Floor Tiles Marketing
Floor Tiles Marketing
Floor Tiles Marketing
Submited in partial fulfillment for the Degree of Bachelor of Commerce with Computer Applications to the N.M.S.S Vellaichamy Nadar College, Madurai -19
R. Rajesh Reg.No. 08173236
Lecturer, Department of Commerce with Computer Applications, N.M.S.S Vellaichamy Nadar College, Madurai -625 019.
The project report prepared by R. Rajesh under my guidance is submitted in partial fulfilment for the requirement of the Degree of Bachelor of Commerce with Computer Applications of the N.M.S.S Vellaichamy Nadar College. I certify that the work is original and has not formed part of any other Degree, Diploma, fellowship or other similar title.
(A.P. Jeyaram)
Department of Commerce with Computer Applications, N.M.S.S. Vellaichamy Nadar College, Madurai-625 019.
I hereby declare that the project report entitled Study on floor tiles
marketing in Madurai city submitted for the award of Degree of Bachelor of
Commerce with Computer Applications is my original work and no part of this report has been submitted for the award of any other Degree, Diploma, fellowship or other similar titles.
R. Rajesh
First and foremost, I thank our lord Almighty for giving me good health, strength and knowledge for completing the study. I am extremely thankful to the principal Dr. G. MARISKUMAR, M.A.,
M.Phil.,Ph.D., of N.M.S.S.V.N College for his encouragement.
I thank Mrs. A. THENMOZHI, M.com.,M.Phil.,PGDCA., Head of the Department for commerce with Computer Applications of N.M.S.S.V.N. college and thank Mr.A.P. Jeyaram M.Com., M.Phil.,B.Ed.,PGDCA my faculty guide for his continuous encouragement to bring out the best of me in my academic endeavors. I also extend my thanks to all the STAFF MEMBERS of my department for their valuable guidance. I thank my PARENTS and FRIENDS for their support extended to me for the successful conduct of this project.
Chapter-1: Introduction
About the product Objectives of study Limitation of the study
Users survey analysis and interpretation of data Dealers suppliers survey analysis and interpretation of data
Questionnaire for the users Questionnaire for the dealers/suppliers
Chapter -1
The following table 1.1 gives the details of various items of work with total cost of building
Table 1.1
S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Earth work exacavation and filling Concreting in foundation Damp proof course Brick work Rooting Flooring Doors and Windows Plastering and pointing White washing, colour washing, painting, etc 10 Miscellaneous Total 1.5% 100% PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL COST 0.5% 5% 1% 34% 20% 10% 16% 10% 2%
Note: This cost does not include sanitary and electrical works. And the require 8% of the total cost of individually.
Hence the cost of floor tiles also make an important role. It marble or granite tiles are used then the building constructioin cost will automatically increase but the above floor tiles will give a good look and more value to the building. Due to the technical advancement the ceramic tiles are also now-adays very much used in building floor tiles. It is cost is some what higher but it also give a good look to the building and it is very easy to complete the worki in time. Mosaic tiles are at cheaper rate and locally manufactured. Generally this type floor tiles is mostly used in Madurai city. Following are the floor tiles which are used in building construction. 1. Cement Tiles 2. Mosaic Tiles 3. Wooden Tiles 4. Cuddappah Tiles 5. Marble Tiles 6. Granite Tiles 7. Pvc Tiles 8. Glazed Tiles 9. Ceramic Tiles In the above, we are going to discuss about the following four types or floor tiles which are widely in use. 1. Mosaic Tiles 2. Ceramic Tiles 3. Marble Tiles 4. Granity Tiles
1. Mosaic tiles:
This are manufactured by mixing cement, white cement, gand and metals chips (received from salem and other places) in various proportionate to have various designs. Required quantity of water is added for easy work ability and compaction. Hydraulic pressing machine is generally used for pressing the tiles when manufacturing, then the tiles are properly cured in water and the dried in sunlight. Now the tiles attain its full strength and ready for use. These tiles are fixed over a base flooring concrete and 3 to 5 times polish work has to be done over the tiles surface to have a smooth finish this polish work need extra amount and time also. It is locally manufactured and it is cost is cheaper.
2. Ceramic tiles:
The terms ceramic is used to indicate the potters art or articles made by the potter. It is derived from greek work karamus meaning potters earth. For ceramic tiles clay is made free from any impurity such as grid, pebbles,etc., and then it is pressed and converted and fine powered in PVS miles. Then required quantity of pure water is added to the powered class to have easy work ability and cohesiveness required quantity and chemical and suitable colour ingredients are added to give the required design and color. These are molded in racine, bornt in kiln at a proper compared to other three type of floor tiles. The latest technology will increase it is appearance by giving various design and models. Color leads more demand ceramic tiles making company in India.
3. marble tiles:
Marble tiles are mostly from natural soft rock stones in rajas than. This is white in color with natural grains in blue, black,brown and green. These are cut into different sizes for flooring and it requires polishing work for neat finish and smoothness.
4. Granite tiles:
These are recently developed floor tiles. These tiles are received from natural hard stones.The cutting and sizing the granite tiles. Itself require most easily machinery, so its costs more. Since it is hard rock it requires more polishing up to 15 times. Hence the cost of tiles works but to more then any other type of floor tiles but when compared to its advantages this tiles give more benefits. Generally the floor tiles are giving a good look to the building and it carried the moving load (live load) in the building also it can resist the see page of water or any moisture are any insect from the basement soil to the building. So floor tiles is an important building material for any type of building.
1. To find out the market leader in floor tiles. 2. To determine the market share of various type of floor tiles.
3. To find out the various factors which influence the purchase of floor tiles? 4. To find out various factor which influence the supplier/dealers?
5. To find out the effect of advertisement floor tiles marketing and the most effective media for floor tiles advertisements.
1. This study is restricted to Madurai city only 2. This study is conducted for 4 type of floor tiles namely mosaic tile, ceramic tiles, marble tiles and granite tiles in residential building only
Chapter -2
Review of literature
Consumer behaviour
A consumer is any one who typically engages in any one are all of the activities described in wins or disposing of goods and services. The services of voluntary organization have also been included in this definition, and users of the services of this organization are also viewed as consumers. The logic behind this approach is that consumers of free service also engage in the same kind of decision process and physical activity as consumer of economic goods and services. A consumer is one who actually purchases a product of service from a particular organization or shop. A consumer is always defined in terms of is specific product or company. However the term consumer is a far wider term encompassing not only the actual buyer or customer but also all its user(ie) consumers there are two situations when this distinction between consumer and customer may occur. 1. When the service or product free, and 2. When the customer is not the actual user of the product or is only one of the many users. For example: When a father is buying a color TV for the family member, the father is the customer and all the family members are the customers. The following table 1.2 present one way of classifying the roles that people can take or in the context of consumer behaviour.
The person who determines that some need or want is not being met.
The person who intentionally, unintentionally influences the decision to buy, the actual purchase.
Buyer User
The person who actually make the purchase. The person who actually uses of consumer the product. When a building work is going on the engineer who designed the
building may give an idea to purchase a floor tile in ceramic. The building contractor or the leas masons convey this matter to the house owner to purchase the ceramic floor tiles. The house owner may go to the shop and making the actual purchase of ceramic floor tiles and after fixing the floor tiles in the building all members in the building are using the ceramic floor tiles. So the engineer is the initiator, the contractor or head mason is the influencer, the house owner is the buyer and all the family members building are users. So due to the idea of the initiator also the purchase pattern of the buyer will change, have the buyers willingness, economic condition is favorable situation are also to be considered. The following are some of the important factors that also affect the consumer behaviour.
1. External Environment:
1. Cultural Influences 2. Social Group Influences 3. Family Influences 4. Personal Influences
2. Internal Environment (Individual Determines): 1. Motivation and Involvement 2. Attitudes 3. Personality and Self Concept 4. Learning and Memory
Life style:
The latest concept of life style pattern may also affect the business of various goods and services, life style marketing is a process of establishing relationship between products offered in the market and targeted life style groups. It involves segmentations the market and targeted life style groups. It involves segmentations the market on basis of life style dimensions. Positioning the product in a way that appears the activities, interest and opinions of the targeted market and under taking specific promotional campaigns which exploits life style appeals to enhance the market value of the market value of the offered product. The marketing dictionary of Rona ostrow and sweet man R. smith describes life style as A distinctive mode of behavious centered around activities, interest, opinions,attitudes, and demographic. Characteristics distinguishing one segment of population from another. A consumer life style is seen as the some of his interaction with his environment life style studies are a component of the border behavioral concept called psychographics. Life style is an integrated system of a persons attitudes, values, interests, opinions, and his over behaviour.
1. Life style is a group phenomenon: A persons life style bears the influences of his /her participation in social groups and of his /her relationship withothers. Two clerks in the same office may exhibit different life style. 2. Life style per vades various aspects of life: An individuals life style may result in certain consistency of behavior knowing a person conduct in one aspect of life may enable as to predict how he/she may behave in other areas. 3. Life style implies a central life interest: For every individual there are many central life interest like family, work, leisure, sexual exploits, religion, politics, etc. That may fashion his interaction with the environment. 4. Life style very according to sociologically relevant variables: The rate of social charge in a society has a great deal to do with variation In life styles, so do age, sex, religion, ethnicity and social class. The increase the number of double income familes and that of working woman have resulted in completely different life styles in the 1980s in India. When goods and services available in the market are in tune with life style pattern and values, consumer market reaction is favorable. According to the above life style concept a particular group of people may like granite flooring to their house, some people like marble flooring some other people like ceramic tiles flooring and other people like a mosaic tiles flooring. In our study we try to analyses which type of floor tiles is actually having more market in Madurai city considering the entire above factory.
Data collection:
In general data at hand or inadequate, and hence it becomes necessary to collect data that are appropriate. There are several ways of collecting the appropriate data which differ considerably in context of money costs, Time and other resource. Collection of data is very vital and important for any research study. Hence the source of data are of two types. 1. Primary data 2. Secondary data Primary data collection is essential for an effective approach towards the study concerned. Types of information required for the study were thoroughly determined, together primary data.
Research approach:
Primary data can be collected either through experiment or through survey. Second data can be collected from the previous reports. By experiments the researcher can observe some quantitative measurements, or the data with the help of which the examines the truth. But in the case of the survey, data can be collected by any one of the following methods. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Observation Personal interviews Telephone interviews Questioner and Schedules
Hence survey research methods by questionnaire way found most appropriate and adopted. This questionnaire is also a most common instrument employed in the collection on primary data. Questionnaire contain a set of questions which are required to collect information from the respondents.
Sampling plan:
Sampling plan consists of three basics information 1. Sampling unit 2. Sampling size 3. Sampling procedure in this study sampling unit is the users and dealers/suppliers of floor tiles. Sample size represent the number of respondents. Who are to be surveyed. In this study 50 users and 25 dealers/suppliers in Madurai city were selected. Sampling procedure is the process of choosing the respondents for the sampling unit. Sampling and convenience for both researcher and respondents had been adopted to select and collect the samples required.
Contact method:
There are three way of contact followed for collection of samples. 1. Telephone 2. Mail 3. Personal Personal contact method was hand to be more suitable, and the same has been followed.
Chapter -4
The total number of users are 50 and the sample break is made on the experience and the category of users. Experience and occupation of users: Table 3.1 Experience Occupation Less than 5 years 10 contractors 2 5-10 5 More than 10 years 3 no 10 percentage 10% Total
The above table 3.1 clearly show the sample size classification. Above 20% of the sample are contractors, 15% are masons, and remaining 25% are house owners. Out of 10 contractors 2 are having less than 5 years experience, 5 are having 5-10 years experience and remains 3 are having more than 10 years experience. Out of 15 masons 5 are having less than 5 years experience, 8 are having 5-10 years experience and remains 2 are having more than 10 years experience. Out of 25 house owners 7 are having less than 5 years experience, 10 are having 5-10 years experience and remains 8 are having more than 10 years experience.
Categories Type of tiles Mosaic tiles Ceramic tiles Marble tiles Granite tiles Total
Total reveal that of contractors group about 25% are using mosaic tiles and 10% of are using ceramic tiles. In the mason group about 10% are using mosaic tiles and 23% are using ceramic tiles. Among the house owner about 8% are using mosaic tiles and 30% are using ceramic tiles. It can be seen from the about the table 3.2 mosaic tiles market share is 9% ceramic tiles marker share is 27%, marble tiles market share is 6% and granite market share is only 8% The users where asked about the reasons for preferring the particulars type of tiles. Each users cited more than one reasons for the preference.
30% 25%
15% 10% 5% 0%
Ist Qtr
le . i
lar t
eason for reference Table . Types of tiles osaic tiles eramic tiles arble tiles ranite tiles Total The ser cited more than one reason for their preference. So, the total in the table exceeds more than the total sample si e. sers prefer the particular type of tiles for the low price. users mentioned more attractive, users mentioned easy availability, users city strength the tiles. Strength Low price Easy availablilty ore attractive
Out of 24 users mosaic floor tiles 10 user mentioned the low prize of the tile as the reason for the preference. 3 maintained, easy availability strength and 8 mentioned the more attractive. Out of 61 users cetamic tiles, all the 30 user mentioned the low price, and 15 users mentioned the easy availability also. Out of 13 users marble tiles, 5 are user mentioned the more attraction, 5 for the low price, and 2 for more easy availability and strength 1. Out of 12 users granite tiles, all the 7 are mentioned the more attraction and 5 user mentioned the low price.
Table 3.4 S.no 1 Type of floor tiles Mosaic tiles Available size 20cm*20cm 25cm*25cm 30cm*30cm 20cm*10cm 30cm*15cm 20cm*20cm 30cm*30cm 20cm*10cm 20cm*20cm 20.3cm*30.45cm 30cm*30cm 30.45cm*40.6cm 20cm*10cm 20cm*20cm 25.3cm*20.2cm 33.3cm*33.3cm 20cm*10cm 3 Marble tiles All sizes are available with a maximum of 90cm*180cm All sizes are available with a maximum of 20cm*180cm
b. regency
c. sumany
Granite tiles
Table 3.5 s.no Type of tiles Size No of users Total no of users Percentage
1 2
30cm*30cm 25cm*25cm 30cm*30cm 20cm*20cm 60cm*90cm 90cm*180cm Or big size available in the market 90cm*180cm or big size available in the market
5 7 15 10 5 4
12 25 9
12% 25% 9%
4 50
4 50
4% 50%
From the above table 3.5 it can be seen that out of 12 mosaic tiles users 5 users like 30cm*30cm size and the remaining 7 users like 25cm*25cm size tiles. In ceramic tiles among the 25 users 15 of then prefer 30cm*30cm tiles and the remaining 10 users prefer 20cm*20cm size tiles. In marble tiles from the 9 users 5 of then prefer 60cm*90cm size and the remaining 4 users prefer 90cm*180cm size or big size available in the market. In granite tiles users all the 4 users prefer the 90cm*180cm size of big size available in the market.
Ranking of various types of floor tiles according of their Properties: A. BASED ON STRENGTH Strength:
A good quality floor tiles should have more strength to with stand the live load, etc., The normal strength in compression is about 300kg/cm Table 3.6 Points 108
Type of tiles Mosaic tiles Ceramic tiles Marble tiles Granite tiles Total
Rank III
The weighted scale was used to find out how the users rank the strength of different type of floor tiles. The floor tiles that was ranked first was given 4 points. The second position was given 3 points. Third and fourth positions were given 2 and 1 points respectively. From the above table 3.6 it can be seen that the granite tiles scored 636 points for its higher strength.
r il
or a good avidity of tiles the water absorption should be as minimum as possible is advisable. ormally it should be less than % of the total weight of the tiles.
Ranking property:
r il
Table .
ased n
ater absorption
Type of tiles osaic tiles eramic tiles arble tiles ranite tiles Total
Rank IV
A weighted scale was used to rank the different type of floor tiles. ranite tiles get the Ist rank with total weighted score of . eramic tiles
in the IInd rank with total score where the marble tiles get the points. rank with a total score of
500 400 GRANITE
I t tr
nd tr
3rd tr
4th tr
or a good uality of floor tiles the chemical resistance should be minimum. It should not reach with chemical substances. The following table gives the ranking of different type of floor tiles based on the property of chemical resistance.
Table . Type of tiles osaic tiles eramic tiles arble tiles ranite tiles Total Ranking of different brands of cement was made using a weighted scale. It can be seen from the above table . that the granite tiles are in points. And cermic tiles are in the IIrd rank with Ist rank with points. arble tiles are in IIIrd rank with points and lastly IVth rank goes to mosaic tiles with a minimum of points. II III I Points Rank IV
500 00 GRANITE
200 100
0 I t tr 2nd tr 3rd tr th tr
D. S RATCH HARNESS: or a good uality of floor tiles the scratch hardness should be more, when a floor tiles is scratch. ith other material, there should not be any scratch mark on the tile. The floor tiles should be highly scratch resistant. Table . Type of tiles osaic tiles Ceramic tiles arble tiles ranite tiles Total rom the above table . we can see that scratch, Hardness for granite tiles is in first rank and score points to that ceramic tiles points and in second position, while the marble tiles get the third is points and the mosaic tiles in the last rank by position by scoring getting points. II III I Points Rank IV
300 200
0 I t tr 2nd tr 3rd tr th tr
or floor tiles it we workability is easy then the total cost of flooring becomes to less. So easy workability is an advantage for the floor tile marketing. Table . Type of tiles osaic tiles Ceramic tiles arble tiles ranite tiles I IV III Points Rank II
Total rom the above table it is evident that the ceramic tiles are in Ist points for easy workability, mosaic tiles are in IInd rank rank by setting points. scoring ranite tiles are in III rank with points and marble tiles are in III rank with points and marble tiles are in IV th rank with points.
F. PRICE Price is the major factor factor that influence the buyer while buying the floor tiles while constructry the residential building about % of the total cost of the building required for the floor tiles. So all the buildings are giving more important to the price details for various type of floor tiles.
Considering a maximum si e of
Table . Type of tiles osaic tiles Ceramic tiles arble tiles ranite tiles Rs. 0 Rs. 0 Rs. 00 Price/per sq.ft Rs. 0
The users were asked about the price of various type of floor tiles. any of the users preferred the mosaic tiles because of its low price from the above table it is clear that the price of mosaic tile is Rs. 0sq.ft.
Granite at same size is Rs. 100/- sq.ft.more than the mosaic tile price. So this type of costly floor tiles are used only in the very high income group peoples residence. G. CREDIT FACILITY The following table study the credit facility extended to the users. Credit facility for various type of floor tiles. Table 3.12 Type of tiles Mosaic tiles Ceramic tiles Marble tiles Granite tiles One weak No credit No credit Credit period One weak
Mosaic tiles and ceramic tiles are given one weaki credit peiod where as marble and granite tiles are not given and credit supply.
H. AVAILABILITY Users were enquired about the availability of four type of floor tiles.
Table 3.13 Response Available Not available Total Number 93 7 100 Percentage 93% 7% 100%
From the above table 3.13 it can be seent that 93% of the total samples replied that all the four type of floor tiles are available at market.Balance 10% felt that some times the required quantity of smaller size marble tiles are not available in the market readily. The expressed their view that ceramic tiles have well established dealer and is easily available throuth out the year. Similarly the mosaic tiles, are also easily available since there are so many small scale mosaic industries at Madurai city.
Availability of floor tiles:
Users were asked about the preference for completing the work in short time by using various type of floor tiles. The following table 3.14 shows the details.
From the above table . we can see that ceramic tiles are very much useful to complete the flooring work in short time. The next place goes to granite tiles. Since these are available with ready polished surface and there is no further polishing work is necessary after fixing. But any how this type of floor tiles required skilled labour, accuracy in measurements, proper care in fixing, etc, so it will take some more fine than ceramic tiles.
35 30
25 20
5 0
I t tr
J. ADVERTISEMENT Advertisement is an important factor for every business. While conducting the survey it was found that the respondents mostly liked the ceramic tiles advertisements in magazine and television, further future, the respondents preference are given in the following table.
Table 3.15 Advertisement media Television Radio News paper Magazines Cinema slides Postage Complementary Personal settings No 46 3 5 18 14 2 2 10 Respondent Percentage 46% 3% 5% 18% 14% 2% 2% 10%
The above table 3.15 reveals that 46% of respondents preferred television media, 18% of them prefer magazines 14% of them prefer cinema slides, 10% of them prefer personal settings, 5% of them prefer newspaper, 3% of them prefer Radio, 2% of them prefer posters and other 2% of them prefer complements as the effective media for them Media preference.
Series 1
45 40
25 Series 1
20 15 10 5
Analysis and inter petition of data Following table 4.2 giving dealer/supplier classification.
Table 4.1
Dealers / supplier classification
Respondents No
A. Exclusive dealers Mosaic tiles Ceramic tiles Marble tiles Granite tiles B. Dealers dealing with more type of tiles
10 2 5 1 7 25 40% 8% 20% 4% 28% 100%
From the above 72% of he respondents were exclusive dealers for various type of floor tiles and 28% of the respondents were more than are brand.
The respondents were asked to give the various factors they are considered for selecting the particular type of floor tiles. Table 4.2 gives clear tiles.
Table 4.2 S.no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Factors Profit Commission Credit supply Consumer preference Packaging Mode of payment Advertisement
1) Profit: Dealers supplier gave the belief that all the floor tiles marketing are given profit in all the four type of floor tiles, granite tiles marketing give more profit, but it requires heavy investment and risk. So when the risk is high the profits are also high. 2) Commission: Dealers have the opinion that the ceramic tiles are giving more commission. Granite tiles and marble tiles are giving commission next to ceramic tiles they also have the opinion that since the mosaic tiles are locally manufactured it wont give any commission to the dealers/suppliers. If any one mosaic tiles industry is giving commission then automatically the price will increase or the quantity of tile will decrease. So due to the heavy competition the above factors will affect the sales. 3) Credit supply: Dealers have the opinion that the mosaic and ceramic tiles are giving credit supply, granites and marble tiles are not giving any credit supply. The following table 4.3 shows the credit details.
Table 4.3 S.no 1 2 3 4 Types of tiles Mosaic tiles Ceramic tiles Marble tiles Granite tiles Credit per days 15 days 15 days No credit No credit
4. Consumer preference: most of the dealers/suppliers felt that the mosaic tiles are mostly preferred by the consumer due to its low price. 5. Packaging: most of the dealers wanted to have the packaging material for ceramic tiles only the present paper board box is accepted by some dealers, but most of them like the PUC box packaging. Since it can minimize the damages. 6. Mode of payment: most of the suppliers of dealers prefer to have the payment in DD or by cheque. 7. Advertisement: the dealers/suppliers were asked about the advertisement for floor tiles all of them are liking the advertisement given by ceramic tiles. The following table 4.4 indicated the media preference by the dealers/suppliers for floor tiles advertisement.
Table .
Media preference for floor tiles advertisement by the dealers/suppliers dvertisement media Television Radio Newspaper agazine Complement Cinema slides Personal setting Total Percentage 0 Respondent 0% % % % % % % 0%
The above table . gives the details that television media is preferred by 0% of the respondents. % of the respondents preferred magazines. % of them preferred personal setting. % of them preferred cinema slides. Radio, newspaper and complements are liked by each % of the respondent.
20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Ist tr
Chapter -5
1. Madurai is a city. So costlier tiles will move faster. 2. Fluctuations in prices during peak season should be avoided. 3. Credit supply should be given the dealers/suppliers and users. 4. Television and cable TV are the best media for advertisement and hence frequent. 5. When the size of the granities of marble stone increases the price, will also increases. So small size granite & marble tiles at normal price, are mostly liked by all peoples. Therefore sufficient quantity of small size granite and marble tiles should be available in the market. 6. The many of rich people have mostly using in ceramic tiles. 7. Exporting of granite stones to foreign countries increases the local price of granite tiles. All type of granite stones is available in India. Even around Madurai we can set four different types of granite stones. So our government should make necessary action. To improve the granite industry to supply sufficient of floor tiles to our local needs at a normal price. 8. White cement is an important raw material for mosaic industry and ceramic industry. Now a day the demand for white cement is very high. The price of bag of white cement goes up to Rs. 600 go the government should take necessary action for easy availability of white cement wi th normal rate.
: : :
c) Marble tiles
d) granite tiles
2) How long you are using it? b) Within 5 years b) 5-10 years
c) 10-20 years
3) State the reasons for preference of this type of floor tiles? c) Strength b) low price
c) Easy availability
d) other (specify)
d) 10cm*10cm
Strengt h
Water absorptio n
Chemical resistanc e
Scratch hardnes s
1) Mosaic tiles
2) Ceramic tiles 3) Marble tiles 4) Granite tiles 6) Do you like plain colour tiles or design colour tiles or natural design tiles? 7) What is the price of the floor tiles you are using now? 8) What is your opinion about the price? 9) Do you set any discount? 10) If yes which types of tiles give more discounts? a) Mosaic tiles b) Ceramic tiles c) Marble tiles d) Granite tiles 11) Do you get any credit supply?
: : : : :
: Yes/no
12) Which tiles gives more credit? Mosaic / ceramic / Marble / granite 13) Which type of tiles is easily available at credit? a) Mosaic tiles b) Ceramic tiles c) Marble tiles d) Granite tiles
14) Do you get all the above four type of tiles regularly in the market?
: yes/no
15) Which type of tiles is more useful to complete the work in short time? a) Mosaic tiles c) Marble tiles b) Ceramic tiles d) Granite tiles
16) Do you get any other service from the supplier other than Credit/discount (specify)
: yes/no
18) If yes in which media? a) Televison c) News paper e) Cinema slides b) Radio d) Magazines f) Other specify
19) Which floor tiles for advertisements attracts you very much? a) Mosaic tiles c) Marble tiles b) Ceramic tiles d) Granite tiles
20) Which media is more effective for tiles advertisements? a) Televison c) News paper e) Cinema slides b) Radio d) Magazines f) Other specify
1) 2) 3) 4)
: : : : b) 30 to 40 d) Above 50 : Hindu/Muslim/Christian/Others
5) Religion
6) Dealers/suppliers
7) How long you have been doing this job? Which in 5 year / 5to 10 year / Above 10 year 8) Which type of floor tiles are sold by you? a) Mosaic tiles c) Marble tiles b) Ceramic tiles d) Granite tiles
9) Which kind of tiles is a mostly sale in a month? a) Mosaic tiles c) Marble tiles b) Ceramic tiles d) Granite tiles : yes/no :yes/no
10) Do you think that the floor tile trade is profitable 11) Is this your main job or supporting one
12) Are you satisfied with the commission give by the tiles Company 13) Which tiles company is giving more commission? a) Mosaic tiles c) Marble tiles b) Ceramic tiles d) Granite tiles : yes/no :
14) Why do you dear with a particular type of floor tiles? Rank with order of preference a) b) c) d) :
High commission Preferred by consumer Low commissions but preferred by consumer Others
15) What type of tiles are preferred by the consumers? In order please : a) b) c) d) Mosaic tiles Ceramic tiles Marble tiles Granite tiles
16) Credit period from various floor tiles you are setting? s.no 1) Mosaic tiles 2) Ceramic tiles 3) Marble tiles 4) Granite tiles Type of tiles Credit Period Commission Price
17) Do you like packaging of tiles? 18) If yes, which type? a) b) c) d) in paper board box in pvc box in wooden box Other types (specify)
: yes/no :
19) Mention the made of payment for the various type of tiles you are dealing? s.no Type
Mode of payment
1) 2) 3) 4)
: yes/no
21) If yes which floor tiles advertisements attracts you very much? a) Mosaic tiles b) Ceramic tiles c) Marble tiles d) Granite tiles 22) Which media is more effective for floor this advertisements? : a) Televison b) Radio c) News paper d) Magazines e) Cinema slides f) Posters g) Complements h) other specify