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Manual 3101

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University of Minnesota

Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering

EE 3101 Laboratory Manual

A Second Laboratory Course in
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You will find that this laboratory continues in the mode initiated in EE2002. It is intended to supplement the
Junior microelectronics course sequence and to familiarize you with instruments that will be used in later labs.
It is also intended to further develop your self-confidence in laboratory procedures and in drawing conclusions
from observations. As a consequence the instructions are very spare and assume you will be able to extract
conclusions from each experiment and will relate parts of the total lab to each other without being explicitly
asked to do so.

Important Points

- Your grade in this course will depend principally on your in-lab work.

- You are expected to maintain a lab notebook. Your lab notebook must contain a running account of the
experiment. It is not intended to be a book into which you copy notes previously gathered on the back of an
envelope. It must however be legible and coherent. Write in such a way that another person could perform the
same experiment based on your account and this same person could understand the conclusions that you drew
from your data. It is not necessary to hide your mistakes. If you make a mistake in an entry simply draw a line
through that entry and start over - you will not be penalized for this.

- The lab notebook should have the following characteristics:
- It should be a bound notebook (spiral bound is ok).
- Lab entries should be dated, and should include:
- Complete circuit diagrams.
- Explanation of circuit, methods, procedures, etc.
- All calculations for designs.
- All measurements (including component values).
- All analysis and comparisons of data with theory.

- There are no formal lab homeworks or pre-labs in this course, but it will pay great dividends for you to make a
careful reading of the experiment description before arriving in the laboratory. You will also note that some
parts of the "experiments" involve analytical work which can be better done elsewhere. Most problems
students have with this course are due to lack of preparation prior to coming to lab. If after reading
through the lab and consulting the relevant section of your EE2001, EE2011, and EE3115 texts you do not
understand something, seek out either your TA or the faculty member in charge of the lab.

- MILESTONES. In each experiment there will be a few milestones. These are specific tasks which must be
accomplished and demonstrated to the TA or professor before going on to the next item. All milestones must be
completed or you will not pass the course. If the milestones are not completed by the end of the semester you
will receive an F for the course. While the milestones are not a part of the grade formula, delays in milestone
completion will unavoidably delay the submission of your lab notebook with the corresponding grade penalty.
Lab notebooks and lab write-ups will not be accepted if more than one milestone remains to be completed
for the corresponding lab.

- Grades. Grades will be determined from the following components of the course:
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Lab Notebooks - 30%
Lab Practical Exams - 40% Take them seriously, they are forty minutes to one hour in
duration and account for a significant portion of your final
Lab Reports- 30%

Lab notebooks will be collected up to three times during the semester. They will be due at 4:30 pm three
working days after the scheduled completion date of a lab.

Lab write ups will be collected one week after scheduled completion of the lab.

You will be given a schedule during the first week of class which contains all lab practical exam dates and
notebook and lab write-up due dates.

- Late Penalties. The penalties for late notebooks or lab reports are as follows:

1 or 2 days late: 3% deducted from your FINAL SCORE.

3 or 4 days late - an additional 3% deducted from your FINAL SCORE.

and so on...

-You will receive a separate handout containing the specifications for the lab reports.

- Housekeeping Requirements.

No food or drink to is be brought into the lab and most especially is not to be placed on the lab benches. At the
conclusion of each laboratory session, all cables, etc. are to be returned to the proper wire racks and any
borrowed equipment (there should be no borrowed equipment without the approval of the TA) returned to its
proper location. The only items on the lab bench when you leave should be the equipment normally found on
each bench. The TA will record a demerit against your record in his gradebook each time you fail to meet the
above standards. Four or more demerits at the end of the term after grades have been computed will result in
grade reduction of one level (A to A-, A- to B+, etc.). If for some reason, you find the lab bench does not meet
the above standards when you first come in, inform your TA immediately. You are still responsible for leaving
the lab bench neat when you leave.
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Experiment #1

Experiment #1: Introduction to Lab Procedures
and Review of PXI-Bus Instrumentation

Session 1


The lab instructor will go over the procedures and
expectations for this course. He will then demonstrate
the use of the computer controlled PXI-buss based
digital multimeter (DMM), oscilloscope, function
generator, and dc power supply. The review will be
cursory as it is expected that all students are familiar
with the equipment from EE2002 laboratory. The
student should then spend the rest of the lab period
trying out the equipment to become more familiar
with it.


1. Connect the 6V dc supply terminals from the DC
power supply to the PXI-based DMM and the stand-
alone DMM as shown in Fig. 1-1. Vary the setting of
the dc output and compare with the reading of the
DMMs. Be sure that the DMMs are set to read DC

Figure 1-1. Connection of dc power supply and digital
multimeters (DMMs) for measuring dc voltage.

2. Repeat step #1 for the 0 to +20 supply and then the
0 to -20 supply.

3. Display a 4 V peak-to-peak sinewave at a frequency
of 1 kHz on the oscilloscope. Connect the function
generator to the oscilloscope as shown in Fig.1- 2 to
obtain the display. Adjust both the vertical sensitivity
(volts per division) and horizontal (time base)
sensitivity (seconds, milliseconds, microseconds) to
obtain a good display showing two or three cycles of
the waveform.

Figure 1- 2. Connection of function generator to
oscilloscope for displaying and measuring ac
waveforms. The connection of the DMM to measure
rms voltages is also shown.

4. Measure the amplitude of this ac waveform with
the DMM set on the ac voltage mode. Compare this
reading with the base-to-peak value you observe on
the oscilloscope.

The voltage measurements in steps #3 and step #4
should have different values. The DMM is calibrated
to display the rms value of a sinewave which equals
0.707 of the base-to-peak value of a sinewave. Other
waveforms such as square waves and triangular waves
will have different rms-to-base-to-peak ratios as
measurements of step #5 will illustrate.

5, Repeat steps #3 and #4 with square waves and then
triangle waves.

A square wave has an rms value which is equal to the
base-to-peak value. A triangle wave has an rms value
value which is 0.578 of the base-to-peak value.

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6. Construct the circuit shown below in Fig. 1-3,
sometimes termed a voltage divider. Use a 4 V peak-
to-peak 1 kHz sinewave for the input and measure the
output voltage with the oscilloscope and DMM.

The point of this step is to become familiar with using
the protoboard to construct circuits and make
connections to sources and measurement instruments.
Examine the layout of the protoboard shown below in
Fig. 1-4 and note that a specific column of component
insertion holes are shorted together. Each individual
terminal of a component should be inserted into a
separate column as illustrated for a resistor unless it is
desired to have terminals shorted together.

Electrical connections to the function generator and
oscilloscope are made via so-called BNC connector
terminals. The outer cases of these connectors are
directly connected to the ground (ground pin) of the
ac power plug. When these instruments are connected
to the AC power outlets, all of the instruments
grounds (BNC outer cases) are shorted together as
indicated in the figure. Any instrument that connects
to the AC power system is configured in this manner
(for reasons of safety). Thus it is not possible to
connect the oscilloscope so as to measure the voltage
across the 4 k resistor because the 1 k resistor
would then be shorted out.

Fig. 1-3. Voltage divider circuit and instrument

Fig. 1-4. Diagram of protoboard which is used to
construct circuits for laboratory measurements.

7. Replace the function generator with the 0-6V dc
power supply and repeat step #6.

8. Construct the circuit of Fig. 1-5. Set the DMM to
measure dc currents. In this configuration the DMM
is being used to measure current.

Figure 1-5. Circuit arrangement for measuring
current through a resistor.

Compare the current measured by the DMM with the
current output indicated by the dc power supply
display. They should be the same.
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9. Construct the circuit of Fig. 1-6 and use it to
measure the resistance of several of the resistors in
your lab kit. Make sure to use the proper set of
terminals on the DMM and set the DMM to measure

Figure 1-6. Circuit for determining values of
Compare the reading of the DMM with the value of
resistance indicated by the color code on the resistor

Experiment #2

RC Circuits

Sessions #2 and #3


1. Construct a simple RC single time constant circuit
of the form shown.

Choose component values such as to make the time
constant about 0.1ms and determine the time constant
experimentally by observing resistor and capacitor
voltages when a square wave is applied to the input

2. Determine the extent to which the output resistance
of the signal generator has affected the result of item

3. Many applications require that a sharp pulse be
generated to mark the time at which a rapid change
occurs in a signal. Design a simple circuit based on
the work of the preceding items which will generate a
sharp spike whenever the square wave input changes

4. Investigate the magnitude and phase of the output
of the original RC circuit as the frequency of the
driving sinusoid is varied over a suitably wide range.
Determine the frequency at which the magnitude is
down to 0.707 of its frequency-independent value.
Determine the frequency at which the output is phase
shifted by 45 degrees with respect to the input.

5. Return to your circuit of item 3 and repeat the
measurements of item 4.
MILESTONE #2-1: Collect the results of items 1
through 5 and show them to your instructor.

6. Construct and test a circuit which generates a
3+1sin( 2 t f t ) V signal, with f = 10 kHz. Do not
use the signal generator dc offset for this purpose.

7. Design a circuit which will take the dc + ac signal
generated by the circuit constructed in item 5 and pass
only its ac component along to a 100 kO load resistor.

8. Design a circuit which will take the dc + ac signal
generated by the circuit constructed in item 6 and pass
only its dc component along to a 100 kO load resistor.


9. Design an RC high-pass section which will have a
corner frequency at about 200 Hz and a mid-band

The measurements in items #4 and #5 of the circuit
transfer function as a function of frequency (so-
called frequency response) were manual point-by-
point measurements. Such repetitive measurements
can be automated with the PXI-based instruments
using a so-called LabView VI (virtual instrument).
Your lab instructor will deomonstrate the use of a
VI entistled Bode Plotter which automates
frequency response measurements. This VI is found
in UofMnVI folder located in the Programs folder.
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input resistance of 10 kO. Investigate the response on
the oscilloscope.

10. Design an RC low-pass section which will have a
corner frequency at about 2 kHz and a high-frequency
input resistance of 10 kO. Investigate the response on
the oscilloscope.

11. Design an RC network having a mid-band input
resistance of 10 kO and whose transmission falls by 3
dB at 100 Hz and 10 kHz. Investigate the response.

12. Investigate the effect of your filter of item 11 on
square waves of various frequencies.

MILESTONE #2-2: Demonstrate the circuit of item
11 to your instructor.

Experiment #3

Non-ideal Behavior of Electronic Components at
High Frequencies and Associated Measurement

Sessions #4 and #5

Electrical measurements at high frequencies are
significantly more difficult than are those at dc or low
frequencies. Shunt capacitance in interconnect cables
and in measuring instruments present unknown shunt
load impedances at the measurement terminals. These
load impedances decrease (and thus the loading
increases) as the frequency increases. In this
experiment you will investigate the use of the
compensated attenuator or voltage probe as a means
of minimizing shunt capacitance problems.

Another effect observed at high frequencies is
resonance in circuits containing both capacitance and
inductance. Resonance in series and parallel RLC
circuits will be examined.

Finally, at high frequencies, resistors and inductors
will manifest non-ideal behavior. The magnitude of
the parasitic elements, particularly capacitance, which
are the sources of the non-ideal behavior, will be
measured and equivalent circuit representations for
the non-ideal behavior will be established.


Shunt Capacitance and the RC Compensator

1. Measure the transfer function |V
| of the circuit
shown from 1 kHz to 1 MHz.

Use the experimental results to estimate the shunt
capacitance of the oscilloscope and interconnecting

MILESTONE #3-1: Demonstrate on the oscilloscope
how V
changes as a function of frequency.

Resonance in RLC Circuits

2. Design a series RLC circuit (similar to that shown,
but with R = 0) which has a resonant frequency of 2

Determine the resonant frequency and Q of your
circuit. Also determine the impedance Z
) at the
resonant frequency.
MILESTONE #3-2: Demonstrate that the circuit has
the intended resonant frequency and Q.

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3. Now modify the circuit to make Q = 5. Drive the
resultant circuit with a 2 kHz square wave and
observe the current waveform. Compare the spectra of
the input voltage and current waveforms.

4. Determine the resonant frequency f
of the circuit of
Item 2 for C values from 0.001uF to 0.1 uF.

Determine the functional relationship between f

5. Design a parallel resonant circuit (with R =
infinity) with a resonant frequency of 2 kHz.
Determine the Q of your circuit. Now modify the
circuit (make R less than inifinite) to make Q = 5.
Measure the resonant frequency and Q of the circuit.
Also determine the admittance of the circuit at the
resonant frequency.
MILESTONE #3-3: Demonstrate, on the
oscilloscope, your result for Item 5.

Non-ideal Frequency Behavior of Passive

6. Measure V
as a function of frequency for this
circuit with R > 500 kO and R
= 5 kO.

Measure well beyond the - 3 dB frequency. Use the
data to determine the parasitic capacitance in shunt
with the resistor R. IMPORTANT you must use a
10x probe to minimize the shunt capacitance of the
MILESTONE #3-4: Demonstrate, on the
oscilloscope, the frequency response obtained for
Item 6.

The circuit shown above is a typical equivalent circuit
used to account for the parasitic capacitance and
resistance encountered in an inductor.

7. Use the circuit shown below to determine the
magnitude |Z(je)| of the impedance of the inductor
used in item 2 from 100 Hz to 1 MHz. Use the data to
estimate the L , R
, and C
of the equivalent circuit
shown in item 2.

Quiz #1 - Exps. 1 - 3

Session #6

Experiment #4

Power Supplies

Sessions #7 and #8


In this lab you will examine the basic building blocks
of circuits that effect ac to dc conversion.


Transformer and auto-transformer

Each station is supplied with a box containing a variac
(variable transformer) and a step-down transformer.
These units are fused and it is easy to blow these
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fuses. Your TA will give you a short list of
procedures. If you follow them they will save you a
good deal of trouble.

1. Measure the voltage across the secondary of the
transformer as a function of the primary voltage.

2. Connect this circuit and examine the diode and
resistor voltage waveforms.

Capacitive Filtering

3. Place a suitable capacitor across the load (the
resistor) of the previous item (observe the polarity).

Choose a capacitor that will give an RC time constant
of about 15 ms. Again examine the waveforms.

4. Repeat item 3 using a different capacitor.

5. Repeat item 3 using a different load resistance.

MILESTONE #4-1: Demonstrate and explain the
circuit of Item 5.

6. Choose from the circuits of items 3,4 and 5 the one
that shows the minimum ripple (peak-to-peak) in the
load voltage and check the effect of reversing the
polarities of both the diode and the capacitor.

Full Wave Rectifier

7. Construct a circuit, driven from the center-tapped
secondary winding, that contains 2 diodes and 1
resistor (the load) and is such that load current flows
on both half-cycles of the 60 Hz input.

(This type of circuit is known as "full-wave".)

8. Add to the circuit of Item 7 so as to make the load
voltage the best possible approximation to a DC

Investigate the dependence of the resulting ripple
voltage on the load current.

9. Investigate the following power supply circuit
(known as a "bridge" circuit).

Do not attach ground to point S in the circuit.

10. Add capacitive filtering to the circuit of Item 9.
MILESTONE #4-2: Demonstrate the output voltage
you have achieved in the circuit of Item 10.

Voltage Regulators

11. Investigate the power supply obtained by
adding a Zener regulator to the output of either of the
full-wave circuits above.

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Design the regulator (and modify the full wave circuit,
if necessary) so that the load current may be varied
from 0 to 20 ma while the load voltage varies by no
more than 1%.

12. Measure the output voltage of the 7805 voltage
regulator over appropriate ranges of input voltage
and load current.
Milestone 4-3: Demonstrate the practical working
range of the 7805 voltage regulator.

Experiment #5

Differential Amplifiers

Session #9


The differential amplifier is one of the most important
and widely-used circuits in electrical engineering. In
this experiment, you will design, construct, and test
such an amplifier.


1. Design the differential amplifier shown so that I

is less than 10 ma and R
less than 2 kO, and the
output voltage swing V
> 10 V peak-to-peak for a
differential input signal.

Use power supplies V
= =15 V and V
= -15 V.
The 2 KO resistors are used to provide a DC path to
ground. Verify your dc design.

2. Measure the single-ended common mode gain at 1

= 2V
+ V

3. Measure the single-ended differential mode gain at
1 kHz. Do not apply excessive differential voltages at
the input

= V
Use the results of parts 2 and 3 to estimate the
common mode rejection ratio CMRR.

4. Measure the output signal swing capability before
clipping occurs. Use differential input signals.

5. Replace the emitter resistor R
with the current
source shown below.

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Design the current source so that the current I

remains the same. Verify the correct dc operation of
the modified differential amplifier. NOTE: Your
instructor may substitute another matched pair for the
3096 array. Consult your TA for more information.

6. Determine the common mode rejection ratio CMRR
at 1 kHz for the modified differential amplifier.
MILESTONE #5-1: Demonstrate that your final
circuit functions well as a differential amplifier.

Experiment #6

High-frequency Behavior of BJT's

Session #10 and #11


The objective of this lab is to measure the components
in the hybrid-t small-signal model of the BJT and to
investigate the high frequency response of some
amplifier circuits using it. The diagram shows a
somewhat simplified model, which ignores the
component r

( sometimes shown in parallel with

Furthermore, the component r
will be ignored
in the
early part of the experiment because it will be
shunted by a much smaller resistor.


Hybrid-t Model
1. Use the following circuit to measure the input
resistance of the transistor at low frequencies, i.e. in a
frequency range where the device capacitances will
have a negligible effect.

Notice that C
and C
are intended to be short circuits

the measurement frequency so choose them wisely.

Bias the transistor so that the collector current is about
1 ma. Notice

that R
shunts the input so it will have
to be chosen so as to have a negligible effect. In the
later stages of the experiment the combination of the

source and R
will need to approximate a
current source so you may as well choose R
appropriately at this time. Identify the model
parameters determined in this experiment.
MILESTONE #6-1: Demonstrate your measurement
of the BJT input resistance.

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The current gain of the BJT shows single-pole
behavior with the frequency of the pole given by

+ (1+g
) C


where f
is the frequency at which the CURRENT
(not voltage!) gain has fallen 3 dB from its mid-band

2. Measure the frequency f
using a value of R
large enough to enable you to measure the small
signal collector current.

You now have one equation in the 3 unknowns r
and C


3. Now measure f
again, this time with a capacitor
inserted between the collector and the base of the
transistor, i.e. in parallel with C


The capacitor should be such as to make f
change by
approximately a factor of 2. Your TA will supply the
appropriate capacitors. Now you have a second
equation in the 3 unknown quantities, provided that
you know the value of the added capacitor.

4. Remove the capacitor added in the previous item
and increase the value of R
by about a factor of 10.
(But it certainly must not be greater than about 1KO.)

Again it should be such as to change f
by a factor of
about 2, compared to the result obtained in item 2.

5. Solve the 3 equations that result from the
measurements (items 2,3 and 4) for the 3 unknown
quantities and, using the result of item 1, also
determine the value of r

Cascode Amplifier

The circuit used in the foregoing was basically a
common-emitter amplifier. You have observed the
connection between its midband gain and its
bandwidth, the latter decreasing as the former
increases. A circuit which allows greater bandwidth
at a given gain is the cascode which is a common
emitter / common base pair (CE-CB)

6. Build a cascode amplifier using the figure below as
a guide. Measure the gain and bandwidth of this
circuit and compare with the values obtained earlier
in this lab. Use a V
of at least 10v and design for
a collector current of about 1 ma.
MILESTONE #6-2: Demonstrate that your cascode
amplifier has a reasonable dynamic range and explain
how the gain and bandwidth were measured.

7. Measure the gain and bandwidth of a CC-CB pair
for comparison with previous results.
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MILESTONE #6-3: Demonstrate that your CC-CB
amplifier has a reasonable dynamic range.

8. Make a set of measurements to compare the CC-CB
pair with the 2 amplifiers investigated in the previous

Quiz #2 - Exps. 1-6

Session #12

Experiment #7

Operational Amplifiers

Sessions #13 and #14


This lab will investigate some of the non ideal
operating behavior of the 741 opamp, with particular
emphasis on frequency response characteristics. In
addition, opamp use in the design of active filters will
be studied. The op amps are to be operated from

V supplies, unless otherwise stated.


Operating Characteristics

1. Construct an inverting amplifier with a voltage
gain of 5 and investigate the linearity and dynamic
range of its output as a function of op amp supply
voltages for an input sinusoidal signal at 1 kHz. Use
the oscilloscope for this purpose.

2. Measure the voltage gain vs. frequency for an
amplifier having gains of 1,5, 20 and 40.

In particular, determine for each case the frequency at
which the gain falls to 0.707 of the low frequency

3. Determine the slew rate of the op amp using a
unity-gain voltage follower with a square wave input
signal v
(t) at 50 kHz.

Also investigate the effect of the slew rate on
sinusoidal input signals of various amplitudes and
frequencies. Does the relationship between the slew
rate, the signal frequency, and the maximum
undistorted output amplitude agree with theory?
MILESTONE #7-1: Demonstrate the slew rate
limitation effect to your instructor or TA.

Active Filters

4. Construct the circuit shown below and determine
its transfer characteristic and its cutoff frequency f

What filtering function does this circuit implement?

Compare the low frequency gain and the cutoff
frequency with the theoretical value of:
= - R
/ R

= 1/CR
2 .

MILESTONE #7-2: Demonstrate the transfer
characteristic of the active filter and its cutoff
frequency. PSPICE DEMO: Bring the results of a
PSPICE simulation of the amplifier (an AC sweep)
and demonstrate that the simulation reproduces what
you have just demonstrated on the lab bench.

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5. Construct the circuit shown below and determine
its transfer characteristic and its cutoff frequency f

What filtering function does this circuit implement?
Compare the cutoff frequency with the theoretical
value of:
= 1/(1.414RC)

Compare the roll off (in dB/decade) of this filter with
that of Item 4.

6. Construct the circuit shown below. Determine its
transfer characteristic and the center frequency f
which the gain is a maximum.

What filtering function does this circuit implement?
Compare the mid band gain H (the gain at e
), the
center frequency e
, and the bandwidth Ae with the
theoretical values of:

H = 1
1 + R/R

Ae = 1/RC

Investigate the effect on the parameter
Q = e
/Ae of varying R and compare with theory.

MILESTONE #7-3: Demonstrate the transfer
characteristic of the active filter of Item 6.

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