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Compression Members

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Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

9.5 Compression Members

This section covers the following topics.

Introduction Analysis Development of Interaction Diagram Effect of Prestressing Force

9.5.1 Introduction
Prestressing is meaningful when the concrete in a member is in tension due to the external loads. Hence, for a member subjected to compression with minor bending, prestressing is not necessary. But, when a member is subjected to compression with substantial moment under high lateral loads, prestressing is applied to counteract the tensile stresses. Examples of such members are piles, towers and exterior columns of framed structures. As the seismic forces are reversible in nature, the prestressing of piles or columns is concentric with the cross-section. Some typical cross sections are shown below.

Partially prestressed column

Figure 9-5.1

Prestressed circular and hexagonal piles

Examples of prestressed members subjected to compression

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

Figure 9-5.2

Stacked prestressed piles

(Reference: Industrial Concrete Products Berhad) Since a prestressed member is under self equilibrium, there is no buckling of the member due to internal prestressing with bonded tendons. In a deflected shape, there is no internal moment due to prestressing. The justification is explained in the next figure.


b) Under internal prestressing

a) Under external compression

Figure 9-5.3

Internal forces at deflected configuration

In the first free body sketch of the above figure, the external compression P causes an additional moment due to the deflection of the member. The value of the moment at mid-height is P. This is known as the member stability effect, which is one type of P-

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

effect. If this deflection is not stable, then buckling of the member occurs. In the second free body sketch, there is no moment due to the deflection of the member and the prestressing force, since the compression in concrete (C) and the tension in the tendons (T) balance each other. When the additional moment due to deflection of the member is negligible, the member is termed as short member. The additional moment needs to be considered when the slenderness ratio (ratio of effective length and a lateral dimension) of the member is high. The member is termed as slender member. In the analysis of a slender member, the additional moment is calculated by an approximate expression or second order analysis. In this module only short members will be considered.

9.5.2 Analysis
Analysis at Transfer The stress in the section can be calculated as follows.
fc = P0 A


Here, A = Area of concrete P0 = prestress at transfer after short-term losses. In this equation, it is assumed that the prestressing force is concentric with the crosssection. For members under compression, a compressive stress is considered to be positive. The permissible prestress and the cross-section area are determined based on the stress to be within the allowable stress at transfer (fcc,all). Analysis at Service Loads The analysis is analogous to members under flexure. The stresses in the extreme fibres can be calculated as follows.
fc = Pe N Mc + A At It


Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

In this equation, the external compression for a prestressed member is denoted as N and is concentric with the cross section. The eccentricity is considered in the external moment M. In the previous equation, A = area of concrete At = area of the transformed section c = distance of the extreme fibre from the centroid (CGC) It = moment of inertia of the transformed section Pe = effective prestress. The value of fc should be within the allowable stress under service conditions (fcc,all). Analysis at Ultimate When the average prestress in a member under axial compression and moment is less than 2.5 N/mm2, Clause 22.2, IS:1343 - 1980, recommends to analyse the member as a reinforced concrete member, neglecting the effect of prestress. For higher prestress, the analysis of strength is done by the interaction diagrams. At the ultimate limit state, an interaction diagram relates the axial force capacity (NuR) and the moment capacity (MuR). It represents a failure envelop. Any combination of factored external loads Nu and Mu that fall within the interaction diagram is safe. A typical interaction diagram is shown below. The area shaded inside gives combinations of Mu and Nu that are safe.

Compression failure

1 eN

Balanced failure Tension failure

Figure 9-5.4 A typical interaction diagram for compression and bending

The radial line in the previous sketch represents the load path. Usually the external loads increase proportionally. At any load stage, M and N are related as follows.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

M = N eN


Here, eN represents the eccentricity of N which generates the same moment M. The slope of the radial line represents the inverse of the eccentricity (1/eN). At ultimate, the values of M and N (Mu and Nu, respectively) correspond to the values on the interaction diagram. For high values of N as compared to M, that is eN is small, the concrete in the compression fibre will crush before the steel on the other side yields in tension. This is called the compression failure. For high values of M as compared to N, that is eN is large, the concrete will crush after the steel yields in tension. This is called the tension failure. The transition of these two cases is referred to as the balanced failure, when the crushing of concrete and yielding of steel occur simultaneously. For a prestressed compression member, since the prestressing steel does not have a definite yield point, there is no explicit balanced failure.

9.5.3 Development of Interaction Diagram

An interaction diagram can be developed from the first principles using the non-linear stress-strain curves of concrete under compression and steel under tension. Several sets of NuR and MuR for given values of eN or xu are calculated. The distance of neutral axis from the extreme compressive face is denoted as xu. Partial safety factors for concrete and prestressing steel can be introduced when the interaction diagram is used for design. Here, the procedure is illustrated for a rectangular section with prestressed tendons placed at two opposite faces symmetrically, and without non-prestressed reinforcement.


B Ap1
Figure 9-5.5




A rectangular prestressed section

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

The notations used are as follows. B = dimension of section transverse to bending D = dimension of section in the direction of bending Ap1 = area of prestressing tendons at the tension face Ap2 = area of prestressing tendons at the compression face d1, d2 = distances of centres of Ap1 and Ap2, respectively, from the centroid of the section (CGC). The strain compatibility equation is necessary to relate the strain in a prestressing tendon with that of the adjacent concrete. Due to a concentric prestress, the concrete at a section undergoes a uniform compressive strain. With time, the strain increases due to the effects of creep and shrinkage. At service, after the long term losses, let the strain be ce. Also, let the strain in the prestressing steel due to effective prestress be pe.

ce pe
Figure 9-5.6


Strain profile due to effective prestress only

The strain compatibility equation for the prestressed tendons is given below.

p = c + p where, p = pe - ce


The strain difference of the strain in a prestressing tendon with that of the adjacent concrete is denoted as p. The design stress-strain curve for concrete under compression is used. This curve is described in Section 1.6, Concrete (Part II). The design stress-strain curve for the prestressed tendon under tension is expressed as fp = F(p). The calculation of NuR and MuR for typical cases of eN or xu are illustrated. The typical cases are as follows. 1) Pure compression (eN = 0, xu = )
Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

2) Full section under varying compression (0.05D < eN eN xu = D , xu D) 3) Part of section under tension (eN xu = D < eN , xu < D) 4) Pure bending (eN = , xu = xu,min) The above cases are illustrated in the following sketches.



Case 1 Case 2

Strain diagram


Case 3
Figure 9-5.7

Strain diagram

Case 4
Typical cases of eccentricity and depth of neutral axis

In addition to the above cases, the case of pure axial tension is also calculated. The straight line between the points of pure bending and pure axial tension provides the interaction between the tensile force capacity and the moment capacity.


Figure 9-5.8

A typical interaction diagram for tension and bending

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

1. Pure compression (eN = 0, xu = ). The following sketches represent the strain and stress profiles across the section and the force diagram.
0.002 p1 p2 Strain profile

0.447 fck

Stress profile

Figure 9-5.9



Force diagram

Sketches for analysis at pure compression

The forces are as follows. Cu Tu1 = 0.447fck (Ag Ap) = Tu2 = Ap1 fp1 = Ap1 Ep ( 0.002 + p) The steel is in the elastic range. The total area of prestressing steel is Ap = Ap1 + Ap2. The area of the gross-section Ag = BD. The moment and axial force capacities are as follows. MuR = 0 NuR = Cu Tu1 Tu2 = 0.447fck (Ag Ap) Ap Ep (pe 0.002 ce)
(9-5.8) (9-5.7)

(9-5.5) (9-5.6)

In design, for simplification the interaction diagram is not used for eccentricities eN 0.05D. To approximate the effect of the corresponding moment, the axial force capacity is reduced by 10%.
NuR = 0.4fck (Ag Ap) 0.9Ap Ep (pe 0.002 + ce) (9-5.9)

2. Full section under varying compression (0.05D < eN eN xu = D , xu D) The following sketches represent the strain and stress profiles across the section and the force diagram.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

xu = kD
0.002 p1 p2 3 / 7 D Strain profile

f p1 g Asector Tu1
Figure 9-5.10

0.447 fck Stress profile Force diagram

Cu Tu2

Sketches for analysis for section under varying compression

The limiting case for full section under compression corresponds to xu = D, when the neutral axis lies at the left edge of the section. The strain diagram pivots about a value of 0.002 at 3/7D from the extreme compression face. To calculate Cu, first the reduction of the stress at the edge with lower compression (g) is evaluated. Based on the second order parabolic curve for concrete under compression, the expression of g is as follows.

4 7D g = 0.447fck kD - 3 D 7 4 = 0.447fck 7k - 3


The area of the complementary sector of the stress block is given as follows.
1 4 Asector = g D 3 7 4 = gD 21


Asector x/ g
+ 4/7D
Figure 9-5.11

Complementary area of the stress block

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

Distance of centroid from apex (x /) = (3/4)(4/7)D = 3/7 D The forces are as follows.
Cu = [0.447fck D - Asector ] B 4 = 0.447fck D - gD B 21 4 4 2 = 0.447fck BD 1- 21 7k - 3


Tu1 = Ap1fp1 = Ap1E p p1 = Ap1E p ( c1 + p ) D xu - + d1 2 + = Ap1E p -0.002 p 3D xu 7


Tu 2 = Ap 2fp 2 = Ap 2E p p 2 = Ap 2E p ( c 2 + p ) D xu - - d2 2 + = Ap 2E p -0.002 p 3D xu 7


The strains in the concrete at the level of the prestressing steels c1 and c2 are determined from the similarity of triangles of the following strain profile.

xu (D/2 + d1) xu (3 / 7 D)



xu (3 / 7 D) x u ( D / 2 d2 )
Figure 9-5.12


Strain profile across section

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

The moment and axial force capacities are as follows. NuR = Cu Tu1 Tu2 MuR = Mc + Mp
(9-5.15) (9-5.16)

The expressions of Mc and Mp about the centroid are given below. Anticlockwise moments are considered positive. The lever arms of the tensile forces are shown in the following sketch.

3 D Mc = 0.447fck DB 0 + Asector B x / + D - 7 2 10 = gD 2B 147

Mp = Tu1d1 Tu2d2



d1 Tu1
Figure 9-5.13


Cu Tu2

Force diagram across the section

3. Part of section under tension (eN xu = D < , eN , xu < D) The following sketches represent the strain and stress profiles across the section and the force diagram.

p 1

xu p2
0.0035 Strain profile


0.447fck Stress profile Force diagram

Figure 9-5.14



Sketches for analysis for part of section under tension

The forces are as follows. The compression is the resultant of the stress block whose expression can be derived similar to a reinforced concrete section. Cu = 0.36fck xu B

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon


= Ap1 fp1 = Ap1 F (p1) = Ap1 F (c1+ p)


= Ap2 fp2 = Ap2 Ep p2 = Ap2 Ep (c2+ p)

The strains c1 and c2 are calculated from the similarity of triangles of the following strain diagram.

D + d1 - xu 2

c 1

0.0035 xu


c 2 0.0035 =D xu xu - - d 2 2


c 1

xu c2

xu (D/2 d2) (D/2 + d1) xu

Figure 9-5.15

Strain profile across section

The moment and axial force capacities are as follows. NuR = Cu Tu1 Tu2 MuR = Mc + Mp The expressions of Mc and Mp about the centroid are as follows. Mc = 0.36fck xu B [ (D / 2) 0.42 xu ] Mp = Tu1d1 Tu2d2
(9-5.23) (9-5.24) (9-5.21) (9-5.22)

The lever arms of the forces are shown in the following sketch. The location of Cu is similar to that of a reinforced concrete section.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

d1 Tu1

d2 Cu Tu2

(D / 2) 0.42 xu
Figure 9-5.16

Force diagram across the section

4. Pure bending (eN = , xu = xu,min) The value of xu is determined by trial and error from the condition that the sum of the forces is zero. Cu Tu1 Tu2 = 0 or, 0.36fck xu B Ap1 fp1 Ap2 fp2 = 0


xu =

Ap1fp1 + Ap 2E p p 2 0.36fck B


The strains p1 and p2 are calculated from the strain compatibility equations. The strain p2 is within the elastic range, whereas p1 may be outside the elastic range. The stresses fp1 and fp2 are calculated accordingly from the stress versus strain relationship of prestressing steel. The steps for solving xu are as follows. 1) Assume xu = 0.15 D (say). 2) Determine p1 and p2 from strain compatibility. 3) Determine fp1 and fp2 from stress versus strain relationship. 4) Calculate xu from Eqn. (9-5.26). 5) Compare xu with the assumed value. Iterate till convergence. The moment and axial force capacities are as follows. NuR = 0 MuR = Mc + Mp The expressions of Mc and Mp are same as the previous case. 5. Axial tension The moment and axial force capacities are as follows. The cracked concrete is neglected in calculating the axial force capacity.
(9-5.27) (9-5.28)

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

NuR = 0.87fpk Ap MuR = 0 The above sets of NuR and MuR are joined to get the interaction diagram.

(9-5.29) (9-5.30)

Example 9-5.1
Calculate the design interaction diagram for the member given below. member is prestressed using 8 strands of 10 mm diameter. stress relieved with the following properties. = 1715 N/mm2. = 8 51.6 = 413.0 mm2 Effective prestress (fpe) Modulus (Ep) Strain under fpe (pe) Grade of concrete Strain under fpe (ce) = 1034 N/mm2 = 200 kN/mm2 = 0.0042. The

The strands are

Tensile strength (fpk) Total area of strands

= M40 = 0.0005.






Calculation of geometric properties and strain compatibility relationship. Ag Ap1 = Ap2 d1 = d2
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= 300 300 = 90,000 mm2 = 4 51.6 = 206 mm2 = 100 mm

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

= 0.0042 + 0.0005 = 0.0047

p = c + 0.0047

1. Pure compression (eN = 0, xu = ) MuR Cu = 0 kNm = 0.447fck (Ag Ap) = 0.447 40 (90,000 413) = 1601.8 kN Tu1 = Tu2 = Ap1 Ep ( 0.002 + p) = 206.4 200 (0.0047 0.002) = 111.5 kN NuR = Cu Tu1 Tu2 = 1601.8 2 111.5 = 1378.8 kN With 10% reduction, to bypass the use of interaction diagram for eccentricities eN 0.05D NuR = 1204.9 kN

2. Full section under compression (0.05D < eN eN xu = D , xu D)


Select xu

= 400 mm = (4 / 3) 300 mm


4 g = 0.447 fck 7k - 3

4 = 0.447 40 7(4/3) - 3 = 7.13 N/mm2

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

4 4 2 Cu = 0.447fck BD 1- 21 7k - 3
2 4 4 = 0.447 40300 1- 21 7(4/3) - 3 = 1486.9 kN 2


(3/7) 300 = 128.6 0.002



Tu1 = Ap1E p ( c1 + p ) 150 = 206.4 200 -0.002 + 0.0047 271.4 = 148.4 kN

271.4 0.002 350


Tu 2 = Ap 2E p ( c 2 + p ) 350 = 206.4 200 -0.002 + 0.0047 271.4 = 87.5 kN


= Cu Tu1 Tu2 = 1486.9 148.4 87.5 = 1251.0 kN

Limit NuR to 1240.9 kN to bypass the use of interaction diagram for eccentricities eN 0.05D.
Mc = 10 gD 2B 147 10 = 7.133002 300 147 = 13.1 kNm

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

M p = T u1d1 - Tu 2d 2 = 148.4100 - 87.5100 = 6.1 kNm

MuR = Mc + Mp = 13.1 + 6.1 = 19.2 kNm Select xu = 300 mm k = 1 By similar calculations, g Cu Tu1 Tu2 = 17.9 N/mm2 = 1304.1 kN = 169.9 kN = 73.6 kN NuR Mc Mp MuR = 1060.6 kN = 32.9 kNm = 9.6 kNm = 42.5 kNm.

3. Part of section under tension (eN xu = D < eN , xu < D) Select xu Cu = 200 mm. = 0.36fck xu B = 0.36 40 200 300 = 864.0 kN

c 1 =

0.0035 50 200 = 0.0009

p1 = 0.0009 + 0.0047 = 0.0056

50 200 0.0035

Strain corresponding to elastic limit py = 0.87 0.8fck / Ep = 0.87 1715 / 200 103 = 0.0059.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

p1 < py

= Ep p1 = 200 103 0.0055 = 1115 N/mm2


= Ap1 fp1 = 206.4 1115 = 230.1 kN

c 2 = 0.0035 150 200 = - 0.0026

p 2 = - 0.0026 + 0.0047 = 0.0021





= Ep p2 = 200 103 0.0021 = 416 N/mm2


= Ap2 fp2 = 206.4 416 = 85.9 kN


= Cu Tu1 Tu2 = 864 230.1 85.9 = 548.0 kN


= 0.36fck xu B [ (D / 2) 0.42xu ] = 864 (150 0.42 200) = 57.0 kNm


= Tu1d1 Tu2d2 = 230.1 100 85.9 100 = 14.4 kNm


= Mc + Mp = 57.0 + 14.4 = 71.4 kNm

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

4. Pure bending (eN = , xu = xu,min) NuR = 0.0 kN Try xu = 100 mm. Cu = 0.36fck xu B = 0.36 40 100 300 = 432.0 kN c 1 = 0.0035 150 100 = 0.0052

p1 = 0.0052 + 0.0047 = 0.0099


100 150 0.0035

From stress-strain curve fp1 = 0.87fpk = 1492 N/mm2 Tu1 = Ap1 fp1 = 206.4 1492 = 308.0 kN




c 2 = -

0.0035 50 100 = - 0.0017

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

p 2 = - 0.0017 + 0.0047 = 0.0029 fp2 = Ep p2 = 200 103 0.0029 = 580 N/mm2 Tu2 = Ap2 fp2 = 206.4 580 = 120.0 kN Tu1 + Tu2 = 428.0 kN This is close enough to Cu = 432.0 kN. Hence, the trial value of xu is satisfactory. Mc = 0.36fck xu B [ (D / 2) 0.42xu ] = 0.36 40 100 300 (150 0.42 100) = 46.6 kNm Mp = Tu1d1 Tu2d2 = 308.0 100 120.0 100 = 18.8 kNm MuR = 46.6 + 18.8 = 65.4 kNm 5. Axial tension MuR NuR = 0.0 kNm = 0.87fpk Ap = 0.87 1715 413.0 = 616.2 kN The above sets of NuR and MuR are joined to get the following interaction diagram. The limit on axial force capacity to consider the effect of eccentricity less than 0.05D, is not shown.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

1500 1000

N uR (kN)

500 0 0 -500 -1000 M uR (kNm) 20 40 60 80

9.5.4 Effect of Prestressing Force

Along with the interaction curve for the prestressed concrete (PC) section, the interaction curves for two reinforced concrete (RC) sections are plotted. The section denoted as RC 1 has the same moment capacity at zero axial force. The section denoted as RC 2 has the same axial force capacity at zero moment. The gross section of RC 1 is same as that of PC, but the section of RC 2 is smaller.
2500 2000 1500

NuR (kN)

1000 500 0 -500 0 -1000 M uR (kNm) 50 100 150

RC 2

Figure 9-5.17

Interaction diagrams for reinforced and prestressed sections

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures

Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

0 0





NuR (kN)

-250 -500 -750 -1000

M uR (kNm)
PC Strength
PC Cracking

RC 1 Strength
RC 1 Cracking

Figure 9-5.18

Interaction of moment and tension for cracking and strength

Comparing the curves for PC and RC 2, it is observed that if the moment demand is small, then a smaller reinforced concrete section is adequate to carry the axial force. Of course with increasing moment, the flexural capacity of the prestressed concrete section is higher. Comparing the curves for PC and RC 1, it is inferred that for two sections with same flexural capacities, the axial load capacity of a prestressed concrete section is less. However if there is tension, the cracking load combination is higher for PC as compared to RC 1. Thus, prestressing is beneficial for strength when there is occurrence of: a) Large moment in addition to compression b) Moment along with tension. Such situations arise in piles or columns subjected to seismic forces. In presence of tension, prestressing is beneficial at service loads due to reduced cracking. prestressed reinforcement may be used for supplemental capacity. Non-

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

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