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Grade 1 - Math 3d Shapes

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Learner Outcomes from the Program of Studies
What are the SPECIFIC outcomes to be addressed in this lesson?

General Outcome Grade 1:

Shape & Space – 3-D Objects and 2-D Shapes
Describe the characteristics of 3-D objects and 2-D shapes, and analyze the relationships among them.

Specific Learner Outcomes:

2 - Sort 3-D objects and 2-D shapes, using one attribute, and explain the sorting rule.
3 - Replicate composite 2-D shapes and 3-D objects.
4 - Compare 2-D shapes to parts of 3-D objects in the environment.
Objective in student-friendly language Assessment Strategies
What will I accept as evidence of learning/development? Have I employed formative
What will students understand/experience/appreciate as a result of this lesson?
assessment? Do I make use of prior assessments in this lesson?
By the end of this lesson students will become more familiar with 3-D Formative Assessments:
shapes and their attributes. Students will be able to create basic 3-D shapes Observation
out of toothpicks and clay, as well as be able to identify 3-D shapes that are Ms. Mihai will be observing students throughout the 3-D shape
part of larger structures. Students will appreciate 3-D shapes and their identification and creation activity, as students are to identify and create 3-
attributes, such as faces, edges, and vertices. D models of shapes. This observation helps Ms. Mihai recognize the shapes
and structures that students can identify and build.

Classroom Discussion
Ms. Mihai will be asking students questions throughout the number talk
activity. Questioning students reveals their knowledge on shapes and their
attributes, allowing Ms. Mihai to gain an understanding of the different
approaches needing to take place to enhance student learning.
Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)
Resources Personalization/Differentiation
What materials/resources/technology will be required? How will you attend to the needs of ALL learners in this lesson?

 Toothpicks This lesson meets the needs of a diverse group of learners as it allows for a
 Clay flexibility of skills, abilities, and strengths to be expressed. Ms. Mihai will be
 iPhone (to take photos) planning for differentiation as she articulates and addresses a variety of
 Smartboard learning preferences. Visual learners will be supported using the
 Number talk student name bucket whiteboard, smartboard, and 3-D toothpick and clay model photos that will
be displayed on Martha. Ms. Mihai will reach students who have auditory
preferences by speaking loudly and clearly when giving direct instruction
and asking questions. Students with kinesthetic/bodily preferences will be
supported through the hands-on activity of designing shapes and structures
with the toothpicks and clay.

Students who have learning needs may request support from their peers, as
well as Ms. Mihai or Mrs. Emilsson.

Students who have severe learning needs will be partnered up with a peer
or Educational Assistant to complete the lesson.


How will you ACTIVATE prior knowledge and ENGAGE them in the lesson and how does this lesson connect to prior lessons?

Introduction: Ms. Mihai will introduce this lesson by explaining to the students that we will continue to practice our 3-D shapes. Ms. Mihai
will start the lesson with a number talk that will review the basic 3-D shapes that were discussed in yesterday’s lesson, including their
attributes (edges, faces, and vertices).

Learning/Activity Sequence
How will students ENGAGE, EXPLORE, EXPLAIN, ELABORATE, and/or EVALUATE their understandings of the outcomes.

What is the TEACHER doing? What is your plan for the

What are the STUDENTS doing? How are they engaged
body of the lesson? What steps are taken during the Approx. time
while you are teaching the lesson?
NUMBER TALK 10 minutes
Ms. Mihai will conduct a short number talk with the students The students will be actively engaged in Ms. Mihai’s number
to refresh their memory on yesterday’s lesson that talk activity as they will be prepared to answer questions
introduced 3-D shapes. Ms. Mihai will ask students to answer based on the math page that is displayed up on the
Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)
what shapes are alike, and what shapes are different while Smartboard.
displaying a math page on the Smartboard. Ms. Mihai will
pick student names to answer out of the number talk bucket.


Ms. Mihai will tell students that we will be making 3-D Students will be actively listening as Ms. Mihai explains how
shapes out of clay and toothpicks. Ms. Mihai will explain that to be safe when using toothpicks. Students can raise their
toothpicks are very sharp and can be dangerous if used the hands if they have any questions.
wrong way. She will let students know that they can get hurt
if they poke each other with them.


Ms. Mihai will tell students that she is thinking of a shape and Students will be raising their hand and participating in
will give hints and clues as to which one it is through utilizing discussion as they identify the 3-D shape that Ms. Mihai is
the math vocabulary words that were learned in the previous thinking about.
math lesson.
3-D SHAPE CREATION 15 minutes

Ms. Mihai will then pick volunteers to hand out the Students will be creating their 3-D shapes with their
toothpicks and clay. She will ask students to try and build the toothpicks and clay. Students are to give Ms. Mihai a thumbs
shape they identified in the previous activity. Ms. Mihai will up when they are done, and Ms. Mihai will either give them a
tell students to keep in mind the number of vertices, faces, thumbs up back to confirm they are done, or ask them to
and edges that are present. Ms. Mihai will tell students to revise their design.
hold a thumbs up at their desk when they are finished so she
can assess their work.

Identification and creation steps will be repeated for the

following shapes: sphere, cylinder, cone, cube, rectangular
prism, pyramid, triangular prism.
FREE PLAY 15 minutes

Ms. Mihai will let students create any kind of shape or design Students are free to play with the clay and toothpicks as they
they desire. She will walk around taking photos of student use their knowledge on 3-D shapes to design and create
work and upload it to the Smartboard for discussion. shapes of their choice.

Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)

How will you ensure students walk away with a sense of understanding the PURPOSE of the lesson and its IMPORTANCE to their learning?

This lesson will conclude by Ms. Mihai asking students to tidy up their desks. She will ask the helper of the day to pick two people to help
collect the toothpicks and the clay pieces as students will have to get ready for lunch.
In your self- reflection of your lesson, please consider the following questions:

1. What went well in your lesson? What were the strengths of the lesson?
2. What are the areas that need to be refined? What might you do differently next time?
3. What are your next steps to further develop/ refine this lesson? How will you continue to grow in your practice? What actions will you take?

Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)

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