adj) kok grounds, coffee grounds (n) -xe kape group (n) jumulaj group (n) winaqil, chob, juqat, jupuq, juchob group (persons or animals) (n) jule group of five (n) qab<aj>, jobichal group of four persons (n) kajichal group of persons who agree to help each other at certain times (n) quch group, large group of people (n) komon grove (n) kachelaj grow (corn plants) (v) kiyik grow (plant over the earth) (v) riprip cho ulew grow (v) kiyik grow fuzz (v) puyuyik grow in number (v) kiyarik grow in number (v) poqik grow old (v) rijobik grow, increase in number (v) kiarik grow, increase in size (town, river with water) (v) nimarik growl (stomach) (n) qululik -pam growl (stomach) (v) qururik growl (v) jininik grown, matured (corn plant which has formed ears) (n) balabik grudge (n) muqul pa -anima grumble (n) wixwitem grumble, quarrel (v) yajonik grumbler (n) yajonel 211
grunt (v) chqowik grunt, howl (v) wetz guard (police guard a building) (v) laqabej guard (v) chajij guard (v) chajinik guard, night watchman (n) waranel guarda barrancos (bird) (n) chajil siwan, chajinel siwan, chajal siwan guardabarranco bird (n) sikil siwan guarded (adj) kolotalik guardian (n) chajinel guardian of mountains (title of Dios Mundo) (n) Juyubal Guatemala City (n) Armita, Ermita guava (from guayaba) (n-esp) wayawa guava (n) ikiaq, kaq guava pequea (n) kiaq cham guess (v) chek guess (v) chob, chk guest (n) sikim, ula<axel> guicoy squash (gicoy or ayote) (n) mukun guide (n) kamal be, kamol be guide (v) jach bik pa ri be, kam -be guide (v) yuqej guileless (adj) xa jun -wch guilty party, person at fault (n) makunel guilty person (n) makunel guilty, one who is guilty (n) ajmak guipil (Toto) (n) per gipil blouse (Momostenango) (n) pot gipil with ancient-style adornment (n) qom guisquil shoots, tender and edible (n) -tzam chima gisquil (n) kix gisquil (Sechium edule) (n) chima gully (n) siwan gulp (n) jujeko, juqub gulp (tv1) biq<o> gulp (water when thirsty) (v) turqij gulp something down (water when thirsty) (v) toblej gulp water (v) chobobej gum (n) kch
gum disease (n) muqe gums (dental) (n) -tiojil ware gun (n) qaq gusano alambre (worm that eats planted corn seed) (n) baq chikop gush (water, blood) (v) pixkonik gushing, sound of gushing liquid (water from a pipe) (v) woxoxik gust (wind) (v) xututik guts (n) pam<aj> gutted (adj) pachom gutter (n) tzujbal gypsum, piece used by weavers to dry fingers (tizate) (n) saqkab haba (n) kxlan kinaq haba bean (n) jawux haba, soup of haba beans (n) tzin kinaq habas (v) bol<o> habas, pulique de habas (thick drink made of habas) (n) tzyam habitation (n) kolem hacerse panda (v) mejmobik had intended (n) chomam haggle for price (v) chuinik hail (n) saqbach, ismal<aj> hail (v) saqbachinik hair of arm (n) -ismal qab hair of the head (n) wi<aj> hair, comb hair (v) xiy -wi hair, combed (adj) uxiyom -wi hair, white haired (adj) saq wi hairy (adj) kix, patzapik, patz -wi, patz r-ij hairy person (long hair, bearded) (adj) patz -jolom half (n) nikaj, junikaj, nikiaj half an hour (n) nikaj or half bent over (adj) chiqichoj half moon (n) nikaj ri ik half open (adj) kabal<ik> half open drawer (adj) wakalik half-boiled (beans so still hard) (adj) rxkux half-burned wood from fire (u-tzam si) (n) -tzam si half-cold (adj) sq 212
half-do something (adv) sqin half-grown plant (n) kamow half-heartedly (adv) kieb -wch half-hot (adj) sq half-open (door or gate) (adj) takalik half-tasty (lacking full extent of nature) (adj) sq half-untied (adj) kirkobinaq hallway (n) chutin be ja hammer (n) qosibal klawux, bajibal, qosqob, qosibal hammer (v) qosij hammer in (nail) (tv1) chik<o> hammer, nail, screw, put on tightly (v) bajij hammock (n) kam, ab hand (n) qab<aj> hand mill (n) qutbal ik, tukubal hand mill or grinder (for chile) (n) mulniy hand over (v) ya pa qab, jach pa -qab hand signal (n) membal hand writing (n) tzib hand, back of the hand (n) -ij -qab hand, by hand (adj) qabaj hand, left hand (n) qab re ri moxqab hand, on the other hand (adv) -jolom r-ib hand, one handed (n) kut -qab handed over (adj) jachtajik handful (n) jutzobaj, jumulaj qabaj, jumuq<aj>, jumuq qabaj, juyutaj, kolaj qabaj handful (sticks) (n) jukalaj handful of something (n) juloch handicapped person (n) chakoj handkerchief (n) sut handle (basket or pot) (n) qab<aj> handle (tool) (n) aqn handleless (pot) (adj) kut hang around (v) tzukuj jas -ban hang by a nail (colgar) (v) kolobaj hang out (v) saqorinik hang out, just hang out (v) qasan qij hang self (v) jitzaj -ib hang something (coat on tree limb) (v) tzayaba hang up (piece of meat) (v) xekeba hang up (v) xekebaj, tzaibaj
hanging (adj) xekelik hanging out, not tucked in (shirt tail) (v) telik hangnail (n) buk happen (v) kulmatjik happenings (n) pop happiness (n) kikotemal, bix happiness (n) meqowemal harass (brother) (tv2) lej harass (v) ya latz ch-e, tzurunik harass or molest (little brother) (tv1) yuch<u> harassed (adj) quchum harassment (n) tzurunik hard earth (n) ixim ulew hard working, not lazy (adj) sakj hard, very hard (adj) kowilaj harden (v) abjirik, ko -elik harden something (v) kowirisaj hard-hearted (adj) ko -anima hard (adj) ko hardly cooked (adj) sankoch hare (n) imul harm, injury (n) il harmful weeds (n) itzel qayes harness (of horse) (n) xalma harness, horse harness (n) eqanbal kiej harp (n) kopetz harrow (n) yoqoj harvest (coffee, fruit) (v) qoloj harvest (n) wchinik harvest (v) yak, qatoj harvest (wheat) (n) qatoj harvest of things picked with fingers (coffee or cotton) (n) makow harvest or pick something with fingers (cotton or beans) (tv1) mak<o> harvest, corn harvest (n) jch harvest, cut (corn) (tv1) jch<o> harvest, the day draws near for the harvest (v) qetet ri qij re ri jach harvested (wheat) (adj) qatom harvester (n) jchanel has been made dirty (adj) tzilobtajinaq has pieces broken off (edge of table) (adj) 213
wachom -ij has rash (skin) (adj) lotajinaq haste (n) aninqil hat (n) pwi hat, brim of hat (n) -xaq pwi hate (v) etzelaj, itzelxik, itzel -il, erej hate someone (v) etzelaj -wach hatred (n) itzel kuxaj haughtiness (n) nimal ri -kamowik, nimal ri -banik have (v) kolik have a callous (v) poqik -qab have a child (v) koji alkual have a fever (v) ko qaq ch-ij, qaqarik have a good time (v) etzanik have a happy face (v) jajat -wch have a miscarriage (v) man -riq t -qij ri -al have abortion (v) man -riq t -qij ri -al have air let out (v) yobtajik, yobyobik have an appetite (v) aj -wa have been somewhere (adj) kolinaq have been written (v) tzibaxik have birthday (v) tzaqat<ik> -junab have blue eyes (v) qapow -boqwch have compassion, to have mercy (v) elik -kux ch-ij have confidence in (v) jikiba -kux ch-ij have confidence in (v) kub -kux ch-ij have desires to eat something (v) jiqjitik have diarrhea (v) ko ja ch-pam have difficulty speaking (v) torlaj have faith in something (adj) kul -kux have hair stand on end (man or dog) (v) wikik -baqil have heartburn (v) jixix u-wo -kux have hiccups (v) pe tokox ch-e have illicit sex (v) riq -ib have importance (Man ko taj w-e ch-e) (v) ko -e ch-e have indigestion (xcheqi nu wa cho nu pam) (v) cheqik, qapirik have luster (v) qopkatik, tzururik have many bends, turns (road, branch) (v) kotmayik
have many teeth (adj) qatzatz -ware have mercy (v) toqobisaj -wch have mercy, compassion (v) elik -kux ch-ij have patience (v) oqatanik have patience with someone (tv1) koch<o> have remorse about something (v) qatut -anima ch-e have sole ownership, monopolize (v) laqpuj have something bad happen (v) taqalbej have something happen by accident (v) taqalbej have split ends (hair--chetechik ri u tzam ri u wi) (adj) chetechik have stomach cramps (iv) yitzitz -pam have threads coming loose (v) xiloxobik have uncombed hair (v) chikikik having only one ear (adj) sluy hawk, small (n) bix wil hawk, young hawk (clis clis bird) (n) litz litz hawthorne (n) -chul kiej hay (n) saj kim haze (mist believed to carry divine knowledge) (n) mayul he, she, him, her, it (pro) are head (n) jolom<aj> head ache (n) qoxow jolomaj, qoxowinaq jolom, kax jolom head bowed (from humility, shame) (adj) yuxulik head of family (u wi u jolom ri Antonio--father of Antonio) (n) -wi -jolom head of native auxiliary council (alcalde auxiliar) (n) ilol rech tinimit head priest-shaman of an entire town (usually 2) (n) chuchqajaw rech tinimit headdress used in Sacapulas (n) xqab headless horse demon who lives in cemeteries (n) kiej maj u jolom heal (tv2) kunaj heal (v) utzirisaj heal self (v) kunaj -ib health (n) utzil, -utzil wchaj healthy (adj) man ko -yab, ko heap (n) mol heap of something (incense, corn) (n) chim
hear (v) ta hearing impaired, someone hard of hearing (n) tak hearken (v) tatabej heart (n) kux<aj> heart (n-Span) anima heart (of lettuce or cabbage) (n) purnum heart of corn grain (n) -anima ixim heartburn (n) qipip hearth of a ritual shrine (n) awas hearth, cooking hearth (n) miqbal heat (of sun, fire) (n) -qaqal heat (temperature outside) (n) qaq heat (v) qaqaj, miqik heat something (food, water) (tv1) miq<o> heat something with fire (v) ya qaq ch-xe heated (adj) miqom heater (n) miqbal heaven, windows of heaven (n) torbal kaj heavenly (adv) chikaj heavenly, in heaven (adj) chila chikaj heavenly, sent from heaven (adj) taqom chi kaj heavily dressed (many layers) (adj) soposik heavily, with heavy tongue (v) tebnajik heavy (adj) al heavy beard (n) qux heavy rain (n) nimalaj jb heed, pay attention to someones counsel (v) ta -tzij heel of foot (n) -xe -aqan, uxtuxil heel or sole of foot (n) -pa -aqan height-- janipa r-aqan? how high is it (n) aqn height (n) aqnil hell (n) xibilba, xibalba help (n) tobanik help (v) chij help (v) to, toik help one another to do something (v) to -ib che u banik helper (n) tol re, tobanel helper, hired helper (n) tobanel hem (n) -chi ri -atziaq hemorrhage (n) toq hen (n) ek, ixtux ek, xtux, letux, atit ak, tux,
ixtux ek hen house (n) ochoch re k hen sitting on eggs (n) tuq ek hen, brooding hen (n) tuq hen, cackle (hen after laying eggs) (v) toqtoqinik, tzarqinik hen, cackle (hen before laying eggs) (v) toqtotik hen, cackle (v) karakatik hen, gallina espinuda (n) chinchin ec, chil ek hen, sound of hen before lays (v) qalaqatik her, he, she, him, it (pro) are herb (n) ichj herb, "ear armadillo" medicinal herb used to treat bone fracture (n) -xikin iboy herb, pericn (herb, used for stomach aches) (n) iya herd (cattle) (n) qat herd (n) jupuq here (adv) jewa, chiri, waral, uloq hermaphrodite (n) ixoq ama hermitage, life away from civilization (n) kachelaj kaslem hero (n) qalpul heron (garza) (n) sojsol heron (n) atz hers, his, its (poss pro) u, rhiccup (n) xtok, xtuk, tokox hiccup (v) ban tokox che hidden (adj) kutalik, awam, chaqataq hide (n) tzum<aj> hide (v) muqik, ku, owaj hide self (v) awaj -ib, ku -ib, awaj hiding (so as to spy on something) (adj) wuqulik hierba de oveja (weeds which grow in shade used to feed horses) (n) sj hierba lechera plant (Euphorbia) (n) ixbut high (adj) paqalik high, elevated (n) naj aqaninaq highland dove (n) tukumux highway (n) nim be highway robber (n) qatel winaq hike (n) wakatem hill (n) poj, mumus, juyub
hill, anthill (n) mul hilly road (n) tzalanik him, her, he, she, it (pro) are hinder (v) titz, qatij hinder (v) ya latz ch-e hire (v) mok<o> hired (adj) mokom hired helper (n) tobanel his, hers, its (poss pro) u, rhiss (snake, cat) (v) jisisik history (n) ojer taq tzij hit (adj) chayom hit (v) kajij, chayinik, qosij hit against something metal (knee against table top) (tv1) wech<o> hit someone (tv1) tzaq<o> hit something hard (v) xan, chay<o> hit with a stick (tv1) paq, tow<o>, jich<o> hit with elbow (tv1) tok<o> hit with finger (v) tin hive (honeybee) (n) koxbin kab hoarse (adj) char pa -qul, chom pa -qul, jas -qul, char hoarse, difficulty breathing (n) jasanik -qul hoarseness (n) jokokik hoe (n-Span) asaron hoe ground (tv1) jos<o> hoe, edge or tip of a hoe (n) -aqn rasrn hoe, sickle (n-Esp) jos hoeing ground process to make furrows (n) majkolim tajin hold breath (v) qatej -uxlab hold hands (v) chap chbil -ib ri -qab hold in arms (v) qaluj hold it in low esteem (v) tzu -wch hold on tight (on horse so dont fall) (v) matatej -ib hold out (hand) (tv1) yuq<u> hold tightly (hand so dont get lost) (v) matatej hold tightly (v) xekej hold tightly in fist (v) muqej hold up (tv1) yak<o> hold up (v) ukaj
hold with teeth (v) kayej holder, one who holds in arms (n) qalunel hole (in wood, cloth) (n) teq hole (n) jul hole punched in it (adj) xortotik, xoroxik hole, small hole (in door so can see out) (n) tel holely, something which has many holes (n) worowobisam, worom holiday (n) nima qij holiday, celebration of a holiday (n) qaxbal nimaqij hollow (tree) (adj) wok -pam holster (n) -achoch holy (adj) tioxalaj, tiox, loqalaj Holy Ghost (n) Loqalaj Uxlabixel Holy Week, Semana Santa (n) Awas Qij home (n) -achoch, ochoch home, at home (adv) cho ja home-made liquor (n) tzam re siwan honest (adj) sukulik honest (Toto), just (adj) suk honest, saved, kept, honest (Momostenango) (adj) kolom honey (n) juyubal kab, rx kab honey bee (n) us kab honey flavored corn atole (n) pokol honey made from sugar syrup (n) mu honey, wild honey (n) -wal che honor (n) nojil honor (v) nim -il wi, tzaqatisaj, ya -qij honor with a festival (v) okowisaj honored (adj) nim -qij honored counsel (n) loq pixab honored person (due to position) (n) tata hoof, talon, claw (bird), nail (finger) (n) ixkiaq hook (to hang clothes) (n) xekelibal hook (to hang clothes, meat) (n) chok hook, fish hook (n) chok hook, grapple hook (n) xok hook-shaped (adj) chokochik hoopoe (abubilla) bird (n) asich hoot (owl) (v) bixonik hop (rabbit) (v) pixkanik 216
hop (rapidly like a flea) (v) pixkolajik hop (v) pixkonik hope (n) kulbal kux horizon (n) -xe kaj, jula horn, testicle (n) uka<aj> hornet (n) qatzital horror (n) xibinem horse (n) kej, kiej horse blanket (n) subl, tasbal kiej horse demon (headless) who lives in cemeteries (n) kiej maj u jolom horse harness (n) eqanbal kiej horse stable (n) -wabal kiej horse strap (n) xkiema horse, mare (n) atit kej horse, small (n) kin kiej horse, sobre sudadero of horse (n) tasbal horseback, go on horseback (v) kejbej horsefly (n) wonon, ixkatz horsefly, tbano (horsefly that bites horses) (n) ixkatz horseman (n) ajkiej, kiejenel horseshoe (n) chich pa r-aqan kiej, -xajab kiej host (n) loqoxik hostel (n) oqxanibal hot (adj) katn hot (like chili) (adj) paqon hot (liquids or food) (adj) meqin hot chile (n) qax hot coals (n) -achaq qaq hot drink (n) qor hot spring (n) wolqot hot sweat (n) katn hot water (n) katn, meqina hotel (n) oqxanibal hotel, inn (n) oqxanibal hour (n) chaqap qij hour (n-Esp) or house (n) ja house steps (n) paqabilibal house with gables (caballetes) (n) kiej ja house with thatched roof (n) kima ja household shrine (often containing archaeological
relics, papers) (n) mebil how are you doing? (greeting) jasmcha how many? (interrog) joropa? how much? how many? (interrog) janipa? how? (interrog) jas modo? however many (adv) janipa however many times (adv) janipa mul however many times (interrog) joropa mul howl (dog) (v) waynajik, wunik, awanik howl (n) itzel sik, wayinik howl (v) awunik howl (v) wun howl with pain (dog) (v) winik howl, grunt (v) wetz Huehuetenango (n) Nabjul hug (lovers), embrace (v) takej -ib hug (v) qalunik, matzej hug hard (v) matzatzej huge (adj) bonbik huge jug for storing water (n) tinax hum (v) muyuyutik, riririk humanity (n) winaqil, saq winaqirem humble (adj) kem, kamel humble self (before authority) (v) mek -ib humble self (v) mach -ib, matz -ib, won -ib humbled, head bowed (from humility, shame) (adj) yuxulik humid (adj) rx humming bird (n) tzunun hump (on animal or person) (n) wuquwik hump-backed (person) (adj) qusqik hunchback (n) wuquwik uwo rachaq, pompik r-ij hunched over (adj) wuqulik hundred (jun toq--100) (num) toq hundred (n) okal hunger (n) numik<al>, wijal hunger, famine (n) wijal hunt (v) chapik hunt (v) kiqanik hunted (adj) tzukum hunter (n) kiqanel, tzukunel hurl self (v) kiq -ib hurl something (snake with a stick) (v) pichkij 217
hurricane (n) salqut, nimalaj kaqiq, kiqiq jab, sutul qum, salqum hurried, in a rush (adv) aninaq -ij hurriedly (adv) aninq hurry (adv) chanim hurry (n) anim hurry (v) sosotej, anik, kowij, animajik, koj anim hurry at work (to finish early) (v) chuqbej u-banik ri -chak hurry over here (exp) tan uloq hurry self to do something (v) oqataj -ib ch-e hurry someone (v) anej hurry someone or something (v) anabej hurry to do something (v) sakajij hurry up! (exp) wanej, tan uloq hurt (v) qoxowik hurt something (cargo hurts back) (tv1) juy<u> husband (n) achajil<om> husk (tv1) poch<o> husk, corn husk (n) joq husked (corn) (adj) jachom husking tool (n) jachobal husky-voiced (adj) jas -qul hut (n) kabal hygienic (adj) chil hygienic (upset by fly on plate) (adj) kich hymnal, book of songs, hymns (n) bixobal hypocrite (n) kieb -wch, kieb -wch, kieb -palaj I dont know (exp) nik I, me (pro) in ice (n) abj tew icy (adj) juchuchik idea (n) noj, naoj, nojibal, chomanik idealism (n) nojil identical (adj) junam, xa junam, junam -wch, junam -uk identically (adv) xa junam idiot (n) nakanik idol (n) iq, teox Idol worshipped in Santiago Atitlan (n-Esp) Maximon idol, small idol used by diviners (n) alxik idols, small stone idols (n) kabawil
if (conj) we if not (conj) wemna ignorance (n) moxil, konil ignorant (adj) kon iguana (n) oon iguana (n-esp) iwan ill (adj) yawab ill, near death (person) (adj) qin illegal (adj) man chu-wch taj ri qatbal tzij illegal, not allowed (adj) man ku-ya taj illness (n) yabil illness from intestinal parasites (n) chikop yabil illness with vaginal flow (n) saq yabil illnesses causing disorientation (n) qabarik illuminate (v) qalajisaj, ya saq<il> ch-e illuminate something (v) tununej image of death (n) kmpuch imaginary animal--bird wildcat lion (n) pich yak koj imaginary animal--winged monkey (n) pich koy imaginary, in imagination (adv) pa -kux imagine (v) kutwchinik, chob imitate (v) ban we, esaj -wach imitated (adj) jalum imitator (n) elesal wchaj immediately (adv) aninaqil, aninq, chanim immobile (adj) cheerinaq immortal, siempre vive tree, flower (immortelle) (n) paxlaq impede (v) qatej impeded (n) bajim imperative, commanded from heaven (adj) taqom chi kaj important (adj) nim -qij, nim -banik, rajawaxik important man (n) achi nim -banik impossible (adj) man loq taj, man -ban taj kuinik imprisoned (adj) tzapilik improvize something when not available (tv1) pon<o> improvized (adj) ponom impure (adj) tzil impure (v) tzilonik impure, dirty (adj) xa manal
in (conj) chi in (prep) ch-pam in (prep) pa in a hurry (adv) aninaq -ij in a little while (adv) pa jun rato in a moment (adv) kamik na in a rush (adv) aninaq -ij in a week (adv) wuqubix apan in accordance with, like, as (adv) je jas in appearance (ri ali suulaj jelik kpetik) (adv) suulaj in error (adj) sachinaq in four days (adv) kojej in front of, next to (prep) cho le in groups of three (adv) ox ox in heaven (adj) chila chikaj in heaven (adv) chikaj in imagination (adv) pa -kux in liquid form (ja u wch ri cunabal) (adj) ja -wch in middle of (prep) pa -nikajil in one year (adv) jun junab apan<oq> in order that (adv) are chi in pairs (adv) kakab in past times (adv) ojer in repose (adj) uxlaninaq in secret (adv) chi chawal, pa kaskatem in the afternoon (adv) benqij in the country (adv) pa juyub in the night (adv) chaqb in the open (adv) chi saqil in the past (adv) nabe kanoq in the past (adv) najtir in the patio (adv) cho ja in the sky (adv) chikaj in this way (adv) jewa in three days (adv) oxij in, inside, in close (prep) kq inability to speak (n) jasanik inability to urinate (n) tzapatajik -chul incense (n) kok<al>, istorak incense burner (n) tzaibal pom incense, copal incense (n) pom
incense, small form of copal incense (n) kox inch worm (n) etanel incite to attack (v) tuwij incoherent (speech) (adj) man ko taj -suk incompetent (adj) pay incompetent (n) pay incomplete (adj) man tzaqat taj incorrect (adj) man qas t je, man je taj incorrect (adj) man qas t suk incorrect weight measurement (n) jikom ri pajbal increase (n) paqalem increase in number (v) kiarik increase in size (town, river with water) (v) nimarik incubate (v) jupik incubated (adj) jupulik incurable (adj) man kunataj taj indecisive (n) kieb -wch index finger (assoc. by ajqijab with grandparents) (n) nabe alkualaxel Indian altar (n) tabal Indian flute (chirima) (n) chaw indicate (tv1) kut<u> indication in sky that it will rain (n) raqbala indicator of doubt (adv) lo indicator of feminine youth (adj) al indicator of interrogative (interrog) la indicator of negativity or doubtfulness (adv) taj indicator of ownership (prep) -e<ch> indicator of question [Totonicapn] (adv interrog) a indigestion (iv) yitzitz -pam indigestion (n) ajita, ajit inept (adj) toy inexact weight (n) jikom ri pajbal infant, newborn (n) kieqalaj loch infected (adj) puch infection in stomach (n) pamaj infection, urinary (n) qn chul inferior to (adj) kool ch-wch infested, worm-infested (wood) (adj) qumar infinite (adj) nimabal inflame something (v) sipoj 219
inflamed testicles (n) woq inflammation of the skin near fingernails (n) -boqwch top inflated (adj) pun influence, bad influence (n) susum information (n) tzijobal ingenuous (adj) xa jun -wch ingrow (toenail) (v) pokopik ri -ixkiq inhabit (v) kojik inhale, breathe in (v) jik -uxlab inherit (v) echbej inheritance (n) jachibal, echbal initiate, do something without direction (v) titobik Initiation day for new diviners at Momostenango (n) Wajxaqib Batz inject (tv1) chik<o> inject (v) chuq<u> injerto (type of fruit) (n) wais tulul injure (with knife, something sharp) (tv1) sok<o> injure something again which was previously injured (tv1) chit<o> injury, harm (n) il inn (n) oqxanibal inner soul (receives supernatural messages) (n) koyopa innermost place (n) qas -anima innocent (adj) man ko taj -mak inquiry (n) tanik insect (n) chikop insect or worm which pertains to something (grain, etc.) (n) -chikopil insect, chiche (n) chut insect, cochineal (n) malin insect, earwig (n) qipinel, tuxer awaj insect, mariquita negra (biting insect) (n) qupunel insect, sand fly (n) okonel kiaq insecticide (n) kunabal insects that are found in corn silk (n) ixparpjoq insecure, not confident (v) tziarik inside (prep) ch-pam inside, in, in close (prep) kq insist (v) koj -chuqab inspect (v) solij
inspect (v) tzolij, tzukuj, qatuj, nikoj instantly (adv) aninaqil instrument used to winnow (n) jopibal instrument which makes holes or drills (n) worol jul instrument which stirs or mixes (n) tukulibal instrument, jingling instrument (sonaja) (n) chinchin instrument, sharpening instrument (n) banbal u-ware chich, yekbal -ware insult (n) yoqonik, yoqbal insult (tv1) tzur<u>, yoqik insult, speak badly of another (tv1) yoq<o> intellect (n) kux<aj> intelligence (n) natabal, noj, kuxilal, nojibal, chomabal intended husband (n) ala bochinel intended, had intended (n) chomam intention (n) chomam interest (n) tojbal interest (on debt) (n) -al ri puaq interest on money (n) -al puaq interior (n) pam<aj> intermediary (n) qaxanel interpreter (n) qatal tzij, tzaqal tzij interpreter, translator (n) qaxal tzij interrogate (v) kot -chi interrupt (v) sach intestine, large (n) chomaq ixkolob intestines (n) ixkolob, ixkol<aj> intestines, small intestines (n) alaj taq ixkolob into (prep) pa introduce to someone (v) kut ch-wch invent (v) abanik invent something (v) nawalij investigate (crime) (v) sol -xe investigate (v) tatabela, tzukuj invisible (adj) man -ilitaj taj invite (v) sikij invited (adj) sikim invited visitor (n) sikim iron (n) rx chich iron out wrinkles (v) esaj ri quchuqiq
irritate (v) qironik irritated (adj) lotajinaq it (something close enough to be seen) (pro) ri it looks good (v) utz -ilik it, he, she, him, her (pro) are itch (n) kaqatik itch (on a person) (n) salkm itch (v) kaqatik itch (v) kiaqatik itch, mange, allergy (n) kiaqat its, his, hers (poss pro) u, rizote (n) koq ki, bokil jacket (n-esp) chaket, koton jaguar (n) balm jail (n) che, kok jailed (adj) tzapitalik jar (n) xar, bukul, xaro jar (n-esp) xaru jar, large earthen jar (often used for water) (n) qebal jar, plastic jar for water (n) qayebal jaundice (n) qnal jaw, lower jaw (n) kakate, xere jealous (adj) achixam jealous about his wife (adj) achixam chrij ri rixoqil jealous words (between spouses due to infidelity) (n) tzialaj tzij jealousy (n) kiqrenik jealousy (of brother) (n) titem jelly-like (adj) jajoj Jerusalem cricket (n) akal jest (v) xaqenik, alachik jest, joke around (v) alachik jest, just be joking (v) xa -bij anaq jewel (n) kual jingling instrument (sonaja) (n) chinchin job (n) mokokil job, day job (n) mokokil jocote (fruit--type of plum) (n) qinom Jocotenango San Bartolom (n) Kampana abaj join (team or organization) (v) ok -uk join (two wires, etc.) (tv1) nuk<u> join things together (v) junamaj
join together (v) kam -ib join two pieces together to lengthen (metal, rope) (v) tiq joint (n) chek, qosqolik joke (n) etzanem tzij, puk joke around (v) alachik joke, just be joking (v) xa -bij anaq joke, tell a joke (v) pukaj joke, very funny joke (n) puk sibalaj tzebal joker, practical joker (n) tzurunel Jos (n) Achep journey (n) binem joy (n) jajatemal Joyabaj (n) Xoy Juan (n) Xwan judge (n) qatol tzij, qatal tzij judge (v) chachaj, qat tzij p-wi judge someone (v) ban qatow tzij p-wi judgment (n) qatbal tzij, kjisabal wchaj, chomanik judicial staff (n) chamiy jug for straining nixtamal (n) ixchob jug with handles (n) qebal jug, huge jug for storing water (n) tinax jug, large jug for storage (n) kukub juice (n) wal jump (rabbit, frog) (v) chopinik jump (v) pixkonik jump (when startled) (v) yatzlajik jump over (v) chopinik jump over something (fence) (v) xalqatij jump over something (v) xiqapij, xiqaj jumping viper (n) timbo June Beetle (n) qos jungle (n) itzel kchelaj, kechelaj juniper (n) kisis juniper, chinchn (fruto del pino--juniper berry?) (n) chakuy just (adj) tzaqat, sukulik, jik, sukalaj just (adv) xa<q> just a little (adv) xa jubiq just be joking (v) xa -bij anaq just hang out (v) qasan qij 221
just kidding (v) xa -bij anaq just, correct, honest (Toto) (adj) suk justice (n) sukil, sukumal justice of the peace (n) qatal tzij juvenile delinquent (n) itzel akal Kiche language (n) Katzijobal Kiche people (n) -al qij, ajkiche winaq karma (debt accumulated to gods when commit offenses) (n) kasaj keep (tv1) kol<o> keep (v) kolisaj keep a vigil over (house) (v) loqabej keep asking for a favor (v) xermij ri utzil keep doing something (v) taqej keep mouth closed to hold something in mouth (medicine) (v) muyej -chi keep secret (v) man ko t -bij keep watch over (v) chajinik keep water in mouth (v) yumej keeper (n) chajinel kept (adj) kolotalik kerchief (n) payu kernels, corn kernels (dry) (n) ixim kettle (n) boj, tuy key (n) torobal key (n-Esp) lawe kick (in anger) (v) tultaj kick (n) qieq kick (v) yaqanik kidder (n) josonel kidding around (n) etzanem tzij kidnapper (n) majanel kidney (n) kinq<aj> kill (v) kmisaj killer (n) kmisanel kind (n) -ach kindle (fire) (tv1) tzij<o>, nuk<u> kindle (fire) (v) nukik king (n) ajawal, ajawinel, qatal tzij, nima qatal tzij, ajaw kingdom (n) ajawibal kiss (n) tzumanik kiss (v) siq, tzumaj, tzumuj chi
kiss each other (v) tzumaj -ib kiss hard (v) tzububej kiss passionately (v) tzub chi kisser (n) tzumanel kitty (diminutive) (n) mix knead (dough) (tv1) puq<u> knead (dough) (v) yuq knead (v) malalik, malama kneaded (adj) yoqom, puqum kneading instrument (n) puqbal knee (n) chek, -wi -a knee cap (n) -jolom -chek kneel (v) xukik, mej -aqn, chekanik kneeling (adj) xukulik kneeling, sitting on knees resting on crossed feet (adj) sepelik knife (n) qatobal knife, cut with a sharp knife (v) tzilnjik knock (as on a door) (v) korkotik knock (v) korokot knock down (flowers by wind) (v) talijisaj uloq knock down (house in wind) (v) qolij knock on something (v) korka knock over (v) talkamij, wolqotij knock something over (v) takmij knocked down from blow (v) potzpobik knocked over (adj) paskim knot (n) wiqibal, torotik, yut, ximon, choxchik knot (rope) (n) ximom, tor knot of tree or wood (n) kutz, kab knotted (adj) ximitalik, ximom knotty wood (n) kutz know (v) etam know someone (v) chob -wch, etam -wch know, recognize (la kakam u-qab ri xabano?) (v) kam -qab knower (n) etamanel knowledge (n) etamabal, naoj, natabal knowledgeable person (n) etamanel known (adj) etamatal -wch, etamatal known, well-known (adj) qalaj knuckle (n) qatzqalil kohlrabi (colinabo) (n) saqiowaj 222
laborer (farm-hand) (n) tajinel laborer, day laborer (n) ajchiqij lack (kraj na jubiq atzam --it needs a little salt) (v) aj na lack of sleep (n) kaskatem lacking (adj) man tzaqat taj lacking confidence (adj) tziarik -wch lacking plumage (adj) tan lacking salt (adj) sq tza lacking sufficient sweetness (adj) sq ki lacking sugar (adj) kikoj ladder (n) qam, aqanibal ladder step (n) -ware qam ladel, dipper (n) pak ladino (n) mus lady (n) nan laid out (in coffin) (adj) tutzulik laid out flat (adj) likinik laid out flat (from illness) (adj) lianik lake (n) cho lamb (n) alaj chij lament (iv) bisonik lament (n) oqej lament (tv2) bisoj lament bitterly (v) kis -ib che oqej lamentable (adj) oqebal lamp (n) ukabal qaq lance (n) bate lancet, bloodletting instrument (n) tzitz land (n) ulew land dedicated for wood (n) siwabal land prepared with furrows for planting (n) chloj land snail (n) tot land, damp land (n) bulij ulew landslide (n) ul landslide (v) tilitob uloq language (n) chawibal, chabal lantern (farol) (n) ukabal qaq lard (n-esp) manteka lard from pig (n) tioxil aq large (adj) nim, nim -pam large (plural) (adj) nimaq large and floppy (clothing too big) (adj) roqorik
large and wide (something flat--blanket) (adj) likilik large bean (haba) (n) jawux kinaq large black goat demon with fiery eyes (n) -ajaw chaqab large clay pot (n) boj large debt (n) nimalaj kasaj large drum (n) nim tum large earthen jar (often used for water) (n) qebal large gourd (n) tzim large group of people (n) komon large intestine (n) chomaq ixkolob large jug for storage (n) kukub large leaf in which tamales are wrapped (n) maxn large mushroom (poisonous) (n) extan tolok large pot to store water (n) turubal large pustule (n) kisqay large rock (n) xq large semi-nocturnal rodent (tepezcuintle) (n) alaw large snake (n) chiwekox large spoon (particularly made from gourd) (n) pak large tamale taken on trips (n) tzaqom large, very large (adj) qas nim larger than (adj) nim ch-wch largest crystal used by ajqij in divination (n) ilol laryngitis (n) jasanik, qulaj larynx (n) xul lash, eyelash (n) -ismal -boqach, -ismal rij -boqach lashing (n) jatibal lasso (n) -pu chi kolob lasso (v) kq kolob last (adj) kisba, kisik last (n) kisbal<il> last (v) man -ban taj itzel last grinding of corn (v) kokisaj last month (adv) jun ik kan<oq> last night (n) chaqab iwir last pile of tzite beans left over after divination ritual (n) baraj punto last year (adv) abir last year (n) junabir <kan><oq> 223
last, end (n) kistajik lastly (adj) kisbal re late (adj) matam late (adv) k matan, keqij, matam later (adv) matam apanoq later (conj) kte ri laugh (n) tze<nik>, tzem laugh (v) tzenik laugh at something (v) tzej laugh out loud (v) jajatik laughter (n) jajatemal launder (v) chajomanik laundry (n) chajon laundry, clean laundry still wet (n) chajon laurel tree (n) -chamiy ajaw law (n) pixab, jeqbal, qatbal tzij lawn (n) saqumbal lawyer (n) tzaqal tzij lawyer (v) kojol tzij lay aside (blanket, something covers) (v) jolij lay egg (v) ya saqmol lay eggs (hen) (v) sikowik lay something down (v) qoyoba lay something down flat (v) periba layered, heavily dressed (adj) soposik laying down (adv) qoyik laying flat (board on ground) (adj) peranik laying to one side, tilted, tipped (adj) tzaltzik laze (v) qrij laziness (n) qoral, saqoril lazy (adj) qr lazy man (n) xepo achi lazy person (n) qor, keyo, saqor lead (v) kam uloq -be, yuqej, kam -be lead by the hand or with a rope (v) yuqenik leader (n) ajpop, nimal, kamal be leader, female confraternity leader (wears veils and burns incense) (n) chuchuxel leaf (n) xaq, xaq<aj> leaf for wrapping tamales (n) qanaq leaf of ear of corn (n) joq leaf of soap plant (n) tzojon leaf, corn leaf (n) -xaq abix
leaf, corn leaf used to wrap tamalitos (n) tzalik leaf, edible green leaf (n) ichj leaf, large leaf in which tamales are wrapped (n) maxn leafless (adj) tulum leafy (adj) rx leak (from cracked pitcher) (v) tzujuwik leak (n) tzuj leak (v) turuwik, tzuj, tzutuwik leak from a crack (v) bulijik lean (adj) salan lean (v) qalik lean against something (v) qe -ib lean back (v) kotzolik lean over (house from earthquake) (v) mejik lean over (v) chaqik, pachaba lean over, bend over (v) pachik lean sideways (v) tzalanik lean something over (v) xotoba leap (v) kiq -ib learn (v) etamaj, tijoj -ib learning (n) etamanik leather (n) tzumal<il>, tzum<aj> leather (v) tubij leather band with ropes used by porters (mecapal) (n) patn leather whip (n) chaqap tzum, tzum<aj> leather, dried (leather, old cloth) (adj) wotot leather, made of (adj) banom che tzum leave (v) elik, el ubik leave a message (v) bij kan leave behind (v) tzaq kan<oq> leave behind (v) ya kanoq leave clothing unfolded (v) patzaba leave empty or vacant (v) toloba leave fabric unfolded (v) patzik leave lying on the ground (v) poba leave on ground something large and flat (v) laqaba leave something barred (door, window) (v) kopij kan leave something half-open (door) (v) takaba leave something long and thick lying (tree trunk) 224
(v) jilba leave something undone (v) cheqba leave undone (v) cheqik leaven (n) -kux kaxlan wa, chm lecturer (n) tzijonel left (adj) moxqab left behind (adv) kan<q> left hand (n) qab re ri moxqab left lying on the ground (round objects) (adj) ketelik left side (n) mox leftovers (from meal) (n) chaqat, qax leftovers (n) chibal leg, calf (n) pa ra leg, foot, step (nabe r-aqan ri ne-babys first step) (n) aqn<aj> leg, part of the leg above the knee (n) a<aj> legal (adj) utz chu-wch ri qatbal tzij legally (adv) pa ri qatbal tzij legend (n) ojer tzij, tzijoxik lemon (n) alamnx lend (v) qaj, ya pa qajik, ya pa qajomal lend something to be returned (tv1) qaj<o> length (n) rabarik, najtil lengthen (pant leg) (tv1) wiq<o> lengthen (sleeves) (tv1) yuq<u> lengthwise, placed lengthwise (rope laid out unrolled) (adj) rabalik lent (adj) qajom leprosy (n) sal lesson (n) tijonem lets go (dem) jo letter (n) tzib letter carrier, mail deliverer (n) jachol taq karta level (land for a house) (tv2) junumtaj level (land) (v) lilobisaj level something (ground prior to building house) (v) lilobisaj level something (v) jikomaj level, plain (n) -wa taqaj levelled (land) (adj) lilobisam liana (n) qul liar ("fabricator of words") (n) tzaqol tzij
liar (n) banal tzij, josonel liar (n, adj) jos liberate (v) tzoqopinik, tzoqopij liberty (n) tzoqopitalik, tzoqopixil lice, chicken lice (n) sip license fee (n) tojbal lichen (n) ratziaq che lick (tv1) riq<o> lid (n) chuqbal lid (pot) (n) tzapibal lid, eyelid (n) -ij boqch lie (n) banom tzij, josonik, xaqabal chiaj, juluj tzij lie (quadruped) (v) sotik lie down (v) qoyik lie down for a rest (v) kotzik lie down on top of something (dog on clothes) (v) soklej lie down or lower a little (v) qaj lie in wait to harm someone (taq na che ri achi) (adj) taq na ch-e lie on back (v) pakik lie on side (v) tzalanik lie on stomach (v) jupik lie on top of something (v) kotzobej lie, say something that is not true (v) xa -bij life (n) kaslem, kaslemal life away from civilization (n) kachelaj kaslem lift (see yak) (v) yek, kukaj, aqanisaj, paqalisaj lift and carry in hands a long, heavy wooden object (v) takej ubik lift something heavy (tv2) chelej lift up (v) paqaba, takaba lift with a lever (v) pichqij lift with the point of something (sliver with needle) (v) pich light (adj) man al taj light (adj) tzajoj light (candle or lamp) (v) tiq light (candle) (tv1) tzij<o> light (n) saqil, saqilal light (torch used at night) (n) chj light fire (v) tzijik, juluj 225
light green color (adj) rxroj light of God (n) -tun ri Dios light on fire (v) katisaj light rain (n) musmul light red color (adj) kiqkoj light up (v) juluwik light yellow (adj) qnkoj light, not heavy (adj) man al taj lightning [Momos] (n) koyopa lightning [Toto] (n) kayapa like (adv) je like (v) utz -qaj ch-wch like something (tv1) kul r-e like something (v) jel -il<o>, utz -il, utz -na like that (adv) jela, jeri like this (adv) jewa like what one hears (v) utz -ta like, as (prep) jacha like, as, in accordance with (adv) je jas liked, well-liked (adj) loq lime (n) chun, saq kab lime (n-esp) lima lime mixed with water for making tortillas (adj) polim lime peel (n) ij lime used to thicken corn dough (n) chun ru lime, sour (n) alamnx lime, sweet lime (n-esp) alima limestone (n) chun limit (n) tanalik limit of piece of land (n) kulbatil limp (v) taknajik, choknajik, chokopik, chokowik line (n) juch<unik>, cholaj<il> line up (v) chol lineage (n) xeal link (chain) (n) tiqbal lintel, cross-beam (n) wapalil lion, dancer who represents lion in mythic dances (n) ajkoj lips (n) chi<aj> liquid (adj) ja -wch liquid, in liquid form (ja u wch ri cunabal) (adj)
ja -wch liquor (n) ama ja liquor (n) ja liquor (n) kuxa liquor (n) tzam liquor, home-made (n) tzam re siwan lisp (v) lotolik listen (v) tanik listen attentively (v) tatabej listener (n) tal listener, one who listens to someones needs (n) tal -ech lit (candle or lamp) (adj) tzijtalik litter (n) jupuq little (adj) alaj little (adj) kol<ik> little (adj) nuch little (adj) sin, xnit little (liquid) (n) juqub little (liquids or measured things like sugar) (n) jubiq little (n) juchin little (n) qatatal little (sugar or flour) (n) staq little activity (adj) tzinilik little animal (n) chikop little bee (n) us kab little bit (n) staq little bit (salt, food) (n) jutzit little boy when can walk (3-8) (n) lintat little by little (adv) chi nojimal little by little (adv) xa staqil little by little (do work) (adv) taqbiqal little finger (n) chip -qab, ukaj alkualaxel, chip kaqab little fish (n) chu little girl when can walk (3-8) (n) nuy little ranch (n) kabal little stone (n) wabj little while (n-esp) rato live (v) kasik live coal (n) aqal live in a place (v) kojik 226
live together (v) jochojik liveliness (n) sakajil liver (n) paror, saseb, poror, seseb<aj> livestock farmer (v) tikol awaj living together out of wedlock (adj) -riqom -ib lizard which carries bad luck (n) ixpach susum lizard, small lizard (n) ixpach, xpach lizol (plant) (n) bolol load (n) eqan load, to fill up (v) balij loan (something to be returned) (n) qajomal loan (to be returned with equivalent item or amount) (n) jalomal loaned (adj) qajom loathsome (adj) xaoj -ilik, xaojbal lock (n) jubal lock of hair (n) xekelibal re -wi lock something (v) ju lock something (v) lawej locked (adj) lawetalik, juum, jutalik log in fire) (v) nim loiter (v) saqorinik loiter (v) tzukuj jas -ban loiterer (n) xepu long (adj) roqorik, naj, nim -aqn long (dress) (adj) tuqutik long (face, nose) (adj) takatik long (nose) (adj) tutzutik long (truck, neck) (adj) yuquyik long and flat (adj) rabarik long arm hair (n) nimaq raqan ri rismal qab long days (n) nim u-pam qij long grass (n) kim long neck (adj) yuquyik u kul long silk womans blouse (n) xa look after (v) chajij look after ones self (v) chajij -ib look after someone (v) ilij look at (v) kayisj, kay che look at something (v) kayej look behind (v) kay kan chrij look down on something (v) tzu -wch look for (v) tzukuj
look like (v) je -wchin look like (v) kayik look to kill (v) tzukuj -kamisaxik looked for (adj) tzukum looks (n) kayibal loom (n) kembal, qalem loop in rope (n) -pu chi kolob loose (pack on a horse) (adj) cholik loose (wedge) (adj) chol<ik> loose earth (n) poqlaj loose knot (n) suq loose, large and floppy (clothing too big) (adj) roqorik loose-fitting (adj) chol<ik> loosely tied (adj) kirkobinaq loosen (tv2) chopij loosen (v) koronik, cholik loosen or unfasten (petals from flowers) (v) pulpubik loosen or unfasten something (flowers in wind) (v) pulpubisaj loosen something (v) korobaj loosened or unfastened (petals from flower) (adj) pulpubinaq lord (n) ajaw Lord (title for Christian God) (n) Ajawaxel lose (game, war) (v) tzolqomijik lose (home or family member) (v) malij lose (v) tzaqik, sach lose ones self (v) jal -be lose something (v) tzaq lose speech (v) memarik lose time (v) tzaq -qij lose way (v) sach -be lost (adj) tzaqinaq, tzaqom, sachinaq, -sachom -be lost state, being lost (n) sachbal ib lost trail (n) kolom be lots, many (adj) sibalaj lots, many (n) jumulaj louse (see also lice) (n) saquq, saquk, uk louse, chicken louse (n) sis love (v) loqoqej 227
love for something (n) loqoqebal -kux ch-e lower (head in prayer) (v) yuxba lower abdomen (n) -xe -pam lower jaw (n) kakate, xere lower something (v) qasaj Lucero del sur (star) (n) Tap luck (n) kochibal luck or fate (n) -wch -qij luck, bad fortune (n) kiqal saqil luck, dobsonfly (bad luck) (n) istzal lucky (adj) utz -e<ch> lukewarm water (n) sq meqina lumberjack, one who saws planks from tree (n) ajtzalam lunar eclipse (n) xkm ik lunar eclipse (v) km ik lunch (n) wa re paqij lunch-mouth (n) jiq lung (n) potzpoy, pospoy, patzpoy lurk (v) yakunik lurk around (v) yuxkutik lying down (adj) qoyol<ik> lying down (quadrupeds) (adj) sotolik lying face down (person (drunk, unconscious), thing) (adj) jupulik lying face up (adj) pakalik lying flat (something thin like a coin) (adj) tzaralik lying on the ground (clothes or rope) (adj) choqolik lymph (n) saqsmaqamoj maam (n) nan macaw (n) kiaq kix, kiaqix machete (n) chich machete (n-Esp) machet machete, cut with dull machete (v) kosnjik machete, double-edged (adj) kieb -ware made (adj) bantajinaq made of leather (adj) banom che tzum madness (n) chuj, chujilal Madre cacao tree (Gliricidia sepium) (n) qn te madron tree (madroo) (n) uka, -ka che Magdalena (n) Mat maggot (Momostenango) (n) xpakpan
maggot (n) ixjut, -achaq amolo, xjut maggot, worm (n) xjut magic word (n) tzij teojil magpie (n) chiko, pijuy maguey (n) ki che, ki maguey blanco (n) kip maguey leaf (n) yut maguey sap (n) -jail ki mahogany tree (caoba--Swietenia) (n) qn che maid (n) mokom mail deliverer (n) jachol taq karta maintain (v) kolisaj maintain something (v) kajmajinik maintain vigilance (v) kaklej maiz de la costa (n) taqajal ixim make (v) ban, banik make a drawing of something (v) esaj -wach make a fist (v) muqej -qab make a hole (tv1) teq<o> make a pilgrimage (v) sikonik make a strong effort (v) koj -chuqab make afraid (v) xibinik make an oath (v) tzanabej make angry (v) yak -oyowal make better (v) utzirisaj make by hand (v) ban ch-o qabaj make choking sounds in the throat (v) joqowiq make clear (v) qalajisaj make clear, remove all secrecy (v) sanaba make cold (v) jorobisaj make crazy (v) moxirisaj make dirty (v) tziloj, tzilaj make even (v) sukumaj make even or smooth (v) jikomaj make faces indicating bashfulness (girl) (v) kip -chi make fun of (v) esaj -wach, yoqowik, etzbej -wch make fun of (v) subuj make furrows (earth) (v) tzaq rij make furrows (preparatory to planting) (v) esaj bolaj make furrows (v) majkolij 228
make green (v) rxarisaj make happy (v) ya kikotemal ch-e make holy (v) tioxirik make lines (on paper, in the earth for planting) (tv1) juch<u> make love (v) kam -ib make muddy (v) xuqulnik make noise with pans (v) taralajik make ones self great (v) nimarisj -ib make ones self invisible (v) sach -ib make parrot sounds (v) lolotik make rich (v) qinomarisj make rope (v) tumitalik make round (v) yereik make seen (v) kayisj make signs with mouth demonstrating pride or bashfulness (tv1) yum -chi make smaller (v) chutinirisaj make someone bleed (from blow, cut) (v) esaj -kikel make something dance (as a doll or puppet) (v) xojowisaj make something delicious (v) kirisaj make something happen (v) kulmaj make something heavier (v) alobisaj make something muddy (v) xoqolaj make something old (hard work, etc.) (v) rijobisaj make something red (v) kiqarisaj make something stop (v) takaba make sudsy (v) woqowik make the attempt (v) chacha make the bed (tv1) tun ri u-wi ri chat make the sound of rushing air (v) jininik make thread (n) btzanik make thread (v) btzij make tortillas (tv1) lej<o> make tortillas (v) lejenik, lejonik make up (v) utzir -uk make wet (v) chaqaba, chaqabaj, chaqisaj make whitewash or cement from limestone w/ water (v) polij maker (n) banol, banal
malaria (n) rx tew, chaqi tew male (adj) ama male quetzal (n) maquq maleza espinosa (briar, spiny weed) (n) tajal kix mallet (n) qosqob, qosibal malva plant (medicinal plant, used in bathwater) (n) choj<ob> "great enemy" (Mam as sender of illness, punishment) (n) Nimalaj Kulel man (n) achi man or animal which has greatly multiplied (n) winaqal wchaj man who doesnt want to stay in house (n) mun achi man, great man (n) nimalaj achi mans skirt (Nahuala) (n) rawa mans skirt (Nahuala) (n-esp) lantar man-animal who frightens people (n) subunel mandible (n) kakate, xere mandible, lower jaw (n) kakate mange (n) salpich, sal mange, itch, allergy (n) kiaqat manguey, fiber of maguey (n) saq ki manifestation of spirit of mountains, customs, traditions (n) Saqi Koxol manifestation of traditional earth powers (n-esp) Tiox Mundo manifested (adj) qalajisam manioc (n) tzin manna, food of the gods (n) boron many (adj) ki many (animals) (adj) sibalaj many kinds (adj) ki -wch many people (n) kia winq many times (adv) ki mul many, a lot (n) jumulaj many, great many (n) jumulaj manzanilla (fruit--something like a crabapple) (n) kxlan qinom maracas (n) chijchij mare (n) atit kej marimba (n) qojom marimba keys (n) -tzalamal qojom 229
marimba player (n) ajqojom, qojomanel marimba weights (n) -kajil qojom mariquita negra (biting insect) (n) qupunel mark (n) etal mark (v) koj -etal mark caused by prolo ta (n) qatqik marked with a seal (adj) tiqom marker of doubt (adv) ne marker of future, or certainty (adv) na marker, boundary marker (usually heap of stones) (n) kulbat marriage (n) kulanem marriage broker (n) kamal be married (adj) kulan<ik> marrow (n) -pa baq, tatu marry (v) kulanik, kulik marry off (v) kulibaj marry someone off (v) kulubaj marsh (n) paxqol marvel (n) mayibal marvel (v) mayij -ib marvel at something (v) mayij masculine indicator (animals) (adj) ama masculine youth indicator (a Xuan = the young Juan) (adj) a mash (beans, chili, achiote) (v) jok mash (chile) (tv1) qut<u> mash (chile, tomatoes) (v) qutik mashed (adj) jokom mashed beans (n) kiem kinaq mask (n) koj, wch sot mason (n) yakal ja Mass (n) bix qij mass (n) chucuchik mass, Catholic Mass (n-esp) mixa massage (sore knee) (v) bilbayij massage (tv1) jik<o> massage with oil or other unguent (v) balachij masseuse (n) jikanel master (n) ajchaqe masturbate (v) pilipa -ib masturbation (n) rayibal pa -tukiel mat to sit on (n) sepelbal
mat, petate (palm mat) (n) xbaq matasano (fruit--Casimira edulis) (n) ajache, achel, ajche match (n) tzijbal qaq, juchibal qaq matchmaker (male) (tortulero, asks hand of marriage on behalf of boy) (n) chuchqajaw, chnimtal matchmaker, marriage broker (n) kamal be materia (as in eye) (n) pus material (cloth) (n) chekubal material under fingernails (n) -xe -ixkiq matter in eyes (n) puruk mature (living things) (adj) rij mature (v) rijobik matured, grown (corn plant which has formed ears) (n) balabik maturity (n) rijobik, rijobinaqil, rijil may it be so (exp) are ku ri maybe (adv) kraj ne maybe (conj) we ne mayor (n) taqanel, qatol tzij, nabe qatbal tzij mayor, alcalde auxiliar (small town) (n) ajchamiy mayordomo (n-esp) martom mazacuata snake (n) talabom Mazatenango (n) Kiaqal kiej me, I (pro) in meadow (n) alaj taqaj, yuqubal, uwosaq meal (n) waim mean (adj) lawalo mean (dog) (adj) chuj mean (person) (adj) tuxtik mean (wa kel kubij-- this means) (v) el kubij mean disposition (adj) kan meaning (n) bantajik, taik, cholaj<il>, chomabal, banik meanness (n) kanal means of walking (n) binibal means, this means (v) bij wa measles (n) ij<aj>, alaj taq yabil, ij measure (v) etanik measure of something (n) jupaj measure something (v) etaj -wch, etaj measurement (n) etabal
measurement, incorrect weight measurement (n) jikom ri pajbal measurer (n) etanel measurer, one who measures (n) etanel measurer, string for measuring (n) etabal kam measuring instrument (n) etabal meat (n) tij meat seller (n) pochonel meat soup (n) -wal tij meat, chunk of meat (n) -nak tij medallion (n) chayom puaq mediator (n) qaxanel medicinal plant (planta silvestre) (n) tzojtzoj qayes medicinal plant (ruda) (n) rura medicine (n) kunabal meditate (v) pixabajik, nojinik meditator (n) bisol medium cooked (adj) kat tuquch meet (v) kulik, kulaj meet together (v) kul<ik> -ib meeting (n) molim ib, mulin ib, chomal, mulim ib, komon winaq melancholy (v) yuxik melt (butter in sun) (v) jrik melt (metal, etc.) (v) jarisaj melt (v) lojojik member of a cofrada (n) ajpatan member of a group (n) ajchop, ajwinaqil member of same race (n) qa winaq membrillo (fruit) (n) kxlan kum, amprima memento (n) natabal memory (n) natabal, chomabal, natabal men with incense burners (n) mortom mend (clothing) (v) kojoj mend (tv1) tis<o> mend, repair (v) kijij menstrual cramps, strong (n) yitzitz menstrual period (n) yabil re ik menstruate (v) chajomanik menstruation (n) chajon, ikil, -etal ik, -yabil ixoq mental aberration (n) moxirem mentally retarded or abnormal (adj) etzeltajinaq
-jolom mention something frequently (v) pajbej meow (v) oqik Mercury, planet Mercury (n) Ajitz mercy (n) toqob, elibal kuxaj merely (adv) xa<q> merriment (n) jajatemal messenger (n) taqon<el>, taqon, tzijol mestizo (n) mus metal (n) chich metal plater, one who plates metal (v) nakal chich metal repairman (n) qilil chich metal, sound metal grinding or screeching against metal (brakes) (v) qitznajik meteor, falling meteor (n) sutz kumatz method (n) cholaj<il> midday (n) pa qij, nikaj qij middle (n) -nikajal, nikiaj middle (of house or land) (n) -nikajil middle finger (n) ukab alkualaxel middle-man (n) qaxanel midnight (n) nikaj aqab midst, in middle of (prep) pa -nikajil midwife (n) nanyox, loqonel, ilonel, iyom, kexelon, -atit akal Miguel (n) Akiel mildew (n) -achaq ixpeq military leader (n) qalel milk cow (tv1) yitz ri -tu ri wakax milk, breast dribble (n) turuwik -tu mill, hand mill (n) qutbal ik, tukubal mill, small mill (n) tukubal million (jun chuyil--1,000,000) (num) chuyil mimosa (n) xqnal mince (v) much<u> minced (adj) muchum mind (n) chomabal mind is set (adj) nakal<ik> pa -jolom mingle (tv1) jux -ib minister, pastor (n) ajyuq minnow (n) chu, say mint (yerba buena) (n) kxlan sikaj
miracle (n) mayibal, kajmajibal mirror (n) wchibal, lemo, ilbal ib, kayibal, ilbal miscarriage (n) tzaqinem mischievous (adj) kiaqat mischievous child (n) xkiaqat miser (n) xuy misery (n) mebail missing one or two ears (adj) yul mist (n) ab, mayul, sutz u-wchulew mist rising from land (n) sibal mistake (n) mak<aj> mistaken (adj) sachinaq mistletoe (n) tzorop mistreat (little brother) (v) ban kx ch-e mix (tv1) yuj<u> mix (v) kulajij -ib, yujik, yujaj mix with (corn with beans) (tv1) xol<o> mixed (adj) yujutal, yujatal, xolotal<ik> moan (v) jilowik, sikinik mock (v) subuj, etzbej -wch mock someone (v) tzej -wch moderation, with moderation (adv) nojim moist (earth) (adj) neqelik moist (soil), fertile (soil) (adj) quq moist earth (n) ulew rx molar (n) ka mold (n) pus mold (v) pusirik mole (n) ba, etal mole (skin) (n) -etal qeq, lunar molest (tv1) tzur<u> molest (v) tzurunik, ya latz ch-e, mokunik molt (v) kex -ismal, puyunik moment (n) aninqil, jutixik moment (n-esp) rato moment, a bit (n) juchin Momostenango ("Before the Shrine") (n) Chuwa Tzaq money (n) puaq money left over (n) tzelem rajil money saved for some purpose (n) ajil monkey (n) -qab che, batz monkey winged, imaginary animal (n) pich koy
monkey, spider monkey (n) koy monopolize or have sole ownership (v) laqpuj month (n) ikil month ago (adv) jun ik kan<oq> month of twenty days (n) ik month, last month (adv) jun ik kan<oq> monthly (adv) ronojel ik, chi ik, ikil, pa ikil monthly paid person, someone paid by the month (n) ajik monthly work or pay (n) ikil monthly, every month (adv) pa taq ik, ronojel ik monument (n) tzaq moo (cow) (v) muyunik moon (n) ik moon when has a halo (moons bathing) (v) atin ri ik moon, half moon (n) nikaj ri ik moon, new (n) kminq ri ik, chutin ik moon, quarter moon (n) xnikajar ri ik moon, sliver moon (n) k ne ri ik moon, woman dancer represents moon (n) ajik moons path (n) -be ik mop water off a flat object (v) lutz morale, black and white shoulder bag (n) par chim more (adv-esp) mas morning (n) saqiribal morning from dawn to noon (n) qn qij morning meal (n) wa re nimaqab morning, early in the morning (adv) bajchi morning, early morning (n) aqb mornings (n) aqbil morral (n) chim mortal (n) kmel mosquito (n) s, xan mosquito bite (n) tiobal s moss (n) qux mossy (adj) pus Motagua River (n) Ja nima moth (n) chalakan moth, white moth (n) chilakan moth-eaten (adj) qumar mother (from birth to 40 days) (n) tujanel mother (n) chuch, nan<axel> 232
mother-in-law of a female (n) alib<axel> chichu mother-in-law of a man (n) ji<axel> ixq, ji<axel> chichu motive (n) jasche moulded (dough) (adj) yoqom mouldy (adj) pus moulting (cat, dog, horse) (v) puxin r-ij mound (n) mul mound used to support corn plant from wind (n) mul mount (a horse, symbolically mount anything) (v) kejaj mount (horse) (v) kejej, kijenik, kejbej mount horse (v) kiejej mountain (n) juyub mountain lion (n) kj mountain near Santa Cruz (n) Krus Che mountain with no people living on it (n) uwisqumbal mountain without people (n) uwosaq mountains near Chichicastenango (n) Paxkual abaj, Paxot, Pokojik mountains, all (n) nima juyub chuti juyub mounted on a horse (adj) kiejeninaq, chokol mourn someone (v) oqej mourn something (tv2) bisoj mourning clothes (n) waqwoj atziaq mouse (n) cho mouse, field mouse (n) saq cho mouse, ratn de monte (field mouse) (n) baycho mouse, wild mouse (ratn del monte) (n) -cho juyub mouth (n) -pu chi, chi<aj> mouthful (n) jupur, juba move (loose nail) (v) yinkatik move (v) qaxaj, silobik move about without purpose (v) tulkuik move blood-- means of receiving supernatural message (v) silob -kikel move by pushing (v) qebisaj move flame (candle in wind) (v) yubyutik move forward (in line or to leave a bus) (v) nabajik
move from one place to another (v) jalkatij move or shake (something large--bridge when truck passes) (tv1) tzey -ib move, to shake (earthquake) (v) salabaj move, to shake (v) salabisj moverse (tree branch in wind) (v) salabik mow grass, to cut (tv1) jos<o> much (adj) ki, sibalaj mucous (n) -pa tzam mucous, dried mucous (n) jut mud (n) xoqol mud (see also xoqol) (n) xaqol mud, clay (used for making ado (n) qeq ulew mud, sticky mud (n) kch xoqol muddy (adj) xoqolinaq muddy, become muddy (adj) xoqoltajinaq mulberry (n) tukan mulberry herb (n) imut mule (n) kowilaj kiej multiply (fish) (v) poqorik multiply (people, animals) (v) poqik, poqisaj, poqonik multiply (v) poqisaj -wch multiply by as in 7 x 7 (v) chi, as in wuqb chi wuqub mumble [Momos] (v) mematik mumps (n) -pa -qul mumps (n) qulaj munch, always munch (v) kuxkatik murderer (n) kmisanel murmur (n) wixwitem murmur (v) muyumutik, roqratik, wixwitik murmur about (v) wixwitej murmur against (v) wixwitik muscle (n) chuqab muscle (n) tioj muscle, deltoid muscle of arm (n) -cho -qab muscular (adj) tioj mushroom (edible) (n) qatzu mushroom (edible, orange-colored) (n) kiaqix mushroom (large and poisonous) (n) extan tolok mushroom (n) ikox mushroom (n) okox 233
mushroom, black mushroom (n) -unum qeq mushroom, class of poisonous mushroom (n) -baqwch kminaq mushroom, poisonous (n) chuj ikox mushroom, white (n) saq kim, -aqn tzikin music (n) oqebal musician (n) ajqojom musician (n) qojomanel mustache, beard (n) -ismal chi mustard (n-esp) martansa mute (adj) mem muzzle (dog) (n) tzam<aj> my (poss pro) nu my (poss pro) wmyth (n) aqbal nabo. colewort, a vegetable) (n) jawux ichaj nail (finger), claw (bird), talon, hoof (n) ixkiaq nail (n) klawux nail something (tv2) klawuxij nail, hammer, screw, put on tightly (v) bajij nailed (adj) qosim, klawuxim nailed tight (adj) ko qosim nailed, well-nailed (adj) ko qosim naked and fat (adj) sanalik naked and poor (like in Good Samaritan) (adj) sanalik nakedness (n) chanil name (n) bi namesake (n) kexel nantze (tropical fruit--Brysonima cotinifolia) (n) tapal nape of the neck (n) ij -wi, -ij -qul, chrij wi napkin (n) sut, pisbal wa, subal chi<ij> napkin or cape weaver (n) ajkemal sut narrated (adj) tzijom narrow (adj) latz, nitz -wch narrow (Momostenango) (adj) chutin -wch narrow canyon (n) jut siwan narrow ravine (n) jutz siwan narrow space between houses (n) -xol ja nation (n) amaq nation of Guatemala (n) amaq Guatemala native altar (n) tanabal
native Indian (n-esp) natural native of here (n) ajwaral native of Totonicapn (n) ajmiqina nature (n) banik nausea (n) muluw kux nausea (n) sutin<ik> -wch nausea, vomiting (n) xawem nauseating (adj) xababal nauseating, ugly (adj) mulibal kux navel (n) muxux near (adj) naqaj near (prep) ch-naqaj near death (person) (adj) qin nearly (adv) sqin, xa jubiq man ... Nebaj (n) Bokeron necessary (adj) rajawaxik neck (n) qul<aj> neck, long neck (adj) yuquyik u kul necklace (n) chachal nectar, flower nectar (n) -kab kotzij need to urinate or defecate (v) qoxow chik needle (n) baq, tisobal needle prick (v) kixoj needle, bloodletting instrument (n) tzitz needles, spruce fir tree (pinabete) (n) tzin chj needlework (n) tison negative indicator (adv) man...taj negative indicator (prep) ma negative indicator of interrogative (interrog) lamna neigh (horse) (v) jinjitik neighbor (are nu-kul ja --hes my neighbor) (n) kul ja neighbors (n) kul taq ja neither (adv) mine, mawi neither good nor bad (v) xa qi -bij nephew (n) wi kab, wi kaq, ti<axel> nephew of man (n) chutin kojol, kojolabal<axel> nephew of woman (n) alabal<axel> nephew or niece of woman (n) chutin al, alabal<ixel> nerve (n) iboch nervous (adj) xiribib 234
nest (n) sokaj, sok<aj> net (n) kat net, fish net (n) kat chapbal kr, chapbal kr never-ending (adj) junalik never (adv) ni jumul, mawi jumul, majun mul nevertheless (conj) pune t jeri new (adj) kak new corn (n) akiel new moon (n) kminq ri ik, chutin ik New Years Day (n) Jalbal newborn baby (n) ne, loch newborn infant (n) kieqalaj loch newly harvested corn (not yet hard) (n) akiel news (n) tzijol newt (n) ixpach, yij, nij next day (adv) chukab qij next year (n) jun junab chik nibble (v) purij, kchuj nice (adj) kamel niece (n) ji niece of man (n) chutin mial niece or nephew of woman (n) chutin al, alabal<ixel> night (n) chaqab, aqb night bird (n) ixparpuaq night dew (seen as unhealthy) (n) rxqab night watchman (n) waranel night, at night (adv) chaqb, xqeqal night, last night (n) chaqab iwir nightmare (n) itzel ichik, ichik sibalaj xibibal nine (n) belejeb nineteen (n) belejlajuj nineteenth (num) ubelejlajuj ninety (num) jumuchlajuj ninth (adj) ubelej ninth (n) -belej nipple (n) -tzam tu nixtamal (n) tzi no (dec) jai no ears (adj) sluy no facial hair (adj) tan -palaj no flavor (lacking salt) (adj) sirisik, sq tza no one (n) majun
no one, there is no one (exp) maj jachin kolik nod (with sleep) (v) yuxkatik noise (n) jininem, yokobal, tzokokem, jumuj, oqebal nominated (adj) kojom non-corn food (n) rikil non-domesticated (adj) juyubal none (adv) maj none (n) majun none, there is none (adj) man ko taj non-Indian (n) amus nook, corner of eye (n) jutz nor (adv) mawi north (n) -wikiaqab ri relbal qij, u-xukut kaj North Star (n) Tuyul north, ritual title for north (assoc. with femaleness, left) (n) kajxukut ulew nose (n) tzam<aj>, tzam nostril (n) -julil -tzam not accept (v) man kam taj not allowed (adj) man ku-ya taj not charitable (adj) ko -anima not clever (n) ajmox not come out well (v) man -el taj not confident (v) tziarik not even (adv) xa t ne not favor one over another (Ri Dios junam keril ri winaq) (v) junam -il not give enough (v) xuyaj not have the desire to work (v) saqorinik not heavy (adj) man al taj not lazy (adj) sakj not sound good (v) man utz taj -tatajik not speak well (v) lotolik not spoil (v) man -ban taj itzel not succeed (v) man -el taj not tucked in (shirt tail) (v) telik not wobbly (table on floor, or a house) (adj) chakalik not yet (adv) k maja, maja nothing (adv) maj nothing to do (v) qasaj qij notice (n) bixik 235
nourish (v) tzuq, tzuqik nourisher (n) tzuqunel nourishment (general term for all food and drink) (n) wa ja nourishment (n) tzuquxik, tzuqubal now (adv) kamik now (adv) wachanim, wakamik now (prep) chi<k> nude (adj) chanalik nude (n) chanal numb (adj) sikirinaq number (n) -ajilbalil, ajilabal nurse (infant) (v) tunik, tzubunik nut (n) mop, wayis, map nutrition (n) kowilibal oak (n) bakit oak (roble) (n) tukar oak parasite (n) xikicho, pol oak, evergreen oak (encina) (n) wit, skel, ponopik, kowilaj che, rx che obedience (n) niman<ik> obedient (horse) (adj) kamel obedient person (n) nimanel obey (v) il, nimaj, wolsaj oblige (v) puersij oblige (v) taqchij observe (v) kay chrij, ilawchij, il, kayik obsidian (n) cha, chay obstacle placed to prevent passage (wall, stones) (n) qatbal obstruct (v) qat obstructed (adj) qatejinaq obtain (v) chek obtain (v) chekik, riq, kamowik occurences (n) pop ocean (n) plo odd (adj) tzebal odor, scent (n) uxlab<al> odor, smell of body odor (n) xexal of (adv) aj of (prep) -e<ch> off the cuff (adj) ponom offend (v) tzil, yoqonik
offense (n) tzurunik offer (money or employment) (v) chij offer (v) tzuj offer ones self (v) tzuj -ib offerer of burnt offerings or incense (n) poronel offering (n) tabal, chinik, kuchuj, tabal toqob official (n) ajpop off-white (adj) saqsoj often (adv) amaqel ojala, may it be so (exp) are ku ri ojal (conj) wet okay (n) jae old (adj) rij old age (n) rijobik, rijil old age (n) rijobinaqil old debt (n) nimalaj kasaj old man (n) tata, nima winaq old person (n) rij winaq, nim winaq old stories (n) ojer taq tzij older brother of boy (n) tz<axel> older brother of male (n) achalal older sister of girl (n) tz<ixel> Olintepeque (n) Xekikel omen, indication in sky that it will rain (n) raqbala omen, sign of rain (n) raqbala on (prep) pa, p-wi on behalf of (prep) -umal -ech on one side (adj) tzalanik on the bottom (adv) k ch-pam on the other hand (adv) -jolom r-ib on the third day (adv) churox qij on time (adv) aninq on top of (prep) p-wi on vacation (adj) jamal -wch once (adv) jutij once (n) jumul once again (adv) jumul chik, chi jumul once in a while (Jun taq pa kinbe pa ri tinimit) (adv) jun taq pa once in a while (tajin wi kinbek--I go once in a while) (adv) tajin wi once more (adv) jumul chik one (n) jun 236
one armed (n) tum one by one (adv) chkijujunal one by one (prep) ch-jujunal one day ago (adv) jun qij kan<oq> one handed (n) kut -qab one in a million (adj) jun wi u-cholaj one in whom you can confide (n) -ach chaben one sent (n) taqon<el> one side (n) juperaj one time (n) jumul one time, once (n) mul one who asks for hand in marriage (n) ajtzonolob one who asks the hand of a girl (n) samajel one who awakens someone (n) kasunel one who buries (n) muqunel, muqunijel one who clarifies (n) qalajisanel one who dies (n) kmel one who embarasses easily (n) ajkix one who fashions or fabricates (n) tzaqol one who fishes (n) chapal kr one who flirts (n) tzujul rib one who follows (n) terenel one who hits others (n) chayanel one who holds in arms (n) qalunel one who is guilty (n) ajmak one who is just passing through (n) qatanel one who knows secrets (n) ajwch one who listens to someones needs (n) tal -ech one who lives in the house (n) aj uwo -achoch one who looks after someone or something (n) ilol -ech one who measures (n) etanel one who plates metal (v) nakal chich one who reflects (n) bisol one who saws planks from tree (n) ajtzalam one who takes something away (land) (n) majanel one who works fields in hills (n) ajpajuyub one-eyed (adj) potz, tzoq one-eyed person [Momos] (n) potz one-eyed person [Toto] (n) matz onion (from cebolla) (n-Esp) siboy, seboy onion (wild) (n) xanakat onions, bundled (green onions tied together) (adj)
yatom only (adv) xuwi, xu<wi>, xa<q> only one (adv) xa jun ooze (v) bulijik opaque (water, etc.) (adj) sutz -wch open (adj) jaqal<ik> open (can) (tv1) teq<o> open (collar when unbuttoned) (adj) peqalik open (door) (adj) telik open (pulling cap from bottle) (v) torotobik open (tv1) tor<o>, jaq<o> open a little (v) kababa open halfway (v) kababa open mouth (tv1) kab -chi open something all the way (door) (v) peqaba open with fingers (doctor opens eyelids to examine eyes) (v) rech<o> open, half open (adj) kabal<ik> opened (adj) torotobinaq, jaqbexik opening (n) kabal, chi<aj> openly (adv) chi saqil openly, in the open (adv) chi saqil operator (n) abanel opinion (n) noj, chomanik opossum (n) wuch, uch oppose (v) kulelanik, takbaj -ib oppose something (v) kuluba opposite (n) kulel oppress (v) taqan itzel oracle (n) chobonel orange (adj) qn kiq orange (n) ij, alanxx orange juice (n) -wal alanxx orange tree (n) alanxx orchard (apples, oranges, etc.) (n) juwi orchid (n) ek, pol order (n) taqbal, cholaj<il>, oqxan order (v) chok, taqanik order release (v) taqanik che resaxik order, put in order (v) chol, lem ordinance (n) sukumabal organ cactus (n) wanok organize (tv1) wok<o>
organize (v) sukumaj orientation (n) kolem origin (n) xel origin of water (n) nawala oriole (n) tochich Orion constellation (n) Ama Achi Orion, constellation of Orion (n) qinobal oropharynx (n) -xe -aq orphan (n) meba other (adv) nikaj chik other (n) nikiaj other (prep) chi<k> other side (adv) chaqap our (poss pro) q<a>our ancient ancestors (n) ojer taq qa chuch qa qajaw, ojer taq qa tat qa nan, ojer taq qa mam outrage (v) yoqonik outraged (adj) eyawarinaq outside (adv) apan<q> outskirts of town (n) tzam taq ja oval (adj) toyom oven (n) tuj over (cross over mountain or plain) (adv) tzan over there (adv) chila, jela overcast (n) muqul sutz overcome, pass through difficulty (v) ok il overflow (n) tzabel overflow (v) pulinik overflow of river (n) -wo ja overflowing (adj) pulinik overgrown (plants) beyond prescribed place (adj) tzuyulik overload, engulf with size (such as heavy load covers carrier) (v) lujujik overthrow (v) qasaj overturn (pot of water by pig) (v) talkamij overwhelm (v) qajbej owl (n) tukur owl hoot (v) bixonik owl sound (n) tukur owl, small owl (n) kurupup owner (n) ajchaqe, ajaw, ajchoqe
ox (n) ama wakx oxidize (v) chuluj -ib pace (n) -xol -aqan Pachalum (n) Tunkaj pache (eaten on holidays) (n) niq tamal paches (n) pach pacified (adj) jamarinaq pacify (v) bochij pacify (v) junamtaj -wch, silanik, jamarisaj pack (for a trip) (tv1) patz<o> pack (for horse) (n) eqbal packsaddle (n) xalma padded ring used for carrying heavy containers on head (n) ixpachek page (book) (n) xaq page (n) -xaq wuj paid (adj) tojtajinaq, tojom pain (n) qoxowem, qoxom pain in place other than source of pain (referred pain) (n) qatzqayil pain, radiating pain (n) kiqiq pain, stomach pain (n) qoxow pomaj paint (house) (tv1) qo paint (n) tzajbal paint (v) tzajanik, tzaj<o> paint job (n) tzajbal paint portrait (v) esaj -kayibal painted (adj) tzajom painter (n) tzajonel painter (v) qonel painting (n) tzajbal pair (n) jukulaj pair (v) tunuba pair of persons (n) kab ichal pair of twins (n) jukulaj yox pair, couple (n) kulaj pair, two of them, both (n) e kieb paired (adj) tunulik palace (n) nima ja qatal tzij pale (adj) saq molmoj, saq -palaj, saq tub, saqper pale blue (adj) rxroj pale brown (adj) qakoj
pale from illness or fright (v) raxmakik pale purple (adj) moratoq -pam pale, very pale (illness) (adj) saqloloj palm of the hand (n) -pu qab, -pam -qab, -pa -qab palm tree (corozo or coyol) (n) tut palm tree (n) chip palo volador (pole used for the dance) (n) kaj che, -che koy paloma silvestre (n) tukmux pan for frying chile (n) kilibal ik Panajachel (n) Cheleja panela (unrefined brown sugar) (n) kab pant (horse) (v) jaqowik pant (v) kasakatik, kasowik pant or breath heavily (from exertion or illness) (v) polowik pant, or breath heavily (from exertion) (v) posowik pants (n) kason papaya (n-esp) papay paper (n) wuj paper with writing (n) wujil parable (n) kambal noj paralyze (v) sikirisaj paralyzed (adj) cheerinaq, sikirinaq paralyzed (body part) (adj) kminaq parasite for oak (n) xikicho, pol parasite on pine trees (n) chikonoy parasites, illness from intestinal parasites (n) chikop yabil parboiled (beans so still hard) (adj) rxkux pardon (n) sachbal mak pardon (tv1) kuy<u> pardon (v) sach -mak, kuy -mak parents (n) tat nan parked (car) (adj) takalik parrot (n) kiaqix parrot (n-Esp) lor parrot, green parrot (n) kel part (bread) [Toto] (n) chaqap<il> part (n) molaj part of the leg above the knee (n) a<aj>
partridge (n) saqkor, sajkor pass (hand to hand) (v) qaxaj pass (n) xolkoxon pass (salt to someone at the table) (v) qaxej pass (v) ikow pass before or in front of (v) okow -wch pass by (v) qatanik, okowik pass by or over (v) ikow pass from one place to another (v) qaxik pass on as an inheritance (v) ya kan<oq> -echbal pass over (v) okowik pass something toward speaker (v) qaxej uloq pass through (by permission or as a bus) (v) qatanik pass through (v) qoqej pass through difficulty (v) ok il pass time (v) qasan qij passed (bus already gone by) (adj) okowinaq passer-by (n) okowel passing (n) ikowem pastor (n) ajyuq pasture (n) qayes, recha, echa, uwosaq, yuqubal pasture (v) yuqunik, yuquj pat on the back (v) laq pataxte (Theobroma bicolor) (n) peq patch (n) kojbal, kojobal, kojobal, koj patch (v) kojoj patch of ground reserved for garden (wheat, flowers, vegetables) (n) lochoj path (n) -qab be, be<al> path of the moon (n) -be ik path of the sun (n) -be qij path, footpath (n) chutin be, alaj be, -qab be patience (n) kochonik patio (n) -wa -achoch, -wo ja patrilineage (n) alaxik patrilineage shrine (n) awas rech alaxik, awexibal tikbal patrilineage shrine (prayers for increase,health to ancestors) (n) warabal ja patrilineage shrine dedicated to agricultural success (n) winel
patrilineage shrine dedicated to financial and business success (n) mebil patrol, night watchman (n) waranel paved (road or street) (adj) lajom abaj paved road (n) -be chich pay (v) tojonik, tojik pay attention (v) ya noj, esj -noj pay attention to someones counsel (v) ta -tzij pay attention to something (v) koj -etal pay day (n) tojbal qij pay its price (v) tojbej re pay penitence (v) toj mak pay something (tv1) toj<o> payment (n) tojbal, tojobal pea (n) karawan pea shooter (n) wub peace (n) utzil, jamaril, uxlanem peace of mind or of the soul (n) uxlanibal kuxaj peach (n) turas peach (n-esp) turas peacock, pavo real (n) rx nos peak (n) tzuel peal away (v) kottajik pearl (n) chachal abaj peasant or peasant farmer (n) ajpajuyub pebble (n) xnit abaj, wabj peck (chicken) (v) tzopoj peck (v) tzoponik peck at (chicken) (tv1) lu peck at (chicken) (v) tob peel (apple or lime) (n) ij peel (paint from wall) (v) tzaktzobik peel away (paint from wall) (v) kotkobik peeled (potatoes or tomatos) (adj) cholom, kotkobik peeling (adj) tzoktzobinaq peep hole, small hole (in door so can see out) (n) tel pelt, coat (n) tzumal pen (n) tzibabal pencaso (adj) tantik pencil (n) tzibabal pending (adj) cheqelik
penis (n) tzikin penitence (n) xukulem people (n) winaq people (v) winaqirik people in a group (adj) mulanik people of a country (n) winaqil pepper (n-esp) piente peppery (adj) poqon percolate (filtrar) (v) buxlunijik perdition (n) sachbal ib perennial, siempre vive tree, flower (immortelle) (n) paxlaq perforated (adj) xortotik, xoroxik perforation (n) jul perfume, fragrance (rain) (n) kok<al> perhaps (adv) lo, kraj ne perhaps (conj) we ne perhaps (Momostenango) (adv) puxa perhaps (v) kraj ne perhaps not (conj) wenemna pericn (herb, used for stomach aches) (n) iya peritonitis (n) pamaj permanently located (adj) jeqelik permission-- asked of deities in prayers (n-esp) permiso permission, said when entering house (con permiso) (exp) tar permit (tv1) kuy<u> permit (v) ya -qij permit, give permission (v) ya -qij permitted (adj) yatal<ik> perplexed (adj) sachinaq -kux perraje (n) qu<aj> persecute (v) trombej, taqan itzel, tukij, koqotajik person (n) winaq person at fault (n) makunel person breaking something (n) qiponel person causing evil eye (n) kuxunel person from the coast (n) ajtaqajanik, ajtaqajal person in charge of a dance performance (n) -xeel person sent (n) taqon person who criticizes (n) yuchunel person who likes to travel (n) benam winq 240
person who scrapes (n) juchunel person who scribbles, draws lines (n) juchunel person who spins thread (n) qinol batz person who washes corpse (n) loqonel person whos always sleeping (n) xwar person with a missing tooth (n) xork person with a sweet tooth (n) jiq persons from Quetzaltenango (n) ajxelajuyab persuade (to go somewhere) (v) toqij persuade (v) bochij, taqchij pertaining to the sky (n) ajchikaj pertains to (adv) aj pestle (mano of grinding stone) (n) -qab ka pet (v) bochij pet (v) pilipa pet softly (v) malalej pet, caress (animal) (v) koloqaj petate (palm mat) (n) xbaq Peter (n) Lu petticoat (n) -pam -uq phallus (n) chikop, unum phantasm (n) busunel phantom (n) subunel, xibinel phantom which causes illness (n) uninoch, chakanel pharyngitis (n) qulaj pheasant (n) -k juyub photo (n) wchibal pichacha (straining jug for nixtamal) (n) ixchob pick (coffee, beans, leaves) (tv1) qol<o> pick pine (v) qol<o> pick up (load clothes, dishes) (v) yak pick up (v) sikoj, sikik pick up or find on the ground (v) sik picked (adj) molotaj picked up (adj) sikom picking (n) makow pickpocket (n) ajxik picky eater (adj) nich che ri -wa picotear (v) rakij picture (n) wchibal piece (n) chaqap<il>, molaj, tzaqatil, tzaqatil, juchab, chaqajil
piece (of fruit) (n) juba piece (of wood, etc.) (n) bolaj piece of a broken object (n) xer piece of blanket used by men around waist (Nahuala) (n) xerka piece of broken glass (n) cha piece of cloth (n) tziq piece of gypsum used by weavers to dry fingers (tizate) (n) saqkab piece of old cloth (n) kiy piece, small piece (n) xet pieces [Momos] (n) chaqataq pieces of glass (n) chay pierce (v) chuq<u> pierce, to open a hole in something (v) wor pig (n) aq pig speech when asking for food or when content (v) quruqutik pig swill (n) -ukia aq pigeon (n) palomx pijije bird (edible aquatic bird) (n) molay pike (n) bate pila (water basin) (n-esp) pila pile (n) mol pile (of rocks, ears of corn) (n) jumulaj pile up (corn, firewood) (v) mulanik pile up in a heap (v) mulij piled up (corn or firewood) (adj) mulanik pilgrimage (n) pa siqonik pillow (n) chakat<aj> pillow (n-esp) chaket piloy (large bean) (n-esp) piley pimple (n) chak, torotik, torotaq pinch (salt) (n) jumutz pinch (v) ketonik, xetenik, tonik pinch someone (v) xet pincher (n) tuxer pine (n) chj pine caterpillar (n) sichan, saq noy, ixqel chj pine cone (n) chukuy pine forest (n) temal pine needles (n) -pa ranum chj, -xaq chj pine, pino blanco (white pine) (n) pachj 241
pineapple (n) matzatit, chop pink (adj) kiqkoj pinky (n) chip -qab pino blanco (white pine) (n) pachj pino colorado tree (n) kiq chj pinole (cornmeal and water mixture) (n) yubun, kj pipe (n) por pistol holster (n) -achoch qaq pit (n) baq pitch (n) chj pitcher (n) kukub pitcher for boiling water (n-esp) xaru pitcher to carry water (n) tzu pitchfork (n) jopibal pitious, deserving of pity (adj) toqob -wch pito beans for divining (Erythrina corallodindron) (n) tzite pito tree (n) tzite pity (n) elibal kuxaj pity (v) toqobisj pity someone (v) oqej -wch pity someone or something (v) toqobaj pityriasis (jiote) (n) sal pizote (squirrel-like mammal) (n) itzul placate (v) jamarisaj place (n) kolibal, kolem place (tv1) koj<o> place (v) ya place an impediment (v) koj qatbal place face down (v) jupuba place for fire (n) nukbal qaq place for lying down (n) qoyobal place higher (v) aqanisaj place inside (v) oksaj, qaxej ch-pam place lengthwise (v) rabik place on its side or leaning (v) tzalaba place self among others (tv1) jux -ib place something as a pillow (v) chakatij place something face up (v) pakaba place thread on warp frame of loom (v) qin<o> place under (v) koj ch-xe place upside down (v) jupuba
place where incense is burned (n) porobal pom place where something is kept or guarded (n) kolibal r-e place where trash burned (n) porobal place where wheat thrashed (n) era placed lengthwise (rope laid out unrolled) (adj) rabalik placenta (n) kotzij plain (adj) sirisik, xaqin ch-bij plain (n) taqaj, lianik plain (v) xa qi -bij plain, coastal (n) taqaj plain, level (n) -wa taqaj plaintiff (n) tzujunel plainting, corn planting (n) awex plan (n) chomal plan (v) chomaj plan something (v) nojij plane, carpenters wood plane (n) josbal che planet Mercury (n) Ajitz planet Venus (n) Ama Quq plank of wood (Momostenango) (n) tzoloj plant (v) tikonik, tik, kiyisaj plant half-grown (n) kamow plant something (v) tikoj plant used as soap (n) uwotzi plant which closes leaves when touch them (n) takam plant, corn plant (n) abix plantain (pltano) (n) nax plantain fruit (n) saqul planted (adj) tikilik, tikom planted or firmly fixed (adj) tikilik planting (n) tikbal planting (tikon re abix) (n) tikon planting (wheat) (n) muquj plaque (n) chiluj -ware plasma (n) saqsmaqamoj plaster (n) saq kab plastic jar for water (n) qayebal plastic used to keep off rain (n) jaqubal plate (n) laq, webal plate or tin tray (n) laqalik chich 242
play (a musical instrument) (v) chinowisaj, tanasaj play (marimba or drum) (v) qosij play (v) etzanik play horn (v) oqesaj play the marimba or other instrument (v) qojomaj play with (v) etzabej play with something (v) etzbej player (n) etzanel playful (adj) kqt, kiaqat plaza (n) beel plead, court (v) bochij plead, demand, court, promise (v) tzonoj pleaded for (adj) tzonotalik pleasant scent (n) kok<al> pleasant temperament (adj) jororem please (por favor) (exp) malaqij please (v) qaj ch-wch pleasure (n) kikotemal pleasure trip (n) wakatem pleat (n) yoch pleat (tv1) yoch<o> pleated (adj) yochoch pleats (n) lichilik Pleiades (n) Ix Motz Pleiades constellation (n) mutz, Motz, Kq Che plot, cultivated (n) tikon, tikonijibal plow (n) abixbal plow (n-esp) arado plow (v) abixik plowing, preparation of the fields for planting by digging (n) joxkim pluck feathers (tv1) qul<u> plug (n) chuqbal plug (to drain water) (n) torbal ja plunged, thrust into (water) (tv1) jux<u> plural indicator (adj) e plural indicator (part) taq pock marks (on face) (n) -kolibal loqobal poetry (n) utzalaj bixik point (pencil or machete) (n) wi<aj> point of a tree, hill (n) tzuntzuy point of something, nose (n) tzam point out (tv1) kut<u>
point out the way (v) jach bik pa ri be point with finger (v) toqej pointed (like a pine tree), sharp point (knife) (adj) jisik pointed tip (n) chut poison (n) kmikabal, kmisabl, itzel kunabal poisonous (adj) kmisanik poisonous mushroom (n) chuj ikox poisonous snake (n) sachoj poisonous spider (n) -m kiej poke hard with finger (v) tin poke with a needle (tv1) chik<o> poke with fingers (hard) (v) tarij pole (n) che Pole Star (n) Tuyul pole used for a dance, palo volador (n) kaj che, -che koy pole, fishing pole (n) chapbal kr pole, symbol of man (forked pole to support a branch) (n) kab che police (n) patanil ke police (n-esp) polisiy policeman (n) ajchamiy polish (v) su polite term for genitals (n) awas polygamous husband (n) achij -baqwch polygamous spouse (n) kaser polygamous wife (n) ixq -baqwch pomegranate (n) karnat, nabial poncho (n) qu<aj> poncho, blanket-coat (n) qul pond (n) atinibal, cho ponder (v) pixabajik pony, small horse (n) kin kiej poor (adj) meba poor and naked (like in Good Samaritan) (adj) sanalik poor people (n) meba winaq poorly dressed (adj) yojoyik poorly fitting or put on (clothes) (adj) chelechik poorly prepared or done (adj) ponom pop (v) poqinik, poqij popcorn (n) bosel
populate (v) winaqirik porch (n) -aqan ja pork, chicharrn (fried pork rinds) (n) r-ij aq portable water carrier (n) pump portion (n) jule portion (n) nikaj, qat portion of corn dough (n) jubotaj portrait (n) kayibal possession (ronojel ri juyub ko pa ki qab ri tinimit) (n) qab posterity (n) ijal<il> pot for cooking tamales (n) tzakbal wa pot for cooking tamalitos (n) wais pot for soup (n) tuy pot for tamales (n) sbal pot maker (n) banal boj pot, large clay pot (n) boj pot, large pot to store water (n) turubal potato (n) nux, saqwch potato, sweet potato (n) kamot, ixqanajoy pot-bellied (person) (adj) ruburik -pam pot-belly, fat belly (person) (n) pukpik potsherds, broken potsherds (n) chem potters clay (n) ralawal boj pound (meat to tenderize it) (v) tech pour (v) tix pour liquid into something (tv1) qej<o> pour out (grain, liquid) (v) tojij pour out (grains of corn from canasta) (v) chetetik pour out (v) belowik pour out (v) jaminik pour out something (v) chetetej poverty (n) mebail poverty-stricken (adj) chanalik powder (n) poqlaj, kok powdered chili (n) kajkaj ik power (n) kowinem, kuinem, nimal power, great power (n) nimalaj chuqab powerful (adj) kowilaj, ko -kuinem practical joker (n) tzurunel pray (v) tzijonik ruk ri qa Tat prayer (n) chawem r-uk Dios
prayer, ritual prayer (Catholics) (n) chabal preacher, minister (n) tzijonel precious (adj) jel<ik> pregnant (adj) yawab winaq, yab chik pregnant person (n) yawab winaq premature baby (n) ajchaqim akal premium (n) tojbal preoccupied (v) tujuwik preparation of the fields for planting by digging (n) joxkim prepare (v) kolomaj prepare, repair, straighten (v) sukumaj prepared (adj) sukumatal, sukumam present (n) sipanik present (v) kut ch-wch present self (v) kut -ib presentation of a gift of food (n) sipyoj preservation (n) kolomal preserve (food, land, religious sense also) (tv1) kol<o> preserve (tv1) kol<o> preserve (v) kolisaj, kolonik preserver (n) kolonel president (n) nima qatal tzij press (cloth) (v) wach press (tv1) yitz<o> press down, to push in (tv1) pitz<o> pressed (adj) wachom pressed (cloth) (adj) wachatajinaq, wachatal<ik> presumptuous (adj) qol pretend (to be sick when not) (v) jaluj pretend (v) juluj pretty, beautiful (adj) jel<ik>, mus pretty, very pretty (adj) jebel<ik> prevent movement (v) ya latz ch-e prevent rain from reaching crop (tree branches) (v) tzujaj price (n) ajil, tojbal prick (v) much<u> prick (with cactus spine or needle) (v) kixoj prick ones self (v) kixoj -ib prick with a needle (v) choqonik, chuq<u> 244
prickly pear cactus (n) noxti pride (n) nimal ri -banik, nimal ri -kamowik, nimal priest (n) tewichinel priest, Catholic priest (from padre) (n-Esp) pare priesthood (n) loqalaj kuinem priest-shaman (zahorn) (n) chuchqajaw priest-shaman of patrilineage (choose canton) (n) chuchqajaw rech alaxik priest-shaman of rural district (choose town) (n) chuchqajaw rech kanton prince (n) alaxel, kojolaxel princess (n) alixel principle (n) jeqbal prisoner (n) aj pa che process of hoeing ground to make furrows (n) majkolim tajin procession, religious (n) -be teoxil produce (as in crop of grain), yield plentifully (v) kuxanik produce (fruit) (v) wchij profane (v) xalqatij profit (n) chakoj, chekoj, chekbal prohibited (adj) awas promise (n) yabal tzij promise (v) ya tzij, ij, chij promise, demand, plead, court (v) tzonoj promised bride (n) ali -bochim, ali chabem, ali bochitalik prop (n) tokopibal, chutbal prop (placed under bed leg to make bed level) (n) chutel prop (v) tokopij property (n) jastaq -e<ch> prophet (n) qaxal u-tzij ri Dios, qalajisanel proposal, ceremony to ask hand of girl in marriage 40 days before wedding (n) tzonoj propose marriage (v) tzonoj proprietor (n) ajchoqe prostitute (n) ixq re nim chutin, wakatel ixoq, ixq ri kutzuj rib prostitute ones self (v) tzuj -ib prostrate self (v) mej -ib protect (v) chajij
protect chicks with wings (ri ek kripi pakiwi ri ral) (v) ripik protective spirit (n) nawal protest (v) kululanik protest (v) qatej provide (v) yowik provide shelter (tree from rain) (v) panik provisions, food and drink, general term (n) wa ukia provoke (v) tzurunik provoke (v) yak -oyowal provoker (n) tzurunel proxy (n) kexwch, kexel wchaj prune (tree) (tv1) tol<o> prune plant (v) qupij pruned (with scissors or clippers) (adj) qupim pues, and, but (conj) ku<t> pues, well then (exclam) ba pugnose (adj) nepenik -tzam pulique de habas (thick drink made of habas) (n) tzyam pulique sauce (n) jokom pull (v) jik<o>, jek pull along (little boy) (v) jik<o> pull along (v) juruj pull an animal by force (v) tuq pull out by its roots (weeds potato eyes) (tv1) boq<o> pull something along (tv2) chararej pull up (v) juruj pulque from the seed of chilacayote squash (n) sqil pulse (vessel of wrist or neck) (v) birnajik pulverize (v) kokisa, ban muchul ch-e pulverized (adj) kj puma (n) kj pumice (n) tzrajmaq pumpkin flower (n) qatzum punch (n) tok puncture (v) teqetobik, tequj puncture wound (n) tel punish (v) kjisj, kjisaj -wch punishment (n) kjisabal, kjisabal wchaj pupil (of the eye) (n) akal r-e boqwch
puppet (n) alas purchase (n) loqomik, loqoj pure (adj) chajchoj, josqij pure, clean (adj) josoq purify (v) chikichaj, chajchojirik purity (n) saqil, chajchojil purple (adj) mor, morat purple, pale purple (adj) moratoq -pam purpose (n) cholaj<il>, jun rumal, kojik purr (cat) (v) btzinik purse (n) kolibal puaq pursue (v) terenik, terenej, koqotajik pursue someone or something (v) oqataj pursued (adj) oqatam purulent exudate (n) puj pus (n) puj pus from acne (n) puj wa push (v) puyij, chikimij push away (v) qebesaj ubik push someone (v) chikmij push toward (v) qebesaj uloq push, shove (v) paqchij pustule, large (n) kisqay put (tv1) koj<o> put animal to bed (v) kotik put bar on door or window (v) kopij put head between legs (v) jupul pu chek, jupul pa raqan put in (v) min put in incubator (v) jupuba put in order (v) chol, lem put in something (v) oksaj put in sufficient amount of something (onion in soup) (v) tzebej put in the hand of God (v) jach -ib pa -qab ri Dios put into (hand in a hole (v) nim put into (v) qaxej ch-pam put on faja (v) pasinik put on tightly, hammer, nail, screw (v) bajij put out a flame (v) chupik put self into something (a crowd) (v) nim -ib put to bed (v) qoyoba
put to one side (v) jolij put to sleep (baby) (v) wartisaj put to the fire (v) qaqaj put together (adj) tunulik put together (bed) (adj) tunum put together (bed) (tv1) nuk<u> put together (v) riq -ib, tunuba pyramid builder (n) bitol quack (duck) (v) josjotik quack softly (duck) (v) jasjatik quadrangular (adj) tayuy quagmire, bog, quicksand (v) niknob quail (n) sajkor, saqkor, sarawch, tinturin quake, as in earthquake (v) tota quarrel, grumble (v) yajonik quarter moon (n) xnikajar ri ik quartz (n) tok, chay abaj quartz crystal (n) choq queen (n) chichu ajawinel question (n) kotbal chiaj question (v) kot -chi quetzal (Guatemalan currency) (n) ketzal quetzal bird (n) quq quetzal female (n) ati quq quetzal male (n) maquq quetzalillo bird (n) maqaq Quetzaltenango (n) Xelaju, Xe lajuj noj Quich language (n) Katzijobal Quich people (n) -al qij, ajkiche winaq quick (adv) aninq quick in work (v) saklajik quick intake of breath (when startled) (v) biqilijik quick to anger (n) tak quickly (adv) chanim quickly, very quickly (adv) xaqbi quiet (n) tor quietness (n) matzalem quince (membrillo) fruit (n) tzar quince (Sp. membrillo--sour fruit) (n) imprmox, amprima quintuplet (n) jobisal quintuplets (n) jobichal quiver for arrows (n) kus
rabbit (n) imul rabbit (n) imul rabid (adj) chujarinaq, chuj rabies (n) chuj<arik> Rabinal (n) Ribnal raccoon (n) kas, kas, ixpataq raccoon (n-esp) mapach race (n) ijal<il>, xikanem radiating pain (n) kiqiq rafter (n) -aqn ja, tem rag (n) sut, tziq, kiy rag, cleaning rag (n) subal atziaq raggedly clothed (n) chanal rain (n) jb rain (v) jbinik rain hard (v) jorobik rain, heavy rain (n) nimalaj jb rain, sign of rain (n) raqbala rain, whirling rain in storm (n) sutz kumatz rainbow (n) chupikaq, rxkiaqab, xokokaj, xukuqab raincape made of rushes (n) tut raincoat (n) tut rainy season (n) jbil, qlj, u-qijul, reqalaj jab, qasbal ja, qijul raise (building) (tv1) yak<o> raise (kinwalajisaj nu qab) (v) walajisaj raise (n) paqalem raise (prices, etc.) (v) paqik raise by water (v) chelejik raise children (when parents dead) (v) kiyisaj raise dust (as with broom) (v) poqalanisik raise hand (v) tzoqopij -qab raise like dust (v) poqlanik raise something (v) paqaba raise up (v) paqalisaj, walajisaj, yek raise up dust (as in road) (v) pukukik ram (n) ama chij, moch ranch, little (n) kabal rancher (v) tikol awaj rancid smell (n) nin rancid smelling (adj) xex, nin rancor (n) muqul pa -anima
rapidly (adv) aninq, chanim rare (adj) jun wi u-cholaj rarely (adv) kajen taq la rash (n) bub rash, has rash (skin) (adj) lotajinaq rasp (n) josbal rat (n) cho, bayis, bajis rat, wild rat (n) saq cho ratn de monte (field mouse) (n) baycho rattle (of corn in a bag, metal, wood when carried) (v) yojoyatik rattle (snake or babys rattle) (n) tzojtzoj rattle, gourd rattles (n) soch rattlesnake (n) tzojtzoj kumtz, sochaj, kiaqxop ravine, gorge (n) siwan be ja ravine, narrow (n) jutz siwan ray of sun (n) -tun qij read (v) sikij, sikij u-wch wuj, il -wch wuj reader of the stars (n) ajkajbalach ready (adj) sukumatal, sukumam ready to go (adj) benam re reason (n) noj, jasche, cholaj<il> reason (v) chomaj reason why (n) jasche rebel (v) kululanik rebel against (v) kululaj receive (v) kamaraik, kamowik, kam receive on your head (v) kam p-wi receive something as a gift (tv2) kochij receive with joy (v) kamowaj recently (adv) mer, k maja naj, kte wachanim recently (kte xekulik--they recently married) (adv) kte receptacle, small, for water (often by grinding stone) (n) penabal reclaim (v) ma recline (v) kotzolik, qalik recognize (v) natajisaj, kam -qab, chob -wch, etam -wch recover senses (v) ul pa saq recreation (n) etzanem rectangular (adj) tayuy rectitude (n) sukil 247
red [Momos] (adj) kq red [Toto] (adj) kiq red color light (adj) kiqkoj red earth (n) kiq ulew red, dark red color (adj) kiq qequm redden, get red from bite (or eyes from crying) (v) kiqmomoj reddish (adj) kiqkoj reduce (price) (v) qasaj reduce (v) chutinirisaj reduce in size (v) ban chutin reed (n) qul, j, ak reed used for brooms (n) qechop reed used for mats (n) sibak reed, bullrush (n) tul refer to (v) kutunik ch-e refine (v) chajchojirik refine (writing ability, etc.) (v) machachik reflect (mirror) (v) rqlapuj reflector, one who reflects (n) bisol refresh (v) jorojobik, jorobisaj refreshing (adj) jororem refreshing drink or medicine (n) jorobisabal refreshment (n) qatbal -numik refreshment, freshness, coolness, something refreshing (n) jororik refuge (from rain, wind, sun), shelter (n) panibal regidor (assistant to mayor on council) (n) achil regidor indgena (Indian representative of cantn at alcalda) (n) raxtor region (n) tinimit regret (v) qatut -anima ch-e regret, have remorse about something (v) qatut -anima ch-e reign (v) taqanik rein, strap connected to bit of horse (n) xakima reject (v) man kam taj reject (v) xutuj reject something (food) (v) paqchij relate (story) (v) tzijoj relate (v) ajilaj relate something fully (to police) (tv1) tab<o> relative (n) alaxik
relatives, cousins, distant family members (n) qab alaxik relax (tv2) chopij religious procession (n) -be teoxil remain (v) kolik wi remain (v) kanajik, yonolikinik remain behind (v) kanaj kan<oq> remain stuck to container something thick (atole to glass) (v) taqik remain undone (work for lack of laborers) (v) cheqatixik remain with (v) kanaj -uk remainder (n) tzaqatisabal remains, title for mortal remains of ancestors used in prayers (n) muchulik baq, muchulik poqlaj remedy (n) kunabalil remember (v) nataj che, natanik, nataj, ul ch-e, nataj ch-e, ulqaj pa -jolom remember something (v) luyaka pa -jolom remember something (v) nataj ch-e remembered, fixed in memory (adj) nakal<ik> pa -jolom remind (v) nabaj, nataj reminder (n) natabal remove (v) sach -wch, elesanik, esaj, elesaj remove all secrecy, make clear (v) sanaba remove from office (v) qasaj -qij remover (n) elesal rend clothing (v) tubij -atziq renew (tv1) jal<o> renounce (v) esaj -ib ch-e rent, borrow (v) qaj renter (n) qajanel, qajal ja repair (v) ban -banik, ban utz ch-e repair (v) kijij repair, straighten, prepare (v) sukumaj repeat (v) kamulij, tzelej -bixik, tzalij -bixik repent (v) kex -kux, tzalij -ib replace (v) ban -kexel replaced (v) jalatajik replacement (n) kexwch, kexel reply (to letter) (n) tzelebal -wch
report (n) bixikal represent someone or something (v) kexwchij representation (n) wchibal representative (n) kexwch, kexel, kexel wchaj representing, on behalf of (prep) -umal -ech reprimand (v) yajonik rescue (v) to, totajisaj resist doing something (child his chores) (v) xutunik resistant (adj) ko resolve (v) chomaj resound (sound of metal striking across valley) (v) tzinlajik respect (n) niman<ik> respect (v) nim -il wi respected elders of community (n) kamal be respected, well-respected (adj) nim -qij respectful person (n) nimanel resplendence (n) saqil respond (v) tzalij -wch response (n) tzelebal -bixik response to farewell (exp) ew responsibility (n) eqlen rest (n) tzaqatisabal, jule, uxlanem, qoyolem rest (v) uxlanik rest of (n) nikiaj rest something on top of (v) kotzobej rest, at rest (adj) uxlaninaq resting place (n) kosibal restoration (n) tzelebal restrict (tight clothes) (v) titz resurrect (v) kastajik resurrection (n) kastajibal resuscitated (adj) kusum retired (adj) chaqataq retrieve (v) jok<o> return (away from speaker) (v) tzelej ubik return (plane or bus) (n) chukaj return (toward speaker) (v) tzelej uloq return (v) tuk, tzalijik, tzelejik return a favor (v) tzalij u-kexel jun toqob return by foot (v) tzalij pa -aqan
return here (v) tzalij uloq return something (v) tzalij, tzelej rev (engine) (v) rininej reveal (v) kutwchinik, qalajisaj reveal, make clear, remove all secrecy (v) sanaba revelation, "clear light" ritual term for divinatory message (n) saq qalaj reverence (n) machachem reverse side (adj) jalajoj reverse side (ri u-sal ri kamixa--the reverse side of shirt) (n) sal revision (n) kamulibal revive (v) kastajik reward (v) ya chekbal ch-e, chekenej, ya chekoj ch-e rheumatism (n) kumatz rhythm (n) tail rib (n) kalkax, kolkx ribbon (especially used in braided hair) (n) pachubal ribbon for hair (from listn) (n-esp) lixton rice (n-esp) arroz rich (adj) qinom riches (n) qinomal ride horse (v) kiejenik right (adj) wikiaqab right hand (n) qab re ri wikiaqab right now (adv) wachanim ri, wakamik, chanim right? (adv) jewa? rigid (leg) (adj) takatik rim (n) tzam rinds, chicharrn (fried pork rinds) (n) r-ij aq ring (bell) (v) lanowik, yajoya ring (metal bell) (v) tzinowik ring (n) molqab, chachal ring (to wear on finger) (n) malqab ring finger (n) urox alkualaxel ring sour (bell) (v) chanachatik ring, padded ring used for carrying heavy containers on head (n) ixpachek ring-dove (paloma torcaz) (n) tukmux ringing in the ears (n) tzininik ringing, sound of metal striking metal (bell ringing) 249
(v) chinlijik Ro Chixoy (n) Nimala Ro de Sepela (Chichicastenango) (n) Xepla Ro del Arco (near Joyabaj) (n) Ja saq choq Ro del Canchon (near El Quich) (n) Qn cho ripe (fruit) (adj) chq<aj> ripen (banana) (v) qobik ripen (grain harvest) (v) qnarik uwchulew ripen (v) chqajik ripeness (fruit, girl ready for marriage) (n) qnal ripped (adj) tzerom ripple, wave (v) mejmik rippled, wavy (adj) mejmik risco (Momostenango earth formations) (n) chualxaq riscos (Momostenango) (n) chucuchik xaq rise up against (v) walij ch-ij ritual before birth of child at patrilineage shrine (n) awex tikon ritual cleansing of lineage shrine prior to ceremony (n) mesabal ritual name for good things of marriage (kids) (n) wuqub utzil wuqub chomal ritual prayer (Catholics) (n) chabal ritual removal ashes from shrine and washing potsherds (n) chajbal awas ritual title for north (assoc. with femaleness, left) (n) kajxukut ulew ritual title for south (assoc. with maleness, right) (n) kajxukut kaj ritual to open a new patrilineage shrine (n) kabal river (n) nim ja, nima, binel ja river snail (n) totis river, by the river (adv) pa nima riverbed (n) -be ja rivulet (n) binel ja rivulet of water (n) -xul bul road (n) be<al> road, straight (n) sukulik be road, very straight (Momostenango) (n) kolominaj be roar (ocean, car) (v) biririk roar (water, rain) (v) yojojik
roast (meat) (v) sa roast in fire (corn, meat) (v) bol<o> roasted (n) bolom roaster (n) bolonel robber (n) mokonel robber, highway robber (n) qatel winaq robe (n) qu<aj> roble (oak) (n) tzunuj robust (adj) jiljik rock (baby) (v) sayisaj rock dove (torcaza--paloma silvestre) (n) ut rock dust (n) muchul abaj rock from side to side (v) siyopenik rock side to side (boat on water) (v) sayopik rock something (tv1) say<o> rock, large rock (n) xq rock, stone, testicle (n) abj rocking motion (n) sayopem roll (coins) (v) ketetik roll (rock) (v) wolqotik roll (rock, logs) (v) wolqotij roll (stone off mountainside) (v) walqotik roll (v) bolqotik roll of something (n) botol<ik> roll out dough (v) li roll over (car) (v) wolqotij roll over (child in grass) (v) paskayik roll over (v) balqatik roll over something (v) balqatij roll something (tamales, tzite beans during divination) (v) baraj roll something (v) walqatij roll something over (v) paskij roll up (paper or cloth) (tv1) bot<o> roll up (rope, etc.) (tv2) bolqotij roll up (sleeve) (v) bot roll up (sleeves) (tv1) kol<o> roll up (v) baqatij, botzik, kolochij roll up something (v) botzoj roll up something laid out (blanket) (v) majkolij rolled over (adj) paskim rolled up (adj) baqatim roof (if made of tiles) (n) xotal
roof (n) -wi -achoch, -wi ja roof beam (n) tem roof-tile (n) xot roommate, one who lives in the house (n) aj uwo -achoch rooster (n) mama, ama ak, ama ek, toroy rooster comb (n) prek rooster spur (n) xit, chut rooster, crest of rooster (n) prex roosters comb (n) perpech, wach root (fruit tree or plant) (n) xe<al> root (n) kamal root (of tree or plant) [Momostenango] (n) rab root (of tree) (n) xera, rap root [Toto] (n) kamal<il> root at something with nose (tv1) lu root cause of something (n) xel root in earth with nose (hogs) (v) lunik root of the gisquil plant (n) tzintal rooted in one place (adj) jeqelik rope (n) kolob rope bridge (n) qam ksayopik rope or string, something used to tie (n) ximbal rope, string (used to tie something up) (n) yutbal rosary (n) witoj rose (n-esp) roxox, ronxax rosgarse (v) wototem -ib rot (v) qayik rotate, spin (v) sutij rotten (fruit, vegetables) (adj) qayinaq rotten (tree or wood) (adj) qumar rough (adj) charan, rora rough cloth (n) por roughly carved (adj) tolom roughly made (adj) tolom round (adj) kret, wolowik, kolokik, ketekil, ketetik round (basket, wheel) (adj) ketekik round and large (large basket) (adj) setesik round from contents (adj) xaqaxik round out (moon) (v) seteik row (n) cholaj<il> rub (itchy eye) (tv1) qut<u>
rub (killing flea by rubbing between fingers) (v) pilipa rub (v) mal, bilbayij rub off (v) tzojik rub on (tv1) bil<o> rub vigorously (itchy eyes) (v) kiaqatij rub with feet (v) bilbaj rub with medicine (tv1) jik<o> rub, fondle, stroke gently (head of baby) (v) malama rubber (n) kik rubber ball (n) kik rubber tree (n) kik che ruddy (adj) kiq woywoj rude (adj) tolom r-ij rue, have remorse about something (v) qatut -anima ch-e ruffles (n) chiy, chiyichik rug, small rug (n) sut ruin (n) tzaq, ojer kaxonil ja, ojer ja ruin something (v) jarisaj ruins near Santa Cruz (n) Qumarqaj rule (v) ajawinik rule over (v) ajawij rummage through things (police looking for something) (v) tulkupij run (tv1) tik anim run (v) be anim run as fast as can (v) jumumik run fast (v) jututik run fast (v) xikinik run out (v) kisik run over (v) tixik runny nose (n) turuwik -tzam, tzamaj rush (n) anim, kebut rush something (v) koj anim rust (v) chuluj -ib, pusirik rustle (skirt when walk) (v) rupnajik rusty (adj) pus Sacapulas (n) Tujal sacramental wafer (n) loqoxik sacred (adj) tiox, tioxalaj, chajchoj, awas, loqalaj 251
sacred 260-day calendar (n) -ajilabal qij, Chol Qij sacred image (n) tiox, teox sacred law (n) loq pixab sacrifice (n) tabal toqob, chinik, ikiajik sacrifice (v) kmisaj ch-e tabal toqob, pusunik, ikiajik sacrificial altar (n) porobal awaj sad person (n) bisorinaq winaq sad, something which saddens (n) bisobal sadden (v) ya bis, ban kx ch-e -kux saddle (n) eqbal saddle (of horse) (n) -siy kiej sadness (n) bis sage (n) etamanel saguaro fruit (pitahaya) (n) takrabaj said (adj) bim said when entering house (con permiso) (exp) tar saint (n) tioxalaj winaq saints, carrier of the litter on which saints borne in procession (n) telenel salad (n) ichj salamander (n) ixkuch, ix, yij salary (n) tojom saliva (n) qaxaj, chub<aj> salsa (n) qutum salsa of chile (n) pulik salt (n) atzam salt (v) atzamij salt shaker (n) atzambal salt something (v) tzayij salted (adj) tzayim saltiness (n) tzayil salty (adj) tza salty, very salty (adj) kachatzam salvation (n) kolotajem, kolomal same (adj) junam same (adv) xa junam same day (adv) junam qij San Cristobal (n) San Kris San Francisco El Alto (n) San Pras San Pedro Jocopilas (n) Mamaj sanctify (v) teoxirik
sanctify (v) tioxirik sand (n) sanyeb sand fly (n) okonel kiaq sandal (n) ajortzam, xajb sandals (caites) (n) lej xajb Santa Cruz (n) Kiche sap (n) kik<el> sap, dried sap (n) wix sash (n) ximibal -pam, pas satisfaction (n) kikotemal sauce from elder tree (n) tzoloj che sauce of ground chile and tomato (n) qutum sauce, chile sauce (n) qutum ik savagery (n) kachelaj kaslem save (tv1) kol<o> save (v) to, kolonik, kolotaj, totajisaj save up (money) (tv1) kol<o> saved, kept, honest (Momostenango) (adj) kolom savings, great effort to save money for something (n) jal kas savior (n) kolonel saw (tv1) qat<o> saw (two-person) (n) qatobal saw for cutting trees (n) mojar saw mill worker, one who saws planks from tree (n) ajtzalam say (v) bij say (v-irregular) cha say goodbye (v) chabej kan<oq> say something that is not true (v) xa -bij saying (n) bixik scabbard (sheath for holding a sword or machete) (n) -achoch, -achoch machet, -ij machet scald (milk overcooked) (v) tzak -ib scald (v) qulij, chilij scales (fish) (n) puaqil scales (snake) (n) -solotil kumatz scar (n) kutz, yuk, yuq scar (v) yukanik scarab beetle (n) mrin scarecrow (n) poy scaredy-cat (adj) xibrib scarf (n) sut 252
scatter (sand) (v) tukuj scatter (trash by animal) (tv1) kich<o> scatter (v) jubuj scatter (v) tukij, jabuj -ib, jabunik, jubuj -wch, tukinik, jabuj scatter in all directions (sheep in fear) (v) jubuj -ib scatter, disperse (garbage by an animal) (v) pichkij scattered (adj) jabuninaq scattered (corn grains on floor) (adj) jubum scent (n) uxlab<al> scent, pleasant (n) kok<al> schism, division (within a community over controversy) (n) tasow ib school (n) tijobal scibbler, person who scribbles, draws lines (n) juchunel scissors (n) sokbal, qupibal scissors, cut with scissors (v) qupij scold (tv1) yaj<o> scold (v) yajonik, yajik scolder (n) yajonel scolding (n) yajkil scorch (cloth from iron) (v) qnarik scorched (cloth from iron) (adj) qnarik scorpion (n) ixkab, xkot, -kowil raqn kiej, xkab, sinam scorpion claw (n) tuxer scorpion, centipede (n) sinaj scrape (knee from fall) (v) qoloqobik scrape (metal on stone to sharpen) (tv1) juq<u> scrape (n) salkm scrape (skin or old paint) (v) qol<o> scrape (table) (v) kajuxtj scrape (tv1) jos<o> scrape (v) josoj, kotik, tzoj, tzojik scrape away paint (from wall) (tv1) jos<o> scrape skin (v) cholochobik scrape skin of hand (accident) (v) qoloqobik -tzumal -qab scraped (adj) josom, qolom scraper (n) josbal scraper, person who scrapes (n) juchunel
scratch (an itch) (v) kiaqatij scratch (cat on tree or rooster on the ground) (tv1) rak<o> scratch (chicken) (v) rakij scratch (n) salkm scratch (skin from itch or pleasure) (v) kaqatij scratch (skin) (v) rok scratch (v) qol<o> scratch at dirt (chicken) (tv-1) bek<o> scratch ground (chicken) (v) tulkulik scratch mark (on skin without blood) (n) joxobal scratch someone with nails (v) ixkiaqij scream (cat) (v) witzinik scream when fighting (cat) (v) jixixik screw (n) yitzobal, sutij screw (n-esp) roskit screw, nail, hammer, put on tightly (v) bajij screwdriver (n) torbal chich scribbled on (adj) juchum scribe (n) ajtzib scripture (n) loqalaj tzibanik scrotum (n) chim scrub (clothing) (tv1) qut<u> scrub (to get clean) (tv1) qib<o> sculpt (tv1) tzok<o> sculpt (v) ban -palaj sculpted (adj) tzokom sculpture of stone (n) wchibal abj scum on water (n) suq sea (n) plo seal (n) tiqbal seal (v) nakaba, tiq sealed (letter) (adj) tiqom sealed, marked with a seal (adj) tiqom seam (n) tisel, tison search (n) tzukuxik search (v) nikoj search carefully (with hand at night) (v) malalej search, rummage through things (police looking for something) (v) tulkupij searched, looked for (adj) tzukum seashell (n) tot season something (soup) (v) chaqajisaj 253
season something (v) qobisaj season, dry season (n) saqij, saq qij seasoning (n) kunel seat (n) tem, kulbal, tuyulibal, tuyubal seat ones self (v) tuyik seat something (v) tzukuba seat something [Momos] (v) kuba seat something [Toto] (v) tuyuba seat, chair (n-esp) xila seated (adj) tuyulik, kulik seated, well-seated (adj) tikilik second (adj) ukab second child (n) ukabal second father (n) kab ajaw second grinding of corn (v) kokisaj, tzi second ranked Mam (n) E second ranked Secretary Mam (n) Tzikin secondborn daughter (n) ukabal -mial second-hand (adj) kamulim, qajinaq -wch secret (n) membal, jasjatem secret, something done in secret (n) nawalik secretary (n) ajtzib Secretary/Treasurer Mam (n) Kat secrets, one who knows secrets (n) ajwch sedan chair (n) patal sediment of atole (n) -xe joch see (v) il, kayik see something (v) kayej seed (n) baq seed corn (n) awex seed of gourd (often toasted and eaten) (n) sikil seed used for planting (n) ija<l> seek (v) tzukuj seeker (n) tzukunel seems, in appearance (ri ali suulaj jelik kpetik) (adv) suulaj seen (adj) ilom seer (n) ilol seldom (adv) kajen taq la select, to sift (v) cha self (reflexive pro) -ib self, by self (adv) chbil -ib seller (n) ajkay
Semana Santa (Holy Week) (n) Awas Qij semen (n) baqil<aj> semi-dark (adj) muj semi-sweet (adj) sq ki send away (v) taq ubik send sharp pain (back) (v) kiaqatik send shooting pain (back) cf. kiaqat (v) kaqatik send, to command, to force, to compel to do something (v) taq sense of smell (n) siqobal sent from heaven (adj) taqom chi kaj sentinel (n) chajinel separate (adj) jule chik, xolotal<ik> separate (tv1) tas<o> separate (v) toqkiej, jach -ib, jach ubik separate corn cob from stalk (tv1) jay<o> separate from a mould (v) rokik separate out (black corn from white) (v) tas -xol separate self from (group) (v) tas- ib ch-ij separate something fixed (boards from wall) (tv1) koq<o> separate two things stuck together (v) xak separate wheat from chaff in wind (v) jopij, jopinik separate, set apart (seed corn from rest) (adj) tastalik separated (adj) tastalik sepulchre (n) muqubal sepulchre (n) muqul wi, ulewal serious (adj) nimatajinaq seriously ill (adj) lawalo serpent (n) kumtz serpents (n) awaj ri kki-juruj kib servant (n) alom, mokom, ajik, pataninel, chajal serve (a term in office or jail term) (v) sukubij serve (v) kajmaj, patanij, pataninik serve someone as honored guest (v) ulaj service (n) patan, mokokil set (sun) (v) qaj set a bone (tv1) wiq<o> set apart (seed corn from rest) (adj) tastalik set boundary (v) koj -mojon set firmly (adj) chakalik 254
set free (v) tzoqopij set part or guard (v) qat set up vertically something small and thin (candle) (v) tzukuba set, mind is set (adj) nakal<ik> pa -jolom settle down (v) jeqik settled (adj) jeqelik seven (n) wuqb seven children (n) wuqkal seventeen (n) wuqlajuj seventeenth (num) uwuqlajuj seventh (adj) uwuq seventy (n) oxkal lajuj severe storm (n) kiqiq jab severely afflicted (adj) rx chaychobinaq sew (tv1) tis<o> sew up (v) yuchunik sew up, gather together (v) yuchuj sex (n) patzoj sexual relations (v) kam -ib shade (n) mujal, chiwil shaded (adj) mujam shadow (n) chiwil, nenoch shadow (not of a person) (n) mujal shadow (of a man) (n) noch shadow (of person or animal) (n) nonoch shadow (person) (n) muj, nanoch shaggy (adj) patzapik shake (medicine or juice to mix it) (v) yujya shake (passing truck) (v) biririk shake (tree in wind) (v) yikomik shake (tree or earthquake) (v) tota shake (v) towij, yikopisaj, silobik shake off (dust, dandruff) (v) tota shake out (dust from rug) (v) towij shake self (v) tota -ib shake something (tree so fruit will fall) (v) yikomisaj shake something (v) silobisaj shake something tall (tree so fruit will fall) (v) yakya shake vigorously (to mix) (v) yikiya shaker (n) tukulibal
shallow well (n) kua shaman (n) chiman shaman title (n) chawinel shame (n) kix, kixbal shape (n) banik, shard, piece of broken glass (n) cha sharp (adj) jiljatik, tistikalaj sharp point (knife), pointed (like a pine tree) (adj) jisik sharp, well sharpened (adj) utz u wi sharpen (knife or machete) (v) ban -ware sharpen (v) yek -ware sharpening instrument (n) banbal u-ware chich, yekbal -ware sharpening stone (n) wux, wux abaj sharp-pointed (machete) (adj) tis -wi shatter (tv1) kj<o> shatter (v) chikonik, chikoj shatter into many pieces (like glass) (v) kjinik, kjirik shattered (adj) muchum shave (hair) (tv1) tol<o> shave (tv1) jos<o> shave (v) sokaj shave self (v) josqij -ib, jos -ib shaved (adj) tol jolomaj shaved, clean-shaven (adj) tan -palaj shaver (n) sokabal, josbal shawl (n) rebos, kapraj shawl (n-esp) peraj she, he, him, her, it (pro) are shear (sheep) (v) sokaj sheath (see also scabbard) (n) -achoch shed (blood) (v) tix, turuwisaj shedding (v) puxin r-ij sheep (n) chij, karnel sheep without horns (n) moch sheep, disease on sheeps mouth (n) suq shelf (banca, banco) (n-esp) panku shell (beans) (tv1) poch<o> shell (beans) (v) pochpobik shell (n) ij<aj>, tol shell (tv1) chol<o>, biq<o> 255
shell of a dead animal (n) koxal shell with live creature inside (n) aqan shell with no living creature inside (n) ixkiaq shelled (adj) kotkobik shelled (beans) (adj) pochpobinaq shellfish (n) tot shelter ones self (v) to -ib shelter, refuge (from rain, wind, sun) (n) panibal sheltered (adj) paninaq shepherd (n) ajyuq, yuqunel, ajyuq chij shepherd (v) yuquj, yuqunik shield (n) tobal rib shift around (like portions of a load--grain of pack) (v) bejowik shim, prop (placed under bed leg to make bed level) (n) chutel shim, wedge (something placed below table leg so doesnt tilt) (n) chutbal shin (n) chek, -wa -chek shine (gold, stars) (v) juluwik shine (metal) (v) juljutik shine (the sun) (v) wchin ri qij shine (v) chuplinik, reqapunik, remowik shine (v) yamanik shine brilliantly (like sun in mirror) (v) repqunik shine ray of light (sun or cars headlights) (v) tununik shirt (n-Span) kamixa shiver (n) birbitem shiver from cold (v) koykatik shiver from fear (v) birbatik shoe (n) xajb shoe maker (n) banal xajab shoe, sole of shoe (n) -pa r-aqan xajab, -xe xajab shoelace (n) -kamal xajb, ximibal re ri -xajb shoes, worn out (adj) jarinaq shoo or chase away (v) yoj shoot (gun or blowgun) (v) pubaj shoot (v) kiaqik, kqik shoot at (tv1) kiq<o> shoot, a plant growth or bud (n) tux "shoot the bull" (v) jasjatik
shooting star (n) u-kis chimil shoots, edible shoots of the chayote (n) kixtan shop (n-esp) tienta shoplift (v) torij short (adj) xnit -aqan, nitz -aqan short (pant legs) (adj) kutkik short (person, things) (adj) nuch -aqan short (thing) (adj) chutin -aqan short days (n) alaj u-pam qij short time (n-esp) rato short-cut (n) qutbal be shorten (pants) (v) chutinirisaj, jik<o> shorten (sleeves) (v) nuchirisaj shorten by cutting (v) qatz shorten by cutting or breaking (v) sakinik, sakij short-haired (n) kut -wi shoulder (n) teleb<aj> shoulder bag (n) chim shoulder bag for carrying seed (n) chim rech awex shoulder bag, black and white (n) par chim shout (n) raqow chiaj shout (tv1) raq -chi shout, call (v) sikij shout, thunder (v) sanij shouting and syncope (n) qabarik shove, push (v) paqchij shovel (from paleta) (n-esp) palet show (tv1) kut<u> show humility (as before mayor) (v) wononik shower (n) atinibal shrimp (n) chom, ixmutuk shrine dedicated to prayers for horses (n) awas rech kej shrine visited on "eight days" of the sacred calendar (n) wajxaqibal shrine visited on "one days" of sacred calendar (n) junabal shrine, household (often containing archaeological relics, papers) (n) mebil shrine, patrilineage shrine (n) awas rech alaxik, awexibal tikbal shrine, patrilineage shrine (prayers for increase,health to ancestors) (n) warabal
ja shrine, patrilineage shrine dedicated to agricultural success (n) winel shrine, patrilineage shrine dedicated to financial and business success (n) mebil shrink (clothing) (v) jik -ib shrink (fabric, etc.) (v) nucharik shrink (shirt when washed) (v) kol -ib shrink (v) ban chutin shrink (v) chutinik shrivel (v) kutuyurik shrivelled (adj) kutuy shrub (n) juwi shuck (n) joq shuck corn (tv1) jch<o> shuck corn (v) chol jl shuck, degrain corn cob (v) ketenik shut (adj) tzapilik shut (door) (v) tzapij shuttle of weaving machine (n) btzibal shy, one who embarasses easily (n) ajkix shyness (n) kix sick (adj) yab, yawab sick on something (dog) (v) tuwij sickle, hoe (n-Esp) jos sickle, small sickle (for cutting wheat) (n-Esp) ixjos sickness (n) yabil, yab, yawabil sickness of the eye (n) yabwch side (n) xkut, kolkx side, on one side (adj) tzalanik sideways (adv) tzalanik siempre vive tree, flower (immortelle) (n) paxlaq sieve (n) jarner, jarnel sieve, strainer (n) chabal sift (v) yikya sift, select (v) cha sifter (n) jarner, arner, jarnel sifter (quadrangular) (n) ajchar sigh (v) uxlabik, bixonik sight (n) kayibal, ilbal sight (utz u-boqwch-- good sight) (n) boqwch sign (n) etal
sign (v) tzibaj -bi sign language, gestures or hand signals (used when cant speak) (n) memal sign language, speak with hand signals (v) bij pa memal, ya -bixik ruk ri -qab sign name (v) juch -bi sign of rain (n) raqbala sign up for something (v) tzibaj -bi signal, hand signal (n) membal significance (n) bantajik, banik silence (a baby) (v) yuxyik, yuxya silence (v) silanik silent (adj) nim -anima, al -anima silent (n) tor silent (v) lilonik silk (seda) (n-esp) xela silk worm (n) kq chaj silk, corn silk (n) tzmiy, -wi jl, tzamiy silver (n) puaq, saq puaq silver, carved silver (n) chayom puaq silver, white haired (adj) saq wi silversmith (n) ajpuaq, chayal puaq similar (adj) junam -wch, junam -uk similitude (n) natabal simple (adj) katan -banik, man kx taj, xaqin ch-bij simple person (adj) xa jun -wch simply (adv) xa<q> sin (n) mak<aj> sin (v) makunik, ban mak sin against (v) makuj since (adv) tzpa since the beginning (adv) tzpa ri tikitajik sinew (n) tiojilal sing (v) bixik, bixonik sing something (v) bixaj sing with la la la (v) lalalatik sing without knowing the words (v) riririk singer (n) bixonel, ajbix singing voice (n) qul<aj> sink (feet in mud) (v) jutjubik sink (in mud, bog) (v) niknobik sink (v) qaj <ch->xe ja
sink, crumble (earth in earthquake) (v) jobjobik sinner (n) ajmak sip (n) tzubu, juqub, sir (n) qajaw sir (seor or don) (n) tat siren (like police car) (v) xururik Sirius, constellation of Sirius (n) Kab Qij sister of a male (n) anb<ixel> sister, older sister of girl (n) tz<ixel> sister, younger brother or sister of same sex (n) chaq<axel> sister, younger, of female (n) chaq ali sister-in-law (when persons married to two sisters--concua) (n) achalkan sister-in-law of a male (n) ixnam sister-in-law of female (n) alib<ixel> sit (v) kubik sit [Momos] (v) kulik sit [Toto] (v) tuyik sit on crossed feet (like women) (v) sepik sit on something (v) tuyilej sit on something with crossed feet (v) seplej sit on the ground (v) tuyik pa ulew sit with both legs to one side (women) (v) sotik sitting curled up (animal with legs folded under the body) (adj) kotolik sitting on knees resting on crossed feet (adj) sepelik sitting vertically (pitcher of water) (adj) tikilik six (n) waqib six childen (n) waqkal sixteen (n) waqlajuj sixteenth (num) uwaqlajuj sixth (adj) uwaq size (n) nimal skeleton (n) baqil, baqil<aj> sketch (v) esaj -kayibal skid (v) jilqapatajik skin (animal) (tv1) qul<u> skin (animal) (v) buqulij, chol rij skin (n) ij<aj>, tzumal<il>, tzum<aj> skin (v) qol<o> skin, dry, cracked skin (n) pak
skin, to peal (tv1) chol<o> skinned (adj) cholom skinny (adj) chaqij, baq skip (run hopping) (v) xikanik skull (n) -jolom kminak, -baqil jolomaj skunk (n) par sky (n) -wo kaj, kaj sky blue, blue like the sky (adj) rx rj u wo ri kaj skyward, pertaining to the sky (n) ajchikaj slack (adj) chol<ik> slack (v) cholik slander ("trampling lips") (n) xaqabal chiaj slander (n) tzijtal slander (v) qabanik slanderer (n) ajtzijtal slap (v) paqij, laq, laqij slap (xupaqij jun qab che u palaj) (v) paqij che -qab slave (n) -alkual ja sleep (v) warik sleep sitting up (v) pukmay -jolom che warm sleep with (v) war uk sleeper, person whos always sleeping (n) xwar sleepiness (n) waram sleeping (adj) warinaq sleeplessness (n) kaskatem sleepy-head (n) ajwaram, xwar sleeve (n) qab<aj> slice (v) ramij slice, cut up into pieces (bread) (adj) pusum slide (v) jililik, jilkenik, jilqapatajik slide off (blanket from bed) (v) choqba slightly sideways (adv) tzalatzik sling (David) (n) wikiaq sling (made of rubber) (n) kua sling made of fibers (n) ikiq sling shot (n) ikiq, iqa, kua, ikaq sling stone (n) kiqbal slip (person, car in mud) (v) jilkenik slip (v) jililik, jilijobik slip and fall (v) jilojobik slippery (adj) jilibal, pilin<ik> slippery place (n) jilibal 258
slither (like a snake) (v) juruj -ib slither (snake) (v) chararej -ib, jururik sliver (n) muchul che sliver moon (n) k ne ri ik slivers, wood chips (from cutting) (n) muchul slosh (v) chuqchutik slosh (water in a bottle) (v) chnqutik slow (adj) nojim slowly (adv) xa staqil, chi nojimal, kokojil, nojim slowly (poco a poco) (adj) taqilal slowly (v) wikiaj slowness (n) nojimal small (adj-plural) chutiq small (adj) alaj, laj, nich, silaj, xil, nuch, chutin small [Totonicapn] (adj) nitz small amount of something (n) jumutz small basket with handle (to carry eggs, etc.) (n) xuk small child (n) nuch, noya small crook-necked squash (n) bus small drum used in dances (n) laj tun small fish (n) say small fish from the coast (n) say small fly believed to contain the souls of ancestors (n) natup small form of copal incense (n) kox small hawk (n) bix wil small hole (in door so can see out) (n) tel small horse (n) kin kiej small idol used by diviners (n) alxik small intestines (n) alaj taq ixkolob small lizard (n) ixpach, xpach small mill (n) tukubal small nocturnal bird of pray (sigua monte) (n) buq small owl (n) kurupup small piece (n) xet small receptacle for water (often by grinding stone) (n) penabal small rug (n) sut small sickle (for cutting wheat) (n-Esp) ixjos small snake (n) ales small stone idols (n) kabawil small tortilla (n) lej xit
small, truly small (adj) qas chutin small, young (adj) xit smaller than normal (grains, beans) (adj) muchmul smallest (n) chip smallpox (n) chak, loqobal smart (adj) nim -etamabal smash (body part in door) (tv1) pach<o> smash (v) wach, juk, chiy smashed (adj) pachom smashed (tomatoes) (adj) pitzpobinaq smear (n) xaqibal smear (paint or ashes) (v) xaq smear (tv1) bil<o> smear (v) lotz smear on (v) soq<o> smell (v) chuwinik smell burned (v) chichobik smell fishy (n) xexal smell good (food, flower, perfume) (v) kokinik smell of a skunk (n) chich rech par smell of bad breath (n) xex pa -chi smell of body odor (n) xexal smell of rancid meat (n) xexal smell something (v) siq smell with nose close up (v) siqinik smell, sense of smell (n) siqobal smells like urine or skunk (adj) chich smelly (adj) chu smile (n) tzetzatem smile (v) tzenik, tzetzatik smile in communication with another without speaking (v) yumtzenik smoke (a pan on the fire) (v) kiskobik smoke (fire or volcano) (v) el sib smoke (n) sb smoke (v) sikaj, buquwik, tisowik, sbanik smoke from fire (n) -sibal qaq smoke something (cigar) (v) tubaj smoke something (food) (v) kiskobisaj smoked (meat) (adj) sibarinaq smoked (tamales or fish) (adj) kiskobinaq smoky (wall from fire) (adj) sibarinaq smoky-colored (adj) sib 259
smooth (adj) chuchj smudge (n) xaqibal smudge (v) xaqirisaj smudge something (v) xaqij smut, corn smut (n) chajach snack (n) qatbal -numik snail (n) lojoj awaj, yuquq snail, land snail (n) tot snail, river snail (n) totis snake (n) kumtz snake illness (recurring sudden cramps and painful joints) (n) kumatz snake track (n) jururibal snake venom (n) -ki<al> cumtz snake, boa constrictor (n) chiwekox snake, coral snake (n) xop, kiaq chib snake, culebron snake (large snake) (n) ralxik snake, green snake (n) rx aqan snake, jumping viper (n) timbo snake, large snake (n) chiwekox snake, mazacuata snake (n) talabom snake, poisonous (n) sachoj snake, rattlesnake (n) tzojtzoj kumtz, sochaj, kiaqxop snake, small (n) ales snake, venomous (n) atoy snake, viper (n) sachoj, qn chi snakes trail (n) cherbal snap fingers (v) paq ri u-wi qabaj snap, break (tree branch) (v) jq snatch (v) toqij snatch away (toy from child) (v) tuquj snatch away (v) majanik sneeze (n) atixnam, atixnab, tixam sneeze (v) tixnabik, atixnapik sniff (breath with a stuffy nose) (v) sitnajik sniff (v) siq snitch, stool-pigeon (n) puch snitch, tattle-tale (chilln) (n) puch snood, dangling flesh of turkeys beak (n) -chachal nos snore (v) joqoqik, sumunik, qororik snort (v) qororik
snow (n) saq tew, abj tew so that (conj) -ech soak (v) mu, jaj, mubaj, munik, muxik soak something (to clean it) (v) muba soak something (v) chaqisaj soaked (adj) mubam soaked corn kernels (n) tzi soaked corn ready for grinding (n) ke<m> soaking (dirty clothes) (adj) mulik soap (n) chipq soap (n-esp) xbon soap plant (n) chipq soap plant, natural (fruit used especially in Zunil as soap) (n) tzajon soap, ball of soap (n) jukolaj chipaq soap, plant used as soap (n) uwotzi soap, spherical shaped (adj) toytik sob (v) jiqjatik, biqbatik sobre sudadero of horse (n) tasbal sodden (dirt floor) (n) raxmaqalik soft (adj) chun soft (blanket) (adj) chuchj soft like cooked gourd (adj) ton soft spot on babys head (n) jaj soften (leather) (v) chuchujirik soften (v) yub soil (n) ulew soil, fertile or moist (adj) quq soiled (adj) tzil solar calendar of 365 days (n) masewal qij solar clock (n) kajbal solar eclipse (n) xkm qij, km qij solar year (n) junab qij soldier (n) toitik jolom, ajchoj sole of shoe (n) -pa r-aqan xajab, -xe xajab Solol (n) Tzolola Solstice, Summer (June 12?) (n) Kqaj Qij solstice, winter solstice (sun ascends) (n) xaqan qij solution (n) utzirik solve problem (v) chob some (adj) jujun some (n) keboxib
some (nikaj mansan-- some apples) (n) nikaj someday (adv) pa janipa qij someone hard of hearing (n) tak someone paid by the month (n) ajik something (n) juxil something (pro) jas something done in secret (n) nawalik something entrusted (n) oqxan something that smells like urine or skunk (n) chich something tied up (n) yutuyik something to hit with (n) chayibal something used to make money (n) yakbal something used to tie (string or rope) (n) ximbal something used to wrap tortillas (n) pisbal wa something which cleans by wiping (n) subal something which closes (n) tzapibal something which has many holes (n) worowobisam, worom something which is frightening (n) xibibal something which opens (n) torobal something which pertains to the coast (n) taqajal something which saddens (n) bisobal something which weighs little (see patzpoy, pospoy) (n) potzpoy something with a hole opened into it (adj) teqtobinaq something with pieces broken off (adj) kechkobinaq sometimes (adv) jujun <taq> mul somewhat crazy (n) tak son of a female (n) al<axel> ala, -al ala son of male (n) kojol<axel> song (n) bix song of a bird (n) chio chio song to the sun (n) bix qij songbook, book of songs, hymns (n) bixobal son-in-law (n) ji<axel> son-in-law (n) kojolabal<axel> son-in-law of a female (n) alab<atz> soon, in a little while (adv) pa jun rato soon, in a moment (adv) kamik na soon, very soon (adv) xaqbi
soot (n) xaq, abaq soot, blackened with soot (adj) xaq sop (bread in honey) (tv1) tin<o> sop (bread) (v) mu sop food in liquid (bread in coffee) (tv1) rub<u> sore from hard work (adj) rx chaychobinaq sore, cold sore (n) -pa chiaj, qaq pa -chi sore, fakial sore (from poor hygiene) (n) salpich soreness (n) kumatz sores on skin (n) chak sorrow (n) toj, bisonem sort, put in order (v) chol, lem sought after (adj) tzukum soul (n) uxlabal, kux<aj> soul, heart (n-Span) anima sound bad (as in a marimba) (adj) toy sound like a landslide, thunder (v) tililik sound like heavy rain (v) bujujik sound metal grinding or screeching against metal (brakes) (v) qitznajik sound muffled (like tapping on cracked pot) (v) charchatik sound of a drum (n) tun sound of a waterfall (n) pulchich sound of an earthquake (v) worqotik sound of an empty cart bouncing along (v) tartatik sound of cracking or breaking bone or stick (v) quplajik sound of falling water (v) tzutuwik sound of feet dancing (n) xajoj sound of feet in mud (n) xqol sound of fingers in corn dough (n) sqom sound of fire (n) poroj sound of flowing water (v) roqobala sound of footsteps (v) kojnojik u pa raqan sound of footsteps on hard surface (v) tanlajik sound of grains scattering on surface (wheat on table) (v) kararik sound of gushing liquid (water from a pipe) (v) woxoxik sound of heavy rain or wind in trees of forest (v) chojojik sound of hen before lays (v) qalaqatik 261
sound of male turkey when stretches out wings (v) qososik sound of many people (v) witzitzik sound of metal (machete striking wood) (v) tzininik sound of metal striking metal (bell ringing) (v) chinlijik sound of owl (n) tukur sound of rain, earthquake, wind, fast-moving truck passing by (v) jumumik sound of rushing water (v) chekmayik sound of rushing water or wind (v) jomomik sound of something hard on hard surface (ax on hard wood) (v) kojnajik sound of splitting wood (v) paqnajik sound of things bouncing in a wheelbarrow (v) tararik sound of walking (v) poknaj -xjb sound of waves on a shore (n) plo sound of wooden objects bouncing (v) tarnajik soup (from caldo) (n-esp) kalto soup (n) sqom soup of chilacoyote squash (n) tanajim soup of haba beans (n) tzin kinaq soup, black bean soup (n) -wal kinaq qeq sour (adj) chm sour lime (n) alamnx south (n) -mox ri relbal qij, ikiem, kaxkut kaj south, ritual title for south (assoc. with maleness, right) (n) kajxukut kaj Southern Cross constellation (n) ikim kajbal souvenir (n) natabal, natabal sow (corn) (v) awexik sow (v) tik, tikonik sower (n) tikonel sowing (n) tikonijik, awexibal sown (adj) tikom space between two things (n) xol Spanish broom (plant) (n) tzaj Spanish language (n) kxlan tzij Spanish language (n-esp) kastilla Spanish woman or dresses like one (n) xinul spark (from fire) (n) -pix qaq
sparrow (n) witzitzik, chiq sparrow-hawk (n) xik sparse (adj) chra, xekal -wch spasm (n) chokiej, chokiaj speak (v) chawik, tzijonik speak about (v) chaw ch-ij speak badly of another person (v) kiaqlaj -chawik speak blood--means of receiving supernatural message (v) cha -kikel speak deceptively (v) xa -bij speak in secret (v) jasjatik speak in whispers (v) tzijon pa jasjatem speak on behalf of (v) chaw ch-ij speak through nose (v) qemqetik speak to (v) chabej speak vain things (v) alachik speak with a nasal voice (v) qemqetik speak with difficulty (v) tebnajik speak with hand signals (v) bij pa memal, ya -bixik ruk ri -qab spear (n) bate specialist diviner uses elegant prayers and Latin liturgy (n) ajbix speck (something in the eye) (n) pus speck, matter in eyes (n) puruk spectacle (n) kayem spectator (n) kayel specter (n) muj speech (n) chabal speed (n) kowim speedy (n) kawex spend (v) sach spend (v) sachik spherical (adj) kolokik spherical shaped (soap) (adj) toytik spherical, round (adj) surusik spice used on beans, chicken (n) sikaj spice, schele (a spice made from the zapote seed used in atole) (n) ixchun spicy (adj) paqon spicy hot (chile) (adj) poqon spider (n) m
spider monkey (n) koy spider venom (n) -kial m spider web (n) -kem m, -kiem m spider, daddy long legs (n) chu awj spider, poisonous spider (n) -m kiej spider, tarantula (n) pa r-aqan kiej spill (v) tixik, belowik spill out (liquid by accident) (v) tojinik spill out (water from a pila into street) (v) chororik spin (thread) (v) btzinik spin (v) solij spin around (v) sututik spin thread (v) btzij spin, rotate (v) sutij spine (book) (n) ij<aj> spine (maguey) (n) chut spine (n) qatzqalil re u-wo -achaq spine of guisquil (n) -tzam kix spinner of thread (n) btzinel spinner, person who spins thread (n) qinol batz spinning wheel (n) btzibal, solibal batz, qin, axno spinning, distaff (for holding wool in spinning) (n) qinobal spiny weed which grows in jungle (n) tzakm spiny, bristly (adj) kix, qux r-ij spirit (n) uxlabal, nawalik spirit of mountains, traditions (n) Tzitzimit, Saqi Koxol spirit, evil spirit (n) xibinel spiritualist (revered specialist diviner conducts seances) (n) ajnawal mesa spit (v) chubanik spit (v) pubaj spit on something (tv2) chubaj spit out something (medicine) (v) wupij splash (v) puqnajik, chuqlinik, chuqlij ri ja splash (water in jug when jostled) (v) chuqchutik splash (water in pot) to throw down (v) pulinik splash, sprinkle (v) chkij splatter (with mud) (v) chikoj spleen (n) poror
split (adj) tzakinaq split (firewood) (adj) paqom split (v) paqij split (wood) (tv1) paq<o>, paqinik split open (adj) paqininaq split, crack in skin below toe (n) xmkur spoil (food) (v) xaqalik spoil (fruit) (v) qayik spoil (meat) (v) chuwirik spoil (milk) (v) chmirik spoil (v) chuluj -ib spoiled (adj) qayinaq spoken to (adj) bixtaj sponge (n) wos spongy (car seat or sponge) (adj) pospoy spongy (v) wososik spontaneous, off the cuff (adj) ponom spoon, large spoon (particularly made from gourd) (n) pak spot (n) ak <-palaj> spotted (adj) ak r-ij spotted egg (n) chumil r-ij spouse (n) kulaj spread (butter) (tv1) jik<o> spread (fertilizer) (v) tukij spread (like butter on bread) (v) soq<o> spread (like thick liquid on table when spilled) (v) bejejik spread (wings) (adj) ripilik spread (wings) (tv1) rip<o> spread on (tv1) koj<o> spread out (adj) likilik spread out (cloth) (adj) likom spread out (cloth) (v) rik spread out (tablecloth) (adj) likinik spread out (tablecloth) (tv1) lik<o> spring (n) relibal ja, kua, bulbux spring (season) (n) kastajibal spring forth (water from ground) (v) bulbutik spring, fountain (n) kiyibal ja spring, hot spring (n) wolqot sprinkle (v) chikoj sprinkle something (water on dirt floor to keep 263
down dust) (v) chikicha sprinkle water with hands (v) lochij sprinkle, splash (v) chkij sprinkled (adj) jbalik sprout (n) tux sprout (v) tuxik, tuxanik, tuxik, tuxanik sprout, shoot (n) tux sprout, tree produces new sprout from root (v) wchinik spruce fir tree (n) sqache spruce fir tree or needles (pinabete) (n) tzin chj spun (thread) (adj) btzim spy (n) ilonel spy (v) yuxkutik spy on (v) yuxij spy on something (v) yuxilej square (adj) kajkaj, kiejeb -xkut, tayuy, kieb -tzaltmal square (n) kajtzalaj rij squash (ayote) (n) mukun squash (gicoy or ayote) (n) mukun squash, small crook-necked squash (n) bus squash, soup of chilacoyote squash (n) tanajim squat (v) chucubaj, chukik squat, crouch (v) wuchbaj squatting (adj) wuchulik, chuculik squeak (of door) (v) wakakik squeak (old metal, like a nail pulled out of wood) (v) qichichik squeak (rat) (v) pitzipitik squeak (rubbing leather or rubber as in new shoes) (v) qichowik squeak (v) witzwitik squeal (pig, infant) (v) witzinik squealing, sound metal grinding or screeching against metal (brakes) (v) qitznajik squeeze (tv1) yitz<o> squeeze hard (too hard a handshake) (tv1) qir<o> squeeze or hold hard (v) muqej squeeze out (tv1) pitz<o> squeeze out drops (oil, water) (v) tzutij squinty-eyed (adj) tzalwch, jaljiwch
squirrel (n) kuk squish (flea with fingernail, or worm with shoe) (v) pich<o> squish (like stepping on worm) (v) pichinik squish (soft mud when stepped on or worked) (v) puqnajik squish something (like stepping on bug) (v) pichij squish, sound of feet in mud (n) xqol squished (adj) pitzpobinaq stab (not to death) (v) puy stab (to death) (v) toqoj stab (tv1) toq<o> stab (v) chuq<u> stable (adj) chakalik stable, crib (n) echabal stable, horse stable (n) -wabal kiej stable, not wobbly (table on floor, or a house) (adj) chakalik stack (firewood) (v) nut<u> staff (n) chamiy staff of office (from vara) (n-esp) bara staff of office of chuchqajaw (n) takalibal stagger from illness (v) baqotik stain (clothes by accident) (v) qo -ib stain (n) tzil<ol> stain (v) tzaj<o> stained (adj) tzil, soqatajinaq stained (n) amalo -pam stairway (n) qam stalk, dry corn stalk (n) patzan stall (n) kabal stammer [Toto] (v) titatik stamp down (v) tik stamp foot on ground (v) tiltitik stampede of bulls (n) tzuruj stanched (adj) chemelik stand (v) takik stand erect (v) yaq stand on, walk on (v) takalej stand something up (v) takaba stand something up (v) takiba standing (adj) takalik standing like a spider or crab (adj) wakalik 264
standing on all fours (animal) (adj) chakalik standing on knees only (adv) xukik standing straight (adj) takal suk standing wall (n) tantik star (Momostenango) (n) chumil star (Totonikapn) (n) chimil star, falling star (n) -achaq chimil stare (tv1) tzu stare without listening, glare (v) tabatik starling (n) tzintziboj start (tv1) chap<o>, jeq<o> start (v) majij start doing something (v) maj -banik started (adj) majim startle (v) xibij startle, quick intake of breath (when startled) (v) biqilijik starve to death, die of hunger (v) kmik che numik state of being lost (n) sachbal ib statue (n) wchibal, tzaq stay (v) yonolikinik stay behind (v) kanaj kan<oq> stay in one place (v) jeqik stay in shade (v) mujanik steal (v) elaqanik, torij, tzaq -qab ch-e steal away, escape, flee (v) el chi aqan steal something (v) toyej ubik, elaqaj steam (hot bowl of soup) (v) sosotik steam (n) ab, -uxlab ja, -sibal ja steambath (n) tuj steel (n) rx chich steep (adj) xuluxuj steep (road or mountain) (adj) juyub steep portion of a trail (n) paqalik stem (n) -aqn kotzij stench (n) chuwil, chu step of a ladder (n) -ware qam step on (v) takalbej step, foot, leg (nabe r-aqan ri ne-babys first step) (n) aqn<aj> step-mother (n) nanabal, chuchubal steps, house steps (n) paqabilibal step-sister of a male (n) anababal
step-son or daughter (of woman) (n) alabal sterile (adj) man alkualanel taj, menchor sterile land (n) kch xoqol stick (v) nak<o>, nakik stick out tongue (v) kopij -aq stick something (v) nakba stick to (v) nakinik stick to something (v) nakaba stick used for beating grain (n) qosibal stick used to tie up firewood (n) sluk stick with bark whittled off (adj) qolom sticking up from beneath something (stubble from ground) (adj) pichilik sticks (n) xikay stickum (n) nakbal sticky (adj) nakakik sticky (tape or bandage) (adj) lachachik sticky mud (n) kch xoqol stiff (adj) takatik stiff (hair) (adj) che stiffen (body, over-ripe herb) (v) cherik still water (in well) (n) suq still, thus, until (adv) k stillness (n) matzalem stilts used to keep out of mud (n) chitik sting (bee) (v) tzop, tzoponik sting (tv1) ti<o> sting (v) much<u>, tionik, tiik, buti stinger (bee) (n) tiobal stinginess (n) xuyal stinging nettle (chichicaste) (n) la stingy (adj) xuy, xip stingy, not charitable (adj) ko -anima stink (v) chuwinik stinky (dead carcass) (adj) chu stipend (n) tojom stir (tv1) kich<o> stir (tv1) yuj<u>, lu stir (v) yujya, yujik, tuk stir up (people to act) (v) tikij stir up trouble (v) koj kulel stitch (n) tison, kalkax, kumatz, toqlijik, tur stitch (tv1) tis<o>
stockings (n) pisbal -aqan stolen (adj) elaqam, elaqax stomach (n) pam<aj> stomach cramps (if recurrent, calling to be ajqij) (n) yitzinaq pamaj stomach infection (n) pamaj stomach pain (n) qoxow pomaj stone (fruit) (n) baq stone (v) buk chabaj stone sculpture (n) wchibal abj stone supports, tenamaste (three stones that support cooking pot) (n) ixkub stone wall marking boundaries (n) qumuq stone, boundary stone (n) qolbat stone, colored (n) chachal stone, great wall of stones (n) tzaq stone, grinding stone (n) ka stone, little (n) wabj stone, rock, testicle (n) abj stone, sharpening stone (n) wux, wux abaj stone, sling stone (n) kiqbal stone, washing stone (n) juchaj stones, boundary marker (usually heap of stones) (n) kulbat stones, flat (used for washing clothes by river) (n) tzalam abaj stool (n) tem stool-pigeon (n) puch stoop (v) chaqik stooped over (adj) chaqalik stop (bus, work) (v) takik stop (v) tanabaj, qatalik, tanik, qat stop anger (v) paqun -oyowal pa -jolom stop eating (v) elej stop short (v) takik stop something (v) qatej stop up (nose, bowels, etc.) (v) tzapatajik stop, make something stop (v) takaba stop, suspend (work) (v) tanaba stopped (adj) tanalik, tanalinaq, takalik store (n-esp) tienta storm drain (n) tzujbal storm, severe (n) kiqiq jab
storm, tempest, thunder (n) kaqulja storm, whirling rain in storm (n) sutz kumatz story (n) puk, tzijobelil, tzijoxik, tzij stove (n) miqbal straight (adj) sukulik, sukalaj straight (adv) sukum straight (hair) (adj) jililik straight (road) (adj) jikom straight [Momos] (adv) kolom straight road (n) sukulik be straight, upright (adj) suk straighten (v) sukubik, jikomaj straighten up (v) sukumanik straighten, repair, prepare (v) sukumaj straightened (adj) sukumam straightness (n) sukil strain (v) cha, yikya strain something (v) chayuj strained (adj) chayum strained (coffee) (adj) chaom strained atole drink (n) joch strainer, sieve (n) chabal, jarner, jarnel strange (adj) tzebal stranger (n) kxlan winaq, jule winaq, ajchakap ja strangle (v) jitzaj strap connected to bit of horse (n) xakima strap, horse strap (n) xkiema straw (n) loptes, tes straw bed (n) sok<aj> straw mat (n) pop stream (n) binel ja strength (n) chuqab strengthener, that which strengthens (n) kowilibal stretch (cloth) (tv1) lik<o> stretch (person in the morning, from fatigue) (v) yuquqej -ib stretch out (cloth, rubber) (v) yuqyobik stretch out (dry leather in water) (v) riprobik stretch out (rubber) (tv1) yuq<u> stretch out (v) yuq stretch, extend (cloth) (v) lik -wch stretched out (on bed from fatigue) (adj) tutzulik 266
stricken (adj) chayom stride (space between steps) (n) -xol -aqan strike (as in a pig before killing it) (v) yap strike (v) kajij strike (v) pichqij, kiaqik, kqik strike (v) qosij strike (with fist) (v) buk strike (with piece of furniture or a club) (tv1) potz<o> strike (with tail) (v) nek strike hour (clock or bell) (v) ya ri hora strike something (knee on a rock) (v) pukij strike with something flat (v) laqij strike with something wide and flat (v) palej string (beads) (tv1) jut<u> string (n) kam string (v) putzukaj string bean (ejote) (n) biloj string beans (n) rx kinaq, tzakoy string for measuring (n) etabal kam string of beads (n) jut chachal string of beads (n) tis chachal string of garlic hung on wall (n) akan string or rope, something used to tie (n) ximbal string, rope (used to tie something up) (n) yutbal strip away (v) qululej strip of leaves (tv1) qul<u> strip something naked (v) chanaba stripped of glaze (plate, cup) (adj) tzoktzobinaq stroke (tv1) jik<o> stroke gently, fondle, rub (head of baby) (v) malama strong (adj) ko, ko -chuqab strong and hard cord (n) kulm strong cramps (stomach or menstral) (n) yitzitz strut (turkey, rooster, person) (v) chititik stuck (adj) nakalik student (n) tijoxel study (v) tijoj -ib study of the stars (n) noj chumil stuff (gently) (v) balij stuff (v) titz stuffed full (bag, net of corn) (adj) xaqaxik
stumble (n) cheq stumble (v) chaqij -aqan, piqij -aqan, cheqij -aqan stumble on something (v) pichqij u-wi -aqan cho stumble over (v) chaqij stupid (adj) bax, pay, kon, toy stupid person (n) kon, jolom chij, jolom kej, pay stupidity (n) konil sturdy, as a house (adj) chakalik stutter (v) taktomanik, tebtajik -aq, man -el t -tzij, lotolik -aq, mematik, titatik, chaqchatik stutterer (n) tebtatik -aq subdue (v) kuin<ik> ch-e submerge (in water) (v) jutjubik submerge (tv1) jux<u> submerge in water (v) qasaj xe ja submerge vessel (in water to fill it) (v) julqupij substitute (n) kexwch, kexel suburbs (n) tzan ja, tzam taq ja suburbs, outskirts of town (n) tzam taq ja succeed (v) kulmatjik, kuinik schele (a spice made from the zapote seed used in atole) (n) ixchun suck (v) tzubik suck something (candy) (tv1) tzu suck something (v) tzub suddenly (adv) xa tetalik, xa kte suddenly [Momos] (adv) kteq suddenly [Toto] (adv) ktetalik suds (soap) (n) woqow sue (v) tzujunik, tzujuj suffer (v) riq kax suffer a reversal of fortune after a success (v) qajbexik sufficient (adv) xuwi la sugar (n-esp) asukal sugar cane (n) jij sugar, panela (unrefined brown sugar) (n) kab suitcase (n-Esp) malet, tanat Summer Solstice (June 12?) (n) Kqaj Qij summer, first days of summer (n) ajsikil saqil summoned, called for (adj) sikitalik 267
sun in June (illuminates south side of cave or door) (n) ikim saqil sun something (blanket) (v) miq cho qij sun, dancer who represents the sun (n) ajqij sun, ray of sun (n) -tun qij sundial (n) kajbal sunrise, first appear rays of sun (v) natat uloq ri u tun ri qij suns path (n) -be qij sunset (refers to the coloration of the sky at sunset) (n) ixqnil superior (adj) nim -banik supernatural being (n) nawal suppor something vertical (v) tekbaj support (beams of house) (v) toqej support (n) tzuil support (v) chakuyik support someone (v) ilij supportive pole (n) -aqn ja sure (adj) qalaj, jik, jikilik, qas surpass (v) ya -wi surround (v) sutij -ij surrounded (town by mountains) (adj) sutim -ij surrounded by (prep) ch-ij -onojel suspend (work), stop (v) tanaba suspended (adj) tanalik sustain (v) toik sustain (with hands) (v) ukaj sustained with two hands (adj) lotem swallow (bird) (n) kui kui swallow (medicine, etc.) (v) karquj swallow (v) biqonik, kajmajinik swallow whole (tv1) biq<o> swamp (n) suq sway (bridge in wind) (v) biyomik, biyowik sway, moverse (tree branch in wind) (v) salabik swear (v) tzumaj kaj, tzanabej sweat (from illness) (n) saq tiqow sweat (tv1) boq ja sweat (v) el pa ja, el ja, buxlajik, tzaq ja sweat on face (v) el ja cho -palaj sweep (tv1) mes<o> sweep (v) mesik, mesonik
sweeper (n) mesonel sweeping (n) mes sweepings (n) mes sweet (adj) ki sweet bread made of coarse flour without egg yolks or shortening (n) xeka sweet corn on the cob (boiled, roasted) (n) j sweet lime (n-esp) alima sweet potato (n) kamot, ixqanajoy sweet potato (patata--Solanum tuberosum) (n) is sweet tooth, person with a sweet tooth (n) jiq sweeten something (v) kirisaj sweeten with honey (v) kabawik sweetmeats (n) cholom sikil sweetness (n) kial sweets (n) kab swell (v) sansatik swell (v) sipoj swell up (hand from insect bite) (v) sipojik swell up (v) punik swelling (n) sipoj, sipojem, chucuchik swelling (on cattle) (n) pukpik swept (adj) mesom swill, pig swill (n) -ukia aq swim (v) muxanik swindle or cheat someone (v) qoch<o> swine mange (sarna de coche) (n) -chikop aq swing (n) say swing (often hanging from tree) (n) tzay swing (v) siyopenik swing arms (v) say -qab, sayasa -qab swing side to side (bridge in wind) (v) sayow -wi swing side to side (v) biyomik, biyowik swing something (baby) (tv1) say<o> swing something from side to side (baby in hammock) (tv2) biyomisaj swinging motion (n) sayopem swipe out with paw (v) qabinik swish (like a skirt) (v) roqnajik swish (v) rupnajik swollen (adj) pun, sorosik, sipojinaq swoon (n) petibal wi symbol (n) natabal
symbol of man (forked pole to support a branch) (n) kab che syncope and shouting (n) qabarik syphilis (n) pus tbano (horsefly that bites horses) (n) ixkatz table (n) mexa table (n-esp) mesa taboo (adj) awas taboo (n) awas tadpole (n) ixtor tail (n) je<aj> tailless animal (n) kut tailor (Momostenango) (n) ajtisom tailor (n) tisanel, ajtisomanel tailor (Totonicapn) (n) tisomanel tailor shop (n) tisombal take a path (v) maj -be take a road (v) chap -be take a trip (iv) bek take a walk (v) wakatik take away (tv1) jol<o> take away (v) elesaj, majij take away all that belongs to something (v) qululej take away by force (land, candy from baby) (v) toqij take away forcefully (v) tuquj take blame for accident (v) eqlej take care (expression) nojim katbe wi take care (lit. slowly you go) (expression) nojim katbek take care of (v) chajij take down, destroy (v) wulij take hold of (tv1) chap<o> take hold, to take away forcibly (tv1) maj<o> take in hem of something (tv1) yoch<o> take leave of (v) chabej kan<oq> take lodging overnight (v) oqxanij -ib take off (blanket) (tv1) jol<o> take off (name from list) (v) esaj take off fleas (v) nikoj take off weight (v) qaj take out (sliver from under skin) (v) pichpob uloq
take out (v) elesaj, esaj take out of the earth (v) turkupij take pity on someone (v) toqobisaj -wch take shelter (v) panik take something apart (tv1) tur<u> take upon self, place on shoulders (v) telej taken apart (car or machine) (adj) turtubinaq tale (n) bixik talk (casual conversation) (v) chawik talk (v) tzijonik talk a lot (v) raqoqik talk about someone (true or untrue) (v) tzijoj talk continuously (v) wululik talk indirectly about person in his presence (v) kiqow xikin kuban che talker (n) chawinel tall (adj) wakwik, nim -aqn tall (n) biribik tall (person) (adj) takatik tall, very tall (tree, etc.) (adj) nim aqaninaq tallow (n-esp) xepo talon, claw (bird), nail (finger), hoof (n) ixkiaq tamal tayuyo (n) oben tamale (equal parts corn and beans) eaten just before New Years (n) uben tamale of elote (green corn) (n) ak wa tamale with meat inside (n) lik tamal tamale without meat inside (n) tumin tamale, large tamale taken on trips (n) tzaqom tamales made from potatoes (n) pach tamales wrapper, large leaf in which tamales are wrapped (n) maxn tamales wrapper, leaf for wrapping tamales (n) qanaq tamalito of corn (n) sb tamalitos wrapper, corn leaf (n) tzalik tame (from manso) (adj-esp) manxo tame (v) ban manxo ch-e, manxorisaj tan (egg-colored) (adj) qnqoj tan or yellowish from dirt (shirt, wall) (adj) qnpur tangle something (thread) (v) patzukaj tangle something (twine or rope) (v) putzukaj 269
tangled (adj) patz, patzkuyik tangled (rope or string) (adj) putzuk tap (v) korokot tape (n) nakbal tapir (n) tix tarantula (n) pa r-aqan kiej tarnish (v) chuluj -ib task (n) chilab taste (n) kial taste good (v) utz -tijowik taste test of something (given before buying) (n) nabal re taste, feel (v) na tasteless (adj) kikoj tasty tidbits (n) jastaq re jiqol tattle on someone (v) ban tzij ch-ij tattle-tale (chilln) (n) puch tax (n) tojobal, alkabal tax collector (n) toqil tax collector (n) toqinel alcabal tax, collector of fees, taxes (n) toqinel te de monte (n) kiq kix tea, te de monte (n) kiq kix teach (v) tijoj teacher (n) tzijonel, ajtij, tijonel teaching (n) tijonem, tijonik team (n) juqat, jupuq, juchob tear (cloth) (iv) bitinik tear (cloth) (v) richij tear (cloth, paper) (v) raqtij tear (clothing from fall) (v) ritakiej tear (fabric on a nail) (v) jisjobik tear (paper, cloth) (tv1) bit<o> tear (paper, cloth) (tv1) tzer<o> tear (tv1) jis<o> tear apart (tv1) jis<o> tear apart with teeth or hands (as in cloth or meat) (v) tubij tear open (v) teqetobik tear something (v) jix tear something thin, flat and flexible (corn shucks) (tv1) wex<o> tear to pieces (coyote to lamb) (v) chaqatij
tear to pieces (paper) (v) raqapuj tear up into pieces (iv) bitboxik tearing sound (n) bit tears (n) -wal -wch, -wal -boqwch tears, dried tears (n) puruk tears, flood of tears (n) oqej teeth, change dentition (from baby to adult teeth) (v) chotinik -ware tell a joke (v) pukaj tell gossip (v) tabatatik tell stories (v) ya utzijol tell tales (v) ban tzij tell, relate (story) (v) tzijoj temper with fire to make stronger (v) chojij temperament, pleasant (adj) jororem temperature (n) -qaqal tempermental, bad tempered (adj) titatik tempest, storm (n) kaqulja temple (n) -achoch Dios, teoxibal temple (of the head) (n) xax temple (temporal area of face) (n) xaxol tempt (v) taqchij tempt to sin (v) taqchij che mac temptation (n) chibal mak, taqchinik ten (n) lajuj tenamaste (three stones that support cooking pot) (n) ixkub tenant (see also, boarder) (n) qajal ja, qajanel tend (animals) (v) tik tend (sheep) (v) yuquj tend, care for cultivated plot (v) josqij tender (adj) chun, ton tender (undried corn) (adj) ja tender (vegetables, corn) (adj) tur tender corn (n) ak wa tender, edible shoots of the guisquil (n) -tzam chima tenderize (meat) (v) chuchujirik tenth (n) -lajuj<il> terminate (v) kisik territory (n) juyubal terror (n) xibinem test (v) tiq
testicle, horn (n) uka<aj> testicle, stone, rock (n) abj testicles (n) oj, kowil testicles, inflamed testicles (n) woq testified (adj) qalajisam testify (v) saqirisaj, qalajisanik testimony (n) saqiribal, qalajisabal thank (v) kam, tioxij thank (v) kamowaj thank for something (xumaltioxij ri toqob ri xban che) (v) maltioxij thanks (n) maltiox that (conj) chi that (pro) le, le that (something far away and not seen) (pro) la that is (dem) are la that which (pro) jas that which has become (n) chapom that which strengthens (n) kowilibal thats good (exp) utz ri thats right (dem) are kut thatch (n) kim thatched roof house (n) kima ja the (art) le the (art) ri the being taught (n) tijoxik the day draws near for the harvest (v) qetet ri qij re ri jach the doing (n) banowik the fruit of a tree (v) -wch che the nation of Guatemala (n) amaq Guatemala the next day (adv) chukab qij the remainder (n) tzaqatisabal the rest (n) tzaqatisabal, jule the reverse side (ri u-sal ri kamixa--the reverse side of shirt) (n) sal the same (adj) junam the same (adv) xa junam the same day (adv) junam qij the smallest (n) chip the sound of many people (v) witzitzik the two of them (n) e kieb theft (n) elq
their (pos pro) ktheir (poss pro) ki them (pro) e are then (conj) kte ri there is no one (exp) maj jachin kolik there is none (adj) man ko taj there isnt any (adj) man ko taj therefore (adv) xa ba cha therefore (conj) kut, je ku ri they thought among themselves (v) xkichomala chkibil kib thick (adj) juponaj thick (adj) sorosik, nim -wch thick (beard) (adj) patzapik thick (board of wood or atole drink) (adj) tebetik thick (door, something large) (adj) teqetik thick (liquid) (adj) tzatz thick (n) muchulik thick (something flat like board) (adj) pim thick atole (n) tzatz qor thick boundary wall made of earth (n) tanatik thick tortilla (n) pixtun thick, big around (snake) (adj) yoloyik thick, fat (adj) tebotiq thicken (atole, jelly) (v) tzatzarik thicket (n) jakal thick-lipped (adj) bajbik thickness (n) pimel thief (n) mokonel, ajxik, elaqom thievery (n) elaqanik thigh (n) a<aj>, -pa -a, ra thigh, back of a thigh (n) -pawa -aqan thigh, part of the leg above the knee (n) a<aj> thin (adj) kol -pam, pchach, baq thin (paper, cloth, wood) (n) xax thin (person) (adj) tol thin (rope) (adj) jis thin (soup or atole) (adj) chur thin (v) xaxij thing (n) jasch thing used for wrapping (n) pisbal things (n) jastaq 271
think (calculative, worried way) (v) chomanik think (creative, meditative way) (v) nojinik think (v) chomanic think about something (v) chomaj ch-ij, nojij think of something (v) chomaj, chomaj think to your self (v) bij pa -kux third (adj) urox third (num) rox third and final grinding of corn (v) tzi third day (Tuesday) (n) oxqij third part (n) rox qat third ranked Mam (n) Noj thirsty (adj) chaqij -chi thirteen (n) oxlajuj thirteenth (num) roxlajuj this (Momostenango) (pro) wa this (pro) wa this (Totonicapn) (pro) we this day (adv) wakamik this is (dem) are wa this means (v) bij wa Thomas (n) Max thorn (n) -kixol thorn, briar (n) kix those (pro) le thought (n) chomabal, chomanik thought among themselves (v) xkichomala chkibil kib thousand (jun chuy-1000) (num) chuy thousand (num) chuy thread (n) ka m, btz thread (needle) (tv1) jut<u> thread maker (n) btzinel thread, wool thread (n) chij three by three (adv) ox ox three days ago (adv) oxjir three stones that form the cooking fire (tenamaste) (n) xkub three times (adv) oxmul three totals (n) oxmuch three years ago (adv) oxbir thresh (v) jchanik, yaqoj thresher (n) jchanel
threshing (n) yoqoj throat (inside) (n) -pu qul throat (n) qul<aj> throat (n) xul throb (v) tanowik throne (n) kulbal, nimalaj tuyulibal through (prep) -umal throw (tv1) chaq<o>, kiq<o> throw (v) kqik, kiaqik throw in jail (v) ya pa che throw ones self down (v) chukek throw out (v) esj <u>bik, esaj apanoq, kiq ubik throw out something that has gone sour or bad (v) xaqij throw self (out of bed) (v) kq <u>loq -ib throw self (v) kotek throw self down to rest (v) puneik throw water on something (horse to clean it) (v) repuj joron throw yourself down (in exhaustion) (v) poyik thrown off (adj) punulik thrush (n) tzintziboj thrust into (water) (tv1) jux<u> thud, sound of metal (machete striking wood) (v) tzininik thumb (assoc. by ajqijab with great-grandparents) (n) nima kaqab thumb (n) cham u-wi -qab, chom u-wi -qab, -nimal -qab, nima u wi qab thumb (n) u-chomal qabaj thunder (n) ejinamik thunder explosively (firecracker, bomb) (v) ponalajik thunder, shout (v) sanij thunder, tempest, storm (n) kaqulja thunderclap (n) poqik, qajan thus (adv) jeri thus, still, until (adv) k tick (n) chut tick, wood tick (n) sip tickle (n) choqn tickle someone (v) choqnaj
ticklishness (n) choqn tidbits (n) jiqobal tie (tv1) xim<o> tie (v) jatij, ximik tie loosely (tv1) suq<u> tie something (v) ximbej tie up (tv1) xim<o> tie up (v) btz, yut tied (adj) ximom tied up (adj) yutulik, yutum tied up, well tied up (adj) jatajik tied, well tied (adj) ko jatalik tiller (n) tajinel tilt (v) tzalik tilted, tipped (adj) tzalik tilted, tipped, laying to one side (adj) tzaltzik timbrel (n) chinchin time (jumul--once or one time) (n) mul time (n) qeq ulew timely, on time (adv) aninq tin tray or plate (n) laqalik chich tinted (adj) tzajom tipped, tilted (adj) tzalik tipped, tilted, laying to one side (adj) tzaltzik tire (v) kosik, bawik tired (adj) kosinaq tithing (n) -lajuj<il> title for ancestors used in prayers (n) Nantat title for chuchqajaw (n) tzuqunel title for chuchqajaw (priest-shaman) (n) chawinel title for mortal remains of ancestors used in prayers (n) muchulik baq, muchulik poqlaj title for tzite beans used in divination (n) chak patan title for World Deity ("Round World"?) (n) Pachulum Mundo title of client in divination ceremony (n) -winaqil title of deity who comprises powers of world and tradition (n) Dios Mundo title of Dios Mundo as guardian of mountains (n) Juyubal title of Koxol (n) ajyuq to (ix co chucamik wa--you are here to receive
food) (prep) chuto (prep) pa to each one (prep) ch-jujunal to the bottom (adv) k ch-pam to the contrary (adv) -jolom r-ib to the side of (prep) ch-chi, ch-xkut to, for, from (prep) ch-e<ch> toad (n) ixpq, ixputz, ixpeq, xpeq toadstool (n) chuj ikox toast (grains--habas, rice, corn) (v) kilij toast (tortilla, tamalito) (v) wotzotzirisaj toast (v) wotzotzej, yakamarik toasted (adj) kilom, wotzotz toasted corn grains (n) kilim ixim toasted habas beans (n) pol toasted tamalito slices (n) wotzotz toasted yellow corn (n) pol tobacco (n) sik, met today (adv) mer, kamik toe (n) -wi -aqan toe jam (n) -xoqolil u xol -aqan, chiluj u-wi -aqan toe, big toe (n) nima u wi aqan together (adj) tunulik together (walking) (adv) junam toilet (n) chulubl token (n) kutbal told (adj) tzijom tolerable (adj) chijtalik tomato (n) pix tomato sauce (n) puchum re pix tomato sauce with ground chile (n) qutum tomb (n) relewal kminaq, -jul kminaq tomorrow (see also day after) (adv) chueq, chweq tomorrow morning (n) nim aqab chukab qij tomorrow night (n) chaqab chueq tongue (n) aq<aj> tongue of fire (n) aq re qaq tongue of flame (n) -xaq qaq tonight (adv) xqeqal tonight (n) chaqab wakamik tonsillitis (n) qulaj
tool (n) chakbal tool used in learning (n) etamabal tools (n) chakubal tooth (n) e<aj>, ware<aj> tooth ache (n) qoxom wareyaj, qoxowinaq ware tooth, canine tooth (n) nim -ware tooth, molar (n) ka tooth, person with a missing tooth (n) xork toothless (n) lomo top (n) joch, wi<aj> top of the foot (n) -ij -aqan top of the head (n) jaj topple, crash (as a stack of items imperfectly balanced) (v) tulututik torch (n) yabal qaq torch-pine wood (ocote) (n) chj torn (adj) tzerom, tzeretajinaq, kobol<ik>, teq, tel torn (book) (adj) wexwobinaq torn (cloth) (adj) xilitajinaq torn (clothing) (adj) patz r-ij tornado (n) sutul qum tortilla (n) lej tortilla, small tortilla (n) lej xit tortilla, thick (n) pixtun tortoise (n) petz, kox awaj tortulero (male matchmaker) (n) chuchqajaw tossed (adj) choqolik total, eighty (lit. "one total") (n) jumuch totals, two totals (n) kamuch Totonicapan woven sash used as ribbon (n) xqab Totonicapn ("Above the Hot Water") (n) Chuwi Meqina touch (food with finger) (tv1) chaq<o> touch-sensitive plant, closes leaves when touched (n) takam touch (tv1) chap<o> touch (v) naq touch gently (v) malalik touch something without permission (v) tzaq -qab ch-e
touchy (adj) cher tough (meat) (adj) achiy tourist (see also traveler) (n) qatanel, okowel toward (prep) pa toward here (adv) uloq toward speaker (adv) uloq tower (n) chucuchik ja, kiaqte, tektik ja town (n) tinimit town crier who uses drums (mid-level community position) (n) ajqojom Town of Pachalum (n) Tunkaj town shrine (n) awas rech tinimit toy (n) etzabal track (n) -etal -aqn track in wheat field (n) potzbal track of a snake (n) chararebal tracks left by a dog when chases tail (n) sututibal tradition (n) naqatisabal traditional peasant farmer (n) ajchak traditional skirt (corte) (n) uq traditional time of marriage proposals (adv) aqabil trail (n) -qab be trail of a snake (n) cherbal training of a diviner (n) eqomal rech awas training to become a daykeeper (ajqij) (n) tunulik chak traitor (n) jachanel trample (horse tramples a frog) (v) xaqalej trample (v) pachalej, takalbej, tiloj trample (v) takalenik trample on (v) takalej trample, thresh, to kick (animal) (v) yaq trampled on (adj) tilom trampling (n) xaqabal tranquil (adj) remanik, jamarinaq, uxlaninaq tranquility (n) jamaril tranquilize (v) jamarik transgress (v) xalqatij transgress (v) xalqatinik transgression (n) xalqatinik translate (v) tzolqomij, qaxaj -tzij, kex tzij translate something (v) qaxej tzij
translator (n) tzaqal tzij translator, interpreter (n) qaxal tzij transparent material (as for blouse) (n) payu trap (for birds) (n) kambal trap (n) chapbal, chapbal, lajab trash (n) mes trash, place where trash burned (n) porobal travel (Momostenango) (iv) bek travel (v) binik travel by horseback (v) kejbej traveler (see also tourist) (n) wakatel, ajbeil, okowel, qatanel, ajbe, binel, ajbinel traveler, person who likes to travel (n) benam winq travelling seller of bulk goods (n) eral eqan traverse (v) qaxaj tray (n) chom laq tray (tin) or plate (n) laqalik chich tread on (v) takalbej treasure (n) -kux puaq, kolol puaq Treasurer Mam (n) Toj treasurers, box of treasures (n) kolibal mebail treat lightly (v) etzbej -wch treat with medicine (v) kunanik tree (n) che tree bark (n) jumetal che tree branch (n) -qab che tree high in the mountain (n) tkor tree nursery (n) wan che tree parasite (n) muqe tree produces new sprout from root (v) wchinik tree root (n) -kamal che tree sap (n) qol tree trunk (n) -chomal che, kutamil, cheal, kutam che tree whose wood is used to make combs (n) xat che tree with sagging branches (n) joyan che tree with thorns (n) kix che tree, arbol espinosa (n) ixkanal tree, arbol rumoroso (n) jom che tree, caa brava tree (n) tar tree, cherry tree (n) ixpusqel
tree, cherry tree (n) kuxkabel tree, coyol palm tree (n) tut tree, ebony tree (n) -aqan kuch tree, elder tree (n) tzaloj che tree, encino tree (evergreen oak) (n) baqit tree, evergreen oak (encina) (n) wit, skel, ponopik, kowilaj che, rx che tree, fig tree (n) azete tree, gourd tree (guacal) (n) tzim tree, Madre cacao tree (Gliricidia sepium) (n) qn te tree, madron tree (madroo) (n) uka, -ka che tree, maguey (n) ki che, ki tree, mahogany tree (caoba--Swietenia) (n) qn che tree, pino colorado tree (n) kiq chj tree, roble (oak) (n) tzunuj tree, rubber tree (n) kik che tree, spruce fir tree (n) sqache tree, weeping willow (n) ixqos tree, white pine (n) sqache, pachj tree, wide-leafed oak (n) kanaq tree, willow (madron tree) (n) soqos, tzoloj che, ixqos tree-cactus (n) takrabaj tremble (hand, body) (v) siksitik tremble (v) birbatik, silisatik tremble, twitch (muscle) (v) repretik tremor (n) kab raqan tremor (of the body) (n) birbitem tremor, earth tremor (n) yikiyot, kabraqan triangular (adj) oxib -xkut, oxib -xikin, oxib -tzam tribe (n) xetey<il>, amaq trick (v) qabanik trim (v) xaxij, qupuj trimmed (adj) qupim trimmed (tree) (adj) setom trimmed, evenly cut (bushes or trees) (adj) setom trip (n) be trip (n) binem trip (n) cheq, piqij -aqan trip (v) cheqij -aqan, chaqij -aqan trip (v) choqij -aqn 275
trip for pleasure (n) wakatem trip on something (v) pichqij u-wi -aqan cho tripe (n) -pam tij tropical lizard (garrobo) (n) ojin troubled (v) chomanik troublesome (v) choqchotik trough for feeding animals (n) jukub trousers (n) kason, wex true (adj) tzuj r-anima, qas, tzij, qastzij truly (adv) tzij truly small (adj) qas chutin trumpet (n) tun trumpeter bird (zanate or clarinero--like a small crow) (n) chok trunk (n) tom trunk (tree) (n) -chomal che, kutamil, cheal, kutam che trust (v) jikiba -kux ch-ij truth (n) saq tzij, qastzij, saqalaj tzij, tzij try (v) chacha, tiq try hard (v) koj -chuqab, tij -chuqab, tij -qij try luck (v) qasaj suerte try out (v) tiq try something out (v) il tuberculosis (n) chaqij ojob, chaqij yabil tucan (n) tarbok tumble down (v) wulij tumor (n) chucuchik, pukpik, toytik tumor on neck (n) boj, wwech tumpline (n) patn tuna (cactus pear) (n) nochti tuna (n) pixpiteq turkey (n) nos turkey buzzard (n) siol turn (n) kotokik turn (xinsutij nu jolom-- I turned my head) (v) sutij turn around (v) sutinik, tzale, tzolqomij -ib, yuj -ib turn inside out (v) solqopij turn off (tv1) chup<u> turn on (light) (tv1) tzij<o> turn over (tortillas) (v) salkapij, tzolqomij turn over (v) solkopij
turn red (v) kiqarik turn sideways (v) qelik turn something over (tortillas) (v) paskij turned around (v) tzalmayik turning, preparation of the fields for planting by digging (n) joxkim turnip (n) rawnax turnip (nabo) (n-esp) napux turpentine (n) qol turtle dove (n) xunkur, muqux, ixmukur twelfth (num) ukablajuj twelve (n) kablajuj twentieth (num) ujuwinaq twenty (n) juwinaq twenty-one (n) juwinaq jun twice (adv) kamul twig, small branch (n) -xikayil che twigs (n) alaj blaj si twin (n) tiox, iox twin<s> (n) yox<ib>, kuach<ib> twinkle (like a star) (v) chuplinik twins, pair of twins (n) jukulaj yox twist (ankle) (v) qoch<o>, kotokiej, qoch -aqan twist (arm, cloth, thread) (v) tumij twist (arm, cloth, thread) [Chichi] (v) tumaj twist (v) yitzah twist (wire, neck of a chicken) (v) baqatij twist or bend (metal or a wax candle) (v) luk twist something (v) kototej twist, bend (v) jechba twist, bend (wood beneath weight) (v) pekik twisted (adj) baqatim, tumim, balom, sutim r-ib twisted (hat) (adj) lutulik twisted (wood), warped (adj) pekepik twisted bread sold at festivals (rosquitas) (n) roskil twisted face (adj) yokoyik twisted, bent (nail or warped board) (adj) kotokik twisted, bent, folded (adj) lukulik twister (n) balonel, sulkum twitch (in one place or muscle as in eye) (v) reparatik twitch (limb, body) (v) salabik -baqil
twitch (muscle or skin) (v) pixkonik twitch (muscle) (v) repretik twitch (part of the body--interpreted as a premonition) (v) qoyqotik two (num) kieb two by two (adv) kakab two hundred (lit. "ten childen") (n) lajujkal two of them (n) e kieb two people (n) kawinaq two times (n) kamul two totals (n) kamuch two years ago (adv) kabir two-faced (n) kieb -wch two-man saw (n) qatobal type of copal incense (n) kotzij type of orange-colored mushroom (edible) (n) kiaqix typhoid fever (n) itzel qaq, nima katan tzite beans (n) mich Tzolkin (n) Chol Qij, -ajilabal qij udder, cow udder (n) ajyitz ugly, nauseating (adj) mulibal kux ulcer (n) chak unable to have children (adj) menchor, man alkualanel taj unable to speak (adj) mem unadorned (adj) sirisik unanimous (adj) junam -wch unbend (v) sukubik unblemished (adj) chajchoj unbotton (tv1) tor<o> unbraided (adj) kiylik uncap something (tv1) jaq<o> uncertain (adj) tziarik -wch uncle (n) chutin tat, wi kan, wi kan achi uncle (n) ikan<axel>, -tatabal -ikan uncombed (adj) chixchik uncombed (hair) (adj) kiykik uncooked (adj) rx uncover by force (roof by wind) (v) jalij uncover, denude (v) sanaba uncovered (adj) chanalik under the law (adv) pa ri qatbal tzij
under, beneath (prep) ch-xe under, beneath (prep) xe underarm (n) telek underbrush (n) kamom che under-cooked (adj) rxkux undercooked (adj) sankoch undergarment (see also underwear) (n) -pam -uq undergarments (n) -pam atziaq underground jail (n) jul che undergrowth (n) qayes undernourished (adj) tuqar undershorts (n) sakaw underskirt (n) -pam -uq understand (v) chobonik, ok pa -jolom, qax pa -jolom, ta understand something (v) koxomaj understanding (n) noj undertaker, person who washes corpse (n) loqonel underwear (see also undergarment) (n) sakaw underworld (n) xibalba, xibilba undone (adj) cheqelik undone (hair) (adj) kiylik undress (v) chanek unequal (adj) tuchutik uneven dress or pants (adj) jayalik unexpectedly (adv) xa tetalik unfastened or loosened (petals from flower) (adj) pulpubinaq unfold (v) rik unfolded, fabric or clothing left unfolded (adj) patzalik unglue (v) loch<o> unified (adj) xa junam, xa jun -wch, jun -wch unique (adj) jun wi u-cholaj unite (v) tiq, nek unite a couple (v) tunuba unite two things with string or rope (tv1) qitz<o> united (adj) junam -wch, tunulik universe (n) kaj u-wch ulew, kajulew, cho qij saq, nikaj saq unkempt (adj) chixchik unleashed (adj) tzoqopitalik 277
unmanageable (adj) chuj unmarried girl (n) qapoj unmated (animal) (n) qapoj unoccupied (adj) jamal -wch, jamalik, tolonik unoccupied mountain (n) tol juyub unpopulated area (n) juyub unravel (v) solij unripe (adj) rx unroll (bandage from wound) (v) solsobik unroll (scroll of paper) (v) likilobik unrolled, placed lengthwise (rope laid out unrolled) (adj) rabalik unsheath (v) jusij unstick (tv1) tor<o> unstick (v) loch<o> unstrained atole (boiled and ground corn) (n) buch untie (tv1) kir<o> untied (adj) kirtajinaq, kirom untied halfway (adj) kirkobinaq until (adv) kte, k until now (conj) kte wa untrue (adj) jalum, man ko taj -cholaj untying (n) kirik unusually long (nose) (adj) tuchutik unusually short (adj) punupik unwind (tv1) sol<o> unwrap (tv1) sol<o> unwrap (v) solij, solsobik unwrapped (adj) solsobinaq unzip (tv1) tor<o> up (adv) aqanoq up above (adv) aqanoq upon (prep) p-wi, ch-wi upper leg (n) -pa -a upwards (adv) aqanoq urinary infection (n) qn chul urinate (v) chulunik urination problem, inability to urinate (n) tzapatajik -chul urine (n) chul<uj> Ursa Major constellation--"The Big Dipper" (Osa Mayor) (n) Mam Kutach, much, wuqb kaqix
Ursa Major, Big Dipper (n) wuqb kaqix Ursa Major, Big Dipper constellation (n) much us (pro) oj us (Totonicapn) (pro) uj us, we (pro) oj use (n) patan, kojbal, kojik use (tv1) koj<o> use (v) patanij, chokonsabej use something (v) chokoj used (adj) kamulim, kojom chik used clothes (n) jalbal atziaq used to (adj) kulam useful (adj) chokonik useful (n) patanijik usefulness (n) patan useless (adj) man ko taj -patan Uspantan (n) Xinkiel, El amay Utsilago zeae (n) chajach u-turn to return (plane or bus) (n) chukaj vacate (house) (tv1) pak<o> vacation (n) uxlanem vacation, on vacation (adj) jamal -wch vaccinate (v) choqik vagina (n) tot vaginal flow, illness with vaginal flow (n) saq yabil vagrant (n) xepu vain person (n) saramuy valley (n) beya, lianik valley, coast (n) taqaj value (n) ajilal valves of the heart (n) ibochil -anima vampire bat (n) ajtzalam vapor (n) sibal vapor from the earth (n) -uxlab ulew varicose veins (n) ibochil sipojinaq variety (n) jalajojil vegetable compost (n) muchul vegetable garden (n) xoral, tikbal ichaj vegetables (n) ichj, tikbal ichaj veil (n) payu vein (n) iboch velocity (janipa u-kowim?-- how fast is it?) (n) kowim
vendor (n) ajkay venom (n) kmikabal, itzel kunabal venom, spider venom (n) -kial m venomous (adj) kmisanik venomous snake (n) atoy ventilate (v) turij Venus (n) santia Venus, planet Venus (n) Ama Quq verb, distributes effect of verb on various objects (part) taq verbena (n) -chachal be verdict (n) qatbal tzij verdura silvestre de la costa (vegetable used in tamales--chipilin) (n) much verify (v) sukubik vertex (n) tzuel vertigo (n) kulum, moxirik yabil very (adv) sibalaj very angry (adj) choj, tuxtik very bad (adj) lawalo very center (n) qas -pam very clean (adj) xaxtzintzoj very cold (adj) juchuchik very fat (adj) jilijik, sanasik very funny joke (n) puk sibalaj tzebal very good (exp) qis utz very hard (adj) kowilaj very large (adj) qas nim very pale (illness) (adj) saqloloj very pretty (adj) jebel<ik> very quickly (adv) xaqbi very salty (adj) kachatzam very soon (adv) xaqbi very straight road (Momostenango) (n) kolominaj be very sweet zapotilla (from Sacapulas) (n) muk very tall (tree, etc.) (adj) nim aqaninaq very tender corn (not yet dried) (n) puch very well (adj) jae very well, well then (exclam) ba very wet (adj) chaqachoj very white (adj) saqloloj vesicles of skin rash or other allergic reaction (n)
rawas ixim vessel made of bamboo (n) sin vessel used in initiation of ajqij (n) laq vibrate (metal), ring (metal bell) (v) tzinowik vibrate (v) biririk vibrate (voice when singing) (v) quyuyik victory (n) chekbal view (n) kayibal, ilbal viewer (n) kayel vigilence (n) kaskatem vigorous (adj) jiljik village (n) tinimit vine (n) kam vineger (n) chmalaj vino violence (n) qambal kx violent (adj) lawalo violent fight (v) waqatij viper (n) sachoj, qn chi virgin (n) qapoj, qapoj ali virguira bird (n) xirkuk virtue (n) chajchojil viscera (n) pam<aj> visible (adj) qalaj vision (n) boqwch, kutwchinik, ilbal visit (n) ula, solinik visit (v) qatanik, qat, solij, qatuj, solinik visit someone (v) chabej visitede, act of being visitede (n) qatuxik visitor (n) solinel, ula<axel>, ula winaq visitor (to sick person or jailed person) (n) chabanel visitor, one who is just passing through (n) qatanel vocal cords (n) xul voice (n) qul<aj>, chabal volcano (n) tun kaj, qaq juyub, turkaj, wi<aj>, xakanul volcano Xcanul (n) Xkanul volcano, Cerro Quemado (n) Katinaq Juyub voluminously large (adj) juponaj voluntary (n) ajawam vomit (n) xawem, xaoj, xab vomit (v) wupij 279
vomit (v) xawaj, xabik vomit something (tv2) chubaj vomit something (v) xabaj voodoo (n) -wch -qij vulgar term for copulation (v) titz vulture (n) kuch vulva (n) okox wading bird (n) xan wafer, sacramental wafer (n) loqoxik wag (dogs tail) (v) salabaj wages (n) chekbal, chekoj wagtail (n) kel waist (n) ximibal -pam, -xe -pam wait (v) eyebik wait for someone or something (v) eyej wait for someone to harm them (taq na che ri achi) (adj) taq na ch-e wait for something (v) eyebej wake someone up (v) kastajisaj wake up (v) saqarisanik walk (n) wakatem, binem, binibal walk (v) binik walk alone (v) pitzkatik walk an animal on a leash (v) yuqej walk bent over so as not to be seen (v) wuqwutik walk by yourself from place to place (v) sulkatik walk falling down frequently (drunkenness, illness) (v) tzaqlobik walk happily (v) jumjutik walk heavily (like a duck) (v) beqnajik walk high off ground (like with new-born calf) (v) waknajik walk in a group (as in leaving a meeting) (v) mululik walk in a procession (as on holy days) (v) qatatik walk like a crab (v) wakakik walk like a drunk (v) baqotik, raparatik walk long distance without carrying anything (v) telnajik, teltatik walk looking for something (v) tzukutzutik walk on all fours (v) chaqnik walk on knees (v) xukmayik walk on tiptoes (v) bin ruk ri u-wi taq -aqn
walk on, stand on (v) takalej walk pigeon toed (v) sototik -binik walk slowly (from age) (v) nakakik walk slowly, stopping often to look about (v) machqayik walk standing every little bit (v) taktomanik walk straight (v) binik latz walk stumblingly (from weakness) (v) pirkatik walk then stand, then walk, then stand (v) takmayik walk together (v) binik junam walk together as a pair (v) tunkutik walk weaving from side to side (from drunkenness) (v) tzaltzatik walk with feet pointed out (v) xaqaqik walk with head bowed (v) pachmayik walk with lightness of step (v) jumjutik walk with long legs (like tarantula) (v) wakwatik walk with reverence (as when enter church) (v) matzatzik walk without purpose or direction (v) yuchukutik walker (n) binel walking sound (v) poknaj -xjb walking, means of walking (n) binibal walks with long steps (adj) wakwik wall (n-Esp) tapia wall, great wall of stones (n) tzaq wall, stone wall marking boundaries (n) qumuq wallet (n) kolibal puaq wall-eyed (leucoma of cornea) so has clouded eye (adj) por -baqwch wallow in mud (v) jilik wander (v) yuquwik, wakatik, yuqutik wanderer (n) wakatel, benam winq want (v) aj wants (n) ajibal war (n) labal, choj warm (adj) miqin warm (liquid) (adj) saqli<l> warm (tv1) miq<o> warm ones self (by fire) (v) miq -ib warm something up (coffee) (v) miqisaj warm water (n) miqina
warm, half-hot (adj) sq warmed up (adj) miqom warn (v) pixabik, pixabaj warp (v) mejmobik warp or bend (wood) (v) lukuwik warped (adj) pekelik, mejmobnaq warped, as a nail or board (adj) kotokik warped, twisted (wood) (adj) pekepik warping frame (n) qinobal wart (n) torotik, pixnak wash (hair) (v) baqik wash (hair, face) (v) baq wash (tv1) chaj<o> wash basin (n) chajombal wash basin for vegetables or grain, hands (made of gourd) (n) tzima wash by pouring out water (v) tix wash self (v) chaj -ib wash something (v) chajomaj washed (adj) chajom washer (n) chajomanel washing (n) chajon washing place (n) chojombal washing stone (n) juchaj washing, ceremonial washing of saints clothing (n) chajbal atziaq wasp (n) aqaj, sital wasp nest (n) aqal, sok ke aqaj wasp, black wasp (n) satal waste (v) sach, jarisaj waste time (v) tzaq -qij watch for thief (v) kaklej watch or guard out of curiosity (v) yuxilej watch out for someone (v) aluchij watch over (mother for sick child) (v) kasik watch over (v) il, il -ib, loqabej watch over someone through the night (v) waraj watch over something (v) yuxij watched (adj) ilom watchfulness (n) kaskatem watchman, night watchman (n) waranel water (flowers or fields) (v) tix ja ch-ij water (n) ja
water (v) jaaj, janik water blister (n) ja poq water for washing (n) chajbal water gourd (tecomate--Crescentia cujete) (n) tzu water jug (n) kubal joron water left over after making dough (given to chickens) (n) upen water snail (n) pur water something (tv1) ja<o>, jaj water sound, of falling water (v) tzutuwik water stand (n) wakal water vapor (n) -uxlab ja water well (n) -koxil ja water which precipitates from fog (n) -wal sutz water, bathwater (n) chajbal water, boiled water (n) saqli water, cold water (n) jorona ja, jorn water, crystal clear (adj) xaxtzintzoj, saqloloj water, hot water (n) katn, meqina water, lukewarm (n) sq meqina water, portable water carrier (n) pump water, sound of flowing water (v) roqobala water, still water (in well) (n) suq watered (adj) jbalik waterfall (n) chiyul, nil, pujila, tzalam siwan p-turbal ja, u-qajibal ja waterfall sound (n) pulchich water-reed (n) tula watertight (adj) chemelik wave (n) u-tum plo, melel wave, ripple (v) mejmik waves of sea (n) -wch ri mar waves sound on a shore (n) plo wavy, rippled (adj) mejmik wax (n-esp) xepo wax, ear wax (n) -xoqolil -xikin, -achaq -xikin, -qolaj -xikin, -qolal -xikin way (n) be<al> way of walking (n) binibal way over there (adv) chila apan<oq>, jetel wayward (adj) chuj we, us (pro) oj weak (adj) yababik, tuqar
weakness (n) tuqar<il> wealth (n) qnal, qinomal weapon (n) poch wear clothes (v) koj atziaq wear glasses (v) jiqjatik wear something first time (v) chojij wear something out (v) jarisaj weasel (comadreja) (n) kux weasel (n) piq, saqbin weave (v) kemik, kiemenik, kiem, kem, kemonik weave something (tv1) kem<o> weaver (n) kemonel, ajkiem weaver (napkin or cape) (n) ajkemal sut weaving (n) kem, kiem weaving machine comb (n) xep wed (v) tunik wedding (n) kulanem wedding decorations of the house (n) etzbalil wedding veil (n) sut rech kulanem, pot, pau r-ech kulanem wedding, ceremony--cut two geraniums and tie up during marriage (n) qopinik kotzij wedding, food given to visiting guests at wedding or other occasion (n) ulabal wedge (n) chapap wedge (placed in tool handle to affix metal portion--like hoe) (n) chap<ap> wedge (something placed below table leg so doesnt tilt) (n) chutbal weed (corn, beans) (v) boq qayes weed (especially wheat field), to pluck hair (tv1) mich<o> weed (wheat field) (v) michonik weeding (n) mich weeding, first (cornfield) (n) nabe chak weeds (maleza) (n) oqoq weeds (n) qayes, kix weeds, hierba de oveja (weeds which grow in shade used to feed horses) (n) sj week (n) wuqbix week (n-Esp) xemana week ago (n) wuqbixir <kan><oq> week, Semana Santa (Holy Week) (n) Awas Qij
weep (v) oqik weep bitterly (v) juyuwik, biqbatik, kmisaj -ib ch-e oqej, kuyuwik weeping willow (n) ixqos weft, woof of cloth (trama de tejido) (n) -wa kem weigh (Joropa katpajan at?) (v) pajanik weigh (v) pajik weigh something (tv1) paj<o> weighed (adj) pajom weighs little (adj) tzajoj weight (n) pajanik, al<al>, pajbal weight, incorrect weight measurement (n) jikom ri pajbal welcome (v) kulaj welder (n) qilil chich well bound (adj) jatajik well of water (n) -koxil ja well sharpened (adj) utz u wi well then (exclam) ba well tied (adj) ko jatalik well tied up (adj) jatajik well, deep well (n) pos well, shallow well (n) kua well, very well (adj) jae well-built (plant, person) (n) biribik well-fed (animal) (adj) xinixik, xirxik well-fitting (coat) (adj) taqal ch-e well-known (adj) qalaj well-liked (adj) loq well-nailed (adj) ko qosim well-respected (adj) nim -qij well-seated (adj) tikilik west (assoc. in divination with the past) (n) -qajbal qij west (n) u-kaj xukut ri kaj, u-qajibal qij wet (adj) raxmaqalik, chaqalik wet nurse (n) tzumanel wet, clean laundry (n) chajon wet, very wet (adj) chaqachoj wetland, damp land (n) bulij ulew whale (n) ayin kr what (pro) jas what he says has no meaning (adj) man ko taj
u-beyal ri kubij what is written in a book (n) -wch wuj what kind? (interrog) jas -wch what? which? (interrog) jas? whatever (adj) apachike whatever things (n) apasch wheat (from trigo) (n-Esp) triko wheat, grain of wheat (n) baqwch triko wheel (car, wheelbarrow) (n) ketet wheel barrow (n-esp) karet wheel of weaving machine (n) ketet wheel, spinning wheel (n) btzibal, solibal batz, qin, axno when, while (adv) are<tq> when? (interrog) jampa? where a snake has been coiled (n) sotoyabal kumatz where? (interrog) jawi?, jawichi?, jawije? wherever (adv) apawije, apawichi, xapawichi, xapawije whetstone (n) wux which? (interrog) jachike? while (adv) are<tq> whine, cry (from illness, pain) (v) puchinik whinney (v) jinjitik whip (n) chayibal, asear whip (tv1) jich<o> whip (v) rapaj whip someone (in punishment) (v) rapuj whip, leather (n) chaqap tzum, tzum<aj> whipped (adj) jichom whipping (n) tzum<aj> whirling rain in storm (n) sutz kumatz whirlpool (n) sututa, sututibal, sutbal ja whirlwind (n) salqut, sulkum, salqum, sut qum whirr (v) sumumik whisper (n) jasjatem, elal whisper (reverently) (v) nojim -tzijonik whisper (v) jasjatik whisper (v) wixwitik whisper, speak in whispers (v) tzijon pa jasjatem whispering demon (n) witzitzil whistle (n) xubal, xubanik
whistle (to call someone) (v) xubunik whistle (train) (v) wunik whistle (v) xubanik, xulbinik whistle a tune (v) xubaj, xubxutik whistle happily (v) xubuxitik whistle loudly (to call someone from far away) (v) xulqabinik whistle, call someone by whistling (v) xulqubej, xulqabej, xulqabik whistle, clay whistle (n) xul whistleblower, stool-pigeon (n) puch whistleblower, tattle-tale (chilln) (n) puch white (adj) saq white bean (n) saqtubin, saqtubil white corn for tortillas (n) saqpor white corn grains (n) saq ixim white cotton (on plant) (n) bot white haired (adj) saq wi white moth (n) chilakan white mushroom (n) saq kim, -aqn tzikin white pine (n) sqache, pachj white powdery earth (n) saq kab white shrub flowers used medicinally (n) -chachal be white, off-white (adj) saqsoj white, very white (adj) saqloloj whiten (clothes) (v) saqirik whiten (v) saqirisaj whiteness (n) saqil whitewash with lime (v) chunaj who (pro) le who all? (interrog) jachin taq? who could it be? (interrog) jachin lo? who knows? (phrase) jnik who? whoever? (interrog) jachin whoever (n) apachin<aq> whoever (pro) jachinke whooping cough (n) jiq<oj>, jiqinaq ojob whose? (interrog) jachin rech? why not? (interrog) jas chemna? why? (interrog) jasche? wickedness (n) etzelal wide-leafed oak (n) kanaq 283
wide (adj) lotolik, nim -wch wide (adj) pim, likilik widgeon (gallareta bird) (n) okoq widow [Momos] (n) malkan ixoq widow [Toto] (n) meba ixoq widow or widower (n) malkan widower [Momos} (n) malkan achi widower [Toto] (n) meba achi widowhood (n) malkanil width (n) pimel wife (n) ixqil<om> wild (adj) lawalo, juyubal wild amaranth (bledo) (n) tesa, leb tes wild bee (n) qosbal uwo che wild boar (jabal) (n) nim aq, juyubal aq wild honey (n) -wal che wild marigold (flor de muerto) (n) parutz wild mouse (ratn del monte) (n) -cho juyub wild pigeon (torcaza) (n) tukumux wild rat (n) saq cho wildcat (gato de monte) (n) yak will (n) rayibal, ajawam willow (madron tree) (n) soqos, tzoloj che, ixqos willow, weeping willow (n) ixqos win (tv1) chk<o> win (v) chek win (v) chkanik wind (n) kqiq, iq wind coming from something (river or canyon) (n) -kiqiqal wind something (v) botzoj wind, air [Totonicapn] (n) kiqiq windiness (n) kaqiqal winding (n) botzoj window (n-Span) wentan window prop, bar to block door or window (n) takbal windows of heaven (n) torbal kaj windpipe (n) xul wine press (n) pitzbal uvas wing (n) xik winged ant (n) tumuxux, cheqen
wink or make eye at opposite sex (v) yuch -boqwch winner (often by deception) (n) chkanel winnings (n) chkoj winnow (v) jopij winnow (wheat) (v) yikya winnow grain (v) jubuj winnowing (n) jopinik winter solstice (sun ascends) (n) xaqan qij winter, cold season (n) tatajik wipe (v) su wipe away a tear (v) su u-wal -baqwch wire (from alambre) (n-esp) alambre wirwira bird (n) xurukuk wisdom (n) nojibal, etamabal, saqil wise (adj) nim -etamabal, nim -chomanik witch (n) itzinel, subunel witch who burns copal (n) ajpom witch who can transform himself (n) win witch who heals (n) ajkun witch who helps (n) tonel witch who places flowers and candles at shrines (n) ajkotzij witch, bad witch (n) ajitz witch, espiritista, one who consults spirits, good witch (n) ajmes witch, evil witch (n) muqunel witchs bag (n) kolibal kayibal witchcraft (n) itz, kiqal saqil, itzbal, itzibal, itzinik with (prep) -uk with heavy tongue (v) tebnajik with moderation (adv) nojim wither (flower) (v) tzmuyanik wither (flower, plant) (v) buyuqarik wither (v) chaqijarik withered (adj) buyuq within (prep) ch-pam without cost (adj) man tojotal taj, sipam without enthusiasm (adv) kieb -wch withstand (v) kowinik withstand difficulty (v) chij witness (n) qalajisanel wobble (v) yikiyatik 284
wobbly (leg of a chair) (v) jey -ib wolf (n) utiw, qumar woman (n) nan, ixq, chichu woman dancer represents moon (n) ajik woman in convalescence after childbirth (n) ajtuj woman who doesnt want to stay in house (n) mun ixoq woman, young woman (n) qapoj womans woven belt (faja) (n) pas womb (n) kux<aj>, pam<aj> wonder (v) mayij -ib wonder at (v) sach -kux wonder, to be surprised, be amazed (v) may woo (v) takej wood (n) che wood box for back-packing (cacaste) (n) kok wood chips (from cutting), slivers (n) muchul wood chips (n) -webal che wood lot (n) siwabal wood tick (n) sip wood, half-burned wood from fire (u-tzam si) (n) -tzam si wood, torch-pine wood (ocote) (n) chj woodcock (n) tochich woodcock bird (chorcha) (n) chiq wooden bobbin on weaving machine (n) ptet wooden cross (n) kajbal che wooden image with firecrackers inside for festivals (n) tzijolaj wooden plank (Momostenango) (n) tzalam woodpecker (carpintero bird, picamaderos) (n) kaj rochoch, tuk tuk, korochoch woodwork, work wood (log as a house beam) (tv1) tol<o> wook, distaff (for holding wool in spinning) (n) qinobal wool (n) chij, is, -ismal chij wool cloth (n) atziaq kul, is wool thread (n) chij wool, card wool (v) xiyoj woolly (adj) nikinik woolly (person) (adj) patz -wi woolly bear caterpillar (n) ixqechaj, xqechaj
word (n) tzij work (n) chak, chakunem, chapanik work (v) chakunik work completed (adv) subatajinaq work in planted field (v) tikonijik work land in preparation for planting (v) tajij work new bride does for her parents-in-law (n) alibaxik work on stone (grind on a grinding stone) (tv1) chiy<o> work quickly (v) saklajik "work service"-- first training of apprentice ajqij (n) chak patan work something (v) chakuj work with a hoe (v) ban tajen work wood (cut, carve) (v) ajaj work wood (log as a house beam) (tv1) tol<o> worked into dough (leaven) (adj) puqum worker (n) ajchak, chakunel working of land with tools (n) tajin workshop (n) banobal world (n) uwchulew World Deity ("Round World"?) (n) Pachulum Mundo worldly goods (n) qinomal worm (also see maggot) (n) ixjut, juxjut, sunsuy, xpakpan worm that gives barniz negro (Baja Verapaz) (n) nix worm, corn root worm (n) ikan worm, earthworm (n) -unum ulew worm, gusano alambre (worm that eats planted corn seed) (n) baq chikop worm, inch worm (n) etanel worm, maggot (n) xjut worm-infested (wood) (adj) qumar worn out (adj) rx chaychobinaq worn out (shirt or shoes) (adj) jarinaq worried (adj) chapom -jolom worries (n) chomanik worry (v) matowik worry (v) ok il worry, be very worried about something (v)
qaqan -anima worry, be worried (v) tujuwik worsen (adj) nimatajinaq worship (v) nimarisaj -qij worthy (adj) taqal, suk che, taqal ch-e, yatal che wound (n) pus, sokotajik wound (tv1) sok<o> wounded (adj) sokotajinaq woven cap (n) toy wrap (as bandage around hand) (v) pasij wrap (tv1) pis wrap tamales (v) sbaj wrap up (a job, a project) (v) botzik wrap up (to keep from getting cold--child, food) (tv1) buk<u> wrap up (tv1) pis wrap up (v) botz wrap up a wound (v) btz wrapped (adj) pisom, pistalik wrapped up (adv) subatajinaq wrapped up (tamales) (adj) pistalik wrapper, large leaf in which tamales are wrapped (n) maxn wrapper, leaf for wrapping tamales (n) qanaq wrapping, thing used for wrapping (n) pisbal wreck, destroy (v) yoj, sach -wch, yojij wring out (wet clothes) (tv1) yitz<o> wrinkle (age, sitting on cloth) (v) quchuqubik wrinkle (cloth) (v) yuch -ib wrinkle (n) qochoqik wrinkle (v) qoch<o>, qochoqik wrinkle face (v) muyuyej wrinkle on cloth (n) yuchu wrinkle something (tv1) yuch<u> wrinkle, facial (n) chukursal -palaj wrinkled (adj) bachuy, quchuqiq wrinkled (clothing) (adj) qochqobinaq wrist (n) -qul qabaj, -qul -qab write (v) tzibaj, tzibanik writer (n) ajtzib, tzibanel writing instrument (n) tzibabal writing, hand writing (n) tzib writings (n) tzibanik
written (adj) tzijom kanoq, tzibatal<ik>, tzibam wrong (adj) man je taj, man qas t je, man qas t suk wrong someone does to someone else (n) aqil Xela, persons from Quetzaltenango (n) ajxelajuyab yawn (n) jaym yawn (v) jab -chi year (n) junab year of 260 days (n) junab ik year, last year (adv) abir year, last year (n) junabir <kan><oq> year, next year (n) jun junab chik year, solar year (n) junab qij Year-Bearer of 365 day solar calendar year (n) Mam yeast (n) chm yell (tv1) raq -chi yellow (adj) qn yellow ant (sompopo) (n) chakan yellow corn (n) wail yellow corn on the cob (n) qn jal yellow, light (adj) qnkoj yellowish or tan from dirt (shirt, wall) (adj) qnpur yellowish-brown (adj) qnqoj yerba buena (medicinal mint plant used for stomach aches) (n) qebun, panset, alwino yerba mala plant (n) ka che yerba mora plant (n) imut, makuy yes (dem) je yesterday (adv) iwir yesterday, one day ago (adv) jun qij kan<oq> yield plentifully, produce (as in crop of grain) (v) kuxanik yoke (for ox-- Spanish yugo) (n) yunt yoke (for ox) (n) eqabal yoke of egg (n) -qnal saqmol you (formal plural) (pro) alq you (plural) (pro) ix you (poss pro) la<l> you (pro) at
you (singular-formal) (per pro) la<l> young (adj) chutin, akal young boy (n) ala young bull (n) alaj ama wakx young bull or ox (n) kpun young child (n) kakal young girl (n) ali young hawk (clis clis bird) (n) litz litz young woman (n) qapoj younger brother or sister of same sex (n) chaq<axel> younger sister of female (n) chaq ali youngest child (n) chip youngest child in family (n) ajchib youngster (n) kakal your (formal plural) (pro) alq your (plural) (poss pro) i<w> your (poss pro) a your (singular-formal) (poss pro) la<l> youth (n) kakal yucca (n) tzin Zacualpa (n) Maa zajorn (n) ajqij zapote (fruit--Calocarpum mammosum) (n) tulul zapotilla, very sweet (from Sacapulas) (n) muk zenith (of sun) (n) kab wch zunza (fruit) (n) moxpi, mochpi