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Melbourne Water Wetland Design Guide

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Constructed Wetland Systems Design Guidelines for Developers

Version 3, November 2005

Constructed Wetland System Design Guidelines for Developers Contents

1. 2. 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Introduction Wetland Performance Objectives Design Process Design Intent Functional Design Detailed Design Constructed Wetlands Pre-Treatment (Gross Pollutant Retention) Inlet Zone (Energy Dissipation and Sedimentation) Ephemeral Zone (Leaf/Organic Matter Trap) Wetland Zone (Fine Particulate and Dissolved Contaminant Retention) Managing High Flows Wetland Safety Considerations Integrating with Ecological and Landscape Setting Benets Vegetation Construction and Maintenance Signage Use of Conceptual Modelling Software Further Reading 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 11 11 12 14 16 18 20 22

Appendix 1 Example Design Intent Appendix 2 Functional Design Appendix 3 Detailed Design Appendix 4 Construction Inspection Checklist Appendix 5 Sample of Maintenance Plan & Schedule of Responsibilities Appendix 6 Suggested Macrophyte Species for Wetlands Acknowledgments

This document is a review of the document published in July 2003. This review has been undertaken to reect the increasing knowledge and understanding of constructed wetland systems. The original document was produced in consultation with the Co-operative Research Centre (CRC) for Catchment Hydrology and the Association of Land Development Engineers (ALDE). Major contributions from Coomes Consulting Pty Ltd, WBM Oceanics Australia and Australian Ecosystems were gratefully accepted.

1. Introduction
Melbourne Water is committed to improving water quality in our waterways and receiving environments. An important part of this commitment is to reduce nitrogen loads to the Port Phillip Bay, and as identied in the Healthy Bay Initiative, Melbourne Water will contribute to the reduction target of 1000 tonnes (annual average load). The current major sources of nitrogen entering the bay are from our waterways, stormwater drains and sewage treatment facilities. With increasing urban development within Melbourne, it is imperative that reductions from these existing loads are matched by reductions from new developments. The State Environment Protection Policy (SEPP) for the Waters of Victoria sets out base statutory requirements for the quality of stormwater runo. To assist in achieving these objectives the Best Practice Environmental Management Guidelines for Urban Stormwater describes the level of stormwater treatment necessary to comply with the SEPP requirements. The objectives from these guidelines are incorporated into this document. A key treatment in stormwater management is constructed wetlands, which provide treatment for the removal of nitrogen, phosphorus, suspended solids and heavy metals from stormwater. The purpose of this document is to provide Melbourne Waters design requirements for the construction of wetland systems. It oers specic requirements for Melbourne Water systems in addition to those detailed design methods outlined in the technical manual WSUD Engineering Procedures: Stormwater. This document should be read in conjunction with: Melbourne Waters Land Development Manual http://ldm.melbournewater.com.au Urban Stormwater: Best Practice Environmental Management Guidelines 1999. WSUD Engineering Procedures: Stormwater. Technical Manual, MWC, 2005

2. Wetland Performance Objectives

The aim of stormwater quality treatment is to reduce typical pollutant loads from urban areas to Best Management Practice (BMP) as dened in Table 1. Table 1 Target pollutant reduction criteria for new development Pollutant Suspended solids Total phosphorus Total nitrogen Litter Performance Objective 80% reduction from typical urban load 45% reduction from typical urban load 45% reduction from typical urban load 70% reduction from typical urban load

Source: (Urban Stormwater: Best Practice Environmental Management Guidelines Victorian Stormwater Committee, 1999) It is important to understand that the above table describes the minimum requirement for treatment. The design of the wetland may be required to address other local environmental objectives requiring a higher level of performance or for removal of other contaminants. Any objectives above BMP will be identied in a Melbourne Water Drainage Strategy/Scheme, other appropriate reports or during feasibility discussion. The design intent (see Section 3.1) must capture wetland performance requirements.

Constructed Wetland System Design Guidelines for Developers 3. Design Process

The design process has three distinct components: the Design Intent, Functional Design, and Detailed Design.

3.1 Design Intent

In addition to improving stormwater quality, constructed wetlands can also satisfy other urban design and conservation objectives. These additional aspects to the design should be documented in the Design Intent. The Design Intent is a critical component that guides the design of the wetland. The Design Intent should describe the treatment performance required by the wetland, any local ora and fauna protection or enhancement objectives, landscaping objectives and recreational use objectives. The Design Intent should be created in consultation with all key stakeholders and be undertaken before the functional design. For drainage scheme wetlands, Melbourne Water will supply specic design criteria. The developer and Melbourne Water should then work together to prepare a Design Intent, which may capture broader recreational and landscaping objectives. For Melbourne Water instigated projects, a Design Intent will be supplied. A sample Design Intent may be found in Appendix 1.

3.2 Functional Design

A Functional Design must be prepared and approved prior to a detailed design. The Functional Design addresses the issues identied in the Design Intent and demonstrates an understanding of the wetland performance objectives and basic design principles. Appendix 2 provides the basis of a Functional Design with a Calculation Summary Checklist.

3.3 Detailed Design

The Detailed Design of the wetland outlines the specications of all works associated with the wetland and, upon approval will be used for construction of the wetland. Appendix 3 provides an outline of the Detailed Design report.

4. Constructed Wetlands
Although constructed wetland systems have been the most common treatment measure used to reduce concentrations of ne particulate and dissolved pollutants, they should be considered as one component within a treatment train of Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) options. In many situations, they are not the most cost eective method of mitigating stormwater pollution. Melbourne Waters WSUD website can provide more information on alternative options. Please visit www.wsud.melbournewater.com.au for further details. In laying out the wetland system and its components, consideration must be given to ease of maintenance with allowance for access to ponds and structures. The wetland system should be able to be taken o line to enable critical maintenance activities. Figures 1 and 2 provide a conceptual design of a wetland system indicating the main elements in their order. Figure 1 Schematic representation of a typical constructed wetland
Gross Pollutant Retention Energy Dissipation and Sediment Removal Leaf and Organic Matter Removal (Optional) Flow Spreader (Porous rock wall) Vegetation bands Open water Outlet


High Flow Bypass


Inlet Zone

Ephemeral Zone

Wetland Zone

Normal water level

Top water level

Open water



Flow Spreader (Porous rock wall) Inlet zone Shallow marsh vegetation Marsh vegetation

Submerged vegetation Deep marsh vegetation Open water

Figure 2 Long section schematic representation of a typical constructed wetland system (above)

Constructed Wetland System Design Guidelines for Developers

The various components of a wetland system also have dierent hydraulic loading capabilities. Figure 3 illustrates the basic hydrology and tolerance. All components should be designed in accordance with the technical manual WSUD Engineering Procedures: Stormwater, MWC, 2005. Figure 3 Conceptual hydrology of a typical constructed wetland
3mth ARI GPT Macrophyte Zone

5yr ARI <= 1yr ARI Sediment Pond

3mth ARI

> 3mth ARI

4.1 Pre-Treatment (gross pollutant retention)

To minimise the onerous task of removing litter from vegetation throughout the wetland, a litter trapping capability is required upstream of the wetland. The intention of the litter trap is to remove litter and coarse organic matter from inows to allow simple collection by maintenance crews. It should be noted that if ows are too high to allow the incorporation of a litter trap, then a strategy to remove litter closer to the source via distributed treatments in the upstream drainage system will be required. Specic design requirements for the pre-treatment include: 1. A pre-treatment litter trap should be capable of retaining litter items of a size greater than 20mm for all ows up to the 3-month Average Recurrence Interval (ARI) ow. 2. The litter trap should have a storage capacity to reduce the cleaning frequency to less than 4 times per year.

4.2 Inlet Zone (energy dissipation and sedimentation)

Coarse sediment or excessive velocities can damage, smother or dislodge sensitive wetland vegetation. Removal of coarse sediment can be achieved by either: Installing a sediment trap as part of the pre-treatment; or Using the inlet zone pond as a coarse sediment trap (in addition to its energy dissipation role). Regardless of which method is used, 95% of all suspended sediment down to a particle size of at least 125 m shall be removed for peak design ows. An ability to retain collected sediment for a period of up to 5 years between maintenance is a minimum requirement. Specic design requirements for the inlet zone include: 1. Hard stand areas must be provided adjacent to the inlet zone to allow for the maintenance and cleanout of this zone. The hard stand should be at least 3 metres wide and designed to be capable of supporting a 20 tonne excavation plant. Multiple areas should be considered where the pond is greater than 7 metres wide. Adequate space for dewatering must be provided. 2. Access ramps and tracks into ponds cells and to all hard stand areas are required and must be capable of supporting a 20 tonne excavation plant for maintenance. 3. A method for identifying the base of the sedimentation pond when cleaning out collected sediment (eg. concrete base or identiable sand) must be provided. 4. The pond is to have a maximum width of 14 m to allow access with the maintenance plant, unless approval is provided for long reach excavators or the construction of access ramps into pond.

4.3 Ephemeral Zone (leaf/organic matter trap)

An ephemeral marsh leaf trap may be considered to trap leaf and other organic material prior to entering the wetland zone where the litter trap device cannot meet the design ow. Ephemeral zones may be more useful in areas where signicant carbon loads such as residential catchments with established deciduous trees. The ephemeral zone enhances the likelihood of the aerobic decomposition of organic matter in the wetland.

4.4 Wetland Zone (ne particulate and dissolved contaminant retention)

The intention of a wetland zone is to remove sediment particles less than 125 m through to sub micron particles and dissolved pollutants. Specic design requirements for the wetland zone include: 1. The batters of the wetland should be smoothed o to ensure no small reservoirs remain that provide breeding habitat for mosquitoes. Please visit www.melbournewater.com. au>publications>fact sheets>drainage>mosquitoes and wetlands for further information. 2. Deep marsh areas and sediment ponds should have a means to isolate and drain under gravity to allow maintenance activities. 3. Where ephemeral benches are used to aid uniform distribution of ows across the wetland, allowance shall be made for low ow bypass and drainage for maintenance by the provision of appropriate pipework or porous rocked drains through the benches. 4. All pits and structures shall be subject to a due diligence and safety audit. 5. Materials used for all xtures and controls shall be durable and essentially vandal proof. All covered pits are required to have approved lids, and all uncovered outlet structures areas require to have approved grilles/grates. 6. The use of any electrical controls or automated gate or valve systems are not encouraged. 7. Constructed access ramp must be provided into the wetland zone capable of supporting 20 tonne maintenance plant to allow of the maintenance of the wetland zone. 8. A minimum of 80 percent emergent macrophyte (vegetated marsh) zone is to be arranged in bands across the ow path. The remaining area, up to a maximum of 20 percent, shall be allowed for submerged marsh and or open water areas (pools deeper than 1.2 metres). 9. The macrophyte zone should have a sequence and mix of submerged, shallow, deep and ephemeral marsh zones that reect the quantity of the water from the receiving catchment. The zones should be arranged in a banded manner and be perpendicular to the ow (see Figure 1). The wetland margins should be planted densely with robust sedges and rushes. 10. A minimum of 150 mm of topsoil is required throughout the wetland cells and adjacent fringing ephemeral areas with a minimum of 5 percent organic content to assist the establishment of aquatic macrophytes. 11. The outlet performance is required to provide a hydraulic regime to allow the establishment of shallow marsh vegetation in addition to ephemeral and deep marsh species. Riser or siphon outlets are best suited to provide the range of depths required. Allowances in the orices shall also consider the variance in the seasonal base ow rates. 12. Outlet structures should be designed and located so that they are maintainable, with inlets to orices submerged to minimise clogging with debris. 13. A wetland vegetation and weed maintenance program shall be established for a period of at least 24 months after the initial planting of the wetland. 14. Invasive plants and animals can be introduced to wetlands during construction and establishment. Equipment should always be washed down before being used on site and the suppliers of aquatic plants must demonstrate that their stock is free of mosquito sh and unwanted aquatic weeds. 15. The wetland and sedimentation pond system shall have a complimentary landscaping plan to the satisfaction of Melbourne Water and/or the Council. 16. Any hard landscaping features or recreational facilities used in the site shall not be the management responsibility of Melbourne Water and shall be subject to maintenance agreement with the Council.

Constructed Wetland System Design Guidelines for Developers 4.5 Managing High Flows
Constructed wetland systems generally require a diversion (high ow by-pass) for ood ows to avoid mobilisation of collected pollutants, and damage to vegetation within the wetland system. Generally the bypass will come into use once the wetland has been lled to the event standing water level and there is a need to divert the incoming waters away from the wetland. The high ow by-pass needs to be capable of passing ows above the design ow for the wetland through to a 5 year ARI storm. Flows greater than 5 year may overtop the wetland, but only at velocities below 1.0 m/s. Where site constraints limit the construction of a high ow bypass then a system that passively overtops the wetland for all ows at velocities well below 1.0 m/s may be considered.

5. Wetland Safety Considerations

Melbourne Water advises that the construction of any water body must include a risk assessment to be undertaken by a qualied professional. The risk assessment shall consider the risk to the public during the construction and operational stages of the water body. Please refer to The Royal Life Saving Society Australia, Guidelines for Water Safety in Urban Water Developments (2004) for detailed information on safety issues. The following design criteria may be considered: A minimum oset of 15m, from the edge of waters to any allotment boundaries where there are back fences without private access provision or 25-30 m where there is access provision. The edge of any deep open water should not be hidden or obscured by embankment or terrestrial planting unless measures precluding access are incorporated. Approach batter slopes should be no steeper than 1:5 Vertical to Horizontal (V:H) unless there is special landscape edge treatment that will provide appropriate safety measures. All boardwalks, piers, bridges and/or structurally treated edges installed and maintained by others are to have heights and or railings in accordance with design codes and satisfy inundation and safety criteria. No formal access to water shall be invited unless there is appropriate safety benching. Details and safety requirements for batter slopes on approaches and immediately under the permanent water level are provided in WSUD Engineering Procedures: Stormwater document. In the case of open water bodies greater than 0.9 m deep a secondary safety bench may be required at 0.9 m. This is dependent on the batter slopes from the initial safety bench and depth of the deeper open water. Interim fencing may be required between the construction and vegetation establishment where any component of the waterbody is deeper than 350 mm. Permanent fencing and/or combined fencing and dense impenetrable plantings should be used adjacent to zones of deep water (greater than 350 mm at NTWL), areas where safety benches do not meet the width criteria, adjacent to potentially unsafe structures, areas where high velocities may be encountered or batters are steeper than 1:5 (V:H). Maintenance access areas shall be signed, fenced and gated to discourage access where the basic safety measures above are not met. Non-maintenance access to the top of weirs, orice pits and outlet structures shall be restricted by appropriate safety fences and other barriers. No public access is to be permitted into the wetland site during the construction phase. Appropriate fencing and signage must be provided during this phase.

6. Integrating with Ecological and Landscape Setting Benets

The primary objective for constructed wetlands is to provide stormwater treatment, however where possible secondary benets, such as amenity (landscape setting) or habitat creation should be explored. It is important to note that sometimes the primary objective can compromise the ecological value as the impacts of catchment derived pollutants maybe deleterious to the wetland ecology. If carefully designed there may be options to integrate the two objectives, for example, small o-line wetlands lled seasonally by direct rainfall and local catchments of open space can be provided adjacent to the main water quality treatment wetland. Such ephemeral wetlands can provide a refuge for mobile species from temporary high pollutant loads from a storm event and provide breeding opportunity for species that are susceptible to predation from mosquito sh. It should be noted that constructed waterbodies can attract ocking birds that may be a concern to airports. Further information should be sought from the relevant airport and planning authority. The following points can be considered in the design of constructed wetlands to maximise their landscape setting and ecological value within the constraints presented by their water quality treatment function. Retention, enhancement and interpretation of existing ecological, landscape and cultural values, such as trees and other native vegetation and sites of archeological signicance should be considered. These are valuable assets that will be of interest to the local community and help to create a unique sense of place. Water bodies should be created that simulate important physical characteristics of natural wetlands such as shape, depth, edge gradients and wetting/drying cycles. The shaping and gradient of wetland edges are very important in creating good habitats for plant growth. Shallow edge gradients maximise the width of planting benches and also provide natural conditions when water levels draw down over summer. The use of locally indigenous species in wetland plantings ensures that plants are adapted to local environmental conditions and that the character of the wetland is in keeping with the surrounding landscape. Creation of structural complexity in riparian and wetland vegetation is important for ecological diversity and landscape amenity. A range of plant life forms should be included in the planting schedule. These life forms include emergent, submerged and oating plants. Terrestrial planting of appropriate indigenous tree, shrub and groundcover species provide additional habitat requirements necessary for some wetland animals, such as nesting sites for birds and over-wintering shelter for frogs. Rocks or logs (which can be salvaged from the land development process) placed in or around a wetland provide shelter, perches and basking areas for native wildlife. Logs must be suitably anchored to avoid movement in high ows. Where possible the creation of refuge areas, such as islands, and screening vegetation to reduce disturbance of wildlife can be considered. Sensitive placement of paths, roads, power-lines and other infrastructure should be considered. Power-lines in particular pose a serious threat to water birds when they are taking o or landing. If a wetland must be placed near power-lines it should oriented to be parallel to them. Dense screening vegetation should be planted between the wetland and the power-lines to discourage birds from using this area as a ight path. Integrated control of the impact of aquatic and terrestrial weeds is required. Weed control should be carried out by specialist contractors with a proven ability to identify indigenous and weed species. If performed correctly weed control will maximize the regeneration of indigenous species, providing a dense growth of plants for wildlife habitat. The impact of domestic animals, especially dogs need to be managed. In habitat wetlands, unleashed dogs can have signicant direct and indirect impacts on native wildlife. Fencing and/ or regulatory signage may be required (See Section 9). The ability to provide habitat for regionally important values (eg Platypus, Dwarf Galaxias and Warty Bell Frog) should be investigated in the design of habitat wetlands. These agship species may have particular habitat requirements that could be incorporated into the wetland design. Examples of such requirements are deep open water and fringing rocks for the Warty Bell Frog.

Constructed Wetland System Design Guidelines for Developers 7. Vegetation

Vegetation within the wetland can be broken up into zones perpendicular to the ow. These zones refer to the depth of water and appropriate species to be selected to optimise the success of the system. For a comprehensive list of appropriate macrophyte species for wetlands please refer to Appendix 6. All species used in vegetation, including both aquatic and terrestrial, should be indigenous and local provenance. In areas of predictable low rainfall patterns and where there is also a high evaporative loss due to wind sheer, the wetland should use a vegetation sequence such that there is sustainable water depths in deep and submerged marsh areas during drawn down, as illustrated in gure 4. Figure 4 Conceptual Vegetation Sequence in low rainfall areas.




Submerged NWL

In areas of more favourable rainfall distribution a sequencing of deep and shallow marsh bands may be used with occasional use of submerged marsh pools and or ephemeral marsh bands, illustrated in Figure 5. Figure 5 Conceptual Vegetation Sequence in high rainfall areas.




Submerged NWL

8. Construction and Maintenance

To ensure the successful and sustainable operation of the wetland system, a Maintenance Plan must be prepared by the developer that clearly identies all maintenance tasks and frequency, and allocates maintenance responsibilities to the relevant authority. The Maintenance Plan must include a clearly labelled schematic layout of the site identifying all structures, plantings, open space, water bodies and paths. A Schedule of Responsibilities must be prepared that species the maintenance requirements and responsible authority for each component of wetland and surrounding area identied in the layout plan. The Maintenance Plan must be prepared in consultation with the relevant stakeholders and signed o prior to the completion of the detailed design.

The agreed wetland maintenance plan must be implemented for a period of three (3) years, at a cost to the developer, and to the satisfaction of the local municipality and Melbourne Water as applicable. This will ensure that the sediment trap is maintained for optimum performance during the development stage prior to hand over to the ultimate management agency. Collected sediment within the trap or inlet zone of a wetland is to be removed immediately prior to hand over. Within the 3-year maintenance plan, a range of defect liability periods will apply to constructed wetlands; Civil assets 3 months. Soft engineering 12 months. Landscape vegetation & wetland plantings 24 months. A sample maintenance plan and typical schedule of responsibilities is included in Appendix 5.

9. Signage
Advisory and interpretive signage may be designed in consultation with the authority that will be responsible for the management of the wetland system. If the wetland will become a Melbourne Water asset, approval must be obtained from Melbourne Water. Signage should comply with all Australian standards, be non-obtrusive and highly resistant to vandalism. The sign design should ideally incorporate the following elements: The purpose of the wetland. The physical and biological processes. Identifying any signicant environmental features (such as habitat for a particular species). Appropriate safety warnings. Appropriate agency identication.

10. Use of Conceptual Modelling Software

Melbourne Water currently supports and uses MUSIC (Model for Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisation). MUSIC is produced by the Co-operative Research Centre (CRC) for Catchment Hydrology / eWater and is used to model wetlands and other water quality treatment measures to determine performance. The use of MUSIC is recommended by Melbourne Water in order to optimise the conceptual design and to demonstrate its performance against Best Management Practice targets. To assist developers in using MUSIC, Melbourne Water has prepared guidelines on the input parameters for MUSIC. These guidelines can be downloaded from the Melbourne Water website. www.melbournewater.com. au >Water Cycle>Drainage & Stormwater >The Drainage System MUSIC is available through the CRC for Catchment Hydrology at Monash University. http://toolkit.net.au/products/music/

11. Further Reading

Department of Land and Water Conservation New South Wales (1998). The Constructed Wetlands Manual. Department of Land and Water Conservation New South Wales Stormwater Committee (1999). Urban Stormwater: Best Practice Environmental Management Guidelines. CSIRO Publishing Australia. The Institution of Engineers Australia (2003). Australian Runo Quality (Draft). The Institution of Engineers Australia. Wong, T.H.F., Breen, P.F., Somes, N.L.G. and Lloyd, S.D. Managing Urban Stormwater using Constructed Wetlands, Industry Report 98/7, Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology (1998) WSUD Engineering Procedures: Stormwater. Technical Manual, MWC (2005)

Constructed Wetland System Design Guidelines for Developers Appendix 1 Example Design Intent
Spring Valley Wetland
Catchment details: Catchment size: 89ha. The catchment is predominantly agricultural grazing with a small area (<10ha) of industrial factories. 1. Wetland Performance and design information Reduction in Nitrogen 300 kg/year Reduction in Phosphorus 50 kg/year Reduction in suspended solids 10,000 kg/year Number of inlets 1 GPT treatment 3 month ARI Design ow for Sediment Pond 1 year ARI Inlet ow to wetland 3 month ARI Wetland High ow bypass 1 year 5 year ARI Flood ows > 5 years overtop at < 1m/s Sediment pond target 95% of particles down to 125m 2. Site Constraints The known site constraints include: Sewer An existing sewer does impact on the proposed wetland. The wetland must either be shaped to avoid excavation problems or the sewer can be relocated. Existing vegetation The wetland must be constructed around the mature Red Gum trees. Works must ensure no damage to the trees or their root systems and that their long term health is protected. There are no known site contamination issues. There are no known cultural aboriginal sites. 3. Flora and Fauna considerations: A sustainable population of Warty Bell frogs has been identied in the Darebin Creek approximately 1 km north of this proposed wetland (refer to DNRE report). This wetland is to be designed to maximise the habitat opportunity for this species, whilst achieving treatment performance. Curley Sedge (Carex tasmanica) is present on the site and in the Darebin Creek tributary adjacent to the proposed wetland. This species is listed under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act, and listed as Vulnerable under ANZECC. A detailed environmental assessment is required to identify all remnant populations for protection. This wetland will be designed to extend the population of this plant. Seed collection will need to be investigated. 4. Open space and Landscape considerations This wetland will be designed to visually blend with the surrounding public open space. The wetland will be an environmental feature along the shared bike track and will have interpretative signage to explain its role in treating stormwater and protection of the Warty Bell frog and Curley Sedge. Generally the site is characterised by small to medium sized rocky outcrops of granite, which extend over the entire development site. This wetland and immediate open space will attempt to preserve this feature where possible and attempt to replace this landscape feature through nal landscaping works. All landscaping plants will be indigenous and will be local provenance.


5. Water Safety The wetland will be designed to minimise risk to the general public and where they are encouraged to engage with the wetland (viewing platforms) fencing that complies with Australian Standards will installed. An appropriate safety audit will be undertaken. 6. Maintenance & access The wetlands primary maintenance access will be located on the western side and will be integrated into the bike path. The bike path will be capable of tracking heavy machinery. Hard stand access will be provided to the sediment pond. The pedestrian path network will consider the required temporary closing of this path for maintenance and alternative routes will be provided. The wetland will be designed so that it can be fully drawn down for maintenance purposes and all control structures will be vandal proof. 7. Stakeholders Stakeholders in this wetland include: Melbourne Water Design and approval. Council Landscaping and open space design. Department of Sustainability and Environment Protection and management of threatened species.


Constructed Wetland System Design Guidelines for Developers Appendix 2 Functional Design
The Functional Design report should include but not be limited to the following; Topographical survey of the site identifying any physical constraints and opportunities on the site, including an obstruction search of all existing and proposed services. In particular local drainage lines and oodplains must be identied to ensure that the design does not cause adverse ooding of the area. Preliminary geotechnical investigation to assess any potential issues relating to constructability, dispersion, permeability, acid sulphate soils, disposal costs and contamination. Identify environmental issues that may arise as a result of the works and propose a method of resolution. Preliminary layout of proposed works outlining: inlet conguration, pond conguration, internal structures, outlet conguration, known site constraints, trees to be removed/retained. The layout should clearly show all key water levels at base and stormwater event levels. Hydraulic modelling of the preferred concept to verify the hydraulic performance. Water Quality modelling of the preferred design to verify the water quality performance. Estimate bulk earthworks required for construction with a preliminary cost estimate (optional) The basis of the proposed maintenance agreement (see Section 8). Constructed Wetland CALCULATION TASK 1 Identify design criteria Design ARI Flow for inlet zone Target sediment size for inlet zone Notional detention period for macrophyte zone Design ARI ow for bypass spillway Extended detention volume 2 Catchment characteristics Residential Commercial Fraction impervious Residential Commercial 3 Estimate design ow rates Time of concentration Estimate from ow path length and velocities Identify rainfall intensities Station used for IFD data: 100 year ARI 1 year ARI Ha Ha year mm hrs year m3 CALCULATION SUMMARY OUTCOME CHECK


mm/hr mm/hr


Design runo coecient C1 C100 Peak design ows Q1 Q100 4 Inlet zone Refer to sedimentation basin calculation checksheet Macrophyte zone Layout Extend detention depth Area of macrophyte zone Aspect ratio Hydraulic eciency Length Top width (including extended detention) Cross section batter slope 6 Macrophyte zone outlet structures Maintenance drain Diameter of maintenance valve Drainage time Riser Linear storage-discharge relationship for riser Discharge pipe Discharge capacity of discharge pipe Connection between inlet zone and macrophyte zone Discharge capacity of connection culvert Bypass weir Discharge capacity of bypass weir m3/s m m2 L:W m m V:H m3/s m3/s

mm hrs




Constructed Wetland System Design Guidelines for Developers Appendix 3 Detailed Design
The detailed design report should include but not be limited to the following: Detailed design of the approved proposal and all associated civil works such as the inlet and outlet structures, bypass ow path, embankment and all associated structures and pipework. Further geotechnical study. Where there is a likelihood of either groundwater discharge or high seasonal water tables, a hydrogeological investigation may be required to describe the interactions and potential issues. Detailed design drawings for the construction of the wetland and retarding basin. Detailed design of required relocation and/or alterations to existing services, as required, in consultation with the relevant authorities and their subsequent agreement in writing. Consideration should be given for subdivision requirements, set backs from roads, maintenance access, etc. Detailed construction cost estimate, fully priced against a schedule of quantities. Project Specication, Schedule of Prices and associated Drawings. The Specications are to be based on the use of the Australian Standard Conditions of Contract, AS2124. Completed Maintenance Plan for the wetlands key structures and any other special features. The Plan should identify all activities and frequency to ensure optimal operation of the wetland. Detailed Design summary report at the completion of the project with all hydraulic calculations for each structure, overall wetland operation and incorporates the deliverables outlined above. The design report detailing the nal design basis for the proposed works. Please refer to The Royal Life Saving Society Australia, Guidelines for Water Safety in Urban Water Developments (2004) for detailed information on safety issues.

Wetland Design Assessment Checklist Wetland Location: Hydraulics Minor ood: (m3/s) Area Treatment Treatment performance veried Inlet zone Inlet pipe/structure sucient for maximum design ow (Q5 or Q100)? Scour protection provided at inlet? Conguration of inlet zone (aspect, depth and ows) allows settling of particles >125 m? Bypass weir incorporated into inlet zone? Bypass weir and channel sucient to convey >Q1 <= maximum inlet ows? Bypass weir crest at macrophyte permanent pool level + extended detention depth? Bypass channel has sucient scour protection? Structure from inlet zone to macrophyte zone enables energy dissipation/ow distribution?

Major ood: (m3/s) Wetland area (ha) Yes No

Catchment area (ha):



Inlet zone permanent pool level above macrophyte permanent pool level? Maintenance access allowed for into base of inlet zone? Public access to inlet zone prevented through vegetation or other means? Gross pollutant protection measures provided on inlet structures (both inows and to macrophyte zone) Macrophyte zone Extended detention depth >0.25 m and <0.75 m? Vegetation bands perpendicular to ow path? Vegetation bands of near uniform depth? Sequencing of vegetation bands provides continuous gradient to open water zones? Vegetation appropriate to selected band? Aspect ratio provides hydraulic eciency >0.5? Velocities from inlet zone <0.05 m/s or scouring protection provided? Batter slopes from accessible edges shallow enough to allow egress? Maintenance access provided into areas of the macrophyte zone (especially open water zones)? Public access to macrophyte zones restricted where appropriate? Safety audit of publicly accessible areas undertaken? Freeboard provided above extended detention depth? Outlet structures Riser outlet provided in macrophyte zone? Orice conguration allows for a linear storage-discharge relationship for full range of the extended detention depth? Riser diameter sucient to convey Q1 ows when operating as a glory hole spillway? Maintenance drain provided? Discharge pipe from has sucient capacity to convey the maintenance drain ows or Q1 ows (whichever is higher)? Protection against clogging of orice provided on outlet structure? Yes No




Constructed Wetland System Design Guidelines for Developers Appendix 4 Construction Inspection Checklist


DURING CONSTRUCTION Items inspected Checked Preliminary works Yes 1. Erosion and sediment control plan adopted 2. Limit public access 3. Location same as plans 4. Site protection from existing ows 5. All required permits in place Earthworks 6. Integrity of banks 7. Batter slopes as plans 8. Impermeable (eg. clay) base installed 9. Maintenance access to whole wetland 10. Compaction process as designed 11. Placement of adequate topsoil 12. Levels as designed for base, benches, banks and spillway (including freeboard) 13. Check for groundwater intrusion 14. Stabilisation with sterile grass Structural components 15. Location and levels of outlet as designed 16. Safety protection provided 17. Pipe joints and connections as designed 18. Concrete and reinforcement as designed 19. Inlets appropriately installed 20. Inlet energy dissipation installed 21. No seepage through banks 22. Ensure spillway is level 23. Provision of maintenance drain(s) 24. Collar installed on pipes 25. Low ow channel rocks are adequate 26. Protection of riser from debris 27. Bypass channel stabilised 28. Erosion protection at macrophyte outlet Vegetation 29. Vegetation appropriate to zone (depth) 30. Weed removal prior to planting 31.Provision for water level control during establishment 32. Vegetation layout and densities as designed 33. Provision for bird protection 34. By-pass channel vegetated




FINAL INSPECTION Items inspected 1. Conrm levels of inlets and outlets 2. Conrm structural element sizes 3. Check batter slopes 4. Vegetation planting as designed 5. Erosion protection measures working 6. Pre-treatment installed and operational 7. Maintenance access provided 8. Public safety adequate 9. Check for uneven settling of banks 10. Evidence of stagnant water, short circuiting or vegetation scouring 11. Evidence of litter or excessive debris 12. Provision of removed sediment drainage area 13. Evidence of debris in high ow bypass 14. Macrophyte outlet free of debris

Checked Yes





ACTIONS REQUIRED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Inspection ocer signature:


Constructed Wetland System Design Guidelines for Developers Appendix 5 Sample Maintenance Plan & Schedule of Responsibilities
The maintenance plan shall include a schedule of tasks, responsibilities and timing. An example of a plan, indication the level and detail required is shown below.
Major Road OS2 P1 R1
DS1 P1 T1 R2 OS1 P1


S1 WW R2

Sample Maintenance Plan

Open Space Area 1


T1 P1 T1

Open Space Area 2 Open Space Area 3 Wetland 1 Wetland 2 Lake

OS3 L1 OS1 P1 T1

Minor Road


OS1 DS1 W1 P1

Recreational Area 1 Recreational Area 2 Planted Area 1 Planted Area 2 Planted Area 3 Waterway

W2 DS1

P3 P2 OS1 P2 GPT1
Main Drain

P3 P2


Drainage Structures Gross Pollutant Trap 1 Gross Pollutant Trap 2 Culvert 1 Culvert 2 Track/Walkway

n ai

a Dr



Below is an example of part of a schedule of responsibilities relating to the maintenance plan above. It should be noted that this table is incomplete and should be no means be taken as a fully completed Schedule of Responsibilities. CODE DESCRIPTION OS1 OS2 P1 ASSET MAINTENANCE/LEVEL OF SERVICE Monthly mowing at X height, removal of litter Monthly mowing at X height, removal of litter RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITY Council Maintenance Council Owner Melbourne Water Council

Open space area 1 Parkland north of lake Open space area 2 Retarding basin embankment Planted area 1 Garden beds adjacent to and within OS1

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Planted area 2

Edge planting of wetlands

Yearly tree pruning. Weeding every 6 months. Plant and mulch replacement as required. Vandalism Check every month. Edge treatment as required. Melbourne Water Plant replacement as required to keep a good coverage of marginal plantings. Weeding every 6 months until full establishment



Wetland 1

East wetland

Removal of litter twice a Melbourne Water year, as a minimum. Sediment to be cleaned out when accumulation is within 500mm of normal water surface.

Continue until all assets are listed

Wetland Maintenance Checklist Inspection Date frequency: 3 monthly of visit: Location: Description: Site visit by: Inspection items Sediment accumulation at inow points? Litter within inlet or macrophyte zones? Sediment within inlet zone requires removal (record depth, remove if >50%)? Overow structure integrity satisfactory? Evidence of dumping (building waste, oils etc.)? Terrestrial vegetation condition satisfactory (density, weeds etc.)? Aquatic vegetation condition satisfactory (density, weeds etc.)? Replanting required? Settling or erosion of bunds/batters present? Evidence of isolated shallow ponding? Damage/vandalism to structures present? Outlet structure free of debris? Maintenance drain operational (check)? Resetting of system required? Comments: Yes No Action required (details)


Constructed Wetland System Design Guidelines for Developers Appendix 6 Suggested Macrophyte Species for Wetlands
Suggested macrophyte species for dierent soil types have been provided for wetlands constructed on Silurian and Basalt derived soils, and Saline and Sandy soils. These are general lists only and the recommended species have been proven to be suited to constructed wetlands. Other species may be appropriate depending on the local soil characteristics, water chemistry and wetting and drying regimes. The dominant species are shown in bold and should comprise of 70% of the total plant numbers. The remaining species should comprise of the other 30%. The planting densities recommend an appropriate coverage to ensure establishment and reduce the invasion of weed species. Please note the follow recent name changes; Schoenoplectus validus has been changed to Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani Vallisneria spiralis has been changed to Vallisneria Americana

Provisional Listing for Silurian Soils

Submerged Marsh 0.4 0.9 m below normal top water level Potamageton crispus Potamageton ochreatus Vallisneria americana Deep Marsh 0.2 0.4 m below normal top water level Eleocharis sphacelata Potamageton tepperi Potamageton ochreatus Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani Triglochin procerum Ottelia ovalifolia Vallisneria americana Tall Spike-rush Floating Pondweed Blunt Pondweed River Club-rush Water Ribbons Swamp Lily Eel-grass Curly Pondweed Blunt Pondweed Eel-grass

The recommended plant density is 2 plants per square metre.

The recommended plant density is 4 plants per square metre (planted in bands perpendicular to ow). Shallow Marsh 0 0.2 m below normal top water level Alisma plantago- aquatica Baumea articulate Bolboschoenus medianus Cyperus gunnii Eleocharis acuta Juncus procerus Glyceria australis Myriphyllum crispatum Myriphyllum varrifolium Ranunculus inundatus Water Plantain Jointed Twig-rush Marsh Club-rush Flecked Flat-sedge Common Spike-sedge Tall Rush Austral Sweet-grass Upright Milfoil Variable Milfoil River Buttercup


Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani

River Club-rush

The recommended plant density is 6 plants per square metre (planted in bands perpendicular to ow). Ephemeral Marsh Above normal water level, temporally inundated during high ows Carex appressa Carex gaudichaudiana Crassula helmsii Cyperus lucidius Eleocharis acuta Juncus amabilis Juncus gregiorus Juncus sarophorus Melaleuca ericifolia Persicaria decipens Poa ensiformis Poa labillardierei Persicaria praetermissa Gratiola peruviana Ephemeral Wetland (for vegetative/organic matter removal) Above normal water level, temporally inundated during high ows Carex appressa Carex fasicularis Crassula helmsii Juncus amabilis Juncus gregiorus Juncus pauciorus Juncus sarophorus Melaleuca ericifolia Leptospermum lanigerum Persicaria decipens Persicaria praetermissa Gratiola peruviana Wetland Margin Carex appressa Carex fasicularis Carex gaudichaudiana Tall Sedge Tassell Sedge Swamp Crassula Hollow Rush Green Rush Loose-owered Rush Broom Rush Swamp Paperbark Woolly Tea-tree Slender Knotweed Spotted Knotweed Brooklime Tall Sedge Tassell Sedge Fen Sedge Tall Sedge Fen Sedge Swamp Crassula Leafy Flat-sedge Common Spike-sedge Hollow Rush Green Rush Broom Rush Swamp Paperbark Slender Knotweed Sword Tussock-grass Common Tussock-grass Spotted Knotweed Brooklime

The recommended plant density is 6 plants per square metre.

The recommended plant density is 6 plants per square metre.


Constructed Wetland System Design Guidelines for Developers

Crassula helmsii Cyperus lucidius Eleocharis acuta Isolepis inundata Juncus amabilis Juncus gregiorus Juncus sarophorus Juncus vaginatus Melaleuca ericifolia Neopaxia australasica Persicaria decipens Swamp Crassula Leafy Flat-sedge Common Spike-sedge Swamp Club-rush Hollow Rush Green Rush Broom Rush Rush Swamp Paperbark White Purslane Slender Knotweed

The recommended plant density is 6 plants per square metre.


Provisional Listing for Basaltic Soils

Submerged Marsh 0.4 0.9 m below normal top water level Potamageton ochreatus Vallisneria americana Deep Marsh 0.2 0.4 m below normal top water level Eleocharis sphacelata Ottelia ovalifolia Potamageton tepperi Potamageton ochreatus Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani Triglochin procerum Vallisneria americana Tall Spike-rush Swamp Lily Floating Pondweed Blunt Pondweed River Club-rush Water Ribbons Eel-grass Blunt Pondweed Eel-grass

The recommended plant density is 2 plants per square metre.

The recommended plant density is 4 plants per square metre. (planted in bands perpendicular to ow). Shallow Marsh 0 0.2 m below normal top water level Amphibromus nervosus Alisma plantago- aquatica Baumea articulata Bolboschoenus caldwellii Bolboschoenus medianus Eleocharis acuta Juncus semisolidus Marsilea drummondii Myriphyllum crispatum Myriphyllum simulans Ranunculus inundatus Schoenoplectus pungens Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani Common Swamp Wallaby-grass Water Plantain Jointed Twig-rush Sea Club-rush Marsh Club-rush Common Spike-sedge Rush Common Nardoo Upright Milfoil Amphibious Milfoil River Buttercup Sharp Club-rush River Club-rush

The recommended plant density is 4 plants per square metre. (planted in bands perpendicular to ow). Ephemeral Marsh Above normal water level, temporally inundated during high ows Carex tereticaulis Carex bichenoviana Crassula helmsii Eleocharis acuta Juncus semisolidus Juncus subsecundus Juncus avidus Basket Sedge Sedge Swamp Crassula Common Spike-sedge Rush Finger Rush Yellow Rush


Constructed Wetland System Design Guidelines for Developers

Leptospermum lanigerum Lobelia pratioides Haloragis aspera Poa labillardierei Woolly Tea-tree Poison Lobelia Rough Raspwort Common Tussock-grass

The recommended plant density is 6 plants per square metre. Ephemeral Wetland (for vegetative/organic matter removal) Above normal water level, temporally inundated during high ows Austrodanthonia duttoniana Carex appressa Carex tereticaulis Juncus semisolidus Juncus subsecundus Juncus avidus Leptospermum lanigerum Lobelia pratioides Haloragis aspera Poa labillardierei Wetland Margin Carex appressa Carex bichenoviana Carex tereticaulis Crassula helmsii Eleocharis acuta Hydrocotyle sibthorpiodes Juncus semisolidus Juncus avidus Marsilea drummondii Leptospermum lanigerum Lobelia pratioides Neopaxia australasica Persicaria decipens Brown-backed Wallaby-grass Tall Sedge Basket Sedge Rush Finger Rush Yellow Rush Woolly Tea-tree Poison Lobelia Rough Raspwort Common Tussock-grass Tall Sedge Sedge Basket Sedge Swamp Crassula Common Spike-sedge Shiny Pennywort Rush Yellow Rush Common Nardoo Woolly Tea-tree Poison Lobelia White Purslane Slender Knotweed

The recommended plant density is 6 plants per square metre.

The recommended plant density is 6 plants per square metre.


Provisional Listing for Sandy Soils (Derived from Tertiary Sediments or Quaternary Sands)
Submerged Marsh 0.4 0.9 m below normal top water level Myriphyllum salsugineum Potamageton crispus Potamageton ochreatus Potamageton pectinatus Deep Marsh 0.2 0.4 m below normal top water level Baumea articulata Eleocharis sphacelata Potamageton pectinatus Potamageton tepperi Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani Triglochin procerum Jointed Twig-rush Tall Spike-rush Fennel Pondweed Floating Pondweed River Club-rush Water Ribbons Lake Milfoil Curly Pondweed Blunt Pondweed Fennel Pondweed

The recommended plant density is 2 plants per square metre.

The recommended plant density is 4 plants per square metre. (planted in bands perpendicular to ow). Shallow Marsh 0 0.20 m below normal top water level Amphibromus nervosus Baumea arthrophylla Baumea articulata Bolboschoenus medianus Eleocharis acuta Myriphyllum salsugineum Myriphyllum simulans Ranunculus amphitrichus Schoenoplectus validus Villarsia reniformis Common Swamp Wallaby-grass Fine Twig-rush Jointed Twig-rush Marsh Club-rush Common Spike-sedge Lake Milfoil Amphibious Milfoil Small River Buttercup River Club-rush Running Marsh-ower

The recommended plant density is 4 plants per square metre. (planted in bands perpendicular to ow). Ephemeral Marsh Above normal water level, temporally inundated during high ows Carex appressa Carex gaudichaudiana Centella cordifolia Crassula helmsii Cyperus lucidius Eleocharis acuta Juncus amabilis Juncus australis Tall Sedge Fen Sedge Centella Swamp Crassula Leafy Flat-sedge Common Spike-sedge Hollow Rush Austral Rush

The recommended plant density is 6 plants per square metre.


Constructed Wetland System Design Guidelines for Developers

Ephemeral Wetland (for vegetative/organic matter removal) Above normal water level, temporally inundated during high ows Carex appressa Carex tereticaulis Centella cordifolia Juncus amabillis Juncus australis Juncus pallidus Leptospermum lanigerum Melaleuca ericifolia Persicaria decipens Wetland Margin Baumea arthrophylla Carex appressa Carex fasicularis Carex tereticaulis Crassula helmsii Eleocharis acuta Isolepis inundata Juncus amabilis Juncus australis Juncus pallidus Neopaxia australasica Persicaria decipens Tall Sedge Basket Sedge Centella Hollow Rush Austral Rush Pale Rush Woolly Tea-tree Swamp Paperbark Slender Knotweed Fine Twig-rush Tall Sedge Tassell Sedge Basket Sedge Swamp Crassula Common Spike-sedge Swamp Club-rush Hollow Rush Austral Rush Pale Rush White Purslane Slender Knotweed

The recommended plant density is 6 plants per square metre.

The recommended plant density is 6 plants per square metre.


Provisional Listing for Saline Soils, Wetland Salinity (2000 to 10000 ppm)
Submerged Marsh 0.4 0.9 m below normal top water level Myriphyllum salsugineum Potamageton pectinatus Ruppia polycarpa Lepilaena cylindrocarpa Lepilaena preissii Deep Marsh 0.2 0.4 m below normal top water level Baumea articulata Potamageton pectinatus Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani Triglochin procerum Jointed Twig-rush Fennel Pondweed River Club-rush Water Ribbons Milfoil Fennel Pondweed Slender Widgeon-grass Long-fruited Water-mat Slender Water-mat

The recommended plant density is 2 plants per square metre.

The recommended plant density is 4 plants per square metre. (planted in bands perpendicular to ow). Shallow Marsh 0 0.2 m below normal top water level Baumea arthrophylla Baumea articulata Bolboschoenus caldwellii Cladium procerum Eleocharis acuta Lilaeopsis polyantha Mimulus repens Myriphyllum salsugineum Myriphyllum verrucosum Schoenoplectus pungens Fine Twig-rush Jointed Twig-rush Sea Club-rush Leafy Twig-rush Common Spike-rush Creeping Crantzia Creeping Monkey-ower Lake Milfoil Red Water-milfoil Sharp Club-rush

The recommended plant density is 4 plants per square metre. (planted in bands perpendicular to ow). Ephemeral Marsh Above normal water level, temporally inundated during high ows Crassula helmsii Juncus avidus Juncus krausii Distichilis disticophylla Poa labillardierei Poa poiformis Samolus repens Selliera radicans Triglochin striatum Leptinella reptans Swamp Stonecrop Yellow Rush Sea Rush Australia Salt-grass Common Tussock-grass Blue Tussock-grass Creeping Brookweed Shiny Swamp-mat Streaked Arrow-grass Creeping Cotula


Constructed Wetland System Design Guidelines for Developers

Lobelia irrigua Ranunculus diminutus Ranunculus papulentis Ephemeral Wetland Salt Pratia Dwarf River Buttercup Large River Buttercup

The recommended plant density is 6 plants per square metre. (for vegetative/organic matter removal) Above normal water level, temporally inundated during high ows Carex tereticaulis Juncus avidus Juncus kraussii Distichilis disticophylla Melaleuca ericifolia Poa labillardierei Poa poiformis Selliera radicans Triglochin striatum Wetland Margin Baumea arthrophylla Baumea juncea Carex tereticaulis Juncus subsecundus Juncus avidus Juncus kraussii Selliera radicans Triglochin striatum Basket Sedge Rush Sea Rush Australia Salt-grass Swamp Paperbark Common Tussock-grass Blue Tussock-grass Shiny Swamp-mat Streaked Arrow-grass Fine Twig-rush Bare Twig-rush Basket Sedge Finger Rush Yellow Rush Sea Rush Shiny Swamp-mat Streaked Arrow-grass

The recommended plant density is 6 plants per square metre.

The recommended plant density is 6 plants per square metre.


Who we are Melbourne Water is owned by the Victorian Government. We manage Melbournes water supply catchments, remove and treat most of Melbournes sewage, and manage rivers, creeks and major drainage systems in the Melbourne region. We are a signicant business, managing $8.1 billion of natural and built assets. An independent Board of Directors is responsible for the governance of Melbourne Water. The responsible Minister is the Minister for Water. Our people have diverse skills and expertise and we place a high priority on building strong partnerships and relationships with the community and all our other stakeholders. Our customers include the metropolitan retail water businesses, other water authorities, local councils and the land development industry.

Melbourne Water 100 Wellington Parade, Melbourne 3002 PO Box 4342 Melbourne, 3001 Telephone: 131 722 Facsimile: 03 9235 7200 www.melbournewater.com.au November 2005 For information on Melbournes water resources in languages other than English, call 131 722 or visit www.melbournewater.com.au and click on the Community Languages link.

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